List of pedigreesBland of Northern Neck Va. Nicholas of Roundway Hester of Fleming Co Ky Thruston Author's DNA match comparisons ![]() |
It is really something to sing and dance about. Dig up those old bones and get them dancing! |
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Windsor 2: Windsor of Stanwell
Wi 16.
Miles Windsor of Stanwell d 30.09.1451
m Joan Green dau of Walter Green of Bridgenorth |
Space for your banner! |
Wi15. | Thomas Windsor of Stanwell d by 29.09.1485
m Elizabeth Andrews dau of John Andrews of Bayleham |
Wi14 | Sir Andrew Windsor, 1st Baron Windsor b 1467, d 30.03.1543
m Elizabeth Blount dau of William Blount dvp after 1471 and Margaret Echingham d 1481, sister of Edward 2nd Lord Mountjoy |
Wi13-1 | George Windsor dvpsp
m Ursula Vere dsp 1558, dau of Sir George Vere of Oxford family |
Wi13-2 | William Windsor of Bradenham, 2nd Lord b 1498, d 20.08.1558
m1 before 16.05.1536 Margaret Sambourne b c 1501, a 1545, dau of William Sambourne of Southcote, younger of Fernham, by Anne, dau of Roger Copley of Roughey |
Wi13-2-1 | Thomas Windsor dvpsp young | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wi13-2-2 | Sir Thomas Windsor dvp 12.1552
m 29.11.1544 Dorothy Dacre d 1561, dau of William Dacre, 3rd Lord of Gilsland |
1 | Ann Windsor b 1549 Stanwell d 28 Jun 1605
(some sources states that the Anne who married Henry Grey of Enville was her aunt)
m c 1572 Henry Grey Baron Grey |
-1 Sir John GREY b 1576 Enville d 7 Oct 1611 m Elizabeth Neville
-2 Elizabeth GREY b c 1578 Enville Staffordshire m Sir Anthony Felton of Playford sheriff of Suffolk b c 1570 d by 1614 son of Thomas Felton and Mary Cavendish -3 Henry GREY -4 Ambrose GREY b c 1580 enville d 12 Jun 1636 m Margaret Prince dau of Richard Prince of Shrewsbury -5 George GREY -6 Mary GREY b c 1584 Enville d 5 Sep 1650 -7 Frances GREY -8 Catherine GREY |
-1-1 Henry GREY 1st Earl Stamford b c 1600 Stamford Northumberland d 21 Jul/23 Aug 1673 m Anne Cecil Lady of Exeter dau of William Cecil KG b 1566 d 1640 and Elizabeth Drury b 1578 d 1654
-1-2 Phillip GREY -1-3 John GREY -1-4 Elizabeth GREY -2-1 Henry FELTON 1st Baronet of Playford d 18 Sep 1624 -4-1 Mary Grey m Walter Wrottesley 1st Bart |
-1-1-1 Thomas Grey of Groby
-1-1-2 John GREYof Envile Hall -1-1-3 Diana GREY Lady of Stamford -4-1-1 Walter Wrottesley 2nd Bart b c 16 32 d 1686 m Margaret Wolrych |
-4-1-1-1 Walter Wrottesley 3rd Bart d 1712 m Eleanor ARcher b c 1660 dau of Sir John ARcher b 1621 London and Eleanor Curson |
-4-1-1-1-1 John Wrottesley b 1683 d 1726 4th Bart m Frances Grey dau of John Grey of Envile Hall and Catherine Ward of Dudley |
-4-1-1-1-1-1 Richard WROTTESLEY Very Rev.; 7th Baronet m Mary Leveson-Gower -4-1-1-1-1-2 Hugh Wrottesley 5th d. y -4-1-1-1-1-3 Walter Wrottesley b 6th d. y -4-1-1-1-1-4 Frances Wrottesley b m. Heigham Bendish -4-1-1-1-1-5 Elizabeth Wrottesley b m. Thomas Wrottesley -4-1-1-1-1-6 Henrietta Wrottesley b m. Theo. Wm. Inge |
-4-1-1-1-1-1-1 Elizabeth Wrottesley b 1745 d 1822 m Augustus Henry FitzRoy KG |
![]() |
Wi13-2-3 | Sir Edward Windsor 3rd Baron Windsor b c 1532 d 24 Jan 1574/5
