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Bland of Northern Neck Va.
Nicholas of Roundway
Hester of Fleming Co Ky
Author's DNA match comparisons kit No. T848545
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and two bankrupting wars instead.

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By putting together a comprehensive initial draft of this file showing 1938 Mandeville descendants
going into her ancestral line, the author´s and many prominant British and American ancestral lines, the author´s DNA match,
Nellie Irene Whitted
, inspired the author to reformat this into a table pedigree format and add thousands of additional
descendants and links to other family trees and Internet sources.
This process of reformatting and copying in data for other files and new Internet sources has taken nearly seven months of
nearly full time work now and all of the 1935 original descendants listed by Nellie will soon have been moved up to their
places in the table.
But the author still has a lot more data on the ancestry of spouses to add, not to mention crosslinks within and to and
from other pedigrees.

This pedigree pieces together thousands of blocks of ancestral data posted in the Internet by as many authors working on
their family geneologies.
Like all genealogical work it contains many guesses and estimates needed to connect and reconcile the data blocks,
but it also includes notations on the ancestry of the author´s DNA matches, which are needed to use the results of
such testing to support the correctness of this tree or at least various sections of it.

As more and more test persons report their match findings and descent lines within the scope of this tree, the evidence
to support or disprove it will increase.
Those reporting their findings should bear in mind that rearranging and reformating data to fit into the compressed
HTML format of this file is time consuming work. At least following the author´s revisions of normal English word order,
abbreviations, reduction of punctuation and omission of unnecessary words will help speed the integration of new data
blocks into this file.

Those wishing to help with this work are kindly asked to take the trouble to use the above table with instructions on how
to write with HTML tags. The work with Notepad within the frame of HTML tags is a bit dismaying to newcomers at first,
but you quickly get use to them. The author started at the age of 55 and has been working with them for 25 years now.
Any oldy with a little get-up-and-go left in him/her can do it! <F -1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-17
Ma27 =28 =29 =31 =32. Geoffrey de Mandaville b 1036 Manneville Normandy France d c 1086
m ADELIZA de Balts b 1040 Rycote Great Haseley Oxfordshire
+1 Eudo de Rie, Dapifer Steward of Normandy b c 1050
m Rohesia de Clare b c 1050
+2 y de Clare b c 1025

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Ma29 =30 William de Mandaville b 1062 Manneville Normandy FR d 1130, Great Waltham Essex
m MARGARET de RIE b 1076 Rycote Great Haseley Oxfordshire dau of
+1 EUDO de RIE and ROHESIA de Clare
Ma27 =28 =30 =31 Geoffrey de Mandaville 1st Earl of Essex 1106 Great Waltham Essex b c 1090 d 14.09.1144
m2 Rohese de Vere b 1115 Hedingham Essex d 21.10.1166 dau of +1 Alberic de Vere
m Alice/Adeliza de Clare b c 1080/1115 Hedingham Essex d 21.10.1166
+2 Aubrey /Alberic de Vere, Sheriff of Berkshire b by 1040 d c 1112 br>m Beatrice
+2 Gilbert FitzRichard de Toneburge
Fi27-1Ernulf de Mandeville b 1123 Highworth Wilts d Apr 1178
Alice d'Oilly b c 1124 Hook Norton Oxon d c 1165 Wallingford
-1 Ralph de Mandeville of Kingham b c 1155 Kingham Oxon d by 8 May 1180 m Amicia de Lovetot
-2 Matilda de Mandeville m Adam de Port
-3 Geoffrey de Mandeville
-1-1 Margaret de Mandeville m Walter de Walton b c 10 Mar 1257 Steeple Bumstead Essex
-3-1 Geoffrey de Mandeville
Fi27 =28Piers FitzGeoffrey de Lutegareshale b 1134 Cherhill Wilts d c 08.05.1198, Essex
m Maud de Mandaville b 1138 Rycote Great Haseley Oxfordshire
Fi26-1Robert FitzPiers dsp 1185/6
m c Perronelle a 10.1198
Ma26 =27Geoffrey FitzPiers b 1162 Pleshy Essex d 02.10.1213 Wadden Saffron Essex
m1 Aveline de Clare b 1172 Hereford Herefordshire d 04.06.1225 dau of
m2 Beatrice de Saye b 1160 St Neots, Kimbolton Huntingdonshire d 19.04.1197 dau of
+1 Roger de Clare
m Maud St Hilary
+1 William de Saye
m Aufrica Scotland
+2 William de Saye b c 1045 a 1066
m Beatrix de Mandeville through which connection passed the earldom of Essex
+2 William 'the Lion', King of Scots by p x
+3 Geoffrey Mandeville, 2nd/5th Earl of Essex, Earl of Gloucester dsp 23.02.1215/6 §C
m1 Maud/Matilda dsp c1212, dau of Robert FitzWauter of Woodham Walter
Ma25 =26Hawise FitzGeoffrey b 1203, Streatley Berkshire d 1243.
m Reynold II de Mohun b 1206 Dunster Sommerset d 20.01.1257 Torre Mohun Devon son of
+1 Reginald de Mohun and Alice de BRIWERE
Mo24 =25Alice de Mohun b 1227, Dunster Somerset England; d 1284, Hatch Beauchamp Somerset
m1 Robert Beauchamp b 1215 Hatch Beauchamp Somerset d 1263 Ryme Intrinseca Sherborne Dorset son of
m2 JAMES OF AUDLEY b 1225 Heleigh Castle Audley, Staffordshire d 11.06.1272 Ireland son of
+1 Robert Beauchamp and JULIANA de DOURTON
+1 Henry de AUDLEY and BERTRED Mainwaring
Be22-1John Beauchamp b 1280 Dorset d 24.10.1283, Honiton Devon
Be22 =24Alice de Beauchamp b 1253 Hatch Beauchamp Somerset
m Ralph de Ardenne b 1252 Preston Sussex
Ar21 =23Robert de Ardenne b 1274, Preston Sussex
Ar20 =22Philippa de Ardenne b 1295, Preston Sussex
m John de Drayton b 1293 Drayton Northamptonshire
Gr19 =21Catherine de Drayton b 1324 Drayton Northampton d 1370 Broughton Dorset,
m Sir Henry de Greene b 1320 Greens Norton Northampton d 1370 Drayton Northampton son of
+1 Thomas de Greene of Boughton Gr20 =22 b c 1290 d c 1352, Sheriff of Northamptonshire from 1330 till 1332 In 1334
m 23.10.1312 Lucie la Zouche d 23.10.1326, dau of Eudo la Zouche by Millicent Cantilupe
Gr18 =20Thomas de Greene b 1343 Greens Norton Northampton d 1391
m Margery Mablethorpe b 1345 Lincolnshire dau of
+1 John Mablethorpe
Gr17Walter de Greene b 1370
m Lady Elizabeth Warner b 1375 England.
Gr16Joan Green b 1414 Bucks d 1451 Bucks
m Miles de WindsorR b 1410 Middlesex d 1456 Buckinghamshire
+1 Richard de Windsor
m Christian Faulkner/Falconer
+2 Brian de Windsor of Stanwell
m Alice Drewe dau of
+2 Richard Falconer
+3 Sir Miles de Windsor of Stanwell, b 1354 d 1387, Witness at the Scrope & Grosvernor Controversy
m >m c 1371 Alice de Wymondam b c 1350 d 1394 dau of
+3 Thomas Drewe of Segrave
+4 Sir James de Windsor of Stanwell b c 1330 d 02.10.1371
m Elizabeth Strechie dau of
+4 Adam de Wymondam of Wymondam
+5 Richard de Windsor of Stanwell b c 1310 d 3 Apr 1367
m2 Julian Molyns dau of
+5 Sir John Strechie of Wombro
+6 Sir Richard de Windsor of Stanwell (came of age 1279 so b 1258 d c 1326
m1 Julian Stapleton dau of Sir Nicholas Stapleton of Hachilsay
+6 James Molyns of Hants
Wi15 497. Thomas Windsor b 1441 Middlesex England d Windsor Castle Berkshire
m Elizabeth Andrews b 1445 Suffolk d 1485 Houns
+1 John Andrewes of Baylam b c 1395 d 1456 Lincoln's Inn lawyer, he was to sit in Parliament for Ipswich in 1442 and 1449 (Feb.), and for Bletchingley in 1449 (Nov.).
m Elizabeth Stratton b c 1410 Lye Hall Weston Norfolk dau of>
+2 James Andrewes of Baylham Suffolk b c 1367 d Jul 1434 lawyer, MP for Ipswich 1410, 1413, 1417, 1419, Suffolk 1421
m Alice Weyland heiress a moiety of the manor and advowson of Baylham and other properties in the same part of Suffolk
+2 John Stratton of Weston
by Elizabeth Luttrell b about 1375, dau of>
+3 William Andrewes of Baylam b c 1330
m ?Margaret Chiselhampton/Chislington
+3 John Weyland We18 b c 1350
m Alice FitzRalph b c 1375
+3 Walter de Stratton of Kirkton b about 1350 in Shotley, Suffolk d 1392 in Shotley Suffolk
m Cecily Walters of York
+3 Sir Hugh Luttrell Lu18
m Catherine de Beaumont Be18
+4 William Weyland We19 of Baylham b c 1333 by Margaret b c 1340
+4 Sir William Burnavile
m Joan
+4 Andrew Lutterell Lu19 of Chilton
m Elizabeth Courtenay
+4 Sir John de Beaumont Be19 of Sherwell
+5 Sir Robert de Weyland We20 of Charsfield b c 1311 d after 1330
m Cecily Baldock of Oxborough
+5 Sir William Burnavile
+5 Sir Andrew Lutterell
+5 Hugh de Courtenay Co20
m Margaret de Bohun Bo20 d 7 Aug 1395
+5 Philip de Beaumont / de Bello Monte Be20 of Sherwell
m3 Ermengarde Punchardon
+6 Sir Richard de Weyland We21 of Clopton b by 1290 d by 1319
+6 Thomas Baldock of Oxborough b 1284

+6 Sir John de Weyland of Blaxhall We22 b c 1265 d before 1312
m a href="Br25SybilBraose.html#Marybrao">Mary de Braose Heiress of Rouse Hall b c 1267 d after 1312
+6 Humphrey de Bohun Bo21, 4th Earl of Hereford
m 14 Nov 1302 Elizabeth Plantagenet Pl21 b 7 Aug 1282, d 05 May 1316, dau of
+6 Sir Richard de Bello Monte II
+6 Sir John Punchardon

+7 Sir Thomas de Weyland We23
m Ann de Colevill
+7 Humphrey de Bohun, 3rd Earl of Hereford, Earl of Essex, Constable of England b c1249, d 1297
m 1275 Maud de Fiennes dau of Sir Ingelgram de Fiennes
+7 Edward Plantagenet, King Edward I
m1 Eleanor of Castile
Gr16-2Margret de Green b 1390 Northamptonshire
Gr17-2Thomas de Greene b 1369, Greens Norton Northamptonshire d 14.12.1417 m Mary Talbot b 1382, Blakemere Weobley Herefordshire d 13.04.1433.
Gr17-3Joan de Greene b 1370, Greens Norton Northamptonshire
m Baldwin Freville b 1368 Ashtead Surrey d c 1368 Tamworth Castle Staffordshire son of
+1 Baldwin Freville and Joyce de Botetourt
Gr17-3-1Elizabeth Freville b 1398, Tamworth Castle Stafford
m Sir Thomas Ferrers b 1408 Groby Leicestershire d 06.01.1458 son of William Ferrers and m3 before 26.10.1416 Elizabeth Standishe d 01/2.1441/2 dau of Sir Robert de Standishe of Ulnes Walton for ch see below Thomas Ferrers
Gr18-2Henry de Greene b 1349 Greens Norton Northampton d 02.09.1399 Greens Norton Northampton
m Matilda de Mauduit dau and heir of Thomas Mauduit b 1354 Warminster Wiltsh lord of Werminster, Westberg, Lye, Grately, Dychruch and other fair possessions Americana Illustrated, p 708; "The Greene Family and Its Branches", by Lora S. La Man ce, Mayflower Publishing Company, Floral Park, NY, 1903, p 32; Louise B. Clarke; Denny1P@@aol. com
Gr18-2-1Thomas Green b 1369 Greens Norton Northampton d 14.12.1417 Greens Norton Northampton
m Catherine Ella Mallory b 1370 Northampton
Gr18-2-1-1John Greene b 1408, Greens Norton Northampton d 1486 Gillingham Dorset
m Margaret x b 1408 Bridgenorth Shropshire d 1450 Bridgenorth Shropshire
Gr18-2-1-1-1 494. John Greene b 1448 Bowbridge Hall Dorset d 1520 Arlesley Bedford
m Elizabeth Warner b 1475 Gillingham Dorset d 1560 Cumberland
Gr18-2-2John Greene b 1387, Greens Norton Northamptonshire d Northamptonshire
m Margaret de Greene b c 1390 Northamptonshire
John Green was the next-to-oldest son and was a man of prominence in his day. His is the story upon which many of the Rhode Island Greenes base so many romantic tales. He was the one who was a skilled swordsman and was an enemy of King Henry VII who replaced John the Fugitive's friend, King Richard III. John, the Fugitive, had to go to Europe to escape the wrath of King Henry VII who disliked any of the Greenes for their support of King Richard III. John ventured back to an English city in which he was a stranger and was occasionally able to visit his family. During this time he took the name of John Clarke. He became reckless and was drawn into a bout with swords; due to his prowess with swords, he was identified and he fled again; he did not return until the death of King Henry VII. He was the top sword of England. The FamilySearch� Ancestral File v4.19 gives his birth year as 1468. In the book by Alison Weir, THE PRINCES IN THE TOWER, copyrighted 1994, American edition, is what she has to say about John Greene: "More and Vergil say that when Richard arrived at Gloucester he sent for a man called John Green 'whom he specially trusted.' John Green can be traced; he had been employed, in various capacities, by Richard when he was Duke of Gloucester,. He may well have been the same John Green who is recorded in the CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS for 1474-5 as working in Edward IV's household. On 30th July 1483, John Green signed a warrant appointing one John Gregory to take hay, oats, horsebread, beans, peas and litter for all expenses of the King's horses and litters for a period of six months. The King, says More, sent Green 'unto Sir Robert Brackenbury, Constable of the Tower, with a letter and credence that the same Sir Robert should in any wise put the two children to death.' It has been argued that Richard III would never have committed such an order to paper (for lack of motive, as he had had the princes declared illegitimate because of Edward IV's first marriage, and only Henry Tudor had a motive, so his wife would have been Edward's heiress - barring the illegitimacy, of course -), but it is nevertheless plausible that he did so. His letter.. is likely to have been discreetly worded so as not to compromise himself. Green was to supply the 'credence,' the unwritten, explicit details, to Brackenbury, and both were men trusted implicitly by Richard. Continues More: 'This John Green did his errand unto Brackenbury.' But Brackenbury was not the stuff of which murderers are made. Vergil says he feared the consequences to his own reputation a nd safety should his complicity in what More calls 'so mean and bestial a deed ' ever be made public. In Green's presence, he knelt 'before Our Lady in the Tower' and 'plainly answered that he would never put (the Princes) to death, though he should die therefore. ' pp. 147-8 The King remained at Warwick until 15th August, when he went to Coventry. More states that John Green, returning from the Tower, recounted Brackenbury's refusal to comply with the order to kill the Princes 'to King Richard at Warwick.' p. 150 .. With Tyrell rode a man whom More describes as Sir James' 'own horse keeper, a big broad, square, strong knave' called John Dighton. As a groom he may well have known John Green, who help ed look after the royal horses. pp. 156-7 .. As for those others, who assisted Tyrell with the murder of the Princes, Forrest and Green both received grants from the King late in 1483, and Green was appointed to several offices: Receiver of the Isle of Wight and overseer of the Port of Southampton on 14th December 1483, and Escheator of Southampton in December 1484. On 20th September 1483 the King granted him a general pardon fo r all offences, and in order to avoid questions being asked about his activities, his neighbors in Warwickshire were all granted one too. Such pardons were not unusual during the aftermath of conspiracies." p. 160 There is another reference to this John Greene in the book, WITTER GENEALOGY, written by Georgia Cooper Washburn published in New York 1929 on page 249: "John Greene, son of the foregoing, was sent, in 1483, by King Richard III as a messenger bearing a letter from the King to Sir Robert Brackenbury who was then the keeper of the Tower of London. In this letter the King gave orders that his two nephews, "the little Princes in the Tower," should be put to death. Although this iniquitous command was later obeyed by another governor of the Tower, Sir Robert refused to commit murder at his sovereign's behest, and sent his message of refusal back to the King by John Greene. It is a tradition that when King Henry VII came to the throne he bore enmity to this John Greene because he had played (only) the part of a messenger for Richard III in the latter's wicked designs, and that John Greene fled from England lest he be captured by the King. It is said that "John the Fugitive*" returned to England and for safety assumed the name of John Clarke.. Despite his cha nge of name, the identity of John Greene, the Fugitive was discovered, and he again fled from England, his further history being unknown." *The ancestor of John Greene of Quidnesset. John was at times a fugitive from King Henry, he fled to France for his safety but soon returned to England under the alias of John Clarke, his true identity was discovered and he again fled to France remaining there until Henry died. John was the father of Robert of Langham Jeremy of Gillingham and Henry, who died suddenly on 22 Aug 1578. Source: "The Greene Family and Its Branches", by Lora S. La Mance, Mayflower Publishing Company, Floral Park, NY, 1904, p 34; Gaylord Green, Green/Greene Genealogy, Vol 13; Denny1P@aol. com; Ancestr File 96135.exe; FamilySearch� Ancestral File v4.19;
Gr18-2-2-1Isabella de Greene b 1434, Drayton Daventry Northamptonshire
m Sir John de VERE, 12th Earl of Oxford and Hed, son of. b 23.04.1408 Addington Northamptonshire d 1462, 1417-1462 12th Earl of Oxford, 1436 Siege of Calais, 26 FEB 1462 Middlesex, Tower Hill, Tower Hamlet convicted of high treason and beheaded
+1 Richard de Vere Ve19, 11th Earl of Oxford b c1386, d 15.02.1416/7 m1 x Holand dsp, dau of John de Holand, 1st Duke of Exeter
m2 1406/7 Alice Sergeaux d 18.05.1452 + ch dau of Sir Richard Sergeaux of Cornwall
Gr18-2-2-2-1-1ELENA de Vere b 1456 m Thomas ISHAM b 1456, Pytchley Northamptonshire
Gr18-2-2-1-2 495. Sir Henry de Vere b 1450 Dreighton Northamptonshire d 1493 Trento Trentino Italy
m ISABELLA TRESHAM b 1455 Drayton Daventry Northamptonshire
Gr18-2-2-1-3 496. Constance de Vere b 1450 Drayton Daventry Northamptonshire d 1499
m John le Boteler b 1436 Hertfordshire d 1504
+1 Philip le Boteler and ISABEL WILLOUGHBY
Gr18-2-2-2Henry Green b 1407, Drayton Northamptonshire d 02.1467
m x
Gr18-2-2-2-1Constance Green b 1445 Drayton Northampton d 02.03.1475
m John Stafford b 1432 Stafford Staffordshire d 08.05.1473 Essex
Gr18-2-3Ralph Green b 1369 Greens Norton Northampton
Gr18-2-4Henry Green b 1375 Greens Norton Northampton
Gr18-2-5Eleanor Green b 1377 Greens Norton Northampton
Gr18-2-6Elizabeth Green b 1379 Greens Norton Northampton
Gr18-3Margaret Greene b 1350 Norton Northamptonshire
m Robert de Earde b 1340 Kent England d 1380 Kent
Gr18-3-1Isabella de Earde b 1379 Kent
m Thomas Denne b 1370 Denne Kingston Kent d 1420 Denne Kingston Kent son of Richard Denne and Agnes Apuldrefield
Gr18-3-1-1John Denne b 1407 Denne Kingston Kent d 1475 Denne Kingston Kent
m Alice ARDERNE, b 1412 Kent dau of Richard ARDERNE
Gr18-3-1-1-1Thomas Denne b 1442 Denne Kingston Kent d 1490 Kingston Kent
m Agnes ASHURST/ESHEHURST b 1445 Kent
Gr18-3-1-1-1Avice Denne b 1475, Kingston Kent England.
m John Crispe b 1482 Quex-in-Thanet Kent England d 1534 Quex-in-Thanet Kent son of JOHANNES CRISPE and AGNES QUEKES
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1Henry Crispe b 1514 Thanet Kent d 24.08.1575.
m ANNE HASELHURST b 1524 Thanet Kent dau of George HASELHURST
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1Henry Crispe b 1557 Queke Park Birchington Kent d 02.12.1594, Aylesford Kent
m Anne Colepeper b 1557 Queke Park Birchington Kent dau of Thomas Colepeper and Margaret Colepeper
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1 -1Richard Crispe b 1586, Maidstone Kent bap 17 AUG 1586 Maidstone d Maidstone Kent
m Dorathie Thomson b 1590 Maidstone/?Shropshire d Maidstone Kent
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1 Benjamin Crispe b 1611, Frisby Lincolnshire d 05.11.1683, Groton Middlesex Co MA
m1 Mary Bridget b 1615 Waterford Middlesex Co MA d 13.03.1675 Groton Middlesex Co MA +2 ch
m2 JOANNA GOFF b 04.1614 Frisby Lincolnshire d 08.04.1698 Charlestown Middlesex Co MA
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-1 Elizabeth CRISPE b 08.01.1636, Watertown Middlesex Co MA d 28.05.1691, Watertown Middlesex Co MA
m George LAWRENCE b 1637 Watertown Middlesex Co MA d 21.03.1709 Watertown Middlesex Co MA
-1 Hannah LAWRENCE b aft. 24.03.1660 MA m OBADIAH SAWTEL. b 1649 Watertown Middlesex Co MA Usa d 20.03.1741 Groton Middlesex Co MA -1-1 Hannah SAWTEL b 08.06.1695 Groton Middlesex Co MA m Steven Holden b 1687 Groton Middlesex Co MA -1-1-1 Jemima Holden b 24.02.1730, Groton Middlesex Co MA d 11.09.1818, Bedford Hillsborough NH m John Goffe b 16.02.1727, Bedford Hillsborough NH Usa; d 03.02.1816, Bedford Hillsborough NH
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-2 Mercy Crispe b 20.05.1638 Watertown Middlesex Co MA d 01.04.1686 Chelmsford Middlesex Co MA
m Robert Parrish b 1635 Cambridge Middlesex MA d 1794 Chelsea Suffolk MA son of Thomas PARRISH and Mary DANFORTH
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-2-1 Hannah Parrish continued below b 1679 Dunstable Middlesex MA d 28.01.1748, Bedford Hillsborough NH
m John Goffe b 18.09.1679 Boston, Suffolk, MA d 08.09.1748 Bedford Hillsborough NH son of John Goffe and Hannah Summers
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-2-2 MERCY PARISH b 05.01.1668, Dunstable Middlesex MA d 25.04.1743, Chelmsford Middlesex Co MA
m JOSIAH RichardSON b 18.05.1665, Chelmsford Middlesex Co MA d 17.10.1711, Chelmsford Middlesex Co MA
Gr18-3-1-1-1-2MARGARET CRISPE b 1509, Thanet Kent d 1535
m John CRAFFORD b 1491 Great Mongeham Kent d 1535, Great Mongeham Kent
Gr18-3-1-1-2MICHAEL DENNE b 1440, Denne Kingston Kent England; d Denne Kingston Kent
m CHRISTIANA FORT b 1440 Lympne Kent England d 1536 Kingstone Denne Hill Kent England.
Gr18-3-1-1-2-1Thomas DENNE b 1497 Kingstone Dennehill Kent d 1562, Kingstone Dennehill Kent
m Alice METT b 1510 Kingston Kent
Gr18-3-1-1-2-1-1AGNES DENNE b 1550, Kingston Kent d 1625, Barham Kent
m VINCENT LADD b 1554 Kent d 27.08.1626 Kent son of
+1 Thomas LADD and Elizabeth MUMBRAY
Gr18-3-1-1-2-1-1-1 Robert LADD b 09.01.1577 Hannington Northamptonshire d 12.03.1658, Hannington Northamptonshire bur Broughton 12 Mar 1658. Broughton parish register of burials 1632-1676 shows "Old Robert Ladd, a good old man died and was buried in a good old age".
m Mary LOVELACE b 1580
+1 Lancelott Lovelace b c 1555 m Mary Cayser
Gr18-3-1-1-2-1-1-1-1 Rebecca Ladd b 1605, Broughton Northamptonshire d by 1650, Broughton Northamptonshire
m John BEEBE b 1600 Broughton Northamptonshire d 18.05.1650 At Sea.
+1 John BEEBY and Alice STRATTON
Gr18-3-1-1-2-1-1-1-1-1 John BEEBE b 04.11.1628, Broughton Northamptonshire d 14.04.1708, New London New London Co CT
m ABIGAIL YORK, dau of b 1638 Stonington London Co CT d 09.03.1724 New London New London Co CT
+1 James YORK and JOANNAH _
Gr18-3-1-1-2-1-1-1-1-1-1 Benjamin BEEBE b 09.07.1663, New London CT d 15.02.1752, New London CT
m Hannah WHEELER b 1673 New London New London Co CT d c 02.1752 New London New London Co CT
+1 John WHEELER and Mary MORGAN
Gr18-3-1-1-2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 John22 BEEBE b 1701, New London New London Co CT d 15.07.1788, Canaan Columbia Co NY
m Ruth PRATT b mel. 16.03.1705 - 1706, Colchester New London Co CT d 15.09.1794, Canaan Columbia Co NY
Be23 =24 Mary de Beauchamp b 1244, Hatch Beauchamp Somerset
m HAMON VI BARON de MASSEY b 1230 Cheshire, Bucklow d 1307 son of
Ma22-1Cecily de MASSEY b 1262 Bucklow Cheshire
m Thomas de ORREBY b 1254, Gawsworth Macclesfield Cheshire d 1290.
Ma22 =23MATILDA MASSEY b 1270, Cheshire
m Roger OF CHEDLE. b 1270 Cheadle Cheshire England d 18.07.1326.
Ch21 =22CLEMENCE de CHEDLE b 1308, Cheadle Cheshire
m William de BAGGILEY/Bagnley b 1300 Cheadle Cheshire
Ba20 =21ISABEL de BAGGILEY b 1325 Cheadle Cheshire d 1350.
m Sir Thomas DANYERS b 1312 Bradley Appleton Cheshire d 24.06.1349 for his service at Battle of Ceacy, Lyme Handley was his to pass on to daughter Margaret he m2 Joan Norris had issue son of Thomas Danyers Da22 =23 of Lymm & Bradley m1 before 1312 Margareta de Tabley (dau of Adam de Tabley of Bexton)
Da19 =20MARGARET DANYERS b 1347, Cheshire, Cheadle Upton d 24.06.1428, Cheshire, Clifton
m1 John de Radclyff
m2 c 1376 Sir John Savage b 1343 Cheshire, Runcorn, Clifton England d 1386 son of Robert SAVAGE and AMICIA WALKINGTON
m3 PETER LEIGH OF LYME b 1355 Norbury Cheshire England d 25.10.1415 Battle of Agincourt Pas de Calais France.
?Da18 =19John SAVAGE b 1370 Clifton Runcorn Cheshire d 01.08.1450, Cheshire, Macclesfield
m MAUD de SWYNNERTON b 1370 Chester Cheshire, d 1415.
+1 Sir Robert de SWYNNERTON
?Da18 =19MAUDE SAVAGE b 1385, Cheshire, Cheadle
m Sir John BOOTH b 1354, Lancashire, Barton d 03.1422.
?Da18 =19John SAVAGE b mel. 1401 - 1410, Clifton Runcorn Cheshire d 29.06.1463, Macclesfield Cheshire
m Eleanor de BRERETON b 1402 Brereton Congleton Cheshire
John SAVAGE and Eleanor de BRERETON
?Da17 =18 500. John Savage b 1432 Clifton Runcorn Cheshire d 22.11.1495 Macclesfield Cheshire
m Katherine Stanley, b 1432 Stanley Derbyshire d 1498 Clifton Runcorn Cheshire dau of
?Sa17ISABEL SAVAGE b 1355, Clifton Cheshire
m Roger COVERT b 1345 Sussex
Co16ISABEL COVERT b 1374 Surrey d 1408 Sussex
m John LEWKNOR b 1371 Horstead Keynes Sussex d 25 Jan 1409 Stopham Sussex
+1 Thomas Lewknor
Joan (D'Oyly
+2 Roger Lewknor
Barbara Bardolf
Le15 501. Thomas Lewknor b 1408 Postling Kent
Ma22-3ISABELLA de MASSEY b 1280, Bucklow Cheshire
m HUGH de DUTTON b 08.12.1276 Dutton Runcorn Cheshire d 1326 Dutton Runcorn Cheshire son of HUGH de DUTTON and MARGARET de RISLEY
rom General Notes: ~Genealogy of the Dutton family of Pennsylvania, compiled by Gilbert Cope, printed in 1871, pg.17, he was made Steward of Halton about a year before his death. 169 ~Memorials of the Duttons of Dutton. , Ch. IV, pg 13, says that Hugh de Dutton, son of Sir Hugh de Dutton, had the first recorded baptism when he was baptized at the Great Budworth Church the day after he was born. 761 ~George Ormerod's The History of Co Palatine and City of Chester, Vol I, pg. 645-646 713 Noted events in his life were: � Background Information. 169,713 Sir Hugh Dutton, of Dutton, Knight, son and heir of Sir Hugh dutton, born the eighth day of December, 5 Edward I, 1276, at Dutton and baptized at Great Budworth the following day. he sued the Prior of Norton, before Adam Burum and Nicolas Gruchundelee, Commissaries of the Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, at the Visitation of the Arch-Deanery of Chester, Annon Domini 1315, for not finding a Chaplain and Lamp at Roosey Chappel, according to the original Grant, which he there produced; and John Olton, then Prior, confessed the same, and was ordered to find them. This Priory was the Order of St. Augustine. He married John, daughter of Sir Robert Holland, of Holland in Lancashire, and had issue, Thomas Dutton, son and heir; William, Parson of Thornton, 22 Edward 3, Geffrey Dutton, and Robert Dutton. This Sir Hugh was made Steward of Halton, 24 Decembris, 20 Edward 2, and died Edward 3, 1326, at the age of fifty years. Joan, his widow, afterwards married Edmund Talbot, of Bashall; and after, to Sir John Ratcliff, of Urdeshall, in Lancashire, living 11 Edward 3 and 20 Edward 3. ~The Duttons of Dutton, pg. 17 ~George Ormerod's The History of Co Palatine and City of Chester, Vol I, pg. 645-646 Hugh married Joan de Holland, daughter of Sir Robert de Holland Knight and Elizabeth de Samlesbury, in Lancashire, England 169,713 (Joan de Holland died after 1347.)
Ma22-3-1Katherine de DUTTON b 1300, Dutton Runcorn Cheshire
m Robert de PULFORD. b 1300 Pulford Chester Cheshire
Ma22-3-3-1-1Robert de PULFORD b 1319, Pulford Cheshire d Pulford Cheshire
m JANE b 1324
Ma22-3-3-1-1-1JULIANA PULFORD b 1348, Pulford Cheshire d c 1380.
m Thomas BELGRAVE. b 1315 Lancashire
Ma22-3-3-1-1-1-1ISABEL BELGRAVE b 1365, Adlington Cheshire
m Robert OF ADLINGTON LEGH b 1361/5 Macclesfield Cheshire
+1 Robert LEGH
m Matilda de Arderne
Ma22-3-3-1-1-1-1-1JOAN LEGH b 1384 Adlington Cheshire
m RALPH de DAVENPORT b 1384 Adlington Cheshire
Ma22-3-3-1-1-1-1-1-1John DAVENPORT b 1405, Davenport Congleton Cheshire
m JOAN Mainwaring b 1408 Over Peover Cheshire
Le16Robert LEGH OF ADLINGTON b 1409/16
m MAUD x b 1426 Adlington Cheshire
+1 Robert LEGH and MAUD x
le15-1MAUD LEGH b 1446 Adlington Cheshire
m John Mainwaring b 1445, Over Peover Cheshired 1495, Adlington Cheshire
le15-2Robert Legh of Adlington
m Ellen Booth dau of Sir Robert Booth of Dunham Massey
le15-3Agnes Legh
m Sir Andrew Brereton of Brereton
le15-4Ellen? Legh
m Thomas? Picott of Chetwind
le15-5Margaret Legh
m Thomas Mere of Mere
le15-6Isabel Legh
m1 Sir Lawrence Warren of Pointon d 1474
m2 Sir George Holford
le15-7Margery probably not Margaret Legh
m William Damport of Bromhall
Be23-4HUMPHREY de Beauchamp b by 03.1253, Ryme Intrinseca Ryme Sherbone Dorset d 18.07.1317.
m SIBYL OLIVER b 1260 Wambrook Somerset England d c 1306 dau of
Be23-4-1HUGH de Beauchamp b 1290, Lillesdon Somerset d 1337.
m IDONEA de LISLE b 1293 Chaffcombe Somerset
Be23-4-1-1John Beauchamp b 1325, Lillesdon Somerset d c 1396
m JOAN de BRIDPORT b 1335 Whitelackington Chard Somerset England d c 03.1384.
Be23-4-1-1-1ISOLT de Beauchamp b 1355 Taunton Lillesdon Somerset
m y MILBORNE b 1350 Milborne Port Somerset
Be23-4-1-1-1-1Sir PETER MILBORNE b 1373, Burghill Herefordshire d by 1420, Burghill Herefordshire
m Elizabeth D' EYLESFORD b 1375 Tillington Manor Hereford Herefordshire
Be23-4-1-1-1-1-1SIR John Milbourne b 1404, Tillington Gloucestershire d 07.09.1435, Ledbury Munsley Herefordshire
m Elizabeth DEVEREUX, dau of b 1415.
Be23-4-1-1-1-1-1-1Simon Milbourne b 1435, Burghill Herefordshire d 14.08.1522,
m JANE BASKERVILLE, dau of b 1439 Burghill Herefordshire
Be23-4-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 502. Blanche Milbourne b c 1465 Whitney Herefordshire
m JAMES WHITNEY. b 1465 Whitney Herefordshire
Be23-4-2Katherine de Beauchamp b 1278, Ryme Intrinseca Sherborne Dorset England m William HERLE b 1269, Nuneston Warwickshire d 1347.
Be23-4-3Alice de Beauchamp b 1283, Ryme Dorset
Be23-4-4ELEANOR de Beauchamp b 1275, Sherborne Dorset d 1324, Exeter DEvon
Be22 =23 =25 =27John de Beauchamp b 1249, Hatch Beauchamp Somerset d 24.10.1283, Hatch Beauchamp Somerset
m CICELY de VIVONIA b 1253 Hatch Beauchamp Somerset d 10.01.1319 Stoke-Under-Ham Somerset dau of
+1 William de FORTIBUS and MAUD de FERRERS
Be21 =22 =24 =26JOAN Beauchamp b 1280 Stoke Somerset d 1343.
m John BITTLESGATE b 1280 Bedlisgate Northamptonshire
Bi20 =21 =23 =25John BITTLESGATE b 1314, Bedlisgate Northamptonshire d 1396,
Bi19 =20 =22 =24Thomas BITTLESGATE b 1350, Knighton Wenbury Devon d 31.12.1388, Maidencombe Torquay Devon
m JOAN Beauchamp b 1360 Lilesdon Taunton Somerset d by 1388.
Bi18 =19 =21 =23JOAN BITTLESGATE b 1385, Knighton Wenbury Devon d c 17.07.1448, Yorkshire
m sir Richard WYDEVILLE Wy19 b 1383 Grafton Regis Northamptonshire England d 12.1441 Mote Maidstone Kent 1400 Sheriff of Kent, 1410 Constable of the Tower of London, in charge of the principal fortress defending the capital city of , 1426 knighted on Whit Sunday, the eighth Sunday after Easter
Wy17 =18 =20 =22Richard WYDEVILLE b 1405, Grafton Regis Northamptonshire d 12.08.1469, Buckinghamshire, 1429 Captain serving in France, 1441 knighted Captain of Alen�o, 1455-1487 War of the Roses Knight of the Garter in 1450, 1466-1469 1st Earl of Rivers, 1466-1469 Treasurer, 26th July 1469 Battle of Edgecote Moor Knight and leader
m JACQUETTE de LUXEMBOURG b 1415 St Pol Artois Pas de Calais France d 30.05.1472.
Wy16 =17Katherine WOODVILLE b by 1438, Monmouthshire Wales; d 18.05.1497, Hatfield Herefordshire
m1 Sir JASPER TUDOR Tu17 b 1431 Hatfield Herefordshire d 26.12.1495 Keynsham Abbey Somerset lived in Cardiff Castle, 1452-1461 1st Earl of Pembroke, 1453 , 1455-1487 War of the Roses, Duke of Bedford, Knight of the Garter, 22 AUG 1485 defeated Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth Field
m2 Henry STAFFORD b 04.09.1454 Abergavenny Monmouthshire Wales d 02.11.1483 Salisbury Wilts, 1460-1483 8th Baron of Stafford, 1460-1483 2nd Duke of Buckingham, 1483 Lord High Constable
+1 Sir Owen TUDOR b 1402 d 1461
m 1429 Catherine de VALOIS
+2 Meredith ap Tudor
m Margaret dau of David Vychan ap David Llwyd of Anglesey
Tu15 =16. 503. Helen Tudor b 1459 Snowdon Carnarvonshire Wales d aft 1501
m1 Sir William Gardiner b c 1450 d 8 Oct 1485 bur St Mildred Poultry Lond( reports 5 of the ch of this marriage, but not Stephen)
m2 William Sybson d 1501
+1 Thomas Gardiner b c 1430 Bury St Edmunds Suffolk d 1491 Beaconsfield Bucks
m Anna de la Grove b c 1434 Grove Place Manor Beaconsfield Bucks d there c 1524
+2 Sir Thomas Gardiner b 1410 Otley Lancashire
m Elizabeth Beaumont b 1410 Whitley Beaumont d 1 Jan 1480 West Riding York
+2 Hugh de la Grove b 1398 Grove Place Bucks d there 1472
m Anna x b 1402
+3 Hugh de la Grove b c 1375
Wy16-2 504. Edward Stafford b 03.02.1478 Brecknock Breconshire Wales k 17.05.1521 Tower of London beheaded
m Eleanor Percy b 1474 Yorkshire
Wy16-3Elizabeth STAFFORD b 1470, Brecknock Castle Breconshire Wales m Robert FITZWALTER RADCLIFFE b 1475, Hepworth Suffolk
Wy16-4 505. Lady Anne Stafford b 1483 Ashby Leicestershire d 1544
m George Hastings b 1488 Ashby-de-la-Zouch Leicestershire d 24.03.1544
Wy17-2AGNES WOODVILLE b mel. 1455 - 1460, Hampshire d c 1506.
m William DORMER. b 1455 d 07.10.1506
Wy17-2-1 506. Agnes Dormer b 1482 Buckinghamshire
m Robert Baldwin b 11.08.1470 Aylesbury Buckinghamshire d 24.10.1545 Buckinghamshire
Wy17-3ELEANOR WOODVILLE b 1449, Grafton Regis Northamptonshire d 1512, St Albans Hertfordshire m SIR ANTHONY GREY b 1443, Ruthin Denbighshire Wales; d 1480.
Wy19 =21Elizabeth WYDEVILLE b 1437, Grafton Regis Northamptonshire d 08.06.1492, St Saviours Abbey Bermondsey Surrey
m1 Edward IV KING England b 28.04.1442 Rouen Seine-Inferieure Normandy France d 09.04.1483 Westminister Palace London Middlesex m2 John GREY. b 1432 Groby Leicestershire d 17.02.1460 Battle Of St Albans Hertfordshire, 1455-1487 War of the Roses 1461-1470 King of England, 1471-1483 King of England
+1 Elizabeth WYDEVILLE and Edward ENGLAND
Wy18-1 507. Catherine Plantagenet b 14.08.1479 Eltham Palace Kent England d 15.11.1527 Tiverton Castle Devon
m William Courtenay b 1475 Eltham Kent d 09.06.1511 Greenwich Kent
Wy18-2CICELY PLANTAGENET b 20.03.1469, Westminster Middlesexd 24.08.1507, Isle Of Wight, Abbey Hampshire
m John WELLES b 1450 Well Lincolnshired 09.02.1499, Westminster Middlesex
Wy18 =20 508. Elizabeth Plantagenet b 11.02.1465 Westminster Palace London Middlesex England d 11.02.1503 Tower of London London Middlesex
Henry Tudor Tu18 =20, 2nd Earl of Richmond, King Henry VII of England b 26.07.1455 Pembroke Castle Pembrokeshire Wales d 22.04.1509 Shene Palace Richmond Surrey ancestors line H
Wy18-4 509. Thomas Grey b 1451 Groby Leicestershire d 20.04.1501 Astley Lancashire, 1475-1501 1st Marquess of Dorset
m CECILIA BONVILLE b 1460 Chewton Mendip Somerse d 12.05.1529 Astley Lancashire
Be23-6Sir James Audley b 1255
Mo23John de Mohun b 1227, Dunster Somerset d 1253, France.
m JOAN de FERRERS b 1232 Derbyshire England d 10.1267 dau of
+1 William Ferrers and Sibyl Marshall
Mo22John de Mohun b 1247, Dunster Somerset d 11.06.1279.
m Eleanor FitzPiers b 1252 Blaen Llyfni Breconshire dau of
+1 Reginald FitzPiers and Alice de Stanford
Mo21John LORD de Mohun b 1278 Dunster Somerset d 25.08.1330.
m AUDA de TIBETOT b 1283 Porchester Castle Nottinghamshire d 1324.
Mo20JOAN Mohun b 1310 d 1378.
m John LUTTERELL b 1300 Somerset son of
Lu19Sir ANDREW LUTTRELL b 1330 Chilton Devon d 1378.
m Elizabeth COURTENAY b 1337 Okehampton Devon d 07.08.1395 Bermondsey Middlesex dau of
+1 Hugh de Courtenay Co20, 2nd Earl of Devon
Lu18Elizabeth Lutterell d 1378
Lu18HUGH Lutterell of Chilton, East Quantoxhead and Dunster Castle b 1364, Dunster Somerset d 24.03.1428, Seneschal of Nomandy
m Katherine de BEAUMONT b 1354 Devon d 28.08.1435
Lu17Elizabeth LUTTREAL b 1388, Dunster Somerset
m John STRATTON b 1388 Norfolk d 1443/aft 1439/69 in Weston, Norfolk Lord of Tyes-Hall, Lons and Aldenhams, Lord of Weston co Norfolk in 1430
+1 WALTER de STRATTON b 1348 in Shotley, Suffolk d 1392 in Shotley Suffolk
m CECILY Walters of YORK
+2 John de Stratton (dates from wikitree) b 1320 Norfolk d 1360 Shotley Suffolk)
m Isabel Loudham b c 1325 in Lye Hall, Weston, Norfolk d 1360 Shotley Suffolk
+3 Geoffrey de Stratton b c 1350
m Isabella x
St16Elizabeth STRATTON b 1410, Norfolk d c 1486,
m John Andrews
St16-2William STRATTON b 1427 in Weston, Norfolk
Mo23-3LUCY de Mohun b 1240 Dunster Somerset
m John de GREY. b 1235 Codnor Derbyshire England d by 05.01.1271 son of
+1 Richard de GREY and LUCY de HUMEZ
Mo23-3-1Henry de GREY b 1256 Codnor Derbyshire d 09.1308 Aylesford Kent, 1299-1308 1st Baron of Grey of Codnor
m Eleanor de COURTENAY b 1266 Okehampton Devon d by 06.06.1301.
Fi24John FitzGeoffrey b 1202, Surrey, Guildford, Shere d 23.11.1258.
m Isabell Bigod b 1212 Thetford Norfolk England d 1252 dau of
+1 Hugh le BigodD and MAUD MARSHALL
Fi23MAUD FitzGeoffrey b 1237, Surrey, Guildford, Shere d 16.04.1301, Worcestershire, Grey Friars
m William de Beauchamp b 1237 Worcestershire, Elmley Castle d 06.1298 Worcestershire, Elmley 9th Earl of Warwick son of
+1 William de Beauchamp and ISABEL de MAUDUIT
Be22GUY de Beauchamp b 1272, Warwickshire, Warwick Castle d 12.08.1315, Warwickshire, Warwick Castle 10th Earl of Warwick
m Alice de TOENI, b 1284 Flamstead Hertfordshire, England d 01.01.1323 dau of
+1 RALPH de TOENI and Mary de TOENI
Be21Thomas de Beauchamp b 1315, Warwick Castle Warwickshire d 13.11.1369, Calais Pas-de-Calais FR 1329-1369 11th Earl of Warwick 1346 Battle of Cr�cy Commander
m Catherine (Katherine) de MORTIMER, b 1315 Herefordshire, Ludlow, Wigmore England d by 06.09.1369 dau of Roger MORTIMER and JOAN de GENEVILLE
Be20MAUD de Beauchamp b 1335, Warwick Warwickshire d mel. 1402 - 1403.
m Roger CLIFFORD, son of Robert de CLIFFORD and ISABEL BERKELEY. b 10.07.1333 Clifford Castle Herefordshire England d mel. 13.07.1389 - 1890 Appleby Westmoreland, 1350-1389 5th Baron of Clifford , Sheriff of Westmoreland 1377 High Sheriff of Cumberland and governor of Carlisle
Cl19-1Thomas CLIFFORD b 1363 Appleby Westmoreland d 18.08.1391, Spruce Germany.
m Elizabeth ROS b 1370 Helmsley Castle Yorkshire England d 26.03.1424.
Cl19-1-1MATILDA CLIFFORD b 1390, Brougham Castle Westmoreland England
m Richard PLANTAGENET b 07.1385, Conisborough Castle Yorkshire d 08.05.1415, Southampton Green Hampshire, 1414 Earl of Cambridge
Cl19Katherine CLIFFORD b 1358, Clifford Castle Herefordshire d 23.04.1413, Ravensworth Yorkshire
m Ralph de GREYSTOKE b 18.10.1353 Yorkshire d 06.04.1417/8 3rd / 5th Lord of Greystoke son of
+1 William de Greystock, 2nd / 4th Lord of Greystoke b 06.01.1320/1, d 10.07.1359 and m2 c10.1351 Joane FitzHugh d 01.09.1403, (dau of Sir Henry FitzHenry/FitzHugh of Ravensworth, Lord FitzHugh)
Gr18Sir John de Greystock, 4th / 6th Lord of Greystoke b 1389, d 08.08.1436
m mcrt 28.10.1407 Elizabeth Ferrers b 1392, d 1434, dau of Robert Ferrers of Wemme
Gr17 Sir Ralph de Greystock, 5th / 7th Lord of Greystoke b by 1414, d 01.06.1487
m1 Elizabeth FitzHugh + 2 ch dau of Sir William FitzHugh, 5th Lord
m2 Beatrice d 20.04.1505 + 1 ch sister of Richard Hawclyf or Hatcliff
Gr16-1 Sir Robert de Greystock dvp 17.06.1483
m1 Margaret Grey dsp, dau of Edward Grey, 1st Lord of Groby
m2 Elizabeth Grey d 18.07.1472 + 1 ch dau of Edmund Grey, 1st Earl of Kent
-1 Elizabeth de Greystock b 10.07.1471, d 13/4.08.1516 m Sir Thomas Dacre, 2nd Lord of Gillesland d 24.10.1525
Gr16 Elizabeth Greystock
m1 Sir Thomas Scrope, 5th Lord of Masham and Upsal d 1475
m2 Sir Gilbert Talbot of Grafton, Sheriff of Shropshire d 19.09.1518
Gr16-3 Agnes de Greystock apparently of this generation, of this marriage but see note on the Thwaites page
m Henry Thwaites of Lund b 1475
Gr17-2 Elizabeth de Greystock
m Roger Thornton of Newcastle
-1 Elizabeth Thornton m Sir George Lumley, 3rd Lord Lumley d 13.11.1507
Gr17-3 Joan de Greystock
m John Darcy d c1454
Gr17 =18 Anne de Greystock
m 18.02.1432 Ralph Bigod of Settrington
Sir John Aske of Aughton
-5 Thomas Bigod,
-6 Henry Bigod of Scagglethorpe had issue
-7 Edward Bigod,
-8 William Bigod,
-9 George Bigod
-10 Ralph Bigod,
-11 Peter Bigod,
-12 Philip Bigod,
-13 Richard Bigod,
-14 Catherine Bigod,
-15 Matilda Bigod
John, Lord Clifford
-3-2 Katherine Aske d after 4.02.1506/7 m Sir John Hastings dsp 12.07.1504
-3-3 Margaret Aske m y Morley
-3-4+ other issue - Ralph, George, Henry, Nicholas, Anne
Sir Ralph Ryther or Ryder d 02.04.1520 m1 Catherine Constable dau of Sir Robert Constable of Flamborough
-3-1-2 Margaret Aske m Sir Roger Bellingham
-3-1-3 Dorothy Aske m Richard Greene of Newby or Newbery Newbury?
-3-1-4 Anne Aske m William Monkton
-3-1-5 Elizabeth Aske m y Midleton or Morton
-3-1-6 Agnes Aske m William Ellerker
-3-1-7+ other issue -Julian, Christopher, Robert, Richard, Mary, Elenor
m1 Elizabeth or Elianor Markenfield + 2 ch dau of Sir Ninian Markenfield m2 Anne Sutton dau of Thomas Sutton of Burton, Lincolnshire
-3-1-1-2 Richard Aske of Owsthorpe Ousethorp a 1584, 5th son The following comes from Visitation Yorkshire, 1584/5, Aske of Owsthorpe. m Elizabeth Hall dau of _ Hall of Burringham
-3-1-1-3 Julian Aske see probable duplication below, Shown as of this generation by Visitation 1584/5+1612 but a generation earlier by Visitation 1563/4. Although there is some contradiction, the 'more reliable' Portington source suggests she was of this generation. m before 24.01.1509-10 Thomas Portington
-3-1-1-4 Jane Aske possibly of this generation m Nicholas Girlington of Burton Strather d by 1565
-3-1-1-5+ other issue - Christopher, Anthony, John, Anne, Elizabeth
m Gabriel Fairfax of Steeton
-3-1-1-1-4 Dorothy Aske b 1553 , ancestor of Pres.J. K. Polk m Henry Fairfax son of Sir William Fairfax of Steeton
Peter Beverley bap 1613 Hull Yorkshire d 16 Sept 1650 Hull, Yorkshire m Susanna Hollis/Hollice b 1634 in Yorkshire, dau of Robert Hollis
Gr17-5+ other issue - William, Richard, Thomas
Gr18 Maude de Greystock
m Eudo Welles, younger of Welles dvp
We17 Sir Lionel Leo de Welles, 6th Lord, Lieutenant of Ireland b 1406, k Towton 29.03.1461 supported the House of Lancaster in the War of the Roses and was attainted after his death. His barony was forfeited but later pardoned.
m1 15.08.1417 Joan or Cecily Waterton + 5 ch dau of Sir Robert Waterton of Waterton and Methley
m2 1447 Margaret Beauchamp b 1410, d 08.08.1482 + 1 ch dau of John de Beauchamp, 3rd Lord of Bletsho
We16-1 Sir Richard Welles, 7th Lord Willoughby of Eresby, 7th Lord Welles b c 1420 d 12.03.1469
m1 c 1446 Joan Willoughby, Baroness of Eresby b c 1420 d 1461/2, dau of Robert Willoughby, 6th Lord of Eresby
-1 Sir Robert Welles, 8th Lord Willoughby, 8th Lord Welles b c 1440 dsp 19.03.1469
m Elizabeth Bourchier d 10.1470, dau of John Bourchier, 1st Lord Berners
-2 Joane Welles, de jure suo jure Baroness of Welles and Eresby b c 1440 dsp before 03.1474/5 m1 Richard Pigot not mentioned by TCP m2 Sir Richard Hastings bur 09.1503
We16-2 Alianore Welles b c 1420
m1 Thomas, Lord Hoo and Hastings d 13.02.1454/5
m2 James or Sir Thomas Lawrence
m3 Hugh Hastings
We16 Cecily Welles b c 1420
m Sir Robert Willoughby of Parham d 30.05.1465-6
m Margaret Jenney b 1460 Knotishall d there 1515 dau of Sir William Jenney of Knottshall Sir Christopher Willoughby m Elizabeth Talboys dau of Sir George Talboys/Tailboys
-2-3 George Willoughby had issue
-2-4 Sir Thomas Willoughby d 1545, chief justice m Bridget or Katherine Read dau of Sir Robert Read of Bore Place
-2-5 Catherine Willoughby
m Sir John Heydon of Baconsthorp
-2-6 Elizabeth Willoughby m William Eure, 1st Lord b c1483, d 15.03.1547/8 (the following from Linda Wensrich's tree)
-2-7+ other issue - John, Dorothy
-2-9? by p x Woodward Edward Woodward b 1530 Shropshire d there 1600 m Anne x b 1550 d 1600 Shropshire
We16-4 Margaret Welles b c 1425
m Sir Thomas Dymoke of Scrivelsby b c1427, d 12.03.1470
We16-5 We16-5 Catherine Welles
m1 Sir Thomas de la Launde
m2 Robert Tempest
We16-5-1 Joan de la Launde
m William Denton
>We16-5-2 Margaret de la Launde
m Thomas Berkeley
3+ 2 sons dsp - William Tempest, Maurice Tempest
We16-6 John Welles, Viscount Welles d 09.02.1498/9
m 01.12.1487 Cecily Plantagenet d 24.08.1507, dau of King Edward IV
-1 Elizabeth Welles d y
-2 Anne Welles d infant
We17-2 Sir William Welles, Chancellor of Ireland
m Anne Barnewall dau of ?? Barnewall of Crickstown
We17-2-1 Elizabeth Welles d before 26.04.1506
m1 before 05.01.1463/4 Christopher Plunkett, Lord Killeen d 1467
m2 James Fleming, 12th of Slane, 7th Lord d 28.03.1492
We17-2-2 Ismay Welles
m Thomas Nangle of Navan
Gr18-3Joan/Jane GREYSTOKE b 1395, Greystoke Cumberland
m William BOWES b 1397 Streatham Durham son of Robert BOWES and JANE CONYERS
Gr18-3-1William BOWES b 1415 Streatham Castle Durham
m Maud Fitzhugh b 1428 Ravensworth Yorkshire d Streatham Castle Durham
y FitzHugh
Gr18-3-1-1Ralph Bowes b 01.09.1468, Streatlam Durham
m Margaret Conyers b 1468 Sockborne Durham d 12.08.1532.
Richard Conyers b c 1416
m Alice Wycliffe
Gr18-3-1-1-1 510. Richard Bowes b 1498 Seaham Manor Durham, 10 NOV 1558 Seaham Manor Durham
m Elizabeth ASKE b 1505 Richmond Yorkshire d 1568 Durham
Gr18-3-2Matilda BOWES b 1418, Raleigh Devon
m Thomas Whalesborough b 1415 Whalesborough Cornwall d 1463
Wy17-1John WYDEVILLE b 1445, Grafton Regis Northamptonshire k 12.08.1469 Battle of Edgecote Moor captured with father and beheaded, 1465 Knight of the Bath by his sister's husband King Edward IV
m Catherine de NEVILLE b 1401, Raby Durham d c 01.1478
Gr18Elizabeth WHALESBOROUGH b 1440, Stratton Cornwall
m SIR John TREVELYAN, son of. b 1440 Treveylan Cornwall d 1485 Notater for SIR KNIGHT John TREVELYAN: Occupation: Knight of the Bath
Gr18 511. John Trevelyan b 1464 Yarnscombe Devon d 1505 Devon
m JANE HALLIWELL, dau of Sir John HALLYWELL b 1470
Cl19-3PHILLIPA CLIFFORD b 1355, Brough Castle Westmoreland
m William FERRERS, 5th LORD FERRERS OF GROBY b 1370 Luton Co Bedford d 18.05.1445
+1 Henry Ferrers, 4th Lord of Groby b 16.02.1355/6, d 03.02.1387/8
m before 27.04.1371 Joan d 30.05.1394, probably dau of
+2 William Ferrers, 3rd Lord of Groby b 28.02.1332/3, d 07.01.1370/1 m1 before 25.04.1344 Margaret de Ufford
+2 Sir Thomas de Hoo of Luton Hoo and Stopsley
+3 Henry Ferrers, 2nd Lord of Groby b before 1304, d 15.09.1343
m before 20.02.1330/1 Isabel de Verdon b 21.03.1316/7, d 25.07.1349, dau of ->
+4 William Ferrers, 1st Lord of Groby b 30.01.1271/2, d 20.03.1324/5
m Ellen Segreve d 1342
+4 Theobald de Verdon, 2nd Lord
Cl19-3-1MARGARET FERRERS b 1404, Groby Leicestershire England m Thomas GREY b 1418, Ruthin Denbighshire Wales; d 12.1461.
Cl19-3-2Elizabeth FERRERS b 1392, Groby Leicestershire d 1460.
m SIR William COLEPEPER/CULPEPER b 1387 Aylesford Kent England d 20.07.1457, 1426-1427 Sheriff of Kent son of
Cl19-3-2-1SIR Richard COLEPEPER/CULPEPER b 1428, West Peckham Kent d 1484
m ISABELLA WORSELEY b 1460 d 1527.
Cl19-3-2-1-1JOYCE CULPEPER b 1481, Tonbridge Kent d 1531
m LORD EDMUND HOWARD b 1480 Tisbury Wiltshire d 19.03.1539.
Cl19-3-3 Thomas Ferrers b 1408 Groby Leicestershire d 06.01.1458.
m Elizabeth Freville b 1398 Tamworth Castle Staffordshire dau of Baldwin Freville and Joan de Greene
Cl19-3-3-1 Sir Thomas Ferrers of Tamworth b 1425 d 1499
m Anne Hastings b 1425
+1 Sir Leonard Hastings of Kirby
Cl19-3-3-1-1 Sir John Ferrers dvp c 1485
m Maud Stanley dau of Sir John Stanley of Elford
Cl19-3-3-1-2 Anne Ferrers
m Sir Thomas Gresley of Drakelow b 1455 d 1503, Sheriff of Staffordshire
-1 ir William Gresley of Drakelow m sp Benedica Vernon dau of Sir Henry Vernon of Haddon Hall p2 Alice Tawke + 5 ch
-2 John Gresley b 1481/2
-3 Sir George Gresley of Drakelow b 1494, d 21.04.1548 m1 Margaret Malsho + 2 ch dau of John Malsho of Finden or Thingeon m2 c 1530 Katharine Sutton + 5 ch dau of John Sutton, Lord Dudley
-4 Robert Gresley d c 1572
-5 James Gresley d 1536 had issue m Katharine
-6 Elizabeth Gresley m1 Sir John de Montgomery d 1513 m2 Sir John Giffard of Chillington d 1566
-7 Ellen Gresley dsp m Sir Nicholas Strelley
-8 Mary Gresley m Thomas Forster of family of Evelik
-1-1+ Thomas Gresley, Edward Gresley, Humphrey Gresley d 1549/50, Anthony Gresley a 1540 had issue, Ursula Gresley
-3-1 Sir William Gresley of Drakelow b 1524/5, d 23.05.1573 m c 1548 Catherine Aston d before 09.1585, dau of Sir Edward Aston of Tixall
-3-2 Katharine Gresley m Edward Winter of Worthington
-3-3 Edward Gresley bur 04.04.1594 had issue m Anne Corbet
-3-4 Elizabeth Gresley m 1557 Charles Somerset
-3-5 Thomas Gresley d before 1572 had issue
-3-6 Anne Gresley
-3-7 Elinor Gresley
-4-1 George Gresley

-3-1-1 Sir Thomas Gresley of Drakelow b 03.11.1552, d 09.1610 m1 c 1573 Elizabeth Harvey dau of James Harvey of London m2 Katharine Walsingham b 1559 bur 18.12.1585 + 6 ch dau of Sir Thomas Walsingham of Beadhay and Scadbury
-3-1-2 Simon Gresley b 1560/1, d 1637 m1 sp Anne Wood d 1591 m2 Anne Dixwell
-3-1-3 Hastings Gresley b 1565/6 m Elizabeth Francis
-3-1-4 Grace Gresley dsp before 1598 m Sir Thomas Wolseley of Wolseley
-3-1-5+ Jane, Mary, Elizabeth Gresley dsp
-3-5-1? possibly here was: Andrew Greeley b c 1570 d Nottinghamshire m Mary Goldmyre

-3-1-1-1 Sir George Gresley, 1st Bart of Drakelow, Sheriff of Derbyshire b 1579/80 d 02.1650/1 m 17.12.1600 Susan Ferrers d after 1621 dau of Sir Humphrey Ferrers of Tamworth
-3-1-1-2 Katharine Gresley d 1635 m1 Francis Dethik of Newhill Dethick of Newhall? m2 Sir Bartholomew Hales of Snitterfield d 1619 m3 Edward Gibbs d c1633/4
-3-1-1-3 Katharine Gresley m Sir Richard Harpur of Swarkston
-3-1-1-4 John Gresley b 1581, d 1623 had issue m Joan More dau of Jasper More of London
-3-1-1-5 Dorothy Gresley b 28.08.1584 m Sir Alan Barlow of Barlow Moor
-3-1-1-6+ Henry b c 1579, bur 16.09.1598, William b 1583/4, Walsingham b 1585 d 1633
-3-5-1-1 Andrew Greeley b c 1590 Nottingham d c 1673 Salisbury Exxex Co MA
m Sarah Browne b by 22 Oct 1592 Rusper West Sussex d 23 Mar 1624 Horley Surrey dau of Rev Joseph Browne b 1562 Horley Oxford by Margaret Patching b 13 Oct 1560

-3-1-1-1-1 Thomas Gresley dvp m Bridget Burdett dau of Sir Thomas Burdett, 1st Bart
-3-1-1-1-2 Elizabeth Gresley d unm
-3-1-1-1-3 Dorothy Gresley m1 Robert Milward m2 Edward Wilmot
-3-5-1-1-1 Andrew Greeley b c 1617 Engl d 30 Jun 1697 Salisbury MA m Mary Moyce b c 1622 Suffolk d 24 Dec 1703 Salibury MA dau of Joseph Moyce and Hannah Folcord b 1601 Dennington Suffolk d 1655 Salisbury MA

-3-1-1-1-1-1 Sir Thomas Gresley, 2nd Bart of Drakelow d 05.06.1699 m Frances Morewood dau of Gilbert Morewood of Netherscale
-3-1-1-1-1-2 George Gresley dsp m Jane Nelson dau of Thomas Nelson
-3-1-1-1-1-3 Frances Gresley m John Whitehall of Pipe Ridware
-3-1-1-1-1-4 Bridget Gresley m Thomas Brome of Fisherwick
-3-1-1-1-1-5 Catherine Gresley m 1664 Richard Dyott
-3-1-1-1-1-6 Elizabeth Gresley m Philip Trafford of Swithomley
-3-1-1-1-1-7 Mary Gresley m John Harpur rector of Morley, grandson of Sir John of Littleover
Cl19-3-3-1-3+ Margaret Ferrers, Leonard Ferrers, Sir Ralph Ferrers, William Ferrers
Cl19-3-3-2 Henry Ferrers b 1440 Chillesmore Warwickshire d 1484 Chillesmore Warwickshire, Knight of the Kings Bodygaurd and Knight of the Shire for Kent , 1480 Kent Sheriff
m Margaret Hexstall b 1430/42 Chillesmore Warwickshire d 1486 Warwickshire
+1 Sir William Hexstall b c 1408 Baddington Nantwich Cheshire d c 1450
m Margaret Bromley b c 1410 Bromley London d 1454 Baddington
+2 Richard Hexstall b c 1382 Baddington Acton 'Cheshire d 1407 Cheshire
m Anne Grovehurst b c 1385 Horsmonden Kent
+2 William Bromley, Lord Bodington b c 1392 Baddington d there 1436
m Margery Mainwaring b c 1396 Baddilegh Cheshire d 1432 Baddington
Cl19-3-3-2-1Henry Ferrers b 1480 Halifax Yorkshire d 06.11.1549 Halifax Yorkshire
m Agnes Horsefalls b 1480 Halifax Yorkshire d 05.06.1569 Burnley Lancashire
Cl19-3-3-2-1-1 512. William Ferrers b 1514 Halifax Yorkshire d 03.04.1573 Heptonstall Yorkshire
m MARGARET LACY b 1524 Bancroft Yorkshire d 28.12.1571
Cl19-4MARGARET CLIFFORD b 1364, Brough Castle Westmoreland d 1455, England m Thomas MELTON b 1367,
Cl19-5Alice de CLIFFORD b 1370, Westmoreland England m Richard DALTON b 1370, Northamptonshire
Cl19-6MAUD de CLIFFORD b 1380, Clifford Castle Herefordshire d 16.05.1442 m Robert HILTON b by 1385, Hilton Durham d 11.08.1448.
Be19 =20 =22Thomas Beauchamp b by 16.03.1338, Warwickshire, Warwick Castle d 08.04.1401, Warwickshire, Warwick Castle
m MARGARET FERRERS b 1354 Leicestershire, Groby England d 22.01.1407 Warwickshire, Warwick Castle dau of
+1 William de FERRERS and MARGARET d' UFFORD
Be18 =19 =21Richard de Beauchamp b 01.1382, Worcestershire, Salwarpe d 30.04.1439, Normandy, Seine-Inferieure, Rouen France 13th Earl of Warwick
m1 Elizabeth de BERKELEY b 1386 Berkeley Thornbury d Thornbury Gloucestershire+ 2 ch
m2 ISABEL DESPENSER, b 22.07.1400 Cardiff Gladmorgan Wales d 27.12.1439 London Middlesex + 2 ch dau of Thomas LE DESPENSER and CONSTANCE PLANTAGENET
m MARGARET FERRERS b 1354 Leicestershire, Groby England d 22.01.1407 Warwickshire, Warwick Castle dau of William de FERRERS and MARGARET d' UFFORD
Be17 =18 =20ELEANOR Beauchamp b 09.1407, Essex, Walthamstow d 06.03.1467,
m1 EDMUND BEAUFORT b 1406 Middlesex, Westminster England d 22.05.1455 2nd Duke of Somerset son of John BEAUFORT and MARGARET HOLAND
m2 Thomas de ROS,. b 26.09.1406 Belvoir Castle Leicestershire England d 18.08.1431, 1487-1496 1st Baron of Burgh son of Thomas BURGH and Elizabeth PERCY
Be17 =19ELEANOR BEAUFORT b 1431 Middlesex, London d 14.08.1501.
m SIR Robert SPENCER b 1430 Devon, Spencercombe d 1500.
+1 Henry SPENCER Sp 18 =21 d 1476
m Isabel Lincoln d c1479, dau of Henry Lincoln
Sp16-1Margaret SPENCER b 1466, Spencercombe Devon d 1501, Wilts
m Thomas CARY of Chilton Foliot Ca15-2 b c 1460 Clovelly Devond before 21.06.1536 Tewkesbury Gloucestershire
+1 William CARY of Cockington b c 1410 d 1437
Ca15-2-1Sir John Cary b 1493, Chilton Foliat Chilton Wiltshire
m JOYCE DENNY b 29.07.1495, Howe Norfolkd 06.04.1560.
Ca15-2-2William Carey d 22.06.1528 adopted Mary Boleyn's two natural children of King Henry VIII
m. Mary Boleyn dau of Sir Thomas Boleyn, Viscount Rochford, Earl of Wiltshire, Earl of Ormond
Sp16-2 = Catherine SPENCER b 1477, Spencercombe Devon d 10.1542
m by 1502 Henry Algernon PERCY Pe17-1-1 b 14.01.1477/8 Leconfield Yorkshire d 19.05.1527 Yorkshire, Northumberland served in the war of 1513 as a grand captain, with a very large retinue. From Calais he went to the siege of Th�rouanne and at the Battle of the Spurs he commanded the "showrers and forridors", Northumberland men on light geldings. , 1477 Yorkshire, East Riding, Wressle Castle, 1489-1527 5th Earl of Northumberland, 1489-1527 Northumberland Lord Lieutenant,1494 Knight Bachelor, 1495 Knight of the Garter, 17 JUN 1497 Battle of Blackheath
+1 Henry Percy Pe17-1, 4th Earl of Northumberland b 1449 d 28.04.1489
m c1476 Maud Herbert d c1485, dau of William Herbert, 1st Earl of Pembroke
+2 Henry Percy Pe18, 3rd Earl of Northumberland b 25.07.1421, k Towton 29.03.1461
m by 25.06.1435 Eleanor de Poynings d 1484, dau of
+2 William Herbert, 1st Earl of Pembroke
+3 Henry Percy Pe19, 2nd Earl of Northumberland, Constable of England b 03.02.1393 d St. Albans 23.05.1455
m 1414 Eleanor Neville dau of Ralph Neville, 1st Earl of Westmorland
+3 Sir Richard de Poynings
Be16-2 513. Thomas Percy b 1504 Alnwick Northumberland England d 02.06.1537 Tyburn London Middlesex
m Eleanor HARBOTTLE b 1504 Beamish Durham d 18.05.1567
Be16-2MARGARET PERCY b 1498, Alnwick Northumberlandd 25.11.1540, Skipton Yorkshire
m Henry CLIFFORD b 1493, Skipton Castle Yorkshired 22.04.1542, Skipton Yorkshire , 1522-1523 Yorkshire Sheriff, Warden of the West Marches and Governor of Carlisle Castle. , 1524-1542 11th Baron of Clifford, 1525-1542 1st Earl of Cumberland
Be16-2MAUD PERCY b 1500, Alnwick Northumberland
Be16-2Sir INGELRAM PERCY b 1506 Alnwick Northumberlandd 1538.
Sp16 =18Anne SPENCER b 1470, Northampton Northamptonshire d 1520, Northamptonshire
m John KNIGHT, son of. b 1470 Charwelton Northamptonshire d 13.01.1550 Romsey Hampshire
Kn15 =17 514. Anne Knight b 1490 Northamptonshire d 1560
m Robert PARGITER, son of Richard PARGITER and ANNE COLES. b 1490 Northamptonshire, Greatworth England d 31.01.1558 Northamptonshire, Greatworth
Be16 =19ANNE BEAUFORT b 1435 London Middlesex
m William PASTON, ESQ.. b 28.05.1434 Paston Norfolk d 1496.
+1 John or William PASTON
Pa15-1William Paston dsp
Pa15 =18 Anne Paston continued her mother's tradition of horse breeding as did her daughter Mary Talbot
m Sir Gilbert Talbot d 22.10.1542
Pa15-3 Elizabeth Paston continued her mother's tradition of horse breeding as did her son Henry Savile.
m Sir John Savill of Thornhill
Pa15-4Mary PASTON b 19.01.1468, Westminster Middlesex d 12.1489
m RALPH NEVILLE, LORD NEVILLE b 1472, Raby Durham d 1498 son of.1 He m1 Mary Paston
m2 Edith Sandys, daughter of Sir William Sandys and Margaret Cheney, after 1489.1 He died in 1498.2 Ralph Neville, Lord Neville was styled as Lord Neville between 1484 and 1498.1 He fought in the King Henry VII's expedition to Picardy in 1492.1 He held the office of Commissioner to treat for the marriage of Princess Margaret with the King of Scotland between 23 June 1495 and 2 September 1496.1 He was in command, under the Earl of Surrey of the army for the invasion of Scotland in July 1497.1 He held the office of Keeper of the truce made with Scotland on 30 September 1497.1 Children of Ralph Neville, Lord Neville and Edith Sandys * unnamed Neville, Lord Neville d b 14982 * Ralph Neville, 4th Earl of Westmorland+ b. 21 Feb 1497/98, d 24 Apr 1549
+1 Ralph Neville, 3rd Earl of Westmorland and Isabel Booth
Be20-2-1-1-3MARGARET BEAUFORT b 1438 London Middlesex d 1474
m1 SIR Richard DAYRELL, son ofb 1430 Littlecote Wiltshire d 1491 m2 HUMPHREY STAFFORD, son of. b 1424 Stafford Staffordshire d 1459 Battle Of St Albans Hertfordshire
+1 William DARELL and Elizabeth CALSTON
Be20-2-1-1-3-1William STAFFORD b 1450, Herefordshire
Be20-2-1-1-3-1-1MARGARET STAFFORD b 1475, Essex
m George de Vere b 1450, Hedingham Castle Essex d 1526,
Be20-2-1-1-3-1Henry STAFFORD b 04.09.1454, Abergavenny Monmouthshire Wales; d 02.11.1483, Salisbury Wiltshire
m Katherine WOODVILLE, b by 1438 Monmouthshire Wales d 18.05.1497 Hatfield Herefordshire, 1460-1483 8th Baron of Stafford, 1460-1483 2nd Duke of Buckingham, 1483 Lord High Constable for ch see above Katherine Woodville. dau of
Be20-2-1-2Elizabeth Beauchamp b 1417 Warwick Warwickshire d c 02.10.1480.
m George NEVILLE b 1410 Raby Castle Durham d 30.12.1469 son of
+1 RALPH de NEVILLE Ne18 =21 1st Earl of Westmoreland d 21 Oct 1425
m2 Joan Beaufort b 1379, d 1440, dau of continued her father's tradition of horse breeding
+2 Sir John Nevill, 3rd Lord of Raby d 17.10.1388
m1 1364 Maud Percy d c 1379, dau of Henry de Percy, 2nd Lord of Alnwick
+2 John Plantagenet 'of Gaunt', Duke of Lancaster
Be20-2-1-2-1Henry NEVILLE b 1437, Buckinghamshire d 26.07.1469.
m JOANNA BOURCHIER b 1442 Halstead Essex
Be20-2-1-2-1-1Thomas NEVILLE b 1468, Staffordshire d 1546.
m LETTICE HARCOURT b 1494 Shenstone Staffordshire d 1520 Shenstone Park Staffordshire Notater for Thomas NEVILLE: GanttoJohn � 21-Jun-10 1:36 AM Thomas appears to have had an older brother, Richard, who received the peerage as 2nd Barron of Latimer from his grandfather, George Neville, Thomas' father, Henry Neville, had been killed at Battle of Edgecote Moor July 26, 1469, leaving the peerage to the next eldest son of the eldest son. It seems Thomas, one of whom there is little information, was left with little but his wife, Letitia Harcourt, and two daughters, Elizabeth and Ellen Neville.
Be20-2-1-2-1-1-1 515. Ellen Neville b 1511 Shenstone Staffordshire d 1547 Warwickshire
Be20-2-1-3ANNE Beauchamp b 13.07.1426, Caversham Castle Oxfordshire d 20.09.1492, Barnet Hertfordshire
m Richard NEVILLE Earl of Warwick b 22.11.1428 Bisham Berkshire d 14.04.1471 Battle Of Barnet Hertfordshire son of Edward NEVILLE and Elizabeth Beauchamp
Be20-2-1-3-1Isabel Nevill b 05.09.1451 Warwickshire d 12.12.1476
m 11.07.1469 George PLANTAGENET b 21.10.1449 Dublin Castle Dublin Co Ireland d 18.02.1478.
+1 y Plantagenet
Be20-2-1-3-1-1Margaret Plantagenet b 14.08.1473, Bath Somerset d 27.05.1541, Tower of London Middlesex
m 22.09.1494 Sir Richard Pole d 11.1504 b 1460 Isleworth Middlesex d 1505
+1 Geoffrey la POLE
m Edith St. John dau of Sir Oliver St. John of Penmark, later of Bletsho
Be20-2-1-3-1-1-1 516. Henry Pole b 1492 Buckinghamshire, Ellesborough k 09.01.1539 Tower of London Middlesex England Cause: beheaded
m Lady Jane Neville b 1481 Abergavenny Monmouthshire Wales d 09.01.1539
Be20-2-1-3-1-1-2 517. Ursula de la Pole b 1506 Middlesex d 1570
m Henry Stafford b 1501 Penshurst Kent d 1563 Shropshire, 1547-1563 1st Baron of Stafford, 1559 Staffordshire Lord Lieutenant
Be20-2-1-4Elizabeth Beauchamp b 16.09.1415, Hanley Castle Worcestershire d 18.06.1448, Abergavenny Monmouthshire Wales.
m Edward NEVILLE b 1414 Raby Castle Staindrop, Durham England d 1476 �Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, de facto 3rd (dejure 1st) Baron Abergavenny, Captain in Edward IV's army in the North in 1462, 1438 Justice of the Peace, 1447-1476 3rd Baron of Bergavenny son of RALPH de NEVILLE and LADY de BEAUFORT
Be20-2-1-4-1Richard NEVILLE b 22.11.1428, Bisham Berkshire d 14.04.1471, Battle Of Barnet Hertfordshire
m ANNE Beauchamp, b 13.07.1426 Caversham Castle Oxfordshire d 20.09.1492 Barnet Hertfordshire dau of Richard de Beauchamp and ISABEL DESPENSER for ch see Anne Beauchamp above
Be20-2-1-4-2George NEVILLE b 1440, Raby Castle Durham d 20.09.1492, Lewes Priory Sussex
m MARGARET FENNE b 1444 Wayland Norfolk d 28.09.1485 Abergavenny Monmouthshire Wales dau of
+1 Hugh Fenne/?= Fiennes
Be20-2-1-4-2-1Sir Edward NEVILLE b 1471, Abergavenny Monmouthshire Wales; d 19.01.1538, Tower Of London London Middlesex
m Eleanor WINDSOR b 1483 Stanwell Middlesex d 1531
Be20-2-1-4-2-1-1 518. Edward Neville b 1526 Newton St Loe Somerset d 10.02.1588 Newton St Loe Somerset
m Katherine BROME b 1528 Newton St Loe Somerset
Be20-2-1-4-2-1-2SIR Henry NEVILLE b 1520, St Lawrence Berkshired 13.01.1593, St Lawrence Berkshire, 1572-1573 Berkshire Sheriff
m Elizabeth BACON b 1541, Gorhambury Hertfordshired 03.05.1621, Redgrave Suffolk
Be20-3Philippa Beauchamp b 1335, Gloucestershire, Elmley d 06.04.1386, Staffordshire, Stafford
m HUGH STAFFORD 3rd Baron of Stafford b 1344 Staffordshire d 16.10.1386 South Aegean, Rhodes Greece son of Sir y de STAFFORD and MARGARET de AUDLEY
Be20-3-1JOAN STAFFORD b 1378, Lancashire, Upholland d 01.10.1442, Gloucestershire, Cirencester England
m1 Sir John KNYVETT b 1394, Northamptonshire, Southwick d 11.09.1445, Norfolk, Buckenham England
m2 Thomas HOLLAND b 1373, Uppholland Lancashire d 08.01.1400, 1397-1399 1st Duke of Surrey 1397-1400 3rd Earl of Kent 1397-1400 7th Baron of Wake of Liddell
Be20-3-2164. ii. EDMUND de STAFFORD b 02.03.1377, Stafford Staffordshire d 22.07.1403, Battle of Shrewsbury Shropshire
m ANNE PLANTAGENET b 04.1383 Phesby Essex England d 16.10.1438 dau of Thomas PLANTAGENET and Eleanor de BOHUN
Be20-3-2-1LADY ANNE STAFFORD b 1400, Staffordshire d 20.09.1432.
m John HOLLAND b 18.03.1395 Darlington Devon England d 05.08.1447 son of John HOLLAND and Elizabeth PLANTAGENET
Be20-3-2-1-1ANNE HOLLAND b 1428, London Middlesex d 26.12.1486.
m SIR John NEVILLE, son ofb 1410 Raby Durham d 29.03.1461 Yorkshire, Battle of Towton, 1459-1461 1st Baron of Neville de Raby
+1 John de NEVILLE and LADY de HOLAND
Be20-3-2-1-1-1RALPH NEVILLE b 1456, Raby Durham d 06.02.1499, Hornby Castle Yorkshire, 3rd Earl of Westmorland, son of Sir John Neville, 1st Lord Neville and Lady Anne Holand , from grief at his son's death.3 He was buried at Parish Church, Hornby Castle, succeeded to the title of 3rd Lord Neville [E., 1459] on 6 October 1472., invested as a Knight, Order of the Bath on 18 April 1475, Commissioner to keep the truce with Scotland in September 1484, succeeded to the title of 6th Lord Neville, of Raby [E., 1295] on 3 November 1484, commander of the army for the invasion of Scotland in 1497, in the campaign in Scotland against Perkin Warbeck in 1497.
m ISABEL BOOTH b 1457 Sawley Derbyshire
+1 Sir Roger Booth and Catherine Hatton
Be20-3-2-1-1-1-1 519. Ralph Neville LORD NEVILLE b 1472 Raby Durham England d 1498 , fought in the King Henry VII's expedition to Picardy in 1492, Commissioner to treat for the marriage of Princess Margaret with the King of Scotland between 23 June 1495 and 2 Sep 1496 , in command, under the Earl of Surrey of the army for the invasion of Scotland in July 1497, Keeper of the truce made with Scotland on 30 Sep 1497
m1 Mary PASTON b 19.01.1468 Westminster Middlesex d 12.1489 dau of William PASTON and ANNE BEAUFORT
m2 EDITH SANDYS b 1471 Sherborne St John Hampshire England d 22.08.1537 London Middlesex + 2 ch
Be20-3-2-1-1-1-2LADY ANNE NEVILLE b 1476, Raby Durham
Be20-3-2-1-2Henry HOLLAND b 27.06.1430, London Middlesex d 09.1475
m ANNE of YORK b 10.08.1439, Fotheringhay Northamptonshire d 14.01.1475, 1447-1475 3rd Duke of Exeter
Be20-3-2-2HUMPHREY STAFFORD b 15.08.1402, Stafford Staffordshire d 10.07.1460, Battle of Northampton Northamptonshire, 1403-1460 7th Baron of Stafford , knight of the Garter in April 1429, 1444-1460 1st Duke of Buckingham
m ANNE NEVILLE, b 1408 Stafford Staffordshire England d 1472 dau of RALPH de NEVILLE and LADY de BEAUFORT
Be20-3-2-2-1ANNE STAFFORD b 1446, Stafford Staffordshire
m Aubrey de Vere b 1430, Hedingham Castle Essex
Be20-3-2-2-2John STAFFORD b 1432 Stafford Staffordshire d 08.05.1473 Essex
m CONSTANCE Green b 1445, Drayton Northamptonshire d 02.03.1475.
Be20-3-2-2-3HUMPHREY STAFFORD b 1424, Stafford Staffordshire d 1459, Battle Of St Albans Hertfordshire
m MARGARET BEAUFORT b 1438 London Middlesex d 1474. dau of EDMUND BEAUFORT and Eleanor Beauchamp for ch see above 306) Margaret Beaufort.
Be20-3-2-2-4/td>SIR Henry STAFFORD b 1430, Stafford Staffordshire d 04.10.1471 m MARGARET BEAUFORT b 31.05.1443, Bletsoe Castle Bedford
Be20-3-3MARGARET COUNTESS de STAFFORD b 1364, Brancepeth Durham d 09.06.1396, Raby Castle Durham
m RALPH de NEVILLE b 1364 Raby Castle Durham England d aft 21.10.1425 Raby Castle Durham 1st Earl of Westmorland son of John NEVILLE and MAUD de PERCY
Be20-3-3-1PHILLIPPA de NEVILLE b 1386, Raby Durham d c 08.07.1453.
m Thomas de DACRE b 27.10.1387 Naworth Castle Brampton Cumberland England d 05.01.1458, 1398-1458 6th Baron of Dacre son of William de DACRE and JOAN DOUGLAS
Be20-3-3-1-1HUMPHREY DACRE b 1424, Gilsland Cumberland d 30.05.1485, Gilsland Cumberland
m MABEL PARR b 1441 Ravensworth Yorkshire d 14.11.1508 Cumberland
Be20-3-3-1-1-1Thomas DACRE b 25.11.1467, Gilsland Cumberland d 24.10.1525, Lanercost Priory Cumberland
m Elizabeth BARONESS OF GREYSTOKE b 10.07.1471 Morpeth Northumberland d 14.08.1516.
Be20-3-3-1-1-1-1 520. Mary Dacre b 1502 Gilsland Cumberland England d 29.03.1538 Yorkshire
m FRANCIS Talbot b 1500 Sheffield Castle Yorkshire d 21.09.1560 Yorkshire son of
+1 George Talbot and ANNE HASTINGS
Be20-3-3-2RALPH de NEVILLE b 1392, Raby Castle Durham d 26.02.1458, Alcester Warwickshire
m Mary de FERRERS b 1394 Alcester Warwickshire England d 25.01.1458 dau of Robert de FERRERS and LADY de BEAUFORT
Be20-3-3-2-1John de NEVILLE b 1418, Alcester Warwickshire d 17.03.1482, Althorpe Lincolnshire England
m Elizabeth NEWMARCH b 1418, Pontrefact Yorkshire d by 1467, Althorpe Lincolnshire
Be20-3-3-3Alice de NEVILLE b 1389, Raby Castle Durham
m Thomas GREY b 1388 Heaton Castle Northumberland England d 04.08.1415 son of Thomas GREY and JOAN de MOWBRAY
Be20-3-3-3-1RALPH GRAY b 09.09.1406, Chillingham Glendale Northumberland d 17.03.1442.
m Elizabeth FITZHUGH, dau of Henry FITZHUGH and Elizabeth de GREY b 1410 Ravensworth Yorkshire d c 1445.
Be20-3-3-3-1-1RALPH GRAY b 1432, Chillingham Glendale Northumberland
m JAQUETTA STANLOWE b 1436 Chillingham Glendale Northumberland d 26.09.1469 Yorkshire
Be20-3-3-3-1-1-1 521. Edward Gray b 1464 Chillingham Glendale Northumberland d 06.12.1533
m ANN GOWER b 1492 Standby Yorkshire
Be20-3-3-4LADY MAUD NEVILLE b 1384, Raby Castle Durham d 10.1438, Scarborough Yorkshire
m PIERS de MAULEY, 5TH BARON MAULEY b 1378, Mulgrave Castle Yorkshire d 06.09.1415.
Be20-3-3-5John de NEVILLE, LORD NEVILLE b 1387, Raby Durham d by 20.05.1820 m LADY Elizabeth de HOLAND b 1394, Upholland Lancashire d 04.01.1424. Notater for John de NEVILLE, LORD NEVILLE: John de Neville, Lord Neville was born before 1387.2 He was the son of Ralph de Neville, 1st Earl of Westmorland and Lady Margaret de Stafford.1 He married Lady Elizabeth de Holand, daughter of Thomas de Holand, 2nd Earl of Kent and Alice FitzAlan, after 29 August 1394.2 He and Lady Elizabeth de Holand obtained a marriage license on 29 August 1394.2 He died before 20 May 1420.3 John de Neville, Lord Neville was styled as Lord Neville between 1397 and 1420.1 He held the office of Keeper of Roxburghe Castle between 12 November 1408 and 1 August 1411.2 He held the office of Warden of the West Marches towards Scotland between 15 May 1414 and 1420.2 He fought in the siege of Caen between August 1417 and September 1417.2 On 2 October 1417 he took the surrender of those in the castle of Courcy.2 He held the office of Captain of the castle and town of Verneuil on 31 October 1417.2 He fought in the siege of Rouen between July 1418 and January 1418/19.2 He held the office of Keeper of the Warren of St. John, Argences, in the bailiwick of Caen on 25 July 1419.2 Children of John de Neville, Lord Neville and Lady Elizabeth de Holand * Sir Thomas Neville+ 4 * Ralph Neville, 2nd Earl of Westmorland+ b. 17 Sep 1406, d 3 Nov 14845 * Sir John Neville, 1st Lord Neville+ b. c 1410, d 29 Mar 14611
Be20-3-3-6LADY Elizabeth NEVILLE b 1389, Raby Castle Durham
Be20-3-3-7Lady Margaret Neville b 1393, Raby Castle Durham d 1465, Clare Suffolk
m Richard le Scrope b 1391 Raby Durham d 29.08.1420 Yorkshire
+1 Roger le Scrope 2nd Baronof Bolton d 3 Dec 1403 and Margaret Tiptoft
Be20-3-3-7-1Henry LE SCROPE b 13.06.1418, Bolton Yorkshire d 1459, Bolton Yorkshire
m Elizabeth Scrope b 1417 Masham Yorkshire d c 08.1498.
+1 John Scrope, 4th Lord of Masham
Be20-3-3-7-1-1Margaret/Mary le Scrope b 1440 Bolton Wensley Yorkshire d c 1496.
m John Bernard b 1437 Abington Northamptonshire d 1485 Abington Northamptonshire
Be20-3-3-7-1-1-1 522. John Bernard b 1469 Abington Northamptonshire d 24.08.1508 Abington Northamptonshire
m MARGARET WAKE b 1473 Towcester Blisworth Northamptonshire
Be20-3-3-8Lady Anastasia Neville b 1395, Raby Castle Durham
Be20-3-3-9Lady Anne de Neville b 1394 Raby Castle Durha
m Sir Gilbert Uumfraville b 18.10.1390 Harbottle Castle Northumberland dsp Buage 22.03.1420/1
Be20-3-4Katherine de Stafford b 1370, Stafford Staffordshire d 08.04.1419, Hull Yorkshire
m Michael de la Pole b 1367 Hull Yorkshire England d 18.09.1415 Harfleur Seine-Maritime Normandy FR 1398-1415 2nd Earl of Suffolk son of
+1 Michael de la Pole and Katherine de Wingfield
Be20-3-4-1Isabel de la Pole b 1398, Cotton Suffolk d 08.02.1467, Elsing Norfolk
m Thomas Morley b 1394 Elsing Norfolk England d 06.12.1435 Morley Norfolk
Be20-3-4-1-1Elizabeth Morley b 1424 Hingham Norfolk d 1449 Lanherne Cornwall
m Sir John Arundell b 07.01.1421 Cornwall d 12 Nov 1473 Vale de Lanherne Cornwall
+1 Sir John Arundell of Lanherne b c 1400
m2 Margaret Burgersh dau of Sir John Burgersh
+2 Sir John Arundell of Lanherne b 1367, d 07.01.1434-5
m Eleanor Lamborne dau of Sir William Lamborne of Lamborne
+3 Sir John Arundell of Lanherne d by 1377
m Joan Luscote dau of Sir William Luscote or Lustock
+4 Sir John de Arundell of Lanherne
m1 1334-5 Elizabeth Carminow d 1363 dau of Sir Oliver Carminow, Chamberlain
Be20-3-4-1-1-1Anne Arundell b 1448, Lanherne Cornwall
m James Tyrrell b 1451 East Horndon Essex d 06.05.1502 London
Be20-3-4-2Michael de la Pole b 1394 Cotton Suffolk k 25.10.1415 Battle of Agincourt Pas-de Calais France m Elizabeth Catherine MOWBRAY b 1394,
Be20-4Joan Beauchamp b 1335 Warwickshire
m Ralph Basset b 1335 Draytom.
Be20-5Isabel de Beauchamp b 1340, Warwick Warwickshire d 29.09.1416 m GUILLAUME DUMARESQ b 1328, La Haule Isle Jersey Channel Island (Possible marriage to Guillaume Dumaresq, but this is not supported by the literature except Descendants of Jordan Dumaresq (1300)
Be20-6William Beauchamp b 1343, Warwick Castle Warwickshire d 08.05.1411, Abergavenny Monmouthshire Wales1392-1411 1st Baron of Bergavenny
m JOAN FITZALAN b 1375, Arundel Sussex d 14.11.1435, Abergavenny Monmouthshire Wales.
Be22 =23 =24 =30 =32ISABEL de Beauchamp b 1252, Warwick Warwickshire d 30.05.1306, Elmley Castle Worcestershire
m1 HUGH LE DESPENCER b 01.03.1260 Hampshire, Winchester d 27.10.1326 Gloucestershire1265-1326 2nd Baron of Despencer 1322-1326 1st Earl of Winchester 1326 hanged Beheaded and his body cut into pieces for the dogs. His head was sent for display to Winchester Invasion of England son of
m2 SIR PATRICK CHATWORTH b 1250 Kempsford Gloucestershire England d 07.07.1283 son of
+1 Sir Hugh le Despenser of Loughborough, etc b by 1223 d Evesham 04.08.1265, Justiciar
m by 1260 Aline or Aliva Basset
De22 =23 =24HUGH le DESPENCER "THE YOUNGER" b 01.03.1287 Hampshire, Winchester dsp 24.11.1326. 1326 Invasion of England
m Eleanor de Clare b 10.1292 Glamorgan, Cardiff Wales d 30.07.1337 Gloucestershire, Tewkesbury dau of GILBERT de Clare and JOAN PLANTAGENET
De21-1Hugh Despencer, Lord Despencer b c 1308, dsp 1349
m Elizabeth de Montacute dau of William de Montacute, 1st Earl of Salisbury She married 2nd before 10.07.1350 Guy de Brian or Briene or Bryan, Lord Bryan/Briene/de Bryen d 17.08.1390 VII
De21EDWARD le DESPENCER b 24.03.1335, Rutland, Essendine d 11.11.1375, Glamorgan Wales, 1357-1375 1st Baron of Despencer
m Elizabeth de BURGHERSH, b 1342 Ewyas Lacy Herefordshire England d 26.07.1409. 1369-1402 3rd Baroness of Burghersh dau of BARTHOLOMEW de BURGHERSH and CICELY de WEYLAND
Be22-2-2-1-1MARGARET le DESPENSER b 1365, Ewyas Lacy Herefordshire d 03.11.1415.
m Sir Robert de FERRERS,. b 31.10.1357 Chartley Staffordshire England d 12.03.1413 1367-1413 4th Baron of Ferrers of Chartley . Son and heir of John de Ferrers and Elizabeth de Stafford. Grandson of Robert de Ferrers and Margaret, Ralph de Stafford and Margaret Audley. Husband of Elizabeth, married after 16 Sept 1376. Secondly, husband of Margaret le Despenser, youngest daughter of Edward le Despenser and Elizabeth, daughter of Bartholomew Berghersh. They had three sons and one daughter: Sir Edmund, Thomas, Edward and Phillipe, wife of Sir Thomas Greene. son of
+1 John de FERRERS and Elizabeth de Stafford
Be22-2-2-1-1-1SIR Thomas Greene b 10.02.1400, d 18.01.1462, Knight of Green's Norton and Boughton, Northamptonshire, of Nunnignton, Stonegrave and Ness, Yorkshire. In right of his first wife, of Stone Court in Carshalton, Surrey. Sheriff of Northamptonshire, Knight of the Shire for Northamptonshire. Son and heir to Sir Thomas Greene and Mary Talbot. Grandson of Sir Thomas Greene and Miss Mablethorp, Sir Richard Talbot and Ankaret le Strange.
m by 16 Dec 1421 Philippa de FERRERS b 1397 England d aft 1427 + 7 ch dau of Sir Robert de Ferrers and Margaret le Despenser she m2 Nicholas Griffin of Braybrook
m2 07 Dec 1434 Mary Bellers + 3 dau dau of John Bellers of Eye Kettleby and Elizabeth Sutton
Be22-2-2-1-1-1-1SIR Thomas Greene d 09.09.1462 m MATILDA THROCKMORTON b d The tomb of Sir Thomas Greene and Maud, his wife, in Greene's Norton Church is described on page 43 of Boutell's Monumental Brasses of England as follows: "1462 Sir Thomas Grene and Matilda Throckmorton his wife, Green's Norton Church, Northamptonshire. This knight wears over his steel breast plate a demi-placate, and he has a lance rest screwed upon the armour which covers his breast on the right side. The two pouldrons are not very dissimilar and they are finished above by a serrated ridge some what resembling the back fin of a fish. This appears to be prototype of the passe-guards of a later period. The coudieres are large, and also serated like the pauldrons. About the throat is a collar or mentoniere of mail: the head and hands are bare; the former rests upon a tilting-helmet, now despoiled of its crest: the latter are clasped and uplifted as in prayer. The figure below the waist is drawn in such a manner as to represent the knees as turned outwards: the joints of the armour inside the legs are, consequently and the singularly formed genouillieres with their back plates, and also the tuilles are seen in profile. The sollents are still pointed. Between the tuilles appears the skirt of a haketon, and over this a baguette of mail. The sword is girded at the left side almost perpendicularly, by a narrow belt: and from this same belt a misericorde of unusual size is suspended in front of the person. The lady is in a widows habit: she wears a kirtle, a mantle a flowing kerchief upon the head, and a barbe beneath the chin. Beneath the larger effigies were smaller figures of their four children: but these which were severally labelled Thomas, (???), John, and Elizabeth have all disappeared except the last. Of four shields originally placed at the angles of the composition, two only remain: these bear Grene impaling Ferras, and Grene and Mablethorpe quarterly. This fine and interesting brass was originally fixed upon an altartomb: but this now destroyed, and the brass lies upon the pavement of the chancel. The border legend has been preserved and is as follows: HIC JACET Thomas GRENE MILES DNS de NORTON ET MATILDA UX EI QUI VERO Thomas FUIT FILI ET HERES THOME GRENE MILIT de EADM, ET PHILLIPEE UXIS EIUS FILIE ROBERTI DNI FFERRAIRS de CHARTELY ET Elizabeth UXORIS EIUS FILLIE THOME DNI LE SPENCER QUI QUIDM, Thomas GRENE PATER FREFATI THOME GRENE FUIT FILUIS ET HERES THOME GRENE MILITIS DNI de NORTON PREDCA? AT MARIE UXIS EIUS FILIE RICI DNI Talbot ET ANKNETE UXORIS EIMS FILIE ET HERED, JohnIS DNI STRANGE de BLAKEMERE QUI QUIDM PFATUS Thomas FILIUS PDCOR THOME ET PhilipPE OBIJT IX DIE MEUS SEPTEMBRIS ANNO DNI MILLIUS CCCC LXII ET PFATA MATILD UNA FILIARUM JOHIS THROCKMORTON ARMIGERI SUBTHERAURARIJ ANGL OBIJT (???) DIE MEUS (???) ANNO MILO CCCC (???) QR AIABUS PPICIETUR SENS AMEN."
Be22-2-2-1-1-1-2Anthony Greene
Be22-2-2-1-1-1-3John Greene
Be22-2-2-1-1-1-4Elizabeth Greene m John Reading
Be22-2-2-1-1-1-5Isabel Greene m Edmund Cornwall
Be22-2-2-1-1-1-6Margaret Greene m Nicholas Hawte
Be22-2-2-1-1-1-7Philippe Greene d aft 1427.
Be22-2-2-1-1-1-8Anne Greene m Sir Thomas Pinchbeck
Be22-2-2-1-1-1-9Elizabeth Greene m Sir Brian Sandford
Be22-2-2-1-1-1-10Joan Greene m Sir William Pickering
Be22-2-2-1-1-2Sir EDMUND FERRERS b 1386, Chartley Castle Staffordshire d 17.12.1435, 1413-1435 5th Baron of Ferrers of Chartley, 25 OCT 1415 knighted Battle of Agincourt
m ELLEN ROCHE, b 1395 Castle Bromwich Warwickshire England d 04.11.1440. dau of Thomas LA ROCHE and Elizabeth BERMINGHAM
Be22-2-2-1-1-2-1MARGARET FERRERS b 1413, Worcestershire, Powick d 29.01.1487
m John Beauchamp. b 1409 Worcestershire, Powick d 09.04.1475 Worcestershire, Powick, 1447-1475 1st Baron of Beauchamp, 1450-1452 Treasurer
+1 Sir William de Beauchamp of Powyke d before 1431
m Catherine de Ufflete dau of Sir Gerard de Ufflete
Be22-2-2-1-1-2-1-1Sir Richard de Beauchamp b 1434, Worcestershire, Powick d 1503.
m Elizabeth STAFFORD, dau of b 1435 Worcestershire, Beauchamp Court
Be22-2-2-1-1-2-1-1-1 523. Anne de Beauchamp b 1470 Beauchamp Court Worcestershire
m Richard Lygon b 1466 Worcestershire, Madresfield d 01.05.1512
Be22-2-2-1-1-2-1-1-2MARGARET Beauchamp b 1472, Beauchamp Court Worcestershire m William READE b 1460, Gloucestershire
Be22-2-2-1-1-2-1-1-3524. iii. Elizabeth Beauchamp b 1468, Beauchamp Court Worcestershire
Be22-2-2-1-2Thomas le DESPENSER b 22 Sep 1373, Gloucestershire d 13.01.1400, Gloucestershire, supported King Richard II, When that king fell, Thomas was captured, attainted and beheaded.
m 1386 Constance Plantagenet d 28.11.1416,
m CONSTANCE PLANTAGENET b 1374 Conisborough Castle Yorkshire England d 28.11.1416 Berkshire dau of
+1 Edmund Plantagenet of Langley, 1st Duke of York
Be22-2-2-1-2-1Sir Richard LE DESPENSER, 4TH LORD BURGHERSH b 30.11.1396, Elmley Worcestershire dsp 07.10.1414, Surrey
m Eleanor NEVILLE b 1399, Raby Castle Durham d 1463, Warkworth Castle Alnwick Northumberland dau of Ralph Nevill, 1st Earl of Westmorland (Probably by 1st or 2nd wife) Mary (or Anne) West = Roger Lewknor, son of Sir Roger Lewknor and Eleanor Camoys.
Be22-2-2-1-2-2Elizabeth Despencer d y
Be22-2-2-1-2-3ISABEL DESPENSER b 22.07.1400, Cardiff Gladmorgan Wales; d 27.12.1439, London Middlesex
m Richard de Beauchamp b 01.1382 Worcestershire, Salwarpe d 30.04.1439 Normandy, Seine-Inferieure, Rouen France, 13th Earl of Warwick son of Thomas Beauchamp and MARGARET FERRERS for ch see above Richard de Beauchamp.
Be22-2-2-2121. ii. ISABEL DESPENCER b c 1310 Gloucestershire d 1372.
Be22-2-2-3 iii. HUGH LE DESPENCER b 1308, Stoke Gloucestershire d 16.02.1349 1326-1349 2nd Baron of Despencer
m Elizabeth MONTAGU b 1327 Donyatt Somerset d 08.06.1359
Be22-2-2-4Elizabeth LE DESPENCER b 1322 Stoke Gloucestershire England d 13.07.1389 Berkeley Castle Thornbury Gloucestershire
m MAURICE IV 'THE VALIENT' de BERKELEY b 1330 Berkeley Castle Thornbury Gloucestershire England d 08.06.1368, 1361-1368 4th Baron of Berkeley son of
+1 Thomas de Berkeley 3rd Lord b c1296, d 27.10.1361
m1 c25.07.1320 Margaret Mortimer d 05.05.1337, dau of Roger Mortimer, 1st Earl of March
+2 Maurice de Berkeley Be22, 2nd Lord b 04.1271, d 31.05.1326
m1. 1289 Eva Zouche d 05.12.1314, dau of Eudes la Zouche
+3 Thomas de Berkeley Be23 =24 =25 =26, 1st Lord b 1245, d 23.07.1321
m 1267 Joan Ferrers d 19.03.1309/10
Be22-2-2-4-1James de BERKELEY b 1354, Chipping Sodbury Gloucestershire d 13.06.1405, Raglan Castle, Usk Monmouthshire Wales
m Elizabeth BLUET b 1373 Raglan Castle, Usk Monmouthshire Wales d by 1415
+1 Sir John Bluet of Raglan b c 1332 d c 1372 +2 Ralph Bluet b c 1309 d c 1361
m Elizabeth verch Rhys
+3 Ralph Bluet
m Amicia Picard b c 1275
+5 John Picard
m Katherine FitzReynold b c 1240
+6 Sir Reginold FitzPiers b c 1190 d 1286
m1 Alice de Stanford
m2 Joan de Fortibus de Vivonia
+7 Piers FitzHerbert of Blaen Llyfni b c 1170 d 01.06.1235
m Isabel de Ferrieres b c 1165 d before 31.05.1252 HJY
+8 Herbert FitzHerbert b by 1145 d by 1204
m Lucy de Gloucester
Be22-2-2-4-1-2Sir James de Berkeley, 'THE JUST' b 1394, Raglan Castle, Usk Monmouthshire Wales d 11.1463, Berkeley Castle Thornbury Gloucestershire, 1418-1463 1st Baron of Berkeley
m1.?mcrt 19.04.1410 dau of Sir John St John m2 1415 x Stafford dau of dsp
m3 1423/4 Isabel Mowbray b 1386 Bristol Gloucestershire d 27.09.1452 dau of
+1 Sir Humphrey Stafford of Hooke
+1 Thomas de Mowbray, 1st Duke of Norfolk and Elizabeth FITZALAN
Be22-2-2-4-1-2-1William Berkeley, 2nd Lord, Marquess of Berkeley b 1426 Berkeley Castle Thornbury Gloucestershire dsp 14.02.1491-2 William de BERKELEY b 1426, 1st and last Marquess of Berkeley was born in 1426 at Berkeley Castle, Berkeley, Gloucestershire, 1 He was the son of James de Berkeley, 1st Lord Berkeley and Lady Isabel Mowbray.1 He married, firstly, Elizabeth West, daughter of Sir Reynold West, 6th Lord la Warre and Margaret Thorley, in 1466.2 He and Elizabeth West were divorced on 20 November 1467 although Elizabeth appealed the divorce to Pope Paul II.2 He married, secondly, Joan Strangways, daughter of Sir Thomas Strangways and Lady Katherine Neville, in November 1468.2 He married, thirdly, Anne Fiennes, daughter of Sir John Fiennes and Alice FitzHugh, circa 1486.3 He died on 14 February 1491/92 at Westminster, London, without surviving issue.3 He was buried at St. Augustine's Friars, London, 3 William de Berkeley, 1st and last Marquess of Berkeley also went by the nick-name of William 'the Wass all'.1 He was invested as a Knight circa 1438.1 He succeeded to the title of 2nd Lord Berkeley [E., 1421] in November 1463, by writ.1 On 20 March 1469/70 he was challenged by Thomas Talbot, Viscount Lisle to settle the claims to his great-uncle Thomas's estates, by combat. Thomas was killed in the combat.1 He was invested as a Knight Bachelor on 18 April 1475.1 He was styled as Viscount of Catherlough co. Carlow [Ireland] between 1481 and 10 February 1485.4 He was created 1st Viscount Berkeley [] on 21 April 1481.1 He was invested as a Privy Counsellor (P.C.) on 5 March 1482/83.1 He was created 1st Earl of Nottingham [] on 28 June 1483.1 He held the office of Great Marshal of on 19 February 1485/86.1 He held the office of Earl Marshal on 19 February 1485/86.1 He was created 1st Marquess of Berkeley [] on 28 January 1488/89.1 His last will was dated 5 February 1491/92.3 On his death, the three peerages granted to him became extinct, although the Barony of Berkeley survived.3 Children of William de Berkeley, 1st and last Marquess of Berkeley and Joan Strangways
m1 JOAN STRANGEWAYS, dau of b 1441 Harsley Yorkshire d 24.02.1485 St Augustines Friars London Middllesex +2 ch
m2 Elizabeth WEST, dau of b 1427 Wiltshire d 1467 Gloucestershire m3 ANNE FIENNES b 1468 d 1497.
+1 Thomas STRANGEWAYS and Catherine de NEVILLE
Be22-2-2-4-1-1-2-1Katherine BERKELEY b. Mar 1469/70 d c 1475
Be22-2-2-4-1-1-2-2SIR Thomas BERKELEY b aft 04.03.1469 d 1475
Be22-2-2-4-1-2-2Maurice Berkeley'The Lawyer', de jure 3rd Baron of Berkeley b c1435 Berkeley Castle Thornbury Gloucestershire d 09.1506, 1492-1506
m Isabel Mead b 1444 Meads Place Wraxell Somerset d c 29.05.1514 Coventry Warwickshire dau of
+1 Philip Meade of Meade's Place, Mayor of Bristol
Be22-2-2-4-1-2-2-1Maurice Berkeley, de jure 4th Lord b 1467, dsp 12.09.1523
m. 1484 Catherine Berkeley d 1526, dau of Sir William Berkeley of Stoke Gifford
Be22-2-2-4-1-2-2-2Thomas Berkeley, de jure 5th Lord b 1472, d 22.01.1532-3
m1. 1504-5 Eleanor Constable d 1525, dau of Sir Marmaduke Constable of Flamborough
Be22-2-2-4-1-2-2-3James BERKELEY b 1476, Berkeley Castle Thornbury Gloucestershire d c 1515
m?1 Ursula Veele wid of y Vuedall
m2 (Reported by ) Susan FitzAlan b 1470 Arundel Sussex
+1 Sir William FitzAlan b 1445 Arundell d 25 Oct 1524 Singleton West Sussex
m Elizabeth Haughstone
Be22-2-2-4-1-2-2-3-1 525. Mary Berkeley b 1496/?1511 Berkeley Castle Gloucester d 1586 Romsey Hampshire - possibly fits here dau of James, '2nd' son of Lord Maurice. reports as dau of Susan FitzAlan and a second and third marriage and children as shown below.
m. Sir Thomas Perrott of Haroldston d 1531Their son has been identified as possibly Mary's illegitimate son by King Henry VIII.
p1 Henry VIII KING OF ENGLAND. b 28.06.1491 Greenwich Palace Kent d 28.01.1547 Westminster Middlesex
Sir Thomas Perrott of Haroldston d 1531Their son has been identified as possibly Mary's illegitimate son by King Henry VIII., son of OWEN PERROTT and Katherine POYNTZ. b 1495 Haroldston Pembrokeshire Wales
m3 Rowland Pughe
m4 1532 Sir Thomas JONES b 1492 Bredwardine Herefordshire d by 26.06.1559son of John Thomas and Elizabeth VAUGHAN
Be22-2-2-4-1-2-2-4Ann Berkeley
m. Sir William Dennis of Dirham
Be22-2-2-4-1-2Elizabeth de BERKELEY b 1402, Gloucestershire
m Thomas BURDET b 1400,
-1-1-1-1-2-1 -2-1-5ISABELLA ST AMAND b 1313 Hull Yorkshire England
m Richard HANDLO b 1311 Hadlow Kent d 1343 son of John HANDLO and JOAN FITZNIGEL
Be22-2-2-5-1MARGARET de HAULDO b 1332; d 12.1371.
m John APPLEBY. b 1330 d 1394.
Be22-2-2-5-1-1JOAN APPLEBY b 1355, d 1391,
m Roger de COGHALL. b 1350 Little Leigh Northwich Cheshire England d 1391
Be22-2-2-5-1-1-1JOHANNA de COGHALL b 1375, Little Leigh Northwich Cheshire d 1404, Puddington Wirral Cheshire
m John MASSEY OR MASCY of PONTINGTON b 1373 Puddington Wirral Cheshire k 21.07.1403 Battle of Shrewsbury Shropshire killed in action
Be22-2-2-5-1-1-1-1Hugh Massey de CODDINGHAM b 1389 Coddington Cheshire d 1456,
m Agnes Bold, dau of b 1390 Coddington Cheshire
+1 Nicholas BOLD
Be22-2-2-5-1-1-1-1-1 526. William Massey de CODDINGHAM Bechin, Eggerley, etc. b 1440 England d 1465
m Agnes Wooten b 1445 Adquery Cheshire
-1-1-1-1-2-1 -2-2Philip le DESPENCER b 1290, Stoke Gifford Shipping Sodbury Gloucestershire d 24.09.1313
m MARGARET de GOUSHILL b 12.05.1294, Toppesfield Essex d 29.07.1349.
-1-1-1-1-2-1 -2-3MARGARET DESPENCER b 1292, Southampton Hampshire d by 15.02.1351.
m John ST AMAND b 1278 Loughborough Leicestershire d 25.01.1330.
St21ISABELLA ST AMAND b 1313, Hull Yorkshire
m09.02.1321 divorce 4 DEC 1344 Richard "COPPED HAT" FITZALAN Fi21 b 1313 Arundel Sussex England d 24.01.1376 Chichester Cathedral Sussex 1331-1376, 10th Earl of Arundel son of EDMUND FITZALAN and Alice de WARENNE
Fi20EDMUND FITZALAN b 1327, Arundel Sussex
m SIBYL MONTACUTE b 1330 Donyatt Somerset dau of William de MONTAGU and Katherine de GRANDISON
Fi19-1Alice FITZALAN b 1349, Arundel Sussex
m LEONARD CAREW b 1342 Mohun Ottery Devon England d 04.10.1369 son of John CAREW and Eleanor Mohun
...-2-3-1-1-1-1Thomas CAREW b 1365, Mohun Ottery Devon d 1431, Devon
m Elizabeth BONVILLE b 1362 Chewton Devon
...-2-3-1-1-1-1-1Elizabeth CAREW b 1395, Carew Castle Pembrokeshire Wales m Thomas TREMAYNE b 1390,
...-2-3-1-1-1-1-2NICHOLAS CAREW b 1411, Haccombe Devon d 1446, Devon m JOAN COURTENAY b 1411, Haccombe Devon
Fi19Philippa FITZALAN b 1352, Arundel Sussex d 13.09.1399.
m Richard SERGEAUX, son of Richard SERGEAUX and PHILLIPPE BODRUGAN. b 1346 Cornwall England d 30.09.1393 Kent
Se19Alice SERGEAUX b 1384 Killigarth Cornwall d 18.05.1452 Essex
m Richard de Vere Ve19 b 1385 Oxfordshire d 15.02.1417 Essex, 1406-1417 11th Earl of Oxford, 25 OCT 1415 Battle of Agincourt ne of the commanders, MAY 1416 Knight of the Garter, 15 Aug 1416 Battle at the mouth of the Seine
+1 AUBREY de Vere and Alice FITZWALTER
Ve18Sir John de VERE, 12TH EARL OF OXFORD AND HED b 23.04.1408, Addington Northamptonshire d 1462, 1417-1462 12th Earl of Oxford, 1436 Siege of Calais, 26 FEB 1462 Tower Hill, Tower Hamlet convicted of high treason and beheaded
m1 Elizabeth HOWARD b 1410 Wiggenhall Downham Norfolk d c 25.12.1475 Warwickshire
m2 ISABELLA de Greene, dau of John Greene and MARGARET de Greene b 1434 Drayton Daventry Northamptonshire
Ve17-1AUBREY de Vere b 1430, Hedingham Castle Essex m c Apr 1460 ANNE STAFFORD b 1446, Stafford Staffordshire d c 14 Apr 1472 dau of Henry Stafford 1st Duke of Buckingham for ch see above 398) Isabella de Greene
Ve17-2John de Vere, 13th Earl of Oxford, Great Chamberlain b 08.09.1442, d 10.03.1512/3
m1 Margaret Nevill b c 1445 d after 20.11.1506, dau of
+1 Richard Nevill, Earl of Salisbury
m Alice de Montacute, Countess of Salisbury d 1463, dau of
+2 Ralph Nevill of Raby, 1st Earl of Westmorland d 21.10.1425
m2 Joan Beaufort b 1379, d 1440, dau of
+2 Thomas de Montacute 3rd Earl of Salisbury
+3 Sir John Nevill, 3rd Lord of Raby d 17.10.1388
m1 1364 Maud Percy d c 1379, dau of Henry de Percy, 2nd Lord of Alnwick
+3 John Plantagenet 'of Gaunt', Duke of Lancaster
John de Vere d y
Katherine de Vere b 1466 Essex d 20.06.1504 m Robert Broughton b 1466, Nettlestead Suffolk d 10.08.1506, Denston Hall Kentwell Suffolk
-1 John Broughton b 1491, Broughton Westmoreland England d 23.01.1518, Westmoreland m JANE x -1-1 Jane Broughton b 1510, Broughton Westmoreland d 1570, Ashford Kent m Richard Osborne b 1510 Ashford Kent d 11.08.1581 son of Richard Osborne b c 1488 d 1573 and Elizabeth Flydane b c 1491 d 1528 -1-1-1 Sir Edward Osborne b 1540, London d 15.02.1592, London Middlesex m Anne HEWETT b 1543 London d 04.07.1585 London
Ve17Sir George Vere b c 1435 d 1503
m Margaret Stafford St16 dau of Sir William Stafford of Bishop's Frome, co. Hereford
Some web sites identify Margaret's father as the same person as William Stafford of Hook Dorset and Southwick Berkshire, father of Humphrey, Earl of Devon, but according to TCP Devon Earl Humphrey's heirs were his female cousins, not a sister Margaret, which makes that seem unlikely. Some web sites show him as a younger brother of Henry, 2nd Duke of Buckingham but Henry was born posthumously which makes that seem even more unlikely! 'Tudor' shows William as possibly a younger son of Sir Humphrey Stafford of Grafton and Eleanor Aylesbury which is possible but appears to be wholly speculative. 'Tudor' also shows her mother as Catherine Chidiocke who did marry a William Stafford but, as shown on the Chidiocke page, there is confusion as to who that William was, some saying that he was 'of Frome' and others that he was 'of Hook & Southwick'.
Ve16-1George de Vere dvp 1498
Ve16-2John de Vere of Campes, 14th Earl of Oxford b 14.08.1499, dsp 14.07.1526
m Anne Howard d before 22.02.1558/9, dau of Thomas Howard, 2nd Duke of Norfolk
Ve16-3Dorothea de Vere d 07.02.1526-7
m Sir John Nevill, 3rd Lord Latymer b 17.11.1493, d 02.03.1542-3
-1 John Nevill, 4th Lord Latymer b c 1520, d 22.04.1577 m c1545 Lucy Somerset b c1523, d 22.02.1582, dau of Henry Somerset, 2nd Earl of Worcester
-2 Margaret nevill
-1-1 Katharine Nevill b c 1545, d 28.10.1596 m1. before 25.01.1562 a href="percy02.htm#earl8" target="_new">Henry Percy, 8th Earl of Northumberland b 1532, d 21.06.1585 m2. 1598 Francis Fitton of Binfield dsp 17.06.1608
-1-2 Dorothy Nevill d 23.03.1608 m 27.11.1564 Thomas Cecil, 1st Earl of Exeter b 05.05.1542, d 08.02.1622-3
-1-3 Lucy Nevill d 30.04.1609 m Sir William Cornwallis of Brome
-1-4 Elizabeth Nevill bur 24.06.1630 m1. Sir John Danvers of Dantsey d 10.12.1594 m2. Sir Edmund Careyof Moulton Park b c1558, d 1637
Ve16Elizabeth de Vere
m Sir Anthony Wingfield d c1552 Wi16
-1 Sir Robert WINGFIELD of Letheringham
-2 >Charles WINGFIELD
-3 Anthony WINGFIELD
-5 Richard WINGFIELD Esq.
-6 Elizabeth WINGFIELD m William Naunton of Letheringham, Suffolk

-6-1 Ursula Naunton b 1545 d 1615 of Otley, Suffolk m Robert Gosnold b 1534 Suffolk Will dated 15 Aug 1615, proved 1 Nov 1615

-6-1-1 Robert Gosnold b c 1561 d 1596 m1 Amy x m2 Edwa Warde

-6-1-1-1 Elizabeth Gosnold b 1570 England d aft 15 AUG 1615 m Thomas Keene b c 1560 d after 15 AUG 1615

-6-1-1-1-1 Thomas Keene b 1592/3 d 1653/9 m c 1640 ?MD Mary Thorley b c 1595 d aft 1662 dau of Edward Thorley b c 1565

-6-1-1-1-1-1 Matthew Keene Ke10 b about 1658 in Northumberland Co. Va d 1731 in Stafford Co. Va m Bridget x

-6-1-1-1-1-1-1 Elizabeth Keene Ke9 b about 1682 Stafford Co d 26 JUL 1749 probably in Stafford/Culpeper Co Va
m about 1700 James Withers b 1680/1681, probably in England or Potomac Creek Stafford Co. Va d 8 JUN 1746 Overwharton Parish, Stafford Co VA bur Stafford Co Va
-1 Elizabeth Withers b 23 DEC 1701 in Stafford Co Va d 26 JUL 1798
m BEF 1719 Abraham Field b c 1699 Westmoreland Co Va son of Daniel Field b c Jan 1662/3 in Westmoreland Co, VA; d there Jun 1720 and Mary Allday ?wid Wheeler ?wid Price he m2 Eleanor Byrd b c 1718 + 4 ch
-2 Thomas Withers b 21 DEC 1707 d 21 JUL 1723 Fauquier Co Va m Elizabeth Williams 1730 - 1783 b Bef. 1730 in Fauquier Co., Va. d: 03/27/1783 in Fauquier Co
-3 Ursula Withers b 20 SEP 1709 d 1793 m John Allen b 1705 Prince William/King George Co Va d 1780 in Fauquier Co VA
-4 Mary Withers b 29 SEP 1711 d BEF 1783 ?twin m 27 Apr 1721 Joseph Hudnall b ABT 1700
-5 Martha Withers b 29 SEP 1711 d BEF 1783 ?twin m James McDaniel b c 1709
-6 John Withers b 29 Jan 1713 in Stafford Co VA d 25 Oct 1794 Stafford Co m c 1734 Hannah Allen b 1713 d 16 Jul 1801 in Stafford Co dau of William Allen
-7 Keene Withers b 29 JAN 1715 d c 1715 m 21 DEC 1747 Elizabeth Cave b ABT 1729 of matrilinial descent from Pocahontas and hence Powhatan and Potawomack "Princess" dau of Anne Travers b 1705 in Overwharton Parish d bef 1748 in Truro Parish Fairfax Co m1 bef 1731 in Overwharton William Cave b 1700 d 14 Aug 1742 had issue
-8 Bridget Withers b 29 JAN 1715 d ABT 1715/?20 JUL 1720 m William Allen Jr b c 1715
-9 James "Old Nigh" Withers b 11 FEB 1716 JAN 1784 m1 bef 8 Nov 1740 Catherine Barbee d 1771, author�s ancestors
-10 Irvine Withers b 20 JUN 1718 d c 1718
-12 Anna Sophia Withers b 7 Oct 1721 in Stafford Co VA d by 1765 in Stafford Co VA m Henry Mauzy b 1721 in England he m2 Elizabeth Taylor b 1735 d 1829 (she m1 James Morgan b in Fauquier Co VA) son of John Mauzy b 1696 in England and Hester Conyers b 21 Feb 1698 in All Hallows London granson of John Henry Mauzy b 11 DEC 1675 in France and Mary Conyers b c 1679 in England
-13 William Withers b 16 Apr 1726 Stafford Co VA d 6 Jan 1804 in Fauquier Co
m 15 Dec 1758 in VA Elizabeth Hord b 22 Sep 1732 Essex Co d 1809 Stafford Co dau of Thomas Hord/Howard b 7 Sep 1701 Epsom Surrey Engl d 1766 VA and Jane
-14 Ann Withers b 2 OCT 1722/7 Oct 1721 in Stafford Co. VA d BEF 1765 m 11 Nov 1744 in Stafford Co Henry Mauzy b 1721 in England son of John Mauzy b 1696 in England and Hester Conyers bap 21 Feb 1698 All Hallows, London m 1720 in Overwharton VA
-15 Thomas Withers b 15/?25 Feb 1722/23 d 5/?12 NOV 1794 m c 1744 Elizabeth Williams or Elizabeth ASHBY b c 1725 d 27 MAR 1783
Ve16-5Ursula de Vere dsp 1558 m1 George Windsor dvpsp before 11.1520, of Stanwell family m2 Sir Edmund Knightly or Knightley of Fawsley d 12.11.1542
Ve18-2Robert de Vere b 1411 Oxford Oxfordshire d c 1470
m JOAN COURTENAY b 1411, Haccombe Devon
-1 John de Vere
m Alice Kilrington dau of Walter Kilrington aka Colbroke
-1-1 John de Vere, 15th Earl of Oxford, Great Chamberlain d 21.03.1539/40 m1 1493/4 Christian Foderingey b c1481, dsp before 04.11.1498, dau of Thomas Foderingey of Brockley by Elizabeth Dorward m2 c1508 Elizabeth Trussel b 1496 d before 07.1527 + ch dau of Sir Edward Trussel of Kibblestone -1-1-1 John de Vere, 16th Earl of Oxford, Great Chamberlain b c1516, d 03.08.1562 m1 03.07.1536 Dorothy Nevill d c1546, dau of Ralph Nevill, 4th Earl of Westmorland
-1-1-2 Aubrey de Vere m Margaret Spring dau of John Spring of Lavenham
-1-1-3 Robert de Vere
-1-1-4 Geffery de Vere m Elizabeth Hardkyn dau of Sir John Hardkyn of Colchester
-1-1-5 Elizabeth de Vere m Thomas Darcy, 1st Lord of Chiche b 1506, 28.06.1558
-1-1-6 Anne de Vere bur 14.02.1571/2 m Edmund Sheffield, 1st Lord Sheffield b 22.11.1521, d 31.07.1549 m2 John Brock of Colchester
-1-1-7 Frances Vere d 30.06.1577 m1 1532 Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey b 1517, dvp 21.01.1547 m2 before 1553 Thomas Steyning of Earl Soham
Ch21 =22 =24MAUD CHATWORTH b 1282, Kidwelly Carmarthenshire Wales d 03.12.1322.
m Henry PLANTAGENET b 1281 Grosmont Castle Momouthshire Waes d 22.09.1345 Leicestershire, Monastery Of Cannons son of EDMUND PLANTAGENET and Blanche ARTOIS
Pl20 =21 =23Eleanor Plantagenet of Lancaster b 1311, Grosmont Castle Monmoutshire Wales d 11.01.1371, Chichester Cathedral Sussex
m1 Richard "COPPED HAT" FITZALAN b 1313 Arundel Sussex England d 24.01.1376 Chichester Cathedral Sussex, 1331-1376 10th Earl of Arundel son of EDMUND FITZALAN and Alice de WARENNE
m2 John BARON de BEAUMONT b 1318 Bucham Aberdeenshire Scotland d 10.05.1342 Bortant Lincolnshire
Fi22Alice FITZALAN of ARUNDEL b 1352, Arundel Castle Sussex d 17.03.1415.
m Thomas de HOLAND b 1350 Upholland Lancashire d 25.04.1397 Woodstock Kent 1366 Captain / Battle of N�jera Captain of the English forces in Aquitaine, Knight of the Garter in 1375, 1381-1397 2nd Earl of Kent, 1385-1397 6th Baron of Wake of LiddellOccup, 1385-1397 6th Baron of Wake of Liddell bur Lincolnshire, Bourne, Bourne Abbey son of
+1 Thomas de HOLAND and Joan PLANTAGENET
Ho21Eleanor de HOLAND b 1374, Upholland Lancashire d 10.1405.
m1 Roger de MORTIMER b 11.04.1374 Monmouthshire, Usk Wales d 20.07.1398 Battle of Kells Meath Co Ireland, 1381-1398 4th Earl of March, 1382-1398, 6th Earl of March son of EDMUND de MORTIMER and Philippa PLANTAGENET
m2 Edward CHERLETON. b 1371 Powys Montgomeryshire Wales d 14.03.1421 Powys Montgomeryshire Wales, 1401-1421 5th Baron of Cherleton
Mo19 =20AVERIA MORTIMER b 1395 Enfield Middlesex
m William WROTH Wr19 b 1390 Enfield Middlesex
+1 William Wroth of Enfield b c 1390
m Avery or Avecia Mortimer b 1395 Enfield Middlesex
+2 William Wroth or Wrothe of Enfield d 1407-8
+2 Roger de MORTIMER b 11.04.1374 Monmouthshire, Usk Wales d 20.07.1398 Battle of Kells Meath Co IRE 1381-1398 4th Earl of March, 1382-1398, 6th Earl of March
m1 Eleanor de HOLAND b 1374, Upholland Lancashire d 10.1405.
+3 John Wroth/Wrothe, Sheriff of London a 1331
m Margaret de Enfield
+3 Thomas de HOLAND b 1350 Upholland Lancashire d 25.04.1397 Woodstock Kent 1366 Captain / Battle of N?jera
m ALICE FITZALAN of ARUNDEL b 1352, Arundel Castle Sussex d 17.03.1415.
Wr18John WROTH b 1420 Enfield Middlesex
m Elizabeth LEWKNOR, dau of b 1430 Sussex
+1 Roger LEWKNOR b c 1390 d a 1477
Alianora CAMOYS
Wr17 527. John Thomas Wroth b 1450 Enfield Middlesex
m Margaret Newdigate b 1465 Enfield Middlesex
Mo20-2ANNE de MORTIMER b 27.12.1390, New Forest Westmeat Co Ireland d 21.09.1411, Kings Langley Herefordshire
m Richard PLANTAGENET. b 07.1385 Conisborough Castle Yorkshire d 08.05.1415 Southampton Green Hampshire, 1414 Earl of Cambridge
Mo20-2-1Richard PLANTAGENET b 21.09.1411 Conisborough Yorkshire k 30.12.1460, Battle of Wakefield Yorkshire
m CECILY de NEVILLE b 03.05.1415 Raby Castle Durham d 31.05.1495 Berkhampstead Castle Hertfordshire England. for ch see above Cecily de Neville. dau of RALPH de NEVILLE and LADY de BEAUFORT
Mo20-2-2Isabella Plantagenet b 21.09.1411, Conisborough Castle Yorkshire d 02.10.1484.
m Henry Bourchier b 1409 Essex d 04.04.1483 2nd Earl of Ewe, 1460-1461 Treasurer of England, 1461-1483 1st Earl of Essex
+1 William Bourchier Bo17 =18, 1st Earl of Ewe d 28 May 1420
m 20 Nov 1405 Anne Plantagenet, Countess b 1383, d 16 Oct 1438, dau of Thomas Plantagenet of Woodstock, Duke of Gloucester
Mo20-2-2-1 528. William Bourchier, VISCOUNT BOURCHIER b 1433 Great Totham Essex k 14.04.1471 Battle Of Barnet Hertfordshire
m1 Anne WoodvilleE b 1451 North Fambridge Essex d 30.07.1489 London
m2 Isobel de Vere b 1436 Hedingham Castle Essex
Mo20-2-2-2Henry BOURCHIER b 1434, Great Totham Essex d 12.08.1458
m Elizabeth SCALES, BARONESS SCALES b 1436, Middleton Norfolk England; d 02.09.1473.
Mo20-2-2-3SIR John BOURCHIER b 1438, Great Totham Essex d 1495
m2 Elizabeth CHICHELE
m1 Elizabeth FERRERS, BARONESS FERRERS de RUTHYN b 1418, Groby Leicestershire d 1483.
Ho21-2Elizabeth de HOLAND b 1394, Upholland Lancashire d 04.01.1424.
m ctr 29 Aug 1394 John de NEVILLE, LORD NEVILLE b by 1387 Raby Durham d by 20.05.1820 John de Neville, Lord Neville was styled as Lord Neville 1397 - 1420, Keeper of Roxburghe Castle 12 Nov 1408 and 1 Aug 1411, Warden of the West Marches towards Scotland 15 May 1414 and 1420, fought in the siege of Caen Aug 1417 and Sep 1417, 2 Oct 1417 took the surrender of those in the castle of Courcy, Captain of the castle and town of Verneuil on 31 Oct 1417, fought in the siege of Rouen July 1418 and Jan 1418/9, Keeper of the Warren of St. John, Argences, in the bailiwick of Caen on 25 July 1419. Children of John de Neville, Lord Neville and Lady Elizabeth de Holand son of RALPH de NEVILLE 1st Earl of Westmorland and MARGARET de STAFFORD * Sir Thomas Neville+ 4 * Ralph Neville, 2nd Earl of Westmorland+ * Sir John Neville, 1st Lord Neville+ b. c 1410, d 29 Mar 14611 Notater for John de NEVILLE, LORD NEVILLE: John de Neville, Lord Neville was born before 1387.2 He was the son of Ralph de Neville, 1st Earl of Westmorland and Lady Margaret de Stafford.1 He married Lady Elizabeth de Holand, daughter of Thomas de Holand, 2nd Earl of Kent and Alice FitzAlan, after 29 August 1394.2 He and Lady Elizabeth de Holand obtained a marriage license on 29 August 1394.2 He died before 20 May 1420.3 John de Neville, Lord Neville was styled as Lord Neville between 1397 and 1420.1 He held the office of Keeper of Roxburghe Castle between 12 November 1408 and 1 August 1411.2 He held the office of Warden of the West Marches towards Scotland between 15 May 1414 and 1420.2 He fought in the siege of Caen between August 1417 and September 1417.2 On 2 October 1417 he took the surrender of those in the castle of Courcy.2 He held the office of Captain of the castle and town of Verneuil on 31 October 1417.2 He fought in the siege of Rouen between July 1418 and January 1418/19.2 He held the office of Keeper of the Warren of St. John, Argences, in the bailiwick of Caen on 25 July 1419.2 Children of John de Neville, Lord Neville and Lady Elizabeth de Holand * Sir Thomas Neville+ 4 * Ralph Neville, 2nd Earl of Westmorland+ b. 17 Sep 1406, d 3 Nov 14845 * Sir John Neville, 1st Lord Neville+ b. c 1410, d 29 Mar 14611
Ho21-2-1SIR John NEVILLE b 1410, Raby Durham k 29.03.1461, England, Yorkshire, Battle of Towton, 1459-1461 1st Baron of Neville de Raby
m ANNE HOLLAND, dau of b 1428 London Middlesex d 26.12.1486 for see above Anne Holland
Ho21-2-2RALPH NEVILLE b b. 17 Sep 1406, d 3 Nov 1484, 1425-1484 2nd Earl of Westmoreland
Ho21-2-3SIR Thomas NEVILLE b 1416, Brancepeth Durham
m EDMUND PLANTAGENET b 05.06.1341 d 01.08.1402
Ho21-4MARGARET HOLAND b mel. 1383 - 1386, Lancashire, Upholland d 30.12.1439, Surrey, Bermondsey
m John BEAUFORT b c. 1372 Loire, Maine-et-Loire, Chateau de France d 16.03.1410 Middlesex London 1st Earl of Somerset son of John GAUNT and Katherine de ROET
Ho21-4-1EDMUND BEAUFORT b 1406, Middlesex, Westminster d 22.05.1455, 2nd Duke of Somerset
m Eleanor Beauchamp b 09.1407 Essex, Walthamstow d 06.03.1467 for ch see above Eleanor Beauchamp.
+1 Richard de Beauchamp and Elizabeth de BERKELEY
Ho21-4-2JOAN BEAUFORT b 1406, Westminster middlesex d 15.07.1445, Dunbar Castle East Lothian Scotland.
m1 JAMES KING OF SCOTLAND, son of. b 25.07.1394 Dunfermline Palace Fifeshire Scotland d 1451 Blackfriars, Perth Scotland (late July 1394 � 21 February 1437), the youngest of three sons, was born in Dunfermline Abbey to King Robert III and his wife Annabella Drummond. By the time he was eight, both of his elder brothers were dead�Robert had died in infancy but David, Duke of Rothesay, died suspiciously in Falkland Palace while being detained by his uncle, Robert, Duke of Albany. Although Albany was exonerated by parliament, fears for James's safety grew through the winter of 1405 � 1406 and plans were made to send him to France. In February 1406, James was accompanying nobles close to his father when they clashed with supporters of Archibald, 4th Earl of Douglas, forcing the prince to take refuge in the castle of the Bass Rock, a small islet in the Firth of Forth. He remained there until mid-March when he boarded a vessel bound for France, but on 22 March while off the English coast, pirates captured the ship and delivered James to Henry IV ofThe ailing Robert III died on 4 April and the 12-year-old James, now the uncrowned King of Scots, would not regain his freedom for another 18 years. James was given a good education at the English Court, where he developed respect for English methods of governance and for Henry V. The Scottish king demonstrated apparent willingness to support Henry in his joining the English campaign in France during 1420 � 1421. James's cousin, Murdoch Stewart, Albany's son, a captive in since 1402, was traded for Henry Percy, 2nd Earl of Northumberland, in 1416. Eight more years passed before James was ransomed, by which time Murdoch had succeeded his father to the dukedom and the governorship of Scotland. James married Joan Beaufort, daughter of the Earl of Somerset in February 1424 shortly before his release in April when they journeyed to Scotland. This was not altogether a popular re-entry to Scottish affairs since James had fought on behalf of Henry V and at times against Scottish forces in France. Noble families would now not only have to pay increased taxes to cover the �40,000 ransom repayments but would also have to provide hostages as security. Despite this, James held qualities that were admired. The contemporary Scotichronicon by Walter Bower described James as excelling at sport and appreciative of literature and music. Unlike his father and grandfather, he did not take mistresses but had many children by his wife, Queen Joan. The King had a strong desire to impose law and order on his subjects, but applied it selectively at times. To bolster his authority and secure the position of the crown, James launched preemptive attacks on some of his nobles beginning in 1425 with his close kinsmen the Albany Stewarts resulting in the execution of Duke Murdoch and his sons. In 1428 James detained Alexander, Lord of the Isles, while attending a parliament in Inverness. Archibald, 5th Earl of Douglas, was arrested in 1431, followed by George, Earl of March, in 1434. The plight of the ransom hostages held in was ignored and the repayment money was diverted into the construction of Linlithgow Palace and other grandiose schemes. In August 1436, James failed humiliatingly in his siege of the English-held Roxburgh Castle and then faced an ineffective attempt by Sir Robert Graham to arrest him at a general council. James was assassinated at Perth on the night of 20/21 February 1437 in a failed coup by his uncle and former ally Walter Stewart, Earl of Atholl. Queen Joan, although wounded, managed to evade the attackers and was eventually reunited with her son James II in Edinburgh Castle.
m2 JAMES "BLACK KNIGHT" STEWART. b 1383 Innermeath Argyleshire Scotland d 1451 At sea.

