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List of pedigrees
Bland of Northern Neck Va.
Nicholas of Roundway
Hester of Fleming Co Ky
Author's DNA match comparisons kit No. T848545
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The author's DNA kit at gedmatch is FE12086.

Nicholas of Roundway, of Allcannings, of Winterbourne Earles, of Maningford Bruce, Nicholls of Tannington

Table of contents

Related pedigrees outlined below
de Ayala
le Blount
de Bohun
de Courtenay
de Greene
de la Ware
de Windsor
Complete list of pedigrees
General index of Hester/Bland/Nicholas G2 to G21
General index G17 to G37,
b 6 Apr 1797 Lexington KY d 27 Nov 1869 Louisville KY

Pedigree ofNicholas of Roundway, of Alcannings, of Winterbourne Earles, of Maningford

Nicholas of Roundway
Ni20 William Nicholas b about 1260 was granted the manor of Roundway by Baron Gilbert de la Roche about 1240 AD. The reason for the grant may have been sale but in those days manors had the purpose of giving an esquire the means to arm for battle and fight for the King or overlord. A baron usually had several manors, of which some would be granted to his vassals, and when a male line ended a daughter would become heiress but her husband would exercise the title de jure as it included the obligation to fight in battle. When the manor fell in abeyance for lack of a direct heir the Baron would grant it to a second or third son or an illegitimate son or to a page who had served valiantly under him. So it seems more likely that William Nicholas was either an illegitimate son of Gilbert de la Roche or his page or both, as a unusually stout and agile youth of the village near the Manor was likely to be the illegitimate son of Norman nobility. A comparison of Y-DNA test results of Nicholas/Nichols lines on the one hand and Roche/Roache/Rocke lines on the other has not been conclusive as many mutations can be expected along the various lines over 21 generations, but it does render enough evidence to make the theory appear more than just plausible.

At present there is no known DNA data on this exact de la Roche line, but there there are many Roche and Rocke lines. David Nicholas, a known descendant has been so kind as to help with the test. His results are definitely closer to both those of other Nichols/Nicholas test persons and to several of the Roche/Rocke test persons than those or a presumed 5th cousin. And speak for both assignment to the haplogroup R1b1b2a1a and most likely Saxon and the plausibility of the de la Roche relationship. However, with about 6 of 37 of 21 generation from Gilbert de la Roche, as so many mutations over this time are possible, but the results of more distant Nicholas cousins are needed to show which generation mutated on which line, and more genealogical data in needed on the de la Roche family and their connection with these test persons.

Roche genealogists of the Irish lines maintain the tradition that the first of the family in the British Isles were called in by the Welsh from the Brabant area before the Conquest to defend against Saxon incursions and were called over to Ireland by an Irish king two generations later to help in the endless Irish turmoils. Whether Gilbert de la Roche descended from this Roche family or others still on the continent who accompanied the Conqueror is an open question.
Ni19 Thomas Nicholas of Roundway b about 1300
Ni8 John Nicholas of Roundway b about 1340
Ni17 John Nicholas of Roundway b about 1370, d after 1461.
m Maud
Ni16 John Nicholas b about 1390
m about 1410 Alice/Alicia Enoch En16, daughter and coheiress of
-b Elizabeth Enoch m y Sandon
+1 Thomas Enoch (Ennock ?Baynton)
m c 1390 Agneta Sandon
+2 Symon Enoch b c 1375
m c 1360 Claricia x
+2 William Sandon Sa19 and Christiana
+3 y Enoch b c 1300
+3 John Sandon of Horton
Dionisia de la Roch Ro20 dau of
+4 Gilbert, Baron de la Roche of Bromham
m Christiana x
Ni15 John Nicholas Esq. of Roundway b c 1440
m2 Agnes Gore, daughter and coh. of John Gore of Hinton.
Ni14-1 Richard Nicholas, Esquire of Roundway b 1471 in Roundway d 1498
m Isabella Pead dau of
+1 Robert Pead at Ford of Bromham, Wiltshire. Sources: Wiltshire Visitation Pedigrees, 1623.
Ni14-1-1 Richard Nicholas b about 1490, slain in London
Ni14-1-2 John Nicholas, heir b c 1497
m Elizabeth Okeden (Ogden is the more modern spelling) de Ellingham in Co. South shows extensive pedigree data on the Ogden family (The Elizabeth who married John Nicholas seems to be the daughter of this William Ogden, but better evidence is needed): William Ogden [Ogiii]1 (M) b. before 1457, d. after 8 Sep 1517
Ni14-1-2-1 Robert Nicholas, heir of Roundway b c 1530 bur 15 Oct. 1594 at St. James in Devizes
Married: Warborow Gore dau. of Edith and Giles Gore
Giles Gore Go14-1-1-1-1 and Edith
Ni14-1-2-1-1 John Nicholas, heir of Roundway, born 25 July 1559 bur. at St. James of Southbroom 21 Nov 1604.
m Maria Cooke, daughter of Thomas Cooke of Bishops Cannings, Wilts
Ni14-1-2-1-1-1 Ni14-1-2-1-1-1 Robert Nicholas heir of Roundway, bap. 21 Nov. 1593, will 2 Feb. 1668 continued below.
Ni14-1-2-1-1-2 Mary Nicholas, b 1591, bur 1592
Ni14-1-2-1-1-3 Elizabeth Nicholas, bap 1590, m1 John Forsyth, m2 Peter Bruer in Southbroom on 17 Aug. 1623 and had Thomas Hulber
Ni14-1-2-1-1-4 Jane Nicholas, bap 1593
m William Durman in Southbroom 19 June 1615
Ni14-1-2-1-1-5 Eleanor Nicholas, bap 1598
m Marmaduke Burde in Southbroom 17 Sept. 1616
Ni14-1-2-1-1-6 Maria Nicholas, bap. 1601
Ni14-1-2-1-1-7 Rachell Nicholas bap. 1601
Ni14-1-2-1-1-8 Susanna Nicholas bap. 1602
Ni14-1-2-1-1-9 Michaell Nicholas bap. 1603, Will 1650
Ni14-1-2-1-1-10 Thomas Nicholas bap. 1604, bur. 7 Sept. 1645
m. Margery Nash
Ni14-1-2-1-1-?- The marriage of Maria dau of Thomas Cooke of Bishops Cannings makes it seem likely of this family inherited property there and was thus of this branch:
John NICHOLAS of Bishops Cannings?? b 2 Oct 1687 d 1745/46
m1 Ann x b c 1700 + 2 ch
m2 Jane GILLETT b c 1710 + 1 ch
Ni14-1-2-1-1-?-1 Mary NICHOLAS b c Mar 1725/6
Ni14-1-2-1-1-?-2 Elizabeth NICHOLAS b c Jan 1728/9
Ni14-1-2-1-1-?-3 Richard NICHOLAS bap 25 JAN 1733 Bishops Cannings to John & Jane P014381. m Mary OFFER bap 7.1.1735 Bishops Cannings, Wilts -1 Jane NICHOLAS bap 22 OCT 1755 Bishops Cannings, Wilts
-2 Jane NICHOLAS bap: 26 DEC 1756 Bishops Cannings, Wilts
-3 John NICHOLAS bap 16 FEB 1759 Bishops Cannings, Wilts
-4 Richard NICHOLAS bap 28 SEP 1760 Bishops Cannings, Wilts
-5 Christopher NICHOLAS bap 22 AUG 1762 Bishops Cannings, Wilts
-6 Mary NICHOLAS bap 29 JUN 1765 Bishops Cannings, Wilts
Ni14-1-2-1-1-?-4 Martha NICHOLAS b: c May 1734
Ni14-1-2-1-1-?-5 Sarah NICHOLAS b: c July 1735
Ni14-1-2-1-1-?-6 Christian NICHOLAS b: c August 1736
Ni14-1-2-1-1-?-7 Anne NICHOLAS b: c October 1737
Ni14-1-2-1-1-?-8 Christopher NICHOLAS b c October 1740
m Ann GIDDINGS b c July 1740
Ni14-1-2-1-1-?-8-1 Mary NICHOLAS b c January 1760
Ni14-1-2-1-1-?-8-2 Grace NICHOLAS b c February 1761
Ni14-1-2-1-1-?-8-3 Christopher NICHOLAS b c September 1762 in Bishops Cannings m Jane MOOR b c 1765 -1 Mary NICHOLAS b c July 1786
-2 Betty NICHOLAS b c November 1788
-3 Sarah NICHOLAS b c November 1791
-4 Susannah NICHOLAS b c September 1795 in Bishops Cannings Wilts. m Robert NICHOLAS b c July 1803 in Coate. ** He is -8-9-1 below. **
-5 Ann NICHOLAS b c March 1798 m William WORDLEY b c 1800

-4-1 Mary-Ann NICHOLAS b c May 1825 in Bishops Cannings
-4-2 William NICHOLAS b c July 1829 in Bishops Cannings
Ni14-1-2-1-1-?-8-4 Anne NICHOLAS b c March 1764
Ni14-1-2-1-1-?-8-5 Sarah NICHOLAS b c January 1766
Ni14-1-2-1-1-?-8-6 James NICHOLAS b c September 1769 in Bishops Cannings m Sarah SHERGOLD b c 1780 She looks like SS bap 30 OCT 1780 Southbroom St. James, Wilts to Edward & Sarah C059151 1771-1875. For more see *1778 Southbroom St. James at 3. -1 John NICHOLAS b c August 1801
-2 Christopher NICHOLAS b c July 1805
-3 Richard NICHOLAS b c October 1811 in Bishops Cannings m 25.12.1833 at Southbroom, St James Eliza HOBBS b c 1814 Nurstead,Wiltshire 1851 Census at 146 The Green St James parish Devizes Wilts: Richard Nicholas age 38 labourer b. Wilts Bishops Canning Eliza wife age 37 b. Wilts Nurstead
-4 Elizabeth NICHOLAS b c December 1798 m William GIDDINGS b: Bef. 1800
-5 James NICHOLAS b c April 1808 in Coate, Wiltshire m Dennis BULLOCK b c 1810 in Coate, Wiltshire

-3-1 George NICHOLAS b c July 1834 in Bishops Cannings
-3-2 Edwin NICHOLAS bc.8.1836 in Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire d: Bef. 1840
-3-3 Elizabeth NICHOLAS b c August 1838 in Bishops Cannings
-3-4 Edwin NICHOLAS (6.9.1840 Bishops Cannings-25.6.1880 at Rowde?) m 12.4.1862 at Bishops Cannings Sarah WOODROFFE 17.9.1837 Bourton # SHE IS 48721 557 OF "2. WOODROFFE FAMILY" ABOVE - see there for issue.
-3-5 Sarah NICHOLAS b c September 1843 in Devizes Wiltshire
-3-6 John NICHOLAS chr 28 Sep 1845 in Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire, He moved to Barnes, London married twice and had at least six children, one my husbands maternal grandmother. For some reason she was raised in an orphanage. There is also a question of other siblings or half siblings called NICHOLLS. " - Sue RAND srand"att"
-3-7 Mary Ann NICHOLAS b c August 1847 in Devizes, Wiltshire
-3-8 Emily NICHOLAS b: 1850
-5-1 amuel NICHOLAS bc.12.1831 in Coate village, Bishops Cannings Parish m Susannah WILLIS b c 1834
-5-2 George NICHOLAS b c April 1834 in Coate, Wiltshire
-5-3 Noah NICHOLAS b c 1836 in Coate village, Bishops Cannings Parish
-5-4 Charles NICHOLAS bc.1.1845 in Coate village, Bishops Cannings Parish
-5-5 Elizabeth NICHOLAS bc.9.1847 in Coate village, Bishops Cannings Parish
-5-6 David NICHOLAS bc.11.1849 in Coate village, Bishops Cannings Parish m Harriett MERRITT b: 1806 in Coate, Wiltshire

-3-4-1 Alfred John NICHOLAS m Mary Annie KEEN
-5-1-1 Frank NICHOLAS b 1862
-5-1-2 Frederick NICHOLAS b 1870
-5-1-3 Albert NICHOLAS b 1875

-3-4-1-1 Reginald Oliver Nicholls b 1889 (first entry of misspelling of family name)
-3-4-1-2 Hubert Nicholls b 1888
-3-4-1-3 Edith Nicholls b 1893
-3-4-1-4 Florence Nicholls b 1895
-3-4-1-5 Arthur Nicholls b 1896 d Flanders 1916
-3-4-1-6 Alfred Nicholls b 1897
-3-4-1-7 Elsie Nicholls b 1904
-3-4-1-8 Violet Nicholls b 1904
-3-4-1-9 Stanley Howard Nicholls b 1903

-3-4-1-9-1 Terence Nicholls b 1929 Taunton Somerset

-3-4-1-9-1-1 Andrew John Nicholls b aft 1950 Croxley Green Herts
-3-4-1-9-1-2 Christopher Roy Nicholls b Croxley Green Herts
-3-4-1-9-1-3 Philip David Nicholls b Croxley Green Herts to Canada 6/1966

-3-4-1-9-1-1-1 Cody Nicholls
-3-4-1-9-1-2-1 Oliver Levy-Nicholls
-3-4-1-9-1-2-2 Alden Moore Nicholls
-3-4-1-9-1-2-3 Finlay Moore Nicholls
Ni14-1-2-1-1-?-8-7 Mary NICHOLAS b c February 1772
Ni14-1-2-1-1-?-8-8 Martha NICHOLAS b c .4.1775 m 03 OCT 1814 Bishops Cannings, Wilts M014382 John BULLOCK b c 1790. =? JB bp 24 MAY 1780 Bishops Cannings, Wilts to John & Sarah P014381, 8 of *1761 Bishops Cannings -1 John NICHOLAS b c July 1802
Ni14-1-2-1-1-?-8-9 Richard NICHOLAS b c Sep 1779 in Coate, Wiltshire
m Mary CLIFFORD b c Jan 1786 in Coate, Wiltshire
-1 Robert NICHOLAS b c July 1803 in Coate, Wiltshire m Susannah NICHOLAS b c September 1795 in Bishops Cannings Wiltshire # She is 834 above. See there for issue.
-2 James NICHOLAS b c September 1805 in Coate, Wiltshire
-3 Martha NICHOLAS b c March 1807 in Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire
-4 Thomas NICHOLAS b c August 1811 m Charlotte FISHLOCK b c November 1811 in Bishops Cannings
-5 John NICHOLAS b c February 1813 in Coate d: Bef. 1881 m Hannah b c 1814 in Oare, Wiltshire
-6 Ann NICHOLAS b c April 1816 m John CASTLE b c 1815
-7 George NICHOLAS b c May 1818 in Coate, Wiltshire m Mary BULLOCK b c 1825 in Coate, Wiltshire
-8 Richard NICHOLAS b c April 1823 in Bishops Cannings Wiltshire
-9 Charles NICHOLAS b c February 1821 in Coate, Wiltshire m Mary Ann b c 1825 in Coate, Wiltshire
-10 Henry NICHOLAS b c August 1825
-11 William NICHOLAS b c July 1809 m Ann DREW b c 1810

-2-1 Martha NICHOLAS b c 1839
-2-2 Richard NICHOLAS b c 1842
-2-3 Mary NICHOLAS b c 1850
-4-1 Elizabeth NICHOLAS b c June 1835 in Bishops Cannings
-4-2 Susannah NICHOLAS b c September 1840 in Bishops Cannings
-4-3 George NICHOLAS b c September 1842 in Bishops Cannings
-4-4 Emily NICHOLAS b c May 1847 in Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire
-4-5 Eliza NICHOLAS b c September 1851 in Bishops Cannings
-4-6Thomas NICHOLAS b c July 1855 in Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire
-5-1 Mary Ann NICHOLAS b c 1834 in Oare, Wiltshire
-5-2 Elizabeth NICHOLAS bc.12.1835 in Coate, Wiltshire d: Bef. 1851
-5-3 Martha NICHOLAS b c January 1836 in Coate, Wiltshire m George BISHOP b c 1830
-5-4 Matilda NICHOLAS b c July 1838 in Coate, Wiltshire d: Bef. 1851
-5-5 Sophia NICHOLAS b c November 1840 in Coate, Wiltshire m Esau WILD b c April 1840 in Bishops Cannings Wiltshire
-5-6 Emma NICHOLAS b c May 1844 in Coate, Wiltshire
-5-7 Eleanor NICHOLAS b c June 1847 in Coate, Wiltshire m Thomas WILLIS b c 1845
-5-8 John NICHOLAS b c June 1850 in Coate, Wiltshire
-5-9 Mary NICHOLAS b c February 1855 in Coate, Wiltshire d: Bef. 1851
-5-10 Albert NICHOLAS b c July 1859 in Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire
-7-1 Emily NICHOLAS b c May 1844 in Coate, Wiltshire
-7-2 William NICHOLAS b c August 1846 in Coate, Wiltshire m Susanna AMBER b c 1850
-7-3 Edwin NICHOLAS b c September 1854 in Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire
-7-4 Tom NICHOLAS b c December 1855 in Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire
-7-5 Thomas NICHOLAS b c May 1859 in Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire
-7-6 Charlotte Rosanna NICHOLAS b c September 1861 in Bishops Cannings
-7-7 Mary Jane NICHOLAS b c May 1867 in Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire
-7-8 George NICHOLAS b c July 1869 in Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire
-9-1 Henerey NICHOLAS b c 1845
-9-2 George NICHOLAS b c 1847
-9-3 Thomas NICHOLAS b c 1850
-11-1 Eliza NICHOLAS b c June 1841 in Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire
-11-2 George NICHOLAS b c December 1836 in Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire
-11-3 Mary-Anne NICHOLAS b c September 1854 in Bishops Cannings
-11-4 Thomas NICHOLAS b c September 1854 in Bishops Cannings,Wiltshire
-11-5 William NICHOLAS b c November 1834 in Bishops Cannings,Wiltshire
-11-6 Charles NICHOLAS b c February 1832 in Bishops Cannings,Wiltshire

-5-5-1 Cornelius WILD b c 1860
-5-5-2 John WILD b c 1862
-5-5-3 Elizabeth WILD b c 1864 in Bishops Cannings Wiltshire UK m James William EDWARDS b c 1860
-5-5-3-1 George EDWARDS b c 1885
-5-5-4 Rebecca WILD b c 1865 in Bishops Cannings Wiltshire UK
-5-5-5 Emma WILD b c 1868
-5-5-6 Bertha WILD b c 1870 m Albert SMITH b c 1870
-5-5-7 Annie WILD b Bef. 24 Sep 1871 in Bishops Cannings Wilts. d c 1925 m Noah UNDERWOOD b 12 May 1873 in Devizes, Wiltshire UK d c 1935
-5-5-8 Albert WILD b c 1873
-5-5-9 Matilda WILD b c 1875

-5-5-7-1 Annie Elizabeth UNDERWOOD b c Sep 1900
-5-5-7-2 Beatrice Annie UNDERWOOD b c Dec 1901 in Devizes d c 1974 in Norwich Norfolk UK m Albert George BECKETT b.10.1902 in Attleborough, Norfolk d 1972 in New Costessey, Norwich, Norfolk UK
-5-5-7-3 Albert Esau N UNDERWOOD b c May 1903 in Devizes, Wiltshire UK

-5-5-7-2-1 Pauline Rosanna BECKETT b: 1928 in Amesbury, Wiltshire UK d 1999 in Norwich, Norfolk UK m Thomas TURNER b c 1925
-5-5-7-2-1-1 Susan TURNER b c 1953
-5-5-7-2-2 Albert Desmond BECKETT b: 10 April 1926 in Avebury, Wiltshire d: 26 February 1991 in Tamworth NSW Australia m Elsie May UNSTEAD b 22 July 1926 in Hackney London UK
-5-5-7-2-2-1 Peter Michael BECKETT b: 15 January 1955 in Norwich, Norfolk m1 Nerida MOORE b 31 October 1970 in Sydney, NSW Australia + 1ch
-5-5-7-2-2-1-1 James Lawrence BECKETT b 25 Feb 1992 [89557221 9--Peter Michael BECKETT b 15 Jan 1955 in Norwich, Norfolk]: m2 Katherine SANKEY b c 1968
-5-5-7-2-2-2 Stephanie Louise BECKETT b 22 May 1956 in Norwich, Norfolk # "Stephanie du Barry" on 25.1.2001 BOUNCED 09 See her interesting website at m Andrew Roy HAYWARD b 14 Feb 1952 in Newhaven Sussex UK
-5-5-7-2-2-2-1 Justine Elizabeth HAYWARD b 9 Feb 1977 in Hornsby Hospital, Sydney, Australia
-5-5-7-2-2-2-2 Ross Andrew HAYWARD b 30.8.1979 in Blacktown Hospital, Sydney
-5-5-7-2-2-2-3 Christopher James HAYWARD b 25.1.1984 in Tamworth Base Hospital, NSW Australia d 7.1.1997 in Tenterfield NSW Australia (road accident)
Ni14-1-2-1-1-?-8-10 John NICHOLAS b c Feb 1782
Ni14-1-2-1-2 Griffin Nicholas b c 1564 d 13 March 1635, Will 18 Oct. 1634.
Ni14-1-2-1-3 Anna Nicholas b c 1565
Ni14-1-2-1-4 Jane Nicholas b c 1567
m 9 June 1584 Richard Filke of Southbroom.
Ni14-1-2-1-5 Petronella Nicholas b c 1569 m Humphrey Paradice of Southbroom.
Ni14-1-2-1-6 Elianora Nicholas m 1 Aug 1597 Daniel Elson of Southbroom.
Ni14-1-2-1-7 Gabriel Nicholas,
Ni14-1-2-1-8 Ambrose Nicholas,
Ni14-1-2-1-9 Gabrill Nicholas, bur. 18 Nov. 1588
Ni14-1-2-2 Francis Nicholas, married -1 Edward Nicholas
Ni14-1-2-3 Humphrey Nicholas m -1 James Nicholas
Ni14-1-2-4 John Nicholas, married and had -1 Robert Nicholas
-2 Thomas Nicholas
-3 John Nicholas
Ni14-1-3 Margarie Nicholas
m. Willi Bound de Compton Chamberline in Wilts.
Ni14-1-?4 This Richard may have had a daughter -1? Jane Nicholas b c 1500/td>
In 1540 there were three types of customary holding from All Cannings manor. There were some 30 yardlands, then disparate but on average consisting of some 25 a. of land in both arable fields, some 2 a. of meadow land, and pasture rights. There were eight 'cotsetlands', usually merged with other holdings, each including about half the arable of a yardland, some meadow land, common in the arable fields and in Farrell, but no common on the upland. There were also six 'acremanlands' comprising on average some 10 a. of arable, land in a common meadow, probably Acremans mead, and common in the common fields and Farrell. Some 35 customary holdings were shared in 1540 among 27 tenants. Their rents totalled £38 12s. 6d. The demesne farm, which remained comparatively small, was leased with its stock, but not with its sheep, probably in the earlier 15th century for rents in kind. William Philip was lessee in 1449 but by 1498 the demesne of All Cannings, like that of Urchfont, was held by William Harvest. (fn. 133) The demesne flock was leased for £8 in 1480 and, when the farm was leased to John Burdon in 1523, it was for a cash rent of £26 6s. 8d. In 1540 the farm included 212 a. of arable, 20 a. of meadow land, 31 a. of inclosed pasture, and presumably feeding rights on the upland pastures. From: 'Parishes: All Cannings', A History of the County of Wiltshire: Volume 10 (1975), pp. 20-33. URL:

Map of Allcannings

Sir Edward Nicholas

Nicholas of Winterbourne Coat of Arms

Monument in the church of Winterbourne
Ni14 Robert Nicholas b c 1495 d 1592 of All Cannings. He leased the demesne of Alcannings 1573
Ni13 Robert Nicholas b c 1498/?1520 2nd son of All Cannings b c 1522
m Mary Webb We13, daughter of
+1 William Webb We14 of Bradford, Wilts.
Ni12 Edward Nicholas b c 1555 d Mar./Apr. 1623
Bur. 3 Apr. 1623 in Allcannings
m Catherine Franklin Fr12 bur. 22 Oct. 1618, dau of
"fil. et heres separates 1623"
+1 Richard Franklin Fr13
Ni11 Robert Nicholas Ni11 b 8/9 Nov 1597, bap 27 Nov. 1597 (younger, surviving twin of the same name, who died 9 Nov.1597) Admitted to the Inner Temple 25 July 1614, Member of Parliament 1639, he lead the fight against Archbishop Laud for sponsoring the arbitrary incarceration of MPs, Lord of the Exchequer under Oliver Cromwell. died about 1654. The farm was still held by Robert in 1639 when a lease was granted to his kinsman Sir Edward Nicholas (d. 1669), then a clerk to the Privy Council and later Secretary of State to Charles I and Charles II. Robert Nicholas apparently gave up his interests in the farm to a Mr. Goddard, from whom it was sequestered in 1648, but members of the Nicholas family perhaps retained their interests in it until the manor was bought by Sir Edward's son Edward in 1687.Descendants continued below,
m Elizabeth Sheldon Sh11 dau of
+1 Philip Sheldon of Spatchle.
Ni12-2 Elizabeth Nicholas b c 1555
Ni12-3? probably here was:
Richard Nicholas b 1560 Camden Berks d 1615
Ni12-3-1 and wikitree report:
Elizabeth Nicholas b 1596/?85 Allcannings Wilts d 1664 Taunton MA
m 1625 in Allcannings John Richmond b 1589 in Ashton Keynes, Wilts, d 20 Mar 1664 Taunton, Bristol, MA and ETYVM show the same Elizabeth Nicholas as b c 1605 in Wiltshire Engl. m John Richmond b c 1594 Ashton Keyes, Wiltshire, Engl. They had a son

-1 Edward Richmond
-2 Katherine Richmond
-3 John Richmond Jr b 1627 in Ashton Keyes d 7 Oct 1715 in Taunton Ma m Abigail Rogers
-4 Edward Richmond
-5 Sarah Richmond m Stoughton
-6 Mary Richmond b 1639 Taunton MA d 3 Oct 1715 Taunton MA m William Paul
-7 Amy Richmond b 1641 Taunton MA

-3-1 Samuel Richmond b 23 Sep 1668 in Taunton d before 11 June 1736 in Taunton m Mehitable Andrews b 1672 d 1706 dau of Henry ANDREWS b 1629 Taunton Ma d May 1676 m1 Mary Wadsworth b 1640 Taunton Ma d 1693/4 Taunton dau of Christopher Wadsworth and Grace x. m2 1652 Hannah Street b 1633 Taunton d 1658 dau of Rev Nicholas Street bap 29 Jan 1603 grandau of Nicholas b 6 Oct 1576 Bridgewater Somerset Engl and Susanna Gilbert bap 9 Dec 1584 Bridgewater
-6-1 James Paul b 1657 Taunton MA
-6-2 John Paul b 1660 Taunton MA
-6-3 Edward Paul b 1663 Taunton MA
-6-4 Mary Paul b 8 Feb 1666 Taunton MA m Thomas Jones
-6-5 Sarah Paul b 5 Jul 1668 Taunton d 1718 Newport RI m c 1694 Henry Tew
-6-6 Abigail Paul
-6-7 Ebenezer Paul
-6-8 Benjamin Paul b 1681 Taunton MA d 12 Jan 1757 m 1704 Ruth Dyer

-3-1-1 Samuel Richmond b 16 Oct 1695 d b 1 Aug 1767 m Sarah x
-3-1-2 Oliver Richmond b 25 Aug 1697 d a 26 Oct 1763 m c 1734 Ruth x
-3-1-3 Thomas Richmond b 10 Sep 1700 Middleboro MA d a 13 Sep 1737 m 21 Apr 1725 in Bristol RI Hannah Fry ?b 4 Jun 1702 dau of John Fry and Deliverance x
-3-1-4 Hannah Richmond b 29 Aug 1702 m circa 1728 Isaiah Booth, son of Benjamin Booth and Mary Sutton,
-3-1-5 Lydia Richmond b 14 May 1704 m 9 Jun 1732 Samuel Thomas son of David Thomas and Abigail Wood
-3-1-6 Silas Richmond d 1784 in New Milford CT
-6-4-1 Hannah Jones b 30 Aug 1701 m 21 Nov 1715 in Dighton MA Joshua Phillips Jr son of Joshua Phillips and Amy Drake
-6-8-1 Christopher Paul
-6-8-2 Benjamin Paul b 7 Aug 1705 m Hannah Staples
-6-8-3 Ruth Paul b c 13 Feb 1710 m Josiah Macomber
-6-8-4 Rebeckah Paul b 30 Oct 1714 m Thomas Poole
-6-8-5 Ebenezer Paul b 21 Sep 1717 Dighton MA m1 Susannah Williams + 1 ch m2 Hopestill Phillips + 2ch
-6-8-6 John Paul b 25 Nov 1719
-6-8-7 Abigail Paul b 18 Jul 1721
-6-8-8 Sarah Paul b 9 Sep 1723 Taunton MA m Micah Pratt Jr

-3-1-1-1 Samuel Richmond b 23 Nov 1720 m1 x + 1 ch m2 10 Dec 1762 Christiana Hathaway + 1 ch
-3-1-1-2 Thomas Richmond b 28 Mar 1723
-3-1-1-3 Reuben Richmond b c 1725
-3-1-1-4 Thomas Richmond b c 1731
-3-1-1-5 Hannah Richmond
-3-1-2-1 Philip Richmond b 11 Feb 1735
-3-1-4-1 Isaiah Booth b 4 Jan 1729/30
-3-1-4-2 Jacob Booth b 25 Jul 1731
-3-1-4-3 Silas Booth
-3-1-4-4 Abraham Booth b 15 Apr 1735
-3-1-4-5 Shadrach Booth
-3-1-4-6 Hannah Booth b 1745
-3-1-5-1 Zephaniah Thomas b 23 Jul 1733
-3-1-5-2 Josiah Thomas b 10 Sep 1735
-3-1-5-3 Rebekah Thomas b 17 Aug 1737
-6-8-3-1 Abiel Macomber
-6-8-3-2 Rebecca Macomber b 1747 m Gooding
-6-8-5-1 Susannah Paul b 16 Jan 1746 Berkeley MA m George Macomber
-6-8-5-2 Hopestill Paul b 13 Jul 1750 m Nathan Briggs
-6-8-5-3 Ebenezer Paul
-6-8-8-1 Micah Pratt III