m Katherine de Vere d 17.01.1599, dau of John de Vere, 16th Earl of Oxford |
Wi13-2-3-1 | Frederick Windsor, 4th Baron b 02.02.1558/9, d unm 24.12.1585 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wi13-2-3-2 | Henry Windsor, 5th Baron b 10.08.1562, d 06.04.1605
m by 1586 Anne Rivett d 27.11.1615, dau of-> she m2 Sir William Waldegrave |
+1 Sir Thomas Rivett of Chippenham b c 1519 Stowmarket Suffolk d c Oct 1582 Chippenham Cambr. m1 c 1558 Alice Cotton
m2 c 1565 Grisel Paget b c 3 Dec 1542 London d 21 Jul 1600 Bures St Mary Suffolk dau of-> she m2 aft 1581 William Waldgrave MP |
+2 Thomas Revett of Stowmarket
m Joan Raven +2 William Paget 1st Baron Paget of Beaudasert m Anne Preston b c 1510 Preston Patrick Lancashire dau of Henry Preston |
Wi13-2-3-2-1 | Margaret Windsor b c 1586
m after 1596 Sir John Talbot of Grafton |
Wi13-2-3-2-2 | son b by 1587, dvp young | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wi13-2-3-2-3 | Thomas Windsor, 6th Lord b 29.09.1591, dsp 06.12.1641 Rear Admiral
m before 14.01.1607/8 Catherine Somerset d 06.11.1654, dau of Edward Somerset, 4th Earl of Worcester |
Wi13-2-3-2-4 | Elizabeth Windsor b aft 1595 Hewell Worcester d aft 1627
m 24.07.1616 in Stoke by Nayland Suffolk Dixie Hickman of Kew Their son inherited the barony and became 7th Lord Windsor. He changed his family name to Windsor and later became 1st Earl of Plymouth. |
-1 Thomas Windsor Hickman, later Windsor, 7th Lord Windsor of Stanwell, 1st Earl
of Plymouth b c 1627 d 03.11.1687 Hewell m1
12.05.1656 Anne Savile b 18.01.1634/5, d 22.03.1666 + 3 ch dau of Sir William Savile, Bart of Thornhill
m2 4 Sep 1668 Ursula Widdrington b 11.11.1647 d 22.04.1717 + 3 ch dau of Sir Thomas Widdrington of Cheesburn Grange, Speaker
-2 Marina Hickman m Sir Henry Hunloke, Bart of Wingerworth d 1648 -3 Catherine Hickman m John Columbell of Radcliffe-on-Soar -4 Anne Hickman a 02.1647 m 13.12.1643, sp John Chaworth, 2nd Viscount d 06.1644 -5? y Hickman ancestor of James Hickman, author's DNA match, matches on chr 11 Andrews segment (The DNA match makes it likely that there was eithor another son of this marriage, or there was an earlier marriage between a Hickman ancestor and an Andrews daughter. |
-1-1 Other, Lord Windsor b 12.09.1659, dvp 11.11.1684 m 20.10.1673 Elizabeth Turvey bur 29.01.1687-8, dau of Thomas Turvey of Walcote
-1-2 Mary Windsor b 15.11.1658, dsp 03.01.1694 m 1672 Sir Thomas Cookes, Bart -1-3 Ann Windsor d y -1-4 Thomas Windsor, 1st Viscount Windsor of Blackcastle, 1st Lord Mountjoy b 1669 d 08.06.1738 m 28.08.1703 Charlotte Herbert b c 1675, d 13.11.1733, dau of Philip Herbert, 7th Earl of Pembroke -1-5 Dixey Windsor dsp 22.10.1743 m Dorothy Stote dau of Sir Richard Stote -1-6 Ursula Windsor d 20.08.1737 m 28.03.1703 Thomas Johnson of Walthamstow -1-7 Elizabeth Windsor d 16.10.1737 m 21.07.1720, sp Sir Francis Dashwood, 1st Bart b 1658, d 04.11.1724 -1-8 Andrews Windsor d unm, Brig. General -1-9 William Windsor d 07.1682 -1-10 Mariana Windsor d unm 22.04.1710 |
-1-1-1 Other Windsor, 2nd Earl of Plymouth b 27.08.1679, d 26.12.1727 m Elizabeth Whitley d 10.06.1711, dau of Thomas Whitley of Peel