Ho21-4-2-1MARGARET OF SCOTLAND b 25.12.1424, Perth Perthshire Scotland; d 16.08.1445, Marne Champagne France
m LOUIS XI OF FRANCE b 03.07.1423 Bourges Centre France d 30.08.1483, 1461-1483 King of France
Ho21-4-2-2JOAN STEWART b 1428
m William GORDON b 1400, Stichill Roxburgshire Scotland; d by 1455, Lochinvar Dumfriesshire Scotland.
Ho21-4-3John BEAUFORT b 04.1404 Westminster Middlesex d 27.05.1444, 1418-1444 3rd Earl of Somerset, 22 MAR 1421 Battle of Bauge, 1443-1444 1st Duke of Somerset
m MARGARET de Beauchamp b 1412 Bedford d by 20.07.1482 Westminster Middlesex
+1 John de Beauchamp and ESTHER de STOURTON
Ho21-4-3-1MARGARET BEAUFORT b 31.05.1443, Bletsoe Castle Bedford m SIR Henry STAFFORD b 1430, Stafford Staffordshire d 04.10.1471.
Ho21-4-3-2ThomasINE BEAUFORT b 1425, Kent d 05.1469, Wilton Herefordshire
m Reginald GREY b 1421 Wilton Herefordshire England d 1493 Wilton Herefordshire, 1442-1493 7th Baron of Grey de Wilton
+1 Richard GREY and Blanche VACHE i. John15 GREY b 1442, Herefordshire d 03.04.1499 m ANNE GREY b 1446, Ruthin Denbighshire Wales; d 15.01.1514, Wilton-on-the-Rye Herefordshire England. , 1493-1498 8th Baron of Grey de Wilton
Ho21-4-4Henry BEAUFORT b 1401 2nd Earl of Somerset
Ho21-4-5Thomas BEAUFORT, COUNT OF PERCHE b 1405, Westminster Middlesex d 3 October 1431) was a member of the Beaufort family and an English commander during the Hundred Years' War. 3rd son of John Beaufort, 1st Earl of Somerset and his wife, Margaret Holland. With his elder brother, Henry Beaufort, 2nd Earl of Somerset, Thomas joined in Henry V's 1419 campaigns in France. In 1421, he accompanied the king's younger brother Thomas of Lancaster to the fighting in Anjou. Thomas was killed at the Battle of Baug� while Somerset and Thomas were captured. Thomas was eventually released around 1427 in a prisoner exchange negotiated by his uncle, Cardinal Beaufort. As an able male member of the Beaufort family, Thomas rejoined the fighting almost immediately. He was granted the title Count of Perche in December 1427, his title being more a claim to land, rather than a recognized title since it was already held by the French Duke John II of Alen�on. This was part of a continuing attempt by Cardinal Beaufort to carve out estates for his nephews from conquered French land. During the 1430 royal coronation expedition of Henry VI, Thomas was granted a retinue of 128 soldiers and 460 archers. He commanded soldiers at a battle at La Charit�-sur-Loire in late 1430 and died 3 October 1431 at the siege of Louviers, three weeks before the city's fall.[1] Perche dsp, his title was forfeit.
Ho21-4-6MARGARET BEAUFORT b 1410, Westminster Middlesex d 11.1449, Exeter Devon England m Thomas COURTENAY b 1414, Okehampton Devon d 03.02.1458, Abington Oxfordshire , 1422-1458 13th Earl of Devon
Ho21-5John HOLLAND d y
Ho21-6Thomas HOLLAND b 1373, Uppholland Lancashire d 08.01.1400, 1397-1399 1st Duke of Surrey, 1397-1400 3rd Earl of Kent, 1397-1400 7th Baron of Wake of Liddell
m JOAN STAFFORD b 1378, Lancashire, Upholland d 01.10.1442, Gloucestershire, Cirencester
Ho21-7m1 CONSTANCE PLANTAGENET, b 1374 Conisborough Castle Yorkshire d 28.11.1416 Berkshire England m2 LUCIA VISCONTI, b 1383 Milan Lombardy Italy d 1427. +1 dau of EDMUND PLANTAGENET and ISABEL CASTILLE
Ho21-7-1ELEANOR HOLAND b 1405 Woodstock Kent
m JAMES TOUCHET b 1398 Heleigh Castle Audley Staffordshire K 23.09.1459 Blore Heath Shropshire, 1408-1459 5th Baron of Audley
Ho21-7-1-11SIR HUMPHREY TOUCHET AUDLEY b 1435, Heleigh Staffordshire k 04.05.1471, Battle of Tewkesbury Gloucestershire
m Elizabeth COURTENAY b 1430 Powderham Castle Devon d 1493.
Ho21-7-1-1-1 529. Elizabeth Audley b 1472 Heleigh Staffordshire
m John Sydenham b 1468 Cubberley Gloucestershire d 07.12.1542 Combe Somerset, 1505 Somerset Sheriff, 1505-1505 Dorset Sheriff
Ho21-8JOAN HOLLAND b 1370, England m William de Willoughby b 1370, Willoughby Manor Eresby Lincolnshire d 04.12.1409, Spilsby Lincolnshire, 1396-1409 5th Baron of Willoughby de Eresby , 1401 Knight of the Garter
Ho21-9Richard Holland d y
Ho21-10Bridget Holland d before 1416 a nun at Barking Abbey.
Fi18 =19 =20Richard FITZALAN b 1346, Arundel Castle Sussex d 21.09.1397, London, Cheapside Middlesex
m1 Elizabeth de BOHUN b 1350 Herefordshire England d 03.04.1385 Lewes Priory Sussex dau of William de BOHUN and Elizabeth de BADLESMERE
m2 PhilipPE MORTIMER, b 21.11.1375 Ludlow Shropshire d 24.09.1401 Halnaker Sussex dau of EDMUND de MORTIMER and Philippa PLANTAGENET
Fi17-1Alice FITZALAN b c 1374 Sussex, Arundel d 1415.
m1 Henry BEAUFORT,. b 1376 Beaufort Castle Anjou Loire France d 11.04.1447 Woolsley Palace Hampshire Winchester England , 1397-1399 Chancellor Oxford University, 1398-1404 Bishop of Lincoln, 1403-1405 Lord Chancellor, 1404-1447 Bishop of Winchester, 1413-1417 Lord Chancellor of England, again 1424-1426, 1374-1401 4th Baron of Cherleton
m2 John CHARLETON b 25.04.1362 d 19.10.1401 son of John CHARLETON and JOAN de STAFFORD
+1 son of John GAUNT and Katherine de ROET
Fi17-1-1JANE BEAUFORT b 1392, Oxford Oxfordshire d 1451 Halse Sommerset
m Edward STRADLING b 1389 St Donats Castle Glamorgan Cardiff Wales.
Fi17-1-1-1Henry STRADLING b 1430, St Donats Castle Gladmorgan Wales d Cyprus
m Elizabeth HERBERT b 1427 Raglan Castle Monmouthshire,Usk Wales.
Fi17-1-1-1-1 530. Sir Thomaqs Edward Stradling b 1454 St. DonatsCastle Gladmorgan Wales d 08.09.1480 St. Donats, Glamorgan, Wales
m Janet Mathew b 1455 Radyr Glamorgan Wales d 1535 Picton Slebech Pembrokeshire Wales
Fi17-1-1-1-2 531. Thomas Stradling b 1454 St Donats Castle Cardiff Glamorgan Wales d 08.08.1480
m Jane Mathew b 1455 Radyr Glamorgan Wales d 1535 Wales dau of William Thomas and GWLADUS DAFYDD
Fi18 =19JOAN FITZALAN b 1375, Arundel Sussex d 14.11.1435, Abergavenny Monmouthshire Wales.
m1 William Beauchamp, b 1343 Warwick Castle Warwickshire d 08.05.1411 Abergavenny Monmouthshire Wales, 1392-1411 1st Baron of Bergavenny
m2 William de ECHINGHAM Ec18 =19 =22 b 1370 Etchingham Sussex d 20.03.1413.
+1 son of Thomas de Beauchamp and Catherine de MORTIMER
+1 son of Sir William de ECHINGHAM Ec19 =20 =23 b c 1340 and Elizabeth CRIOL
Ec17 =18Sir Thomas Echingham of Etchingham b ct 1385 d 1444 Visitation reports only 1 wife, identified only as a Knevett, but TCP Audley identifies Margaret as probably by Sir Thomas's 2nd wife, "Margaret, da. of John Knyvett senior." The name of his 1st wife was found on a web site. We presume that all children were by Margaret.
m1. Agnes Shoyswell dau of John de Shoyswell
m2. Margaret Knyvett dau of John Knyvett, senior
Ec16 Sir Thomas Echingham of Echingham b c 1420
m. Margaret West dau of Reignold West, Lord Delaware
Ec17(by his first wife, Alice Batisford, was also an Elizabeth b 1394
m1 John Lunsford b 1369 Lunsford Sussex d 1428 Lunsford Sussex
m2 Thomas LEWKNOR b 1392 Horstead Keynes Sussex d 1452 East Preston Sussex
ELYSABETH ECHYNGHAM b c 1398 Sussex d 1451, Luton Hoo Bedford
m Sir Thomas Hoo/ b 1366 Luton Hoo Bedford d 23.08.1420 Ockley Surrey ?Hoo shows d 13.02.1454/5 interred together in the Dacre Tomb at Herstmonceux All Saints Church in Sussex., 25 OCT 1415 Battle of Agincourt
+1 William HOO and Alice ST OMER
Ec17-3Joan Echingham
m Sir John Bayntun of Faulston b c1424, d 1465
Fi17 =18Elizabeth FITZALAN b by 1370 Derbyshire d 08.07.1425 Hoveringham Nottinghamshire
m1 Thomas de MOWBRAY b 22.03.1366 Isle of Axholme, Epworth Lincolnshire England d 22.09.1399 Venice Veneto Italy, 1379-1399 6th Baron of Mowbray , 1383-1399 1st Earl of Nottingham, 1383 Knight of the Garter, 1396-1397 England Ambassador to France, 1397-1399 1st Duke of Norfolk, 1399-1399 3rd Earl of Norfolk, Richard II's Marshal of England, one of nine offices of state
m2 William MONTACUTE b 1365
m3 Robert GOUSHILL b 1350 Hoveringham Nottinghamshire k 21.07.1403 Battle of Shrewsbury Shropshire
+1 son of John de MOWBRAY and Elizabeth de SEGRAVE
+1 son of William MONTACUTE
Fi17-1MARGARET de MOWBRAY b 1387, Norfolk d 08.07.1425.
m Robert HOWARD LORD OF STOKE NEYLAND b 1384 Wiggenhall Downham Norfolk d c 14.04.1436 Stoke By Nayland Suffolk
+1 John HOWARD and Alice de TENDRING
Fi17-1-1Catherine HOWARD b 1414, Norfolk, d 1478, Staindrop, Durham
m Edward NEVILLE, son of b 1414 Raby Castle Staindrop, Durham d 1476 �Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, de facto 3rd (dejure 1st) Baron [A]bergavenn, aft 1426 Captain in Edward IV's army in the North in 1462, 1438 Durham Justice of the Peace, 1447-1476 3rd Baron of Bergavenny
Fi17-2John de MOWBRAY b 09.08.1398, Norfolk d 19.10.1432, Axholme Lincolnshire, 1405-1432 5th Earl of Norfolk, 1405-1432 8th Baron of Mowbray , 1415 Siege of Harfleur Knight, 1425-1432 2nd Duke of Norfolk
m Catherine de NEVILLE b 1401, Raby Durham d c 01.1478
Fi17-3Elizabeth Catherine MOWBRAY b 1394, England m MICHAEL de LA POLE b 1394, Cotton Suffolk d 25.10.1415, Battle of Agincourt Pas-de Calais France.
Fi17-4ISABEL de MOWBRAY b 1386, Bristol Gloucestershire d 27.09.1452
m1 Henry FERRERS b 1394 Ragland Monmouthshire Wales d by 05.12.1463
m2 JAMES 'THE JUST' de BERKELEY 1394 Raglan Castle, Usk Monmouthshire Wales d 11.1463 Berkeley Castle Thornbury Gloucestershire, 1418-1463 1st Baron of Berkeley for ch see above James de Berkeley'The Just'

+1 JAMES de Berkeley and Elizabeth Bluet
Fi17-4-1Elizabeth Ferrers, BARONESS FERRERS de RUTHYN b 1418, Groby Leicestershire d 1483
m SIR John BOURCHIER b 1438, Great Totham Essex d 1495.
Fi17-5Thomas de Mowbray b 17.09.1385, d 08.06.1405
m Constance de Holand b 1387 Ruthin Denbighshire Wales d 14.11.1437.
Go17 =18 =19 =20Joan Goushill b 1404, Hoveringham Nottinghamshire d c 1460, Lancashire
m Thomas Stanley b 1405 Latham Lancashire d 11.02.1459 Knowsley Lancashire, 1431-1436 Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 1455-1459 Lord Chamberlain, 1456-1459 1st Baron of Stanley
+1 Sir John STANLEY Sheriff of Anglesey b about 1360 d 27.11.1437
m Isabel or Elizabeth Harrington, sister of Sir William Harrington of Hornby
+2 Sir John de Stanley, Lieutenant of Ireland b 1340, d 1414
m 1385 Isabel Lathom La19 dau of
+2 Sir Robert Harrington, 3rd Baron and Isabel Loring
+3 Sir William de Stanley of Stourton and Stanley b 1311 d c 1398 or 1360
m m 1336 Alice Massey dau of Hugh Massey of Timperley
+3 Sir Thomas Lathom of Lathom and Knowsley
St16-1Thomas Stanley, 1st Earl of Derby d 29.07.1504 commanded 4000 men together with his brother, William, at Bosworth Field, originally of Richard III' side but hesitant to engage and went over to Henry Tudor and routed the Yorkists. See also John Savage below.
m1 Eleanor Neville dau of Richard Neville, 1st Earl of Salisbury continued his father's tradition of horse breeding as did her son George Stanley and do on down to Edward 11th Earl of Derby.m2 sp Margaret Beaufort d 29.06.1509, dau of John Beaufort, Duke of Somerset
St16Sir William Stanley of Holt d 16.02.1494/5, made chamberlain to Henry VII after helping him win at Bosworth Field against Richard III but beheaded for saying in confidence to Henry's spy that if Lambert were Edward IV's son he would not fight against him.
m1 ?? presumed mother of .. Joan, daughter of the first Viscount Beaumont
-1 William Stanley son & heir Connection given in Visitation Cheshire 1580, Massy of Tatton. m Jane Massy dau of Geffrey Massy of Tatton
-2 Jane Stanley m Sir John Warburton of Warburton and Arley d 1524-5
St16-3Sir John Stanley of Weever a c1450 m Elizabeth Weever dau of Sir Thomas Weever of Weever had issue
St16-4James Stanley, Archdeacon of Carlisle
St16-5Margaret Stanley m1 Sir William Troubeck husband reported by BE1883
and had Joan, Adam and Robert Trouthbeck, who k Battle of Blore Heath on September 23, 1459 fighting for the Yorkists, m2 Sir John Boteler of Bewsey, Lord of Warrington b 24.08.1429, d 26.02.1462/3 husband reported by and had Thomas and Dorothy Butler m3 Henry Grey, 7th Baron Grey of Codnot and had Anne Grey
St16-6Elizabeth Stanley m1 Thomas le Strange m2 Sir Richard Molyneux of Sefton d Bloreheath 23.09.1459
St16 =17 =18 =19Catherine Stanley b 1432, Stanley Derbyshire d 1498, Clifton Runcorn Cheshire
m Sir John Savage b 1432 Clifton Runcorn Cheshire d 22.11.1495 Macclesfield Cheshire of Clifton b c1422, d 22.11.1495, knighted as a Yorkist after the Battle of Tewkesbury but the commander of the left wing of Henry Tudor's army at Bosworthfield
+1 John SAVAGE and Eleanor de BRERETON
St16-1 533. John Savage b 1450 Clifton Runcorn Cheshire d 22.11.1492 France
m Dorothy Vernon b 1455 Clifton Runcorn Cheshire
+1 Sir Ralph Vernon
m Elizabeth Norris
+2 Sir Ralph Vernon
m Mary
+2 y Norris of Speke
+3 Richard Vernon
m Isabel Malbank dau of Piers Malbank
+3 Sir Thomas Butler of Bewsy
Sa16 =17 =18 534. Margaret Savage b 1455 Clifton Cheshire d 1525
m Edmund Trafford of Trafford b 12.05.1442 Handforth Cheshire d 15.08.1514
Sa16-10 Sa16-10 535. Elizabeth Savage b 1452 Clifton Runcorn Cheshire
m John Leeke b 1453 Sutton-en-le-Dale Derbyshire son of William of Longford
St16 =19536. Christopher Savage 7th son b 1473, Cheshire, Clifton d 09.09.1513
m Anne Stanley dau of Sir John Stanley of Elfford
St16 =17 537. Eleanor/Ellen Savage b 1457 Clifton Cheshire, d 17.05.1491 Bewgenet Sussex
m1 Henry BAGENALL/BAGNALL b 1556 Anglesey Wales d 14.08.1598
m2 PERCIVAL LEIGH, son of PETER LEIGH and Elizabeth de TRAFFORD. b 1444 Disley Cheshire d 11.08.1527 Colstock Cornwall, 1455-1487 War of the Roses, siege of Berwick, where he was made a knight banneret by King Ed , 1527 founder Chapel of Disley, Disley later became St Mary's Church, Disley
m 1467 Peter Legh of Lyme d 11.08.1527
Fi17-4MARGARET FITZALAN b 1374, Arundel Sussex England m SIR ROWLAND LENTHALL b 1372; d 1431.
Fi17-5Thomas FITZALAN b 13.10.1381, Arundel Sussex d 13.10.1415, Arundel Castle Sussex 1399-1415 12th Earl of Arundel m BEATRICE OF PORTUGAL b 1386, Portugal; d 13.11.1439, Bordeaux France.
Fi18-3John d' Arundel b 1347, Betchworth Surrey d 12.1379. b by 1345 d 10.01.1405 Lytchett Maltravers Dorset 1st Baron of Arundel, 1377 Lord Marshall of England by King Richard II
m Eleanor MALTRAVERS, dau of
Fi18-3-1MARGARET FITZALAN b 1370, Lytchett Maltravers Dorset d 03.07.1438, Belvoir Castle Leichestershire
m William ROS. b 1370 Helmsley Yorkshire England d 01.09.1414 Belvoir Castle Leichestershire
Fi18-3-1-1MARGARET13 de ROS b 1398, Belvoir Castle Leichestershire d c 09.1423, Heleigh Staffordshire
m JAMES TOUCHET b 1398, Heleigh Castle Audley Staffordshire d 23.09.1459, Shropshire, 1408-1459 5th Baron of Audley
Fi18-1-3-2John D' ARUNDEL b 30.11.1364, Lytchett Maltravers Dorset
m Elizabeth le Despenser b 1367 Essendine Rutland d 04.1408 Harringworth Northamptonshire
Fi18-1-3-2-1m Eleanor BERKELEY b 1390, Beverstone Castle Tetbury Gloucestershire d 01.08.1455, Heytesbury Wiltshire
Fi18-4Thomas FITZALAN b 1352, Arundel Sussex
Fi18-4-1Catherine FITZALAN b 1400
m Philip III 'THE GOOD' DUKE OF BURGUNDY. b 30.06.1396 Dijon Burgundy FR, 1419-1467 Duke of Burgundy, 1443-1467 Duke of Luxembourg
Fi18-4-1-1ELISABETH de BOURGOGNE b 1430, Burgundy France
m Thomas GRUFFYD. b 1420 Maenordeilo Carthmentenshire Wales d 1451.
Fi18-4-1-1-1John ap Thomas b 1460, Herefordshire
m Elizabeth VAUGHAN b 1470 Bredwardine Herefordshire
+1 Thomas VAUGHAN and Eleanor WHITNEY
Fi18-4-1-1-1-1538. Sir Thomas Jones b 1492 Bredwardine Herefordshire d by 26.06.1559
m2 Mary Berkeley 1532 b 1495 dau of
+1 James BERKELEY and Susan FITZALAN
Fi19JOAN FITZALAN b 1348, Arundel Sussex d 07.04.1419, Saffron Waldon Sussex
m Humphrey Bohun b 1340, Hereford Herefordshire 1360-1373 2nd Earl of Northampton, 1361-1373 7th Earl of Hereford
+1 William de Bohun, 1st Earl of Northampton d 16 Sep 1360 assisted at the arrest of Roger Mortimer in 1330, allowing Edward III to take power.
m 1335 Elizabeth de Baldesmere d 06.1356, dau of
+2 Humphrey de Bohun, 4th Earl of Hereford, Earl of Essex, Constable of England b c 1276, k 16 Mar 1321/2. Humphrey was one of several earls and barons under Edward I who laid siege to Caerlaverock Castle in Scotland in 1300 and later took part in many campaigns in Scotland. He also loved tourneying and gained a reputation as an "elegant" fop. In one of the campaigns in Scotland Humphrey evidently grew bored and departed for England to take part in a tournament along with Piers Gaveston and other young barons and knights. On return all of them fell under Edward I's wrath for desertion, but were forgiven. It is probable that Gaveston's friend, Edward (the future Edward II) had given them permission to depart. Later Humphrey became one of Gaveston's and Edward II's bitterest opponents.
m 14 Nov 1302 Elizabeth Plantagenet b 07 Aug 1282, d 05 May 1316, dau of
+2 Bartholomew de Badlesmere, 1st Lord and Margaret de Clare
+3 King Edward I of England
m1 Eleanor of Castile
Bo18Eleanor de Bohun b 1366, d 03 Oct 1399
m 1376 m Thomas Plantagenet of Woodstock, Duke of Gloucester, Earl of Buckingham b 07 Jan 1355, d 08 Sep 1397
Bo17-1Humphrey Plantagenet, 2nd Earl of Buckingham b c 1381 d 2 Sep 1399
Bo17-2Anne Plantagenet of Gloucester b c 1383 d 1438
m1 Thomas Stafford, 3rd Earl of Stafford
m2 Edmund Stafford, 5th Earl of Stafford + 3 ch
m3 William Bourchier Bo17, Count of Eu. son of Sir William Bourchier and Eleanor of Louvain,
Bo17-2-1Humphrey Stafford, 1st Duke of Buckingham, m Anne, dau of Ralph Neville, 1st Earl of Westmorland, and Joan Beaufort, Countess of Westmorland. Joan was a daughter of John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster, and his third wife Katherine Swynford.
Bo17-2-2Anne Stafford, Countess of March
m1 Edmund Mortimer, 5th Earl of March. Edmund was a great-grandson of Lionel of Antwerp, 1st Duke of Clarence. no ch
m2 John Holland, 2nd Duke of Exeter d. 1447
-1 Henry Holland, 3rd Duke of Exeter (d. 1475),
-2 Anne Holland, m John Neville, 1st Baron Neville de Raby.
Bo17-2-3Philippa Stafford, d y
Bo17-2-4Henry Bourchier, Earl of Essex
m Isabel of Cambridge, dau of Richard of Conisburgh, 3rd Earl of Cambridge, and Anne de Mortimer. Isabel was also an older sister of Richard Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of York
-1 William Bourchier dvp m Anne Widvile d 30.07.1489, dau of Sir Richard de Wydeville of Grafton, 1st Earl Rivers
-2 Henry Bourchier dsp c Aug 1458 m m Elizabeth Scales dau of Thomas, Lord Scales
-3 Sir Humphrey Bourchier, Lord Cromwell dsp Barnet Field 1471 m Jane Stanhope dau of Sir Richard Stanhope of Rampton by Maud, sister of Lord Ralph Cromwell
-4 Sir John Bourchier d 1495 m1 Elizabeth Ferrers b 1419, d by 23 Jan 1482/3, dau of Sir Henry Ferrers, younger of Groby m2 before 06.07.1490 Elizabeth Chichele d 02 Apr 1499, dau of John Chichelle of Wimpole
-5 Sir Thomas Bourchier m Isabel Barre dau of Sir John Barre
-6 Sir Edward Bourchier d Wakefield
-1-1 Henry Bourchier, 2nd Earl of Essex d 1539 m Mary Say dau of Sir William Say of Broxbourne and Essenden
-1-2 Cecily Bourchier m Sir John Devereux, 2nd Lord Ferrers of Chartley b 1463, d 05.03.1500-1
Bo17-2-5Eleanor Bourchier, Duchess of Norfolk, m 1424 John Mowbray, 4th Duke of Norfolk d 6 Nov 1461
Bo17-2-6Sir William Bourchier, 1st Lord FitzWarine b c 1412 Little Easton Essex d c 1470
m1 Thomasine Hankeford dau of Richard Hankford and Elizabeth FitzWarine b 1403 d c 1426
-1 Sir Fulke Bourchier, 2nd Lord FitzWarine d 18 Sep 1479 m Elizabeth Dynham d 19 Oct 1516, sis of John, Lord Dynham
Bo17-2-7Thomas Bourchier Bishop of Ely, Archbishop of Canterbury
Bo17-2-8John Bourchier, 1st Baron Berners of West Horsley d 16 May 1474 grandfather of John, Lord Berners, the translator of Froissart John Bourchier of West Horsley, 1st Lord Berners d 16 May 1474 of Wimpole -1 Sir Humphrey Bourchier, dvp Barnet 14 Apr 1471, fought for the House of York with his cousin of the same name
-2 Sir Thomas Bourchier d 1491 m Anne Andrewes b about 1428 wid of Sir John Salyard of Eye
-3 Joanna Bourchier m Sir Henry Nevill, younger of Latimer dvp Edgcote 14 Jul 1469
-1-1 Sir John Bourchier, 2nd Lord Berners b 1467, d 16.03.1532 inherited West Horsley from his grandmother, Margery Berners in 1475. m Catherine Howard + 2 ch dau of John Howard, 1st Duke of Norfolk p Elizabeth Bacon
-1-2 Anne Bourchier a 09.1530 m 1492 Thomas Fiennes, Lord Dacre b 1471/2, d 9 Sep 1534
-1-3 Margaret Bourchier Bo14 =15 b 1468, d 1551 Lady Governess of all Henry VIII�s children: Princess Mary, Henry Fitzroy, D. Richmond, Princess Elizabeth and Prince Edward.
m Sir Thomas Bryan of Cheddington b 1464, d 1517
-3-1 Richard Nevill, 2nd Lord Latymer b 1468, d 1530 m1 c 1490 Anne Stafford dau of Sir Humphrey Stafford of Grafton
-1-1-1 Mary Bourchier dvpsp m Alexander Unton of Wadley
-1-1-2 Jane Bourchier of Ashwellthorpe, de jure Baroness Berners d 17 Feb 1561/2 m Edmund Knyvett d 1 Mar 1539
-1-1-3 James Bourchier
-1-1-2 Ursula Bourchier
-1-3-1 Sir Francis Bryan d 02.02.1549/50, Lord Chief Justice of Ireland m. 1548 Joan Fitzgerald dau of James FitzThomas or Fitzgerald, 10th Earl of Desmond This political marriage may have suffered under a secret affair of Joan with Gerald Fitzgerald 15th Earl of Desmond.
-3-1-1 Sir John Nevill, 3rd Lord Latymer b 17.11.1493, d 02.03.1542-3
m1 Dorothy Vere d 07.02.1526-7, dau of Sir George de Vere

-1-3-1-1 Sir Francis Bryan in Claire b 1549 held large estates in County Clare m Ann Smith dau of Sir William Smith

-1-3-1-1-1 William Smith Bryan b Jun 1599 Claire IRE d 1667 Gloucester Co VA (uncertainty about descendants!) m Catherine Morgan b 1604 in Claire, Ireland. Co or Tredegar Monmouth Wales d 1 Jun 1680 Gloucester Va dau of Thomas Morgan b 1560 Llaurhynmy Monsmouth Wales d 1647 Prior and Catherine Herbert b about 1564 Cogan Pell Glamorgans Wales d 1604 and granddau of Nicholas Herbert and Mary Morgan

-1-3-1-1-1-1 Francis Bryan b 1630 d 1693/4 Ireland m Sarah Brinker from Denmark
-1-3-1-1-1-2 John Smith Bryan b 1 Jun 1626 Down Parish Clare Ireland d 1 Jun 1687 Norfolk Va m Sarah x b 1 Jun 1617/34 New Kent Co VA/Gloucester Engl d 1 Jun 1685 Isle of Wight Co VA
-1-3-1-1-1-3 Catherine Bryan
-1-3-1-1-1-4 Thomas Bryan, Sr b c 1619 Clare IRE d 1 Jun 1685 Richmond VA
m Mary Wright b 1619 Richmond VA d there 1 Jun 1689 dau of Thomas Wright b c 1589 and Mary x b 1589
-1-3-1-1-1-5 Morgan Bryant b c 1621 Clare IRE d Jun 1684 Gloucester Courthouse VA
-1-3-1-1-1-6 Henry Bryant b c 1623
-1-3-1-1-1-7 James Bryant b c 1628
-1-3-1-1-1-8 William Smith Bryan Jr b 1630 Gloucester VA d 1717 Richmond VA m Alice MacLand
-1-3-1-1-1-9 Margaret Bryant b 1631 IRE
-1-3-1-1-1-10 David Bryant Sr b by1840 Co Clare IRE d 1 Jun 1865 Gloucester VA
-1-3-1-1-1-11 Edmund Bryan d 1 Jun 1690 Gloucester VA
-1-3-1-1-1-12 Dr Richard or Thomas Bryant b c 1640 d 1704/4 in Stafford Co. VA As a medical doctor by profession, his social status would seem to fit in this family and there were other close relatives of this family in Virginia too at this time.( shows no Richard fo the above marriage, but a Thomas b c 1619 Clare IRE d 1 Jun 1685 Richmond VA m Mary Wright b 1619 Richmond VA d there 1 Jun 1689 dau of Thoms Wright b 1589 and Mary) m Keziah Arroyah Ja10 b c 1642 dau of-> Wahanganoche Ja11 and Mary granddau of Matoaka "Pocahontas" baptized as Rebecca and Kocoum, younger Potawomack chief, d c 1612

-1-3-1-1-1-1-1 William Bryan b 1685 d 1789, to Virginia m Margaret shows her name as Brockers b about 1695 Roanoke Va d 1804 Salem Va had issue
-1-3-1-1-1-1-2 Morgan Bryan b 1671 in Denmark d 1763 Chester Pa ?Virginia had issue Morgan and his brother William came to Pennsylvania in 1718
-1-3-1-1-1-12-1 Richard Bryan m. Beth
-1-3-1-1-1-12-2 Thomas Bryant b 1662 m Eleanor x, probably his Indian servant of that name, and had issue
-1-3-1-1-1-12-3 Elizabeth Bryan, m Richard Elkin. 

Br10-5 Martha Bryant b c 1650 d after 1690) married Thomas Foley andhad 5 children, 2nd William Burton.
-1-3-1-1-1-12-5 Sylent/?Robert Bryan b about 1666 m1 Lucy Doniphan

Bo17-3Joan Plantagenet b 1384 d 16 August 1400 in childbirth m Gilbert Talbot, 5th Lord Talbot (1383�1419)
Bo17-4Isabel Plantagenet b 12 March 1385/1386 d April 1402
Bo17-5Philippa Plantagenet b c 1388 d y
Bo18-2Mary de Bohun d 04 Jul 1394
m Henry ""Bolingbroke Plantagenet, King Henry IV of Englandb 30 May 1366, d 21 Mar 1412-3
Bo18-3y de Bohun b about 1370 a son born about the time of his father's murder might have been cut out of inheritance and banned to Fressingfield by his powerful brothers-in-law and become the progenitor of this line.
Fi18-6Eleanor FitzAlan b 1348, Arundel Castle Sussex d 1402, Bechworth Castle Surrey
m ANTHONY BROWNE b 1340, Kesteven Lincolnshire d 1398, Bechworth Castle Surrey
Pl20-2Maud Plantagenet b 1298, Lancaster Lancashire d 05.05.1377.
m William de Burgh b 17.09.1312 Ulster Ireland d 1333 Belfast Antrim Ireland.
Pl20-2-1Elizabeth de BURGH b 06.07.1332 1333-1363 4th Countess of Carrickfergus Castle Antrim Co d 12.1363, Dublin
m LIONEL PRINCE of ANTWERP b 29.11.1338 Antwerpen Belgium d 17.10.1368 Alba Coneo Piamonte Italy.
...-4-2-1-1Philippa PLANTAGENET b 16.08.1355, Eltham Kent d 07.01.1378.
m EDMUND "THE GOOD" de MORTIMER,. b 01.02.1351 Llangoed Llyswen Breconshire Wales d 27.12.1381 Dominican Friary Cork Co Ireland.
+1 son of Roger de MORTIMER and PhilipPE de MONTAGU
Pl20-2-1-1Elizabeth MORTIMER b aft 12.02.1370 Usk Monmouthshire Wales d 20.04.1417,
m1 Thomas de CAMOYS. b by 1351 Trotton Sussex d 28.03.1421 Bekerton Sussex
m2 Henry de PERCY "HOTSPUR" b 20.05.1364 Alnwick Northumberland d 21.07.1403 Battle of Shrewsbury Shropshire for ch by Henry de Percy "Hotspur" see above
+1 y de CAMOYS
Pl20-2-1-1-1Alice de CAMOYS b 1404, Usk Monmouthshire Wales
m SIR LEONARD HASTINGS b 1387 Allerston Yorkshire d 20.10.1455 Leicestershire
+1 RALPH HASTINGS d 1398 (Stirnet shows m1 c1352 Isabel Sadyington + dau and m2 c1385 Maud Sutton + 6 ch possibly dau of Thomas Sutton of Holderness, Sheriff of Yorkshire )
m MAUD de Sutton
Pl20-2-1-1-1-1 539. Ralph Hastings b 1434 Kirby Leicestershire d 11.1495 Harrowden Northamptonshire
m Amy Tattershall b 1444 Wanstead Essex
Pl20-2-1-1-1-2 540. Sir William Hastings b 1450 Kirby Leicestershire d 13.06.1483 Tower Of London, aft 1450 Kirby Muxloe Castle, 1461-1483 1st Baron of Hastings of 1461 Creation, 1462 Knight of the Garter, Battle of Towton, Battle of Mortimer's Cross
m Katherine Nevill dau of Richard Nevill, 1st Earl of Salisbury and Alice de MONTAGU for ch see above 454) Katherine Neville.
Pl20-2-1-1-1-3 541. Elizabeth Hastings b 1429 Leicestershire d 1508 Kirby Leicestershire
m Sir John DUNN b 1431 York Castle Yorkshire d 1502 son of GRIFFITH DUNN and JOAN SCUDAMORE
.Pl20-2-1-1-1-4ANNE HASTINGS b 1425 m SIR Thomas FERRERS b 1425; d 1499.
Pl20-2-1-1-2ALIANORA CAMOYS b 1408, Broadwater Sussex
m Roger LEWKNOR. b 1413 Lockerley Hampshire d 04.08.1478.
+1 Sir Thomas LEWKNOR
m2/1? Phillipa Dalingrig sister not dau of Sir Richard Dalingrig, Wid of Richard Berners she m2/3. Richard Barnes
Pl20-2-1-1-2-1 542. Roger Lewknor b 1439 Trotton Sussex d by 23.02.1509 Boxgrove Sussex
m Mary WEST b 1445 Portslade Sussex dau of Reynold WEST and Eleanor NEVILLE
Pl20-2-1-1-2-2 543. Elizabeth Lewknor b 1430 Sussex
m John Wroth b 1420 Enfield Middlesex son of William Wroth and AVERIA MORTIMER for ch see above John Wroth
Pl20-2-1-1-3Richard CAMOYS b 1396, Camois Court Sussex d 1421, Camois Court Sussex
Pl20-2-1-1-4LORD Roger de CAMOYS b 1398, Sussex
Pl20-2-1-2Roger de MORTIMER b 11.04.1374, Monmouthshire, Usk Wales; d 20.07.1398, Battle of Kells Meath Co Ireland, 1381-1398 4th Earl of March, 1382-1398 6th Earl of for ch see above 239) Eleanor de Holand.
m Eleanor de HOLAND b 1374 Upholland Lancashire d 10.1405 dau of
+1 Thomas de HOLAND and Alice FITZALAN
Pl20-2-1-3PhilipPE MORTIMER b 21.11.1375, Ludlow Shropshire d 24.09.1401, Halnaker Sussex England m Richard FITZALAN b 1346, Arundel Castle Sussex d 21.09.1397, London, Cheapside Middlesex England.
Pl20-2-1-4MARGERY MORTIMER b 1369, Brecon Montgomeryshire Wales.
Pl20-2-1-5AGNES MORTIMER b 1371, Reading Berkshire d 1400.
Pl20-2-1-6Joan Mmortimer b 1372 Usk Monmouthshire Wales d 08.10.1405, Wilts
m William LOCKE. b 1351 Wiltshire d 1423 Wiltshire
+1 y LOCKE
Pl20-2-1-6-1Lord John LOCKE b 1400, Wiltshire d St Mary Le Bow London
m Eleanor NEVILLE b 1407, Raby Durham d 1472, London Middlesex
Pl20-2-1-7Sir EDMUND de MORTIMER b 1376; d by 13.05.1411 m Katherine GLENDOWER b mel. 1375 - 1385.
Pl20 =21 =22 =24Joan Plantagenet b 1320, Grosmont Castle Monmouthshire Wales; d 07.07.1349, Byland Abbey Yorkshire
m John de Mowbray b 29.11.1310 Malton Yorkshire d 04.10.1361 York Yorkshire 1321-1361 3rd Baron of Mowbray c 1338 Governor of Berwick, founding member of the Order of the Garter son of
+1 John de Mowbray 2nd Lord b 04.09.1286, d 23.03.1321/2
m 1298 Aliva de Braose d by 20.07.1332, dau of William de Braose, Lord of Bramber and Gower
Mo20 =21 =23John de Mowbray 1361-1368 4th Baron of Mowbray b 25.06.1340, Isle of Axholme, Epworth Lincolnshire d 10.1368, Constantinople
m Elizabeth de SEGRAVE b 25.10.1338 Croxton Kerrial Leicestershire d 1368 dau of John de SEGRAVE and MARGARET PLANTAGENET
Mo19-1Thomas de MOWBRAY b 22.03.1366, Isle of Axholme, Epworth Lincolnshire d 22.09.1399, Venice Veneto Italy. 1st Earl of Nottingham, 1383 Knight of the Garter, 1396-1397 England Ambassador to France, 1397-1399 1st Duke of Norfolk, 1399-1399 3rd Earl of Norfolk, Richard II's Marshal of England, one of nine offices of state
m Elizabeth FITZALAN, b by 1370 Derbyshire England d 08.07.1425 Hoveringham Nottinghamshire, 1379-1399 6th Baron of Mowbray, 1383-1399 forch see Elizabeth FitzAlan above
Mo19-2Joan de MOWBRAY b 1368, Epworth Isle of Axholme Lincolnshire d c 30.11.1402.
m Thomas GREY b 1359 Heaton Castle Northumberland England d 30.11.1400 son of Thomas de GREY and MARGARET de PRESSENE
Mo19-2-1John GREY b 1384, Newcastle Northumberland d 22.03.1421, Battle of Bauge Anjou Loire FR
m JOAN CHERLETON b 1400 Powys Montgomeryshire Wales d 17.09.1425.
Mo19-2-1-1Henry GREY b 1419, Wark-on-Tweed Northumberland d 13.01.1450, Powys Montgomeryshire Wales.
Mo19-2-1-1-1 544. Edward de Grey b 1437 Heaton Castle Northumberland
Mo19-2-2Thomas GREY b 1388, Heaton Castle Northumberland d 04.08.1415.
m Alice de NEVILLE b 1389 Raby Castle Durham dau of RALPH de NEVILLE and MARGARET de STAFFORD for see above Alice de Neville.
Mo19-2-3MAUD GREY b 1386, Heaton Castle Northumberland d c 22.08.1451 m Robert OGLE b mel. 1379 - 1383, Ogle Castle Northumberland d 12.08.1436
Mo19-2-4William GREY b 1390, Northumberland d 02.1436, Lincolnshire England.
Mo19-2-5Katherine GREY b 1400, Northumberland m Robert LASCELLES b 1395, Eastkrick Yorkshire
Mo19-3MARGARET de MOWBRAY b 1362, Epworth Isle of Axholme Lincolnshire d by 1401
m Reginald LUCY b by 1360, Cublington Buckinghamshire d 09.11.1437, Dallington Northamptonshire
Mo19 =20 =22ELEANOR de MOWBRAY b by 25.03.1364, Isle of Axholme Epworth Lincolnshire d c 1399.
m John 5TH BARON de WELLES. b 20.04.1352 Conisholme Lincolnshire d 24.08.1421, 1361-1421 5th Baron of Welles
+1 John de WELLES We19 =20 =22 4th Lord b 23.08.1334, d 11.10.1361
we18 =19 =21 Ives/EUDO WELLES b 1387, Well Spilsby Lincolnshire d by 1421.
m MAUD de GREYSTOKE b 1390 Greystoke Cumberland d 1416.
We16 =17 =19 Sir LIONEL de WELLES b 1406 Well Spilsby Lincolnshire d 29.03.1461, Battle of Towton Yorkshire, 1436 Siege of Calais in the expedition sent to relieve the siege of Calais, 1455-1487 War of the Roses
m1 JOAN/CECILY de WATERTON b 1407 Methley Yorkshire d c 18.10.1434 Methley Yorkshire
m2 MARGARET de Beauchamp + 1 ch dau of b 1412 Bedford England d by 20.07.1482 Westminster Middlesex
+1 John de Beauchamp and ESTHER de STOURTON
We16-1 Sir Richard Welles, 7th Lord Willoughby of Eresby, 7th Lord Welles b c 1420 d 12.03.1469
m1 c 1446 Joan Willoughby, Baroness of Eresby b c 1420 d 1461/2, dau of Robert Willoughby, 6th Lord of Eresby
We16-2 Alianore Welles b c 1420
m1 Thomas, Lord Hoo and Hastings d 13.02.1454/5
m2 James or Sir Thomas Lawrence
m3 Hugh Hastings
We16 Cecily Welles b c 1420
m Sir Robert Willoughby of Parham d 30.05.1465-6
-1 Sir Robert Willoughby b c 1450 d c 1468 m Joane FitzHugh
-2 Sir Christopher Willoughby of Parham b 1453 Knotishall Suffolk d c 1498/9 Campsey Suffolk m Margaret Jenney b 1460 Knotishall d there 1515 dau of Sir William Jenney of Knottshall

-2-1 William Willoughby, 10th Lord of Eresby b 1482 d 19.10.1525 m1 Mary Hussey dsp, dau of Sir William Hussey of Sleaford m2 Maria de la Salines/Salinas dau of Count of Salines
-2-2 Sir Christopher Willoughby m Elizabeth Talboys dau of Sir George Talboys/Tailboys
-2-3 George Willoughby had issue
-2-4 Sir Thomas Willoughby d 1545, chief justice m Bridget or Katherine Read dau of Sir Robert Read of Bore Place
-2-5 Catherine Willoughby m Sir John Heydon of Baconsthorp
-2-6 Elizabeth Willoughby m William Eure, 1st Lord b c1483, d 15.03.1547/8
-2-7+ John, Dorothy
-2-9 (by p x Woodward) Edward Woodward b 1530 Shropshire d there 1600 m Anne x b 1550 d 1600 Shropshire
We16-3 545. Eleanor Welles b 1420 Lincolnshire
m Thomas Hoo b 1396 Luton Hoo Bedford d 13.02.1455 Hastings Sussex son of Thomas Hoo and Eleanor de FELTON
We15 =18 Margaret Welles b c 1425
m Sir Thomas Dymoke of Scrivelsby b c1427, d 12.03.1470
-1 Sir Robert Dymoke of Scrivelsby d 13.04.1544 m1 Ann Cresmore dau of Alexander Cresmore
-2 Sir Lionel Dymoke, Sheriff of Lincolnshire b c 1465 Mareham Lincoln d 17.08.1519 m Joan Griffith dau of Richard Griffith of Stickford
-1-1 Sir Robert Dymoke of Scrivelsby King's Champion, b 1536/7 bur 26.09.1580 m Bridget Clinton Fiennes b about 1536 dau of Edward Clinton Fiennes, 1st Earl of Lincoln
-1-2 Arthur Dymoke
-1-3 Margaret Dymoke bur 15.09.1591 m before 1558 William Eure, 2nd Lord b 10.05.1529, d 12.02.1593/4
-1-4 Elizabeth Dymoke a 03.1592 probably of this generation m Sir Henry Ayscough of Blyborough b before 1535, d 22.10.1611
-1-5 Susan Dymoke bur 05.07.1620 apparently of this generation m1 Arthur Walpole of Pinchbeck bur 12.08.1585 m2 Sir Thomas Lambert of Pinchbeck
-1-6 Frances Dymoke apparently of this generation younger daughter of Sir Edward Dymoke of Scrivelsby in Lincolnshire,
m Sir Thomas Windebank of Haines Hall b before 1556

-1-2-1 John DYMOKE of Gray's Inn m Katherine BROXHOLME
-1-6-1 Mildred Windebank d 1630 m 31.07.1600 Robert Reade of Linkenholt Re11 =14 d by 12.1626

-1-6-1-1 Col George Reade, Acting Governor of Virginia b 25.10.1608 in Linkenholt Manor, Hampshire d 10.1674, 5th son m Elizabeth Martiau d 1686, dau of Nicholas Martiau of Hugenot descent
We16-5 Catherine Welles
m1 Sir Thomas de la Launde
m2 Robert Tempest
-1 Joan de la Launde m William Denton
-2 Margaret de la Launde m Thomas Berkeley
We16-6 John WELLES b 1450, Well Lincolnshire England; d 09.02.1499, Westminster Middlesex England m CICELY PLANTAGENET b 20.03.1469, Westminster Middlesex England; d 24.08.1507, Isle Of Wight, Abbey Hampshire England.
Mo19 =23Eleanor de MOWBRAY b 1345 Epworth Isle of Axholme Lincolnshire d by 18.06.1387.
m Roger de la Warre b 30.11.1326 Axminster Devon d 27.08.1370 France son of
+1 John de la WARRE
m Margaret de Holand
Wa18 =22JOAN de LA WARRE b 1367, Offington Broadwater Sussex d 24.04.1404 Hampshire, Selborne, Oakhanger
m Thomas WEST b 1365 Hampshire, Selborne, Oakhanger d 19.04.1405 Wiltshire, Tisbury
+1 Thomas WEST and Alice FITZHERBERT
We17-1Thomas West 6th Baron de la Warr
We17 =21Reynold WEST b 07.09.1395 Snitterfield Warwickshire, d 27.08.1450, Snitterfield Warwickshire (the reports on wives and children are contradictory)
m1/?2 MARGARET THORLEY b 1396 Snitterfield Warwickshire, d 24.11.1433 + 5 ch
m2/?1 Eleanor NEVILLE b 1399 Raby Castle Durham d 1463 Warkworth Castle Alnwick Northumberland + 1 ch
m3 by 19 Nov 1443 Elizabeth GREYNDOUR b 1420 d 1452 + ?4 ch dau of
+1 Robert THORLEY and ANNE de LA POLE
+1 Robert Greyndour and Joan Rugge
We20Richard WEST, LORD de LA WARRE b 28.10.1430, Hampshire, Oakhanger d 10.03.1476, Devon
m Catherine HUNGERFORD b 1438 Somerset, Farleigh-Hungerford d 12.05.1493.
We19 546. Thomas West b 1457 Mortimers Hall Hampshire d 11.10.1525 KG
m1 Eleanor Copley b 1460 Gatton Surrey d 10.05.1536 Broadwater Sussex + 2 ch
m2 Elizabeth Mortimor b 1460 Mortimers Hall Hampshire d 29.06.1502
We16MARGARET de WEST b 1428, Oakhanger Selborne Hampshire d 20.01.1483, Echingham Sussex
m Thomas Eychingham Ec16 b 1425 Echingham Sussex d 20.01.1483 Echingham Sussex
+1 Sir Thomas Echingham of Etchingham b c 1385 d 1444
m2. Margaret Knyvett dau of John Knyvett, senior
Ec15547. Margaret de Echingham b 1449 Echingham Sussex d c 11.07.1482 Shoreditch Middlesex
m William Harrison Blount b 1442 Rock Worcester d 14.04.1471 London, 1464-1465 England Treasurer m1 William Blount, younger of Mountjoy d after Barnet 1471 son of Walter Blount b 1442 Rock, Worcester and Ellen Byron 1416 in Clayton, Lancaster d 1468 bur Grey Friars, London
Bl14-1 John Blount (dsp)
Bl14-2 Edward Blount, 2nd Lord Mountjoy b c 1464, d 01.12.1475 m 1475 Anne Cobham d 26.06.1526, dau of Sir Thomas Cobham)
Bl14 Elizabeth Blount m Andrew de Windsor, 1st Baron Windsor
Bl14-4 Anne Blount m1 Sir Thomas Oxenbridge ?= Ec15-2-1 s.b. m2 Sir David Owen of Medhurst

Wi13-1 Elizabeth Windsor, possibly married George Paulet
Wi13-2 George Windsor
Wi13-3 Eleanor Windsor married 1st Ralph le Scrope 9th Lord Scrope of Masham, 2nd  Sir Edward Neville.
Wi13-4 William Windsor (2nd Baron Windsor of Bradenham)
Wi13-5 Andrew Windsor (b. ABT 1492)
Wi13-6 Edmund Windsor (b. ABT 1494 - d. AFT Jan 1553)
Wi13-7 Anne Windsor
Wi13 Edith Windsor+ married George Ludlow, Sheriff of Wiltshire
Wi13-9 Thomas Windsor
Bl14-4-1 ?= Ec15-2-1-1 Elizabeth Oxenbridge b c 1495
m Sir Robert Tyrwhitt of Kettleby d 13.11.1581
Ec15-2Elizabeth ECHINGHAM b 1465
m1 by Jan 1490 Sir Goddard Oxenbridge b 1460 Forde Place Brede Sussex d 10 Feb 1531 Brede Sussex
-a Thomas Oxenbridge b c 1470 Brede Sussex d by 8 Feb 1497 m Anne Blount b c 1465 Derbyshire d aft 20 Jul 1510 dau of William Blount and Margaret Echingham
-b Malyn Oxenbridge b c 1473 Forde Place Brede d c 3 Oct 1544 Beddington Surrey m c 1494 Richard Carew
-b-1 Elizabeth (Carew m Fettiplace
-b-2 Mary Carew m Pelham
-b-3 Nicholas Carew KG MP
+1 Sir Robert Oxenbridge b c 1423 Forde Plac d there 9 Mar 1487 Brede Susex
m Anne Lavelode
+2 Robert Oxenbridge b c 1370 Brede Sussex d by 6 Sep 1433 Brede
-b William Oxenbridge b c 1374 Brede
-c John Oxenbridge b 1378 Brede
+3 Robert Oxenbridge b c 1354 Brede d c 1400 Huborne Priory Southampton
m Marjerie Atteforde
Ec15-2-1Sir Thomas Oxenbridge b c 1495 d 28 Mar 1540 m Elizabeth Puttenham b c 1504 d c 1529 dau of George Puttenham and Rose Gaynsford -1 Elizabeth Oxenbridge b c 1529 Etchingham Sussex d c 1589 Etchingham m Robert Tyrwhitt b c 1510 d 16 Nov 1581 MO LL JP
m2 aft 1501 Roger Fynes/?=Fiennes-1 Anne Fynes m. John Windsor
We16-3William West
We16-4Elizabeth WEST b 1427, Wiltshire d 1467, Gloucestershire
m William de BERKELEY b 1426, Berkeley Castle Thornbury Gloucestershire England. 1st and last Marquess of Berkeley was born in 1426 at Berkeley Castle, Berkeley, Gloucestershire son of James de Berkeley, 1st Lord Berkeley and Lady Isabel Mowbray he m1 Elizabeth West, dau of Sir Reynold West, 6th Lord la Warre and Margaret Thorley, in 1466.2 He and Elizabeth West were divorced on 20 November 1467 although Elizabeth appealed the divorce to Pope Paul II.2 He married, secondly, Joan Strangways, daughter of Sir Thomas Strangways and Lady Katherine Neville, in November 1468.2 He married, thirdly, Anne Fiennes, daughter of Sir John Fiennes and Alice FitzHugh, circa 1486.3 He died on 14 February 1491/92 at Westminster, London, England, without surviving issue.3 He was buried at St. Augustine's Friars, London, England.3 William de Berkeley, 1st and last Marquess of Berkeley also went by the nick-name of William 'the Wass all'.1 He was invested as a Knight circa 1438.1 He succeeded to the title of 2nd Lord Berkeley [E., 1421] in November 1463, by writ.1 On 20 March 1469/70 he was challenged by Thomas Talbot, Viscount Lisle to settle the claims to his great-uncle Thomas's estates, by combat. Thomas was killed in the combat.1 He was invested as a Knight Bachelor on 18 April 1475, Viscount of Catherlough co. Carlow IRE between 1481 and 10 February 1485, 1st Viscount Berkeley 21 April 1481, Privy Counsellor P.C. 5 March 1482/83, 1st Earl of Nottingham 28 June 1483, Great Marshal of England 19 Feb 1485/6, Earl Marshal on 19 Feb 1485/6, 1st Marquess of Berkeley 28 Jan 1488/9, last will 5 Feb 1491/2, the three peerages granted to him became extinct, although the Barony of Berkeley survived.3 Children of William de Berkeley, 1st and last Marquess of Berkeley and Joan Strangways * Katherine Berkeley 4 * Sir Thomas Berkeley b. Mar 1469/70, d c 14754
We16-5ANNE WEST b 1432, Snitterfield Warwickshire
We16-6Mary/Anne WEST b 1445, Portslade Sussex
m Roger Lewknor b 1439 d aft 6 Nov 1509 b 1439 Trotton Sussex d by 23.02.1509 Boxgrove Sussex
Roger Lewknor and Isabel Echyngham or ALIANORA CAMOYS
We16-6-1 548. Edmund Lewknor b 1487 Tangmere Sussex d 12.03.1545 Tangmere Sussex
m Jane Tyrell b 1510 Tangmere Sussex d c 1588 Tangmere Sussex
We17-3John West
We17-4-1AGNES de la BERE b 1426 Banbury Oxfordshire d London
m Robert DANVERS b 1424, Epwell Banbury Oxfordshire d 17.04.1467, Church of Holy Cross London
-1-1-1-1-2-2 -4-4Henry of GROSMONT b 1300, Grosmont Castle Monmouth d 24.03.1361 1345-1361 4th Earl of Lancaster
m ISABELLA BEAUMONT b 1310 Longborough Castle Leicestershire d c 24.03.1360.
...-4-4-1Blanche OF LANCASTER b 25.03.1345, Grosmont Castle Monmouth d 30.09.1369, Bollingbroke Lincolnshire
m John OF GAUNT b 24.06.1340 Ghent Oost Vlaanderen Belgium d 03.02.1399 Leicester Castle Leicester 1342-1372 1st Earl of Richmond, 1362-1399 1st Duke of Lancaster son of Edward III and Philippa HAINAULT
...-4-4-1-1Elizabeth PLANTAGENET b by 21.02.1363, Burford Shropshire d 24.11.142
m John HOLLAND,. b 1352 d 16.01.1400., 1397-1399 1st Duke of Exeter
...-4-4-1-1-1CONSTANCE de HOLAND b 1387, Ruthin Denbighshire Wales; d 14.11.1437.
m1 Thomas de MOWBRAY b 17.09.1385 England d 08.06.1405
m2 SIR John GREY. b 1387 Ruthin Denbighshire Wales d 27.08.1439.
+1 Thomas de MOWBRAY and Elizabeth FITZALAN
...-4-4-1-1-1-1EDMUND GREY b 26.10.1416, Ruthin Denbighshire Wales; d 22.05.1490, 1st Earl of Kent succeeded to the title of 4th Lord Grey, of Ruthin [E., 1325] on 20 September 1440, initially a Lancastrian in the War of the Roses in the Battle of Northampton on 10 July 1460 being the chief cause of the Yorkist victory, created 1st Earl of Kent on 30 May 1465.5 He had one other son and one other daughter.5 Children of Edmund Grey, 1st Earl of Kent and Lady Catherine Percy
m LADY Catherine PERCY b 28.05.1423 Leconfield Yorkshire
+1 Henry PERCY and Eleanor NEVILLE
...-4-4-1-1-1-1-1Mary GREY b 1440, Wales; d 1474.
...-4-4-1-1-1-1-2SIR ANTHONY GREY b 1443, Ruthin Denbighshire Wales; d 1480 m Eleanor WOODVILLE b 1449, Grafton Regis Northamptonshire England; d 1512, St Albans Hertfordshire England.
...-4-4-1-1-1-1-3ANNE GREY b 1446, Ruthin Denbighshire Wales; d 15.01.1514, Wilton-on-the-Rye Herefordshire England m John GREY b 1442, Herefordshire England; d 03.04.1499. , 1493-1498 8th Baron of Grey de Wilton
...-4-4-1-1-1-1-4George Grey, 2nd Earl of Kent+ d 21 Dec 1503
...-4-4-1-1-1-2Thomas GREY b 1418, Ruthin Denbighshire Wales d 12.146
m MARGARET FERRERS b 1404, Groby Leicestershire
...-4-4-1-1-2John HOLLAND b 18.03.1395, Darlington Devon d 05.08.1447.
m1 BEATRICE OF PORTUGAL b 1386 Portugal d 13.11.1439 Bordeaux FR
m2 LADY ANNE STAFFORD b 1400 Staffordshire d 20.09.1432
m3 ANNE de MONTAGU b 1399 Salisbury Wiltshire England. for ch see above Lady Anne Stafford.
Pl22-5Blanche of Lancaster b 1305, Grosmont Monmouth
m Thomas Wake, 2ND BARON WAKE of LIDDELL b 1297, Liddell Cumberland d 31.05.1349, 1300-1349 2nd Baron of Wake of Liddell
Pl22 =23Mary PLANTAGENET b 1320, Grosmont Castle Monmouth d 01.09.1362, Alnwick Castle Northumberland
m Henry Percy Pe21 =22 =24 3rd Lord of Alnwick b 1320, d c 17.06.1368 son of
+1 Henry de Percy 2nd Lord of Alnwick b 1301 d 1352
m Idonia Clifford d 1365, (dau of Robert de Clifford, 1st Lord)
Pe21 =22Henry de PERCY Pe20 =21 =23 b 10.11.1341 Alnwick Castle Northumberland d 19.02.1407 Bramham Tadcaster York
m1 MARGARET NEVILLE b 1338 Raby Durham d 12.05.1372 Northumberland + ch m2 1381 Maud Lucy d 1398, dau of Thomas de Lucy, 2nd Lord
Pe20 =21Henry de PERCY "HOTSPUR" b 20.05.1364, Alnwick Northumberland d 21.07.1403, Battle of Shrewsbury Shropshire
m Elizabeth MORTIMER, b mel. 12.02.1370 - 1371 Usk Monmouthshire Wales d 20.04.1417
Pe19 =20Henry PERCY b 03.02.1393, Alnwick Castle Northumberland k 22.05.1455, Battle Of St Albans Hertfordshire
m Eleanor NEVILLE b 1399 Raby Castle Durham England d 1463 Warkworth Castle Alnwick Northumberland ? Portslade. (Probably by 1st or 2nd wife) Mary (or Anne) West = Roger Lewknor, son of Sir Roger Lewknor and Eleanor Camoys.
Pe18-1RALPH PERCY b 11.08.1425, Leconfield Yorkshire k 25.04.1464, Battle of Hedgeley Moor Northumberland
m Eleanor de ACTON b 1429 Alnwick Northumberland England d c 1498.
Pe18-1-1 549. Peter Percy b 1457 Leconfield Yorkshire
Pe18-1-2 550. John Percy b 1462 Bamborough Northumberland d 1510
m Margaret Harbottle b 1462 Northumberland d Yorkshire
Pe18-2Anne PERCY b 1420, Northumberland
Pe18-3Thomas PERCY b 29.11.1422, Leconfield Yorkshire k 07.1460 Battle of Northampton, Lord Egremont in 1449, on the Lancastrian side, in the First Battle of St Albans, where his father was killed
Pe18-4Lady Catherine PERCY b 28.05.1423, Leconfield Yorkshire
m EDMUND GREY b 26.10.1416 Ruthin Denbighshire Wales d 22.05.1490 1st Earl of Kent son of SIR GREY and CONSTANCE de HOLAND.
Pe18-4-1Sir Anthony Grey d aft 15 May 1480
Pe18-4-2George Grey, 2nd Earl of Kent+ d 21 Dec 1503
Pe18-4-3Anne Grey+ 1
Pe18-4-4Lady Elizabeth Grey+ 5
Pe18 =19Henry PERCY b 25.07.1421, Beverly Yorkshire k 29.03.1461, Battle of Towton Yorkshire , Lord Lieutenant Northumberland, 1455-1461 3rd Earl of Northumberland , 29 MAR 1461 commander Battle of Towton
m Eleanor POYNINGS b 1422 Poynings Sussex d 02.1484, 1446-1482 5th Baroness of Poynings
+1 Richard POYNINGS and Eleanor BERKELEY
Pe17 =18. 551. Margaret Percy b 1450 Alnwick Castle Northumberland Castle d 04.03.1487
m William Gascoigne b 1450 Gawthorpe Dewsbury Yorkshire d 1487.
+1 Sir William Gascoigne of Gawthorpe Ga18 =19 'British Genealogies' and BEB1844 end with this generation, BEB1844 naming William and reporting that he had issue.
m Joane Nevill
Pe17-2 552. Anne Percy b 1447 Yorkshire d 05.07.1522 Westminster Middlesex
m before 16.10.1460 Sir Thomas Hungerford b 1447 Farleigh Berkshire d 18.01.1469 Salisbury Wiltshire
+1 Robert Hungerford, 3rd Lord Hungerford, Lord Moleyns b before 1429, d 18.05.1463/4< Both Robert and, later, his son Thomas were attainted and beheaded for their support of the Lancastrian cause in the War of the Roses.
m before 05.11.1440 Eleanor Molines b 11.06.1426, dau of William, Lord Molines
Pe18-6George PERCY b 24.07.1424, Leckonfield Yorkshire
Pe18-7Elizabeth PERCY b 1426.
Pe18-8Richard PERCY b 1426.
Pe18-9ANNE PERCY b 1428, Alnwick Northumberland
m William RAYNSFORD b 1434 Grand Tew Oxfordshire
Pe18-9-1 553. Joan Raynsford b 1485 Solihull Warwickshire
m Thomas SHEPHERD. b 1480 Stewkley Buckinghamshire
-1-1-1-1-2-2ISABEL FitzGeoffrey b 1233, Shere Guildford Surrey
m Robert VIPOUNT b 1239 Brougham Castle Westmoreland d 1265 son of John VIPOUNT and SYBIL FERRERS
-1-1-1-1-2-2-1ISABEL FitzGeoffrey and Robert VIPOUNT 61. i. ISABEL8 de VIPOUNT b 1254, Brougham Castle Westmoreland d 1291, Cumberland
m Roger de CLIFFORD b 1243 Tenbury Worcestershire d 06.11.1282 Menai Strait Anglesey Wales son of SIR CLIFFORD and MAUD
-1-1-1-1-2-2 -1-1 Sir Robert de CLIFFORD, 1ST BARON de CLIFFORD b 01.04.1274, Clifford Castle Herefordshire d 24.06.1314, Bannockburn Sterlingshire Scotland 1299-1314 1st Baron of Clifford 1304 Battle of Happrew Commander 23 JUN 131 Battle of Bannockburn
m1 MAUD de Clare, dau of Thomas de Clare and JULIAN FITZMAURICE b 1280 Clare Co Ireland d 01.02.1327.
...-1-1-1IDONEA de CLIFFORD b 1300, Appleby Westmoreland d 24.08.1365.
m Henry de PERCY, 2ND BARON PERCY OF ALNWICK b 06.02.1300 Alnwick, Northumberland d mel. 26.02.1351 - 1352 Warkworth Alnwick Northumberland 17 OCT 1346 Battle of Nevilles Cross son of Henry de PERCY and Eleanor FITZALAN
...-1-1-1-1MAUD de PERCY b 1335, Warkworth Castle Alnwick Northumberland d 18.02.1379, Raby Castle Durham
m Sir John NEVILLE, 3RD BARON NEVILLE,. b 1328 Raby With Keverstone Durham d 17.10.1388 Newcastle Upon Tyne northumberland 17 OCT 1346 Battle of Nevilles Cross Knight of the Garter in 1369 son of RALPH NEVILLE and Alice AUDLEY
...-1-1-1-1-1ELEANOR12 NEVILLE b 1360, Raby Castle Durham d c 1441
m RALPH de LUMLEY b 1360 Little Lumley Durham England d 01.1400 Gloucestershire Beheaded, 1384-1400 1st Baron of Lumley History AUG 1388 Battle of Otterburn Knight Captured by Scots but released 1389, 1391 Captain Berwick-upon-Tweed
...-1-1-1-1-1LUMLEY b 1393, Little Lumley Durham
m William HUSSEY, son of. b 1391 Sleaford Lincolnshire
+1 William HUSSEY and x STAUNTON
...-1-1-1-1-1-1John HUSSEY b 1417, Sleaford Lincolnshire d 1443.
m Elizabeth SHEFFIELD b 1419 Sheffield Yorkshire
...-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 554. William Hussey b 1443 Sleaford Lincolnshire d 08.09.1496, attorney general, chief justice
m Elizabeth Berkeley Be17-1-3 b 1445 Melton Mowbray Leicestershire d by 21.12.1504 Sleaford Lincolnshire
+1 Sir Thomas Berkeley of Wymondham Be17-1 d 1488
m Emma or Petronell Brokesby dau of William Brokesby
Ne18 =20 =21RALPH de NEVILLE b 1364, Raby Castle Durham d aft 21.10.1425 Raby Castle Durham, 1st Earl of Westmorland
m1 LADY JOAN de BEAUFORT, b 1375 Beaufort Castle Anjou Loire France d 13.11.1440 Howden Yorkshire + 12 ch
m2 Mary FERRERS b 1370 m3 MARGARET COUNTESS de STAFFORD, b 1364 Brancepeth Durham d 09.06.1396 Raby Castle Durham
+1 dau of John GAUNT and Katherine de ROET
+1 dau of HUGH STAFFORD and Philippa Beauchamp
Ne19-1ELEANOR NEVILLE b 1399, Raby Castle Durham d 1463, Warkworth Castle Alnwick Northumberland
m1 Henry PERCY b 03.02.1393 Alnwick Castle Northumberland d 22.05.1455 Battle Of St Albans Hertfordshire
m2 Reynold WEST b 07.09.1395 Snitterfield Warwickshire d 27.08.1450 Snitterfield Warwickshire
m3 SIR Richard LE DESPENSER, 4TH LORD BURGHERSH b 30.11.1396 Elmley Worcestershire d 07.10.1414 Surrey ? Portslade. (Probably by 1st or 2nd wife) Mary (or Anne) West = Roger Lewknor, son of Sir Roger Lewknor and Eleanor Camoys. for ch see above Henry Percy and Reynold West
+1 Henry de PERCY and Elizabeth MORTIMER
+1 Thomas WEST and JOAN LA WARRE
Ne19-2Richard NEVILLE b 1400, Raby Castle Durham d 31.12.1460, Battle of Wakefield Yorkshire, 1428-1460 5th Earl of Salisbury, 1454-1455 Lord Chancellor, First Battle of St Albans, in self-defence. After the Battle of Blore Heath notably successful, escaped to Calais, specifically excluded from a royal pardon, slain on 30 Dec 1460 Battle of Wakefield.
m Alice de MONTAGU b 1406 Salisbury Wiltshire d by 04.12.1462 Bisham Priory Bisham Berkshire
+1 Thomas de MONTAGU and Eleanor de HOLAND
Ne19-2-1Margaret Neville b c 1445 Salisbury Wilts d after 20.11.1506
m John de Vere Ve17-2 b 08.09.1442 Hedingham Castle Essex, 1462-1475 13th Earl of Oxford, 1485-1513 13th Earl of Oxford , 22 AUG 1485 Battle of Bosworth Field
-c Sir George Vere Ve17 d 1503 m Margaret Stafford St16 dau of Sir William Stafford of Bishop's Frome, co. Hereford
-c-3 Elizabeth de Vere m Sir Anthony Wingfield Wi15 d c1552
-c-3-1 Ursula Naunton b 1545 d 1615 of Otley, Suffolk bur Otley, Suffolk m Robert Gosnold b 1534 Suffolk d 1615 of,Earleshall,Suffolk bur Otley, Suffolk Will: 15 Aug 1615, proved 1 Nov 1615
+1 John de Vere Ve18 12th Earl of Oxford b 23.04.1408, d 26.02.1461/2
m 1425 Elizabeth Howard dau of Sir John Howard
Ne19-2-1-1 555. Katherine de Vere b 1466 Essex d 20.06.1504 data from
m Robert Broughton b 1466, Nettlestead Suffolk d 10.08.1506, Denston Hall Kentwell Suffolk
+1 John BROUGHTON and Anne DENSTON -1 John Broughton b 1491, Broughton Westmoreland d 23.01.1518 Westmoreland
m JANE x
-1-1 Jane Broughton b 1510, Broughton Westmoreland d 1570, Ashford Kent m Richard Osborne b 1510 Ashford Kent d 11.08.1581 son of Richard Osborne b c 1488 d 1573 and Elizabeth Flydane b c 1491 d 1528 -1-1-1 Sir Edward Osborne b 1540, London d 15.02.1592, London Middlesex m Anne HEWETT b 1543 London d 04.07.1585 London
Ne19-2-2Katherine NEVILLE b 1442, Salisbury Wiltshire d 1503.
m Sir William HASTINGS b 1450 Kirby Leicestershire d 13.06.1483 Tower Of London London Middlesex lived aft 1450 at Kirby Muxloe Castle Leicestershire, 1461-1483 1st Baron of Hastings of 1461 Creation, 1462 Knight of the Garter, Battle of Towton, Battle of Mortimer's Cross
+1 Sir Leonard Hastings of Kirby b 1396, d 20.10.1455
m m Alice Camoys dau of Thomas de Camoys, 1st Lord
Ne19-2-2-2-1 556. Sir Edward Hastings b 26.11.1466 Kirby Leicestershire d 08.11.1506 London Middlesex, aft 1466 Kirby Muxloe Castle, 1475 Knight of the Bath , 1483-1506 2nd Baron of Hastings of 1461 Creation
m Mary HUNGERFORD b 1468 Salisbury Wiltshire d by 10.07.1533 Leicestershire, Baroness Botreaux b c 1468.1 She was the daughter of Thomas Hungerford and Anne Percy.1 She married, firstly, Sir Edward Hastings, 2nd Lord Hastings, son of Sir William Hastinges, 1st Lord Hastings and Katherine Neville, on 23 January 1487/88.2,3 She married, secondly, Sir Richard Sacheverell on 1 May 1509.1,4 She died before 10 July 1533.4 Mary Hungerford, Baroness Botreaux succeeded to the title of 5th Baroness Botreaux [E., 1368] on 7 February 1477/78, suo jure.1 From 23 January 1487/88, her married name became Hastings. From 1 May 1509, her married name became Sacheverell.4 Children of Mary Hungerford, Baroness Botreaux and Sir Edward Hastings, 2nd Lord Hastings
+1 Sir Thomas Hungerford and ANNE PERCY
Ne19-2-2-2-2 557. Anne Hastings b 1471 Kirby Leicestershire
m m George Talbot, 4th Earl of Shrewsbury b 1468 Shifnal Shropshire England d 26.07.1558, 1473-1538 9th Baron of Furnivall , 1498, Battle of Stoke Knight of the Garter son of John Talbot and m 1467 Catherine Stafford (d 26.12.1476, dau of Humphrey de Stafford, 1st Duke of Buckingham)
Ne19-3CECILY de NEVILLE b 03.05.1415, Raby Castle Durham d 31.05.1495, Berkhampstead Castle Hertfordshire
m Richard PLANTAGENET b 21.09.1411 Conisborough Yorkshire k 30.12.1460 Battle of Wakefield Yorkshire
Ne19-3-3-1?EDWARD IV KING OF ENGLAND b 28.04.1442, Rouen Seine-Inferieure Normandy France; d 09.04.1483, Westminister Palace London Middlesex , 1461-1470 King of England, 1471-1483 King of England
m Elizabeth WYDEVILLE, b 1437 Grafton Regis Northamptonshire England d 08.06.1492 St Saviours Abbey Bermondsey Surrey for ch see above 410) Elizabeth Wydeville. dau of Richard WYDEVILLE and JACQUETTE de LUXEMBOURG
Ne19-3-3-2ANNE OF YORK b 10.08.1439, Fotheringhay Northamptonshire d 14.01.1475.
m1 SIR Thomas ST LEGER b c 1445 d 1483 son of
m2 Henry HOLLAND b 27.06.1430 London Middlesex England d 09.1475, 1447-1475 3rd Duke of Exeter for ch see above Sir Thomas St Leger.
Ne19-4CUTHBERT NEVILLE b 1414, Raby Durham d 1424.
Ne19-6George NEVILLE b 1410, Raby Castle Durham d 30.12.1469,
m Elizabeth Beauchamp, dau of Richard de Beauchamp and Elizabeth de BERKELEY b 1417 Warwick Warwickshire England d c 02.10.1480. for ch see abover Elizabeth Beauchamp.
Ne19-7Thomas NEVILLE b 1409, Raby Castle Durham
Ne19-8ANNE NEVILLE b 1408, Stafford Staffordshire d 1472
m HUMPHREY STAFFORD, son of. b 15.08.1402 Stafford Staffordshire d 10.07.1460 Battle of Northampton Northamptonshire, 1403-1460 7th Baron of Stafford, 22 APR 1421 Knight of the Garter in April 1429, 1444-1460 1st Duke of Buckingham for ch see above Humphrey Stafford.
Ne19EDWARD NEVILLE b 1414, Raby Castle Staindrop, Durham d 1476, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire Wales, de facto 3rd (dejure 1st) Baron [A]bergavenny, aft 1426 Knight , Captain in Edward IV's army in the North in 1462, 1438, Justice of the Peace, 1447-1476 3rd Baron of Bergavenny
m1 Catherine HOWARD b 1414 Norfolk, England d 1478 Staindrop, Durham
m2 Elizabeth Beauchamp b 16.09.1415 Hanley Castle Worcestershire England d 18.06.1448 Abergavenny Monmouthshire Wales for ch see above Elizabeth Beauchamp
+1 Richard de Beauchamp and ISABEL DESPENSER
Ne18Margaret Nevill b 1455 Raby Durham d 30.09.1506, Cobham Hall, Kent,
m John BROOKE Br18 b 1447 Kent d 1512 Cobham of Kentbrooke, Kent, 7th Lord of Cobham
+1 Edward BROOKE
m Elizabeth Tuchet dau of 2
+2 James Tuchet, Lord Audley
Br17 558. Sir Thomas Brooke b 1465 Cowling, Kent d 19.07.1529 Cobham Kent, 8th Lord of Cobham
m Dorothy Heydon He17 b 1465 Norfolk d 1560 Poplar London
...-1-1-1-1-2-10Robert de NEVILLE b 1404, Raby With Keverstone Durham d on 8 July 1457 or 9 July 1457, Prebendary of Eldon, Co Durham in 1413, Prebendary of Laughton York in 1416, Provost of Beverley circa 1421, Prebendary of Lincoln in 1423. edu Oxford University, Oxford, OxfordshireM.A., Bishop of Salisbury in 1427, Prebendary of Grindall in 1427.2 He held the office of Bishop Palatine of Durham between 1438 and 1457.
...-1-1-1-1-2-11Henry de NEVILLE b 1402, Raby Durham
...-1-1-1-1-2-12Catherine de NEVILLE b 1401, Raby Durham d c 01.1478 for ch of Margaret Countess de Stafford see above
m1 John de MOWBRAY b 09.08.1398 Norfolk England d 19.10.1432 Axholme Lincolnshire 1405-1432 5th Earl of Norfolk, 1405-1432 8th Baron of Mowbray, 1415 Siege of Harfleur Knight, 1425-1432 2nd Duke of Norfolk
m2 John WYDEVILLE b 1445 Grafton Regis Northamptonshire d 12.08.1469 Battle of Edgecote Moor, captured with father and beheaded, 1465 Knight of the Bath by his sister's husband King Edward IV.
m3 Thomas STRANGEWAYS. b 1395 Harsley Yorkshire England d by 27.01.1442.
+1 Thomas de MOWBRAY and Elizabeth FITZALAN
...-1-1-1-1-2-12-1458. i. JOAN14 STRANGEWAYS b 1441, Harsley Yorkshire d 24.02.1485, St Augustines Friars London Middllesex
m1 William Willoughby b 1430 Dudley Staffordshire son of
m2 William de BERKELEY b 1426 Berkeley Castle Thornbury Gloucestershire, 1st and last Marquess of Berkeley he m1 1466 Elizabeth West, dau of Sir Reynold West, 6th Lord la Warre and Margaret Thorley, div 20 Nov 1467 although Elizabeth appealed the divorce to Pope Paul II.2 He m2 Joan Strangways, dau of Sir Thomas Strangways and Lady Katherine Neville, in Nov 1468 m3 Anne Fiennes, dau of Sir John Fiennes and Alice FitzHugh, dsp on 14 Feb 1491/92 at Westminster, London, bur St. Augustine's Friars, London, 3 William de Berkeley, 1st and last Marquess of Berkeley also went by the nick-name of William 'the Wass all'.1 He was invested as a Knight circa 1438.1 He succeeded to the title of 2nd Lord Berkeley [E., 1421] in November 1463, by writ.1 On 20 March 1469/70 he was challenged by Thomas Talbot, Viscount Lisle to settle the claims to his great-uncle Thomas's estates, by combat. Thomas was killed in the combat.1 He was invested as a Knight Bachelor on 18 April 1475.1 He was styled as Viscount of Catherlough co. Carlow [Ireland] between 1481 and 10 February 1485.4 He was created 1st Viscount Berkeley [England] on 21 April 1481.1 He was invested as a Privy Counsellor (P.C.) on 5 March 1482/83.1 He was created 1st Earl of Nottingham [England] on 28 June 1483.1 He held the office of Great Marshal of England on 19 February 1485/86.1 He held the office of Earl Marshal on 19 February 1485/86.1 He was created 1st Marquess of Berkeley [England] on 28 January 1488/89.1 His last will was dated 5 February 1491/92.3 On his death, the three peerages granted to him became extinct, although the Barony of Berkeley survived.3 Children of William de Berkeley, 1st and last Marquess of Berkeley and Joan Strangways
+1 Thomas Willoughby and JOAN FITZALAN
+1 James de Berkeley, 1st Lord Berkeley and Lady Isabel Mowbray and ISABEL de MOWBRAY
...-1-1-1-1-2-12-1-1 Katherine Berkeley
...-1-1-1-1-2-12-1-2Sir Thomas Berkeley b Mar 1469/70, d c 14754 for ch see above 321) William de Berkeley. td> John DEINCOURT and JOAN de GREY i. Alice14 DEINCOURT b 1395, Blankley Lincolnshire d 1476 m William LOVEL b 1397, Tisbury Wiltshire Notater for William LOVEL: Occup 1414-1455 7th Baron of Lovel
...-1-1-1-1-3Alice de NEVILLE b 1358, Raby With Keverstone Durham
m William DEINCOURT b 1353 Kirby Dellars Leicestershire d 15.10.1381 Blankley Lincolnshire son of William DEINCOURT and MARGARET WELLES
...-1-1-1-1-3-1John DEINCOURT b 28.02.1381, Middleham Yorkshire d 11.05.1406, Blankley Lincolnshire
m JOAN de GREY b 1380 Rotherfield Greys Oxfordshire England d 20.11.1408 dau of Robert de GREY and Elizabeth LA PLAUNCHE
...-1-1-1-1-4Thomas NEVILLE b by 1362, Raby Castle Durham d 14.03.1407, Sheffield Yorkshire m ANKARET LE STRANGE b 1361, Blakemere Weobley Herefordshire d 01.06.1413. 1383-1407 5th Baron of Furnivall This lineage developed originally from the name of Richard de Novavilla, Latin for New Town. Due to sound changes in Frankish Latin, this became Neuville (Newtown, Newton) and in The English Norman usage, Neville. The Tudor Place genealogy comments: Richard "Teutonicus" de NOVAVILLA b c 1000, Neuvile, Normandy, France Notes: was called de NovaVilla, or de Neuville from his fief in Neuville sur Tocque in the department of the Orne, arrondissement of Argenton, and the canton of Grace. A cousin of William the Conqueror on his maternal side and he left four sons; Gilbert, Robert, Richard and Ralph. From Gilbert de Nevill descends the houses of Westmoreland, Warwick, Latimer and Abergavenny. NEVILLE (6º B. Furnival) Very similar names in every generation and closely related lineages intermarrying in every generation seems to create confusion for the researchers trying to reconstruct these lines. Several Maud Nevilles and Joan Nevilles make the generational and marriage relations difficult to sort out and standard sources differ on certain individuals who married whom in the 1300s and 1400s among the Norman nobility. The Le Strange Genealogy at Tudor Place online lists the family members of Ankaret Le Strange as follows: Ankaret Le STRANGE (B. Strange of Blackmere) Born: ABT 1361, Died: 1413 Father: John Le STRANGE (4º B. Strange of Blackmere) Mother: Mary FITZALAN Married 1: Richard Talbot (4º B. Talbot) 23 Aug 1383 Children: 1. John Talbot (1º E. Shrewsbury 2. Gilbert Talbot of Irchingfield (5º B. Strange of Blackmere) 3. Mary Talbot 4. Richard Talbot (Archbishop of Dublin) 5. George Talbot 6. Anne Talbot (C. Devon) 7. Thomas Talbot of Wrockwardine (Sir Knight) (had no Children) (d. 1419/20) 8. William Talbot 9. Alice Talbot 10. Elizabeth Talbot Married 2: Thomas NEVILLE (6° B. Furnival) 4 Jul 1401, Whitechurch, Children: 1. Maud NEVILLE (B. Strange of Blackmere / C. Shrewsbury) 2. Joan NEVILLE -- Some report that Ankaret's second husband was Thomas Neville, 5th Lord Furnival, who also had a daughter named Joan. This same Tudor Place source reports uncertainty about who Thomas and Ankaret Neville's daughter Joan married. Joan NEVILLE Notes: There is no clear agreement who Joan married. Burke (peerage under Furnival) says she may have married Hugh Cokesey or Hamon de Belknap. The history of Burton Agnes implies she married Walter Griffith and lies in the church there. Father: Thomas NEVILLE (6º B. Furnival) Mother: Ankaret Le STRANGE (B. Strange of Blackmere) -- NEVILLE1 The information above shows Ankaret and Thomas Neville had two daughters, Maud Neville and Joan Neville. But in this Tudor Place genealogy, on the details for Maud, it states that her mother was Joan Furnival, another wife of Thomas Neville 6th Lord Furnival. It further reports that Maud married John Talbot, first Earl of Shrewsbury. But this is Ankaret's son, with her other husband Richard Talbot, as reported above! This would mean she married her step brother. know of cases where this has happened even in current American society. Maud NEVILLE (B. Le Strange/C.Shrewsbury) Born: ABT 1392 Died: BEF 1433 Buried: Worksop Priory, Nottinghamshire, Father: Thomas NEVILLE (6º B. Furnival) Mother: Joan FURNIVAL (B. Furnival) Married: John Talbot (1º E. Shrewsbury) BEF 12 Mar 1407 Children: 1. John Talbot (2º E. Shrewsbury) 2. Christopher Talbot (Sir Knight) 3. Joan Talbot 4. Thomas Talbot (d. before his father, Bourdeaux) -- (Matilda) NEVILLE Both Thomas Neville and Ankaret Le Strange had been married twice, complicating their family structures. So had Ankaret's first husband John Talbot been married before he married Ankaret. ANKARET LE STRANGE: In this generation the Barony of Lord Strange of Blackmere passed into the Neville family. The last Le Strange Baron(ess), Ankaret, married Richard Lord Talbot. Their son Gilbert of Irchingfield became the 5th Lord Strange of Blackmere. At Talbot's death Ankaret married Thomas Neville, 6th Lord Furnival. note also that Thomas' daughter with his first wife Joan Furnival, Maud Neville, is designated Baroness Strange of Blackmere. This was Ankaret's title, which she passed on to her son Gilbert Talbot. It appears Maud Neville (Ankaret's stepdaughter) received this title when Ankaret's first heir, Gilbert Talbot (son of Richard Talbot from Ankaret's first marriage), died without an heir. There were many Maud Nevilles. This Maud also became the Countess of Shrewsbury, after her marriage to John Talbot, second Earl of Shrewsbury. John was Ankaret's son by her first husband Richard Talbot. Some sources report Ankaret's birth date as 1361. That would mean she was 14 at the time of her marriage to Richard Talbot, who is reported to have been born in 1350, and thus 25 at the time of their marriage. This is possible. Sources with this date include the Tudorplace Le Strange genealogy and the Worldroots Le Strange genealogy. At least one other source, found in the World Family Tree collection, gives the date originally used, the same year as her first husband, about 1350. am changing it in the light of the fairly reliable sources giving the later date. The following source gives the family configurations. Note that this source styles Thomas Neville as 5th Lord Furnivale, rather than 6th as some other sources do. Ankaret Lestrange was the daughter of John Lestrange, 4th Lord Strange (of Blackmere) and Mary FitzAlan.2 She married, firstly, Richard Talbot, 4th Lord Talbot, son of Gilbert Talbot, 3rd Lord Talbot and Petronilla Butler, before 1383.1 She married, secondly, Thomas de Neville, 5th Lord Furnivalle, son of John de Neville, 3rd Baron Neville and Maud de Percy, before 4 July 1401.1 She died circa 1413. From before 1383, her married name became Talbot. From before 4 July 1401, her married name became de Neville. Child of Ankaret Lestrange and Thomas de Neville, 5th Lord Furnivalle Joan de Neville In a different line. Children of Ankaret Lestrange and Richard Talbot, 4th Lord Talbot Anne Talbot+ d 16 Jan 1440/41 Richard Talbot Gilbert Talbot, 5th Lord Talbot+ b. 1383, d 19 Oct 1419 General John Talbot, 1st Earl of Shrewsbury+ b. c 1390, d 20 Jul 1453 -- Ankaret and Richard, The date of marriage is a bit uncertain. Two sources, connected with the Le Strange family line, report the marriage to Richard Talbot was on or before 23 August 1383. A source in the World Family Tree (anonymous compilation of has only the general date of 1375, which is 8 years before the exact date 23 August 1383 in the other sources. I would normally prefer a source that gives an exact date. These other sources, Tudorplace and Worldroots, have seemed credible and careful. However, with a birth date for Ankaret of about 1350, the marriage date in 1383 would mean that Ankaret did not marry until she was 33. This is very unusual for that period. The date of 1383, However, is also attractive because it is one year before the birth of the Talbots' first child John. This also seems expected.
...-1-1-1-1-5MAUD/MATILDA NEVILLE b 1367, Raby With Keverstone Durham m William SCROPE b 1325, Masham Yorkshire
...-1-1-1-1-6Elizabeth de NEVILLE b 1369, Raby With Keverstone Durham
...-1-1-1-1-7IDOINE NEVILLE b 1362, Raby With Keverstone Durham
...-1-1-1-2ELEANOR de PERCY b 1326, Alnwick Northumberland d by 1361, Dunmow Priory Essex
m John II FITZWALTER b 1314 Cumberland d 18.10.1361 Dunmow Priory Essex
...-1-1-1-2-1Alice2 FITZWALTER b 1343, Woodham Walter Essex d 29.04.1401, Hedingham Castle Essex
m AUBREY de Vere b 1339 Oxfordshire d 23.04.1400 Hadleigh Essex
...-1-1-1-2-1-1Richard de Vere b 1385, Oxfordshire d 15.02.1417, Essex, 1406-1417 11th Earl of Oxford, 25 OCT 1415 Battle of Agincourt one of the commanders, MAY 1416 Knight of the Garter,15 Aug 1416 Battle at the mouth of the Seine Knight
m Alice SERGEAUX, dau of b 1384 Killigarth Cornwall d 18.05.1452 Essex for ch see above Alice Sergeaux
+1 Richard SERGEAUX and Philippa FITZALAN
...-1-1-1-3Henry de PERCY b 1320, Alnwick Castle Northumberland d 18.05.1368, 1355-1356 Sheriff Northumberland
m Mary PLANTAGENET b 1320 Grosmont Castle Monmouthshire Wales d 01.09.1362 Alnwick Castle Northumberland dau of Henry PLANTAGENET and MAUD CHATWORTH
for ch see above Mary Plantagenet.
...-1-1-1-4MARGARET PERCY b 1318 d 10.09.1375.
...-1-1-1-5ISABEL de PERCY b 1326 Alnwick Northumberland d 25.05.1368 m William de ATON b 1299, Malton Yorkshire
-1-1-1-1-2-2 -1-1-2Robert de CLIFFORD b 05.11.1305, Ellingham Northumberland d 10.05.1344, Clifford Castle Herefordshire 130. ROBERT10 de CLIFFORD (ROBERT9) b 05.11.1305 Ellingham Northumberland d 10.05.1344 Clifford Castle Herefordshire m ISABEL BERKELEY, dau of MAURICE de BERKELEY and EVE LA ZOUCHE b 1307 Berkeley Thornbury Gloucestershire d 25.07.1362 Hartley Castle Kirkby Stephen Westmoreland
...-1-1-2-1Roger11 CLIFFORD b 10.07.1333, Clifford Castle Herefordshire d aft 13.07.1389 Appleby Westmoreland 1350-1389 5th Baron of Clifford
m MAUD de Beauchamp b 1335 Warwick Warwickshire d aft 1402 dau of Thomas de Beauchamp and Catherine de MORTIMER for ch see Maud de Beauchamp above
-1-1-1-1-3CECILY FitzGeoffrey b 1206, Shere Guildford Surrey d 1253.
m SAVARY de BOHUN b 1180 Midhurst Sussex d 1246 son of HUMPHREY de BOHUN and MARGARET de HUNTINGDON
-1-1-1-1-3-1FRANCIS de BOHUN b 1222 Midhurst Sussex d 14.09.1273
m SIBYL de FERRERS b 1231 Derby Derbyshire d c 05.10.1273.
-1-1-1-4William de Mandaville b 1186, Essex d 08.01.1227
m CHRISTINE FITZRobert b 1187, Little Dunmow Essex d by 17.06.1232, Diss Norfolk 1216-1227 3rd Earl of Essex
-1-1-1-5Maud FitzGeoffrey de Mandaville b 1178, Saffron Walden Essex d 27.08.1236, Wheatenhurst Gloucestershire
m Henry de BOHUN b by 1176, Warwick Warwickshire d 01.06.1220, Hempstead Gloucestershire 1199-1220 1st Earl of Hereford 1200 Kent Sheriff 1215 Magna Carta surety clause 61 20 MAY 1217 Battle of Lincoln prisoner
Ma29Beatrix de Mandaville b 1105 Manneville Normandy FR d by 19.04.1197, Walden Abbey Herefordshire
m1 Hugh TalbotRichard Talbot and Gunnora de Gourney
m2 William de Say b 1106 Sawbridgeworth Hertfordshire d 08.1144 Cambridgeshire son of Geoffrey de Say and Hawise de Clare
Ta28Richard Talbot b 1122 Eccleswall Manor Herefordshire d by 09.1175, Linton Manor Herefordshire
m x de Bulmer b 1145 Appletreewick Yorkshire dau of Stephen Bulmer of Appletreewick
Ta27Gilbert Talbot b 1169 Linton Manor Herefordshire d 13.02.1230 Eccleswall Manor Herefordshire
m Ann Villiers b 1160 Linton Manor Herefordshire
Ta26Richard Talbot b 1183 Hereford Herefordshire d 1231 Linton Hertfordshire
m m before 1124 Aline Basset b 1184 Wycombe Buckinghamshire d 1224 Linton Hertfordshire dau of widow of Drew de Montacute
+1 Alan Basset, Baron of Wycombe
m Aline/Alvira de Grey
Ta25Gilbert Talbot b 1225 Hereford Herefordshire d 08.09.1274.
m Gwellian/Gwendaline verch Rhys b 1219 Dynevor Llandyfeisant Carhmarthenshire Wales dau of
+1 Rhys ap Griffith, Lord of South Wales
Ta24Richard IV Talbot b 1250 Eccleswall Herefordshire d by 1306.
m Sarah de Beauchamp b 1255 Elmley Castle Worcestershire d 1306 dau of
+1 William de Beauchamp and Isabel de Mauduit
Ta23Gilbert Talbot III b 18.10.1276 Eccleswall Herefordshire d 24.02.1346 1331-1346 1st Baron of Talbot
m Anne le Boteler b 1280 Wem Shropshire dau of William le Boteler and Angharad Gruffydd
Ta22Richard Talbot b 1302, Wyke Cornwall d 23.10.1356 1346-1356 2nd Baron of Talbot
m Elizabeth Comyn b 01.11.1299 Badenoch Inverness-shire Scotland d 20.11.1372 dau of John Comyn and Joan de Valence
Ta21Gilbert Talbot b 1332, Eccleswall Herefordshire d 24.04.1387, 1356-1387 3rd Baron of Talbot
m1 Joan de Stafford b 1336 Tunbridge Castle Staffordshire d by 1397 dau of Sir de Stafford and Margaret de Audley
m2 Petronella Butler b 1332 Ormonde Kerry Co Ireland d 23.04.1368 + 2 ch dau of James Butler and Eleanor de Bohuu
Ta20Richard Talbot b 1361, Eccleswall Herefordshire d 07.09.1396, Blakemere Weobley Herefordshire
m Ankaret le Strange b 1361 Blakemere Weobley Herefordshire d 01.06.1413,
the Barony of Lord Strange of Blackmere passed into the Neville family. The last Le Strange Baron(ess), Ankaret, married Richard Lord Talbot. Their son Gilbert of Irchingfield became the 5th Lord Strange of Blackmere. At Talbot's death Ankaret married Thomas Neville, 6th Lord Furnival. note also that Thomas' daughter with his first wife Joan Furnival, Maud Neville, is designated Baroness Strange of Blackmere. This was Ankaret's title, which she passed on to her son Gilbert Talbot. It appears Maud Neville (Ankaret's stepdaughter) received this title when Ankaret's first heir, Gilbert Talbot (son of Richard Talbot from Ankaret's first marriage), died without an heir. There were many Maud Nevilles. This Maud also became the Countess of Shrewsbury, after her marriage to John Talbot, second Earl of Shrewsbury. John was Ankaret's son by her first husband Richard Talbot. Some sources report Ankaret's birth date as 1361. That would mean she was 14 at the time of her marriage to Richard Talbot, who is reported to have been born in 1350, and thus 25 at the time of their marriage. This is possible. Sources with this date include the Tudorplace Le Strange genealogy and the Worldroots Le Strange genealogy. At least one other source, found in the World Family Tree collection, gives the date originally used, the same year as her first husband, about 1350. am changing it in the light of the fairly reliable sources giving the later date. The following source gives the family configurations. Note that this source styles Thomas Neville as 5th Lord Furnivale, rather than 6th as some other sources do. Ankaret Lestrange was the daughter of John Lestrange, 4th Lord Strange (of Blackmere) and Mary FitzAlan.2 She married, firstly, Richard Talbot, 4th Lord Talbot, son of Gilbert Talbot, 3rd Lord Talbot and Petronilla Butler, before 1383.1 She married, secondly, Thomas de Neville, 5th Lord Furnivalle, son of John de Neville, 3rd Baron Neville and Maud de Percy, before 4 July 1401.1 She died circa 1413. From before 1383, her married name became Talbot. From before 4 July 1401, her married name became de Neville. Child of Ankaret Lestrange and Thomas de Neville, 5th Lord Furnivalle Joan de Neville In a different line. Children of Ankaret Lestrange and Richard Talbot, 4th Lord Talbot Anne Talbot+ d 16 Jan 1440/41 Richard Talbot Gilbert Talbot, 5th Lord Talbot+ b. 1383, d 19 Oct 1419 General John Talbot, 1st Earl of Shrewsbury+ b. c 1390, d 20 Jul 1453 -- Ankaret and Richard, The date of marriage is a bit uncertain. Two sources, connected with the Le Strange family line, report the marriage to Richard Talbot was on or before 23 August 1383. A source in the World Family Tree (anonymous compilation of has only the general date of 1375, which is 8 years before the exact date 23 August 1383 in the other sources. I would normally prefer a source that gives an exact date. These other sources, Tudorplace and Worldroots, have seemed credible and careful. However, with a birth date for Ankaret of about 1350, the marriage date in 1383 would mean that Ankaret did not marry until she was 33. This is very unusual for that period. The date of 1383, However, is also attractive because it is one year before the birth of the Talbots' first child John. This also seems expected. +1 dau of John LE STRANGE and Mary FITZALAN
Ta19-1Gilbert Talbot, 5th Baron, Lord Strange of Blackmere b 1383, d 19.10.1418-9 m1 before 20.05.1392 Joan Plantagenet b 1384, d 16.08.1400, dau of Thomas Plantagenet, Duke of Gloucester m2 c1415 Beatrix of Portugal m2. Thomas Fettiplace of East Shefford see here
Ta19-2Sir John Talbot, 1st Earl of Shrewbury b 1390, d 20.07.1453
m1 12.03.1406 Maud, Baroness Furnivall d before 1433, dau of Thomas Nevill, Lord Furnival
m2 Margaret Beauchamp dau of Richard de Beauchamp, 5th Earl of Warwick
Ta19-3Richard Talbot, Archbishop of Dublin, Lord Deputy of Ireland
...-1-1-1-1-1-2John Talbot b 1384, d 17.07.1453, Castillon Guyenne FR, 1407-1453 6th Baron of Furnivall, 1442-1453 1st Earl of Shrewsbury John Talbot was created Earl of Salop. According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Salop was the official name of the title, but Talbot used the name Shrewsbury, by which it is commonly known, and officially so in later times. Shrewsbury was the chief English military commander in the last phase of the Hundred Years' War against French. He was made marshall of France for English King Henry VI in 1436 after he prevented Normandy from falling to the French. He was killed in an attempt to lift the French siege of the English castle of Castillon in Guyenne. This became the last battle of the Hundred years' War, though no peace treaty was signed to formally end hostilities until 1574 at Piquigny." -- Encyclopaedia Britannica, Electronic Edition 1996, articles "Shrewsbury, John Talbot, 1st earl of" and "Castillon, Battle of" Here are further details from Burke's Peerage ========================= 1st Earl of Shrewsbury, K.G., summoned to Parliament 1409 as "Johannes Talbot de Furnyvall". He was appointed 1412 Lord Justice of Ireland, and 1414 Lord Lieut. of Ireland, he governed there for 7 years. This Lord Talbot, whom Shakespeare terms "the great Alcides of the field" was one of the most renowned captains of the warlike age he lived in. His earlier feats of arms were under Henry V in France, at the siege and capture of Meaux, and he seems to have inherited the heroic spirit of his royal master. He gloriously sustained the cause of Henry VI throughout his French realm, in battle after battle, until the very name of Talbot became a terror to the Frenchmen. He was, for a moment, checked in his career by the Maid of Orleans, at Patay, 1429, when, his army being routed, he was taken prisoner. He was exchanged for Ambrose de Lore, a celebrated French partisan, and was soon in activity again, the master-mind and master-director of the fierce contest in France, doing good and effective service every day. In reward he was created, 20th May 1442, EARL OF THE Co OF SALOP, or as usually styled, EARL OF SHREWSBURY. He was subsequently re-constituted Lord Lieut. of Ireland, and elevated to the Peerage of that kingdom, 17 July 1446, as EARL OF WATERFORD, having been appointed at the same time Lord High Steward of Ireland. After this he went once more to fight in France. He commanded a fleet, landed and took Falaise; as Lieut. of the Duchy of Acquitaine, landed in Medoc and made Bordeaux surrender and the surrounding minor towns send in instant submission. He thence advanced to the relief of Chastillon, and met the besieging French army commanded by their then greatest leader, Dunois, Bastard of Orleans. In the battle which ensued, 20 July 1453, Talbot, in the sixty-third year of his age, received a wound in the head, which proved immediately mortal. He had been victorious in 40 different battles and dangerous skirmishes; his death proved fatal to the English dominion in France, which never flourished afterwards. -- ========================= Occupation: 1414-1419 Lieutenant of Ireland 1419 Joined English forces in France 1404-1413 Served in English campaigns in Wales 1414-1419 as lieutenant of Ireland June 1429 Talbot's rashness was responsible for the English defeat at Patay 1436 Made English Marshall of France for King Henry VI 1436 Prevented loss of Normandy to the French by suppressing a revolt at Pays de Caux -- Article "Shrewsbury, John Talbot, 1st earl of" "In 1442 he was created earl of Salop -- Sherwsbury was the name that he himself used for the title." Notater for MAUD de NEVILL: Occup 1407-1433 6th Baroness of Furnivall not clear how the title passed to Maud, rather than to one of Gilbert's Talbot brothers. It is reported that Maud's parents are Thomas Neville, 6th Lord Neville of Furnival, and his first wife Joan Furnival. When Gilbert died 6 years after his mother, his title went to Maud Neville, who was also his sister-in-law after marrying John Talbot it appears the next in line for the title was determined to be Maud. Maud NEVILLE (B. Le Strange/C.Shrewsbury) Born ABT 1392 Died BEF 1433 Buried Worksop Priory, Nottinghamshire, England Father Thomas NEVILLE (6� B. Furnival) Mother Joan FURNIVAL (B. Furnival Married John Talbot (1� E. Shrewsbury) BEF 12 Mar 1407 Children: 1. John Talbot (2� E. Shrewsbury) 2. Christopher Talbot (Sir Knight) 3. Joan Talbot 4. Thomas Talbot (d. before his father, Bourdeaux) -- NEVILLE (B. Le Strange/C.Shrewsbury) Maude de Neville Talbot Birth 1392 Death 1421 Maud de Neville, Baroness Furnivalle,was the daughter of Thomas de Neville, 5th Lord Furnivalle and Joan de Furnevalle, 5th Baroness Furnivalle. She married General John Talbot 1st Earl of Shrewsbury, Burial Worksop Cemetery, Worksop, Bassetlaw District, Nottinghamshire, England Created by Danette Cogswell Jul 17, 2008 -- Find A Grave Memorial #28344918, Children First Name Birth Dt Death Dt Birth Place Spouses
m1 MAUD de NEVILL b 1392 Shrewsbury Shropshire England d 1433
m2 MARGARET Beauchamp b 1404 Warwickshire d 14.06.1467 St Pauls Cathedral London Middlesex
...-1-1-1-1-1-2-1John Talbot b 12.12.1413, Shrewsbury Shropshire d 10.07.1460, England, Northamptonshire, Battle of Northampton.
m1 Elizabeth BUTLER b 1420 Kilkenny Castle Kilkenny Co Ireland d 08.09.1473 Shrewsbury Shropshire +1 ch
m2 Catherine BURNEL b 1412 Goodrich Castle Herefordshire
...-1-1-1-1-1-2-1 560. John Talbot b 12.12.1448 Shrewsbury Shropshire d 28.06.1473, 1460-1473 8th Baron of Furnivall, 1460 knighted on 17 February 1460-1 after the Second Battle of St Albans , 1460-1473 3rd Earl of Shrewsbury, 29 MAR 1461 Battle of Towton
m Catherine Sstafford b 1437 Buckinghamshire d 26.12.1476
Ta19-4Thomas Talbot of Wrockwardine
Ta19-5Anne Talbot b 1393 d 16.01.1441
m Hugh Courtenay, 4th Earl of Devon b 1389, d 16.06.1422
Ta19-5-1Thomas COURTENAY b 1414 Okehampton Devon d 03.02.1458, Abington Oxfordshire, 1422-1458 13th Earl of Devon
m MARGARET BEAUFORT b 1410, Westminster Middlesex d 11.1449 Exeter Devon
Ta19Mary Talbot probably of this generation born about 1375/82 Blakemere Weobley Herefordshire d 13.04.1433 d 13 April 1433 in Blackmere, Hertfordshire, England
m about 1397 Sir Thomas Greene of Green's Norton b 1369 Greens Norton Northamptonshire d 14.12.1417
Ta19-7Alice Talbot b 1380, d 14.08.1436, Herefordshire
m Sir Thomas Barre b 1349 Y Barri Glamorgan Wales d 1441 Glamorgan Wales
Ta19-7-1Elizabeth BARRE b 1400, Glamorgan Wales d 1468.
m Sir Edmund de Cornwall b 1382 Burford Shropshire d 1435 Shropshire
Ta19-7-1-1 559. Eleanor Cornwall b 1430 Burford Shropshire d 23.12.1519 Croft Castle Herefordshire
m1 Sir Hugh Mortimer b 1415 Tenbury Worcestershire d 1460 Mortimers Hall Hampshire
m2 Richard Croft b 1427 Croft Castle Herefordshire d 29.07.1509 Croft Castle Herefordshire, Battle of Tewkesbury 4 May 1471, where he captured Edward, Prince of Wales, who was subsequently executed, 16 June 1487 fought at the Battle of Stoke, and was afterwards made Knight Bannerer by King Henry VII.
Ta20-2Elizabeth Talbot b 1353, Goodrich Castle Herefordshire d 10.01.1401, Lincolnshire
m Henry Grey b 1340 Wilton Wiltshire d 22.04.1396 Hereford Herefordshire
+1 Reynold Grey and Maud la Vache
Ta20-2-1Margarethe Grey b 1380, Wilton Wiltshire d 01.06.1454, Lincolnshire
m John D
Ta20-2-1-1Philip Darcy b 06.1398, Holderness Yorkshire d 12.08.1418
m Eleanor FitzHugh b 1385, Ravensworth Yorkshire d 30.09.1457
Ta20-2-2Richard Grey b 1393, Wilton Herefordshire d 13.08.1442, Peckham Kent, 1396-1442 6th Baron of Grey de Wilton
m Blanche VACHE b 1397 Peckham Kent
Ta20-2-2-1461. i. Reginald Grey b 1421, Wilton Herefordshire d 1493, Wilton Herefordshire , 1442-1493 7th Baron of Grey de Wilton
m Thomasine Beaufort b 1425 Kent England d 05.1469 Wilton Herefordshire for ch see above Thomasine Beaufort
+1 John Beaufort and Margaret de Beauchamp
Ta20-2-2-1Richard Sherburne and Matilda Hamerton 563. i. Isabel Sherburne b 1430, Burnside Lancashire
Ta23-2Richard V Talbot b 1278, Eccleswall Manor Herefordshire d by 10.10.1328, Richards Castle Ludlow Herefordshire
m Joan de Mortimer b by 24.11.1291, Richards Castle Ludlow Herefordshire d 12.01.1341.
Ta26-2Anne Talbot b 1185, Hereford Herefordshire
m Eustace de Whitney b 1185 Bowdon Cheshire son of
+1 Thurstan de Whitney and Agnes
Ta26-2-1Alice WHITNEY b 1206, Bowden Cheshire d 1273
m Hamon V Baron de Massey k. 1212 Bucklow Cheshire d c 1278 son of Hamon de Massey and Mainwaring
-Ta26-2-1-1Alice Whitney and Hamon de Massey -1 Hamon VI Baron de Massey b 1230, Cheshire, Bucklow d 1307.
m Mary de Beauchamp b 1244 Hatch Beauchamp Somerset dau of Robert Beauchamp and Alice de Mohun
Ta26-2-1-1-1ch listed under Mary de Beauchamp
Ta26-2-1-2Alice de Massey b 1233 Knowsley Lancashire
m Ralph de Baggiley b 1230 Cheadle Cheshire son of
+1 Richard de BAGGILEY and Alice de Vernon
Ta26-2-1-2-1William de Baggiley b 1253, Baggiley Bucklow Cheshire d c 1320.
m Lucy de Corona b 1268 Adington Cheshire dau of
+1 Hugh de Corona and Amabilly de Bamville
Ta26-2-1-2-1-1Isabel de Baggiley b 1283, Bucklow Cheshire d 1358.
m John Hyde b 1275 Norbury Stockport Cheshire d 1317 Norbury Stockport Cheshire son of Robert de HYDE and MARGARET STOCKPORT
Ta26-2-1-2-1-1-1John Hyde b 1301 Norbury Stockport Cheshire
m Margaret Davenport b 1318 Whelttrough Cheshire dau of
+1 Thomas de Davenport and Elizabeth ?
Ta26-2-1-2-1-1-1-1Ralph Hyde b 1350, Hyde Stockport Cheshire d c 1379.
m Alice Venables b c 1340 Lancashire
+1 Hugh de Venables and Katherine de Hoghton
Ta26-2-1-2-1-1-1-1-1Cecily Hyde b 1380, Hyde Stockport Cheshire d 1440.
m Hugh Arderne b 1357 Alvanley Runcorn Cheshire England d by 1423 Aldford Chester Cheshire
+1 Peter Ardern of Harden and Alvanley b 1327 d 1378/9 and Cecilia/Cicely de Bredbury dau of Adam de Bredbury of Harden Hall
Ta26-2-1-2-1-1-1-1-1-1Ralph Arderne b 1406 Alvanley Runcorn Cheshire d 1446, Bredbury Stockport Cheshire
m Katherine Stanley b 1408 Hooton Cheshired 1456 dau of
+1 William Stanley of Hooton by Blanche Arderne
Ta26-2-1-2-1-1-1-1-1-2Alice de Arderne b 1408, Aldford Cheshire d 1454 Cheshire
m Christopher Davenport b 1394 Woodford Cheshire d 1488 Woodford Cheshire son of Nicholas
+1 Nicholas DAVENPORT and Alice MASSEY
...-2-1-1-1-1-1-2-1 561. John Davenport b 1426 Woodford Cheshire d 1480 Woodford Cheshire
m Alice Prestwich b 1430 Ashton Under Lyne Lancashire dau of RALPH Prestwich
Ta26-2-1-2-1-2-2Robert de Baggiley b 1275 Cheadle Cheshire
Ta26-2-1-2-1-3Robert Massey b 1251 Dunham Massey Bucklow Cheshire
Ta26-2-1-2-1-3-1Richard Massey b 1276, Dunham Massey Bucklow Cheshire
Ta26-2-1-2-1-3-1-1Hugh Massey b 1307, Knowsley Lancashire d 1349, Timperley Cheshire
m Maud de Timperley b 1301 Timperley Cheshire d c 1349.
Ta26-2-1-2-1-3-1-1-1Alice Massey b 1329, Timperley Cheshire d 1380, Cheshire
m William Stanley b 1319 Storeton d 1398 Cheshire son of
+1 John STANLEY and Emma de Latham
Ta26-2-1-2-1-3-1-1-1-1MATILDA STANLEY b 1360, Bebbington Cheshire d
m Robert BROME. b c 1356 Brome Warwickshire d Warwikshire
Ta26-2-1-2-1-3-1-1-1-1-1John BROME b 1380, Brome Warwickshire d 1435, Warwickshire
m JOAN RODYE b 1386 Baddesley Clinton Mansion Warwickshire
Ta26-2-1-2-1-3-1-1-1-1-1-1John BROME b 1410, d 05.11.1468, London Middlesex
m Beatrix Shirley b 1408 Shirley Derbyshire d 10.07.1483 Clinton Warwickshire
+1 Sir Hugh Shirley d Shrewsbury b c 1370 a 1403, grand falconer, Sheriff of Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire b c 1370 a 1422
m1 Joan Basset b c ?1391 dau of->
Basset 4 shows her marriage to son Ralph. As the complier of the Shirley pedigree is more likely to have know which Shirley Joan married, but this has to b checked. The date given for father's marriage favors guesstimating Hugh's to have been no earlier than 1370.
Ta26-2-1-2-1-3-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 562. Isabel Brome b 1436 Baddesley Clinton Worcestershire
m Thomas Denton b 1445 Caversfield Bucks son of
??ancestors or cousins of Denton of Halifax, brick wall at James b 1492
+1 Thomas Denton and Alison Dauncy
Ta26-2-1-2-1-3-1-1-1-2William Stanley b 1348, Wirral Forest Cheshire d 02.1428. br>m Margery de Hooten b 1348 Hooten Cheshire
Ta26-2-1-2-1-3-1-1-1-2-1AGNES Stanley b 1380, Hooten Cheshire d by 03.11.1444, Mitton Lancashire
m Richard Sherburne alias Bayley b 12.10.1381 Stoneyhurst Mitton Lancashire England d 1440.
+1 Richard Baley and Margaret Sherburne
Ta26-2-1-2-1-3-1-1-1-2-1-1Richard SHERBURNE b 1407, Lancashire d by 1440, took his mother's maiden name
m Matilda HAMERTON b 1402 Wicklisworth Yorkshire
...-3-1-1-1-3Henry STANLEY b 1349.
...-3-1-1-1-4John STANLEY b 1350, Storeton Cheshire d 06.01.1414, Ardee Louth Co Ireland.
m ISABEL de LATHAM, b 1364 Latham Lancashire d 26.10.1414 Liverpool Lancashire
+1 Thomas de Latham and JOAN VENABLES
...-3-1-1-1-4-1John13 STANLEY b 1386, Latham Lancashire d 27.11.1437, Knowsley Lancashire
m Elizabeth HARRINGTON b 1386, Hornby Castle Lancashire
-1-2-2William de Saye b 1133, Saham Norfolk d by 01.08.1177, St Neots Huntingdonshire
m AUFRICA OF SCOTLAND b 1136 Huntingdonshire
-1-2-2-1BEATRICE de Saye b 1160, St Neots, Kimbolton Huntingdonshire d 19.04.1197.
-1-2-3Geoffrey de SAY b 1135, Sawbridgeworth Hertfordshire d 19.05.1214, West Greenwich Kent
m LETTICE MAMINOT b 1150 West Greenwich Kent dau of WALKELIN MAMINOT and JULIANNA de VERE
-1-2-3-1Geoffrey de SAY b 1182, West Greenwich Kent d 24.10.1230, Poitou Charentes FR
m Alice de CHESNEY b 1158 Newtimber Sussex d by 1225 dau of John de CHESNEY
-1-2-3-1-1William III de SAY b 1206, West Greenwich Kent d 12.02.1271.
m1 SIBYL MARSHALL, b 1215 Lenton Lincolnshire + 3 ch dau of
m2 Mary b 1235 d c 10.08.1280 + 1 ch
-1-2-3-1-1-1x de SAY b 1252, West Greenwich Kent
m John 1ST BARON de SUDELEY b 1257 Sudeley Castle Gloucestershire d 18.04.1336 Great Dasset Warwickshire son of BARTHOLOMEW de SUDELEY and JOAN de Beauchamp
-1-2-3-1-1-1-1BARTHOLOMEW de SUDELEY b 1275, Great Dasset Warwickshire d 1327, Sudeley Castle Gloucestershire
m MAUD de MONTFORTb 1288 Beaudesert Castle Warwickshire d 02.10.1326 dau of
+1 John de MONTFORT and Alice LA PLAUNCHE
-1-2-3-1-1-1 -1-1John 2ND BARON de SUDELEY b 12.06.1305, Sudeley Castle Gloucestershire d 19.02.1340.
m Eleanor de SCALES b 1307 Middleton Norfolk d 06.06.1361 dau of Robert de SCALES and EGELINE de COURTENAY
...-1-1-1JOAN de SUDELEY b 1326, Sudeley Castle Gloucestershire d by 08.1367.
m William IV LE BOTELER,. b 08.09.1298 Wem Shropshire d 14.08.1369 son of
...-1-1-1-1Sir Thomas LE BOTELER b 1355, Sudeley Gloucestershire d 21.09.1398
m Alice de Beauchamp b 1370, Powick Worcestershire d 08.02.1443.
-1-2-3-1-1-2Mary de SAY b 1244, Suffolk, Thurston d 10.08.1280 (Stirnet shows this Robert marrying Mary wid of William de Say)
m Robert de Ufford Lord of Ufford b 1234 Suffolk, Thurston d by 09.09.1298 Suffolk, Ufford son of
+1 John de PEYTON of Peyton Hall and CLEMENCE d aft 1242
-1-2-3-1-1-2-1Thomas de UFFORD b 1290, Suffolk, Thurston d 24.06.1314, Stirlingshire, Battle of Bannockburn Scotland.
m EVE FitzJohn de CLAVERING b 1290 Clavering Essex d 1369 Norfolk
-1-2-3-1-1-2 -1-1Sir Edmund Ufford b 1312, Essex, Clavering d 03.10.1375, Suffolk
m Sybil de PIERPONT b 1324 Holme Pierrepont Nottinghamshire d by 1375 dau of
+1 Sir Simon de PIERPONT and Mary
...-1-1-1Sir Robert UFFORD b 1345, Saffron Walden Essex d 1384.
m x
...-1-1-1-1Joan Ufford b 1377, Wrentham Suffolk
m William BOWET. b 1373 Horseford Norfolk d 1421 Langley Norfolk
...-1-1-1-1-1Elizabeth BOWET BARONESS CLAVERING b 1405, St Margarets, Horsfordburgh Norfolk d Cumberland, Lanercost
m Thomas de Dacre Da20-1 b 1410 Naworth Castle Cumberland son of
+1 Thomas de Dacre Da21, 6th Lord of Dacre and Multon d 15.01.1458
m Philippa Nevill dau of Ralph Nevill of Raby, 1st Earl of Westmorland
...-1-1-1-1-1-1Joan DACRE b 1433 Gillesland Northumberland d 08.03.1486, Herstmonceaux Sussex
m Richard Fiennes b 1415 Huerstmonceaux Sussex d 25.11.1483 Hurstmonceux Castle Hailsham Sussex
+1 Sir Thomas FIENNES
m Elizabeth Bowet dau of Sir William Bowet of Horsford, etc
...-1-1-1-1-1-1-1Thomas FIENNES b 1453, Sussex d 08.02.1525, Sussex
...-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 564. Anna Fiennes b 1484 Sussex d 24.05.1531 Sussex
m Goddard Oxenbridge b 1460 Brede Sussex d 1531 Brede Sussex
Uf19ELA ULFFORD b 1357, Clavering Essex d by 1425, Ingham Priory Norfolk
m SIR Miles STAPLETON of Ingham and Bedale b 23.06.1357 Bedale Yorkshire d 10.04.1419
+1 Sir Miles STAPLETON
+2 Sir Gilbert Stapleton of Bedale and North Morton d 1321
m by 15 Dec 1317 Agnes FitzAlan (b c1298, d before 03.11.1348, dau of Sir Bryan FitzAlan of Bedale)
...-1-1-2-1ELA de STAPLETON b 1375, Norfolk d 1436.
m Robert de BRAOSE b 1370 Stinton Norfolk d 1424 son of
...-1-1-2-1-1Thomas12 BREWS b 1390 Topcroft Norfolk d 17.06.1482
m1 JOAN CALTHORPE b 1410 Thorpe Burnham Norfolk
m2 Elizabeth DEBENHAM b 1430 Little Wenham Suffolk d 1502
Uf25 =26Robert UFFORD b 1279, Thurston Suffolk d 1316.
m CECILY de VALOIGNES b 1281 Thurston Suffolk d 16.07.1325 Thurston Suffolk
Uf24 =25EVE de UFFORD b 1312, Thurston Suffolk d 05.1370, Woodbridge Priory Suffolk
m John BRAOSE b 1310 Thurston Suffolk d c 1370 son of
Br23 =24Margaret Braose b 1330 Stinton Norfolk
m SIR William WYCHINGHAM. b 1328 Upton Norfolk d 1374 Witchingham Norfolk lord in the reign of Edward III., Serjeant and judge of the Common Pleas, in 1363, by his will he was buried in the south aisle of Great Witchingham church, which he had built
Cl22 =23DIONISIA WITCHINGHAM b by 1360, Upton Norfolk
m Sir William CLERE of ORMESBY b 1346 Ormesby Norfolk d 1384 son of
+1 Robert CLERE
m Alice FILEBY
Cl21 =22John CLERE b 1366/?82 Ormesby Norfolk
m ELIABETH BRANCH b 1384 Ormesby Norfolk d 09.07.1441.
Cl20 =21Robert CLERE b 1406, Ormesby Norfolk d by 12.08.1446.
m Elizabeth UVEDALE b 1410 Ormesby Norfolk England d 1492.
Cl19 =20??William Clere of Oremsby ?= m Elizabeth Paston, dau of Sir John Paston of Paston & Oxnead.
Cl18 =19Robert CLERE b 1440, Ormesby Norfolk d 10.08.1549, 1501 Norfolk Sheriff
m1 ANN HOPTON b 1444 Ormesby Norfolk d 1522 + 1 ch
m2 m2 Alice Boleyn + 3 ch dau of
aunt of Queen Anne
+1 Sir William HOPTON
+1 Sir William Boleyn/Bullen of Blickling
Cl17-1William Clere dsp
Cl17 =18Elizabeth Clere b 1466, Ormesby Norfolk d 1517 Cambridgeshire
m Sir Robert Peyton of Iselham b 1468, Iselham Cambridgeshire d aft 18.03.1517
Pe16 Sir Robert Peyton of Iselham, Sheriff of Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire d 01.08.1550
m Frances Hassylden dau of Francis Hassylden of Little Chesterford and Steeple Marden
Pe16-2 Sir John Peyton of Calthorpe and Knowlton
m Dorothy Tindall dau of Sir John Tindall or Tyndall of Hockwould
Pe16-3 Margaret Peyton
m Francis Jenney of Knotshall b 1510, d 18.02.1590
Pe16-4 Elizabeth Peyton
m Sir William Wigston of Wolston
Pe15 Sir Robert Peyton of Iselham, Sheriff of Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire a 11.1608 m Elizabeth Rich dau of Richard Rich of Leigh Priory, 1st Lord of Leighs
Pe15-2 Richard Peyton of Little Chesterfield d 30.04.1574, 3rd son m Mary Hyde dau of Leonard Hyde of Hyde Hall
Pe15-3 Catherine Peyton m _ Williams of Oxfordshire
Pe15-4 Elizabeth Peyton m Thomas Wrenne of Hinton
Pe15-5+ other issue - William, Christopher, Edward, John
Pe14 Sir John Peyton, 1st Bart of Iselham, Sheriff of Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire b 1560 d c1617, 2nd son m Alice Osborne dau of Sir Edward Osborne, Lord Mayor of London
Pe14-2 Mary Peyton m1 Robert Balam of Wolsoken m2 Sir Richard Cox of Braham
Pe14-3 Frances Peyton m John Hagar of Bourne Castle
Pe14-4 Winifride Peyton m1 y Osborne m2 y Harefleet of Kent m3 John Hornbye of Lincolnshire
Pe13 Sir Edward Peyton of Great Bradley, 2nd Bart of Iselham b about 1585 d 04.1657 m1 Matilda or Martha Livesay + 4 ch dau of Robert Livesay of Tooting m2 Jane Calthorp + 1 ch dau of Sir James Calthorp of Crockthorpe m3. Dorothy Ball + 2 ch dau of Edward Ball of Stockwell
Pe13-2 William Peyton of Warlingworth 4th son m Tabitha Payne dau of Henry Payne of Walthamstow issue - John, William
Pe13-3 Anne Peyton bur 27.09.1640 m Sir Robert Bacon of Riborough, 3rd Bart of Redgrave bur 16.12.1655
Pe13-4 Alice Peyton m Sir John Peyton son of Sir John of Dodington
Pe13-5 Elizabeth Peyton m 02.1602/3 Sir Anthony Irby of Boston
Pe13-6 Mary Peyton m Sir Roger Meers of Hoghton
Pe13-7 Frances Peyton BEB1841 reports that Frances did not marry but BP1934 Buckinghamshire suggests that she married ... m Sir Miles Hobart of Plumstead b 12.04.1595, bur 06.12.1639
Pe13-8+ other issue - John dsp, Robert, Roger, Thomas, Susan d unm
Pe12-1 Sir John Peyton, 3rd Bart of Iselham b 1607 d 1666 m1 sp _ Bellingham dau of Sir Edward Bellingham
Pe12-2 Edward Peyton issue - Edward, Robert, Henry
Pe12-3 Robert Peyton
Pe12-4 Amy Peyton m Henry Lawrence of St. Ives and St. Margaret's
Pe12 Thomas Peyton d 1683 m Elizabeth Yelverton dau of Sir William Yelverton, 2nd Bart of Rougham and . Ursula Richardson (dau of Sir Thomas Richardson, Speaker)
Pe12-6 Edward Peyton of Surinam d 1675 m Mary Mulfin issue Angiola Peyton m Francis Ceffis of Venice
Pe12-7 Joseph Peyton m Mary Vincent dau of Marmaduke Vincent of Great Smeaton
Cl17-4Dorothy Clere b c 1480
m Robert Cotton d 18.07.1519
-1 Sir John Cotton MP son of Sir Thomas Cotton b c 1439 d 30 Jul 1499 Landwade Cambridge and Joan Sharpe he m2 Alice Thornburgh
-2 Thomas Cotton
-3Anne Cotton
Cl17-5 Audrey Clere
m William Jenney b 24.05.1470, dvp 28.02.1519
Cl17-6+other issue - Richard, Thomas bur 1545, Anne nun
...-2-1-1-1-2Robert Clere of Stokesby b c 1368 had issue
m Isabell Read dau of John Read
...-2-1-1-1-3MARGARET CLERE b 1375, Flegg Ormesby Norfolk
m Sir William APPLEYARD b 1360, Norwich Norfolk, 1383-1419 MP for Norwich, 1404 Mayor of Norwich
...-2-1-2John de BRAOSE b 1332, Stinton Norfolk d c 1400
m JOAN de SHARDELOWE b 1345 Barton Mills Suffolk
...-2-1-2-1Robert de BRAOSE b 1370, Stinton Norfolk d 1424.
m ELA de STAPLETON b 1375 Norfolk d 1436 dau of SIR STAPLETON and ELA UFFORD for ch see Ela de Stapleton above
-1-2-3-1-1-3AGNES de SAY b 1249, West Greenwich Kent
m ALEXANDER de Cheney, son of John de Cheney and JOAN NOUWELL. b 1248 Newtimber Sussex
Ch24William de Cheney b 1274 Sussex d by 1334
m MARGARET SHURLAND b 1281 Eastchurch Kent dau of Robert de SHURLAND and MARGERY
Ch23Robert de Cheney b 1305, Shuland House Eastchurch Kent d 1362
Ch22Richard de Cheney b 1350, Shuland House Eastchurch Kent
m MARGERY de CRAILLE b 1360 Warbleton Sussex dau of Robert de CRAILLE and MARGARET de PEPLESHAM
Ch21MARGERY Cheney b 1383, Shurland House Eastchurch Kent
m JAMES DONNET. b 1380 Rainham Kent d 1412 Kent
Da20MARGERY DONNET/Dannet b 1402.
m John ST LEGER b 1400 Hollingbourne Kent d 1442 son of
St19-1RALPH ST LEGER b 1430, Kent d 1470
m ANNE TYRELL b 1432
St19-1-1RALPH ST LEGER of Ulcomb b 1456
m ANNE PROPHETT of Sussex b 1458
St19-1-1-1 565. Ralph St Leger b 1470 England d by 26.10.1519
m Isabel Hawte/Haute b 1471 England. (Stirnet shows only a marriage to Elizabeth Haute)
+1 Richard Haut
m Elizabeth Terrell relict of Robert Darcy
+2 William Haut of Bishopysborne, 'of Ightam Waddenhall, Sheriff of Kent' b c 1395 d 1462
m 1429 Matilda or Joan Woodville dau of Richard Woodvill, sister of Richard, Earl Rivers
St19ANNE ST LEGER b 1416, Ulcombe Kent
m John SKINNER. b 1400
Sk18John SKYNNER b 1446 Peckham Surrey d 08.03.1516 Reigate Surrey, Baron of Reigate
Sk17566. i. Anne Skinner b 1475 �Reigate Surrey d 1503 �Boxley Parish Maidstone Kent personal file for her
m SIR Henry Wyatt b 1460 Boxley Parish Maidstone Kent d 1537 Boxley Parish Maidstone Kent
+1 Richard Wyatt of Southange
m Margaret Bayliff dau of William Bayliff alias Clarke
+2 John Brooke 7th Baron Cobham b c 1444 d 9 Mar 1511/2 bur Colegate Church Cobham Kent
m1 Margaret Neville Ne18 d 30 Sep 1506
+3 Edward Brooke Br19, 6th Baron Cobham
m Elizabeth Touchet To19
Sk17-2John SKINNER b 1465, Reigate and Banstead Surrey d 1514, Reigate Surrey
m JANE GAINSFORD b 1468, Lingsfield Surrey d 1505
...-1-1-1-1-1-3PHILLIPPA ST LEGER b 1421, Kent m John PYMPE b 1418, Kent
...-1-1-1-1-1-4Sir Thomas ST LEGER b mel. 1440 - 1450; d 1483.
m ANNE OF YORK, dau of b 10.08.1439 Fotheringhay Northamptonshire d 14.01.1475.
...-1-1-1-1-1-4-1ANNE ST LEGER b 1466, Ulcombe Kent d 1526, Helmsley Yorkshire
m Sir George MANNERS. b 1465 Northumberland England d 23.10.1513 Tournai Hainaut Belgium, 1512-1513 11th Baron of Ros
...-1-1-1-1-1-4-1-1 567. Thomas Manners b 1492 Ethale Northumberland d 20.09.1543, 1525-1543 1st Earl of Rutland
m1 Eleanor Paston Pa22-5 b 1496 Wiverton Hall Nottinghamshire d 1551 + 11 ch
m2 Elizabeth Lovell b 1494 Skelton Yorkshire d 1526.
+1 Sir William Paston of Paston & Oxnead Pa20 =22 =23 d 1554
-1-2-3-1-1-3 -1-2Henry Cheney b 1300.
-1-2-3-1-1-4 William de SAY b 20.11.1253, Berling Kent d 16.09.1295.
m Elizabeth b 1255
-1-2-3-1-1-4-1Geoffrey de SAY b 1281, Berling Kent d by 03.03.1322, Elsenham Manor Essex
m IDONEA de LEYBOURNE b 1283 Leybourne Kent d c 1322 dau of William de LEYBOURNE and JULIANE de SANDWICH
-1-2-3-1-1-4 -1-1Katherine de SAY b 1310, Berling Kent d c 29.09.1355.
m John de ST John. b 1308 Lageham Surrey d 04.08.1349.
...-1-1-1Elizabeth ST John b 1345, Lageham Surrey d 1411.
m SIR John de Beauchamp. b 1340 Powick Worcestershire d mel. 1378 - 1401.
...-1-1-1-1Alice de Beauchamp b 1370, Powick Worcestershire d 08.02.1443 m SIR Thomas LE BOTELER b 1355, Sudeley Gloucestershire d 21.09.1398.
-2BEATRICE de Mandaville b 1061, Great Haseley, Rycote Oxfordshire
m Sir GODFREY V de BOULOGNE b 1061 Brabant Belgium d 18.07.1100 Israel crusader
-2-1 William de BOULOGNE b 1081, Carshalton Surrey d 1159.
Bo30 ROHESE de BOULOGNE b 1104, Epson Surrey d 1179, London Middlesex
m Richard de LUCY, JUSTICAR OF b 1098 Dunmow Essex d 14.07.1179 Ongar Essex son of ADRIAN de LUCY and Aveline de GOTH
Lu29-1 Aveline de LUCY b 1122, Dunmow Essex
m GILBERT de MONTIFICHET, son of William de MONTIFICHET and MARGARET FITZGILBERT. b 1120 Montifichet Stansted Essex d by 1187.
Lu29-1-1 Richard de MONTIFICHET b 1150, Stansted Montifichet Essex d 1203.
m MILICENT b 1155
Lu29-1-1-1 MARGARET de MONTIFICHET b 1170, Stansted Montifichet Essex d c 1215.
m1 HUGH de BOLEBEC b 1167 Hexham Northumberland d 1194 son of WALTER BOLEBEC and SIBIL de VESCY
m2 PETER de FAUCONBERG. b 1189 Holderness Yorkshire d 05.1230 Martock Somerset
Lu29-1-1-1-1HUGH de BOLEBEC b 1195, Blanchland Northumberland
m TIPHAINE de BALIOL b 1209 Blanchland Northumberland dau of HUGH de BALIOL and CECILY LA FONTAINE
Lu29-1-1-1-1-1-1HUGH de BOLEBEC and TIPHAINE de BALIOL -1 MARGERY de BOLEBEC b 1241, Blanchland Northumberland d?sp by 07.07.1303 m Ralph FITZWilliam de GREYSTOKE b 1243, East Riding Yorkshire d 11.02.1316, Greystoke Cumberland
Lu29-1-1-1-2WALTER de FAUCONBERG b 1215, Holderness Yorkshire d 01.11.1304 1295-1304 1st Baron of Fauconberg
m AGNES de BRUS b 1230 Skelton Yorkshire d by 04.1280 Gisborough Yorkshire
Lu29-1-1-1-2-1WALTER FAUCONBERG b 1264, Skelton in Cleveland Yorkshire 1304-1318 2nd Baron of Fauconberg
m ISABEL ROS b 1270 Helmsley Yorkshire d 1298 dau of Robert de ROS and ISABEL d' ALBINI
Lu29-1-1-1-2-1-1John de FAUCONBERG b 24.06.1290, Yorkshire d 18.09.1349, 1318-1349 3rd Baron of Fauconberg 1341-1342 Yorkshire Sheriff
mm Alice de LANGLEY b 1300 Langley Manor Oxfordshire d 1369 Richmond Surrey
...-2-1-1-1JOAN de FAUCONBERG b 1325, Arncliffe Parish Yorkshire
m William de COLVILLE b 1314 Arncliffe Parish Yorkshire d c 1376 son of Robert de COLVILLE and Elizabeth CONYERS
...-2-1-1-1-1MATILDA de COLVILLE b 1340, West Riding Yorkshire
m Geoffrey von HABSBURG b 1338 Baden Germany son of
...-2-1-1-1-1-1Geoffrey FIELDING b 1360, Leicester Leicestershire
m AGNES NAPTON, dau of b 1362 Leicestershire
+1 John NAPTON and Alice MISTERTON
...-2-1-1-1-1-1-1William FIELDING b 1380, Warwickshire
m JOAN PRUDHOME b 1370 Warwickshire England.
...-2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1John FIELDING b 1405, Lutterworth Leicestershire
m Elizabeth PUREFOY b 1399, Drayton Leicestershire
Lu29-1-1-1-2-1-2Sir WALTER de FAUCOMBERGE b 1288 Rise Yorkshire
m ANASTASIA de NEVILLE b 1285 Raby Durham
Lu29 William de LUCY b 1117 Diss Norfolk
m CECILIA b 1120
Lu28 Reginald de LUCY b 1137, Egremont Cumberland d 01.1198.
m AMABEL FITZWilliam b 1148 Copeland Cumberland dau of William FITZDUNCAN and Alice de RUMILLY
Lu27 Richard de LUCY b 1179, Copeland Cumberland d 1213.
m ADA de MORVILLE b 1187 Burgh-by-Sands Cumberland d c 1230 dau of HUGH de MORVILLE and HELAWISE de STUTEVILLE
Lu27 Alice de LUCY b 1210, Copeland Cumberland d 24.03.1287.
m ALAN de MULTON b 1205 Cumberland
Lu26 JOAN de LUCY b 1236 Copeland Cumberland
m RALPH/Ranulph DACRE Da26 b 1236 Dacre Cumberland d 03.05.1286, Sheriff of Cumberland, Governor of Carlisle d 1339 son of
+1 William de DACRE, Sheriff of Cumberland then Yorkshire, Governor of Carlisle d c 1258
Da25 William DACRE b 12.03.1265, Haworth Castle Yorkshire d by 24.08.1318, Naworth Castle Cumberland
m JOAN GARNET/Gernet b 1260 Haworth Castle Yorkshire
+1 Benedict Gernet or Garnet of Halton
Da24 RANDOLPH DACRE b 1290, Haworth Yorkshire d 20.04.1339, 1321-1339 1st Baron of Dacre
m 1317 MARGARET MULTON b 20.07.1300 Mulgrave Castle Yorkshire d 10.12.1361
+1 Thomas de Multon, Lord of Gillesland
Da23-1 William de Dacre, 2nd Lord of Dacre and Multon dsp 07.1361
m Katharine Nevill dau of Ralph Nevill, 2nd Lord of Raby
Da23-2 Thomas de Dacre
Da23-3 Ralph de Dacre, 3rd Lord of Dacre and Multon b 1321 d unm 08.1375
Da23 HUGH de DACRE b 1335, Irthington Cumberland d 24.12.1383, 1375-1383 4th Baron of Dacre
m Elizabeth MAXWELL b 1335 Caerlaverock Castle Dumpfriesshire Scotland d by 01.01.1369
+1 "Alexander, Lord Maxwell" probably sb. Sir John Maxwell of Carlaverock
Da22 William de DACRE b by 1357 Irthington Cumberland d 30.07.1399, 1383-1398 5th Baron of Dacre
m JOAN DOUGLAS b 1370 Douglas Larnarkshire possibly natural half-sister of James Douglas, 2nd Earl of Douglas, Earl of Mar
Da21-1 JOAN DACRE b 1383 Naworth Castle Brampton Cumberland d c 1456.
m c 1397 Thomas Musgrave of Hartley Castle b 1378 Hartley Castle Westmoreland d 03.01.1447 Hartley Castle Westmoreland
+1 Richard MUSGRAVE and Elizabeth WOLLASTON
Da21-1-1 568. Richard Musgrave b 1398 Hartley Castle Westmoreland d 09.11.1464
m Margaret Betham b 1398 Beetham Castle Westmoreland d 1464 Hartley Castle Westmoreland
+1 Thomas Betham
Da21 Thomas de DACRE b 27.10.1387, Naworth Castle Brampton Cumberland d 05.01.1458, 1398-1458 6th Baron of Dacre
m PHILLIPPA de NEVILLE b 1386 Raby Durham England d c 08.07.1453 dau of RALPH de NEVILLE and MARGARET de STAFFORD for see above Phillippa de Neville.
Da22 =24 Mary de DACRE b 1260, Dacre Cumberland
m m Ralph de Vernon 'the old liver' b 1251 Northwich Cheshire d c 07.1325 son of RALPH de VERNON and MAUDE GROSVENOR..
Da21 =23 AGATHA de VERNON b 1278, Shipbrook Northwich Cheshire d 1350.
m HUGH de VENABLES b 1256 Kinderton Northwich Cheshire d 1333 son of William de VENABLES and MARGARET de DUTTON
Ve20 =22 Alice de VENABLES b 1299, Kinderton Northwich Cheshire
m John de ARDERNE Ar20 b 1299 Aldford Chester Cheshire son of
+1 John de ARDERNE
Ar19-1 John de Arderne of Aldford and Nether Alderley b 1321 d 1379 Visitation Cheshire, 1580, Arderne of Aldford starts with this John, showing him as having married twice, one wife being 'Ellin' whose identity is given by the balcro website. It is not clear which wife was mother of which child but, as the first marriage was dissolved early, it is presumed that it was not consummated.
m1 div 1332! Cecily de Eton dau of Sir Nicholas de Eto
m2 Ellen de Wasteneys + ch dau of William de Wasteneys
-1 Sir Thomas de Arderne b c 1350
-2 Hugh de Arderne of Harden Hall b 1350, d c1420 m1 Agnes de Hulme m2 Cecily de Hyde dau of Ralph de Hyde
-3 John de Arderne
-4 Matilda de Arderne
-5 Blanche de Arderne m William Stanley of Hooton probable duplication
-1-1 Sir John Arderne of Elford b c 1390
-3-1 Charles Arderne of Timplerley
-3-2 Hugh Arderne of Dorfold
-3-3 Margery or Blanche Arderne b 1386 probable duplication m 1402 William Stanley of Hooton b 1387, dvp 1417
Ar19 Peter de Arderne of Harden and Alvanley b 1327, d 1378-9
m Cicely de Bredbury dau of Adam de Bredbury of Harden Hall
-1 Charles de Arderne of Timperley The following comes from Visitation Cheshire, 1580, Ardern of Timperley. m Elizabeth Radcliffe dau of Richard Radclffe of Timpley, "younger brother of the Tower"
Ar19-3 MARGARET de ARDERNE b 1320, Aldford Chester Cheshire
m Nicholas PEYVRE. b 24.05.1318 Tideswell Derbyshire
Da25-2-1-1-1-1 Thomas PEYVRE b 1353, Tideswell Derbyshire
m MARGARET LORING b 1356 Chalgrave Bedford
Da25-2-1-1-1-1-1 569. Mary Peyvre b 1382 Toddington Bedford d 26.07.1409 Castle Cary Somerset
m John Broughton, son of b 1375 Broughton Preston Lancashire d 1406 Broughton Preston Lancashire
+1 John Broughton
Ar19 =21 PETER ARDERNE b 1327 Aldford Chester Cheshire d by 1379.
m CECILIA BREDBURY b 1337 Harden Cheshire England d 1387.
Ar18 =20 Blanche/MARGARET ARDERNE b 1370, Aldford Chester Cheshire d c 1429.
m William de STANLEY. b 1375 Cheadle Cheshire d c 1425 Hooton Cheshire
St17 =19 570. Isabel de Stanley b 1409 Hooten Cheshire d Adlington Cheshire
m Robert Legh b 25.03.1409 Hooten Cheshire d Adlington Cheshire
+1 Robert Legh of Adlington b 1386
m Maud
...-1-1-2-1-1-2-2 HUGH ARDERNE b 1357, Alvanley Runcorn Cheshire England; d by 1423, Aldford Chester Cheshire
m CECILY HYDE b 1380 Hyde Stockport Cheshire England d 1440 dau of RALPH HYDE and Alice VENABLES for ch see above 362) Cecily Hyde.
Ve21 =22 HUGH de VENABLES b 1298, Kinderton Northwich Cheshire d 1353
m1 Elizabeth Mobberley + William and Johndau of Sir William Mobberley
m2 Katherine de Houghton b 1310 Lea Hall Prescott Lancashire dau of
+1 Richard de Houghton and SIBILLA de LEA
Ve20 =21 Sir Hugh de Venables of Kinderton, Sheriff of Cheshire d 1382-3
m Margery Cotton dau of Perkin or Hugh de Cotton
Ve20-1 Sir Richard Venables of Kinderton d 23.07.1403
m Isabel Langton dau of Rawlin de Langton of Newton and Walton
Ve22-4 MARGARET de VENABLES b 1340, Wheltrough Cheshire d 1417, m Thomas DAVENPORT b 1346, Wheltrough Cheshire d 1390, Henbury Cheshire
Ve20 Joan Venebles b 1345, Kinderton Norwich
m Thomas de Latham b 1329 Latham Lancashire d by 20.03.1382 Knowsley Lancashire
+1 Thomas de Latham and Eleanore de FERRERS
La19 Isabel de Latham b 1364, Latham Lancashired 26.10.1414, Liverpool Lancashire
m 1385 Sir John Stanley b 1340/?50 Storeton Cheshire d 06.01.1414 Ardee Louth Co Ireland, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland son of Sir William de Stanley St20 and Alice Massey Ma20
-1 Sir John Stanley
-2 Henry Stanley
-3 Sir Thomas Stanley of Elford
-4 Ralph Stanley
-5 X Stanley
-6 X Stanley
Ve22 Sir Richard de Venables of Bollin b c 1308 Shown by Ormerod as being son rather than brother of Sir Hugh by Katherine Houghton.
m. Joan Fitton b 1345 Dutton Cheshire d 1382 dau of
+1 Hamon Fitton of Bollin
Ve21 William Venebles b 1376, Bolyn Cheshire d 1402.
m Jane Massy b 1376 Cheshire dau of
+1 John Massey of Tatton
Ve20 571. Dulcia/Douce Venables b 1396 Kinderton Cheshire d 23.09.1463 Wilmslow Cheshire
Sir Robert Booth of Dunham Bo20, Sheriff of Cheshire b 1384 Barton Eccles Lancashire d 16.09.1450
bro of author's ancestor, Bo17 Margery Booth m John Byron of Clayton
+1 Sir John Booth of Bartonb c 1345 (+- 25) a 1399
m1 Joan Trafford b c 1375 dau of Sir Henry Trafford of Trafford b c 1350
+2 Sir Thomas Thomalyn Bouth of Barton Lancashire, 'Tomalin of the Boothes' b c 1300
m Ellen Workesley dau of Thomas de Workesley of Workesley or Worsley
+3 John de Bouthe b c 1280 a temp Edward II who r. 1307-1327
m. Agnes de Barton b 1277 youngest of 3 daughters of Sir Gilbert de Barton of Barton and Agnes, sisters Alice b. 1275; Amery b 1272, m Sir Roger Pilkington d. 1294
+4 Thomas de Booths b c 1255 +5 William de Booths b c 1230 d c 1280 a 1275 BE1883 Booth identifies William's wife as Sibel, dau of Sir Ralph de Brereton. BE1883 Brereton, supported by Maddison, identifies her as Sir Ralph's granddau being ...
m in 1247 in Branston Booths, Lincolnshire, Sibella Brereton b 1236 in Brereton Cheshire
+6 Adam de Booths Bo23 =25 b c 1205
a name=AliceVenables1398>Ve20-2 < 572. Alice Venables b 1398 Bollin Fee Wimslow Cheshire England d 1450
m EDMUND de TRAFFORD b 1390 Trafford Lancashire England d 1457.
+1 Henry de Trafford
m Elizabeth Radcliffe
Ve21-2 Jenkin Venables
m. x wid of y Starky of Stretton
Ve22-4 Alice VENABLES b betw 1335 - 1350, Lancashire
m RALPH HYDE, son of John HYDE and MARGARET DAVENPORT. b 1350 Hyde Stockport Cheshire d c 1379 for see above Ralph Hyde.
Ve22-5 HUGH de VENABLES b 1333 Kinderton Northwich Cheshire d 1383
m MARGERY de COTTON b 1353 Rudheath Cheshire d c 1398.
Ve22-5-1 MARGERY de VENABLES b 1369, Northwich Cheshired 1459, Bucklow Cheshire
m RANDLE Mainwaring Of Carmincham b 1365 Cheadle Gatley Cheshire d 1456.
+1 William Mainwaring and Elizabeth LEYCESTER
Ve22-5-1-1 JOAN Mainwaring b 1408, Over Peover Cheshire m John DAVENPORT b 1405, Davenport Congleton Cheshire
Ve22-5-1-2 573. Cecily Mainwaring b 1401 Over Peover Cheshire England d 1450 Over Peover Cheshire
m Thomas Foulhurst b 1397 Crewe Cheshire d 24.06.1439.
+1 Thomas de FOULHURST and EVA de VENABLES
Ve22-5-2 Eva de VENABLES b 1367, Kinderton Cum Hulme Northwich Cheshired 1416.
m Thomas de FOULHURST b 1366 Crewe Nantwich Cheshire England d 1420 England.
+1 Robert de FULLEHURST and Elizabeth de PRAERS
Ve22-5-2-1 574. Thomas Foulhurst b 1397 Crewe Cheshire d 24.06.1439
m Cecily Mainwaring, b 1401 Over Peover Cheshire d 1450 Over Peover Cheshire for ch see above Cecily Mainwaring, dau of RANDLE Mainwaring and MARGERY de VENABLES
...-1-1-2-1-3 ROSE de VENABLES b 1304, Kinderton Northwich Cheshire d by 1348.
m William TRUSSELL b 1302 Warmingham Cheshire d 1364 Maidenhead Berkshire son of
+1 William TRUSSELL and MATILDA Mainwaring
...-1-1-2-1-3-1 Katherine TRUSSELL b 1320, Warmingham Cheshire m John de ST PIERRE b 1308 Shocklach Oviatt Chester Cheshire d by 1378.
...-1-1-2-1-3-1-1 ELLEN de ST PIERRE b 1337, Shocklach Oviatt Chester Cheshire
m Philip de EGERTON b 1328 Egerton Nantwich Cheshired 1380, Malpas Whitechurch Cheshire
Ve20-2 Katherine de RIXTON VERNON b 1300, Warrington Lancashire
m HAMMON MASSEY de PONTINGHAM b 1298 Puddington Wirral Cheshire d 1351 son of
...-1-1-2-2-1 Thomas MASSEY de POINTINGTON b 1328, Puddington Wirral Cheshire
m x
...-1-1-2-2-1-1 HAMMON MASSEY de POTINGTON b 1353, Puddington Wirral Cheshire d 1380
m JANE de TIMPERLEY b 1355 Timperley Cheshire
...-1-1-2-2-1-1-1 John MASSEY/MASCY de PONTINGTON b 1373, Puddington Wirral Cheshire k 21.07.1403, Battle of Shrewsbury Shropshire
m JOHANNA de COGHALL b 1375 Little Leigh Northwich Cheshire d 1404 Puddington Wirral Cheshire dau of Roger de COGHALL and JOAN APPLEBY for see above Johanna de Coghall.
Ve20-3 RALPH de VERNON b 1278, Shipbrook Northwich Cheshire m MARGARET de ST PIERRE b 1278, Cheshire
Ve20-4 Richard VERNON b mel. 1282 - 1288, Shipbrook Northwich Cheshire d 1346.
Ve20 Rohesia de VERNON b 1289, Shipbrook Northwich Cheshire d c 1322.
m William de BRERETON b 1280 Brereton Congleton Cheshire son of
+1 Sir William Brereton of Brereton Br21 b c 1255 d c 1300 a 1290
m Margaret ? de Sandbach dau of
+2 Sir Ralph Brereton of Brereton Br22 ?=24 b c 1216 d c 1270 a 1260
+2? Sir Richard de Sandbach
+3 Sir William Brereton of Brereton b c 1190 a 1216 m Margery de Thornton dau of +4 Ralph de Brereton b c 1170 in Chester, Cheshire
m2 Ada of Huntingdon shows Br22 Sybille as daughter of Br24 not as granddaughter