-3-1-1-1-1 Thankful Richmond b 14 Oct 1758 d 1788 unm
-3-1-1-1-2 Reuben Richmond b 27 Nov 1763 d 22 Oct 1806 m Lois Richmond, dau of Nathan Richmond
-6-8-3-1-1 Phoebe Macomber m y Gushee
-6-8-3-2-1 Joseph Gooding
-6-8-5-1-1 Ebenezer Macomber b 12 May 1785 Taunton MA m 1810 Sarah Jewell

-3-1-1-1-2-1 Samuel Richmond b 14 Oct 1789
-3-1-1-1-2-2 Salmon Richmond b 3 May 1793
-3-1-1-1-2-3 Reuben Richmond b 22 Jan 1795
-6-8-5-1-1-1 Kingsley Williams Macomber
-6-8-5-1-1-2 Addison Parker Macomber
Ni12-4 ?= x Nicholas
m y Pyle Py13-1-1 b about 1550 d about 1620 bur in Bishop Cannings (The marriage of a Nicholas girl to a Pyle followed by that of a Pyle girl to a Vernon who immigrated to Chester Co Pa is needed to explain a group of over 50 of the author's autosomal DNA matches with ancestors from this area. This Vernon is probably also a descendant of this family. Such a supposition might also explain matches with Webb descendants)
-1 x Pyle b about 1655 imigrated to Chester Co PA m y Vernon b about 1655 Stokes, Cheshire, Engl
Ni12-5? possibly of this branch and generation was:
Jane Nycholas b 1575 d 15 Jul 1626 in ?Calne, Wilts (see also Jane above)
m Thomas Cloude b 23 Sep 1578 in Calne, Wilts son of William Cloude b 1530 St. James Parish, Southbroom, Devises d in England in Sep 1583 (Southbroom is 20 Min on foot SE of Roundway on the way to Devizes and 30 min SW of Allcannings)

Calne is just a few miles north of Roundway and NW of Allcannings.
Daughters were generally left out of the Heralds Visitations if there were enough sons, as they would not inherit the manor. So where only sons were recorded it may be assumed that there were also daughters.
-1 William Cloud b 26 Dec 1605 in Calne Wilts d in Calne 12 Feb 1664/5 m Joan Norys b 1597 in Calne, Wiltshire d in Calne 24 Nov 1637
-2 KATHERINE CLOUDE, b 11 Oct 1607 Calne Wilts d England.
-3 ?y CLOUD, b. 1610 England d France
-1-1 William Cloud b 8 Jul 1621 in Southbroom, Devizes, Wilts d in Concord Chester PA 25 Aug 1702 m Susan James b 28 Mar 1623 in Calne, Wiltshire d Calne 1663 dau of Richard James
-1-2 William Cloud b 1648 d 1716 m Grace Willis
-1-1-1 William Cloud d in 1719, m Grace Willis, and left six children
-1-1-2 Jeremiah Cloud b 7 Feb 1658 in Calne, Wilts d in Brandywine Hundred, New Castle, DE 20 Feb 1716 m Elizabeth Ann Bailey b 10 Nov 1667 in Hillmorton, Warwick d in Concord Township, Chester 22 Feb 1750
-1-1-3 Sussanna Cloud, m in England and resided there.
-1-1-4 Joseph Cloud, d 1739 m Mary Green wid Moore + 3 ch
-1-1-5 John Cloud, d 1744, and had married Ann Beeson +4 ch
-1-1-6 Robert Cloud, + 3 ch
-1-2-1 Rachal Margaret Cloud m Henry Hayes b 23 May 1667 in Fulwell, Oxfordshire d Marlborough, Chester PA 30 Dec 1745
-1-1-1-1 Joseph Cloud b. Abt 1677, Chester co Pa d. 1728, Pextan, Chester co
-1-1-1-2 Richard Cloud b. Abt 1680, Pa d. 1718, Philadelphia, Philadelphia co
-1-1-1-3 Jason Cloud b. 1 May 1681, Calne, Wiltshire county, England d. 1787, Philadelphia
-1-1-1-4 William Cloud I b 1680 in Calne Wilts d in Rockland Manor, Brandywine, New Castle Co 12 May 1747
-1-1-1-5 Susanna Cloud b. 1685, Philadelphia d 1715
-1-1-1-6 Esther Cloud b. 1687 Philadelphia
-1-1-2-1 Jeremiah Cloud m Ann Bailey
-1-1-2-2 Daniel Cloud
-1-1-2-3 William Cloud m Elizabeth Hayes.
-1-1-2-4 John Cloud
-1-1-2-5 Hannah Cloud
-1-1-2-6 Sarah Cloud, m John Baldwin, her widowed brother-in-law.
-1-1-2-7 Elizabeth Cloud, m Joseph Hays.
-1-1-2-8 Mordecia Cloud m1 Sarah Chads m2 Abigail Bailey (nee Johnson
-1-2-1-1 Elizabeth Ann Hayes b 11 Feb 1693 in Fulwell Oxfordshire d in Brandywine, New Castle 11 Feb 1749
-1-1-1-1-1 = -1-2-1-1-1 William Cloud Jr b 1728/30 in Brandywine, New Castle d in Fairfield Co SC, in 1811 m Alice/Alis Hardin b 1730 in Stafford (Prince William) Co VA d in Fairfield Co SC 16 Mar 1777
-1-1-1-1-1-2 x Clare/Cloud m Richard Bell b c 1757 d c 1809 Fairfield Co SC ancestors of Christopher Schuler, author's DNA match
Ni13-2 Edward Nicholas of Maningford and Brockenborough, bap. 1579/?29 at AllCannings, died 17 April 1582 (The location suggests some relation to the Berenger family that was in Manningford a generation earlier.)
married Elizabeth, daughter of James Tutt of Chilbolden South. married Elizabeth, daughter of James Tutt of Chilbolden South
Ni13-2-1 Robert Nicholas, heir of Maningford, Wilts, proved 5 Oct. 1582.
m Jane St. John daughter of Nicholas St. John of Liddiard Tregose, Wilts. Died: will proved 5 Oct. 1582.
Ni13-2-1-1 Oliver Nicholas b c 1575, heir and Cupbearer to James I in 1623, m. Maria, dau of Sir Edward Wardoar CIK of Pells and had Edward Nicholas of Maningford Bruce, who m. May dau. of Thomas Lane and had Edward Nicholas of the Inner Temple. -1 Edward Nicholas of Maningford Bruce
m May dau. of Thomas Lane .
-1-1 Edward Nicholas of Maningford Bruce, admitted to the Inner Temple.
Ni13-2-1-2 Lucia Nicholas b c 1590 m John Doily/d'Oilye ?= b c 1590 son of John d�Oyly and m Ursula Cope (sister not dau of Anthony Cope of Hanwell)
Ni13-2-1-3 Elizabeth Nicholas m John Henbery of East Orchard, Dorset
Ni13-2-1-4 Catherine Nicholas, m Sir Thomas Broderick of Wandsworth, Surrey, knighted 1625.
Ni13-2-1-5 Edward Nicholas alive in 1623,
m Dorothy, dau. of Roger Waldron (Wallrond)(?and Elizabeth Blicke) of Alborne (Awborne), Wilts. about 1622 (?21 Dec. 1626 of Belbroughton, worcester) d:
-1 Oliver Nicholas, son and heir at 18 months m ?Frances Reeve, 25 May 1648 dau of Capt Reeve of Clements Dane Mdx
-2 Margery Nicholas
-3 Jane Nicholas
-1-1 Edwar Nicholas d Academy of Paris FR
-1-2 John Nicholas Ensign to Duke of Yorks Company of Foot at Portswmouth
-1-3 Oliver Nicholas of the Bed Chamber to HRH James Duke of York and Capt of hic Company of Foot at Portsmouth
-1-4 Robert Nicholas bap 7 Mar 1662 d 7 Jan 1725 m1 x Knight dau of Henry Knight of Newhall Suffolk m2 Jane Child d 21 Sep 1725 dau of J Child of Devizes
-1-5 Dorothy Nicholas
-1-6 Frances Nicholas

-1-4-4 John Child Nicholas b 7 Sep 1694 d y
-1-4-5 Edward Nicholas m Bridget Richmond b 4 Jan 1695 d 28 Feb 1720

-1-4-5-2 Jane Nicholas b 24 Jan 1727 d y dau of Oliff Richmond of Ashton Keynes Wilts
-1-4-5-3 y Nicholas
-1-4-5-3-1 Robert Nicholas b 22 Apr 1758 m1 Charlotte dau of Adm ThomasFrankland Bart of Huscklby York m2 18005 Ann Clark dau of Robert Clark
Ni13-2-1-6 Robert Nicholas
Ni13-2-1-7 John Nicholas
Ni13-2-1-8 Jasper Nicholas, had 2 sons that dsp
Ni13-2-1-8-1 Jasper Nicholas, dsp
Ni13-3 Thomas Nicholas of Coate in Bishop's Cannings, will proved 1600
m Edith Burden dau of
+1 John Burden of All Cannings
Ni13-3-1 Robert Nicholas, heir.
Ni13-4 John Nicholas of Winterbourne Earles bap. 21 July 1566
m Susanna Hunton, dau of d 9 Dec. 1644 Hunton
+1 William Hunton in Knoll/Knoyle Wilts d 6 March 1658 (new calendar) aged 84Arms: Sable, a chevron ermine between three talbots passant argent. -1 Edward Nicholas, bapt. 3 Apr. 1593, Edward Nicholas was knighted 30 Nov. 1641. He was also Secretary of State under Charles I and Charles II.
m. 24 Nov. 1622 in W.E. Jane Jay, dau of Henry Jay, Alderman of London.
-2 Matthew Nicholas, b. 26 Sept. 1594, bapt. 4. Oct. 1594, Dean of St. Paul's Cathedral, d.14 Aug. 1661 m Elizabeth, daur of William Fowke of Bulwick, Northton, sole executrix to her husband, d 6 april 1673 aged 73, bur. at Winterbourne Earles, Will dated 1672, proved 1673 d 16 April 1661 at Salisbury Bur. at Winterbourne Earles, Will proved 1662
-3 John Nicholas b 4 April 1597, aged 26 at visitation, k in the Civil War.
-4 Susanna Nicholas, bap 21 May 1599, died without issue, bur. 28 May 1622.
-5 Maria Nicholas, b 13 Jan. 1601, m 19 Aug. 1623 W.E. Edmond Reeves of Luckington, Somerset,
-6 Emley Nicholas, bap. 20 april 1602, m. Nicholas Elliott of Sarum, gent. 12 April 1627
-7 Anna Nicholas, bap. 8 June 1603, m William Butterworth 30 Dec. 1630 in W.E.
-8 Elizabeth Nicholas, bap. 12 April 1605.
-9 Letticia Nicholas, m. Christopher Pachment 11 July 1643 in W.E.
-10 Catherine Nicholas, bap. 6 July 1613.
-1-1 John Nicholas, bapt. 23 Jan. 1623.
-1-2 Edward Nicholas, bap 6 Mar. 1624.
-1-3 Nicholas, bap 15 May 1627.
-1-4 Matthew Nicholas, bap 4 Feb. 1630.
-1-5 Henry Nicholas, bap 22 June 1648 ?= d 1692 ?Va
-1-6 Susannah Nicholas m George Lane
-1-7 ?x Nicholas, m Lt. Gen Middleton
-1-8 ?x Nicholas, m L. Newburg.
-2-1 George Nicholas, bap 31 July 1628 d before 1672.
-2-2 Edward Nicholas, bap 25 July 1629, Master of St. Nicholas Hospital at Sarum, living 1672, died before 1710.
-2-3 John Nicholas Oxon MA 14 Jan. 1664, Warden of St. Mary's Coll. in Winchester DD 8 July 1675 d 27 Feb. 1711 aged 74, bur. Winchester Cathedral, Will dated 1707, proved 1712.
Henrietta-Maria, daur of Sir James Calthorpe of Ampton, Suffolk d 1683 aged 36, bur. in Winchester Cathedral 2nd d: 27 Feb. 1711 aged 74, Bur. Winchester Cathedral, Will dated 1707, proved 1712. Oxon MA 14 Jan. 1664, Warden of St. Mary's Coll. in Winchester DD 8 July 1675 d John Nicholas and Henrietta-Maria Calthorpe had issue:
-2-4 Elizabeth Nicholas d 29 Nov. 1709 aged 75, bur. at Winchester Cathedral m1 Sir William Calley of Burdenrope, Wilts m2 Sir Thomas Mompesson of Salisbury d 1701
-2-5 Susanna Nicholas m Godfrey Daniell

-2-3-1 Edward Nicholas, only child, of South Stoneham, Hants.
Ni13-?-? possibly of this family and branch was:
Henry Nicholls b c 1582 d 28 Dec 1676 Norfolk VA
m Mary x b c 1581 Christ Curch Middlesex Co Va m
-1 John Henry Nicholls b 1600 Norfolk VA d 9 Apr 1692 Norfolk VA m Alice Roberts b c 1625 d c 1704 dau of Griffin Roberts and Susan Candleby b c 1610 Wales -1-1 John Henry Nicholls b Apr 1637 Accomack VA d Christ Curch Middlesex Co Va m1 Dorothy Parsons b 1633 Middlesex Co VA d there 1701 dau of John Parsons m2 Alice x b Apr 1641 d 8 Jan 1704 Middlesex Co Va
-1-1-1 Mary Michal Nichols b Apr 1653 ancaster VA d 1711 Saluda Middlesex Co VA m John Bristow
-1-1-2 William Nichols b 1664 Accomack Co VA d 27 Nov 1705 Christ Church Middlesex Co Va m Phyllis Flint b 1660 Lancaster VA d there 1726
-1-1-3 Elizabeth Nicholls b c 1665 Accomack Va m Hezekiah Rhodes b 1660 Middlesex Co Va
-1-1-1-1 James Bristow
-1-1-1-2 Nicholas Bristow
-1-1-1-3 Ann Bristow m Seale
-1-1-1-4 Johannah Bristow m y
-1-1-1-5 William Bristow, Sr.
-1-1-1-6 Michal Bristow m Owen
-1-1-1-7 Thomas Bristow
-1-1-1-8 Elizabeth Bristow m Barwick
-1-1-1-9 SarahBristow m Ball
-1-1-2-1 John Nichols b 1698 Caroline Co VA d 22 Apr 1774 Halifax Co VA m1 Mary Ann Owen b 1709 dau of Richard Owen and Elizabeth
-1-1-3-1 Alice Rhodes b c 1685 m William Hackney b 1685 Va

-1-1-2-1-1 William Nichols
-1-1-2-1-2 Sarah Nichols b 1725 Caroline Co Va d 1791 Halifax VA m Christopher Robinson b 24 Jul 1733 Henrico Co VA d 12 Aug 1791 Halifax Co VA
-1-1-2-1-3 Agnes Nichols m LeGrand
-1-1-2-1-4 Jesse Nichols, Sr.
-1-1-2-1-5 Ambrose Nichols
-1-1-2-1-6 John W Nichols
-1-1-2-1-7 Nanny Nichols
-1-1-2-1-8 Bird Nichols
-1-1-2-1-9 David Nichols
-1-1-2-1-10 Elizabeth Betty Nichols m Owen
-1-1-3-1-1 Sarah Hackney m Daniel Ball b 1712 Middlesex Co Va d 1794 Granville Co NC

-1-1-2-1-2-1 Elizabeth Robinson b 24 Dec 1767 Cumberland Co VA m James Gates
-1-1-2-1-2-2 John Roger Robinson
-1-1-3-1-1-1 William Ball b Middlesex Co Va d Iredell NC m Betty Debord b 1740 ?Granville NC

-1-1-2-1-2-1-1 Lucy Gates b 2 Feb 1791 Halifax VA m Dr William Huff had issue
-1-1-2-1-2-1-2 Nancy Gates b 10 Jun 1789 Halifax Co VA d Boyle Co KY m James Luckett Chatham had issue
-1-1-2-1-2-1-3 Sarah Gates
-1-1-2-1-2-1-4 William B. Gates
-1-1-2-1-2-1-5 Cynthia Gates
-1-1-2-1-2-1-6 Agnes R Gates b 10 Mar 1801 Mercer Co KY d c 1865 MO m Chesley Gates Woodson had issue
-1-1-2-1-2-1-7 Chesley Gates
-1-1-3-1-1-1-1 Allabeth Ball b NC d Topaz Douglas Co MO m Aaron Freeman ancestors of Steven C Freeman, author's DNA match
Ni14-3 Margerie Nicholas b b 1483 Roundway Calne Wilts d 1538 Seend Hall Wilts
m John/Johane Stokes III of Sand, Wiltshire b 1470 Solihull Warwick d ther 30 Jun 1560 son of John Stokes Jr b 1459 Melksham Wilts and Agnes Ann Webb b 1463 Draycot Foliat Swindon
-1 Roger Stokes b c 1505 Redbourn Hertford d 9 Jun 1578 St Albans Hertford m Joan Emma Arnold b c 151^0 Redbourn Hertford dau of Joh Arnold High Sheriff of Gloucester and Isabel -1-1 Catherine Stokes m y Pemberton
-1-2 Sir Robert Stokes
Ni14-4 Anna Nicholas, who married Walton of Lacock, Wiltshire
Ni14-5 Christopher Rodolphus obijerent s.p., issue Gregory d. ?
Sources: Wiltshire Visitation Pedigrees, 1623.
possibly of this branch or Ni15-3 or ?? was:
-1 y Nicholas b about 1550
-1-1 y Nicholas b about 1580 -1-1-1 y Nicholas b about 1610
-1-?-1 John Nichols d 1695 Fairfield CT m Esther x
-1-1-1-1 y Nicholas b about 1640
-1-?-1-1 Hester Nichols d 1682 m John Prentice b 1628 d 1691 son of Valtine Prentice b 1605 and Alice Bredda
-1-1-1-1-1 y Nicholas b about 1670
-1-?-1-1-1 Valentine Prentice b 1680 New London CT d 1740 m Abigail Walker b Woodbury Lichfield CT
-1-1-1-1-1-1 y Nicholas b about 1700
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 George Nicholls Sr b about 1725 ?England d 1795/6 Templeton MA m 19 Jun 1739/40 Martha Dodd m2 Sarah x
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Robert Nicholls bap 26 April 1741 in Boston, MA d ?y
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-2 Mary Nicholls b 19 Feb 1742/3, Billerica, Middlesex, Ma md 9 Oct 1764 in Templeton, Worcester, MA to Uriah Weatherbee; nothing more known
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-3 Sarah Nicholls b 28 Mar 1744 in Billerica, MA m1 18 June 1766 in Templeton MA to Samuel Treadwell; (2) Robert Fitts 17 Apr 1783 in Templeton; died 31 Aug 1827, age 82. 2 known children by each marriage
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4 George Nichols Jr b 12 Dec 1746 in Billerica Ma d 25 Mar 1832 in Starks, Somerset, Maine m in Templeton MA 9 Feb 1769 to Elizabeth Sawyer
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-1 Joel Nichols, b 21 Apr 1786 in ?Starks, Somerset Co Maine d 30 Jan 1863 in Starks, Somerset, Maine, md Polly Dutton
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-1-1 Elijah D Nichols, b. 7 Jan 1820 in Anson, Somerset, Maine, died 28 Jan 1878 in Starks, Somerset, Maine; md 5 Mar 1857 Betsey Ann Morse
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-1-1-1 Harrison H. Nichols b. 24 Sept 1859 in Starks, Somerset, Maine, d. 27 Apr 1940 in Indiana bur in Wisconsin; m2 Mabel Louise Farwell, 1889 in Lynn, MA
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-1-1-1-1 Clyde Redmond Nichols Sr b. 1902 in Wisc d 1979 in NC m Besse Luella Bolton Y DNA kit #29577
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-5 Samuel Nichols, born 12 Mar 1748 in Billerica, md 7 Dec 1769 in Templeton to Jane Wiley [she is Jean in her birth record in Worcester]; 6 known children. (No death detail known.) But he had descendants in New York state � in Onieda and Jefferson Counties.
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-6 John Nichols, born 11 April 1751 in Billerica; (nothing more known of him. He was in his father�s will and probate.)
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-7 Paul Nichols, born 10 July 1753 in Billerica, md (1) July 1773 in Rutland, Worcester, MA [Rutland Vital records, printed, says INTENTION in Rutland] to Margaret Thomas [the intention is filed in Templeton, and says the wife was of Rutland], md (2) 10 May 1790 in Guilford, VT to Sarah Giles, died 19 Mar 1831 in Brainridge, New York; 6 known children of first marriage - last four born in Guilford, Windham,,Vermont; 1 known child of second marriage born in Vermont.
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-8 Martha Nichols, born 10 Oct 1756 in Billerica, MA, m 1777 to John Twitchell d 5 Apr 1810 in New Salem, MA. 10 known children
-1-1-1-1-1-1-2 y Nicholls b about 1730
-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-1 y Nicholls b about 1780
-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-1-1 John Christopher Nicholls b about 1805 m 29 Nov 1829 New Brentford Middlesex England Elizabeth Nuthall b 1806 Suffolk Engl
-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-1-1-1 Henry Thomas Nicholls b 16 Jan 1845 Bedfont Middlesex d 22 Mar 1899 Randolph UT m 10 Dec 1872 ?
-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-1-1-1-1 Henry Nicholls b 28 Jun 1873 Almy Wyoming d 2 Feb 1932 Salt Lake City UT m 14 Mar 1899 Randolph UT ?
-1-1-1-1-1-1-2? Cornelius Nicholls b c 1672 m Elizabeth
-2-1-1-1-1-1-2-1-1-1 Mary Nicholls b 1708 London d 23 Oct 1751 Boston MA m Capt C Blackadar b ?Boston bur 1750 Copp's Hill Boston MA
-2-1-1-1-1-1-2-1-1-1-1 James C Blackadar b 1736 Boston d 23 May 1791 Halifax NS m Catherine Drew Ancestors of Barbara and Jeff Stoffa, author's DNA matches
possibly here was also:
-1-1-1-1-1-1-3-1? y Nichols b c 1710
-1-1-1-1-1-1-3-1-1 y Nichols b c 1740
-1-1-1-1-1-1-3-1-1-1 y Nichols b c 1770
-1-1-1-1-1-1-3-1-1-1-1 y Nichols b c 1800
-1-1-1-1-1-1-3-1-1-1-1-1 Colonel Nichols b 25 Mar 1842 MS d 17 Apr 1925 Meridian MS m Martha Robinson Ancestors of George Nichols, author's DNA matches
-1-?-1-1-1-1 Patience Prentice b 1731 Woodbury d 1806 Ct m Thomas Smith b West have CT
-1-?-1-1-1-1-1 Bethel Smith m cou Deliverance Smith b 1755 Wallingford Ct Ancestors of Robert Norton, author's DNA match
Ni15-2 William Nicholas, "slaine without the gatehouse in Runway" This was probably following the Battle of Tewkesbury in 1471, in which case William is likely to have fled the field upon the Lancastrian defeat and was pursued all the way back to Roundway.

Robert Nicholas b c 1450, who had three sons.

possibly of this branch was:
y Nicholas b c 1480

y Nicholas b c 1510

y Nicholas b c 1530 d St. Buryan Cornwall

y Nicholas b c 1560 d St. Buryan, Cornwall

y Nicholas b c 1590 d St. Buryan, Cornwall

Thomas Nicholas b c 1630 d St. Buryan, Cornwall
m Ann

JOB NICHOLAS b 1667 in the village of St. Buryan, Cornwall, England. His parents were Thomas and Ann. Full details are not known about them but there is fragmentary evidence of a line of Thomases going back to about 1520 in the village. He married Aves Nicholas, a distant relative from the neighbouring parish of Sancreed. They had a son, Richard. -1 RICHARD Nicholas b 1697. A child of his second marriage was Richard. -1-1 RICHARD was born in 1738. He married Mary Nicholas, also a distant relative. They had a son, Richard. -1-1-1 RICHARD Nicholas b 1766 m Sarah Boase. They had a son, William. -1-1-1-1 WILLIAM Nicholas b 1809, a journeyman carpenter, was the last of my line to be born in St. Buryan. He had a son, William, in Paddington, W. London. -1-1-1-1-1 WILLIAM Nicholas b 1839. He had a son, my grandfather, Ernest. -1-1-1-1-1-1 ERNEST WILLIAM BOASE Nicholas b 1870 in E. London. Ernest retired as the Purchasing and Shipping Manager of Anglo-American Oil, an affiliate of the Standard Oil Trust, which became Esso UK. He had a son, my father, William. -1-1-1-1-1-1-1 WILLIAM Nicholas b 1902 in E. London. -1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 y Nicholas b 1938 in Woodford Green, Essex, which was the Parliamentary Constituency of Winston Churchill. I am now retired in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire.
Ni15-4 Constance Nicholas
Ni16-2? Reported by and possibly here was:
John Nicholas
b 1431 Tannington Suffolk
m Alice x b 1436 Tannington she was about marrying age when Henry VI lost all possessions in France except Calais and many English soldners were arriving daily destitude on English soil after flight across the English Channel and the Crown was bankrupt and could not pay for the return of its troups to their homes. So the place of birth of George can be doubted but is likely to have been hers. This was in Michael de la Pole�s territory, the King�s greatest supporter, who may have arranged the marriage of one his men to the orphaned daughter of another who had fallen in France.
Ni16-2-1 John Nicholls b c 1452 London (geni�s date has been revised to better suit the date of troup returns and correspond with the turmoils in London)
m Jane Langston b c 1462 Tannington d 22 Mar 1534 Bucks dau of John Langston and Amy Margaret Danvers/d`Anvers b 1434 d 1499
Ni16-2-1-1 Robert Nicholls b 1482 London
m Anne Colby b c 1485 Brundish Suffolk d 1542 dau of
+1 John Colby b c 1460
m Isabel Ive b c 1460 Beccles Suffolk d there
Ni16-2-1-1-1 Isabel Nicholls b 1509 Brundish
Ni16-2-1-1-2 Anne Nicholls b 1511 Brundish
Ni16-2-1-1-3 John Nicholls b 1513 Bronsham Devon
m1 Cecily Merell +1 ch
m2 Joanna Soure + 1 ch
Ni16-2-1-1-3-1 Dorothy Nicholls b c 1550 d c 4 Mar 1617 Shotley Suffolk
m Thomas Stratton b 1546 Shotley
Ni16-2-1-1-3-2 John Nicholls b c 1555
Ni16-2-1-1-4 Katherine Nicholls b 1513 Brundish
Ni16-2-1-1-5 Lewis Nicholls b 1519 Brundish
Ni16-2-1-1-6 Dorothy Nicholls b 1522 Brundish
Ni16-2-1-1-7 Erasmus Nicholls b 1525 Brundish
Ni16-2-1-2 George Nicholls bb 1483 Tannington
Ni16-2-1-3 John Nicholls b 1488 Tannington
Ni8-2 Possibly of this family and generation was:
Richard Nicholas b 1366 d 1420
m Jane St John b 1372 in Lydiard Tregoze, Cricklade, Wilts d 1420
+1 Nicholas St John b 1332 Wilts d c 1393
m Ruth x
Ni8-2-1 Elizabeth Nicholas b c 1390 Draycot Yorkshire d 1422
m Thomas Webb c 1388 Draycot Yorkshire d 1423
Ni8-2-1-1 Alice Webb b 1414 in Draycott, Foliutt, Wilts
m William de Webb Richmond b c 1410 Draycott Foliutt Wilts d there 1441
Ni8-2-1-1-1 William Richmond 2nd aka Webb b c 1444 in Draycott, Yorks d 24 Apr 1502 Craycott Folott Wilts
m Joan Ewen b 1440 Draycott Folliot Wilts d there aft Apr 1502
-1 John Richmond b 1462 Rolliforth Draycott York
-2 Thomas Richmond b 1462 Rolliforth Draycott York d 1565 m 1484 Joan x
-3 Richard Richmond b 1468 Brinkworth d 1541 m 1488 Elizabeth Haull
-4 William Richard Richmond-Webb b c 1468 Salisbury Wilts d 1553 Olde Stoke Wilts m Catherine Aborow b 1471 Salisbury d c 1533 Olde Stoke dau of John Aborow and Elizabeth Danvers
-5 Henry Richmond
-6 Alice Richmond m Showter
-7 Ann Richmond m Stokes
-8 Eme Agnes Richmond Webb
-9 Christopher Richmond-Webb
-10 William Richmond

-3-1 John Richmond b c 1500
-4-1 Edmund Richmond Webb b c 1505 m Mary Weare Brown dau of Robert WEare Brown
-4-2 Thomas Webb b 1507 West Harptree Somerset d there Jan 1535 m 1528 Agnes ?Webb b 1508 d Apr 1534 West Harptree
-4-3 John Webb b Oct 1530 Odstock/Olde Stoke Salisbury d there 1 Feb 1571 m c 1538 in Salisbury Ann Wylford b 1536 Hartridge Kent d aft 1571 Olde Stoke