-1-4-1 Herbert Windsor b 1 May 1707 d 25 Jan 1758 m Alice Clavering b c Aug 1705 d 24 Nov 1776 dau of John Clavering 3rd Baronet |
-1-1-1-1 Other Windsor, 3rd Earl of Plymouth b 30 Jun 1707 d 23 Nov 1732 m 7 May 1730 Elizabeth Lewis d 9 Nov 1733 dau of Thomas Lewis MP
-1-4-1-1 Charlotte Jane Windsor m John Stuart b 1744 Mount Stuart Rothesay Isle of Bute d 1814 Geneva CH son of John Stuart 3rd Earl of Bute b 25 May 1713 Edinburgh d 10 Mar 1792 London and Mary Wortley-Montagu |
-1-1-1-1-1 Other Lewis Windsor, 4th Earl of Plymouth b 12 May 1731 Plymouth Devon d 20 Apr 1771 m Catherine Archer | -1-1-1-1-1-1 Other Hickman Windsor, 5th Earl of Plymouth b 30 May 1751 d 12 Jun 1799 m Sarah Archer b 19 Jul 1762 d 27 May 1838 she m2 William Pitt Amherst
-1-1-1-1-1-2 Thomas Windsor b 19 May 1752 d c 1832 m Frances Bagenal -1-1-1-1-1-3 Elizabeth Windsor b 1757 d 2 Apr 1821 Warwickshire m 30 Mar 1776 Gore Townsend had issue -1-1-1-1-1-4 Anne Windsor b 20 Jan 1761 d 10 Aug 1793 m 6 Jun 1787 Thomas Delves-Broughton -1-1-1-1-1-5 Sarah Hickman b c 1763 d 22 Dec 1825 m 4 Aug 1786 London William Champion de Crespigny had Issue |
Wi13-2-3-2-5 | Elizabeth Windsor 2nd
m1 Andrews Windsor dsp m2 Sir James Ware |
-1 x Windsor
-2 Andrew Windsor |
-3 | Sir Edmund or Edward Windsor probably
of this generation
?m Elizabeth Ardington |
Wi13-2-3-3-1 | Anthony Windsor of St. Nicholas & Knightley heir
m Frances Blount dau of Sir Walter Blount, Bart of Sodington |
-1 Bridget Windsor
m Robert Hornyold of Blackmore Park & Hanley Castle b c 1658, d 03.08.1712 son of Thomas Hornyold and Margaret Gower |
-1-1 John Hornyold b 1678 d 1771 m Mary Mostyn
-1-2 Frances Hornyold m Edward Hanford -1-3 Anthony Hornyold m Mary Magdalene Berington -1-4 Bridget Hornyold m Christopher Attwood Redmarley |
-1-1-1 Thomas Hornyold II b 1718 d 1799 m mary Towneley
-1-1-2 Winifred Hornyold d 1791 m John Berington of Mole Hall and Winsley Herefs -1-1-3 Bishop John Joseph Hornyold -1-1-4 Anne Teresa Joseph Hornyold -1-1-5 Mary Hornyold m Richard Clough -1-1-6 Bridget Hornyold m William Bartlett of Hill End Word. |
-1-1-1 Thomas Hornyold III b c 1740 d 1814 m Teresa FitzHerbert
-1-1-2-1 Catherione Mary Benedict Berington b 1745 d 1786 -1-1-2-2 Bridget Mary Stanislaus Berington b 1749 d 1774 -1-1-2-3 Charles Berington m Mary Jay -1-1-2-3-1 winifred Teresa Berington b 1773 -1-1-5-1 Elizabeth Mary Xavieria Clough b 1732 d 1790 -1-1-5-2 Bridget Mary Aloysia Clough b 1739 d 1816 -1-1-5-3 Constantia Felix Clough b c 1735 d 1801 |
-4 | Andrew WINDSOR b c 1564
m Anne PECHE |
-1 Andrew WINDSOR m c 1621 Elizabeth Windsor dau of Henry 5th Baron Windsor and Anne Rivett she m2 James Ware | -1-1 x Windsor
-1-2 Andrew Windsor |
-5 | Catherine WINDSOR b c 1567 d 15 Dec 1640 bur Berechurch, Essex, England
m lic 9 Jun 1597 Robert AUDLEY |
-1 Thomas AUDLEY
-2 Mary AUDLEY -3 Robert AUDLEY -4 Richard AUDLEY -5 Catherine AUDLEY -6 Henry AUDLEY |
Wi13-2-4 | Bridget Windsor d 1582
m 1548 Edward Ferrers of Baddesley Clinton b 1526 d 10.08.1564 |
-1 Henry Ferrers m m
10.1582 Jane White b c1563, d 07.09.1586, dau of Henry White of South Warnburn