+4 Randle de Thornton
+5 William de Brereton b c 1150 d c 1200 a 1185 +6 William de Brereton b c 1125 c d c 1175
Br19 William de BRERETON b 1307 Brereton Congleton Cheshire
m Margery de Bosley b 1327 Bosley Macclesfield Cheshire d 1 Jun 1360 Cheshire dau of
+1 Sir Richard de Bosley b 1 Jun 1286 Brereton d 1 Jun 1345 London ( shows b 1263 d 16 Sep 1307 so there may confusion of father and son.)
m Jane de Fulford b 1268
+2 Hamon Fulford b 1195 Cheshire d there 1230
m Mabel x
Br18-1 Sir William de BRERETON b 14.02.1346, Brereton Congleton Cheshire d 1398
m ELLEN de EGERTON/Enerton b 1353 Malpas Whitechurch Cheshire d 13479 Brereton Cum Smethwicki Congleton Cheshire dau of
+1 Philip Egerton of Malpas
m Ellen St Pierre b by 21 Nov 1289 Shocklach Cheshire d 1353
-a Urian St Piere b 19 May 1277 Beeston Cheshire d by 26 Mar 1311
+2 John de St Pierre b c 1257 Egerton d there by 21 Nov 1289
m Katherine Dutton b c 1259 Dutton Cheshire d 1293
Br18-1-1 Sir William Brereton of Brereton b about 1360
Br18-1-1 William de BRERETON b 1370 Brereton Congleton Cheshire d 1402
m Annila/Angella/Emily Venables b 1374 Kinderton Northwich Cheshirem1 1386 dau of Hugh Venables
18-1-1-1 575. William Brereton b 1390 Audley Staffordshire d 1415
m Alice Corbet b 1393 Leighton Montgomeryshire Wales d 08.09.1458
Br18 reported by wikitree was:
Ellen Brereton b c 1325 Yorkshire
m Thomas Overton b 1312 at Helmsley, Yorkshire d there 1392
-1 Thomas Overton b c 1365 at Helmsley Malton, Yorkshire d there 1392/?1435 bur All Saints m 1410 Idonea x b c 1385 -1-1 William Overton Ov16 b 3 Apr 1430/?00 d 1482 Morecott Rutland bur Helmsley Yorkshire m 1460 Elizabeth x b c 1438/?1410 Yorkshire d 1523 York -1-1-1 Christopher Overton b 3 Apr 1430/60 at Easington/?Helmley, Yorkshire d Dec 1547 at Easington, Yorkshire/? 12 Sep 1482 Morcott Rutlandshire (wikitree shows b 3 Apr 1460 in Easington d 12 Sep 1547 in Essex)
m c 1520/?1480 at Easington, Yorkshire Alice Swift b 1462 Essex d 5 Oct 1547 Essex dau of John Swift b 1430 d 1529 and x Smyth
-1-1-1-1 Henry Overton b 1523 d 1595 -1-1-1-1-1 Christopher Overton b c 1540 at Easington, Yorkshire m c 1579 at Easington (?) Wright, dau of John Wright and Elizabeth Thorpe of Yorkshire -1-1-1-1-1-1 John Overton b 1566 at Easington, Yorkshire, d on 25 May 1654 at Easington, Yorkshire
m Joan Snawsell, dau of Robert Snawsell and Anne Waters, in 1606 at Easington, Yorkshire, England. has his wife as Joane Palmer and birth in 1577 Yorkshire, but this may have been her second marriage.
This is obviously the same couple as Ov14-2-1-1 and shows the same Wentworth/Waters/Snawsell descent despite the differences in dates, but the diviation of the line is kept here as an alternative descent for this family. Robert Snawsell b 13 Sep 1563 Bilton Yorkshire d 15 Dec 1647 Essex and Anne / Ann Waters b 27 Apr 1563 Uffington d 4 Oct 1653 Ainsty
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 William Overton, Archbishop
-1-1-1-1-1-1-2 Maj Gen Robert Overton b 1609 at Easington Yorkshire d on 2 July 1678 at London, bur July 1678 at Seaton, Rutland, England. m 28 June 1632 at London Ann Gardiner dau of Jeremey Gardiner b 1583 and Anne Potticary grandau of Thomas Gardiner b 1550 Norfolk d there 6 Oct 1639 and Katherine Benbowe ?relation to Anne Gardiner Tu15 b c 1475 Beaconsfield Bucks d 1575 Belton Isle Axholme Lincoln m Robert Stoke Browne b c 1460 Edwardstone Leicester d 1540
Br18-5 John Brereton b c 1327 Brereton
Br18-6 Ralph Brereton b 1326 Brereton
Br18-7 Robert Brereton b 1328 Brereton
Br18-8 Hugh Brereton b 1330 Brereton
Lu26 ANABEL de LUCY b 1205, Egremont Cumberland d c 1280
m LAMBERT de MULTON b 1200 Moulton Spalding Lincolnshire d 11.1246 Egremont Cumberland
Lu25 Thomas de MULTON III b 1220, Copeland Cumberland d 29.04.1294.
m1 MAUD de VAUX, b 1223 Irthington Cumberland d by 29.05.1293 dau of HUBERT de VAUX and MARGARET de BURGH
m2 ISABEL de BOLTEBY b 1225 South Tynedale Northumberland + 1 ch dau of ADAM de BOLTEBY and PhilipPE de TYNDAL
m3 IDA de MORVILLE b 1225
Lu24 MAUD de LUCY b 1239, Seagrave Leicestershire d c 1270,
m Sir Nicholas de SEAGRAVE b 1238 Seagrave Leicestershire d by 12.11.1295 14 MAY 1264 Battle of Lewes Commander, 24 FEB 1303 Battle of Roslin Commander, 1304 Battle of Happrew Commander, 23 JUN 1314 Battle of Bannockburn Commander, Captured, 1325 2nd Baron of Segrave son of GILBERT de SEGRAVE d by 8 Oct 1254 and ANNABILIA de CHAUCOMBE (dau of Robert de Chaucombe)
Se23 ELEANOR de SEGRAVE b 1270, Seagrave Leicestershire d 1314.
m ALAN LA ZOUCHE b 09.10.1267 Ashby-de-la-Zouch Leicestershire d 25.03.1314 Brackley Northamptonshire son of Roger LA ZOUCHE and ELA LONGESPEE
Zo21 MAUD la ZOUCHE b mel. 1289 - 1290, Ashby-de-la-Zouch Leicestershire d 31.05.1349, Brackley Northamptonshire
m Robert de HOLAND Ho21 b 1285 Upholland Lancashire d 07.10.1328 Boreham Wood Hertfordshire
+1 Robert de HOLAND
m Elizabeth de SALMESBURY
Ho20-1 Thomas de HOLAND b 1314, Upholland Lancashire d 26.12.1360, Normandy FR, 1346 Battle of Crecy Commander, 1346-1347 Siege of Calais, 1348 cofounder and 13th Knight of the Garter, 1360-1360 1st Earl of Kent
m JOAN PLANTAGENET "THE FAIR MAID OF KENT" b 29.09.1328 Woodstock Kent d 08.08.1385 Wallingford, Wallingford Castle Berkshire dau of
Ho20-1-1 482. i. Thomas de HOLAND b 1350 Upholland Lancashire d 25.04.1397 Woodstock Kent , 1366 Battle of N�jera Captain of the English forces in Aquitaine, Knight of the Garter in 1375, 1381-1397 2nd Earl of Kent, 1385-1397, 6th Baron of Wake of Liddell, 1381-1397 2nd Earl of Kent, 1385-1397 6th Baron of Wake of Liddell bur Lincolnshire, Bourne, Bourne Abbey
m Alice OF ARUNDEL FITZALAN b 1352 Arundel Castle Sussex d 17.03.1415 dau of Richard FITZALAN and Eleanor PLANTAGENET for ch see above Alice FitzAlan of Arundel
Ho20-1-2 483. ii. John HOLLAND b 1352; d 16.01.1400, 1397-1399 1st Duke of Exeter
m Elizabeth PLANTAGENET b by 21.02.1363 Burford Shropshire England d 24.11.1426 dau of John GAUNT and Blanche LANCASTER for ch see above 254) Elizabeth Plantagenet.
Ho20 MARGARET de HOLAND b 1310 West Derby Lancashire d 08.1349.
m John de LA WARRE. b 1295 Wickwar Gloucestershire d by 24.06.1331
+1 John La Warr of Ewyas Harold, 2nd Lord b c1276, d 09.05.1347
m c 12.1294 Joan de Gresley d 20/1.03.1352/3, sis of Thomas, Lord Gresley
Wa19 Roger de LA WARRE b 30.11.1326, Axminster Devon d 27.08.1370 FR
m1 before 14.10.1338 Elizabeth Isabel Welles + 2 ch dau of Adam Welles, Lord
m2 before 03.02.1353/4 Elizabeth
m3 before 23.07.1358 Eleanor Mowbray b 1345 Epworth Isle of Axholme Lincolnshire d by 18.06.1387 + 1 ch dau of John de MOWBRAY and JOAN PLANTAGENET. for see above Eleanor de Mowbray.
Wa18-1 John La Warr, 4th Lord dsp 27.07.1398 m1 before 08.05.1368 Elizabeth x m2 before 20.01.1388/9 Elizabeth Neville dau of Sir Gilbert de Neville of Grimsthorpe
Wa18-2 Thomas La Warr, 5th Lord dsp 07.05.1426/7, rector of Manchester
Wa18 Joan La Warr d 24.04.1404
m before 02.05.1384 Sir Thomas West of Oakhanger, 1st Lord d 17/9.04.1405
Ho20-3 Robert IV 2ND BARON de HOLAND b 1312 Thorpe Waterville Thrapston Northamptonshire d 16.03.1372, Hawes Brackley Northamptonshire
m Elizabeth D' AVESNES b 1315 Mons Hainaut Belgium d by 16.03.1373
Ho20-3-1 Robert V14 de HOLAND b 1334, Thorpe Waterville Thrapston Northamptonshired by 16.03.1373, Wiltshire m Alice de LISLE b 1338, Harewood Castle Yorkshired c 12.08.1401.
Ho20-4 MAUD de HOLAND b 1311 Foxhall Staffordshire
m Thomas 3RD BARON de SWYNNERTON b 1310, Swynnerton Staffordshire d 12.1361 Swynnerton Staffordshire
+1 y Swynnerton
Ho20-5 Elizabeth de HOLAND b 1320 Upholland Lancashire d 13.07.1387
m Henry FITZRoger b 30.11.1318, Curry Rivell Somerset d 29.01.1352, Chewton Mendip Wells Somerset
Zo21-2 ELENA LA ZOUCHE b 1288, Ashby Leicestershire
m1 Nicholas de ST MAUR b 1285, St Maur Somerset d 08.11.1316, St Maur Somerset
m2 ALAN de CHARLTON b 1277, Cherleton Shropshire d 03.12.1360 (Probably brother of John, first Baron Charlton of Powys)
Se22-2 John de SEAGRAVE b 1256, Seagrave Leicestershire d 04.10.1325 m CHRISTINE DU PLESSIS b 1257, Stottesdon Shropshire d 08.05.1331.
Se22-3 Sir John de Segrave b c 1258.
Se22-4 Eleanor de Segrave b c 1262, of Leicestershire
m Alan la Zouche abt 1285, son of Sir Roger la Zouche, Lord of Ashby, and Ela Longespee.
Lu29-3 GODFREY de LUCY b 1125, Dunmow Essex d by 1178, Newington Kent
Lu29-3-1 ROESIA LUCY b 1148, Ongar Essex
m FULBERT de DOVER b by 1146 Chilham Castle Badlesmere, Kent d betw 1194 - 1198 son of William de DOVER
Lu29-3-1-1 FULBERT de DOVER b 1170, Chilham Badlesmere, Kent d 1208.
m ISABEL de BRIWERE b 1180 Stoke Devon d 1233 dau of William de BRIWERE and BEATRICE de VAUX
-1 ROHESE de DOVER b 1198, Chilham Castle Badlesmere, Kent d 1265, Chilham Castle Badlesmere, Kent m Richard FITZROY b 1186, Winchester Hampshire d by 1246, Chilham Badlesmere, Kent
Lu29-3-2 Geoffrey de LUCY b 1162, Newington Kent d 1234.
m JULIANE LE DISPENSATOR REGIS b 1186 Dallington Northamptonshire d 1227 dau of AYMER REGIS and AMABEL de CHESNEY
Lu29-3-2-1 Geoffrey7 de LUCY b 1208, Newington Kent d 16.08.1252.
m NICHOLE b 1210
Lu29-3-2-1-1 Geoffrey de LUCY b 1237, Newington Kent d by 05.06.1284.
m ELLEN b 1240 Dallington Northamptonshire d c 1316.
Lu29-3-2-1 -1-1 Geoffrey de LUCY b 08.1267, Chelmscot Buckinghamshire d by 20.05.1305.
m DESIDEREE de LEYBOURNE b 1269 Leybourne Kent d c 1329 dau of Roger de LEYBOURNE and Eleanor de FERRERS
Lu29-3-2-1-1-1-1 Geoffrey de LUCY b 21.01.1287, Cublington Buckinghamshire d 18.05.1346.
m Katherine b 1298 Slapton Northamptonshire d 1361.
...-1-1-1-1 Geoffrey de LUCY b 1324, Cublington Buckinghamshire d 12.02.1400.
m MARGERY b 1315
...-1-1-1-1-1 Reginald LUCY b by 1360, Cublington Buckinghamshire d 09.11.1437, Dallington Northamptonshire
m MARGARET de MOWBRAY b 1362 Epworth Isle of Axholme Lincolnshire d by 1401.
Lu29-4 Alice de LUCY b 1129, Luce Orne Normandy FR d 1197, Castle Prudhoe Northumberland
m1 ODINEL II UMFREVILLE b 1125 Prudhoe Northumberland d 1171 Castle Prudhoe Northumberland son of ODINEL de UMFREVILLE
m2 William de AUBIGNY. b 1147 Belvoir Castle Leicestershire d 01.05.1236 Offington Sussex
Lu29-4-1 Alice de UMFREVILLE b 1161, Prudhoe Northumberland
m William II BERTRAM b 1157 Mitford Castle Northumberland d 1199.
Lu29-4-1-1 Roger BERTRAM b 1180 Mitford Castle Northumberland d by 1242 son of Roger BERTRAM and ADA de MORVILLE
m AGNES b 1195
Lu29-4-1-1-1 ADA de BERTRAM b 1223, Mitford Castle Northumberland
m SIMON de Vere b 1205 Goxhill Lincolnshire d by 03.09.1270 Sproatley Yorkshire son of WALTER de Vere and SIBEL de KYME
Lu29-4-1-1-1-1 ISABEL de Vere b 1256, Goxhill Lincolnshire d by 1314.
m William II de ATON b 1256 West Ayton Yorkshire d by 1317 son of William de ATON
Lu29-4-1-1-1-1-1 GILBERT de ATON b 1283 West Ayton Yorkshire d 10.04.1350.
m x.
...-1-1-1-1 William de ATON b 1299, Malton Yorkshire
m ISABEL de PERCY b 1326, Alnwick Northumberland d 25.05.1368.
Lu29-4-1-1-1-1-2 Elizabeth ATON b 1286, Sockburn Durham m John CONYERS b 1275, Sockburn Durham
Lu29-4-1-1-2 ISABEL BERTRAM b 1214, Mitford Castle Northumberland d c 15.06.1281, Nocton Lincolnshire
m Philip DARCY b 1213, Nocton Lincolnshire d 28.05.1264, Nocton Lincolnshire
Lu29-4-2 Richard de UMFREVILLE b 1163, Redesdale Northumberland d 11.10.1226, Prudhoe Castle Northumberland
m SIBYL de TORRINGTON b 1167, Hexham Northumberland
Lu29-4-3 MARGERY de UMFREVILLE b 1165, Castle Prudhoe Northumberland
m William d' ALBINI b 1146 Belvoir Castle Leicestershire d 01.05.1236 son of William D' ALBINI and MAUD FITZROBERT 1215 Magna Carta surety clause 61
Lu29-4-3-1 William D' AUBIGNY b 1200, Arundel Sussex d 1285
m AUBREY ALBREDA BISET, dau of Henry BISET and AUBREY FITZRichard b 1190 Kidderminster Worcestershire
Lu29-4-3-1-1 ISABEL d' ALBINI b 1233.
m Robert de ROS b 1233 Helmsley Yorkshire d 17.05.1285 Belvoir Castle Leicestershire 14 MAY 1264 Battle of Lewes defeated Henry III took him and the prince prisoner son of William de ROSS and LUCIA FitzPiers
Lu29-4-3-1-1-1 JOAN de ROS b 1256, Helmsley Castle Yorkshired 13.10.1348, Titchmarsh Thrapstone Northamptonshire
m John LOVELL b 1252 Titchmarsh Thrapston Northamptonshire d 23.06.1314 Battle Of Bannockburn Sterlingshire Scotland son of John LOVELL and MAUD de SYDENHAM 1296 Scotland / General marshal of the army in Scotland 1304 Siege of Stirling Castle, to whom Sir William Oliphant surrendered 1311-1314 2nd Baron of Lovel 23 JUN 1314 Battle of Bannockburn Commander
Lu29-4-3-1 -1-1-1 John LOVELL, LORD OF TCHMRSH b 1284, Titchmarsh Thrapston Northamptonshire d 1347, 1314-1347 3rd Baron of Lovel
m MAUD BURNELL, b 1290 Acton Shropshire d 17.05.1341 dau of Philip BURNELL and MAUD FITZALAN
...-1-1-1-1 John LOVELL b 09.1314, Titchmarsh Thrapston Northamptonshire d 1361, 1347-1361 4th Baron of Lovel
m ISABEL LA ZOUCHE b 1322 Harringworth Northamptonshire d 02.07.1349.
...-1-1-1-1-1 John LOVELL b 1335, Titchmarsh Thrapston Northamptonshire d 10.09.1408, Northamptonshire
m MAUD de HOLAND b 1356 Lincolnshire d 07.05.1423.
...-1-1-1-1-1-1 John LOVELL b 1372, Titchmarsh Thrapston Northamptonshire d 19.10.1414, Minster Lovel Oxfordshire, 1408-1414 6th Baron of Lovel
m Eleanor ZOUCHE b 1372 Harringworth Northamptonshire d c 1467 Polebrook Northamptonshire
+1 William LA ZOUCHE and AGNES de GREEN
...-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Philippa LOVEL b 1388, Titchmarsh Thrapston Northamptonshired 15.05.1465, Nutwell Devon
m John de DINHAM. b 1359 Hartland Quay Bideford Devon d 25.12.1428 Hartland Quay Bideford Devon
...-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 576. John de Dinham b 1406 Hartland Devon d 25.01.1457 Steeple Aston Devon, 1430 knighted
m Jane ARCHES b 1410 Steeple Aston Devon d 20.04.1497 Nutwell Manor Woodbury Devon dau of Richard ARCHES and LUCY ADDERBURY
...-1-1-1-1-1-1-2 William LOVEL b 1397 Tisbury Wiltshire, 1414-1455 7th Baron of Lovel
m Alice DEINCOURT b 1395, Blankley Lincolnshired 1476
Lo22 ISABEL LOVELL b 1310, Titchmarsh Trapston Northamptonshire
m 1331 in Titchmarsh Norfolk William CALTHORPE b 1295 Seething Norfolk d 1360 Seething Norfolk son of
+1 WALTER CALTHORPE and ELLA WELLES dau of +2 Sir William Calthrop b 1241 Calthorp Norfolk d aft 1306 continued from above
m Cicely/Cicilia (or Sibbell) Warren dau of
+2 either Sir Hervey Welles of Stanhow/Stanhoe or Henry Welles
+3 Roger de CALTHORPE of Hales b 1220 Hales Norfolk
+3 Philip Warren of Burnham
m Emma le Strange
Ca21-1 Ela CALTHORPE b 332 Burnham thorpe
m c 1353 Sir John FitzSimon de Perpoint
Ca21-2 Sir Walter CALTHORPE b 1334 Burnham thorpe
m c 1361 in Burnham Thorpe Alice Crophill
Ca21-3 John CALTHORPE b 1336 d aft 1360
Ca21 Sir OLIVER CALTHORPE b 1338 Thorpe Burnham Norfolk d 1399, Baconsthorpe Norfolk
m 1366 ISABEL BACON b 1336 Baconsthorpe Norfolk d 29.12.1420
+1 Robert Bacon of Baconsthorp b c 1310
m1 Joan Beaumont dau of widow of Sir Giles de Braose of Stinton
+2 Richard Beaumont of Witnesham (son of John of Drayton)
Ca20-1 John calthorpe b 1354 Burnham thorpe m Elizabeth Erghom dau of William Erghom -1 Eustace Calthorpe b c 1380 Calthorpe Yorkshire
m c 1401 Richard Fairfax
-1-1 Sir William FAIRFAX
-1-2 Brian FAIRFAX
-1-3 Sir Guy FAIRFAX
-1-4 Sir Nicholas FAIRFAX
-1-5 Miles FAIRFAX
-1-6 Margaret FAIRFAX
-1-7 Anne FAIRFAX
-1-8 Ellen FAIRFAX
Ca20 William CALTHORPE b 1354 Thorpe Burnham Norfolk d 29.12.1420
m Elenor Mawtby/Mautby b 1369 d 1398 dau of Sir John Mawtby
Ca19 Sir John Calthrop b c 1390
m Anne Withe dau of John Withe or Wythe of Smallburgh
Ca18 Sir William Calthrop of Burnham Thorpe b 30.01.1409/10, d 15.11.1494
m1 Elizabeth Grey b 1414 wid of William de Lucy dau of->
+1 Lord Grey of Ruthyn
Ca18-2 Joan or Anne of Mary Calthrop or Calthorpe
m Thomas Bruse of Wenham d 17.06.1482
Ca19-2 Anne CALTHORPE b c 1398
m William Denston of Besthorpe b c 1395
-1 Felice Denston m Roger Drury of Hawstead
-2 Elizabeth Denston m Reginald Rous
Ca19-3 Margaret CALTHORPE b c 1391 Burnhamthorpe d 1427
m c 1412 in Burnham thorpe Sir John Hervey of Thurley b c 1384
-1 Thomas Hervey of thurley m Jane Paston
m2 SYBIL ST OMER b 1360 Thorpe Burnham Norfolk d 10.12.1420.
Ca19-4 Richard CALTHORPE b 1400, Cockthorpe Norfolk d 1438
m MARGARET ERMINGLAND b 1400 Stiffkey Norfolk England d 20.02.1478.
>Ca19-4-1 577. John Calthorpe b 1431 Cockthorpe Norfolk d 27.09.1503
m Alice Astley/Ashley b 1435 Melton Constable Norfolk d c 1475
+1 John Ashley and Elizabeth WICHINGHAM
Ca21-5 Thomas CALTHORPE b 1342
Ca21-6 William CALTHORPE b 1343 Burnham thorpe
m c 1368 in Burnham Thorpe Cecily de Gourney
Ca21-7 Richard CALTHORPE b 1344 d 1361
Ca21-8 Phillip CALTHORPE b 1346
Ca21-9 Edmund CALTHORPE b 1348
Ca21-10 Robert CALTHORPE b 1350 d 1367
... -1-2 William II de ROS b 1250, Hemsley Yorkshired 16.08.1316, Wark Castle Northumberland
Wm MAUD de VAUX b 1258 Freiston Lincolnshire d by 1316 Pentney Priory Norfolk dau of John de VAUX and SIBYL LONGCHAMPS
...-1-2-1 MARGARET ROSS b 1298, Kendal Yorkshire d 17.10.1357.
m Henry le SCROPE. b 1268 Bolton Yorkshire d 07.09.1336 Wenlaysdale Yorkshire
...-1-2-1-1 Sir Richard le SCROPE b 1326, Bolton Yorkshire d 30.05.1403,
m Blanche POLE b 1327 Ravenscar Yorkshire d 1378.
...-1-2-1-1-1 Roger le SCROPE b 1373, Bolton Yorkshire d 03.12.1403,
m MARGARET TIBETOT b 1366 Nettlestead Suffolk d 13.04.1431 London Middlesex
...-1-2-1-1-1-1 Richard SCROPE b 1391, Raby Durham d 29.08.1420, Yorkshire
m LADY MARGARET NEVILLE, dau of RALPH de NEVILLE and MARGARET de STAFFORD b 1393 Raby Castle Durham d 1465 Clare Suffolk for ch see above Lady Margaret Neville.
...-1-2-2 William de ROS b 1288, Helmsley Yorkshire d 03.02.1343 1317-1342 2nd Baron of Ros
m MARGERY de BADLESMERE, b 03.12.1304 Castle Badlesmere Kent d by 22.10.1363 Helmsley Yorkshire dau of BARTHOLOMEW de BADLESMERE and MARGARET de Clare
...-1-2-2-1 Elizabeth de ROS b 1325, Helmsley Yorkshire d c 16.05.1380, Harringworth Northamptonshire 203. Elizabeth11 de ROS (William10, William II9) b 1325 Helmsley Yorkshire d c 16.05.1380 Harringworth Northamptonshire m William LA ZOUCHE. b 25.12.1321 Harringworth Northamptonshire d 23.04.1382 Harringworth Northamptonshire, 1351-1382 2nd Baron of Zouche of Haryngworth
...-1-2-2-1-1 William LA ZOUCHE b 1342, Harringworth Northamptonshire d 13.05.1396, Harringworth Northamptonshire, 1351-1396 3rd Baron of Zouche of Haryngworth
m AGNES de Green b 1342 Greens Norton Northamptonshire d c 02.12.1391 Harringworth Northamptonshire
...-1-2-2-1-1-1 ELEANOR ZOUCHE b 1372, Harringworth Northamptonshire d c 1467, Polebrook Northamptonshire
m John LOVELL,. b 1372 Titchmarsh Thrapston Northamptonshire d 19.10.1414 Minster Lovel Oxfordshire, 1408-1414 6th Baron of Lovel for ch see above John Lovell. son of
Ro19 =20 =22 =24 MAUD de ROS b 1334, Helmsley Yorkshire d 09.12.1388.
m John de WELLES We19 =20 =22 b 23.08.1334 Bonthorpe Lincolnshire 1345-1361 4th Baron of Welles son of ADAM de WELLES and MARGARET BARDOLF
We18 =19 =21 =23 Sir John 5TH BARON de WELLES b 20.04.1352, Conisholme Lincolnshire d 24.08.1421, 1361-1421 5th Baron of Welles
m Eleanor de MOWBRAY b by 25.03.1364 Isle of Axholme Epworth Lincolnshire d c 1399. for see Eleanor de Mowbray above
+1 John de MOWBRAY and Elizabeth de SEGRAVE
We20 =22 Anne de Welles
m James Butler Bu20 =22, 3rd Earl of Ormonde d 06.09.1405 b 1360 Gainsby Lincolnshire d 13.11.1397, Kilkenny Castle Kilkenny Co Ireland, issued a lease to Sir John Drayton, of the manor of Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, and rents and appurtences of the towns of Aylesbury and Burton ?b 1371 Gainsby, Lincolnshire, m2 Katherine FitzGerald of Desmond + 4 ch
+1 JAMES BUTLER and Elizabeth DARCY
We18-2-1 Philip de BOTELER b 1388, Woodhall Hertfordshire d 05.11.1420, Hertfordshire
m Elizabeth Cockayne dau of, by whom he had issue. she m2 Sir Laurence Cheney, by whom she had a daughter, Elizabeth Cheney, the maternal great-grandmother of Anne Boleyn.
+1 Sir John Cockayne, Chief Baron of the Exchequer, and Ida de Grey
We19 =21 James Butler 4th Earl Ormonde b 1392 d 23 Aug 1452 Ardee bur St Marys Abbey Dublin m1 Joan/Elizabeth Beauchamp dau of William de Beauchamp Baron Abergavenny and Joan FitzAlan -1 James BUTLER (1� E. Wiltshire)
-2 John BUTLER (6� E. Ormonde)
-3 Thomas BUTLER (7� E. Ormonde)
-4 Elizabeth BUTLER (C. Shrewsbury)
-5 Ellen BUTLER
We19-2 Sir Richard Butler of Knocktopher
We19-3 Anne Butler b c 1394 Woodhall Hertford d 5 Nov 14128
m c 141 Pickton Castle Kirk Leavington North Riding York John Wogan b c 1390
-1 Catherine Wogan b c 1430 m Owen Dwnn
We19-4 Thomas Bacach Butler Prior of Kilmainham
We19-5 Ralph Butler
We19-6 Philip LE BOTELER b 15.08.1414, Bedfordd 1453, Hertfordshire +1 y WILLOUGHBY
We19-6-1 578. John le Boteler b 1436 Hertfordshire d 1504
m CONSTANCE de Vere b 1450 Drayton Daventry Northamptonshire d 1499. for ch see above Constance de Vere
+1 Sir de Vere and Isabella de Greene
We18-2-1-2 John de BOTELER b 1417, Warrington Lancashire d 1463.
m CONSTANCE de DOWNHALL b 1435 Norfolk
+1 y de DOWNHALL
>We18-2-1-2-1 579. John le Boteler b 1461 Warrington Lancashire or Woodhall Watton Norfolk d 27.04.1522 Watton Hertfordshire
m 1488 Dorothy de Tyrell of Woodhall Watton Norfolk b 1463 Gipping Stowmarket, Suffolk
+1 Sir William Tyrell and Margaret Darcy b 1455 Gipping Suffolk
...-1-2-2-2-2-2? Thomas BACACH BOTILLER b 1385 d 11.1419 Rouen Normandy FR an illegitimate son, Thomas Le Boteller Prior of Kilmainham by an unknown mistress. often incorrectly listed as a child of Anne Welles."
...-1-2-2-2-2-2-1 John BEAGH BOTILLER b by 1420 d Kikenny Kikenny Co Ireland.
...-1-2-2-2-2-2-1-1 580. John FitzBeghe Botiller/Butler b 1440
m Joan Neil FitzTiege b 1440
...-1-2-2-2-2-3 James Butler, 4th Earl of Ormond b 1392 d 22 Augt 1452 "The White Earl" m1 Joan de Beauchamp, + 5 ch: James Butler, 5th Earl of Ormond, John Butler, 6th Earl of Ormond, and Thomas Butler, 7th Earl of Ormond. m2 Joan FitzGerald.
...-1-2-2-2-2-4 Anne Butler
m John Wogan had issue.
...-1-2-2-2-2-5 Sir Richard Butler, of Poulstown, Kilkenny b 1386 in Knocktopher Castle, Wicklow, Ireland d 1405 in Kilkenny, Ireland
married Catherine O'Reilly b 1376 d 1414 dau of Gildas O'Reilly, Lord of East Breffny -- CoVan Family,
...-1-2-2-2-2-6 Sir Ralph Butler, m Margaret de Berwick, by whom he had issue.
...-1-2-2-2-3 MARGERY de WELLES b 1350, Bonthorpe Lincolnshire d 29.05.1422
m1 John de Huntingfield dvpsp before1374
m2 STEPHEN LE SCROPE b 1345 Masham Yorkshire d 25.01.1406 Masham Yorkshire
...-1-2-2-2-3-1 390. i. MAUD LE SCROPE b 1377, Masham Yorkshire
m BALDWIN FREVILLE, son of. b 1368 Ashtead Surrey d c 1368 Tamworth Castle Staffordshire
...-1-2-2-2-3-1-1 Margaret Freville b 1400 Tamworth Castle Staffordshired 1491
m Sir Hugh Willoughby b 1393 Wollaton Nottinghamshire d 15.11.1448 son of Edmund Willoughby d by 1448 and Isabel ANNESLEY (dau. of Sir Hugh Annesley and Benedicta Babington )
-1 Isabel Willoughby b c 1418, Wollaton, Nottinghamshire m c 1434 Phillip BUTLER Woodhall, Watton, Norfolk
-2 Alice Willoughby d AFT 2 Mar 1508/9 bur Kedleston, Derbyshire m c 1439 Richard CURZON son of John Curzon and Joan Bagot
-3 Margery Willoughby b c 1423, Wollaton, Nottinghamshire d 14 Nov 1495, Irnham, Lincolnshire m c 1453 Godfrey HILTON (b Luttrell) (son of Godfrey Hilton and Hawise Luttrell)
-4 Eleanor Willoughby b c 1426, Middleton, Warwick d AFT 1486 m c 1457, Staunton Harold, Leicestershire John SHIRLEY son of Ralph Shirley and Margaret Staunton
-5 Sir Robert Willoughby of Wollaton b c 1427, Wollaton, Nottinghamshire, England d 1474 m Margaret GRIFFITH dau of Sir John Griffith and Catherine Tyrwhitt
-2-1-1-4-3-1 -1-2-3 iii. Thomas de ROS, BARON OF KENDAL b 1295.
-2-1-1-4-3-1 -1-2-4 AGNES de ROS b 1285, Helmsley Yorkshire d 25.11.1328.
m Sir PAIN de TIBETOT. b 11.11.1279 Carmenthen Castle Cartmarthenshire Wales d 24.06.1314 Battle of Bannockburn Stirlingshire Scotland, 23 JUN 1314 Battle of Bannockburn Knighted
...-1-2-4-1 MARGARET de TIBETOT b 1305, Stokeham Devon d 20.05.1349, Stokeham Devon
m Thomas MONTHERMER b 04.10.1301, Ham Wiltshire d 24.06.1340.
Ro25 Mary de ROS b 1253, Helmsley Castle Yorkshired by 23.05.1326.
m William V de BRAOSE b 1224 Bramber Sussex d by 06.01.1290 Gower Glamorgan Wales son of John de BRAOSE and MARGRED LLEWELYN
Br24 William de BRAOSE b 1286, Bramber Sussex d 1360, Winston Sussex
m Eleanor de BAVANT b 1298 Winston Sussex
Br23 PETER de BRAOSE b 1320, Winston Sussex d 1377.
m JOAN de PERCY b 1323 Whitford Devon d c 1357 Winston Sussex dau of Nicholas de PERCY and JOAN FOLIOT
Br22 BEATRIX de BRAOSE b 1355 Winston Sussex d 20.04.1440, Shirley Ashbourne Derbyshire
m HUGH SHIRLEY b 1355 Stratford-upon-Avon Warwickshire k 22.07.1403 Battle of Shrewsbury Shropshire
Sir HUGH SHIRLEY b 1373, Stratford-upon-Avon Warwickshire, grand falconer, Sheriff of Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire
m1 Joan Basset b c 1391 + 2 ch dau of
m2 Alis Blunt ?+ 1 ch
+1 Thomas Basset of Braylesford and Maragaret Meringe
Sh20-2 Beatrix Shirley
m John Brome of Bedesley Clynton
-1 Isabel BROME b 1436 Baddesley Clinton Worcestershire
Sh20-3 JOAN SHIRLEY b 1398, Stratford-upon-Avon Warwickshire
m Robert NEWMARCH. b 1394 Pontrefact Yorkshire
Sh20-3-1 Elizabeth NEWMARCH b 1418, Pontrefact Yorkshire d by 1467, Althorpe Lincolnshire
m John de NEVILLE b 1418, Alcester Warwickshire d 17.03.1482, Althorpe Lincolnshire
-2-1-1-4-3-1 -1-4 ISABEL ROS b 1270, Helmsley Yorkshire d 1298
m WALTER FAUCONBERG b 1264 Skelton in Cleveland Yorkshire son of WALTER de FAUCONBERG and AGNES de BRUS 1304-1318 2nd Baron of Fauconberg ch listed above Walter Fauconberg.
Lu29-5 Robert de LUCY b 1131, Diss Norfolk
Lu27 MAUD de LUCY b 1136, Diss Norfolk d 1243.
m WALTER FITZRobert de Clare, 2nd LORD OF DUNMOW CASTL b 1115 Little Dunmow Essex d c 1196 son of Robert de Clare and MAUD de SENLIS
Fi26 ALIC FITZWALTER b 1150, Clopton Suffolk d c 1213.
m GILBERT PECCHE b 1145 Clopton Suffolk d by 09.07.1212 Woodbridge Suffolk son of HAMON PECCHE and Alice PEVEREL
Pe25 HAMON PECCHE b 1187, Cheveley Cambridgeshire d 1241.
m EVE PEVEREL b 1195 Barnwell Cambridgeshire d 08.01.1267.
Pe24 SIR GILBERT PECCHE b 1218, Corby Lincolnshire d 25.05.1291, Dover Kent
m1 MAUD de HASTINGS b 1227 Fillongley Warwickshire d c 265 Bourne Lincolnshire + 2 ch dau of SIR HASTINGS and ADA de HUNTINGDON
m2 JOAN de CREYE b 1246 d c 1302.
Pe23 John PECCHE b 1260, Great Thurlow Suffolk
Pe22 ANNE PECCHE b 1281, Great Thurlow Suffolk
m John de WINGFIELD b 1279 Wingfield Hartismere Suffolk son of
m 1249 Alice WEYLAND b 1228
+2 Robert de Wingfield
m Joan Falstaff dau of John Falstaff
+2 Sir Hubert/Herbert de Weyland b c 1185
m Beatrice of Witnesham b 1197
Wi21 John de WINGFIELD b 1305, Wingfield Hartismere Suffolk d 1337 Wingfield Hartismere Suffolk
m Elizabeth HONYPOT b 1309 Wingfield Hartismere Suffolk
Wi20 Katherine Wingfield
m Michael de la Pole, 1st Earl of Suffolk d 1388
-1 Anne de la Pole b. between 1361/70 - d 30.03.1412 m1 Gerard de Lisle, younger of Kingston Lisle b c1360, dvpsp 1380/1 m2 Robert Thorley of Tybeste Th18
-2 Sir Michael de la Pole, 2nd Earl of Suffolk b by 1367, d 14/8.09.1415 m Katharine de Stafford d 08.04.1419, dau of Hugh de Stafford, 2nd Earl of Stafford
-3 William de la Pole of Grafton Regis dsp 1390
-4 Richard de la Pole of Grafton Regis b 1377-8, dsp 1403
-5 Thomas de la Pole of Grafton Regis b 1377-8, d 08.08.1420 m Anne Cheney
Wi20 Thomas de Wingfield b 1328, Wingfield Suffolk d 27.09.1378, Letheringham Suffolk
m m Margaret Bovile b 1328 dau/heir of
widow of Sir William Carbonell of Badingham)
+1 John (not William) Bovile of Letheringham
Wi19 Sir John Wingfield b 1354, Letheringham Suffolk d 1389.
m MARGARET HASTINGS b 1356 Elsing Norfolkdau of
+1 Sir Hugh Hastings of Elsing
m Margaret de Everingham b 1334 Laxton Nottinghamshire d 11/1375 Elsing Norfolk
+2 Hugh Hastings
m Margery Foliot
+2 Adam de Everingham, 2nd Lord b c1307, d 08.02.1387/8
m Joan d'Eiville b 1315, d 1377
Wi18 Sir Robert Wingfield of Letheringham d 03.05.1409
m Elizabeth Russell dau of Sir John Russell of Strensham
Wi17 Robert WINGFIELD b 1385 Letheringham Suffolk d 21.11.1454.
m Elizabeth Goushillm Elizabeth Goushill b 1402 Derbyshire d 1461
+1 Sir Robert Goushill of Heveringham
Wi16 581. Sir John Wingfield b 1424 Letheringham Suffolk d 10.05.1481 Letheringham Suffolk
m m Elizabeth FitzLewis b 1426 d 22.12.1500 Letheringham Suffolk dau of /a>
+1 Sir John FitzLewis of West Horndon
m Anne de Montacute b c 1399 Salisbury d 28.11.1457
Lu29-6-2 Sir Robert FITZWALTER de Clare b 1167, Woodham Walter Essex d 09.12.1235, Damietta Egypt 1213-1221 5th Crusade 1215 Magna Carta excommunicated by Pope Innocent III, 1215-1217 First Barons War 1215 elected "Marshal of the Army of God and Holy Church" in opposition to King John, 20 MAY 1217 Battle of Lincoln
m1 GUNORA de VALOINES b 1169 Somerset d by 1203 dau of Robert de VALOIGNES
m2 ROHESE OF BAYNARD b 1181 Baynard Essex + 1 ch
Lu29-6-2-1 CHRISTINE FITZRobert b 1187, Little Dunmow Essex d by 17.06.1232, Diss Norfolk
m William de Mandaville b 1186, Essex d 08.01.1227 1216-1227 3rd Earl of Essex
Lu29-6-2-2 WALTER FITZWALTER b 1204, Little Dunmow Essex d 1259, Woodham Walter Essex
m IDA OR IDONEA LONGESPEE, dau of William LONGESPEE and ELA FITZPATRICK b 1206 Salisbury Wiltshire d c 1266.
Lu29-6-2-2-1 ELA FITZWALTER b 1250 Woodham Walter Essex
m William de ODINGSELLS b 1250 Maxtoke Castle Warwickshire d 1294 Solihull Warwickshire son of
+1 William de ODINGSELLS and JOAN he m1 Ella Plantagenet
Lu29-6-2-2-1-1 IDA de ODINGSELLS b 1270, Maxtoke Castle Warwickshire d c 01.03.1321.
m1 Roger de HERDEBURG b 1250 Willey Warwickshire d by 1296
m2 John de CLINTON b 1258 Maxtoke Castle Warwickshire d 1310.
...-1-1-1 ELA de HERDEBURG b 1286 Prilleston Norfolk d c 05.07.1343.
m William LE BOTELER b 11.06.1274 Wem Shropshire d 13.09.1335 son of William LE BOTELER and ANGHARAD GRUFFYDD
...-1-1-1-1 ANKARET le BOTELER b 1306, Wem Shropshire d 08.10.1361.
m John le STRANGE b 25.01.1305 Blackmere Herefordshire d 21.07.1349 son of FULK LE STRANGE and Eleanor GIFFARD
St21 John LE STRANGE b 13.01.1331, Whitechurch Shropshire d 12.05.1361.
m Mary FitzAlan d b 1323 Corfham Shropshire d 29.08.1396 dau of
+1 Richard FitzAlan, 9th Earl of Arundel +2 EDMUND FITZALAN and Alice de WARENNE
St20 Ankaret le STRANGE b 1361, Blakemere Weobley Herefordshire d 01.06.1413. In this generation the Barony of Lord Strange of Blackmere passed into the Neville family. The last Le Strange Baron(ess)
m1 Richard Lord Talbot 4th Baron b c 1361 � d 8/9 SEP 1396 Their son Gilbert of Irchingfield became the 5th Lord Strange of Blackmere.
m1 Richard Talbot, son of GILBERT Talbot and PETRONELLA BUTLER. b 1361 Eccleswall Herefordshire d 07.09.1396 Blakemere Weobley Herefordshire
m2 Thomas NEVILLE, son of John NEVILLE and MAUD de PERCY. b by 1362 Raby Castle Durham d 14.03.1407 Sheffield Yorkshire, 1383-1407 5th Baron of Furnivall
At Talbot's death Ankaret married Thomas Neville, 6th Lord Furnival. note also that Thomas' daughter with his first wife Joan Furnival, Maud Neville, is designated Baroness Strange of Blackmere. This was Ankaret's title, which she passed on to her son Gilbert Talbot. It appears Maud Neville (Ankaret's stepdaughter) received this title when Ankaret's first heir, Gilbert Talbot (son of Richard Talbot from Ankaret's first marriage), died without an heir. There were many Maud Nevilles. This Maud also became the Countess of Shrewsbury, after her marriage to John Talbot, second Earl of Shrewsbury. John was Ankaret's son by her first husband Richard Talbot. Some sources report Ankaret's birth date as 1361. That would mean she was 14 at the time of her marriage to Richard Talbot, who is reported to have been born in 1350, and thus 25 at the time of their marriage. This is possible. Sources with this date include the Tudorplace Le Strange genealogy and the Worldroots Le Strange genealogy. At least one other source, found in the World Family Tree collection, gives the date originally used, the same year as her first husband, about 1350. am changing it in the light of the fairly reliable sources giving the later date. The following source gives the family configurations. Note that this source styles Thomas Neville as 5th Lord Furnivale, rather than 6th as some other sources do. Married 1: Richard Talbot (4º B. Talbot) 23 Aug 1383 Children: 1. John Talbot (1º E. Shrewsbury 2. Gilbert Talbot of Irchingfield (5º B. Strange of Blackmere) 3. Mary Talbot 4. Richard Talbot (Archbishop of Dublin) 5. George Talbot 6. Anne Talbot (C. Devon) 7. Thomas Talbot of Wrockwardine (Sir Knight) (had no Children) (d. 1419/20) 8. William Talbot 9. Alice Talbot 10. Elizabeth Talbot Married 2: Thomas NEVILLE (6° B. Furnival) 4 Jul 1401, Whitechurch, Children: 1. Maud NEVILLE (B. Strange of Blackmere / C. Shrewsbury) 2. Joan NEVILLE -- Some report that Ankaret's second husband was Thomas Neville, 5th Lord Furnival, who also had a daughter named Joan. This same Tudor Place source reports uncertainty about who Thomas and Ankaret Neville's daughter Joan married. Joan NEVILLE Notes: There is no clear agreement who Joan married. Burke (peerage under Furnival) says she may have married Hugh Cokesey or Hamon de Belknap. The history of Burton Agnes implies she married Walter Griffith and lies in the church there. Father: Thomas NEVILLE (6º B. Furnival) Mother: Ankaret Le STRANGE (B. Strange of Blackmere) -- NEVILLE1 ==================== The information above shows Ankaret and Thomas Neville had two daughters, Maud Neville and Joan Neville. But in this Tudor Place genealogy, on the details for Maud, it states that her mother was Joan Furnival, another wife of Thomas Neville 6th Lord Furnival. It further reports that Maud married John Talbot, first Earl of Shrewsbury. But this is Ankaret's son, with her other husband Richard Talbot, as reported above! This would mean she married her step brother. know of cases where this has happened even in current American society. Maud NEVILLE (B. Le Strange/C.Shrewsbury) Born: ABT 1392 Died: BEF 1433 Buried: Worksop Priory, Nottinghamshire, Father: Thomas NEVILLE (6º B. Furnival) Mother: Joan FURNIVAL (B. Furnival) Married: John Talbot (1º E. Shrewsbury) BEF 12 Mar 1407 Children: 1. John Talbot (2º E. Shrewsbury) 2. Christopher Talbot (Sir Knight) 3. Joan Talbot 4. Thomas Talbot (d. before his father, Bourdeaux) -- (Matilda) NEVILLE Both Thomas Neville and Ankaret Le Strange had been married twice, complicating their family structures. So had Ankaret's first husband John Talbot been married before he married Ankaret. for ch see above 260) Richard Talbot.
St20 ANKARET LE STRANGE b 1335, Weobley Herefordshire d 1389.
m Henry HUSSEY b 1319 Sussex d 1383 Surrey
+1 Henry HUSSEY
St19-1 Henry HUSSEY b 1362, Cirencester Gloucestershire d 1409, Sussex
m MARGARET x b 1365.
Hu27 Mary Hussey b 1389, Holbrook Wincanton Somerset
m Henry HOWARD b 1387 Wiggenhall Downham Norfolk d by 1447 Sudbury Suffolk
+1 John Howard and Alice Tendringb c 1380 dau of Sir William Tendring of Tendring
Ho26 . 582. Elizabeth Howard b 1413 Norfolk
m Henry Wentworth b 1426 Nettlestead Suffolk d 22.03.1483
m Henry Wentworth of Codham d 22.03.1482 he m2 Joane FitzSymonds + 1 ch dau of Robert FitzSymonds
St19 ALIANORE/ELEANORE LE STRANGE b 1345, Blakemere Weobley Herefordshire d 20.04.1396.
m Reynold de GREY, son of. b 1323 Ruthin Denbighshire Wales d 08.04.1388.
+1 Roger de GREY and Elizabeth HASTINGS
Gr18-1 Reynold de GREY b 1362, Ruthin Denbighshire Wales; d 18.10.1440, Ruthin Denbighshire Wales.
m1 JOAN ASTLEY b 1381 Astley Warwickshire d 12.11.1448 m2 MARGARET de ROS, dau of Thomas de ROS and BEATRICE de STAFFORD b 1361 Helmsley Yorkshire d 1414 Ruthin Denbighshire Wales. Notater for MARGARET de ROS: , Baroness Grey de Ruthyn
Reynold de GREY and JOAN ASTLEY i. Elizabeth GREY b 1411, Ruthin Denbighshire Wales; d 1437 m SIR KNIGHT William CALTHORPE b 30.01.1409, Burnham Thorpe Norfolkd 15.11.1494, Burnham Thorpe Norfolk, 26 MAY 1465 Tower of London, by King Edward IV, at Coronation of Queen Elizabeth Woodville, 1476 , Norfolk Sheriff
Gr18 EDITH/IDA de GREY b 1368, Ruthin Denbighshire Wales; d 01.06.1426
m John COCKAYNE. b 1358 Asbourne Derbyshire d 22.05.1429 Asbourne Derbyshire
Co17 493. i. Elizabeth COCKAYNE b 1394, Bury Hatley Bedfordd Barnwell Priory Cambridge Cambridgeshire
m1 Philip de BOTELER, son of JAMES BUTLER and ANNE WELLS. b 1388 Woodhall Hertfordshire England d 05.11.1420 Hertfordshire
m2 LAWRENCE Cheney. b 1397 Fen Ditton Cambridgeshire England d 30.12.1461. for ch see above 388) Philip de Boteler.
Elizabeth COCKAYNE and LAWRENCE Cheney
Ch16 583. Elizabeth Cheney b 1425 Cambridgeshire d 1473
m Frederick Tylney OF BOSTON & ASHWELLTHORPE. b 1420 Ashwellthorpe Norfolk d 1447 Ashwellthorpe Norfolk
...-1-1-1-1-4 HAMON LE STRANGE b 1335, Whitechurch Shropshire
...-1-1-1-1-5 FULK 3RD LORD STRANGE OF BLACKMERE LE STRANGE b 02.02.1330, Blackmere Shropshire d 10.08.1349.
...-1-1-1-1-6 MATILDA LE STRANGE, m GRIFFITH WARREN b 1320, Ightfield Shropshire The Senderling Genealogy, which includes many of the Le Strange family, gives a birth date of 1320 for Matilda, the same year as her husband, which looks suspicious.
The Corbet Genealogy, whose family is intermarried with the Le Stranges, gives a date of 1333, in Shropshire, Blackmere. This is to olate, howver, to match the couple of sources that have a date of birth for her son.
The earlier date of 1324 reported by the Le Strange Family Genealogy on Tudor Place is more reasonable and closer to Matilda's husband's birth date. --
...-1-1-1-2 William le BOTELER b 08.09.1298, Wem Shropshire d 14.08.1369.
m JOAN de SUDELEY b 1326 Sudeley Castle Gloucestershire d by 08.1367 dau of John de SUDELEY and Eleanor de SCALES for ch see Joan de Sudeley above
...-1-1-1-3 Alice BOTELER b 1307, Wem Shropshire d 1376
m Nicholas LONGFORD b 1285 Longford Derbyshire d 1356 son of John LONGFORD and JOAN BYRON
...-1-1-1-3-1 NICHOLAS LONGFORD b 1350, Longford Derbyshire m MARGARET APPLEBY b 1355, Over Appleby Leicestershire -1 Sir Nicholas Longford IV b c 1373 Longford d 8 Feb 1356 m1 + 1 ch m2 Joan Warren b c 1379 m3 Alice Cokayne b 1290 Longford d 15 Mar 1356 Longford + 2 ch dau of Sir Edmund Cokayne of Ashbourne and Elizabeth Herthill
-2 Joan Longford b 1402 London or Derbyshire m William oulton Heydon
-1-1 Amphilbis Longford b c 1395 m John Lawrence (The Lawrence tree shows a Sir Robert Lawrence marrying an Amphilbis Longford dau of Edward.)
-1-2 Sir Ralph Longford John Heydon b c 1416 Baconthorpe Norfolk/?Kent d there 27 Sep 1479 m Eleanor Wynter
-1-3 Ellen of Langford
-2-1 John Heydon
-2-2 Elizabeth Heydon
-2-3 Grace Heydon
-2-4 James Heydon

2-1-1 Sir Henry Heydon of Baconsthorpe b c 1440 Baconthorpe d there 1503 m Ann Boleyn Bo18 b 1450 Blickling Norfolk d May 1510 Baconsthorpe dau of Sir Geoffrey Boleyn Bo19 =20 d 1471 Lord Mayor of London
-2-1-1-6-2-2-2 Robert FITZWALTER b 1247, Essex d 28.01.1325, Maldon Essex 22 JUL 1298 Battle of Falkirk 1300 Caerlaverock Castle 1310 Israel, Jerusalem Licence to go on a pilgrimage beyond the seas in 1310 and 1317
m1 DEVORGUILLA de BURGH b 1256 Walkern Hertfordshire d 1284 + 2 ch
m2 ALIANORE FERRERS b 1273 Leicestershire d by 1308 Henham Essex + 1 ch dau of

+1 Robert FERRERS and Eleanor BOHUN
...-2-1 Robert FITZWALTER and DEVORGUILLA de BURGH i. WALTER FITZRobert b 1275, Henham Essex d 1293 m JOAN D' ENGAINE b 1270, Laxton Northamptonshire d 01.06.1315, Greenfield Priory Lincolnshire
...-2-2 CHRISTINA FITZWALTER b 1275, Henham Essex d by 06.12.1315, Hockering Norfolk
m William MARSHALL b 24.09.1277, Hockering Norfolk k 24.06.1314, Battle of Bannockburn Stirlingshire Scotland
...-2-3 Robert FITZWALTER b 1290, Woodham Walter Essex d 06.05.1328.
-2-1-1-6-3 MAUD FITZWALTER b 1161, Dunmow Essex d c 1196
m William de LUVETOT b 1155 Sheffield Yorkshire d c 1181
-1-3 iii. William de Mandaville b 1104, Essex d 1189, Somme Picardie FR
-1-4 iv. Geoffrey de Mandaville b 1100, Great Waltham Essex d 21.10.1166, Chester Cheshire
-1-5 v. WALTER de Mandaville b 1098, Mandaville Normandy FR d 1131.
?-2 ii. PHARAMUS de BOLOIN de TINGERIE b 1109, Boulogne Pas-de-Calais FR d 1184, Buckinghamshire FRED PARIS and ETHEL M i. EVERETT L.33 PARIS b 24.08.1921, KS d 11.10.2001, Van Nuys, Los Angeles, CA ii. JERRY E. PARIS b 01.04.1931, KS d 10.06.2003, Montgomery Co, TX
iii. ERNULF de Mandaville b 1063.
iv. Geoffrey de Mandaville b 1066, Great Waltham Essex d 1086.
v. STEPHEN de Mandaville b 1070, Normandy France.
vi. RALPH de Mandaville b 1080, England.
vii. FILIA de Mandaville b 1081, Great Haseley, Rycote Oxfordshire England; d 1130, England
Ma28-3 Ernulf de Mandeville b. 1063.
Ma28-4 Geoffrey de Mandeville b 1066 Great Waltham Essex d 1086.
Ma28-5 Stephen de Mandeville b 1070 Normandy France.
Ma28-6 Ralph de Mandeville b 1080 England
Ma28-6-1 Margaret Mandeville b 1196 England.
m Richard Whatton b 1192 Whatton in the Vale Nottinghamshire
+1 Wakter Wathon
Ma28-6-1-1 John Whatton b 1224 Wotton Devon
m Ela Biset b 1230 Rockbourne Hampshire
+1 John BISET and Alice/Alivia Basset
Ma28-6-1-1-1 John de Wotton b 1260 Wotton Devon d. 05.1307 England
m Alice Fillol b 1270 England dau of Sir William Fillol
Ma28-6-1-1-1-1 John Wotton b 26.03.1302 Raleigh Devon
m Joan de Moels b 1306 Exeter Devon d c 13.10.1343.
Ma28-6-1-1-1-1-1 Richard Wotton b 1326 Widworthy Devon d. 13.10.1343, Honiton Widworthy Devon
m Julian Prouz b 1312 Chagford Gidley Manor Devon
Ma28-6-1-1-1-1-1-1 William Wotton b 1347 Devon
m Gundred Wiger b 1340 Devon
Ma28-6-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 John Wotton b 1361 Cornwall
m Engaret Dymoke b 1365 Cornwall
+1 y Dymoke
Ma28-6-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Alice Wotton b 1400 Widworthy Devon d by 1437 Raleigh Manor Pilton Devon
m John Chichester b 1387 Dunwear Somerset d 14.12.1437 Ralegh Manor Pilton Devon
Ma28-6-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1 Richard Chichester b 23 Feb 1423 Ralegh Manor Pilton d 25.12.1498 Ralegh Manor Pilton, Battle of Agincourt
m Margaret Keynes b 1426 Winkleigh Devon d 1455 England dau of
+1 Sir Nicholas Keynes of Winkleigh Devon
m Maud Moleyns
Ma28-6-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1 Nicholas Chichester b 1447, Pilton Ralegh Manor Devon d før 1498.
m Christian Paulett b 1452 Hinton St George Somerset d 1498
Ma28-6-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-1 John chichester b 1474 Arlington Devon d 22.02.1538 Pilton Raleigh Manor Pilton Devon
m1 Margaret Beaumont b 1474 Youlston Devon d 1507 Devon + 1 ch
m2 Joan Brett b 1480 Tolland Somerset d Wimpstone Manor Devon
Ma28-6-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-1-1 Edwqrd Chichester b 1496 Raleigh Devon d. 27.07.1522.
m Elizabeth Bourchier b 1500 Bannton Devon d 25.12.1548 Bannton Devon
Ma28-6-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-1-1-1 Sir John Chichester b 1516 Raleigh Devon d. 30.11.1568, 1550-1551 Devon Sheriff
m Gertrude Courtenay b 1521 Powderham Castle Devon d 30.04.1566 Raleigh Devon dau of
+1 Sir William Courtenay 'the Great' of Powderham Castle d 24.11.1535 he m1. Margaret Edgcombe (dau of Sir Richard Edgcombe of Cothele)
m2 Mary Gainesford (dau of Sir John Gainesford)
+2 Sir William Courtenay of Powderham Castle (d 1512)
m Cicely Cheney (dau of Sir John Cheney of Pincourt)
+3 Sir William Courtenay of Powderham Castle, Sheriff of Devon (d 1485)
m. Margaret (dau of William, Lord Bonville)
+4 Sir Philip Courtenay of Powderham Castle
m. Elizabeth Hungerford (dau of Walter Hungerford, 1st Lord)
+5 Sir John Courtenay
-a Richard Courtenay of Powderham Castle, Bishop of Norwich d 1415
-c Margaret Courtenay m Sir Robert Cary of Cockington and Clovelly d before 1435
-c-1 Philip Cary of Cockington d 1437 m c 1436 Christian Orchard dau of William Orchard of Holway Devon
-c-1-1 Sir William Cary of Cockington b 12.04.1437 k 06.05.1471 after Battle of Tewkesbury m1 Elizabeth Paulet dau of Sir William Paulet of Hinton St. George + 1 ch m2 Alice Fulford
-c-1-1-1 Robert Cary m1 c 1484 Jane Carew + 2 ch dau of Sir Nicholas Carew m2 Margaret Fulkeram + 1 ch dau of William Fulkreham of Dartmouth m3 Agnes Hody + 1 ch dau of William Hody of Pillesdon Chief Baron Exchequerer and Eleanor Malet, dau of Baldwin Malet Ma18
-c-1-1-1-1 John Cary m Jane Devick dau of Edmund Devick of Okehamton
-c-1-1-1-2 Thomas Cary m Mary Southcot, dau of John Southcot of Bovey Tracey.
-c-1-1-1-3 Robert Cary
-c-1-1-1-4 Sir William Cary b 1492 Bristol d 28 Mar 1572 Bristol
-c-1-1-2 Thomas Cary of Chilton Foliot d before 21.06.1536
-c-1-1-3 William Cary
-a Sir Hugh Courtenay, Baron Courtenay dvp before 31.08.1349 m 1341 Elizabeth Brian d 23.09.1375, dau of Guy Brian, Lord of Tor-Brian
-b Thomas Courtenay dvp
-d William Courtenay, Archbishop of Canterbury d 1396
-e John Courtenay
-f Sir Philip Courtenay of Powderham Castle, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland d c 1406 m Anne Wake dau of Sir Thomas Wake
-g Sir Peter Courtenay, KG, Governor of Calais, Chamberlain d unm 1409
-h Humphrey Courtenay
-i Margaret Courtenay m John de Cobham, 3rd Lord d 10.01.1407-8
-i-1 Joan Cobham dvp 1388 m Sir John de la Pole of Chrishall
-i-1-1 Joan 4th Baroness de Cobham b c 1372 Essex d c 13 Jan 1433 Cobham Kent m1 1391 Reginald Braybrook of Cooling, Kent b c 1375 d 20.09.1405
-i-1-1-1 Joan Braybroke b c 1395 m Sir Thomas Brooke of Brooke b c 139 d 1439
-j Elizabeth Courtenay d 07.08.1395 m1 Sir John Vere, younger of Oxford b c 12.1335, dvpsp before 23.06.1350 m2 1350 Sir Andrew Luttrell of Chilton
-j-1 Sir Hugh Luttrell of Chilton, East Quantoxhead and Dunster Castle d 24.03.1428, Seneschal of Normandy m Catherine Beaumont Be18 b about1360 d 28.08.1435, dau of Sir John Beaumont of Sherwell
-j-1-4 Elizabeth Lutterell b 1388 in Dunster, Somerset m2 in 1421 in Longville, Norfolk John Stratton
+6 Sir Philip Courtenay Co19 of Powderham Castle, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland d c 1406
m Anne Wake dau of Sir Thomas Wake
+7 Hugh Courtenay, 2nd/10th Earl of Devon (b 12.07.1303, d 02.05.1377)
m. 11.08.1325 Margaret de Bohun (d 16.12.1391, dau of Humphrey de Bohun, 4th Earl of Hereford, Earl of Essex
Ma28-6-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-1-1-1-1 Urith Chichester b 1558, Shirwell Devon
m John Trevwkyab b 1552 Somerset d. 01.04.1623 Somerset
Ma28-6-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-1-1-1-2 John Chichester b c 25.02.1547 Devon d. 31.03.1586, Devon
m Anne Dennis b 1546, Devon
Ma28-6-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-1-1-1-3 Cicely/Cecilia Chichester b 1547, Raleigh Devon
m Thomas Hatch b 09.1557 Aller Devon d 27.02.1584
Ma28-6-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-1-1-1-3-1 Arthur Hatch b 1577 Aulers Devon d 07.06.1625 London
m margaret Mallet b 1577 Enmore Somerset d 01.06.1625 Dorset
Ma28-6-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-1-1-1-3-1-1 Thomas Hatch b 19.02.1601 Exeter Devon d 27.05.1661 Scituate Plymouth Co MA
Ma28-6-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-1-1-1-3-1-1-1 Jeremiah Hatch b 22.07.1626, Kent d. aft 16.03.1711 Scituate Plymouth Co MA
m Mary Hewes b 1637 Scituate Plymouth Co MA d aft 1713 Scituate Plymouth Co MA
-1 Lydia Hatch b 05.12.1669 Scituate Plymouth Co MA d 22.08.1686 Scituate Plymouth Co MA m John Dillingham b 21.02.1656 Sandwich Barnstable Co MA d 1733.
Ma28-6-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-1-1-1-3-1-1-2 Jonathan Hatch b 1625 Wye Kent d by 1713, Scituate Plymouth Co MA
m Sarah Rowley b 1625, Plymouth Plymouth Co MA d. 12.1710 Falmouth Barnstable Co MA
Ma28-6-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-1-1-1-4 Arthur Chichester b 05.1563, Barnstaple Devon d. 19.02.1625, London
m Lettice Perrot b 1568 Raleigh Devon d. 27.11.1620 Raleigh Devon
Ma28-6-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-2 Elizabeth Chichester b 1472 Pilton Raleigh Manor Pilton Devon
m John Berry b 1480 England.
Ma28-6-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-3 Peter Chichester b 1475 Pilton Raleigh Manor Pilton Devon
Ma28-6-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-4 Rev William chichester b 1476 Pilton Raleigh Manor Pilton Devon
Ma28-6-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-5 Jane Chichester b 1477 Pilton Raleigh Manor Pilton Devon
m THOMAS Bretton b 1475 England.
Ma28-6-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-6 Phillippa chichester b 1479 Pilton Raleigh Manor Pilton Devon
m John Cole b 1475, England.
Ma28-6-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-7 Richard Chichester b 1479 Devon
m Eleanor b 1480 England.
Ma28-6-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-8 Elias Chichester b 1482 Pilton Raleigh Manor Pilton Devon England.
Ma28-6-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-9 Tristran Chichester b 1483 Pilton Raleigh Manor Pilton Devon England.
Ma28-6-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-10 Henry Chichester b 1489 Pilton Ralegh Manor Devon
Ma28-6-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-2 Elizabeth Chichester b 1451, Pilton Ralegh Manor Devon d. Ilfordcombe Parish Devon
m John Berry b 1450, Ilfordcombe Parish Devon
Ma28-6-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-3 John chichester b 1445, Pilton Ralegh Manor Devon d. 04.01.1477 England
m Thomasin Steyning b 1446 Devon d c 1477.
Ma28-6-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-4 Margaret Chichester b 1449, Pilton Ralegh Manor Devon
Ma28-6-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5 Hugh Chichester b 1453 Pilton Ralegh Manor Devon d Aveton-Gifford Devon
m Elizabeth Trenchard b 1455 England
Ma28-6-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -2 Thomasine Chichester b c 1427 Raleigh Devon
m John Cockworthy b c 1420 Yarnscombe Devon, Escheator
+1 John Cockworthy b c 1395
Ma28-6-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -2-1 Thomasine Cockworthy b 1451 Yarnscombe Devon d 29 Nov 1477 Affeton West Worlington Devon
m b 1475 Nicholas Stukeley
-1 Thomas Stukeley b 24 1475 Affeton d there c 30 Jan 1542 m aft 1498 Anne Wood b c 1476 Childrey Berks dau of Thomas Wood and Isabel
-2 Joan Stukeley m Baynard
-1-1 Hugh Stukeley b c 1496 Affeton Castle Devon d there 6 Jan 1559 m Jane Pollard b 1500 Kings Nympton Devon d 1559 dau of Lewis Pollard and Agnes Hext
-1-2 Margery Stukeley m Farringdon
-1-1-1 Lewis Stucley b by 6 Jan 1529 Devon d 1 Dec 1581 m 1550 Affeton Devon Anne Hill
-1-1-2 Anne Stucley b c 1530 m William Bellew b c 1509 Alversdiscott Devon d aft 7 Jun 1578 'Braunton Devon son of Henry Bellewe b c 1485 Alverdiscott
-1-1-3 Hugh Stukeley/Stucley
-1-1-1-1 Lewis Stucley b c 1554 'Devon m Margaery Arscott
-1-1-1-2 John Stucley b 1551 Devon d 15 Jan 1611 m1 1573 Frances St Leger b c 1549 d 19 Jul 1597 dau of John St Leger d 1593 and m Katherine Neville dau of George Neville, Lord of Bergavenny m2 19 Jul 1597 Tawstock Devon Mary Redman
-1-1-1-3 Scipio Stucley
-1-1-2-1 Richard Bellew b c 1550 d aft 1579 m c 1575 Monleigh Devon Margaret St Leger

-1-1-1-2-1 Mary Stucley b c 1579 d by 26 Oct 1632 Bideford Devon m 1596 in Devon Simon Weekes
-1-1-1-2-2 Lewis Stucley
-1-1-1-2-3 Katherine Stucley m Dowrish
-1-1-1-2-4 Anne Stucley m Coode
-1-1-1-2-5 John Stucley
-1-1-1-2-6 Gertrude Stucley m Bury
-1-1-1-2-7 Thomas Stucley
-1-1-1-2-8 Damaris Stucley m Calmady
-1-1-1-2-9 Frances Stucley m Hutchinson
-1-1-1-2-10 Agnes Stucley
-1-1-1-2-11 Elizabeth Stucley m Barrett
-1-1-1-2-12 Honor Stucley m Burnell
-1-1-1-2-14 Gertrude Stucley m Williams
-1-1-1-2-15 John Stucley

-1-1-1-2-1-1 Francis Weekes
-1-1-1-2-1-2 Mary Weekes m Taylor
-1-1-1-2-1-3 Grenville Weekes
-1-1-1-2-1-4 Arminilla Weeks b m Stucley
Ma28-6-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -2-2 Margaret Cokeworthy
m Pollard
Ma28-6-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -2-3 Alice Cockworthy
m Fortescue
Ma28-7 Filia DE MANDEVILLE b 1081, Great Haseley, Rycote Oxfordshire d 1130
m2 Lesceline
end of generations 1 to 15
- - - - - - - - - - -
Beginning Generations 15 to 35
end of generations 1 to 15
- - - - - - - - - - -
Beginning Generations 15 to 35
end of generations 1 to 15
- - - - - - - - - - -
Beginning Generations 15 to 35
end of generations 1 to 15
- - - - - - - - - - -
Beginning Generations 15 to 35
494. John Greene b 1448 Bowbridge Hall Dorset d 1520 Arlesley Bedford
m Elizabeth Warner b 1475 Gillingham Dorset d 1560 Cumberland
Robert Green b 1490 Bowbridge Hall Dorset d 1558
m Elizabeth Worgg b 1503 Bowbridge Hall Dorset
-1 Richard Green b 1527 Gillingham Dorset d 03.05.1608 Bowbridge Hall Dorset
m Agnes HALL b 1538 Gillingham Dorset
+1 y HALL
-1-1 Richard Green b 1560, Bowridge Hall Gillingham Dorset d 23.06.1617, Salisbury Wiltshire
m Mary HOOKER 1587 b 16.08.1567 Exeter Devon
-1-1-1 Peter Greene, m JOAN.
-1-1-2 Richard Greene d 1617.
-1-1-3 Robert Greene, d 1650.
- - - - -
495. Sir Henry de Vere b 1450 Dreighton Northamptonshire d 1493 Trento Trentino Italy
m m Isabel Tresham b 1455 Drayton Daventry Northamptonshire dau of
+1 Sir Thomas Tresham of Sywell
Elizabeth de Vere b 1483 Addington Magna Northamptonshire England d 1562 Chancel Turvey Bedford
m John MORDAUNT b 1480 Cople Bedford d 18.08.1562 Bedford, 1529-1562 1st Baron of Mordaun son of SIR John MORDAUNT
677. i. MARGARET MORDAUNT b 1520, Turvey Parish Bedford d 1596. 677. MARGARET17 MORDAUNT (Elizabeth16 de VERE, SIR Henry15, SIR John14, Richard13, Alice12 FITZWALTER, ELEANOR11 de PERCY) b 1520 Turvey Parish Bedford England d 1596 m John DENTON. b 1515 Shropshire England d 1596 Shropshire +1 MARGARET MORDAUNT and John DENTON
-1 Alice DENTON b 1542, d 1590,
m Nicholas Williamson de PILIN b 1530 Wilmslow Cheshire England d 1600 Lanacashire
+1 y WilliamSON
-1-1 Thomas Williamson b 1563 London d 1610, London
m Ann ALLEN b 1567 Middlesex d 1620
+1 y ALLEN
-1-1-1 Richard Williamson b 1593, London d 1659, Surry Co VA
m Margaret SHERWOOD b 1593 London d 1670 VA
-1-1-1-1 James Williamson b 1621, Essex Co VA d 12.08.1656, Rappahannock Co VA
m Anne UNDERWOOD, dau of b 1629 Isle of Wight VA d 1662 Rappahannock Co VA
-1-1-1-1-1 Margaret WilliamSON b 1645, Isle of Wight VA d 09.02.1709, Millenbeck Lancaster Co VA m CAPT. William BALL b 02.01.1640, England; d 30.09.1694, Lancaster Co VA
-1-1-1-1-2 William WilliamSON b 1650, Lancaster Co VA d Rappahannock Co VA m ANN HARRISON b 1659, VA d 1747, Stafford Co VA
-1-1-1-1-3 Henry WilliamSON b 1643, Essex Co VA d 1699, Essex Co VA
- - - - -
496. Constance de Vere b 1450 Drayton Daventry Northamptonshire England d 1499
m John LE BOTELER, son of Philip LE BOTELER and ISABEL WILLOUGHBY. b 1436 Hertfordshire d 1504
-1 Elizabeth LE Boteler b 1475, WoodhallWatton Norfolk d 1514, Ashwell Northamptonshire England.
m Thomas Lovet b 1455 Ashwell Northamptonshire d 16.12.1542 son of
+1 Thomas LOVET and ANNE de DRAYTON
Thomas LOVETT b 1494, Ashwell Northamptonshire d 1561, Ashwell Northamptonshire
m ANNE DANVERS b 1491, Culworth Oxfordshire d 11.06.1528, Culworth Oxfordshire England.
Elizabeth Lovett b 1521 Astwell d 21 Aug 1577 Chicheley Bucks m Anthony Cave b c 1517 d 1558
Mary Cave b1 Nov 1556 Chicheley, Bucks d 6 Oct 1593 Roxwell, Essex m Jerome Weston (1556-1603)
Dorothy Weston b 1584 Roxwell, Essex m Edward Pynchon of Writtle b c 1584 -1 Elizabeth Pynchon b 1604 d 7 Jul 1667 m William Luchan (1594-c1659)
-2 John Pinchon
-3 Anne Pynchon
-1-1 Dorothy Luchan b c 1650 m John\James Lockhart b c1656 -1-1-1 Ann Lockhart b c 1690 d aft 1720 m John Pollok of Balgray b c1690 d aft1720 -1-1-1-1 Robina Pollok b c 1730 d 1820 m Hew Crawford-Pollok, 2nd Baronet Pollok b c1730 d 1794 -1-1-1-1-1 Robert Crawford-Pollok, 3rd Baronet Pollok b c1760-?)
-1-1-1-1-2 Lucken Crawford b c 1767 Scotland d aft 1806 Scotland m John Gordon-Cuming-Skene b 1761 d 1828

-1-1-1-1-2-1 William Gordon-Cuming-Skene (1784-1837)
-1-1-1-1-2-2 Reubina or Robina Gordon-Cuming-Skene (1785-)
-1-1-1-1-2-3 Maria Gordon (1786-)
-1-1-1-1-2-4 Crawfurd Pollok Gordon b July 1788 Scotland d 17 March 1880 South Erins, Argyllshire m William Forlong of Erins (1790-1878) had issue
-1-1-1-1-2-5 Isabella Gordon-Cuming-Skene (1790-)
-1-1-1-1-2-6 John Gordon (1792-)
-1-1-1-1-2-7 Lucken Norwich (Lucy) Gordon (1794-)
-1-1-1-1-2-8 Hamilton Eliza Gordon (1796-)
-1-1-1-1-2-9 Thomas Gordon-Cuming-Skene (1799-)
-1-1-1-1-2-10 James Gordon-Cuming-Skene (1802-c1892)
-1-1-1-1-2-11 George Huntly Gordon (1804-)
-1-1-1-1-2-12 Robert Pollock Gordon (1806-)
- - - -
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-2-1
Hannah Parrish continued from above b 1679 Dunstable Middlesex MA d 28.01.1748, Bedford Hillsborough NH
m John Goffe b 18.09.1679 Boston, Suffolk, MA d 08.09.1748 Bedford Hillsborough NH son of John Goffe and Hannah Summers
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-2-1-1 John Goffe b 25.03.1701 Boston Suffolk MA d 20.10.1786, Bedford Hillsborough NH m Hannah Griggs b 22.10.1702 Roxbury Norfolk MA d 18.05.1798 Bedford Hillsborough NH dau of ICHABOD GRIGGS and MARGARET BISHOP
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-2-1-1-1 Margaret Goffe b 26.11.1734 Derryfield Hillsborough NH d 09.1775, Derryfield Hillsborough NH
m 08.09.1754 Deerfield Rockingham NH Col John SIMPSON MOORE b 28.11.1731 Litchfield Hillsborough NH d 09.01.1809 Norridgewock Lincoln ME son of SAMUEL MOOR and NANCY BUTTERFIELD
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-2-1-1-1-1 John W Moore b 11.12.1755, Pitt NC d 1820, Saint George Parish Burke GA
m1 CLARA MARTIN b 1765 Orange Co NC d 1830 Chatham NC + 1 ch
m2 MARCIA MCALL b 1777 Mecklenburg Co NC d 1840 Effingham GA + 1 ch
m3 Winnifred/Winnie Hardeman 14.06.1792 Effingham GA + 7 ch b 21.07.1754 Beaufort District SC d 1810 dau of Thomas HARDEMAN and Elizabeth SIRMANS
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-2-1-1-1-1-1 James MOORE b 1792, Orange NC d 1820, Orange NC
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-2-1-1-1-1-2 Charlotte MOORE b 1800 Bulloch Co GA d 1895 What Is Bradford FL
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-2-1-1-1-1-3 Benjamin Moore b 1786 Bladen Co NC d 13.04.1857 Columbus Polk Co NC
m Martha Jacobs b 1790 Bladen Co NC d Columbus Co NC dau of Euphemia Jacobs b 1795, Bladen NC d Bladen NC
m Samuel Campbell b 1785 Bladen Co NC d Bladen, NC
-1 Aaron Moore b 07.10.1844 Perquimans NC d 28.03.1905, Welch Creek Columbus NC m 25.09.1865 Columbus NC MARIA CALINE LOWRY b 1830 Robeson Co NC d 13.02.1907 dau of ALLEN LOWRY and Mary CUMBO
-2 PENELOPE MOORE b 13.11.1822 Elkton Bladen NC d 04.02.1883 Whites Creek, Bladen NC m John SPAULDING b 03.02.1817 Elkton Bladen NC d 10.10.1894 Whites Creek Bladen, NC son of BENJAMIN SPAULDING and EDITH JACOBS
-3 DEBBY MOORE b 1815 Columbus, NC d 1850 Columbus, NC m SHADRACK CHAVIS b 1810 Columbus, NC
-4 THURSEY MOORE b 1820, Bladen Co, NC d Columbus Co, NC m NELSON JACOBS b 1817 Brunswick, NC d Columbus Co NC son of John MITCHELL and MARGARET JACOBS
-5 James Moore b 18.06.1836 Columbus, NC d 06.09.1908, Welchs Creek, Columbus, NC m 24.05.1880 Robeson Co NC Caroline Spaulding b 1836 Columbus, NC d 07.08.1906 Welchs Creek, Columbus, NC dau of John SPAULDING and Mary JACOBS
-6 ISRAEL MOORE b 24.02.1817, Columbus Co, NC d 18.02.1898, Welches Creek, Columbus, NC m ANN Elizabeth SPAULDING b 03.1822 Colombus Co Co NC d 25.03.1906 Welches Creek Columbus NC dau of EMANUEL SPAULDING and SUSANNAH CUMBO
-7 John MOORE b 01.1836, Welches Creek, Columbus, NC d 1910, Welches Creek, Columbus, NC m1 HARRIETT ADELINE SPAULDING b 1842 Columbus Co, NC d 1862 Columbus Co NC + 1 ch dau of ARMSTEAD SPAULDING and HELEN CAMPBELL m2 FRANCIS E SPAULDING 1863 NC b 06.1847 Clarkton, Bladen, NC d 1905 + 10 ch
-8 BENJAMIN John MOORE b 07.1837, NC d 04.06.1923, Bogue, Columbus, NC m Mary Catherine FREEMAN b 24.12.1841 Bladen Co, NC d 07.02.1909 Welches Creek Columbus NC dau of y Freeman
-9 OWEN MOORE b 1842, Columbus Co, NC d Brunswick, NC
-10 LUCY ANN MOORE b 30.09.1843, Columbus Co, NC d 07.09.1898, Welches Creek Columbus NC m William MONROE EUDY 19.12.1857. b 28.11.1831 Mount Pleasant Cabarrus Co NC
-1-1 MARTHA MOORE m William J HILL, 22.02.1903, Magnolia Duplin NC
-1-2 ISAIH MOORE b 1864 m ANNA TAYLOR, 22.03.1896, Magnolia ,Duplin NC
-1-3 AARON Edward MOORE b 1867, Columbus Co NC d 04.06.1925, White Creek Bladen NC m1 FRANCES MOORE b 22.09.1868, Hillsborough Orange NC d 25.11.1941, Welch Creek, Columbus, NC m2 AMELIA BUNTING, 16.10.1892, Colombus NC
-1-4 JOSEPHINE B MOORE b 18.02.1868, Columbus, NC d 07.04.1902, Westford, Middlesex, MA m ABNER B LOWRY 08.01.1890 Columbus, NC b 26.10.1862 Pembroke, Robeson, NC d 26.07.1944 Robeson, NC son of CALVIN LOWRY and MARIAH SAMPSON
-1-5 REBECCA MOORE b 10.10.1870 d 08.02.1909 m O H LENNON, 13.03.1889, Columbus, NC
-2-1 EDITH M SPAULDING b 04.10.1848 Columbus Co NC d 04.06.1912 Whites Creek Bladen NC m 1868 NC STEPHEN CAMPBELL b 05.1846, Whites Creek, Bladen, NC d Bladen, NC
-2-2 ELVY SPAULDING b 1845, Bladen, NC d 1875, Whites Creek, Bladen, NC m 21.09.1866 Colombus NC SOLOMAN WEBB b 03.1836 Brunswick, NC d 1912 Bradenton, Manatee, FL
-2-3 Jonathan SPAULDING b 04.1861, NC d 10.11.1926, Welchs Creek, Columbus, NC
-2-4 CALDONIA SPAULDING b 01.06.1842 Elkton, Bladen, NC d 12.06.1922 Bogue, Columbus, NC m JAMES OWEN FREEMAN b 01.01.1837 Columbus, NC d 02.04.1882 Bogue, Columbus, NC
-2-5 DELILAH SPAULDING b 10.05.1850, NC d 18.08.1921, NC m Henry DESET SPAULDING, 05.03.1878, Colombus City NC
-2-6 PENELOPE SPAULDING b 10.08.1858, Columbus Co, NC d 02.10.1935, Elizabethtown, Bladen, NC m FRANKLIN W Rogers b 06.1849 NC
-4-1 ISABELLA MOORE b 1845, Welches Creek, Columbus, NC d 07.11.1932, Welches Creek, Columbus, NC m IVER SPAULDING b 03.02.1819 Columbus NC d 04.02.1888 Welches Creek Columbus NC son of BENJAMIN SPAULDING and EDITH JACOBS
-4-2 MARIA MOORE b 1850, Columbus Co, NC m W J GRAHAM, 06.12.1866
-5-1 George E MOORE b Columbus Co, NC m GENCY
-5-2 John MOORE b 1856, Westfield IN m Mary REBECCA STANBOROUGH, 1876, Westfield, IN b 28.10.1856, Westfield IN d 1900
-5-3 WILEY MOORE b 1860, Columbus Co, NC d Welchs Creek, Columbus, NC
-5-4 JAMES DANIEL MOORE b 1863, Columbus Co, NC d Welchs Creek, Columbus, NC m LUCY MOORE.
-5-5 Mary ELIZA MOORE b 03.03.1865, Welches Creek Columbus Co NC d 18.03.1922, Welchs Creek, Columbus, NC m1 J L FREEMAN m2 BENJAMIN MITCHELL.
-5-6 ELIZA MOORE b 1867, Columbus Co, NC m John FREEMAN Clawhammer
-5-7 Frances Moore b 22.09.1868, Hillsborough Orange NC d 25.11.1941, Welch Creek, Columbus, NC m1 AARON Edward MOORE b 1867 Columbus Co NC d 04.06.1925 White Creek Bladen NC son of AARON MOORE and MARIA LOWRY m2 21.01.1885 Columbus EVERETT L FREEMAN, NC b 14.10.1860 NC d 02.06.1942 Columbus Co NC son of John FREEMAN and SARAH SPAULDING m3 4.12.1889 Hillsboro, Orange Co NC SAMUEL E WHITTED b 15.10.1871 Orange NC d 11.05.1925 Hillsboro, Orange, NC son of CORNELIOUS WHITTED and JANE HALL
-5-8 ESTHER LUTILLEY MOORE b 1875, Columbus Co, NC d Welchs Creek, Columbus, NC
-5-9 IDA MOORE b 1876 KY
-5-10 SIMEON MOORE b 1878, Welches Creek Columbus Co NC
-5-11 CROSSBURY MOORE b 09.1881, Welches Creek Columbus Co NC
-5-12 LORAVINIA MOORE b 07.01.1883, Welches Creek Columbus Co NC d 02.12.1948, Welches Creek Columbus Co NC m ANDREW MITCHELL.
-5-14 William LUTHER MOORE b 12.10.1857, Columbus Co NC d 22.12.1930, Maxton Robeson Co NC, founder of the University of North Carolina at Pembroke. , first taught in Columbus Co and later taught in Robeson Co, NC, pastor of Prospect Methodist church for 44 years, 1885 instrumental in enacting a North Carolina bill to establish the Croatan Indian Normal School in Robeson Co., inspired the community to unite and build and support the one-room school. 1887 along with Preston Locklear, "Big Jim" Oxendine, and James E Dial Sr appointed by the North Carolina General Assembly as the original trustees of the Croatan Normal School, known today as the University of North Carolina at Pembroke. Fifteen students enrolled when classes began later in the fall of 1887. Rev. Moore was the first principal and the only teacher for the first three years , November 1964, the William Luther Moore Arts Building was dedicated at Pembroke State College (now UNC-Pembroke) in recognition for his contributions to his community and to his school. Rev. Doctor Fuller Lowry, the first graduate of the Indian Normal School, delivered the dedication address. m 24 May 1880 Robeson Co NC Mary CATHRINE OXENDINE, b 25.03.1854 Robeson Co NC d 07.01.1928 Smiths Robeson Co NC first female Native American teacher in Robeson Co dau of HUGH OXENDINE and ELIZA CHAVIS
-6-1 CAROLINE A MOORE b 09.1853 Columbus Co NC d 29.07.1935 Wilmington New Hanover NC m 1875 Colombus NC BERNARD SPAULDING b 12.1852 Colombus, NC d 16.02.1923 Ransom Columbus NC
-6-2 DELPHIA ANN MOORE b 19.04.1861, Columbus Co, NC d 08.08.1932, Waccamaw Columbus NC m 1888 Colombus City NC WILLIE BUNN JACOBS b 12.11.1858 Columbus Co NC d 30.11.1904 Waccamaw Columbus NC son of NELSON JACOBS and ANN MITCHELL
-6-3 LEWIS MOORE b 25.01.1843, Columbus Co NC d 01.05.1904 Welches Creek Columbus NC m 1868 AMANDA SPAULDING b 07.04.1849 Columbus NC d 14.11.1914 Welches Creek Columbus NC dau of EMANUEL SPAULDING and SUSANNAH CUMBO
-6-4 CALVIN B. MOORE b 05.04.1845 Columbus Co NC d 21.04.1913 Welches Creek Columbus NC m LENA VICTORIA WEBB b 05.1852 Brunswick NC d 16.09.1931 Welchs Creek Columbus NC
-6-5 Mary Edith Moore b 22.08.1847 Welches Creek, NC d 22.07.1902, Welches Creek Columbus NC m John W White b 08.08.1846 Northwest Brunswick NC d 11.12.1920 Welchs Creek Columbus NC son of WHITE and LUCY FREEMAN
-6-6 AARON MCDUFFIE MOORE b 06.09.1863, Rosindale, NC d 29.04.1923, Durham Durham Co NC m 1889 SARAH MCCOTTA DANCY b 06.08.1866 Tarboro Edgecombe NC d 26.07.1950, Durham Durham Co NC
-6-7 MARGARET SUSANNAH MOORE b 16.08.1849 Columbus Co NC d 15.10.1920 Welches Creek Columbus NC m y Spaulding
-7-1 Rev ARMSTEAD MCLEAN MOORE b 1861, Colombus Co Co NC d 1896, Waccamaw Columbus Co NC m 1.09.1891 Robeson Co, NC ANABELLA LOWRY b 03.12.1864 Robeson Co NC d 30.10.1965 Durham Durham NC dau of Rev CALVIN LOWRY and MARIAH SAMPSON
-7-2 RHODA MARIAH MOORE b 1875, Welches Creek, Columbus, NC d 1899, Welches Creek Columbus NC m NATHAN W FREEMAN.
-7-3 John JAMES MOORE b 07.1871 m Mary A BLANKS, 06.02.1902 b 1875, NC
-7-4 MARTHA JANE MOORE b 15.04.1867 Columbus Co NC d 24.05.1926 Clarkton RFD, Columbus, NC m1 WESLEY R FAULK. b 04.08.1856 d 05.05.1921 m2 3.08.1885 Rev DANIEL JAMES MOORE b 20.02.1856 Welches Creek, Columbus NC d 26.08.1908 Welches Creek Columbus NC he m1 Francenia Spaulding, dau of William Spaulding (son of Benjamin Spaulding)
-7-5 ANDREW JACKSON MOORE b 02.04.1865 Welches Creek Columbus NC d 25.09.1941 Welches Creek Columbus NC, Cherokee Indian
-7-6 MARION MOORE b 02.1870, Welches Creek Columbus NC d 1945, White Creek Bladen Co NC m 16.11.1892 Columbus Co NC Mary A FREEMAN b 18.08.1871 Welches Creek Columbus NC d 26.01.1951 Clarkton Bladen NC dau of John William FREEMAN and SARAH SPAULDING
-7-7 FLORA ETTA MOORE b 26.09.1878, Welches Creek, Columbus, NC d 29.10.1960, Lake Waccamaw Cemetery, Columbus, NC m1 John W. PATTERSON b 17.04.1906 m2 EASON William HEYWOOD b 14.07.1840, Gates, NC d 30.09.1934, Lake Waccamaw Cemetery, Columbus, NC
-7-8 LUCREATIA MOORE b 03.1882, Welches Creek Columbus NC d Welches Creek Columbus NC
-7-9 ANNIE MADLIN MOORE b 12.03.1885, Welches Creek Columbus NC d 12.03.1966, Welches Creek Columbus NC m 13.03.1907 Colombus City NC MACK GODWIN b 04.06.1889 LA d 11.05.1964 son of ALONZO GODWIN and LILLIAN BUNN
-7-10 CAMMON BOYD MOORE b 26.11.1888, Welches Creek Columbus NC d 16.01.1937, Wilmington, New Hanover, North Carolina,Usa.
-7-11 IVER PEARSON MOORE b 15.01.1894 Columbus NC d 20.06.1952, Whiteville Columbus NC m HALLIE ISADORE JACOBS b 11.11.1899 Columbus, NC d 26.06.1955, Welches Creek Columbus NC
-8-1 JANE MOORE b 11.1864 Welches Creek Columbus NC d 1925 Whitesboro Cape May NJ m Edward MITCHELL
-8-2 DORCUS MOORE b 01.1874 NC d 29.07.1906 Bogue Columbus NC m 31.10.1888 JOEL FREEMAN b 15.05.1864 Bogue Columbus NC d 29.01.1946 son of NEASE FREEMAN and Mary SPAULDING
-8-3 1823. iii. ULYSSES STEPHENS MOORE b 09.06.1870 Welches Creek Columbus NC d 27.06.1948 Welches Creek Columbus NC m 19.08.1892 RACHEL CAROLINE WEBB b 04.10.1870 Whites Creek Bladen NC d 13.09.1942 Welches Creek Columbus NC dau of SOLOMAN WEBB and ELVY SPAULDING
-8-4 CALISTER MOORE b 02.10.1874, Welches Creek Columbus NC d 26.08.1895, Welches Creek Columbus NC
-8-5 CARVER RILEY MOORE b 08.11.1882, Welches Creek Columbus NC d 17.01.1958, Clarkton, Columbus, NC m SHARLEE SPAULDING b 07.06.1882, Columbus Co, NC d 07.03.1958, Welches Creek Columbus NC
-10-1 Thomas BIRCHLEY EUDY b 12.05.1874, Mount Pleasant Cabarrus Co NC d 08.08.1939, Mount Pleasant Cabarrus Co NC m MOLLIE E MOOSE b 23.07.1873 Cabarrus Co NC d 16.12.1949 Mount Pleasant Cabarrus Co NC dau of JULIS M MOOSE