-4-1-1 Henry Richmond Webb b c 1545 m Elizabeth Christian
-4-2-1 Thomas Webb b 1534 Sidnam Devon d there 1560
-4-3-1 John Webb b 1556 Olde Stoke d 26 Feb 1625 Northumberland VA m c 1585 in Rushden Northampton Catherine Tresham b 1543/??65 Rushden d Isle of Wight or Northampton Co VA (implausible: she would have been 60 at the time of the first settlement of Jamestown)
-4-3-2 Elizabeth Anne Webb m Estcourt

-4-1-1-1 John Richmond Webb b c 1594 d 1664 m Elizabeth Phillips
-4-2-1-1 Thomas Webbe b 1575 Cambridgeshire d 28 Oct 1607 Bottisham Cambridgeshire
-4-2-1-2 Alyce Webbe b c 1585 m 5 Jun 1613 Christopher Waring/Warren b c 1588 d c 1626 Devon son of William Warren and Ann/Mabel Culling
-4-3-1-1 John Webb 1st Baronet b c 1586 Old Stoke d 1680 m Mary Caryll b c 1600 Harting Sussex dau of Sir John Caryll of Hastings Sussex b c 1583 and Mary Dormer

-4-1-1-1-1 Edward Richmond Webb b c 1635 m Abigail Davis b c 1639 dau of William Davis and Mary
-4-2-1-2-1 Ann Warren b 1614 London
-4-2-1-2-2 Robert Warren b 1615 Ashburton Devon d 1668 Rame Cornwall
-4-2-1-2-3 John (Waring) Warren b by 20 Jul 1617
-4-2-1-2-4 Richard Warren b c 1619 d c 1696 m by 1649 Elizabeth Ivatt/Jouatt b c 1614 Forderingtonshe m1 Aug 1629 Francis Marsh
-4-2-1-2-5 Sir William Warren by 7 Jan 1627 Islington Devon d London
-4-3-1-1-1 John Webb 2nd Baronet of Odstockd 29 Oct 1700
-4-3-1-1-2 Mary Webb

-4-1-1-1-1-1 John Richmond b 1660 m Abigail
-4-3-1-1-1-1 John Webb of Odstock 3rd Baronet b c 1670 d Oct 1745 Aix-la-Chapelle Germany m Barbara Belasyse b c 1670 Worlaby Lincolnshire d 28 Mar 1740 dau of John Belasyse and Ann Paulet

-4-1-1-1-1-1-1 Cyrus Richmond b 1694 d 1719 m Phebe Mott b 20 Aug 1661 Portsmouth Newport RI and had Abigail Richmond Cunningham
-4-3-1-1-1-1-1 Anna Maria Webb m Radcliffe
-4-3-1-1-1-1-2 Mary Webbe
- - -
line continued from above
Ni14-1-2-1-1-1 Robert Nicholas heir of Roundway, bap. 21 Nov. 1593 will 2 Feb. 1668. first Recorder of Devizes under Charles I and made ?Baron of the Exchequer in 1654 about the time of the demise of his distant cousin of the same name, who had acted in this position before him.
m1 Margareta, daughter and coheir of George Worthley of Buckington, Wilts. on 13 april 1622, Will proved 2 Feb. 1668.
m2 Anne Lind, coheiress
+1 Sir Henry Lind
Ni14-1-2-1-1-1-1 Anne Nicholas, m1 Thomas Hulbert of Corsham and had issue, m2 Sir R. Hurt and had issue.
Ni14-1-2-1-1-1-2 Humphrey Nicholas
Ni14-1-2-1-1-1-3 John Nicholas, m. Julian, dau. of Sherman ?, bur. 29 June 1638 at St. Johns in Devizes.
Ni14-1-2-1-1-1-4 Elizabeth Nicholas b c 1630 possibly and HPDGE
?m John Etheridge b about 1637 Norfokk Co Va d there 1692
-1 Andrew Etheridge Sr b about 1665 Norfolk Co
-2 Henry Etheridge b about 1678 Norfolk Co d 1743 in Currituck NC M Lucy/Susey
-1-1 Andrew Etheridge Jr b about 1685 Norfolk Co
-2-1 John Etheridge b about 1730 in currituck NC d there 1783 m Anne Morse
-1-1-1 Andrew Etheridge III b about 1715 Norfolk Co d there 1752
-2-1-1 Sarah Etheridge b Currituck NC m Stephen Andrews
-1-1-1-1 Andrew Etheridge IV b about 1745 Currituck NC d 1778 Va m Abeih
-2-1-1-1 Sarah Andrews b about 1776 NC m Rev John Regan Jr and had->

-2-1-1-1-1 Capt Will Spann Regan
Ni14-1-2-1-1-10 Thomas Nicholas bap 1604 bur. 7 Sept. 1645. This followed Cromwell's routing of the King's army at Naseby by about 11 weeks..
m Margery Nash
Ni14-1-2-1-1-1-10-1 (Ni14-1-2-1-1-10-1) Robert Nicholas, bapt. 30 Aug. 1635
m. Joan dau of John Chalonor of Lloran, Denbigs, bur. at Devizes 1732, Will dated 1668.
Ni14-1-2-1-1-1-10-1-1 (Ni14-1-2-1-1-10-1-1) Robert Nicholas, bapt. 7 March 1662. Died 7 Jan. 1725, bur. St. James in Devizes.
Married: first Martha Bright dau. of Henry Bright (?Knight) of New Hall, Suffolk,
Ni14-1-2-1-1-1-10-1-1-1 Robert Nicholas, died 1690.
-2) Robert Nicholas, Rector of Maningford Bruce, died 1722, bur. St. James (?Devizes)
Ni14-1-2-1-1-1-10-1-1-3 John Nicholas, born 1691, died 31 Aug. 1746, MP for Devizes.
m2 Jane Child, dau. of John Child of Devizes.she died 7 Jan. 1725,
Ni14-1-2-1-1-1-10-1-1-4 John Child Nicholas, d. inf.
Ni14-1-2-1-1-1-10-1-1-5 Edward Nicholas, b. 1695, m. Bridget, dau. of Cliffe (?Oliffe) Richmond of Ashton Keynes died 1731, had issue: Edward Richmond Nicholas. This is likely the great granddau of the John Richmond of Ashton Keynes b there in 1594 d in Taunton Maryland and Elizabeth Nicholas b about 1605 in Wilts Engl. as reported by and two other sources. This Elizabeth is probably of one of the Nicholas lines shown here.
-10-1-1-5-1 Edward Richmond Nicholas d: at Clifton, near Bristol 27 Dec 1826 He was an eminent Physician of Devizes and elder brother of Rev. Dr. John Nicholas, and was buried at Ashton Keynes, Wilts. his then eldest son Edward, his second surviving son Griffin, and his nephew Captain John Nicholas, R.N., son of Rev. Dr. John Nicholas, following him to the grave in the chancel of the Church of Ashton Keynes, for which purpose these three posted from Clifton to Ashton Keynes in Mr. Edward Nicholas� private carriage, with relays of four horses, the hearse and their poor father having preceded them.
Jane Neate in 1752 at St Pauls Wharf (the wedding entry describes Edward as groom of Roundway, Devizes. While a groom can be a person employed to take care of horses, the word was also used for an officer in the the English Royal Household. So the question is whether Edward was not the squire of Roundway and merely the squire's servant or whether this wording describes the general duty of a squire to administer local justice and ride in battle for the King, which is still not an officer in the household. The latter would seem to be the case, as manors were granted as a more or less revocable priviledge for serving the king or overlord to enable the squire to keep horse etc. for battle.)
Jenny Neate died Oct 12 AD. 1764, Aged 38. There is an elaborate monumnet to her in the church in Devizes.
-10-1-1-5-1-1 Robert Nicholas.
-10-1-1-5-1-1-1 Edward Nicholas
-10-1-1-5-1-1-2 Anne Nicholas
m Rev W J H Drury of Harrow
+1 y Drury<7a>
-10-1-1-5-1-1-3 Maj. Griffin Nicholas
m1 Matilda Anne, youngest daughter of the late Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Chapman Bird, Secretary to Government at the Cape of Good Hope in Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope, on 17th August, 1841, and by her, who.died at Mauritius on the 11th March, 1856, and was a relative of the Willoughby's (Baron Middleton's Family).
m2 Fanny, second daughter of John Scriven, Esq. (Surgeon), of Northampton
issue by Matilda Anne Bird
-10-1-1-5-1-2-1 Richmond Grffin Nicholas b 2 Jan 1843 at Dinapore, East Indies, appointed . from Gentleman Cadet at the Royal Military College of Sandhurst, a Cornet in the 3rd Dragoon Guards, 10 Feb 1874, Lieutenant 1st Kings Drag. Guards.
-10-1-1-5-1-2-2) Elizabeth Matilda Mary Nicholas b 14 Mar 1844 d 6 Nov 1844 at Dinapore East Indies.
-10-1-1-5-1-2-3 Mary Matilde Nicholas b at Simla, 24 Aug 1845.
-10-1-1-5-1-2-4 Christopher Robert Griffin Nicholas b at Chatham Kent 22 Aprl847 d 24 Jan 1850 in Mauritius.
-10-1-1-5-1-2-5 Cecilia Louisa Nicholas, b 22 Dec 1849 d 7 Feb 1850 in Mauritius.
-10-1-1-5-1-2-6 John Chapman Griffin Nicholas, b 6 Jun 1854 in Mahebourg, Mauritius.
-10-1-1-5-1-2-7 Matilda Adela Mary Nicholas b 4 Feb 1851 Mauritius d 15 May 1852.
all buried in the same grave as their mother, in Pamplemousses Cemetery, at the Mauritius.
issue by Fanny Scriven
-10-1-1-5-1-2-8 Frances Charlotte Elizabeth Nicholas b 27 Jan 1858 at Folkestone, Kent, educated at the Royal School for Daughters of Officers of the Army.
-10-1-1-5-1-2-9 Richard James Nicholas b at Lewes Sussex 13 Dec 1858, educated at Christ's Hospital (Blue-coat School).
-10-1-1-5-1-2-10 William Scriven Griffin Nicholas, b 21 Oct 1860, di 20 May 1862, at Spring Grove Isleworth.
-10-1-1-5-1-2-11 EmiIy Reeves Nicholas b 24 Feb 1862 d 3 Jun 1862 at Spring Grove Isleworth.
-10-1-1-5-1-2-12 Gilbert de la Roche Nicholas b 3 Aug 1863 d 8 Jun 1864 Margate bur Heston. ..
-10-1-1-5-1-2-13 Clara Dionysia Nicholas b 16 Feb 1865 at Hounslow.
-10-1-1-5-1-2 -10-1-1-5-1-2) Oliffe Nicholas
-10-1-1-5-1- Robert Nicholas
-10-1-1-5-2 John Nicholas
Ni14-1-2-1-1-1-10-1-1-6 Thomas Nicholas, bur. 1702
-7) Jane Nicholas, b. 1701 bequ. to gr. nephew Robert
Ni14-1-2-1-1-1-10-1-2 Anne Nicholas
Ni14-1-2-1-1-1-10-2 John Nicholas, bur. 1632.
Ni14-1-2-1-1-1-10-3 Thomas Nicholas
Ni14-1-2-1-1-1-10-4 Griffin Nicholas, bap 1646. d 1665
Ni14-1-2-1-1-1-10-5 John Nicholas, bap 1641 "omnium animarum socius", Will proved 1711.
Ni14-1-2-1-1-1-10-6 Mary Nicholas, bap 1633
Ni14-1-2-1-1-1-10-7 Elizabeth Nicholas, bap 1639.
The connection of the next three generations below is not included in the Visitations of 1623 or 1656 but found in a manuscript in the library in Lewis and needs confirmation. From Ni8 down to Ni3 it was registered at the College of Arms by the author in 1975.
Ni10 Robert Nicholas b Oct 1629, Bapt 14 Oct 1629? continued from above and his first wife, Elizabeth Sheldon +1 Philip Sheldon of Spatchle.
Ni9 Philip Nicholas b 8 Nov 1654 d Jan 1635, buried in Manston, Dorset, England 30 January 1635
m Frances x? of Sturminster Newton Dorset d 15 Jun 1723 in Manston
Ni8-1 Philip Nicholas b c 1690 and Immatriculated at St. John's College in Cambridge possibly of this branch was
-1 George Nichols Sr b about 1710 m in Boston Massachusetts at the Federal Presbyterian Church by "John Moorhead, 1739/40 June 19th, Martha Dodds" - this is our earliest known record; one child born in Boston; others born in near-by Billerica; found in Templeton, MA by 1763 tax list; will probated in Templeton, MA in 1796 with widow Sarah - lists his 7 children born in Billerica (his first son born in Boston apparently died as an infant) as shown at the bottom of this page.
-1-1 George Nichols Jr b 12 Dec 1746 in Billerica, Massachusetts, md in Templeton MA 9 Feb 1769 to Elizabeth (Betsy) Sawyer and died 25 Mar 1832 in Starks, Somerset, Maine -1-1-1 Joel Nichols, b. 21 Apr 1786 in [probably Starks, Somerset County] Maine d 30 Jan 1863 in Starks, Somerset, Maine, md Polly Dutton
-?-?-1 William Nicholas b 1776 in Westham Sussex d Eastbourne Sussex 28 Dec 1839 m Ann x
-1-1-1-1 Elijah D Nichols, b. 7 Jan 1820 in Anson, Somerset, Maine d 28 Jan 1878 in Starks, Somerset, Maine; md 5 Mar 1857 Betsey Ann Morse
-?-?-1-1 Thomas Nicholas b 21 Aug 1809 Sidbury Sussex d 15 Jan 1881 Wellington NZ m Charlotte Holmes Wood Rising Norfolk d 11 M 1891 Engl
-1-1-1-1-1 Harrison H. Nichols b. 24 Sept 1859 in Starks, Somerset, ME d 27 Apr 1940 in Indiana bur in Wisconsin; m2 Mabel Louise Farwell, 1889 in Lynn, MA
-?-?-1-1-1 Charles Edmond Nicholas b 27 Apr 1851 Eastbourne Sussex d 29 Jan 1928 Whangarei m Ellen Maria Fowles b 17 Nov 1862 Camden Town Mdx Engl d 11 Aug 1936 Te Puke NZ dau of William Fowles and Mary Ann Chaplin
-1-1-1-1-1-1 Clyde Redmond Nichols Sr b 1902 in Wisconsin d 1979 in NC m Besse Luella Bolton DNA test kit #29577
-?-?-1-1-1-1 Nina Clarice Nicholas/Carver b 1 Nov 1880 d 17 Oct 1972 m Charles Richard Millington
-?-?-1-1-1-1-1 Maude Frances Carver Millington b 20 May 1911 d 16 May 1988 m Charles James Magill gr grandparent of Erica Van Noort, author�s DNA match
Robert Nicholas b about 1697, m Frances and had a son Philip bap 10 Apr. 1740 (Ni8-1-1) and a daughter, Fanny (Ni8-1-2) bap 20 July 1741
Jane Nicholas b about 1694, (taken from hand written data in the genealogical dept. of the library in Devizes by (He1-2)
John Nicholasb about 1699, who "died beyond the sea" (taken from hand written data in the genealogical dept. of the library in ?Devizes/Lewis by He1-2
There continued to be a Nicholas as proprietor in Manston until 1800 presumably Robert's son Philip and later his son.
A Jane Nicholas married Henry Roberts in Manston in 1757 but she was probably the daughter of Philip Ni8-1 or Robert Ni8-3 not the sister.
Ni8 Dr. George Nicholas Born about 1695, matriculated at St. John's College in Cambridge in 1713, died �before Aug. 22, 1734 at Williamsburg, Virginia.
Married after 1721 Elizabeth Carter Burwell Ca8 widow of Nathaniel Burwell.
+1 Robert Carter Ct9

m1 Judith Armistead Ar9

+2 John Carter Ct10

m m Sarah Ludlow Lu10

+2 John Armistead Arl0
m Judith Bowles Robinson Ro10

+3 John Carter Ct11

m Bridget Benion

+3 Gabriel Ludlow Lu11

m Phyllis Wakelyn

+3 William Armistead

m Ann E. Ellis

+3 John Robinson b ca 1614 Cleasby, Yorks, England d 1 Mar 1688, Charles Parish, York Co, VA.

m Elizabeth Potter b ca. 1619, Cleasby d 2 Oct 1691, York Co, VA dau of Christopher Potter of Cleasby d 1642 & Isabell ?Smith b c 1600.

Ni7 Robert Carter Nicholasb 28 Jan 1728 in Williamsburg or Fairfield Gloucester Co Va
d 8 Sep 1780,in Hanover Co Virginia.
graduated from William and Mary College. He served in many important posts in the Co1ony and state of Virginia:
a member of the House of Burgesses from York County, 1756;
member of the House of Burgesses from James City County 1765-1775;
signer of the Non-Importation Act 1767;
member of the Committee of Correspondence, 1773;
Chairman of Convention, 1775; Treasurer of Colony 1766 - 1776;
First President of Virginia Court of' Appeals;
and member of Supreme Court of Virginia, 1778.
(The picture shown here may be that of his son, Gov. Wilson Cary Nicholas)
m Anne Cary Ca7 Colonel Wilson Cary Ca8
m Sarah Pate? Pa8
Colonel Miles Cary Ca9
m Mary Wilson Wi9
Ni6-1 Elizabeth Carter Nicholas b 11 Aug 1752
m 29 Aug 1776 Gov Edmund Jennings Randolph, 10 Aug 1753 Tazewell Williamsburg Va d 12 Sep 1813 Clark Co Va
John Randolph b 1776 d 1810 "The Tory"
m c 1752 Ariana Jennings
Sir John Randoph of Tazewell Hall and Susanna Beverley
Edmund Jennings
Ariana Vanderhayden wid Frisby wid Bordley
Peter Beverley Be10
m Elizabeth Peyton Pe10
Ni6-1-1 Peyton RANDOLPH was born 1787 in Richmond, Henrico, Va d 1828
m 1806 Maria Ward, dau of Benjamin Ward
-1 Edwin Randolph unm
-2 Charlotte Foushee Randolph m Dr John G Skelton d age 22

-3 Edmund Randolph b 1821 d 8 Sep 1861 at San Francisco. Orator, called for assassination of Lincoln. a Lawyer In 1849 went to California Gold Rush m Tarmesia Meaux.

x (II) RANDOLPH was born about 1783 in Of Lexington, Rockbridge, Va.
y RANDOLPH b about 1783. d 1786.
x RANDOLPH b about 1785 in Albermarle, Va m y Taylor
Ni6-1-6 Edmonia Madison RANDOLPH b 17 Apr 1787. d Oct 1847.
m Thomas Lewis Preston b 19 Aug 1781 d 1812
son of William Preston b 25 Dec 1729 Newton-Limvady Donegal Ireland d Smithfield Botetourt Va
and Elizabeth Patton
-1 Elizabeth Randolph Preston b 4 Dec 1808 Lexington Va d 24 Jan 1889 Oakland Cumberland Co Va m 8 Oct 1835 William Armistead Cocke
-2 John Thomas Lewis Preston b 25 Apr 1811 Lexington Va m1 Sarah Lyle Caruthers + 8 ch dau of William Caruthers and Phoebe Alexander m2 Margaret Junkin b 19 May 1820 Milton Pa d 29 Mar 1897 Baltimore Md + 2 ch dau of George Junkin and Julia Rush Miller
-1-1 John Preston Cocke b 8 Nov 1835 Oakland Cumberland Co Va d 15 Jan 1917 Richmond Va m 15 Nov 1870 Eliza Bernard Meredith, dau of Judge John Alexander Meredith
-1-2 William Fauntleroy Cocke b 28 AUG 1836 Oakland Cumberland Co VA d 3 JUL 1863 Gettysburg
-1-3 Thomas Lewis Preston Cocke b 9 JAN 1838 Oakland d 9 Oct 1895 Arrow Wood Powatan Va
-1-4 Edmund Randolph Cocke 25 MAR 1841 Oakland d 19 Feb 1922 Oakland m Phoebe Alexander Preston
-2-1 Thomas Lewis Preston b 2 Jun 1835 d 28 May 1895 m Lucy Waddel b 24 Jan
-2-2 Edmonia Madison Randolph Preston b 27 Nov 1837 d Aug 1842
-2-3 Phoebe Alexander Preston b 12 Aug 1839 17 Oct 1871 m 17 Oct 1871 Edmund Randolph Cocke
-2-4 Franklin Preston b 1 Sep 1841 d 19 Nov 1869
-2-5 William Caruthers Preston b 26 Oct 1844 d 29 Nov 1862
-2-6 Edmund Randolph Preston b 9 Nov 1845 d 19 Dec 1862
-2-7 Elizabeth Randolph Preston b 22 Dec 1848 Lexington Va m 12 May 1874
-2-8 John Alexander Preston b 17 Jan 1853 Lexington Va d 13 Sep 1896 Charlotte NC
-2-9 George Junkin PRESTON b 2 Jul 1858 in Rockbridge Co VA d 17 Jun 1908 in Baltimore MD, at age 49.
-2-10 Herbert Rush PRESTON b 24 Jan 1861 in Lexington VA d 15 Oct 1937 in Baltimore MD at age 76
-1-1-1 Ella Meredith Cocke b 1873 d 1966
-1-1-2 Edmonia Cocke
-1-1-3 Sarah Bernard Cocke b 1885 d 1974 m y Nash
-1-1-4 Elizabeth Preston Cocke (1891�1981) of Richmond was active in numerous civic, benevolent and Religious activities:attended Sweet Briar College from 1909�12. She was trained as a nurse and in 1913 became president of the Girls' Auxiliary of the Instructive Visiting Nurses Association. The IVNA sponsored a summer camp for underprivileged children from Richmond. Although too frail to serve overseas, EPC joined the Army in 1917 as a reconstruction aide in Boston.
-2-1-1 William C. Preston 28 MAR 1862 10 MAR 1901 VA, Rockbridge Co Lexington
-2-1-2 Anna Estill Preston 10 APR 1865 24 SEP 1921 VA, Rockbridge Co
-2-1-3 Sara Lyle Preston 19 JAN 1867 12 DEC 1948 VA, Rockbridge Co
-2-1-4 Janet Alexander "Nettie" Preston 25 SEP 1872 12 JUN 1934 VA, Richmond City m William Dickinson
-2-1-5 John T. L. Preston 5 JUN 1875 17 APR 1950 VA, Rockbridge Co
Ni6-1-7 Susan Beverly Randolph b 1781 in Gloucester, Va d 12 Oct 1836
m John Bennet Taylor
-1 Charlotte Randolph Taylor m Moncure Robinson b 2 Feb 1802 d 1865 son of John Robinson b 1773 York Va d 1850 and Agnes Conway Moncure grson of Anthony Robinson and Mary Phillips.
-2 John Charles Randolph Taylor b 30 May 1812. m 22 Dec 1834 Albemarle Co m Martha (Patsy) Jefferson Randolph, dau of Col. Thomas Jefferson Randolph andJane Hollins Nicholas Ni6-3-6 see below.
-1-1 Frances Brown "Fanny" Robinson b 11 Oct 1858 d after 1903 m Algernon Sydney Biddle son of George Washington Biddle and Maria McMurtie grson of ClmentMary Searle Barclay grgrson of Clement Biddle and Rebecca Cornell 2grgrson of John Biddle and Sarah Owen.
-1-2 John Moncure Robinson m Champe Conway
-1-3 Edmund Robinson m Augusta Jay
-1-4 Susan Conway Robinson
-1-5 Agnes Conway Robinson m Charles Chauncey
-1-6 Beverley Robinson m Anna Foster
-1-7 Charlotte Robinson
-1-8 Conway Robinson
-1-9 Charlotte Meigs/Beigs Robinson
-1-10 Moncure Robinson, Jr m Lydia McFunn Biddle b 1857
-1-11 Nathaniel Chauncey Robinson
-2-1 Col Bennett Taylor b 1836 at Kabletown, Jefferson Co m in 1865 Lucy Colston, dau of Edward Colston and Sarah Jane Brockenborough
-2-2 Jane Randolph Taylor b 1838. d unm in 1917 and bur Monticello.
-2-3 Susan Beverly Taylor b 1839 d 1890 m John S. Blackburn
-2-4 Rev. Jefferson Randolph Taylor b 1842 d 1919 and bur MonticelloPrivate, C.S.A. Southall Artillery, Jackson's Corps. m Mary Hubard Bruce.
-2-5 Margaret Randolph Taylor b circa 1844. m William Lewis Randolph, son of William Mann Randolph and Margaret Smith Randolph.
-2-6 Charlotte Taylor b circa 1846. d circa 1846.
-2-7. Stephen Mason Taylor b 1847 d in 1917 and bur Monticello.1864 C.S.A. Rockbridge Artillery. m Mary Mann Page.
-2-8 Cornelia Jefferson Taylor b 1849 d 1937 unm bur Monticello.
-2-9 Moncure Robinson Taylor was born in 1851. m Lucy Willis. d 1915 and bur Monticello.
-2-10 Edmund Randolph Taylor b 1853 m Julia Pendleton.
-2-11 Sidney Wayles Taylor b 1854 d in 1856 bur Monticello.
-2-12 John Charles Randolph Taylor b 1857 d 1863 and bur at Monticello.
-1-1-1 Moncure Biddle b October 7, 1882
-1-1-2 George Washington Biddle b January 24, 1885
-1-1-3 Francis Beverley Biddle Atty Gen'l in FDR's Cabinet m 27 Apr 1918 Catherine Garrison Chapin
-1-1-3-1 Edmund Randolph Biddle
-1-1-3-2 Garrison Chapin Biddle
-1-1-4 Sydney Geoffrey Biddle m Olive Caldwell b 1893 Sallie E.7 Marshall b 25 Jul 1853.
-1-1-5 Claudia Marshall was born in 1855. m J.B. Morson on 19 Aug 1873.
-1-1-6 Burwell Marshall b 1857. m Lizzie Veech in 1883.
-1-1-7 Ewing Marshall b 1858.
-1-1-8 Marie M. Marshall b 1860 m Phil R. Allin.
-2-1-1 Patsy Jefferson Taylor b 24 Mar 1867.
-2-1-2. Raleigh Colston Taylor b 22 Jun 1869.
-2-1-3 Lewis Randolph Taylor b 22 Sep 1871. m Natalie Sefton.
-2-1-4 John C.R. Taylor b 21 Aug 1874. m Mary Leigh.
Ni6-1-8 Lucy Nelson RANDOLPH was born about 1789 d 1847.
m Judge Peter Vivian Daniel.