-2 Ferdinando Ferrers -3 Catherine Ferrers m John Wilkinson of Tamworth -4 Eleanor Ferrers m John Ferrers of Fiddington -5 Edward Ferrers |
-1-1 Edward
Ferrers of Baddesley Clinton, Sheriff of Warwickshire b 01.11.1585, d
24.03.1650-1 m
12.02.1611 Anne Peyto dau of William Peyto of Chesterton
-1-2 Mary Ferrers m Thomas Fouke of Brewood d 08.1652 |
-1-1-1 Henry Ferrers of Baddesley Clinton, Sheriff of Warwickshire b 06.12.1616, d 1682 m 04.1638 Bridget Willoughby b c 1620 d 17.02.1697, dau of Edward WilloughbyJ of Cossal | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wi13-2-5 | Mary Windsor presumed to be one
of the '"numerous issue" of this marriage
m William Scot of the Mote d 25.01.1583 |
Wi13-2-6 | Eleanor Windsor b 1525 Stanwell
m c 1551 Christopher Brom |
-1 Bridgett Broome/Brom b 1560 d 1606 m Thomas Blount of Astley and Kidderminster b 27 Dec 1564 Astley d 30 Nov 1624 Astley
-2 Eleanor Brome -3 Elizabeth Brome m y Horseman -4 Catherine Brome -5 Edmund Brome -6 George Brome |
-1-1 Katherine Blount
-1-2 Harold Blount -1-3 James Blount Sr b c 1594 ?Astley d 1655 Astley m Anne Clare b 1596 d 1651 Astley she m2 Seth Sothel m3 John Lear -1-4 Margaret Blount -1-5 Francis Blount -1-6 Christopher Blount -1-7 Walter Blount -1-8 Anne Blount m y Mallard -1-9 Marie Blount m y Chauncy -1-10 Charles Blount -1-11 Thomas Blount |
-1-3-1 John Blount -1-3-2 Thomas Blount -1-3-3 Capt James Blount Jr b 1620 d 17 Jul 1686 Chowan NC m Anne Willis b 1631 Ipswich MA/?Soddington Worcester d 1695 -1-3-4 Walter Blount -1-3-5 Thomas Blount -1-3-6 Edmond Blount |
-1-3-3-1 James Blount III b c 1648 Engl d 12 Feb 1717 Chowan NC m Elizabeth ?Yelverton b 1664 ( shows two wives each with children of the same name, so probably only one wife and a Yelverton who must be found.) -1-3-3-2 Elizabeth Blount m Hawkins -1-3-3-3 Anne Blount m Slocumb -1-3-3-4 John Blount b 1679 Mulury Hill Edenton Chowan NC d 1726 Chowan m1 Mary Scott b 1674 ?ch m2 Elizabeth Davis b 19 Feb 1679 Henrico Co #äVA d 8 Feb 1732 Chowan + 11 ch dau of John Davis Jr of Varina Parish and Mary Ann Burton -1-3-3-5 Thomas Blount Sr |
-1-3-3-1-1 Elizabeth Blount b 1690 Chowan d 1724 Edenton NC m John Yelverton b 1685 VA d 1750 NC -1-3-3-1-2 James Blount -1-3-3-1-3 Mary Blount -1-3-3-1-4 x Blount m Phillips -1-3-3-1-5 Anne Blount b 1694 d 1763 m Edward Wingate -1-3-3-4-1 Mary Blount b Beasley -1-3-3-4-2 Elizabeth Blount b Pagett -1-3-3-4-3 Sarah Blount b 26 Jan 1699 Scotch Hill Bertie Co m Thomas Lovick -1-3-3-4-4 Martha Ann Blount b 22 May 1702 Scotch Hill Bertie Co NC d 1732 m Dr Thomas West -1-3-3-4-5 Esther Blount b 17 Mar 1703 Chowan NC m 1716 John Worley b1701 Goochland VA d Feb 1795 Cumberland VA -1-3-3-4-6 John Blount Jr -1-3-3-4-7 Thomas Blount -1-3-3-4-8 James Blount -1-3-3-4-9 Ann Sowell -1-3-3-4-10 Joseph Blount -1-3-3-4-11 Rachel Blount |
Wi13-2-7 | Elizabeth Windsor b 1528 Stanwell d aft 7 Jul 1600
m1 c 1545 Henry Sandys m2 Sir George Paulet m3 Andrew O'Gnall |
-1 William Sandys 3rd Baron Sandys of Vine b 1562 d 29 Sep 1623 m1 Christian Annesley of Lee + 1 ch dau of Brian Annesley and Audrey Terrell m2 Katherine Bridges b 1554 d 1596 dau of Edmund Brydges and Dorothy Bray