-1-4-1 COTTIE ARELIA LOWRY b 19.02.1891, Robeson Co NC d 22.06.1982, Lumberton, Robeson, NC m CONLY L. RANSOM 18.09.1915 Robeson Co, NC, son of MARTIN RANSOM and Alice (ANN)JohnSON. b 05.09.1892 Robeson Co NC d 25.05.1980 Laurinburg Scotland Co NC
-1-4-2 ZEB ABNER LOWRY b 25.12.1898, Robeson, NC d 18.02.1985, Lumberton, Robeson, NC m FANNIE BELL MAYNOR.
-1-4-3 BERTIE LOWRY b 01.02.1895 Robeson Co NC d 17.03.1990 NC m FRANK LOCKLEAR, son of WILLIS LOCKLEAR. b 31.03.1894 Robeson Co NC d 21.11.1977 Robeson Co NC
-2-2-1 RACHEL CAROLINE WEBB b 04.10.1870, Whites Creek, Bladen, NC d 13.09.1942, Welches Creek, Columbus, NC m 19.08.1892 ULYSSES STEPHENS MOORE b 09.06.1870 Welches Creek, Columbus, NC d 27.06.1948 Welches Creek, Columbus, NC son of BENJAMIN MOORE and Mary FREEMAN
-2-2-2 William BARTY WEBB b 13.08.1870 Whites Creek, Bladen NC d 14.01.1959 Bolton, Columbus, NC m Mary ARRIE FREEMAN b 27.12.1871, Waccamaw, Columbus, NC d 31.05.1957, Bolton, Columbus, NC
-2-4-1 ANDREW JohnSON FREEMAN b 25.01.1866 Bogue, Columbus, NC d 08.11.1924, Bogue, Columbus, NC m BEDIE YOUNG b 05.1888 Waccamaw, Columbus, NC d 03.02.1946 Bogue, Columbus, NC
-2-4-2 Robert FREEMAN b 1867 Bogue, Columbus, NC d Bogue, Columbus, NC m BESSIE BAKER
-2-4-3 CALDONIA VICTORIA FREEMAN b 10.1869, Bogue, Columbus, NC d Montgomery, GA m EVERETT J BLANKS b 05.1869 Carvers Creek Bladen NC d 26.10.1960 Chester, Middlesex, CT son of SAMUEL BLANKS and EMELINE SPAULDING
-2-4-5 MELTON FREEMAN b 1872 Bouge Colombus Co Co NC d Bouge Colombus Co Co NC
-2-4-6 LORA PENELOPE FREEMAN b 04.1874 Bouge Columbus Co Co NC d Colombus Co Co NC m DAVID WEBB 24.09.1904 Columbus Co NC b 1842 Columbus Co Co NC d 21.04.1928 Welches Creek Columbus NC
-2-4-7 STEPHEN VANN FREEMAN b 07.1876 Bouge Columbus Co Co NC d Waccamaw Columbus Co NC m SILVIA BOUIE 25.03.1898 Columbus Co NC
-2-4-8 JAMES GASTON FREEMAN b 12.09.1882 Bouge Colombus Co Co NC d 09.12.1952 Bolton Columbus Co Co NC m 25.03.1906 Columbus Co NC ANNIE JACOBS b 31.03.1879 Ransom Columbus Co Co NC d 02.10.1961 Bolton Columbus Co Co NC dau of CHRISTOPHER JACOBS and Elizabeth PATRICK
-4-1-2 Henry SPAULDING
-5-1-2 FRANCES FANNIE MOORE b 23.01.1840, Charlotte, Mecklenburg Co, NC d 18.08.1825, Charlotte, Mecklenburg Co, NC m 15 Mar 1865 Rev EDWIN AUGUSTUS YOUNG OSBORNE b 06.05.1837, Madison Co, AL d 12.10.1926, Charlotte, Mecklenburg Co, NC Son of Dr.Ephraim Brevard and Nancy Smith Osborne , moved with his family to Hill Co.,Texas in 1855.In 1858,he walked from Texas to Charlotte, North Carolina, to live with relatives there,so he could continue his education.He enrolled in Military School at Statesville,NC. School was suspended when the Civil War started.Edwin entered the Confederate Army as a Captain in the North Carolina State Troops, formed in Iradell Co.,NC, Colonel in July,1864, Measles, wounds to the thigh,leg,side,and hand, loss of two fingers ended active service in the military, Clerk of the Court in Charlotte. teacher, lawyer, Episcopal Priest, founder and superintendent of the Thompson Orphanage in Charlotte, Chaplain in the Spanish American War. On March 26,1915, an honorary pallbearer at the funeral of Mary Jackson,widow of Stonewall Jackson, at death 89yrs 5mo 7d.
-5-4-2 ASA CLEVELAND MOORE b 30.05.1889, Columbus Co, NC d Whitesboro, Cape May, NJ m GERTRUDE SPAULDING b 14.06.1891, Columbus Co, NC d 08.1975, Bronx Bronx NY
-5-7-1 SIMUEL J WHITTED b 12.1894 Orange CO NC d 11.05.1925 Hillsboro, Orange, NC
-5-7-2 JANE C WHITTED b 06.1893, NC
-5-7-3 Mary OVIDA WHITTED b 05.1895, NC
-5-7-4 MARIAH H WHITTED b 07.1896 Orange Co NC d 24.09.1933, Hillsboro Township, Orange, NC m LENZY PRICE b 1900 NC
-5-7-5 WILLIE E WHITTED b 09.1890 NC d 15.07.1955 Tar Heel, Bladen, NC m116.02.1910 Hillsboro Township, Orange, NC John GRAVES b 1885 Hillsboro Orange Co, N son of CHARLES MERTEN and HARRIETT GRAVES m2 11.05.1918 Cumberland, NC W.A FURGERSON b 1873 NC son of S FURGUSON and ANNIE S.
-5-14-1 ELIZA CAROLINE29 MOORE b 12.08.1885 Robeson Co NC d 21.01.1904 Robeson Co NC
-5-14-2 EMMA JANE MOORE b 09.06.1887 Smiths Robeson Co NC d 08.07.1965 Maxton Robeson Co NC m EARLY BULLARD, 30.06.1910, Burnt Swamp Section of Robeson Co NC b 25.08.1888, Robeson Co NC d 09.01.1977, Laurinburg Scotland Co NC
-5-14-3 LUTHER WARD MOORE b 21.07.1889, Robeson Co NC d 04.12.1957 Prospect Robeson Co NC m NORA REBECCA SMITH b 16.03.1903, Richmond Co NC d 18.10.1991, Lumberton Robeson Co NC m Nora Rebecca Smith.
-5-14-4 CHARLIE HADDEN MOORE b 03.11.1891, Robeson Co NC d 12.07.1943 Prospect Robeson Co NC m 13 Dec 1911 in Robeson Co NC MARIE SAMPSON b 20.03.1887, Robeson Co NC d 14.02.1973, Maxton Robeson Co NC m Nora Rebecca Smith.
-5-14-5 Mary ELLEN MOORE b 07.03.1896, Robeson Co NC d 09.06.1973 Maxton Robeson Co NC m 29.04.1920 Thompson section of NC NOAH H DIAL b 05.04.1897 Robeson Co NC d 27.09.1967, Lumberton Robeson Co NC
-6-1-1 SUSIE MARIAH SPAULDING b 09.1875 Welchs Creek, Colombus NC d 24.03.1955, Freeman, Columbus, NC m William SCOFIELD MITCHELL b 10.1868 Freeman, Columbus, NC d 20.05.1932 Ransom, Columbus, NC son of William MITCHELL
-6-2-1 LILLIAN JACOBS b 03.02.1902, Columbus NC d 23.10.1980 Whiteville, Columbus, NC m NASHFIELD MOORE, b 13.04.1900 Welches Creek Columbus NC d 16.03.1992 Whiteville, Columbus, NC son of ULYSSES MOORE and RACHEL WEBB
-6-3-1 IDA VIRGINIA29 MOORE b 1869 Welches Creek Columbus NC d 13.10.1937 Wilmington New Hanover NC
-6-3-2 LETCY L MOORE b 07.1875 Welches Creek Columbus NC d Brooklyn Kings NY
-6-3-3 MAGGIE L MOORE b 18.05.1877 Welches Creek Columbus NC d 22.10.1920, Welches Creek Columbus NC
-6-3-4 ARAH BADIE MOORE b 09.05.1879, Columbus NC d 04.12.1964, Mebane Alamance NC
-6-3-5 JOSEPH LOUIS MOORE b 09.09.1881 Welches Creek Columbus NC d 30.12.1902 Welches Creek Columbus NC
-6-3-6 WADE HAMPTON MOORE b 29.08.1886 Welches Creek Columbus NC d 21.02.1936 Wilmington New Hanover NC
-6-3-7 SUSANNAH OPHELIA MOORE b 02.12.1888, Welches Creek Columbus NC d 14.12.1957 Welches Creek Columbus NC
-6-3-8 LOYD MOORE b 03.1890, Welches Creek Columbus NC d 05.01.1921 Welches Creek Columbus NC
-6-3-9 LOUISA MOORE b 18.09.1891, Welches Creek Columbus NC d 11.02.1924 Wilmington New Hanover NC
-6-5-1 SARAH JANE WHITE b 06.06.1870, Welches Creek Columbus NC d 02.07.1924 Welches Creek Columbus NC m1 WINNIE WHITE. m2 Henry EVANS SPAULDING 15.03.1887 Columbus NC b 1831 Columbus Co NC d 1906 son of BENJAMIN SPAULDING and EDITH JACOBS
-6-5-2 1881. ii. WILEY FRANKLIN WHITE b 05.03.1873 Welches Creek Columbus NC d 23.08.1930 Welches Creek Columbus NC m Mary ANNA SPAULDING b NC d 1911 Washington District of Columbia NC dau of EMANUEL SPAULDING and SUSANNAH CUMBO
-6-5-3 DANIEL J WHITE b 01.1877 Columbus NC d 30.12.1926 Durham Durham NC
-6-5-4 Mary ELLEN WHITE b 08.1881 Welches Creek Columbus NC d Washington DC
-6-5-5 ELIAS WHITE b 03.1884 Welches Creek Columbus NC
-6-5-6 LUCY WHITE b 03.1889 Welches Creek Columbus NC
-6-5-7 LUTHER WHITE b 03.1889 Welches Creek Columbus NC
-6-7-1 ISRAEL ROY SPAULDING b 16.09.1886 NC d 18.02.1973 Durham, NC m RUTH ALEXANDRIA WHITTED b 02.07.1895 d 31.03.1988 Durham Co NC dau of ANDREW WHITTED and ANNIE HUNTER
-6-7-2 Mary ANNA SPAULDING b 19.12.1881 Welchs Creek, Columbus NC d 26.04.1963 Bronx NY m 17.12.1902 Sandy Plain Church, Columbus Co, NC BENJAMIN MCLEAN SPAULDING b 18.06.1881 Welches Creek, Columbus, NC son of Henry SPAULDING and MATILDA CAMPBELL
-6-7-5 CHARLES CLINTON SPAULDING b 01.08.1874 NC d 01.08.1952 Durham Durham Co NC, 3rd President of North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company) , a community leader in black Durham and a prominent businessman, from Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, vol. 5, p. 4
-7-1-1 ADELE MOORE b 09.06.1896 d 17.11.1964 m y MINGO
-7-1-2 HATTIE JANE MOORE b 01.09.1892 d 24.10.1971 m ANDREW MARTIN SPAULDING b 28.11.1888 d 25.10.1966
-7-4-1 ISRAEL MOORE b 10.09.1900; d 06.08.1979 Columbus Co NC m GLADYS LOCKLEAR b 13.08.1907 d 22.03.1980 Columbus Co, NC
-7-4-1 GEORGEANNA MOORE b 07.1887 NC d 1968 Cape May Court House Cape May NJ m 15.05.1905 Columbus Co NC John Henry SPAULDING b 20.08.1886 Columbus Co, NC d 04.1963 Cape May Court House Cape May NJ son of Henry SPAULDING and MATILDA CAMPBELL
-7-5-1 ESSIE MAE MOORE b 8.04.1896 m C.B. MURPHY b 10.07.1888 d 23.08.1972
-7-6-1 HURSIE B MOORE b 24.09.1899 Waccamaw Columbus NC d 01.1966 Cape May Court House Cape May NJ
-7-6-2 MARION WALTER MOORE b 02.02.1902 Whites Creek Bladen Co NC d 25.06.1969 Elizabethtown Bladen NC
-7-9-1 LESSIE ALBERTA GODWIN b 1920 Welches Creek Columbus NC d 18.04.1993 Whiteville Columbus NC
-8-2-1 JAMES L FREEMAN b 09.1889 Bogue Columbus NC
-8-2-2 IDA JANE FREEMAN b 05.1893 Bogue Columbus NC
-8-2-3 CARLOTTA FREEMAN b 12.1896 Bogue Columbus NC
-8-2-4 TYSON P FREEMAN b 12.1897 Bogue, Columbus NC
-8-3-1 FLOYD BENJAMIN MOORE b 12.09.1896 Welches Creek Columbus NC m BERTHA BROOKS b 17.08.1888 West Union Fayette IA dau of CHARLES BROOKS and Mary ROACH
-8-3-2 OSCAR CONRAD MOORE b 03.08.1898, Welches Creek Columbus NC
-8-3-4 NASHFIELD MOORE b 13.04.1900 Welches Creek Columbus NC d 16.03.1992 Whiteville Columbus, NC m LILLIAN JACOBS b 03.02.1902 Columbus NC d 23.10.1980 Whiteville Columbus NC dau of WILLIE JACOBS and DELPHIA MOORE
-8-3-4 Richard D MOORE b 1903 Welches Creek Columbus NC m ANNIE M OLIVER
-8-3-5 SHEPPARD STEPHENS MOORE b 21.10.1904 Welches Creek Columbus NC d 19.09.1976 Whiteville Columbus NC C m LUCILLE MABLE MITCHELL b 1904 d 1972.
-10-1-1 RUBEN MONROE EUDY b 30.01.1898 NC d 21.08.1970 Mount Pleasant Cabarrus Co NC m HETTIE MAGDALENE ROWLAND b 07.10.1899 Cabarrus Co NC d 13.06.1960 Cabarrus Co NC dau of JAMES ROWLAND and ADELINE BARRIER

-1-4-1-1 ANDREW N. RANSOM b 26.07.1916 Robeson Co NC d 05.12.1996 Lumberton Robeson Co NC, 1936 received a degree from what is presently known as the University of North Carolina at Pembroke. In July 2007, the Heritage Walk was dedicated to serve as a permanent monument to all of the university's graduates from 1905 to 1954. Andrew was honored by having his name engraved on a brick in the Heritage Walk walkway in front of Old Main, the oldest building on the campus. m ELMA LOUISE ATER, dau of HORACE ATER and LUELLA MCFARLIN
-1-4-3-1 HAZEL MANDIE LOCKLEAR b 16.07.1926 Lumberton Robeson Co NC
-1-4-3-2 EDDIE MACK LOCKLEAR b 24.08.1928 Lumberton Robeson Co NC d 26.12.2007, Lumberton Robeson Co NC
-1-4-3-3 MARVIN LEE LOCKLEAR b 02.01.1930 Robeson Co NC d 13.11.1961 NC m NINA LOCKLEAR b 01.11.1936 d 13.11.1961
-1-4-3-4 MARIAH MOORE b 17.12.1871 Duplin Co NC d 17.08.1964 Warsaw Magnolia Duplin NC m JERRY GLASPIE.
-1-4-3-5 HANNAH SURRENE MOORE b 1872 Duplin Co NC d 05.10.1938 Teachey, Duplin, NC m ELDER BANKS ALDERMAN. b 1870
-1-4-3-6 IOMA MOORE b 1881 m 12.09.1907 Wilmington, New Hanover Co NC George H. Green b 1880 son of PRESTON Green and MARIA
-1-4-3-7 MARINDA MOORE b 1861 m JAMES STOKES, 22.03.1896 Magnolia Duplin NC b 1875
-2-2-1-1+ for ch see above Ulysses Stephens Moore.
-2-4-1-1 VERA LEE FREEMAN b 1909 Bogue Columbus NC d 29.04.1961 Goldsboro, Wayne, NC
-2-4-1-2 ADELL FREEMAN b 27.07.1910, Bogue Columbus NC d 09.04.1938, Hallsboro, Columbus, North Carolina.
-2-4-1-3 MARSHALL FREEMAN b 04.05.1913, Bogue Columbus NC d 07.03.1979, Robeson Co NC
-2-4-1-4 LLOYD FREEMAN b 1915, Colombus Co Co NC d Colombus Co Co NC
-2-4-1-5 DILLARD FREEMAN b 1921, Bouge Colombus Co Co NC d Colombus Co Co NC
-2-4-2-1 BESSIE LEE FREEMAN b 26.07.1934 Gates Co NC d 31.08.1934 Reynoldson Gates, NC
-2-4-3-1 ANGRISH CURRY BLANKS b 02.07.1891 Ailey Montgomery GA d 15.08.1968 Hartford CT
-2-4-3-2 SAMUEL C BLANKS b 14.08.1904 Higgston Montgomery GA d 28.09.1996 Deep River Middlesex CT m 11.01.1991 New London CT Mary E BUCKRIDGE b 26.05.1940 CT d 12.11.2009 New London CT
-2-4-6-1 IRWIN MACEY WEBB b 27.08.1899 Bouge Columbus Co Co NC d 01.02.1919 Welches Creek Columbus NC
-2-4-6-2 ARCHIE DALLIE WEBB b 14.09.1906 Welches Creek Columbus NC d 09.07.1984 Whiteville Welches Creek Columbus NC
-2-4-6-3 LEE OLIVER WEBB b 23.09.1909 Welches Creek Columbus NC d Columbus Co Co NC
-2-4-6-4 HOWARD WEBB b 05.10.1912 Welches Creek Columbus NC d 08.10.1971 Elizabethtown Bladen Co NC
-2-4-7-1 JAMES RILES FREEMAN b 02.1899 Waccamaw Columbus Co NC
-2-4-7-4 Robert FREEMAN
-2-4-8-1 JAMES OWEN FREEMAN FREEMAN b 27.11.1907 Waccamaw Columbus Co NC d 30.07.1980 Whiteville Columbus NC
-5-1-1-5 NELLIE MOORE.
-5-1-1-7 SUSIE MOORE.
-5-1-1-9 EDDIE MOORE.
-5-1-1-10 HANNAS MOORE.
-5-1-1-11 MACK MOORE.
-5-1-1-12 ROANIE B MOORE.
-5-1-1-13 SHIRLEY MOORE.
-5-4-1-1 LESTER MOORE b 30.05.1913 d 04.1969 Cape May NJ m VIOLA SPAULDING b 29.07.1915 Welches Creek Columbus NC d 02.11.1989, West Orange Essex, NJ
-5-7-4-1 JAMES WILBUR30 PRICE b 20.04.1924, Hillsboro NC d 28.02.1989, Durham, Durham, NC, police Officer
-5-7-4-2 LENZY PRICE b 1920, NC
-5-7-4-3 SAMUEL PRICE b 1921, NC
-5-7-4-4 William H PRICE b 1926, NC
-5-7-4-5 ERNESTINE b 1928, NC
-5-7-5-1 PATTIE B30 GRAVES b 1913, NC
-5-7-5-2 VERA GRAVES b 1914, NC
-5-7-5-3 DOROTHY GRAVES b 1920, NC
-5-7-5-4 JAMES M GRAVES b 1912, NC
-6-2-1-1 LEORIA P MOORE b 1924 d 2010
-6-5-1-1 BEAUFORD ODELL WHITE b 04.09.1922, NC d 19.08.1923, Marsh, Surry, NC
-6-5-1-2 ANNIE MADLIN SPAULDING b 02.01.1892, NC d 22.03.1968, Clarkton, Bladen, NC m CAMPBELL.
-6-5-1-3 ELRA SPAULDING b 05.05.1896, NC d 25.09.1977, Whiteville, Columbus, NC
-6-5-1-4 SPAULDING b 20.03.1914, NC d 20.03.1914, Whiteville, Columbus, NC
-6-5-1-5 CARRIE JANE SPAULDING b 1888, NC d 12.07.1937, Whiteville, Columbus Co., NC m TYWAN CATNEY.
-6-5-1-6 John HOOPER SPAULDING b 1903, North Carolina, United States; d 14.03.1959, NC m HENRIETTA.
-6-5-2-1 1916. George Henry WHITE b 18.12.1852 Rosindale Bladen Co NC d 28.12.1918 Colingdale Delaware Co PA, US Congressman for North Carolina's 2nd Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives, serving from 1897 to 1901. George Henry White (December 18, 1852 28 Dec 1918) was an American attorney and politician, elected as a Republican U.S. Congressman from North Carolina's 2nd congressional district between 1897 and 1901. He later became a banker in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and in Whitesboro, New Jersey, an African-American community of which he was a co-founder. White is the last African-American Congressman during the beginning of the Jim Crow era and the only African American to serve in Congress during his tenure. In North Carolina, "fusion politics" between the Populist and Republican parties led to a brief period of renewed Republican and African-American political success in elections from 1894 to 1900, when White was elected to Congress for two terms after serving in the state legislature. After the Democratic-dominated state legislature passed a suffrage amendment that disenfranchised blacks in the state, White did not seek a third term. He moved permanently to Washington, dC., where he had a law practice and became a banker, moving again to Philadelphia in 1906. After White left office, no other African American served in Congress until 1929. No African American was elected to Congress again from North Carolina until 1992. m1 CORA LENA CHERRY b NC d 19.01.1905 Delaware Co PA + 3 ch dau of Henry CHERRY and Mary JONES b 24.12.1867 m2 FANNIE B RANDOLPH, d 09.1880 + 1 ch dau of John RANDOLPH and DELLA REDMOND m3 NANCY J SCOTT 1882 d�de 1882 m4 ELLEN AVANT MACDONALD 1915 b NC
-6-7-1-1 Royal SPAULDING b 1921 GA m VALDORA T YANCY b 28.05.1927.
-6-7-1-2 RUTH ANNETTE SPAULDING b 29.10.1926; d 19.03.2012 Durham NC m BOYD.
-6-7-2-1 ELMORE MCROY SPAULDING b 27.08.1914 Welchs Creek Columbus NC d 11.1974 Bronx NY
-6-7-2-2 AARON MCLEAN SPAULDING b 13.05.1918 Bronx NY d 31.03.1974 Bronx NY m GERTIE MAE BRITTON b 11.11.1921 Buncombe, NC d 20.10.2003 Brookly NY
-6-7-2-3 SIDNEY BENJAMIN SPAULDING b 24.10.1922, Bronx Bronx New York, Usa; d 1962, Bronx NY
-6-7-2-4 AGGREY POTTER SPAULDING b 1920, Bronx Bronx NY d Bronx Bronx NY
-6-7-2-5 GENEVA B SPAULDING b 1907, Whelch Creek Columbus NC
-7-4-1-1 THURMAN M MOORE b 19.04.1924 d 31.08.1984 Columbus Co NC m THELMA LOCKLEAR b 29.01.1929 d 20.07.2005 Columbus Co NC
-7-4-1-2 VIVIAN MOORE b 06.10.1925; d 28.05.1984 Columbus Co, NC m LLOYD L FREEMAN b 27.09.1922 d 08.12.2003 Columbus Co NC
-7-4-1-3 Catherine MOORE b 04.11.1928 d 16.02.2004 Columbus Co, NC m ODELL JACOBS b 31.07.1921 d 09.04.1986 Columbus Co, NC
-7-4-1-4 WILBERT MOORE b 01.06.1931 d 03.09.1995 Columbus Co NC m ESSIE MAE b 18.12.1935 d 31.07.1998 Columbus Co NC
-7-4-1-5 John HUBERT MOORE b 26.10.1935 d 01.06.1982 Columbus Co, NC
-7-4-1-6 GLADYS MOORE b 16.03.1937; d 17.06.2003, Columbus Co, NC m GARR.
-7-4-1-1 VIOLA SPAULDING b 29.07.1915 Welches Creek Columbus, NC d 02.11.1989 West Orange Essex NJ m LESTER MOORE b 30.05.1913 d 04.1969 Cape May NJ
-8-3-1-1 JIM D MOORE b 1921, NC
-8-3-1-2 HATTIE MAY MOORE b 1923 NC
-8-3-1-3 KATTIE O MOORE b 1925 NC
-8-3-1-4 BESSIE MOORE b 1927 NC
-8-3-1-5 Robert C MOORE b 1929 NC d 04.01.1931 Olive Hill Person NC
-8-3-4-1 for ch see above 1879) Lillian Jacobs
-8-3-4-1 CATHY ANNETTE MOORE b 1964 Alamance NC
-8-3-4-2 PATRICIA MOORE b 18.09.1965 Iredell NC
-8-3-5-1 JAMES MOORE b 19.09.1949 NC m CONSTANCE PIGFORD b 30.01.1949.
-8-3-5.2 RACHEL MOORE b 25.03.1936
-8-3-5-3 ELEANOR MOORE b 15.11.1938
-8-3-5-4 SHEPHARD MOORE b 25.06.1940
-8-3-5-5 William MOORE b 10.03.1942
-8-3-5-6 ZELMA MOORE b 27.06.1944
-8-3-5-7 ADRAINNE MOORE b 16.05.1946.

-1-4-3-4-1 EDWARD GLASPIE b 09.10.1909 NC d 1976 Fayetteville Cumberland NC m Marie Moore
-1-4-3-5-1 Dr BENJAMIN ALDERMAN b 12.04.1904 Teachey NC d 06.07.1993 Warsaw Duplin NC m 16.08.1930 Duplin NC ANNIE LOUISE HIGHSMITH b 1911 dau of y Highsmith
-1-4-3-5-2 ANNIE ALDERMAN b 1910 NC
-1-4-3-5-3 JAMES ALDERMAN b 1915 NC
-1-4-3-5-4 MARTHA ALDERMAN b 1917 NC
-1-4-3-5-5 William A ALDERMAN b 1893 NC
-1-4-3-5-6 Mary R ALDERMAN b 1895 NC m MCDUFFIE NEWKIRK
-1-4-3-5-7 BANK ALDERMAN b 1898 NC
-1-4-3-5-8 Robert A ALDERMAN b 1900 NC
-1-4-3-5-9 MITCHELL E ALDERMAN b 1903 NC
-1-4-3-5-10 MARTHA C ALDERMAN b 1906 NC
-1-4-3-5-11 ARCHIE ALDERMAN b 1908 NC
-1-4-3-6-1 BERTH E Green b 1901 NC
-1-4-3-6-2 FLETCHER W Green b 1904 NC
-1-4-3-6-3 COLUMBUS A Green b 1906 NC
-1-4-3-6-4 LOUIS E Green b 1908 NC
-1-4-3-6-5 VONNIE E Green b 1910 NC
-1-4-3-6-6 CLARA E Green b 1918 NC
-1-4-3-6-7 EARL B Green b 1915 NC
-1-4-3-6-8 ETHELENE Green b 1917 NC
-1-4-3-6-9 JAMES T Green b 1919 NC
-6-5-2-1-1 Mary ADELYNE WHITE.
-6-5-2-1-3 George Henry WHITE
-6-5-2-1-4 DELLA WHITE, d 1916 Washington DC
-7-4-1-3-1 WELTON JACOBS b 17.02.1960, Elizabethtown, Bladen Co, NC d 25.11.2010, Whiteville, Columbus Co, NC
-7-4-1-3-2 xy JACOBS b d 15.06.1946, Columbus Co, NC
-8-3-5-1-1 SHEPARD MOORE b c 1968.
-8-3-5-1-2 SELENA MOORE b c 1977.
-10-1-1-1 BESSIE CHRISTINE EUDY b 19.12.1926 Cabarrus Co NC d 19.05.2010 m ELDRON HERNDON
-10-1-1-2 Mary KATHLEEN EUDY

-1-4-3-5-6-1 CALVIN C NEWKIRK b 1928 NC d 30.05.1953 R. 1, Wallace, NC
-1-4-3-5-6-2 PAULINE NEWKIRK b 01.10.1918 NC d 08.10.1919 Rockfish Duplin NC
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-2-1-1-1-1-4 Elizabeth oore b 1782, Pitt NC d 6.10.1867, Lakeland Polk FL
m 1798 McIntosh (fka Liberty) Co GA b 1780, SC William Raulerson 1798 b 1805 Tattnall Co GA d 1858, Columbia (nka Baker) Co FL
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-2-1-1-1-1-5 Thomas Moore b 1790 Pitt NC d 1820 Laurens GA
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-2-1-1-1-1-6 Jesse Moore b 1788 Wayne Co NC d 10.07.1855 Bulloch (fka Effingham Co GA
m 26.07.1808 Bulloch Co GA Rebecca Studstill b 16.02.1793 Beaufort District SC d 12.04.1884 Bulloch (fka Effingham) Co GA
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-2-1-1-1-1-7 Spencer Moore b 1800, Wayne Co NC d 23.05.1872, Long Pond Levy Co FL
m 1.07.1827 Tattnall Co GA Elizabeth MATTOX
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-2-1-1-1-1-8 Edward MOORE b 1803, Pitt NC d mel. 06.1880 - 1910, Reidsville Tattnall Co GA m Sarah A. Mattox 05.09.1827, Tattnall Co GA
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-2-1-1-1-1-9 John MOORE b 1785, Wayne Co NC d 1855, Clay Hill District Duval Co FL -1 1761. ELIAS MOORE b 27.08.1819 Douglas Coffe Co GA d 16.10.1878 Atkinson Co GA m HESTER ANN LOTT 1841 Telfair Co GA b 24.04.1824 McRae Telfair Co GA d 25.12.1892 Douglas, Coffee Co GA bur Antioch Church, Willacoochee, Atkinson Co GA dau of DANIEL LOTT and LUCINDA PETERSON
-2 Mary MOORE b 13.03.1825 Emanuel Co. GA d 03.04.1906 Coffee Co GA m ELISHA ERA LOTT 1842 Telfair Co GA b 17.05.1822 McRae, Telfair Co.GA d 28.10.1886 Coffee (Now Atkinson) Co. GA son of DANIEL LOTT and LUCINDA PETERSON
-3 John MOORE b 1821 d 17.12.1886 Homerville Clinch Co GA m BARBARA ROBERTS 1842 Lowndes Co GA b 30.10.1824 Coffee (nka Atkinson) Co GA d 10.03.1902 Homerville Clinch Co GA dau of GRAY ROBERTS and SARAH LOTT
-1-1 LUCINDA MOORE b 15.03.1844, Ware Co GA d 10.06.1930, Coffee Co.GA m 15.08.1860 Coffee Co, GA CHARLES WESLEY MEEKS b 24.02.1840 Appling Co,GA d 28.11.1898 Nicholls Coffee Co GA son of CHARLES MEEKS and LYDIA RYNER
-1-2 AARON MOORE b 12.02.1842, Ware Co GA d 15.07.1899, Atkinson Co GA m FANNIE DAUGHTREY b 1846, GA
-1-3 ARTHUR MOORE b 16.02.1846, Ware Co GA d 11.06.1922, Atkinson Co GA m MATILDA GIDDENS b 07.05.1846, Lownde/Lanier Co, GA d 26.06.1936, Alapaha District, Berrien Co, GA
-1-4 HESTER ANN MOORE b 06.08.1847, Ware Co GA d 01.01.1926, Atkinson Co GA m NEWTON MONROE PAFFORD, 1872, Coffee Co GA b 05.01.1850, Ware Co GA d 04.03.1909, Atkinson/Coffee) Co, GA
-1-5 ELIAS MOORE b 16.06.1850, Clinch Co GA d 08.03.1924, GA m FRANCES ELLEN MEEKS, 18.02.1872, GA b 05.06.1856, Coffee Co GA d 03.08.1929, Alma,Bacon Co.GA
-1-6 ELISHA MOORE b 02.03.1849, GA d 18.12.1928, Beach, Ware Co, GA m Mary MEEKS, 23.07.1871, Coffee Co GA b 31.01.1855, Ware Co, GA d 20.06.1927, Beach, Ware Co, GA Beach Community of Ware Co, GA History File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Barbara Winge Table of Contents page: Georgia Table of Contents: WAYCROSS JOURNAL-HERALD, Waycross, Georgia Monday, April 22, 1974. BEACH, GEORGIA, WAS THRIVING COMMUNITY By Pauline J. Taylor Beach, Georgia was the northernmost railroad stop in Ware Co. This once thriving community is now only a small settlement. [According to Marion R. Hemperly, Deputy Surveyor General of Georgia, CITIES, TOWNS AND COMMUNITIES OF GEORGIA BETWEEN 1847-1962, 8500 PLACES AND THE Co IN WHICH LOCATED, p. 11, Beach, Ware Co, was established in 1920] The post office of Beach was on the Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic Railroad route and its postmaster was John C. Calhoun. It had only one rural route and Frank Quarterman was the postman. Later the Beach post office was disbanned and moved to Crawley, Georgia, four miles south of Beach. Crawley was known as the "Kirkland Knot Camp." Crawley was located in the area where the railroad now crosses U.S. 1 north. Crawley has no rural route and Calhoun continued as postmaster until he was replace by Zene Kirkland. Later Roy Lynn served as postmaster until his retirement. This post office accommodated only a small portion of Ware Co and the remaining residents of all areas north of Waycross were on a Waycross Rural Route. Beach consisted of a general merchandise store, a barber shop and a machine shop. The justice of the peace was J. B. Quarterman and he performed many marriage ceremonies. The biggest industry in Beach was a huge saw mill operated by T. Harper Calhoun. They logged from the wilds of the "Fork of the Hurricane" by the way of tram-roads and engines used skidders and steel cables to drag the huge logs from the hurricane creek to the tram flat cars for loading. [Hurricane Creek and swamp covered an a rea in Appling, Bacon, Pierce and part of Ware Co.] Mrs. Pauline Taylor of Ware Co is holder of a warranty deed of 1884 giving easements for tram-roads right-of-ways. Housewives and gardners of Beach made their spending money peddling milk, eggs, fruits, and vegetables to the families of lumbermen living in rustic quarters. They paid with certain coins that could only be redeemed at the general store. Dr. J. B. Blitch was once the physician in Beach. He was convicted, it is said, for performing illegal surgery on a black boy and claimed him to be the only "Horned Negro in America," selling him to the circus. The boy admitted the surgery which caused the conviction and Beach was left without a doctor. Midwives served throughout the area delivering babies in the home for whites and blacks as well. Home remedies and practical nursing was essential to life. Practically all the buildings of the once thriving community of Beach are gone but terpentine and timber lands are still very much in use and most of the area is owned by I. W. Strickland and A. L. Strickland.
-1-7 MARTHA Elizabeth MOORE b 27.07.1852, GA d 13.08.1934, Atkinson Co GA m1 JAMES MATTHEW DAUGHTERY, mel. 1866 - 1874, Coffee Co GA b 1852, Clinch Co GA d 12.1880, Lanier Co GA m2 JESSE MADISON PAFFORD, 02.12.1880, Coffee Co GA b 02.06.1858, Coffee (Now Atkinson) Co. GA d 10.06.1922, Atkinson (formerly Coffee) Co, GA
-1-8 DANIEL MOORE b 24.04.1856, Kirkland, Coffee Co. GA d 26.02.1940, Kirkland, Atkinson Co GA m ANNE KIRKLAND, 20.04.1882, Coffee Co GA b 28.05.1864, Ware Co GA d 24.08.1902, Kirkland, Coffee (now Atkinson) Co GA
-1-9 REBECCA MOORE b 15.10.1858, Coffee Co GA m DANIEL M. SHEPPARD, 25.05.1881, Coffee Co GA b mel. 1823 - 1863; d Coffee (Now Atkinson) Co. GA ?.
-1-10 SARAH ANN MOORE b 15.10.1858, Coffee Co, GA d 01.04.1930, Atkinson (formerly Coffee) Co, GA m MARCUS A PAFFORD, Coffee Co, GA b 22.07.1854, Coffee Co, GA d 24.04.1931, Coffee (Now Atkinson) Co. GA
-1-11 FRANCES M. MOORE b Coffee Co, GA d aft 1900 Kirkland, Coffee (now Atkinson) Co, GA m JAMES F. OVERSTREET, 18.07.1886, Coffee Co GA b 05.1864, GA d 05.1910, Kirkland, Coffee (now Atkinson) Co, GA
-2-1 DANIEL PETERSON LOTT b 26.06.1848 Ware Co GA d 25.03.1912 Coffee co GA m MATILDA VICKERS b 20.04.1852 GA d 16.02.1923 Coffee co GA
-3-1 ELIAS LOTT MOORE b 25.05.1845, Ware (nka Atkinson) Co GA d 14.08.1914, Cat Creek Lowndes Co GA m MARTHA SIRMANS STRICKLAND, 27.06.1866, Clinch Co GA b 04.08.1847, Lanier Co GA d 22.09.1942, Valdosta Lowndes Co GA.
-3-2 JESSE MOORE b 1846, Ware (nka Atkinson) Co, GA; d 15.05.1866, Coffee (nka Atkinson) Co GA
-3-3 John MOORE b 1848, Lowndes Co GA d 30.12.1869, Coffee (nka Atkinson) Co GA m NANCY Elizabeth LOTT, 30.12.1869, Coffee Co GA b 22.06.1854, Coffee Co GA d 03.06.1922, Coffee (nka Atkinson) Co GA
-3-4 Henry CLAY MOORE b 10.10.1850, Clinch Co GA d 17.06.1891, Homerville Clinch Co GA m FANNIE Catherine SMITH, 02.09.1879, Homerville Clinch Co GA b 1858, Lowndes Co GA d 14.04.1900, Homerville Clinch Co GA
-3-5 Mary ANN MOORE b 14.02.1852, Clinch Co GA d 1940, Pickren Coffee Co GA m George WASHINGTON LOTT, 1875, Clinch or Coffee Co GA b 03.04.1851, Coffee Co GA d 12.04.1925, Clinch or Coffee Co GA
-3-6 MARTHA ANN MOORE b 1854, Birds Mill Coffee (nka Atkinson) Co GA d 1896, Clinch Co GA m BRYANT ROWAN JohnSON, 1876, Coffee or Clinch Co GA b 1859, Clinch Co GA d aft 1896 Clinch Co GA
-3-7 ELISHA MOORE b 09.12.1857, Birds Mill Coffee (nka Atkinson) Co GA d 02.01.1919, Nashville, Berrien Co GA m1 LUCRETIA GIDDENS, 1877, Clinch Co GA b 08.11.1858, Guest Millpond Clinch Co GA d 12.03.1901, Nashville, Berrien Co GA m2 MATILDA ANN GRINER, mel. 1901 - 1905, Berrien Co GA b 21.10.1867, Berrien Co GA d 07.11.1905, Berrien Co GA m3 SARAH ANN AMERICA GRINER, mel. 1905 - 1919, Berrien Co GA b 11.06.1875, Berrien Co GA d Berrien Co GA
-3-8 LEVI John MOORE b 15.09.1861, Clinch Co GA d 18.03.1927, Pickren Coffee Co GA m TOBITHA PEARSON, 1880, Coffee Co GA b 22.12.1864, Pearson Coffee (nka Atkinson) Co GA d aft 1920 Pickren Coffee Co GA
-3-9 PERRYMAN MOORE b 15.12.1864, Valdosta Lowndes Co GA d 02.12.1918, Piedmont Sanitorium Atlanta Fulton Co GA m SUSAN JANE TILLMAN, 10.05.1888, Quitman Brooks Co GA b 07.09.1868, Madison Co FL d 05.05.1951, Tifton Tift Co GA
-3-10 MATHEW HOWARD MOORE b 13.08.1872, near Pearson, Coffee (nka Atkinson) Co GA d 21.03.1944, 1525 Minnesota Avenue, Winter Park Orange Co FL m 13.03.1892 Homerville Clinch Co GA REBECCA JANE SWEAT b 03.01.1873 Pearson Coffee Co GA d 22.03.1950 Orange Memorial Hospital Orlando FL dau of Thomas SWEAT and SAPHRONIA GIDDENS
-1-1-1 ELIZA ANN29 MEEKS b 12.01.1862, Coffee Co.GA; d 13.11.1877, Coffee Co.GA m Thomas MADISON LEE, 11.01.1877 b 20.05.1856, Bacon Co, GA d 31.01.1935, Appling Co GA
-1-1-2 HESTER ANN MEEKS b 08.01.1868 Coffee Co GA d 06.12.1937 Coffee Co GA m William MCDONALD THOMPSON b 29.08.1860 GA d 29.07.1932 Coffee Co GA
-2-1-1 Henry OLEN LOTT b 06.07.1893 d 21.04.1965 Douglas Coffee Co GA m 31.05.1938 Alma Bacon Co GA ATTIE BELL CARTER b 27.03.1915 d 20.03.1980, Bacon Co GA, US Census 1920: Louisville, Bacon, GA; citing sheet 15A, family 279, NARA microfilm publication T625, FHL microfilm 1820233. Household Gender Age Birthplace Head John L Carter M 30 Georgia Wife Millie Carter F 35 Georgia Daug Attie Belle Carter F 5 Georgia Son Alton M Carter M 3 Georgia
-3-10-1 BEULAH Elizabeth29 MOORE b 01.04.1893, Axson Coffee (nka Atkinson) Co GA d 15.03.1934, Axson Coffee (nka Atkinson) Co GA m ARTHUR TOMPKINS CARTLEDGE, 22.11.1908, Coffee Co GA b 10.08.1880, Edgefield Co South Carolina Usa; d 10.11.1964, Orlando Orange Co Florida Usa.
-3-10-2 BESSIE ESTELLE MOORE b 04.11.1903, Axson Coffee (nka Atkinson) Co GA d 14.06.1957, Wuesthoff Memorial Hospital Rockledge Brevard Co Florida Usa m George BAXTER MCMAHAN, 24.12.1929, Seminole Co Florida Usa b 18.03.1909, Sugarland Sevier Co TN; d 09.11.1996, Columbia-Putnam Medical Center Putnam Co Florida Usa.
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-2-1-1-1-2 ENOCH MOORE b Russell, VA d 14.03.1822, Russell Co VA
m 23.03.1786, Washington Co VA Mary WHITLEY b 1763; d 1813, Russell Co VA
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-2-1-1-1-3 DEBORAH MOORE b 04.1755 Derryfield Hillsborough NH d 22.07.1818, Anson Somerset ME
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-2-1-1-1-4 SAMUEL MOORE b 1758; d 1780, GA
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-2-1-1-1-5 BENJAMIN MOORE b mel. 27.03 - 28.09.1758, Derryfield Manchester Hillsborough NH d c 16.05.1826, Norridgewock Somerset Maine Usa.
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-2-1-1-1-6 CALEB MOORE b 1760 Pitt NC d 1821 Wayne Co GA m aft 1778 Pitt Co NC EUNICE BRILEY b 1765, Pitt Co NC d aft 07.10.1822 Wayne Co GA
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-2-1-1-1-7 GOFF MOORE b 04.12.1760 Derryfield Hillsborough NH d 28.09.1850 Madison Somerset ME
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-2-1-1-1-8
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-2-1-1-1-9 ABRAHAM MOORE b 22.12.1766, Derryfield Rockingham NH d 17.04.1844, Abbot Piscataquis ME
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-2-1-1-1-10 JOSEPH MOORE b 14.04.1770, Derryfield NH Usa; d 23.09.1852, Anson Maine Usa.
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-2-1-1-1-11 OLIVE MOOR b 20.07.1773, Derryfield Rockingham NH Usa; d 18.03.1848, Skowhegan Sommerset ME
m Thomas STEWARD b 15.02.1766 Fitchburg Worcester Co MA Usa d 17.12.1839 Somerset Co ME son of PHINEAS STEWARD and ANNE IRELAND
-1 Seth Wyman Steward b 14.05.1798, Bingham Sommerset ME m Eliza Baker b 01.01.1805 Litchfield, Kennebec Co, ME d 25.01.1890 Monson, Piscataquis Co, ME dau of Brown Baker and Hannah Robinson -1-1 Seth Wyman Steward b 04.05.1844, Monson, Piscataquis Co ME d 10.07.1934 m Mary ABBIE COAN. -1-1-1 CLARA MAUDE STEWARD b 27.03.1881, Monson ME d 10.01.1958, Bristol Hartford CT m ERNEST WALTER FARRAR b 01.11.1878 Marmony ME d 26.05.1943 son of ALEXSIS FARRAR and HENRIETTA THOMBS -1-1-1-1 BERTHA LOIS FLOOD b 27.08.1919 Plainville CT d Allentown, Lehigh Co, PA m CLARK CHARLES DODGE b 09.08.1918, CT d 26.04.1968, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-2-1-1-1-12 Hannah MOORS b 02.11.1774, Litchfield, Hillsborough NH; d 31.12.1857, Anson ME
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-2-1-2 John GOFFE b 16.02.1727, Bedford Hillsborough NH d 03.02.1816, Bedford Hillsborough NH
m JEMIMA HOLDEN b 24.02.1730, Groton Middlesex Co MA d 11.09.1818, Bedford Hillsborough NH
- - - - -
Wi15. 497. Thomas Windsor b 1441 Middlesex England d Windsor Castle Berkshire
m Elizabeth Andrews b 1445 Suffolk d 1485 Houns
Wi14 Andrew Windsor b 01.05.1467 Middlesex d 30.03.1543 Hounslow Middlesex, 1st Baron Windsor
m Elizabeth Blount b 1469 Rock Worcestershire d 30.03.1543 dau of
Wi13-1 Eleanor WINDSOR b 1483 Stanwell Middlesex d 1531
m Edward NEVILLE, son of. b 1471 Abergavenny Monmouthshire Wales d 19.01.1538 Tower Of London London Middlesex for ch see above Edward Neville
Wi13-7 Anne WINDSOR b 1484 Bradenlove Buckinghamshire d 1543, Buckinghamshire
m c 1494 Sir Edmund DUDLEY b 1462 Dudley Castle Staffordshire k 17 Aug 1510 Dudley Castle Staffordshire, 1510 Dudley Castle beheaded administrator and a financial agent of King Henry VII. He served as Speaker of the House of Commons and President of the King's Council. After the accession of Henry VIII, he was imprisoned in the Tower of London and executed the next year on a treason charge. While waiting for his execution he wrote The Tree of Commonwealth.
+1 Sir John Dudley of Atherington, West Sussex +2 John SUTTON 1st Baron Dudley and Elizabeth de BRAMSHOT
Wi13-2-1Elizabeth Dudley b 1500 Hatherington Sussex d 19.08.1560, Hatherington Sussex
m William Sourton b 1486 Stourton Wilts d 16.09.1548, Wilts, 1535-1548 7th Baron of Stourton
Wi13-3 William WINDSOR b 1498, Stanwell Middlesex d 20.08.1558, Bradenham Buckinghamshire, 1543-1558 2nd Baron of Windsor
m Margaret SAMBOURNE b 1501 Southcote Berkshire d 24.04.1545, Berkshire
Wi13 Edith WINDSOR b 1516 Wiltshire d 1579, Wilts
m George LUDLOW, son of. b 1516 Wiltshire England d 04.02.1580 Wiltshire
+1 William LUDLOW and JANE MOORE
Wi12-1Sir Edmund Ludlow b 1545 Wiltshire d 09.11.1624 Hill Deverill Wilts
m1 Bridget Coker, dau. of Henry Coker of Maypowder, Dorset. Bur. Sept. 1587, Hill Deverhill, Wilts
m2 Margaret Manning, dau. of Henry Manning and Katherine Kirkener, widow Viscountess Howard of Binden, Wid. of Thomas Howard Viscount Binden,
Wi12-2Thomas Ludlow b 1550 Hill Deverill
m Jane Pyle b 1561 Bapton Wilts d 06.07.1650, Dinton Wilts
Wi12-3Anne Ludlow b 1545 Hill Deverell Wiltshire d 1607
m Thomas Hall of London, son of Roger Hall and Margaret, and had a daughter, Helen Hall.
Wi12-4Margaret Ludlowb 1546 m Robert Vaux of Odiham, Hants
Wi12-5Jane Ludlow b 1546 Wiltshire d 1580
m Nicholas Bassett son of William Bassett and Cecily Gore (The name Gore also appears among the early Nicholas line).
Wi12-6Mary Ludlow m Hugh Ryley
Wi12-7Ursula Ludlow b 1545, Wiltshire d 04.09.1613, Hambleden Oxfordshire
m1 Rev William Earth,
Wi12-8Philippa Ludlow
m Thomas Zouch, son of Sir John Zouch
- - - - -
500. John Savage b 1432 Clifton Runcorn Cheshire d 22.11.1495 Macclesfield Cheshire
m Katherine Stanley, dau of Thomas STANLEY and JOAN GOUSHILL b 1432 Stanley Derbyshire d 1498 Clifton Runcorn Cheshire for ch see above 438) Katherine Stanley.
- - - - -
Le15. 501. Thomas Lewknor b 1408 Postling Kent
y Lewknor
Richard Lewknor b 1440, Postling Kent, d 1471.
m x
Le13 Bennet Lewknor b 1457, Kent d by 1523.
m William BARNES. b 1440 Wye Kent d Wye Kent
Ba12 Alice BARNES b 1500, Wye Kent d c 1523, Evington Kent
m John HONYWOOD Ho12 b c 1475/1500 Honywood Postling Kent d 1557 Evington Kent
+1 Thomas HONYWOOD and Thomasine LOVELACE
Ho14 Robert Honywood b 1523, Charing Kent d 22.04.1576, Charing Kent
m Alice Atwater b 1527 Lenham Kent d 11.05.1620 Essex
+1 Robert ATWATER

Mary Attwater b c 1527 Royton Kent d 11 May 1620 Earls Colne Kent
Ho13 Elizabeth HONYWOOD b 02.12.1561, Marbeshall Essex d 13.08.1631, Charing Kent
m George Woodward b 10.04.1549 Burgate Suffolk he m1 Alice/?Katherine Woodford d 23 Jun 1578 in labor + ?3/?7 ch
+1 John Woodwardof Upton Wo14 =16 b 1528 bur 8 JUl 1566
m Margaret Bulstrode dau of->
+2 George Bulstrode of Hidgley Bulstrode
m Joan Pigott dau of->
+3 Edward Bulstrode of Hedgerley Bulstrode b c1457, d 1516, squire to Kings Henry VII & VIII
m1 Mary Empson b 1463, d 1485, dau of->
+3 Sir Thomas Pigott, serjeant
+4 Richard Bulstrode of Upton, Sheriff of Buckinghamshire & Berkshire b 1425, d 1503
m Alice Kniffe dau of Richard Kniffe of Chalvey
+4 Sir Richard Empson, Speaker of the House of Commons
+5 William Bulstrode of Upton b 1400, d c 1473
m Agnes Norris b 1402 d 1472, dau of->
+6 John Bulstrode of Upton b 1370
m Agnes Brudnell
+6 William Norris of Bray b c 1430 Yattenden, Berkshire
m2 Anne de la Rivers
+7 Robert Bulstrode of Upton b c 1340
m Agnes Sampson dau of John Sampson
+7 Roger Norreys of Bray
Wo12-5 Anne Woodward bap 28 Oct 1582 m y Sheff/Sheafe prebendary of Windsore ??= Elizabeth b c 1570 Sholden Kent d 21 Apr 1630 Ringwood/Ringwould Kent m Robert Estes b 1555 Ring Would Kent d there 1616 -1? Sylvester Estes b 26 1596 Ringwould Kent d by 1649 Endl m Ellen Martin b 1600 Waldershire Kent d 1649 Ringwould Kent -1-1 Abraham Estes b 1647 Nonington Kent d 21 Nov 1720 King and Queen Va m Barbara Brock b 1662 VA d aft 1720 VA -1-1-1 Sylvester Estes b 1684 Va d in 1754 NC
-1-1-2 Samuel Estes b 1686 m Elizabeth
-1-1-3 Thomas Estes b1688, d 1744
-1-1-4 Mary Estes b 1690 m Thomas Watkins
-1-1-5 Susannah Estes b 1692 St Stephens King and Queen Va m Thomas Poore III son Thomas Poore Jr and Elizabeth Ball
-1-1-6 Robert Estes b 1695 d 1775 m Mary
-1-1-7 Abraham Estes b 1697 d 1759 NC m1 x m2 x
-1-1-8 Richard Estes b 1699 d 1744/5;
-1-1-9 John Estes b 1701, d 1771 Hanover Co VA
-1-1-10 Elisha Estes b 1703 d 1782, served in the Virginia Militia m Mary Ann x
-1-1-11 Sarah Estes b 1710 d 1788;
-1-1-12 Moses Estes b 1710 d 1788 m Elizabeth Webb
-1-1-13 Barbara Estes b 1712 d 1729
Ephram Estes b c 1712, King & Queen Co VA to Bertie Co NC with father in 1720's to Granville Co NC by 1740 m x native of that county
-1-1-1-2 Thomas Estes I, b c 1715 d c 1755-77 in King & Queen Co Va
-1-1-1-3 Sarah Estes/Estridge m 1767 Thomas Cate/Cato and 11 ch b 1747 1st preacher Cane Creek Baptist Church the son of Quakers Thomas Cate and Rebecca Sykes
-1-1-1-4 Abraham Estes, b 1732, was in Pasquotank (close to Bertie) Co 1769
-1-1-1-5 John Estes d in 1799, in Orange Co NC
-1-1-1-6 Elisha Estes
-1-1-1-7 Joel Estes
-1-1-1-8 Caleb Estes
-1-1-1-9 John Estes
-1-1-3-1 Thomas Estes Jr
-1-1-5-1 Mary Poore b 1735 St Stephens King and Queen Va m Zachariah Williams b 1732 Byrd Cr Coochland VA d there 1788 son of William Williams and Mary Womack
-1-1-5-2 Elizabeth Poore
-1-1-6-1 Robert Estes
-1-1-6-2 Zachariah/Zachary Estes
-1-1-6-3 Bartlett Estes
-1-1-6-4 Elisha Estes
-1-1-6-5 George Estes
-1-1-6-6 Benjamin Estes
-1-1-6-7 Millie Estes
-1-1-7-1 Abraham Estes
-1-1-7-2 Catherine Estes
-1-1-7-3 Barbara Estes
-1-1-7-4 Mary Estes
-1-1-7-5 Samuel Estes
-1-1-7-6 Philip Estes
-1-1-7-7 Lucy Estes
-1-1-7-8 Elisha Estes
-1-1-7-9 Mary Ann Estes
-1-7-10 Benjamin Estes
-1-7-11 Edmund Estes
-1-1-9-1 John Estes Jr
-1-1-9-2 Abraham Estes
-1-1-9-3 Barbara Estes
-1-1-9-4 Sarah Estes
-1-1-9-5 William Estes
-1-1-10-1 William Estes
-1-1-10-2 Abraham Estes
-1-1-10-3 Elisha Estes Jr
-1-1-10-4 Ambrose Estes
-1-1-10-5 Richard Estes
-1-1-10-6 Joel Estes
-1-1-10-7 Sarah Estes
-1-1-10-8 Barbara Estes
-1-1-10-9 Elizabeth Estes
-1-1-10-10 Mary Estes
-1-1-10-11 Rachel Estes
-1-1-12-1 Moses, Jr Estes
-1-1-12-2 William Estes
-1-1-12-3 John Estes

-1-1-3-1-1 Thomas Estes III d Granville Co NC m in VA x
-1-1-5-1-1 Sarah Williams m Nicholas Richard Crutchfield b 1 Feb 1764 St James Parish Goochland son of William Crutchfield and elizabeth Sutton grandson William Crutchfield and Jane Stapleton b Christ Ch Middlesex Va d there 1746 ancestors of Janeen Davis Proctor, author's DNA match
Wo12-6 Henrie Woodward bap 22 Dec 1583 Upton d 1596 Somme Picardie FR
Wo12-7 Robert Woodward bap 11 Apr 1585 Upton d 1640 Braintree Essex Engl
m Joanne Clay b 1589 Braintree d there 1640
Wo12-8 Sarah Woodward bap 2 Feb 1588/9 Upton Bucks
m John Agar of Staffordshire<
Wo12-9 Bridget Woodward bap 1 Nov 1590
m1 George or Sir Thomas Lydall dvp 1627
m2 Thomas Heneage son of Michael & nephew of Sir Thomas
Wo12-10 Margaret Woodward bap 9 Feb 1591/2 m Sir John Ashburnham/Albranham
Wo12-11 Rebecca Woodward bap 19 Jul 1593 Upton Bucks
m Nicholas Weston
Wo12-12 Rachell Woodward m Charles/Gyles Pulton/ Poulton of London
Wo12-13 Elizabeth Woodward bap 18? Jul 1581
m Thomas St. Nicholas of Kent (?desc of Crusader of the Nicholas Family)
Wo12 Martha Woodward bap 12 Jun 1597 Upton Bucks d Burgate Suffolk 1670
m George Beacon/Bacon more likely: James Bacon
Ba11-1 William Bacon b c 1618 Friston Hall Suffolk
Ba11-2 Thomas BACON b 1620 Friston, Suffolk, bap 29 Aug 1620 in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk d 1656/1657 in Westmoreland, VA
Ba11-3 Elizabeth BACON b c 1622 Burgate, Suffolk m y Wilkinson
Ba11-4 Anne BACON b c 1626 Burgate, Suffolk
m John Mason
Ba11 Nathaniel BACON b 1627 in Friston Hall Suffolk bap 29 Aug 1620 in Bury St Edmund Parish Suffolk Engl acting auditor (1675-87) and also president of the Council governor of Virginia in 1684. d 16 Mar 1692 in Williamsburg bur 18 Mar 1692 York City, Yorktown, VA
m2 Elizabeth Kingsmill widow of Col William Taylor
Ba11-6 Martha Bacon b c 1634 Burgate Suffolk d 1667 Carters City Gl�oucester VA
m by 1656 in Carters Creek Gloucester VA Anthony Smith b 1630 Colchester Essex, England d aft 1662 by 1667 VA
Ba11-6-1 Abigail Smith b 11 Mar 1656 Colchester Essex England d 12 Nov 1693 Gloucester VA
m 1674 in Gloucester VA Maj Lewis BURWELL Jr b 1652/3 in Fairfield, Gloucester VA d 19.12.1710/19 Feb 1711 in Carter's City, Gloucester, Va. Lewis signed a will on 11 Oct 1710
+1 Maj. Lewis Burwell bap. 5 Mar 1621/22 at Ampthill Bedford England d 18 Nov 1653 bur. at Abington Church, Gloucester Co VA
m 1648 Lucy Higginson b 1625 d 6/16 Nov 1675 Gloucester VA
+2 Edward Burwell bap. 24 Aug 1579 at Toddington Bedfordshire d 18 Oct 1626 Houghton Park Bedford
m Dorothy Bedell
Ba11-6-1-1 Joanna Burwell b 1674/5 Carters Creek Gloucester Co VA d 7 Oct 1727 Eltham New Kent Co VA
m 23 Nov 1693 in Carter's Creed, Gloucester, Va. Hon. William BASSETT b 1670/1671 Elnathan Kent VA d 11 Oct 1723 in "Eltham" VA
Ba11-6-1-1-1 William Bassett b 08.07.1709 New Kent Co VA d 1744 New Kent Co VA
m Elizabeth Churchill b 1709 Eltham Plantation New Kent Co VA d 16.04.1792 Charles City Co VA
+1 William Churchill and Elizabeth Armistead
Ba11-6-1-1-1-1 Burwell BASSETT b 03.03.1734, New Kent Co, VA d 04.01.1793, New Kent Co, VA Eltham Plantation Eltham, New Kent Co, VA
m2 Anna Marie Dandridge b 30.03.1739, Halifax Co, VA d 17.12.1777, Yorktown, York Co, VA Eltham and was most likely buried in the Bassett graveyard. sis of Martha Washington
Ba11-6-1-1-1-2 Joanna Bassett b 1724, King William Co VA d 09.1793, VA
m Maj Anderson Stith b 1724 Charles City Co VA d 1768 King William Co VA
Ba11-6-1-2 Elizabeth Burwell b 01.1677, Gloucester Co VA d 30.12.1734, Charles City VA
m 1698 in Carters Creek, Gloucester, VA Benjamin III Harrison b 1673 in Wakefield, Surry, VA d 10 Apr 1710 Charles City, VA ancestors of Pres. Harrison son of b 20.09.1673 Wakefield, Surry Co, VA d 10.04.1710 Charles City, Charles City Co, VA , "Memoriae Sacrum Hic situs est in Spem Resurectionis Benjaminus Harrison de Berkeley Benjamini Harrison de Surrey filius Natu, Maximus Uxorem Duxit Elizabetham Lodovici Burwell Glocestriensis Filiam E Qua Filium Reliquit Unicum Benjamin et unam Filiam Elizabetham. Obijt Apr x Anno Dom MDCCX Aetatis xxxvii,plurimum Desideratus Prolocutor Domus Burgentium Causidicus Ingenio Doctrina, Eloquentia Fide et � insignis Viduarum Orphanorum omniumque Pauperum Oppressorum Patronus Indefessus Controversarum Et Literum Arbiter et Diremptor Auspicatus Ed Pacificus, In Administratione Iustitiae Absque Tricis Et Ambagibus comitatus Hujus Iudex Aequissimus Ibidemque Impietatis Et Nequitiae Vindex Acerrimus Libertatis Patriae Assertor Intrepidus Et Boni Publici Imprimis Studiosus Hunc Merito Proprium Virginia Iactet Alumnum Tam Propere Abreptum, sed Querebunda Dolet. Publicus Hic Dolor Et Nunquam Reparabile Damnum Det Deus Ut Vitae sint Documenta Novae." , eminent lawyer, and assisted in the revision of the laws of the Colony, 1700, served as Treasurer, Attorney General and Speaker of the House of Burgesses; and was a loyal supporter of the Established Church. Benjamin Harrison III
+1 Benjamin Harrison Jr and Hannah Churchill
Ba11-6-1-2-1 Benjamin Harrison b 1695 Berkley Charles City, VA d 12.07.1745 Berkley Charles City VA
m 1722 ANNE Carter b 1702 Lancaster Co VA d 17.10.1743 Berkeley Plantation Charles City Co VA dau of Robert "King" Carter and Elizabeth LANDON
He was a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses, the son of Benjamin Harrison III, and the father of Benjamin Harrison V, who was a signer of the Declaration of Independence and the fifth Governor of Virginia. Harrison is also known as the builder of "Berkeley" which is believed to be the oldest three-story brick mansion in Virginia and is the ancestral home to two Presidents of the United States: William Henry Harrison, his grandson, and Benjamin Harrison his great-great-grandson. Two powerful and influential families in colonial Virginia, the Harrison family and the Carter family, were united when Harrison married Anne Carter, the daughter of Robert "King" Carter. His family also forged ties to the Randolph family as four of his children married four grandchildren of William Randolph. === Benjamin Harrison IV was born in a small house on the plantation named "Berkeley Hundred" or "Berkeley Plantation". Upon completion of his studies at The College of William & Mary, he became the Harrison family's first college graduate. Harrison settled on his family estate and like his predecessors, he increased his land holdings. Around 1722, Harrison married Anne Carter, whom William Byrd II had described as "a very agreeable girl". As part of a dowry from Robert Carter, Harrison managed and received profits from land that was technically owned by his father-in-law. This land was entailed by Carter to Harrison's son, Carter Henry Harrison. Using bricks fired on the Berkeley plantation, Harrison built a Georgian-style three-story brick mansion on a hill overlooking the James River in 1726. Berkeley would later earn a distinction shared only with Peacefield in Quincy, MA as the ancestral home for two United States Presidents. In 1729, Harrison purchased 200 acres of the Bradford plantation from Richard Branford III. From 1736 to 1742, he represented Charles City Co, Virginia in the House of Burgesses. === Benjamin and his wife had eleven children: Elizabeth Harrison (born ~1723)[1] married Peyton Randolph, the son of Sir John Randolph, the grandson of William Randolph I, and the first President of the Continental Congress. Anne Harrison (born 1724) married William Randolph III, the son of William Randolph II and the grandson of William Randolph I, and had five children. Benjamin Harrison V (born 1726) married Elizabeth Bassett. His third son was William Henry Harrison, the ninth President of the United States. His descendants include Congressman John Scott Harrison and Benjamin Harrison, the 23rd President of the United States.Lucy Harrison (born 1728) married Edward Randolph Jr., the son of Edward Randolph Sr. and the grandson of William Randolph I, and the couple had two children. Hannah Harrison (born 1730 � 1745) Carter Henry Harrison (born 1732) married Susannah Randolph, the daughter of Isham Randolph and the granddaughter of William Randolph I, and had six children. His descendants include two mayors of Chicago: Carter Henry Harrison III and his son Carter Henry Harrison IV. Henry Harrison (1734 � 1736) who died in infancy. Henry Harrison (born 1736-1772) Stationed at Fort Duquesne during the French and Indian War, he served as a Captain under Major General Edward Braddock and later under Lieutenant Colonel George Washington. Builder of Hunting Quarter in Sussex Co, Virginia. Robert Harrison (born 1738) Charles Harrison (b. 1740 � d 1793) who was colonel of the 1st Continental Artillery Regiment. Nathaniel Harrison (born September 30, 1742) === Anne Carter is thought to have preceded Harrison in death. === In 1745, he and his "two youngest daughters" (one of which was very likely Hannah) were killed when lightning struck his house. Harrison's Will expressed his intent to be buried near his son, Henry, and it broke with the British tradition of primogeniture by leaving large amounts of wealth to all of his children. The six plantations that comprised Berkeley, along with the manor house, equipment, stock, and slaves, became the responsibility of Benjamin Harrison V, the oldest son. Eight other plantations were divided among the remaining sons and his remaining daughters were all given cash and slaves. === One source indicates that Harrison's tomb is located on the grounds of the "old Westover Church", but another states he was buried in his family's cemetery. === Charles City Co, August Court 1745: The written Last Will and Testament of Col. Benjamin Harrison Dec'd was presented in court by William RANDOLPH Gent and WIFE (NOTE: WOULD BE ANNE HARRISON) and MISS BETTY HARRISON, WHO MADE OATH there and being proved by the oath of Joseph Royall one of the witnesses thereto is admitted to Record, and the said Joseph Royall also on his oath declared he saw John Stith and Robert West the other two witnesses sign the said Will as witnesses, and ON THE MOTION of the said William RANDOLPH and MISS BETTY HARRISON, and performing what is usual on such cases. CERTIFICATE is GRANTED THEM FOR OBTAINING LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION with the said Will annext in due form Durante Minori estate of Benjamin Harrison son and heirs of the Dec'd. Test Lewellin Eppes, Clk. Curia === "Spared by Lightning, The Story of Lucy (Harrison) Randolph Necks, by Gerald Steffens Cowden/ === Maryland Gazette, Annapolis, July 18th, 1745: Last Friday evening July 12th, a most terrible accident happened in Charles City Co; when a violent thunder gust arose, and lightning struck the house of Col. Benjamin Harrison, of Berkley, which kill'd him, and his two youngest daughters. He lived some minutes, but tho' a vein was opened by Dr. Monger who happened to be on the spot, and was knock'd down by the lightning, but received little damage, it proved in vain, and he expired without speaking a word. His two daughters died instantly. The most melancholy affair was given a general concern, and particularly to all who were acquainted with the deceased. Col. Harrison had been many years a worthy representative of his Co in assembly and first in the commission of the peace, and his daughters very promising young ladies.
Ba11-6-1-2-1-1 Anne Carter Harrison b 1723, Berkeley Plantation Charles City Co VA d 1745, Wilton Henrico Co VA
m William Randolph b 14.02.1710 Turkey Island Henrico Co VA d 15.09.1752 Wilton Henrico Co VA killed by lightning along with two of his daughters
Ba11-6-1-2-1-1-1 Peyton Randolph b 1739, Harrison Co VA d 18.05.1794
m Lucy HARRISON b 1751 Berkeley Plantation Charles City Co VA d 09.1809, VA
Ba11-6-1-2-1-2 Gov Benjamin Harrison b 05.04.1726, Berkley, Charles City, VA d 24.04.1791, City Point, Charles City, VA bur Berkeley Plantation Graveyard, signer of the Declaration of Independence
m Elizabeth BASSETT b 1730 New Kent Co, VA d 1792 Charles City Co, VA dau of William BASSETT and Elizabeth CHURCHILL
Ba11-6-1-2-1-2-1 Pres. William Henry Harrison b 09.02.1773, Berkeley Plantation Charles City Co VA d 04.04.1841 Washington DC
m ANNA TUTHILL SYMMES b 25.07.1775 Sussex Co NJ d 25.02.1864 North Bend Hamilton Co OH dau of John SYMMES and ANNA TUTHILL
9th United States President of the Whig Party, from March to April 1841 for at total of 32 days, the shortest tenure in US presidential history. He was the first US President to die in office and was also the oldest person to assume the presidency until Ronald Reagan in 1981. The youngest son of Benjamin Harrison V, a wealthy Virginia planter and delegate to the Continental Congress who signed the Declaration of Independence and was a governor of Virginia, he entered the Presbyterian Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia in 1787 and three years later briefly attended a boys' academy in Southampton Co, Virginia. Later in 1790 he entered the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to study medicine. When his father died the following year, he was left without any money and was persuaded to join the US Army by Virginia Governor Henry Lee, a family friend, and at the age of 18 was commissioned as an ensign with the 1st Infantry Regiment. His first assignment was to Cincinnati in the Northwest Territory, where the US Army was engaged in the ongoing Northwest Indian War. In 1792 he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant and the following year he became aide-de-camp to General Anthony "Mad Anthony" Wayne. In 1797 he resigned from the US Army and sought a political post in the Northwest Territorial government and was appointed Secretary of the Territory. In 1799 he was elected as the first delegate representing the Northwest Territory to the US Congress and successfully promoted passage of the Harrison Land Act, making it easier for poor settlers to buy land in the Northwest Territory. In May 1800 he was appointed governor of the newly created Indiana Territory and supervised the development of 13 treaties with the Native American leaders. He attempted on several occasions to secure approval of slavery in the Territory but was defeated by President Thomas Jefferson each time. In 1811, when Chief Tecumseh and his tribal followers started an uprising against the settlers, he led an army of 1,000 men to initially intimidate then into making peace, but on November 6, he defeated the tribal forces at the Battle of Tippecanoe near the confluence of the Tippecanoe and Wabash Rivers and he was proclaimed a hero. In 1812, after the outbreak of war between the US and England, he was appointed to the rank of major general became commander of the US Army of the Northwest, winning victories against the Shawnee and their British allies in Indiana and Ohio and recaptured Detroit, before invading Canada. In October 1813 he defeated the British at the Battle of the Thames near present-day Chatham, Ontario in which Tecumseh was killed. In the summer of 1814 he resigned from the US Army and was awarded a gold medal by the US Congress for his services. In 1819 he was elected to the US House of Representatives to finish the term of John McLean of Ohio, serving from October 1816 until to March 1819. In 1819 he was elected to the Ohio State Senate, serving until 1821, having lost the election for Ohio governor in 1820. In 1822 he ran for the US House again but lost to James W. Gazlay. In 1824 he was elected to the US Senate, where he served until May 1828 when he resigned after being appointed US Minister to Gran Columbia, serving until March 1829. He then returned to the US and settled on his farm in North Bend, Ohio. In 1836 he made an unsuccessful run for the US presidency as a Whig candidate against the Democratic candidate Martin Van Buren. Between 1836 and 1840 he served as Clerk of Courts for Hamilton Co, Ohio. In 1840 he ran again against Van Buren as the Whig candidate for the US presidency and won the popular vote along with a landslide electoral college victory. He took the oath of office on March 4, 1841, a cold and wet day., wearing neither an overcoat nor hat, rode on horseback to the ceremony rather than in the closed carriage that had been offered him, and delivered the longest inaugural address in American history, at two hours. is only official act of consequence was to call Congress into a special session, which did not occur until after his death. On March 26 he became ill with a cold, that worsened rapidly into pneumonia and pleurisy, and he died nine days later at the age of 68. He was the first sitting president to have his photograph taken, on Inauguration Day in 1841. Harrison's son, John Scott Harrison, served in the US House of Representatives from Ohio between 1853 and 1857. His grandson, Benjamin Harrison, would become the 23rd President of the US in 1889 and serve until 1893. A statue in his honor was erected on Monument Circle in Indianapolis, Indiana. , 1801-1812 IN Governor, LA Governor, Major General War of 1812 , 1816-1819 US Rep. from OH, 1825-1828 US Senator from OH, 1828-1829 USA Ambassador to Columbia, Little is known about his religious convictions. He was born into the Episcopal heritage of his Virginia family; but, if baptized, apparently was never confirmed. Religion is scarcely mentioned in the records of his life. (Fuller and Green, p.73) When politicians once called at his North Bend farm, near Cincinnati, on business on a Sunday, Harrison refused to talk with them, saying, "I have too much respect, for the religion of my wife to encourage the violation of the Sabbath." It could be the remark of a man with a sense of humor, though there is little other indication that he had one. It may simply reflect a man who kept his religion in his wife's name. (Fuller and Green, pp. 73�74) In Pittsburgh, when he was President-elect, newspapers reported that he was seen in his hotel room reading the Bible, he said it had been his practice for twenty years; "At first... a matter of duty... it has now become a pleasure." (Fuller and Green, p.74) There had been a curious premonitory note. On January 26, in Cincinnati, about to start to Washington, he finished a speech with words that faintly anticipate Lincoln's farewell address in Springfield, Illinois, in 1861: "Perhaps this may be the last time may have the pleasure of speaking to you on earth or seeing you. will bid you farewell. If forever, fare thee well." (Fuller and Green, pp. 75-76) As he lay dying, Harrison asked that the 103rd Psalm be read to him; a small clue that he knew the Bible, which should be so in his time and background. "Bless the Lord, 0 my soul; and all that is within me, bless his holy name." The rest of the scanty record is a curious testimony that was offered at his funeral - in the East Room at the White House. John Quincy Adams described it: ..the Rev. Mr. Hawley, Rector of St. John's Church, read the Episcopal funeral service, with a very brief additional statement of two facts. The first, that the day after General Harrison entered the President's house, he walked out into the city and purchased a Bible and Prayer Book, both of which were on the table, and were exhibited to the assembled auditory by the officiating divine, who said that it had been the daily habit of the late President to commence the day by reading in that Bible. The other fact was, that he had expressed his regret at not having joined in full communion with the Church, and that it was his intention to have done so at the ensuing Easter-day; next Sunday. (Fuller and Green, p.76) He was a regular Church-goer and always occupied Pew 45 in St. John's Episcopal Church in Washington. (Bonnell, p.7l) Related albums � See other albums Religion In The Lives Of The American Presidents, 1836 USA Presidential Election, 1840 USA Presidential Election 1841 President FIRST LADY ANNA TUTHILL SYMMES was born Anna Symmes on a farm near Morristown, NJ, the daughter of a judge and a senator. With the death of her mother, she was taken to live with her grandparents in NYC and received a superior education. As an adult, she joined her father on his extensive land holdings along the Ohio River near Cincinnati. While in Lexington, Kentucky awaiting the completion of a house, she met the future President William Henry Harrison. Her father would not give his blessings to this marriage. However, while away on business, they were secretly wed. The marriage produced ten children. Her husband had a successful career in the army and in politics. After her father's death, she inherited a farm in North Bend, Ohio which became known as "The Bend". The children kept the Harrison's in constant debt with their educating and marriages, and Anna Harrison outlived them all but one. When her husband was elected to the United States Presidency at the age of sixty-eight, she was recovering from a serious illness and waiting until feeling better before attempting the journey to join her husband in Washington, DC. During his inauguration President Harrison caught pneumonia and died 31 days into his term. Anna was packing when word of her husband´s death arrived. After a state funeral in Washington, he was interred in Congressional Cemetery there. However, Anna selected a site on a knoll near Congress Green Cemetery in North Bend, where her father was buried, and began construction of a final burial place. A few years later, he was brought home and placed in the tomb. It fell into neglect after her death and the family deeded it to the state of Ohio who erected the imposing monument over the tomb and maintain the site. Anna Harrison outlived her husband by twenty-two years. Other than the tomb, nothing physical remains in North Bend, the town founded by her father. Their 22-room residence, "The Bend", burned to the ground. The property was sold and divided while today a golf course surrounds the burial site where many foundations of buildings are still visible. The chapel where President Harrison lay in state was demolished. Anna was forced to live at the home of her only living child where she died at the age of 88 and was placed in the Harrison vault. She holds the distinction of being the wife of a president and grandmother to another, Benjamin Harrison.
Ba11-6-1-2-1-2-1-1 LUCY SINGLETON HARRISON b 31.07.1800, Richmond City VA d 07.04.1826, Cincinnati Hamilton Co OH
m DAVID Kirkpatrick ESTES b 21.10.1785, Morristown Morris Co NJ d 01.04.1876.
Ba11-6-1-2-1-2-1-2 Elizabeth BASSETT HARRISON b 29.09.1796, Cincinnati, Hamilton, OH
m1 y Symmes
m2 29.06.1814 John CLEVES SHORT b 03.1792 Lexington, Fayette Co, KY d 03.03.1863 Addison, Gallia Co, OH son of PEYTON SHORT and MARIA SYMMES
-1 1891. i. MARIA SYMMES b 12.04.1765, Mattituck Suffolk Co NY d 28.03.1801, Woodford Co KY m PEYTON SHORT b 17.12.1761 Surrey Co VA d 01.09.1825 Christian Co KY son of William SHORT and Elizabeth SKIPWITH
-2 Mary SHORT b 09.04.1815, Cincinnati, Hamilton Co, OH d 13.07.1816, Cincinnati, Hamilton Co, OH reinterred August 9 1859 from Presbyterian cemetery d heat stroke
-3 CHARLES WILKINS SHORT b 15.09.1851, Addyston, Hamilton Co, OH d 26.04.1926, Cincinnati, Hamilton Co, OH m Mary WICKLIFFE DUDLEY b 29.07.1852 d 02.05.1902 Lexington KY dau of William DUDLEY and Mary HAWKINS
-1-1 John CLEVES SHORT b 03.1792 Lexington KY d 03.03.1863, Addison Gallia Co OH m Elizabeth BASSETT HARRISON 29.06.1814, b 29.09.1796 Cincinnati, Hamilton, OH dau of William HARRISON and FIRST SYMMES for ch see above 1829) Elizabeth Bassett Harrison
-3-1 William AMBROSE DUDLEY30 SHORT b 26.05.1873 d 02.06.1917 Cincinnati OH m WILHELMINA SAYRE b 13.06.1881 Fayette Co KY d 25.02.1916 Lexington KY
-3-2 John CLEVES SHORT b 08.02.1877 KY d 16.06.1937 Arlington VA
-3-3 CHARLES WILKINS SHORT b 18.06.1884 d 1954 Lexington KY m CAMILLE JEANNE AMELIA LOUISE ROBERTINE HOYOS b 15.12.1880 Isle of Wight, England d 08.11.1953 London

-3-1-1 1931. i. MARION LEWIS LOVELL SHORT b 14.07.1909 d 07.03.1989 Lexington KY Marion L.L. Short, a retired businessman and local aviation pioneer, died Tuesday at Glen Cove Hospital in Long Island, N.Y. Short, who lived at 101 Idle Hour Drive, was 79. He had become ill while traveling in Africa. He left Africa for New York, where he was hospitalized for a week before he died. Short, who had owned Tree Haven Farm on Paris Road, held a pilot's license for more than 53 years, beginning in 1929. Early in his career, he was a mechanic in the experimental test department of Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Co. in Hartford, Conn. Later he was a sales engineer and pilot for Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey and a captain for American Airlines. During World War II, Short was involved in the Army Air Corps' Air Transport Command. He left the military as a lieutenant colonel. He founded Marion Electrical Instrument Co. in Manchester, N.H., which later became a division of Honeywell Corp. Short returned to his native Lexington in 1952, and later established a helicopter sales business and the area's first heliport. Short also had been a director of the National Pilots Association, was a past president of the Sportsman Pilots Association and a former governor of Quiet Birdmen. Short, a descendant of David Sayre, the founder of Lexington's Sayre School, was a former chairman of the school's board of trustees. Short also was one of the original directors of Lexington's WLEX-TV Channel 18. He had been active in the Kentucky Republican Party and was state commissioner of aeronautics during the administration of Gov. Louie B. Nunn. Short was a graduate of Pomfert Academy in Pomfert, Conn., and Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine. Contributions are suggested to the Julia A. and Marion Short Memorial Fund at Sayre School (Short's second wife, Julia, died in a helicopter crash in 1966); or the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Lexington Herald-Leader (KY) - Thursday, March 9, 1989 m1 JULIA ALLEN, dau of Henry ALLEN and IONE RALLI b 03.05.1918 d 28.10.1966 Fayette Co, KY m2 JEANETTE WINCHELL b 20.11.1918 Arlington, Middlesex Co, MA Usa d 24.02.2009 Lewiston, Androscoggin Co, Maine Usa m3 FRANCES SWASEY PORTEOUS 1936 b 25.06.1913 d 04.02.1939 Portland, Cumberland Co, Maine Usa. SHORT Jeanette Winchell died Tue, Feb 24, 2009 after a very brief illness in Lewistown, ME, at age 90 and three months. She was born Nov 20, 1918 in Arlington, MA to Louise Margaret Weatherill and Thomas Riley Winchell and grew up in West Newton, MA. Jeanette passed away in her sleep in Lewistown, ME on Feb 24, 2009 at 9:30pm with her family around her. She grew up in West Newton, MA and attended Beaver Co Day School in Brookline, MA, graduating in 1936. During WWII Jeanette sailed to Europe on the Queen Elizabeth with 21 other nurses sharing one stateroom, the QE had been converted into a troop ship. Jeanette was a nurse's aid in Germany, France and England and drove the Red Cross "Clubmobile" throughout Europe where she got to know General Patton's driver, Sargent George Meeks. Jeanette also had the historical moment of attended the Nuremberg Trials. Being an avid adventurer and traveler, Jeanette read an article in Life magazine about a man who was going to sail across the Atlantic on his 65 foot schooner, the Utopia. Enthralled and with a sailing background from growing up in Maine, Jeanette wrote a letter to Utopia's owner. She received a letter back inviting her to join on the crossing and bring a friend along. So before she knew it she and her friend were aboard Utopia! They started out in the Great Lakes after the famous Mackinac race (from Chicago to Mackinac Island in Lake Michigan), cruised out the St. Lawrence River into the North Atlantic. After making it across the North Atlantic without charts or any other navigational equipment, they found the Azores and for three months the Utopia cruised throughout the Mediterranean and sailed back to cruise the Caribbean for yet another three months. After her return from the seas, Jeanette became a flight attendant on the old Northeast Airlines for a year and a half. Skiing in Sun Valley she met up with a childhood friend, John P. Litchfield from Orr's Island. They were married in 1951. Litchfield, an accomplished skier and member of the 101st Mountain Division, was one of the co-directors who established Aspen's first ski school. They were married for 11 years with the marriage ending in divorce. She then proceeded on a trip around the world with her 80 year old father who was in the first group of civilians to be allowed to visit the newly open China in 1964. After the voyage with her father Jeanette moved to San Francisco for a short time. Finally settling in NYC, she worked at General Dynamics and the Bank of Montreal and spent her summers on Orr's Island, Maine and sailing extensively on the family yawl, Indra. She later married her long friend Marion Lewis Lovell Short, a Lexingtonian of aviation fame in July of 1975 whom she met through her brother, Robert Winchell, while he was attending Bowdoin College. Short died in 1989 after a brief illness that developed while traveling in Africa. It was remarked that Jeanette was considered "extremely nice for a Yankee"! Jeanette moved back to Maine to be closer to her family, spending summers at Orr's Island. A memorial service will be held in August at the family compound on Orr's Island. She loved animals and had a pet pig way prior to such a voyage. In lieu of flowers the family suggests contributions be made to the Ocean Conservancy, 1300 19th Street, NW, 8th Floor, Washington, DC, 20036. Kerr Brothers Funeral Home-Main St. is in charge of local arrangements. Lexington Herald-Leader (KY) - Tuesday, March 17, 2009
-3-3-1 CHARLES CHRISTOPHER DUDLEY SHORT b 27.12.1913, Mayfair, City of Westminster, Greater London d 13.10.1978 Lexington KY
-3-3-2 PEYTON CECIL GODFREY SHORT b 01.04.1915, London d 13.03.1995, Charlottesville, Albemarle Co, VA
-3-3-3 AMBROSE CAMILLO THEODORE SHORT b 04.09.1916 NYC d 02.06.1974 Wilmington DE

-3-1-1-1 DUDLEY LOVELL SHORT b 1939 d 11.12.1993 Lexington KY
Ba11-6-1-2-1-2-2 Anne Harrison b 21.05.1753 Berkeley Plantation Charles City Co, VA d 1821 Berkeley Plantation Charles City Co, VA
m DAVID O'SHEALS COUPLAND. b 1749 Richmond Co, VA d 09.06.1822 Charles City Co, VA
-1 SUSANNA COUPLAND b 1793, VA d 1837 m WALTER TRAVIS COCKE b 1791 VA d 1835 son of WALTER COCKE and Anne Carter Harrison b 12 Jan 1764 -1-1 HARRISON CARTER COCKE b 1819 VA d 03.1850 Dinwiddie Co VA m THERESA ANNA COUPLAND b 1823 VA ?b 1819 d in 1865 but she is listed in the 1880 census living with her daughter & son in law (Ezekiel Myers) & family: Anna Cocke, b. abt 1823, VA, widowed, mother in law. -1-1-1 ANN CARTER COCKE b 22.11.1847 Petersburg VA d 24.10.1914 Petersburg VA m EZEKIEL MYERS. b 1824 VA d 1898 -1-1-1-1 John COUPLAND MYERS b 16.09.1890 Petersburg VA d 04.09.1973 Newport News VA dau of WALTER TALIAFERRO and CAROLINE LIPPETT m LULA TUCKER TALIAFERRO, b 31.12.1890 Charlotte Mecklenburg Co NC d 19.10.1979 Newport News VA -1-1-1-1-1 CAROL TALIAFERRO MYERS b 07.08.1922, Charlotte Mecklemburg Co NC d 04.06.1999 Newport News VA m PAUL ALBERT HUNTER b 08.04.1920 East Liberty Allegehny Co PA d 10.09.2014 Newport News VA -1-1-1-1-1-1 CAROL TALIAFERRO HUNTER b 05.10.1949, Newport News VA d 05.10.1949, Newport News VA
-1-1-1-1-1-2 PAUL BRUCE HUNTER b c 1954 Newport News VA d 28.02.1968, Newport News VA
Ba11-6-1-2-1-2-3 Elizabeth HARRISON b 1751, Charles City Co VA d 1830, Charles City Co VA
Ba11-6-1-2-1-2-4 Lucy HARRISON b 1751, Berkeley Plantation Charles City Co VA d 09.1809, VA
m PEYTON RANDOLPH b 1739, Harrison Co VA d 18.05.1794.
Ba11-6-1-2-1-2-5 Ann HARRISON b 21.05.1753, Berkeley Plantation Chaeles City Co VA d 1821, Berkeley Plantation Charles City Co VA
m David O'SHEALS COUPLAND b 1749, Richmond Co, VA d 09.06.1822, Charles City Co, VA
Ba11-6-1-2-1-3 ANNE CARLIN HARRISON b 1722 Berkeley Plantation Charles City Co VA d 1745 Wilton Henrico Co VA
m John CARTER BYRD b 1720, Westover Charles City Co VA
Ba11-6-1-2-1-4 MARTHA PRICE HARRISON b 1720, VA d 01.07.1752.
Ba11-6-1-2-1-5 John HARRISON b 1719, VA d 16.07.1761.
Ba11-6-1-2-1-6 LUCY HARRISON b 1723, Charles City, VA d 12.07.1745
m Edward RANDOLPH b 1725, Gloucester Co VA
Ba11-6-1-2-1-7 Henry Harrison b 1734, Berkeley, Charles City Co, VA d 28.01.1772 Sussex Co, VA
m Elizabeth AVERY b 10.1738 Sussex Co VA d 18.07.1766 Sussex Co VA
-1 Anne Carter Harrison b 12.01.1764 Sussex Co VA d 20.09.1814 m WALTER COCKE b 1760 VA d VA son of John COOCKE and REBECCA STARK -1-1 WALTER TRAVIS COCKE b 1791 VA d 1835. m SUSANNA COUPLAND b 1793 VA d 1837 dau of DAVID COUPLAND and ANNE HARRISON for ch see above Susanna Coupland.
Ba11-6-1-2-1-8 CARTER Henry HARRISON b 22.08.1732, Clifton Fairfax Co VA d 08.10.1793, Cumberland Co VA
m SUSANNA RANDOLPH, 06.04.1776 b 10.04.1753; d 09.12.1814.
Ba11-6-1-3 Maj Nathaniel Burwell b 14.10.1680 Fairfield Plantation Gloucester Co VA d 20.08.1721, Gloucester Co VA m 1709 Corotoman, Lancaster Co VA Elizabeth Carter d 1688 Corotoman, Lancaster VA d aft Jan 1730 she m2 Dr. George Nicholas and had three sons.
Ct7-1 Elizabeth Burwell b 1718, Lancaster Co VA d 19.11.1798, Yorktown York Co VA
m Col William Nelson of Yorktown b 1711 York Co VA d 19.11.1772, signer of the Declaration of Independence, 1770-1771 VA Governor
+1 Thomas Nelson b 20 Feb 1678 Penrith Cumberland d 7 Oct 1745 Va
m Margaret Reade b c 1681 York Co VA d there by 1723
+2 Robert Reade b 1644/5 in Yorktown, York, Va d in 30 Dec 1712
m Mary Lilly b c 1645/62 York Co Va dau of
+3 Col George Reade b 25 Oct 1608 Linkenholt Hampshire Engl d 21 Nov 1671 Yorktown Va
m Elizabeth Jane Martiau b 12 Dec 1625 Va d 1686 York Co Va
+3 John Lilly b in England
m Mary Maulson b ABT 1617 in England
+4 Robert Reade of Linkenholt b 1551 d by Dec 1627
m3 31 Jul 1600 Mildred Windebank b 1584
+4 Nicolas Martiau
m1 Jane Boykin b c 1600 at England d by Nov 1646 at York Co VAn wid of Lt Edward Berkeley
Ct7-1-1 Robert Nelson b c 1751 York Co VA d 05.08.1818, Charles City Co VA
m Susanna Robinson b 1762 Middlesex Co VA dau of
John Robinson b 3 Feb 1704 Middlesex Co d 11 May 1766, King and Queen Co Speaker of the house of Burgesses involved in teasury scanadal m1 8 Nov 1723, Middlesex Co Mary Storey m2 1737, King William Co) Lucy Moore b. ca. 1720, King William Co + 2 ch
Ct7-2 Lewis Burwell of Whitemarsh VA b 1710 Fairfield Plantation Gloucester Co VA d 1756
m Mary Willis.
-1 Lewis Burwell b ABT 1737 in Gloucester Co VA
-2 Elizabeth Burwell b 1739 in 'Whitemarsh', Gloucester Co VA
-3 Anne Burwell b 1742 in Gloucester Co Virginia
-4 Rebecca Lewis Burwell b 20 MAY 1746 in Gloucester Co VA m Jaquelin Ambler b: 9 AUG 1742 VA d 20 FEB 1798 in James City Co VA
Ct7-3 Robert Carter Burwell b 1720, Isle of Wight VA d 1779
m Sarah Nelson b 1724, Yorktown York Co VA
Ct7-4 Nathaniel Burwell b 1711, Fairfield Plantation Gloucester Co VA d 1718, VA
Ct7-5 William Page Burwell b 1712 d 1756.
Ct7-6 Lucy BURWELL b 21.04.1715, Gloucester Gloucester Co VA
?m Christopher Robinson Ro10-2-1-7 b 1705, Middlesex Co d 28 July 1768, Middlesex Co
Ct7-7 Carter Burwell b 25.10.1716, Fairfield Plantation Gloucester Co VA d 03.01.1777, Carters Grove Westmoreland Co VA
m Luca Ludwell Grymes b 18.04.1720, Middletown Frederick Co VA d 1792, Leesylvania Westmoreland Co VA
Ba11-6-1-4 Lewis Burwell b 16 Oct 1682 Fairfield Plantation Gloucester VA d 17 Sep 1696 Fairfield Plantation Gloucester Co VA

Lucy Burwell 1683-1716
Ba11-6-1-5 Lucy Burwell b 21 Nov 1683 Gloucester Co VA d 16.12.1716 Barn Elms Middlesex Co VA
m 1 Dec 1703/4 Col Edmund Berkeley Jr b 1671/?79 in Gloucester VA d 16.12.1718 Middlesex Co VA he m1 Mary Mann
+1 Edmund Berkeley b c 1645 d by 1674 Middlesex Co VA and Mary x +2 Edward Berkeley b c 1620 +3 Maurice Berkeley b 1602 England d 1623 VA
m Barbara Longe
+4 John Berkeley b c 1561 Beverston Gloucester d 1622 Falling Creek VA
m c 1600 Mary Snell
+5 John Berkeley b c 1531 Beverston d c 1582
m Frances Poyntz
+6 Sir William Berkeley of Beverton Castle b by 1500 d c 1549
m Margaret Paulet b c 1510 dau of Sir William Paulet KG PC Marquess of Winchester b c 1475 Fisherton Delamere Wilts d 10 Mar 1572 Basing House Hampshire
m Elizabeth Capel
Ba11-6-1-5-1 Col Edmund Berkele< b 16.12.1704 Middlesex Co VA d 04.08.1767 Middlesex Co VA
m Mary Nelson b 24.05.1713, Yorktown York Co VA d 07.1775 Middlesex Co VA
Ba11-6-1-5-2 Lewis Berkeley
Ba11-6-1-5-3 Lucy Berkeley b 10 May 1709 Gloucester Co VA d 18 Jan 1732
m Alexander Lister
-1 Sarah Lister b 9 Jan 1731 VA d by 1765 St Johns Parish Kg Wm Co VA m 9 Aug 1750 Peter Robinson b 1 Mar 1718 d June 1765, King William Co educ Oriel College, Oxford; memb. House of Burgesses for King William Co 1758-61 Christopher Robinson b 1681 Middlesex Co d 20 Feb 1727, Middlesex Co educ William & Mary College memb. House of Burgesses 1705-06 & 1710-14 m 12 Oct 1703, Middlesex Co Judith Wormeley b 25 May 1683, Middlesex Co d 1720 Middlesex Co -1-1 Judith Robinson will written 28 Juy 1826, King William Co, probated 26 Nov 1827, King William Co m 8 Oct 1773, Middlesex Co Benjamin Grymes d Sept 1805, Orange Co
-1-2 Lucy Robinson m Thomas Robinson
-1-3 Sarah Robinson b c 1735 King William C m Grymes
-1-4 Christopher Robinson b 1763 d 2 Nov 1798 York Upper Canada m May 1784 New Brunswick Esther Sayre
-1-5 Peter Robinson
-1-4-1 Peter Robinson
-1-4-2 Mary Robinson m Heward
-1-4-3 Sarah Anne Robinson m Boulton
-1-4-4 Sir John Beverley Robinson BART b 26 Jul 1791 Berthier Lower Canada d 31 Jan 1863 Toronto m 5 Jun 1817 Emma Walker
-1-4-5 Esther Robinson
-1-4-6 William Benjamin Robinson
-1-4-4-1 James Lukin Robinson 2nd Bt
-1-4-4-2 John Beverley Robinson
-1-4-4-3 Emily Merry Robinson m Lefroy
-1-4-4-4 Augusta Anne Robinson m Strachan
-1-4-4-5 Louisa Matilda Robinson m Allan
-1-4-4-6 Christopher Robinson
-1-4-4-7 Mary Amelia Robinson m MacInnes
-1-4-4-8 Charles Walker Robinson
Ba11-6-1-5-4 Mary Berkeley b 24 May 1711 Gloucester VA m Christopher Robinson b 1705 Middlesex Co d 28 July 1768 Middlesex Co will written 17 July 1768, probated 6 Dec 1768 son of Christopher Robinson b 1681 Middlesex Co d 20 Feb 1727, Middlesex Co educ William & Mary College memb. House of Burgesses 1705-06 & 1710-14 m 12 Oct 1703, Middlesex Co Judith Wormeley b 25 May 1683, Middlesex Co d 1720 Middlesex Co -1 Judith Robinson b 2 Jun 1736, Middlesex Co d 30 Dec 1757, King William Co m 16 July 1755, Middlesex Co Carter Braxton, the Signer b 10 Sep 1736, King and Queen Co d 10 Oct 1797 Ceroke plasGeorge braxton Jr and Mary Walker Carter
-2 Christopher Robinson b 9 Mar 1738 d 23 Oct 1775
-3 Lucy Robinson d 7 Mar 1734 Middlesex Co
-1-1 Mary Braxton b 1756
-1-2 Judith Robinson Braxton b 10 Dec 1757 in Newington, King & Queen Co VA d 11 Oct 1823 m John Camm White
-1-3 Nancy Braxton b 1760

-1-2-1 Judith White b 6 M 1784 Kg Wm Co VVA d 10 Mar 1854 m 1806 Judge William Brockenbrough b 10 Jul 1778 d 10 Dec 1838 Richmond VA son of John Brockenbrough b 1744 Hobbs Hole Essex Co VA d 20 Nov 1801 and Sarah Upshaw Roane

-1-2-1-1 John White Brockenbrough
-1-2-1-2 Judith Brockenbrough m y McGuire
Ba11-6-1-5-5 Sarah Berkeley
Ba11-6-1-6 Martha Burwell b 16 Nov 1685
m c 1702/1703 Gloucester VA Col. Henry Armistead b 1673 in Messe, Gloucester, Va. d 11 Feb 1739/40 VA son of
+1 John Armistead Ar10 and Judith Bowles Robinson Ro10
Ba11-6-1-6-1 Lucy Armistead b 1716, Gloucester Co VA d 02.1781 King William Co VA
m Thomas Nelson b 1716 Yorktown York Co VA d by 27.02.1781 Augusta Co VA
Ba11-6-1-7 Bacon Burwell b 22 Feb 1687 Gloucester Va d by 15 Mar 1692
Ba11-6-1-8 Jane Burwell b 16 Nov 1688 Gloucester Va d by 15 Mar 1692
Ba11-6-1-9 James Burwell b 4 Feb 1690 d 6 Oct 1718
m 1711 Mary Armistead b c 1697 in Northumberland Co VA d after 15 Sep 1718 VA dau of William Armistead and Anna Lee
Ba11-6-1-10 x Burwell b 1692 Gloucester Va d by 11 Oct 1710
Ba11-6-2 George Smith b 1652 Colchester Essex England
Ba11-6-3 Elizabeth Smith b 1654 Colchester
Wo12-15 Isaacke Woodward d y
- - - - -
502. Blanche Milbourne b c 1465 Whitney Herefordshire
m JAMES WHITNEY. b 1465 Whitney Herefordshire
-1 ROBERT Whitney b 1491, Glouchester Herefordshire d 1541, Whitney Herefordshire
m Margaret WYE b 1495 Icomb Gloucestershire
-1-1 Sir Robert Whitney b 1517 Icomb Gloucestershire d 05.08.1567, Whitney Herefordshire M.P.
m SYBIL BASKERVILLE b 1522 Eardisley Herefordshire England d aft 1547 Whitney Herefordshire
-1-1-1 Robert WHITNEY b 1543, Whitney Herefordshire d 19.12.1612, Whitney Herefordshire
m Elizabeth GUILLIMS b 1544 Whitney Herefordshire
+1 Robert WHITNEY and Elizabeth GUILLIMS
-1-1-1-1 Thomas WHITNEY bap 14.07.1560 St Margarets Westminster, b Lambert March Surrey d 14.04.1637, St Margarets Westminister London
m Mary BRAY, dau of b 12.05.1563 St Margarets Westminister London d 25.09.1629 St Margarets Westminister London
-1-1-1-1-1 John WHITNEY b 20.07.1592, Isleworth Middlesex d 01.06.1673. , 1635 MA, Middlesex Co, Watertown , 1635 ship "Elizabeth and Ann" passenger, bap1605 England, Middlesex, London, Westminster, St Margarets
m Elinor/Ellen BRAY b 1599 St Margarets Westminister London d 11.05.1659 Watertown Middlesex Co MA , 1635 ship "Elizabeth and Ann" passenger
+1 Thomas BRAY
-1-1-1-1-1-1 John Whitney b 1621 England d 12.10.1692, Watertown Middlesex Co MA , bap 14 SEP 1621 Isleworth, 1635 ship "Elizabeth and Ann" passenger
m Ruth ReynoldS b 01.06.1623, Kent England; d c 27.05.1695, Watertown Middlesex Co MA
-1-1-1-1-1-2 Jonathan Whitney b 16.02.1635 Isleworth Middlesex d 01.01.1702, Sherborn Middlesex Co MA
m Lydia Jones b 1632 Watertown Middlesex Co MA d 03.02.1701 Sherborn Middlesex Co MA
+1 y JONES
-1-1-1-1-1-2-1 Lydia WHITNEY b 03.07.1657 Watertown Middlesex Co MA
m Moses ADAMS b 26.10.1654 Medford Middlesex Co MA
-1-1-1-1-1-2-2 Anna Whitney b 28.04.1660, Watertown Middlesex Co MA d 06.03.1700.
m Cornelius Fisher b 08.02.1659 Dedham Norfolk MA d 06.01.1742 Wrentham Norfolk MA
+1 Cornelius Fisher
-1-1-1-1-1-2-2-1 Isaac Fisher b 1694, Dedham Norfolk MA d 1778, Wrentham Norfolk MA
m Esther Mann b 26.06.1696 Wrentham Norfolk MA d 20.01.1770, Wrentham Norfolk MA
- - - - -
Tu15 =16. 503. Helen Tudor b 1459
m Wyllyam Gardenyr b 1450 Midlands Oxfordshire d 1495 The Bank Surrey
Ga14-1+Philippa Gardiner
-2 Beatrice Gardiner
-3 Margaret Gardiner
-4 Thomas Gardiner b c 1470 d c 1542 Prior of Tynemouth
-5 Stephen Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester
-6 Anne Gardiner b c 1475 Beaconsfield Bucks d 1575 Belton Isle Axholme Lincoln m Robert Stoke Browne b c 1460 Edwardstone Leicester d 1540

-6-1 Richard Browne Br13 =14 b 1528
-6-1-1 Original Brown Br12 =13 b c 1575 Engl d 1655 Westmoreland VA and Elizabeth Baldun b c 1595 Lincolnshire (dau of Thaddeus Baldun) -6-1-1-1 Richard Browne Br11 =12 b 1618 in England d 18 Dec 1670 Old Rappahannock Co and Elizabeth Badger -6-1-1-1-1 Original Brown Br10 =11 b 1648 in St. Mary's Co MD and Jane Brooke Br10 widow Higdon -6-1-1-1-1-1 Jane Browne b 1673 d 1752 m 1692 Nathaniel Pope III Po9 =10 Po8-1 Mary Pope b c 1694 m Joseph Weeks.
Po8-2 William Pope b c 1696
Po8-3 Lewis Pope
Po8-4 John Pope (alive in 1728 and sold a mill to Augustine Washington) m Elizabeth Pierce Pope, dau of the mariner/merchant Nathaniel Pope Po10-1-5
Po8-5 Elizabeth POPE m Bourn PRICE b by 1725 d after 1725 son of Meriday PRICE
Worden Pope Po8 =9 b 1705 m Hester Netherton had issue author's ancestors
Po8-7 Jean/Jane Pope b about 1717 d Apr. 1732 m George Williams (shown by
Po8-7-1 Margaret Williams b 17 Apr 1732 Stafford Co., Va. d after 12 Sep 1763 m John Ralls Jr
Ga14-7 William Gardiner b 1488, London d 1549, The Grange Bermondsey Surrey
m Elizabeth Mitchell
Ga14-7-1 William Gardiner b 26.08.1531 Bermondsey Surrey d 26.11.1597 Bermondsey Surrey
m Frances Luce b 1576.
Ga14-7-1-1 Thomas Gardiner b 27.03.1564 Bermondsey Surrey d 10.08.1632 Basing Peckham Surrey
m Ellyn Smyth
Ga14-7-1-1-1 Richard Gardiner b 29.04.1592 d 1649 ?MD
m Elizabeth Hame b 1592 d by 10.03.1651
+1 y HAME
Ga14-7-1-1-1-1 Luke Gardiner b 11.01.1622 St Marys Co MD d 06.07.1674 Canoe Neck Oakley MD
m Elizabeth Hatton b 01.03.1627 London d 1702
+1 y Hatton
Ga14-7-1-1-1-1-1 Richard Gardiner b 1650 St Marys Co MD d 01.11.1687.
m Elizabeth Weire b 1655 Rapphannock Co VA d 1693
+1 John Weire and Honoria Watts
Ga14-7-1-1-1-1-1-1 John Gardiner b 1677 St Marys Co MD d 1717
m1 Suzanna Barton b 1681 St Marys Co MD + 3 ch
m2 Mary Boarman b 1690 Charles Co MD
+1 Capt William Barton Jr b 29 Jun 1662 Charles Co MD d 6 Nov 1705 Pr GEo Co MD
m Sarah Katherine Marsham b c 1665 Calvert Co MD d 8 Jan 1733 Charles Co MD she m1 Basil Waring m3 James Haddock
+1 William Boarman and Mary Jarboe
+2 William Barton II
Anne Smoot
+2 Richard Marsham b c 1638 England d 14 Apr 1713 Pr Geo Co MD h m2 aft 30 Apr 1695 Anne Calvert b c 1644 Yorkshire England d c 1714 Calvert Co MD wid Baker Brooke wid of Henry Brent
m Katherine Fisher
Ga14-7-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Susana Barton Gardiner b 1705 London d 09.12.1742 St Marys Co MD
m Philip Key b 21.03.1696 London d 20.08.1764 St Marys Co MD
Ga14-7-1-1-1-1-1-1-2 Elizabeth Gardiner b 1707/10 Hillilee St Marys Co MD
m John Barton Miles son of b 1708 St Marys Co MD d 1761 St Marys Co MD
+1 John Miles and Mary Gough
Ga14-7-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-1 Philip Miles b 1733 St Marys Co MD d 10.02.1789 Nelson Co KY
m Eleanor Bryan b 1746 St Marys Co MD
Ga14-7-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-2 Rebecca Miles b 1736, St Marys Co MD d 18.03.1783, St Marys Co MD
m Thomas Hill b 1723 Wiltshire England d 23.05.1820 Marion Co KY
+1 y HILL
Ga14-7-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-2-1 Catherine Miles b 29.03.1773 St Marys Co MD d 29.06.1847 Marion Co KY
m John Lancaster b 27.01.1766 Charles Co MD d 24.04.1838 Marion Co KY
-1 Joseph Bradford Lancaster b 1790, KY d 25.11.1856, Tampa Hillsborough Co FL, 1846-1847 Jacksonville Mayor, 1848-1850 FL Supreme Court Justice , 1856-1856 Mayor of Tampa, m Annie Blair b 1795 Lexington Fayette Co KY d 08.1890 Washington Dc
Ga14-7-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-3 Elizabeth Miles b 1753, St Marys Co MD d 01.04.1773, St Marys Co MD
m Thomas Mattingly b 28.03.1738, St Marys Co MD d 10.04.1773, St Marys Co MD
Ga14-7-1-1-1-1-1-1-3 Clement Gardiner b 1706 St Marys Co MD d 18.06.1746 St Marys Co MD
m Eleanor Brooke b 1700 St Marys Co MD d 16.10.1760 St Marys Co MD
+1 y Brooke
Ga14-7-1-1-1-1-1-1-3-1 Anne Gardiner b 1720, St Marys Co MD d by 22.02.1792, St Marys Co MD
m Richard Basil Boarman b 1720 St Marys Co MD d 27.07.1782 St Marys Co MD
+1 Benedict Boarman and Anne Brooke b 1691
Ga14-7-1-1-1-1-1-1-3-1-1 Catherine Brooke Boarman b 1760 St Marys Co MD d 1812 St Marys Co MD
m William Thomas, son of b 1758 St Marys Co MD d 01.06.1813 St Marys Co MD
+1 William Thomas and Elizabeth Reeves
Ga14-7-1-1-1-1-1-1-3-1-1-1 James Thomas b 11.03.1785 St Marys Co MD d 25.12.1845 St Marys Co MD
m Elizabeth Courts b 1789 Charles Co MD d 03.11.1851 St Marys Co MD
Ga14-7-1-1-1-1-1-1-3-1-1-2 George Thomas b 23.02.1794 St Marys Co MD d 22.11.1857 St Marys Co MD
m Mary Tubman b 1790 St Marys Co MD d 08.08.1870 St Marys Co MD
- - - - -
504. Edward Stafford b 03.02.1478 Brecknock Breconshire Wales k 17.05.1521 Tower of London beheaded
m Eleanor PERCY b 1474 Yorkshire
LADY Catherine Stafford b 1499, Abergavenny Monmouthshire Wales; d 14.05.1555, Shoreditch London Middlesex
m RALPH NEVILLE b 21.02.1497 Raby Durham d 24.04.1549 Staindrop Durham, 4th Earl of Westmorland,s buried at Staindrop, Co Durham, 7th Lord Neville, of Raby 6 Feb 1498/9, 9 July 1510 ward of the Duke of Buckingham , fought in the campaigns against the Scots from 1522 to 1523, Knighted in 1523 at Scotland by the Earl of Surrey, Order of the Garter (K.G.) 25 June 1525.1 He was Chief Commissioner to treat with the Scots on 27 August 1525.1 He held the office of Vice Warden of the East and Middle Marches, under the Duke of Richmond between October 1525 and September 1526.1 He held the office of Deputy Captain of Berwick between October 1525 and September 1526.1 On 15 January 1525/26 at Berwick, Scotland, he concluded a truce with the Earl of Angus.1 He was invested as a Privy Counsellor (P.C.) before 5 February 1525/26.1 He was Commissioner to enquire into treasons in Cumberland on 23 May 1534.1 He was Commissioner to suppress disorders in Nothumberland, Cumberland and Westmorland between June 1535 and July 1535.1 On 15 May 1536 he was one of the Peers who tried Quenn Anne Boleyn.1 He was in command of the East and Middle Marches, while Hertford invaded Scotland in May 1544.2 Children of Ralph Neville, 4th Earl of Westmorl son of
-1 Lady Margaret Neville+ d 13 Oct 1559
-2 Lady Dorothy Neville+ d bt 17 Dec 1545 - 27 Jun 1547
-3 Lady Mary Neville
-4 Lady Elizabeth Neville
-5 Lady Eleanor Neville
-6 Lady Anne Neville
-7 Henry Neville, 5th Earl of Westmorland+ b. c 1524 - 1525, d 10 Feb 1563/64
-8 Christopher Neville b 1540
-9 Cuthbert Neville b. b 15413
Ne?-1 Sir William NEVILLE b 1524, Middlesex England m Elizabeth STAFFORD b 1528, Isleworth Middlesex England.
Ne?-2 Mary NEVILLE b 1519, Raby Castle Durham England.
Ne?-3 Dorothy NEVILLE b 1522, Raby Durham d 06.1547, Hedingham Castle Essex
m John de Vere b 1516, Oxfordshire d 13.08.1562, Hedingham Castle Essex , 1540-1562 16th Earl of Oxford, 1558- England, Essex Lord Lieutenant
- - - - -
505. Lady Anne Stafford b 1483 Ashby Leicestershire d 1544
m George Hastings b 1488 Ashby-de-la-Zouch Leicestershire d 24.03.1544, 1506-1544 3rd Baron of Hastings of 1461 Creation, 1st Earl of Huntingdon was born in 1488.4 He was the son of Sir Edward Hastings, 2nd Lord Hastings and Mary Hungerford, Baroness Botreaux.2,3 He married Lady Anne Stafford, daughter of Henry Stafford, 2nd Duke of Buckingham and Katherine Woodville, circa December 1509.5 He died on 24 March 1543/44.3 George Hastings, 1st Earl of Huntingdon was invested as a Knight, Order of the Bath (K.B.) in 1501.1 He succeeded to the title of 2nd Lord Hastings, of Hungerford [E., 1482] on 8 November 1506.1 He succeeded to the title of 3rd Lord Hastings [E., 1461] on 8 November 1506.3 He was invested as a Privy Counsellor (P.C.).1 He succeeded to the title of 6th Lord Botreaux [E., 1368] between 1528 and 1532.3 He was created 1st Earl of Huntingdon [England] on 8 December 1529.4 Children of George Hastings, 1st Earl of Huntingdon and Lady Anne Stafford * Francis Hastings, 2nd Earl of Huntingdon+ d 23 Jun 15603 * Lady Mary Hastings d Mar 1532/336 * Henry Hastings 1 * Sir Thomas Hastings b. 1515, d 15587 * William Hastings b. 1518, d 15561 * Lady Dorothea Hastings b. 15191 * Edward Hastings, 1st and last Baron Hastings of Loughborough+ b. c 1520, d 5 Mar 1571/7211520-1544 6th Baron of Botreaux, 1520-1544 5th Baron of Hungerford, 1529-1544 1st Earl of Huntingdon son of SIR HASTINGS and Mary HUNGERFORD
Dorothea HASTINGS b 1519, Huntingdon Berwickshire
m SIR Richard DEVEREUX b 1516 Chartley Staffordshire son of
De?-1 Walter DEVEREUX b 01.09.1539, Devereux Castle Carmarthenshire Wales d 22.09.1576, Dublin Dublin Co Ireland.
m LETTICE KNOLLYS Kn16-7 b 1540 Wanstead Warwickshire d 25.12.1634 Drayton Basset Staffordshire, 1572-1576 1st Earl of Essex
+1 Sir Francis Knollys d 1596 and Catherine CAREY d 15.08.1568 +2 King Henry VIII
p2 Mary Boleyn Bo18 b 1504, d 19.07.1534
De?-1-1 781. i. Ppenelope DEVEREUX b 1563, Devereux Castle Carmarthenshire Wales; d 07.07.1607, London Middlesex
m 10/1.1581, div 11.1605 Robert RICH. b 1564 Nottinghamshire d 24.03.1619 Snarford Lincolnshire, 1618-1619 1st Earl of Warwick
+1 Robert Rich>, 2nd Lord of Leighs b c 1537, d 27.02.1580/1
m Elizabeth Baldry bur 19.12.1591, dau of George Baldry of Hadley
De?-1-1-1?Isabell RICH b 1598 Warwick Warwickshire (Stirnet shows no ch by above marriage)
m Sir John SMITH.
De?-1-2 782. ii. Dorothy DEVEREUX b 1564, Chartley Staffordshire d 03.08.1619.
m1 Henry Percy b 27.04.1564 Tynemouth Norhumberland d 05.11.1632 Petworth Sussex, 1585-1632 9th Earl of Northumberland for ch see above Henry Percy. son of Henry PERCY and Katherine NEVILLE
m2 Sir Thomas PERROT, b 1562 Droxburne Hertfordshire son of John PERROT and ANNE Cheney
De?-1-3 Robert DEVEREUX b 10.11.1565, Nethewood Herefordshire d 25.02.1601.
m Frances Walsingham b 1569 Scadbury Kent d 17.02.1632.
De?-1-3 Frances DEVEREUX b 30.09.1599, London d 24.04.1660, Great Bedwin Wilts
m William SEYMOUR b 1588, Great Bedwin Wilts d 24.10.1660, London
De?-2 Elizabeth DEVEREUX b 1546, Cartmarthenshire Wales d 04.1583, Hodnet shropshire
m John VERNON. b 07.1546 Hodnet Shropshire d 04.1591 Hodnet shropshire
+1 George Vernon of Hodnet d 1553
m Elizabeth Pigot dau of Thomas Pigot of Chetwynd
De?-2-1 Sir Robert Vernon of Hodnet b 1577, d 1625
m Mary Needham dau of Robert Needham of Shavington and Shenton, Sheriff of Shropshire
De?-2-2 Elizabeth Vernon b 11.01.1572 Hodnet shropshire d 23.11.1655, one of the chief ladies-in-waiting to Elizabeth of England in the later years of her reign
m by 30 Aug 1597 Henry Wriothesley, 3rd Earl of Southampton b 06.10.1573 d 10.11.1624 Begen-Op-Zoom Zuid Holland Netherlands. , 3rd Earl of Southampton, the dedicatee of Shakespeare's sonnets. The marriage occurred after Elizabeth discovered she was pregnant. Upon discovering this, the Queen had both Elizabeth and her husband locked in Fleet Prison and, after their release, were never again received into her favour. (Wriothesley is pronounced "Risley"; 6 October 1573 "" 10 November 1624), was the second son of,_3rd_Earl_of_Southampton
+1 Henry Wriothesley, 2nd Earl of Southampton, and m 19.02.1565/6 Mary Browne d 11.1607, dau of Anthony Browne, 1st Viscount Montagu dau of the 1st Viscount Montagu. Shakespeare's first two narrative poems, Venus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece, were dedicated to Southampton, who is thought by some to be the "Fair Youth" in Shakespeare's Sonnets.
De?-2-2-1 Thomas Wriothesley, 4th Earl of Southampton, Earl of Chichester b 10.03.1607/8 d 16.05.1667 had issue
m1 18.08.1634 Rachel de Massue b 1603, d 16.02.1639/40, dau of Daniel de Massue, Sn de Ruvigny
m2 c24.04.1642 Elizabeth Leigh d before 05.1659, dau of Francis Leigh, Earl of Chichester
De?-2-2-2 Penelope Wriothesley b 05.11.1598, Brighton Sussex d 16.07.1667 Brighton Sussex
m Baron William SPENCER, son of. b 1592 Althorp Mansion Northampton d 04.04.1640 Hartford Hertfordshire
+1 Sir Robert SPENCER b 1570 d 25 Oct 1637 and Margaret WILLOUGHBY Dau of Sir Francis Willoughby of Woolaton
De?-2-2-2-1 Margaret SPENCER b 19.07.1627, Brington Northampton d 1693, London
m 30.08.1645 Sir Anthony ASHLEY SHAFTSBURY COOPER b 22.07.1621 Shaftsbury d 21.01.1683 Amsterdam Holland, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury , Lord President of the Council In office 21 April 1679�� 15 October 1679 , lost both of his parents by the age of eight, brought up by Edward Tooker and other guardians named in his father's will, before attending Exeter College, Oxford, and Lincoln's Inn. After he married the daughter of Thomas Coventry, 1st Baron Coventry, in 1639, Coventry's patronage secured Cooper a seat in the Short Parliament, although Cooper lost a disputed election to a seat in the Long Parliament. During the English Civil War, Cooper initially fought as a Royalist, before departing for the Parliamentary side in 1644. During the English Interregnum, he served on the English Council of State under Oliver Cromwell, although he opposed Cromwell's attempt to rule without parliament during the Rule of the Major-Generals. He also opposed the religious extremism of the Fifth Monarchists during Barebone's Parliament. As a member of the Council of State, Cooper opposed the New Model Army's attempts to rule the country following the downfall of Richard Cromwell, and he encouraged Sir George Monck's march on London. Cooper served as a member of the Convention Parliament of 1660, which determined to restore the English monarchy, and Cooper was one of twelve members of parliament who travelled to the Dutch Republic to invite King Charles II to return to England. Shortly before his coronation, Charles created Cooper Lord Ashley, so when the Cavalier Parliament assembled in 1661 he moved from the House of Commons to the House of Lords. He served as Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1661�1672. During the ministry of the Earl of Clarendon, Shaftesbury opposed the imposition of the Clarendon Code and supported Charles II's Declaration of Indulgence (1662), which the king was ultimately forced to withdraw. After the fall of Clarendon, Ashley was one of the members of the so-called Cabal Ministry, serving as Lord Chancellor 1672�1673. He was created Earl of Shaftesbury in 1672. During this period, John Locke entered Ashley's household. Ashley took an interest in colonial ventures and was one of the Lords Proprietor of the Province of Carolina; in 1669, Ashley and Locke collaborated in writing the Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina. By 1673, Ashley was worried that the heir to the throne, James, Duke of York, was secretly a Roman Catholic. After the Cabal Ministry ended, Shaftesbury became a leader of the opposition to the policies pursued by Thomas Osborne, Earl of Danby. Danby favoured strict interpretation of the penal laws, enforcing mandatory membership of the Church of England. Shaftesbury, who sympathised with the Protestant Nonconformists, briefly agreed to work with the Duke of York, who opposed enforcing the penal laws against Roman Catholic recusants. By 1675, however, Shaftesbury was convinced that Danby, assisted by the bishops of the Church of England, was determined to transform England into an absolute monarchy, and he soon came to see the Duke of York's own religion as linked to this issue. Opposed to the growth of "popery and arbitrary government", throughout the latter half of the 1670s Shaftesbury argued in favour of frequent parliaments (spending time in the Tower of London, 1677�1678 for espousing this view) and argued that the nation needed protection from a potential Roman Catholic successor to King Charles II. During the Exclusion Crisis, Shaftesbury was an outspoken supporter of the Exclusion Bill, although he also endorsed other proposals that would have prevented the Duke of York from becoming king, such as Charles II's remarrying a Protestant princess and producing a Protestant heir to the throne, or legitimising Charles II's illegitimate Protestant son the Duke of Monmouth. The Whig party was born during the Exclusion Crisis, and Shaftesbury was one of the party's most prominent leaders. In 1681, during the Tory reaction following the failure of the Exclusion Bill, Shaftesbury was arrested for high treason, although the prosecution was dropped several months later. In 1682, after the Tories had gained the ability to pack London juries with their supporters, Shaftesbury, fearing a second prosecution, fled the country. Upon arriving in Amsterdam, he fell ill, and soon died, in January 1683.
+1 John COOPER and Mary HICKS
De?-2-2-2-1-1 Penelope Ashley COOPER b 1647 Dorset d 1711, St Peters Parish VA
m PETER Massie 1670 Of New Kent VA, son of . b 1640 Coddington England d 25.12.1719 New Kent VA Notater for PETER MASSIE: Peter emigrated 1690. He joined religion Member St. Peter�s Parish in Henrico, Virginia
+1 Thomas Massie and Judith Brereton
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -1 John Massie b 1674 of New Kent VA
m x b St. Peter's Par, New Kent, VA
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -1-1 Mark Massie b New Kent,VA
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -1-2 Eliza MASSIE b New Kent,VA
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -2 Lucretia Massie b 1676, New Kent Co VA St. Peter's Parish d 23.11.1711, New Kent Co VA
m John Johnson 1698 St. Peters Par.,New Kent,VA b 1675 Craig Aberdeen Scotland d Hanover VA, Quaker, Twin to Sarah Massie, wife of John´s brother William Johnston , Peter and Penelope�s daughter Elizabeth Massie married John Johnson, the eldest son of James the Emigrant, before 1699 in New Kent Co. Family legends recalled this daughter as Lucretia, but Quaker records show she was Elizabeth Massie. John and Elizabeth had at least 12 children, including those with such significant family names as Ashley, Massie, John, Benjamin, Thomas, Margery, James and Elizabeth. Some descendants relocated to Ohio after the Revolution while others migrated earlier to Louisa and Amelia Cos., VA and Guilford Co., NC, where they were closely situated with descendants of John�s brother Benjamin. John and Elizabeth had at least 12 children, including those with such significant family names as Ashley, Massie, John, Benjamin, Thomas, Margery, James and Elizabeth.
+1 James Johnston and Margaret ALEXANDER
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -2-1 Benjamin Johnson b 18.06.1705 St. Peters Par New Kent VA d 18.08.1769 Bedford VA
m 19.08.1748 Camp Creek, Louisa Co VA Mary Bolling Moorman b 19.12.1730 Green Springs Louisa VA d 30.09.1814 Hanover, Virginia, United States.
+1 Thomas Moorman b c 1705 New Kent Co VA d 10 Nov 1766 Bedford Co VA
m c 12 Jan 1730 Hanover Co VA Rachel Clark b c 1714 VA d 10 Jun 1792 Campbell Co VA she m2 25 Aug 1768 South River Bedford Co VA William Ballard
+2 Charles Moorman and Elizabeth Reynolds
+2 Christopher Clark
Penelope Johnson
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -2-1-1 Thomas JohnSON b 14.11.1749, Camp Creek Louisa Co VA d 1835, Clinton Co OH
m1 Ann Varnumb 01.03.1752 Staffordshire England d 07.08.1834 Washington Co Missouri Usa m2 AGNES CLARK 01.1774 VA b 07.04.1754 VA d by 1776 VA
+1 William Varnum and Ellen
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -2-1-1-1 Elizabeth Johnson b 13.09.1783 Grayson Co VA d 30.04.1832 Clinton Co OH
m James Lundy b 13.10.1777 Warren Co NJ d 29.11.1854 Clinton Co OH
+1 y Lundy
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -2-1-1-1-1 Anna Lundy b 18.07.1807 Grayson Co VA d 08.12.1878 Linn Co KS
m 4 Aug 1825 in Union City Clinton Co OH Jonathan Hodgson b 24.06.1805 Clinton Co OH d 02.11.1879 Mound City Linn Co KS, suspected suicide. He drove a team and wagon out onto the prairie that cold November night and froze to death". son of Daniel Hodgson b 1754, d 1854 and Lydia Dillon b 1789, d 1864 a prosperous farmer in Tazewell Co IL (by November 1826) and then to Knox (Stark) Co in 1835. In his 50's the family moved to Linn Co KS in September of 1857. , served Linn Co as a Justice of Peace and as a representative to the Kansas Legislature in 1864 to 1865. Jonathan signed resolution #42 (to abolish slavery) in 1865. It was very turbulent times in "Bleeding Kansas" in the late 1850's into the 1860's. The "Maris de Cygne massacre" occurred in May of 1858 about 10 miles northeast of the Hodgson homestead. John Brown (a prominent anti-slavery advocate) lived in that area and there were many raids back and forth between Kansas Jayhawkers and Missouri raiders. (Quantrill's raiders came into the area.) The family story was that some Missouri raiders were ready to kill Jonathan but one of them saw his Masons ring and stopped the execution. During the Civil War he served in the 6th Regiment, Kansas Cavalry, Company E.
-1 Elizabeth L Hodgson b 1826 d 1900 m Pulhamus
-2 James Daniel Hodgson b 1828 d 1863
-3 Levisa (Stites) Hodgson b 1830, d 1919)
-4 Levicy A. Hodgson b 1832 d 1911
-5 Daniel J. Hodgson b 1834 d 1912
-6 Lydia Ann Hodgson b 1.03.1836 Tazewell Co IL d 23.08.1915 Hemlock Tillamook Co OR m m Joel Wallace Hester b 14.11.1833 Tazewell Co, IL d 16.05.1891 Sac City, Sac Co, IA son of John Hester b 28 Aug 1801 Guilford Co NC d 15 Sep 1880 bur Webb Cem, Warren Co IA and Ann Dillon b 1805 d 1833
-7 Rachel Hodgson b 1838 d 1915 m Stites
-8 Anna Jane Hodgson b 1840 d 1873 m Kelsey
-9 Amanda Hodgson b 1843, 1916m Ewing
-10 William E. Hodgson b. 1845 d 1937
-11 Martin Myers Hodgson b. 1847, d 1936
-12 Jonathan Hodgson Jr. b 1851 d 1934
-13 Albert Hodgson b. 1853 d 1943
-14 Mary E. Hodgson b. 1853, d 1938 m Miller