George Nicholas about 1774 age 20 or 21
Ni6 Lt Col George Nicholas Born: 1753/5 in Hanover County (?), Virginia
m Mary Smith Sm6 b c 1755 sister of General Samuel Smith of Baltimore, Maryland, Died: 25 July 1799 in Lexington, Kentucky. A stroke may be suspected as cause of death.
John Smith b c 1730
Mary Buchanon b c 1730
possibly the son of
+2 Robert Smith of Londonderry, IRE b c 1705
m Elizabeth ?Galbraith b c 1705 the otherwise inexplicable appearance of this as a middle name of a great granddaughter suggests that it was a maiden name of one of these two unknown great grandmothers.
Robert Buchanan and Jane x s.a.
The occurance of the name Speers as the mother of President James Buchanon and among the grandchildren of Wilson Cary Nicholas and Margaret Smith together with the Buchanan family seat in Lancaster Co Pa implies some closer connection between these two Buchanan lines. But the only plausible connection to be found so far is William Buchanan b 1677 Tyrone IRE d there 1749 m Rebecca
Ni5-1 Col. Robert Carter Nicholas b 1779/?93 (there is likely a confusion with a cousin of the same name who moved to New Orleans) - 1836 (?57), He was known as a brilliant talker.
Ni5-2 Maria Nicholas (1780 - ? ) m 17 March 1804 Col. Thomas Deye Owings Ow9-9-1-3 of Kentucky in Lexington Ky., possibly a descendant of Samuel Owings Ow9 -1 Thomas Cockey Deye Owings b 10 Dec 1804, Bath Co, KY d Oct 1837, TX
-2 George Nicholas Owings b 10 Mar 1806, MD d Nov 1833 in Owingsville Ky
-3 John Cockey Owings b 10 Oct 1807, Bath Co KY d 10 Oct 1808, Bath Co
-4 Colgate Deye owings b 27 May 1811, Bath Co, KY d 1811, Bath Co, KY
-5 Mary Nicholas Owings b 23 Sep 1812, Bath Co, KY d Dec 1865 m on 10 May 1835 in Bath Co Sylvanus Clarke Bascom
-6 Margaretta Galbreath Bartlett Owings b 20 Mar 1814, Bath Co, KY d Oct 1832, Owingsville, Bath Co, KY
-7 Robert Smith Owings b 27 Jan 1817, Bath Co, KY d 27 Mar 1836, Goliad, Goliad Co, TX
-8 John Cockey Owings b 30 May 1818, Bath Co, KY d 26 Jul 1847 TX fighting for TX Independence
-9 Ann Eliza Owings b 14 Jun 1822, Bath Co, KY d Dec 1864, Brenham, Washington Co TX m on 6 April 1847 John Calvin Mason b 4 Aug 1802, Montgomery Co, KY son of James Mason and Mary Fishback
-10 Colegate Deye Owings b. 27 May 1811, Bath Co, KY d. 1834

-5-1 George Nicholas Owings Bascom b 24 Apr 1836, d 21 Feb 1862
-5-2 Thomas Deye Bascom b 28 May 1838
-5-3 Maria Charilla Owings Bascom b 1 Mar 1839, d 25 May 1883
-5-4 Alpheus Washington Bascom+ b. 16 May 1840, d 22 Feb 1912
-5-5 Henry Kelley Bascom b 25 Feb 1842 dy
2-5-6 Sylvanus Clarke Bascom Jr b 23 Jan 1843, d 17 Oct 1909
-5-7 John Richard Cole Bascom b 13 Aug 1844 d 12 Jul 1918
-9-1 Charcilla Mason b 1848 Bath Co Ky
-9-2 Thomas Deye O Mason b 18 Feb 1849 d Nov 1849
-9-3 Fannie Taylor Mason b Oct 1850 d Jun 1851
-9-4 Colegate Charlotte Mason b 15 Sep 1852, Bath Co,
-9-5 Elizabeth Fishback Mason b 9 Apr 1854, Bath Co
-9-6 John Calvin Mason Jr b 17 May 1855 d 10 Sep 1856
-9-7 James Mason b 18 Jun 1856 d 10 Sep 1857
-9-8 Anne Nanie Mason b 26 May 1857, Bath Co, KY d. Aug 1865
-9-9 Caroline Mason b 1858, d c 1880/81
-9-10 Mary Mason b 2 Sep 1858, d. 1859
-9-11 George Mason b 11 Mar 1860, d Nov 1907
-9-13 Robert Armistead Mason b 23 Aug 1861
-9-14 Owings Mason b 23 Dec 1862 d May 1863

-5-4-1 Clara Harris Bascom b 31 Oct 1879, d Feb 1942 m on 21 November 1906 in Bath Co Rezin Gist Owings, son of Joshua Owings and Julia Ewing,
Ni5-3 Smith Nicholas (1782 - ? )

George Nicholas Sanders b 21 Feb 1812 d 12 Aug 1873
Ni5-4 Anne Nicholas b 20 Sep 1783 d 27 Jun 1830
m Lewis C Sanders b 9 Aug 1781 Spotsylvania VA d 15 Apr 1861 Grasss Hill Carroll Co KY son of John Sanders and Jane Craig
-1 George Nicholas Sanders b 21 Feb 1812 Lexington KY d 12 Aug 1873 NYC m Anna Johnson Reid b 1815 NY d 24 Jan 1890 dau of Samuel C Reid and Mary
-2 Mary Nicholas Sanders m Smith
-3 John Barlett Sanders b 12 Mar 1810 Lexington KY d 29 Jul 1858 Fort Delaware DE m Maria Dallas Wilkins b 1820 Pittsburgh PA d 1 Aug 1898 Eden ME
-4 James Weir Sanders b 1815 d y
-5 Samuel Sanders b 1817 Sander Garden Fayette Co KY d 1836
-6 Margaretta Galbraith Sanders b 29 Sep 1819 Carroll KY d there 9 Sep 1862 m Lindsay
-7 Joseph Hawkins Sanders b 8 Aug 1824 Carroll KY d there 3 Jan 1892
-8 Jane Craig Sanders b 1827 d 1831
-1-1 Reid Sanders
-1-2 Virginia N Sanders m Contri
-1-3 Lewis Sanders
-1-4 George Nicholas Sanders Jr
-3-1 Ann Nicholas Sanders
-3-2 Cary Nicholas Sanders b 16 Dec 1844 KY d 25 Nov 1877
-3-3 Richard Hawes Sanders b 14 May 1850 KY d aft 1926
-3-4 Dallas Sanders b 15 Jun 1848 KY d 27 May 1907
-3-5 Henrietta Wilkins Sanders b 12 Nov 1855 KY d aft 1926
-3-6 Matilda Dallas Sanders b 16 Jun 1845 PA d 20 Jan 1889 Philadelphia m y Scott
-3-7 William Wilkins Sanders b 8 Oct 1839 Pittsburgh PA d 26 Jan 1893 m Helen Livingston b 1840 NYC d 2 Feb 1883 Ft Snelling MN

-3-7-1 Helen Livingston Sanders b 31 Aug 1878 Fort Buford Dakota Territory d 15 Nov 1966 Wellesley MA m Hugh Davids Scott

-3-7-1-1 William Wilkins Scott b 2 Aug 1901 Philadelphia PA d 4 Jul 1993 NYC m1 Frances Thomas m2 Henrietta Eudora Perkins
-3-7-1-2 Helen Livingston Scott b 19 Mar 1903 d 11 Sep 1985 Needham MA m Lt Comdr James Cowan Greenway
-3-7-1-3 Robert Livingston Scott
-3-7-1-4 Richard Sanders Scott b 8 Sep 1904 Kittery York Co ME m Caroline Ticvknor Hunnewell b 7 Jul 1912

-3-7-1-2-1 xy Greenway
-3-7-1-2-2 xy Greenway
-3-7-1-2-3 x Greenway m Steele
-3-7-1-2-4 James Cowan Greenway, III b 18 Jun 1933
-3-7-1-2-5 Helen Greenway m Steel
-3-7-1-2-6 H. D. S. Greenway
Ni5-5 Sidney Nicholas (1785 - ? )
Ni5-6 Major Cary Nicholas (1786 - ? ) U.S. Army and great wit
Ni5-7 George Ann Nicholas (1788 - ?)
Portrait of Margarette Galbraith Nicholas 1789 - 1819 owned by Gen. Charles Parsons Nicholas in 1975, now by his grandson, Prof. Edward Lee
Ni5-8 Margarette Galbraith Nicholas (1789 - Aug.13, 1819) married first Gen. J.C. Bartlett, second Gov. Thomas Fletcher, died without issue. She was portraited by Jewet; the portrait in the posession of Brig. Gen. Charles Parsons Nicholas Ni3-5-4 in 1975 passed to his daughter, Frances, who has written a charming biography of this mathematical genius.
Ni5-9 John Nelson Nicholas (1791 - 1826) ablest Journalist in Kentucky and in 1821 made Jefferson admit authorship of the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions of 1798 with the further avowal that he wrote them at the insistance of George Nicholas Ni6
Ni5-10 Elizabeth Randolph Nicholas (1793
m James Gabriel Trotter of Lexington b 23 Apr 1791 Lexington KY d there 18 Jul 1826 son of Col James Trotter Jr and Margaret Downey b 1755 Augusta Co VA d 19 Feb 1816 Lexington KY
-1 Cary Anne Trotter b 11 Jul 1814 Lexington KY d 4 Apr 1871 m Edwin Hawes b 24 Oct 1807 Caroline Co VA d 23 Jun 1877 Yelvington Daviess Co KY son of Richard Hawes and Clary Stubbs Walker b 1 Aug 1776 Spotsylvania VA d 14 Oct 1848 Yelvington KY
-2 Mary Trotter b d 1812
-3 George Richards Trotter b 13 Feb 1816 Lexington KY d 11 Jan 1852
-1-1 Eliza Nicholas Hawes b 1833 Owensboro Daviess Co KY d there 1904 m William Bailey Tyler b 1819 d 1877 son of Gustavus Brown Tyler and Ann Hartley Alexander wid of Robert W Murray
-1-2 Margaret Hawes b m y Clark
-1-1-1 Edwin Hawes Tyler b 1851 d 1890
-1-1-2 Maj. Charles Richard Tyler b 1853 d 1905 m Margaret Calhoun Schrader b 1855 d 1930 dau of Frank Shrader and Margaret Green Calhoun
-1-1-3 Cary Ann Tyler b 7 Jul 1855 Daviess Co KY d 8 Oct 1920 Manhattan NYC m Samuel Lindsey McAdams
-1-1-4 Hartley Alexander Tyler b 1857 d 1939 m Edward Hobson Clarke b 1856 d 1930
-1-1-5 Cecilia Conway Tyler
-1-1-6 Gustavus Brown Tyler b 1861 d 1918
-1-1-7 Clara Hawes Tyler b 1865 d May 1941 m William Sidney Mc Nutt
-1-1-8 Margaret Hawes Tyler m Bryan
-1-1-9 George Trotter Tyler

-1-1-2-1 y Tyler
-1-1-2-2 Marguerite Griffith Tyler b 1881 d 1969
-1-1-2-3 William Bailey Tyler b 1882 d 1884
-1-1-2-4 Charles Richard Tyler b 1886 d 1899
-1-1-2-5 Lelia Tyler b 1888 d 1964 m William Henry Brannon
-1-1-3-1 Eliza Tyler McAdams b Jan 1881 d 1953 m Leopold Guechard
-1-1-3-2 Bailey Tyler McAdams b 24 Jun 1882 Hawesville Hancock Co KY d 1943
-1-1-3-3 Cary Ann McAdams b Jan 1886 Daviess Co KY d 11 JUl 1906 Owensboro
-1-1-3-4 Eugene Washington McAdams b 26 Mar 1888 Lewisport Hancock Co Ky d 20 Jan 1939
-1-1-3-5 David Wallace McAdams b 11 Feb 1890 d 26 Mar 1903
-1-1-3-6 Dorcus C McAdams ?m y Nelson
-1-1-4-1 Bailey Tyler Clarke b 1884 d 1945
-1-1-4-2 Edward Hobson Clarke b 1887 d 1933
-1-1-7-1 Louise Marguerite McNutt b 9 Jul 1895 d 16 Apr 1971 m Clarence Raymond Campbell
Ni5-11 George Wilson Nicholas (1795 - ? )

Samuel Smith Nicholas
Ni5 Samuel Smith Nicholas
m1 Matilda Prather Pr5.
Ni4-1 Mary Jane Nicholas b c 1830
m y Graves
Ni4 George Nicholas b 1 Aug 1831 Louisville, KY d 15 Mar 1896 Shelby Co KY bur in Grove Hill Cemetery, Shelby Co KY
m1 1852 Emma Juliette Hawes d 1854 year after her child's birth
-a Edwin Hawes b 3 Jul 1852 Owensboro KY m Lizzie Milburn Rust
-a-1 Edwin Hawes, Jr
-a-2 Rennie M. Hawes
-a-3 Hugh Rust Hawes
-a-4 George Rust Hawes
-a-5 Milburn Rust Hawes
-b Hugh Walker Hawes Jr b 1843 d 1929 m Mary Collins
-c William Isaac Hawes
-d John Richard Hawes
-e Charles Theodore Hawes
+1 Hugh Walker Hawes b 20 Oct 1798 Caroline VA d 21 Oct 1883 Madagorda Island Saluria Calhoun Co TX
m2 Marie Martha Juliette deRion b c 1800 Charlotte Amalie Virgin Islands d 5 Mar 1840 + 3 ch
m1 Corilla Calhoun b 11 Nov 1822 d 22 Dec 1890 + 3 ch
+2 Richard Hawes b 3 Feb 1772 Kg Wm Co VA d 29 Nov 1829 Davies KY and Clary Stubbs Walker
+2 Judge John C Calhoun US Congress
m Mary Morton
+3 >a href= target="_new">Samuel Hawes b 1 Feb 1727 St Ann Parish Caroline VA d there 1 Apr 1794
m Ann Walker b 23 Aug 1731 Caroline VA d there 1 Apr 1805
+4 Samuel Hawes of Virginia b c 1704 Pitsoe Parish Gloucester VA
m Ann Spencer b 1703 Caroline VA d there 1753
Ni3-1 Emma Juliette 'Tina' Nicholas (1854 - 1903)
m John Pope Rowan Churchill b 20 MAR 1819
-1 John Pope Rowan Churchill b 19 Sep 1891 in Louisville Survived by his second wife Ardath Ellis (her second marriage ) who then married Paul Hayes, no children
2 feb 1857
Mary Anna Pope b 30 Sep 1838 Louisville Ky d 7 Jun 1897 Shelby Co Ky +1 U.S. Congressman Patrick Henry Pope Po5
m Sarah Lawrence Brown Br5
Worden Pope Po6
Elizabeth Taylor Thruston Th6
James Brown III Br6
Urith Owings Lawrence La6
+3 Ensign Benjamin Pope Po7
m Bahethelind Foote Fo7
+3 Colonel John Thruston Th7
m Elizabeth Thruston Whiting Wh7
+3 James Brown II Br7
m E1izabeth Clarkson Cl7
+3 Sanmel Lawrence La7
m Sarah Hobbs Ho7
+4 Worden Pope Po8
m Hester Netherton Ne8
+4 George Foote Fo8
m Frances Berryman Be8
+4 Charles Mynn Thruston Th8
m Mary Buckner Bu8
+4 Colonel Thomas Whiting Wh8 of Gloucester Co Va
m Elizabeth Thruston Th8
+4 Capt James Brown I Br8 b. 1686, died before 3 May 1770 Dorchester Co Md
m Sarah ?Humphreys widow Clarkson Hu8
Benjamin Lawrence La8
m Urith Randall Owings Ow8
Ni3-2 Samuel Smith Nicholas (16 March 1862- 14 April 1864)
Ni3-3 Mary Emeline Nicholas (7 Sept 1863 - 8 Sept.1863)

David C Nicholas and Family 2010
Ni3-4 Worden Pope Nicholas b 20 Nov 1864 at Fairview, Shelby Co Ky d 6 Jun 1942 Iowa
m Lulu Allen Cherry b 1864 d 12 Feb 1930 dau of Lyne Sterling Cherry b 18 Jul 1837 Ohio d 1 Feb 1918 Navasota Grime Co Tx and Elizabeth Frances Allen b 1840 Ky d 1876 Mo
-1 Mary E. Nicholas
-2 Margaret Nicholas m y Longfield
-3 George Nicholas, b 10 Jan. 1895, d. 10 July 1895
-4 Catherine Nicholas m y Lauder
-5 Esther Nicholas d unmarried
-6 Curran P. Nicholas b 19 Nov 1899 Mt Pleasant Iowa d Cedar Rapids Io m Mildred Carol Siler b 13 Jul 1908 Wyoming Io d Cedar Rapids Io dau of Henry John Siler b 7 Sep 1869 Jackson Co Io d 25 May 1941 Wyoming Io and Emma Cole b 9 Feb 1884 Wyoming Io d there 24 Jun 1953

-2-1 John Nicholas Longfield b 8 Apr 1923 d 28 Jul 2016 Capt USN
-2-2 Charles Hines Longfield
-2-3 Harriet Ann Longfield m y Pitman
-2-4 William Longfield m Beverly x
-4-1 Catherine F. Lauder d unm
-4-2 Cherry Lauder m y McIlvain
-4-3 Louise Lauder m y Roos
-6-1 David C. Nicholas

-2-2-1 Linda Marie Longfield
-2-2-2+ 5 ch
-4-2-1 Scott McIlvain
-4-3-1 Donald Stuart MacKenzie
-4-3-2 David Frederick MacKenzie
-6-1-1 Christopher David Nicholas
-6-1-2 Sarah Luella Nicholas
-6-1-3 Jane Elizabeth Nicholas
Ni3-5 George Nicholas b c 1866 Louisville KY m 15 July 1896 Evelyn Belle Thompson in Shelbyville Ky -1 George Nicholas V b 4 Jul 1897 d 1927 unm
-2 Henry Thompson Nicholas I m1 Elizabeth van Dusen
-3 Philip Norborne Nicholas m Martha MacDonald dau of John Clifton MacDonald and Frances Boone
-4 Brig. Gen Charles Parsons Nicholas 15 September 1903 in Shelbyville Ky his biography
-5 Patricia Pope Nicholas m y Veatch

-2-1 Henry Thompson Nicholas II
-2-2 George Nicholas VI m1 Nancy m2 Jeanette
-2-3 Elizabeth V. Nicholas m Jose Antonio Padin
-3-1 Martha Nicholas m y Selden had issue
-3-2 Barbara Terrell Nicholas m Clinton Raymond Potts son of Cecil Ray Potts b 13 Feb 1896 d 26 Mar 1956 Louiville KY m Eula Grace Crowder
-3-3 Philip N. Nicholas Jr
-4-1 Frances Young Nicholas m1 y Lee m2 y Fassett
-5-3 Barbara Veatch m y LaVogue
-2-2-1 George Nicholas VIII, author's 245 cm DNA match
-2-3-1 Jose Antonio Padin
-2-3-2 Margarita Isabel Padin
-2-3-3 Maria Teresa Padin
-2-3-4 Alejandra Susana Padin
-2-3-5 Juan Enrique Padin d 1989
-3-1-1+ son and 3 dau Seldon
-3-2-1 Ann Crowder Potts b c 1960 Columbus OH m Paul Rafferty Smith
-4-1-1 Frances Allen Lee b 1956 d 2010 m y
-4-1-2 Prof. Edward Ashford Lee b 1957
-4-1-3 Maria Catalina Lee b 1959

-3-2-1-1 Alexander Rafferty Smith
-3-2-1-2 Hannah Elizabeth Smith
-3-2-1-3 Leah Frances Smith
Ni3-6 Sarah Lawrence Nicholas b 1868 d 1935 unm
Ni3-7 Patrick Pope Nicholas, 2/11 b 17 Dec. 1869- June 1941 m 30 Sep 1897 Mary Willis Middleton.
Ni3-7-1 Caroline Pope Nicholas m y Goodson -1 Mary Anne Goodson Rogers m y Brown
-2 Edward Pope Goodson
-3 Laura Elizabeth Goodson m y?
-4 Kenton Craig Goodson
-5 Melanie M Goodson m y Middleton
Ni3-7-2 John Cary Nicholas b 3 Jun 1902 d 22 Dec 1978 Shelby Co KY
m Mary Conway
+1 James T Conway b 1878 d Nov 1930 and Rowena Hoskins b 23 Jun 1885 Henry Co KY +2 Ziba Holt Conway b 1853
m Elizabeth J Paugh b 12 May 1853 d 1924 Shelby Co KY
+3 James Madison Conway b 1809 Trimble Co KY d c 1885
m Jane Wood b 1812 Trimble Co KY d c 1885
+4 John Conway b 16 Oct 1770 Fauquier Co Va d 19 Nov 1863 Smyrna Jefferson Co IN
m Mary E Hopwood b 1775 Stafford Co VA d 1812 Trimble Co KY
+5 Peter Hack Conway b 14 Oct 1746 Fauquier Co d there 31 Mar 1812
m Mary E James b Aug 1750 Fauquier Co d 27 Jul 1822
+6 Thomas Conway b 1704 Northumberland Co VA d 25 Aug 1784 Fauquier Co VA
m Mary Elizabeth Mauzy b 1714 Stafford Co VA d 1784 Fauquier Co VA
+6 Capt John James b 16 Mar 1709 Stafford Co d 2 Jan 1778 Fauquier Co VA
m Dinah Allen b Oct 1716 Stafford Co VA d 16 May 1800 Fauquier Co VA
+7 John Henry Mauzy b 11 Dec 1675 Mauzy Lerochelle FRA d 11 Jun 1723 Stafford Co VA other descendants
m Mary Crosby b 28 Nov 1675 Nortthumberland Co VA d 14 Dec 1756 Stafford Co VA
+7 Thomas James b 1674 Stafford Co VA d 1726 Stafford Co
m Sarah E Mason b 1670 Stafford Co VA d Jan 1699 Stafford Co, author's 7th gr Grandmother
Ni3-7-2-1 Carol Jane Nicholas
m Michael Edward Hayes d 1996
+1 Borl E Hayes b 11 Jun 1918 d 28 Mar 1992 Jefferson Co KY
m Gladys Estelle Lowery b 1926 d 4 Mar 1993 Jefferson Co KY
+2 William Ira Hayes b 10 Nov 1878 TN d 30 Sep 1946 Logan Co KY
m Betty Opal Corbin b 4 Aug 1883 d 27 Oct 1965 Logan Co KY
+2 Elbern Lowry b 25 Mar 1887 d 8 Jul 1957 Logan Co
+3 William T Hayes b 28 Feb 1850 NC d 25 Mar 1926 Logan Co KY
m Frances Hutchins
+3 John W Lowery
m Fannie Brothers
+4 y Lowery

Kathleen Krystel Hayes
Ni3-7-2-1-1 Kathleen Krystel Hayes, author's 146 cM DNA match
Ni3-7-2-2 Linda Lou Nicholas
Ni3-7-2-3 Mary Pope Nicholas d y

Katherine Prather Nicholas and Anna Pope Bland, about 1921/2 Bland Ave. Shelbyville, Ky.
Ni3-8 Thomas Prather Nicholas (4 March 1872- 30 Sept. 1942) m 29 Dec. 1897 Deborah Shannon Ni3-8-1 John Shannon Nicholas
Ni3-8-2 Katharine Prather Nicholas unmarried
Ni3-8-1-1 Thomas Prather Nicholas II m Anne R.
Ni3-9 Lawrence Nicholas b 1874 d 1942 unm Etna TX
Ni3-10 Ni3-10 Cary Nicholas b 1876 d 1897 Danville Ky of football injury

. . . Matilda Prather Nicholas . . . . . . . . Anna Pope Bland . . . . . . . . Dr. William Griffith Hester . . . . . . . Robert Carter Hester . . . . Nathaniel Pope Hester
Ni3-11 Matilda Prather Nicholas b 15 May 1878 d June 1954
m Dr. med. Thomas Eugene Bland on 20 June 1906.
Bl2 Anna Pope Bland b 26 Jun 1908 Shelbyville Ky d 15 Feb 1970 Saginaw, m Dr. med. Eustace Granger Hester
Bl2-2 Jane Bland d 1985 unm
He1-1 Thomas Eugene Hester m1 Saundra Gustavson m2 Carol Wiesner
He1-2 Dr. jur. William Griffith Hester
He1-3 George Nicholas Hester m Gail Marie Heuer dau of Robert Heuer
He1-4 Jane Ann Hester m1 y Latty m2 Kenneth Thomas
-1-1 Jennifer Marie Hester
-1-2 Tracey Lynn Hester
-1-3 Kevin Hester
-2-1 Dr. med. Katherine Pope Hester
-2-2 Robert Carter Hester
-2-3 Dr. jur. Judith Hester
-2-4 Maximilian Hester
-2-5 Nathaniel Pope Hester
-3-1 Emily Hester
Ni3-12 Mary Anna Nicholas b 1880 d 1915 unm ?Chicago of brain tumor
Ni3-13 Samuel Smith Nicholas b 1881 d 1927 Etna TX unm
Ni4-3 Thomas Prather Nicholas b 25 Jul 1833 Louisville d 26 Jan 1870 Jefferson Co KY
Ni4-4 Matilda Nicholas b 19 Oct 1835 d 2 Jun 1921 Louisville
m Hon John Richard Barrett of MO
Ni4-5 Hetty Nicholas (1837-1838)
Ni4-6 Julia Nicholas b 1839 d 1907
Maj. James Johnson, C.S.A.
Ni4-7 Margharetta Nicholas (1842-1905
m Thomas
Ni4-8 Samuel Smith Nicholas b 1844 d 25 Aug 1911 Louisville
m Anne Richmond Carter b 3 Apr 1845 KY d 11 Oct 1886 dau of Capt Frank Carter and m 1867 Emma Denny
-1 Emma Carter Nicholas 1868–1943
-2 Thomas P. Nicholas 1868–1951 m Carrie Hunter b 1872 d 1954
-3 Virginia Vance "V.V." Nicholas b 20 Aug 1872 d 3 Dec 1919 m Harry Lee Williams b 1863 d 1943
-4 Mary S Nicholas b 1874 d 1933
-5 Richmond Nicholas b 31 Mar 1877 d 2 May 1944 m Florence Rush Mayr d 3 Jan 1951 Los Angeles CA dau of Franklin Mayr and Florence Rush
m2 Mary Smith (Ni6-3-8-1), granddaughter of his uncle, Wilson Cary Nicholas (Ni6-3), and his aunt, Margaret Smith (Sm6-4).
Ni4-9 Cary Ann Nicholas 24 May l849 d 28 Sep 1914
Rudolph Fink b 29 Nov 1834 Lauterbach Hessewn Germany d 1 Feb 1913 Jefferson Co KY son of Johann Andreas Fink and Anna Margaretha Jacob b 25 Oct 1789 Lauterbach Hessen
+1 Johann Andreas Fink b 10 Mar 1787 Lauterbach Hessen d there 6 Mar 1842
m Anna Margaretha Jacob b 25 Oct 1789 Lauterbach Hessen d there 5 Dec 1849
+2 Johannes Fink b 1 Apr 1744 Ulrichstein Hessen d 4 Oc 1807 Lauterbach Hessen
m Anna Catharina Fink
+2 Albertus Jacob and Anna Mebus
+3 Johann Caspar Finck b 18 Apr 1706 Ulrichstein Hessen d there 1782
m Anna Maria Möller
+4 Johann Balthasar Finck
m Gertraud Kern