-2 Sir George Paulet of Crondall b 1553 d 1608 m Joan Kyme d aft 1617 dau of Richard Kyme of Lewes Sussex and margery Humphrey |
-1-1 William Sandys 4th Baron Sandys of the Vine dsp 12 Nov 1629 m althea Panton dau of John Panton of Brinneakid
-1-2 Elizabeth Sandys of the Vine b 1573 d aft 1632 m Sir Edwin Latimer Baron Sandys d 1608 son of Myles Sandys of Latimers and Hester Clifton -2-1 y Paulet -2-2 x Paulet |
-1-2-1 SANDYS, William dsp -1-2-2 SANDYS, Miles dsp -1-2-3 Col. Henry SANDYS 5th Baron Sandys of the Vine d: 06 Apr 1644 Bramdene battle, nr Alresford, HAM �: of mortal wound received 29 Mar 1644 #: SAND1237 m b< 1624 Jane Margaret dau of Sir William SANDYS, of Missenden GLS and Margaret COLEPEPER |
-1-2-3-1 William SANDYS 6th Baron Sandys of the Vine d 1684 m Mary CECIL, -1-2-3-2 Henry SANDYS 7th Baron Sandys of the Vine -1-2-3-3 Miles SANDYS -1-2-3-4 Edwin SANDYS 8th Baron Sandys of the Vine -1-2-3-5 Hester SANDYS m Col. Humphrey NOYE, -1-2-3-6 Alathea SANDYS m Francis GOSTON, -1-2-3-7 Mary SANDYS d 15 May 1683 m Henry SAVAGE b c 1604 d 1672 + 7 ch -1-2-3-8 Jane SANDYS, m John HARRIS, -1-2-3-9 Margaret SANDYS, m Sir John MILL, -1-2-3-10 Margery SANDYS, m Sir Edmund FORTESCUE, |
Wi13-2-8 | William Windsor b 1551 Stanwell
m c 1581 Elizabeth Somerset |
Wi13-2-9 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wi13-2-10 | Dorothy Windsor b 1533 Stanwell m c 1561 Thomas Pauncefoot | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wi13-2-11 Walter windsor
Wi13-2-12 Ursula Windsor |
Wi13-2-13 | Anne Windsor d 1605, youngest daughter
m Sir Henry Grey of Pirgo, 1st Lord of Groby d 26.07.1614 |
m2 Elizabeth Coudray b 1520, a 1582, dau of Peter Coudray of Heriott or Herriard | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wi13-2-16 | Elizabeth Windsor d 1572 (this seems to be confusion as to her mother and third/fourth husband)
m1 Henry Sandys, younger of The Vyne dvp c1555 m2 Sir George Powlett or Paulet of Crondall d 1558 m3 before 22.07.1560 Ralph Scrope of Hambleden and Cockerington |
Wi13-2-17 | Philip windsor dsp | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wi13-3 | Sir Edmund Windsor of Stoke Poges | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
a.+ | issue - Robert, Andrew, Miles, Ursula, Agnes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wi13-4 | Thomas Windsor of Bentley of Bentley
m c 1530 Mary Bokenham dau of Thomas Bokenham of Burscott Berks |
-1 Anne WINDSOR b c 2535 Stoke Poge Buckinghamshire m1 c 1560 Edward Harcourt m2 c 1566 John Purefoy
-2 Elizabeth WINDSOR b c 1536 Bentley m c 1562John Sudbury -3 Edith WINDSOR b c 1538 Bentley m c 1564 y Pendlebury -4 Peter WINDSOR b c 1542 Thames Ditton Surrey m c 1572 Elizabeth Owen -5 Miles WINDSOR -6 Vincent WINDSOR b c 1548 Thames Ditton Surrey m c 1578 x Robinson -7 Edward WINDSOR -8 George WINDSOR b c 1550 thames Ditton m c 1580 Margaret Gage -9 William WINDSOR b c 1552 Thames Ditton m c 1582 Anne Taylor -10 Andrew WINDSOR |