-6-1 Robert Allen Hester b 31.12.1860 IL d 31.05.1950 Nowata OK m Sadie Bell Olmstead 23.12.1886 b 1859 d 1957 Nowata OK
-6-2 Sarah Ellen Hester b 29.04.1865 Centerville Linn Co KS d 29.01.1931 Los Angeles Co CA m Evert N Long b 1867 d 05.1954 Polk Co IA BURLINGTON MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY
-6-3 James Wallace Hester b 03.11.1867 Farlinville Linn Co KS d 01.05.1945 Tillamook OR m Eva M Anderson b 1869 d 23.05.1963 Tillamook, Tillamook Co OR
-6-4 Alburtah Mae Hester b 16.11.1870 Farlinville Linn Co KS d 11.02.1952 Lebanon Laclede Co MO m George Douglas Clark

-6-1-2 WALTER E HESTER b 1891 d 1957.
-6-1-3 W. d HESTER, m EDDINGTON.
-6-1-4 JESSIE JOEL HESTER, d 1894.
-6-2-1 Ethel Marie Long b 25.06.1902 Des Moines Polk Co IA d 26.06.1998, Des Moines, Polk Co IA m Clarence Evert Powell b 22.12.1900 Des Moines Polk Co IA d 01.09.1963 Des Moines, Polk Co IA
-6-3-1 Edythe L Hester b 01.08.1904 Buffalo Dallas Co MO d 11.09.1999 Newberg Yamhill Co OR m 1960 NE Martin K Nielson b 07.09.1905 Denmark d 28.07.1984 Forest Grove, Washington Co OR
-6-3-2 KENNETH WILLIAM HESTER b 23.05.1916 Tillamook Co OR d 20.12.1999 Bay City, Tillamook Co OR
-6-4-1 RICHARD W CLARK d 1918
-6-4-5 John Wesley Clark

-6-2-1-1 Jack Evert Powell b 08.10.1925 Des Moines Polk Co IA d 12.11.1998 Des Moines Polk Co IA
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -2-1-2 James Moorman Johnson b 20 Dec 1759 VA d 4 Feb 1828 Greene Co TN
m 1778 Green Co TN Abigail Barton
-1 Joseph Johnson
-2 William Johnson
-3 Susannah Johnson b c 1785 Campbell Co VA d c 1849 Rheatown Greene Co TN m 22 Oct 1810 Greene Co TN Caleb Squibb
-4 Hannah Johnson
-5 Benjamin R Johnson
-6 Barton Johnson

-3-1 James Squibb b 17 Dec 1813 Greene Co TN d 21 Nov 1887 Greene Co MO m 14 Feb 1837 Greene Co TN Raqchel Shields

-3-1-1 James Caleb Squibb b 14 Jan 1838 Greene Co TN d Aug 1861 Springfield MO m 2 Aug 1857 Elizabeth Ann Wallis
-3-1-2 Mary Elizabeth Squibb m Cotter
-3-1-3 David R Squibb
-3-1-4 John Wesley Squibb
-3-1-5 Joseph Dobry Squibb
-3-1-6 William Campbell Squibb
-3-1-7 Henry Townley Squibb
-3-1-8 James Marvin Squibb b 31 May 1863 MO d 22 Feb 1938 Springfield Co MO m Oct 1884 Mary Elizabeth Prophet

-3-1-1-1 Prior Lee Squibb b 14 Feb 1860 Greene Co MO d 10 Apr 1941 Springfield MO m Mary Elizabeth West
-3-1-1-2 James Caleb Squibb
-3-1-8-1 Ira Martin Squibb b 15 Oct 1885 Greene Co MO d 4 Jul 1904
-3-1-8-2 Gertie Alice Squibb b 3 Dec 11887 Greene Co MO d 28 Mar 1960 Springfieeld MO m Clive Ernest Smith
-3-1-8-3 Guy E Squibb d y
-3-1-8-4 Martha Pearl Squibb b 8 Jan 1891 Greene Co MO d 24 Jan 1970 Springfield MO m Frank Cole McKnight
-3-1-8-5 Dwight Chester Squibb b 20 Mar 1893 d 3 Mar 1969
-3-1-8-6 Hazel M. Squibb b 31 Jul 1895 d 9 Jun 1965

-3-1-1-1-1 Roxa B Squibb b 10 Nov 1891 d 25 Mar 1938 Springfield MO m Ralph DeBoard
-3-1-1-1-2 Wallace Prior Squibb b 3 Jun 1898 d 20 Jun 1963 m1 Ruth Crank m2 Jessie m White had issue
-3-1-8-4-1 Mary Esther McKnight b 5 Dec 1908 d 5 Jul 1994 Kalamazoo MI m 1939 Charles Holland
-3-1-8-4-2 Chester Alvin McKnight d y
-3-1-8-4-3 Karl Jerome McKnight b 1 Jan 1912 Springfield MO d there 12 Dec 1980 m Georgia E Dennis had issue
-3-1-8-4-4 Gertie Elizabeth McKnight b 19 Nov 1913 d 19 Feb 1986 Springfield MO m Herbert Chestnut had issue
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -2-2 Capt James Johnson b 1703 of Louisa VA
m LUCY MOORMAN b 1720 of Louisa VA
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -2-2-1 Elizabeth Johnson b 1746, of,Louisa,VA
m Zachariah Moorman 31.12.1773 Of Louisa VA b 02.02.1732 Caroline VA d 17.01.1789.
-1 Milly Moorman b 02.10.1760 m 01.09.1779 Bedford VA Seneca James Johnson b VA
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -2-3 Agnes Johnson b 1700 Hanover VA
m William Ellyson 05.06.1722 Henrico VA b 1702 New Kent VA d 22.05.1779 New Kent,VA
+1 y Ellyson
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -2-3-1 Sarah Ellyson b 1723 New Kent,VA
m1 Robert Johnson 07.07.1751 Fathers home New Kent V b 07.04.1708 New Kent Co VA d 19.11.1758 Amerlia VA m2 Robert JohnSON 07.07.1751 New Kent VA, son of BENJAMIN JohnSON and MARGERY MASSIE. son of John Johnson and Lucretia Massie for ch see above Robert Johnson.
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -2-4 Robert Johnson b 07.04.1708 New Kent Co VA d 19.11.1758 Amerlia VA
m1 07.07.1751 Fathers home New Kent VA Sarah Ellyson b 1723 New Kent VA + 1 ch
m2 Virginia Cedelia Elmore b 15.05.1737 New Kent VA + 1 ch
+1 William Ellyson and Agnes Johnson
+1 Thomas Elmore and Cecelia Ellyson
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -2-4-1 Margaret Johnson b 05.08.1752, Camp Creek M M Louisa VA
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -2-4-2 Martha Johnson b 28.08.1766, Of Deep River, Guilford, NC
m Adkin Nordyke 12.12.1787 Deep River Mm Guilford NC
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -2-4-2-1 Sicily Nordyke b 02.03.1790 Union, NC
m Noble Shaw b 1786 Guilford NC
+1 y SHAW
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -2-4-2-1-1 1636. i. Parsis Shaw b 06.03.1811, Dover Clinton Co OH d 12.12.1901, Gibson Co IN
m2 Hugh Watt b 25.12.1801 Ireland d 02.09.1871 Gibson Co IN son of George Watt and Barbara Manown
m1 Henry Archibald A O'Neal 06.08.1827 Clay Co IL b 27.08.1796 Augusta Hampshire Co WV d 25.04.1841 Oakland City Gibson Co IN
-1 Mathilda O'Neal b 1829 d 1844
-2 Mary ANN O'NEAL b 1830 IN
-3 Elizabeth O'Neal b 11.05.1832 Gibson Co IN d 06.11.1855 Gibson Co IN m William G HARTIN.
-4 John O'NEAL b 1835; d 1835
-5 CHARLES O'Neal b 1836; d 1837
-6 Daniel Waters O'Neal b 10.1838 IN d 22.05.1919 Somerville Gibson IN m VASHTI Elizabeth PEARSON b 18.05.1844 Usa d 16.01.1919 Somerville Gibson Co IN
-7 Margaret Watt b 11.05.1844; d 31.07.1856
-8 George Washington Watt b 29.03.1848 d 22.07.1856
-9 Betsy Watt b 10.07.1850; d 18.09.1850
-10 Nancy Watt b 10.07.1853; d 1855

-3-1 MALINDA J HARTIN b 03.10.1854, Gibson Co IN d 15.10.1854, Gibson Co IN
-6-1 Mary Elizabeth O'NEAL b 16.11.1860, Gibson IN d 1960. m1 22.01.1880 Gibson,IN DAVID RAILEIGH PARISH m2 10.02.1884 JOSEPH MCCONNELL RINKER b 06.03.1854 d 27.05.1919 Wapanuka Johnston OK son of JEFFERSON RINKER and Mary HARMON m3 22.09.1922 Tuttle Grady OK JAMES CALVIN WILSON b 26.02.1867 d by 1960 OK
-6-2 William ALLEN O'NEAL b 15.04.1863 TN d 11.09.1933 Oakland Gibson Co IN m NANCY JANE MASON b 10.03.1865 d 20.06.1923

-6-1-1 ARMENDA MAE29 RINKER b 21.02.1887 Madison AZ d 12.1963 Lubbock TX m 1904 Rosetta Newton AZ OBIEDIAH DAVIS BRIGHT
-6-2-1 THEADORE A O'NEAL b 1889; d 1889
-6-2-2 VIRDIA Alice O'NEAL b 23.11.1891 d 27.04.1920
-6-2-3 WALTER W. O'NEAL b 05.03.1893 d 22.02.1932
-6-2-4 VERNIE L O'NEAL b 24.05.1895 d 12.12.1969
-6-2-5 VASHTI ELLEN O'NEAL b 16.06.1897 d 27.01.1938 Somerville Gibson Co IN m Thomas OTHO MCCONNELL b 27.05.1892 d 09.08.1937
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -2-5 Massey Johnson b 05.02.1705 St Peter Parrish New Kent VA d 1750 VA
m Joseph Crew 12.06.1725 Hanover VA b 1698 Charles City, Charles, VA d 04.04.1759 Hanover, VA
+1 John Crews and Sarah Gatteley
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -2-5-1 Gideon Crew b 1730, Hanover Co VA d 10.1815, Pleasant Farm Oxford Granville Co NC
m Jemima Wicker b 1748 Hanover Co VA d 06.1825 Pleasant Farm Oxford Granville Co NC
+1 y Wicker
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -2-5-1-1 Gideon Crews b 02.09.1779 Granville Co NC d 06.05.1859 Granville Co NC
m1 Temperance Lemay b 21.07.1786 Mecklenburg Co VA d 16.05.1852 Granville Co NC
m2 Parthenia Heggie Glover b 04.03.1811 NC d 10.01.1897 NC
+1 John Lemay and Christiana Ussrey
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -2-5-1-1-1 1637. i. Martha Crews b 18.10.1806 NC d Granville Co NC
m Manson Harrison Breedlove b 16.01.1809 NC d 20.03.1880 son of Nathan Breedlove and Holly Weaver
-1 Capt James A Breedlove b 04.05.1834 Granville Co NC d 08.05.1868, US Civil War 23rd NC Infantry, Company G
-2 John Henry BREEDLOVE b 02.10.1840, Granville Co NC d 31.05.1910, Granville Co NC, Private / US Civil War 23rd NC Infantry, Company G m Susan Caroline Hunt b 07.04.1846, Granville Co NC d 07.11.1916, NC
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -3 Sarah Massie b 1676 d 28.10.1711, St Peter's Parish,New Kent,VA
m William JohnSON 1698 St Peters Parish, Stafford VA b 1673 Craig Aberdeen Scotland d 06.11.1714 St. Pet Par N Kent VA
+1 y JohnSON
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -3-1 William Johnson b 31.08.1701, St Peter's Parish New Kent,VA
m Mary x 1725 Scotland b 1704 Henrico VA
William JohnSON and Mary
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -3-1-1 Benjamin Johnson b 1726 Henrico Mm VA d 05.10.1754
m Martha Woody b 1728 of,Henrico Mm,VA
+1 Simon Woody
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -3-1-1-1 Ashley Johnson b 1750 Henrico VA
m Martha Woody
+1 y WOODY
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -3-1-1-1-1 Martha Johnson
m1 David Terrwell
m2 John Adam Hall
-1 William HALL "Billie-Old Willie" b 17.02.1814 NC d 16.09.1901 Warrensburg Green Co TN m1 NANCY A SMITH b 10.08.1819 NC d 1902 Warrensburg Green Co TN m2 ANN COPELAND b 23.04.1786 Rich Square Northampton NC d 26.06.1858 Center Decatur Co IA dau of CHARLES COPELAND and HANNAH OSBORNE -1-1 Philip HALL b 22.04.1836 Newport Cocke Co TN d 15.03.1900 Johnson Co AR m Mary JANE KELLY b 01.12.1838 Lincoln Co TN d 12.10.1881 Jackson Co
-1-2 Elizabeth HALL b 06.07.1863, Cocke Co TN; d 05.01.1910, Cocke Co TN m William ALEXANDER MOORE b 28.07.1861 TN d 13.02.1918 Cocke Co TN son of JAMES MOORE and BEATRICE CARRUTHERS
-1-1-1 CHARLES William CALVIN29 HALL b 31.08.1859, Cocke Co TN m MARGARET Alice ALLISON b 1862; d 1940.
-1-2-1 NANNIE L MOORE b 13.02.1883; d 01.12.1933 Greenville Green Co TN
-1-2-2 KATIE MOORE b 27.05.1893, Cocke Co TN; d 27.06.1893 Cocke Co TN
-1-2-3 1895. iii. PHILLIP MOORE b 01.07.1895 Cocke Co TN d 24.06.1930 Cocke Co TN m WILLIE EMMA ROBINSON b 06.02.1898 Green Co TN d 03.06.1989 Cocke Co TN

-1-2-3-1 William LEON MOORE b 12.09.1927 Cocke Co TN d 05.12.1997 Cocke Co TN m DOROTHA MARIE FOWLER b 22.02.1931, Cocke Co TN d 18.09.1977 Cocke Co TN
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -3-1-1-1-2 Susannah Johnson b 1736 d 1830
m William JohnSON b 25.04.1734 Campbell Co.VA d 16.12.1824 son of Benjamin Johnson and Agnes Clark
-1 Ashley Johnson b 17.07.1756; d 26.06.1848 m Milly Johnson b 1766; d 1834 moved to Highland Co, first settlers of Leesburg OH
-2 AGNES JohnSON b 31.01.1758 d 08.11.1773.
-3 MARTHA JohnSON b 19.03.1760 d 14.05.1760.
-4 JEPTA JohnSON b 03.1761 d 08.05.1775.
-5 RUTH JohnSON b 21.06.1763 d 1828 m William MACKLE.
-6 Robert JohnSON b 18.05.1765 unm
-7 NEWBY JohnSON b 12.02.1767 m SARAH TERRELL DOUGLAS b 1780.
-8 William JohnSON b 06.01.1772 m SARAH BLOXOM.
-9 Jonathan JohnSON b 22.12.1774 m JUDITH DOUGLAS, 17.01.1805 b 1783.
-10 ELIJAH JohnSON b 11.07.1777 m Elizabeth WATKINS.
-11 Mary ANN JohnSON b 11.01.1780.
-12 NANCY JohnSON, m William BUTLER, 1806.
-13 Sarah JohnSON b 29.09.1769 m1 John Hodgson b 28.06.1759 New Garden Guilford NC d 20.02.1823 Clear Creek OH, to Samantha, Highland Co m2 Jacabad Lodge 22.11.1792, South River MM.
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -3-1-1-2 Benjamin Johnson b 1752 Henrico VA
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -3-1-1-3 Margaret Johnson b 1754 Henrico VA
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -3-1-1-4 Seneca James Johnson b VA m MillyY Moorman 01.09.1779, Bedford,VA b 02.10.1760 see above
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -4 Thomas William Massie b 1678, VA
m1 Mary Walker b 1679, of,New Kent,VA
m2 Ann Macon
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -5 Margery Massie b 1684, VA d c 1740, VA, Quaker
m Benjamin Johnson by 1710 b 17.08.1701 New Kent Co.St Peters Parish VA d 1769.
+1 Edward Johnson and Elizabeth Walker
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -5-1 David Johnson d 1781, Henrico, VA
m Mary Woody 10.11.1734 Henrico, VA dau of Simon Woody
He was on 4 May 1720 or 2 Jul 1720 at Henrico Monthly Meeting in Henrico, VA. 1720. Benjamin Johnson appointed to attend marriage of Andrew Crew; first time name appeared in these records.� (Henrico Monthly Meeting, Encyclopedia of Quaker Genealogy, William Wade Hinshaw) � 1721/22, 1, 1.Benjamin Johnson and John Johnson contributed 20 shillings each toward the building a Monthly Meeting house near White Oak Swamp. (Henrico Monthly Meeting, Encyclopedia of Quaker Genealogy, William Wade Hinshaw) Note: The White Oak Swamp Meeting was in Henrico Co., VA. � 1721/22, 11, 6. John Johnson and Benjamin Johnson and their wives appointed to serve on a committee.� (Henrico Monthly Meeting, Encyclopedia of Quaker Genealogy, William Wade Hinshaw) � 1723, 5, 7. Benjamin Johnson shown to be a member of the Swamp Particular Meeting, Hanover Co.� (Henrico Monthly Meeting, Encyclopedia of Quaker Genealogy, William Wade Hinshaw) Note: The Swamp Meeting was in Hanover Co., VA.� John Johnson was first found in the Henrico records when he was chosen overseer of the Swamp Meeting on 1719,4, 6. � 1723-1726, Both John Johnson and Benjamin Johnson were "very activein the business affairs of this MM"�(Henrico Monthly Meeting, Encyclopedia of Quaker Genealogy, William WadeHinshaw) � 1739,9, 4. John Jr., Gideon, Squire, Macal, Ashle, James, Margery, John Sr., Charles, Nathan, Elizabeth, Martha and Lucy signed marriage certificate of Micajah Woody with Cicile Johnson in Hanover Co. (Henrico Monthly Meeting, Encyclopedia of Quaker Genealogy, William Wade Hinshaw) � Nathan, Squire, Robert, and Margaret are identified in the Whiteoak records as children of either Benjamin or Margery.� Nathan and Robert later got into a dispute about the estate of their brother Micah-- That is in the Whiteoak records (Suzanne's transcription on Linda's site)(Bonnie Flythe,e-mail Dec 2012) Benjamin died before 10 Feb 1734/5 at the age of 52 in Virginia, British America. He was not a witness at his son David's wedding in 1734. Benjamin Johnson and Margery Massie? were married before 6 Feb 1721 in Henrico, Virginia, British America. Benjamin and Margaray (now Johnson) were married before this date. Att a Mo Meeting held at Edwd Mosby the 6th day of 11 mo 1721. At this meeting James Magehay and Rebeckah� Prist did propose their intentions of taking each other in marag.� The meeting appoints Margaray Johnson and Elizabeth Johnson to inquire into the young woman's orderly walking among friends as also in that of her clearness in relation to mariag with any other. Nathan, Squire, Robert, and Margaret are identified in the Whiteoak records as children of either Benjamin or Margery.� Nathan and Robert later got into a dispute about the estate of their brother Micah-- That is in the Whiteoak records. Margery Massie? was born in 1705 in Hanover, Virginia, British America. Benjamin Johnson and Margery Massie? had the following children: � +2 i. David Johnson, married Mary Woodey, 10 Nov 1734, Henrico, Virginia, British America; died 1781, Henrico, Virginia, United States. +3 ii. Gideon Johnson?, born 11 Nov 1722, New Kent, Virginia, United States; married Nancy Ursula Allin, 1747, Virginia, United States; died abt 1807, Rockingham, NC. 4 iii. Micah Johnson died in 1755. Nathan and Robert later got into a dispute about the estate of their brother Micah--That is in the Whiteoak records +5 iv. Nathan Johnson, married Judith Woodey, 5da 2mo 1741, Henrico, Virginia, British America. +6 v. Squire Johnson, married Agatha Crew, 4da 8mo 1744, Charles City, Virginia, British America; died bef 7 Aug 1762. +7 vi. Robert Johnson, married Sarah Ellyson, 7 Jul 1751, New Kent, Virginia, British America. +8 vii. Margaret Johnson?, married William Wright, 1 Oct 1754, Henrico, Virginia, British America. Second Generation � � 2. �David Johnson (Benjamin-1) was born. He died in 1781 in Henrico, Virginia, United States. "...Benj. J. in Quaker records the last time in 1729 and St. Paul's processioning records shows John Johnson as a neighbor to the Widow Johnson in 1731.� Before that time, John and Benj. were in some processioning records together... John and Benjamin were frequently involved in processioning as neighbors. Then John and the Widow Johnson were neighbors in the same process.� Then a David Johnson was processioned next to John Johnson in place of the Widow Johnson.� Benjamin had a son David who died in Henrico in 1781." e-mail from Bonnie Flythe 12-7-12 David Johnson and Mary Woodey were married on 10 Nov 1734 at Meeting Hall in Henrico, Virginia, British America. m 1734 (Henrico MM Minutes transcription, no parents but Martha witness) Whereas David Johnson and Mary Wodday having declared their intentions of taking each other in marriage before severall publick meetings of the said peopell called Quakers in Virginia according to the good order held amongst them whose proceedings therein after deliberate consideration there in with regards to the righteous law of God ----approved by the said meeting in ------- to marriage and having consent of parience and friends concerned. � Now they are to certify all whome it may that for the full accomplishment of their said intentions ye 10 day of 11mo in the year 1734, they the said David Johnson and Mary Wooday appearing in a publick meeting of the aforesaid peoplell and others at this meeting house of ye aforesaid peopell in New Kent Co. And he the said David Johnson taking the said Mary Woodey by the hand did openly declare as followeth.� In the face of God and before you my witnesses, take Mary Woodey to be my wife promising to be unto her a loving husband until death separates us. � And then and their in the said ----the said Mary Woody did in like manner declare as followeth.� In the face of God and before you my witnesses, take David Johnson to be my husband promising to be unjto him atrue & loving wife until death separates us. � And the said David and Mary his now wife after a further confirmation of things did then and there to the -----sett their hands and wee whose names re here under sbcirbed being present amongst others at the subscription in manner aforesaid.� In witness whereof have here unto subscribed our names ye day and years above written. David Johnson (groom) Mary Johnson (bride) Martha Woodey Margery Johnson (mother) G. Robt Ellyson Nathan Johnson (brother) Squire Johnson (brother) David Ellmore Peter Ellmore John Ellmore Thos Ellmore John R----------------- John Ryan Eleanor Webster Robert Ellmore Mary Ellmore William Ros---- Goodale Rawlings Peter Massey Gideon Johnson (brother?) James Johnson Joseph Crew George Bell Charles Massie
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -5-1-1 Constantia Johnson
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -5-1-2 Martha Johnson
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -5-1-3 Jemima Johnson
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -5-1-4 Rebecca Johnson
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -5-1-5 Mary Johnson
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -5-1-6 David Johnson
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -5-1-7 Benjamin Johnson
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -5-2 Gideon Johnson b 11.11.1722, New Kent, VA d 1807, Rockingham NC
m Nancy Ursula Allin b 16.02.1728 Amelia Co VA d 1807 Rockingham NC
+1 Daniel Ursula Allen
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -5-2-1 Gideon Johnson b 07.11.1754; d 01.11.1843, Davidson Co TN.
m Mary Baker de Graffenreid, dau ofs b 03.09.1764 d 07.01.1823 Williamson Co TN.
+1 Baker de Graffenreid and Saraqh Vas
De?-2-2-2-1-1-5-2-1-1 Sarah Johnson b 09.10.1780; d 1858
De?-2-2-2-1-1-5-2-1-2 Mordecai Pillow Johnson b 17.11.1782; d 23.09.1868
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -5-2-1-3 Nancy Johnson b 14.07.1784
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -5-2-1-4 Polly Baker Johnson b 08.04.1790
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -5-2-1-5 Jane Johnson b 13.09.1795; d 31.10.1885
m David Chadwell b 22.12.1790
+1 y Chadwell
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -5-2-1-5-1 Mary Chadwell b 29.07.1815 NC d 17.06.1888 Fannin Co TX
m James T Aldridge b 01.09.1813 NC d 08.05.1884 Fannin Co TX
-1 Nancy Jane Aldridge b 1842, TN d 1883 Fannin Co TX m William FRANKLIN WELCH b 1837 AL d 08.05.1884 Fannin Co TX son of SAMUEL WELCH and Elizabeth COVINGTON -1-1 MARK ANTHONY WELCH b 02.07.1873, Lubbock Co TX d 15.01.1941, Lubbock Co TX m MARIE LULA LANE b 12.12.1873 Conway Co AR d 06.01.1956 Lubbock Co TX -1-1-1 HAROLD BRUCE WELCH b 21.11.1912, Pontotoc Co Ada OK d 29.04.1995 Midland Co TX m JENNA LOUISE HAWKIN b 24.07.1919 Little Rock, Pulaski Co AR d 17.02.1981 Greene Co Midland IN dau of HALSEY HAWKINS and JESSIE SHERRARD -1-1-1-1 LAURA JANE WELCH b 1946 Midland TX m5.11.1977 First United Methodist Church of Midland, TX George WALKER BUSH b 06.07.1946 New Haven CT son of George BUSH and BARBARA PIERCE -1-1-1-1-1 BARBARA PIERCE BUSH b c 1981 Dallas TX
-1-1-1-2 JENNA WELCH BUSH b c 1981 Dallas TX m Henry CHASE HAGER. b 1978 VA

-1-1-1-2-1 MARGARET32 LAURA b 13.04.2013, NYC New York Co NY
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -5-2-1-6 Elizabeth Johnson b 13.10.1797
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -5-2-1-7 Eleanor Johnson b 04.12.1800 m BELL.
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -5-2-1-8 Tabitha Johnson b 26.06.1803
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -5-2-1-9 William Weakley Johnson b 18.10.1807 d 03.03.1874
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -5-2-2 William Allen Johnson b 27.12.1749, Henrico, VA d 08.02.1830 Culleoka TN
m 4 Mar 1773 Guilford NC Sarah McClaren b 25.01.1756 d 02.09.1835 , served as a principal witness for her brother-in-law Abner when he applied for his Revolutionary War pension.
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -5-2-2-1 William Allen Johnson b 1789 Rockingham NC d 1852 Purdy McNairy TN, 1789-1852, McNairy Co., TN), a Maury Co. constable and military officer, married Mary Griffin. His campaign against Nimrod Porter for Maury Co. sheriff is included elsewhere in this manuscript.
m 1810 TN Mary Griffin b 1792 in Orange, NC d in 1852 McNairy, TN
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -5-2-2-1-1 Milton Hugh Johnson b 17.07.1813 Culleoka Maury TN d 17.06.1897 Humbolt Gibson TN
m 02.09.1834 Gibson, TN America J Thomas b 1817 TN d 26.02.1860 Purdy, McNairy, TN
-1 Virginia Johnson b 1836 TN.
-2 HIRUM L Johnson b 1837 TN
-3 William Johnson b 1838 TN
-4 Mary M Johnson b 1841 TN
-5 John P Johnson b 15.10.1842 Humbolt Gibson TN d 03.1880 Gibson TN in the census on 13 Aug 1870 in Red River, White, Arkansas, United States. m 24.07.1866 McLemoresville, Carroll, TN HARRIET EMMA BINGHAM b 09.1847 McLemoresville, TN d 11.01.1916 Haywood, TN dau of SAMUEL YOUNG BINGHAM in the census on 5 Jun 1880 in Humbolt, Gibson, TN 205-205 (no relationships shown)
-6 Sarah JohnSON b 1845 TN.
-7 Josephine Johnson b 1847 TN
-8 Albert D JohnSONson b 1856 TN

-5-1 EDNA E28 JohnSON b 08.1867 TN m John CURTIS b 11.1862 TN in the census on 16 Jun 1900 in Brownsville, Haywood, TN 235-272
-5-2 KATE Johnson b 1870, TN d by 1900, TN
-5-3 Rogers CLAUDIUS Johnson b 23.09.1872 Searcy White AR d 15.01.1938, Brownsville Haywood TN m Mary LOU WilliamSON 17.09.1906 Jackson, Madison, Tennessee, United States b 26.09.1884 Denmark, Tennessee, United States d 13.05.1982 Ripley, Tennessee, United States..

-5-3-1 John CURTIS JohnSON b 04.08.1908, Dyer, TN d 31.03.1999, Durham, NC Kit# 66391 67 marker test - matches the Olive Group norm
-5-3-2 Roger C JohnSON b 1911, TN
-5-3-3 Catherine JohnSON b 1914, TN.
-5-3-4 EDWIN EARL JohnSON b 29.11.1918, TN; d 03.06.1945, West College St. in Brownsville, Haywood, TN Certificate of Death TN 12077 - Mrs Rogers Johnson informant Grocery Clerk - tuberculoses Father: Rogers Johnson TN Mother: Mary Lu Williamson TN buried on 4 Jun 1945 at Oakwood Cemetery in Brownsville, Haywood, TN
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -5-2-2-1-1 Sibella Thomas Johnson b 21.06.1822, Maury Tennessee United States; d 09.06.1903, Kenset AR
m 21.02.1838, Gibson Co TN Andrew Park Foster b 17.05.1810 Whitestone Spartanburg, SC d 06.05.1873 White Co AR.
-1 William Houston Foster b. Jul 17, 1841, Gibson Co TN d Jun 9, 1903 m Sep 10 1866 Gibson co TN Sue Lannon
-2 Mary Almedia Foster b Jan 24 1843 Gibson Co TN
-3 Alice Angeline Foster b April 30 1846
-4 Albert Napoleon Foster b April 9, 1848 d 1889
-5 Milton Foster b Apr 9 1848 m Anne Hamilton Jan 3 1880 b 1858 cousin
-6 Sarag Jane Foster b Feb 9, 1852 m J. H. DYER.
-7 Mariah Louise Foster b Mar 2 1854 d November 01, 1855 bur Pruett Cemetery, Medina Road, Humboldt, TN
-8 Annie Buchanan Foster b Nov 2 1856 d Jul 13, 1943 m James Calvin Foster Oct 9, 1873.
-9 Georgia Rainey Foster b Mar 28, 1860 d June 27 1872, Searcy AR
-10 Andrew Lee Foster b Dec 27, 1862 TN d Dec 19 1945.
-11 Aubrey Johnson Foster b Aug 22 1865 d 1906 Humboldt TN m Beulah Wardlow
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -5-2-3 Abner Johnson b 1759, Prince Edward, VA d 22.10.1850.
m Nancy Brackett 14.03.1783 Guilford, NC
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -5-2-3-1 Peter Johnson b 1798 d 1868, DNA Results Kit # 66391 - 67 markers - match Olive norms Kit # 260314 - 67 markers - match Olive norms Kit # 6439 - 12 markers - match Olive norms
m 25.09.1817 Maury TN Elizabeth Mobley b 1803 NC d 1877
+1 y Mobley
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -5-2-3-1-1 Edward C Johnson b 1823 d 1862 m Marry Jetton 14.11.1842, Maury TN, Kit #260314
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -5-2-3-1-2 Cynthia Johnson b 1827, TN
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -5-2-3-1-3 Nancy Johnson b 1830 TN d 1883 Chilton Co AL
m 05.02.1846 Shelby Co AL Simeon Motes b 1825 d 11.02.1881, obituary reads "Died, at home near Pelham, in this Co, on the 11th inst., Mr. Simeon Motes, and old citizen, age 55 or 60 years. Mr. Motes had been in feeble health for some time past, and his death was, we learn not unexpected. We extend our sympathies to the bereaved ones." (Shelby Sentinel, 27 February 1881) In an article entitled "Families Crisscross Co in Long History" (The Shelby Co Reporter, 20 August 1981), Cecil Motes recalls, "The Motes Family were early settlers of the Pelham area. The article further states that the new interstate runs only a few feet from the graves of William Joseph Motes and Simeon and Nancy Johnson Motes. Some family members recall being told that there were once tombstones at the graves but today only low places in the earth and rocks mark them. One marker, for a Payne who married in to the family is all that remains. According to information passed on to Motes, his great grandfather Simeon Motes once owned the whole Walters place. He recalls being told, �One Sunday he (Simeon Motes) walked around and came back and told them that he wanted to be buried on the hill out there.' Simeon Motes died in 1880 and his wife Nancy in 1883. Their son William Joseph Motes died in 1884 at the age of 36, when his son Edgar Lee Motes was only 18 months old. His widow Anna Douglas Motes later married John Harless."
-1 Belle Zora Moates b 04.07.1859 Shelby Co AL d 25.04.1939 Chilton Co m JESSE STEPHEN ALDRIDGE b 08.12.1857 Chilton Co AL d 22.03.1950 Chilton Co
-2 William D MOTES m ANNA STACY DOUGLAS b 21.03.1854 Russell Co AL d 18.04.1918 Talladega Co dau of BENJAMIN DOUGLAS� and ROXALINE COVINGTON
-1-1 HORACE LEONARD28 ALDRIDGE b Chilton Co AL d 02.03.1961 Clanton Chilton Co AL m ODESSA PARMESIA ALLEN b 11.04.1890 Chilton Co AL d 10.1975, Clanton Chilton Co
-2-1 EDGAR LEE28 MOTES b 29.06.1883 Pelham Shelby Co AL d 07.04.1941, Pelham Shelby Co AL m PAULINE ETHEL GIBSON b 23.08.1893 Shelby Co, AL d 29.07.1959, Jefferson Co , 1916-1926 VA State Senator, 1926-1930 VA Governor, 1933-1965 US Senator from VA, 1941-1947 US Senate Committee on Rules, Chairperson m ANNE DOUGLAS BEVERLEY b 10.08.1887 VA d 25.08.1964 VA
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -5-2-3-1-4 Haywood Johnson b 1834 TN
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -5-2-3-1-5 Mary Johnson b 1837 TN
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -5-2-3-1-6 William P Johnson b 1840 d by 1920 m Martha Ann Williams 17.01.1872 Lawrence TN
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -5-2-3-1-7 Theodore Johnson b 1844 TN
De?-2-2-2-1-1 -5-2-3-1-8 Martha Johnson b 1847 TN
De?-2-2-2-1-1-5-2-4 Benjamin Johnson b 1766, NC d c 1850 Paris Henry Co TN m Nancy Hubbard
De?-2-2-2-1-1-5-2-5 Elizabeth Johnson m y Ray
De?-2-2-2-1-1-5-2-6 Judith Johnson m y Conden
De?-2-2-2-1-1-5-2-7 Naomi Johnson.
De?-2-2-2-1-1-5-2-8 Ursula Johnson b 13.12.1787 m PILLER.
De?-2-2-2-1-1-5-2-9 Nancy Johnson m y Cotton
De?-2-2-2-1-1-5-3 MICAJAH JohnSON d 1755 m Cecilia WOODY, 04.09.1739, Nathan and Robert later got into a dispute about the estate of their brother Micah--That is in the Whiteoak records
De?-2-2-2-1-1-5-4 NATHAN JohnSON, m Judith WOODEY, 05.02.1741, Henrico, VA
De?-2-2-2-1-1-5-5 SQUIRE JohnSON, d by 07.08.1762 m AGATHA CREW, 04.08.1744, VA
De?-2-2-2-1-1-5-6 Robert JohnSON, m Sarah ELLYSON, 07.07.1751, New Kent VA b 1723, New Kent,VA
De?-2-2-2-1-1-5-7 MARGARET Johnson m William WRIGHT, 01.10.1754, Henrico, VA
De?-2-2-2-1-1-6 Thomas Massie b 1675, St Peters Parish New Kent VA d 1732, Goochland VA
m Mary Jane WALKER b 30.01.1709, Walkertown King and Queen VA d 01.10.1740, New Kent Co VA
De?-2-2-2-1-1-7 Charles Massie b 1686, New Kent New Kent VA d 14.06.1749, Goochland Goochland Co VA
m1 Jane CRAIK b 1680 Scotland d 1705 Rappahannock Co Washington VA
m2 ANNE MACON b 15.12.1685 New Kent Co VA d Goochland Co VA + 1 ch
+1 y MACON
De?-2-2-2-1-1-7-1 Nathaniel Massie b 02.08.1727 New Kent Co VA d 16.08.1802 Goochland Co VA
De?-2-2-2-1-1-7-1-1 Charlotte Massie b 01.01.1784 New Kent Co VA d by 1819 Chillicothe Ross Co OH
m Thomas James b 05.11.1776 Frederick Co MD d 1856 Chillicothe Ross Co OH
+1 y JAMES
De?-2-2-2-1-1-7-1-1-1 Anne James b 22.02.1810, Hamilton Co OH d 07.02.1891
m Nathaniel Greene PENDLETON b 25.08.1793, Savannah Chatham Co GA d 16.06.1861, Cincinnati Hamilton Co OH
De?-2-2-2-1-2 Lucretia Ashley Cooper b 1652 England (family legend calls her Lucretia but Quaker records show her as Elizabeth Massie)
m1 John Johnson b 1675 Craig Aberdeen Scotland d Hanover VA
m2 Peter Massie b 1640 Coddington England d 25.12.1719 New Kent VA + 12 ch , member of St. Peters Parish in Henrico, VA
+1 James Johnston and Margaret ALEXANDER
+1 Thomas Massie and Judith Brereton
De?-2-2-2-1-2-1 Ashley Massie
De?-2-2-2-1-2-2 John Massie
De?-2-2-2-1-2-3 Thomas Massie b 1677 New Kent Co VA d 16.06.1751.
m Mary WALKER b 1679 of,New Kent,VA
+1 George Walker and Mary WHYT
De?-2-2-2-1-2-3-1 William Massie b 27.05.1718, New Kent Co VA
m Martha Lucy Macon b 12.08.1722 New Kent Co VA d 09.1759 VA
+1 William Macon and Mary Hartwell
De?-2-2-2-1-2-3-1-1 Maj Thomas Massie b 22.08.1747, Henrico Co, Turkey Island VA d 02.02.1834 VA, founded the Massie family in Nelson Co 1803. The Massie family was established in New Kent Co by Peter Massie, who patented land there in 1698. Members of the two succeeding generations of Massies represented New Kent Co in the Virginia House of Burgesses. Major Massie was a distinguished officer in the Revolutionary War. In 1775 he was commissioned Captain in the Sixth Virginia Regiment, after recruiting a company of soldiers from New Kent Co. From 1775 until the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown in 1781, Major Massie saw continuous service with the Continental Army, and, as aide to General Thomas Nelson, he was present at the surrender. He was a charter member of the Society of the Cincinnati established by officers of the Revolutionary Army to perpetuate their friendship and to raise funds for the widows and orphans of men who had fallen in battle. His military career over, Major Massie, with his wife, the former Sarah Cocke of Bremo, and his family, moved from Millwood in Frederick Co (now Clarke) to Nelson. He was given land around Covington, VA, but as administrator of his stepfather-in-law's estate he had come to Nelson (then Amherst Co.) shortly before to settle the estate, and had been so carried away with the wild and fertile land that he had bought 9,000 acres from Colonel Rose. Rose at one time owned vast tracts of land in the Co. Major Massie became one of the first magistrates of Nelson Co when it was founded in 1807. Here he built his home, Level Green, and here he lived until his death in 1834. Pharsalia was built by him for his son, William, and his bride prior to 1814.
m Sarah Cocke b 20.04.1760 Henrico Co VA d 27.04.1838 Amherst Co VA
+1 BOWLER Cocke and Elizabeth Fauntleroy i. Thomas25 MASSIE b 21.10.1782, Frederick Co VA d 06.05.1864, Blue Rock Nelson Co VA m1 SARAH CARRINGTON CABELL b 02.11.1795, Union Hill Nelson Co VA d 19.06.1831, Blue Rock Nelson Co VA m2 LUCY WALLER b 10.12.1791, Amherst Co VA d 31.08.1822, Nelson Co VA Notater for Thomas MASSIE: Org. 1829 Virginia Constitutional Convention, Virginia, Delegate Org. 1830 Virginia Historical Society, Member
De?-2-2-2-1-2-4 Benjamin Massie
De?-2-2-2-1-2-5 Margery Massie
De?-2-2-2-1-2-6 James Massie
De?-2-2-2-1-2-7 Elizabeth Massie m y Johnston
De?-2-2-2-2 Henry Spencer b 1620 Mansion Althorp Northampton d 20.09.1643 Newbury Berks, 1636-1640 3rd Baron of Spencer of Wormleighton, 1643-1643 1st Earl of Sunderland
m Dorothy Sidney b 05.10.1617 d 05.02.1684.
De?-2-2-3 Anne Wriothesley
m Robert Wallop of Farley Wallop MP
De?-2-2-4 Elizabeth Wriothesley
m Sir Thomas Estcourt
- - - - -
Wy17-2-1. 506. Agnes Dormer b 1482 Buckinghamshire
m Robert Baldwin b 11.08.1470 Aylesbury Bucks d 24.10.1545 Bucks
Wy17-2-1-1Richard Baldwin b 1503 Bucks d aft 16.01.1552 Bucks
m Ellen Apuke b 1507 Bucks d 24.11.1565 Bucks
Wy17-2-1-1-1 Henry Baldwin b 1529, Buckinghamshire d 1602, Buckinghamshire
m Alice KING, dau of b 1539 Ashton d 1626 Buckinghamshire
Wy17-2-1-1-1-1 John BALDWIN b 1568 Amersham Bucks d 1637
m1 x + 1 ch (seems m like one mariage and same ch)
m2 Hannah BIRCHARD b 1576 + 1 ch
Wy17-2-1-1-1-1-1 John BALDWIN b 1622 Aston-Clinton d 21.06.1681 CT
m Mary d 1652 Milford CT
Wy17-2-1-1-1-1-1-1 George BALDWIN b 1660 Branford CT d 1728, Bradford CT
m Deborah ROSE b 1670 d 1745 CT
Wy17-2-1-1-1-1-2 John BALDWIN b 24.06.1619, Aston Clinton Bucks d 21.06.1681, Milford New Haven Co CTs.
m Mary BRUEN, dau of John BRUEN and MARGARET ALLEN b 04.06.1622 Shrewsbury Shropshire England d 02.09.1670 Milford New Haven Co CTs.
+1 y BRUEN
Wy17-2-1-1-1-2 Sylvester BALDWIN b 1560 Buckinghamshire d aft 16.02.1632 Bedford
m JANE WELLES b mel. 1569 - 1571 Stourton Warwickshire England d 10.11.1669 Milford New Haven Co CT
+1 Robert WELLES and Alice HUNT
Wy17-2-1-1-1-2-1 Richard BALDWIN b 1597, Buckinghamshire d 1638, Bucks
m Philippa CORBMAN b c 1590 d 30.07.1641 Bucks
Wy17-2-1-1-1-2-1-1 John BALDWIN b aft 19.02.1614 d 1687, Billerica Middlesex Co MA
m Mary Richardson b 17.11.1638 Charlestown Middlesex Co, MA d 1687.
y RichardSON
Wy17-2-1-1-1-2-1-1-1 Thomas BALDWIN b 26.03.1672 Billerica Middlesex Co MA d 12.12.1747 Billerica Middlesex Co MA
m Sarah French b 07.03.1681 Billerica Middlesex Co MA d 16.06.1761, Billerica Middlesex Co MA dau of Jacob French and Mary Champney
-1 Jacob Baldwin b aft 18 Mar 1704 Billerica d Northampton MA m Sarah x
-2 David Baldwin
-3 Benjamin Baldwin
-1-1 Esther Baldwin b 1740 Townsend MA m 24 May 1759 in Townsend Ebenezer Giles -1-1-1 Ebenezer Giles b c 14 Aug 1759 Townsend
-1-1-2 Elizabeth Giles b 6 'Feb 1761
-1-1-3 John Giles b 4 Nov 1762 Townsend d there 24 Aug 1825 m1 aft 15 Mar 1787 Suzy Baldwin m2 15 Apr 1789 Mary Adams
-1-1-4 Sarah Giles b 6 Mar 1766 Townsend d 17 Apr 1834 Pawlet Rutland Co VT m James Pratt
-1-1-5 Rachel Giles m Conant
-1-1-6 Joel Giles
-1-1-7 Hannah Giles

-1-1-3-1 John Giles Jr b 11 Nov 1791 Townsend d there 12 Sep 1900
-1-1-3-2 Samuel Giles b 23 Jun 1793 Townsend d there 22 Aug 1800
-1-1-3-3 Suzy Giles b Aug 1797 d 8 May 1798
-1-1-3-4 Polly Giles b 18 Dec 1801 Townsend d there 5 Nov 1857
-1-1-3-5 John Giles b c 1806 d 14 Jun 1838 Townsend
-1-1-4-1 Elisha Pratt b 1784 Pawlet d 1833 Ypsilanti MI
-1-1-4-2 Dorcas Pratt b 1790 Pawlet d 1831 m Fitch
-1-1-4-3 Sarah Pratt m Loomis
-1-1-4-4 Lucy Pratt
-1-1-4-5 Esther Pratt m Giles
-1-1-4-6 James Pratt
-1-1-4-7 Alvah Pratt
-1-1-4-8 Ervin Pratt
Wy17-2-1-1-1-2-1-2 Henry BALDWIN b 08.02.1622, Aston Clinton Bucks d 14.02.1696, Woburn Middlesex Co MA
m Phebe Richardson b 03.06.1632 Boston Suffolk Co MA d 13.09.1716 Woburn, Middlesex Co MA
Wy17-2-1-1-1-2-2 Sylvester BALDWIN b 1590, Aston Clinton Bucks d 21.08.1638 at sea
m Sarah BRYAN b 25.02.1601, Chesham Bucks
- - - - -
507. Catherine Plantagenet b 14.08.1479 Eltham Palace Kent England d 15.11.1527 Tiverton Castle Devon
m William Courtenay b 1475 Eltham Kent d 09.06.1511 Greenwich Kent, 1504-1511 1st Earl of Devon
MARGARET COURTENAY b 1499, Colcombe Castle Devon d by 15.04.1526
m Henry SOMERSET b 1496, Monmouthshire Wales; d 26.11.1549, Monmouthshire Wales.
- - - - -
Pl18 =19. 508. Elizabeth Plantagenet b 11.02.1465 Westminster Palace London Middlesex England d 11.02.1503 Tower of London
m Henry VII King of England b 28.01.1457 Pembroke Castle Pembrokeshire Wales d 21.04.1509 Shene Palace Richmond Surrey
Tu17-1Arthur Tudor, Prince of Wales b 20.09.1486, dsp 02.04.1502
m 14.11.1501 Katherine of Aragon d 06.01.1536, dau of Ferdinand V, King of Spain
Tu18Henry Tudor, King Henry VIII of England b 28.06.1491, d 28.01.1547 �A
m1 Henry VII KING OF ENGLAND b 28.01.1457 Pembroke Castle Pembrokeshire Wales d 21.04.1509 Shene Palace Richmond Surrey
Tu17-1Henry Tudor, Duke of Cornwall b 01.01.1509-10, d 22.02.1509-10
Tu17-2Mary Tudor, Queen of England b 18.02.1515-6, dsp 17.11.1558
m 25.07.1554 Philip II, King of Spain
m2 1532-33 Anne Boleyn beheaded 19.05.1536, dau of Sir Thomas Boleyn, Earl of Wiltshire and Ormonde
Tu17-3Henry Tudor, Duke of Cornwall b/d 11.1534
Tu17-4Elizabeth Tudor, Queen of England b 07.09.1533, d unm 24.03.1603
m3 20.05.1536 Jane Seymour d 14.10.1537, dau of Sir John Seymour
Tu17-5Edward Tudor, King Edward VI of England b 12.10.1537, dsp 06.07.1553
m4m4. 06.01.1540, div 07.1540 Anne of Cleves b 22.09.1515, dsp 17/28.07.1557, dau of John III, Duke of Cleves and Julich
m5 08.08.1540 Katharine Howard beheaded 13.02.1542, dau of Lord Edmund Howard
m6 12.07.1543 Catharine Parr d 05.09.1548, dau of Sir Thomas Parr of Kendal
p1p1. Elizabeth Blount d c 1540, dau of Sir John Blount of Kinlet
Tu17-6Henry Fitzroy, Duke of Richmond and Somerset b 1519, dsp 22.07.1536
m c 1533 Mary Howard d 09.12.1557, dau of Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk
p2p2 Mary Boleyn Bo18 b 1504, d 19.07.1534, dau of Sir Thomas Boleyn, Earl of Wiltshire and Ormonde she m William Carey d 22.06.1528
Tu17-7Henry Carey, 1st Lord Hunsdon b 04.03.1526, d 23.07.1596, sired by Henry VIII br>m 1545 Anne Morgan d 19.01.1606/7, dau of Sir Thomas Morgan of Arkestone -1 George Carey, 2nd Lord Hunsdon d 09.09.1603 m Elizabeth Spencer bur 02.03.1617/8, dau of Sir John Spencer of Althorp
-2 Sir John Carey, 3rd Lord Hunsdon bur 07.04.1617 m Mary Hyde bur 07.04.1627, dau of Leonard Hyde of Hyde Hall and Throckyng
-3 Sir Edmund Carey of Moulton Park b c1558, d 1637 m1 Mary Crocker dau of Christopher Crocker of Croft m2 Elizabeth Nevill bur 24.06.1630, dau of John, Lord Latimer m3 Judith Humphrey dau of Lawrence Humphrey
-4 Robert Carey, 1st Earl of Monmouth b 1560, d 12.04.1639
m 20.08.1593 Elizabeth Trevanion d by 07.1641, dau of Sir Hugh Trevanion of Correheigh
-5 Catherine Carey d 25.02.1602-3 m 07.1563 Charles Howard, 1st Earl of Nottingham b 1536, d 14.12.1624
-6 Philadephia Carey d 03.02.1626/7 m before 1584 Thomas le Scrope, 10th Lord of Bolton b c1567, d 02.09.1609
-7 Margaret Carey m Sir Edward Hoby
-1-1 Elizabeth Carey m Sir Thomas Berkeley b 11.07.1575, dvp 22.11.1611
-2-1 Henry Carey, 4th Lord Hunsdon, 1st Earl of Dover d 1668 m1 Judith Pelham dau of Sir Thomas Pelham, 1st Bart of Laughton m2 Mary Morris dau of Richard Morris
-2-2 Charles Cary
-2-3 Anne Cary m Sir Francis Lovell of East Harlyng
-2-4 Blanch Cary m1 Christopher Peyton m2 16.06.1605 Sir Thomas Woodhouse of Kimberley d 18.03.1658
-3-1 Sir Robert Carey bpt 21.03.1582/3 m Aletta Hogenhove dau of Mynheer Hogenhove
-3-2 Sir Ferdinando Carey m Philippa Throckmorton dau of Sir William Throckmorton
-3-3+ 1 son and 2 daughters
-4-1 Henry Carey, 2nd Earl of Monmouth bpt 27.01.1595/6, d 13.06.1661 m 1619/20 Martha Cranfield bpt 12.07.1601, d 10.04.1677, dau of Lionel Cranfield, 1st Earl of Middlesex
-4-2 Thomas Carey b c1617, d 1649 m Margaret Smith dau of Sir Thomas Smith of Parsons Green
-4-3 Thomas Carey m 11.04.1611 Sir Thomas Wharton of Easby b 1587, dvp 17.04.1622

-2-1-1 John Carey, 2nd Earl of Dover, 5th Lord b c1608, d 1677
m1 Dorothy St. John dau of Oliver St. John, Earl of Bolingbroke m2 Abigail Cokayne dau of Sir William Cokayne, alderman of London
-2-1-2 Sir Pelham Carey dsp m 24.06.1630 Mary Jackson dau of John Jackson
-2-1-3 Mary Carey m Sir Thomas Wharton of Edlington b 1615, d 1684
-2-1-4+ Henry d 01.1620-1, George dsp, Judith d unm, Philadephia d unm
-3-1-1 Sir Horatio Carey BE1883 identifies Horatio's wife as Petronilla, dau of Robert Conyers. TCP identifies her as ... m Pernel Harrington dau of Robert Harrington of Durham
-3-1-2 Ernestus Carey of Great Shelford d 1680 m St. John Salveyn d 1649, dau of Thomas Salveyn of Croxdale
-3-1-3 Col Ferdinand Carey d 1663
-3-2-1 Philadephia Carey d 04.05.1696, 5th daughter m before 21.03.1657/8 Thomas Wentworth, 'Lord Wentworth of Nettlested' bpt 02.02.1612/3, dvp 01.0.1664/5
-4-1-1 Lionel Carey, 'Lord Leppington' dvp unm Marston Moor 1644
-4-1-2 Henry Carey, 'Lord Leppington' dvp 1649
m Mary Scrope d 01.11.1680, dau of Emmanuel Scrope, 11th Lord of Bolton, Earl of Sunderland
-4-1-3 Anne Carey
m James Hamilton, 1st Earl of Clanbrassill d 20.06.1639
-4-1-4 Elizabeth Mary Carey dsp 09.12.1719 m William Fielding, 2nd Earl of Desmond, 3rd Earl of Denbigh b 29.12.1640, d 23.08.1685
-4-1-5 Martha Carey m 16.12.1667 John Middleton, 1st Earl of Middleton b c1608, d 1673
-4-1-6+ other issue d unm - Philadephia, Theophila, Magdalen
-4-2-1 Elizabeth Carey b c 1632, d 05.04.1679
m c 1656 John Mordaunt, 1st Viscount of Avalon b 18.06.1626, d 05.06.1675 Their eldest son became Earl of Monmouth.

-2-1-1-1 Mary Carey m William Heveningham of Heveningham
-3-1-1-1 Robert Carey, 6th Lord Hunsdon dsp 1692 m Margaret Clifton bur 14.02.1697/8, dau of Sir Gervase Clifton, Bart
-3-1-2-1 Robert Carey, 7th Lord Hunsdon d unm 11.09.1702
-3-1-3-1 William Carey of Maastricht d 07.11.1683 m Gertrude Van Ousthoorn dau of Cornelius Van Ousthoorn
-4-1-2-1 Henry Carey, 'Lord Leppington' bur 24.05.1653
-4-1-5-1 Thomas Middleton b 1650 Burlington d 21 Dec 1704 Springfield Burlington NJ m Naomi Folwell b 1660 Flore Northants d 5 Apr 1715 burlington dau of William Folwell and Elizabeth Teeton
-4-1-5-2 Hon John Middleton
-4-1-5-3 Elizabeth Middleton m y Spelman

-3-1-3-1-1 William Ferdinand Carey, 8th Lord Hunsdon bpt 14.01.1684, dsp 12.06.1765 m 11.01.1717/8 Grace Waldo b c1684, d 09.05.1729, dau of Sir Edward Waldo of Pinner
-4-1-5-1-1 Hugh Middleton b 1685 d 19 Jan 1713 Salem NJ m Mary Bradway Cooper b 27 Dec 1688 Salem NJ d 1714 dau of William Cooper and Mary ?Bradway
-4-1-5-1-2 Thomas Middleton II b 1685 d 10 Aug 1724 Burlington NJ m Mercy Allen b 13 Mar 1692 Burlington d there 17 Feb 1754
-4-1-5-1-3 John Middleton b 1686 Worcester Engl d 25 Jan 1741 Crosswicks Burlington NJ m Esther Gilberthorpe b 3 Dec 1684 West Jersey d 27 Apr 1759 Chesterfield Burlington NJ dau of Thomas Gilberthorpe and Hester Browne b 1649 Derbyshire Engl d 27 Mar 1712 Burlington NJ
-4-1-5-1-4 Nathan Middleton b 1688
-4-1-5-1-5 Elizabeth Middleton b 1702 Burlington d 1740
-4-1-5-1-6 Jane Middleton b 1704 Burlington NJ d 1740 ?m y Richardson
-4-1-5-1-7 Naomi Middleton b 1708
-4-1-5-1-1-1 Mary Middleton m1 Judge Nicholas Greenbarry Ridgely b 2 Feb 1694 AA Co MD d 16 Feb 1755 Dover DE son of Capt Henry Ridgely and Katherine Howard Greenberry m2 Benjamin Vining had issue
-4-1-5-1-1-2 John Middleton
-4-1-5-1-2-1 Thomas Middleton III b 8 jun 1710 Chester Twp Morris Co NJ d 21 Sep 1778 Burlington
-4-1-5-1-2-2 Matthew Middleton b 1713
-4-1-5-1-2-3 Hugh Middleton b 1715
-4-1-5-1-2-4 Hannah Middleton b 1717 d 1777
-4-1-5-1-2-5 Rebecca Middleton b 1719 d 1809
-4-1-5-1-2-6 Rachel Middleton b 1721 d 1801
-4-1-5-1-3-1 Thomas Middleton b 1711 Nottingham Burlington NJ d 21 Sep 1803 Chesterfield m Patience Tilton b 1717 d 1778
-4-1-5-1-3-2 John Middleton b 22 Sep 1712 Chesterfield d there 3 Feb 1765 m Lydia x b c 1710 d 1739?
-4-1-5-1-3-3 Nathan Middleton b 17 Oct 1714 Moorestowne Burlington NJ d 15 Jun 1760 Burlington
-4-1-5-1-3-4 Bridget Middleton b 22 Mar 1716 Mansfield Burlington NJ d 23 Jul 1783 Hanover Burlington NJ m Joseph Steward b 1712 d 1780
-4-1-5-1-3-5 Naomi Middleton b 23 Jan 1718 Chesterfield Burlington NJ d there 11 Oct 1800
-4-1-5-1-3-6 Jonathan Middleton b 8 Apr 1719 Chesterfield d there 1743
-4-1-5-1-3-7 George Middleton b 12 May 1722 Nottingham NJ d there 26 Jun 1770 m Hannah Fowler b 1725 Chesterfield NJ d 12 Oct 1795 Burlington NJ dau of John Fowler and Elizabeth Steward b 1707 Chesterfield d there 1750 (dau of Joseph Steward b 11 Jun 1664 Winkle Cheshire Engl d 28 Jul 1715 Chesterfield NJ and Alice Wright b 1671 Chesterfield NJ d there 24 Apr 1759)
-4-1-5-1-3-8 Abel Middleton
-4-1-5-1-3-9 Amos Middleton
-4-1-5-1-3-10 William MIDDLETON
Tu17Catherine or Mary Carey d 15.08.1568 m Sir Francis Knollys d 1596
Kn16-1Sir Henry Knollys of Kingsbury b c 1590 m Margaret Cave d 15.08.1600, dau/heir of Sir Ambrose Cave -1 Elizabeth Knollys b c 1579 m Sir Henry Willoughby, Bart of Risley b c1579, d 20.11.1649
-2 Lettice Knollys d 1655 m before 19.06.1602 William Paget, 4th Lord of Beaudesert b 1572, d 29.08.1629
Kn16-2 William Knollys of Rotherfield Greys, Viscount Wallingford, 1st Earl of Banbury b c1547, d 25.05.1632, Treasurer of the Household m1 Dorothy Braye d 31.10.1605 + 1 dau d y dau of Sir Edmund Braye, 1st Lord m2 1605 Elizabeth Howard bpt 11.08.1586, d 17.04.1658, dau of Thomas Howard, 1st Earl of Suffolk (she had 2 ch by Edward Vaux with continuation on Knollys2,)
Kn16-3Sir Robert Knollys
m Joan Higham
-1 Sir Robert Knollys 'of Gray's Court' m Johanna Wolstenholme dau of Sir John Wolstenholme -1-1 Robert Knollys m Mary Saunders of Menegwell or Mungwell
-1-2 William Knollys
-1-3 Letitia Knollys m by 1645 Sir John Corbet of Stoke, 2nd Bart
-1-4 dau m y Egerton of Staffordshire
-1-5 dau m y Holmby of Yorkshire
-1-1-1 Robert Knollys dspms, MP for Oxfordshire
Kn16-4Richard Knollys -1 Francis Knollys bur 04.08.1640 m1 _ Wiseman dau of Sir Charles Wiseman m2 Alice Beecher dau of Sir William Beechey of Middlesex -1-1 2 sons and 1 dau
Kn16-5Sir Francis Knollys of Battel 'of Reading Abbey' m Lettice Barret dau of John Barret of Hanham -1 y Knollys b c1614, d 1623
-2 Sir Francis Knollys 2nd son m Ellen Milles dau/heir of Richard Milles of Lower Winchendon

-2-1+ William b c 1614, d 1623, Francis dsp
-2-3 Richard Knollys 3rd son? b c 1618 m Mary Bellingham of Everingham sister/heir of Henry Bellingham

-2-3-1 Francis Knollys 'of Winchington' m Anne Bateman of Berkshire heir

-2-3-1-1 Francis Knollys d 1701, MP for Reading m Elizabeth Striblehill d 1701, dau/coheir of John Striblehill of Thame
-2-3-1-2 Elizabeth Knollys d 15.11.1723 m Sir Francis Curson of Waterferry

-2-3-1-1-1 Francis Knollys of Thame, Oxfordshire d unm 24.06.1754
-2-3-1-1-2 Richard Knollys of Thame >m1 Elizabeth Thayer + 1 ch dau/coheir of Humphrey Thayer m2 sp Hannah Salivey dau of Theophilus Salivey of Woodford m3 sp Anne Taylor dau of John Taylor
-2-3-1-1-3+ other issue d young - John, Cecilia

-2-3-1-1-2-1 Sir Francis Knollys of Thame, Sheriff of Oxfordshire, Bart dsp 20.06.1722
m 1756 Mary Carter dau/heir of Sir Robert Kendall Carter of Kempston, son of John of Basingbourn Hall
Kn16-6Sir Thomas Knollys
m Odelia de Morada dau of John de Morada, Marquess of Bergen
-1 Penelope Knollys m William Le Hunt
-2 Elizabeth or Lettice Knollyspossibly of this generation dvp? m Sir Rowland Rugeley of Dunton d 1629
Kn16-7Lettice Knowles m1 Walter Devereux, 1st Earl of Essex b c 1553, d 22.09.1576 m2 21.09.1578 Sir Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester b 24.06.1532/3, d 04.09.1588 m3 before 08.1589 Sir Christopher Blount d 18.03.1600/1
Kn16Anne Knollys b c 1555
m 19.11.1571 Thomas West We16
, 2nd Lord De La Warr b c 1556, d 24.03.1601-2
-1 Thomas West, 3rd Lord De La Warr b 09.07.1557 m 25.11.1596 Cecily Shirley Sh15 bur 31.07.1662, dau of Sir Thomas Shirley of Wiston) -1-1 Henry West, 4th Lord De La Warr b 03.10.1603, d 01.06.1628 m 03.1624/5 Isabella Edmunds b 11.1607, d c 1677, dau of Sir Thomas Edmunds
-1-2 Cecilia West d 02.1638 m1 Sir Francis Bindlosse of Barwick Hall m2 Sir John Byron, 1st Lord of Rochdale (dsp 08.1652)
-1-3 Lucy West m Sir Robert Byron, Governor of Liverpool (Colonel)
-1-4? Anthony West b 1605 England d 25 May 1652 d Northampton Co Va
-1-5? Martha West b 1615 Va d England m William Woodward b 1620 England d King and Queen Co Va son of Christopher Woodward and Catherine Audley b 1597 d 11 Jan 1632

-1-4-1 Col. John West b 7 Apr 1638 England d c 1703 Accomack Co m Matilda Scarburgh Sc13 b c 1637 Accomack Co d c 3 Jan 1720 Accomack Co dau of Col. Edmund Norton Scarborough Jr Sc14 b 2 OCT 1617 d 23 MAY 1671 and Mary Littleton b 1619 d 15 DEC 1691

-1-4-1-1 Frances West b c 1655 d c 1731 Wachapreague Accomack Co m Richard Kellam II Ke12 b c 1651 d 6 Apr 1731 son of Richard Kellam Sr and Sarah Ansley
-1-4-1-2 John West b 1675 d 1719 Accomack Co m Frances Yeardley b 1677 Accomack Co d there 1714 dau of Argoll Yeardley Jr and Sarah Michael b 1654 d 1697
-1-4-1-3 Ann West m William Sellman b 22 Jan 1688/9 in Accomac, Accomack Co Va d 31 Mar 1743 AA Co

-1-4-1-1-1 Richard Kellam m Susanna x
-1-4-1-1-2 Thomas Kellam d before 30_Nov_1756, Accomack Co m Abigail Watson b before 1741 wife of Thomas Kellam d. before 12_Dec_1775, Accomack Co. VA
-1-4-1-1-3 Sarum Kellam d 1744 m Elizabeth x
-1-4-1-1-4 John West Kellam d 1769 m Elizabeth x
-1-4-1-1-5 Sarah Kellam b c 1680 Marionville Northampton Co Va m John Sill Si11 b 1676 Accomack Co Va d Chester Co PA
-1-4-1-2-1 Sarah West b 1710, Accomack Co m Isaac Smith b 1698 Accomack d there 1760
-1-4-1-3-1 Charles Sellman b 5 Aug 1722 All Hallows Parish Anne Arundel Co MD d 20 Dec 1770 m Elizabeth Gassaway b c 1722 AA Co dau of Nicholas Gassaway b 6 Feb 1696 will proved 21 Apr 1757 and m1 2 Jun 1719 Elizabeth Hawkins b 1700 Anne Arundel Co d 1736

-1-4-1-1-2-1 Peter Kellam b before 1741 d after 1756
-1-4-1-1-2-2 Jonathan Kellam b before 1756 d before 11_Dec_1792, Northampton Co VA
-1-4-1-1-2-3 Elijah Kellam b before 1756 d before 3_Nov_1765, Accomack Co VA
-1-4-1-1-2-4 Anne Kellam b before 1756 d after 1756
-1-4-1-1-2-5 Sarah Kellam b before 1756 d after 1756
-1-4-1-1-2-6 Stephen Kellam b before 1772 d.10_Oct_1786, Northampton Co. VA
-1-4-1-1-4-1 Scarburgh W. Kellam d.1776 m Keziah x
-1-4-1-1-4-2 Caleb Kellam (Bable, Laban) d 1769 m Elizabeth x
-1-4-1-1-4-3 Patience Kellam m before 1769 m John Chandler d after 1770
-1-4-1-1-4-4 Euphamia Kellam m before 1769 m y Major d after 1769
-1-4-1-1-4-5 Amey Kellam m before 1769 Littleton Colony d 1773
-1-4-1-1-4-6 Tamar Kellam m. before 1769 m x Darby wid y Darby d after 1769
-1-4-1-1-4-7 Seymour Kellam m before 1773 James Biles d after 1769
-1-4-1-1-5-1 James Sill b 1694 Chester Co PA d 04/15/1774 m c 1722 Edgemont PA Anne Baker Ba10 b 18 Aug 1703 Delaware Co PA d Chester Co PA, author's ancestors dau of Joseph John Baker Jr b 11 Dec 1674 and Martha Woodward b 31 Jan 1677 d 13 Dec 1775
-1-4-1-1-5-2 Joseph Sill b 1698 Edgemont Chester Co PA
-1-4-1-1-5-3 Ann Ritter Sill b c 1730 d abt 1774
-1-4-1-1-5-4 Mary Sill b 1732 Accomack Co d 1801 m John Boggs
-1-4-1-2-1-1 John Smith b 1738 Accomack Co d 1824 m Sarah Parker b 1758 Accomack Co VA dau of William Parker b 1717 d 1784 and Leah Taylor
-1-4-1-2-1-2 Thorowgood Smith b 1744 Accomack Co d 13 AUG 1810 m Mary Blaikley Stith
-1-4-1-3-1-1 John Sellman d 11 Nov 1816
Kn16-9Cecilia or Elizabeth Knollys
m Sir Thomas Leighton of Feckenham, Governor of Jersey
Kn16-10Catherine Knollys bur 20.12.1632
m1 10.1578 Gerald FitzGerald, Lord Offaly b 28.12.1559, dvp 06.1580
m2 Sir Phillip Boteler of Watton Woodhall d 01.1591/2
Tu17-3Edmund Tudor, Duke of Somerset b 20.02.1498-9, d 1499
Tu17Margaret Tudor, PRINCESS SCOTLAND & LADY ANGUS b 28.11.1489, Westminster Palace London Middlesex d 08.10.1541. remarried twice and played a large part in Scottish politics, her affiliation varying with her personal interest. James of England was her descendant.
m 8 Aug 1503 James IV STEWART, KING OF SCOTLAND b 17.03.1472 Stirling Castle Stirlingshire Scotland k 09.09.1513 Battle of Flodden Field Northumberland ,1488-1513 King of Scotland son of
+1 James STEWART
m 13.07.1469 Margaret of Denmark b 23.06.1456, d before 14.07.1486, dau of Christian I, King of Denmark, Norway & Sweden
James V STEWART King of SCOTLAND b 15.04.1512, West-Lothian Scotland; d 14.12.1542, Falkland Castle Fifeshire Scotland.
m1 Madeleine of France d 07.07.1537, dau of King Francis I of France
m2 1538 Mary of Guise b 22.11.1515, d 10.06.1560 + 2 ch dau of Claude I de Lorraine, Duke of Guise ancestors line G
-1+James b 1540, d 1541, Arthur b 1541, d 1541
-3Mary Stewart, Queen of Scots b 7/8.12.1542, d 08.02.1586-7 brcolspan="14">m1 24.04.1558 Francis II, King of France b 1544, d 05.12.1560
m2 29.07.1565 Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley b 07.12.1545, d 09.02.1567 Their son James became King James VI of Scotland and, later, James I of England and Ireland.
m2 Euphem ELPHINSTONE b 11.05.1509 Elphinstone East-Lothian Scotland. +1 Alexander ELPHINSTONE
m by 1507 Elizabeth Berlay/Barlow/?Berkeley d c10.09.1518
-4 Robert STEWART b 1533, Edinburgh Mid-Lothian Scotland d 04.02.1593, Orkney Islands Scotland.
m 1561 Jean Kennedy b 1542 Cassillis Maybole Ayrshire Scotland d 09.1598 Orkney Islands Scotland
+1 Gilbert Kennedy, 3rd Earl of Cassillis
-4-1 Mary STEWART b 1563, Orkeney Islands Scotland.
m PATRICK GRAY b 1555 Angusshire Grey House Scotland d 04.09.1612.
-4-1-1 Jean/Jane/Jana GRAY b 1588 Grey House Angusshire Scotland d 17.08.1640 East Wemyss Fifeshire Scotland.
m John CHARTERIS OF BOGIE WEMYSS b 1586 Wemyss Fifeshire Scotland d 22.11.1649 Wester Wemyss Fifeshire Scotland, 1633-1649 1st Earl of Wemyss
-4-1-1-1 David Wemyss II of Balfarge b 06.09.1610, Wemyss Fifeshire Scotland; d c 06.07.1679, Castle Wemyss Fifeshire Scotland.
m Margaret Leslie b 1620 Isleworth Mdx or Fifeshire Scotland.
-4-1-1-1-1 Margaret Wemyss b 01.01.1659 Scotland d 11.03.1705, 1679-1705 3rd Countess of Wemyss
m James BURNTISLAND WEMYSS. b 1655 Burntisland Fifeshired 1682 Preston Lancashire
According to Larry Weems' website (and looking up David Hamilton Weems): 'James WEMYSS - First Baronet of Bogie: Fact 1: Became a Colonel in the service of James Stuart Fact 2: November 12, 1715 - killed in the Battle of Preston as a Jacobite It has been family tradition that Sir William Wemyss was the father of Williamina, David & Ja mes. There is no proof that a Sir William Wemyss ever lived, there is a report of Sir James W emyss' mother writting a letter to her then husband Lord Cromartie and mentioning 3 sons an d it is felt that 2 of the sons were James, & John with the 3rd being David. Sir James was ma rried to Ann but it is unclear as to if he ever married Lady Elizabeth Loch or if she had the children out of wedlock. It has been stated that when James died, his oldest son from his first marriage requested that Lady Elizabeth and her 3 children move out and that is when sh e came to America. It is also unclear if she sent the boys ahead of her or if all 3 came whe n she did, but we do know they were all here by 1720 and living with her brother/cousin in Ma ryland. The following is the reason why have chosen to go against family tradition of havin g William as the father and using James: The Current International Genealogical Index of the Wemyss Family for Fifeshire, Scotland, Page 22, 170 et seq, shows the birth of Williamina 1 704, David 1706 and James 1707 in the town of Fife, Wemyss Parish, Fifeshire, with the father 's name as James Wemyss and the mother's name Elizabeth Loch. This information came from the WEEMSANA newsletter September 1995 issue. 2. According to the book "The House Of Wemyss: A Thousand Yea r History", Sir James Wemyss we nt from 1672 - 1707. Many peopl e are reading this as his birth year but do not believe tha t is what is meant because that would mean his oldest son, Sir John was born before he wasbelieve the 1672 is when he got his title. Became a Colonel in the service of James Stuar t November 12, 1715, Killed in Battle of Preston as a Jacobite - Changed name from Weems to W emyss around 1700 ??????? 1704 created first Baronet of Bogie hereditary 3rd Baronet of We myss 2nd of Nova Scotia Chie ftain and Laird of Clan MacDuff Possibly more than 6 kids. Notes for SIR JAMES WEMYSS: do not claim to be an expert on the Wemyss/Weems family. The in formation you will find in here ar e reports from family members, wills, land deeds, newspape rs, books and etc. will not go back further due to a mistake believe has been made in the lineage. 1. From Sir James Wemyss to John Weems Sr. comes from many different sources and not w ritten in stone. There are many family members that will disagree with what have written bu t it is the best could come up with from the information have at hand. 2. From "The Great Historic Families of Scotland" page 205: Lord Cromarties's first wife, a d aughter of Sir James Sinclair of Mey, died in 1699, and six months after, when he was in his seventieth year, the Earl married Margaret, Countess of Wemyss in her own right, and wido w of SIR JAMES WEMYSS. She also pre-deceased Lord Cromartie, and so anxious was he that on his own death his body should rest beside hers at Wemyss that he took a formal bond from her so n David, Earl of Wemyss, that he would allow this arrangement to be carried into effect. Bu t not with standing this precaution, his wish was not gratified. Excavations made in 1875 n the burying ground at Dingwall brought to light the fact that Lord Cromartie was buried bes ide his own ancestors, near the pyramid known as Lord Cromartie's monument." Joann Good Weems Later called Burntisland. IGI says James Baron Burntisland. Burntisland is a small merchant d ock near N. Queens Ferry, Fife. Officially Countess Margaret Wemyss and Sir James Wemyss wer e cousins.fte r 1704. The death of Sir James occurred in about 1707, and Eliza beth died in childbirth in about 1704. One troubling question is : Why then, did not David and James ever refer to or claim the E arl as their adopted father? In fact, they refused to spell their surnames Wemyss but adopted the simpler spelling Weems. The on ly conclusion that we can draw from this is that both James an d David were separated from Williamina and raised by someone oth er than the Earl. This other family, probably, was the Loch fami ly who lived not far away in Dundee, and as a result, preferre d the name Weems to Wemyss to avoid the pretentiousness that the name Wemyss would have entailed. One gets an inkling from thes e notes which obviously reflects David and James' version of wh o their parents were. If you change the name James, the younge r brother of David, the Third Earl, to James, the cousin of Davi d the Third Earl, the relationship leads us directly to their re al father, Sir James of Bogie. An additional point to be made s that according to common Scottish custom, the eldest son was u sually named after his father and the second son after his grand father on his father's side of the family. In this case it woul d James for his father, Sir James, and David for David Wemyss o f Balfarge, who was Sir James's father. Notes for David Hamilton WEEMS David became a large land owner living at "Marshes or Marshall S eat" near Tracy's Landing on the Chesapeake. He had 19 children five of whom died in infancy. The last two paragraphs of Davi d Weems will, on file at Annapolis, read: "I give my son Mason W eems my Negro Boy Mead. Lastly ordain that all the residue an d remaindering part of my Estate, be it of what nature or kind s o ever, be equally divided between my sons, David, William and M ason Loch Weems or there increase. appoint my loving son Davi d Weems my Hole and sole Executor of this my last will." Notes f or DAVID WEEMS: 1. David was a Privateer. Williamanta, Maryland Archives vol. 1 6 page 454, vol. 21 page 175. He resided in Ann Arundel Co., Ma ryland during the Revolution. (Do show him as an Am. Rev. sol djier or not? ldw) 2. He came to America with his mother and si blings around 1720. 3. This message came by e-mail via the Wee ms list from Gary T. Scott on April 25, 1998: Yesterday met Si r John and his family in Bowie, Maryland for an authors dinner h osted by Heritage Press which published Sir John's book on Wemys s Thousand year family history. Afterward, led Sir John and h is family to St. James Espicopal Church, Herring Creek, where w e saw the tomb of William Loch and several of the children of Da vid Weems, emigrant. David Weems served on the vestry of the ch urch and aided the constructed of the building that is still use d He gave the tablets of the law creed and our father and DrLoch gave the silver communion bowl that is still used. The C hurch has put out a new history from 1800 to 1899 which contain s many Weems family names and is for sale for $25. We then wen t to Deale, Maryland to the Weems family cemetery at St. Paul' s Chapel on Herring Bay. As yet we do not know if the cemetar y is located on "Marshes Seat" or "Loch-Eden", both family plant ations were located on Herring Creek. Information above provide d by JoAnn Good Weems. B/D from Family Bible via Dr. Anne Agre e Notes for Elizabeth LANE B/D from Family Bible via Dr. Anne Agree Today is July 24, 1999. am updating from the files of Dr. Ann Agee, her end notes post below. Larry Weems Descendants of David Weems Endnotes 1. weems.ftw, Date of Import: 17 Jan 1999. 2. Harry Wright Newman, Anne Arundel Gentry, Vol II P 176. 3. weems.ftw, Date of Import: 17 Jan 1999. 4. Broderbund Software, Inc., World Family Tree Vol. 6, Ed. 1, ( Release date: August 22, 1996), "CD-ROM," Tree #0013, Date of Im port: Mar 6, 1998. 5. wallis.FTW, Tree #0013. 6. weems.ftw, Date of Import: 17 Jan 1999. 7. Maryland Historical Society Magazine, "David Weems Family Bib le," 28:266-268. 8. wallis.FTW, Tree #0013. 9. weems.ftw, Date of Import: 17 Jan 1999. 10. Broderbund Software, Inc., World Family Tree Vol. 6, Ed. 1 (Release date: August 22, 1996), "CD-ROM," Tree #0013, Date o f Import: Mar 6, 1998. 11. wallis.FTW, Tree #0013. 12. weems.ftw, Date of Import: 17 Jan 1999. 13. AA Co Deeds, Liber JG #4 F 693 2 Nov 1797, dwelling of R ichard Weems deceased, father of Charles Howell Weems. 14. weems.ftw, Date of Import: 17 Jan 1999. 15. Chancery 2243, AA Co 1816. 16. weems.ftw, Date of Import: 17 Jan 1999. 17. Harry Wright Newman, Anne Arundel Gentry, Vol III P 70. 18. weems.ftw, Date of Import: 17 Jan 1999. 19. Harry Wright Newman, Anne Arundel Gentry, Vol III P 70. 20. weems.ftw, Date of Import: 17 Jan 1999. 21. Anne Arundel Co Wills, L TG2 F8, Will of Elizabeth Lane. 22. weems.ftw, Date of Import: 17 Jan 1999. 23. Broderbund Software, Inc., World Family Tree Vol. 6, Ed. 1 (Release date: August 22, 1996), "CD-ROM," Tree #0013, Date o f Import: Mar 6, 1998. 24. wallis.FTW, Tree #0013. 25. Broderbund Software, Inc., World Family Tree Vol. 6, Ed. 1 (Release date: August 22, 1996), "CD-ROM," Tree #0013. 26. wallis.FTW, Tree #0013. 27. weems.ftw, Date of Import: 17 Jan 1999. 28. "Simmons File," Keuthe Library, Anne Arundel Co Historic al Society, Glen Burnie MD. 29. weems.ftw, Date of Import: 17 Jan 1999. 30. Jerry and Mildred O'Brien, "Calvert Genealogical Newsletter, " Nov 1997 P13. 31. weems.ftw, Date of Import: 17 Jan 1999. 32. Jerry and Mildred O'Brien, "Calvert Genealogical Newsletter, " Nov 1997 P 13. 33. weems.ftw, Date of Import: 17 Jan 1999. 34. Chancery Papers, L 143 F 841, Settlement of Estate of Sutto n Isaac Weems. 35. wallis.FTW, Tree #0013. 36. Broderbund Software, Inc., World Family Tree Vol. 6, Ed. 1 (Release date: August 22, 1996), "CD-ROM," Tree #0013. 37. wallis.FTW, Tree #0013. 38. Broderbund Software, Inc., World Family Tree Vol. 6, Ed. 1 (Release date: August 22, 1996), "CD-ROM," Tree #0013, Date o f Import: Mar 6, 1998. 39. wallis.FTW, Tree #0013. 40. weems.ftw, Date of Import: 17 Jan 1999. 41. Broderbund Software, Inc., World Family Tree Vol. 6, Ed. 1 (Release date: August 22, 1996), "CD-ROM," Tree #0013, Date o f Import: Mar 6, 1998. 42. wallis.FTW, Tree #0013. 43. Tombstone Transcription: Middleham Chapel, Calvert Co MD. 44. wallis.FTW, Tree #0013. 45. Tombstone Transcription: Middleham Chapel, Calvert Co MD. 46. wallis.FTW, Tree #0013. 47. Broderbund Software, Inc., World Family Tree Vol. 6, Ed. 1 (Release date: August 22, 1996), "CD-ROM," Tree #0013, Date o f Import: Mar 6, 1998. 48. wallis.FTW, Tree #0013. 49. weems.ftw, Date of Import: 17 Jan 1999. 50. Broderbund Software, Inc., World Family Tree Vol. 6, Ed. 1 (Release date: August 22, 1996), "CD-ROM," Tree #0013. 51. wallis.FTW. 52. weems.ftw, Date of Import: 17 Jan 1999. Record last updated: 24 JUL 1999 Father: James of WEMYSS Mother: Elizabeth Betty LOCH Family 1: David Hamilton WEEMS Elizabeth LANE Married: BEF 1725 in Anne Arundel Co.,Maryland, USA William Loch WEEMS John WEEMS David WEEMS James WEEMS Loch (Died As Infant) WEEMS Loch WEEMS Thomas Lane WEEMS Family 2: David Hamilton WEEMS Esther HILL Married: 5 AUG 1742 in St. James, Old Herring Cree, Maryland, USA James Richard WEEMS Ann WEEMS Williamina (Died As Infant) WEEMS Susannah Susan WEEMS David (Died As Infant) WEEMS David (Died As Child) WEEMS David (Stillborn) WEEMS David Loch WEEMS Williamina WEEMS Ester (Died As Infant) WEEMS William M. WEEMS Mason Loch WEEMS Sources: TYPE E-Mail Message Author: Peggy Hanes Title: The House of Weymess, A Thousand Year History Author: Sir John Wemyss-Kessler Bt Publication: Heritage Books, Inc., 1540E Pointer Ridge Place, Bowie, MD 20716, Pub., 1996, Text: Pages 157-158
-4-1-1-1-1-1 James Wemyss of BOGIE, BARONET OF BOGIE (1ST) b 1673, Wemyss Parish Fifeshire Scotland; d 12.11.1715, Battle of Preston Lancashire England.
m1 Elizabeth 'Betty' Loch, Lady Betty b 1685 Dundee Angusshire Scotland d 1709 + 1 ch
m2 Anna Aiton/Janet Aytoun b 1683 Isleworth Mdx dau of sis of 1st Earl Wemyss
+1 y Loch
-4-1-1-1-1-1-1 James Loch Weems b 1708, Fifeshire Scotland d 1781, Calvert Co MD 1st gen immig) Per GenForum 1/18/2000, lookup Weems; chose 'Wemyss family members' by Karen Ann Wemyss and then a reply by Jo Ann Weems dated 6/18/1998. "...Sir James Wemyss and Countess Margaret Wemys s of Scotland...married in 1662 & were distant cousins. They had David, John and James. Jam es had 2 sons, David and James, who changed the spelling to Weems back around 1716 when the y came to America, but their sister, Willamina left her spelling as Wemyss. Williamina marri ed William Moore and have heard that some of their children moved to England to live."
m Sarah Parker b 1710 Calvert Co MD d 1746 Calvert Co MD
-4-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Susannah Weems b 1737, Calvert Co MD d 1761, Calvert Co MD
m Roger Wheeler b 1731, Calvert Co MD d 23.12.1763, Calvert Co MD
-4-1-1-2 Mary WEMYSS b 1614, Wemyss Fifeshire Scotland d 1657, Larnarkshire Scotland
m John SINCLAIR b 29.10.1610, Herdsmanstone East-Lothian Scotland; d 1676, Edingburgh East-Lothian Scotland< ( not shown with compatible date and spouse b< Atirnet)
- - - -
509. Thomas Grey b 1451 Groby Leicestershire d 20.04.1501 Astley Lancashire, 1475-1501 1st Marquess of Dorset
m CECILIA BONVILLE b 1460 Chewton Mendip Somerse d 12.05.1529 Astley Lancashire
Wy18-4-1Mary GREY b 1494, Groby Leichestershire d 22.02.1537.
m WALTER DEVEREUX b 1488 Chartley Staffordshire England d 17.09.1558, 1550-1558 1st Viscount of Hereford son of John DEVEREUX and CICELY BOURCHIER
Wy18-4-1-1 Mary GREY and WALTER DEVEREUX
Wy18-4-1-1-1 Sir Richard DEVEREUX b 1516, Chartley Staffordshire
m LADY Dorothea HASTINGS b 1519 Huntingdon Berwickshire for ch see above 594) Lady Dorothea Hastings. dau of George HASTINGS and LADY STAFFORD
Wy18-4-2Dorothy GREY b 1487 Devon d 1553.
m William BLOUNT b 1478 Barton Blount Derbyshire d 08.11.1534 Derbyshire, 1485-1534 4th Baron of Mountjoy, son of
+1 John BLOUNT Bl15-2 Governor of Guisnes, 3rd Lord Mountjoy d 12.10.1485 +2 Sir Walter Blount, 1st Lord Mountjoy (b c 1420, d 01.08.1474)
m1 by 1442 Ellen Byron dau of Sir John Byron of Clayton
m by 1477 Lora Berkeley d c12.1501, dau of Sir Edward Berkeley of Beverton Castle)
Wy18-4-2-1 =Bl15-2-1-4 John Blount dsp
Wy18-4-2-2 =Bl15-2-1-5 Dorothy Blount b c 1523 Newport Devon d 22 Sep 1592
m Roger Blewett b 1524 Homcombe Rogus d 26 Mar 1585
-1 Richard Blewett b c 1544 Holcombe Rogus m Mary
-2 John Blewett b 1546 Holcombe Rogus
-3 Dorothy Blewett b c 1548
Wy18-4-2-3 =Bl15-2-1-6 Mary BLOUNT b 1529, Devon
m Robert DENNIS. b 1525 Devon d 22.09.1592 Kent
Anne DENNIS b 1546, Devon
m John CHICHESTER b aft 25.02.1547 Devon d 31.03.1586, Devon
- - - -
Gr18-3-1-1-1. 510. Richard Bowes b 1498 Seaham Manor Durham, 10 NOV 1558 Seaham Manor Durham
m Elizabeth ASKE b 1505 Richmond Yorkshire d 1568 Durham
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1 Bridget BOWES b 1529 Streatham Castle Durham d 1575, Caythorpe Lincolnshire England.
m Thomas HUSSEY b 1526 Caythorpe Lincolnshire England.
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1- 692. i. Jane HUSSEY b 1553, Kent d 1584.
m William EATON. b 1540 Rowington Warwickshire
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1-1 Peter Eaton b 1575, Dover Kent d 1658,
m Elizabeth Patterson b 1582 Dover Kent d 08.01.1631
+1 y Patterson
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1-1 William Eaton b 1604, Staple Kent d 25.09.1672, Reading Middlesex Co MA
m Martha JENKINS b mel. 23.02.1603 - 1604 Staple Kent England d 14.11.1680 Reading Middlesex Co MA
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1 Jonas Eaton b 1629, Staple Kent d aft. 25.02.1673 Reading Middlesex Co MA
m Grace x b 1627 Staple Kent England.
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1 Jonathan Eaton b 06.12.1655, Reading Middlesex Co MA d 08.07.1743, Reading Middlesex Co MA
m Mary.
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-1 John Eaton b c 31.01.1695/6, Reading Middlesex Co MA d 1758, Reading Middlesex Co MA
m Abigail Roberts b 1701 Suffolk Co MA d 1758 Reading Middlesex Co MA
+1 y Roberts
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-1-1 Thomas Eaton b c 17.02.1724 Reading Middlesex Co MA d 14.10.1774, Reading Middlesex Co MA
m Betsey Boutwell b aft 24.03.1723 Reading Middlesex Co MA
+1 Y Boutwell
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-1-1-1 Dorcas Eaton b 31.07.1754, Reading Middlesex Co MA d 03.02.1845, Plymouth Windsor Co VT
m William THOMPSON. b 30.06.1754 Wilmington Middlesex Co MA d 23.10.1830 Plymouth Windsor Co VT
+1 y Thompson
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-1-1-1-1 Sarah Thompson b 03.04.1789, VT d 19.11.1856, Plymouth Windsor Co VT.
Calvin Coolidge b 27.03.1780 Plymouth Windsor Co VT d 30.04.1853 Plymouth Windsor Co VT
+1 y Coolidge
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Calvin Galusha Coolidge b 22.09.1815, Plymouth Windsor Co VT d 15.12.1878, Plymouth Windsor Co V On 16 Aug 1811, three years after his separation from Mary, Jacob was listed as having purchased a Revolutionary War Grant, a North Carolina soldier's heirs in Smith Co. Jacob's second marriage was to Polly Huff on 30 Jun 1819 in Union Co, IL. Polly was his cousin. They were the parents of at least two children, Jacob Young Jr, born about 1813;. Susan Young, born about 1815
m Sarah Almeda Brewer b 17.12.1823 Ludlow Windsor Co VT dau of Israel Btewer and Sally Brown
-1 COL. John Calvin Coolidge b 21.03.1845 Plymouth Windsor Co VT d 18.03.1926 Plymouth Windsor Co VT m Victoria Josephine Moor b 14.03.1846, Plymouth Windsor Co VT d 14.03.1885, Plymouth Windsor Co VT
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-2 George Hussey b 1551, Caythorpe Lincolnshire
m x
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-2-1 John Hussey b 1570, Dorking Surrey d by 24.07.1632, Dorking Surrey
m Mary Wood b 1570 Dorking Surrey England d 16.06.1660 Hampton Rockingham Co.
+1 y Wood
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-2-1-1 Christopher Hussey b 18.02.1598, Dorking d 06.03.1683, Hampton Rockingham Co NH
m Theodate Bhelder b 1588 Wherwell Hampshire d 20.10.1649 Hampton Rockingham Co NH
+1 y Batchelder
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-2-1-1-1 John HUSSEY b 29.02.1636, Lynn Essex Co MA d 18.02.1707, Brandywine Hundred New Castle Co DE
m REBECCA PERKINS b 1641 Seabrock Rockingham Co North Hampshire Usa.
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-2-1-1-1-1 Susanna Hussey b 07.09.1667, Hampton Rockingham Co NH d c 1706, Dover Strafford Co NH
m Richard Otis b 1651 Dover Strafford Co NH d 01.01.1700 Dover Strafford Co NH
+1 y OTIS
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-2-1-1-1-1-1 Rebecca Otis b 11.07.1695 Dover Strafford Co NH
m Richard CANNEY. b 1691 Dover Strafford Co NH d 26.03.1770 NH
+1 y Canney
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-2-1-1-1-1-1-1 Judith Canney b 02.03.1722, Somersworth Strafford Co NH d 18.01.1771, Dover Strafford Co NH
m Samuel Alley b 19.05.1723 Dover Strafford Co NH d 1808
+1 y Alley
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Sarah Alley b 15.05.1748, Somersworth Strafford Co NH d 28.01.1838, Berwick York Co ME
m John Boren 1774 Madison, TN
+1 y BOREN
Gr18-3-1-1-1-1-2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 William Willis BOREN b 11.03.1796, Springfield, Robertson, TN d 20.11.1895, Loserville, Garfield, UT
m2 SOPHIA DUTTON b 26.08.1814, Hartford, Windsor Co, VT d 17.11.1902, Emery, Emery Co, UT
m3 Mary BOREN, 30.06.1819, Union, IL b 06.09.1784, Springfield, Robertson, TN d 1848, near Council Bluff, Pottawattamie, IA.
Willis left Winter Quarters, Nebraska, to join his children in Utah in the summer of 1853. Willis Boren's cousin-wife, Mary Born, died at Winter Quarters and Willis married again to Mary Sampson. Willis Boren died near the age of 100 years. His death was noted in the Deseret Evening News of 30 November 1895 as follows: Obituary Notes, Tropic, Utah, 23 Nov 1895 On the 20th inst. Willis Boren departed this life after an illness of little less than two hours, in which he suffered intense agony. According to Father Boren's veneration of his age he was ninety-nine years, eight months and nine days old. This however, has been disputed by some of his old-time friends, they claiming that he was nearly 106 years old. Father Boren was born in Kentucky, March 11, 1796. He was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1840. He was personally acquainted with the Prophet Joseph Smith, and was with the Saints at the evacuation of Nauvoo. In 1852 he was Bishop of the Union branch on the Beyer. He crossed crossed the Plains in 1853 and first settled in Provo. From there he moved to Provo Valley, then to Spring Valley. For the last twenty-five years he has resided at the home of his younger daughter, Mrs. Sarah A. Smith (wife of Thomas Washington Smith). He died as he had lived, a true Latter-day Saint. editor. Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel, Daniel A. Miller/John W. Cooley Company (1853) Sophia Dutton was born 26 August 1814 in Hartford, Windsor, Vermont, a township located right on the CT River across the state line of NH. She was the last child of ten children born to Benjamin Dutton and Clarissa Thomas. There is much research to be done as to how Sophia and Jacob de Graw met. Sophia's parents and siblings lived out their lives and died in Vermont. Jacob married Sophia Dutton on 24 August 1833 in Alexander, Genesee, New York, a small town located almost midway between Buffalo and Rochester New York. Three years later, they had moved to north to Chinquacousy, Peel, Ontario, Canada where their second child, a daughter, was born 2 January 1836. They named her Clarissa after Sophia's mother. By March 1838, they moved back to the United States and were living in Conesus, Livingston, New York when their son, Eugene Lafayette was born on 27 March. Conesus is about 20 miles south of Rochester in the western Finger Lakes region. Almost exactly two years later, they made a home in Alden, Erie, New York. Alden is less than ten miles due west of Alexander, New York, where Jacob and Sophia were married. They had come full circle in six and a half years. It was here that Martha Jane was born 4 March 1840. It was also here that Jacob and Sophia de Graw met a missionary from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints named Brigham Young. The Twelve Apostles in Nauvoo had been organized and called to make an expanded missionary effort and take the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ to Great Britain. However, the mosquito born disease of malaria was plaguing many of the Saints including Brigham Young and Heber C. Kimball who were supposed to be departing Nauvoo 14 September 1840. Brigham's wife Mary Ann had just given birth to a daughter, but Brigham answered the call, being sick himself, and crossed the river to join his companion. Both Heber and Brigham were too sick to start their mission. Three days later upon hearing of Brigham's debilitation, Mary Anne, still weak from child birth, ferried to Nauvoo and cared for her husband and Heber's entire family who were all bedridden except four-year-old Heber Parley, who could barely manage to carry water to the sick. The next day, Heber and Brigham decided they could no longer delay their mission. Too weak to walk alone, they were helped into a wagon. As they drove away, Heber said he felt that "my very inmost parts would melt within me at leaving my family in such a condition, as it were almost in the arms of death. felt as though could not endure it. asked the teamster to stop, and said to Brother Brigham, �This is pretty tough, isn't it; let's rise up and give them a cheer.' We arose, and swinging our hats three times over our heads, shouted; �Hurrah, hurrah for Israel.' Vilate, hearing the noise, arose from her bed and came to the door. She had a smile on her face. Vilate Kimball and Mary Anne Young cried out to us: �Goodbye, God bless you.'" George Albert Smith joined Elder Kimball and Elder Young and they traveled by stagecoach East. They started their trip with only $13.50 in donations, and as they traveled Brigham always found just enough money in his trunk for the next stagecoach fare. When they reached New York and tallied the expenses of their trip, they calculated they had spent over $87 on coach fares alone. They had no idea how the additional money had gotten there "except by some unseen agent from the Heavenly world to forward the promulgation of the Gospel." Brigham Young and his companions testified of the Restored Gospel as they traveled through New York State and Jacob and Sophia de Graw heard and embraced it. They were baptized by Brigham Young in 1840. Jacob and Sophia and their posterity are the beneficiaries of the toil and sacrifices paid by Brigham Young, Heber Kimball and their families. After their baptism, Jacob moved his family to join with the rest of the Saints in Illinois. By 1840, Nauvoo had become the central gathering place for the Saints, but members of the church also established their own small settlements outside of Nauvoo such as Ramus, Lima, and Yelrome. Yelrome, named for its founder Isaac Morley, (Morley spelled backwards is almost Yelrome) was the neighboring community to Lima. The de Graws chose to settle in Lima, Illinois and were there before their fourth child Moroni was born on 28 May 1842. Jacob worked as a tailor, making suits and other apparel, and Jacob, not Sophia, did all the family's sewing. He even made a suit for Brigham Young. The spring of 1843, Joseph Smith frequently visited the outlying settlements to teach and guide the Saints living there. Some of his sermons given in these settlements were so important that they were later included in the Doctrine and Covenants as section 130. Jacob and Sophia no doubt mourned the loss of the prophet Joseph after his martyrdom on June 27, 1844. Three and a half months later on 6 October 1844, a daughter, Mary, was born in Lima. Despite the death of Joseph Smith, the Church communities not only survived, but they flourished. Enemies to the Church soon realized that murdering the prophet was not going to be the end of Mormonism and their antagonism intensified. In early September 1845, an organized mob of three hundred men first raided Yelrome and set fire to the unprotected homes, farm buildings, mills, and grain stacks there. They systematically unleashed the same terror in Lima and other surrounding communities. Jacob, Sophia, and their five young children were forced from their home as it was set ablaze. Brigham Young sent thirty-four teams to rescue the homeless Saints and bring the families in the outlying settlements to Nauvoo. The de Graws lived as refugees in Nauvoo, and Jacob worked as a mason on the Nauvoo Temple. Even though conflict with non-Mormons in the surrounding counties were rising to a murderous level, the Saints continued to work to complete their beloved temple. Civil unrest continued until finally, on 24 September 1845, the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles promised its enemies that the Saints would abandon their beloved city the following Spring. Work on the temple continued at a feverish pace and they planned to have a formal dedication of the temple in April 1846. As each room was completed, that room was dedicated so that ordinance work could begin as soon as possible. In October 1845, General Conference was help in the partially finished temple in which Brigham Young opened with a dedicatory prayer, "presenting the Temple, thus far completed, as a monument of the saints' liberality, fidelity, and faith�" Brigham also addressed the need to organize an orderly withdrawal from Nauvoo in the Spring, and go to a place far in the West where they would be free from persecution. The attic story was dedicated 30 November 1845 and ordinance work began there on 10 December 1845. Jacob and Sophia both received their own endowments in the Nauvoo Temple on 28 January 1846. The main exodus of the Church from Nauvoo was originally planned for April, but threats prompted a hasty exit beginning on February 4, 1846. However, too many left Nauvoo who were not properly outfitted for fear of being left behind. The trek across Iowa proved the hardest as they were not prepared for the hardships due to lack of knowledgeable guides, delays, miserable weather, insufficient food, and difficult terrain. On 14 February it snowed and five days later a northwest wind brought 8 inches of snow. The mud had become deep from Nauvoo to Sugar Creek 9 miles to the west where the Saints had camped to wait for Brigham Young. A week later the temperatures dropped freezing the Mississippi over which allowed many Saints to cross on the ice. Having had their home and most of their possessions burned in the mob attack in Lima, Jacob and Sophia did not have the provisions to go on with the Saints across Iowa. Jacob may have stayed to help finish the work on the Nauvoo temple, which was not completed until the end of April. Wilford Woodruff, Orson Hyde, and twenty others dressed in their temple robes, dedicated the Nauvoo Temple on 30 April, 1846. The following day, a public dedication ceremony was held. If the de Graws were still in Nauvoo, they undoubtedly would have attended the sacred ceremony. Persecution began anew and enemies of the Saints were determined to drive every Mormon from the city. The Battle of Nauvoo took place in September, and it is assumed that Jacob was able to cross the Mississippi River with his family before the battle took place. Without a wagon to go west, the de Graws may or may not have been among the poor saints who were scattered in refugee camps for two miles along the riverbank. Church leaders had sent rescue wagons to help the stranded Saints, which arrived just in time to prevent starvation and the effects of winter exposure. Those rescued Saints were distributed throughout the various camps in Iowa. The de Graws stopped only 25 miles west of Nauvoo in Bonaparte, Van Buren, Iowa. There, Sophia gave birth to their sixth child, Elizabeth Rebecca, in Bonaparte on 28 May 1847. Jacob probably tried to procure work to earn provisions to continue West. It took the de Graws two years before they were able to make their way across Iowa to join the Saints still in Council Bluffs. On 29 October 1849, Sophia delivered a son, whom they named Jacob after his father. Though Council Bluffs was a bustling staging ground for pioneers going west, the de Graws stayed her for nearly two and a half years. Sophia bore a second child here, a daughter they named Juliette born 1 February 1852. They probably did not have the funds necessary to buy enough provisions to get them to the Salt Lake Valley. The Church established the Perpetual Emigrating Fund in 1849, and used it in 1852 to bring in the remaining Saints still in Iowa. The de Graws were probably some of those that benefited from those funds. They departed Council Bluffs in early July 1852 as part of Robert Wiemer's Company. It was a large company of 230 people and 130 wagons and arrived in the Salt Lake Valley 15 September 1852. Jacob and Sophia completed the trek with all eight children, the oldest child being 16 and their youngest just under a year. Some family records say that they traveled by handcart and pushed Jacob in it. However, the Weimer Company was a wagon company and the first handcart companies came four years later. It is entirely possible, though, due to their poverty, that the family made their own handcart to transport their crippled father along with what meager belongings and foodstuffs they had. When they arrived in the valley, they settled in Lehi, Utah Co. Another daughter, Ellen Sophia, was born 5 September 1855 in Lehi. Ellen Sophia may have been the final child of their union. Jacob apparently died sometime early in 1856 at the age of 45. Sophia married William Willis Boren in December of 1856 and they moved to Provo. Sophia had another daughter listed as Emaline Sophia de Graw on 14 March 1859 in Santaquin, Utah. However, her father could not have been Jacob de Graw. Other records list her as Emaline Sophia Minchey, but that leaves the question of the origin of the name Minchey. Did Sophia marry a third time, or was that Emaline's married name? Sophia Dutton de Graw Boren died 17 November 1902 in Emery, Emery, Utah at the age of 88. Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel, Robert Wimmer Company (1852) Mary BOREN: Jacob and Mary Young had five children before they separated in 1810. Mary's father, Bazel Boren, convinced her to move north with him to Union Co, Illinois, where her children with Jacob Young grew up. Years later one of the sons, Alfred Young, in his autobiography attributed his parent's divorce to a long work-related absence of his father. Jacob was 28 years old when he married Mary Boren in 1802 and settled in Springfield, Robertson Co., Tennessee to raise his family. He was an excellent mechanic and skilled gun maker. One of the tools he owned was a cotton press, used to make oil from cottonseed. He was also listed in the Springfield court record as having been paid to make repairs on the jailhouse. Mary Boren, born 6 Sep 1784 in Rowan Co, North Carolina, was 16 years old when she married Jacob Young. She was the daughter of Bazel and Susannah Bryan Boren who owned land near the Young's on Sulphur Fork of the Red River in Tennessee.
- - - -
511. John Trevelyan b 1464 Yarnscombe Devon d 1505 Devon
m JANE HALLIWELL, dau of Sir John HALLYWELL b 1470
-1John Trevelyan b 1485 will 1545
m AVICE COCKWORTHY b 1486 England.
-1-1 John TREVELYAN b 1505, Yarnscombe Devon d 1577, England.
m MAUD HILL b 1510 Houndstone Somerset dau of ESQ. HILL and AGNES BRENT
-1-1-1 790. John18 TREVELYAN b 1530 Somerset
m WILMOT HARRIS, dau of SERJEANT HARRIS and Elizabeth KELLY b 1532 Notater for John TREVELYAN: aka Trivillian
-1-1-1-1 John TREVELYAN b 1552, Somerset d 01.04.1623, Somerset
m URITH CHICHESTER b 1558 Shirwell Devon
- - - -
512. William Ferrers b 1514 Halifax Yorkshire d 03.04.1573 Heptonstall Yorkshire
m Magaret LACY b 1524 Bancroft Yorkshire d 28.12.1571
-1John Farrar b 1550, Halifax Yorkshire d 1628, Croxton Lincolnshire Plantagenet Ancestry, Pg 303: "...John Farrar, Esq., of Croxton, Lincolnshire and St Mary, Aldermansbury, London, younger son of William Farrar of Ewood (in Midgley in Halifax), Yorkshire, by Margaret, daughter of Hugh Lacy, Esq. of Brearley Hall, Halifax, Yorkshire. They had four sons, John, Henry, William and Humphrey. John Farrar, Esq. left a will dated 24 April 1628, proved 28 May 1628."
m ( St. Sepulchre's without Newgate, London, by license dated 26 Aug 1574) Cecily Kelke, b before 1552 dau/co-heiress Plantagenet Family Ancestry, pg. 303:
-1-1William Farrar SR GENT bap 28.04.1583, Halifax Yorkshire d by 11.06.1637 Jamestown James City Co VA Plantaganet Ancestry, Page 303, emigrated from England 16 Mar 1617/8 in the "Neptune" with Lord de La Warr, arriving in VA August 1618, where he settled in Henrico Co. , appointed to The Council 14 Mar 1624/5 , Higher Court attorney, educated at one of the Inns of Court, Aug 1618 Ship "Neptune" Passenger A Lord de La Warr ship
m by 2 May 1626 Cicely Reynolds b c 1600 Burnham Parish Bucks d 12.09.1660 Henrico Co VA wid of Thomas Bailey of Henrico Co VA d 1619 wid of Samuel Jordan d 1623 of Charles City VA
-1 Col William FARRAR b 1626 Jordans Journey Plantation Henrico Co VA d 11.02.1678, Farrars Island Plantation Henrico Co VA m Mary PIGGOT BAUGH b 1627, Henrico Co VA d 16.05.1676, Henrico Co VA
-2 John
-3 Cecily
- - - -
513. Thomas Percy b 1504 Alnwick Northumberland d 02.06.1537 Tyburn London Mdx
m Eleanor Harbottle b 1504 Beamish Durham d 18.05.1567.
-1 Henry Percy b 1530, Petworth Sussex d 21.06.1585, London, 1572-1585 8th Earl of Northumberland
m Katherine Neville b 1542 Snape Hall Snape Yorkshire England d 28.10.1596.
+1 John Neville and LUCY SOMERSET
-1-1 George PERCY b 04.09.1580, Petworth Sussex d 1632 , 1597 Oxfordshire, Oxford University grad DEC 1606 Sailed for Virginia, VA Governor, Commander Low Countries Dutch struggle for independence from Spain, Ireland,
m ANNE FLOYD b 1585 England d 1618 VA
-1-1-1 Anne PERCY b 1600, Pittsylvania Westover Co VA d 10.04.1667, York Co VA
m Gov John West b 14.12.1590 Wiltshire Testwood d 1659 West Point King William VA
+1 Thomas West
m Anne Knollys
-1-1-1-1 Anne WEST b 1620, Charles City Co VA d 31.03.1672, Isle of Wight Co VA
m Thomas Harris b 1614 Wales d 10.06.1672 Isle of Wight Co VA
-1-1-1-1-1 Thomas Harris b 1636, Isle of Wight Co VA d 09.10.1688, Isle of Wight Co VA, Lieutenant 1676 supported Bacon's Rebellion POW
m Avv Martin b 1640 Isle of Wight Co VA
+1 y Martin
-1-1-1-1-1-1 Jane HARRIS b 1664, Isle of Wight Co VA m y JONES.
-1-1-1-1-1-2 Thomas Harris b 1667, Isle of Wight Co VA
m Judith Edwards b 1663 Spotsylvania VA
+1 Robert Edwards and Mary Hunt
-1-1-1-1-1-2-1 Thomas Harris b 1693, Isle of Wight Co VA
m Hannah x
-1-1-1-1-1-3 Robert Harris b 1674, Isle of Wight Co VA d 1740, Isle of Wight Co VA
m Anne Fuzlghum b 1680 Isle of Wight Co VA
-1-1-1-1-1-3-1 John Harris b 1735, Surry Co VA d 1771.
m MARTHA Eldridge b 1735 VA d 1771.
+1 Thomas Eldridge and Judith Kennon
-1-1-1-1-1-3-1-1 Pamela Harris b 11.06.1749, Surry Co VA d 04.1816 Powhatan Co VA
m Christopher McRae b 1731 Surry Co VA d 22.12.1808 Powhatan Co VA
+1 y McRae
-1-1-1-1-1-3-1-1-1 Alexander McRae b 04.05.1769, Surry Co VA d 13.12.1840 London
m ANN Dent Hayes b 11.05.1786 Richmond City VA d 28.01.1861 Richmond City VA
+1 y HAYES
-1-1-1-1-1-3-1-1-1 1Ann Dent McRae b 11.09.1817 VA
m James Dunlop b 1823 VA
-1 Margaret Carlisle Dunlop b 04.08.1848, Richmond City VA d 23.01.1941 m William Hyslop Sumner Burgwyn b 23.07.1845, Boston Suffolk MA d 03.01.1913 Richmond City VA, NC Army Capt US Civil War 35th NC Infantry, Company H
-1-1-1-1-2 Edward HARRIS b 1642 Isle of Wight Co VA d 01.05.1677, Isle of Wight Co VA
m MARTHA HARDY b 1640, Isle of Wight Co VA d 04.04.1676, Isle of Wight Co VA
-1-1-1-2 Col John WEST b 06.06.1632 York Co VA d 1689, Bruton Parish York Co VA Commander New Kent Militia , 1669 House of Burgesses act passed to exempt him from taxes for life in consideration of the many important favors and services rendered to the country , 1676 Bacon's Rebellion Although a John West signed Bacon's Declaration, he was a supporter of Gov Berkeley
m1 URSULA "UNITY" CROWSHAW b 1636 West Point King William Co VA d 1695 VA + 2 ch dau of JOSEPH CROSHAW and Elizabeth
m2 QUEEN COCKACOSKIE PAMUNKY WEROANCE POWHATAN b 1620 York Co VA d 1686 St Peters Parish New Kent Co VA + 1 ch dau of CHIEF POWHATAN and PRINCESS POWHATAN , 1656 Colonial Government recognized Cockacoeske the Pamunkey "Queen" a leader of 20+ tribes History 1676 Cockacoeske's only documented child was her son, John West, born probably around 1656-57 and disproven to be the "reputed the son of an English colonel."[7] Source: FTDNA West DNA Project. The Virginia-Indian Treaty of 1677/1680, which this youth signed, identified him as "Cap't John West, sonne to the Queen of Pamunkey."[12] Bacon's Rebellion Loyalist Berkeley supporter Driven from her looted land and some of her people enslaved and sold
-1-1-1-2-1 Nathaniel WEST b 1655, West Point King William Co VA
m MARTHA WOODARD b 1654, King William Co VA d 31.10.1724, New Kent Co VA Grave King William Co, Fairfield Plantation
-1-1-1-2-2 Capt Thomas West b 1670 d 1714.
m1 Agnes x b 1672 VA d VA + 1 ch
m2 Frances b 1680 VA + 1 ch
-1-1-1-2-2-1 Thomas West b 1694 West Point King William Co VA d 1743
m Mary Martha Cole b 1711 Boldrup Warwick Co Newport News VA d 1750 VA
+1 William Ccole and Mary Roscow
-1-1-1-2-2-1-1 Delaware West b 1730 West Point William Co VA d 28.02.1810 Norfolk VA
-1-1-1-2-2-1-2 Col John West b 1730, King William Co VA d 08.02.1787 Yorkshire England.
m Elizabeth SEATON b 1730 King William Co VA d 08.05.1812 Campbell Co VA
+1 George SEATON and Elizabeth HILL
-1-1-1-2-2-1-2-1 Maj Thomas West b 1751, VA d 1829, Campbell Co VA
m Elizabeth Blair Bolling b 10.04.1764 Varina Henrico Co VA d 04.1837 Tate Twp Clermont Co Ohio Usa.
+1 Col Robert Bolling b 17 AUG 1738 in Henrico Co Va d Jul 1775
m2 31 MAY 1765 Susanna Watson b ABT 1742 in Varina, Henrico Co Va +1 ch
-1-1-1-2-2-1-2-1-1 Elizabeth Bolling West m Joel Walker Flood -1 Joel Walker Flood m Ella Faulkner
-1-1 Eleanor Bolling Flood m Richard Evelyn Byrd

-1-1-1 Harry Flood Byrd of Berryville Clarke Co WV b 10 Jun 1887 Martinsburg WV d 20 Oct 1966 US Senator, Gov of Va 1925-29
-1-1-1-2-2-1-2-1-2 Martha West b 1796, Campbell Co VA
-1-1-1-2-2-1-2-1-3 Mary Bolling West b 16.05.1798, Campbell Co VA d 10.04.1864, Appomattox Co VA
m Joel Walker Flood b 11.07.1789 VA d 04.1858 Buckingham Co VA
+ y Flood
-1-1-1-2-2-1-2-1-3-1 Henry de la Warr FLOOD b 14.08.1816, VA d 21.04.1892, VA
m Mary Elizabeth Trent b 1822 VA d 26.01.1839 VA
-1 Capt Joel Walker Flood b 09.01.1839 Appomattox Co VA d 1916 m Ella Faulkner b 1844 VA d 1885 VA -1-1 Eleanor Bolling Flood b 1868 Winchester VA m Richard EVELYN BYRD. b 13.08.1860 Austin Travis TX d 25.10.1925 Richmond City VA -1-1-1 SENATOR HARRY FLOOD BYRD b 10.06.1887, Martinsburg Berkeley Co West VA d 20.10.1966, Berryville Clarke Co VA
-1-1-1-2-2-1-2-1-4 Louisa West b 1800, Campbell Co VA d 1842, Bedford Bedford Co VA
m Richard Hobson b 14.04.1795 Bedford Bedford Co VA d 15.02.1836 Bedford Bedford Co VA
-1 Benjamin Nelson Hobson b 04.03.1820, Bedford Bedford Co VA d c 1882 m EDITHA SARAH DOUGLASS b 07.02.1826, Bedford Bedford Co VA d 09.12.1882, Bedford Bedford Co VA
-2 Arabella Hobson b 23.08.1829, Bedford Bedford Co VA d 31.03.1889, Bedford Bedford Co VA m William E Sledd b 08.01.1826 Bedford Bedford Co VA d 06.11.1888 Bedford Bedford Co VA
-3 Mary Charlotte Hobson b 10.10.1834, Bedford Bedford Co VA d 10.10.1865, Prairieville Pike Co MO m Paul Silas Penn b 17.12.1829 Bedford Bedford Co VA d 20.07.1884 Bedford Bedford Co VA son of Moses Penn

-2-1 James Richard Sledd b 10.11.1849, BedfordVA d 1910, Pike Co MO m Martha Lee Penn b 09.08.1854 Bedford Bedford Co VA d 20.06.1941 Louisiana Pike Co MO dau of Paul Penn and Mary Hobson
-3-1 Martha Lee Penn b 09.08.1854, Bedford VA d 20.06.1941, Louisiana Pike Co MO m James Richard Sledd b 10.11.1849, BedfordVA d 1910, Pike Co MO see above
-3-2 Frances Edna Penn b 20.12.1857, Bedford VA d 06.08.1931, Lynchburg VA m Robert Henry Parks b 13.07.1864 Bedford VA d 06.10.1932, Bedford VA