Al Capone's lawyer, Albert Fink on right side
Ni4-9-1 Albert Fink b 17 Nov 1873 Louisville KY d 25 Mar 1941 Tucson AZ
m1 Louise "Laura" Meigs b 1874 NV + 2 ch dau of G H Meigs and Martha E
m2 Lucy Martyne
-1 Rudolph Fink b 24 Jan 1905 d Aug 1981 Martha Agnes Hickam b 11 May 1913 d c Feb 1999
-2 Eleanor M Fink b 2 Oct 1908 Nome AK
-1-1 Rudolph Fink III b 29 Nov 1939 d 1 Feb 2013 Jefferson Co KY m Susan
-1-2 Albert Fink b 26 Jun 1940 Dayton OH m Lynda C Phillips
-1-1-1 Rudolph Fink IV
-1-2-1 Glory Fink
-1-2-2 Albert Micheal Thomas Fink
-1-2-3 Laili Fink m Donald D Bratton
Ni4-9-2 Mary Fink b 23 Feb 1876 New Albany IN
Ni4-9-3 Margaret Fink b 6 May 1877 New Albany IN d 19 Nov 1961 m Leonard Alken Hewett
Ni4-9-4 Henri "Zinno" Fink b 19 Dec 1879 VA d 30 Dec 1968 CT
Ni4-9-5 Cary Fink b 26 Sep 1883 Mexico D.F.
Ni4-10 Catherine Nicholas b 3 Jul 1850 d 25 Dec 1905)
Ni4-11 Sarah Nicholas b 1852 d after 1880 apparently living in the household of Robert Hill Carter Ct8-2-4-5-3 in the Scottsville Albemarle Co Va census 1880 together with his unmarried daughters and son, who she may have later married.
Ni5-13 Henrietta Nicholas (1798- ?)
m Richard Hawes
Ni6-3 Wilson Cary Nicholas b 31 Jan 1761 d 10 Oct 1820)
married 1783 Margaret Smith, dau of John Smith of Baltimore, MD and sister of Mary Smith Sm6 above who m Ni6 Col George Nicholas above
Ni6-3-1 Robert Carter Nicholas b 10 Jan 1787 Hanover VA d 24 Dec 1854 Terrebone Parish Louisiana U.S.S.A. m 12 Oct 1840 in White Hall St James Par Louisiana, Susan Adelaide Vinson (Carter Tree says Butler) of New Orleans, La dau of William VINSON b in England and Isabella FOWLER . -1 Caroline Swanwick NICHOLAS b 5 JUN 1842 in St. James Parish, LA m Auguste Gerard William MULLER b: 23 OCT 1838 in Dresden, Germany
-2 Wilson Cary NICHOLAS b ABT 7 MAY 1844 in St. James Parish, LA m Antonia Marie DUFOUR b: ABT 1853
-3 Marie Isabella NICHOLAS b 20 JUN 1846 in St. James Parish, LA m George Joseph Frederick BURTHE b 30 OCT 1840 in Orleans Parish, LA son of Victor BURTHE b 1820 in Paris, France and Antoinette Estelle MILLAUDON b 27 JUN 1819 in New Orleans, Orleans Parish
-4 Margaret NICHOLAS b 30 JAN 1849 in St. James Parish, LA
-1-1 Susan MULLER b 1863 d 10 DEC 1939 in Saddle River, New Jersey m Harlan Wheadon SHORT b 31 JAN 1865 in Galesburg, Ill
-1-2 Maria Theresa MULLER b: 1869 m Thomas Levingston BAYNE b 25 JUL 1865 in Cambridge, MD son of Thomas Levingston BAYNE b: 4 AUG 1824 in Clinton, Jones County, Georgia and Anna Marie GAYLE b 1835
-3-1 Estelle Marguerite "Maggie" BURTHE b 21 APR 1864 in Orleans Parish, LA m George Wayne ANDERSON b 10 JUL 1863 son of Edward Clifford ANDERSON and Jane Margaret RANDOLPH
-2-1 Robert Carter NICHOLAS b 10 DEC 1881 in Orleans Parish, LA d 9 Oct 1901
-2-2 Numa Dufour NICHOLAS b 17 JUL 1883 in Orleans Parish d 16 Apr 1884
-3-2 Marie Antoinette BURTHE b 29 SEP 1867 in Orleans Parish, LA m Unknown AINSLIE
-3-3 Emma Maude BURTHE b 13 DEC 1868 in Orleans Parish, LA m Clarence Fitzhugh LOW b ABT 1854
-3-4 Dominique Francois Victor BURTHE b 14 AUG 1869 in Orleans Parish, LA
-3-5 Adele BURTHE b ABT 1871 in Louisiana
-3-6 Henry George BURTHE b 4 AUG 1873 in New Orleans, Orleans Parish, LA
-3-7 Wilson Cary Nicholas BURTHE b 1876
-1-1-1 H. SHORT b 1896
-1-1-2 William M. SHORT b 8 JAN 1897 in Hammond, Tangipahoa Parish, LA
-1-2-1 Edith BAYNE
-1-2-2 Thomas Livenston BAYNE b:31 DEC 1891
-1-2-3 William Willfred BAYNE b 31 MAY 1893 in New Orleans, Orleans Parish, LA
-3-1-1 Edward Clifford ANDERSON b 26 NOV 1893
-3-1-2 George Wayne Jr. ANDERSON b 20 JUN 1896
-3-1-3 Unknown ANDERSON b 1903
Ni6-3-2 John S. Nicholas, born 1800; died, 1864 Married, first Miss Hollins
m2 8 Jan 1833 Esther Goodwin Stevenson.
-1 Wilson Cary Nicholas b: SEP 1836 in New York d AFT 1900 in Baltimore Co, Md Captain Maryland Line Confederate States Army, was distinguished for his dash and gallantry during our Civil War, in which he served during its early years as a captain in the First Maryland Infantry, under Stuart and Bradley Johnson, participating in first Manassas, Jackson's Valley campaign, and in all the engagements in which that noted regiment took part up to the time it was mustered out in the fall of 1862. Later on Captain Nicholas won fresh distinction as an officer of the Maryland Cavalry, where he served up to the time of the surrender. Among those now living of that gallant band of Marylanders, "who left their homes and those they cherished" to fight for "Dixie," no one is better known or more beloved than Capt. "Willie Nicholas." lived at 'Atamasca' - inherited from his aunt, widow of John Patterson, a brother of Mme. Bonaparte.
m 1867 Augusta Moale b: SEP 1842 in Baltimore Co, Md dau of Samuel Moale b: 4 JAN 1773 in Baltimore Co, Maryland Mother: Ann Green b: 1800 in Md
-1-1 John Patterson Nicholas b 1868
-1-2 Wilson Cary Nicholas b SEP 1870
-1-3 Samuel Moale Nicholas b JUL 1872
-1-4 Mary Nicholas b JUL 1874
-1-5 Anna W. Nicholas b JUL 1876
-1-6 Cary A. Nicholas b NOV 1879
-1-7 George S. Nicholas b MAR 1882
-1-8 Thomas J. R. Nicholas b APR 1885
Ni6-3-3 Margaret Nicholas. unmarried.
Ni6-3-4 Mary Buchannan Nicholas b 1786 in Virginia d after 1860 in Baltimore
m 28 May 1806 in Albemarle John Patterson, son of William Patterson b 1 NOV 1752 in Donegal Ireland, merchant of Baltimore, and Dorcas Spear b 15 SEP 1761 in Baltimore, whose daughter married Jerome Bonaparte. Dorcas Spear dau of William Spear b: 1735 in Baltimore, Maryland and Elizabeth Gailbraith b: 1737 in Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania
Ni6-3-5 Sarah Nicholas b c 1787
Ni6-3-6 Jane Hollis Nicholas b 1798 d 1871
m Thomas Jefferson Randolph b 12 Sep 1792 d 7 Oct 1875 son of Gov Thomas Mann Randolph, Jr b 1 OCT 1768 in Tuckahoe, Goochland, VA son of Thomas Mann Randolph b 1741 in "Tuckahoe" Goochland VA and Anne Cary b 7 FEB 1745/46 in Chesterfield Co grandson of Archibald Cary b 24 JAN 1720/21 in Williamsburg, James City Co, Virginia and Mary Randolph b 21 NOV 1727) and Martha 'Patsy' Jefferson b 27 SEP 1772 in Monticello grandson of Pres Thomas Jefferson b 13 APR 1743 in Shadwell Plantation, Va and Martha Wayles b 19 OCT 1748 in Charles City Co
-1 Margaret Smith Randolph b 7 MAR 1816 in Albemarle Co Va m Dr. William Mann Randolph b ABT 1814 son of Dr. John Randolph b 11 SEP 1779 in Tuckahoe, Goochland Co Va and Judith Lewis b ABT 1784 in Amelia Co Va (dau of Judith Archer Hardaway b ABT 1750 in Amelia Co Va m 24 JAN 1784 William Lewis b 1724 in Ireland granddau of Daniel Stith Hardaway b 1723 in Va m Martha Worsham b 1725 gr granddau of Jane Stith b ABT 1698 in Va and Thomas Hardaway b 1683 in Va)
-2 Margaret Jefferson Randolph b 20 JUL 1817 "Edge Hill" Albemarle Co d 16 JUL 1857 m John Charles Randolph Taylor b 30 May 1812 albemarle Co son of John Bennet Taylor b aft 1783 and Susan Beverley Randolph b 1781 d 12 Oct 1836
-3 Cary Ann Nicholas Randolph b 22 APR 1820 "Edge Hill" Albemarle Co d 28 JUL 1857 m Francis Gildart Ruffin
-4 Mary Buchanan Randolph b 17 DEC 1822 "Edge Hill" Albemarle Co d 23 JUN 1884
-5 Ellen Wayles Randolph b 1824 Albemarle Co d 1896 m2 10 May 1859 Albemarle Co m William Byrd Harrison b 31 Mar 1800 Prince George Co d 22 Sept 1870
-8 Thomas Jefferson Randolph m Charlotte Nelson Meriwether
-9 Jane Nicholas Randolph b 10 OCT 1831 "Edge Hill" Albemarle Co d 26 AUG 1868 m Robert Garlick Hill Kean
-10 Wilson Cary Nicholas Randolph b 26 OCT 1834 "Edge Hill" Albemarle Co d 26 APR 1907 m1 Anne Elizabeth Holliday b 19 Jul 1839 Louisa Co VA d 9 Oct 1888 dau of John Zachary Holliday b 13 Dec 1806 and Julia Ann Minor m2 Mary McIntyre
-11 Meriwether Lewis Randolph b 17 JUL 1836 "Edge Hill" Albemarle Co d 1 FEB 1871 m Anna T. Daniel
-12 Sarah Nicholas Randolph b 10 OCT 1839 "Edge Hill" Albemarle Co d 25 APR 1892
-1-1 Jane Margaret Randolph b 7 MAY 1840 m Edward Clifford Anderson Jr b 17 Jan 1839 Chatham Co GA d ther 27 Sep 1876 + 5 ch
-1-2 William Lewis Randolph b 20 DEC 1842 in Mississippi m Feb 1866 Margaret Randolph Taylor Agnes Dillon b 23 JAN 1846 in Georgia
-2-1 Bennett Taylor b 15 AUG 1836 Jefferson Co WV d 9 APR 1898 m Lucy Annie Colston
-2-2 Jane Randolph Taylor b 2 APR 1838 d 12 JAN 1917
-2-3 Susan Beverley Taylor b 8 FEB 1840 Jefferson Co WV 22 SEP 1900 m John Sinclair Blackburn
-2-4 Jefferson Randolph Taylor b 27 DEC 1842 Charlottesville d 15 APR 1919 m Mary Hubard Bruce b 1857 Winchester VA d 1909 dau of Edward C Bruce and Eliza Thompson Hubbard b c 1827
-2-5 Margaret Randolph Taylor b 14 NOV 1843 Albemarle Co d 12 FEB 1898 m William Lewis Randolph
-2-6 Stevens Mason Taylor b 16 JUL 1847 10 JAN 1917 m Mary Mann Page dau of Edwin Randolph Page and Olivia Alexander
-2-7 Cornelia Jefferson Taylor b 29 MAR 1849 Jefferson Co WV d 3 MAR 1937
-2-8 Moncure Robinson Taylor b 23 FEB 1851 7 DEC 1915, Lucie Madison Willis
-2-9 Edmund Randolph Taylor b 12 JUL 1853 Jefferson Co WV d 16 JUN 1919Julia Paca Kennedy
-2-10 Sidney Wayles Taylor b 27 NOV 1855 d 4 AUG 1856
-2-11 John Charles Randolph Taylor b 1857 d 1863
-5-1 Evelyn Byrd Harrison b 14 Mar 1860 d 16 Mar 1860
-5-2 Jane Nicholas Harrison b 26 June 1862 d Aug 1926, Waterbury CT m Alexander Burton Randall from Annapolis, MD
-5-2 Jefferson Randolph Harrison b 9 Dec 1863 d 1931
-8-1 Mary Walker Randolph m William Mann Randolph
-8-2 Charlotte Nelson Randolph b 28 DEC 1868 d 1 NOV 1870 VA, Albemarle Co
-10-1 Virginia Rawlings Randolph b 28 NOV 1859 Charlottesville d 28 JAN 1937 m George Scott Shackelford b 12 DEC 1856 Orange Co VA 30 DEC 1918
-10-2 Wilson Cary Nicholas Randolph b 1 AUG 1861 Albemarle Co d 1 MAR 1923 m Margaret Henderson Hager
-10-3 Mary Buchanan Randolph b 1865 VA d 1900
-10-4 Julia Minor Randolph b 19 FEB 1866 Albemarle Co VA d 10 JUL 1946 m William Porterfield
-1-1-1 Jefferson Randolph Anderson b 4 SEP 1861 Chatham Co GA d 17 JUL 1950 m Ann Page Wilder
-1-1-2 George Wayne Anderson b 10 JUL 1863 Albemarle Co d 30 DEC 1922 m Estelle Marguerite Burthe
-1-1-3 Eliza Clifford Anderson b 24 OCT 1864 GA d 11 SEP 1876
-1-1-4 Margaret Randolph Anderson b 21 AUG 1870 GA d 3 MAY 1941 m Henry Packman Jr, Lawrence Rotch
-1-1-5 Sarah Randolph Anderson b 21 MAY 1872 d 17 JAN 1960
-1-2-1 William Mann Randolph b 14 JAN 1870 in Albemarle Co Va m Mary Walker Randolph -2-1
-1-2-2 Hollins N Randolph b 1872
-1-2-3 Elizabeth R Randolph b 1876
-2-1-1 Carolina Ramsay 23 SEP 1895 Charlottesville d 1 MAR 1958 VA,
-1-2-2 Sarah Nicholas Randolph b 8 DEC 1896 VA m Lucian King Truscott Jr
-1-2-3 Agnes Dillon Randolph b 13 APR 1898 VA m1 Edward Buffam Hill, m2 George Marvin
-1-2-4 William Lewis Randolph b 10 JUL 1899 d 7 JAN 1906 VA
-1-2-5 Thomas Jefferson Randolph b 7 OCT 1900 Charlottesville d 27 OCT 1984 VA,m Augusta Lyell Blue
-1-2-6 Mary Walker Randolph b 30 APR 1903 d 20 JUN 1988 VA
-1-2-7 Hollins Nicholas Randolph b 14 JUN 1904 VA m Virginia Hoge
-1-2-8 Francis Meriwether Randolph b 22 APR 1906 VA m Leonne Gounnaux
-2-1-1 Patsy Jefferson Taylor b 24 MAR 1867 Albemarle Co d 20 NOV 1903
-2-1-2 Raleigh Colston Taylor b 22 JUN 1869 Fayette Co WV d 11 APR 1952 m Mary Tayloe
-2-1-3 Lewis Randolph Taylor b 22 SEP 1871 Albemarle Co d 12 APR 1945 m Natalie Dorsey Sefton
-2-1-4 John Charles Randolph Taylor b 21 AUG 1874 Albemarle Co d 27 JAN 1962 m Mary Grammer Leigh
-2-1-5 Edward Colston Taylor b 22 FEB 1877 Albemarle Co d 23 JUN 1940 m Jessie Alwine
-2-1-6 Jane Brockenbrough Taylor b 29 JAN 1881 Albemarle Co d 11 NOV 1955
-2-3-1 Richard Scott Blackburn b 29 APR 1875 d 11 APR 1946 m Ruth Darwin
-2-3-2 Charlotte Beverly Moncure Blackburn b 1881 Alexandria VA d 27 JUL 1917 m Thomas Shepherd
-2-4-1 Martha Randolph Taylor b 31 MAY 1892 Moundsville WV d 11 JAN 1968 m George Hyndman Esser
-2-4-2 Mary Cary Taylor b 10 AUG 1894 MD d 2 JAN 1923 m George Hyndman Esser
-10-1-1 Virginus Randolph Shackelford b 15 APR 1885 Orange Co VA d 19 JAN 1949 m Peachy Gascoigne Lyne
-10-1-2 Nannie Holliday Shackelford b 23 FEB 1887 Orange Co VA d 15 FEB 1945 m Karl Morgan Block
-10-1-3 George Scott Shackelford b 22 JAN 1897 Orange Co VA d 31 JUL 1965 m Mary Evelyn Fishburn
-10-1-4 Margaret Wilson Shackelford b 28 OCT 1898 Orange Co VA d 13 JUL 1963 m Frank Stringfellow Walker

-1-2-1-1 Sarah Nicholas Randolph d 7 Aug 1994 m Gen Lucian King Truscott Jr b 9 Jan 1895 d 12 Sep 1965
-1-2-1-1-1 Lucian King Truscott III m Annie Harlow
-1-2-1-1-1-1 Lucian King Truscott IV b 1947
Ni6-3-7 Sidney Nicholas - married Dabney Carr.
Ni6-3-8 Cary Ann Nicholas, ma Dec 1814 John Spear Smith (Sm6-1-1). -1 Margaret SMITH b 11 JUN 1816
-2 Mary Mansfield SMITH b 3 AUG 1817
-3 Samuel SMITH b 20 JUN 1819
Ni6-4 John Nicholas b 1756 d 31 Dec. 1819 ),d 1801; On Sunday 21 Oct 1803, was member of Congress 1793 they together with the Rose Family removed to Geneva, New York, where John had numerous descendants.
m Anne Lawson dau of Susannah Rose b 29 Sep 1749 and Gavin Lawson b 1740 d 13 Mar 1805 at "The Pillars" Geneva, NY
Gavin Lawson of Stafford Co Va
Ni6-4-1 Gavin Lawson Nicholas wrote and article for the Geneva Daily Times in 1873 over his recollections of moving to Geneava as a young lad.
Ni6-4-2 Anne Cary Nicholas married Abraham Dox.
Ni6-4-3 Susan Rose Nicholas, married Rev. Orin Clarke, issue: Susan L. Clarke married, George N. Dox.
Ni6-4-4 George Wilson Nicholas.
Ni6-4-5 Jane Lawson Nicholas.
Ni6-4-6 Robert Carter Nicholas
m Mary Seldon Rose
Ni6-4-7 Elizabeth Randolph Nicholas
Ni6-4-8 Sarah Norton Nicholas
Ni6-4-9 Margaret Caroline Nicholas married Dr. F. B. Leonard of Lansingburg, N.Y.
Ni6-4-10 Mary Blair Nicholas.
Ni6-4-11 John Nicholas b about 1795 in Va settled in Ontario county in 1803 with Parents, at what is now known as White Springs. He was a lawyer by profession, and was the first judge elected in Ontario county. His son, Robert C., was but a year old when his father moved here. He engaged in farming, representing his county several times in the Legislature. He was one year State Senator, and was a member of the Constitutional Convention in 1846. He married Mary Selden Rose, dau of Robert S. Rose, about 1826, and they had four children: John C., George W., Robert R., and Jane. John C. is dead; Jane married Z. S. Claggett, and lives at Hagerstown, Md. Robert C. died in 1854 and his wife in 1837. Hon. George W. Nicholas was born October 12, 1830. He graduated from Hobart College in 1850, read law with Judge David Buel in Troy, and attended law school at Ballston Spa. He was admitted to the bar in January, 1852. He practiced in Chicago two years, then returned to Geneva, where he has since resided. In 1855 he engaged in the farming and nursery business, and was supervisor of Geneva during the war and for five years. In 1870 he was elected member of the Legislature, and has been justice of the peace since 1881.
m 1854 Olivia M. Gallagher, daughter of George Gallagher, of New York.
Ni6-4-1-2-1-1-?-1 Philip Norborne Nicholas, one of Geneva NY's best known lawyers and a citizen of distinction, was a descendant of John Nicholas who early in the last century came to Geneva from the South to occupy the White Springs Farm, being his grandson. P. N. Nicholas was born in 1845 and died in 1919 and had a most distinguished career as a lawyer, farmer and nurseryman. Being a graduate of Hobart College in the class of 1866, he was always most earnestly interested in the growth and welfare of that institution and was from 1872 to 1874 secretary of the Associate Alumni of the College. In 1884 he was elected a trustee of the College, remaining in that capacity 35 years until his death. He was secretary of the Board for a period of 34 years and in 1917 was chosen college treasurer and bursar, having served as assistant in that capacity for several years previously. In addition to his legal work with the firm of Hawley, Nicholas and Hoskins, Mr. Nicholas took a most active interest in civic and community affairs in general. He served as a member of the Board of Education, was a member of the Humane Society and served as president of the local branch, and for the first eight years of its existence member of the Board of Control of the New York State Experiment Station. His church affiliations were with Trinity Episcopal church and here he served as a vestryman for 25 years. For 35 years until his death he was a member of the Geneva Cemetery Commission; was police commissioner for two terms and was most active in organizing the Geneva police department. In 1887 he was elected Supervisor and was re-elected for four successive terms. Mr. Nicholas was one of Geneva's early advocates of an adequate park system for the city, and his efforts were in 1916 directed toward urging that the city acquire the abandoned canal lands and the strip south of them for public park purposes, a thing which has only lately been brought about, however. When the World War broke out Mr. Nicholas was appointed by President Wilson to membership on the Appeal Board of the Second District, meeting in Rochester and representing seven counties. No decisions of this board were reversed by the President, to whom all determinations were forwarded. Of him it was said that he "for many years served efficiently and gratuitously in many positions in public life" and the he "was constantly helpful to the poor and those in trouble." Mr. Nicholas died in 1919, but Mrs. Nicholas was still living on Washington street, Geneva NY. Mr. Nicholas was a member of the Bar Association, of the University Club, Kanadesaga and Country Clubs and of the Sigma Phi Society.
m 1869 Emily E. Jackson, whose father had formerly been a president of Hobart College and who then was serving as president of Trinity College, Hartford, Conn.
(There seem to be different opinions as to whether Sarah or Elizabeth was the first born child: this numbering is according to the pedigree listed below as source but birthdates shown in the Internet have been added and Elizabeth was moved up as a reconciliation. The author would appreciate decisively clarifying evidence) Ni6-5 Sarah Nicholas, b 1752 at Frederick Co VA m 30 Jan 1772 in James City, VA
m John Hatley Norton resided at Winchester, VA, Justice at York Co VA, and merchant He m2 Catherine Bush, dau of Philip Bush and Catherine Clough.
+1 John Norton and Courtenay Walker b 1719 +2 John Norton of London
m Anne Hatley of Putney dau of George Hatley and x Scott
Jacob Walker b about 1695 (son of George Walker m Ann Keith, dau of Rev. George Keith and Elizabeth Johnson, about 1684 d 1732)
m Courtenay Tucker.
This may be the same Tucker family into which Rose Gerard married as there is the necessary temporal, geographic and social proximity to expect it.
Ni6-5-1 Courtenay Norton b about 1780
m1 Warner Lewis III
m2 Landon Carter Ct8-15-3- son of John Carter Ct8-15-3 and Janet Hamilton grandson of Col. Landon Carter Ct8-15 and Elizabeth Wormeley and great grandson of Robert "King" Carter and Elizabeth Landon.
-1 Mary Chiswell Lewis, b 1 Jan 1791 at Gloucester Co VA d 14 Nov 1853 at Yorktown VA bur Leeds Churchyard, Fauquier Co m1 John Peyton son of Sir John Peyton Bart. and Frances Cooke m2 Thomas Nelson
-2 Elizabeth Lewis, b 24 Nov 1795 d 29 May 1841 m Dr. Matthew Whiting Brooke of 'Gibralter' Fauquier Co Va Med Dr University of Edinburgh
-3? Warner Lewis IV b about 1800 resided at 'Warner Hall', Gloucester Co
-4 George Hatley Carter married Emma Steinrod.
-5 Edmonia Carter married Benjamin Tasker Chinn, son of Dr. John Yates Chinn and Sarah Fairfax Carter.
-6 Ann Cary Carter married Robert Mottram Lewis, son of John Lewis and Frances Tasker Ball.
-7 Edward Landon Carter m1 Mary Arnest; m2 Charlotte Catherine Ball, dau of Henry Waring Ball and Sarah Skelton Jones
-8 Sarah Carter b 1803 d in 1875 m after 1831 Alfred Ball son of Spencer Ball and Elizabeth Landon Carter
-1-1 Rebecca Courtenay Peyton b about 1810 m Edward Carrington Marshall
-2-1 Elizabeth Whiting Brooke b OCT 1813 Fauquier Co d SEP 1890 m Henry Morris Marshall
-2-2 John Lewis Brooke b 24 OCT 1824 Gloucester Co m Maria Louisa Ashby
-1-1-1 Rebecca Peyton Marshall b about 1830 m Jaquelin Ambler Marshall.
-1-1-1-1 Jaquelin Ambler Marshall III b about 1850 m Eliza Randolph Turner.
-1-1-1-1-1 Charles Turner Marshall b about 1875 m Julia McIlvaine Spencer.
-1-1-1-1-1-1 Julian McIlvaine Marshall b about 1900 m Henrietta Armitt Harrison.
-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 John Randolph Marshall b about 1925 m Deborah Lynn Reilly
Ni6-5-2 Anne Cary Norton m Gen William Armistead son of John Armistead m 17Mar 1764 Lucy Baylor b New Market Caroline Co grandson of William Armistead and Mary Bowles -1 Herbert Armistead.
-2 Wilson Cary Armistead.
-3 Edmund Randolph Armistead.
-4 Mary Armistead.
-5 Willie Ann Armistead.
-6 George Armistead.
Ni6-5-3 Rev. George Hatley Norton b 1787 at Winchester VA resided in western New York.
m Maria Gault.
Ni6-6 Judith Nicholas (1765 - '1 )
Ni6-7 Lewis Nicholas (1766 - '/ ), who lived in Albemarle.
Ni6-8 Robert Carter Nicholas b 2 June 1768 - 7
m 27 Jul 1801 Martha Mosby b ABT 1770 in Powhatan, Virginia
Ni6-8-1 Robert Carter Nicholas b. 22 Apr 1802 d. 24 Apr 1868 d. 24 Apr 1868; merchant & miller of Buckingham Co; bur. Richmond.
m Orella A. Bigelow; b 3 Nov 1812, Vermont; d. 30 Nov 1893; bur. Richmond. INVESTIGATE
Ni6-8-1-1 Robert Carter Nicholas; b. 21 Nov 1838; d. 7 July 1881; merchant in Buckingham Co; bur. Richmond.
Ni6-8-1-2 Martha M. Nicholas; b. 1 Nov 1841; d. 17 Feb 1889; bur. Richmond.
m D. Barziza
Ni6-8-1-3 Hamden Bigelow Nicholas; b. 11 Jan 1844, Buckingham Co d. 9 June 1909; lawyer & civil engineer in Buckingham Co; bur. Richmond.
m Willie Sue Carrington; b. 31 Jan 1848; d. 11 Feb 1917; bur. Richmond; dau of Charles Richards Carrington & Jane I. Pleasant. QV
Ni6-8-1-3-1 Alice R. Nicholas; b. ca. 1870.
m Thomas E. Williams
Ni6-8-1-3-2 Jane Pleasants Nicholas b. June 1872; fl. 1930, Hinds Co, MS; issue: Willie Sue Stockett (b. ca. 1898), Lucy Holt Stockett (b. ca. 1900), Samuel Henry Stockett (b. ca. 1902), Hampden Nicholas Stockett (b. 17 Oct 1903 d. 13 Dec 1989), Alice Stockett (b. ca. 1905), Richard Carrington Stockett (b. 4 Sept 1906; d. 29 July 1988), Robert Carter Stockett.
m Samuel Henry Stockett; b. ca. 1862, MS; fl. 1930, Hinds Co; cigar salesman.
Ni6-8-1-3-3 Robert Carter Nicholas b. 19 July 1873 fl. 1920. Augusta Co; miller & traveling motor salesman.
m Ada Katherine McCutchan; b. 26 July 1877; d. 31 Mar 1933, Staunton; dau of James L. McCutchan QV & Rachel Buchanan.
Ni6-8-1-3-3-1 Katherine B. Nicholas b 24 Aug 1905 d. 29 Mar 1959, Richmond.
Ni6-8-1-3-3-2 Robert Carter Nicholas b 7 Aug 1911 d Nov 1986, Staunton.
Nancy Lineweaver
Ni6-8-1-3-3-3 Hamden Bigelow Nicholas b 24 May 1913 d 14 June 1968, Lynchburg.
m 25 Dec 1938 Frances Clanton
Ni6-8-1-3 Mattie Carrington Nicholas; b. 9 July 1877, Virginia fl. 1930, Alleghany Co, VA.
m 14 Oct 1896 Dr. Boliver Buchanan McCutchan b. ca. 1864, Augusta Co; fl. 1930.
Ni6-8-1-1 Robert Carter Nicholas b 22 Apr 1802 d 24 Apr 1868. See below.
Ni6-8-1-2 John Scott Nicholas b ca. 1805 d 5 Nov 1875. See below.
Ni6-8-1-3 George W. Nicholas b ca. 1808 See below.
Ni6-8-1-4 Judith Nicholas m. _ Moseley.
Ni6-8-1-5 Littleberry Nicholas
Ni6-8-2 John Scott Nicholas b 11 DEC 1803 of "Seven Islands", Cumberland, VA d 5 Nov 1875 in Buckingham Co
m 13 MAY 1833 in Cumberland Co Ann Harrison Trent Ct8-3-3-2-1-1 b: 14 JUL 1812 in Cumberland Co Va d 20 JUN 1876 in Buckingham Co Va dau of dau of Stephen Woodson Trent and Elizabeth Bassett Coupland
Ni6-8-2-1 -1 Elizabeth 'Betty' Carter Nicholas b ABT 1834 in Buckingham Co Va d after 1880
m Edward or Edwin Trent Page b 20 MAY 1833 in Locust Grove, Cumberland Co Va d AFT 1900 in Curdsville Buckingham Va and Mary Anna Trent b 1790 in Cumberland Co Va grandson of Carter Page b 1758 in Virginia (son of hon John Page b 20 FEB 1723/24 in Gloucester Co Va and Jane Byrd b 13 OCT 1729 in 'Westover' Charles City Co Va) and Mary Cary b: 4 DEC 1766 (dau of Archibald Cary b 24 JAN 1720/21 in Williamsburg, James City Co, Virginia and Mary Randolph b: 21 NOV 1727 granddau of Henry Cary b 1675 in Virginia and Anne Edwards b 1679 in Virginia) as well as grandson of Dr Alexander William Trent b 10 OCT 1758 in Cumberland Co Va and Anne Anderson b 1766 living 1860 in District 2 Curdsville, Buckingham Co Va
-1 Anne/Nannie Nicholas Page b 1856 Buckingham Co d after 1870 m before 1880
-2 Mary Byrd Page b 1861 Buckingham Co m y Hayes
-2-1 Elizabeth M Hayes b Apr 1895
-3 John N. Page b Buckingham Co 1865
-4 Edwin T. Page b Buckingham Co 1867
-5 Elizabeth/Bessy Coupland PAGE b Buckingham Co 1871
Ni6-8-2-2 Anne Trent Nicholas b ca 1838.
Thomas Deane Jellis he m2 Katherine Ambler.
Ni6-8-2-3 Willie Anna Harrison Nicholas b MAR 1840 in Buckingham Co Va d AFT 1910 in Buckingham Co Va
m 1867 Philip Barbour Ambler b 8 OCT 1834 in Va
+1 John Jaquelin Ambler b 9 MAR 1801 in Jaquelin Hall, Madison Co Va (son of John Ambler b 25 SEP 1762 in Jamestown, Virginia and Catherine Bush b 9 MAY 1773 grandson ofEdward Jaquelin Ambler b 1733 in Virginia and Mary Cary Ca7-2 b 1733 in Virginia)
m Elizabeth Barbour b 13 OCT 1808
from Ni6-8-2-2-1 Prof John Nicholas Ambler b AUG 1867 in Buckingham Co Va
m 29 June 1892 in Marion NC Anna Rockwell Neal b 4 Dec 1868 Marion NC d 14 Nov 1935 dau of John Neal.
Ni6-8-2-2-1-1 Dr John Jaquelin Ambler b 12 Nov 1904 d 9 Nov 1962 bur Richmond
m Helen Stork
Ni6-8-2-2-1-1-1 Helen Elizabeth Ambler
m Fred F. Hawkins
Ni6-8-2-2-1-1-2 Mary Cary Ambler
m Timothy M. Yohn
Ni6-8-2-2-1-1-3 m Fleet Gregory
Ni6-8-1-2-1-8 Gordon Barbour Ambler b. 14 May 1896, Forsyth Co, NC d Dec 1951 bur Richmond.
m Ann Holmes Harrison Payne b 26 Jun 1899, Fluvanna Co dau of Joseph Samuel Payne & Annie Holmes Harrison. QV
Ni6-8-1-2-1-8-1 Gordon Barbour Ambler, b. 27 Aug 1926; d. 26 Oct 1974, New York; bur. Richmond.
m1 Ann Yeatts
m2 Eveyln Pursell
m3 Jeanne Utter
m4 Dorothy McGuinnis /td>
Ni6-8-1-2-1-8-1 by m2 Richard Markham Ambler
Ni6-8-2-2-1-3 Luna Ernestine Ambler; b. 1 Mar 1902; d. 24 Oct 1974; bur. Richmond.
m Russell Maguire
Ni6-8-2-2-1-4 Elizabeth Eugene Ambler
m Turner Ashby Miller
Ni6-8-2-4 John Scott Nicholas b 10 FEB 1842 in Virginia
m Ella Cary Ambler b 1845 dau of ?s.a. John Jaquelin Ambler and Elizabeth Barbour b about 1810
-1 John Ambler NICHOLAS b 17 Sep 1866 m Elsie Norvell Warwick; b. 28 June 1874; d. 8 May 1903
-2 Harrison Trent NICHOLAS b 1869
-3 Phillip Barbour NICHOLAS b 1872
-4 Eliziabeth Jaquelin NICHOLAS b 1876
-5 Annie Harrison NICHOLAS b 1879
-6 Jellis Lantham Niucholas
Ni6-8-2-5 William Trent Nicholas; b. ca. 1848; fl. 1950.
Ni6-8-2-6 Robert Carter Nicholas; b. Feb 1853, Buckingham Co b. Feb 1853, Buckingham Co; fl. 1900, farmer & farm agent in Buckingham Co.
m 21 Sept 1876 Mary Carrington b. May 1853; fl. 1900; dau of Charles Richard Carrington & Jane I. Pleasants. QV
-1 Annie T. Nicholas; b. Aug 1877 fl. 1900.
-2 Mary C. Nicholas; b. July 1880 fl. 1900.
-3 Elizabeth Copeland Nicholas; b. June 1881; fl. 1900; issue: Elizabeth Holladay (m. Lyle McClung) & Waller Holladay. m Zack Holladay
-4 Willie Sue Nicholas; b. Mar 1886; issue: Mary Carrington Power, Lulu Power & Suzanne Power. m Eugene Power
-5 John S. Nicholas; b. Apr 1889 m Mary Halladay
-5-1 Mary Halladay Nicholas
-5-2 Robert Carter Nicholas
-5-3 John Scott Nicholas
Ni6-8-3 George W. Nicholas; b. ca. 1808; fl. 1860, farmer in Buckingham Co.
m Caroline; b. ca. 1820, VT.
Ni6-8-3-1 Henry B. Nicholas; b ca. 1841; fl. 1860.
Ni6-8-3-2 George Nicholas; b ca. 1843; fl. 1860.
Ni6-8-3-3 Philip W. Nicholas; b ca. 1845; fl. 1860.; m. Lucy C. (b. ca. 1846.)
Ni6-8-3-4 Charles Nicholas; b ca. 1848; fl. 1850.
Ni6-8-3-5 Laura Nicholas; b ca. 1849; fl. 1860.
Ni6-8-3-6 Willie B. Nicholas; b ca. 1854; fl. 1860
Ni6-9 Judge Philip Norborne Nicholas b 1775/6 d 18 Aug 1849
m1 19 Feb 1798 in Baltimore, Mary Ann Spear b 10 JUL 1780 in Baltimore Md d 26 APR 1820 in Henrico Co Va dau of John Spear b ABT 1758 in Baltimore, Maryland and Mary Unknown granddau of William Spear b 1735 in Baltimore, Md and Elizabeth Gailbraith b 1737 in Lancaster Co Pa
Ni6-9-1 Robert Carter Nicholas b 1800 in Richmond, Va d 1874 in Baltimore, Md Lawyer
m Elizabeth Bush Ambler, dau of Col John Ambler of Jamestown, Va
Ni6-9-1-1 -3 Philip Norborne Nicholas, b 22 Jan 1826
John Ambler Nicholas, b 19 Jan 1827
Spear Nicholas, b 18 Dec 1828
Ni6-9-1-4 Catherine Norborne/?Norton Nicholas b 27 NOV 1830 in Richmond Va d 27 DEC 1894 in Baltimore Md Interested in charitable institutions of Baltimore and was President of the Young Women's Southern Relief Association.
m 15 MAR 1853 William Henry Brune b 13 APR 1821 in Baltimore Md d 22 OCT 1887 in Baltimore Md Merchant and Lawyer son of Frederick W. Brune b 23 MAY 1776 in Bremen Germany and Anne Clarke b: 4 NOV 1780 in Dublin Ireland
-1 Elizabeth Brune b 1854
-2 John Christian Brune
-3 William Henry Brune b JUL 1857 d after 1906 educated in private schools in Baltimore, at St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., and Harvard College; A.B., Harvard, 1878; LL.B., University of Maryland, 1880; Judge Appeal Tax Court of Baltimore City, 1903-1906.
m Baltimore 19 Oct 1893 Rheta FERGUSON dau of James Du Gué FERGUSON, President of the First National Bank of Baltimore, and Henrietta SIMONS, his wife of Charleston, South Carolina, who d. 11th February, 1902. no issue
-4 Robert Carter Nicholas Brune b 26 Feb 1859 d 5 Dec 1891
Ni6-9-1-5 Edward Nicholas b 17 Mar 1833
Ni6-9-1-6 Mary Nicholas b 11 Feb 1835
Ni6-9-1-7 George Nicholas b 12 Jul 1838
Ni6-9-1-8 Robert Carter Nicholas b 12 Jan 1841
Ni6-9-1-9 Elizabeth Cary Nicholas b 6 Jun 1843
Ni6-9-1-10 Maria Byrd/L Nicholas b 14 Sep 1846
Ni6-9-2 John Spear Nicholas b 1801 in Va d after 1870 in Baltimore, Md Lawyer
m 2 Dec 1834 Mary Ann Gilmore dau of William Gilmor b: 10 DEC 1775 (son of Robert Gilmor b: 10 NOV 1748 in Renfrew, Scotland and Louisa Airey b: 1745 in Cambridge, Dorchester, Md) and Mary Ann Smith b about 1775 in Northampton Co., VA (Isaac Smith b: 4 NOV 1734 in "Cherrystone", Northampton Co., VA and Elizabeth Custis Teackle b: 13 DEC 1742 in Northampton Co., VA, granddau of Thomas Teackle b: 11 NOV 1711 in Accomac County, VA and Elizabeth Custis b: 27 AUG 1718 in Northampton Co VA gr granddau of Thomas Custis b: 1684 in Accomac Co., Virginia and Anne Kendall b: ABT 1689 in Va 2nd gr granddau of Edmund Custis b: 1660 in Accomac Co., Virginia and Tabitha Whittington b: 1667)
Ni6-9-3 WiIson N. Nicholas
m Jane Hollins
m2 Maria Carter Byrd, dau of Thomas Taylor Byrd b 17 JAN 1751/52 in 'Westover', Charles City Co., Virginia and Mary Ann Armistead b: 1753 in Gloucester, Va dau of William Armistead b: ABT 1715 in Gloucester Co., Virginia and Mary Bowles b ABT 1721 in St. Mary's Co Maryland)
Ni6-9-4 Jane Nicholas
Ni6-9-5 Philip Cary Nicholas b 1830 d aft 1880 in Richmond, well known member of the bar in Richmond, Va, and a long efficient librarian of the State Library of Virginia.
Ni6-9-6 Elizabeth Byrd Nicholas b 16 Dec 1830/?2 d 30 Jul 1901 lived with mother and bro Philip.
Ni6-9-7 Sidney S Nicholas b 1833 m Selma Hudgins.
Ni6-10 Mary Nicholas b 1759 d 1796 unmarried. or possibly the same who married Patrick Rose b 4 JUL 1745 in Stafford Co Va ( The dates in Rose pedigree for these children are not plausible or given and need reconciliation.) -1 Patrick Rose, Jr.
-2 Anne Fitzhugh Rose m Walter Irvine
-3 Elizabeth Rose m Wilson N. Price, Dr.
-4 Louisa Rose m 14 Nov 1811 Charles F. Taliaferro
-5 Jane L Rose m James Taliaferro
-6 Catherine Rose m John Eubank
-7 Margaret Rose
-8 Susannah Rose m Thomas Pittman
-9 John Nicholas Rose
-10 Henry Rose
-11 George Nicholas Rose m Mary Jane Eubank
-12 Martha "Patsy" Rose 1778 - b 1 Mar 1778 m1 Joseph Ryan m2 Gilley Morris Lewis
-13 Arthur William A. Rose b 2 Sep 1785
-14 James Rose 1795 - b 22 Nov 1795 m Elizabeth Price Taliaferro
-15 Mary Rose b ABT 1786? m 5 Mar ?1802 Hill Carter Mary Rose
m 5 MAR 1802 in Amherst Co Hill Carter b ABT 1774 in Albemarle Co Va son of Edward Hill Carter b 1734 in Shirley, Charles City Co. VA d 1792 in Albemarle Co Va m Sarah Champe b 1740 (dau of John Champe b 1670 and Jane Thornton b 10 AUG 1681 in Gloucester Co Va)