-4-1 Elizabeth WINDSOR b c 1573 Thames Ditton m c 1599 Humphrey Joyner -4-2 Thomas WINDSOR b c 1575 thames Ditton m c 1605 Mary Andrews -4-3 Charles WINDSOR b c 1577 Thames Ditton m c 1607 Elizabeth Danby -4-4 Francis WINDSOR |
-4-2-1 Richard WINDSOR -4-2-2 Andrew WINDSOR |
Wi13-5 | Elizabeth Windsor b c 1510
m Sir Peter Vavasour of Spaldington |
-1 John Vavasour of Spaldington
m1/?2 Katherine Ilson + 3 ch dau/coheir of William Ilson of Gunby m1/?2 Casssandra Loudon + 1 chdau/heir of y Loudon of South Cave
-2 George Vavasour of Spaldington & Willitoft d 23 Jun 1561 m Anne Skipwith dau/heir of Robert Skipwith of Willitoft -3 Anne/Amicia Vavasour m about 1530 Thomas Langdale of Langdale son of Anthony Langdale and Agnes Constable -4 William -5 Anthony -6 Andrew -7 Henry -8 Mary -9 Elizabeth |
-1-1 Elizabeth Vavasour m Thomas Dolman
-1-2 Peter d y -1-3 John d y -1-4 Peter Vavasour of Spaldington dsp -1-5 Ralph Vavasour of Spaldington m Frances Darnell dau of Adam Darnell of Thornholme Abbey -1-6 George Vavasour a 1584, 6th son m Katherine Babthorpe dau of Sir William Babthorpe -1-7 Thomas Vavasour -1-8 Richard Vavasour -1-9? Maria Vavasour b 1519 m Robert Eure b c 1515 d 1558 -2-1 Peter Vavasour of Willitoft charged with recusancy in Willitoft 1586, staunch Catholics, and while they were persecuted for their faith. m Ann Stillington dau of Thomas Stillington of Kelfield -3-1 Anthony LANGDALE b ABT 1531 d 1577 m Joan Vavasour -3-2 Thomas LANGDALE -3-3 Marmaduke LANGDALE -3-4 Catherine LANGDALE -3-5 Agnes LANGDALE |
-1-5-1 John Vavasour of Spaldington a 1612 m Mary Gates dau of John Gates of Howden and Isabel Snawsell -1-5-2 Alexander Vavasour 'of Spaldington' mm Ursula Portlington dau of Thomas Portlington of Sawliffe -1-6-1 Frances Vavasour b c1577 m Thomas Yorke bro of SIr John Yorke -1-9-1 -2-1-1 George Vavasour b c 1588 -2-1-2 Thomas Vavasour -2-1-3 William Vavasour -2-1-4 Katherine Vavasour -2-1-5 Elizabeth Vavasour -2-1-6 Marha Vavasour |
Wi13-6 | Anne Windsor b c 1505
m Roger Corbet of Moreton b 1502 d 20 Dec 1538 |
-1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wi13 | Edith Windsor b c 1508
m George Ludlow of Hill Deverell, Sheriff of Wiltshire |
Lu12-1 | Sir Edmund Ludlow - m. 1st Bridget Coker, dau. of Henry Coker of Maypowder, Dorset. Bur. Sept. 1587, Hill Deverhill, Wilts. m. 2nd Margaret Manning, dau. of Henry Manning and Katherine Kirkener, widow Viscountess Howard of Binden, Wid. of Thomas Howard Viscount Binden, . | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lu12 | Thomas Ludlow b about 1555 m. Jane Pyle. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lu12-3 | Anne Ludlow, married Thomas Hall of London, son of Roger Hall and Margaret, and had a daughter, Helen Hall. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lu12-4 | Margaret Ludlow, married Robert Vaux of Odiham, Hants | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lu12-5 | Mary Ludlow, married Hugh Ryley. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lu12-6 | Phillippa Ludlow apparently of this generation | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