-2-1-1 William Paul Sledd b 03.10.1875 MO d 16.01.1925 MO
-2-1-2 Charles Oscar Sledd b 27.10.1875 MO d 30.09.1924 Chillicothe Livingstone Co MO m Mary J Seelman b 04.09.1879, Lafayette Tippecanoe Co IN d 19.04.1943 Brookfield Linn Co MO
-2-1-3 rances Lilliam Sledd b 29.03.1883 MO d 17.10.1903 MO
-1-1-1-2-2-2 Col Francis West b 1715 King William Co VA
m1 Susannah Cole b 1713 Warwick Chesterfield VA d by 1733 VA
m2 Jane Cole b 1719 Warwick Chesterfield VA d 1754
+1 William Cole
m Mary Roscow dau of William Roscow and Mary Wilson b Oct 1675 d 11 Jan 1741 Blount Point, Warwick Co VA
+2 William Coleb 1638 d 1694 Warwick Co VA
m Martha Lear b 1668 d 1704
+3 William Cole b 1598 Tillingham Essex d 1669 St Marys MD
>m2 Sarah Beck b c 1599 d c 1651 St Marys MD
+3 John Lear
-1-1-1-2-2-2-1 Susanna West b 1732 King William Co VA d 05.12.1780.
m JOSEPH WEST GREGORY b 1725 VA d c 1758.
-1-1-1-2-2-2-1-1 George Gregory b 06.11.1755, Philadelphia PA d 07.08.1825 Philadelphia PA
m Hannah MATHERS b 19.09.1755 Philadelphia PA d 1808 Philadelphia PA
-1 Christianna GREGORY b 19.03.1795, Philadelphia PA d 25.03.1874, Millville Cache Co UT m John HAINES READ b 11.09.1795, Evesham Burlington Co New Jersey Usa; d 29.09.1832, Evesham Burlington Co New Jersey Usa.
-1-1-1-2-3 John West b 1657, VA d 1716, Stafford Co VA, c 1700 built a plantation and a Georgian brick manor on the higher ground to the west in the Alexandria VA area, known then as Great Hunting Creek on the Potomac River, today as the Belle Haven Country Club, just off Fort Hunt Road and looking across the Potomac to National Harbor. Four generations of West family members called West Grove home and more than a half dozen are probably buried there. During the Civil War, the occupying Federal army burned the manor to the ground. , Major in the Co militia for the defense of the frontier from Indian threats
m Elizabeth SEMMES b 1684 Wisbeach Isle Ely England d 1733 Fairfax Fairfax Co VA
-1-1-1-2-3-1 Guy WEST.
-1-1-1-2-3-2 Hugh WEST b mel. 18.03.1704 - 1705, Overwharton Parish Stafford Co VA d 21.11.1754, Truro Parish Fairfax Co VA
m Sybil Harrison b aft 03.02.1704 Overwharton Parish Stafford Co VA d 18.01.1787, Fairfax Co VA
-1-2 Henry Percy, 9th Earl of Northumberland
Lady Dorothy Devereux
-1-1-2 Dorothy PERCY b 20.08.1598 Northumberland d 19.08.1650
m Robert SYDNEY. b 01.12.1595 Gainford Durham d 02.11.1677 Kent , 2nd Earl of Leicester, son of, circa January 1615.2 She died on 19 August 1650 at age 51.2 From circa January 1615, her married name became Sydney. , 1614-1614 MP, 1626-1677 2nd Earl of Leicester, 1640-1641 Ireland Lord Lieutenant
+1 Robert Sydney, 1st Earl of Leicester and Barbara Gamage
-1-1-2-1 Lucy SYDNEY b 1627, Penshurst Kent d 1685
m John PELHAM. b 1620 Laughton Sussex d 1702 Laughton Sussex
-1-1-2-1-1 Thomas PELHAM b 1653 Laughton Sussex d 23.02.1712, Laughton Sussex, 1678-1705 MP, 1706-1712 1st Baron of Pelham
m Elizabeth JONES b 1658 Halifax Yorkshire d 10.1681 Halifax Yorkshire
+1 y JONES
-1-1-2-1-1-1 Elizabeth PELHAM b 10.1681 London d 11.05.1711 London
m Charles TOWNSHEND. b 18.04.1675 London d 21.06.1738 London , 1687-1738 2nd Viscount of Townshend, 1701-1713 Norfolk Lord Lieutenant, 1709-1711 Ambassador to Netherlands , 1714-1730 Norfolk Lord Lieutenant
-1-1-2-1-1-1-1 Charles TOWNSHEND b 11.07.1700 London d 13.03.1764, 1722-1723 MP, 1730-1739 Norfolk Lord Lieutenant , 1738-1764 3rd Viscount of Townshend
m Audrey Ethelrede HARRISON b 1708 d 05.03.1788.
-1-1-2-1-1-1-1-1 1282. i. George TOWNSHEND b 28.02.1723 Rainham Norfolk d 14.09.1807 Rainham Norfolk, 1747-1764 MP, 1767-1772 Ireland Lord Lieutenant, 1787-1807 1st Marquess of Townshend, 1792-1807 Norfolk Lord Lieutenant, 1796-1807 Gov of Jersey
m Anne Montgomery b 1757 Magpie Hill Suffolk England d 29.03.1819
-1 Charlotte TOWNSHEND b 19.03.1776, Dublin Dublin Co Ireland; d 30.07.1856 m George Osborne b 21.07.1775, London Middlesex England; d 10.07.1838 , 1799-1838 6th Duke of Leeds, 1802-1838 Yorkshire, North Riding Lord Lieutenant
-1-1-2-2 Lady Isabella Sydney d Jun 16632
-1-1-2-3 Lady Dorothy Sydney+ b. 5 Oct 1617, d 5 Feb 1683/841
m Henry SPENCER b 1620, Mansion Althorp Northamptonshire d 20.09.1643, Newbury Berkshire , 1636-1640 3rd Baron of Spencer of Wormleighton, 1643-1643 1st Earl of Sunderland
-1-1-2-4 Philip Sydney, 3rd Earl of Leicester+ b 10 Jan 1618/9 d 6 Mar 1697/8
-1-1-2-5 Algernon Sydney b. 1622, d 7 Dec 16832
-1-1-2-6 Lt.-Gen. Henry Sydney, 1st and last Earl of Romney b. 1641, d 8 Apr 17042
-1-2 Henry PERCY b 27.04.1564, Tynemouth Norhumberland d 05.11.1632, Petworth Sussex, 1585-1632 9th Earl of Northumberland
m Dorothy DEVEREUX, b 1564 Chartley Staffordshire England d 03.08.1619 dau of
-1-2-1 Dorothy PERCY b 20.08.1598, Northumberland d 19.08.1650.
-1-2-2 Lucy PERCY b 1599, Petworth Sussex d 05.11.1660, Hertfordshire
m JAMES HAY b 1590 Kingask Buteshire Scotland d 03.1636. , 1632-1636 1st Earl of Carlisle
-1-2-2-1 James HAY b 1612, Waltham Essex d 30.10.1660 , 1636-1660 2nd Earl of Carlisle, 1641-1642 Essex Lord Lieutenant
m MARGARET RUSSELL b 1614, Kimbolton Huntingdonshire d 01.12.1676, Chenies Buckinghamshire
-1-2-3 Algernon PERCY b 13.10.1602, London Middlesex d 13.10.1668, Petworth Sussex, 10th Earl of Northumberland
m1 by 1630 Anne Cecil +2 ch dau of William Cecil, 2nd Earl of Salisbury and Lady Catherine Howard,
m2 Elizabeth HOWARD b 1623 Walton Suffolk d 11.03.1705 dau of Theophilus Howard, 2nd Earl of Suffolk and Elizabeth Home, on 1 October 1642. He died on 13 October 1668 at age 66. Algernon Percy, 10th Earl of Northumberland gained the title of 10th Earl of Northumberland. Had five daughters by first wife, Lady Anne Cecil and two daughters, died infants, and one son by his second wife, Lady Elizabeth Howard. Children of Algernon Percy, 10th Earl of Northumberland and Lady Anne Cecil
-1-2-3-1 Anne Percy b 19 Dec 1633, d 29 Nov 1654
-1-2-3-2 Elizabeth Percy+ b. 1636, d 5 Feb 1717/18
-1-2-3-1 Joceline Percy b 04.07.1644 London 11th Earl of Northumberland d 21 May 1670, 1660-1670 Northumberland Lord Lieutenant , 1668-1670 11th Earl of Northumberland
m LADY Elizabeth Wriothesley b 1645 Titchfield Hampshire d 19.09.1690.
+1 Henry Wriothesley, 3rd Earl of Southampton b 06.10.1573, d 10.11.1624
m before 30.08.1598 Elizabeth Vernon a 11.1655, dau of John Vernon of Hodnet
-1-2-3-1-1 Elizabeth Percy b 26.01.1666, Petworth Sussex d 23.11.1722 London
m CHARLES SEYMOUR,. b 13.08.1662 Towbridge Wiltshire England d 02.12.1748, 1678-1748 6th Duke of Somerset, 1682-1687 Yorkshire, East Riding Lord Lieutenant
-1-2-3-1-1-1 Anne SEYMOUR b 1709, Petworth Sussex d 27.11.1722 m SIR PEREGRINE HYDE OSBORNE b 11.11.1691, Herefordshire England; d 09.05.1731. , 1729-1731 3rd Duke of Leeds
-1-2-3-1-1-2 Catherine SEYMOUR b 18.08.1697, Petworth Sussex England; d 09.04.1731, England m SIR William WYNDHAM b 1688, Orchards Somerset England; d 17.07.1740, Somerset England. , 1695-1740 3rd Baronet of Wyndham, 1710-1740 MP, 1711-1712 Master of the Buckhounds, 1712-1713 Secretary at War, 1713-1714 Chancellor of the Exchequer
- - - -
Kn15 =17 514. Anne Knight b 1490 Northamptonshire d 1560
m Robert Partiger of Greatworth b 1490 Greatworth Northamptonshire neighboring Sulgrave d 31.01.1558 Northamptonshire, Greatworth son of
+1 Richard Pargiter and Anne Coles
Pa14 =16 Amy Pargiter b 1504, Northamptonshire d 06 Oct 1564 widow Thompson
m c 1538 LAWRENCE WASHINGTON Wa14 b 1500 Lancashire d 19.02.1583.
+1 John Washington
m Margaret Kytson dau of
+2 Thomas Kytson
+3 Sir Robert Kytson, a freeman of the Mercers Company who amassed great riches trading in Flanders, knighted and in 1533 became the Sheriff of London.
Wa13-1 Magdalen Washington b c 1541 Sulgrave Northamptonshire d 1558 m 1557 Anthony Humphrey
Wa13 =15 Robert Washington of Sulgrave b 1544 Sulgrave Northampton d 10.03.1623 Nether Boddington, NTH
m1 c1565 Elizabeth Light b c 1547 Radway Warwick d 25 Mar 1599 of Radway Grange. Warwick, heiress of
+1 Walter Lyte
m Ursula Woodward b c 1527 according to According to Stirnet Ursula was the daughter of
+2 Thomas Woodford of Brightwell in Burnham trading in Flanders, knighted in 1533 became the Sheriff of London.
Elizabeth Blount of Maple Durham, Oxfordshire.
Wa14 Lawrence Washington of Sulgrave b 1568, d 13 Dec 1616
m 3 Aug 1588 Margaret Butler b 1568 Suffolk, Cuckfields d 01.1652
+1 Sir William Butler of Tyes Hall, Cuckfield
Wa13-1 Robert Washington b c 1589
Wa13-2 Col Sir John Washington of Thrapston b 1591, d 18 May 1668
m1 14 Jun 1621 Mary Curtis d 01 Jan 1625
Wa13-3 Sir William Washington of Packington b after 1590 d 22 Jun 1643)
Wa13-4 Richard Washington b c 1592/8, d 08.01.1642
m Frances BROWNE b 1600 England d c 30.07.1658 England
Wa13-4-1 John WASHINGTON b 03.1632, St Martins In The Fields London d by 1662, Surry Co VA
m Mary b 1630 VA ? d c 1662 Surry Co VA
Wa13-4-1-1 Richard WASHINGTON b 1650, VA ?
m Elizabeth JORDAN b 1662 Surry Co VA d 21.05.1735 Surry Co VA
Wa13 Wa13-5 887. i Rev Lawrence Washington b 02.11.1602, Sulgrave Northamptonshire d 1655/21.06.1652, Maldon Essex, Rector of Purleigh, MA., B.D., was a Fellow of Brasenose College, Oxford and Rector of Purleigh Essex from 1633-43. In 1643, during the English Civil war he was accused as a "Maglignant Royalist" and "oft drunk", and was ejected from his living as Rector of Purleigh and died in poverty.
m 1633 Amphyllis Twigden b 2 Feb 1600/?2, d 12.01.1654 Hertfordshire, dau of John Twigden of Little Creaton and Anne DICKENS
Wa13-5-1 Col John Wesley Washington of Mattox Creek b 1633/4 Purleigh Essex d 10.09.1677, Westmoreland Co VA emigrated to VA in 1656, 2nd son, supported the governor during Bacon's Rebellion as Lt. Col.) , 1676 Bacon's Rebellion Bacon ordered him to administer secrets oath, Later he supported Berkeley VA, Westmoreland Co, Latanes, GW Birthplace National Monument Cemetery
m2 Anna POPE b 1635 St Marys Co MD d 1669 Westmoreland Co VA
m3 Frances GERARD b 1640 Lancashire d c 1677 Westmoreland Co VA
+1 Nathaniel POPE b c 1603 probably in Bristol d after May 1659 and LUCY FOX b 1603/11 in Gloucestershire d after 1660 in Westmoreland Co VA
Wa13-5-1-1 John WASHINGTON b 1660, Westmoreland Co VA d 1697 VA
m Ann Wickliffe b 1660 VA d 1704 (reports on her parents and (half)siblings are implausible)
-a Elisha Wickliffe b 1660 Westmoreland VA
-a-1 Rose Wickliffe b 1692 d aft 1735 m Thomas Waters b 1690 Northumberland VA d 1750 Surry VA son of Thomas Waters and Mary/Margaret Lloyd
-a-1-1 Thomas Waters
-a-1-2 Lydia Waters b 16 Apr 1720 Stafford Co VAm martin Hardin
-a-1-3 Mark Waters
-a-1-4 Elizabeth Waters
-a-1-5 Philemon Waters
-a-1-6 Lydia Stanley
-c Henry Wickliffe b c 1674 WEstmoreland VA d Apr 1699
-d David Wickliffe, III b 1671 Westmoreland VA
-e Robert Wickliffe b 1672 WEstmoreland VA d 25 Jan 1698 Westmoreland VA
-f Deborah Wickliffeb 1677 MD
-g Isaac Wickliffe b 1674 Westmoreland VA d 1726
+1 David Wickcliffe b c 1636 St. Marys, MD d before 27 Sep 1693 in Westmoreland VA he m?1 Mary Sisson
m?2 Elizabeth King b 1636 Westmoreland VA d there 1699
Wa13-5-1-1-1 Henry WASHINGTON b 1692, King George Co VA d 22.10.1748, St Pauls Parish King George Co VA
m Mary BAILEY b 1695 Westmoreland Co VA d 19.01.1734 St Pauls Parish King George Co VA
Wa13-5-1-1-1-1 Henry Washington b 02.1721, St Pauls Parish King George Co VA d 02.02.1747, St Pauls Parish King George Co VA
m Elizabeth Storke b 11.07.1725 St Pauls Parish King George Co VA d 1774 Westmoreland Co VA
Wa13-5-1-1-1-1-1 Lawrence Washington b 10.02.1742 Westmoreland Co VA d 29.03.1774 Westmoreland Co VA
m Susannah Washington b 11.02.1742 Stafford Co VA d by 22.06.1822 Westmoreland Co VA
Wa13-5-1-1-1-1-1-1 Henry Washington b 1765, Westmoreland Co VA d 20.05.1812 Alexandria DC
m Sarah Ashton b 1769 Westmoreland Co VA d 22.01.1831 Alexandria DC
+1 y Ashton
Wa13-5-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Lawrence Washington b 21.02.1791 Spotsylvania Co VA d 15.03.1875 Westmoreland Co VA
m Sarah Tayloe Washington b 04.04.1800 VA d 20.12.1886.
Wa13-5-1-1-1-1-1-1-2 George Corbin WASHINGTON b 20.08.1789 Oak Grove Westmoreland Co VA
m Eliza Beall b 22.11.1786 Georgetown Montgomery Co MD
Wa13-5-1-1-1-2 Bailey Washington b 10.09.1731 d c 1784.
Catherine Storke b 17.12.1723 St Pauls Parish King George Co VA
Wa13-5-1-1-1-2-1 Baily Washington b 12.12.1754, St Pauls Parish King George Co VA
m Euphan Wallace b 1756 Stafford Co VA
Wa13-5-1-1-1-2-1-1 Bailey Washington b 12.05.1787 Westmoreland Co VA d 04.08.1854 Washington DC
m Ann Matilda Lee b 13.07.1799 Sully Fairfax Co VA d 20.12.1880.
+1 Richard Lee and Elizabeth Collins
Wa13-5-1-1-1-2-1-1-1 Anna Louis Washington b 1836 Washington DC d 1885
m Walter Dorsey Davidge b 1823 Baltimore City MD d 1901 Washington DC
Wa13-5-1-1-1-2-1-2 Temple Mason Washington b 1807 VA d 1850 Prince William Co VA
m Georgianna Langhorn Baylor b 13.03.1808 VA d 14.01.1908.
+1 y Baylor
Wa13-5-1-1-1-2-1-2-1 Malcolm Baylor Washington b 1839, Prince William Co VA d 06.12.1920
m FANNIE HUNTON b 1850 VA d 07.10.1911 Greenwich Presbyterian Prince William Co VA
-1 Malcolm McNeale Washington b 06.09.1869 VA d 13.11.1932 m Lucy Douglass Moxley b 15.11.1866 VA d 26.07.1942
Wa13-5-1-2 Anna Pope WASHINGTON b 09.1659, Westmoreland VA d 1697, Westmoreland Co VA
m Maj FRANCIS WRIGHT, son of . b 1658 Chickacone Northumberland Co VA d 1713 Westmoreland Westmoreland Co VA
+1 Capt WRIGHT and Anne MOTTROM
Wa13-5-1-2-1 John WRIGHT b 25.02.1685, Westmoreland Co VA d 28.05.1738, Leesylvania Prince William Co VA
m Dorothy AUBREY b 1686 Stafford Stafford Co VA d 1739 Prince William Co VA
Wa13-5-1-2-1-1 Francis WRIGHT b 01.03.1707, Coan Northumberland Co VA d 27.09.1742, Westmoreland Co VA
m Mary HAWKINS b 1708, Westmoreland Co VA
Wa13-5-1-2-2 ANN WRIGHT b 1686, Westmoreland Co VA
Wa13-5-1-3 Lawrence Washington b 09.1659 VA d 02.1697, VA
m Mildred Warner b 1671 Warner Hall Gloucester Co VA d 26.03.1701 England.
+1 Augustine Warner b 3 Jul 1642 in Gloucester, VA. bur Jun 1681 in Warner Hall, Gloucester, VA. d 19 Jun 1681 in Warner Hall, Gloucester Co, Va
m Mildred Reade b 2 Oct 1643 bur Oct 1686 in Cumberland VA d 20 Oct 1686 in Cumberland Va
Wa13-5-1-3-1 Capt Augustine WASHINGTON b 12.11.1694, Wakefield Westmoreland Co VA d 12.04.1743 Ferry Farm King George Co VA Sources say that his name is just Augustine Washington, Sr., and his son with his first wife Jane is Augustine Washington, Jr. There was no John or Lawrence in his name.
m1 JANE BUTLER, dau of b 24.12.1699 Westmoreland Co VA d 24.11.1729 Popes Creek Westmoreland Co VA + 4 ch
m2 Mary BALL 06.03.1731 b 26.04.1708 Epping Forest Lancaster Co VA d 25.08.1789 Fredericksburg VA + 5 ch Mary was much attached to her guardian, a genial lawyer named George Eskridge; and it was apparently after him that she named her first-born child: George Washington. Otherwise he might perhaps have been given the family name of John; Lawrence and Augustine had already been used for his half brothers."
+1 Caleb BUTLER and Mary FOXHALL
+1 Col Joseph Ball b 24 May 1649 Barkham Berkshire d Epping Forest Lancaster Co VA
m "Mary Montague ?wid Bennett b c 1665 West Chester Cheshire d 1721 VA
+2 Col William Ball Jr b 15 Oct 1608
m Hannah Atherold b 1619 d 1695
+2 Peter Montague b c 1632 d 2 Dec 1695
m Mary Maindert Doodes b c 1642 d 1682
Wa13-5-1-3-1-1 Butler Washington
Wa13-5-1-3-1-2 Lawrence Washington b 1718, Bridges Creek Westmoreland Co VA d 07.1752 Mt Vernon Westmoreland Co VA m Anne Fairfax b 1729 Bahamas d 14.03.1761 Belvoir Manor Fairfax Co VA Westmoreland Co Coles Point Burnt House Fields, Lee Family Estate
Wa13-5-1-3-1-3 Augustine Washington b 1720 Westmoreland Co VA d 1762 Wakefield Westmoreland Co VA
m Anne Ashton Aylett b 1726 VA d 12.1774 Wakefield Westmoreland Co VA
+1 William Aylett and Anne Ashton
Wa13-5-1-3-1-3-1 Anne Washington b 02.04.1752, Westmoreland Co VA d 03.06.1777, Westmoreland Co VA +1 y Ashton
Wa13-5-1-3-1-3-1-1 Sarah Washington Ashton b 30.09.1769, Westmoreland Co VA d 20.11.1820, Fairfax Co VA
m Nicholas Battaile Fitzhugh b 05.05.1764 King George Co VA d 31.12.1814 Fairfax Co VA
+1 y Fitzhugh
Wa13-5-1-3-1-3-1-1-1 Mary Conway Mason Fitzhugh b 07.1805, Alexandria DC d 05.03.1842, Fauquier Co VA
m Arthur Alexander Morrison Payne b 23.02.1804 Fauquier Co VA d 03.04.1868 Boone Co MO
Wa13-5-1-3-1-3-1-2 Charles AUugustine Ashton b 24.12.1770, Westmoreland Co VA d 11.09.1799, Westmoreland Co VA
Wa13-5-1-3-1-3-1-3 Ann Ashton b 22.03.1773, Westmoreland Co VA d 1809, Westmoreland Co VA
Wa13-5-1-3-1-3-1-4 Burdett Ashton b 22.03.1773, Westmoreland Co VA d 18.01.1812 Westmoreland Co VA
Wa13-5-1-3-1-3-2 Capt William Augustine Washington b 25.11.1757 Wakefield Westmoreland Co VA d 02.10.1810 Georgetown Washington DC Usa.
m1 Sarah Tayloe b 03.05.1765 Richmond Co VA d 03.09.1834 Princeton Mercer Co NJ
m2 Mary Lee, dau of b 28.07.1764 VA d 02.11.1795 VA
m3 Jane Washington b 20.06.1759 Bushfield Plantation Westmoreland Co VA d 16.08.1791 Sweet Springs Monroe Co VA
+1 y Tayloe
+1 Richard Leeb 20 Jan 1731/32 d 19 Jun 1794 at his estate Chantily which bordere on the Potomac, co-signer of the Decl. of Independence, Senator of Virginia
m1 Ann Aylett b 1738 d 1768 + 5 ch
+1 John Washington and Hannah Bushrod
Wa13-5-1-3-1-3-2-1 Sarah Tayloe Washington b 04.04.1800 VA d 20.12.1886
m Lawrence Washington b 21.02.1791 Spotsylvania Co VA d 15.03.1875 Westmoreland Co VA
Wa13-5-1-3-1-4 Jane Washington b c1722, d 17 Jan1735
Wa13-5-1-3-1-5 George WASHINGTON b 22.02.1732 d 11 Dec 1799
m 16 Jan 1759 Martha Dandridge b 21 Jun 1731 d 22 May 1802, dau of Jonn Dandridge
Wa13-5-1-3-1-6 Elizabeth Washington b 2 Jun 1733, d 31 Mar 1797
m 7 May 1750 Col Fielding Lewis b 1725, d Dec 1781 Fredericksburg VA son of John Lewis II b 22 Mar 1694 d 1754 and Frances Fielding
-1 Fielding Lewis b 2/14/1751 Fredericksburg d 7/05/1803 m Anne Alexander, Elizabeth Dade
-2 Augustine Lewis b 22 JAN 1752 Fredericksburg d 1756
-3 Warner Lewis b 24 APR 1755 Fredericksburg d 1756
-4 George Washington Lewis b 14 MAR 1757 King George Co, Marmion Plantation d 15 NOV 1831 m Catherine Dangerfield
-5 Mary Lewis b 22 APR 1759 25 DEC 1759
-6 Charles Lewis b 30 OCT 1760 Fredericksburg d 1775
-7 Samuel Lewis b 14 MAY 1762 Fredericksburg d 31 DEC 1810 m Anna Maine
-8 Elizabeth "Betty" Lewis b 23 FEB 1765 Fredericksburg d 9 AUG 1830 m Charles Carter
-9 Lawrence Lewis b 3/04/1767 Fredericksburg d 11/20/1839 m Eleanor Parke "Nelly" Custis
-10 Robert Lewis b 6/25/1769 Fredericksburg d 17 JAN 1829 m Judith Carter Browne
-11 Howell Lewis b 12 Dec 1771 Fredericksburg d 26 Dec 1822 m Ellen Hackley Pollard
-12? Col. John Lewis of Kinmore b in VA d 1825 in KY m2 about 1794 in VA Mary Ann Fontaine b 1759 in Va d Apr 1799 Col. Peter Fontaine m Elizabeth Louise Winston b 17 DEC 1720/?34 in Albemarle Co Va she m1 Bowles Armistead b 1752 Hanover Co d there 1785
-12-1 Frances Lewis
-12-2 Howell Lewis
-12-3 Mary Ann Lewis
Wa13-5-1-3-1-7 Col John Augustine Washington b 13 Jan 1736, d 08 Jan 1787, Colonel American Revolution, 1776 Delegate Virginia Constitutional Convention
m 14 Apr 1756 Hannah Bushrod b 01.05.1738 Bushfield Plantation Westmoreland Co VA d 25.04.1801 Bushfield Plantation Westmoreland Co VA
+1 Col John Bushrod b 1709
m Jane Lane
-b Apphia Keene m Fauntleroy
-c Richard Bushrod
-d Sarah Bushrod
-e Elizabeth Bushrod m Meriwether
-f Hannah Bushrod m Crump
-g Thomas Bushrod had issue
+2 Hon John Bushrod b c 1685 m Anne
-a Apphia Bushrod b c 1657 VA
-b Thomas Bushrod b c 1662 M Anne Reynolds b 1668 WEstmoreland VA d 1711
-b-1 Anne Bushrod b 16 Mar 1693 Westmoreland m Col Griffin Fauntleroy had issue
-d Elizabeth Bushrod b c 1672 Northumberland VA m Richard Doggett b c 1672 Christ Church Lancaster VA had Issue son of Rev Benjamin Doggett and Jane Garrard b 1638 Hadleigh Suffolk d 1708 Christ Church Parish Lancaster Co VA
-e Richard Bushrod b 1655 Westmoreland Co VA
+3 John Bushrod b 30 Jan 1663 Gloucester VA d 26 Feb 1719 Bushfield Westmoreland Co VA
m Hannah Keene b 4 Feb 1676 St Stephens Parish Northumberland VA d by 29 May 1739 Cople Parish Bushfield Westmoreland Co VA dau of
she m2 Willoughby Allerton m3 John Cooper
-a John Bushrod b 1601
-b Ann Bushrod b 1602 m Samuel whitefield and Had Mary Whitefield
-c Marshall Bushrod b 1603
-d Thomas Bushrod b 1604
-e Scovel Bushrod b 1607
-f Elizabeth Bushrod b 1620 Dorchester
-g Mary Bushrod b 1624 Dorchester
-h Dorothy Bushrod b 1621 Dorchester m Thomas Morse
-i Samuel Bushrod b 1615
-k Deborah Bushrod b Dorchester
+4 Capt Richard Bushrod b by 25 Jun 1626 Sherborne Dorset D C 1664 York Co VA by whom she had John Bushrod b 30 Jan 1663 Gloucester Co VA
m Apphia Hughes b c 1650 in Gloucester Co VA she m4 Maj/Dr Henry Whiting b c 1644 d after 18 July 1694 Elmington, Gloucester Co had issue

+4 William Keene
m Elizabeth Rogers
+5 Richard Bushrod b 1575 Sherborne Dorsetz d 1 Jul 1628 Dorchester Dorset
m c 1600 Dorothia Watts
+5 Thomas Keene b 1592/3 d 1653/9
m c 1640 probably in MD Mary Thorley b c 1615 d aft 1662 she m2 Henry Raynor (-BEF 22 MAR 1658) on c 1654 m3 22 MAR 1658 in Northumberland VA Thomas Broughton b c 1622
+6 John Bushrod b c 1545 Sherbourne Dorset d there 1589
m Margery Feltons b 1550 Dorset d Oct 1599 Sherbourne Dorset dau of George Feltons b c 1521 and Margaret Carew b c 1521
+6 John Watts b 1551 Engl d 22 Nov 1627 Dorchester Dorset
Wa13-5-1-3-1-7-1 Jane Washington b 20.06.1759 Bushfield Plantation Westmoreland Co VA d 16.08.1791 Sweet Springs Monroe Co VA
m Capt William Augustine Washington b 25.11.1757 Wakefield Westmoreland Co VA d 02.10.1810 Georgetown Washington DC
Wa13-5-1-3-1-8 Col Samuel Washington b 16 Nov 1734 d 26 Sep 1781
m1 c1754 Jane Champe d c1755
m2 c1756 Mildred Thornton b c1741, d c1762 + 1 ch
m3 c1762 Louisa Chapman b 29 Jun 1743, d c1763 dau of Nathaniel Chapman
m4 24 Mar 1764 Anne Steptoe (b 10 Oct 1737, d 14 Mar 1777 + 1 ch dau of Col William Steptoe
m5 c 1778 Susannah Perrin b 27 Jun 1753, d 05 Mar 1783 +
-1 Thornton Washington b c 1758 had issue
m1 26 Dec 1779 Mildred Berry b c1760 d c1785
m2 2 Apr 1786 Frances Townshend
-2 Tristram Washington b c 1760, d after 1768
-3 George Steptoe Washington b 17 Aug 1771 had issue m 20 May 1793 Lucy Payne
-4 George Steptoe Washington
-5 Lawrence Washington(b 11 Apr 1774 had issue m 6 Nov 1797 Mary Dorcas Wood b 06 Nov 1781, d 09 Nov 1835
-6 Harriet Washington m Andrew Parks
-7 John Perrin Washington b c1779, d c1783
Wa13-5-1-3-1-9 Col. Charles Washington b 02 May 1738, d 16 Sep 1799
m c1761)Mildred Thornton b c1737, d 1804, dau of Col. Francis Thornton
-1 Col George Augustus Washington b c 1763 d c1793
m c1785 Frances Bennett b c1767
-2 Frances Washington b c 1763
-3 Samuel Washington b c 1765 had issue m Dorothea Thornton
-4 Mildred Washington b c 1777 m Col. Thomas Hammond
Wa13-5-1-3-1-10 Mildred Washington (b 1739 d 23 Oct 1740
Wa13-5-1-3-2 Maj John WASHINGTON b 11.12.1692, Bridges Creek Westmoreland Co VA d 01.09.1746, Petsworth Gloucester Co VA
m Catherine Whiting b 22.05.1694, Elmington Gloucester Co VA d 07.02.1743, Highgate Gloucester Co VA
Wa13-5-1-3-3 Mildred WARNER WASHINGTON b 1696, VA d 05.09.1747, VA
m Henry Willis b 1696, VA d 14.09.1740, VA
Wa12-2 Lawrence WASHINGTON b 23.01.1634 Tring Bedford England d 01.1676 Rappahannock Co VA
m1 Jane ANNE FLEMMING b 1643 England d 1685 VA
m2 Mary JONES b 10.10.1638 England d 1671.
Wa12-2-1 John WASHINGTON b 02.04.1670, VA d 1712
m Mary TOWNSEND b 15.07.1669 Virgina Usa d 01.04.1729.
Wa12-2-1-1 John WASHINGTON b 15.03.1692, Chotank Prince George Co VA d 12.04.1743, St Pauls Parish King George Co VA
m Mary MASSEY b 1702 Stafford Co VA d 27.02.1744 VA
+1 Dade MASSEY and Elizabeth ELLIS
Wa12-2-1-1-1 Lawrence Washington b 31.03.1728 King George Co VA d 1814 VA
m Elizabeth Dade b 12.10.1734 Prince George Co VA
-1 Sally Washington b 1765, King George Co VA d 02.10.1796, Center Hill Petersburg VA m Robert BOLLING b 12.06.1730, Prince George Co VA d 24.02.1775, Bollingbrook Petersburg VA
-2 Frances Townshend Washington b 18.04.1767, Brunswick Co VA d 1808 m Griffin Stith b 01.01.1765, Brunswick Co VA 1288. Elizabeth23 WASHINGTON (John26, John25, LAWRENCE24, LAWRENCE23, LAWRENCE22) b 31.12.1727 King Georg Co VA d 1789 KY m Thomas BERRY, son of ENOCH BERRY and DRUCILLA BUNBURY. b 1729 King Georg Co VA d 1813 King Georg Co VA
Elizabeth WASHINGTON and Thomas BERRY i. John WASHINGTON24 BERRY b 1759, VA d 13.04.1852, KY m FRANCES ANN TAYLOR b 09.12.1775, KY 1289. John23 COMPTON (John24, ISSELSTYNE23, Richard22, William21, John20, FRANCES ANNE19 HASTINGS, Catherine18 POLE, Henry17) b 10.1760 Brunswick Middlesex Co New Jersey Usa d 03.03.1828 Tazewell Co VA m Eleanor ELINOR MCGUIRE, dau of CORNELIUS MCGUIRE b 1760 Tazewell Wythe Co VA d 1840 Tazewell Co VA Notater for John COMPTON: He was a constable in Wythe Co, Virginia in 1790. His will was probated 12 Mar 1828-Witnesses were John W. Walker, John S. Turner & Isaac Quinn. Slaves listed: Rose, Peter,Isaac, Mary, Henry, Phi !Original known ancester of Comptons was Anglo Saxon Chief Alwyne. He fought against William the Conqueror at the Battle of Hastings in 1066. For future references a Thomas Compton lived during the re BIOGRAPHY: Served as a Private in the Revolutionary War John served as a private in the Revolutionary War. John Comptons Will..Tazewell Co, Va Will BK 1, pg 244 Abstact. Made 12 March 1828 Proven June 1828 Will probated June 1828 [from Larry Ratliff] In the name of God, Amen, John Compton, Sen. of the Co of Tazewell and State of Virginia, being of perfect mind and memory and to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that is is appointed f or all men and to die. First of all, recommend my soul to God who give it and by body to be buried in the dust at the descression of my executers hereafter mentioned and for the wordly good it has pleased god to bestow on me. shall dispose of in the following way. First of all, ordered debts to be paid. Secondly having already deeded most of my lands to my sons, Elihue and Joseph, have ordered that they support and keep wife Eleanor Compton, furnishing her with everthing needful for comfort during her life. Furnishing with a good horse, saddle and bradle to be kept for her use, one negro woman called Rose to wait on her at all times. leave one negro called Peter to my son William, one negro called Isaac to son Elihue, also a negro called Mary. leave to my son Joseph one negro man named Henry and negro woman named Phillis. leave to my son Hiram a negro man named Dennis. leave to my son Hickman one negro named Jaretleave to my son Joseph an old wagon. leave to my sons Elihu and Joseph a still. leave to my son John, a western tract of land discribed as follows: commencing at the mouth of a branch called the Big Branch running a north course toward Brush Ford imbracing that end of my survey imbracing the mill, called the falls of Bluestone, also a tract of 92 acres lying bewteen the above named falls and Stoney Ridge, The remainder of the above names survey imbracing all my land in the Big Bottom except that already described, leave to sons Hiram, Elihue, Joseph to be divided into three equal parts and the above named Hiram, Elihue and Joseph are each to find his part by ballot. give to my daughter Nancy Cartmal ten dollars, to my daughter Rebeka Shannon ten dollars, to my daughter, Elinor Brown ten dollars, to my daughter Sally Compton ten dollars to be paid out of the est ate of Elihu and Joseph. And lastly appoint John B. George and Isaac Quinn to be executors of this my last will and testament, revoking all other wills and testaments, declare this to bye my last. In witneess whereof have set my hand and seal this twelth day of March, in the year of our Lord on thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight. Signed and sealed in the presense of John W. Walker, John S. Turner, Isaac Auinn. Sons -in - law John Shannon & Low Brown Jr. challenged the will, but it was approved by the court and stood. This John Compton who md Elinore Jane /McGUIRE/ Mc Quire was the son of John Compton b abt 1735 St Mary, Frederick Co., Md moved lived Tazewell, Wythe Co.,Va died Bland Co., Va abt 1822 wife Rebecca W allace b. abt 1730 St Mary, Fredrck Co., Md. family as shown. The John Compton son of John Compton b abt 1732 Blaawsburg Nj, of,Monmouth,Co,NJ killed by falling tree abt 9 May 1778 Long Run Creek,Botetourt,Co,Va and Margaret Reamer (dau George Raemer)_she being born abt 1735 Germany migrated as infant with father George to near Pluckemin, Somerset Co., NJ md John in NJ both moved to Va 1772 The son John b abt 1772 eloped with Rachel Pittman md 18 May 1801 Washington Co., KY (en route) and settled in Barren Co., Ky eight known children 1802-1825 Notater for Eleanor ELINOR MCGUIRE: Birth: 1763 Virginia !Her brother,William, born 1757, served with Low Brown, Sr. as an Indian Spy. He was age 75 in 1872 in his pension request. John COMPTON and Eleanor MCGUIRE i. HICKMAN24 COMPTON b 06.06.1791, VA d 1842, Clear Fork on Blue Stone River Bland Co VA m Elizabeth JUSTICE b 21.03.1785, Pittsylvania Co VA d 1846.
Wa12-2-1-1-2 1288. ii. Elizabeth WASHINGTON b 31.12.1727, King Georg Co VA d 1789 KY
Wa12-2-1-1-3 Nathaniel WASHINGTON b 28.11.1743, VA m Sarah HOOE b 07.03.1741, Barnesfield Stafford Co VA
Wa12-2-1-1-4 Mildred WASHINGTON b 03.08.1721 Highgate Gloucester Co VA d 1785 Westmoreland Co VA
m Langhorne DADE b 1719 Stafford Co VA d 09.05.1753, Stafford Co VA
Wa12-3 Richard WASHINGTON.
Wa12-4 MARTHA WASHINGTON b 1629 d 1654.
Wa12-5 ANNE WASHINGTON b 1633 d 04.06.1642 m LEONARD WASHINGTON b 02.11.1595; d 21.01.1657.
Wa12-6 Elizabeth WASHINGTON b 17.08.1636 d 1697.
Wa12-7 MARGARET WASHINGTON b 1637 England.
Wa12-8 EDWARD WASHINGTON b 1640 d 25.10.1710.
Wa12-9 William WASHINGTON b 1641 Tring Hertfordshire England d 14.10.1641 Tring Hertfordshire England.
Wa12-10 MARTHA WASHINGTON b 13.01.1650; d 08.12.1697
Wa13-6 Thomas Washington b c1603 d c1623
Wa13-7 Margaret Washington
m1 John Tyrell b c 1600
m2 Sam Thorton b before 1600
m3 Sir Robert Sandys
Wa13-8 Gregory Washington b 16 Jan 1607, d 17 Jan 1607
Wa13-9 George Washington b/d 03 Aug 1608 Warmleighton
Wa13-10 Alice Washington b c 1610 Brington NTH d 9 Aug 1679 London m 17 May 16.. in Althorp NHM Rev Robert Sandys son of Thomas Sandys
Wa13-11 Joan Washington b 1611 Brington m Francis Pill
Wa13-12 Frances Washington b 1613 Brington NTH
m Robert Gargrave
Wa13-13 Lucy Washington
Wa13-14 arbara Washington
m Simon Butler of Apple Tree
Wa13-15 Jane Washington m Richard Seymour
Wa13-16 Anne Washington b 1594 Brington d 1 Apr 1635
Wa12-2 Robert Washington b after 1568 Whitefield Lancashire d there10 Mar 1622
m 15 Feb 1596 Elizabeth Ceshall b c1568, d 19 Mar 1622/3
Wa12-3 Walter Washington of Radway b c1570 Sulgrave NHM, d 1 Jan 1597 Radway Warwickshire
m1 Alice Morden
?m2 Katherine Morden b c1577 of Morton Morell WAR dau of John Morden and Katherine Marston grdau of Richard Marston
Wa13-4 Christopher Washington b c1573 Sulgrave d 01 Jan 1597
m c1591 Margaret Palmer
Wa12-5 William Washington b c1575
Wa12-6 Thomas Washington b c1577
Wa12 Anne Washington b c 1579
m c 1597 Alban Wakelyn
Wa11 Phyllis Wakelyn
m Gabriel Ludlow
Wa10-1 Gabriel Ludlow, bapt at Warminster 13 Aug. 1622, admitted to the Inner Temple 13 June 1638, killed at the Battle of Newbury in 1644
Wa10-2 Lt. Col. Thomas Ludlow bapt 1 Nov. 1624 ? mentioned in Jane Ludlow's Wa11 Will proved 6 July 1650 apparently d Va before 1661.
Wa10-3 Francis Ludlow, bapt. Warminster 10 Sept. 1626, living at Maiden Bradley in 1666, issue.
Wa10-4 Anne Ludlow, bapt. at Warminster 4 Dec. 1628
Wa10-5 Elizabeth Ludlow, baptized 18 Oct. 1632 at Maiden Bradley
Wa10-6 John Ludlow b about 1634 mentioned in Jane Pile Ludlow's Py10 Will proved 6 July 1650 Lived in Virginia, d before 15 Sep 1664.
Wa10 Sarah Ludlow, b about 1635 m John Carter, mentioned in Jane Pyle Ludlow's Py10 Will proved 6 July 1650
Ct9-4 Sarah Carter
Ct9-5 Charles Carter

Robert Carter 1663-1732

Judith Armistead
Ct9 Robert "King" Carter b 1663 Corotoman Va d 1732 Corotoman Va
m1 1688 to Judith Armistead Ar9 + 9 ch
m2 Elizabeth Landon + 9 ch
Ct8 Elizabeth Carter b 1688. d ?1731.
m1 Nathaniel Burwell of Whitemarsh Va b 4 OCT 1680 Fairfield Plantation Gloucester Co VA d 20.08.1721 Gloucester Co VA
Ct7-1 Elizabeth Burwell b 1718, Lancaster Co VA d 19.11.1798, Yorktown York Co VA
m Col William Nelson of Yorktown b 1711 York Co VA d 19.11.1772, signer of the Declaration of Independence, 1770-1771 VA Governor
+1 Thomas Nelson b 20 Feb 1678 Penrith Cumberland d 7 Oct 1745 Va
m Margaret Reade b c 1681 York Co VA d there by 1723
+2 Robert Reade b 1644/5 in Yorktown, York, Va d in 30 Dec 1712
m Mary Lilly b c 1645/62 York Co Va dau of
+3 Col George Reade b 25 Oct 1608 Linkenholt Hampshire Engl d 21 Nov 1671 Yorktown Va
m Elizabeth Jane Martiau b 12 Dec 1625 Va d 1686 York Co Va
+3 John Lilly b in England
m Mary Maulson b ABT 1617 in England
+4 Robert Reade of Linkenholt b 1551 d by Dec 1627
m3 31 Jul 1600 Mildred Windebank b 1584
+4 Nicolas Martiau
m1 Jane Boykin b c 1600 at England d by Nov 1646 at York Co VAn wid of Lt Edward Berkeley
Ct7-1-1 Robert Nelson b c 1751 York Co VA d 05.08.1818, Charles City Co VA
m Susanna Robinson b 1762 Middlesex Co VA dau of
John Robinson b 3 Feb 1704 Middlesex Co d 11 May 1766, King and Queen Co Speaker of the house of Burgesses involved in teasury scanadal m1 8 Nov 1723, Middlesex Co Mary Storey m2 1737, King William Co) Lucy Moore b. ca. 1720, King William Co + 2 ch
Ct7-2 Lewis Burwell of Whitemarsh VA b 1710 Fairfield Plantation Gloucester Co VA d 1756
m Mary Willis.
-1 Lewis Burwell b ABT 1737 in Gloucester Co VA
-2 Elizabeth Burwell b 1739 in 'Whitemarsh', Gloucester Co Virginia
-3 Anne Burwell b 1742 in Gloucester Co Virginia
-4 Rebecca Lewis Burwell b 20 MAY 1746 in Gloucester Co Virginia m Jaquelin Ambler b: 9 AUG 1742 in Virginia d 20 FEB 1798 in James City Co VA
Ct7-3 Robert Carter Burwell b 1720, Isle of Wight VA d 1779
m Sarah Nelson b 1724, Yorktown York Co VA
Ct7-4 Nathaniel Burwell b 1711, Fairfield Plantation Gloucester Co VA d 1718, VA
Ct7-5 William Page Burwell b 1712 d 1756.
Ct7-6 Lucy BURWELL b 21.04.1715, Gloucester Gloucester Co VA
?m Christopher Robinson Ro10-2-1-7 b 1705, Middlesex Co d 28 July 1768, Middlesex Co
Ct7-7 Carter Burwell b 25.10.1716, Fairfield Plantation Gloucester Co VA d 03.01.1777, Carters Grove Westmoreland Co VA
m Luca Ludwell Grymes b 18.04.1720, Middletown Frederick Co VA d 1792, Leesylvania Westmoreland Co VA
m2 Dr. George Nicholas Ni8
Ni7 Robert Carter Nicholas (b. 1725/?8 - 1780)
m 1752 Anne Cary Ca7
Ni7-2 John Nicholas
Ni7-3 George Nicholas
Ct8-2 John Carter of Shirley b 1690. d 30 Apr 1743
m 1723 Cecily Elizabeth Hill b 1703 ancestors of Gen. Robert E Lee
Ct8-3 Judith Carter b 1693 in Corotoman, Lancaster, Va d 1700 in Rosewell, Gloucester Co Va
Ct8-4 Sarah Carter b 1694 in Of, Corotoman, Lancaster, Va d 1694
Ct8-5 Judith Carter b c 1700
m Mann Page Honorable b 1691 in Rosewell, Gloucester, Co Va d 24 JAN 1729/30 in Rosewell son of Matthew Page b 1659 in Williamsburg, Virginia d 26 Jul 1718 and Mary Mann b 1672 in Virginia, he m1 10 Jul 1712 Judith Wormeley, dau of Col. Ralph Wormeley and Elizabeth Armistead
Ct8-6 Charles Carter b c 1699 d y
Ct8-7 Anne CARTER b c 1700 d 12 Aug 1745
m Benjamin Harrison of Virginia ancestors Of Pres. Harrison
Ct8-8 Lucy CARTER d 1763, King George Co.
m1 1730, Lancaster Co Col. Henry Fitzhugh of Eagle's Nest Kg Geo Co b 1706 d 6 Dec 1742 son of William Fitzhugh and Ann Lee
m2 1748 Nathaniel Harrison b ca 1701 Surry Co d 1 Oct 1781 Prince George Co son of Col. Nathaniel Harrison of "Wakefield", Reciever Gen. of Virginia b 8 Apr 1677, Surry Co and Mary Cary b 1678, Surry Co (dau of John Cary, merchant of London and Jane Flood)
Ct8-9 Lucy CARTER dy
Ct8-10 Mary Walker Carter b 1712 in Corotoman, King & Queen Co. VA d 17 Sep 1736 in Newington, King & Queen Co VA
m 16 Jan 1732 in Corotoman George Braxton Jr
-1 George Braxton III b 13 Jan 1733 in King & Queen Co. VA
m 6 Dec 1753 in Williamsburg Mary Blair b 27 Sep 1734
-2 Carter Braxton "the signer" b 10 Sep 1736 in Newington, VA
-1-1 Elizabeth Braxton m Henry Whiting b 10 Dec 1748 in VA
-2-1 Mary Braxton b 1756
-2-2 Judith Robinson Braxton b 10 Dec 1757 in Newington, King & Queen Co VA d 11 Oct 1823 m John Camm White
-2-3 Nancy Braxton b 1760
-1-1-1 Francis Beverley Whiting
-2-2-1 Judith White b 6 M 1784 Kg Wm Co VVA d 10 Mar 1854 m 1806 Judge William Brockenbrough b 10 Jul 1778 d 10 Dec 1838 Richmond VA son of John Brockenbrough b 1744 Hobbs Hole Essex Co VA d 20 Nov 1801 and Sarah Upshaw Roane

-2-2-1-1 John White Brockenbrough
-2-2-1-2 Judith Brockenbrough m McGuire
Ct8-11 Robert Carter b 1704 at Corotoman, Lancaster, Va. d 12 May 1732 in Nomini, Westmoreland Co Va m Priscilla Bladen Churchill
Ct8-12 Charles Carter b 1707 in Corotoman, Lancaster, Virginia or Cleve, King George Co. d in 1764 in Virginia.
m1 1728 Mary Walker + 4 ch
m2 Anne Byrd b 5 Feb 1724
Ct8-13 Lucy Carter b 1710 in Of Corotoman, Lancster, Va. d 1763 in VA
m1 Henry Fitzhugh b 1706 in 'Eagles Nest', King George Co VA 2 ch
m2 Nathaniel Benjamin Harrison b 1703 + 1 ch
Ct8-14 Mary CARTER b 1712
Ct8-15 Landon Carter b 1713 d 1778 m1 Elizabeth Wormeley
Ct8-16 Ludlow Carter b 1714
Ct8-17 Sarah Carter b c 1715 d y
Ct8-13 Sarah Carter b ct 1715 Corotoman d y Ct7-1 Lewis Burwell (1710-1756) of Whitemarsh, Va, m Mary Willis.
Ct7-2 Elizabeth Burwell b 1713 m Gov William Nelson of Yorktown b 1711 d 1778 Signer of the Declaration of Independence.
Ct7-3 Nathaniel Burwell b 1711/14-1720
Ct7-4 Carter Burwell (25Oct1716-3Jan1777) of the Grove, James City Co Via, m Lucy Grymes.
Ct7-5 Lucy Burwell b 1713 ?m Christopher Robinson Ro10-2-1-7 b 1705, Middlesex Co d 28 July 1768, Middlesex Co
Ct7-6 Robert Burwell b 3 Jun 1720 d 30 Jan 1777) of Isle of Wight Co Va m S. Nelson.
Ni7 Robert Carter Nicholas b 1725/8 d 1780 m Anne Cary Ca7
Ni7-2 John Nicholas
Ni7-3 George Nicholas
Ct7-1-1 Lewis Burwell b ABT 1737 in Gloucester Co Va
Ct7-1-2 Elizabeth Burwell b 1739 in 'Whitemarsh', Gloucester Co Va
Ct7-1-3 Anne Burwell b 1742 in Gloucester Co Va
Ct7-1-4 Rebecca Lewis Burwell b 20 MAY 1746 in Gloucester Co Va m Jaquelin Ambler b: 9 AUG 1742 in Va d 20 FEB 1798 in James City Co Va
Ni6-1 Elizabeth Nicholas b. 11 Aug. 1752; m. 29 Aug. 1776 Gov. Edmund Jennings Randolph, son of John Randolph, 1776; d. 1810.
Ni6 George Nicholas b 11 Aug. 1753 - 27 July 1799), married Mary Smith dau of John Smith of Baltimore, Md., and moved to Kentucky  and was the father of Judge Samuel Smith Nicholas who published a masterful plea for the right of habeas corpus when it was suspended by President Lincoln during the Civil War.
Ni6-3 Wilson Cary Nicholas b 31 Jan 1761 d 10 Oct1820) m 1783 Margaret, dau of John Smith of Baltimore, Md
Ni6-4 John Nicholas b 1756 d 31 Dec. 1819 ),  married Anne Lawson, was member of Congress 1793 - �1801; removed to Geneva, New York, where he has numerous descendants.
Ni6-5 Sarah Nicholas, b. 1752 at Frederick Co VA m John Hatley Norton son of John Norton and Courtenay Walker.
Ni6-6 Judith Nicholas b 1765
Ni6-7 Lewis Nicholas b 1766 of Albemarle.
Ni6-8 Robert Carter Nicholas b 2 June 1768 m 27 Jul 1801 Martha Mosby b: ABT 1770 in Powhatan, Virginia and had John S. Nicholas b 11 DEC 1803 in of "Seven Islands", Cumberland, VA
Ni6-9 Philip Norborne Nicholas b 1775 d 1849 m1 Mary Spear of Baltimore, Md m2 Maria Carter Byrd, dau of Thomas Taylor Byrd and Mary Anne Armistead, dau of William Armistead Ar9-4-1-1.
Ni6-10 Mary Nicholas b 1759 d 1796 unm
Wa12-8 Ursula Washington b 1581 Sulgrave
m c1599 Thomas Adcock
Wa12-9 Elizabeth Washington b c 1583
m c1601 Lewis Richardson
Wa13-3 Lawrence WASHINGTON b 1530; d 1570
Wa13-4 LENORD WASHINGTON b 1540; d 1541.
Wa13-5 Mary WASHINGTON b 1542; d ?y/31.07.1621 s.b.
Wa13-6 William WASHINGTON b 1546, Sulgrave Northamptonshire d 1547.
Wa13-7 Barbara Washington b 1547, Sulgrave Northamptonshire d 1644/?bur 01 Apr 1635) probably of this generation, of this marriage
m Simon Butler of Appletree (bpt 06 May 1549, bur 16 Jun 1628)
Wa13-8 John WASHINGTON b 1548, Sulgrave Northamptonshire England.
Wa13-9 CHRISTOPHER WASHINGTON b 1549 d 1587.
Wa13-10 Frances Washington b 1550 Sulgrave Northamptonshire d 1574
m 1568 John Thompson
Wa13-11 Ann Washington b 1552, Sulgrave Northamptonshire d 1578
m Edmund Fisher
Wa13-12 George WASHINGTON b 1553; d 02.05.1625.
Wa13-13 Mary Washington b 1555 Sulgrave Northamptonshire d 1567/1622
m Abel Makepeace b c 1555 d 1602
Wa13-14 Elizabeth WASHINGTON b 1556, Sulgrave Northamptonshire d 1644.
Wa13-15 Lawrence WASHINGTON b 1557, London d 21.12.1619 Middlesex
m 31 Jan 1578 Martha Newce b 1560 Hadham Magna Herefordshire d 1586, Hadham Magna Herefordshire dau of Clement Newce
-1 Sir Lawrence Washington, 1st of Garesden or Garsdon, Wiltshire b 1578-9, bur 04 May 1643 m 1609 Anne Lewyn d 13 Jun 1645 -1-1 Lawrence Washington, 2nd of Garesden m Eleanor Guise dau of William Guise of Elmore and Cecilia Dennis
-1-2 Martha Washington (d 12.1670 m Jun 1630 Sir John Tyrrell of Heron & Springfield (d 03 Apr 1675)
-1-3 Elizabeth Washington (dsp) probably of this generation m Sir Christopher Guise, 1st Bart of Elmore
-1-1-1 Elizabeth Washington b c1655, d 02 Oct 1693 m 28 Dec 1671 Sir Robert Shirley, 7th Bart, later 1st Earl Ferrers bpt 20 Oct 1650, d 25 Dec 1717
Wa13-16 Margaret WASHINGTON b 1557 Sulgrave Northampton
- - - -
515. Ellen Neville b 1511 Shenstone Staffordshire d 1547 Warwickshire
m Kenelm BUCKE b 1500
Catherine MORGAN BUCKE b 1532, Droitwich Worcestershire d 04.04.1607, St Andrews Droitwich Worcestershire
m Kenelm WINSLOW b 1542
- - - -
Be20-2-1-3-1-1-1. 516. Henry Pole b 1492 Buckinghamshire, Ellesborough k 09.01.1539 Tower of London Middlesex England Cause: beheaded
m Lady Jane Neville b 1481 Abergavenny Monmouthshire Wales d 09.01.1539
Be20-2-1-3-1-1-1-1 Catherine POLE b by 1520, Montecute Somerset d 23.09.1576, Ashby Leichestershire
m Frances Hastings b 1514 Ashby Leichestershire d 23.06.1561, 1544-1561 2nd Earl of Huntingdon, 1544-1559 4th Baron of Hastings of 1461 Creation , 1551-1552 Leicestershire Lord Lieutenant
+1 George Hastings
Be20-2-1-3-1-1-1-1-1 Frances Anne HASTINGS b 1533, Ashby Leichestershire d 1574
m Henry COMPTON. b 16.02.1537 Compton Wynyates Warwickshire England d 10.12.1589, 1572-1589 1st Baron of Compton
Be20-2-1-3-1-1-1-1-1-1 John COMPTON b 1574 Kent d 1660 Father not positive some sources say that his father may have been a Freeholder, living among the Dutch, who spelled his name "Weilleum". Born before 1630 in Kent, England and died September 21, 1694, Gravesend, Long Island, NY. Arrived in Long sland, New York 1645. Relocated to Gravesend, Long island, NY sometime prior to 1647. He was on a list of 39 patentees in new York in 1645. November 24, 1657, he bought lot plantation #29 in Gravesend from Nicholas Stillwell and was involved in other land transactions in Gravesend in 1658 and 1659. On June 29, 1677 he was sworn in as Constable of Gravessend. [WFT Vol. 8, Ed 1, Tree #1838 and WFT Vol. 20, Ed. 1 Tree #1700] AND [Bruce Barnes]
m Susannah FREEMAN b 1595 Kent d Boston Suffolk Co MA
Be20-2-1-3-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 William COMPTON b aft 1644 Long Island Suffolk Co NY d 1709, Long Island Suffolk Co NY , Baptist who left Long Island, New York to escape religious persecution, to Monmouth Co., New Jersey in 1666. Descendants include Frank Compton, who founded Compton's Encyclopedia. Because of the Dutch/English conflict he went with Capt. John Bowne to Monmouth Co, NJ married Capt. Bowne's daughter and they had 10 children. [per Stephen L. Compton http://www. Triangle/Forum/3876/compton_genealogy.htm] Parents may have been John Compton b. 1603 Kent, England d Boston, MA and Susanna Freeman b. 1595, England d 1664 Boston, MA. [Donna A Sherrel]
m Mary BROWN b 16.12.1649 Milford New Haven Co CT d 1684 Monmouth Co NJ
+1 y BROWN
Be20-2-1-3-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Richard COMPTON b 12.1673, Monmouth Co NJ d 1710, 1700 - Petitioned the King of England against unjust and partisan rule of the proprietors of NJ, 1724 - Owned land in Hunterdon Co, NJ and bought land in Hopewell, NJ Lived for many years in Hillsborough Twp see BRITISH AND AMERICAN COMPTONS From the Colonial era to the Modern Day in New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Tennessee, Alabama, and Texas 1634-1984 Compiled by: Delton D Blalock, First Edition: 1984
m Providence Prudence ISSELSTYNE/Usselton b 1674 Monmouth Co NJ d 1705. [Br�derbund WFT Vol. 15, Ed. 1, Tree #0636, Date of Import: Sep 14, 1998] In Comptonology the editor, C. V. Compton) states 'The editor believes that Usselton is meant for Isselstyne or Van Isselstyne, a rather noted Dutch family of NJ'. Comptonology-Vol. IV, No. 10, Pg. 19 7, Aug. 1949 Mrs. Marian Powell of Penn. writes the following paragraph that think is interesting enough to include at his point. "A list of Freeholders in the Western Precinct, Somerset Co., NJ dated 1753 gives among others, Issselton Compton, John Blaw Sr. and Jr., Frederick and Michael Blaw. Uselton Compton md Aaltjie Blaaw a nd doubtless the daughter of one of the above Blaws. At Harlingen Dutch Reformed Church, Montgemery Tws. Somerset Co., NJ. Ritcer Comtin (Richard Compton) and wife Sarte (Sytie Hoagland Compton) had t heir child not named baptized Sept 20, 1761, and another of their children, Magrita Compton baptized ca May or June 1764. Most all names are Dutch and Dutch scribes gave all names a Dutch twist." [Br�derbund WFT Vol. 8, Ed. 1, Tree #1838, Date of Import: Oct 7, 1998] UPDATE: 1993-05-21 !MARRIAGE: Delton d Blalock, BRITISH AND AMERICAN COMPTONS,First Edition 1984;1634-1984;ID Genealogical Library, 929.2 c739bd, Boise, ID [DOB70GEN.Rfhst [Br�derbund WFT Vol. 20, Ed. 1, Tree #1700, Date of Import: Nov 24, 1998] A/K/A Prudence Uselton.
Be20-2-1-3-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Isselstyne COMPTON b 1694, Burlington Co NJ d Somerset Co NJ, Alias: Usselton /Compton/ [Br�derbund WFT Vol. 20, Ed. 1, Tree #1700, Date of Import: Jan 19, 1999] Lived in Hopewell, NJ. [Br�derbund WFT Vol. 11, Ed. 1, Tree #0786, Date of Import: Aug 13, 1998] Comptonology-Vol. IV, No. 6, Pg 179, Aug 1948 Comptonology-Vol. IV, No. 7, Pg 179+. Nov 1948 Two excellent pages about Isselstyne and his family. Comptonology-Vol. IV, No. 10, Pg 197-Aug 1949 The story that have copied Under Pruddence (Isselstyne) Compton will interest anyone who has descended from the Isselstyne family. [Br�derbund WFT Vol. 8, Ed. 1, Tree #1838, Date of Import: Oct 7, 1 998] UPDATE: 1993-05-21 !BIRTH-DEATH-MARRIAGE: Delton d Blalock, BRITISH AND AMERICAN COMPTONS,First Edition 1984;1634-1984;ID Genealogical Library, 929.2 c739bd, Boise, ID [DOB70GEN.Rfhst]
m AALTJIE BLAAW b 1700 Sourland Mountain District Blaawsburg NJ d by 1787.
+1 John Blaaw
Be20-2-1-3-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 John COMPTON b 1735, Burlington Monmouth Co New Jersey Usa; d 09.05.1778, Botetourt Co VA struck by a tree while clearing land , John and Abraham Compton ( ? brother) went to Boutetrout, Augusta Co VA in fall of 1772, bought 411 acres of land there on May 5, 1775 There is a Court Order entered Feb 11, 1778 commissioning John to determine a suitable landing for the ferry crossing the James River from Crows Island. . Comptonolpgy page 44 came to Botetourt Co Va about 1772/1774 from NJ. - married first to widow, and at her death re-married a "german lady" Margaret by whom majority of family. John Compton Brickney s tates have seen in Mo three of my Compton uncles - this must have been Richard, to Palmer, Washington CO Mo, Henry, and Stephen. John Compton is one of three sons (including Ezekial and Abraham) of Isselstyne Compton, who married Aaltjie Blaaw (aka "Orchie Blue" in Hopewell NJ in 1720. (See Blalock for additional details). John first married Lydia Carhart and had a daughter Amy, and possibly others. After Lydia died, John married Margaret Raemer ca. 1755 (Comptonology, V. 2, No. 7, p. 31, whose family had left Germany in 1735, also to escape religious persecution. John Compton left New Jersey with Abraham Compton (relation uncertain, if any), and arrived in Augusta Co Virginia by 1772. John and Abraham continued to migrate, and John bought land in Botetort Co in 1775. Abraham served in the Revolutionary War, and was reportedly killed, (see Blalock) but compare the DAR Patriot Index, Centennial Ed., Pt. 1, p.634, which shows an Abraham b. ca. 1747 NJ, died in 1779 in VA, married to Mary Compton. In any event, John was killed by a falling tree limb in 1778. He and Margaret Raemer had eight issue, per Blalock, see infra. (Blalock says John Jr. went to Missouri, but the DAR Index and other records contradict this). John Compton I(ISSELSTYNES21, Richard20, William of New Jersey19, William of New York18, Spencer17, William16, Henry15, son Compton14, Edmund13, Robert22, William11, Edmund10, Thomas9, Robert8, Robert7, Philip6, Thomas5, Philip4, Osbert de Compton3, Turchill de Eardene2, Alwyne1 the Anglo-Saxon chief: b. ca. 1730 in New Jersey, migrated through Maryland to Virginia, d 1778 in Boutetrout Virginia, struck by a tree while clearing land., m. (1) Lydia Carhart bef. 1754, issue Amy and possibly others; m(2) Margaret Raemer 1756 (Comptonology, V. 1, No. 2, p. 4). It is reported they had ten children. Blalock and others report that John and Abraham went to Boutetrout VA in 1772. John bought 411 acres of land here on May 5, 1775.
m Margaret RAEMER b 1734 Germany d 1784 Botetourt Co VA
+1 George Rämer 1289. i. John COMPTON b 10.1760, Brunswick Middlesex Co NJ d 03.03.1828 Tazewell Co VA
- - - -
517. Ursula de la Pole b 1506 Middlesex d 1570
m Henry STAFFORD. b 1501 Penshurst Kent d 1563 Shropshire, 1547-1563 1st Baron of Stafford, 1559 Staffordshire Lord Lieutenant
Elizabeth STAFFORD b 1528, Isleworth Middlesex
m Sir William NEVILLE b 1524, Middlesex
- - - -
518. Edward Neville b 1526 Newton St Loe Somerset England d 10.02.1588 Newton St Loe Somerset
m Katherine BROME b 1528 Newton St Loe Somerset
Griselda/Grisel Neville b 1561
m Sir Henry POOLE b 1564, Wiltshire d 03.11.1632.
- - - -
519. Ralph Neville LORD NEVILLE b 1472 Raby Durham England d 1498 , fought in the King Henry VII's expedition to Picardy in 1492, Commissioner to treat for the marriage of Princess Margaret with the King of Scotland between 23 June 1495 and 2 Sep 1496 , in command, under the Earl of Surrey of the army for the invasion of Scotland in July 1497, Keeper of the truce made with Scotland on 30 Sep 1497
m1 Mary PASTON b 19.01.1468 Westminster Middlesex d 12.1489 dau of William PASTON and ANNE BEAUFORT
m2 EDITH SANDYS b 1471 Sherborne St John Hampshire England d 22.08.1537 London Middlesex + 2 ch
y Neville, Lord Neville d b 1498
Ralph NEVILLE b 21.02.1497, Raby Durham d 24.04.1549, Staindrop Durham 4th Earl of Westmorland bur Staindrop, Co Durham, Privy Counsellor (P.C.) before 5 Feb 1525/26, Commissioner to enquire into treasons in Cumberland on 23 May 1534, Commissioner to suppress disorders in Nothumberland, Cumberland and Westmorland between June 1535 and July 1535, one of the Peers who tried Quenn Anne Boleyn, in command of the East and Middle Marches, while Hertford invaded Scotland in May 1544
m before June 1520 Catherine STAFFORD, b 1499 Abergavenny Monmouthshire Wales d 14.05.1555 Shoreditch London for ch see above 593) Lady Catherine Stafford. dau of Edward Stafford, 3rd Duke of Buckingham and Eleanor Percy
-1 Lady Margaret Neville+ d 13 Oct 1559
-2 Lady Dorothy Neville+ d aft 17 Dec 1545
-3 Lady Mary Neville
-4 Lady Elizabeth Neville
-5 Lady Eleanor Neville+
-6 Lady Anne Neville+
-7 Henry Neville, 5th Earl of Westmorland+ b. bt 1524 - 1525, d 10 Feb 1563/64
-8 Christopher Neville b 1540
-9 Cuthbert Neville b 15413
- - - -
520. Mary Dacre b 1502 Gilsland Cumberland England d 29.03.1538 Yorkshire
m Francis Talbot b 1500 Sheffield Castle Yorkshire d 21.09.1560 Yorkshire son of George Talbot and ANNE HASTINGS
-1 George Talbot b 1528, Sheffield Yorkshire d 18.11.1590, Sheffield Castle Yorkshire, 1560-1590 6th Earl of Shrewsbury, 1560-1590 11th Baron of Furnivall, 1585-1590 Derbyshire Lord Lieutenant, 1585-1590 Staffordshire Lord Lieutenant, 1588-1590 Nottinghamshire Lord Lieutenant
m1 GERTRUDE MANNERS b 1535 Oakham Rutland England d 1566 C. Shrewsbury
-1-1 Grace Talbot b 1555.
m Henry CAVENDISH. b 1550 London Middlesex England d 12.10.1616 Derbyshire
-1-1-1 Anne CAVENDISH b 1599, d 12.10.1661, Derbyshire
m VINCENT LOWE. b 01.11.1592 England d aft 1634
-1-1-1-1 Jane LOWE b 14.10.1633, Derbyshire d 19.01.1702, St Giles Middlesex
m1 Henry Sewell/Sewall b 1620 Lamborne Berks d 17.04.1665 St Marys Co MD
m2 Charles Calvert b 27.08.1637 Salisbury Wilts d 21.02.1715 London , 1661-1676 MD Governor, 1675-1715 3rd Baron of Baltimore, 1679-1684 MD Governor son of
+1 Richard Sewall
m Mary Dugdale
+1 Cecilius Calvert and ANNE ARUNDEL
-1-1-1-1-1 Anne Sewall b 1650 England d 1693 Charles Co MD
m1 Edward Pye b 1646 Dymock Gloucestershire d 1696 Charles MD
m2 c 1676 Benjamin Rozier
-1 Walter Pye b 1685 MD d 1725 MD m 1725 St Marys MD Margaret Tant -1-1 Susanna Pye b 1723 Greensville VA d 1774 Brunswick VA m1 1740 MD Edward Stonestreet m2 19 Nov 1749 Trinity Parish Charles MD James Goodrum -1-1-1 Thomas Goodrum had issue
-1-1-1-1-2 Elizabeth SEWELL b 1654 MD d 17.06.1710 Charles Co MD
m COL. William DIGGE. b 1640 VA
-1-1-1-1-2-1 Elizabeth DIGGES b 1683 Charles Co MD d 1723
m ANTHONY NEALE b 1687 Spain d 20.11.1722.
-1-1-1-1-3 Nicholas SEWELL b 1655 England d 09.05.1737 St Marys Co MD
m c 1676 Susannah BURGESS b 1660 West River Anne Arundel Co MD d 1736/11 Oct 1705 St Marys Co MD (wikitree shows 4 other ch but not Sophia)
+1 William BURGESS
m Sophia Scarborough
-1-1-1-1-3-1 Sophia SEWELL b 1704 Prince Georges Co MD
m John COOKE b 1700 Prince Georges Co MD d 1772 Prince Georges Co MD
+1 y COOKE
-1-1-1-1-3-1-1 William ooke b 1745 Prince Georges Co MD d 1817.
m Elizabeth TILGHMAN b 24.04.1749 Prince Georges Co MD d 1836.
-1-1-1-1-3-1-1-1 Anna Maria Cooke b 20.04.1777 Prince George Co MD d 28.12.1856 Belaire Prince George Co MD
m Benjamin Ogle b 09.02.1775 Annapolis Anne Arundel Co MD d 04.04.1844 Belaire Prince George Co MD
+1 y Ogle
-1-1-1-1-3-1-1-1-1 Mary Ogle b 05.02.1807 Belaire Prince George Co MD d 05.02.1862 Powhatan King George Co VA
m Edward Thornton Tayloe b 31.01.1803 Octagon House Washington DC d 26.11.1876 Powhatan King George Co VA
+1 y Tayloe
-1-1-1-1-3-1-1-1-1-1 William Tayloe b 30.07.1840 Powhatan King George Co VA d 03.04.1907 Powhatan King George Co VA
m Sophia Ridgely Plater b 13.09.1845 MD d 11.01.1931 Powhatan King George Co VA
-1-1-1-1-3-2 Jane Sewall m Brooke
-1-1-1-1-3-3 Elizabeth Sewell m Frisby
-1-1-1-1-3-4 Clement Sewell
-1-1-1-1-3-5 Mary Sewall m Frisby
-1-1-1-1-4 Mary Sewell
m Brent
-1-1-1-1-5 Jane Sewall
m Calvert
-1-1-1-1-6 Benedict Leonard Calvert b 21.03.1677 England d 16.04.1715 Epson Surrey 1714-1715 MP, 1715-1715 4th Baron of Baltimore
m CHARLOTTE LEE b 13.03.1677, London d 21.01.1720, Woodford Essex
-1-1-1-2 John LOWE b 1616, Derby Derbyshire d 1659.
m Katherine PILKINGTON bap 29 Apr 1620 Stanley Yorkshire
+1 Sir Arthur Pilkington of Stanley & Nether Bradley, 1st Bart b 07.1590, bur 05.09.1650
m Ellen Lyon bur 05.02.1646/7, dau of Henry Lyon of Roxby
-1-1-1-2-1 John LOWE b 1642, Derby Derbyshire d 1701, England.
m1 REBECCA WRIGHT b 1657 MD d 1709
m2 Mary STEED b 1650 England + 1 ch
+1 y STEED
-1-1-1-2-1-1 John21 LOWE b aft 01.01.1672 Derbyshire England d 1726, Talbot Co MD
m Mary BARTLETT b 1668 Yorkshire England; d aft 18.01.1716 Talbot Co MD
-1-1-1-2-2 Lt Col Henry LOWE b 10.07.1652 Derby d 06.11.1717 St Marys Co MD, 1698-1700 St Marys Co Sheriff, Planter, merchant, immigrated in 1674 to St. Mary's Co MD Will, : Lowe, Henry, Sr., gent.,St. Mary's Co.,25th Oct., 1717; 6th Nov., 1717.
To son Henry, Jr., and hrs., tract where he now lives, 1,300 A.
To son Bennett and hrs., tract where he now lives.
To son Thos. and hrs., old plan. in the Freshes.
To son Nicolas and hrs., dwel. plan., with all lands belonging thereto.
To daus. Ann, Elizabeth and Henrietta Maria and their hrs., "Golden Grove" equally among them.
To dau. Dorothy and hrs., "New Design" in the Freshes.
To dau. Mary and hrs., "Woods Quarter."
To son Henry and hrs., "Green Oak" and �300.
To son Bennett and hrs., all lands in Balto. Co. held between Mr. Darnall and testator, and �200.
To dau. Susanna Maria, wife of Chas. Diggs, �100 in full of her portion of estate. Residue of personal estate in England and in this province equally divided between child. (with the exception of dau. Susanna Maria Diggs).
Ex.: Sons Henry and Bennett.
Test: Samuel Grasty, Rich. Brooks, Michall Jenefer. 14. 453.
Thomas Perce 29.70 A SM �17.13.6 �3.16.0 Dec 7 1708
Payments to: Col. Contee, Col. Henry Lowe.
Administratrix: Jane Noble, wife of John Noble,
m Susanna Maria BENNETT b 1666 Anne Arundel Co MD d 28.07.1714 St Marys Co MD +1 Richard BENNETT and HENRIETTA NEALE
-1-1-1-2-2-6 Ann LOWE b 1714, St Marys Co MD d 06.1779, MD m CAPT. LEONARD BROOKE b 1728, Prince Georges Co MD d 10.02.1785, Prince Georges Co MD
-1-1-3 Vincent LOWE b 30.09.1632, Derby Derbyshire
-2 Gilbert Talbot b 20.11.1552, Belvoir Leicestershire d 08.05.1616, London Middlesex ,1590-1616 12th Baron of Furnivall, 1590-1616 Derbyshire Lord Lieutenant, 1590-1616 7th Earl of Shrewsbury
m Mary CAVENDISH b 1556 London d 1632
-2-1 Althea Talbot b 1581, Sheffield Yorkshire d 03.06.1654, Amsterdam Noord Holland Netherlands. , 1616-1651 13th Baroness of Furnivall, 1651-1654 14th Baroness of Talbot
m Thomas HOWARD. b 07.07.1585 Finchingfield Essex d 04.10.1646 Padua Veneto Italy, 1604-1646 21st Earl of Arundel, 1615-1642 Norfolk Lord Lieutenant, 1632-1639 Northumberland Lord Lieutenant , 1632-1639 Westmoreland Lord Lieutenant , 1632-1642 Cumberland Lord Lieutenant , 1635-1642 Surrey Lord Lieutenant
+1 Philip Howard, Earl of Arundel b 28.06.1557, d 19.10.1595
m 1571 Anne Dacre dau of Thomas Dacre, 4th Lord of Gillesland
+2 Thomas Howard, 4th Duke of Norfolk b 10.03.1537, d 30.09.1572 font color="#773311">As had happened with various of his ancestors, his honours were forfeited for alleged treason and he was beheaded. Unlike them, however, the titles were not soon restored. br>m1 1556 Mary FitzAlan b 1540, d 25.08.1557, dau of Henry FitzAlan, 18th Earl of Arundel +3 Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey b 1517, dvp 21.01.1547
m 1532 Frances Vere d 30.06.1577, dau of John de Vere, 15th Earl of Oxford, m2. Thomas Steyning
+4 Thomas Howard 3rd Duke of Norfolk b 1473 Kenninghal Norfolk d there 25.08.1554
m1 04.02.1494-5 Anne Plantagenet b 02.11.1475, d 23.11.1511, dau of King Edward IV of England
+5 Thomas Howard Ho17 2nd Duke of Norfolk b 1443 Stoke by Nayland Suffolk d 21.05.1524 Framlingham Castle Suffolk
m1 30.04.1472 Elizabeth Tylney d 04.04.1497 dau of Sir Frederick Tylney of Ashwellthorpe and Elizabeth Cheyney
-2-1-1 Mary Anne HOWARD b 1615, Greenwich Kent d 31.07.1658, Stamford Fairfield Co CT
m Jeffrey FERRIS. b 1610 Greenwich Kent d 31.05.1666 Greenwich Fairfield Co CT
-2-1-1-1 John FERRIS b 1639 Newton Fairfield Co CT d 09.05.1715, Westchester Co NY
m Mary JACKSON b 1640 Stamford Fairfield Co CT
-2-1-1-1-1 Hannah FERRIS b 03.05.1679, Throgs Neck Westchester Co NY d 24.06.1759 NY
m William MOTT b aft 20.01.1673 NY d 30.06.1740 NY
521. Edward Gray b 1464 Chillingham Glendale Northumberland d 06.12.1533
m ANN GOWER b 1492 Standby Yorkshire
RALPH GRAY b 1529, Chillingham Glendale Northumberland d 17.12.1565
m ISABEL GRAY b 1533 Horton Northumberland England d by 11.07.1582 Harewood Yorkshire
-1-1 Edward GRAY b 1550, Morpeth Northumberland d 1627.
m Catherine LE STRANGE b 1552 Hunstanton Norfolk (Previously listed as dau of Roger le Strange & Ann Heydon, but there's a generation gap=
+1? John Le Strange b 1501 d 25.03.1514
-1-1-1 Thomas GRAY b 1593 d by 02.11.1658, Surry Co VA
m Mary FOSTER b 1600 Biddenden Tenterden Kent
-1-1-1-1 William GRAY b 1622, James City James City Co VA d 1719, Surry Co VA
m Elizabeth JARRETT b 1645 Essex Co VA d 1714 Surry Co VA
-1-1-1-1-1 William GRAY b 1676, Surry Co VA
m m Mary HOLT b 1674 Surry Co VA
+1 y HOLT
-1-1-1-1-1-1 COL. Joseph GRAY b 1707, Surry Co VA d by 13.06.1771, VA
m SARAH SIMMONS b 1707, Surry Co VA
-1-1-1-1-2 Faith GRAY b 1688, Surry Co VA d 1720, Bertie Co NC
m William Ruffin b 1683 Surry Co VA d by 10.02.1739 Bertie Co NC
- - - -
522. John Bernard b 1469 Abington Northamptonshire d 24.08.1508 Abington Northamptonshire
m Margaret Wake b 1473 Towcester Blisworth Northamptonshire
John Bernard b 1491 Abington Northamptonshire d 04.02.1548, Abington Northamptonshire
m CECILY MUSCOTE b 1495 Earls Barton Wellingborough Northamptonshire d 21.09.1557 Abington Northamptonshire
-1-1 Francis Bernard b 1526, Abington Northamptonshire d 21.10.1602, Abington Northamptonshire , Esq.As noted in NEXUS 13 (1996): 124-30, the Bernards � Col. William and Richard of Va., and Sir Francis, 1st Bt., gov. of N.J. and Mass. � lose their Gascoigne line but are descended from Edward via barons Scrope of Bolton and earls of Westmorland, Stafford, Gloucester and Hertford.
Alice Hazelwood b 1525 Maidwell Brixworth Northamptonshire
+1 John HAZELWOOD and Katherine MARMION
-1-1-1 Thomas Bernard b 1555, Abington Northamptonshire d 1648
m SHARON x b 1555 Abington Northamptonshire
-1-1-1-1 Maj Thomas Bernard b 1615, Petsoe Parish, Emberton Buckinghamshire d by 10.11.1651, Warwick Co Newport News VA
m?1 Mary Woodhouse b 1568 Glasswell Derbyshire d by 1656 Kingthorpe Northamptonshire
m?2 Mary Beheathland b 1615 Warwick Co Newport News VA d c 1673 Warwick Co Newport News VA
y Beheathland
-1-1-1-1-1 Beheathland Bernard b 1630 James City Co VA d by 30.03.1720, Westmoreland VA (sie m2 Maj Andrew Gilson; calls her father Francis Bartholomew Bernard)
m Francis Dade b 28.11.1621 Tannington Suffolk d 01.05.1663 At Sea, alias Maj. John Smith
+1 y DADE
-1-1-1-1-1-1 Anne Massey
-1-1-1-1-1-2 Francis DADE b 07.11.1659, VA d 13.01.1694, Stafford Co VA
m Frances TOWNSEND, dau of b 1667 England d 26.04.1726 Stafford Co Virgina Usa.
-1-1-1-1-1-2-1 Townsend DADE b 1688, Stafford Co VA d 09.06.1761, Stafford Co VA
m Elizabeth ALEXANDER b 15.09.1698 Stafford Co VA
-1-1-1-1-1-2-1-1 Langhorne DADE b 1719 Stafford Co VA d 09.05.1753 Stafford Co VA
m Mildred WASHINGTON b 03.08.1721 Highgate Gloucester Co VA d 1785 Westmoreland Co VA
-1-1-1-1-1-2-1-2 Horatio DADE b 1728, Stafford Co VA d by 04.04.1782, King George Co VA
m Mary STUART b 24.02.1726 Stafford Co VA d 1799 Stafford Co VA
-1-1-1-1-1-2-1-3 Baldwin DADE b 13.10.1716 King George Co VA d 04.09.1783 King George Co VA
m Sarah ALEXANDER b 1718 Stafford Co VA d 30.10.1739 Stafford Co VA
-1-1-1-1-1-3 Mary DADE b 1661, VA d 1694
m1 Capt Robert Massey b 1655 Stafford Co VA d 1689 Stafford Co VA
m2 Col Rice Hooe b 1660 James City Co VA d 17.04.1726 King George Co VA
-1-1-1-1-1-3-1 Dade Massey b 1680, Stafford Co VA d by 13.05.1735, Stafford Co VA
m1 Elizabeth Ellis b 1680 Stafford Co VA d c 1734 + 3 ch
m2 Parthenia Alexander b 1709 Stafford Co VA d 1790 VA + 1 ch
+1 Maj Robert Alexander b 1688 St Marys Co MD d 05 Oct 1735 Stafford Co VA
m Anne Fowke b 30 Jan 1689 MD d 23 Sep 1739 Stafford Co VA
+2 Robert Alexander b 1663 Stafford Co VA d 1 Jun 1704 Stafford Co VA
m Frances Ashton b 1663 VA
+3 Capt John Alexander b c 1600 d by 14 Nov 1672
m Elizabeth b c 1640 d 1672
+3 Peter Ashton b 1645 Chadderton Lancastershire England d 1677 Westmoreland VA
m Grace Meese b 1657 London d 09.09.1677 VA
+4 Henry Meese b 1625 Overwharton Oxford England d 1682 London
m Mary Arroyah b 1639 Stafford VA
+5 Wahanganoche alias Whipsewasson b c 1615/18 (first cousin to Pocahontas) Wahanganoche is believed to have also been the young King of Potawomeck when Father Andrew White visited in March of 1634.
m Mary ?Pettus Po12 Pe12 b c 1625 dau of Col Thomas Pettus b 1597/8 and Ka-Okee Po13 b 1609/10 Po13, b ct 1609/10 (dau of Kocoum and Princess Matoaka "Pocahontas" Po14 b c 1595 d 21 March 1617 bap Rebecca)
-1-1-1-1-1-3-1-1 Mary Massey b 1702 Stafford Co VA d 27.02.1744 VA
m John Washington b 15.03.1692 Chotank Prince George Co VA d 12.04.1743 St Pauls Parish King George Co VA son of John Washington and Mary Townsend for ch see above 1176) John Washington.
-1-1-1-1-1-3-1-2 1292. ii. Sigismund Massey b 1716 Stafford Co VA d 16.06.1746 Stafford Co VA
m Mary Stuart b 24.02.1726 Stafford Co VA d 1799 Stafford Co VA
-1 Sigismunda Mary Massey b 29.06.1744 King George Co VA d 18.04.1832 Prince William Co VA m William Thornton Alexander b 03.03.1744, Salisbury King George Co VA d 03.04.1814, Salisbury King George Co VA
-1-1-1-1-1-3-1-3 Elizabeth Massey b 1705, Stafford Co VA d 18.03.1733, Stafford Co VA
m Henry Dade b 1705 Stafford Co VA d by 05.1754 Stafford Co VA
+1 Robert Dade b 1684 VA d 1714
m Elizabeth Peyton b c 1687 in Overwharton Parish, Stafford Co
+2 Francis Dade, II b 11/07/1659 d 1/13/1694
m Frances Townsend b 1667 d 04/26/1726 one of the two co-heiresses of->
+2 Henry Peyton b 1656 in Aquia Creek Stafford Co VA
m Anne x
+3 Col Robert Townshend, whose mother was dau. of->
m Mary Langhorne b c 1640 in England sis of Frances
+3 Henry Peyton b 1630 in Westby, Lancashire
m Ellen Partington
+4 > Henry Peyton b 1590 in Lincoln Inn, Middlesex Co d 6 MAY 1656 in London - Probate bur 20 MAR 1655/56 St. Dunstan-in-the-West, London
m 29 JUN 1620 in All Hallow's the Less, London Catherine Clifton b c 1602 in Westby, Lancashire
-1-1-1-1-1-3-1-3-1 Mary Elizabeth Dade b 11.06.1727 Stafford Co VA d 1809
m Howson Hooe b 26.09.1726 Stafford Co VA d by 05.09.1796 Prince William Co VA son of Howson Hooe b 2/1695 Stafford Co d 1780 King George Co and Anne Frances Harris b 1703 Stafford Co
-1 Elizabeth25 HOOE b 29.01.1765, Prince William Co VA d 03.09.1850. m John Wallace b 19.01.1761 Stafford Co VA d 04.05.1829 Stafford Co VA -1-1 Howson Hooe Wallace b 1799, Fredericksburg VA d 1849, Fredericksburg VA m Elizabeth Brown Wallace b 1809 VA1598 -1-1-1 Thomas R Wallace b 01.04.1836, Fredericksburg VA d 31.01.1910, Fredericksburg VA , VA Army Captain US Civil War 30th VA Infantry, Company B, m Victoria Taliaferro b 1839 Culpepper Co VA d 25.07.1892
-1-1-1-1-1-3-1-4 Lee Massey b 19.09.1732, St Pauls Parish Stafford Co VA d 23.09.1814 Second rector of Pohick Church, bur UNDER THE PULPIT Remains were re-located to Pohick from original burial site on the Bradley estate in the "now defunct" town of Colchester.
m Elizabeth Bronough b 1738; d 03.02.1805 bur Fairfax Co VA
-1-1-1-1-1-4 Mary Hooe
-1-1-1-1-1-5 William Bernard Dade
-1-1-1-1-1-6 Elizabeth Griffith
-1-1-1-1-1-7 Capt. Thomas Gilson
-1-1-1-1-1-8 Behethland Gilson b 1666 Westmoreland VA d Oct 1693
m Nehemiah Storke/Starke b 1656 Westmoreland VA d there 1693 son of William Storke b 1621 London d c 1676 Westmoreland VA and Elizabeth x b 1615 London d there 1659
-1 Elizabeth Storke b 1687 Washington Parish Westmoreland Co VA d there 1759 m1 Capt Thomas Newton b c 1676 d c 31 Jan 1727 son of John Newton and Rosanna/Rose Tucker m2 Col Samuel Oldham b 1680 Westmoreland VA d there 1762
-2 William Storke
-1-1 Catherine Newton m Brent
-1-2 Capt Willoughby Newton
-1-3 William Oldham
-1-4 Moses Odom Oldham
-1-1-1-1-1 Margaret Bernard b 1626 Kingthorpe Northampton d 1690, Essex Co VA no proof that her last name was Bernard. But she named one of her sons Bernard. Also she was born in the area of the Bernards of Abington, Northampton, England. Many believe she was the daughter of Francis and Mary.
m1 RALPH ROWZEE b 06.01.1626 Canterbury Kent England d by 1662 Rappahannock Co VA son of DR.LODOWICK ROWZEE and SARAH HAWKINS
m2 John DANGERFIELD b 1631 VA
m3 Capt Daniel Gaines b 1623 Bristol Gloucestershire England d 18.08.1682 Essex Co VA
-1-1-1-1-1-1 Margaret GAINES b 1662, VA d 1717, Essex Co VA
m1 FRANCIS SLAUGHTER b 1655 d by 03.1719 Richmond Co, Hanover Parish VA
m2 HUGH FRENCH b 1648 Richmond Co VA d 03.12.1701 Richmond Co VA
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Robert SLAUGHTER b 1689 Essex Co VA d 05.02.1724 Essex Co VA
m Frances JONES b 1685 Essex Co VA d 1726 Essex Co VA
-1 Francis SLAUGHTER b 1701, Essex Co VA d 15.05.1766, St Marks Parish Culpepper Co VA m Anne LIGHTFOOT b 22.09.1708, St Peters Parish New Kent Co VA d 1748, Culpepper VA
-1-1-1-1-1-1-2 Daniel FRENCH b 1689 Essex Co VA d aft 05.03.1735 King George Co VA m Elizabeth PEYTON b 1587, Stafford Co VA d by 1725.
-1-1-1-1-1-2 Bernard GAINES b 1660, VA d 17.08.1747, Richmond Co VA m MARTHA TAYLOR b 1670, VA d 08.03.1726, Richmond Co VA
-1-1-1-1-1-3 Elizabeth Gaines b 1659, VA
m Capt John CATLETT b 1658 England d 18.11.1724 Essex Co VA
+1 Col John Catlett Sr b c 12 May 1625 in Canterbury, Kent Engl b 12 Mar/bap 10 Jun 1625/6 in St. Peter's, Canterbury, Kent Co d circa 1670 in Port Royal, Caroline/Rappahanock Co VA Elizabeth Underwood (?wid Taylor) b c 1632 d Jun 1673 + 4 ch d circa 1673 in Rappahannock Co VA
-1-1-1-1-1-3-1 Thomas CATLETT b 1684, Essex Co VA d 1739 Caroline Co VA
m MARTHA THORNTON b 1683, VA d 1761, Caroline Co VA
-1-1-1-1-1-3-2 John CATLETT b 1680 VA d 1738, Caroline Co VA
m1 Elizabeth Mary TALIAFERRO b 1691 VA d by 1726 VA + 1 ch
m2 Mary GRAYSON b 1700, Lancaster Co VA d 1773 KY + 5 ch
+1 John Taliaferro and Mary Smith
+1 John Grayson and Susannah x
-1-1-1-1-1-3-2-1 John Catlett IV b 1705 in Va d Dec 13, 1744 in Place Orange Co
m 25 Sep 1727 Alice Gibson d 15 March 1761
-1 xy Catlett b 1728 in Orange Co
-2 Elizabeth Catlett b 25 March 1729 d 18 Apr 1732
-3 Sarah Catlett b 15 Jan 1730/1 Orange Co d there 18 April 1732
-4 John Catlett V b 8 Oct 1733 d 9/?30 Dec 1789 m Elizabeth Thornberry
-5 Sarah Catlett the Younger b 8 Sep 1735 d 17 Sep 1743 m ??m Robert Taliferro (confusion s b)
-6 Lawrence Catlett of Locust Grove b 23 July 1737 will probated June 1782 in Culpeper Co m 1760 in Culpeper Co Mary Taliaferro
-7 Jonathan Catlett b 27 Sep 1739 Orange Co
-8 George Catlett b 6 MAY 1743 Caroline Co d 13 SEP 1814 m Lucy Beverley Buckner b 1773 VA d 11 NOV 1855 dau of William Buckner b c 1721 and Dorothy Roy b 1744

-4-1 John Gibson Catlett b 10 Mar 1780 d 16 Jan 1837 m 4 Dec 1795 Ann Robb b Jan 1777 d 1853 dau of James Robb and Lucy Waring
-4-2 Lawrence Catlett b 1 Apr 1776 d 30 Sep 1843 m -6-2-1-1 Elizabeth Conway b 11 Jul 1783 in Lancaster Co d 20 Jun 1832
-4-3 Samuel Catlett m 1800 Charlotte Madison
-4-4 Thomas Catlett of Locust Hill Caroline Co b by 1789 d July 1821 m 28 May 1810 Mary Fitzhugh
-4-6 Elizabeth Catlett b 1766 m Henry Buckner
-4-7 Alice Catlett m Peter Ballard Buckner d Clark Co Ky
-6-1 Mary Catlett b c 1761 d c 1816
-6-2 Kemp Catlett was born circa 1765 d 4 April 1813 in Albemarle Co m 16 June 1790 Sallie Zimmerman Pierce b 5 June 1774 d 15 Aug 1842 in Darlington SC
-6-3 Thomas Catlett b c 1765 d after 1835
-6-4 Sarah Catlett b c 1767.
-6-5 Alice Catlett b c 1769 d Jan 179
-6-6 Ann 'Nancy' Catlett b c 1770.
-6-7 George W. Catlett of Georgia b c 1772
-8-1 Colin Buckner Catlett b 24Mar 1808 Caroline Co VA d Aug 1856 m Ellen Thornton810 caroline Co VA d there by 1870 dau of Thomas Griffin Thornton b 1775 and Ann Harrison Fitzhugh b c 1778

-4-1-1 John James Catlett b 30 Dec 1796 d 27 Apr 1823.
-4-1-2 Erma Robb Catlett b 19 Aug 1799 d 3 Sep 1800.
-4-1-3 William Ann Catlett b 23 Apr 1783 d 23 Sep 1878.
-4-1-4 Robert Gilchrist Robb Catlett b 22 Sep 1808 d 9 Mar 1879
-4-1-5 Mary Elizabeth Lucy Catlett b 28 Aug 1811 d 6 Oct 1878.
-4-1-6 Patrick Robb Catlett b 15 Sep 1814 d 14 May 1890 m by 1864 Eliza Fitzhugh Catlett dau of Thomas Catlett and Mary Fitzhugh
-4-1-7 Agnes Ellen Catlett b 13 Dec 181
-4-2-1 = -6-2-1-1-1 John Francis Catlett II b 4 Jan 1803 d 25 Dec 1821
-4-2-2 = -6-2-1-1-2 Jonathan Gibson Catlett, b 4 Mar 1805 d 20 Mar 1805
-4-2-3 = -6-2-1-1-3 Elizabeth Gibson Catlett, b 12 Aug 1806 d 22 Oct 1821
-4-2-4 = -6-2-1-1-4 Thomas Conway Catlett, b 13 Nov 1808 d 24 Jul 1865
-4-2-5 = -6-2-1-1-5 Eleanor Madison Catlett, b 29 Aug 1811 d 11 Apr 1883
-4-2-6 = -6-2-1-1-6 Mary Conway Catlett, b 8 Feb 1814
-4-2-7 = -6-2-1-1-7 Sarah Taliaferro Catlett, b 15 Dec 1815
-4-2-8 = -6-2-1-1-8 Edwin Conway Catlett, b 8 Feb 1818
-4-2-9 = -6-2-1-1-9 Susan Fitzhugh Catlett, b 12 Feb 1820
-4-2-10 = -6-2-1-1-10 John Francis Catlett II b 5 Jan 1823 d 25 Dec 1862
-4-2-11 = -6-2-1-1-11 Elizabeth Gibson Catlett b 16 Jul 1825
-4-3-1 James Madison Catlett b 1814 d 19 Dec 1890 m by 1853 Fauquier Co Laura Marsteller b 1828 d 12 1906
-4-3-2 Samuel Catlett, b by 1827 m Elizabeth McCormick
-4-4-1 Eliza Fitzhugh Catlett m by 1864 Patrick Robb Catlett -1-1-3-1-6 b 15 Sep 1814 d 14 May 1890
-4-4-2 George Washington Catlett
-4-4-3 William Fitzhugh Catlett
-4-4-4 Maria Evelina Catlett
-4-4-5 Sarah Ann Catlett
-4-4-6 Thomas Lawrence Catlett, b by 1821
-4-6-1 John Catlett Buckner b 17 AUG 1790 KY, Scott Co3 JUL 1824 m Mary Elizabeth Gano
-4-6-2 Thomas Catlett Buckner b 20 FEB 1793 Caroline Co d 19 JUN 1844 m Mildred Washington Berry
-4-6-3 Henry Mortimer Buckner b 15 APR 1796 Caroline Co d 30 JUN 1876 m b 31 May 1831 in Shelby Co Ky
-8-1-1 Lucy Beverley Catlett b 28 JAN 1847 Port Royal Caroline Co d 22 OCT 1918 m William Hill Brooke b 17 May 1820 Loretto Essex Co VA d 25 Oct 1895 Essex Co VA son of William Thornton Brooke b 1785 d aft 1850 and Maria Whiting Baylor b 1788 d aft 1850
-8-1-2 Harriet Thornton Catlett b 2 JUN 1849 Caroline Co d 1 JAN 1924 m Alexander Tunstall Brooke
-1-1-1-1-1-3-2-2 Reuben Catlett b 1745 in Caroline Co d 1795 in Caroline Co
m Elizabeth Frigh b 1747 Caroline Co Va d there 1810
-1 Francis Catlett b 1777 in Caroline Co d 14 Mar 1836 in Anderson Co Ky m 11 Mar 1801 Caroline Co Va Elizabeth Munday Roberson b 1787 in Caroline Co d 1870 Anderson Co Ky dau of Benjamin Robinson and Elisabeth Robinson.
-2 Reuben Jr. Catlett
-3 Lawrence Catlett
-4 Betsey Catlett
-5 Alice Catlett
-6 Benjamin Catlett
-7 Robert Catlett
-1-1 George Washington Catlett, b Sep 22, 1804 in Caroline Co d Aug 17, 1890 in Lawerensbury Ky m Nancy Cole b 13 Jul 1813 d 30 Jan 1900 Lawrensbury Ky.
-1-2 Benjamin Catlett, b 1806 in Caroline Co d 1877 in Anderson Co Ky m1 Mary F.Cinnamon m2 Elizabeth Spears July 26, 1834 in Anderson Co Ky
-1-3 Lawrence Catlett, b 1808
-1-4 Mary Catlett b 9 Sep 1810 in Caroline Co d 27 Jan 1885 m 19 Sep 1831 in Anderson Co Harvey Gilman b 25 Dec 1800 Hanover Co Va
-1-5 Henry Catlett b 1812 m 19 Mar 1840 in Anderson Co Ky Sarah Ann Gurthie
-1-6 James Catlett b 22 Jan 1813 in Franklin Co Ky d 13 Apr 1901 in Old Mines Washington Co MO p1 Lucy Jane Catlett + 1 ch dau of Michael Vaughn and Ellen m2 7 Oct 1840 in Saint James Catholic Ch Potosi MO MarieJosephine Aubuchon b 28 Jul 1822 in Ste.Genevieve MO d 31 Dec 1893 in Old Mines Washington Co + 7 ch dau of Francois Morelles and Eugenie Recar
-1-7 Sarah Catlett b 1814 m 1848 Lawrence Samuel
-1-8 Martha Catlett b 1821 in Anderson Co m 8 Oct 1840 Jack B Richards b 1820
-1-9 Elizabeth Catlett b 1822 m 1 Aug 1835 Wesley Melear b 1816
-1-10 Louisa Ann Catlett b 1826 in Franklin Co d 1898 m 21 May 1840 Robert Garnett Samuel b 1819 Caroline Co Va.
-1-11 Francis M. Catlett b May 18, 1827 in Anderson Co d 5 Apr 1900 Anderson Co m1 20 Dec 1849 Anderson Co Nancy Jane Young b 22 Jan 1830 Anderson Co d 15 Dec 1869 + 8 ch m2 7 Jan 1872 Martha Ann Carlton b 2 May 1841

-1-1-2 Martha Ethel Catlett b 8 May 1836 in Anderson Co Ky
-1-1-3 S. Catlett, b 24 Oct 1838 in Anderson Co Ky
-1-1-4 William Henry Catlett b 19 Sep 1840 in Anderson Co Ky m 1869 Anderson Co Margaret Herndon
-1-1-5 James Berryman Catlett born July 15, 1842 in Anderson Co Ky d 7 Oct 1897 in Shelby Co Ky m 16 Oct 1867 in Anderson Co Ky Martha Elizabeth Tracy b 29 Aug 1851 in Anderson Co Ky d 1 May 1923.
-1-1-6 Mildred Catlett, b 2 Nov 1844 in Anderson Co d 4 Sep 1912 in Anderson Co m 24 Jan 1861 Alvin Gideon Herndon b 21 Feb 1841 in Anderson Co
-1-1-7 Elijah Lite Catlett, b 5 Sep 1846 in Anderson Co m 1869 Susan Mary Herndon
-1-1-8 Amanda R. Catlett, b 1 Oct 1849 in Anderson Co d 23 Mar 1947 m 1867 Anderson Co William H Glass b 11 Jul 1843 Anderson Co.
-1-1-9 Mary Catlett, b 18 Sep 1851 in Anderson Co m 17 Oct 1867 in Anderson Co Albert Gallatin Sherwood b 11 Jul 1843 Anderson Co
-1-1-10 George Washington Catlett Jr b 1 Nov 1855 in Anderson Co d 20 Jan 1952 m Sarah E Mountjoy b 12 May 1860 Anderson Co
-1-1-11 Louisa Catlett b 15 Mar 1856
-1-4-1 Sarah E Gilman b 9 Jul 1833 in Jessamine Co Ky
-1-4-2 James Gilman b 27 Feb 1835
-1-4-3 Henry R Gilman b 16 Aug 1836
-1-4-4 Lucy E Gilman b 9 Jun 1838 in Jessamine Co
-1-4-5 Alphia Gilman b 16 Jan 1840 in Jessamine Co
-1-4-6 Benjamin B Gilman b 23 Mar 1841 in Jessamine Co
-1-4-7 Mary Gilman b 8 Feb 1843 in Jessamine Co
-1-4-8 Harvey Gilman Jr b 27 Jan 1845
-1-4-9 Susan Gilman b 29 Dec 1846
-1-4-10 Nancy Gilman b Sep 1848 in Anderson Co
-1-4-11 Amanda Gilman b 23 Feb 1850 in Anderson Co
-1-4-12 Louisiana Gilman b 5 Mar 1854 in Anderson Co
-1-6-1 Francis Catlett(Taylor) b 22 Sept 1865 in Old Mines Washington Co Mo 2 Apr 1937 in St.Louis m1 Annie McGuire m2 30 Oct 1908 Valle Mines Mo Clara Winona Jamison d 9 Jul 1978 St Louis
-1-6-2 Mary Euginie Catlett b 1842 in Old Mines Washington Co
-1-6-3 Mary Jane Catlett b Jan 1843 in Old Mines Washington Co
-1-6-4 Marie Julitte Euphemie Catlett b 23 Jul 1844 in Old Mines Washington Co d 6 Jan 1852.
-1-6-5 Elvina Catlett b Oct 1846 in Old Mines Washington Co
-1-6-6 James Francis Catlett b 16 Sep 1849 in Belfountaine Township in Washington Co d 25 Jan 1925 in Old Mines Washington Co m 5 Oct 1881 St Joachim Cat. Ch Old Mines Mo Mary Elizabeth Dumphey b 13 May 1860 Cadet Mo dau of Paul Dumphey and Lucie Portais
-1-6-7 Theodore Catlett b Apr 1855 in Washington Co Mo m Caroline Needenhopper b Aug 1863
-1-6-8 William Catlett b 1859 in MO
-1-7-1 Larry E Samuel b c 1850
-1-7-2 Richard Samuel
-1-8-1 Francis Richards b 1842
-1-8-2 William Richards b 1844
-1-8-3 Charles Richards b 1 May 1846
-1-8-4 Nancy Richards b 1848
-1-8-5 Robert Richards b 1850
-1-8-6 John H Richards b 16 Oct 1854
-1-9-1 Mary J Melear b 1836
-1-9-2 Warren Melear b 1839
-1-9-3 James Melear b c 1842
-1-9-4 Henry C Melear b 1845
-1-9-5 Frances E. Melear b 1847
-1-10-1 Ann M Samuel, b 10 Sep 1843 in Anderson Co
-1-10-2 William B. Samuel b 1845 in Anderson Co
-1-10-3 Agness Samuel b 1847 in Anderson Co
-1-10-4 George H. Samuel b 1850 in Anderson Co
-1-10-5 Edmund Samuel b 11 Aug 1852 in Anderson Co
-1-10-6 Martha Samuel b 28 Dec 1854 in Anderson C
-1-11-1 James William Catlett b 6 Oct 1850 m 1872 Margaret x
-1-11-2 Thomas Catlett b 4 Feb 1852 m Kate + 8 ch
-1-11-3 John Washington Catlett b 11 Dec 1854 in Anderson co
-1-11-4 Martha Elizabeth Catlett b 8 Aug 1856
-1-11-5 Susan Mary Catlett b 1 Mar 1858
-1-11-6 George E. Catlett b 20 Dec 1859 in Anderson co.
-1-11-7 Sarah Ellen Catlett b 19 Jan 1862
-1-11-8 Robert Lee Catlett b 20 Nov 1864 in Anderson C0
-1-11-9 Henry Franklin Catlett b 16 Apr 1873 in Anderson co
-1-11-10 Hollie C. Catlett b 18 Jan 1875 in Anderson co
-1-11-11 Ezra Thomas Catlett b 1 Mar 1877 in Anderson co m 1900 Nannie Burk b 18 Feb 1883
-1-11-12 Lillie Catlett b 21 Aug 1878 in Anderson co m Charles Brown
-1-11-13 Charles H. Catlett b 17 Jun 1882 in Anderson co
-1-1-1-1-1-3-2-3 Elizabeth Catlett b c 1733
-1-1-1-1-1-3-2-4 Benjamin Catlett b c 1735
-1-1-1-1-1-3-2-5 William Catlett, b c 1739 m Elizabeth Taliaferro Fitzbugh
-1-1-1-1-1-3-2-6 Judith Catlett ?= b 1740 m John Bowie b in Scotland -1? Catherine Bowie b 1747 in Caroline Co VA m 1763 in VA James Pendleton b 1735 in VA d 1793 in Culpepper Co VA
-1-1-1-1-1-3-3 Rebecca CATLETT b 1702, Essex Co VA d by 06.03.1760, Essex Co VA
m1 FRANCIS CONWAY. b 15.04.1696 Richmond Co VA d 12.04.1773 Caroline Co VA
m2 COL. John MOORE. b 1699 King George Co VA d 1759 (Jane Taylor is mentioned in his will. Jane Taylor is also mentioned in the will of John's second wife, Rebecca Catlett, but not as her daughter (all other's mentioned in Rebecca's will are given specific relationships except for Jane Taylor). Hayden's Virginia Genealogies p. 244 is wrong in stating that Jane was the daughter of Rebecca. Jane was born in 1728 according to her head stone & bible records. Rebecca was still having children with her first husband, Francis Conway, in 1728. See: King George Co Will Book A - pp. 109-110 King George Co Will Book A - pp. 115-118
-1 Maj William MOORE b 1740, King George Co VA d 1802, Orange Co VA m Mary THROCKMORTON b 1740, VA
-1-1-1-1-1-3-4 MARGARET CATLETT b 1700, VA
m Jonathan GIBSON b 1700 Richmond Co VA d 1745, Essex Co VA Notes by Mark Hale (a Gibson researcher & descendant): In the second source below, Stubbs says that according to genealogy notes left by Wm. Fitzhugh Catlett (1817-1899), Margaret Catlett married late in life. For the time period that probably means she was in her mid 20's. There are no firm dates for much of the Gibson genealogy. And many of the secondary sources do not agree with each other & have mistakes in them or missing generations or just fabricate people to fit what few records there are.
-1? Rachel Gibson b. 1717 m Col. George Taylor. have put Rachel as a sister of Jonathan, Jr. . But Mary Catlett was the daughter of John Catlett & Mary Grayson who were married 20 Oct 1726 (there is a record for this marriage) so would have been too young to marry this Jonathan Gibson. Stubbs also seems to say (wording questionable) that the marriage was in 1748 which is several years after this Jonathan Gibson died. -1? Jonathan Gibson, III b c 1729 VA, Fauquier Co d SEP 1791 VA, Fauquier Co (see Olive Nelson Gibson�s notes here.)
m1 Mary Catlett b 1728 VA
m2 Susanna Harrison b c 1734 d Fauquier Co VA dau of Thomas Harrison b 1704 d by 1778 and Ann Grayson b c 1698 d by 1773
-1-1 Thomas Harrison Gibson b c 1760 VA, Fauquier Co m Charlotte Beale
-1-2 Mary Gibson b 1763 VA, Fauquier Co m William Mallory
-1-3 Jonathan Catlett Gibson b c 1770VA, Fauquier Co m x Mallory
-1-4 Susanna Grayson Harrison Gibson b 26 NOV 1775 Fauquier Co d 23 FEB 1833 b William Berry Taylor

-1-3-1 Jonathan Catlett Gibson b 17 NOV 1793 VA d 6 DEC 1849 m1 Martha Dandridge Ball m2 Mary Williams Shackelford b 1798 Culpeper Co VA d 1892 + 2 ch
-1-3-2 Edwin Eustace Gibson b c 1800 VA m Hannah Mallory

-1-3-1-1 Mary Catlett Gibson b 1826 1897 VA, Culpeper Co m Milton Fitzhugh b c 1825 VA d aft 1860 Pr Wm Co VA son of y Fitzhugh
-1-3-1-2 Lucy Ellen Gibson b 2 AUG 1827 VA, Culpeper Co d 2 AUG 1920 m John Strother Buckner b 6 Jan 1819 Fredericksburg d 18 Dec 1898 Culpepere VA son of Bailey Buckner b 11 Oct 1789 and Midred Strother
-1-1-1-1-1-3-5 Mary CATLETT b 1690, Spotsylvania Co VA d 1771, Spotsylvania Co VA
??m Jonathan Gibson
m Col John Taliaferro b 1687 Essex Co VA d 3 May 1744/03.03.1743 Spotsylvania Co VA
+1 Col/Maj. John TALIAFERRO "the Ranger" b 1656 d 21 Jun 1720 Essex Co Va
m Sarah Smith b 1661 in York Co d 1720 Essex Co
-1-1-1-1-1-3-5-1 Sarah TALIAFERRO b 08.10.1727 Spotsylvania Co VA d 17.01.1784, VA
m COL. George TAYLOR b 11.02.1711 King and Queen Co VA d 04.11.1792 Rapidan Culpeper Co VA From the Francis Taylor diary: George Taylor is buried between his wife, Rachel, & mother, Martha (Thompson) Taylor Ten (out of 12) of his sons were in the Revolutionary War. The youngest one, George Conway, from his second wife was not old enough. His first son, George, had died before the Revolution. Orange Co was not formed until 1734. James Taylor II did not patent land there until 1722 (then Spotsylvania Co.). James II lived in King & Queen Co and his children would have been born there. In 1727 James II gave land to George where he built Midland Plantation just outside of Orange Court House and "next door" to his brothers James III (at Bloomsbury) and Zachary (at Meadowfarm) and Erasmus (at Greenfield). George most likely died where he lived in then Orange Co.
-1-1-1-1-1-3-5-2 William TALIAFERRO b 09.08.1726, VA d 21.04.1798, Orange Co VA m1 Mary BATTAILE b 18.09.1731, VA d 09.11.1757, VA m2 Elizabeth TALIAFERRO b 04.10.1731, Spotsylvania Co VA d 1830.
-1-1-1-1-1-3-5-3 Lawrence Taliaferro b 08.09.1721, Snow Creek Spotsylvania Co VA d 01.05.1748 Snow Creek Spotsylvania Co VA
m Susannah POWER b 1723 Spotsylvania Co VA
-1-1-1-1-1-3-5-3 Sarah Taliaferro b 13.10.1746, Snow Creek Spotsylvania Co VA d 1774, Spotsylvania Co VA m William Daingerfield b 1736, Essex Co VA d 18.07.1783, Spotsylvania Co VA
-1-1-1-1-1-3-5-4 LUCY TALIAFERRO b 1735, Spotsylvania Co VA m Col Charles LEWIS b 20.02.1728, Warner Hall Gloucester Co VA d 16.02.1779, Albemarle Co VA -1 Lawrence Taliaferro b 8 Sep 1721, Spotsylvania Co d 1 May 1748, James City, Spotsylvania Co bur Old Hickory Neck, Toana, James City m Susan Power sis of Maj Henry Power
-2 William Taliaferro b 9 Aug 1726, SnowCreek, Spotsylvania Co. d 21 Apr 1798, Newington, Orange Co. VA m 4 Oct 1751 Mary Thornton BATTAILE dau of Nicholas BATTAILE and Mary THORNTON gr grandau of John "The Ranger" TALIAFERRO b 1656 d 1720 m 1682 m2 5 Dec 1758 Essex Co Elizabeth TALIAFERRO of Epsom
-3 Martha Taliaferro b 24 Jun 1724, Essex Co. d 6 Aug 1750, Snow Creek, Spotsylvania C m 5 Apr 1744 William HUNTER "the Immigrant" d 25 Jan 1754
-4 Sarah Taliaferro b 8 Oct 1727 Spotsylvania Va d 17 Jan 1784 m1 George Taylor m2 Francis Conway b 27 Dec 1722 Richmond Co VA
-5 Mary Taliaferro
-6 Lucy Taliaferro b c 1735 Spotsylvania VA m Col Charles Lewis
-7 Mildred Taliaferro b 1714 d 25 Aug 1803 Orange VA m Samuel William James b 19 Nov 1722 Overwharton Stafford VA d 27 Feb 1755 Orange Co VAhad numerous issue
-1-1 Sarah Taliferro b 13 Oct 1746 m Capt William Dangerfield d 1 May 1748
-2-1 John TALIAFERRO b 31 Jul 1753 Orange Co VA m 12 May 1772, Orange Co Ann T Stockdell dau of John Stocldell and Mary x
-2-2 Lucy Mary TALIAFERRO b 13 Dec 1755, St. Marks Parish Orange Co m1 11 Jun 1773 Orange Co William PLUMMER THURSTON b c 1750 m2 5 Apr 1791 Orange Co Hay TALIAFERRO of Cheerful Hall
-2-3 Nicholas TALIAFERRO of Trotterdown m1 3 Nov 1781 Ann Taliaferro + 6 ch dau of Col John Taliaferro and Ann of Dissington m2 Frances Blasingame dau of James Blasingame and Mary x
-3-1 James Hunter b 6 Nov 1746
-3-2 William Hunter 24 Aug 1748
-3-3 Martha Hunter b 20 Oct 1749
-4-1 Francis Conway b 03/07/1748 King George Co d 02/13/1794 m Elizabeth Fitzhugh b 10 Oct 1754 Stafford Co VA d 25 Aug 1825 dau of John Fitzhugh b 30 Jun 1727 and Alice Eliza Thornton b 21 Aug 1729
-4-2 Catlett Conway b 25 DEC 1751 Orange Co d 14 SEP 1827 m Susannah Fitzhugh
-4-3 Sarah Conway b 27 NOV 1759 Orange Co d 8 NOV 1820 m Charles Taylor

-2-1-1 Mary TALIAFERRO b 17 Jun 1773 orange Co d with 1st child? m Robert Reynolds b c 1760 Orange Co
-2-1-2 Elizabeth Hay TALIAFERRO b 4 May 1778
-2-1-3 Lucy Mary Battaile TALIAFERRO b 14 May 1780
-2-1-4 William TALIAFERRO b 23 Mar 1782Orange or Caroline Co d 21 Oct 1834 Winchester Clark Co Ky m 6 May 1811 Culpeper Co Ann/?Nancy Tutt b ?13 Nov 1790 Culpeper Co d ?5 Apr 1858 MO dau of Capt John Tutt and Mary ?Aylett
-2-1-5 Sarah TALIAFERRO b 20 Feb 1784
-2-1-6 John TALIAFERRO b 6 Apr 1786 orange Co
-2-1-7 Martha TALIAFERRO b 22 Jan 1789 Orange Co
-2-1-8 Nicholas Hay Battaile TALIAFERRO b 15 Jun 1793 Orange Co d 7 Oct 1835 Winchester Clark Co Ky m 6 May 1811 Culpeper Co. Va Elizabeth Tutt b 22 Jan 1785 Culpeper Co dau of John Tutt and Mary ?Aylett
-2-1-9 Lawrence Wesley TALIAFERRO b 5 Aug 1796 Orange Co
-2-3-1 Lucy Mary Taliaferro b 6 Aug 1782 m 26 Jun 1799 William Buckner b 19 Jun 1789
-2-3-2 John Champe Taliaferro b 12 Oct 1784 d 26 Feb 1811
-2-3-3 Matilda Battaile Taliaferro b 30 Sep 1787
-2-3-4 Mary Willis Taliaferro b 15 Nov 1789 d 1797
-2-3-5 George Catlett Taliaferro b 21 Mar 1792
-2-3-6 William Thornton Taliaferro b 16 Jan 1795
-2-3-7 Carr Blasingame Taliaferro b 13 Aug 1799
-2-3-8 Lawrence Washington Taliaferro b 38 Oct 1800
-2-3-9 Ann Patterson Taliaferro b 29 Oct 1802 d 1803
-2-3-10 James Hay TALIAFERRO
-2-3-11 Nicholas TALIAFERRO b 18 Aug
-2-3-12 Marshall Howe TALIAFERRO 26 Feb 1811
-2-3-13 Frances Ann TALIAFERRO 9 Nov 1811 d ?Augusta Bracken Co KY
-4-1-1 Elizabeth Conway b 11 JUL 1783 Lancaster Co d 20 JUN 1832 m Lawrence Catlett
-4-1-2 John Conway b 03/21/1787 d 03/22/1865 m Harriet Elizabeth Thornton
-4-1-3 Thomas Conway b 29 NOV 1791 d 11 JUL 1826 m Mary Hawes Buckner b 3 Aug 1794 'aroline Co VA d there aft 1860 dau of Richard Henry Buckner b c 1760 d 1796 and Charlotte Hawes b 1 Oct 1765 d 17 'Dec 1831

-2-1-4-1 James G. Taliaferro b. 1813 in Winchester Clark Co Ky
-2-1-1-1 Elizabeth Thornton REYNOLDS b c 1790
-2-1-1-2? Thornton REYNOLDS b c 1790
-2-1-4-2 Gabriel Tutt Taliaferro
-2-1-4-3 Elizabeth Taliaferro
-2-1-4-4 Lucy Ann Taliaferro
-2-1-4-5 Mary Taliaferro
-2-1-4-6 Robert Taliaferro
-2-1-4-7 Johnson Tutt Taliaferro
-2-1-8-1 Charles Taliaferro, P.M. at Winchester, and remove d early to Saline Co., Mo., where he left issue;
-2-1-8-2 Mary Taliaferro b Caroline, m. Judge Richard French, of Winchester, who was circuit judge, member of Congress, and candidate for Governor, and left issue;
-2-1-8-3 Ann Hay Taliaferro d. unm., in Saline;
-2-1-8-4 Margret Aylett Taliaferro m. 1825, Edmund Hockaday and left issue;
-2-1-8-5 Maj. John Taliaferro P.M. at Winchester twice, m. Lucy Elizabeth Hickman, dau. of Wm. and Sarah (Pearson) Hickman, and left issue;
-2-1-8-6 William Aylett Taliaferro d. unm.;
-2-1-8-7 Philip Tutt Taliaferro m Mildred Parish, in Ky and left issue;
-2-1-8-8 Robert Taliaferro m Chloe Anderson and moved to Austin, Tex., where he was pastor of the Baptist Church
-2-3-1-1 Philip Johnson BUCKNER b 8 Aug 1800
-2-3-1-2 Ann Whitaker Taliaferro BUCKNER b 8 Jan 1803
-2-3-1-3 Nicholas Taliaferro BUCKNER b 29 Jun 1805
-1-1-2 Francis BERNARD b 1558 Kingthorpe Northamptonshire d 21.11.1630 Kingthorpe Northamptonshire
-1-1-3 Richard BERNARD b 1568, Kingthorpe Northamptonshire d by 24.04.1613 Wellingborough, Great Doddington Northamptonshire
m Elizabeth WOODHOUSE b 1572 England d 10.03.1621 Surrey
-1-1-3-1 Richard BERNARD b 12.03.1608, Petsoe Bucks d by 03.04.1651, Gloucester Co VA
m ANNA CORDRAY b 1608 Chute Wilts d by 22.09.1671 Gloucester Co VA
-1-1-3-1-1 Anna BERNARD b 1635, Purton Gloucester Co VA d 14.04.1698, Purton Gloucester Co VA
m John SMITH b 12.09.1623, Lancashire d 14.04.1698, Purton Gloucester Co VA
-1-1-3-2 Alice BERNARD b 1607, Bedford
-1-1-3-3 Mary BERNARD b 05.08.1610 Turvey Bedford d 07.12.1654, Turvey Bedford
m Thomas KING b 1610, Scituate Plymouth Co MA d 03.12.1644, Watertown Middlesex Co MA
-1-1-4 BALDWIN BERNARD b 1549, Abington Northamptonshire d 1610.
m Eleanor FULLWOOD, dau of b 1581 England d 27.06.1634.
-1-1-4-1 Sir John BERNARD b 1604, d 03.03.1673, Abingdon Northamptonshire Book:The Bernards of Abington and nether Winchendon by Mrs. Napier Higgins; in two volumes, Longmans, Green, & Co., London, NY & Bombay 1903; On 5 June 1649, eighteen months after her husband's death, Elizabeth married John Barnard (1604�74) of Abington, near Northampton. Barnard was a widower with several children. It is not known how they met, since he did not live near Stratford, but it was most likely through Elizabeth's Royalist connections. Like Nash, he had been a strong supporter of the Royalists in the Civil War. Five weeks after the marriage, Elizabeth's mother Susanna died. As a result, Elizabeth inherited the Shakespeare family property. The couple moved to Stratford, to live in New Place.[2] As a staunch Royalist, Barnard's social position improved dramatically after the Restoration in 1660. He was knighted on 25 September 1661,[3] thus giving his wife the title Lady Barnard. They left Stratford to move into the Barnard family home in Abington. The couple had no children.[2] In February 1662, Judith Quiney died in Stratford-upon-Avon, making Elizabeth Barnard the last descendant of William Shakespeare. She wrote her will on 29 January 1669, which did not give much to her husband, Sir John Barnard. Elizabeth died at Abington, Northamptonshire on 17 February 1670. There is a memorial plaque in the Church of Saint Peter & Paul, Abington, where she is buried.[2] The family home of Sir John and Lady Barnard is now a museum, Abington Park Museum, and the grounds are now a park in the town of Northampton.
m Elizabeth HALL b by 21.02.1608, d by 17.02.1669, Abingdon Northamptonshire Book:The Bernards of Abington and nether Winchendon by Mrs. Napier Higgins; in two volumes, Longmans, Green, & Co., London, NY & Bombay 1903; Elizabeth, Lady Barnard (formerly Elizabeth Nash, n�e Elizabeth Hall) (baptised 21 February 1608 � 17 February 1670) was the granddaughter of the English poet and playwright William Shakespeare. Despite two marriages, she had no children, and was his last surviving descendant. Elizabeth was closely associated with the Royalist cause during the English Civil War. Both her husbands were dedicated supporters of Charles I. Elizabeth Hall was born to Susanna Hall and Doctor John Hall. She was baptised in the Holy Trinity Church of Stratford-upon-Avon, She was the only grandchild William Shakespeare ever knew, because her three cousins were born after his death in 1616.
- - - -
523. Anne de Beauchamp b 1470 Worcestershire, Beauchamp Court
m Richard LYGON. b 1466 Worcestershire, Madresfield d 01.05.1512.
-1 Riochard LYGON b 1490, Worcestershire d 29.09.1529.
m MARGARET GRENVILLE, b 1497 Worcestershire, Arel Court d 1542 dau of
-1-1 Anne LYGON b 1510, Worcestershire, Arel Court
m Christopher SAVAGE b 1507 Madresfield Worcestershire d 1546. for ch see above Christopher Savage. , son of CHRISTOPHER SAVAGE and ANNE STANLEY
-1-2 William LYGON b 1512, Madresfield Worcestershire d 29.09.1567, Madresfield Worcestershire
m Eleanor DENNIS b 1508 Gloucestershire d 24.09.1567 Madresfield Worcestershire
-1-2-1 Thomas LIGON b 1540 Madresfield Worcestershire d 1603, Elkstone Gloucestershire
m Frances DENNIS b 1545 Pucklechurch Gloucestershire d 1625 Walsgrave-on-Sowe Warwickshire
-1-2-1-1 Thomas LIGON b 1577 Worcestershire d 20.12.1626, Worcestershire
m Elizabeth PRATT b 1602 Warwickshire
+1 y PRATT
-1-2-1-1-1 Thomas LYGON/LIGON b 11.01.1623, Walsgrave-on-Sowe Warwickshire d 16.03.1676, Henrico Co VA
m aft 1648 Henrico Co VA Mary HARRISb 1625 of Crixe Essex England d 18.03.1703.
-1-2-1-1-1-1 Johan LYGON b 1653, Henrico Co VA d 1728, Henrico Co VA
m Robert Hancock b 1650 Lower Norfolk VA d 1709 Henrico Co VA
-1-2-1-1-1-1-1 Johan HANCOCK b c 1681 Henrico Co VA
m SAMUEL HANCOCK b aft 1676 VA d 1733, VA
-1-2-1-1-1-2 William LIGON b 1650, Henrico Co VA d 1689, Henrico Co VA
m Mary TANNER b 1657 Henrico Co VA
-1-2-1-1-1-2-1 William LIGON b 1682, Henrico Co VA d 1764, Amelia Co VA
m Elizabeth BATTE b 1682, Prince George Co VA d c 1764.
-1-3 Henry LYGON b 1525, Kingsgrove Gloucestershire d 15.08.1577, Upton Gloucestershire
m Elizabeth BERKELEY b 1532 Gifford Stoke Chipping Sodbury Gloucestershire
-1-3-1 Elizabeth/ISABEL LYGON b 1555, Kingsgrove Gloucestershire d c 1602.
m WALTER BASSETT b 1549 Sandwich Kent
-1-3-1-1 William BASSETT b 1572 London d 03.04.1667 Bridgewater Plymouth Co MA
m CECILIA LEIGHT b 1575 Sandwich Kent England d 05.06.1667 Sandwich Kent England.
-1-3-1-1-1 William BASSETT b 24.10.1600, London d 12.05.1667, Plymouth Co MA, Nov 1621 Ship "Fortune" Passenger
m Elizabeth TILDEN b 1603 Tenterden Kent d by 1650 Bridgewater Plymouth Co MA , Nov 1621 Ship "Fortune" Passenger
-1-3-1-1-1-1 Sarah BASSETT b 1630, Plymouth Co MA d 20.06.1711, Marshfield Plymouth Co MA
m PEREGRINE WHITE b 11.1620 Plymouth Co MA d 22.07.1704 Marshfield Plymouth Co MA, Nov 1620 Mayflower Passenger
-1-3-1-1-1-1-1 Daniell WHITE b 1649, Marshfield Plymouth Co MA d 06.05.1724, Marshfield Plymouth Co MA
m HANNAH HUNT b 12.02.1640, Concord Middlesex Co MA d 25.05.1721, Marshfield Plymouth Co MA
-1-3-1-1-1-1-2 Jonathan WHITE b 04.06.1658, Marshfield Plymouth Co MA d 14.07.1736, Yarmouth Barnstable Co MA
m HESTER NICKERSON b 10.1656, Yarmouth Barnstable Co MA d 08.02.1702, Yarmouth Barnstable Co MA
-1-3-1-1-1-2 Ruth BASSETT b c 1633 Bridgewater Plymouth Co MA d aft 22.03.1691
m John SPRAGUE b 1630 Duxbury Plymouth Co MA Usa d 26.03.1676 Pawtucket Providence Co RI
-1-3-1-1-1-2-1 John Sprague b 1656, Duxbury Plymouth Co MA d aft 06.03.1727 Lebanon New London Co CT
m LYDIA GOFF b 18.07.1658 Duxbury Plymouth Co MA d 11.12.1715 Lebanon New London Co CT
+1 y GOFF
-1-3-1-1-1-2-1-1 Capt John Sprague b c 1689 Duxbury CT d 1760, Caanan Lichtfield Co MA
m Mary BABCOCK b 28.01.1681 Milton Norfolk Co MA d 05.01.1720 Lebanon New London Co CT
- - - -
524. Elizabeth Beauchamp b 1468 Beauchamp Court Worcestershire
m Robert Willoughby b 1473 Brokenborough Wiltshire d 10.11.1521 Devon, 1502-1521 2nd Baron of Willoughby de Broke son of
+1 Robert WILLOUGHBY 1st Lord de Broke b c 1452, d 23 Aug 1502
m by 1473 Westbury Wilts Blanche Champernoun b c 1453 d by 12.1480, dau/coheir of Sir John Champernoun Champernowne of Bere Ferrers by Elizabeth, dau of William Bigbery
-1 Edward Willoughby b 1488, Wiltshire d 1517
m MARGARET NEVILLE b 09.03.1493, Thorpe Latimer Lincolnshire
-1 Elizabeth Willoughby b 28 Apr 1500 Broke Wilts d 15 Nov 1562 Basingstoke m Sir Fulke Greville d 10.11.1569 -1-1 X Greville m Winslow
-1-2 Katherine Greville b 1527 m 1544 Giles Reed/Reade b 1525 Milton Banbury
-1-3 John Greville
-1-4 Mary Greville
-1-5 Fulke Greville, 4th Lord Willoughby de Broke Greville
-1-6 Robert Greville
-1-7 Edward Greville
-1-8 Blanche Greville
-1-9 Elene Greville

-1-2-1 Elizabeth Reed/Reade b 1578 in Larke Stoke, Gloucestershire d 1631 Worcester
m 1594 Quinton Gloucester Richard Brent b 1573 Admington and Lark stoke d 1652 Lark Stoke son of Richard Brent and Mary Huggerford

-1-2-1-1 Mary Brent b c 1594
-1-2-1-2 Giles Brent Sr b c 1600 Stoke & Admington d 31 Aug 1671 Stafford Co VA m1 1644 MD Mary Kittamaquund b 1633 MD d 1658 VA+ 3 ch dau of Chitomachen Kittamaquund m2 Frances Whitegreave
-1-2-1-3 Margaret Brent b 1601 Stoke & Admington d May 1671 Westmoreland CVA
-1-2-1-4 Anne Brent b 1602 Illmington London d 1646 St Marys Co MD
-1-2-1-5 George Brent b c 1602 Gloucestershire or Worcester m aft 1635 Mariana Peyton
-1-2-1-6 Fulke Brent
-1-2-1-7? John Brent

-1-2-1-2-1 Col Giles Brent Jr b 5 Apr 1652 d 2 Sep 1679 Middlesex Co VA m Mary x b c 1600
-1-2-1-2-2 Richard Brent b 1654 ?Va d 9 Dec 1663 ?VA
-1-2-1-2-3 Mary Brent b 1655 Peace Westmoreland Co VA d 13 Jun 1713 Pr Geo Co MD m 1671 Calvert Co John Fitzherbert
-1-2-1-5-1 Anne Brent b 1640 Lark Stoke d there 1714 m James Clifton b 1636 Westby Lancashire d 1714 Salwark son of Thomas Clifton and Anne Hallsall
-1-2-1-5-2 George Brent
-1-2-1-5-3 Robert Brent Gent.