-15-1 Dr. James W. Carter b c 1826 in Amherst Co Va
Ni7-2 John Nicholas of Seven Islands b about 1727 d 1795 He was clerk of Albemarle 1749-1815, Burgess 1756 -58, and of the Convention of 1774-75, of Buckingham Co. (great-grandtfather of Mrs. Willie Harrison Nicholas, who married Philip Barbour Ambler).
He married Elizabeth Fry, dau of
-b John Fry
-c Rev Henry Fry b 30 Oct 1738 Essex Co VA d 7 Aug 1823 Madison Co VA Susannah Thornton Walker dau of Dr Thomas Walker and Mildred Thornton
-d Margaret Fry m Scott
+1 Colonel Joshua Fry of Williamsburg b 31 May 1700 Crewkerne Somerset Engl d 31 May 1754 Cumberland Allegany Co MD
m Mary Fry she m2 Leonard Hill Jr
+2 y Fry
+2 Dr Paul Micou b c 1658 Nantes Loire-Atlantiqu Pays de la Loire d 26 May 1736 Essesx Co VA
m Margaret Ray Cammack

+3 Warwick Cammack b c 1637 Malden Essex Engl
m Margaret Powell d c 1715 Richmond Co VA
Ni7-2-1 Colonel John Nicholas b 1758/9 d 19 Apr 1826/36 member of the Buckinghem Co Va Committee of Safety, 1775; Burgess 1774; member of the Convention 1775, shows a John Nicholas, haplogroup R1b1b2a1b b about 1751 d Wayne Co Ky with the follwing son, s a 3SEHP
m 1788 Louise Howe Carter (various diverging reports on the descendants of John have been added as reconciliation and date added; some may not belong here.)
+1 John Carter
m Jane Michell
?Ni7-2-1-1 George W. Nicholas b c 1790
m2 27 Nov 1828 in Richmond Elizabeth Jane Stanard + 2 ch she m1 Peter Cline Buffington dau of Edward Carter Stanard QV & Rebecca Carter.
-1 Georgianna Nicholas m William Buffington
-2 Mary Ellen Nicholas m James Buffington
?Ni7-2-1-2 Virginia Carter Nicholas
m Francis Lightfoot b Charles City Co son of William Lightfoot Jr b c 1750 Charles City Co and Anne Cocke
-1 William Allen Lightfoot m Charles Gurrant
-2 John Francis Lightfoot
-3 Virginia Nicholas Lightfoot
-4 Carter Lightfoot
-1-1 George Allen Lightfoot
-1-2 Virginia Nicholas Lightfoot m y Scruggs.
-1-3 Philip William Lightfoot m Nancy Gurerrant
-1-4 John Francis Lightfoot m Sally Ballou
-1-5 Mary Lightfoot m Nearth Lane
-1-6 Louise Carter Lightfoot
-1-7 James Anderson Lightfoot
-1-8 Henrietta Frances Lightfoot m Berry le Sueur
-1-3-1 William Lightfoot
-1-3-2 Roberta Lightfoot
-1-4-1 Ella Lightfoot
-1-4-2 John Francis Lightfoot
-1-4-3 Luther Lightfoot
-1-5-1 Nearth Lane
?Ni7-2-1-3 Louisa Nicholas
?Ni7-2-1-4 Mary Nicholas
?Ni7-2-1-5 Nelson Nicholas b 1804/5 d 1821
?Ni7-2-1-6 James Nicholas b about 1770 in Va or NC d about 1820 wayne Co Ky
m1 Polly Proctor b 23 Mar 1774 in Va + 4 ch dau of Micajah Proctor b about 1740 Va d 20 May 1800 Lincoln Co Ky
m2 Elizabeth Banks b 1744 Culpeper Co Va d 12 Oct 1801 Lincoln Co Ky
-2 ANNE NICHOLAS b 1797 Washington Co Tenn d Pulaski co KY m 1822 in Pulaski co ky JEREMIAH PIERCE b 1798 in Wilkes Co, NC and died in Pulaski Co KY son of FRANCIS PIERCE and ELIZABETH.
-3 MATILDA NICHOLAS b Abt. 1805 Wayne Co Ky d 1847, Wayne Co Ky 1847 in Wayne Co Ky m 23 Aug 1827 in Wayne Co Ky MORDECAI GREGORY b 1809 d 1859 son of HIRAM GREGORY and MARY LOGSDON
-4 JAMES NICHOLAS b 1807, Wayne Co KY d Abt. 1860, Mill Springs Wayne Co KY m Elizabeth Diza Parton b 1813 Halifax NC d Wayne Co Ky dau of Benjamin Parton and Mary

-2-1 CORNELIUS PIERCE b 1821 m 6 Feb 1845 Lucinda S Nicholas s.b.-4-1
-2-2 WILLIAM F PIERCE b 1823 m 1847 in Wayne Co MALINDA x
-2-4 DELILA PIERCE b 1834 m JOSHUA SHREWBERRY July 15 1851 Wayne Co Ky
-2-5 JESSIE PIERCE b 1835
-2-6 ELVIRA PIERCE b 1838
-3-1 USLEY GREGORY b 1825 Wayne Co Ky d Abt. 1924 m 24 1856 in Wayne Co JOHN VAUGHN Apr b 1828 d Abt. 1910 son of JAMES VAUGHN and ELIZABETH TROXELL.
-3-2 HIRAM GREGORY b 1830
-4-1 LUCINDA S NICHOLAS m Cornelius Pierce s.a. -2-1
-4-2 ELIZABETH NICHOLAS b May 15, 1836, Wayne Co, Ky m. SAMUEL WESTLEY TURPIN, Wayne Co, Ky; b. Wayne Co, Ky.
-4-3 BENJAMIN F NICHOLAS b Jan 10 1840, Mill springs, Wayne Co d Oct 21 1930 Jameport Davies Co MO m ELIZABETH FRAZER in Wayne Co KY dau of GARRETT FRAZER and KEZIH HUTCHISON
-4-4 JOHN NICHOLAS b 1847.
-4-5 JAMES WESLEY NICHOLAS b 7 Dec 1848 Wayne Co KY d 4 Nov 1927 m MARY C WOOLSEY b 2 Apr 1848 d 24Nov 1929 dau of AAROW WOOLSEY and ELIZABETH COPENHAVER
-4-7 MARY E NICHOLAS b April 03, 1853.
-4-8 DISA ANN NICHOLAS b 1859.

-2-1-1 = -4-1-1 ISAAC PIERCE b 1846
-2-1-2 = -4-1-2 ELIZABETH PIERCE b 1848
-2-1-3 = -4-1-3 GEORGE W PIERCE b 1849
-2-1-4 = -4-1-4 JAMES PIERCE b Nov 23 1853
-2-1-5 = -4-1-5 MARY A PIERCE, b March 1856
-2-2-1 JEREMIAH PIERCE b 1848
-3-1-1 HIRAM VAUGHN b 1845 m ELIZABETH GREGORY Apr 2 1857 in Wayne Co
-3-1-2 LEWIS VAUGHN b 1857.
-3-1-3 THOMAS VAUGHN b 1858.
-3-1-4 JAMES VAUGHN b 1860.
-3-1-5 MARTHA E VAUGHN b 1862
-4-3-1 JESSIE "Doc" NICHOLAS b Abt. 1860 Wayne Co KY d Gilman City Mo
-4-3-2 MARY ELIZABETH NICHOLAS b 1869 d 1881
-4-3-3 Timothy Nicholas b 24 Aug 1869 Wayne Co d jan 1922 James Port Mo m 1897 REBECCA JANE BELL b Jul 11 1868 in Vandalia Fayette Co IL d Jan 1 1964 in James Port Davis Co Mo dau of PLEASANT BELL and CHARLOTTE WILLIAMS m Rebecca Jane Bell b 11 Jul 1868 Vandalia Ill d 1 Jan 1964 James Port Mo dau of William Pleasent Bell b 1838 Tn d Fayette Co Ill and Charlotte Williams b 1843 Tn d Vandalia Ill
-4-3-4 HARRIET NICHOLAS, b 1876 m WILL EVANS b Mt. Moriah, Mo
? Rebecca Nicholas b ? 1855 Mo may fit in here
-4-5-1 JAMES L NICHOLAS, b. 1868, mill springs, Wayne Co. KY.
-4-5-2 WILLIAM ALBERT NICHOLAS, b. 1871, mill springs, Wayne Co. KY; d. 1939, Le Roy, Mclean ILL.
-4-5-3 EMILY E NICHOLAS b Nov 8 1880 d Jan 29 1902, Wayne Co Ky
-4-5-4 MARY JUNE NICHOLAS b 1883 wayne Co Ky.
-4-5-5 SAMUEL COWIN NICHOLAS b 10 Apr 1886,Wayne Co Ky d 14Sep 1960, Hot Springs Garland Co Ark m1 SUSAN FANNIE COPENHAVER b May 1885 in Wayne Co dau of ROBERT COPENHAVER and NANCY EAST m2 VIRGINA MARTHA MYERS 1934
-4-5-6 EFFIE NICHOLAS b December 1890 wayne Co Ky

-3-1-1-1 REBECCA6 VAUGHN b 1858
-3-1-1-2 JOHN VAUGHN b 1860
-3-1-1-3 MAHALA VAUGHN b 1863
-3-1-1-4 JAMES VAUGHN b 1868
-3-1-1-5 LEWIS VAUGHN b 1872
-3-1-1-6 CHARLES VAUGHN b 1875 d 1974 m ROSE CLARK b 1877.
-3-1-1-7 SALAS VAUGHN b 1879
-4-3-3-1 WILLIAM FRANKLIN NICHOLAS, b 22 Jun 1898 Mt. Moriah, Mo d Los Angles Calf.
-4-3-3-2 Ralph Jennings Nicholas b 4 Sep 1899 Mt Moriah Mo d 10 Oct 1991 Jamesport Mo m Marjorie Mary Macy dau of Frank Haymore Macy and Myrtle Linsey
-4-3-3-2-1 FRED CLARANCE NICHOLAS b Apr 24 1901, Mt. Moriah, Mo d 1963, Hood River, OR m LORRAINE x
-4-3-3-3 FRED CLARANCE NICHOLAS b April 24, 1901, Mt. Moriah Mo d 1963 Hood River OR m LORRAINE
-4-5-5-1 ROBERT WESTLEY NICHOLAS b 10 Nov 1908 BETSY, WAYNE CO KY d Nov 18 1979, TULSA, TULSA CO OK m MARTHA ELIZABETH SIERER, January 14, 1932, San Antonio, Bexar Texas; b. August 26, 1909, Hudson, Lenawee co, Michigan; d. December 17, 1997, Drumright, Creek co, Oklahoma.
-4-5-5-3 RUSHEN WILLIAM NICHOLAS b May 20 1912
-4-5-5-4 FLOSSIE M NICHOLAS b 1916
?Ni7-2-1-7 John S Nicholas b 1776 NC d after 1860 WVa
m Margaret Swope b 28 Jan 1777 Wolf Creek Monroe Co Va dau of Joseph Swope and Catherine Sullivan
-1 Sarah Nicholas b c 1804 Cabell Co WVad there after 1861
m Richard McCallister b 1802 Va d 5 Jun 1859 Cabell Co
-1-1 Sylvester McCallister b 1828 Cabell Co
m Mary E Harvey b 1830 Kanawha Co WV d 30 Nov 1857 Cabell Co
Ni7-2-2 Elizabeth/?Mary Nicholas b c 1750
m Patrick Rose b 4 Jul 1745 in Stafford Co VA son of Anne Fitzhugh b 8 MAR 1720/21 in Stafford Co Va d 18 Apr 1789 in Va and Rev. Robert Rose b 12 FEB 1701/02 in Scotland
-1 Mary Rose b ABT 1780 m 5 Mar 1802 Amherst Co Va Hill Carter b ABT 1774 in Albemarle Co Va
-2 James Rose b ABT 1800 m May 1822 Elizabeth Price Taliaferro b 26 Sep 1806

-1-1 Dr. James W. Carter b ABT 1826 in Amherst Co Va
-2-1 James Rose m Mary Frances Newman dau of Francis Hollis Newman and Nellie Conway Rose b ABT 1809

-2-1-1 Nellie Conway Rose m William T Baggett
Ni7-2-3 George Nicholas of Seven Islands and Amherst Co VA b c 1752/?5 Feb 1771 d 31 May 1812
m Nancy/Nannie Scott and had issue.
+1 John Scott
Ni7-2-3-1 George Ann Nicholas b 1799 d 1845
m Col Walter Lloyd Fontaine son of Abraham Fontaine he m1 sis Margret Fry Nicholas
-1 Martha Virginia Fontaine
Ni7-2-3-4 Margaret Fry Nicholas b 1800 d 1833
m Col Walter Lloyd Fontaine of Diana Mills Buckingham Co
-1 Margaret Nicholas Fontaine b 1822 d 1893 unm
-2 Sarah Ballard Fontaine b 1823 d 1873 m Miletus Bentley Brown
-3 Ann Scott Fontaine b 1824 d 1882 m Rev William S Thompson of Trinity Church New Canton VA
-4 Walter Scott Nicholas Fontaine b c 1825 d 1883 m Emogene Shepherd b 1830
-7 Frances Eliza Fontaine b 1830 m Marcus Scruggs to Holly Springs MS
-8 Clement Rush Fontaine b 1832 U of VA 1851/2 Chemistry, noral philosophy, anatomy and law

-3-1 Clementine Fontaine b c 1860 attended Lynchburg Female Academy 1878
-4-1 Annie E Fontaine b 1849 n Palmyra Fluvanna Co VA d 1936 attended Faqrmville Female College 1869 later Roanoke Female College
Ni7-2-3-6 William Henry Nicholas b 1803 d 1867 inherited part of The Hermitage on the James River
Ni7-2-3-7 John Scott Nicholas b 1806 attended Jefferson Medical School in Philadelphia lived on the James River across from The Hermitage
Ni7-2-3-8 Frances Scott Nicholas b 1807 d 1837
m William Alexander Scott
-1 John Nicholas Scott
Ni7-2-3-9 Lorenzo Nicholas b 1808 Seven Island Buckingham Co VA d 1867 inherited part of The Hermitage
m 1833 Martha Jane Ayres b 1814 d 1855 dau of Parson Ayres and Kate Brown
-1 George Henry Nicholas b 23 Mar 1844 The Hermitage d 1922 attended VMI 1861, 1862 CSA C Co. 25th Batl VA Volunteers, built Reeveland on south half of The Hermitage m 1883 Florence Reeve of Springdale Goochland Co VA b 1851 d 1935 dau of Laurens Reeve and Mary Katherine Pleasants
-2 John Walter Nicholas b 1847 The Hermitage d 1918 3rd VA Reserves CSA m1 1884 Annie E Fontaine dau of Walter Scott Nicholas Fontaine and Emogene Shepherd
-1-1 Henry Reeve Nicholas b 1885 Reeveland d 1946 of cancer attended Seven Islands School for Boys c 1900 m1 Frances Brady Horsely of Travelers Rest Warminster VA d 1916 m2 1921 Frances Clay Ludlam b 1889 Plynlimmon Goochland Co VA d 1967 dau of Richard Henry Ludlam and Lucy Gratton Pleasants
-2-1 Margaret Micou Nicholas b 1884 d 1960 RN
-2-2 Annie Fontaine Nicholas b 1887 d 1975 unm
-1-1-1 Henry Reeve Nicholas b 1916 d 1965 Scottsville VA m Amparo Alverez
-1-1-2 George Hampden Nicholas b 1922 Richmond VA m Sue Randolph Stockett of Woodville MS
-1-1-3 Florence Gratton Nicholas b 1923 m Dr Henry J L Marriott
-1-1-4 Richard Ludlam Nicholas b 1930 chief geologist Shell Oil m1 Neile Sutton of Midland TX m2 Linda Woods of New Orleans

-1-1-2-1 George Hampden Nicholas
-1-1-2-2 Overton Randolph Nicholas
-1-1-3-1 Suzanne Arton Marriott
-1-1-3-2 Mary Reeve Marriott
-1-1-3-3 Cary Nicholas Marriott
-1-1-4-1 Sara Shannon Nicholas
-1-1-4-2 Robert Carter Nicholas
Ni7-2-3-10 Martha Nicholas b 1811 d y
Ni7-2-4 Robert Carter Nicholas of Seven Islands b 1760/?72
m Martha Mosby, widow of Daniel Scott
-1 Robert Carter Nicholas b 22 Apr 1802 Seven Islands d 24 Apr 1868 l Virginia Mills Slate River VA m 1854 Orella/Orilla Alice Bigelow of Peru Vermont teacher
-2 John Scott Nicholas of Seven Islands b 1803 d 5 Nov 1875 farmer in Buckingham Co m 22 May 1833 Ann Harrison Trent b. 14 July 1812 dau of Stephen Woodson Trent & Elizabeth Bassett Coupland
-3 George Washington Nicholas b c 1808 d 1860 Buckingham Co m Caroline Elizabeth Bigelow b c 1820 Peru VT sis oif Orella
-4 Judith Nicholas m _ Moseley.
-5 Littleberry Nicholas
-1-1 Capt Robert Carter Nicholas b 21 Nov 1838 d 7 Jul 1881 unm merchant Buckingham Co bur Richmond CSA
-1-2 Martha Mosby Nicholas b 1 Nov 1841 d 17 Feb 1889 m D U Barziza no ch
-1-3 Hampden Bigelow Nicholas of Tredlock Seven Islands Estate b 11 Jan 1844 d 9 Jun 1909 atty in New Canton VA m 1869 Willie Sue Carrington
-2-1 Elizabeth Coupland Nicholas b c 1834/43 d 1880, Buckingham Co m 1865 Edward Trent Page b 20 May 1833, Cumberland Co
-2-2 Anne/Nannie Trent Nicholas b 1838 Seven Islands m Thomas D Jellis of Lynchburg
-2-3 Williana/Willie Anna Harrison Nicholas b 30 Apr 1840 d 1905 m Philip Barbour Ambler b BET 1818 AND 08 OCT 1834 John Scott Nicholas b 10 Feb 1842 m 5 July 1865 Ella Cary Ambler b 2 Mar 1843 dau of John Jaquelin Ambler of "Glen Ambler" & Elizabeth Barbour
-2-5 William Trent Nicholas b c 1848 d BEF 1908
-2-6 Robert Carter Nicholas b Feb 1853 Seven Islands Buckingham Co d 1928 m 21 Sept 1876) Mary Pleasants Carrington b May 1853 l. 1900 dau of Charles Richard Carrington & Jane I. Pleasants
-2-? John "Morton" Nicholas Sr. b in Marshall, Buckingham, Va an inherited slave of John Scott Nicholas, from the "Seven Islands Plantation" in Buckingham Va
-3-1 Henry B. Nicholas b c 1841 d aft 1860
-3-2 George Nicholas b c 1843 d aft 1860
-3-3 Philip W. Nicholas b c 1845 d 1860 m. Lucy C. b c 1846.)
-3-4 Charles Nicholas b c 1848 d 1850
-3-5 Laura Nicholas b c 1849 d aft 1860
-3-6 Willie B. Nicholas b ca. 1854 d aft 1860

-1-3-1 Alice Randolph Nicholas b 1870 m 1915 in Clifton Forge Thomas Evan Williams
-1-3-2 Jane Pleasants Nicholas b Jun 1872 d 1930 Hinds Co MS m Samuel Henry/?Overton Stockett b c 1862 Wilkinson Co MS
-1-3-3 Robert Carter Nicholas b 19 July 1873 d 1920 m Ada Katherine McCutchan b 26 July 1877 d 31 Mar 1933, Staunton dau of James L. McCutchan QV & Rachel Buchanan
-1-3-4 Martha/Mattie Carrington Nicholas b 9 July 1877, Va d 1930/4 Alleghany Co VA m 14 Oct 1896 Dr. Boliver Buchanan McCutchan b c 1864 Augusta Co d 1930
-2-1-1 Nannie Nicholas Page b 1856 d 1937 m John Trible 13 VA Cavalry CSA
-2-1-2 Mary Cary Page b 1861
-2-1-3 John Nicholas Page b 1869 d 1936
-2-1-4 Edward Trent Page b 1867 d 1906
-2-1-5 Bettie Coupland Page b 1871 d 1956 m John Gannaway b 1868 d 1924
-2-3-1 John Nicholas Ambler inh Seven Islands sold it l Salem VA m Anna Rockwell Neal of Manion SC
-2-3-2 Dr John J Ambler l NY
-2-3-3 Laura Ambler m y McGuire l Washington DC
-2-4-1 John Ambler Nicholas of 'Amherst VA b 17 Sep 1866. m Elsie Norvell Warwick b 28 June 1874 d 8 May 1903.
-2-4-2 Harrison Trent Nicholas b 1869 Seven Islands d 1934 m Mattie Craighill b 1881 d 1948
-2-4-3 Philip Barbour Nicholas
-2-4-4 Elizabeth Jaquelin Nicholas
-2-4-5 Annie Harrison Nicholas b 1880 d 1962 m JOhn L Caskie l Lynchburg
-2-4-6 Jellis Lantham Nicholas
-2-6-1 Annie Trent Nicholas b Aug 1877 Seven Islands d aft 1900.
-2-6-2 Mary Carrington Nicholas b July 1880 d 1971 teacher Johnson City TN m 1904 Clarence White of Scottsville
-2-6-3 Elizabeth Copeland Nicholas b. June 1881 d aft 1900 m John Zack Holladay of Charlottesville
-2-6-4 Willie Sue Nicholas b Mar 1886 Jordan RN m 1916 Dr Eugene Power
-2-6-5 John Scott Nicholas b Apr 1889 d 1928 m 1918 Mary Dupuy Halladay/Holladay