m Francis ?Thomas Zouche | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lu12-7 | Jane Ludlow, m. Nicholas Bassett son of William Bassett and Cecily Gore The name Gore also appears among the early nearby Nicholas line. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lu12-9 | Ursula Ludlow, m. 1st Rev. William Earth, m. 2nd Adrian Scrope. and had Robert Scrope | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wi13-8 | Eleanor Windsor
m1 Ralph Scrope, 8th Lord of Masham and Upsal dsp 17.09.1515 |
m2 Sir Edward Nevill of Addington Park | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wi13-9 | Thomas Windsor 9 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wi14-2 | Elizabeth Windsor probably of this generation | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
m Sir Richard Fowler of Ricote | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wi14-3 | Anne Windsor probably of this generation | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
m Edmund Dudley d 18.08.1510, Councillor to King Henry VII, Speaker of House of Commons, etc | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wi14-4 | William Windsor | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wi14-5 | John Windsor, m Anne Fienes, daughter of Roger Fiennes and Elizabeth Eychingham (Ec15-2) Tudor shows her parents as Thomas Fiennes and Anne Ursewick, Anne m2 Goddard OXENBRIDGE ABT 1518, Claveringham, Sussex | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wi14-6 | Thomas Windsor | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wi14-7 | Alice Windsor = ?m Humphrey Vernon | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wi14-8 | Miles Windsor | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wi14-9 | Anthony Windsor | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wi14-10 | Bridget Windsor | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wi14-11 | Margaret Windsor (Prioress of Syon Abbey | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wi? | - - -
Of no established relation to the above family was: Thomas Windsor b 1750 Montgomery Co MD d 20 May 1810 Clarksburg MD m c 1775 Catherine Baden |
-1 Rebeckah Windsor b c 1770 m Archibald Browning b 6 Jan 1784 Clarksburg MD d 20 Oct 1845
-2 Arnold Thomas Windsor b 26 Apr 1785 'Clarksburg MD d 26 Oct 1842 Lexington MO -3 Mary Windsor b 30 Jan 1787 Windso Homestead Clarksburg d 12 Jul 1852 Montgomery Co MD m Jeremiah Lewism Lewis -4 Henry Windsor b 18 Jun 1793 Clarksburg MD |
-1-1 Luther Martin Browning b 28 May 1813 Clarksburg d 8 Mar 1895 MD m Harriet Ann King
-3-1 Jane Rebecca Lewis -3-2 Aletha Ann Lewis -3-3 Arnold Thomas Lewis -3-4 Mary Ann Lewis -3-5 Caroline Lewis -4-1 William R Windsor b c 1833 Clarksburg MD d 6 Aug 1906 |
-1-1-1 Harriet Ann Washington Browning
-1-2 Luther Henry Harrison Browning b 11 Mar 1840 d 26 Jan 1908 m Sarah Louisa Brandenburg |
Sources: BP1934 Plymouth, BE1883 Windsor of Plymouth, TCP Windsor
of Stanwell
For Wi14-4 to -11: Monograph of the Windsor Family, private publishing
about 1900, available at Guildhall Library in London.
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