-1-2-1-2-1-1 William Brent b c 1677 d 1709
-1-2-1-5-1-1 Thomas Clifton b 1663 Engl d 1708 Stafford Co Va m by 17 May 1706 Sarah Ashton b by 1677 d Nov 1749 dau of John Ashton and Grace Frizier she m1 c 1695 Philip Alexander + 4 ch m3 c 1720 David McGill
-1-2-1-5-1-2 Thomas Clifton
-1-2-1-5-1-3 James Clifton

-1-2-1-2-1-1-1 William Brent b 1710 d 1742
-1-2-1-5-1-1-1 Robert Burdette Clifton b 29 Jul 1708 d 1762 m 15 Jul 1732 Kg Geo Co VA Francis Hill

-1-2-1-2-1-1-1-1 William Brent b 1732 Richland Stafford Co VA d Mar 1782 ?Richmond Wise VA m Eleanor Carroll b 27 Apr 1732 Pr Geo Co MD d 19 Mar 1788 VA ?= dau of Daniel Carroll b c 1705 and Eleanor Darnall b c 1706 Prince George Co d 3 Feb 1798 grandau of Henry Darnall
-1-2-1-5-1-1-1-1 Burdette/Burditt clifton b 3 Feb 1736 Stafford VA d 1798 Bardstown KY m 2 Dec 1759 Rebecca Kenner b 1738 Fauquier Co d 1799 Bardstown dau of Howson Francis Kenner Jr and Margaret Eskridge

-1-2-1-2-1-1-1-1-1 Sen Richard Brent b 1757 Richland Stafford Co VA d 30 Dec 1814 DC
-1-2-1-2-1-1-1-1-2 Anne Brent b 17 Apr 1777 d 29 July 1862 m Daniel Carroll of Duddington b c 1758 d 9 May 1849
-1-2-1-5-1-1-1-1-1 Howson Clifton
-1-2-1-5-1-1-1-1-2 William David Clifton
-1-2-1-5-1-1-1-1-3 Sarah Clifton b 1768 Bardstown d 1815 Burkesville KY m John Edwards King

-1-2-1-2-1-1-1-1-2-1 Charles Carroll d 1819 m Mary Ann Carroll dau of Henry Hill Carroll and Sarah Rogers
-1-2-1-2-1-1-1-1-2-2 Maria Carroll d c 1804.
-1-2-1-2-1-1-1-1-2-3 Eleanor Carroll b c 1791 d 18 July 1864 Washington DC m William Dudley Digges b c 1790.
-1-2-1-2-1-1-1-1-2-4 William Carroll
-1-2-1-5-1-1-1-1-3-1 Catherine King m Bobo
-1-2-1-5-1-1-1-1-3-2 Valentine King b 9 Jan 1794 Burkesville Ky d 13 Jul 1835 Opelousas St Landry LA m 15 Jan 1818 Nancy King dau of George King and Amelie Mathilde Lejeune

-1-2-1-5-1-1-1-1-3-2-1 Caroline King b 1835 d 1878 Avoyelles LA m Alfred Briggs Irion
-1-2-1-5-1-1-1-1-3-2-1-1 Annie Winn Irion m 2 Mar 1878 Adolphe Jalmeus Lafargue + sev ch
- - - -
525. Mary Berkeley b 1496/?1511 Berkeley Castle Gloucester d 1586 Romsey Hampshire - possibly fits here dau of James, '2nd' son of Lord Maurice. reports as dau of Susan FitzAlan and a second and third marriage and children as shown below.
m. Sir Thomas Perrott of Haroldston d 1531Their son has been identified as possibly Mary's illegitimate son by King Henry VIII.
p1 Henry VIII KING OF ENGLAND. b 28.06.1491 Greenwich Palace Kent d 28.01.1547 Westminster Middlesex
Sir Thomas Perrott of Haroldston d 1531Their son has been identified as possibly Mary's illegitimate son by King Henry VIII., son of OWEN PERROTT and Katherine POYNTZ. b 1495 Haroldston Pembrokeshire Wales
m3 Rowland Pughe
m4 1532 Sir Thomas JONES b 1492 Bredwardine Herefordshire d by 26.06.1559 son of John Thomas and Elizabeth VAUGHAN
-1John Perrot b 2 Nov 1528, Haroldston Pembrokeshire Wales d 03.11.1592 Tower Of London Middlesex, MP Lord Deputy of Ireland , much discussion is made of his being an illegitimate son of King Henry VIII and Mary Berkeley. John himself claimed to be Henry's son, though Henry never acknowledged it. See the notes on the Wikipedia page below. Other theories have shown him as ancestor of Francis Parrott of Calvert Co MD. This connection has been disproven with DNA. m2 SYBIL JONES b 1530 England dau of Sir Thomas JONES
m3 ANNE Cheney b 1510 Shuland House Eastchurch Kent + 1 ch
-1-1LETTICE PERROT b 1568, Raleigh Devon d 27.11.1620, Raleigh Devon
m Arthur CHICHESTER b 05.1563, Barnstaple Devon d 19.02.1625, London , 1616-1625 Ireland Treasurer
-1-2SIR Thomas PERROT b 1562, Droxburne Hertfordshire England m LADY DOROTHY DEVEREUX b 1564, Chartley Staffordshire d 03.08.1619.
-2 Anne Elizabeth Perrot b 1525 Shropshire, Pontesbury.
m Sir John Phillips b 1502 Picton Castle Kidwelly Carmarthenshire Wales d 04.04.1562 Hampshire, Milton, Ballockesey son of
+1 Sir Morgan Philips and JANE DWINN
-2-1 Richard Phillips b 19.05.1594 Shropshire, Maddock, Sutton.
m1 FRANCES Elizabeth DRYDEN, b 1597 Northumberland, Berwick-upon-Tweed d 02.06.1658 Wales, Pembrokeshire, St Marys
m2 MARGARET RAPHES b 06.09.1573 Shropshire, Myddle d 1595 Shropshire.
-2-1-1 Roger Phillips b 24.08.1637 Shropshire, Maddock, Sutton d 1699, Somerset Co MD
-2-1-2 Richard Phillips b 27.03.1638 Hope Bowdler Shropshire
-2-1-3 Thomas Phillips b 08.04.1639 Shropshire, Whittington; d Barnstable Co, Yarmouth MD
-2-1-4 William Phillips b 12.07.1640 Newport RI d 12.1725, Richmond Co, Farnham VA NOT SURE ABOUT ... John Archer, Sheriff, presents John TUDER for keeping unlawful gaming in his house, or yard, from September 1, 1679, as a common Bowling and place for reel playing, for his own proper gain. And that one Abraham Smith, of Long Island, and others unknown, did on November 15 frequent the place, and that Bowls and Reels unlawfully did play at. John Archer, sheriff, presents DIRCK CLAUSEN, pot baker, for that on August 16, 1679, being Sabbath day morning, did make an assault upon one William Phillips, and with his knife, the nose of said Phillips did sorely cut that it hung down over his lipps, which is contrary to Law and the Peace of our Soverign Lord the King, etc. Report of Sheriff, that upon examination of said matter, he found that the daughter of said Dirck Clausen, pot baker, had by her impudence enticed William Phillips to come into bed to her, where her father, the pot baker, finding them, caused the disturbance. The act being found to be evil, she was committed to the Sheriff's custody. TimeLine: Apr 1685 Bought land from Lewis and Joan Loyd. Nov 1685 Witnessed deed of Anthony and Elizabeth Morgan to Lewis and Joan Loyd. Apr 1687 Children [Ann and Elizabeth] of William and Susannah named in will of Lewis Lloyd. 1703 William Phillips and Susannah Phillips named as s/i/l and daughter of Joan Lloyd in her will. Feb 1709 Susannah Phillips and John Canterbury witnessed the will of Bryon Thornhill whose widow was Elizabeth, a step-grand- child of Lewis Lloyd. Aug 1711 William Phillips and Susannah Phillips were witnesses to George and Rebecca Thompson's deed to Patte Haill Richmond Co., VA. Oct 1713 William Phillips, William Phillips, Jr and Nicholas Christopher entered into an adm bond for WP Jr to be an adm of William Yeats decd. Yeats had been a witness to Joan Lloyd's 1703 Richmond Co., VA will. [RC DB 1711-1712, pg 168]. Dec 1714 William Phillips, Jr was bound over to court along with 2 other men on suspension of hog stealing. [From "Fines, Examinations of Criminals Tryals of Slaves and Criminals" from Mar 1710 t0 171?
m SUSANNAH WilliamS b 1669 Richmond Co VA d 03.1726 Richmond Co, North Farnham VA 6/6/1677 Will of Roger Williams recorded in Old Rappahannock Co. Dated 2/26/1675. ?To my two sons Roger Williams and Shadrack Williams doe give 225 acres of land wife Joane Williams doe give the Plantation with 200 acres of land..wherein she is at this present living. To eldest daughter Betty one heifer.. Wit: Gerrard Greenwood, Robert Sisson. 11/2/1683-84 Samuel Wills of Farnham Parish, Old Rappahannock Co, in contemplation of marriage with Joan, relict of Roger Williams, gave cerain property by Deed of Gift to Roger, Sydrach, Susanna and Anne, the children of the deceased Roger Williams. The children were to receive it when they attained the age of 16 years. Essex Co DB 6, Page 36. (since Essex Co didn't exist in 1677, this must have happened in Old Rappanannock Co. This also indicates that Roger, Sydrach, Susanna and Anne were all born after 1661.)
+1 Roger WilliamS and JOANE FRITH
-2-1-4-1 Susannah Phillips b 1684, Orange Co VA d 28.08.1742, Amherst Co VA
m John RUCKER 1706 Orange Co VA,. b 1680 Orange Co, St Marks Parish VA d 28.01.1742 Orange Co, St Marks Parish VA Notater for John RUCKER: Rucker is a variation of the English occupational name Rock, for the man who spun wool or made distaffs, from the Middle English term rok = distaff, from Old Norse rokr. Other variations include Rocker and Rooker. The name Rock is generally a place name for the man who lived by a notable boulder or outcrop, from Middle English rocc = rock, or a place name for the man who lived at a settlement by that name. Rocke, and Rocks are variations of the place name. Source: Surnames: What's In A Name? "MARRIAGES OF VIRGINIA RESIDENTS" VOL II, PART 3, SURNAMES R-S P 92; Rucker, John, d 1742, son of Peter and Elizabeth (Fielding); m before 1704, Susannah Phillips, daughter of William and Susannah (Lloyd). John was Captain in the Orange Co Militia. Cowherd, p 325. Note: This same volume and page lists the marriages of many of the sons and daughters of the Rucker family during that time. "SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF PILGRIMS, VOL III, THANKSGIVING" from "CUSTOMS AND FASHIONS OF OLD NEW ENGLAND" page 353; Captain John Rucker (Pilgrim) (ca. 1682-Dec. 1742) m. 1706 Susannah Phillips (...1685-...1770) [rucker.FTW] John RUCKER - b. About 1701 Sources list the wife of John Rucker 1. Susannah Unknown 2. Susannah Coghill (b. Before 1731, Essex Co, Va. Died 1752, Orange Co Virginia, daughter of Frederick and Sarah Coghill. 3. Susannah Phillips, daughter of William Phillips and Susannah LLoyd 1700 - "Four ships carrying 700 passengers sailed from Gravesend England, with John and Thomas, Peter's two sons, as leaders of the passengers on one. The vessel wrecked in Jamestown Bay and John floated for three days on a piece of driftwood before being picked up by a passing vessel." (Source: "History of the Rucker Family,' by Eydith Johns Rucker Whitley 1927) 1700's John patented 5850 acres of land in Ablemarle Co, Virginia. 1731 - May 4 John Rucker was appointed Constable from the Rappahannock River to the Parish line, including the South Mountains. (Source: Spotsylvania Co Virginia Order Book 1730-38, p. 35) 1734 - June 4 John Rucker deeded to his sister Mary, wife of William Offall, 100 acres of land in St. Mark's Parish, witnessed by William Crosthwait. (Source: Spotsylvania Co Virginia Deed Book B., p. 496) 1740's Circa John Rucker and John Lightfoot established St. Mark's Episcopal Parish in Orange Co, Virginia, near Ruckerville, now in Greene Count. John was an active vestryman in the church. 1740 - May 22 John Rucker was sworn to his military commission of Captain for Orange Co. (Source: Orange Co Order Book 1738-41, p. 163) 1741 - November 23 John Rucker was sworn in as Commissioner of the Peace of Orange Co, Virginia. (Source: Orange Co Virginia Order Book 1741-43, p. 51) 1700 - "Four ships carrying 700 passengers sailed from Gravesend England, with John and Thomas, Peter's two sons, as leaders of the passengers on one. The vessel wrecked in Jamestown Bay and John floated for three days on a piece of driftwood before being picked up by a passing vessel." Since it is generally agreed that children of Peter Rucker were born in Virginia, this is one version or the Rucker family legend of shipwrecked ancestors. (Source: "History of the Rucker Family,' by Edith Johns Rucker Whitley 1927) 1725 John Rucker, King and Queen Co bought 100 acres in Spotsylvania Co, Virginia, on a branch of the North Anna River, in now Orange Co, Virginia. John and Susanna established a home here. 1727 John Rucker patented 977 acres of land in Spotsylvania Co, north of ruckersville in Greene Co. John's land in Spotsylvania Co became part of Orange Co (1734), Culpeper Co (1748), Madison Co (1793). John transacted many land deals in Spotsylvania and Orange Counties. 1731 -- May 4 John Rucker was appointed Constable from the Rappahannock River to the Parish line, including the South Mountains. (Source: Spotsylvania Co Virginia Order Book 1730-38, p. 35) --John had an "Ordinary and Rolling House" a tavern usually within the proprietor's home. He also had a race track. 1733/4 February 5, John Rucker deeded 429 acres of his 977 patent to his father and mother, Peter and Elizabeth Rucker. 1734 - June 4 John Rucker deeded to his sister Mary, wife of William Offall, 100 acres of land in St. Mark's Parish, witnessed by William Crosthwait. (Source: Spotsylvania Co Virginia Deed Book B., p. 496) 1738 John Rucker added 97 acres to his land on the North Anna River. 1735 Henry Downs sued John for assault, trespass and battery, asking 50 pounds in damages. Downs later dropped the suit. 1737 John bought a 1/2 lot in Fredericksburg for 5 pounds five shillings, from the trustees establishing the town. Today the Old Stone Warehouse stands on this lot on the Rappahannock river, between Sophia and William Streets. 1739 John patented 5850 acres of land in Goochland Co on the north side of the James River, on Harris Creek and the Tobacco Row Mountains. This tract became part of Albemarle Co, then Amherst Co. John died in 1742/3, so this grant was recorded in 1745 in the name of his son Peter Rucker. Peter then divided this land among his brothers, according to his father's will. 1740 Circa 1932 Anglican Diocese of Virginia asked John Rucker and John Lightfoot to select a site for a new church near a good spring. The site they selected became part of St. Marks's Episcopal Parish The Church, known as Orange Church was built about 1740. John Rucker was an active vestryman in the church. The church building is gone, but its bell is in the Ruckersville Baptist Church. 1740 - May 22 John Rucker was sworn to his military commission of Captain for Orange Co. (Source: Orange Co Order Book 1738-41, p. 163) John was active in military service and his estate claimed 2000 pounds of tobacco for carting arms. 1741 --June 4 The election poll to elect burgesses from Orange Co to the Virginia House of Burgesses resulted in charges against John Rucker and others being for "great Misdemeanours and Breaches of the Privileges of this House." --November 20 Mr. Conway reported to the House of Burgesses: "That as soon as the Poll was opened, John MacCoy, Honorious Powell, John Snow, and Timothy Terrill and several others, throng'd into the Court house in a riotous Manner, and made such a Disturbance, that the Sheriff and Candidates were obliged to go out of the Court-house 'til the House was clear'd, and the People appeas'd; and that the Said Mr. Chew, whist he was on the Bench, called for a Bowl of Punch and had it brought to him, upon which, the Sheriff stay'd the Poll, and said he would not have any Punch drank on the bench, but wou'd have a fair Election; in which Mr. Chew replied, he would have Punch and drink it, and that the Sheriff should not hinder him. That as soon as the Tumults were appeas'd, the Candidates and Sheriff return'd into the Court-house and proceeded in taking the Poll; Mr. Jonathan Gibson and John Newport, the Under-Sheriff, at their Desire and Permission, standing at each of the Court-house Doors, with drawn Swords across the Doors, in order to let the Voters Pass in and out quietly and regularly in their polling. That after the Under Sheriff was placed at the Door, one Mr. John Rucker came to the Door and demanded Entrance; which he had; and then the said Rucker threw the Under-Sheriff and another Person headlong out of the Doors; and when the Under sheriff recovered his Post, the said Rucker insisted to clear the Doors, so that everyone might have free Entrance and seized the Under-Sheriff's Sword with both his Hands endeavouring to break it, which the Under-Sheriff prevented by drawing it through his Hands. That then one John Burk came to the said Ruckers Assistance and laid violent Hold on the Under-Sheriff, who was rescued by the Bystanders. It also appeared to the Committee, that the said John Rucker, before and during the Time of the Election, give several large Bowls of Punch among the People, crying out for those Persons who intended to vote for Mr. Slaughter to come and drink of his Punch and that after the Election was over, Rucker confessed he had won several Pistoles, upon Mr. Slaughter's being elected the first Burgess." --June 2 House of Burgesses set aside the election of Mr. Slaughter of Orange Co. They found "Mr. Richard Winflow, Sheriff of the Co of Orange, John Rucker, John Burk, John MacCoy, Honorius Powell, John Snow and timothy Terrill are guilty of great Misdemeanours and Breaches of the Privileges of this House. Ordered that the said Richard Winflow, John Rucker, John Burk, John MacCoy, Honorius Powell, John snow and timothy Terrill be sent for, in Custody of the Serjeant at Arms" and ordered a new election in Orange Co. --June 19 John Rucker, John MacCoy, Honorius Powell and Timothy Terrell gave a petition to the house stating they had surrendered themselves to the Sergeant at Arms and were sorry for their offenses, and that their future behavior would not cause offense to the House. The House then Ordered that the mem be brought to the Bar of the House where the Mr. Speaker said: "John Rucker, John MacCoy, Honorius Powell, and Timothy Terrill, This House have Resolved That you have been guilty of great Misdemeanours and Breeches of the Privileges of this House in obstruction the Orange Election. But in Consideration of your Confession and Submission, they have been favourable to you, as to command me only to reprimand you; and do reprimand you accordingly. And am further to acquaint you That it is their Pleasure that you be discharged out of Custody, paying fees." (Source: Journals of the House of Burgesses of Virginia 1742-1747) -- November 23 John Rucker was sworn in as Commissioner of the Peace of Orange Co, Virginia. (Source: Orange Co Virginia Order Book 1741-43, p. 51) John was now able to use the word "Gent" after his name. 1742 a license was granted to Captain John Rucker to keep an "ordinary" or tavern in his own house. 1742 - January 11 - Will of John Rucker "In the Name of God Amen. John Rucker of Saint Marks Parish in the Co of Orange A Planter being weak in Body, but of Perfect Mind & Memory And knowing that it is appointed for all men once to Dye, Do make and Ordain this my last Will & Testament in manner and form following. IMPRIMIS do order that all my just Debts & funeral Charges be paid & satisfied. Item. give to my well beloved Wife, Susanah Rucker, four negros name by Bristol, Tony, Doll & Sue, and one third part of my household & Furniture & Stock, horses Excepted one horse give to my wife named Roger, the four mentioned Negroes to remain my Wifes no Longer than her Widowhood after to be sold & divided as the rest of my Estate hereafter mentioned. Item give to my son Peter Rucker one black horse, called Jockey and his Choice of my guns. Item. give to my Son John Rucker one grey horse called Oglesby and a gun the next choise after his Brother. Item give to Thomas Wright Belfield one lot in Fred Kurg No. 5 to him and his Heirs forever. My desire is that the one half of my land on the Branches of James River may be sold by my Exr. for six months credit to the highest bidder. Likewise my Waggon and five horses & horse kinds in the same manor in order to pay my debts, likewise leave my Dwelling house and Land thereunto adjoining to be sold at the Direction of my Exec. if my Debts cant be complyed with if they can the dwelling house and the Land to Remain my wifes, during her Widowhood & If she marrys to be sold by way of auction. Item. give to my well beloved Sons Peter Rucker, John Rucker, Ambrose Rucker, Benjamin Rucker, Reuben Rucker, Isaac Rucker, Anthony Rucker & to their Heirs for ever, half the Land hold in the Branches of the James River to be equally divided between the seven brothers, the rest of my Estate desire may be Equally divided among my beloved children as follows, Peter Rucker, John Rucker, Sarah Rucker, Winniford Rucker, Ambrose Rucker, Benjamin Rucker, Reuben Rucker, Isaac Rucker, Anthony Rucker, Mildred Rucker, Pheby Rucker and to them and their Heirs forever. Item. give my Daughter Margaret Smith one shilling Sterl. and lastly do constitute and appoint my beloved wife Susanah Rucker my Exr. and my beloved Son Peter Rucker, and my beloved friend George Taylor my whole and sole Ex. of this my Last will & Testament, hereby Revoking and Disallowing all other Testament and Wills by me made Confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof have now unto set my hand & seal this XI day Jan 1742. John Rucker (Seal)" Signed Sealed Published in the Presence of Robt. Seagre, Joseph Hawkins, Richd. Cross. "At Court continued & held for Orange Co on Friday the 28th day of Jan 1742 This Last Will & Testament of John Rucker Gent. Decsd being Produced into Court by Susanah Rucker his Widow & Relict & Peter Rucker his son two of the Execr therein named who made oath thereto according to Law and being proved by the Oaths of Robert Seagre and Richd. Cross two of the Evidences thereto who also made Oath that they saw Joseph Hawkins sign the same as an Evidence the said will is admitted to Record on motion of the said Exec and their performing what is Usual in such cases Certificate is granted them for obtaining a Probate thereof in due form and the sd Susanah and Peter Rucker together with Anthony Head, Michael Holt and James Picket, their securities acknowledged their bond for the said Susanah and Peter Rucker - faithful & true Adin. of the Estate of John Rucker Dec'd which Bond is admitted to Record. Jonah Gibson Ct. Cur. (Source: Orange Co, Virginia Will Book I, p. 248, probated Jan. 28, 1742) --An inventory of John Rucker's estate valued it at 285 pounds, 17 shillings, including 4 Negroes valued at 82 pounds, 10 shillings. Following the death of her husband, Susannah moved to Amherst Co, where many of her 12 children lived. In 1769 she sold the land in Orange Co. Following her death in 1790 the Amherst Co land was sold in 1791. All of her children except Margaret and Reuben signed the deed, as did her grandson James, executor of his father John's estate. John Blankenbaker says he probably was German. He was a Captain in Orange Co. (militia?) and a constable in Spotsylvania Co. from 1730 to1738. Direct Descendants of John Peter Rucker John Peter Rucker b: Dec. 21, 1676 in Gloucester, England or Essex Co., Vrghiia d: January 28,1741 1742 in St. Mmim Parhsk OraMcfAniheist Co., Vng@ +Susannah Phillips b: Bef 1680 M in Ridanond Co., Virginia in: 1702 in Vagir" d: August 28,1742 2 Margaret Rucker b: Abt 1720 in Orange Co., Virginia d- August 18, 1801 in Madison Co., Va. ............ +Lsm Sniitk Sr. b: 1* 22,1716 in Richmond Co., Va" in: Bef January 11, 1741/42 in Onmp Co., Va. d: August 26,1802 in Madison Co., Virginia 3 Downing Rucker Smith b: Abt 1757 in Culpeper Co,Va. d-- Febnmy 26,1826 in Madison Co., Va. ........... .- +Catherine Boehrne b: Abt. 1749 in Orange Co., Va. or Holland, Europe in: Abt. 1770 in Culpeper,Va. January 21,1826 in Madison Co., Vnginia 4 Asa Smith b: 1773-1777 in Madison Co., Va. d: Abt 1812 +Barbara YW b: June 06,1777 in Culpepper Co., Va.* (Cbfistmed June 30,1777) in: Feb 28,1795 in Madison Co, Virginia d, 1812 in Madison Co, Va ................ 5 Austin (Augustine) Smith b: Abt. 1801 in Madison Co, Va d: 1840-1889 in Nhssoun ................... +Fnnom Anderson b: Abt 1796 in Va in: January 02,1824 in Madison Co, Va- Bef. 1960 in Miswuri 6 121 Gabriel Lmm= Smith b: January 31,1837 in Vughiia it: November 13,1925 irk Jackson Co, Missouri (Hospital) +[I Josept@ne Sntiffi b: Novenber 28,1842 in DanviU% Boyle Co, Kenticky in: November 05,1862 in Indepmdenc@, Missouri d- May 31, 1865 in LeL's SwmnLt, Jackson Courdy Mnwm 7 13] E#aa Franom Smith b: July 16,1864 in Lees Sumati@ Missomi d, August 26,1908 in Lees Sunurdt Missotui +[41 Chades Roseawm Smith b: October 19,1863 in Cffcmwood, Missouri awo n@es West) in: lunim 23,1889 in bulependenm Juimm Co, Mmoun &- November OZ 1946 in Kansas City, Missouri 8 [51 Everett lmore Smith b: October 26,1897 in Lees Sumnli@ Missouri d: August 11, 1990 in Lucas, Kansas +[6] Esiha Carrie Cromwefl b: May 04,1909 in VesW, Kansas in: May 31, 1931 iFi Kwim City, Missouri it-- December 29, 1993 in Rusmg, Kwisw 9 [71 Harold Leroy &nfth b: October 13,1937 in LinoDh Kansas ......... 5 VAiedon Schmd7lWeeden &nith b: October 02, IW4 in Cu4xpper/NladLsen Co Vngm (L- Fcbnuffy 16,1971 in Dallas, Jackson Co, Mo., Buried in Woodlawn Canetry, Jackson, Mo. ................... +Alpha Y&W b: November 10, IRD9 in Cu4xqm Co, Vugir@a (Madison Cotudy) in: November 18, IVO in Mama, Kentucky d: October 22,1867 in IndWmdence, Mmwun or Dallas, Jackson Co, Mo 6 (11 Josephine Sn*h b: November 28,1842 in Danville, Boyle Co, KenftidW d: May 31,1865 in Ws Summit ladmn Cowity, Missouri +[2) C*bnel Lenore Smith b: January 31,1837 in Vng@da in: Novanba 05, 1862 in Independatc@, Missouri d November a 1925 in Jackson Couio, Miswun (HospdaD 7 [3] FsteRa Frances Smith b: July 16,1864 in Lees Sunm3it Missouri (L' August 26,1908 in Lee's Sunmiit Missonii +[4) Chades Roseams Sn-i& b: October 19,1863 in GreeRwood, Missouri (Two miles West) in: Jamiary 23,1889 in ffidq)aadenm Jackson Co, Missouri d: November 02,1946 in Kansas CiM Missoijfi 8 [51 Everett Lenore Smith b: October 26, IM in Ws Summit Missouri d-- August 11, 1990 in Lucas, Kansas ............... +[6] EAer Carrie Cromwefl b: May 04,1909 in Vega, Kwim in: May 31,1931 in Kansas City, Missouri d- December 29, 1993 in Ru&%4 Kansas ...................... 9 [71 Harold Leroy &nitli b. October 13,1937 in LirkoDK Kansas If my memory is correct, a Tinsley man was married to a daughter of Peter Rucker in the 1740 time frame. Peter Rucker had a son named John Rucker who had a common property line with Germanna's Michael Holt. Michael Holt and George Holt, his son, were involved in the administration of the estates of both Peter Rucker and John Rucker in the 1742/1743 time frame. So the Tinsley family was in the present day Madison Co, VA area at the time that the Hebron Lutheran Church was built in 1740 and probably was acquainted with at least some members of the Second Colony. Robert Nicholson In the late 1720s, Michael Holt of the Second Colony had a common property line with John Rucker. In the early 1740s, Michael Holt and son George Holt were involved in the administration of the estates of John Rucker and Peter Rucker, his father. Michael Holt was also a witness to the will of Peter Rucker as was a William Offill, Peter Rucker's son-in-law, and a William Jackson, who may have also been a son-in-law of Peter Rucker. The Rucker family is believed to have been French Huguenots. In any event, within 15 or 20 years, John Holt, a grandson of Michael Holt, married a Frances Jackson. Frances Jackson in turn apparently had a younger brother named Colby Jackson. All of the Holts and these specific Jacksons were in Orange Co, NC prior to the Revolutionary War. To date, attempts to trace the ancestry of Frances Jackson and Colby Jackson have been unsuccessful. However, several years ago a researcher informed me that he had seen Quaker records that indicated this Colby Jackson along with several related Jacksons had been booted out of the Quakers for serving in the Revolutionary War. Attempts to locate those Quaker records have also been unsuccessful. I found some info about the Ruckers that might be helpful: From, Quit Rents of Virginia, 1704, Surnames Q-R, Pg. 77: Rucker, Peter.............Essex Co. Virginia Tax Records, Virginia Quit Rents, 1704: Essex Co., Pg. 553: Rucker, Peter.............500 Acres Virginia Tax Records, Virginia Quit Rents, 1715: Essex Co., Pg. 74: Rucker, Peter............56 Acres Virginia Tax Records, Essex Co.; An Annotated Copy of the Rent Roll of 1704, Pg 69: Peter Rucker(Died in Orange Co., 1743, married Elizabeth Fielding). Charged with 500 acres in 1704 and 1715. A List of Tithtables in the precinct of James Pickett, Constable. #1 Thomas Rucker 3 #13 Isaac Tinsley 1 #15 Wm Rucker 1 #17 Peter Rucker 6 #23 Wm Offel 1 #50 Michael Holt 3 Compendium of American Genealogy, Vol. IV, Lineage Records, Pg. 299 Peter Rucker (son of Ambrose) from Bavaria to Virginia and had lands in Orange, Spotsylvania and Madison Cos., Va.; m. Elizabeth_____ Compendium of American Genealogy, Vol. VII, Pg. 714: Peter Rucker, (will dated 1743) from Holland 1699, settled in Essex Co., Va., later in Spotsylvania Co.; naturalized 1704; m. Elizabeth-----(d. post 1743). Compendium of American Genealogy, Vol. III, Pg. 450: Photo of Rucker Coat of Arms ** can email this to anyone that wants it, let me know privately. Genealogical Records: Virginia Land, Marriage, and Probate Records, 1639-1850 Date: Feb 6, 1734 Location: Spotsylvania Co., VA Record ID: 43521 Description: Grantee Book Page: B Property: 420 a. in St. Mark's Par. Spts. Co. Remarks: John Rucker of St. Mark's Parish, Spts. Co., to Peter Rucker, Elizabeth Rucker, Peter Rucker, junr., and Ephraim Rucker. �20 curr., 420 a.-remainder of a pat. granted sd. John Rucker, in St. Mark's Par., Spts. Co. "Peter and Elizabeth Rucker, during their Naturall lives, and afterwards to Peter Rucker, Junr., and Ephraim Rucker," etc. Feby. 6, 1733-4. Notes: This land record was originally published in "Virginia Co Records - Spotsylvania Co, 1721-1800, Volume I" edited by William Armstrong Crozier. also found reference to the pedigree of Peter Rucker dating back to the 1300's on Ancestry, so you might want to check there and email the person that posted it, hopefully she has good sources. son of
+1 PETER RUCKER and Elizabeth SUSANNAH Phillips and John RUCKER
-2-1-4-1-1 EPHRAIM RUCKER b 1712, VA
-2-1-4-1-2 REUBEN RUCKER b 1714, Orange Co VA d 1785, Orange Co VA
-2-1-4-1-3 John RUCKER b 1720, Orange Co VA d 1780, Amherst Co VA
m Eleanor WARREN Phillips b 1728 Amherst Co VA d 1798 Amherst Co VA
+1 y Phillips
-2-1-4-1-3-1 George M. RUCKER b 1754 Amherst Co VA d 1818, VA
m c 1778 Martha Tucker b 1756 Amherst Co VA d 1840 Bedford Co VA
+1 Drury Tucker b 24 Sep 1719 Bristol Parish Pr Geo Co VA d 21 Sep 1801 Amherst VA and Susannah Douglas +2 John Tucker b c 1683 Pr Geo Co VA d 6 May 1727 and Catherine Drury +3 Francis Tucker b 17 Sep 1653 St Peters Fort Paget St Georges Bermuda d 11 Dec 1723 Bristol Parish Pr Geo Co VA and Mary Loretta Grampp
-2-1-4-1-3-1-1 Jonathan Rucker b 25.02.1781, VA
m Margaret Hatcher b 1784 VA
-2-1-4-1-3-1-1-1 James Monroe Rucker b 09.02.1813 Bedford Co VA d 04.06.1878 Bedford Co VA
m Marinda McDaniel b 27.03.1818 Bedford Co VA d 02.07.1889
-1 Virginia Catherine Rucker b 24.04.1849 Bedford Co VA d 13.02.1883 Bedford Co VA m Albert Sherman Burks b 17.03.1838 Bedford Co VA d 11.04.1913 Bedford Co VA son of Martin Burks and Louise Spinner -1-1 Margaret Burks b 1874, VA m SLOAN LEWIS STROUD b 21.01.1867, SC d 13.02.1928, Lynchburg VA
-1-2 Cornelia Waller Burks b 06.03.1870, Bedford Co Charlemont VA d 21.11.1946, Lynchburg VA m Willis Howard Dillard b 05.02.1868, Nelson Co VA d 29.11.1937, Lynchburg VA
-1-3 John Lodowick Burks b 08.12.1871, VA d 01.01.1943, Mercer Co Bluefield VA m Evelyn Marshall b 09.04.1883, Bedford Co VA d 31.08.1969, Bedford Co VA
-1-4 Charles Albert Burks b 08.06.1876, Bedford Co VA d 22.10.1955, Bedford Co VA m Grace Young b 22.01.1882, Grainger Co TN d 07.11.1974, Hamilton Co Chattanooga TN.
-2-1-4-1-3-1-2 Elizabeth Rucker b c 1780 VA d c 1840 VA m 24 Dec 1800 Jeremiah Hatcher -1 Henry Milton Hatcher b 29 Dec 1805 d 15 Apr 1875 VA m Elizabeth Roberta Downs -1-1 Henry Milton Hatcher b 27 Feb 1867 d 22 Dec 1951
-2-1-4-1-4 MARGARET RUCKER b 1720, Orange Co VA d 1801, Madison Co VA
-2-1-4-1-5 PETER RUCKER b 1722, Orange Co VA d 1794, Greene Co VA
-2-1-4-1-6 Ambrose RUCKER b 1724, Norfolk VA d 14.12.1807, Amherst Co VA m Mary CLIFTON HEADLEY b 1730, Amherst Co VA d 1756, Amherst Co VA , 1751 Ambrose received his share of land patented by his deceased father John. 1766 Ambrose received a commission as Lieutenant in Amherst Co militia company. He was then known as Ambrose Rucker, Gent. --Ambrose was appointed justice of the peace, Amherst Co. 1767 Ambrose was appointed to take the list of tithables between the Tobacco row Mountains, Buffalo River, Lynches Road and Fluvanna (now James) river. He continued to take the list of tithables for years. --Ambrose patented 262 acres in Amherst Co. 1775 Ambrose and his brother Benjamin signed a petition to establish a ferry across the Fluvanna (James) River. 1778 Ambrose was appointed Sheriff of Amherst Co, Virginia. 1781 Ambrose Rucker patented 2000 acres of land in Amherst Co. Over the years he patented about 4000 acres in Amherst Co Virginia and another 1480 acres in Fayette Co, Kentucky. 1781 May 24 Ambrose was representing Amherst Co in the Virginia Legislature during the Revolutionary War. they were meeting in Charlottesville, Albemarle Co. Lord Cornwallis sent Lt. Col. Banastre Tarleton to Capture Virginia Governor Thomas Jefferson and members of the legislature. By seven in the morning, Tarleton was within 10 miles of Charlottesville. He sent a group of horsemen to capture Governor Jefferson at Monticello. Jefferson saw their approach and fled to safety. Tarleton and the rest of his forces entered the homes of the two Walker brothers and captured several influential Virginians. Tarleton demanded breakfast. Tarleton, impatient with the time his breakfast was taking, was told by the cook that Tarleton's men had eaten two breakfasts. A guard was placed on the kitchen door, and a third breakfast was cooked for Tarleton. While Tarleton was dining, Jack Jouette galloped to Charlottesville to warn the legislators. When Lt. Col. Tarleton entered Charlottesville at full gallop he found most of the legislators had fled. The British thought they would easily catch Colonel Rucker, who was over 6 feet 6 inches tall and weighed about 300 pounds. Colonel Rucker's hunter carried him over hills, creeks and fences, outdistancing the British and leaving then in awe of Ruckers powerful horse. 1783 Ambrose and others were appointed to collect and list the various losses and injuries, private and public, sustained in Amherst Co during the American Revolution. 1791 Ambrose and Benjamin Rucker and other "Gentlemen" were selected to find a site for a town to be called Madison in Amherst Co, Virginia. --December 7 Ambrose Rucker and others were authorized by the Virginia Legislature to raise by lottery 200 pounds to build an academy at Warminister. Ambrose was appointed one of the first trustees of this Academy. Thomas Jefferson was a friends of the Rucker family and visited them in Amherst Co. Jefferson referred to the area as "Rucker's Mountains." Jefferson supported Ambrose Rucker in a land dispute with a neighbor. Patrick Henry represented Ambrose Rucker in that suit. Peter Francisco of Revolutionary War fame and known for his superhuman strength as a friend of Ambrose. While Peter was said to have lifted a saddled horse over a fence to get rid of a sightseer, Ambrose Rucker was the only man who could beat Peter in a friendly fist fight. The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Volume 59 page 209 Mrs. Nancy PettyJohn Rucker Edwards. DAR ID Number: 58608 Born in Lynchburg, Va. Wife of Landon Brame Edwards, M. d Descendant of Ambrose Rucker, of Virginia. Daughter of George McDaniel Rucker and Catharine Mundy PettyJohn, hi?? wife. Granddaughter of Ambrose Rucker and Elizabeth Parks, his wife. [p.209] Gr-granddaughter of Reuben Rucker and Margaret McDaniel, his wife. Gr-gr-granddaughter of Ambrose Rucker and Mary Clifton Hedley, his wife. Ambrose Rucker (1745-1807) served as member of Committee of Safety, 1775, of Amherst Co, Va., where he died. He was born in Norfolk RUCKER FAMILY GENEAOLOGY by Edith Rucker Whitley (pg. 69) Register of General Asembly of Virginia by Severn, Sessions May 7, June 23, Oct. 1, 1781 to Jan. 5, 1782, mentions William Cabell and Ambrose Rucker as delegates of Amherst Co. June 4, 1781, he was in the House of Delegates, as a member of the Legislative body in Charlottesville when General Tarleton raided the town. The account of his escape is given by his great-granddaughter, Mrs. Ellen Rucker Theisz, as it was told by her grandfather, Isaac Rucker, son of Ambrose Rucker. When General Tarleton appeared at Charlottesville, the Legislative body then in session (1781) dispersed rather hastily. He claimed that his life was saved by his horse, which was a powerful hunter, and trained to jumo fences which he did successfully this June day although his rider weighed over 300 pounds
-2-1-4-1-7 Benjamin RUCKER b 1730, Orange Co VA d 1810, Amherst Co VA
m x
-2-1-4-1-7-1 James W.21 RUCKER b 04.09.1758, Amherst Co VA d 10.09.1819, Cherokee Co KS
m EUPHEMIA TATE b 1758, Bedford Co VA d 06.12.1786, Rutherford Co TN.
-2-1-4-1-8 WINIFRED RUCKER b 1730, Orange Co VA d 11.01.1742, Orange Co VA
-2-1-4-1-9 SARAH RUCKER b 1731, Orange Co VA d 1834, Orange Co VA
-2-1-4-1-10 PHOEBE RUCKER b 1736, Orange Co VA d 1800, Woodford Co KY
-2-1-4-1-11 ISAAC RUCKER b 1737, Orange Co VA d 1798, Amherst Co VA
-2-1-4-1-12 MILDRED RUCKER b 1739, Orange Co VA d 1823, Amherst Co VA
-2-1-4-1-13 ANTHONY RUCKER b 1740, Orange Co VA d 17.02.1821, Amherst Co VA
-2-1-4-2 William Phillips b 1688, North Farnham Parish Richmond Co VA
-2-1-5 John Phillips b 28.01.1641 Wem Shropshire,
-2-1-6 Jeremiah Phillips b 01.09.1644 Hope Bowdler Shropshire
-2-1-7 Mary Phillips b 09.01.1647 Hope Bowdler Shropshire
-2-1-8 Jonathan Phillips b 28.05.1652 St Leonard Bridgnorth Shropshire d 1674, NYC
-2-1-9 Erasmus Phillips b 13.03.1653 St Marys Pembroke d 19.01.1697. /td>
-3 Thomas PARROTT b 1520 m Elizabeth PARKER b 1520, Leicestershire
-4 JAMES JONES b 1532 m ANNE Thomas.
-5 Henry JONES b 1534 m1 Elizabeth HERBERT m2 Catherine MORGAN.
-6 Catherine JONES b 1535, Carmarthenshire,Wales d 1593 m Thomas VAUGHAN.
- - - -
526. William Massey de Coddingham, Bechin, Eggerley, etc. b 1440 England d 1465
m Agnes Wooten b 1445 Adquery Cheshire
-1 John Massey de PONTINGTON b 1465, England.
m Margaret/Margery HOLME b 1465 England.
-1-1 Robert MASSEY b 1485
m x
-1-1-1 William MASSEY b 1515
m Alice CREW b 1518.
+1 y CREW
-1-1-1-1 Robert Massey b 1540.
m DorothyY CALVELEY b 1530 Lea Cheshire England.
-1-1-1-1-1 Jane MASSEY b 1562.
-1-1-1-2 Roger MASSEY b 1564 m Elizabeth BRERETON b 1565.
-1-1-1-3 Hugh MASSEY b 1566.
-1-1-1-4 William MASSEY b 1568.
-1-1-1-5 Bartholomew MASSEY b 1569.
-1-1-1-6 Robert MASSEY b 1570.
- - - -
Wr17. 527. John Thomas Wroth b 1450 Enfield Middlesex
m Margaret Newdigate b 1465 Enfield Middlesex
Wr16 Robert Wroth b 1490, England.
m Jane Hawte b 1491 she m1 Thomas Godyere of Hadley
+1 Sir Thomas Haut/Hawte
m Eliza Frowick dau of Sir Thomas Frowick
Wr15 Sir Thomas Wroth of Durance/Durrants Enfield Mdsx b 1516 Durrants Enfield Middlesex d 9 Oct 1573 Durrants MP for Middlesex 1544 and 1547-1552, Gentleman of Bedchamber & Privy council for Edward VI , ward of the King, educated at St. John's college, Cambridge,a member of Gray's Inn. He absented himself during Mary's reign, and returned upon Elizabeth's coronation. In Parliament, he was Knight of the Shire of Middlesex, 1558, and special commissioner in the government of Ireland in 1562. He was Commissioner for the Muster in Middlesex and for the Lord Lieutenancy of London 1569.
m Mary Rich b 1520 Enfield Middlesex d c 1573 dau of
+1 Richard Rich, 1st Lord
Wr14-1 Sir Robert Wroth of Durance d 1606/7
m Susan Stonard dau of Francis or Jacob Stonard or Stoner of Loughton
Wr14-2 John Wroth of London
Wr14-3 Thomas Wroth of London d 1610 Visitation Essex identifies this Thomas as married to Margaret, dau of Richard Rich of Loehall shown by Visitation London as wife of his son Thomas, but Visitation Kent identifies him as married to a daughter of Bulman of London whilst Visitation London identifies her as Joane, dau of Thomas Bulman of London. The following is supported by "Abstract of Somersetshire Wills, Etc" which starts with this Thomas, describing him as "of Blenden Hall, in Bexley, Kent", and identifes his wife as ...
m Joanna Bulmer dau/heir of Thomas Bulmer of London
Wr14-4 Margery Wroth
m1 Isaac Hill<
m2 Thomas Wyatt of Barking
Wr14-5 3">Judith Wroth
m Robert Burgoin of Warwickshire
Wr14-6 daughter
m Thomas Goddard
Wr14-7 Elizabeth WROTHE b 1554, Enfield Middlesex d 14.08.1614, St Marys Hertingfordbury Hertfordshire
m John Wynne b 1558 York Yorkshire
+1 y WYNNE
Wr14-7-1 Anne WYNNE b 20.11.1579, Bexley Hertfordshire d 1622, St Martins In The Fields London
m?1 George Mynne of Hertingfordbury
m?2 George CALVERT. b 1579 Richmond Yorkshire d 15.04.1632 London
Wr14-7-1-1 Gov Leonard Calvert b 1606, St Martins In The Fields London d 09.06.1647 St Marys Co MD, 1634-1647 MD Governor
m Anne Brent b c 1615 Admington Gloucestershire
+1 y BRENT
Wr14-7-1-1-1 William Calvert b 1642 MD d 05.1682, Charles Co MD
m Elizabeth Stone b 1634 Gloucester Co VA d 1707 Accomack Co VA
+1 William Stone and Verlinda Graves
Wr14-7-1-1-1-1 Elizabeth Calvert b 05.01.1665 Charles Co MD d 1684 Charles Co MD
m DR. Jsmes Neale b 05.06.1650 Spain d 11.10.1727 Charles Co MD
+1 Capt James Neale b 1615 d 26 Mar 1684 and Anna Maria Gill
Wr14-7-1-1-1-1-1 Mary Neale b 1682, Charles Co MD d 1758, Charles Co MD
m c 1714 Joseph Van Sweringen b 1682 St Marys Co MD d 1719.
Wr14-7-1-1-1-2 John Calvert b 1668 d 1739
m1 Constant Barton
m2 Anne Notley b 1670 d 1723
Wr14-7-1-1-1-3 Richard Calvert b 1672
Wr14-7-1-1-1-4 Cecilius Calvert b 1675?
Wr14-7-1-1-1-5 George Calvert b 22 Aug 1668 Charles Co MD d 1739 Stafford Co VA
Wr14-7-1-1-2 Ann Calvert b 23.06.1645 Yorkshire England d 1714 Calvert Co MD
m1 Baker Brooke b 1628 Sussex England d 1679
m2 Thomas Tasker b 1646 England (wikitree also shows m3 Richard Marsham b c 1638)
+1 Robert Brooke and Mary Baker
Wr14-7-1-1-2-1 Mary Brooke b 1678, Calvert Co MD d 24.05.1763.
m Dr Raphael Neale b 1683 Charles Co MD d 10.12.1743 Charles Co MD son of Anthony Neale and Elizabeth Roswwell , Will, : Neal, Raphael, Charles Co., 20th July, 1743; 10th Dec., 1743.
To John Lancaster, land where he now dwells for life, at his death to pass to hrs. of dau. Elizabeth Lancaster. To dau. Mary Taney, property which test. has already given her. To dau. Henrietta, 1/3 dwell. plan. to include the house. To daus. Monica Diggs and Ann Thompson, residue of land and personalty. To the Hoskins, grandchild. of test. including Mary Boarman, (once Hoskins) and Anne, to grandchild. Ralph Taney, and John and Raphael Lancaster, to [unnamed] Mullineux and the poor, personalty. To wife Mary, extx., life int. in 1/2 land and residue of personal estate. Test: Francis Parnham, Mary Barber, Anne Clayton. MCW 23.294
Wr14-7-1-1-2-1-1 Elizabeth Neale b 1704, Charles Co MD d 1742, Charles Co MD m John Lancaster b 1710 St Marys Co MD d 21.05.1760 Charles Co MD , Will, : LANCASTER, John, Charles Co. 31 Jan, 1759 21 May, 1760
To the poor, 30 lbs. currency. To James Ashby, a slave. I hereby establish and confirm the agreement made heretofore on the marriage with my present wife, Mary Lancaster, and further, If she outlives me that she have Carpenter Harry and his wife to work for her from the day of my death to that day twelve months and no longer. To dau. Mary Bradford, 1 ginnie to buy a mourning rings To grand-son John Holmes, If he lives to the age of 21, To son Raphael Lancaster, land bought of Bowling Speak, and If he has no heirs, to my son Joseph Lancaster, give Raphael Anthony and his wife Jane, and their 2 sons Anthony and Massey, furniture and etc. To son Joseph Lancaster, all lands which belonged to my bro. Joseph Lancaster. To sons John and Joseph Lancaster, and dau. Katherine Combs, remainder of estate, Appoint George Sly and Mr. Henry Neal to divide my personal estate among my children. Exs: sons John and Joseph Lancaster, Wit.: John and Ann Scroggin, William Tyere. 31.43
Wr14-7-1-1-2-1-2 Monica Neale b 1718, Charles Co MD d by 1757.
m Edward Digges b 1716 Prince Georges Co MD d 1769 VA, Will of Edward Digges, SMC 6/10/1769-12/18/1769Being conscious that it was my father's will that my brothers William and Henry Digges should have an equal part with me of all the lands in MD or elsewhere, shall put lands for sale for the discharge of debts; all lands in Frederick Co., which belong to me shall be sold for the equal benefit of daughters: Elizabeth, Eleanor, and Mary Digges. Desire that my share of "Hampton Iron Works" be sold. Son: John, 1/5 of personal estate; in case he returns to MD and not a religious, otherwise it shall be equally divided between daughters Elizabeth, Mary, and Eleanor. Children: Edward and Ann, 35 lbs. currency annually during their life by 3 daughters. Desire son John to pay 1/5 part. Sons-in-law: Charles and Jesse Wharton, 10 guineas. Brother: William 1/2 of money due on Dillinger's bond when discharged and the other half to 3 daughters. Desire brother William to have a patent for tract on Little Pipe Creek, which he had a dispute with Barrister Charles Carroll, Esq., which we agreed to divide when patented. Execs: 3 daughters and brothers-in-law, Raphael Neale and George Slye. Wit: Elizabeth Plowden, Mary Wimsatt, Joseph Harding. Probated by Wilfred Neale and his wife Elizabeth, formerly Elizabeth DiggesEleanor Digges; Raphael Neale; and George Slye. contributed by John W. O'Neal
+1 y Digges
Wr14-7-1-1-2-1-2-1 Elizabeth Digges b 1740 MD
m Wilfred Neale b 1738, St Marys Co MD
Wr14-7-1-1-2-2 Baker Brooke b 1666, St Marys Co MD d 27.05.1698, St Marys Co MD
Wr14-7-1-1-2-2-1 Leonard Brooke b 1692 St Marys Co MD d 04.05.1736, Prince Georges Co MD
m ANNE NEALE b 1699 MD d 02.07.1770 St Marys Co MD dau of Dr Neale and Elizabeth LORD
Will, : Brooke, Leonard,Prince George's Co.,- June, 1735; 4th May, 1736. To wife Ann, extx., dwelling plantation "� "� during life, at her decease to sons Leonard and Riohard and their hrs.; shd. either die during minority portion of dec'd. to son Oswald and hrs.; also 1/3 of personal estate. To son Oswald, money in England. To sons Baker, Oswald, Leonard and Richard, and daus. Ann, Katherine, Jane, Mary and Henrietta, residue of personal estate. Test: Henry Hill, John Bowie, Mary Ann Hill. Memo.: Hr.-at-law under age. 21. 565 Will, : BROOKE, Anne, Prince George Co. 15 Dec, 1769 2 Jul, 1770 To children: Baker, Richard, Anne, Cathrine, Janes, Mary. Grandsons Walter, Leonard, John Leonard Brooke. Grandson Leonard Brooke son of my son Richard. Granddaus. Anne Darnall Brook. Easter Brooke, Anne Brooke dau. of my son Richard Brooke. Grandson Richard Oswald Brooke son of my son Richard Brooke. Exs. daughters Anne and Cathrine Brook. Wit: John Boone Jr., Henry Hill. 38.178 "Colonial Settlers of Prince George's Co Maryland" by Elise Greenup Jourdan COLE, ANN, St Mary's Co., widow. 11 Jun 1768; 6 Dec 1768 To dau. Mary Fenwick, 5 sh. To son Robert Cole 5 pounds. To son Robert Cole and to my dau. Elizabeth Brooke, Negro man called Charles. To dau. Elizabeth Brooke, all money due me in Europe and all money by at my death. To grandson Francis Brooke, Negro man called Ben, cow, calves, sheep, bed and other. To granddau. Jane Smith at age of 16. To grandson John Smith 5 sh. To niece Mildred Neale, Negro girl, Jane. To god dau. Constantia Swan, furniture. To Ann Lowe, 50 sh. That Enoch Fenwick, senr., receive all the rents of land due to me on Edward Cole's estate in Calvert Co. and apply the same to the use of Elizabeth Brooke. Remainder of estate be divided among son Robert Cole, dau. Elizabeth Brooke and neice Mildred Neale. Ex.: Enoch Fenwick. Wit: Robert Cole, Joseph Millard. 36. 682 LEONARD BROOKE and ANNE NEALE
Wr14-7-1-1-2-2-1-1 Anne Brooke b 1721 Prince Georges Co MD d 07.01.1786 Charles Co MD
m William Neale b 1710 Charles Co MD d 08.02.1763 Charles Co MD
Wr14-7-1-1-2-2-1-1 Capt Leonard Brooke b 1728 Prince Georges Co MD d 10.02.1785 Prince Georges Co MD
m Anne Lowe b 1714 St Marys Co MD d 06.1779 MD
Wr14-7-1-1-2-2-2 Anne Brooke b 1691, Calvert Co MD d c 1756, Calvert Co MD
m Benedict Leonard Boarman b 1687 St Marys Co MD d by 11.03.1757 Charles Co MD
+1 William Boarman and Mary Jarboe
Wr14-7-1-1-2-2-2-1 Richard Basil Boarman b 1720 St Marys Co MD d 27.07.1782 St Marys Co MD
m Anne Gardiner b 1720 St Marys Co MD d by 22.02.1792 St Marys Co MD dau of Clement Gardiner and Eleanor Brooke for ch see above Anne Gardiner.
Wr14-7-1-1-2-3 Leonard Brooke b 1668, MD d 02.04.1718, St Marys Co MD
m Anne Boarman b 1675 St Marys Co MD d 02.04.1718 St Marys Co MD
Wr14-7-1-1-2-4 Benjamin Tasker b 1690, Calvert Co MD d 19.06.1768 m Anne Bladen b 1696, Annapolis Anne Arundel MD d 1775, Annapolis Anne Arundel MD , 1715-1717 MD State Representative, 1721-1722 Annapolis Mayor, 1726-1727 Annapolis Mayor, 1750-1753 Annapolis Mayor , 1752-1753 MD Governor, 1756-1757 Annapolis Mayor
My13 Anne Mynne d 08.08.1622
m 22.11.1604 George Calvert, 1st Lord Baltimore b 1578/9, d 15.04.1632
Wr14-8 Mary Wroth probably of this generation
m Richard Hardres of Hardres
Wr14-9+ other issue - Edward dsp, Richard, Gersona dsp
- - - -
528. William Bourchier, VISCOUNT BOURCHIER b 1433 Great Totham Essex k 14.04.1471 Battle Of Barnet Hertfordshire
m1 Anne WoodvilleE b 1451 North Fambridge Essex d 30.07.1489 London
m2 Isobel de Vere b 1436 Hedingham Castle Essex
Isabel Bourchier
Henry Bourchier, 2nd Earl of Essex
Cecily Bourchier b 1464 Tickhill York d 9 Feb 1493 Chartley
m John Devereux, 8th Baron Ferrers b 1461, Chartley Staffordshire d 07.05.1501, 1485-1501 8th Baron of Ferrers of Chartley
Walter DEVEREUX b 1488, Chartley Staffordshire d 17.09.1558, 1550-1558 1st Viscount of Hereford
m Mary GREY, b 1494 Groby Leichestershire England d 22.02.1537 dau of Thomas GREY and CECILIA BONVILLE for ch see above Mary Grey.
- - - -
529. Elizabeth Audley b 1472 Heleigh Staffordshire
m John Sydenham b 1468 Cubberley Gloucestershire d 07.12.1542 Combe Somerset, 1505 Somerset Sheriff, 1505-1505 Dorset Sheriff
John Sydenham b 1494, Brimpton Somerset d 1557, Brimpton Somerset
m Ursula Brydges b 1501, Cubberley Gloucestershire d 01.1576, Brimpton Somerset dau of Sir Giles Brydges of Coberley, Glos.
- - - -
530. Sir Thomaqs Edward Stradling b 1454 St. DonatsCastle Gladmorgan Wales d 08.09.1480 St. Donats, Glamorgan, Wales
m Janet Mathew b 1455 Radyr Glamorgan Wales d 1535 Picton Slebech Pembrokeshire Wales
-1 JANE STRADLING b 1476, St. Donant's Castle, Vale of Glamorgan Glenmorganshire, Wales; d 1520, Wales.
m Sir William Griffith b 1480 of Penrhyn Castle Penrhyn Castle, Caernarvonshire of North Wales d 1531 Penrhyn, Caernarvonshire, Wales.
-1-1 Mary GRIFFITH b 1520, Llandegai, Caernarvonshire Wales d 21.10.1588.
m Sir Randle Brereton b 1499 of Malpas Cheshire
-1-1 Judith Brereton b 1612, Coddington, Cheshire, d 1688, Coddington, Cheshire
m Thomas Massey b 1610 Coddington, Cheshire d by 1688, Coddington, Cheshire,
- - - -
531. Thomas Stradling b 1454 St Donats Castle Cardiff Glamorgan Wales d 08.08.1480
m Jane Mathew b 1455 Radyr Glamorgan Wales d 1535 Wales dau of William Thomas and GWLADUS DAFYDD
-1 Edward Stradling b 1474, St Donats Castle Cardiff Glamorgan Wales d 18.05.1535, St Donats Castle Cardiff Glamorgan Wales.
m Elizabeth de Arundell b 1484 Lanherne Cornwall d 02.03.1513 Merthermawr Cornwall
+1 SIR ARUNDELL and Catherine DINHAM
-1-1 Catherine STRADLING b 1512, St Donats Castle Cardiff Glamorgan Wales; d 24.04.1585, Somerset England.
m Thomas PALMER,. b 1508 Angmering Sussex England d mel. 1582 - 1583 Parham Sussex
-1-1-1 John PALMER b 24.06.1544, Parham Sussex d 24.12.1586, Duxbury Plymouth Co MA
m Elizabeth VERNEY b 1558 Fairfield Stoke Coursy Somerset d 17.03.1592 Holt Holt Castle Worcestershire
-1-1-1-1 Walter PALMER b 10.1585, Somerset d 10.10.1661, Stonington New London Co CT
m1 REBECCA SHORT b 1589 Charlestown Middlesex Co MA Usa d 15.07.1671 Charlestown Middlesex Co M + 5 ch
m2 FRANCES BLOSSOM b 1591 Parham Somerset d 1635 Duxbury Plymouth Co MA + 1 ch
m3 Elizabeth ANN SMITH BREWSTER b 1568 Yetminster Dorset d 1623 England
m4 ANN Elizabeth BOOTH b 1587 Yetminster Dorset d 1629 Charlestown Middlesex Co MA
Much research has been done to connect Walter to an ancestral family 2. Walter Palmer, seeking religious freedom, sailed from Gravesend, Ke 3. Walter was called a non-conformist, he had strong religious convictions 4. From page 378, Volume III of Colonial Families of the United States o Arms -- Or, two bars gules, each charged with three trefoils slipped v Crest -- A demi-panther rampant guardant, flames issuing from ears and m Motto -- Palma virtuti. 5. Biography from Richard Anson Wheeler's, "History of Stonington, Con WALTER PALMER, the progenitor of the family of his name, who first set The CT General Court were not satisfied with his locating him Thomas Stanton, the interpreter general of New England, was the first t ELDRED AND ASSOCIATED FAMILIES, Researched by: Catherine Matson & Clari Walter Palmer came to America in 1626 and settled first in Salem w Walter's estate was over 1656 pounds, a very large sum. The old bu +1 Thomas SHORT and ANN
-1-1-1-1-1 Hannah PALMER b 15.06.1634, Charleston Suffolk Co MA d 1681, Stonington New London Co CT
m1 John FISH b 21.01.1620, Great Bowden Leicestershire d 1689, Groton New London Co CT
m2 Thomas HEWITT b 1630, Stonington New London Co CT d 1662, At Sea
m3 Roger STORRY d by 1680. see HISTORY OF STONINGTON CT, by Wheeler, page 418 & 419. Pending the session of the General Court of CT in 1670, a h So on the 27th day of December 1671, she was united in marriage wi WALTER PALMER OF CHARLESTOWN & REHOBOTH, MASS. & STONINGTON, CONN., Co She was bapt. 15 Jun 1634 in First Church in Charlestown, MA (The F Hannah removed with her parents to Rehoboth, MA, in 1643 and there REFERENCES: Genealogy: PG/p.25---Dr. BSP/p. 7-PF/p.16---STER./pp. 4,5 H Hannah was evidently born early in May or in early June of 1634, b His widow, Hannah, petitioned the General Court of CT for l HANNAH PALMER was born in Charlestown, Mass. in 1634, daughter of Walte Thomas continued his coastal trading business and extended it to inclu Notater for Thomas HEWITT: Notes for Thomas HEWITT: HISTORY OF STONINGTON CT, by Wheeler, page 418 & 419. So far as is known from reliable sources, Thomas Hewitt, who was a s DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN Thomas HEWITT OF STONINGTON, CONN., Compiled by V The ancestry of Thomas Hewitt, a sea captain, has yet to be discovered THE DESCENDENTS OF EZEKIEL MAINE, by A. A. Aspinwall, pp. 103. Thomas-1 Hewitt was early of Scituate, MA. He was a seafaring man. C DESCENDANTS OF CAPTAIN Thomas HEWITT OF STONINGTON, CONN., Compiled by V The ancestry of Thomas Hewitt, a sea captain, has yet to be discov HANNAH PALMER was born in Charlestown, Mass. in 1634, daughter of W Thomas continued his coastal trading business and extended it to i Sources: Vital Records of Stonington, CT Richard Anson Wheeler, HISTORY OF STONINGTON, CONN., New London: 1900, p Doris Palmer Buys, WALTER PALMER OF STONINGTON, CONN., Fallbrook, Ca., 1 James Savage, GENEALOGY DICTIONARY OF NEW ENGLAND, Baltimore: 1909, Vol
-1-1-1-1-2 Rebecca PALMER b 07.07.1647, Stonington New London Co CT d 02.05.1713, Stonington New London Co CT , freeman in 1666 in CT, signed the Pawcatuck Articles in 1658, and was a deputy to the General Court in 1669. `````````````````````````````````````````````````` "The action of the General Court of CT in pushing its claims eastward to the Pawcatuck River, was by no means acquiesced in by MA, and the seriously controverted question of jurisdiction was referred to the Commissioners of the United Colonies for decision. Meanwhile, or until the matter could be amicably decided, the planters were advised 'to carry themselves and order their affaires peaceably, and by common agreement.' Acting on this advise, the original settlers and a few others who had joined them, met together on the 30th of June, 1658, and organized a local government with what may be termed a constitution, entitled 'The Asotiation of Poquatuck people,' which was signed by eleven persons, viz.: William Chesebrough, and his three sons, Samuel, Nathaniel and Elisha; Thomas Stanton and his son Thomas; Walter Palmer and his two sons, Elihu and Moses; Georg Denison, and Thomas Shaw. This compact is in the handwriting of William Chesebrough and pledged the signers 'to maintain and deffend the peace of the place and to aid and asist one another according to law and rules of righteousnes, till such other provition be made ffor us as may atain our end above written.' After affixing their names to the document, the signers chose Capt George Denison and William Chesebrough to be 'comytioners' to carry out the provisions of the contract. Three months later the Commissioners of the United Colonies decided that the territory in dispute belonged to MA, and the General Court of that Colony named it Southertown and annexed it to the Co of Suffolk. Southertown remained a township of MA until the issue of the Charter of CT by King Charles, II, dated April 25, 1662, which fixed the eastern boundary of CT at Pawcatuck River, this territory which for three and a half years had been subject to the control of MA, reverted back to the sister Colony. Through this period William Chesebrough held the office of Selectman." (Biographical sketch of William Chesebrough and a letter from Rev. Amos Chesebrough about the sketch from Anna Chesebrough Wildey's book)
m ELISHA CHESEBROUGH 20.04.1665 New London Co CT b 1637 Boston Suffolk MA Usa d 01.04.1670 Stonington New London Co CT
-1-1-1-1-2-1 ELIHU CHESEBROUGH b 03.12.1668
-1-1-1-1-3 GERSHOM PALMER b 1644, Rehoboth Bristol Co MA, Usa; d 27.09.1718, Stonington New London Co CT
m ANN DENISON b 20.05.1649 Stonington New London Co CT d 17.11.1706 Stonington New London Co CT
-1-1-1-1-3-1 Ichabod PALMER b 13.04.1670, Stonington New London Co CT d 10.04.1752, Stonington New London Co CT, Oct 1707, Ichabod Palmer was a deputy to the General Court from Stonington. He was confirmed a Lieutenant of the second company in Stonington in Oct 1715. In May 1720, he was confirmed Captain of the third company in Stonington.
m HANNAH PALMER b 11.04.1680 Stonington New London Co CT d 19.07.1757 Stonington New London Co CT + 1 ch
-1-1-1-1-3-1-1 Ichabod PALMER b 25.10.1702, Stonington New London Co CT d 15.11.1749, Stonington New London Co CT
m Elizabeth SANFORD NOYES b 22.12.1706, Stonington New London Co CT d 06.01.1761.
-1-1-1-1-4 NEHEMIAH PALMER b 27.11.1637, Stonington New London Co CT d 17.02.1717, Stonington New London Co CT m HANNAH STANTON b 1643, Stonington New London Co CT d 17.10.1727. , 1668 CT Superior Court Judge Reelected for 15 sessions.
-1-1-1-1-5 MOSES PALMER b 06.04.1640, Charlestown Middlesex Co MA d 1701, Stonington New London Co CT m DOROTHY GILBERT b 24.04.1650, Hartford Hartford Co CT d 10.04.1717, New London Co CT
-1-1-1-1-6 William PALMER b 09.02.1610; d 29.11.1661, Yarmouth Barnstable Co MA
m JUDITH FEAKE b 05.1615 London d 1668 Barnstable Co MA
+1 y FEAKE i. Susannah PALMER b 1638, Yarmouth Barnstable Co MA d 03.1726, NY
m SAMUEL MILLS b 1630, Jamaica Queens NY d 10.03.1726, Queens Co NY
-1-1-1-1-7 Grace PALMER b 09.05.1608 England d 31.10.1690 England.
m Thomas MINER. b 1608 Chew Magna Somerset d 23.10.1690 Stonington New London Co CT
+1 y MINER
-1-1-1-1-7-1 John MINER b 03.06.1635, Boston Suffolk MA d 17.09.1719, Woodbury Lichtfield Co CT
m Elizabeth BOOTH b 10.09.1641 Stratford Fairfield CT d 24.10.1732 Woodbury Lichtfield Co CT
+1 Richard BOOTH and Elizabeth HAWLEY
-1-1-1-1-7-1-1 Joanna Miner b 06.06.1683, Woodbury Lichtfield Co CT d 24.05.1741, New Milford Lichtfield Co CT
m William Gaylord b aft 16.01.1674 Waterbury New Haven Co CT d 25.10.1753 New Milford Lichtfield Co CT
-1-1-1-1-7-1-1-1 Ruth Gaylord b 28.03.1719, New Milford Lichtfield Co CT
m Samuel Smith b aft 13.01.1712 Ridgefield Fairfield Co CT d 01.05.1778 Ridgefield Fairfield Co CT
-1 Joanna Smith b 17.10.1743 Ridgefield Fairfield Co CT d 07.03.1793 Ridgefield Fairfield Co CT m Joseph Stebbins b 04.07.1735 Ridgefield Fairfield Co CT d 13.12.1794 Ridgefield Fairfield Co CT
-1-1-1-1-7-1-2 Sarah MINER b 19.06.1678 Woodbury Litchfield Co CT
m Stephen Curtis b 24.08.1673 Woodbury Litchfield Co CT d 11.06.1723 Woodbury Litchfield Co CT
-1-1-1-1-7-1-2-1 Rebecca Curtis b 28.07.1705, Woodbury Litchfield Co CT d 30.09.1749, Woodbury Litchfield Co CT
m ELISHA Stoddard b 24.11.1706 Woodbury Litchfield Co CT d 27.08.1766 Woodbury Litchfield Co CT
-1 David Stoddard b 29.01.1737, Woodbury Litchfield Co CT d 14.11.1820, North Hero Grand Island Co VT m Elizabeth Read b 29.09.1739 Pomfret Windham Co CT d 1838 North Hero Grand Island Co VT -1-1 Polly Stoddard b 07.04.1766, Norwich New London Co CT d 06.1850, North Hero Grand Island Co VT m William Haynes b 20.09.1769 Haverhill Essex Co MA d 1804 North Hero Grand Island Co VT -1-1-1 Dephine Haynes b 29.08.1797 North Hero Grand Island Co VT d 05.04.1847 Pottawattamie Co IA m Isaiah Hamblin b 20.06.1790 Falmouth Barnstable Co MA d 07.10.1856 Santa Clara Washington Co UT. -1-1-1-1 Jacob Vernon Hamblin b 02.04.1819 Ashtabula Co OH d 31.08.1886, Pleasanton Cathron Co NM m RACHEL JUDD b 15.09.1821 Johnstown Ontario Canada d 18.02.1865 Santa Clara Washington Co UT. -1-1-1-1-1 RACHEL TAMER HAMBLIN b 31.08.1856 Pine Valley Washington Co UT d 17.03.1877 Kanab Kane Co UT m William Thomas STEWART b 18.10.1853 Salt Lake City Salt Lake Co UT d 19.08.1935 Alamo Lincoln Co NY son of LEVI STEWART and MARGERY WILKERSON , 1887-1887 UT State Representative, 1889-1889, UT State Representative, 1889-1891 Kanab Mayor -1-1-1-1-1-1 MAUD RACHEL STEWART b 25.04.1875, Kanab Kane Co UT; d 25.10.1959, Lehi UT m George ALBERT UDALL b 13.02.1871, Nephi Uab Co UT; d 06.11.1950, Lehi Utah Co UT.
-1-2 JANE STRADLING b 1505, Glamorgan Wales; d 1555, Huntsworth Somerset
m Alexander Popham b 1485 Huntworth Somerset
-1-2-1 Katherine PAPHAM b 1540, Colcombe Devon d 09.11.1588, Shute Devon
m William POLE b 31.07.1515 Shute Devon d 15.08.1587 Shute Devon
+1 y POLE
-1-2-1-1 William POOLE b 27.08.1561, Colcombe Devon d 09.02.1635, Colcombe Devon
m Mary PERIAM, dau of William PERIAM and ANNE PARKER b 30.08.1567 Colcombe Devon England d 02.05.1605 Colcombe Devon England.
-1-2-1-1-1 Ann POOLE b 01.11.1589, Bridgwater Somerset d 03.12.1683, Taunton Bristol Co MA
m Nicholas STREET b 29.01.1603 Bridgwater Somerset d 22.04.1674 New Haven New Haven CT, 1659-1674 Congregational Minister MA, Bristol Co, Taunton, First Parish Church
-1-2-1-1-1-1 Sarah Street b 1644, New Haven New Haven CT d c 1712, New Haven New Haven CT
m James Heaton b 1640 New Haven New Haven CT d 16.10.1712 New Haven New Haven CT
-1-2-1-1-1-1-1 Anna HEATON b 23.12.1682 New Haven CT m JOSEPH BRADLEY b 15.02.1677 New Haven CT d 1737 New Haven CT
-1-2-1-1-1-1-2 Abigail Heaton b c 01.1672 New Haven CT d 19.11.1731 New Haven CT
m 19.12.1691 New Haven CT Ebenezer Atwater b 13.01.1666 New Haven CT d 1702 New Haven CT
m2 John GILBERT 22.11.1712 New Haven CT son of John GILBERT and SARAH GREGSON. b 03.10.1668 New Haven Conneticut Usa d 12.1741 New Haven Conneticut Usa.
+1 David Atwater b c 1640
m Damaris Sayer
+2 David Atwater b c 1600 +3 John Atwater b 5 Mar 1567 Lenham m1 ?Joan Narsin/?Austin
m2 Susan Narsin b 1577 d 9 Jan 1637 Lenham + 3 ch
+4 Christopher Atwater b 1 Dec 1521 Royton d 6 Apr 1573 Royton
m Maryan x b 1534 Kent d Lenham Kent
+5 Thomas Atwater b c 1500 in Royton, Lenham, Kent
m Johanna before 1522 d 1 Dec 1547 will proved 1 Dec 1547; Archdeaconry Court, book 25
-1-2-1-1-1-1-2-1 Abigail Atwater b 06.1700 New Haven Co CT d 22.02.1782 New Haven Co CT
m Samuel Bishop b 18.07.1698 New Haven Co CT d 02.10.1779 New Haven Co CT
-1-1-1-1-7-1-1 Sarah Miner b 19.06.1678, Woodbury Litchfield Co CT
m Stephen Curtis b 24.08.1673 Woodbury Litchfield Co CT d 11.06.1723 Woodbury Litchfield Co CT
-1-1-1-1-7-1-1-1 1298. i. Rebecca Curtis b 28.07.1705 Woodbury Litchfield Co CT d 30.09.1749, Woodbury Litchfield Co CT
- - - -
532. Roger Townshend b 1450 Raynham Norfolk, lawyer
m Eleanor Lunsford b 1445 Battle Sussex d 08.10.1500 Raynham Norfolk dau of
+1 William Lunsford b c 1420 Lunsford Etchingham d 3 May 1451 Lunsford Cross Sussex
m Thomasine Barrrington (dau of Sir John Barrington b 1386 Hoathley Sussex d 1426 Barrington Hall Ongar Essex and Isabell Tatton)
-1Roger Townsend b 1477, Raynham Norfolk d 25.11.1551, 1512 Norfolk Sheriff
m ANNE de Brewse b 1468 Topcroft Norfolk d 25.07.1551
+1 y de Brewse
-1-1 Robert Townsend/Townsend b 1498 Ludlow Shropshire d 1556 Ludlow Shropshire
m Alice Poppey/POPPY b aft 1495 Norfolk
+1 John POPE and Alice Mordox
-1-1-1 Thomas Townshend/Townsend b 1532 Kent d 1591 Kent
m Elizabeth Peryente, Lady Peryxente, b 1536 Suffolk d 30.06.1580
+1 George Peryente and Agnes Sporne
-1-1-1-1 Henry Townsend Esq OF BLACKNASHE b 1568, Kent
m Margaret Forthe b 1570 Bracon-ash Norwich Norfolk d 23.06.1596 Bracon-ash Norwich Norfolk
+1 Robert Forthe and Martha Box
-1-1-1-1-1 Thomas Townsend b 18.01.1594 Bracon-ash Norfolk d 22.12.1677 Lynn Essex Co MA
m Mary Newgate b 1595 England d 1692.
-1-1-1-1-1-1 Mary Townsend b 05.1610, Norwich Norfolk
m Robert Stith b 1606 Kirkham Parish Lancashire d Charles City Co VA
+1 John Stith b 24 Aug 1572 Kirkham Parish Lancashire d there 1612
m Ann Alenson b 15 Jun 1573 Kirkham Lancashire d there 1620
+2 John Alenson b 1545
m Anne James b c 1545 d c May 1574
+3 Roger Alenson b 1520 Kirkham Lancashire
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 John Drury Stith b 01.06.1631, Kirkham Parish Lancashire d 1691 Westover Parish Charles City VA, Will Written 13 Nov. 1690 Codicil 3 Oct. 1693 Proven 3 Apr. 1694 Charles City Co. Va. of Brunswick Co. and lived in Prince George Co.), 1676 Bacon's Rebellion supported Virginia Governor Sir William Berkeley during Bacon's rebellion, 1680 Major, 1680 Virginia House of Burgesses , 1691 Charles City Co Sheriff
m 12.1656 Charles City Henrico VA Jane Mosby b 02.06.1624 Prince William Co VA d 03.04.1694 Charles City Charles, VA AKA "Jane Gregory", "Parsons", "Mosebey"
+1 Edward Mosby and Hannah
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1 Jane Stith b 1657 Charles City VA d by 1709 (she may be sis and not dau of above John Drury)
m Henrico VA Daniel Lewellyn b 1641 Henrico VA d 19.06.1712.
-1 Elizabeth Angelica Lewellyn b c 1664 Westover Charles City VA d aft 1698 Henrico, VA m 1690ß Charles City VA Littlebury Eppes 1690 b 1665 Henrico Co VA d 1743 Charles City VA son of Lt Col Francis Eppes b c 19 Nov 1627 Henrico Co VA d by 2 Dec 1678 Bermuda Hundred Henrico Co VA and Eliza Jane Littleberry b 1620 Colchester Essex d c 1678 Bewrmuda Hundred Sussex Co VA grandson of Francis Eppes b by 14 May 1597 Kent England d by 30 Sep 1674 Charles City Co VA and Marie Paulet b c 1601 Ashford Kent d c 30 SEp 1674 Charles City VA -1-1 Llewellyn Eppes b 1691, Charles City VA d c 1755 Westover Parish Charles City VA m Angelica Gray b 1695 Westover Parish VA d 1755.
-1-2 >Maj Edmund Eppes b 1693 d by 1758 m 1730 Charles City Henrietta Maria Hardyman/Hardeman b 1693 Charles City VA d 1772.
-1-3 Littlebury Eppes b 1697; d 1737.
-1-4 James Eppes b 1697 d 1740.
-1-1-1 Lewellen Eppes b 1712 Charles City VA d by 1744
-1-1-2 Temple Eppes b 1714
-1-1-3 Peter Eppes b 1716
-1-1-4 Mary Eppes b 1720
-1-1-5 Angelica Eppes b 1722
-1-2-1 Mary Eppes b 1732 Cumberland VA d 1775 Chesterfield VA m1 c 1751 Grief Randolph m2 William Poythress Jr
-1-2-2 Miriam Ann Eppes m Randolph
-1-2-1-1 Henry Randolph
-1-2-1-2 William Randolph
-1-2-1-3 Isham Randolph
-1-2-1-4 John R Randolph
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -2 John Stith b 1658, England d by 1724 VA
m Mary Randolph 1685 b 11.1663
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -2-1 William Stith b 1707, Henrico VA d 19.09.1755. President of William And Mary Collge Virginia Brother-in-law of Rev William and Thomas Dawson Presidents of William and Mary College Virginia 9/24/2011 from FAG Contributer 47101985 William Stith (1707 - September 19, 1755)[1] was an early American historian. He is the author of one of the earliest histories of Virginia, The History of the First Discovery and Settlement of Virginia: being an Essay towards a General History of this Colony, published in Williamsburg by William Parks in 1747.[2][3] He was also the College of William & Mary's third president (1752-1755) and is the namesake for Stith Hall on the College's campus. Stith was the son of Captain John Stith and Mary Randolph, a daughter of William Randolph I.[1][4] Around 1744, he married his first cousin, Judith Randolph, the daughter of Thomas Randolph of Tuckahoe.[1][4] They had three daughters: Judith, Elizabeth, and Mary.[1] Stith was educated at The College of William & Mary and The Queen's College, Oxford.[5]
m1 Mary Randolph b 10.10.1686 Henrico Co VA d 19.10.1742 VA + 1 ch dau of William RANDOLPH and Mary Isham
m2 Judith Randolph 13.07.1738 Tuckahoe Henrico VA + 4 ch b 1716 Goochland VA d 1745 dau of Thomas Randolph and Judith Fleming
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -2-1-1 Mary Stith b 1715, Charles City VA d 1785 m William Dawson b 1704 d 1752
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -2-1-2 Judith Stith b 1739 Varina Henrico Co VA d 17.06.1773
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -2-1-4 Elizabeth Stith b 1741 Varina Henrico Co VA d 1792
m William Pasteur d 03.1791
-1 William Stith Pasteur b 12.11.1762, Williamsburg VA
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -2-1-4 Mary Stith b 1743 Varina Henrico Co VA d 1816
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -2-1-5 Polly Stith
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -2-2 Mary Randolph Stith b 1711, Charles City VA
m William Dawson 1733 b 1704 d 1752.
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -2-2-1 John DAWSON b 1731, Williamsburg, James City VA
m Mary Johnston b 1738 dau of Gabriel Johnston and Penelope Eden
-1 William Johnstone Dawson b 1756
-2 Penelope Eden Dawson m Tristram Lowther

-2-1 William Dawson Lowther b VA
-2-2 Maria Louise Lowther m Joseph Blount Skinner b 18.01.1781 Berkeley, NC
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -2-2-2 Mary Stith Dawson b 1733 Williamsburg James City VA d 1787
m Ludwell Grymes 1756 b 1721 Middlesex VA d 1794
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -2-2-2-1 Mary Stith Grymes b 1758 d 1839
m7.03.1776 Williamsburg James City VA WALKER MAURY b 21.07.1752 Albemarle Parish Sussex VA d 1788 son of Rev James Maury b 8 Apr 1718 d 9 Jun 1769 m Mary Walker (dau of James Walker and Ann Tunstall Hill on 11 Nov 1743 in Louisa Co VA)
-1 James Maury b 07.03.1779 James City VA
-2 Mary Stith Maury b 07.06.1777 Williamsburg James City VA
-3 ANN Tunstall Maury b 14.09.1782 James City VA d 1851
-4 William Grymes Maury b 29.03.1784 Williamsburg James City VA
-5 Leonard Hill Maury b 04.12.178, James City VA
-6 Penelope Johnstone Fontaine Maury b 03.01.1785 James City VA
-7 Matthew F Maury b 15.09.1786 Williamsburg James City VA
-8 Catherine Ann Maury b 20.05.1788 Norfolk VA
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -2-2-2-2 Elizabeth Johnstone Grymes b Gloucester VA d 31.03.1852.
m William MOORE.oore
-1 MOORE ii. MOORE. iii. MOORE.
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -2-2-2-3 John Dawson Grymes
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -2-2-2-4 Hannah Grymes
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -2-3 John Stith b 1698 Charles City VA d 1758.
m 1715 Northampton VA Elizabeth Anderson b 1700 Charles City VA d 1774.
-b Jane Frances Anderson m 1742 Ellyson Armistead b c 1718 York Co VA d there 1757
+1 Charles Anderson b c 1675
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -2-3-1 John Stith b 1723, Charles City VA
m1 Rebecca Cocke d 05.04.1787
m2 Lucy Gibson
+1 y COCKE
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -2-3-1-1 Jesse Stith b 1760 Charles City VA d 09.11.1811 Henry VA
m AMY WilliamS 09.10.1786 Bedford VA b 23.10.1764 Bedford VA d 01.01.1836 Pleasant Fairfield OH
-1 Judith Stith
-2 Richard Stith b 1787 Bedford VA
-3 John Stith b 1789 Henry VA d 1881
-4 Jordan Stith b 1790
-5 Joshua Stith b 1791 NC
-6 James Stith b 1793 Danbury Stokes NC
-7 Jesse Stith b 04.04.1795 Danbury Stokes NC d 22.02.1875 Pleasant Fairfield OH
-8 Martha Stith b 10.03.1798, Danbury Stokes NC
-9 Elizabeth Stith b 1800, Danbury Stokes NC
-10 Amy Stith b 1802, Danbury Stokes NC
-11 Rebecca Stith b 1803, Danbury Stokes NC
-12 Osburn Stith b 1804, Danbury Stokes NC
-13 Mary Stith b 1809, Danbury Stokes NC
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -2-3-2 Anderson Stith b 1730, Charles City VA d 1768, Powunkey King William VA
m JOANNA BASSETT 1764 Elthan, New Kent VA, b 1739 Elthan New Kent VA d 1817 dau of
+1 Col BASSETT and Elizabeth CHURCHILL
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -2-3-2-1 BASSETT STITH b 1765, Charles City Co VA d 1817 m Mary LONG b 1770, Halifax Co NC
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -2-3-2-2 John Stith b 1769 Elthan New Kent VA d 1830 GA -1 Elizabeth Stith
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -2-3-2-3 Elizabeth Stith b 1767, Elthan New Kent VA
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -2-3-2-4 Joanna Stith b 1768 Elthan New Kent VA
m William Dandridge b 1770 Jamestown James City VA
-1 William Spotswood Dandridge b 1809 Richmond Henrico VA
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -2-3-3 Mary Stith b c 1715
m William Thompson b 1694 Henrico Co VA
+1 Robert Thompson b c 1661 England d c 1697 Henrico Co VA and Elizabeth Stewart
-1-1-1-1-1-1- -2-3-3-1 William Field Thompson b c 1738 England d by Mar 1790 Dinwiddie Co VA
m 1764 Margaret Darville
-1 Elizabeth Thompson b 07.07.1765
-2 Nancy Thompson b 05.06.1767
-3 Darvill Thompson b 09.01.1769
-4 William B Thompson b 16.02.1771
-5 Charles Thompson b 10.08.1775
-6 Joseph Thompson b 06.03.1779
-7 Stith Thompson b 19.06.1782
-8 John Thompson b 16.04.1784
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -2-3-3-2 Stith Thompson b 1735 d 1796 Beech Fork Washington KY
m1 Elizabeth Parke + 1 ch
m2 x Reeves d 1784 Mecklenburg VA + 3 ch
-1 Stephen Thompson b 1793 Springfield Washington KY d 27.04.1836, Washington KY
-2 Doddridge Thompsonb 1771, Dinwiddie VA
-3 Richard THOMPSON b 1773, Dinwiddie VA d Washington KY
-4 John THOMPSON b 20.11.1775, Dinwiddie VA d 08.03.1850, Springfield Washington KY
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -2-3-4 Judith Stith b 1735 Charles City VA
m John Maynard
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -2-3-5 William Stith b 1738, Charles City VA d 17.03.1799 Georgetown Wilkes GA
m Katherine Stith b 1733 Prince George Co VA d 03.06.1786 Governors Augusta GA dau of Drury Stith b 1695 in Charles City Co VA and Elizabeth Buckner b c 1700 in Yorktown, Va d 1777 Brunswick Co VA
-1 Peyton Stith
-2 John Stith m Elizabeth Ray
-3 Anderson Stith b 1759, Brunswick VA
-4 William Stith b 1757 VA d 23.11.1807 GA m Martha Cowles b 02.11.1749 m Thomas Haynes 02.05.1782 Brunswick VA b 19.03.1749 Warren NC d 14.10.1823 Warren GA
-5 Frances Srirh b 10.1765 Mecklenburg VA d 25.05.1815 GA
-6 Susan Stith m John Hamil 06.11.1794
-7 1660. vii. Catherine Stith d 17.08.1832 m 1790 Thomas Cobb b 1762

-5-1 Anne Haynes b 28.02.1783 Mecklenburg VA d 04.1784 Mecklenburg VA
-5-2 Charles Eaton Haynes b 15.04.1784 Mecklenburg VA d 29.08.1841 Milledgeville Hancock GA
-5-3 Thomas Haynes b 03.12.1785 Columbia GA d 03.01.1842, Sparta Hancock GA
-5-4 Catherine Haynes b 09.06.1787 Mecklenburg VA d 17.08.1832
-5-5 FRANCES Haynes b 27.04.1789 Mecklenburg VA d by 1889
-5-6 Mary Haynes b 28.07.1790 Mecklenburg VA d by 1890
-5-7 John Wesley Haynes b 06.06.1793, Mecklenburg VA d 02.09.1795, Mecklenburg VA
-5-8 Elizabeth Haynes b 17.06.1794, Mecklenburg VA d 1863.
-5-9 Susannah Wesley Haynes b 27.03.1796, Mecklenburg VA d by 1896.
-5-10 William Peyton Haynes b 19.12.1797, Mecklenburg VA d by 1897.
-5-11 Martha Mendy Stith Haynes b 28.07.1799, Mecklenburg VA d 14.06.1870.
-6-1 Catherine A S Hamill
-7-1 William Anderson Cobb
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -2-3-6 Richard STITH b 1737 Bedford VA
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -2-3-7 Elizabeth Stith
m Booth Armistead b 1693 York VA d 1727
y ARMISTEAD i. Elizabeth Armistead m William Armistead
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -2-3-8 Anne Stith b 1739, Charles City VA
m William Westwood
-1 William Westwood b 1764
-2 John Stith Westwood b 1766 d 16.05.1836 m Elizabeth Stanworth
-3 Mary Tabb Westwood b 1768
-4 Jane Westwood b 1762

-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -3 Agnes Stith b 1659 Charles City VA d by 01.01.1721 VA bur Jones Hole Swamp Surry C
m Capt Thomas Wynne b 1657 Charles City VA d1718 Surry Co VA he m2 Martha Wingfield
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -3-1 Thomas Wynne Jr b c 1680 Charles City Va
m1 Martha Johnson + 1 ch
m2 Mary Hewitt
Thomas WYNNE and MARTHA JohnSON .
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -3-1-1 1423. John Wynne m1 Agnes x + 10 ch m2 Susannah x -1 Green Wynne b 1765 d 1820
-2 Milley Wynne
-3 Marry Wynne
-4 Peterson Wynne
-5 William Wynne
-6 Robert Wynne
-7 Nathaniel Wynne d 1810.
-8 Francis Wynne b 1769.
-9 Thomas Wynne b 1763.
-10 John Wynne Jr d 1796
-1-1 Richmond Wynne
-1-2 John C Wynne
-1-3 William L Wynne
-1-4 Lewis Wynne
-1-5 Hartwell Wynne b 1794 d 1855
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -3-2 Lucy Wynne b c 1681 Charles City Va
m John Cox
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -3-3 Robert Wynne b c 1685 Charles City Va d 1754 Sussex VA
m1 1708 Sussex VA Anne Bolling b 22.07.1690 Kippax Prince George VA d Sussex VA + 6 ch
m2 Mary Phillipson + 1 ch
+1 Robert Bolling and Anne Stith
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -3-3-1 Lucretia Wynne b c 1712 Sussex VA
m c 1730 in Sussex Va Joseph Tucker b 1688 Westmoreland VA d 1780 Prince George Co VA
-1 Lucreta Tucker b 15 Aug 1731 in Albemarle Parish, Sussex,VA m c 1759 Peter Winnfield.
-2 Joel Tucker b 1735 d 1772 md Judith x
-3 Benjamen Tucker b 1737.
-4 Robert Wayne Tucker b 8 Sep 1739 m1 Mary Green + 5 ch m2 Mary Gilliam + 7 ch m1 1757 Dinwiddie VA Mary Green + 5 ch m2 1765 Dinwiddie VA Mary GILLIAM + 7 ch
-5 Anne Tucker b 1740.
-6 Wood Tucker b 1741.
-7 Martha Tucker b 1719 in Henrico, Va m Benjamin Bell
-8 Mary Tucker b 1745 in Bristol Parish Prince George Va bap 26 May 1745 in Bristol Parish, Prince George Va
-1-1 Ann Wingfield b 1760 in Sussex VA
-1-2 Robert Wingfield b 17 Apr 1762 in Sussex VA
-1-3 Lucretia Wingfield b 5 May 1765 in Albemarle Surry VA
-1-4 Sarah Wingfield b 7 Feb 1771 in Albemarle Surry VA
-4-1 Lucretia Tucker b 23 Dec 1759
-4-2 Frederick Tucker b c 1761 in Dinwiddie Va.
-4-3 Lavina Tucker b c 1763 in Dinwiddie VA d c 1843 in Dinwiddie, VA
-4-4 Oliva G Tucker b 1765 in Dinwiddie, VA d 1852
-4-5 Martha Tucker b 1767 in Dinwiddie, VA d 1843
-4-6 Stith Tucker b 14 Jun 1771 in Albemarle, Sussex, VA
-4-7 Hannah Tucker b 2 Apr 1769 d 23 Nov 1836
-4-8 Lavinia Tucker b 1773 in Dinwiddie, VA
-4-9 Peyton Tucker b 1780 in Prince George, VA
-4-10 Coleman Tucker b 1780 in Dinwiddie, VA
-4-11 Amey Tucker b 1783 in Dinwiddie VA
-4-12 Dorothy Tucker b 1786 in Dinwiddie VA
-7-1 Nancy Bell b abt. 1740
-7-2 Susannah Bell b c. 1742
-7-3 Rebecca Bell b c 1746
-7-4 Benjamin Bell b c 1748
-7-5 Hannah Bell b 27 Jan 1754 in Albemarle Surry Va
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -3-3-2 Martha Wynne b 1709, Sussex VA
m Matthew Parham
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -3-3-2-1 Matthew Parham b 27.02.1750, Albermarle Parish Sussex VA
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -3-3-2-2 ANGELINEngeline Parham b 07.06.1745, Albermarle Parish Sussex VA
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -3-3-2-3 Robert Parham b 17.01.1747 Albermarle Parish Sussex VA
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -3-3-2-4 Samuel Parham b 02.06.1748, Albermarle Parish Sussex VA
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -3-3-2-5 Peg Parham b 11.01.1760.
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -3-3-2-6 Elizabeth Parham
m Stith Parham
-1 Matthew A Parham
-2 Thomas Stith Parham
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -3-3-3 Martha Wynne b c 1709 Sussex Va
m Matthew Parham
-1 Matthew Parham bap 27 Feb 1750 in Albemarle Par Sussex, Va.
-2 Angeline Parham b 7 Jun 1745 in Albemarle Sussex Va bap 18 Aug 1745 in Albemarle Par Sussex Va.
-3 Robert Parham b 17 Jan 1747 in Albemarle Sussex Va bap 25 Feb 1747 in Albemarle Par Sussex Va.
-4 Samuel Parham b 2 Jun 1748 in Albemarle Sussex Va.
-5 Peg Parham b 11 Jan 1760 in Albemarle Sussex Va.
-6 Elizabeth Parham m Stith Parham

-6-1 Matthew A Parham
-6-2 Thomas Stith Parham
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -3-3-4 Cornelia Wynne b c 1713 Sussex Co Va
m Jefferson Raines b 1712 Charles City VA
-1 xy Raines b 26 Aug 1736 in Albemarle Parish Surry Va.
-2 Robert Wynne Raines b 25 Jun 1739 in Albemarle Surry Va m (Jane x
-3 Richard Raines b 2 Mar 1740 in Albemarle Surry Va.
-4 Jefferson Raines bap 25 Dec 1744 in Albemarle Surry Va.
-5 Anna Raines b 14 Sep 1746 in Albemarle Parish Surry Va.
-6 Theodosia Raines b 20 Mar 1750 in Albemarle Surry Va

-2-1 Peter Green Raines b 26 Oct 1760 in Albemarle Surry Va.
-2-2 William Raines b 8 Apr 1762 in Albemarle Surry Va.
-2-3 Littleton Raines b in Albemarle Surry Va bap 1 Jun 1766
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -3-3-5 Martha Wynne b c 1715 Sussex Co Va m Benjamin Bell
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -3-3-6 Angelica Wynne b c 1716 Sussex Va
m William Raines
-1 xy Raines b 26.08.1736, Albermarle Parish Sussex VA
-2 Robert Wynne RAINES b 25.06.1739, Albermarle Parish Surrey VA m JANE
-3 Richard RAINES b 02.03.1740, Albermarle Parish Surrey VA
-4 JEFFERSON RAINES b 25.12.1744, Albermarle Parish Surrey VA
-5 ANNA RAINES b 14.09.1746, Albermarle Parish Surrey VA
-6 THEODOSIA RAINES b 20.03.1750, Albermarle Parish Surrey VA

-2-1 Peter Green Raines b 26.10.1760 Albermarle Surry VA
-2-2 William Raines b 08.04.1762 Albermarle Surry VA
-2-3 Littleton Raines b 01.06.1766 Albermarle Surry VA
-1 Jefferson Raines
-2 Robert Wynne Raines
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-3-3-7 Mary WYNNE b 1718, Sussex VA
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-3-3-8 Anne Wynne b c 1720 Sussex Co VA (possibly a 2nd Anne by Anne Bolling, if Anne by Mary Phillipson d y)
m Thomas Butler
-1 Mary Butler
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-3-4 Mary Wynne b c 1689 Charles City, Va
m 1695 Surry Co VA Nathaniel Malone b 1680 Surrey VA d 1732 Surrey VA
-1 William Malone b 1710 Bristol, Prince George, VA m1.06.1709 Charles City Henrico VA Anne Booth b 1694 Charles City VA dau of George BOOTH and AMY MALONE
-2 Nathaniel Malone b 1706 Bristol, Prince George, Va m 1720 Christian Linnington m ChristianN Linnington 1720 Bristol Prince George VA
-3 Daniel Malone b 1696 Bristol Parish, Prince George, Va m 1696 Bristol Prince George VA Sarah Sullivan
-4 Drury Malone Sr b 1708 Bristol, Prince George, Va m1 Martha Jones + 10 ch m2 Penelope x m1 Martha JONES + 1^0 ch m2 Penelope
-5 Thomas Malone b 1704 Bristol, Prince George, Va. m Millicent Chappelle m Millicent Chappelle
-6 Frances Malone b 1707 Bristol, Prince George, Va m Joseph Harper
-7 Amy Malone b c 1705 Bristol, Prince George, Va m George Booth b 1679 d 14.08.1763 Sussex VA
-8 Mary Malone b 20 Mar 1719 Bristol, Prince George, VA m James Irvine
-9 Courtney Malone b 1710.
-10 Anne Malone b 1712 Bristol, Prince George, Va.
-11 Phoebe Malone b 1698 Bristol, Prince George
-1-1 Lucreece Malone b 3 May 1724 in Dinwiddie, VA
-1-2 George Booth Malone b 26 Nov 1737 in Eastern, Va m1 Sarah Bass + 10 ch m2 Lucy Marshall + 4 ch
-1-3 Reuben Malone b 26 Sep 1741 in Bristol Parish, Prince George Va m Lucy Curtis
-1-4 William Malone b 1746 in Prince George, Va.
-1-5 Booth Malone b 1743
-1-6 Winifred Malone
-1-7 Wilmoth Malone
-2-1 Lucy Malone
-2-2 Thomas Malone b c 1738.
-2-3 John Malone m Mary Malone
-2-4 Nathaniel Malone m Rebecca Winfield
-2-5 Christian Malone
-3-1 Thomas Malone m1 Susannah Tuck m2 Nancy Dunkley
-3-2 John Malone m1 Ebey Hawkins m2 3 Feb 1801 Martha Tranum + 6 ch
-3-3 Bannister Malone b 1770 in Va d c 1820 Adair Co KY m1 13.08.1804 Adair KY Martha Miller + 2 ch m2 18.09.1823 Adair Co KY Delina Dillingham + 1 ch
-3-4 Jameson Malone m Ulsey
-3-5 Peter Malone m Ann Hardin ?dau of y Hardin and x Ivey
-3-6 William Malone b 1718 m Ann Booth b c 1719 d aft. 1763 s.b. -7-7
-3-7 Mary Malone b 20 Mar 1719 m James Irvine
-3-8 Charles Malone b 1722 in Bristol Prince George Va.
-3-9 Nathaniel Malone b 1723.
-3-10 Isham Malone b 1725 Bristol Pr Geo Va m 1696 in Bristol Prince George Va Sarah Sullivan
-3-11 Elizabeth Malone m 4.01.1787 Lunenburg VA Clement Tranum
-3-12 Rebecca Malone m John Andrews
-3-13 Susannah Malone m James Reynolds
-3-14 Martha Malone m William Hardin ?s.a. son of y Hardin and x Ivey
-3-15 George Malone b 1727.
-3-16 Daniel Malone b 1729 m Elizabeth Sansom
-3-17 Drury Malone b 1731 m Cecily Johnson
-4-1 Drury Cole Malone b 1717 Va m Martha Jones
-4-2 Thomas Cole Malone b 1719 Va.
-4-3 Isham Malone b 1720 Va m Lucy Lanier
-4-4 Daniel Malone b 1725 in Va.
-4-5 Nathaniel Malone b 1738 Va m1 Elizabeth Evans + 3 ch m2 Judith Staples
-4-6 Martha Malone b 27 Mar 1741 in Surry, Va m y Holmes
-4-7 Jones Malone d 1784 m Anney Taylor
-4-8 Amy Malone m William Taylor
-4-9 Betsy Malone m y Seward
-4-10 Ann Malone m Charles Floyd
-5-1 William Malone
-5-2 Thomas Malone b 1736 in VA
-5-3 Daniel Malone
-5-4 Frances Malone b 1743 in VA d by 1817 m Isham Nance b 1747 VA d 1817 Mecklenburg VA
-5-5 Lucy Malone m Brunswick VA Samuel Lanier b 1743 Brunswick Prince George VA
-6-1 Joseph Harper
-6-2 Drury Harper
-6-3 Nathaniel Harper m x Wells
-7-1 George Booth
-7-2 Mary Booth m John Parham
-7-3 Winifred Booth m Drury Robinson
-7-4 see below Lucy Booth m Henry Jones
-7-5 Anne Booth m y Heath
-7-6 John Booth
-7-7 s. a, -3-6 Anne Booth b 1694, Charles City VA m 1 Jun 1709 Charles City, VA William Malone b 1710 Bristol, Prince George, Va d 1774, son of Nathaniel Malone and Mary Wynne

-1-2-1 Elizabeth Bass Malone b 28 Jul 1757 in Brunswick Va d 1827 in Granville NC
-1-2-2 Lewis Malone b 12 Apr 1759 in Brunswick Va d 1810 in Washington AL
-1-2-3 Miles Malone b 24 Feb 1761 in Brunswick VA
-1-2-4 Nancy Ann Malone b Dec 1762 in Brunswick VA
-1-2-5 Mary Malone b 3 Apr 1765 in Brunswick VA d 1811
-1-2-6 John Malone b 22 Jan 1769 in Brunswick Va
-1-2-7 Martha Malone b 27 Apr 1771 in Brunswick VA d 1795 VA
-1-2-8 Booth Malone b 9 Feb 1776 in Brunswick Va
-1-2-9 Wilmoth Malone b 16 Jan 1774 in Brunswick VA
-1-2-10 George Malone Jr b 28 Jan 1776 in Brunswick Va d 23 Dec 1845 in Giles TN
-1-2-11 Sarah Malone b 6 Feb 1778 in Brunswick Va d 24 Nov 1851
-1-2-12 William Malone b 5 May 1780 in Brunswick, Va d 1814 in Washington AL
-1-2-13 Robert Lafayette Malone b 7 Dec 1781 in Brunswick, VA
-1-2-14 James Carter Malone b 17 Mar 1786 in Brunswick Va d 1858 in Brunswick VA
-1-3-1 Jordan Malone bap 9 Mar 1766 in Albemarle Surry Va
-1-3-2 Nancy Malone b Mar 1767 in Albemarle Surry Va
-1-3-3 Claiborne Malone
-1-3-4 Letitia Malone
-1-3-5 Eleanor Malone
-1-3-6 Sukey Malone
-1-3-7 Frances Malone
-1-4-1 John Malone b 1770 in Dinwiddie Va d 1818 in Dinwiddie Va
-1-4-2 Harper Malone b 23 Apr 1774 in Dinwiddie Va d 18 Mar 1841 in Madison, Al.
-1-4-3 William Malone b 1778 in Dinwiddie Va d aft. 1850 in Dinwiddie Va
-1-4-4 Daniel Malone b 1780 in Dinwiddie Va
-1-4-5 Nathaniel Malone b 1780 in Dinwiddie Va
-1-4-6 George Malone
-1-4-7 Benjamin Malone b 1785 in Dinwiddie Va d 1832 in Madison Al
-2-3-1 Lucy Malone b Dec 1760
-2-3-2 Nathaniel Malone b 6 Jun 1764
-2-3-3 Thomas Malone
-2-3-4 William Malone b 8 Feb 1767d 1830
-2-3-5 John Malone b 8 Sep 1769d 1812
-2-3-6 Daniel Malone d 1815
-2-3-7 Elizabeth Malone b 5 Sep 1772
-3-1-1 John MALONE b 1786
-3-1-2 Henry MALONE b 1788
-3-1-3 Nathaniel MALONE b 1789
-3-1-4 William MALONE b 1790
-3-1-5 Thomas S MALONE b 1800; d 1850
-3-2-1 Young Gressom Malone b 1805 in Greene Ga d 1861 in Henry Al
-3-2-2 Thompson Malone b 1802 in Ga d aft 1860 in Greene Ga
-3-2-3 Clement Malone b 1800 in Greene GA d by 1850 in Greene GA
-3-2-4 Arthur Malone
-3-2-5 Dr R Malone b 1808 in Greene GA d 1861 in Gordon GA
-3-2-6 John Malone b 1811 in Greene GA
-3-3-1 Benjamin Malone b 1805 in KY
-3-3-2 Jordon Allen Malone b 15 Sep 1814 in Ky d 23 Aug 1888 in Crawford MS
-3-3-3 Sally Malone
-3-5-2 Lemuel Malone
-3-5-3 Ivey Malon
-3-10-1 Isham Malone Jr
-3-11-1 Fannie Tranum b Apr 1789 d bef. 20 Apr 1858 in Montgomery, AL
-3-11-2 Lemuel Tranumd abt. 1820 in Montgomery Al
-3-11-3 Reuben Tranum d in Morgan Ga
-3-11-4 William Toombs Tranum
-3-11-5 Sarah Tranum b 26 Dec 1792 d 8 Jun 1845
-3-14-1 Nancy Hardin
-3-14-2 John Hardin
-3-14-3 Erasmus Hardin
-3-14-4 Thomas Hardin
-3-14-5 Daniel Hardin
-3-14-6 William Hardin
-3-14-7 James Hardin
-3-16-1 Artemissa Malone b 1810 d 1880
-3-16-2 Miranda Clinton Malone b 1810 d 1860
-3-16-3 Elizabeth Malone
-3-17-1 Mary Ann Malone b c 1762 d 1867
-3-17-2 Jesse "David" Malone b c 1770 d 1849
-3-17-3 Drury Malone Jr b c 1785 d 1851
-4-3-1 Benjamin6 Malone b 6 Nov 1756 in Lunenburg Va d 1824
-4-3-2 Wynne Malone d 1841.
-4-3-3 Isaac Malone
-4-3-4 Mary Malone b 28 Feb 1760 d 1822
-4-3-5 Sophia Malone b 1765 in VA
-4-3-6 Elizabeth Malone b 26 Feb 1762 in Mecklenburg Va d 29 Mar 1847 in Newton Ga.
-4-3-7 Lucy Malone b 9 Sep 1768 d 1829
-4-3-8 Martha Jones Malone b 23 Oct 1770 d 1811
-4-3-9 Drury Malone b 12 Jan 1773 d 1808
-4-3-10 Susannah Malone b 1775
-4-3-11 Isham Malone b 21 Apr 1777 d 1816
-4-3-12 Sarah Malone b 21 Jul 1779 d 1822
-4-3-13 Rebecca Malone b 16 Mar 1782 d Jun 1824
-4-3-14 John Malone b 21 Nov 1784 d 12 Oct 1813
-4-3-15 Thomas L Malone b 12 Nov 1786 in b Mecklenburg VA d 23 Oct 1816 in Richmond Ga
-4-5-1 Stephen Malone b 18 Feb 1783 in Mecklenburg VA d 18 Dec 1865 in Payson Adams IL
-4-5-2 Ludwell Malone
-4-5-3 Nancy Malone
-4-7-1 William B Malone b 30 Oct 1781 in Mecklenburg VA d 21 Feb 1836 in Perry IL
-4-10-1 Drury Floyd
-4-10-2 Josiah Floyd b 1760 d 1832
-4-10-3 Martha Floyd
-4-10-4 Phoebe Floyd
-5-1-1 Cuthbert Williamson Malone b 1774 in Va
-5-4-1 John Nance b 1769 i Mecklenburg VA
-5-4-2 William Nance b 1771 in Mecklenburg VA
-5-4-3 Isham Nance b 1779 in Mecklenburg VA
-5-4-4 Thomas Nance b 1784 in Mecklenburg VA
-5-4-4 Nancy Nance b 1790 in Mecklenburg VA
-5-4-6 Frances M Nance b 8 Apr 1792 in Mecklenburg VA d 12 Nov 1855 in TN
-5-4-7 Mary Nance b 1782 in Mecklenburg, Va d 1818 in Mecklenburg Va
-5-4-8 Elizabeth Nance b 1788 in Mecklenburg VA d by 1818
-5-5-1 Patricia Lanier b 1768 in Mecklenburg VA
-5-5-2 Elizabeth Lanier b 1770 in Mecklenburg VA
-5-5-3 Mary Lanier
-6-3-1 Joseph Wells Harper
-6-3-2 Mary Harper
-6-3-3 Thomas Harper
-6-3-4 Nathaniel Harper
-6-3-5 Rebecca Harper
-7-1-1 Reubin Booth
-7-1-2 Thomas Booth
-7-1-3 George Booth
-7-1-4 John Booth
-7-1-5 Mary Booth
-7-1-6 Gilliam Booth
-7-2-1 George Parham
-7-2-2 Thomas Parham
-7-2-3 John Parham
-7-2-4 Matthew Parham
-7-3-1 Winifred Robinson
-7-4-1 Lucy Jones
-7-5-1 Ann Heath
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4 Drury Stith b 1670, Charles City VA d 01.1741, Brunswick Co VA
m Susan Bathurst b 1675 New Kent VA d 1745 VA

Elizabeth Buckner b c 1700
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-1 1426. i. William Stith b 1697 Charles City VA d 1749, Charles City VA
m Elizabeth Buckner b c 1700 in Yorktown, Va d 1777 Brunswick Co Va dau of
+1 Maj William Buckner b c 1661/?82 in Glouchester, Va will 21 May 1716 Magistrate, Burg York Co Surveyor General of the Colony 1708-16 and Catherine Ballard b c 1680 in Yorktown Va d 1777 York Co Va
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-1-1 Drury Stith b c 1718 in Brunswick Co Va
m1 c 1745 Martha Kennon b 17 OCT 1731 in Conjurer's Neck, Henrico Co VA + 3 ch dau of Richard Kennon b 1690 in Conjurer's Neck, Henrico Co Virginia and Agnes Bolling b 30 NOV 1700 in Charles City Co grdau of Hon Robert Thomas Bolling b 26 DEC 1646 in London, England and Anne Stith b c 1665 in Charles City Co
-1 Drury Stith b 1746 Brunswick VA m Lucy Nicholson
-2 Buckner Stith b c 1748 in Brunswick Co Va d 1800 m 26 FEB 1772 Anne Dade b 1758 in Brunswick Co/King George Va dau of Baldwin Dade b 13 OCT 1716 in Stafford/King George Co Va and Virlinda Beheathland b c 1715
-3 Elizabeth Stith b 23 Jun 1754 ?d y or = as below
-2-1 Catherine Stith b c 1775 d 9 Aug 1796 m 4 NOV 1790 Robert Bolling b 3 MAR 1759 in "Bollingbrook," Petersburg, Va son of Robert Bolling b 12 JUN 1730 and Mary Marshall Tabb b 12 JUN 1737 in Amelia Co
-2-2 Ann Dade Stith b 1781 in Va d 19 Mar 1846 Center Hill Peterburg m 23 Mar 1797 Robert Bolling b 3 MAR 1759 in "Bollingbrook," Petersburg
-2-3 Townsend Stith b c 1783 in Brunswick Co
-2-4 Baldwin Buckner Stith b 1773 d 6 Jan 1847 Mason KY
-2-5 Thomas Stith b 1775 VA d 1827

-2-1-1 Rebecca Pocahontas 'Hontas' Bolling b 28 FEB 1793 in Petersburg, Dinwiddie Co m 11 JUL 1816 Dr. John Blackwood Strachan b 14 JAN 1786 in Petersburg, Dinwiddie Co Va son of Dr alexander Strachan b 29 Jul 1748 Edinrgh Scotland and Sarah Field
-2-2-1 Robert Buckner Bolling b 2 MAR 1805 in 'West Hill' Petersburg m Sarah Melville Minge b ABT 1814 + 9 ch dau of John Minge b: ABT 1771 in 'Weynoke', Charles City Co Va and Sarah Short Stuart b: ABT 1784 in V m2 Margaret Nichols b ABT 1819 in Georgetown, DC
-2-2-2 George Washington Bolling b 20 NOV 1806/?26 Oct 1808 in Center Hill, Petersburg d 10 Jul 1875 m Martha Smith Nichols b 1808 in Georgetown dau of William Smith Nichols b 24 AUG 1784 in Md and Margaret Dougherty b ABT 1793 in Pa
-2-2-3 Ann Robertson/Roberta b 1805/?26 10 1806 Chesterfield Co Va d 1 May 1828/?38 m WILLIAM SMITH BOLLING b 1805, VA d 1851 Miltown Chambers AL

-2-1-1-1 Catherine Roberta Strachan b ABT 1820 in Petersburg m 12 Mar 1839 Quinn Morton b c 1808
-2-1-1-2 Rebecca Bolling Strachan b ABT 1825 in Petersburg d 1879 Amelia Co m 12 May 1847 Dr. George Cocke Bland b ABT 1820 in Amelia Co son of Dr. John Bland b ABT 1781 in Prince George Co., Virginia and Mary B. Perkinson b ABT 1792 in Amelia Co
-2-1-1-3 Dr. John Blackwood Strachan b MAR 1831 in Petersburg m 9 May 1857 Mary Virginia Meade b OCT 1836 in Va
-2-2-1-1 Dr. Robert Bolling b 11 DEC 1832
-2-2-1-2 John Minge Bolling b 20 DEC 1833 in 'Centre Hill', Petersburg, Dinwiddie, Va m 1 Nov 1881 in AL Margaret P. Walker b OCT 1851 in AL
-2-2-1-3 Townshend Stith Bolling b 19 JUN 1835 d 6 Apr 1893
-2-2-1-4 William Holt Bolling b 23 MAY 1840
-2-2-1-5 Stewart or Stuart Bolling b ABT 1843
-2-2-1-6 Bartlett Bolling b 6 FEB 1845 in Petersburg, Va d aft 1910 m 4 May 1881 Margaret ' Meta' Lomax Stuart b JUL 1855 in Alexandria Va dau of Charles Edward Stuart b ABT 1824 in Virginia and Roberta Stuart Lomax b 11 DEC 1829 in King George Co
-2-2-1-7 Samuel 'Sam' Mordecai Bolling b DEC 1847 in Petersburg, Va
-2-2-1-8 Anna Dade Bolling b 1848
-2-2-1-9 Monroe Banister Bolling b JAN 1850
-2-2-2-1 Robert Bolling b: 29 JUN 1829 in Georgetown, DC d 14 Jan 1895 Petersburg m Nannie W x b c 1840
-2-2-2-2 William Nichols Bolling b 1 AUG 1830 in Petersburg, Dinwiddie Co Va d 1898 m1 3 MAR 1857 Susan Meade b c 1833 in Petersburg, Dinwiddie Co m2 26 JUN 1870 Hannah Lamb Bonham b 1840 in WV
-2-2-2-3 Anna 'Annie' Dade Bolling b 24 NOV 1839 in Petersburg, Va d 20 Feb 1922 Cumberland MD m 2 Jun 1868 Petersburg Frisby Lynn Tilghman b 4 JUL 1831 in Allegany Co MD son of George Tilghman b: 11 MAY 1797 in Maryland and Anna 'Annie' Brooke Lynn b 3 AUG 1807 in Md
-2-2-2-4 Mary Tabb Bolling b 22 AUG 1846 in Petersburg m 28 Nov 1867 William Henry Fitzhugh 'Rooney' Lee b 31 MAY 1837 in Arlington, Va son of Gen Robert Edward Lee b 19 JAN 1807 in 'Stratford Plantation', Westmoreland Co., VA and Mary Anna Randolph Custis b 1 OCT 1808 in 'Annefield Plantations', Clark Co
-2-1-1-1-1 John Blackwood Strachan Morton b 1 JUN 1846 in Petersburg, Dinwiddie Co
-2-2-1-6-1 Albert Bolling b JAN 1882
-2-2-1-6-2 Bartlett Bolling b APR 1883
-2-2-1-6-3 Robert Bolling b OCT 1884
-2-2-1-6-4 Mary Bolling b: SEP 1885
-2-2-1-6-5 Douglas Bolling b: APR 1893
-2-2-1-6-6 Sally Bolling b: JUL 1894
-2-2-2-1-1 William Bolling b c 1869
-2-2-2-1-2 Robert Bolling b c 1873
-2-2-2-1-3 Elizabeth Bolling b c 1878
-2-2-2-2-1 George Melville Bolling b 13 APR 1871 in Baltimore
-2-2-2-3-1 Anna Lynn Tilghman b 6 JAN 1871 in Va d 25 Oct 1911 Baltimore m 23 OCT 1895 in Allegany Co Dr. William Herbert Pearce b: 23 NOV 1870 in Baltimore, MD
-2-2-2-4-1 ANNIE AGNES LEE b c 1867, VA d. 1874.
-2-2-2-4-2 MARY TABB LEE b 1867, VA d. 1871.
-2-2-2-4-3 WILLIAM HENRY FITZHUGH LEE b c 1867, VA d 1875
-2-2-2-4-4 Robert Edward Lee b 11 FEB 1869 in Petersburg, Va m MARY WILKINSON MIDDLETON b 1875, Charleston Charleston Co SC d. 19.05.1959, Asheville Bruncombe Co NC
-2-2-2-4-5 GEORGE BOLLING LEE b 30.08.1872, Lexington VA d. 1930, Manhattan NY m HELEN MADELINE KEENEY b 26.09.1895, CA d. 09.07.1968, San Fransisco CA

-2-2-2-3-1-1 Anna Tilghman Pearce b 12 DEC 1900
-2-2-2-3-1-2 Helen Bolling Pearce b 29 JAN 1905
m2 Elizabeth Jones + 4 ch dau of James Jones and Sarah Edmunds
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-1-2 Griffin Stith b 28 NOV 1720 in Brunswick Co Va d 1784 in Northampton Co VA
m 19 AUG 1743 in Northampton Co, Mary Blaikley b 17 JAN 1726/27 in Williamsburg, VA d 1784
-1 Catherine Stith b 05.08.1744, Northumberland VA d 23.08.1744.
-2 Elizabeth Buckner Stith b 16.07.1745, Northumberland VA m John Stringer 07.02.1767, Northampton Virginia Usa.
-3 John Buckner Stith b 03.01.1747, Northumberland VA d. 22.12.1766, Brunton Parish.
-4 Griffin Stith b 24.08.1753, Northumberland VA d. 1794 m1 Ann Stratton 29.07.1778 dau of y Stratton m2 ELIZABETH SMITH, 28.09.1782.
-5 Drury Griffin Stith b 19 JUL 1755 in Northampton Co d 16 JUL 1789 in Northampton Co Va
m Mary Jacobs b c 1759 in Northampton Co Va
-6 Mary Blaikley Stith b 20 JAN 1750 d aft 14 NOV 1822 m1 Joachim Michael m2 28 Jun 1774 Thorowgood Smith b 1744 Accomack Co d 13 Aug 1810 Baltimore Mayor son of Isaac Smith b 1698 d 1769 and Sarah West
-7 William Stith b abt 1756 Northampton Co m Sarah Smith b 1764 Northampton Co dau of Isaac Smith b 4 Nov 1734 and Elizabeth Teakle b 13 Dec 1742
-8 Susanna Stith b 1759, Northampton Co VA d. 31.03.1838 Baltimore Co MD m Christophe Johnston b Moffat Dumfries or Galloway Scotland d 06.03.1819 i Baltimore Baltimore Co MD
-9 Lucy STITH b 1767, Northampton VA m. MARK U PRINGLE.
-5-1 John Stith b c 1782 in Northampton Co Va m 3 MAY 1807 in Brunswick Co Nancy Cary b c 1787
-5-2 Drury Stith b 1782 in Northampton Co d 1843 m Mary Ann McConico b c 1786 in Va
-7-1 Mary Stith b 7 SEP 1786 Northampton Co m John Brown Upshur b 1776 Northampton Co d 1822
-8-1 Robert Neilson Johnston b 29.10.1788, MD d. 03.09.1845, Cumberland Allegany Co MD
-8-2 Eliza Stith Johnston b 31.07.1795 Georgetown DC d 01.11.1864 m John MuirR Hepburn b 03.06.1790 Prince George Co MD d 27.08.1850, Georgetown DC

-5-2-1 Mary Ann Stith b c 1810 in Petersburg Dinwiddie Co m 24 Oct 1837 Daniel Claiborne Butts b 9 NOV 1776 in Dinwiddie Co
-7-1-1 Elizabeth Ann Upshur b 8 APR 1805 Northampton Co d 17 JAN 1874 m Abel Parker Upshur
-7-1-2 Abel Brown Upshur b 25 OCT 1821 Accomack Co Locustville d 6 FEB 1895 m Columbia Wingfield Williams
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-1-3 Buckner Stith b 1722 in Brunswick Co Va d 25 Jul 1791 in Brunswick Co
m 7 OCT 1751 Susannah Munford b 29 MAR 1734 in Va dau of:
+1 James Munford b ABT 1702
m Elizabeth Bolling b 1709 in 'Cobbs', Henrico, Va
+2 John Bolling b 17 JAN 1675/76 in Henrico, Va
m Mary Kennon b ABT 1678 in Conjurer's Neck, Henrico Co Va
+3 Hon Robert Thomas Bolling b 26 DEC 1646 in London
m Jane Rolfe b 10 OCT 1650 in Henrico Co Va

+4 Thomas Rolfe b 30 JAN 1613/14 in Smith's Fort Plantation, Va and Jane Poythress b cT 1630 in England or Jamestown, VA