-1-3-2-1 Willie Sue Stockett b. ca. 1898
-1-3-2-2 Lucy Holt Stockett b. ca. 1900
-1-3-2-3 Samuel Henry Stockett b. ca. 1902
-1-3-2-4 Hampden Nicholas Stockett b. 17 Oct 1903 d. 13 Dec 1989
-1-3-2-5 Alice Randolph Stockett b c 1905 m Samuel Overton Stockett
-1-3-2-6 Richard Carrington Stockett b 4 Sept 1906 d 29 July 1988
-1-3-2-7 Robert Carter Stockett
-1-3-3-1 Katherine B. Nicholas b 24 Aug 1905 d 29 Mar 1959 Richmond.
-1-3-3-2 Robert Carter Nicholas b 7 Aug 1911 d Nov 1986 Staunton m Nancy Lineweaver
-1-3-3-3 Hamden Bigelow Nicholas b 24 May 1913 d 14 June 1968, Lynchburg m 25 Dec 1938 Frances Clanton
-1-3-4-1 Willie Carrington McCutchan b 1899 d 1984 n Robert Swinton Roadcap Of Covington VA d 1970
-1-3-4-2 Bolivar Buchanan McCutchan b c 1903
-1-3-4-3 John Nicholas McCutchan b 1910 d 1961 m 1940 Thelma Conway wid of Harry Moore
-2-1-1-1 Mary Louise Trible b 1894 d 1968
-2-1-1-2 Anna Harrison Trible b 1882 d 1964 m Stephen Woodson Trent b 1871 d 1948
-2-1-1-3 Edwrd Page Trible b 1888 d 1962
-2-1-1-4 John Trible b 1887 d 1952
-2-1-3-1 Edward Trent Page b 1891 d 1963
-2-1-3-2 Rosalie Nelson Page b 1893 m1 Ray de la Montoya Carr b 1902 m2 James Langworthy
-2-1-5-1 Catherine Gannawy Trent b 1900 d 1987
-2-1-5-2 Elizabeth Coupland Page Trent
-2-3-1-1 Gordon Barbour Ambler b 1896 Salem NC d 1951 mayor of Richmond VA
-2-4-1-1 John Ambler Nicholas
-2-4-2-1 Maj Harrison Trent Nicholas b 1910 d 1983 m Helen Stton Baker b 1917 + Harrison Trent N III
-2-4-2-2 Edley Craighill Nicholas b 1911 m Richard F Stone
-2-4-2-3 Mary Cary Nicholas b 1913 m Pelton Phelps b 1911
-2-4-2-4 Jaquelin Ambler Nicholas b 1917 m Aubrey Eaton Harvey
-2-4-2-5 Elizbeth Jaquelin Nicholas b 1876 d 1963
-2-4-2-6 Jellis Latham Nicholas b 1883 d unm
-2-6-3-1 Elizabeth Holladay b 1907 m Lyle McClung
-2-6-3-2 Capt Waller Lewis Holladay m Harriet A Schafer
-2-6-4-1 Mary Carrington Power b 1918 m Richard F Smith + Lula S and David S
-2-6-4-2 Lulu Power
-2-6-4-3 Suzanne Power
-2-6-5-1 Mary Halladay/Holladay Nicholas b 1920 d 1980
-2-6-5-2 Robert Carter Nicholas b 1924 d by 1988
-2-6-5-3 John Scott Nicholas b 1924 d 1994 l Cedar Hill Circle Chapel Hill NC

-1-3-2-5-1 Sue Randolph Stockett of Woodville MS b 1926 m George Hamden Nicholas + George Hamden N and Overton Randolph N
-1-3-4-1-1 Robert Swinton Roadcap b 1929
-1-3-4-3-1 Martha Randolph McCutchan m James Daily m2 James Franklin Faison + James A Faison m Susan Virostod
-1-3-4-3-2 Rachel Nicholas MxcCutchan m Thoton l Brockwell m2 Stanley Duval Childs + Elizabeth Rowell Brockwell m William Douglas McDowell
-1-3-4-3-3 Elizabeth Mountcastle McCutchan m William Patrick Anderson m2 Charles Barry Stoveren m3 Patrick Orval Amick
-1-3-4-3-4 John Nicholas McCutchan m Paula Elaine Owens + John Nicholas M and Katherine Conway M
-2-1-1-2-1 Nannie Nicholas Page Trent b 1916 m Emory Linwood Carlton + Elizabeth Page Carlton
-2-1-1-2-2 Anna Harrison Trent b 1918 m Wallace Rainey + 6 ch
-2-1-1-2-3 Stephen Woodson Trent b 1921
-2-1-1-2-4 John Gannaway Trent b 1924
-2-1-1-2-5 Thomas Trible Trent b 1927 m Evelyn Owenby
-2-1-1-2-6 Elizbeth Coupland Page Trent b 1920 m Rev Canon Charles Irving Kratz b ^9^8 + 4 ch
-2-6-3-2-1 Reginald Walter Holladay
-2-6-3-2-2 Richard Carrington Holladay
Ni7-2-5 Margaret Nicholas
m y Rose
Ni7-2-5-1 Robert Rose
Ni7-2-5-2) viz.
Ni6-4), John Rose (Ni7-2-5-2) and others.
Ni7-2-6 Martha Nicholas,
m Edward Scott of Mannintown, had issue:
Ni7-2-6-1 John Scott
Ni7-2-6-2 Martha Scott married Dr. Royster.
?Ni7-2-7 ?Ni7-2-?7 possibly here Ann Nicholas married Sp8-3-1-2-1 Allen Beall born 1728 and died before 1776
Ni7-2-8 Joshua Fry Nicholas
m Sarah Marks
+1 Peter Marks
m Johanna
Ni7-2-8-1 Dr Wilson Cary Nicholas
Ni7-2-8-2 Robert Carter Nicholas
m Lucy Laughlin Snyder of KY
Ni7-2-9 Elizabeth Virginia Nicholas
m Francis Lightfoot
-1 Elizabeth Virginia Lightfoot m y Scruggs of Lynchburg VA
-2 John Fraqncis Lightfoot
-3 Philip Carter Lightfoot
-4 William Allen Lightfoot
Ni7-3 George Nicholas b c 1730 d 1771
m Barbara x probably parents of:
?Ni7-3-1 Col John Nicholas, b c 1755 d 1818, long Clerk of Dinwiddie, possibly the Participant in the Battle of Camden SC 16 Aug 1780 ("Gates' Defeat").
?m Dorothy Pleasants Briggs
-1 John Nicholas of Dinwiddie Co b 1788
?Ni7-3-2 Ann Nicholas b c 1757 in Virginia
m 22 Dec 1778 in Mecklenburg Va Benjamin Grymes b 1748 in Va
-1 Lucy Fitzhugh Grymes b 11 FEB 1781 in 'Eagles Nest', King George Co VA m 2 Jan 1804 Abram Barnes Hooe b 4 SEP 1784 in 'Barnesfield', Stafford (King George) Co Va
-2 George Nicholas Grymes b 1784 in King George Co Va m Anne Eilbeck Mason b 1 APR 1791 in Lexington Hall Plantation, Fairfax County, Virginia
-3 Benjamin Grymes b 1785 in 'Eagles Nest' King George Co Va
-4 Martha Carter Grymes b 24 DEC 1796 in King George Co Va
-1-1 Dr. Abram Barnes Hooe b 5 DEC 1805 in 'Barnesfield', Stafford (King George) Co Va
-2-1 Lucy Fitzhugh Grymes b 29 JUL 1812 in 'Mont Chene'
-2-2 George Edmund Grymes b 14 FEB 1825 in King George Co Va
Ni7-3-3 Robert Carter Nicholas of Mecklenburg and Surry Co VA b 1764 d 1799
m?1 Ann Taliaferro dau of Richard Taliaferro and Rebecca Cocke
?Ni7-3-4 Thomas Nichols b about 1765 possibly of this family and branch or of Ni7-2 -1 Jacob Nichols
-2 Joseph Nicholas b about 1800 in Tn d before 1860 in Shelby Co Alabama
?-3 ?John Nicholas b about 1800

-2-1 John G. Nicholas b 18 Dec 1827 in Shelby Co Alabama d May 5, 1903 in Jefferson County, Alabama
-3-1 ancestor of larry Ray Nottinghem, author's DNA match

-2-1-1 William Joseph Nicholas b 22 Oct 1865 in Morgan Co Alabama d 22 Jan 1927 in Cullman Co Alabama

-2-1-1-1 Guy Joseph Nicholas b March 19, 1907 d June 5, 1960 in Cullman Co Alabama

-2-1-1-1-1 Buford A. Nicholas b 27 Aug 1939 d April 1979
-2-1-1-1-1-1 Gregory Alan Nicholas
?Ni7-3-5 William Nicholls/Nicholas b 1769
m Isabelle Daugherty b 1775 d 1815 dau of Michael Daugherty and Margaret McClintic b 1751
-1 Elizabeth Nicholls/Nicholas b 1820 Va d 1889 WV m Solomon Alderman b 1810 d 1864 son of Ezekiel Alderman b 1772 and Elizabeth Holcomb -1-1 Darius Alderman b 1855 d 1933 m Hester Pyles b 1863 WV d 1892 WV dau of James Pyles (grandson of Francis Pyles b 1755 and Elizabeth x ) and Susan Grimes b 1828 d 1914 -1-1-1 A Alderman b 1887 d 1966 m A Kern b 1900 d 1993 (Wade and Alderman descendant) parents of S Alderman, author's 50 cM DNA match with 20 cM longest segment chr 2 or 19
?Ni7-3-? possibly of this family was:
y Nicholas b c 1760
?Ni7-3-?-1 Charles Nicholas b c 1800
m ?Ruth x
?Ni7-3-?-1 James Milton Nicholas b 7 Aug 1822 d 20 May 1900 Putnam Co In
m 15 Oct 1845 Amanda V.(Catherine) Hester b 11 May 1827 in Fleming Co Ky d 13 Jan. 1899 in Putnam Co In
+1 Adam Hester b Mar. 1, 1799 d. Aug. 2, 1882. Buried: near John Hester's (He6) grave in Lafollete's Burying Ground about 2 miles West of Parkersburg, Ind. Adam Hester migrated from Fleming Co. Ky. to Putnam Co., Ind., with his wife and 6 eldest children in 1834 and was one of the earliest settlers there, when there were still Constalk Indians living along the Conrstalk Creek. In those days a light was made by digging out a turnip filling it with oil or grease putting a stic in the center and lighting it; it would burn all night. He hauled lime by oxen team to Crawfordsville, Montgomery Co. for building their second court house.
Marriage bond: 22 Jan. 1822 Ann van Zant (16 Jan. 1801 - 27 July 1863 dau of Aaron van Zant and Margaret Keith)
Ni8? From Guinevere Hall's tree was:
John Nicholas b 1869 Narbeth Pembrokshire Wales
m Mary Elizabeth Phelps b 1871
-1 y Nicholas m x Owen -1-1 y Nicholas m x x Luff (son of Richard Henr Luff and Mary Elizabeth Coleman) dau of y Luff and x Willson -1-1-1 x Nicholas m y parents of Guinevere Hall, author's 35 cM DNA match with 9 cM on chr 6
Ni8? (The dates and place of birth make this connection implausible, but possibly a sister of Dr. George Nicholas) reported by was:
Jane Nicholas
b c 1715 England d c 1789 Henrico VA
m Col Joseph Hawkins
-1 John Hawkins b 1730 Spotsylvania d 1800 m Mary Waller b 1734 d 1800
-2 Philomon Hawkins b 1732 Spotsylvania VA
-3 Lucy Hawkins b 1734 Spotsylvania
-4 Joseph Hawkins Jr b 13 Sep 1754 Spotsylvania VA m Rebecca Funk b c 9 Aug 1750 Shenandoah VA d 12 Oct 1843
-5 Mildred Hawkins

-4-1 Joseph H Hawkins III b 25 Aug 1770 Shenandoah Page Co VA m Margaret Bird
-4-2 Mounce Hawkins b 1789 VA
-4-3 Rebecca Hawkins m Crockett
-4-4 Aaron Hawkins
-4-5 Moses Hawkins
-4-6 William Hawkins
Ni8-? possibly related to the above was:
Lewis Nicholas b c 1635 ?England
m Mary Sisson wid of Nathaniel Pope Jr wid of William Bridges
Lewis Nicholas b bef 8 Jun 1675 d 30 Nov 1699 Westmoreland Co
m about 1696 Ursula x b ABT 1680 in Westmoreland Co d BEF 1726 in Westmoreland she m2 27 APR 1698 in Westmoreland Robert Lovell b: 1674 in Westmoreland County, Virginia
-a Mary Lovell b 1699 in Westmoreland Co m Andrew Harrison b 1671 in North Farnham Parish
-b Robert Lovell b 1701 in Westmoreland Co
-c James Lovell b 1703 in Westmoreland Co m Jane Tyler b aft 1733
-d Daniel Lovell b ABT 1704 in Westmoreland Co d 28 Jan 1734/5
-e Ursula Lovell b ABT 1712 in Westmoreland m George Riding b ABT 1710 in King George Co.
-1 Thomas Nicholas b BEF 1695 in Westmoreland d aft 1741 Cople Parish Westmoreland
m BEF 1715 in Cople Parish Jane Field b BEF 1699 in Westmoreland Co Va d aft 1741 in Cople Parish Westmoreland Co dau of Abraham Field
?-2 possibly of this family Rev Jonathan Nicholas b about 1695 Anglican Minister m Franky x
-1-1 Jane Nicholas b BEF 1715 in Cople Parish Westmoreland Co m Joseph Hawkins b ABT 1707 in Gloucester Co
-1-2 William Nicholas b ABT 1720 in Cople Parish Westmoreland Co d aft 1741 carpenter
-2-1 Leanna Nicholas b 1735/?50 s s Pr William Co Va d 1770 m Warrenton/Warrington King Spiller b 1735 d 1770 Robertson TN son of Warrington King Spiller b 1709 d about 1756 and Lydia Moore b 1713 and grandson of Warrington King Spiller b 1709 d about 1756 gr grson of William Spiller b about 1669 William Co Va and Lucy King/ ?Mary Mason (a different William Spiller may be meant)
-1-1-1 Joseph Hawkins b BET 1734 AND 1741 in St. Mark's Parish, Spotsylvania Co d aft 1803 son of John Hawkins b BEF 1687 and Mary Long b: 1693 in Gloucester Co Va
m Susannah Petty b ABT 1748 in Orange Co dau of John Petty b: 1702 in Richmond Co Va and Rebecca Simms b BEF 1726 in Richmond Co
-2-1-1 Benjamin SPILLER, b. 1764, d 1854 m Elizabeth BENSON , b. 1785, d. 1848
-2-1-2 William Jackson SPILLER, b 12 December 1769, d. 1851 m 1789 in Robertson Co Tn Winifred Benson
-2-1-3 Elijah SPILLER, b. abt. 1763
-2-1-4 Elizabeth SPILLER, b. abt. 1765
-2-1-5 Lydia SPILLER, b 06 May 1771, d 06 July 1843 m March 10, 1786 in Robertson Co. TN John Pekin Duncan Jr. b 31 Dec 1763 in Culpeper Co Va
-2-1-6 Nancy SPILLER, b. abt. 1773/69 Robertson Tn d 1835 Williamson Ill m Abraham Tippy b 1770 in Germany
-2-1-7 Warrenton King SPILLER, b. 22 Dec 1779 d. 1853 m 25 Nov 1813 Celia Boren
-2-1-1-1 Annie SPILLER, d aft. 1840
-2-1-1-2 Jesse SPILLER, b abt. 1806, d 17 April 1868
-2-1-1-3 Simeon SPILLER, b 7 Nov 1807, d 21 September 1838
-2-1-1-4 Frances SPILLER, b 7 Nove 1807, d 18 April 1883
-2-1-1-5 Warrenton SPILLER, . 1810, d 23 March 1854
-2-1-1-6 Nancy SPILLER, b abt 1814
-2-1-1-7 Elizabeth SPILLER, b 03 June 1817, d 9 Mar 1885
-2-1-1-8 Lydia SPILLER, b 6 Oct 1819, d 8 Feb 1876
-2-1-1-9 Olive SPILLER, b 11 Aug 1822, d 15 Nov 1845
-2-1-1-10 Louisa SPILLER, b 11 Nov 1825, d. 03 Dec 1882
-2-1-1-11 Daniel C 1 Jan 1816, Robertson Co Tn
-2-1-1-12 Emma Winifred 1 Jan 1816 Robertson, Tn
-2-1-1-13 Leanna b 17 Nov 1818, Illinois
-2-1-2-1 John B. SPILLER, b 27 Mar 1813 Robertson Tn d 3 August 1863
-2-1-2-2 Sallie SPILLER, b 1801, d 6 March 1876
-2-1-2-3 Mary SPILLER, b 1798, d. 1854
-2-1-2-4 Elijah Nicholson SPILLER, b. 14 October 1803, d. 09 March 1867
-2-1-2-5 William D. SPILLER, b 1809, d. 1876
-2-1-2-6 Hannah SPILLER, b 01 January 1811, d. 1874
-2-1-2-7 Daniel SPILLER
-2-1-2-8 Nancy SPILLER
-2-1-2-9 Winifred SPILLER, b 1816, d. 1855
-2-1-2-10 Leannah SPILLER, b 17 November 1818, d. 1896
-2-1-2-11 Martin SPILLER
-2-1-2-12 Miffie SPILLER
-2-1-5-1 John Melcher Duncan b 2 FEB 1788 in Logan, Ky
-2-1-5-2 John Pekin Duncan b 1790 in ,Robertson,Tn
-2-1-5-3 Warrenton Spiller Duncan b 14 FEB 1792 in Robertson,Ten
-2-1-5-4 James Duncan b 1 MAY 1794 in Robertson,Tn
-2-1-5-5 Benjamin Duncan b ABT 1796 in Robertson,Tn
-2-1-5-6 Abraham Duncan b ABT 1798 in Robertson,Tn
-2-1-5-7 Anna Duncan b ABT 1800 in Robertson,Tn
-2-1-5-8 DuncanRiley b ABT 1802 in ,Robertson, Tn
-2-1-5-9 William H Duncan b 6 MAR 1803 in Robertson, Tn
-2-1-5-10 Thomas J Duncan b 22 OCT 1805 in Marion Ill
-2-1-5-11 Emaline Duncan b 1807 in Marion Ill
-2-1-5-12 Rachel Duncan b 1813 in Marion Ill
-2-1-5-13 Mary Moore Duncan b 1 MAY 1814 in Marion, Ill
-2-1-6-1 John Tippy b abt 1795 Davidson Tn d 1850 Williamson Ill m Louis/Lois
-2-1-6-1-1 Edwrad H Tippey b 2 Oct 1818 in Ill d Apr 1870
-2-1-6-2 Leanna Nicholas Tippy m y Phillips
-2-1-6-2-1 x Phillips m y Sperry
-2-1-6-2-1-1 F. M. Sperry
-2-1-6-3 Sally Elizabeth Tippy b abt 1801 Tn
-2-1-6-4 Sarah Tippy b abt 1802 Tn
-2-1-6-5 James Tippy b abt 1803 Tn
-2-1-6-6 Abner Tippy b abt 1805 Tn
-2-1-6-7 Luranna Tippy b abt 1807 Tn
-2-1-6-8 William Tippy b abt 1808 Tn
-2-1-6-9 Elijah Tippy b abt 1809 Tn
-2-1-6-10 Braxton Lee b abt 1812 Tn
-2-1-6-11 Abraham Tippy b 1817
-2-1-6-12 Edwin Tippy b abt 1819
-2-1-6-13 Isaac Tippy abt 1820
-2-1-6-14 Nancy Minerva Tippy b abt 1822
-2-1-6-15 Nicholas Tippy
Ni12-? possibly related to the above was:

Nicholls of Tannington

compliments to
George NICHOLLS b 1431 in Tannington, Suffolk
m 1456 in Tannington Alice b 1436 in Tannington
Ni11 John NICHOLLS b 1457 Tannington
m 1482 in Tannington Jane b 1462 in Tannington
Ni11-1 George NICHOLLS b 1483 in Tannington, Suffolk
Ni11-2 Robert NICHOLLS b 1485 Tannington d after 1 Jan 1525
m 1508 in Brundish Suffolk Anne COLBY [Parents] 1, 2, 3 was born 1488 in Brundish
Ni11-2-1 Isabel NICHOLLS 1 was born 1509 in Brundish, Suffolk, England.
Ni11-2-2 Anne NICHOLLS 1 was born 1511 in Brundish, Suffolk, England.
Ni11-2-3 Katherine NICHOLLS 1 was born 1513 in Brundish, Suffolk, England.
Ni11-2-4 John NICHOLLS Gentleman b 1516 Brundish, Suffolk d 3 Dec 1586 in Brundish
m1 1545 in Brundish, Cecily MERRILL b 1525 in Manningtree d 1569 in Brundish dau of Walter Merrill b 1500 Manningtree
-1 William NICHOLLS b 1546 in Brundish
-2 John NICHOLLS b 1548 m 12 Nov 1570 in Brundish Alice BROWNE b 1550 in Brundish d Sep 1571 in Brundish
-3 Jane NICHOLLS b 1551 in Brundish,
-4 Dorothy NICHOLLS b 1554 d Mar 1617 m Thomas STRATTON b 1546 in Shotley, Suffolk d 29 May 1596 in Dedham, Essex
-5 Anne NICHOLLS b 1557 in Brundish
-6 Susan NICHOLLS b 1560 Brundish m 26 Jul 1580 in Laxfield Suffolk Richard COKES b 1556 in Laxfield, Suffolk

-4-1 Thomas STRATTON bap 24 Feb 1574 in Shotley, Suffolk
-4-2 Susanna STRATTON b 1575 in Shotley, Suffolk d Jan 1594 in Shotley, Suffolk bur 19 Jan 1594 in Shotley
-4-3 Anne STRATTON bap 1 Sep 1577 in Shotley, Suffolk d Mar 1592 in Shotley bur 3 Mar 1592 in Shotley
-4-4 Dorothy STRATTON bap 1 17 Dec 1579 in Shotley, Suffolk d Oct 1580 in Shotley bur 16 Oct 1580 in Shotley
-4-5 John STRATTON b 12 Oct 1581 and died May 1627 m Anne Drehaugh b 1580 Badingham Suffolk
-4-6 Dorcas STRATTON b 1583 in Shotley, Suffolk d Apr 1595 in Shotley bur 30 Apr 1595 in Shotley
-4-7 Benjamin STRATTON b 1585 in Shotley, Suffolk d May 1627 in Shotley buried 23 May 1627 in Shotley
-4-8 Mary STRATTON b 1587 in Shotley
-4-9 Elizabeth STRATTON b 1589 in Shotley, Suffolk d Feb 1599 in Shotley bur 21 Feb 1599 in Shotley
-4-10 Joseph STRATTON b 1591 Shotley, Suffolk d 1641 James City Parish, VA m 1617 in Shotley Suffolk Joan
-4-11 Sarah STRATTON b 1593 in Shotley, Suffolk

-4-5-1 John STRATTON bap 8 Nov 1604 d 1644.
-4-5-2 Thomas STRATTON bap 8 Jan 1606 in Badingham
-4-5-3 William STRATTON bap 28 Apr 1607 in Badingham d Dec 1631 in Ardleigh, Essex
-4-5-4 Margaret STRATTON b 1609 in Badingham d May 1617 in Shotley bur 26 May 1617 in Shotley
-4-5-5 Anne STRATTON bap 13 Feb 1612 in Badingham
-4-5-6 Anthony STRATTON bap 5 Apr 1615 in Badingham
-4-5-7 Elizabeth STRATTON b 1617 and died before 29 Jul 1668 m Salem MA John Thorndike b 1600 Great Waddington Suffolk d Nov Westminster London.
-4-5-8 Dorothy STRATTON b 1619 in Badingham d after 19 Jul 1641.
-4-5-9 Mary STRATTON b 1621 in Badingham

-4-5-7-1 Anne THORNDIKE b 1636 in Ipswich, Essex, Ma d after 29 Jul 1668 in Westminster London
-4-5-7-2 Sarah THORNDIKE b 1638 d 1672 m 10 Dec 1661 Ipswich MA John Low bap 2 Mar 1634 Boxford Suffolk d Jan 1706 Ipswich MA
-4-5-7-3 Elizabeth THORNDIKE b 1640 d 30 Aug 1672 m John Proctor bap 9 Oct 1631 Assington Suffolk d 19 Aug 1692 Salem MA + 7 ch he m2 Martha Jackson + 5 ch m3 Elizabeth Bassett son of John Proctor b 1595 Assington Suffolk d Oct 1672 Ipswich MA and Martha Harper b 1607 Groton Suffolk d Sep 1672 Ipswich MA
-4-5-7-4 Capt Paul THORNDIKE b 1642 d Dec 1697 m Mary Patch b 6 Apr 1649 Salem MA d Mar 1718 Beverly MA
-4-5-7-5 Mary THORNDIKE b 1649 in Ipswich, Essex, Ma d 5 after 30 Mar 1674.
-4-5-7-6 Alice THORNDIKE was born 1652 d after 14 Dec 1690.
-4-5-7-7 Martha THORNDIKE b 1654 in Ipswich, Essex, Ma bap 10 Apr 1669 in Westminster Abbey, Westminster d after 3 Jul 1672

-4-5-7-2-1 John LOW b 24 Apr 1665 in Ipswich
-4-5-7-2-2 Elizabeth LOW b 18 Oct 1667 in Ipswich
-4-5-7-2-3 Margaret LOW b 26 Jan 1669 in Ipswich
-4-5-7-2-4 Thorndike LOW b 1672 in Ipswich
-4-5-7-3-1 Elizabeth PROCTOR b 1663 in Salem, d 5 after 29 Nov 1678.
-4-5-7-3-2 Martha PROCTOR b 1 Apr 1665 in Salem d 5 10 May 1665 in Salem m Nathaniel Gowing b 1663 Lynn MA
-4-5-7-3-3 Martha PROCTOR b 4 Jun 1666.
-4-5-7-3-4 Mary PROCTOR b 20 Oct 1667 in Salem d 15 Feb 1668 in Salem
-4-5-7-3-5 John PROCTOR b 28 Oct 1668 in Salem d 23 Mar 1749 in Danvers, MA
-4-5-7-3-6 Mary PROCTOR b 30 Jan 1670 in Salem
-4-5-7-3-7 Thorndike PROCTOR b 15 Jul 1672 in Salem d 1758 in Salem
-4-5-7-4-1 Mary THORNDIKE b 8 Jan 1669 d Oct 1732.
-4-5-7-4-2 Elizabeth THORNDIKE b 14 Oct 1670 d after 7 Sep 1729.
-4-5-7-4-3 Hannah THORNDIKE b 14 May 1673.
-4-5-7-4-4 Captain John THORNDIKE b 22 Jan 1675 d 24 Mar 1760.
-4-5-7-4-5 Paul THORNDIKE wb 17 Apr 1677 d 14 Feb 1742.
-4-5-7-4-6 Martha THORNDIKE b 1681 d 5 Dec 1764.
-4-5-7-4-7 Herbert THORNDIKE b 1684 d 6 Jan 1762
Ni11-2-5 Lewis NICHOLLS 1 was born 1519 in Brundish, Suffolk, England.
Ni11-2-6 Dorothy NICHOLLS was born 1522
m John Goldingham of Banham 1520 in Belstead, Suffolk
-1 Judith GOLDINGHAM b 1545 in Banham, Norfolk
-2 Anne GOLDINGHAM b 1547 in Banham, Norfolk
-3 >Francis GOLDINGHAM b 1549 in Banham, Norfolk
-4 Dorothy GOLDINGHAM b 1551 in Banham, Norfolk
-5 Christopher GOLDINGHAM b 1553 in Banham, Norfolk
-6 Sarah GOLDINGHAM b 1556 in Banham, Norfolk
Ni11-2-7 Erasmus NICHOLLS b 1525 Brundish Suffolk m 1561 Bramford Suffolk Margery x
Ni11-3 John NICHOLLS b 1488 in Tannington
Ni8-? possibly related to the above was:
y Nichols
-1 y Nichols -1-1 Simon Nichols/Nickols b 1803/4 Louisiana d after 1872 Lauderdale Co MS m Rosa Randall -1-1-1 Col Toney Nichols m 25 Mar 1842 MS d Meridian Lauderdale Co MS m Martha A Robinson dau of Berry H/?K Robinson and Sarah Shannon ancestors of Jennifer Marie Isbell, anthour's DNA match ancestors of George Robert Nichols, anthour's DNA match

Armistead Pedigree

Ar15 Robert Armistead
Ar14 John Armistead
Ar13 Roger Armistead
married Epham Hill.
Ar12 Anthony Armistead
married Frances Thompson
Ar11 William Armistead
married Anne E. Ellis
Ar10 John Armistead married Judith Bowles Robinson daughter of John J. Robinson
Ar9 Judith Armistead m Robert "King" Carter

de Ayala Pedigree

Gu23 Pedro Fernandez married Urraca Palomeque
Gu22 Gomez Perez de Toledo y Polemeque
married Arabuena Armildez
Gu21 Fernan Gomez de Toledo married Teresa Vasquez de Acuna daughter of
Gu20 Gomez Perez de Toledo Vazquez married Teresa Garcia de Toledo daughter of Diego Garcia de Toledo and Maria Garcia Gudiel
Gu19 Diego Gómez de Guzmán married Inés de Ayala Ay19 daughter of Fernan Perez de Ayala and Elvira Alvarez de Zavallos and granddaughter of Pedro Lopez de Ayala and Sancha Fernendez Barroso and Diego Gutierrez de Zavallos and Juana Garcia Carrillo
Ay18 Sancha de Ayala
m Walter le Blount

Bacon Pedigree

Ba17 Edmund Bacon married Elizabeth Croft daughter of Thomas Crofts and Susan Poley
Ba16 John Bacon married Agnes Cockfield daughter of and
Ba15 Robert Bacon
married Isabella Cage daughter of John Cage
Ba14 James Bacon
married Margaret Rawlins daughter of William Rawlins
Ba13 James Bacon married Elizabeth Bacon daughter of .Farncis Bacon and Anne Drury and granddaughter of Thomas Bacon and Ann Rous and John Drury and Elizabeth Goldingham and great granddaughter of John Bacon Ba16 and Agnes Cockfield
Ba12 James Bacon married Martha Woodward daughter of George Wooward and Elizabeth Honywood
Ba11 Nathaniel Bacon married Elizabeth Kingsmill daughter ofRichard Kingsmill descendant of Alexander de Greene
Ba10 Elizabeth Bacon
m John Nuthall