+5 John Rolfe b 6 MAY 1585 in England and Pocahontas b c 1595 in Werowocomoco VA
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-1-3-1 Robert Stith b 1752 in Rock Spring Brunswick Co Va d Oct 1791
m 29 JUL 1773 Mary Townsend Washington b c 1759 in King George Co Va dau of Lawrence Washington Wa12-2-1-3-2 b 31 MAR 1728 in King George Co Va and Elizabeth Dade b 12 OCT 1734 in King George Co Va
-1 John 'Jack' Stith b 1774 in King George Co Va d 3 Jun 1829 m 15 Jan 1815 Sarah Barnes Hooe Mason b 27 May 1794 in Lexington Hall Plantation, Fairfax Co
-2 Anne Wray 'Nancy' Stith b 20 NOV 1782 in Brunswick Co Va d 12 Jan 1842 m 13 FEB 1798 David Meade b: 22 DEC 1778 in Brunswick Co Va
-3 Frances Townshend Stith b 1786 in King George Co Va m 13 APR 1803 in King George Co Thomas Bernard b: 1778 in Westmoreland Co Va
-1-1 John Randolph Stith b 2 FEB 1821 in Va m 16 Jun 1846 in King George Co Caroline Homoiselle Stuart b 28 OCT 1826 in King George Co
-1-2 Sarah 'Sallie' Mason Stith b 5 MAY 1829 in Northumberland Co d 26 Sep 1896 m 22 MAY 1851 Andrew Jackson Brent b: 1 JAN 1827 in Northumberland Co Va
-2-1 Robert Everard Meade b 11 DEC 1816 in Brunswick Co Va d 28 Jul in Petersburg
-3-1 David Meade Bernard b 24 APR 1813 in King George Co m1 Anna Eliza Overton b 16 NOV 1828 in Va + 4 ch dau of William Garland Overton b 22 FEB 1792 in Lunenburg, Virginia and Ann Stokes Jones b 27 AUG 1792 grdau of Thomas Purkins Overton b c 1750 in Va and Mary Ford (b ABT 1762 in Amelia Co Va dau of Christopher Ford m2 8 NOV 1836 Elizabeth Mildred Ashby b 19 JAN 1814 in Culpeper Co Via
m3 25 JAN 1839 in Brunswick Co Sally Ann Field b 22 JUN 1822 in Brunswick Co Va
-1-2-1 Dr. Andrew Mason Brent b 1852
-1-2-2 Randolph Stith Brent b 24 AUG 1858
-3-1-1 William M. Bernard b 1855
-3-1-2 Robert Stith Bernard b OCT 1859
-3-1-3 Lizzie E. Bernard b 1862
-3-1-4 Mattie Stith Bernard b AUG 1866
-3-1-5 David Meade Bernard b 11 APR 1840 in Petersburg, Dinwiddie Co
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-1-3-2 Griffin Stith b 24 AUG 1753 in Brunswick Co Va d about 1829
m1 14 JUN 1788 in King George Co Frances Townsend Washington b 18 AUG 1767 in King George Co Va
m2 c 1796 Mary Dent Alexander b c 1777 in VA
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-1-3-3 John Stith b 24 MAR 1755 in Brunswick Co Va d 1808 in Rock Spring Va
m 11 DEC 1783 Ann Washington b ABT 1760 in 'Chotank', King George Co Va dau of Lawrence Washington b 31 MAR 1728 in King George Co Va and Elizabeth Dade b 12 OCT 1734 in King George Co Va and had
-1 Ariana Stith b ABT 1789 in Brunswick Co Va
-2 Putnam Stith b 1805 in Brunswick Co VA
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-1-3-4 Susanna Stith b 1755 in Rock Spring Brunswick Co Va
m 18 SEP 1772 in Brunswick Co Andrew Meade b 15 APR 1753 in Nansemond, Va
-1 Susanna 'Susan' Meade b ABT 1773 in Brunswick Co Va
-2 David Meade b 22 DEC 1778 in Brunswick Co Va
-3 Richard Kidder Meade b MAR 1780 in Brunswick Co Va
-4 Anne Meade b 1781 in Brunswick Co VA
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-1-3-5 Buckner Stith b ABT 1759 in Brunswick Co Va d Dec 1800 Brunswick Co
m1 1 FEB 1786 in Brunswick Co Elizabeth Jones b c 1761 in Frederick Co MD + ch
-1 Elizabeth Jones Stith b 1787 in Brunswick Co Va
m Robert Turnbull b 21 OCT 1778 in 'White Hall', Prince George Co Va on 24 DEC 1801 in Brunswick Co VA
-1-1 Edward Randolph Turnbull b 28 MAR 1822 in Brunswick Co VA
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-1-3-6 Elizabeth Stith b about 1752 d about 1787 Caroline Co Va (contradiction about marriages)
m?1 Thomas Daniel son of Charles Daniel and Jane Mickelborough
-1 Thomas Daniel b about 1772 Louisa Va d betwerne 1846 m Nancy Forsyth dau of David Forsyth and Margaret Gibbon -1-1 Stith Daniel b 1799/1800 Jefferson Co Ky d after 1860 Ind
m France E Truman/Tureman dau of Richard Tureman and Mildred
-1-1-1 Pauline Jane Daniel b 23 Feb 1843 Franklin Johnson Co Ind d 9 Jun 1909 Rensselaer IN
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-1-3-7 Catherine Stith b 9 Aug 1759 Brunswick Co VA d 1795
m Robert Bolling, IV b 3 Mar 1759 Petersburg, Bollingbrook d 26 Jan 1839 Petersburg, Center Hill son of ROBERT BOLLING and MARY TABB
-1 Rebecca Pocahantas Bolling b 28 FEB 1793 Petersburg/?5 Jan 1793 Bristol Parish Pr Geo Co d 27 NOV 1845 Petersburg m John Blackwood Strachan b 14 JAN 1786 Petersburg d 30 OCT 1830 Petersburg son of Alexander Strachan and Sarah Field
-2 ucy Ann Bolling b 12.06.1795, Bristol Parish Prince George VA
-3 Robert Buckner Bolling b 1791 d 10.1792.
-4 Martha StithH Bolling
-1-1 Rebecca Bolling Strachan b c 1820, Petersburg d 1879 m George Cocke Bland b c 1820 Amelia Co son of Dr. John Bland
-2 John Blackwood Strachan b c 1830 Petersburg d6 FEB 1907 m Mary Virgina Meade
-1-1-1 John Blackwood Bland b 2 JUN 1852 Nottoway Co VA d 27 SEP 1913 m Martha Perkins b 1856 Cumberland Co VA d 1927 -1-1-1-1 Charles Palmore b 25 NOV 1882 Amelia Co d 21 JUN 1914
-1-1-1-2 Janet Blackwood Bland b 9 MAR 1895 d 6 JAN 1936
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-1-3-8+ Richard I Stith b 1765 m Jane Maclin
-9 Rachel Stith b 1757 Rock Spring Brunswick VA
-10 Sophia Stith m Benjamin Poythress Yates
-11 Ann Stith b 1761, Rock Spring Brunswick VA m Thomas Eaton
-12 Martha Stith b 08.05.1775 m Daniel J Saunders
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-1-4 Richard Stith b 30 SEP 1727 in Brunswick Co Va d 16 Nov 1802 in Campbell Co Va
m Lucy Cocke Hall b 3 JUL 1736 in Brunswick Co Va d 12 Feb 1815 (wife and descendants reported by dau of John Hall and Anne Bolling
-1 Joseph Hall Stith b 6 Sep 1758 Campbell Co Va d 3 Nov 1837 Meade Co Ky m Nancy Cocke
-2 Lucy Hall Stith b 12 Mar 1761 Campbell Co Va d 13 Jun Bedford Co VA m William Jordan b 1 Jan 1750 Goochland Va d 20 May 1817 Breckinridge KY
-3 Ann Hall Stith b 12 Nov 1757 in Campbell, Va d 14 Jan 1831 in Hardin Ky m1 John Hightower 1758 Amelia Va b c 1745 in Richmond VA m2 Drury Hardaway 23 Mar 1779 Bedford Va b 13 Aug 1756 in Princes George, Va d 12 Aug 1816 in Hardin, KY
-4 Elizabeth Buckner Stith, b 25 Oct 1762 in Brunswick, VA d 20 Oct 1823 in Meade Ky m Jesse Adams Mooreman 14 Feb 1785 Campbell Va n 15 Dec 1762 Albemarle Va d 5 Nov 1843 Brandenburg Meade, KY
-5 Mary 'Polly' Walker Stith b 12 Nov 1764 in Brunswick VA d 18 Mar 1838 in Va m1 Jeremiah Early 23 Dec 1773 Bedford Va b 3 Jul 1730 in Bedford Va d 1779 Bedford Va m2 Richard Hightower 4 Nov 1789 Campbell Va b c 1759 Amelia Va d c 1838 Columbus Lowndes Mi m3 Christopher McConnice 21 Apr 1791 Brunswick, Va b 1764
-6 Benjamin W Stith b 25 Aug 1766 in Campbell VA d 18 Mar 1837 in Meade KY m1 Mary Willis + 9 ch m2 Phoebe Cox 1833 b c 1782 Buckingham VA d 1833 in Hardin KY m3 18 Aug 1836 in Hardin Ky Sally Paul + 3 ch
-7 Thomas Jefferson Stith, b 8 Oct 1768 in Bedford Brunswick, VA d 27 Jul 1821 in Natchez MS m Rhode Jones 12 Mar 1793 in Campbell VA b 11 Jan 1777 in Buckingham VA d Feb 1851 in Meade KY
-8 Dr John "Jack" Stith b 27 Dec 1770 Campbell VA d 27 Oct 1840 in Big Spring, Breckenridge KY m Susannah Hightower 22 Apr 1801 Campbell VA b 1785 in Lexington Fayette KY d 9 May 1861 in Meade KY
-9 Katherine Stith b 28 May 1773 in Campbell VA d 2 Apr 1858 in Breckenridge KY m James Walker Jones 17 Sep 1791 in Campbell VA b 2 Jun 1772 in Campbell Va d 12 Aug 1830 in Breckenridge KY
-10 Martha Stith b 8 May 1775 Campbell VA d 1 Jul 1843 in Breckinridge KY m Daniel J Saunders 23 Oct 1793 Campbell VA b 1772 in Buckingham Va d 23 Oct 1793 Campbell VA
-11 William Banks Stith b 8 Oct 1777 in Brunswick Va d 10 May 1854 in Hardin KY m Ann Nancy Jones 28 Dec 1796 Campbell VA b 1780 in Buckingham VA d 2 Jan 1849 in Hardin KY dau of Thomas Jones and Elizabeth Johns
-12 Richard Stith Jr b 9 Dec 1778 in Campbell VA d 13 Apr 1843 Stithton Meade KY m Elizabeth Jones 12 Dec 1798 Brunswick VA b Jan 1779 in Campbell KY d 24 Aug 1844 Stithton, Meade KY
-1-1 William Bathurst Stith b 2 May 1784 Bedford, Va d 6 Oct 1829 bur Hynes Cem Meade, Ky m1 Harriett Bolling Hall + 2 ch m2 Polly Jordan see 30 + 8 ch
-1-2 Richard L Stith b 26 Jan 1786 Va m1 Elizabeth Ann Jordon s.b. 31 + 8 ch m2 Sarah Sprigg
-1-3 Thomas Bathurst Stith b 23 Dec 1788 d 10 Jun 1819 Mo m Ann Gains McGee dau of Samuel McGee and Martha Stafford
-1-4 John B (JACK) Stith b 21 Jan 1790 Bedford, Va m Lucy Ann Hardaway (see 14).
-1-5 Polly Bathurst Stith b 7 Mar 1792 m Nebemiah Board
-1-6 Elizabeth Buckner Stith b 16 Jun 1794; died aft. 1851. She married in 1810, Richard Buckner Hardaway [#6819/] (see 15), born 1785; died 1856, son of Drury Hardaway and Ann Hall Stith [#183/].
-1-7 Buckner Bathurst Stith b 12 Sep 1796 d 26 Oct 1807.
-1-8 Nancy Ann Stith b 8 Sep 1798 d 16 Feb 1842 m 19 Feb 1818 in Hardin KY Thomas Parsons Hardaway b 1795, son of Drury Hardaway [#6799/] and Ann Hall Stith [#183/].
-1-9 Joseph Bathurst Stith b 27 Dec 1800; died 8 Jun 1818
-1-10 Patsy Martha Stith b 3 Jun 1803 Hardin, Ky m Isaac L Hynes
-2-1 Polly Jordan b 28 Jul 1795 d 12 Aug 1853; bur in Hynes Cem, Stithton, Meade, Ky m1 John Graham m2 13 Sep 1810, William Bathurst Stith [#14/] (see 20), born 2 May 1784 in , , Bedford, Va; died 6 Oct 1829 in , , Meade, Ky, son of Joseph Stith [#42/] and Nancy Cocke [#43/].
-2-2 Elizabeth Ann Jordon m 20 May 1804, Richard L Stith [#375/] (see 21), born 26 Jan 1786 Va d 25 Oct 1844, son of Joseph Stith and Nancy Cocke
-2-3 Lucy Jordon m 27 Oct 1800 William Board [#2233/].
-2-4 Katherine Jordon m1 Pleasant Alverson m2 on 11 Apr 1815, William F King
-2-5 William Jordan b 1785 Va d 1840 Lawrence Ky m Phoebe Carter b 1785 Russell Va d 1880 Lawrence Ky
-2-6 Woodson Jordon
-2-7 Samuel Jordon
-2-8 Charles Jordan b 1790 m1 Ann Barrett m2 Nancy or Mary Crume + 1 ch
-2-9 Richard Stith Jordon m 13 Apr 1821, Catherine Stith dau of William B. Stith Nancy Jones
-1-1-1 Joseph Stith b 10 Aug 1807 d 4 Sep 1820.
-1-1-2 Nancy Stith b 3 Nov 1809 d 28 Aug 1852; bur Hynes Cem m 13 May 1825 Brandenburg, Meade, Ky, Allen Talbot BUCKLER b 3 Sep 1780 d 28 Sep 1852 married by John Stith Jr
-1-1-3 David Bathurst Stith b 28 Dec 1811 Hardin, Ky m1 Nancy Sprigg m2 Comfort E Googhegan
-1-1-4 Naomi Stith b 7 Nov 1815; died 16 Sep 1879; buried in Hynes Cem, Stithton, Meade, Ky m1 2 Apr 1835 Meade, Ky, Augustus W White b 6 Nov 1798 Louisville Ky d 10 Aug 1856 in , Otter Creek, , Ky. She married (2) on 23 Nov 1857 in , , Meade, Ky, Wm Bleakley [#4529/], died 31 May 1868 m3 13 Jun 1871 Meade, Ky Issac W Overton
-1-1-5 Learner B Stith b 27 Oct 1813; died 24 Apr 1845.
-1-1-6 William Bathurst Stith b 25 Apr 1818 m Elizabeth Harle
-1-1-7 Samuel Stith b 30 Jun 1820 Hardin, Ky m1 Adaliza (Preston m2 Elizabeth Howard m3 Adeliza Preston
-1-1-8 Thomas Milton Stith b 27 Oct 1822 d 1886 m Susannah Colson.
-1-1-9 Felix Pirtle Stith b 16 Apr 1825. He married mzabeth Pawley
-1-2-1 Bolling Stith b 1805.
-1-2-2 Jordan Stith b 1807 Ky m Mary Ann Pasley
-1-2-3 Jensie Stith
-1-2-4 Adna Stith b 1811
-1-2-5 James Stith b 1813
-1-2-6 William Fletcher Stith b 1815 m Malinda Purcell
-1-2-7 Nancy Stith b 1817
-1-2-8 Lucy Elizabeth Ann Stith b 10 Mar 1818 Hardin, Ky m 14 Aug 1839 Alba, Jasper Co Mo John Purcell
-1-3-1 Susan Hardin Stith b 12 Oct 1811 Ky d 4 Jan 1892 Brown Co Tx m1 John Barnett m2 Thomas Goode Walton
-1-3-2 Mathilda Stith
-1-4-1 Milton Stith b 9 Jul 1807 m Martha Stith
-1-4-2 Edwin Stith b 1810 m Emerine Hardaway
-1-4-3 Drury Stith m Elizabeth Ann Stith
-1-4-4 John H Stith b 1813 1) Martha Emily (Hardaway m2 Mary Nall
-1-4-5 Charlotte A Stith b 1815 Campbell, Va m William Nall
-1-4-6 Archer Conway Stith b 21 Feb 1819 m1 Susan Malinda Tarply m2 Matilda Pawley
-1-4-7 Joseph M Stith b 1821 m Amanda Boling
-1-4-8 Elizabeth Buckner Stith b 1823 m John Monroe Nall
-1-4-9 Daniel Stith b 1817 d 1863 m1 Feb 1838 Brandenburg, Meade, Ky, Jane Saunders b 1838 married by H. Church
-1-5-1 Polly Board
-1-10-1 Lucy Hynes m M A CRAY
-1-10-2 May Hynes
-1-10-3 Joseph Hynes
-1-10-4 Thomas J Hynes m Lybia Peters
-1-10-5 James M Hynes b 31 Jan 1837 d 4 Feb 1885 m Susan Allen
-1-10-6 George W Hynes b 12 Feb 1839. He married Mary E Peter
-1-10-7 Marcus Hynes
-1-10-8 Nancy Hynes m y Gray
-1-10-9 Naomi Hynes m y STAHL
-1-10-10 John W. Hynes b 25 Feb 1810 in Ky m1 Elizabeth Ann Chambliss m2 Olive Jane JUPIN
-2-5-1 Delilah Jordan b 1810 Floyd Ky d 1866 Lawrence Ky m John Adkins Jr
-2-5-2 Benjamin W Jordan b Va m Permelia/Millie Adkins
-2-5-3 Eliza Jordan b 1827 Lawrence, Ky m Elisha Moore
-2-8-1 Marinda Kennedy Jordan b 1836 m Samuel Dalman

-1-1-?-1 T. J. Stith m ? x Buckner
-2-5-1-1 William Joseph Adkins b Dec 1832 Morgan Co Ky d 8 Oct 1920 Huntington WV m Sarah Elizabeth Miller wid Kimbler
-2-5-1-1-1 Ellenora Adkins b 6 May 1895 Cabell Co WV d 6 Dec 1982 Buena Park Orange Co CA ancestor of Jimmy G Dingess, author's DNA match

-2-1-1-?-1-1 Irene Buckner Stith b 1 Sep 1867 in Meade Co KY m 7 Jan 1886 Charles Beauregard Fontaine b 19 Apr 1859 d 12 Mar 1924 in Ft Smith, AR son of William Maury Fontaine b 6 May 1813 d 3 Sep 1864 Brandenburg, Meade Co KY bur Old Cem on Bluff, Brandenburg m 5 Jun in Meade Co Martha Elizabeth Foushee b 20 Feb 1830 Meade Co d 30 Jun 1887 in Brandenburg, Meade Co

-1-1-?-1-1-1 Ruth Fontaine m y Scott.
-1-1-?-1-1-2 Diva F. Fontaine m G. Will Reves b Piggott AR.
-1-1-?-1-1-3 David Lewis Fontaine.
-1-1-?-1-1-4 Charles Fontaine.
-1-1-?-1-1-5 Jesse Turner Fontaine.
-1-1-?-1-1-6 Stith Phillips Fontaine
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-1-5 John Stith b c 1720 d 28 May 1773 -1 Buckner Stith b c 1740 -1-1 Robert Stith b c 1760, will 1791 m Mary Townshend -1-1-1 John Stith b c 1785
-1-1-2 Putnam Stith b c 1788
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-1-6 Thomas Stith b 29.12.1731 i Prince George Co VA
m1 Elizabeth x + 3 ch
m2 Holy Bailey + 10 ch
-1 THOMAS Stith
-2 MARIANNA Stith m 17.10.1775 JOHN HARDAWAY, b. 06.09.1751, St Andrews Parish Brunswick VA d. 12.04.1824
-3 x Stith m Mark Nicholson
-4 Jane Stith b 1781 Brunswick Brunswick Co VA
-5 Rebecca Stith b 1783 Brunswick Brunswick Co VA m John Spencer 17.04.1801, Brunswick Brunswick Co VA
-6 David Stith b 1785 Brunswick Brunswick Co VA m Ariana Manlove
-7 Susanna Stith b 1787 Brunswick Brunswick Co VA m Andrew Rhea
-8 Henry Stith b 1789 Brunswick Brunswick Co VA m1 Mary Spain m2 Helen Stith
-9 Obadiah Stith b 1791 Brunswick Brunswick Co VA m1 Mary C Hunnicut m2 Mary B Bugg
-10 Andrew Stith b 1793 Brunswick Brunswick Co VA m1 Mary Stanford m2 Mary Polly Matthews
-11 Naoma Stith b 1795 Brunswick Brunswick Co VA
-12 Ezra Stith b 1797 Brunswick Brunswick Co VA m Lucy Stith
-13 Abner Stith b 1799 Brunswick Brunswick Co VA m Jesse Moreman
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-1-7 KATHERINE STITH b 1733 Prince George Co VA d 03.06.1786 Governors Augusta GA
m WILLIAM STITH b 1738 i Charles City VA d 17.03.1799 Georgetown Wilkes GA son of JOHN STITH and ELIZABETH ANDERSON
-3 ANDERSON STITH b 1759, Brunswick VA
-4 WILLIAM STITH b 1757, VA d. 23.11.1807, GA m MARTHA COWLES b 02.11.1749.
-5 FRANCES STITH b 10.1765, Mecklenburg VA d 25.05.1815 GA m 2 May 1782 Thomas Haynes b 19 Mar 1749 Warren NC d 14 Oct 1823 Warren GA
-6 SUSAN STITH m 6 Nov 1794 Joh Hamil
-7 CATHERINE STITH d 17.08.1832 m 1790 Thomas Cobb

-5-1 ANNE6 HAYNES b 28.02.1783 Mecklenburg VA d. 04.1784 Mecklenburg VA
-5-2 CHARLES EATON HAYNES b 15.04.1784 Mecklenburg VA d. 29.08.1841 Milledgeville Hancock GA
-5-3 THOMAS HAYNES b 03.12.1785 Columbia GA d. 03.01.1842, Sparta Hancock GA
-5-4 CATHERINE HAYNES b 09.06.1787 Mecklenburg VA d. 17.08.1832
-5-5 FRANCES HAYNES b 27.04.1789 Mecklenburg VA d. før 1889
-5-6 MARY HAYNES b 28.07.1790 Mecklenburg VA d. før 1890
-5-7 JOHN WESLEY HAYNES b 06.06.1793, Mecklenburg VA d. 02.09.1795, Mecklenburg VA
-5-8 ELIZABETH HAYNES b 17.06.1794, Mecklenburg VA d. 1863.
-5-9 SUSANNAH WESLEY HAYNES b 27.03.1796, Mecklenburg VA d. før 1896.
-5-10 WILLIAM PEYTON HAYNES b 19.12.1797, Mecklenburg VA d. før 1897.
-5-11 MARTHA MENDY STITH HAYNES b 28.07.1799, Mecklenburg VA d. 14.06.1870
-6-1 Catherine A S Hamil b c 1796
-7-1 William Anderson Cobb
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-1-8+ (probably from father's first marriage),
John Wyatt Stith b 1720 d 1775
jane Wyatt Stith b 1722 (")
Conquest Wyatt Stith b 1724 d 1815
Francis Wyatt Stith b 1727
Elizabeth Wyatt Stith
Sally Wyatt Stith
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-1-10? Elizabeth Buckner Stith d 1825 KY m Jesse Adam
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-2 Jane Drury Stith b 1699 Prince George Co VA
m Thomas HARDAWAY. b 1685 Prince George Co VA d 1745.
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-2-1 Thomas Hardaway b 1715, Prince George Co VA
m Agnes Peterson 1727 Bristol Prince George VA
-1 John Hardaway b 06.09.1751 St Andrews Parish Brunswick VA d 12.04.1824 m1 Elizabeth MACLIN m2 Rebecca Blount Manson m3 MARIANNA STITH, 17.10.1775.
-2 Thomas Hardaway d 1804.
-3 Agnes Thweat Hardaway b 1731 m William Christopher Locke
-4 Susannah Hardaway b 27.09.1740, Bristol Parish Prince George VA
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-2-2 John Hardaway b 1718 m1 Frances Markham + 5 ch m2 Rebecca Pepper -1 JAMES Markham Hardaway
-2 Jeane Hardaway b 14.11.1731, Bristol Parish Prince George VA
-3 Keren Happuch Hardaway b 30.05.1741, Bristol Parish Prince George VA
-4 Ainsworth Hardaway b 03.07.1742, Bristol Parish Prince George VA
-5 Thomas Hardaway b 1734 m Mary Tarotter
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-2-3 x Hardaway b 10.07.1719; d 1770 m William Stanfield 1756
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-2-4 JAMES Hardaway b 10.07.1719, Bristol Parish Prince William KY
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-2-5 Susanna Hardaway b 1720
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-2-6 Jane Hardaway b 1721, Bristol Parish Prince William KY
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-2-7 Stith Hardaway b 1723 d 1767
m Martha Worsam b 1725 Henrico Co VA d 1756 Amelia VA
-1 Daniel HARDAWAY b 1749 Amelia VA
-2Stith HARDAWAY b 1751 Amelia VA
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-2-8 William Hardaway b 12.06.1723 m Manson.
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-2-9 Frances Hardaway b 04.04.1725; d 1756 m William Skipwith
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-2-10 Joseph Hardaway b 07.04.1729 m1 ANN HALL m2 Ann Hall Amelia VA b 1745.
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-2-11 Drury Hardaway b 02.04.1733, Bristol Parish Prince William KY
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-3 Rebecca Stith b 1695 Charles City VA d 05.04.1787.
m 1704 Col Thomas Christian b 21 Oct 1687 Charles City VA d 16.10.1736 MD.
+1 Thomas Christian Sr b c 1636 Sledgby Onchan Isle of Man d 1694 St Pauls Parish Goochland Co VA
m2 Elizabeth Corbin b c 1665 VA d 1688 2 sons
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-3-1 Ann Mourning Christian b 1710 Richmond Henrico VA d 1766
m 17.07.1731 Goochland VA Samuel Coleman b 1706 Petsworth Parish Goochland VA d aft 1 Apr 1748 Goochland VA
+1 John Coleman b c 1665 d 4 Oct 1710 m Ann
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-3-1-1 Samuel Coleman b 1732 Goochland VA m1 Ann Wright m2 Elizabeth Doss
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-3-1-2 James Jeremiah Coleman b 1732 Goochland VA d 09.1796 m Elizabeth Leake 1751 Goochland VA
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-3-1-3 John Coleman b 1736, Goochland VA m Elizabeth.
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-3-1-4 Daniel Coleman b 1738, Goochland VA
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-3-2 Thomas Christian b 1715 Charles City VAd c 1745 Goochland VA
m1 x + 1ch
m2 Rebecca Price + 3 ch
m3 Ann x no ch
y Price
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-3-2-1 James Christian b c 1751 d 11 Oct 1826 m Healon Hardy
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-3-2-2 Anthony Christian
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-3-2-3 Nathaniel Christian
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-3-2-4 Thomas Christian
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-3-2-5 Jesse Christian
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-3-2-6 David Christian
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-3-2-7 Lins Christian
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-3-2-8 Archer Christian
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-3-2-9 Mary Christian
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-3-2-10 Susannah Christian
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-3-2-11 Elizabeth Christian
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-3-3 1555. iii. Robert Christian b 1714 Charles City VA d 1749 Abermarle VA 1555. ROBERT25 CHRISTIAN (REBECCA24 STITH, DRURY23) b 1714 Charles City VA d 1749 Abermarle VA m LUCY BRADLEY. Robert CHRISTIAN and LUCY BRADLEY i. DRURY26 CHRISTIAN b 1730 m LUCRETIA WilliamS. ii. John CHRISTIAN b 1731. iii. Robert CHRISTIAN b 1734 m Mary. iv. LUCY CHRISTIAN b 1736. v. Elizabeth CHRISTIAN b 1738.
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-3-4 William Christian b 1719 Charles City VA
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-3-5 1556. v. James Christian b 1721 Charles City VA d 1759. 1556. JAMES25 CHRISTIAN (REBECCA24 STITH, DRURY23) b 1721 Charles City VA d 1759 m SUSANNAH. JAMES CHRISTIAN and SUSANNAH i. CHARLES26 CHRISTIAN. ii. JAMES CHRISTIAN. iii. John CHRISTIAN. iv. George CHRISTIAN.
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-3-6 Constant Christian b 1723, Richmond Henrico VA
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-3-7 Rebecca CHRISTIAN b 1725, Richmond Henrico VA
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-3-8 Elizabeth Christian m Bradley
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-4 Mary Stith b 1701, Prince George Co VA d 17.08.1801.
m Buller Herbert 18.08.1720.
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-4-1 Mary Herbert
m Augustine Claiborne b 1721 King William VA d 03.05.1787.
y Claiborne
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-4-1-1 Susanne Claiborne m Frederick Jones
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-4-1-2 Mary Herbert Claiborne b 1745, Charles City VA m Charles Harrison
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-4-1-3 HERBERT CLAIBORNE b 07.04.1746, Albemarle Parish Sussex VA m Mary RUFFIN.
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-4-1-4 AUGUSTINE CLAIBORNE b 02.02.1747, Albemarle Parish Sussex VA m MARTHA JONES.
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-4-1-5 ANNE CLAIBORNE b 30.12.1749, Sussex VA
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-4-1-6 BULLER CLAIBORNE b 27.10.1755, Albemarle Parish VA m PATSY RUFFIN.
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-4-1-7 William CLAIBORNE b 02.11.1754, Abermarle VA m Mary LEIGH.
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-4-1-8 John HERBERT CLAIBORNE b 30.05.1763, Albermarle VA m Mary GREGORY.
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-4-1-9 LUCY HERBERT CLAIBORNE, m John COCKE.
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-4-1-10 BATHURST CLAIBORNE, m Mary LEIGH.
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-4-2 John Herbert b 04.04.1724.
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-4-3 Ann Herbert b aft 21.03.1726
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-4-4 Martha Herbert
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-5 Lt Drury Stith b 1695, Charles City Co VA d 1770, Brunswick King George Co VA
m1 Elizabeth Buckner b 1700 Gloucester VA d 1777 + 10 ch
m2 Elizabeth JONES b 1730 d 1771 + 1 ch
m3 Elizabeth BUCKNER, dau of CAPT. BUCKNER and Catherine BALLARD b 1704 Brunswick Co VA d 07.1740 Brunswick Co VA
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-5-1 DRURY25 STITH b 1718, Brunswick VA
m1 Elizabeth Jones + 4 ch dau of JAMES JONES and SARAH EDMUNOS
m2 Martha Kennon b 17.10.1731 Conjuror's Neck Chesterfield VA + 2 ch
-1 Thomas STITH b 1764 d 1832 Brunswick Brunswick Co VA m Susannah HARRIS, 27.11.1786 d 1810
-2 EDMUND STITH b mel. 1763 - 1770 d 1789
-3 Catherine STITH b 1763; d 1770
-4 CHARLOTTE STITH b 1763; d 1770
-5 Drury STITH b 1746, Brunswick Brunswick Co VA m Lucy NICHOLSON.
-6 Buckner Stith b c 1747/50 Brunswick Brunswick Co VAm Ann Dade 25.02.1772 King George VA b 1758 King George VA

-6-1 Baldwin Buckner Stith b 1773 d 01.06.1847 Mason KY
-6-2 Thomas Stith b 1775 VA d 1827
-6-3 Ann Dade Stith b 1780 King George Co VA d 18.03.1846 m Robert BOLLING, son of Robert BOLLING and Mary TABB. b 03.03.1759 Centre Petersburg VA d 1839 for ch see above Robert Bolling
-6-4 Townshend Stith
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-5-2 Griffin Stith b 28.11.1720 Brunswick VA d 1784 Northampton VA Will Written 25 Mar 1783 Proven 10 Nov. 1784 Northampton Co. Va.
m Mary BLAIKLEY 19.08.1743 b 17.01.1726
-1 Catherine STITH b 05.08.1744 Northumberland VA d 23.08.1744.
-2 Elizabeth Buckner STITH b 16.07.1745 Northumberland VA m 7.02.1767 Northampton VA John STRINGER
-3 John Buckner STITH b 03.01.1747 Northumberland VA d 22.12.1766 Brunton Parish
-4 Mary Blaikley STITH b 20.01.1749 Accomack VA d 14.11.1820 m1 Joachim MICHAEL, 12.04.1770 m2 28.06.1774, Accomack VA THROEGOD SMITH
-5 Griffin STITH b 24.08.1753, Northumberland VA d 1794 m1 Ann Stratton 29.07.1778 m2 Elizabeth SMITH, 28.09.1782
-6 DRURY STITH b 19.01.1755 Northumberland VA m Mary JACOBS
-7 William STITH b 1757
-8 Susanna STITH b 1759 m CHRISTOPHER Johnston
-9 Lucy STITH b 1767 Northampton VA m Mark U PRINGLE
-10 Janet Carson STITH.
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-5-3 Buckner Stith b 1722 Brunswick Brunswick Co VA d 1791 Will Written 4 Oct. 1791 Proven 26 Nov. 1810 Brunswick Co. Va
m 10.1751 Amelia VA Susanna Munford b 29.03.1734 VA d 10.1810 Brunswick Co VA dau of James MUNFORDunford and Elizabeth Bolling
-1 John STITH b 24.03.1755, Rock Spring Brunswick VA m ANN WASHINGTON.
-2 Robert STITH b 1751, Rock Spring Brunswick VA m Mary TOWNSHEND WASHINGTON.
-3 Richard STITH b 1765 m JANE MACLIN.
-4 RACHEL STITH b 1757, Rock Spring Brunswick VA
-5 BUCKNER STITH b 1759, Rock Spring Brunswick VA m1 Elizabeth JONES m2 NANCY ANNE WALKER.
-6 SOPHIA STITH, m BENJAMIN POYTHRESS YATES b 07.04.1780, Petersburg VA d 18.04.1817, Grampian Hill Petersburg VA
-7 ANN STITH b 1761, Rock Spring Brunswick Virginia m Thomas Eaton
-8 Catherine Stith b 1763, Rock Spring Brunswick VA d 09.08.1795, Petersburg VA m Robert BOLLING 04.10.1790 b 03.03.1759 Centre Petersburg VA d 1839 son of Robert Bolling and Mary Tabb
-9 GRIFFIN STITH b 01.01.1765, Brunswick Co VA m1 Mary DENT ALEXANDER m2 CAUTHKINS m3 FRANCES TOWNSHEND WASHINGTON b 18.04.1767, Brunswick Co Virgina Usa; d 1808.
-10 SUSANNA STITH b 1755, Rock Spring Brunswick VA m ANDREW MEADE.
-11 Elizabeth FRANCES STITH b 12.03.1794, King George Co VA d 23.07.1874, IL m1 Henry WARD m2 BENJAMIN POYTHRESS YATES b 07.04.1780, Petersburg VA d 18.04.1817, Grampian Hill Petersburg VA

-8-1 Rebecca P BOLLING b 01.05.1793, Bristol Parish Prince George VA d 26.12.1845.
-8-2 Lucy Ann BOLLING b 12.06.1795, Bristol Parish Prince George VA
-8-3 Robert Buckner BOLLING b 1791; d 10.1792.
-8-4 Martha Stith BOLLING.
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-5-4 John Stith b 20.04.1724 Brunswick VA d 29.05.1773 King George VA m by 1767 ANN WRAY
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-5-5 Elizabeth Stith b 12.06.1725, Bristol Parish Prince William KY
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-5-6 Richard Stith b Brunswick VA d 16.11.1802 Campbell VA ,The said Richard Stith who resided during the American Revolution at Beadford Co, Virginia assisted in establishing American Independence, while acting in the capacity of Patriotic Service My ancestor's services during the Revolutionary War were as follows: Patriotic Services and Civil Services. D.A.R. Patriot Index, National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Vol. 1, page 650, 1967. Geneologies of Virginia Families, The William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine, Vol. IV, page 615, 1982, Campbell Chronicles & Family Sketches by Ruth H. Early p. 6-7
m 29.09.1756 VA LUCY COCKE HALL b 07.1736 Brunswick Brunswick Co VA d 12.02.1815 Campbell VA dau of John HALL and ANNE BOLLING
-1 John Stith m Susannah Hightower b 1785 VA d 09.05.1861 Big Spring Meade Co KY
-2 Ann Hall STITH b 12.11.1757
-3 JOSEPH STITH b 26.09.1759 m NANCY COOKE
-4 LUCY STITH b 12.03.1761 m William JORDON
-5 Elizabeth BUCKNER STITH b 25.10.1762 m JESSE ADAMS MOORMAN
-6 Mary STITH b 12.11.1764 m JERIMIAH EARLEY
-8 Thomas STITH b 08.10.1768 m RHODA JONES
-9 John STITH b 07.10.1770 m Susannah Hightower b 1785 VA d 09.05.1861 Big Spring Meade Co KY
-10 Catherine STITH b 18.05.1773 m James Jones
-11 1693. xi. William Banks Stith b 08.10.1777 Brunswick Co VA d 10.05.1854 Meade, KY m ANN NANCY JONES b 1780 Buckingham Co VA d 02.01.1849 Hardin KY dau of Thomas Jones and Elizabeth Johns
-12 Richard Stith b 09.12.1778 m Elizabeth Jones
-1-1 Caroline Lewis Srirh b 09.01.1807 Breckinridge Co KY d 09.10.1899 MO m Phillip L Kincheloe b 09.10.1799 Breckinridge Co KY d 09.10.1887 Wright Co MO
-11-1 Thomas Hawfield Stith b 1799 Campbell Co VA d 1870 Meade KY 1 m LUCINDA LEAK EGGLESTON b 25.01.1801 Albermarle Co VA d 22.07.1880 Gardnersville Pendleton Co KY Lucinda dau of y Eggleston, wid y Stith and 2nd wife of James Bush, lost five children to a cholera epidemic in 1851, bur without coffins. Lime was poured over their bodies. The children are buried at the old Thrasher/Knight cemetery.

-11-1-1 Mary STITH b 09.01.1823 IN d 15.11.1883 m Henry CALDWELL b 1826 d 1901
-11-1-2 JESSE STITH b 09.08.1818 IN d 23.05.1906 Pendleton Co KY
-11-1-3 LOUISA Y STITH b 03.01.1837 Meade Co KY d 12.02.1877 Breckinridge Co KY in Breckinridge Co on 12 Feb 1877 m1 Thomas W. Stith CSA k as of 31 Dec 1863 a cousin, + 1 dau m2 26 Dec 1867 Elijah H. Mitcham in Meade Co KY + 4 ch

-11-1-3-1 Lucy E. Stith b c 1862
-11-1-3-2 Julia A Mitcham b c 1968
-11-1-3-3 James T Mitcham
-11-1-3-4 Sally Mitcham
-11-1-3-5 Joseph Mitcham
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-5-7 Barhurst Stith b 19.09.1729 Bristol Parish Prince William KY d 1801
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-5-8 Dudley Stith b 1731.
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-5-9 1562. ix. Thomas STITH b 29.12.1731, Prince George Co VA
m1 Elizabeth x + 3 ch
m2 Holly BAILEY + 10 ch
-1 Thomas Stith
-2 Marianna Stith m 17.10.1775 John HARDAWAY b 06.09.1751 St Andrews Parish Brunswick VA d 12.04.1824
-4 Jane STITH b 1781 Brunswick Brunswick Co VA
-5 Rebecca STITH b 1783 Brunswick Brunswick Co VA m 17.04.1801 Brunswick Brunswick Co VA John SPENCER
-6 DAVID STITH b 1785 Brunswick Brunswick Co VA m ARIANA MANLOVE
-7 SUSANNA STITH b 1787 Brunswick Brunswick Co VA m ANDREW RHEA
-8 Henry STITH b 1789 Brunswick Brunswick Co VA m1 Mary SPAIN m2 HELEN STITH
-9 OBADIAH STITH b 1791 Brunswick Brunswick Co VA m1 Mary C HUNNICUTT m2 Mary B BUGG
-10 ANDREW STITH b 1793 Brunswick Brunswick Co VA m1 Mary STANFORD m2 Mary POLLY MATTHEWS
-11 NAOMA STITH b 1795 Brunswick Brunswick Co VA
-12 EZRA STITH b 1797 Brunswick Brunswick Co VA m LUCY STITH
-13 Abner STITH b 1799 Brunswick Brunswick Co VA m JESSE MOREMAN
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-5-10 1563. x. Katherine Stith b 1733, Prince George Co VA d 03.06.1786, Governors Augusta GA
m William STITH,. b 1738 Charles City VA d 17.03.1799 Georgetown Wilkes GA son of John STITH and Elizabeth ANDERSON for ch see above 1535) William Stith.
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-5-11 Elizabeth D Stith b 23.06.1754 Brunswick Co, VA
m2 Thomas Short b 1751 VA d c 04.10.1804 Brunswick Prince George VA son of John SHORT and Elizabeth CLAYTON b c 1730
-1 Mary Short b 1773
-2 Mabel Short b 1777, Brunswick Prince George VA d 01.04.1851, Brunswick Prince George VA
-3 Rebecca Short b 1779, Brunswick Prince George VA
-4 Sarah Short b 1783, Brunswick Prince George VA d c 01.1838
-5 Edmund ShortT b 1785, Brunswick Prince George VA
-6 Elizabeth SHORT b 1787.
-7 Frances Shoirt b 1789, Brunswick Prince George VA
-8 Thomas Short b 1789, Brunswick Prince George VA d c 26.08.1789, Brunswick Prince George VA
-9 Susanna Short b 1799, Brunswick Prince George VA
-10 Margaret Short b 1799, Brunswick Prince George VA d 1860 Dallas MO
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-1 Drury Stith Jr b 1695 Charles City Va
m Elizabeth Buckner see Bu11-1-1 above
-1 Drury Stith III b 1718 Brunswick, Va m1 Elizabeth Jones + 4 ch m2 about 1747 Martha Kennon b 17 OCT 1731 in Conjurer's Neck, Henrico Co + 3 ch
-2 Griffin Stith b 28 NOV 1720 in Brunswick Co Va
-3 Buckner Stith b 1722 in Brunswick Co Va d 25 Jul 1791 in Brunswick Co m 7 OCT 1751 Susannah Munford b 29 MAR 1734 in Va
-4 Richard Stith b 30 SEP 1727 in Brunswick Co Va d 16 Nov 1802 in Campbell Co Va m Lucy Cocke Hall b JUL 1736 in Brunswick Co Va d 12 Feb 1815 (wife and descendants reported by
-2 Griffin Stith b 28 Nov 1720 Brunswick Va m Mary Blaikley
-3 Buckner Stith Sr b 1722 Brunswick Cnty, Brunswick, Va m Susanna Munford
-4 John Stith b 20 Mar 1724 Prince George, Va bap 10 Apr 1724 in Bristol Parish Prince George, Va d 29 May 1773 King George Va m bef. 1767, Ann Wray
-5 Elizabeth Stith b 12 Jun 1725 Bristol Parish, Prince William, Ky.
-6 Richard Stith (Sr b 30 Sep 1727 Brunswick, Va m Lucy Cocke Hall
-7 Bathurst Stith b 19 Sep 1729 Bristol Parish, Prince George, Va d 1801
-8 Katherine Stith b abt. 1733 Prince George, Va d 3 Jun 1786 in Governors, Augusta, Ga m 4 Sep 1756, William Stith b 1738 d 17 Mar 1799 in Georgetown, Wilkes, Ga, son of John Stith III and Elizabeth Anderson [#83/] .
-9 Thomas Stith b 29 Dec 1731 Prince George, Va. He m1 Elizabeth x +3 ch m2 Holly Bailey + 10 ch
-10 Dudley Stith b abt. 1731
-1-1 Thomas Stith b 1764 d 1832 Brunswick Va m 27 Nov 1786, Susannah Harris d abt. 1810.
-1-2 Edmund Stith d 1789.
-1-3 Catherine Stith b 1763 d 1770
-1-4 Charlotte Stith b 1763 d 1770
-1-5 Drury Stith IV b 1746 Brunswick Va d there 1772 m 1768 Lucy Nicholson
-1-6 Buckner Stith b 1747/50 Brunswick, Va m 25 Feb 1772 Ann Dade b c 1750 dau of y Dade b c 1725
-1-7 Elizabeth Stith b 23 Jun 1754 m Thomas Short
-2-1 Catherine Stith b 5 Aug 1744 Northumberland Va d 23 Aug 1744 bur in Bruton Parish C.
-2-2 Elizabeth Buckner Stith b 16 Jul 1745 Northumberland Va m 7 Feb 1767 in Northampton, Va, John Stringer
-2-3 John Buckner Stith b 3 Jan 1747 Northumberland Va d 22 Dec 1766 bur in Bruton Parish C.
-2-4 Mary Blaikley Stith b 20 Jan 1749 Accomack Va d 14 Nov 1820. She m1 12 Apr 1770, Joachim Michael m2 28 Jun 1774 Accomack, THROEGOOD Smith
-2-5 Griffin Stith b 24 Aug 1753 in Northumberland, Va d 1794. He m1 29 Jul 1778, Ann Stratton d 1779. He m2 28 Sep 1782, Elizabeth (Smith) Stith [#5923/].
-2-6 Drury Stith b 19 Jan 1755 in Northumberland, Va. He married Mary Jacobs
-2-7 William Stith b 1757 m Sarah Smith
-2-8 Susanna Stith b 1759. She married Christopher Johnston
-2-9 Lucy Stith b about 1760 Northampton m 6 Jul 1797 Mark U Pringle
-2-10 Janet Carson Stith
-3-1 John Stith b 24 Mar 1755 Rock Spring, Brunswick Va m 11 Dec 1783 Stafford St. Paul Parish Ann Washington b ABT 1760 in 'Chotank' King George Co Va
-3-2 Robert Stith b 1751 in Rock Spring, Brunswick, Va m Mary Townshend Washington b ABT 1759 in King George Co Va
-3-3 Richard I Stith b abt. 1765 d 1819 Brunswick Va m Jane Maclin
-3-4 Rachel Stith b abt. 1757 in Rock Spring, Brunswick, Va.
-3-5 Buckner Stith Jr b abt. 1759 Rock Spring, Brunswick, Va m1 Elizabeth Jones + 1 ch m2 Nancy Anne Walker + 5 ch
-3-6 Sophia Stith d 23 Mar 1809 m 18 Dec 1805 Rock Sprins Benjamin Poythress Yates b 7 Apr 1780 Peterburg Dinwidde Va
-3-7 Ann Stith b abt. 1761 Rock Spring, Brunswick Va m 8 Dec 1781 Brunswick Va Thomas Eaton
-3-8 Catherine Stith b abt. 1763 Rock Spring, Brunswick, Va d 9 Aug 1795 bur in Blandford Cem, Petersburg Va m on 4 Oct 1790 Brunswick Va Robert Bolling b 3 Mar 1759 in Centre, Petersburg Va d 1839, son of Robert Bolling and Mary Marshall Tabb
-3-9 Griffin Stith b 1767 in Rock Spring, Brunswick, Va m1 Mary Dent Alexander m2 + 3 ch x Cauthkins m3 Frances Townshend Washington + 7 ch
-3-10 Susanna Stith b abt. 1755 Rock Spring Brunswick Va m 18 Sep 1772 Andrew Meade
-3-11 Elizabeth Frances Stith m1 Henry Ward m2 Benjamin Poythress Yates
-6-1 Ann Hall Stith b 12 Nov 1757 Campbell, Va d 14 Jan 1831 Hardin, Ky m1 in 1758 Amelia Va John Hightower m2 on 23 Mar 1779 Bedford, Va, Drury Hardaway b 13 Aug 1756 d 1816, son of Joseph Hardaway and Ann Hall
-6-2 Joseph Stith b 6 Sep 1759 Campbell Va d 3 Nov 1837 Vine Grove, Meade, Ky m 8 Sep 1782 Campbell Va Nancy Cocke b 29 Apr 1761 Va d 16 Feb 1842 Meade Ky.
-6-3 Lucy Stith b 12 Mar 1761 Va d 13 Jun 1802 m 15 Jun 1780 Bedford Va William Jordan b abt. 1755 d aft. 7 Oct 1803 Breckinridge Va
-6-4 Elizabeth Buckner Stith b 15 Oct 1762 d d 20 Oct 1821 m 15 Feb 1785 Campbell Va Jesse Adams Mooreman d 5 Nov 1843 Meade Ky
-6-5 Mary Stith b 12 Nov 1764 Campbell Va d 18 Mar 1838 m1 on 23 Dec 1773 Bedford Va Jeremiah Early m2 on 4 Nov 1789 Campbell, Va, Richard Hightower [#2121/] b abt. 1759 Amelia, Va d abt. 1838 Columbus, Lowndes, Mi. She married (3) on 21 Apr 1791 in Brunswick, Va, Christopher McConnice [#8348/].
-6-6 Benjamin W Stith b 25 Aug 1766 Campbell Va d 18 Mar 1837 m1 Phoebe Cox + 9 ch m2 18 Aug 1836 Sally Paul + 3 ch
-6-7 Thomas Jefferson Stith b 8 Oct 1768 Bedford, Brunswick Va d 27 Jul 1821 Breckenridge Ky bur Meade Ky m Rhode Jones b 11 Jan 1777 d Feb 1851
-6-8 Dr John "Jack" Stith b 7 Oct 1770 Va d 27 Oct 1840 in Breckenridge Ky m 22 Apr 1801 in Campbell Va Susan Hightower
-6-9 Katheryn Stith 28 May 1773 d 1858 m 17 Sep 1791 in Campbell Va James Jones
-6-10 Martha Stith 8 May 1775 d 1 Jul 1843 m 23 Oct 1793 in Campbell Va Daniel J Saunders
-6-11 William B. Stith b 8 Oct 1777 Vad 10 May 1854 m 28 Dec 1796 in Campbell Va Nancy Jones
-6-12 Richard Stith Jr b 9 Dec 1779 Campbell Va d 13 Apr 1843 in Stithton, Meade, Ky m 12 Dec 1798 in Brunswick Va Elizabeth Jones
-9-1 Thomas Stith
-9-2 Marianna Stith m 17 Oct 1775, John Hardaway b 6 Sep 1751 in St Andrews Par, Brunswick, Va d 12 Apr 1824, son of Thomas Hardaway [#101/] and Agnes Peterson [#193/] .
-9-3 x Stith m Mark Nicholson
-9-4 Jane Stith b abt. 1781 Brunswick, Va.
-9-5 Rebecca Stith b abt. 1783 Brunswick Va m 17 Apr 1801 Brunswick, Va, John Spencer
-9-6 David Stith b abt. 1785 Brunswick Va d 1801 m Ariana Manlove
-9-7 Susanna Stith b abt. 1787 Brunswick Va m 10 Dec 1796 in Brunswick Va Andrew Rhea
-9-8 Henry Stith b abt. 1789 Brunswick Va m1 9 Aug 1809 Mary Spain m2 Helen Stith
-9-9 Obadiah Stith b abt. 1791 Brunswick Va m1 in 1806 Mary C HUNNICUTT m2 1843 Mary B Bugg
-9-10 Andrew Stith b abt. 1793 Brunswick Va m1 20 May 1807 in Brunswick Va Mary Stanford + 8 ch m2 Mary Polly Matthews + 1 ch
-9-11 Naoma Stith b abt. 1795 Brunswick Va.
-9-12 Ezra Stith b abt. 1797 Brunswick Va m 21 Apr 1820 in Hardin Ky Lucy Stith
-9-13 Abner Stith b abt. 1799 Brunswick Va m Jesse Moreman
-10-1 Elizabeth Stith b 23 Jun 1754 d 23 May 1786 m1 28 Oct 1770 Henry Fitzhugh m2 Henry Fitzhugh

-1-5-1 Drury Buckner Stith V b 1768 d bef. 22 Nov 1799 in Brunswick Va
-1-5-2 Mary Stith b 1770
-1-6-1 Baldwin Buckner Stith b 1773 bap 3 Feb 1773 in King George, Va d bef. 1 Jun 1847 Mason Co Ky.
-1-6-2 Thomas Stith b 1795 in Va d 1827.
-1-6-3 Ann Dade Stith b 1780 d Apr 1846.
-1-6-4 Townshend Stith
-1-7-1 Mary (Polly) Short b c 1773
-1-7-2 Mabel Short b abt. 1777 Brunswick, Va d bef. 1 Apr 1851 Brunswick, Va.
-1-7-3 Rebecca Short b abt. 1779 Brunswick, Va.
-1-7-4 Sarah Short b abt. 1783 Brunswick, Va d aft. Jan 1838
-1-7-5 Edmund Short b abt. 1785 Brunswick, Va.
-1-7-6 Elizabeth Short b abt. 1787.
-1-7-7 Frances Short b abt. 1789 Brunswick, Va.
-1-7-8 Thomas Short b abt. 1789 Brunswick, Va d aft. 26 Aug 1789 Brunswick, Va.
-1-7-9 Susanna Short b abt. 1793 Brunswick, Va.
-1-7-10 Margaret Short b abt. 1799 Brunswick, Va d aft. 1860 Dallas, Mo
-2-6-1 Drury Stith b 1782 d 4 Feb 1843.
-2-6-2 Griffin Stith d 1819.
-2-6-3 John Stith d 1823.
-2-6-4 Ann Stith
-2-6-5 Polly Stith
-2-6-6 Susanna Stith
-2-7-1 Mary Elizabeth Stith b 1786 d 1851
-2-8-1 Maria Johnston b 6 Mar 1781 d 8 Aug 1875
-2-8-2 John Johnston b 11 Feb 1783.
-2-8-3 Janet Johnston b 4 Sep 1784 d 2 Sep 1816.
-2-8-4 John Griffin Johnston b 7 Oct 1786.
-2-8-5 Robert Neilson Johnston b 29 Oct 1788.
-2-8-6 Susanna Johnston b 6 Jan 1791 d 18 Nov 1871.
-2-8-7 Elizabeth Johnston b 16 Apr 1793.
-2-8-8 Elizabeth Johnston b 31 Jul 1795 d 1 Nov 1864
-2-8-9 Christopher Johnston b 18 May 1800 in Baltimore d 2 Sep 1835
-2-9-1 Maria Pringle
-3-1-1 Needham Washington Stith d 1840
-3-1-2 Putnam Stith
-3-1-3 Lawrence Washington Stith b 1781 d 1868.
-3-1-4 Buckner Stith
-3-1-5 Cincinatus Stith
-3-1-6 Louisa Ann Stith b 1806 d 1878.
-3-1-7 Ariana Stith
-3-1-8 Helen Stith
-3-1-9 Sarah Washington Stith b 1799 d 1876
-3-1-10 Ann Stith
-3-1-11 Betsey Stith
-3-2-1 John Stith b 1774 in King George Co Va
-3-2-2 Susan Stith
-3-2-3 Frances Townshend Stith b 1786 in King George Co Va
-3-2-4 William Stith killed in a duel in Mississippi.
-3-2-5 Elizabeth Stith
-3-2-6 Mary Stith
-3-2-7 Anne Wray 'Nancy' Stith b 20 NOV 1782 in Brunswick Co Va
-3-2-8 Putnam Stith
-3-2-9 Amelia Stith
-3-3-1 William Stith
-3-3-2 Eliza Stith
-3-3-3 Minerva Stith
-3-3-4 Irwin Stith
-3-3-5 Judge Maclin Stith
-3-3-6 Leonidas Stith
-3-3-7 Richard P Stith
-3-3-8 Julian Stith
-3-3-9 Anne Stith
-3-5-1 Elizabeth Jones Stith
-3-5-2 David Buckner Stith Va. 2d Lieutenant 35 infantry 31 Mar 1813 1st Lieutenant 1 Sep 1814 Honorable discharge 15 Jun 1815
-3-5-3 Ferdinand Stith
-3-5-4 John6 Stith
-3-5-5 Catherine Ann Stith
-3-5-6 Julia Stith
-3-6-1 William Yates b 18 Nov 1806 Dinwiddie Va d 7 Apr 1872
-3-6-2 Marienne Yates
-3-7-1 Thomas Buckner Eaton
-3-7-2 William Eaton b 1780 Warren NC.
-3-7-3 Mary Allen Eaton
-3-7-4 Harriet Bolling6 Eaton
-3-9-1 Gerard6 Stithb 1821 Fairfax Va d 11 Jun 1880 Wythville VA
-3-9-2 Laura6 Stith b 1822.
-3-9-3 Susanna Stith
-3-9-4 George Washington Stith b 1810 Va d 6 Dec 1851 Sampson NC
-3-9-5 Griffin Stith
-3-9-6 Buckner Stith b 1812 Va d 1860 Wilson NC
-3-9-7 Jane Elizabeth6 Stith
-3-9-8 Henry Stith
-3-9-9 John Stith b abt. 1814 VA
-3-9-10 Dade Stith b abt. 1816 A
-3-10-1 Maria Meade b 1775 Brunswick, Va d 15 Jan 1815
-3-10-2 Richard Kidder Meade b 1775 Brunswick Va
-3-10-3 Susan Meade b 1773
-3-10-4 Anne Meade b 1781.
-3-10-5 David Meade b 1790 Brunswick Va
-3-11-1 Griffin Stith Ward
-3-11-2 Herbert Ward
-3-11-3 Bolivar Ward
-3-11-4 Sophia Ann Yates b 10 Dec 1811 Dinwiddie Va d 6 Dec 1874.
-3-11-5 Benjamin D Yates b abt. 1813 Peterburg Dinwidde Va
-6-2-1 William Bathurst Stith b 2 May 1784 Bedford Va d 6 Oct 1829 Meade, KY bur in Hynes Cem, Stithton, Meade, KY
-6-2-2 Richard L Stith b 26 Jan 1786 Va d 25 Oct 1844.
-6-2-3 Thomas Bathurst Stith b 23 Jan 1788 d 6 Oct 1819.
-6-2-4 John B (JACK) Stith b 21 Jan 1790 Bedford Va d 22 Nov 1833 Hardin Ky
-6-2-5 Polly Bathurst Stith b 7 Mar 1792 d aft. 1851.
-6-2-6 Elizabeth Buckner Stith b 16 Jun 1794 d aft. 1851.
-6-2-7 Buckner Bathurst Stith b 12 Sep 1796 d 26 Oct 1807.
-6-2-8 Nancy Ann Stith b 8 Sep 1798 d 16 Feb 1842.
-6-2-9 Joseph Bathurst Stith b 27 Dec 1800 d 8 Jun 1818
-6-2-10 Patsy Martha Stith b 3 Jun 1803 Hardin, Ky d 12 Aug 1882 Meade Ky
-6-3-1 Polly6 Jordan b 28 Jul 1795 d 12 Aug 1853 bur Hynes Cem, Stithton, Meade, Ky.
-6-3-2 Elizabeth Ann Jordan
-6-3-3 Lucy Jordan
-6-3-4 Katherine Jordan
-6-3-5 William Jordan b abt. 1785 Va d abt. 1830/40 Ky
-6-3-6 Woodson Jordan
-6-3-7 Samuel Jordan
-6-3-8 Charles Jordan b 1790 d 1872
-6-3-9 Richard Stith Jordan
-6-4-1 William Achilles Mooreman b 1785 Campbell VA
-6-4-2 Lucy Mooreman b 12 Dec 1786, Campbell VA
-6-4-3 Jesse P Mooreman b 1792 Campbell VA
-6-4-4 Judith Mooreman b 1796 Campbell VA
-6-4-5 Mary Mooreman b 1800 Campbell Va.
-6-4-6 De Alanson Mooreman b 18 Nov 1803 Hardin Ky d 22 Jan 1890
-6-4-7 Elizabeth A Mooreman b 24 Oct 1804 Campbell Va.
-6-4-8 Polly Mooreman
-6-4-9 Achilles Mooreman
-6-4-10 Richard S Mooreman
-6-6-1 Mathew C Stith b 1807 d Sep 1867
-6-6-2 Mary Watkins Stith
-6-6-3 Rachel Watkins Stith b 18 Jul 1811 d 22 May 1900
-6-6-4 Lucy Stith
-6-6-5 Rosina M. Stith b 1813
-6-6-6 Ann Elizabeth Stith
-6-6-7 Richard Marcus Stith
-6-6-8 Caroline Stith b 1822
-6-6-9 Benjamin S Stith d 1847
-6-6-10 Marcus Stith
-6-6-11 Pollie Stith
-6-6-12 Eddie Stith
-6-7-1 Richard Stith b 22 Feb 1794 Va
-6-7-2 Elizabeth J. (Betsy)6 Stith b 23 Dec 1795 Campbell Va
-6-7-3 Mary (Polly) Stith b 1796 Campbell Va SE
-6-7-4 Martha "Patsy" Stith b 10 Mar 1798
-6-7-5 William J Stith b 1798 Breckinridge Ky d 18 Sep 1840
-6-7-6 Thomas Jefferson Stith Jr b 10 Jun 1800 Breckinridge Ky d Ky
-6-7-7 Mary W "Polly" Stith b 1 Jul 1802 Breckinridge Ky
-6-7-8 Harriet Stith b 10 Jul 1804 Breckinridge Ky
-6-7-9 Benjamin Stith b 1804 Breckinridge Ky
-6-7-10 Nancy Willa Stith b 19 Sep 1806
-6-7-11 Joseph Stith b 9 Sep 1811
-6-7-12 Lucy Catherine Stith b 1814
-6-8-1 Sallie Stith b 1802
-6-8-2 Caroline George Stith b c 1803
-6-8-3 George Hightower Stith b 11 Mar 1811 in Meade, Ky d 5 Jul 1870 in Mo bur in Family Farm.
-6-8-4 Robert Stith b 1813.
-6-8-5 Mahala Ann Stith b 1815
-6-8-6 Jane Stith b 9 Mar 1815 d Jan 1895 in NE
-6-9-1 Richard S6Jones b 1793 d 1853
-6-9-2 Agnes Walker Jones b 1800 d 1879
-6-9-3 Katherine Jones
-6-10-1 Stith Saunders b abt. 1798 d 31 Jan 1840
-6-10-2 Katherine Saunders b 13 Feb 1799 in Va d 17 Jun 1894 in Ky
-6-10-3 Daniel J Saunders
-6-11-1 Thomas Hawfield Stith b 1800 in Va.
-6-11-2 Griffin Stith b 2 Sep 1802 m John Stith Jr.
-6-11-3 Catherine Stith
-6-11-4 Susan Stith
-6-11-5 Martha Stith b 6 Aug 1807 in Meade, Ky d 29 Jun 1880 bur in Tarpley Cem, Stithton, Hardin, Ky.
-6-11-6 Elizabeth Ann Stith b 1811
-6-11-7 Henry Stith b 10 Oct 1815 d 6 Sep 1890 in Meade Ky bur in Stith-Wright Cem Meade Ky m H. C. Allen
-6-11-8 Richard W Stith b 1813 in Hardin Ky.
-6-11-9 William A Stith
-6-11-10 Benjamin W Stith
-6-12-1 Lucy Jones Stith b 2 Mar 1801 in Campbell Albemarle Va d 6 Oct 1876 in Meade Ky
-6-12-2 Elizabeth Stith b 6 Oct 1803 in Albemarle Campbell Va d 7 Jun 1840
-6-12-3 Buckner Jones Stith b 21 Mar 1804 in Albemarle Campbell Va d 1 Sep 1856
-6-12-4 Susan6 Stith b 10 Dec 1808 d 4 Aug 1847.
-6-12-5 John Craig6 Stith b 15 May 1809 in Meade, Ky d 1 Mar 1880 in Meade, Ky bur in Brandenburg, Meade, Ky.
-6-12-6 William Banks Stith b 21 Apr 1812 d 17 Jul 1880
-6-12-7 Edward S. Stith b 25 Mar 1813 in Meade, Ky baptized 1 Feb 1936; endowed 21 Feb 1936; sealed to parents d 2 Apr 1860
-6-12-8 Martha Ann Stith b 19 Feb 1816 in Meade, Ky d 1 Jul 1843 m by Samuel Brown
-6-12-9 Jesse Jones Stith b 14 May 1818 d 21 Jul 1895 bur in Big Spr Meth C Ky.
-6-12-10 Mary Ann Stith b 23 Jan 1820 in Meade, Ky d 24 Oct 1873 bur in Stith-Wright Cem, Meade, Ky.
-6-12-11 Griffin Stith
-6-12-12 Laurie A Stith b 1837 in Hardin, Ky d 1855
-9-6-1 Emily Stith
-9-6-2 Mary Maclin Stith
-9-7-1 Neomi Rhea b 1802 in Chapel Hill NC
-9-8-1 Eliza Caroline Stith b about 1822
-9-8-2 Elizabeth R Stith
-9-9-1 Obadiah Edward Stith
-9-9-2 Martha Stith
-9-9-3 Mary Stith
-9-9-4 Nancy Stith
-9-9-5 Sallie Caiborne Stith
-9-9-6 Ezra Littleton Stith
-9-10-1 Ariana Adeline6 Stith [#8522/] b 1813 d 1852
-9-10-2 Sophronia Livingston6 Stith [#8523/] b 19 Sep 1817 NC d 14 Oct 1875 in Holly Springs
-9-10-3 Abner Aurelius6 Stith [#6171/] b 19 Aug 1819 in NC
-9-10-4 George6 Stith
-9-10-5 Richard Stanford6 Stith b 28 Apr 1825 in Caswell, NC
-9-10-6 Leonidas Cincinnatus6 Stith b 7 Jan 1823
-9-10-7 Stanford6 Stith
-9-10-8 Minerva Andrewetta6 Stith b 4 Jun 1831 in Henry, Tenn d 7 Jan 1866 in Panola, miss.
-9-10-9 Henry Stith
-9-12-1 Fanny WATZ Stith
-9-12-2 Mary Stith
-9-12-3 Ada AMELIUS Stith
-10-1-1 Henry Fitzhugh b 14 Feb 1773 in King George Va.
-10-1-2 Henriette Fitzhugh b 1775 in King George, Va.
-10-1-3 John Bolling Stith Fitzhugh b 1778 d 1825
-10-1-4 Lucinda Fitzhugh b Feb 1782.
-10-1-5 Caroline Matilda Fitzhugh b 4 Jun 1784
-10-1-6 Alice Thornton Fitzhugh b 15 Aug 1785
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-2 William Stith b abt. 1697 Charles City Va. -1 Elizabeth Buckner Stith b 1762 Va d 1825 Ky m Jesse Adam
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-3 Jane Drury Stith b abt. 1697 in Prince George Va m 1710 Thomas Hardaway b 1683 in Va -1 Thomas Hardaway b 1715 Prince George, Va m about 1727 in Bristol Agnes Peterson
-2 James Hardaway b 10 Jul 1719 in Bristol Par Prince George, Va.
-3 Jane Hardaway b 1 Jun 1721 in Bristol Par Prince George, Va.
-4 Wm Hardaway b 12 Jun 1723 bap 13 Oct 1723 m x Manson
-5 Frances Hardaway b 4 Apr 1725 d 1756 m William Skipwith
-6 Joseph Hardaway b 7 Apr 1729 m Ann Hall
-7 Drury Hardaway b 2 Apr 1733 bap 7 Apr 1733 in Bristol Par. Prince George, Va.
-8 John Hardaway b 1708 m1 Rebecca Pepper m2 Frances Markham
-9 Susanna Hardaway b 1710.
-10 Stith Hardaway b 1723 m Martha Worsham
-11 x Hardaway b 10 Jul 1719 d 1770 m 1756, William Stanfield
-12 Daniel Stith Hardaway b 1723 in Va m Martha Worsham b 1725
-1-1 Agnes Thweat Hardaway b 1731 m abt. 1748 in Augusta Va William Christopher Locke
-1-2 John Hardaway b 6 Sep 1751 in St Andrews Par Brunswick, Va m1 Marianna Stith m2 Elizabeth Maclin m3 Rebecca Blount Manson
-1-3 Thomas Hardaway d 1804.
-1-4 Susannah Hardaway b 27 Sep 1740 in Bristol Par Prince George, Va.
-1-5 Elizabeth Hardaway
-1-6 James Hardaway b 1719 d 1770
-1-7 Rebecca Hardaway
-1-8 Nancy Hardaway
-1-9 Mary Hardaway
-1-10 Martha Peterson Hardaway b 10 Jun 1754 Hardaway Mills Va m Robert Rives
-1-11 Ann Hardaway b 20 Apr 1760 m 14 Sep 1786, Richard Clark
-6-1 Lucy Hardaway b 25 May 1755 in Bristol Par Prince George, Va. n
-6-2 Joseph Hardaway
-6-3 Drury Hardaway b 13 Aug 1756 m Ann Hall Stith
-6-4 Mason Hardaway b 6 Feb 1758 in Bristol Par Prince George, Va.
-6-5 Ann Hardaway b 24 Sep 1759 in Bristol Par Prince George
-8-1 James Markham5 Hardaway
-8-2 Jeane Hardaway bap 14 Nov 1731 in Bristol Par Prince George, Va.
-8-3 Keren Happuch Hardaway bap 30 May 1741 in Bristol Par Prince George, Va.
-8-4 Ainsworth Hardaway bap 3 Jul 1742 in Bristol Par Prince George, Va.
-8-5 Thomas Hardaway b 1734 m Mary TAROTTER
-10-1 Daniel Hardaway b 1749 Of Amelia Co Va.
-10-2 Stith Hardaway b 1751 Of Amelia Co Va
-12-1 Judith Archer Hardaway b ABT 1750 in Amelia Co Va m 24 JAN 1784 William Lewis b 1724 in Ireland
-1-1-1 Jacob Locke b 1749 in Augusta Va.
-1-1-2 George6 Locke b 1750 in Augusta Va.
-1-1-3 John6 Locke b 1751 in Augusta Va.
-1-1-4 Jesse6 Locke b 1754 in Augusta Va.
-1-1-5 Samuel William6 Locke b 1752 in Augusta Va.
-1-1-6 Elizabeth6 Locke b 1757.
-1-1-7 Elisha6 Locke b 1760 in Augusta Va.
-1-1-8 Richard6 Locke b 11 Jun 1762 in Augusta Va.
-1-1-9 Stephen6 Locke b 1765 in Augusta Va.
-1-1-10 Billy Francis Locke b 1767 in Augusta Va.
-1-1-11 Thomas Locke b 1769 in Augusta Va.
-1-1-12 Mary Locke b 1772 in Augusta Va.
-1-1-13 Abraham Locke b 1774 in Augusta Va.
-1-1-14 Job Locke b 1776 in Augusta Va.
-1-1-15 William Locke b 1779 in Augusta Va.
-1-1-16 Willis Locke b 1780 in Berkeley Martinsburg Va.
-12-1-1 Judith Lewis b ABT 1784 in Amelia Co m ABT 1804 Dr. John Randolph b 11 SEP 1779 in Tuckahoe, Goochland Co Va son of Thomas Mann Randolph b 1741 in "Tuckahoe" Goochland, Va and Anne Cary b 7 FEB 1745/46 in Chesterfield Co (dau of Archibald Cary b 24 JAN 1720/21 in Williamsburg James City Co Va and Mary Randolph b 21 NOV 1727)
-1-2-1 William Edward Hardaway b 1792 d 1858.
-1-2-2 Elizabeth Hardaway
-1-2-3i Frederick Maclin Hardaway
-1-2-4 Henry Simmons Hardaway
-1-2-5 John Clack Hardaway
-1-2-6 Marianna Hardaway
-1-10-1 Robert Rives b 1778 in Dinwiddie, Va.
-1-10-2 Richard Augustus Rives b abt. 1780 in Dinwiddie, Va d 1819 in Dinwiddie, Va.
-1-10-3 Thomas Rives b 3 Nov 1782 in Dinwiddie, Va.
-1-10-4 Benjamin Rives b 1785 in Dinwiddie, Va.
-1-10-5 T Hardaway Rives b 1788 in Dinwiddie, Va.
-1-10-6 Mary Rives b 1791 in Dinwiddie, Va.
-1-10-7 Clara Rives b 1793 in Dinwiddie, Va.
-1-10-8 Martha Peterson Rives b 23 Apr 1795 in Dinwiddie, Va.
-6-3-1 Lucy Ann Hardaway b 1784 in Chesterfield, Ky d 1838
-6-3-2 Richard Buckner Hardaway b 1785 d 1856.
-6-3-3 Benjamin Stith Hardaway b 1791 d 1813.
-6-3-4 Thomas Parsons Hardaway b 1795.
-6-3-5 Joseph Edwin Hardaway
-6-3-6 William Henry Hardaway b 13 Mar 1800 d 5 Dec 1871.
-8-5-1 Mason Hardaway

-12-1-1-1 Dr. William Mann Randolph b ABT 1814 m 2 SEP 1839 in Albemarle Co Margaret Randolph b 7 MAR 1816 in Albemarle Co Va dau of Thomas Jefferson 'Jeff' Randolph b 12 SEP 1792 in Va and Jane Hollins Nicholas b 16 JAN 1798 in Va (dau of Gov Wilson Cary Nicholas b 31 JAN 1761 in Williamsburg and Maraget Smith b 28 Mar 1765 Baltimore
-12-1-1-1-1 Jane Margaret Randolph b 7 MAY 1840
-12-1-1-1-2 William Lewis Randolph b 20 DEC 1842 in Mississippi m FEB 1866 Agnes Dillon b 23 JAN 1846 in Georgia
-12-1-1-1-2-1 William Mann Randolph b 14 JAN 1870 in Albemarle Co, Va
-12-1-1-1-2-2 Hollins N Randolph b 1872
-12-1-1-1-2-3 Elizabeth R Randolph b 1876 WLR m2 in 1887 Margaret Randolph Taylor b 14 NOV 1843 in Jefferson Co Va
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-4 Rebecca Stith b 1695 of Charles City
m c 1704 Thomas Christian
-1 Ann Mourning Christian b abt. 1706 Richmond, Henrico, Va m Samuel Coleman
-2 Thomas Christian b abt. 1707 Charles City, Va m Rebecca x
-3 Robert Christian b abt. 1708 Charles City, Va m Lucy Bradly
-4 William Christian b abt. 1709 Charles City, Va.
-5 James Christian b abt. 1712 Charles City, Va m Susannah x
-6 Constant Christian b abt. 1713 Richmond, Henrico, Va.
-7 Rebecca Christian b abt. 1715 Richmond, Henrico, Va
-1-1 Samuel Coleman b abt. 1732 in Goochland, Va m1 Ann Wright m2 Elizabeth DOSS
-1-2 James Coleman b abt. 1732 in Goochland, Va d Sep 1796 m 1751 Goochland, Va, Elizabeth Leake
-1-3 John Coleman b abt. 1736 in Goochland, Va m Elizabeth x
-1-4 Daniel Coleman b abt. 1738 in Goochland, Va
-2-1 Anthony Christian b 9 Jun 1724.
-2-2 Nathaniel Christian
-2-3 Thomas Christian
-2-4 Jesse Christian
-2-5 David Christian
-2-6 Lins Christian
-2-7 Archer Christian
-2-8 Mary Christian
-2-9 Susannah Christian
-2-10 Elizabeth Christian
-3-1 Drury Christian b abt. 1730 m Lucretia Williams
-3-2 John Christian b 1731.
-3-3 Robert Christian b 1734 m Mary x
-3-4 Lucy Christian b 1736
-3-5 Elizabeth Christian b 1738
-5-1 Charles Christian
-5-2 James Christian
-5-3 John Christian
-5-4 George Christian
-1-1-1 Jeanie Coleman b 18 Jul 1756 in Goochland Va bap 6 Mar 1757.
-1-1-2 David Coleman b 6 Jan 1762 in Goochland, Va bap 10 May 1762
-1-1-3 Robert Coleman b 1766 in Goochland Va d 6 Mar 1846
-1-1-4 John Coleman b 1776 in Goochland Va d 1864 in Wilson, TN
-3-1-1 James Christian b 23 Apr 1758 bap 30 Apr 1758 in Bristol Parish, Goochland Va
-3-1-2 Gideon Christian b 16 Aug 1760 bap 16 Aug 1760 in Bristol Parish Goochland Va
-3-1-3 Ann Christian b 3 Mar 1764.
-3-1-4 Nancy Christian bap 3 Mar 1764 in Bristol Parrish, Goochland, Va.
-3-1-5 Drury Christian Jr b 18 Aug 1766 bap 18 Aug 1766 in Bristol Parish Goochland Va
-3-1-6 Mary Christian b c 1768 in Warren, NC d 1837 in Dickson, Te.
-3-1-7 William Christian b c 1770 in Warren NC
-3-1-8 Jesse Christian b c 1772 in Warren NC
-3-1-9 Frances Christian b c 1774 in Warren NC
-3-3-1 Sarah Christian b 8 Sep 1778 d 24 Dec 1835.
-5-4-1 James Christian
-5-4-2 Elizabeth Christian
-5-4-3 Charles Christian
-5-4-4 Sally Christian
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-5 Mary Stith b 1702 in Charles City Co, Va
m 18 JUL 1720 Buller Herbert b ABT 1690 in Charles City Co Va
-1 Mary Herbert b 28 AUG 1728 in Va d 17 Aug 1801 m Col Augustine Claiborne b 14 JAN 1719/20 in 'Sweet Hall', King William Co Va
-2 John Herbert b 4 Apr 1724.
-3 Ann Herbert b 21 Mar 1726/27.
-4 Martha Herbert
-1-1 Susanne Claiborne m Frederick Jones
-1-2 Mary Herbert Claiborne b 19 JAN 1743/44 in Sussex Co/?Charles City, Va m Charles Harrison
-1-3 Herbert Claiborne b 7 Apr 1746 in Albemarle Par Sussex, Va m Mary Ruffin
-1-4 Augustine Claiborne b 2 Feb 1747 in Albemarle Par Sussex, Va m Martha Jones
-1-5 Anne Claiborne b 30 Dec 1749 in Sussex/'Sweet Hall', King William Co Va bap 30 Mar 1749 in Albemarle
-1-6 Buller Claiborne b 27 Oct 1755 in Albemarle Par Sussex Va m Patsy Ruffin
-1-7 William Claiborne b 2 Nov 1754 in Albemarle Par Sussex Va m Mary Leigh
-1-8 John Herbert Claiborne b 30 May 1763 in Albemarle Par Sussex, Va m Mary Gregory
-1-9 Lucy Herbert Claiborne m John Cocke
-1-10 Bathurst Claiborne m Mary Leigh Claiborne
-1-11 Thomas B. Claiborne b 1 JAN 1745/46 in Va
-1-12 Elizabeth Claiborne b 1756 in Va
-1-1-1 Mary Herbert Jones
-1-2-1 Augustine Harrison b 1762 in Charles City, Va.
-1-2-2 Charles Harrison b 1764 in Prince George, Va.
-1-2-3 Mary Herbert Harrison b 1766 in Charles City, Va.
-1-2-4 Anne Carter Harrison b 1768 in Charles City, Va.
-1-2-5 Elizabeth Randolph Harrison b 1770 in Charles City, Va.
-1-2-6 Henry Harrison b 3 Jun 1775 in Charles City, Va.
-1-2-7 Benjamin Henry Harrison b abt. 1776 in Charles City, Va.
-1-3-1 Mary H Claiborne
-1-3-2 William Burnet Claiborne
-1-3-3 Herbert Augustine Claiborne b 6 Mar 1784 in Chestnut Grove, New Kent, Va d 5 Aug 1841 in Richmond, Henrico, Va.
-1-3-4 William C Claiborne
-1-3-5 Mary Carter Claiborne
-1-3-6 Judith B Claiborne
-1-3-7 Harriet Herbert Claiborne
-1-3-8 Lavinia Bathurst Claiborne
-1-3-9 Bettie Carter Claiborne
-1-3-10 Augusta Claiborne b 1790.
-1-4-1 Buller Claiborne b abt. 1772 in Bristol Par Va.
-1-4-2 Frances Claiborne b abt. 1774 in Bristol Par Va.
-1-4-3 John Claiborne b abt. 1776 in Bristol Par Va.
-1-4-4 Augustine Claiborne b abt. 1778 in Bristol Par Va.
-1-4-5 Cadwalader Claiborne b abt. 1780 in Bristol Par Va.
-1-6-1 Sterling Claiborne
-1-6-2 James Claiborne
-1-6-3 Richard Claiborne
-1-6-4 Lucy Claiborne
-1-7-1 Fredinland Claiborne b 9 Mar 1772 in Sussex, Va.
-1-7-2 William Charles Cole Claiborne b 1770 in Sussex, Va.
-1-7-3 Nathaniel Herbert Claiborne b 14 Nov 1777 in Sussex, Va.
-1-7-4 Thomas Augustine Claiborne b 10 Feb 1777 in Sussex, Va.
-1-7-5 Mary Leigh Claiborne b 1781 d 1812.
-1-8-1 John Gregory Claiborne b 1798.
-1-9-1 Robert Herbert Cocke
-1-9-2 John Cocke
-1-10-1 William Augustine Bathurst Claiborne b 1805 in King William, Va
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5 Anne Merrywether Stith b 25.01.1660, Charles City VA d 1709 Charles City VA
m 1681 Kippax Culpeper VA Robert Thomas Bolling b 26.12.1646 All Hollows Barking Park London d 17.07.1709 Kippox Charles City Charles VA At the age of twenty one, Anne met and married the elder English gentleman, Colonel Robert Bolling, Sr. and made her home at the opulent Kippax Plantation. Over looking the south bank of the Appomattox River, this plantation house was not unlike the royal estates of England. It was in these old mansions a generation lived in lordly manner, and entertained with lavish hospitality. It was here, at Kippax Plantation, that Anne and the Colonel raised their nine children; Jane Bolling (b. 1682), Robert Bolling Jr. (1682�1749), married Anne Mary Cocke; (Robert was the grandfather of Beverley Randolph, the eighth Governor of Virginia); Stith Bolling (1686�1727), married Elizabeth Hartwell; Edward Bolling (1687�1720), married Ms. Slaughter; Anne Bolling (1690�1750), married Robert Wynne; Drury Bolling (1695�1726), married Elizabeth Meriwether (NOTE: it is the daughter of Drury and Eliz. that is [the only] Ann Meriwether); Thomas Bolling (1697�1734); Agnes Bolling (1700�1762), married Richard Kennon; Mary "Molly" Bolling (b. 1702), married Andrew Baker. Her death came at an early age and in 1709, only 49 years of age, Anne was buried at her beloved Kippax Plantation, the final resting place of many Bolling and Rolfe descendants. The foregoing biographical information is a compilation of historical data as found in various writings of the era and not one particular source. � By C. Hileman Her husband Robert died on July 17, 1709 according to the diary of Robert Bolling. However, in the same printed volume he mentions Anne (Stith) Bolling on February 24, 1711 on page 305 of the book The Secret Diary of William Byrd of Westover. Here is what he wrote, "Mr. Drury Stith called on his way over the river where he was going to see his sister Bolling who was sick." Then according to the annotation at the bottom of the page it points out that, "Anne (Stith), widow of Colonel Robert Bolling." So she at the very least lived beyond Feb. 24, 1711 and most likely beyond the scope of Byrd's diary because he no doubt would have mentioned her passing if she had died before Sept. 29, 1712, the last date of his diary between 1709-1712. This valuable info was supplied to me by FAG member Eric Bruno Borgman Notater for Robert Thomas BOLLING: BIOGRAPHY: Notes from "Colonial Families of Southern States of America, page 71, Bolling Family" refer to Robert Bolling as the Honorable Robert Bolling. He was the founder of the family in VA. He arrived in the Colony 2 Oct 1660 and soon attained to fortune and prominence in affairs of both Church and State. In 1858, his remains were removed from "Kippax" to the mausoleum at Blandford Cemetery, erected by his great grandson. He was first married to Jane Rolfe in 1675. She died in 1676. She was the daughter of Lt. Thomas and Jane Poythress Rolfe and the great granddaughter of Colonel John Rolfe and his wife, Princess Pocahontas Rebecca, daughter of Powhatan, the great Werowance and ruler of all the Indian Tribes, which at the advent of the English, inhabited Virginia. who at the age of 14 settled in Va. in 1660 (arrived in Va. Oct 2< 1660)Colonel Robert Bolling (December 26, 1646 - July 17, 1709) was a wealthy early American settler, merchant and planter. He is the ancestor of many prominent individuals including Presidents George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush. He was born on December 26, 1646 at Tower Street, All Hallows, Barking Parish, in London. He arrived in Virginia at the age of fourteen on October 2, 1660. In 1674, he married Jane Rolfe the granddaughter of Pocahontas. They had one child, John Bolling, born on January 26, 1676. His descendants, the only American descendants of Pocahontas, are termed the "Red Bollings". They include Edith Bolling, wife of U. S. President Woodrow Wilson and John Randolph of Roanoke. Jane died after one year of marriage. In 1681, Col. Bolling married his second wife Anne Stith with whom he had many children, including Robert Bolling, Jr., who was born on January 25, 1682. Both Presidents Bush are descended from Robert Bolling, Jr. In 1702 Bolling was a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses representing Charles City Co., in 1702. He died on July 17, 1709 and was buried at his plantation Kippax, in Prince George Co., Virginia, where his tomb still stands. For the poet, see Robert Bolling (poet).
+1 John Bolling and Mary Clark/Mary Carrie b c 1620
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-1 Robert Bolling b 25.01.1682 Prince George Co VA d 3 Jan1749, Prince George Co, VA
m Anne Cocke b 1686 Charles City, Charles, VA d 1749 Prince George, VA
m2 Anne Meriwether 27.01.1705.
+1 Richard Cocke and Elizabeth Littlebury
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-1-1 Mary Anne Bolling b 25 JuN 1707/08 in Pr George Co Va
m 27.01.1727 Washington Bristol York VA William Starke b c 1691 in Va +3 dau
-1 Bolling Sarke b 11.11.1733 Bristol Parish Prince George VA m Elizabeth Belfield b 25.10.1732
-2 William Starke m Mary Basswtt Daingerfield
-3 Rebecca Starke m1 John Ravenscroft b 1724 York VA m2 George MacMurdo b Dumphries Scotland
-4 Elizabeth Starke b 1744 d 03.06.1828 m Capt Robert Walker b 10.10.1729 Kingston Dinwiddie VA d 19.10.1797.
-5 x Starke m Philip HAZELL.
-6 Robert Starke m Mary HALL 27.02.1758 Amelia VA b 1738 Prince George Co VA dau of John HALL and Anne Bolling for ch see above Mary Hall
-1-1 Belfield Starke b 20.11.1787 Henrico Co VA
-1-2 Clarissa Stasrke b 20.11.1787 Henrico Co VA
-1-3 Ann Starke b 20.11.1787 Henrico Co VA
-1-4 Burwell Stark
-2-1 Edwin STARK
-2-2 William STARK
-2-3 Bolling STARK d 1810
-2-4 Mary Bassett STARK
-2-5 Ane STARK
-2-6 Robert BOLLING STARKE b 1781 d 02.03.1839
-2-7 Daingerfield STARK b 1779 d 1825
-3-1 John Ravenscroft b 1750 York VA
-4-3 Richard WALKER
-4-4 Mary WALKER
-4-8 CLARA WALKER b 09.07.1780
-4-9 BOLLING WALKER d 19.11.1814 Norfolk VA
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-1-2 Elizabeth Bolling b 17.12.1709 Prince George Co VA
m 1727/8 Maj James Munford b 1705 Westover Charles City Co VA d Amelia Co Va betw 16 Mar and 25 Apr 1754 son of. d 16.03.1754 Prince George Co VA his will was proved Apr. 25, 1754
+1 Col Robert Munford b c 1678 and Martha Kennon b c 1681 in Conjurer's Neck, Henrico Co Va
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-1-2-1 Martha MUNFORD b 28.09.1728 m William WILSON.
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-1-2-2 James Munford b 16.09.1732 Prince George Co VA
m Anne Brodnax
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-1-2-3 Susanna Munford b 29.03.1734 VA d 10.1810 Brunswick Co VA
m Buckner Stith 10.1751 Amelia VA b 1722 Brunswick Brunswick Co VA d 1791 son of Drury Stith and Elizabeth Buckner Will Written 4 Oct. 1791 Proven 26 Nov. 1810 Brunswick Co. Va for ch see above Buckner Stith.
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-1-2-4 William Munford
m Prudence Ward
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-1-2-5 Robert Munford
m Anne Brodnax 11.02.1755.
-1 Elizabeth MUNFORD b 22.09.1733, Prince George Co VA
-2 William MUNFORD b 23.11.1734.
-3 Theoderick MUNFORD b 21.02.1741, Prince George Co VA
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-1-2-6 Thomas Bolling Munford
m Jane Watson
-1 Richard Jones MUNFORD.
-2 Thomas MUNFORD
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-1-2-7 Edward MUNFORD b 1725
m Elizabeth HALL.
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-1-3 Anne Cocke Bolling b 12 DEC 1713 in Prince George Co Va d 1766, Edgecombe NC
m 1730 John Hall b c 1710 in Scotland + 2 ch Justice Lunenburg Co. Surveyor for north dist. of the co. Mem. Co. Ct. 1746-48 Sheriff 1748-50 Soldier French and Indian War.
-1 Robert Bolling Hall b 1733, Prince George Co VA d 1771, Brunswick VA m Mary Watson
-2 Hugh Hall b 1733, Prince George Co VA d 1771, Petersburg VA m 1759 Brunswick Co VA Mary DIXON b Dinwiddie Co VA d Sussex Co VA dau of Henry DIXON and Elizabeth ABERNATHY
-3 Elizabeth Hall b 1734 m DAVID HOLT 20.10.1752 Amelia VA
-4 Lucy Cocke HALL b 07.1736 Brunswick Brunswick Co VA d Campbell VA m Richard STITH 29.09.1756 VA b 30.09.1727 Brunswick VA d 16.11.1802 Campbell VA son of Drury Stith and Elizabeth Buckner (for a DAR application: The said Richard Stith who resided during the American Revolution at Beadford Co, Virginia assisted in establishing American Independence, while acting in the capacity of Patriotic Service My ancestor's services during the Revolutionary War were as follows: Patriotic Services and Civil Services. D.A.R. Patriot Index, National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Vol. 1, page 650, 1967. Geneologies of Virginia Families, The William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine, Vol. IV, page 615, 1982. Campbell Chronicles & Family Sketches by Ruth H. Early p. 6-7) for ch see above 1561) Richard Stith.
-5 Mary Hall b 1738, Prince George Co VA m 27.02.1758 Amelia VA Robert STarke son of William STARKE and Mary BOLLING
-6 Martha Hall b 1747, Lunenburg VA
-7 William Hall b 1750 m1 Frances m2 Mary Anne
-8 Ann HALL b 1745 m Joseph Hardaway Amelia VA b 07.04.1729
-9 Mason m 1764 James Hall

-2-1 Elizabeth Hugh HALL b 1752 d 1882 m 22 Dec 1767 Charles Hines
-2-2 Dixon HALL b 1755 Dinwiddie VA
-2-3 William Winfield HALL b 1756 Dinwiddie Va d 1820 Montgomery Al
-2-4 Mary Hall b 12.01.1763 Surry Beaufort NC d 21.06.1851 Fayetteville Lincoln TN 27.02.1758 Amelia VA m1 JAMES PILKINGTON m2 Capt John MORGAN b 1762 Fauquier Co, VA d 1817 Mulberry, Lincoln, TN son of John MORGAN and MARTHA SETTLE
-2-5 Leonard HALL
-2-5 John HALL
-2-6 Bolling Hall b 23 Dec 1767 Diwiddie Va d 25 Feb 1836 Ellerslie Autauga Al m Jane Abercrombie dau of Charles Abercrombie and Edwina Dicey Malinda Booth
-3-1 Thomas Holt b 08.07.1753 Amelia VA
-5-2 Robert STARK.

-2-4-1 NATHAN MOSES PILKINGTON b 1805, Buncombe Co NC d 1900, Swain Co NC m RUTH JANE WEST Macon Co NC b 1807 Burke Co NC d 1902 Swain Co NC dau of John WEST and Elizabeth UPTON
-2-4-2 Mary POLLY MORGAN b 12.07.1806 East Haddam, Middlesex, CT d 28.02.1856 m JAMES W. PARRIS b 1765 i Macklenberg Co VA d 07.06.1821 i Ralls Co MO son of JAMES PARRIS and SARAH BENISON
-2-6-1 Polly Willie HALL b 5 Feb 1800 m 17 Jun 1817 Greene Wood b 1800
-2-6-2 Ann Anderson HALL b 13 May 1801 d 1841 m 11 Jul 1820 James Mitchell
-2-6-3 Martha Bryan Hall b 8 Dec 1803 d 1848 m1 27 Nov 1820 John Smith Bailey m2 Berkley Reid Thomas
-2-6-4 Elizabeth Dixon HALL b: 6 Jan 1806 m 13 FEB 1823 Thomas BROWN
-2-6-5 Jane Abercrombie HALL b 13 SEP 1807 m 22 DEC 1825 William Vance Thompson
-2-6-6 Emma Bolling HALL b 8 DEC 1809 m 22 SEP 1826 Absolem JACKSON
-2-6-7 Bolling HALL, II b 8 MAY 1813 m 22 DEC 1836 Mary CRENSHAW
-2-6-8 Laura HALL b 26 MAY 1815 d 9 JUN 1899 Montgomery AL
-2-6-9 Amanda HALL b 7 FEB 1818 m 14 NOV 1839 John A. SNODGRASS
-2-6-10 Mary Bibb HALL b 17 AUG 1821 m 24 NOV 1836 William B. HOLT
-2-6-11 Sara Helen HALL b 11 OCT 1824 d 1887 m1 22 APR 1841 William J. SASNETT m2 y Smith ?related to John Smith

-2-4-1-1 Elizabeth PILKINGTON b 1831, Macon Co NC d 25.02.1862, Macon Co NC m12.01.1848, Macon Co NC John Thomas UPTON b 13.02.1823 NC d 01.03.1901, Le Flore Co OK
-2-4-1-2 MARTHA PILKINGTON b 1832; d 1895 m BRENDLE
-2-4-1-3 Mary PILKINGTON b 1842; d 1931 m WILSON-CLINE
-2-4-1-4 JANE PILKINGTON b 1840; d 1893 m AMMONS
-2-4-1-5 RUTH PILKINGTON b 1842; d 1931 m HILL-POSEY
-2-4-1-6 JAMES T PILKINGTON b 1844; d 1864 Civil War
-2-4-1-7 NATHAN MOSES PILKINGTON b 1846; d 1927
-2-4-1-8 John A "COOT" PILKINGTON b 1849; d 1929
-2-4-1-9 George WASHINGTON SEBURN PILKINGTON b 1853; d 1898
-2-4-2-1 John B PARIS b 1786 Rowan Co, NC d 20.04.1854 Davis Co IA m 24.10.1811 Estill Co KY Mary ANN WASSON b 1798 KY d 1878 Davis Co, IA dau of JAMES WASSON and FRANCES
-2-6-6-1 Walter Clark Jackson b 14 Jul, 1827 in Robinson Springs, Al d 22 Sep 1907 in Montgomery
-2-6-6-2+ others
-2-6-7-1 Caroline Sophia Hall m Thomas Reid Handy
-2-6-7-2 Joseph Eugene Hall m Mary Margaret Stokes
-2-6-7-3 Bolling Hall, III (Col.) b 17 Sep 1837 in Ellerslie, Autauga Co Al d 3 Feb 1866 in Drury's Bluff
-2-6-7-4 Crenshaw Hall b 26 Mar 1839 in Ellerslie, Autauga Co Al d 20 May 1893 in Montgomery, Al
-2-6-7-5 John Elmore Hall b 30 Mar 1842 in Autauga Co Al d 27 Jan 1882 in Montgomery, Al
-2-6-7-6 Mary Louisa Hall b 20 Nov 1843 in Ellerslie, Autauga Co Al d 9 May 1863 in Montgomery
-2-6-7-7 Thomas Brown Hall b: November 12, 1845 in Ellerslie, Autauga Co Al d 23 Sep 1863 in Chicamauga Ga
-2-6-7-8 Hines Holt Hall b 6 Aug 1847 in Ellerslie, Autauga Co d 15 Oct 1929 in The Elms, Elmore Co
-2-6-7-9 Laura Jane Hall b 15 Sep 1848 in Ellerslie, Elmore Co d 13 Aug 1896 in The Elms, Coosada
-2-6-7-10 Franklin Abner Hall b 7 Nov 1850 in Ellerslie, Elmore Co d 22 Apr 1920 in Montgomery
-2-6-7-11 Charles Edward Hall b 23 Jan 1854 in Ellerslie, Elmore Co d 4 Nov 1887 NY

-2-4-2-1-1 JAMES MADISON30 PARIS b 25.12.1815, Madison Co, KY d 18.03.1869 Monroe Co, MO m Mary ANN LEAR, 10.12.1836, Marion Co, MO b 24.06.1820, Warren Co, MO d 1883, Monroe Co, MO
-2-4-2-1-2 EMILY MARIE PARIS b 18.11.1817, Rock Mountain, KY d 16.01.1900 Winfield, Cowley, KS m DANIEL WOODEN, 27.02.1843, Scotland Co, MO b 1814, Dutchess Co, New York, Usa; d 12.03.1864, Davenport, Scott, Iowa, Usa.
-2-4-2-1-3 HARDIN DOUGLAS PARIS b 19.11.1818 Estill Co KY d 30.11.1870, Craig, Holt, MO m REBECCA Thomas HOPKINS 15.07.1852 Davis Co, Iowa, Usa b 02.06.1836 Shawanee, Claiborne, TN d 10.11.1911 Craig, Holt, MO
-2-4-2-1-4 JOEL Green PARIS b 25.04.1819, Estille Co KY d 01.04.1860 Davis Co IA m Mary F ROAD, 06.09.1846, Davis Co IA
-2-4-2-1-5 John B PARIS b 01.11.1821, Ralls Co MO d 20.12.1898, Davis Co IA m6.11.1852, Davis Co IA Mary F STUFFLEBEAM b 31.03.1833, OH d 1901, Davis Co IA
-2-4-2-1-6 FRANCES JANE PARIS b 1824, Ralls Co MO d 1878, Davis Co Iowa Usa m William JENKINS, 16.01.1844, Ralls Co MO
-2-4-2-1-7 MORGAN WASSON PARIS b 10.05.1826, Ralls Co MO d 16.10.1886, Monroe Co IA m 15.05.1853 Davis Co IA MARGARET LUCINDA WALLACE b 1838, Randolph Co MO d 1854, Davis Co IA
-2-4-2-1-8 Elizabeth ANN PARIS b 1830, Marion Co MO d 1855, Davis Co Iowa Usa m 10.12.1853 Davis Co IA JAMES S HAMILTON b 1826, MO
-2-4-2-1-9 JINCEY WASSON PARIS b 1830, Ralls Co MO d 02.02.1888, Winfield Cowley Co KS m RANSOM H WOODEN, 17.07.1849, Ralls Co MO b 1821, MO d 1890, Winfield Cowley Co KS
-2-4-2-1-10 SARAH ANNA PARIS b 19.11.1832, Ralls Co MO d 18.02.1870, Iowa Usa m10.12.1853 Davis Co IA DANIEL MCCRACKEN b 15.01.1833, Hendricks Co IN d 23.04.1908, Sturgis, Meade, SD
-2-4-2-1-11 ABNER O'NASH PARIS b 21.12.1834, Hannibal, Ralls, MO d 15.10.1915, Davis Co IA m LAURA A (UDELL) CASE, 13.09.1863, Appanoose Co, IA b 18.12.1835 Hiram, Portage, OH d 28.05.1889, Davis Co, IA
-2-4-2-1-12 CHARLES WESLEY PARIS b 1837, Ralls Co MO d 14.04.1886, Winfield Cowley Co KS m1.06.1860, Davis Co IA MARIA WOODEN b 1844, IL d 1912, Cowley Co KS
-2-4-2-1-13 STEPHEN J PARIS b 1841, Cannon Co TN; d 18.09.1862, Helena Phillips AR.
-2-6-11-1-1 Malissa/Melicia Caroline Jackson b 1843 d 1921 m y Linsey

-2-4-2-1-3-1 John B. PARIS b 1854, Davis Co, IA d 1900, Possibly, Holt, MO m 12.12.1876 Davis Co, IA EMILY E. SHUCK b 1858 MO dau of MARTIN SHUCK and EMILY BENGE Notater for EMILY E. SHUCK: Noted events in her life were: � Census 1870: 12 years old, 1870, MO 759 Name: Emily E Shuck Estimated Birth Year: 1858 Gender: Female Age in 1870: 12y Color (white, black, mulatto, chinese, Indian): White Birthplace: Missouri Home in 1870: Missouri, United States Household Gender Age Birthplace Martin J Shuck M 52y IN Emily Shuck F 42y Kentucky Henry C Shuck M 20y Iowa Levi H J Shuck M 16y Iowa Nancy J Shuck F 14y Iowa Emily E Shuck F 12y Missouri Philip M Shuck M 10y Missouri Laura J Shuck F 7y Iowa Ellen Shuck F 3y Iowa Shuck M 2m Missouri ============================================= � 1880 Census: 22 years old, 1880, Fox River Twp, Davis, Iowa, USA. 760 Name: John B. Paris Residence: Fox River, Davis, Iowa Birthdate: 1854 Birthplace: Iowa, United States Relationship to Head: Self Spouse's Name: Emily E. Paris Spouse's Birthplace: Missouri, United States Father's Name: Father's Birthplace: Missouri, United States Mother's Name: Mother's Birthplace: Missouri, United States Race or Color (Expanded): White Ethnicity (Standardized): American Gender: Male Martial Status: Married Age (Expanded): 26 years Occupation: Farmer NARA Film Number: T9-0335 Page: 109 Page Character: B Entry Number: 4113 Film number: 1254335 Household Gender Age Birthplace SELF John B. Paris M 26 Iowa, United States WIFE Emily E. Paris F 22 Missouri, United States SON Charles W. Paris M 2 Iowa, United States SON William W. Paris M 1 Iowa, United States
-2-4-2-1-3-2 HARDIN DOUGLAS PARIS b 15.04.1857, Davis Co, IA d 11.07.1918, St. Joseph, Buchanan Co, MO m 1886 MO EVA EVELEN EDGE b 10.06.1869 Audrain Co, MO d 30.06.1952 Elwood, Doniphan, KS dau of MARTIN EDGE and SUSAN LUNDY
-2-4-2-1-3-2-1 ORBA F PARIS b 06.09.1886, Craig, Holt, MO d 27.06.1959, St Joseph, Buchanan, MO stroke m FLORENCE b 1894, MO
-2-4-2-1-3-2-2 MARTIN EARL PARIS b 31.12.1888, Craig, Holt, MO d 24.08.1966, San Antonio, Bexar, TX Overdose of sleeping pills after a stroke m NORA Elizabeth JONES, 15.05.1907, St. Joseph, Buchanan Co, MO b 03.12.1891, Craig, Holt, MO d 17.01.1964, San Antonio, Bexar, TX
-2-4-2-1-3-2-3 ANNA M PARIS b 03.1891, Missouri Usa.
-2-4-2-1-3-2-4 FRED DOUGLAS PARIS b 01.1894, MO d 1963, Doniphan Co, KS m ETHEL M b 1896 IL d 13.11.1941 Doniphan Co, KS
-2-4-2-1-3-2-5 NELLIE P PARIS b 1899, MO d 1905.
-2-4-2-1-3-2-6 CORA FLORENCE PARIS b 06.06.1904, Doniphan Co, KS d 20.06.1988 m William Thomas PALMER, 15.04.1922, MO b 29.12.1898, St Joseph, Buchanan, MO d 28.06.1961, Los Angeles Co, CA
-2-4-2-1-3-2-7 LESTER E. PARIS b 26.04.1908, Doniphan Co, KS d 15.02.1954, Doniphan Co, KS m MELBA J., 1940, Kansas Usa b 1908, KS 1938. 3 STITH) b 01.1894 Missouri Usa d 1963 Doniphan Co, KS
-2-6-11-1-1-1 Barcelona "Lonie" Lindsey (1875 - 1930) m y Still

-2-4-2-1-3-1-1 CHARLES W. PARIS b 1878, Davis Co, Iowa, Usa.
-2-4-2-1-3-1-2 William W. PARIS b 1879, Davis Co, Iowa, Usa. � 1920 Census, 1920, Comanche Co, Oklahoma, USA. 906 � 1880 Census: 1 year old, 1880, Fox River Twp, Davis, Iowa, USA. 907 Name: John B. Paris Residence: Fox River, Davis, Iowa Birthdate: 1854 Birthplace: Iowa, United States Relationship to Head: Self Spouse's Name: Emily E. Paris Spouse's Birthplace: Missouri, United States Father's Name: Father's Birthplace: Missouri, United States Mother's Name: Mother's Birthplace: Missouri, United States Race or Color (Expanded): White Ethnicity (Standardized): American Gender: Male Martial Status: Married Age (Expanded): 26 years Occupation: Farmer NARA Film Number: T9-0335 Page: 109 Page Character: B Entry Number: 4113 Film number: 1254335 Household Gender Age Birthplace SELF John B. Paris M 26 IA WIFE Emily E. Paris F 22 MO SON Charles W. Paris M 2 IA SON William W. Paris M 1 IA
-2-6-11-1-1-1-1? Elloree Still (1896 - 1985) m Melwyn Hervey Sharpe b 1895 d 1971 son of James Monroe Sharpe b 1854 d 1937 and x grandson Mary R Smith b 1833 d 1874 and y Sharpe gr granson of Moses Smith b 1808 d 1880
-2-6-11-1-1-1-1-1 Eloise Sharpe (1928 - 2006) m y Cassady parents of Margaret Elaine Cassady m y Brixhoff, author's DNA match
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-1-4 1570. iv. Lucy Cocke Bolling b b 3 MAY 1719 Prince George Co VA
m 10 Jul 1738 Peter Randolph b 20 Oct 1717 Henrico VA/?1708 Turky Island Henrico VA d 1767 son of Col William Randolph and Elizabeth Peyton Beverley b 20 OCT 1717 + 3 ch
-1 William Randolph b 1734 d 11/05/1774 Henrico Co m1 Mary Skipwith m2 Mary Fitzhugh Grymes, Mary "Marie Agnes" Skipwith
-2 Anna Maria Randolph b 5/13/1747 VA d 08/10/1805 m William Fitzhugh III b 24.08.1741
-3 Beverley Randolph b 09/11/1753 Henrico Co, Chatsworth d 02/1797 m Martha Cocke
-4 Robert Randolph b 1760 d 09/12/1825 m Elizabeth Hill Carter m Elizabeth HILL CARTER b 1769 d 1812.

-2-1 William Henry27 FITZHUGH.
-2-2 ANN FITZHUGH b 26.03.1784.
-2-3Mary LEE FITZHUGH b 22.04.1788, Of Arlington; d 23.04.1853.
-4-1 Elizabeth CARTER RANDOLPH b 02.10.1782; d 03.07.1866.
-4-2 Mary BAXTON RANDOLPH b 1794, Eastern View Fauquier VA d 1864.
-4-3 LANDONIA RANDOLPH b Eastern View Fauquier VA
-4-4 ANNE FITZHUGH RANDOLPH b 1790, Eastern View Fauquier VA
-4-6 CHARLES CARTER RANDOLPH b 14.10.1788, Eastern View Fauquier VA d 20.12.1863, Faquier VA
-4-7 LUCY BOLLING RANDOLPH b 02.12.1796, Eastern View Fauquier VA d 18.11.1861, Shirley Charles City VA
-4-8 Robert LEE RANDOLPH b 1791, Eastern View Fauquier VA d 1854.

-4-1 Eliza Carter Randolph b 10/02/1782 Fauquier Co d 7/03/1866 m Thomas Turner
-4-2 Charles Carter Randolph b 14 OCT 1788 Fauquier Co d 20 DEC 1863 m Mary Ann Fauntleroy Mortimer
-4-3 Anne Randolph b abt 1790 Fauquier Co m Charles L. McKenna
-4-4 Robert Lee Randolph b 1791 Fauquier Co d 26 DEC 1857 m Mary Buckner Thruston Magill b 16 Jul 1809 VA d 29 Jan 1890 Richmond VA dau of Col Chalres Magill b 1760 and Mary Buckner Thruston b 31 Jul 1772 d 1850 bur Mt Hebron Cem Winchester VA
-4-5 Lucy Bolling Randolph b 2 DEC 1796 Fauquier Co d 18 NOV 1861 m Dr Richard Chichester Mason b 7 MAY 1793 in Fairfax Co d 22 JUL 1869 in Fairfax Co
-4-6 Mary Braxton Randolph b 1800 Fauquier Co d 1864 m Hill Carter

-4-5-1 Beverley Randolph Mason b 1 SEP 1834 in Fairfax Co VA
-4-5-2 Eva Mary Anna Mason b 17 JAN 1836 in VA
-4-5-3 John Stevens Mason b AUG 1839 in Fairfax Co VA
-4-5-4 Landon Randolph Mason b 31 DEC 1841 in Fairfax Co
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-1-5 Jane Bolling b 1 APR 1722 in Va
m Hugh Miller b 1722 in Scotland + 2 dau
-1 Robert Miller b 28.10.1746.
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-1-6 Martha Bolling b 17 NOV 1726 in Prince George Co Va
m 1745 Richard Eppes b 1714 in Bermuda Hundred, Chesterfield Co Va d 1765 Bermuda Hundred Henrico Co VA ?= ansc of Littlebury Eppes and x Llewellen
Francis Eppes and Sarah Kennon
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-1-6-1 Martha Elizabeth Epps b 1750, Henrico Co VA d 1801, Pickens Pickens Co SC
m John Major b 1755 Culpeper Co VA d 03.08.1805 Newberry Newberry Co SC

-5-2-1 John Wayles Eppes b 19 Apr 1773 Chesterfield Co VA d 13 SEp 1823 m Maria Polly Jefferson b 1 Aug 1778 Monticello VA dau of Pres Thomas Jefferson and Martha Wayles

-3-4-5-1 Beverley Randolph Mason b 1 SEP 1834 in Fairfax Co VA
-5-2-1-1 Francis Wayles Eppes b 9/20/180 Henrico Co 1 d 5/30/1881 m1 Susan Margaret Ware m2 Mary Elizabeth Cleland Randolph b 16 Jan 1801 Goochland Co VA dau of Thomas Eston Randolph and Jane Cary Randolph

-2-1-1-1 Jane Cary Eppes b 9 NOV 1823 VA d 12 FEB 1890
-2-1-1-2 John Wayles Eppes b 4 JUL 1825 Bedford Co VA d 1908 m Josephine H. Bellamy
-2-1-1-3 Thomas Jefferson Eppes b 29 JUN 1827 Albemarle Co VA d 1869 m Theodosia Burr Bellamy
-2-1-1-4 William Eston Eppes b 5 JUL 1830 Tallahassee d 1896 m1 Augusta Jones Kollock m2 Emily Bancroft
-2-1-1-5 Mary Elizabeth Eppes b 5 JUL 1832 Tallahassee d 1903
-1 Martha Bolling Eppes b MAY 1746 Chesterfield Co d 10 DEC 1810 m Richard Henry Walker
-2 Francis Eppes b 1747 Henrico Co VA d 7/04/1808 m Elizabeth Wayles b 27 Jul 1752 Charles City Co VA dau of John Wayles b 1715 d 1773 and Tabitha Cook s.a. Francis Eppes b 1747
-3 Martha Elizabeth Eppes b 1750 Henrico Co VA d 1801 m John Major
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-1-7 Susannah Bolling b 16 JUL 1728 Prince George Co VA
m 23.12.1745 Prince George Co VA Alexander Bolling b 12 MAR 1720/1 Pr Geo Co VA d 11 Jun 1767 Prince George Co VA see below
, son of Stith Bolling and Elizabeth RogerS for ch see below Alexander Bolling
-1-1 William Kirby b 1756 m Martha Patsy Terrell b 1765 d 1814 dau of Jonathan Terrell b 1740 d 1 Jul 1814 and Ann Butlaer b 3 Sep 1748
-1-2 Bolling Kirby b 1765 m Milley Campbell b 1769 VA dau of Abraham Campbell b 1735 d 9 Feb 1805 and Amy DeHart b 1735
-1-1-1 Terrell Kirby b 1785 VA d 27 Sep 1864 Union SC m Frances Hunt b 1796 d 7 Mar 1849
-1-2-1 Bolden T Kirby b 1800 m Martha Jones b 1802 dau of Elisha Jones b 1767 and Elizabeth Perkins b 11 Dec 1767
-1-1-1-1 Bolen C Kirby b 22 Feb 1823 Union SC m Conzada Kirby b 5 Oct 1827
-1-2-1-1 Conzada Kirby b 5 Oct 1827 m Bolen C Kirby b 22 Feb 1823 Union SC
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-1-8 Mason Bolling b 22.09.172 -1??? Jemima Bolling b 1740 VA d Spartanburg SC (from Hershel Clayton Harmon`s tree) m John Kirby St b 1730 Halifax VA d 1807 Union SC
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-1-9 Robert Bolling b 12.06.1730, Prince George Co VA d 24.02.1775 Bollingbrook Petersburg VA
m1 Mary Marshall Tabb b 12 JUN 1737 in Amelia Co Va d 14.10.1814 Dinwiddie Co VA + 2 sons Robinson shows this Robert as marrying Rachel Robinson b 4 Oct 1732, Elizabeth City Co d 23 Feb 1767 wid of Roscow Cole who survived him to m3 29 Sept 1759, York Co Charles Turnbull b July 1712 Scotland d c 1770
m2 Sally Washington b 1765 King George Co VA d 02.10.1796 Center Hill Petersburg VA
+1 Thomas Tabb and Rebecca Booker
+1 Lawrence Washington and Elizabeth Dade
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-1-9-1 Robert Bolling b 03.03.1759, Centre Petersburg VA d 1839. m1 ANN DADE STITH b 1780 King George Co VA d 18.03.1846+ 3 ch dau of BUCKNER STITH and ANN DADE m2 SALLY WASHINGTON m3 Mary BURTON AUGUSTA BOLLING 04.11.1781 b 1764 d 03.08.1787 + 3 ch m4 Catherine STITH 04.10.1790, b 1763 Rock Spring Brunswick VA d 09.08.1795 Petersburg VA dau of BUCKNER STITH and SUSANNA MUNFORD -1-1 ANN ROBERTSON BOLLING b 1805, Chesterfield VA d 01.05.1838, Chesterfield VA m William SMITH BOLLING b 1805 VA d 1851 Miltown Chambers
-1-2 ANN ROBERTA CAMPBELL BOLLING b 21.12.1801, VA d 01.05.1828
-1-3 George Washington BOLLING b 26.10.1806, Petersburg VA d 19.07.1875 m MARTHA STITH NICHOLS b 20.11.1808 Georgetown Washington DC d 30.04.1886 Washington DC
-1-4 Mary BURTON AUGUSTA27 BOLLING b 1789; d 1853
-1-6 Robert BUCKNER BOLLING b 1806, VA for ch see above Catherine Stith.

-1-3-1 Mary TABB BOLLING b 27.08.1846 Petersburg VA d 24.05.1924 Richmond City VA arteriosclerosis interstitial nephritis uremia m 28 Nov 1867 William Henry FITZHUGH LEE b 31.05.1837 Arlington Co VA d 15.10.1891 Alexandria VA son of Robert LEE and Mary CUSTIS named for William Henry Fitzhugh, his mother's uncle, father called him Rooney, nickname as a way to differentiate him from his cousin Fitzhugh Lee. , attended Harvard University, befriended Henry Adams, who wrote about his relationship with Lee in chapter four of his autobiography, The Education of Henry Adams, followed in his father's footsteps after graduation, entering the United States Army in 1857 as a second lieutenant, 6th U.S. Infantry under Albert Sidney Johnston, participated in the Utah War against the Mormons, 1859 resigned from the U.S. Army to operate his White House Plantation, on the south shore of the Pamunkey River New Kent Co VA, outbreak of the Civil War commissioned as a captain in the Confederate Army cavalry later majo, in western Virginia under the command of Brig. Gen. William Loring during 1861 and early 1862. He was assigned to the command of Maj. Gen. J.E.B. Stuart, where he was promoted to lieutenant colonel, and later as colonel of the 9th Virginia Cavalry. After the Battle of South Mountain, Lee was promoted to brigadier general, later under the command of Brig. Gen. Fitzhugh Lee, his cousin, commanded the 3rd Brigade of Stuart's Cavalry Division at the Battles of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, wounded during combat at Brandy Station at the beginning of the Gettysburg Campaign and captured by Union forces at Hickory Hill, VA , shipped to New York, where he was held as a prisoner of war until returned to the Confederate Army on Feb 25, 1864 in exchange for Union Brig. Gen. Neal S. Dow, Aprils promoted to major general and commanded a division in the Cavalry Corps during the breakout from Petersburg and the retreat of his father's army in the Appomattox Campaign. By the end of the war, Rooney Lee had risen to second-in-command of the Confederate cavalry. He surrendered along with his father at Appomattox Court House. , Postbellum returned to White House Plantation and planting after the war. Nearby, his younger brother Rob lived at Romancoke Plantation across the river in King William Co. After their mother died in 1873, Rooney inherited Ravensworth Plantation, the old Fitzhugh family property (near present-day Springfield) in Fairfax Co with 563 acres (2.28 km2) of land. He moved there with his family from White House. , 1875 elected to the Virginia Senate, serving until 1878, elected as a Democrat to the United States House of Representatives in 1887, served in the House until his death at Ravensworth in 1891, interred in the Lee Chapel at Washington and Lee University in Lexington VA with his parents and siblings. he m1 1859 to Charlotte Georgiana Wickham d 26 Dec 1863, dau of George and Charlotte Carter Wickham and a descendant of the attorney John Wickham and his wife + 2 ch Robert Edward Lee b 11 Mar 1860 d June 30, 1862 and Charlotte Carter Lee, b 19 Oct 1862 d 6 Dec 1862
-1-3-2 William NICHOLS BOLLING b 01.08.1830, Petersburg Fauquier Co VA d 06.12.1898, Baltimore MD m SUSAN MEADE b 1833, Brunswick Co VA
-1-3-3 Robert BOLLING.

-1-3-1-1 ANNIE AGNES LEE b aft 1867 VA d 1874
-1-3-1-2 Mary TABB LEE b 1867 VA d 1871
-1-3-1-3 William Henry FITZHUGH LEE b aft 1867 VA d 1875
-1-3-1-4 Robert Edward LEE b 11.02.1869 Petersburg VA d 07.09.1922, Roanoke City VA m Mary WILKINSON MIDDLETON b 1875, Charleston Charleston Co South Carolina Usa; d 19.05.1959, Asheville Bruncombe Co NC
-1-3-1-5 George BOLLING LEE b 30.08.1872 Lexington VA d 1930, Manhattan Ny Co Usa m HELEN MADELINE KEENEY b 26.09.1895, California Usa; d 09.07.1968, San Fransisco San Fransisco Co California Usa.
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-1-9-2 1710. ii. Thomas Tabb Bolling b 27.02.1763 Bollingbrook House Petersburg VA d 01.12.1810 Chesterfield VA
m SEIGNIORA PEYTON b 08.01.1767 Bollingbrook House Petersburg VA d 01.12.1810 VA
-1 John PEYTON BOLLING b 22.09.1788, Amelia VA
-2 Robert BOLLING
-7 HARRIET Elizabeth BOLLING b 24.10.1800
-8 WARNER T BOLLING b 1802 Chesterfield VA
-9 William S BOLLING
-11 William SMITH BOLLING b 1805 VA d 1851 Miltown Chambers AL m ANN ROBERTSON BOLLING b 1805 Chesterfield VA d 01.05.1838 Chesterfield VA
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-1-9-3 Anne Bolling m John Short
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-1-9-4 Frances Bolling m John LeMessurier
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-1-9-5 Marianna Bolling b 1775; d 1852. -1 Robert Bolling b 3 Mar 1759 Bollingbrook Petersburg VA d 26 Jan 1839 Center Hill Petersburg m1 Mary Burton Bolling b 1764 m2 Catherine Stith dau of Capt Buckner Stith and Anne m3 Sally Washington m4 Anne Dade Stith
-2 Thomas Tabb Bolling b 27 Feb 1763 Bollingbrook Petersburg VA m Seigniora Peyton b 8 Jan 1767 d 1810 dau of Sir John Peyton b c 1703 and Frances Cooke b c 1728 Amelia Co
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-2 Stith Bolling b 28.03.1686, Kippox Charles City VA d 16.08.1727, Kippox Co VA Stebarn.
m Elizabeth Rogers b 1695 Northampton Co VA m2 Elizabeth HARTWELL.
+1 Richard Rogers and Jane Presley
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-2-1 Alexander Bolling b 12 MAR 1720/1 Pr Geo Co VA d 11 Jun 1767 Prince George Co VA
m 23 Dec 1745 Susannah Bolling b 16 JUL 1728 dau of Robert Bolling b 25 JAN 1682/83 in Charles City Co Va and Anne/Mary Cocke b c 1683 in Va
-1 Elizabeth BOLLING b 24.06.1747 Prince George Co VA m1 Abraham Jones b Kingsessing DE m2 Christopher Manlove
-2 Robert Bolling b 24 Mar 1750/1 Lunenburg VA m1 Frances Green m2 Clara Yates
-3 StithH Bolling b 11.05.1753 Prince George Co VA d 28.06.1797 Prince Charles Co VA m Charlotte Edmunds/Edwards
-4 John BOLLING b 13.10.1756 Prince George Co VA d 09.11.1759
-5 ALEXANDER BOLLING b 02.12.1761 Prince George Co VA m 24.12.1782 Amelia VA Mary Pryor
-6 SUSANNA BOLLING b 05.12.1764
-7 SALLY BOLLING b 25.03.1766 d 17.06.1773
-8 JERMINA BOLLING b 1741 VA d 1808

-3-1 Robert Bolling
-3-2 John BOLLING
-3-3 Alexander BOLLING
-3-4 Jane BOLLING
-3-5 Ann BOLLING
-5-1 Samuel Pryor Bolling b 1782
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-2-2 STITH BOLLING.
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-2-3 John BOLLING.
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-2-4 Robert BOLLING.
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-2-5 Jane BOLLING
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-3 Edward Bolling b 01.10.1687, Kippox Charles City VA m x Slaughter
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-4 Drury Bolling b 21.06.1695 Kippox Charles City VA d 07.11.1729 Brunswick Co VA
m Elizabeth Meriwether b 1699 Kippox Charles City Co VA d 1726 VA
+1 Francis Merriwether and Mary Bathurst
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-4-1 Frances Elizabeth Bolling b 1724 Prince George Co VA d 1774 Amelia VA
m Theoderick Bland b 12.12.1719 Clawson Prince Georges Co MD d 28.10.1784 Amelia Co VA
+1 Richard Bland and Elizabeth Randolph
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-4-1-1 Theoderick Bland b 21.03.1742 d 26.10.1776 m 1763 Martha Daingerfield
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-4-1-2 Frances Bland b 24.09.1752 Mattox Chesterfield VA d 18.01.1788 Mattox Chesterfield VA
m1 John RANDOLPH. b 29.06.1742 Curles Henrico VA d 28.10.1775 Roanoke Bedford VA
m2 St George Tucker b 29.06.1752 Port Royal Bermuda d 10.11.1827 Nelson VA son of George Tucker IV
-1 ANNE FRANCES BLAND TUCKER b 26.09.1779 Chesterfield VA d 12.09.1813 Red Sulpur Spre.
-2 Henry ST George TUCKER b 29.12.1780 d 28.08.1848
-3 THEODERICK Thomas TUCKER b 17.09.1782
-4 NATHANIEL BEVERLEY TUCKER b 06.09.1784 Chesterfield VA d 26.08.1851
-5 TUCKER b 12.03.1786 d 12.03.1786
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-4-1-3 Elizabeth Bland b 1748 VA
m John Banister b 1734 d 1788
-1 John Banister b c 1770
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-4-1-4 Anna Bland b 1746, VA
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-5-5 Thomas Bolling b 20.03.1696, Kippox Charles City VA
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-6 Agnes Bolling b 30.11.1700, Kippox Charles City VA d 1762 Chesterfield VA
m 1719 Capt Richard Kennon b 05.12.1684 Conjuror's Neck Henrico VA d 8 Mar 1736 Conjuror's Neck Henrico VA
+1 Dr Richard Kennon
m 1673 Henrico Co Elizabeth Worsham b c 1656 Chesterfield VA d c 1705 Conjurors Neck
+2 William Worsham b c 1619 d 1661 Henrico Co VA
m 1643 Charles City VAElizabeth Jane Littleberry b 1620 Colchester Essex d c 1678 Bermuda Hundred Sussex Co VA she m2 Francis Eppes
+3 George Worsham b 1596 Oxford d 1660 Charles City VA
m 1619 Susan Taylor b 1580 d c 15 Nov 1628 Charles City VA
+4 William Worsham b 1572 Oxford d 1660 VA
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-6-1 Elizabeth Kennon b 12.12.1720 Conjuror's Neck Henrico VA d 1757 SC
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-6-2 Anne Kennon b 30.11.1721/2 Conjuror's Neck Henrico VA
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-6-3 Robert Kennon b 14 APR 1725 Conjurer's Neck Henrico Co Va
m Sally Skipwith
+1 Y Skipwith
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-6-3-1 Elizabeth Kennon b 13.07.1757 Mecklenburg VA d 1791
m John Hartwell Cocke 28.11.1773 b 26.11.1749
-1 Sallie Cocke b 10.05.1775
-2 ANN Hartwell Cocke b 11.11.1776
-3 Elizabeth Cocke b 06.07.1778
-4 John HartwellL Cocke b 19.09.1780
-5 Mary Kennon Cocke b 25.07.1783
-6 Robert Kennon Cocke b 26.12.1785 d 1790
-7 Martha Ruffin Cocke b 26.01.1788
-8 Rebecca Kennon Cocke b 10.07.1791 d 1791
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-6-4 Mary Kennon b 29 Jun 1727 Conjurors Neck d c 1794 Gloucester VA
m 1743 Mecklenburg John Clack b 9 Jan 1721 Ware Parish 'Gloucester VA d by 18 'SAug 1784 Brunswick VA son of James Clack and Mry Sterling
-1 Mary Kennon Clack b c 1746 VA d c 1780 KY m 30 Sep 1772 Brunswick VA Henry Robinson
-2 Lt Spencer Clack b 28 Mar 1746 Loudon VA d 9 Jul 1832 Sevierville TN m 2 Nov 1766 Mary Beavers
-2-1 Raleigh Robert Clack
-2-2 Rhoda Clack m Randles
-2-3 Catherine Beulah Clack b 23 Jun 1778 Henry Co VA d 29 Oct 1850 SEvierville TN m 1794 Elijah Chinn Rogers b c May 1774 Fauquier Co VA d 11 May 1841 son of Henry Rogers b c 1760 Somerville Fauquier Co VA d 18 Nov 1835
-2-4 Frances Clack
-2-5 Mary Clack
-2-6 Malvina Clack
-2-3-1 Elizabeth Clack Rogers b 15 Aug 1805 Sevier Co TN d there 8 Dec 1864 m David McCroskey
-2-3-1-1 David Oscar McCroskey
-2-3-1-2 Louisa Elizabeth K. J. McCroskey
-2-3-1-3 Elijah E. McCroskey
-2-3-1-4 Spencer Clack McCroskey
-2-3-1-5 William Leonidas McCroskey
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-6-5 Martha Kennon b 17 Oct 1731 in Conjurer's Neck Henrico Co Va
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-6-4 Mary KENNON b 29.01.1728, Bristol Par Prince George VA
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-6-5 Martha Kennon b 17 OCT 1731 in Conjurer's Neck Henrico Co Va m DRURY STITH b 1718 Brunswick Co VA d 1770, Brunswick Co VA
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-6-6 Mary Kennon b 29.01.1727 Chesterfield Henrico Co VA d 1794 Brunswick Co VA
m John Clack b 09.01.1721 Gloucester Co VA d 1786 Brunswick Co VA
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-6-6-1 m Mary BEAVERS 02.11.1766 Loudoun Co, VA b 12.01.1745 Colony Of VA d 14.08.1840 Sevierville Sevier Co TN -1 FRANCES CLACK b 09.03.1783 Loudoun Co VA d 05.03.1855 Knox Co TN m John CALVIN MYNATT b 31.07.1780 Commonwealth of VA d 23.04.1867 Knox Co TN -1-1 John CALVIN MYNATT b 14.11.1821 Knox Co TN d 08.06.1903 Knox Co TN m FRANCES "Fanny" WATKINS HALL b 24.10.1819 Knox Co TN d 23.12.1892 Knox Co TN dau of William HALL and NANCY NELSON -1-1-1 John HALL/Henderson MYNATT b 24.11.1848 Knox Co TN d 25.05.1887 Knox Co TN m MINERVA CORDELIA SHELL b 06.12.1849 Knox Co TN d 20.04.1913 Knox Co TN dau of William SHELL and SARAH GAMMON -1-1-1-1 John GROVER MYNATT b 07.12.1884, Knox Co TN; d 03.12.1918, El Paso, El Paso Co, TX m ESTELLE LAVENIA SMITH b 14.04.1888, Knox Co TN; d 03.1965, Knox Co TN. "Spanish Flu Epidemic of 1918"
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-7 Mary Bolling b 1720 Lee Co VA d 1776 Culpeper Co
m 1742 Andrew Baker b 1692 PA (reported by Sandra Sue Lutz, author's DNA match, and Jackie Gabbard, author´s DNA match,)
+1 Robert Baker and Susan Packer
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-7-1 Bolling Baker b 1722, Culpeper VA
m Aracoma
-1 Bolling Baker b 1754
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-7-2 Robert BAKER b 1724 m x BLOUNT
-1-1-1-1-1-1 -1-5-7-3 John Teneretta/Renty Baker b 07.10.1735 Ashe NC d 1820 Ricetown Owsley KY
m1 Aza Williams
m2 1756 Elizabeth Terrell b 28 Jan 1735 Chowan Co NC d there 1780 dau of James Terrell b 1707 in New Kent VA d 1772 in Caroline Co VA and Margaret Watkins b 1700 d 1772 Caroline Co Va
-1 Isaac Baker b 1757 NC
-2 Margaret Baker b 1764 m Justice Bowling b 1764.
-3 Bolling Baker b 1764 m1 Patsy Morris m2 Mary RogerS, 1798, Madison Co KY
-4 Andrew Baker b 1765 NC d 1841 Laurel KY m NANCY ANNA BRYANT 24.12.1816 Washington TN
-5 James Claybank Baker b 1767 m Susannah
-6 John Durkham Baker b 1770
-7 Mary Rubice Baker b 29 Mar 1770 Buncombe NC d 14 Aug 1820 Buffalo Creek Owsley Ky m William D Hudson b 1750 Mecklenburg Co son of Christopher Hudson b 1716 New Kent Co Va d 17 Oct 1779 Mecklenburg Co Va m Cary Byrd granson of John Hudson Sr. b 1692 in New Kent Co VA d 11 Apr 1732 in Hanover Co VA m Elizabeth L. Harris b 2 Nov 1698 in New Kent Co.VA
-8 Robert"Julius Bob" Baker m1 Elizabeth HAMMON m2 Catherine BOLLING 24.02.1825 Clay KY b 20.05.1776 Blackwater Hawkins TN d 1850 Clay KY
-9 George Washington Baker b 29.03.1779 Wilkes Co NC d 14.08.1846 Linn MO m ESTHER ROBERTSON 13.07.1800
-10 Igha BAKER b 1780 m Elisha Harrison 27.08.1805 Madison Co KY

-4-1 POLLY BAKER b 1816