Bassett Pedigree

Ba28=32. Ralph Basset, Justiciar of England (b c1076, d 1120)
Ba27 =31. Geoffrey de Ridel (b c 1128, d 21.08.1189)

Ba26 =30 Richard Basset of Welden
Ba25 =29 Ralph Basset of Welden (d before 1257)
Ba24 =28. Ralph Basset of Weldon or Weldon (d 1257/8)
Ba23 =27 Richard Basset of Great Weldon (d 1276)
Ba22 Ralph Bassetof Great Weldon married Alianore Wade (dau of Henry de la Wade of Bletchingdon & Stanton Harcourt, King's Cook
Ba21 Ralph Bassett married Joan de Huntingfield daughter of Roger de Huntingfield by Joyce daughter of John Engaine of Laxton and Blatherwick
Ba20=24 Ralph Bassett
m Joane ?de la Pole or ?Sturdon of Winterbourne, Gloucestershire
Ba19=23 Eleanor Bassett
m John Knyvett Kn19 son of Richard Knyvett Kn20 and Joan Wourch

Beauchamp Pedigree

married daughter of and
Be25 William de Beauchamp
m Joane Walerie daughter of
Be24 Walter de Beauchamp married Bertha de Braos daughter of William de Braose and Maud de Waleran
Be23 Robert Beauchamp married Alice de Mohun daughter of Reynold de Mohun and Hawise FitzPiers de Mandeville
Be22 John de Beauchamp married Cicely de Vivonne daughter of William Vivonne and Maud Ferrers
Be21 John de Beauchamp married Joan Chenduit daughter of and
Be20 John de Beauchamp married Margaret de St. John daughter of John de St. John and Isabel de Courtenay daughter of Hugh de Courtenay Co22= below and Alianora le Despencer
Be19 Eleanor de Beauchamp
m John le Blount Bl19 son of Walter Blount and Johanna de Sodington

Beverley Pedigree

The earlier Beverleys have escaped exact connection, but a son of this manorial line was employed in the Household of Richard III and there was a line of the Percys seated in Beverley, whether that line assumed the name of de Beverley after the Battle of Shrewsbury or the manor was inherited by the husband of an heiress are open possibilities
Be15 John Beverley married Agnes Draycott daughter of Thomas Draycott
Be14 Thomas Beverley married Eleanor Vincent daughter of Marmaduke Vincent and Ann Bowes
Be13 Robert Beverley married Frances Fairfax daughter of Henry Fairfax and Dorothy Aske and granddaughter of William Fairfax and Isabel Thwaits
>Be12 Peter Beverley married Susanna Hollis daughter of James Boyd and Catherine Crayke
Be11 Robert Beverley
married Margaret Boyd daughter of and
Be10 Peter Beverley married Elizabeth Peyton daughter of Robert Peyton and Mary Keeble
Be9 Ann Beverley
m Henry Whiting

Beaumont Pedigree

Br26. Gautier II, Count de Brienne, Seigneur de Ramerupt (d c1161) married Adele de Beaumont (dau of Andre de Beaumont) Be26 Raoul VII (Roscelin) de Beaumont, Vicomte de Maine and Beaumont (d c1176) married Constance (dau of Henry I 'Beauclerc', King of England)
Br25. Evrard II, Count de Brienne (d Acre 08.02.1191) married Agnes de Nevers (dau of Guiillaume III de Nevers, Auxerres, et Tonnerre) Be25 Richard I de Beaumont, Vicomte de Maine and Beaumont (d after 1199) married Lucie de l'Aigle (d after 1217, dau of Richard II de l'Aigle)
Br24 Jean de Brienne, King of Jerusalem, Emperor of Constantinople (d 1237) married Maria of Montferrat, Queen of Jerusalem (b 1191, d 1212) Be24 Raoul VIII, Vicomte de Beaumont married before 1212 Agnes
Richard de Beaumont possibly ancestor of otherancestors
Br=Be23 Louis de Brienne married Agnes de Beaumont daughter of Raoul VIII see above
Be22 Henry de Beaumont married Alice Comyn daughter of Alexander Comyn and Joan le Latimer and granddaughter of Alexander Comyn, 6th Earl of Buchan and Elizabeth de Quincy
Be21 John de Beaumont married Eleanor Plantagenet daughter of HenryPlantagenet and and Matilda de Chaworth
Be20 Henry de Beaumont married Margaret de Vere daughter of John de Vere and Maud de Badlesmere
Be19 John de Beaumont married Catherine Everingham daughter of Thomas Everingham
Be18 Henry de Beaumont married Elizabeth Willoughby daughter of William Willoughby and Lucy le Strange and granddaughter of Robert Willoughby and Alice Skipwith and Roger le Strange and Alaive FitzAlan
Be17 John de Beaumont married Elizabeth Phelip daughter of William Phelip and Joan Bardolf daughter of Thomas Bardolf and Hawise Cromwell
Be16 Joan Beaumont
m William Stanley

le Blount Pedigree

This family begins with the princes imposed on Denmark by the Swedes whose Yngling descent has yet to be detailed. The name obviously means "the blond". Three brothers fought with the Conqueror at Hastings, one had overseen the building of the ships that carried his men and horses over the channel and commanded the fleet during this operation. Hence their rewards were great when the spoils were divided.

Bl25 William le Blount of Ixworth married 1 Sarah de Munchensy and had Gilbert le Blount of Ixworth married 2nd x and had William le Blount of Saxlingen
Bl24 Gilbert le Blount married Agnes de Insula Bl24 William le Blount
Bl23 Stephan le Blount m Bl23Marie le Blount
Bl22 Robert le Blount married Isabel Oddingselles daughter of William de Oddingselles and Ella Plantagenet Be23 Wacheline de Beauchamp married Joane de Mortimer daughter of Roger de Mortimer, lord of Wigmore and Isabel de Ferrieres
Bl21 William le Blount married Isabel de Beauchamp daughter of William de Beauchamp Be22 and Isabel Mauduit
Bl20 Walter Blount married Johanna de Sodington daughter of Ralph de Sodington
Bl19 John le Blount married Eleanor de Beauchamp daughter of John de Beauchamp and Margaret de St. John
Bl18 Walter le Blount married Sancha de Ayala daughter of Diego Gómez de Guzmán and Inés de Ayala
Bl17 Thomas le Blount married Margaret Greseley
Bl16 Walter le Blount married Ellen Byron daughter of John Byron and Margery Booth
Bl15 William le Blount and Margaret Echyngham daughter of Thomas Eychingham and Margaret West
Bl14 Elizabeth Blount m Andrew de Windsor

de Bohun Pedigree

Bo27 Humphrey de Bohun married Margery de Gloucester daughter of Miles de Gloucester and
Bo26 Humphrey de Bohun married Margaret de Scotland daughter of Henry de Scotland and Ada de Warenne
Bo25 Henry de Bohun married Maud FitzGeoffrey daughter of Geoffrey FitzPiers, 1st Earl of Essex
Bo24 Humphrey de Bohun married Maud de Lusignan daughter of Ralph de Lusignan and Alix d'Eu
Bo23 Humphrey de Bohun married Eleanor de Briouze daughter of Williamde Braose and Eva Marshall
Bo22 Humphrey de Bohun married Maud de Fiennes daughter of Ingelramde Fiennes and Maud de Hampden
Bo21 Humphrey de Bohun married Elizabeth Plantagenet daughter of Edward I Plantagenet and Eleanor de Castile et Leon
Bo20 Margaret de Bohun
m Hugh de Courtenay

Brown Pedigree

(upper four generations still just guesswork)
Br13 Sir Anthony Browne married Lucy Nevill daughter of Sir John Nevill, Earl of Northumberland,
Br12 Sir Anthony Browne of Battle Abbey and Cowdray Park married Jane Ratcliffe (b c1532, d 22.07.1552, dau of Robert Ratcliffe, 1st Earl of Sussex
Br11 ?Sir George Browne of Wickham Brews Mary Tyrwhitt daughter of Sir Robert Tyrwhitt of Kettleby
Br10 ?George Browne married ?Eleanor Blount
Br9 James Brown married Rosanna
Br8 James Brown I
Br7 James Brown II married Elizabeth Clarkson daughter of Richard Clarkson
Br6 James Brown III
m Urath Owings Lawrence

Carter Pedigree

Ct11 John Carter married Bridget Benion
Ct10 John Carter married Sarah Ludlow daughter of Gabriel Ludlow and Phylis Wakelyn
Ct9 Robert Carter married Judith Armistead daughter of John Armistead and Judith Bowles Robinson
Ct8 Elizabeth Carter
George Nicholas

Cary pedigree

Ca16 Sir William Cary an eminent Lancastrian, who with other Lancastrians upon the issue of the Battle of Tewkesbury in 1471 fled to the Abbey of Tewkesbury for sanctuary, the sanctity of the Abbey was violated by the pursuing Yorkist and a bloody stalemate ensued because the portal was too narrow for enough Yorkists to gain access to have an advantage over the Lancastrians, so Lancastrians were brought forth under promise of pardon but treacherously tried and beheaded instead. This breach of promise ultimately brought on the fall of the House of York as Lancastrian support went to Tudor. He married Elizabeth Paulett Pa16 daughter of William Paulett and Elizabeth Denebaud. The Paulet line was founded William de Paulet of Leigh Paulet, a natural son of Henry II
Ca15 Robert Cary married Agnes Hody daughter of William Hody and Eleanor Malet and granddaughnewblank" target="blank">Hody and Elizabeth Jewe
Ca14 Wiiliam Cary married Joan Herle
Ca13 Richard Cary married Christian Dennis
Ca12 William Cary married Alice Goodall
Ca11 John Cary married Alice Hobson
Ca9 Miles Cary married Mary Wilson daughter of William Wilson and Jane
Ca8 Wilson Cary married Sarah Pate daughter of John Pate
Ca7 Anne Cary
m Robert Carter Nicholas

de Courtenay Pedigree

Co27. Miles, Sire de Courtenay married Ermingarde de Nevers
Co26 Renaud de Courtenay married hawise du Donjon daughter of and
Co25 Renaud de Courtenay married Hawise de Courcy daughter of and
Co24 Robert de Courtenay married Mary de Vernon daughter of William de Vernon de Reviers and Mabel de Beaumont
Co23 John de Courtenay married Isabel de Vere daughter of Hugh de Vere and Hawise de Quincy
Co22 Hugh de Courtenay married Alianora le Despencer daughter of Hugh Despencer and Aline Bassett
Co21 <Hugh de Courtenay married Agnes St. John daughter of John de St. John and Alice Fitzpiers
Co20 Hugh de Courtenay married Margaret de Bohun daughter of Humphrey de Bohun and Elizabeth Plantagenet daughter of Edward I Plantagenet and Eleanor de Castile et Leon
Co19 Elizabeth de Courtenay
m Andrew Lutterell

Etchingham Pedigree

Ec22 William de Eychingham married Eva de Stopeham daughter of Ralph Stopham and Isabella
Ec21 Richard de Eychingham married Matilda
Ec20 James de Eychingham married Joan
Ec19 William de Eychingham married Elizabeth de Criol daughter of Nicholas de Criol and Elizabeth
Ec18 William de Eychingham married Joan Fitzalan daughter of John Fitzalan and Eleanor Maltravers
Ec17 Thomas Eychingham married Margaret Knyvet daughter of John Knyvett and Joan de Botetourt
Ec16 Thomas Eychingham married Margaret West daughter of Reginald West and Margaret Thorley
Ec15 Margaret Echyngham
m William le Blount

FitzAlan Pedigree

Fi26. William Fitzalan married Isabel Say daughter of Ingram de Saye
Fi25 John FitzAlan married Isabella d'Aubigny daughter of William d'Aubigny and Mabel de Meschines
Fi24 John FitzAlan married Maud de Verdon daughter of Theobald de Butler and Roesia de Verdon
Fi23 John FitzAlan married Isabel Mortimer daughter of Roger de Mortimer and Maudde Braose
Fi22 Richard FitzAlan married Alice de Saluzzo daughter of Thomas Saluzzo and Luisa di Ceva
Fi21 Edmund Fitzalan married Alice de Warren daughter of William de Warren and Joan de Vere
Fi20 Richard FitzAlan married Eleanor Plantagenet daughter of Henry Plantagenet and Maud de Chaworth
Fi19 John Fitzalan married Eleanor Maltravers daughter of John Maltravers and Gwenthliam
Fi18 Joan Fitzalan
m William de Eychingham

de Greene Pedigree

Gr24. Alexander de Grene married Isabelle de Cantilupe. The de Greene family is a junior branch of the la Zouche family, descendants of the Dukes of Brittany and possibly though probably not Tiberius Claudius Nero
Gr23 Walter de Grene
Gr22 John de Grene
Gr21 Thomas de Grene married Alice Bottisham daughter of Thomas Bottisham
Thomas de Grene married Lucy la Zouche
Gr19 Henry de Grene, Chief Justice ancestor of Presidents Taft and Harrison married Catherine de Drayton daughter of Simon de Drayton and Margaret Lindsey
Gr18 =20 Thomas de Greene of Boughton m. Maud/Margery/Isabella Marblethorne
Gr19 Sir Thomas Greene m Mary Talbot daughter of Richard Talbot, 4th Lord, by Ankeret le Strange
Gr18 Sir Thomas Greene mPhilippa de Ferrers (dau of Robert Ferrers, 5th Lord of Chartley, by Margaret Despencer
Gr17 Elizabeth Greene m. in 1440 William Raleigh ancestors of Richard Kingsmill
Gr18 Walter Greene
Gr17 Walter Greene married 1st a daughter of Adam de Sancto Ivone and 2nd Elizabeth Warner or ?Edith Latimer
Gr16 Joan Greene
m Miles de Windsor Wi16,

Lawrence Pedigree

The American progenitor of this family probably immigrated to Accomac Virginia sometime after Feb 1623 and perished in the great hurricane of 6 Sept. 1667 there. Under the assumption that his son Benjamin was born about 1640 in Accomac Co., Virginia, his birth year has to be set before 1625 with a probability of about 1615.
La12 Benjamin Lawrence married Ann Ascomb As12
La11 Benjamin Lawrence and Elizabeth Talbott daughter of Richard Talbott and Elizabeth Ewen and possibly granddaughter of Sir RobertTalbott and Grace Calvert daughter of George Calvert and Anne Mynne
La10 Benjamin Lawrence and Rachel Mariarti daughter of Edward Mariarti and Honor ?Stafford
La9 Leavin Lawrence married Susannah Dorsey daughter of John Dorsey and Honor Stafford and granddaughter of Edward Dorsey and Sarah Wyatt
La8 Benjamin Lawrence married Urith Randall Owings daughter of Samuel Owings and Urath Randall daughter of Thomas Randall and Hannah Bale. Samuel Owings was the son of Richard Owings and Rachel Beale daughter of Ninian Beale and Ruth (Polly) Moore
La7 Sanmel Lawrence married Sarah Hobbs daughter of Nicholas Hobbs and Elizabeth Cumming
La6 Urath Owings Lawrence
m James Brown III

Ludlow Pedigree

Lu17 William Ludlow married Margaret Rymer daughter of and
Lu16 John Ludlow married Lora Ringwood daughter of Thomas Ringwood and Isabel Feteplace
Lu15 John Ludlow married Philippa Bulstrode daughter of William Bulstrode and Jane Strangwick
Lu14 William Ludlow married Jane Moore daughter of Nicholas Moore and Dorothy Southwell
Lu13 George Ludlow married Edith Windsor daughter of Andrew de Windsor and Elizabeth Blount daughter of William le Blount and Margaret Echyngham and granddaughter of Walter le Blount and Ellen Byron and Thomas Eychingham and Margaret West
Lu12 Thomas Ludlow married Jane Pyle daughter of Thomas Pyle and Elizabeth Laugarish
Lu11 Gabriel Ludlow and Phylis Wakelyn
Lu10 Sarah Ludlow
m John Carter

Lutterell Pedigree

Lu24 Geoffrey de Luttrel married Frethesant Paynell Pa24 daughter of William Paynel Pa25
Lu23 Andrew de Luterel married Pernel ?de la Mere /td>
Lu22 Alexander de Luterel married Margerie
Lu21 Andrew Luttrell married Elizabeth de Raleigh daughter of Warin de Raleigh Ra22 and
Lu20 John Luttrell married Joan Mohun Mo20 daughter of John de Mohun Mo21 and Joan de Ferrers Fe23
Lu19 Andrew Lutterell married Elizabeth de Courtenay daughter of Hugh de Courtenay and Margaret de Bohun
Lu18 Hugh Lutterell married Catherine de Beaumont daughter of John de Beaumont and Jean Stockhay
Lu17 Elizabeth Lutterell
m John Stratton

Nuthall Pedigree

Nu15 John Nuthall married Agnes Griffin daughter of John Griffin
Nu14 Richard Nuthall married Jane Horton daughter of Roger Horton and Alice Manley
Nu13 Richard Nuthall married Alice Birkenhead daughter of Thomas Hurlton and Margaret Birckenhead
Nu12 John Nuthall married Jane Newport daughter of Robert Newport
Nu11 John Nuttle married Mary Hyde daughter of Robert Hyde and Beatrice Calverly
Nu10 John Nuthall married Elizabeth Bacon daughter of Nathaniel Bacon and Elizabeth Kingsmill
Nu9 Eleanor Nuthall
m Thomas Sprigg son of Thomas Sprigg and Katherine Griffin

Overton Pedigree

Ov17 Thomas Overton married Idonea
Ov16 William Overton married Elizabeth x
Ov15 Christopher Overton and Alice Swift
Ov14 Henry Overton married x Thorpe
Ov13 Christopher Overton married x Wright daughter of John Wright and Elizabeth Thorpe
Ov12 John Overton married Joanne Snawsell daughter of Robert Snawsell and Anne Waters and granddaughter of Brian Snawsell and Elizabeth Wentworth
Ov11 Robert Overton married Ann Gardiner daughter of Jeremy Gardiner and Ann Potticary
Ov10 William Overton and Mary Elizabeth Waters
Ov9 James Overton married Elizabeth Garland daughter of Edward Garland and Mary Jane Jennings
Ov8 Ann "Nancy" Overton
m Richmond Terrell Te8 son of Richmond Terrill .and Catherine Crump

Peyton Pedigree

The Peytons are a very ancient family originating as a junior branch of the Norman Malet family which was founded in England after the Conquest by Robert Malet, who married a daughter of Leofric III, Earl of Mercia and possibly Lady Godiva. Their younger son was granted Sibton and his son was granted Peyton Hall which lent the name to the Peytons ever since about 1200
Pe17 Robert Peyton married Elizabeth Clere daughter of Sir RobertClere of Ormesby (d 10.08.1529) andAlice Boleyn daughter of Sir William Boleyn or Bullen of Blickling, aunt of Queen Anne
Pe16 Robert Peyton married Frances Hasilden daughter of Francis Hasilden and Elizabeth Calthorpe
Pe15 Robert Peyton married Elizabeth Rich daughter of Richard Rich and Elizabeth Jenks and granddaughter of Richard Rich Ri17 and Joan Dingley Di17 and William Gynkes
Pe14 John Peyton married Alice Osborne daughter of Edward Osborne and Anne Hewett
Pe13 Edward Peyton married Martha Livesay daughter of Robert Livesay
Pe12 Thomas Peyton married Elizabeth Yelverton daughter of William Yelverton and Ursula Richardson and granddaughter of William Yelverton Ye14 and. Dionesse Stubbs St14 and Chief Justice Thomas Richardson Ri14 and Ursula Southwell
Pe11 Robert Peyton married Mary Keeble daughter of George Keeble and Mary Whitby daughter of William Whitby and Catherine Elizabeth Gorsuch
Pe10 Elizabeth Peyton
m Peter Beverley Be10. son of Robert Beverley and Margaret Boyd

Pope Pedigree

Po11 =12 Nathaniel Pope married Lucy Fox
Po10 =11 Nathaniel Pope married Mary Sisson/td>
Po9 =10 Nathaniel Pope married Jane Brown daughter of Original Brown and Jane Brooke
Po8 =9 Worden Pope married Hester Netherton
Po7 =8 Benjamin Pope married Behetheland Foote daughter of George Foote and Frances Berryman
Po6 Worden Pope married Elizabeth Taylor Thruston
Po5 Patrick Henry Pope married Sarah Lawrence Brown
Po4 Mary Anna Pope
George Nicholas
Po7 Thomas Pope b c 1745 VA
m 7 JUN 1768 in Fauquier Co Ann Duncan Du7 b ABT 1745,
Po6 Phyllis Ann Pope b: 26 MAY 1773 in Fauquier Co VA
m Charles Bland Bl6 b 2 DEC 1765 in VA d. 26 Sept 1842
Bl5 Thomas Pope Bland b 10 DEC 1791 in Lincoln Co VA = KY d JUN 1844 in Pike Co Missouri  bur 1844 Pike Co MO
Elizabeth Jennings Duncan b 1796 in VA
Bl4 Thomas Pope Bland b 1832 d 11 Feb 1914 in Bagdad, Shelby Co Ky
m 31 JAN 1861, Shelby Co KY Levicy Jane Harris 

Prather Pedigree

Pr12 Anthony Thomas Prater married Judith Ivey Iv12 daughter of Thomas Anthony Ivye and Elizabeth Malet daughter of Hugh Malet Ma14
and Isabel Michell and granddaughter of William Malett and Alice Younge
Pr11 Thomas Prater married Margaret Quintyne daughter of Henry Quintyne and Alice
Pr10 Thomas Prather married Mary McKay
Pr9 Jonathan Prather married Lyle Jane McKay
Pr8 Thomas Prather married Martha Sprigg daughter of Thomas Sprigg and Eleanor Nuthall daughter of John Nuthall and Elizabeth Bacon
Pr7 Thomas Prather II married Jeanette Smiley
Pr6 Thomas Prather III married Matilda Fontaine daughter of Aaron Fontaine Fo7 and Barbara Terrell daughter of Peter Fontaine Fo8 and Elizabeth Wade and granddaughter of James Fontaine Fo9 and Ann Elizabeth Boursiquot
Pr5 Matilda Prather
Samuel Smith Nicholas

Stanley Pedigree

St22 Sir William de Stanley of Stanley (b c1250, d 1284) married 1282 Joan de Bamville daughter of Sir Philip de Bamville of Stourtonand
St21 John de Stanley of Stourton and Stanley (b c1285, d 1346) ?married Emma Lathom daughter of Sir Robert de Lathom of Lathom or !! Mabella Hausket (dau of Sir James Hausket of Stourton Parva
St20 William de Stanley married Alice Massey
St19 Sir William de Stanley of Stourton, Stanley and Hooton (b 1337, d 1398) married 1361 Agnes daughter of Henry de Litherled
St18 Sir William de Stanley of Stourton, Stanley and Hooton (b 1368, d 1428) married 1386) Margery de Hooton (dau and heir of Sir William de Hooton
St18 =20 Isabelle Stanley m Sir Gilbert Haydock
Ha19 Joan haydock married 1st Sir Peter Leigh of Hanley & Lyme (died Agincourt 24.10.1415) married 2nd? Sir Richard Molyneaux
St19 John de Stanley married Isabel Lathom daughter of Thomas Lathom La20 and Joan Venables Ve20
St18 John Stanley married Elisabeth Harrington daughter of John Harrington Ha19 and Isabella English
St17 Thomas Stanley married Jean Goushill daughter of Robert Goushill Go18 and Elizabeth FitzAlan
St16 William Stanley married Joan Beaumont daughter of John de Beaumont Be17 and Elizabeth Phelip
St15 Jane Stanley
m John Warburton Wa15 son of Peter Warburton Wa16 and Helen Savage
St16 =17 Catherine Stanley married Sir John Savage of Clifton (b c1422, d 22.11.1495), knighted as a Yorkist after the Battle of Tewkesbury but the commander of the left wing of Henry Tudor's army at Bosworth Field.
Sa16 Christopher Savage married Anne Stanley see below
Ellen Savage married 1467 Peter Legh of Lyme (d 11.08.1527
St18 =21 Sir Thomas Stanley of Elford married Maud Arderne daughter of Sir John Arderne of Elford
St20 Sir John Stanley of Elford married Maud
St19 Anne Stanley married Christopher Savage

Stapleton Pedigree

St29 Herman de Stapleton
St28 y Stapleton
St27 y Stapleton
St26 Geoffrey de Stapleton
St25 Nicholas de Stapelton married Aline
St24 Nicholas de Stapelton married Juliana de Wath daughter of Robert de Wath and
St23 Nicholas Stapleton married Margery Bassett Ba23 daughter of and
St22 Julian Stapleton
m Richard de Windsor Wi22 son of William de Windsor Wi23 and Margaret Dorkenford

Terrell Pedigree

Te14<> David Turrolde born about 1520 in West Hagbourne, England d 1577/8 in West Hagbourne
Te13 William TYRROLD born about 1550 in West Hagbourne, England. Yeoman of West Hagbourne. d in 1587 in West Hagbourne
married Elizabeth ?Richmond
Te12 ? Robert Tyrrell married Jane Baldwin
Te11 Richmond Terrill married Elizabeth
Te10 Richmond Terrill married Mary Waters
Te9 Richmond Terrill married Catherine Crump
Te8 Richmond Terrell married Ann "Nancy" Overton daughter of James Overton and Elizabeth Garland
Te7 Barbara Terrell
m Aaron Fontaine son of Peter Fontaine and Elizabeth Wade.

Thruston Pedigree

Th13 Malachias Thruston
Th12 John Thruston married Thomasine Rich daughter of Peter Rich
Th11 Edward Thruston married Susannah Perry
Th10 Edward Thruston married Elizabeth Housden
Th9 John Thruston married Sarah Mynn daughter of Robert Minn My10 married Sarah Carey possibly daughter of James Carey
Th8 Charles Minn Thruston married Mary Buckner
Th7 John Thruston married Elizabeth Thruston Whiting daughter of Thomas Whiting Wh8 and Elizabeth Thruston daughter of John Thruston Th9 and Sarah Mynn
Th6 Elizabeth Taylor Thruston
m Worden Pope

Warburton Pedigree

Wa23. Peter Dutton de Warburton
Wa22 Geoffrey Warburton married Margaret
Wa21 Geoffrey Warburton married Ellin
Wa20 Geoffrey Warburton married Alice
Wa19 John Warburton married Agnes de Wevere daughter of Richard de Wevere
Wa18 Peter Warburton married Alice Braylsford
Wa17 Geoffrey Warburton married Ellen Bruyn
Wa16 Peter Warburton married Helen Savage Sa16 daughter of John Savage Sa17
and Matilda de Swynnerton
Wa15 John Warburton married Jane Stanley St15 daughter of William Stanley St16
and Joan Beaumont Be16 and granddaughter of Thomas Stanley St17 and Jean Goushill Go17 and John de Beaumont Be17 and Elizabeth Phelip Ph17
Wa14 Blanch Warburton
m William Davenport Da14 son of William Davenport Da15
and Margery Legh daughter of Robert Legh Le16 and Isabella Stanley St16 daughter of William Stanley St17 and Margerie Arderne Ar17

de la Ware Pedigree

Wa20 John de la Warr married Margaret Holand
Wa19 Roger de la Warre married Eleanor Mowbray Mo19 daughter of John de Mowbray Mo20 and
Elizabeth Segrave
Wa18 Joan de la Warr
Thomas West We18 son of Thomas West We19 and Alice FitzHerbert

West Pedigree

Ca23 Walter de Cantilupe married Melette de Dynan ; Mo23 John de Mohun married Joane de Ferrers Fe23 ; Fi23 Reynold FitzPiers married Alice
Ca22 William de Cantilupe married Mecelina de Bracy ; Mo22 John de Mohun married Eleanor FitzPiers
We21 Thomas West
We20 Thomas West married Alianore de Cantelupe Ca20 daughter of John de Cantilupe Ca21 s.a. and Margaret de Mohun Mo21 s.a.
We19 Thomas West married Alice FitzHerbert daughter of Reynold FitzHerbert Fi20 and Joan Hakluyt
We18 Thomas West married Joan de la Warr Wa18 daughter of Roger de la Warre Wa19 and Eleanor Mowbray Mo19
We17 Reginald West married Margaret Thorley Th17 daughter of Robert Thorley Th18 and Anne de la Pole Po18 daughter of Michael de la Pole Po19 and Catherine de Wingfield Wi19
We17 Margaret West
Thomas Eychingham II Ec16 son of Thomas Eychingham Ec17 and Margaret Knyvet Kn17

de Windsor Pedigree

Wi22 Richard de Windsor married Julian Stapleton St22 daughter of Nicholas Stapleton St23 and Margery Bassett daughter of Milo Bassett of Haddlesey
Wi21 Richard de Windsor married Julian Molynes Mo21 daughter of James Molynes andChristian Drokenbrode

Wi20 James de Windsor Wi20
Miles de Windsor marriedAlice de Wymondham daughter of Adam Wymondham
Wi18 Brian de Windsor married Alice Drew daughter of Thomas Drew
Wi17 Richard de Windsor married Christian Faulkner daughter of Richard Falconer
Wi16 Miles de Windsor married Joan Greene daughter of Walter Greene Gr17
and ?Edith Latimer
Wi15 Thomas de Windsor married Elizabeth Andrews daughter of John Andrews and
Elizabeth Stratton
Wi14 Andrew de Windsor married Elizabeth Blount daughter of William le Blount and Margaret Echyngham and granddaughter of Walter le Blount and Ellen Byron and Thomas Eychingham and Margaret West
Wi13 Edith Windsor
m George Ludlow

Wingfield Pedigree

married daughter of and
married daughter of and
Wi24. Robert de Wingfield married Joan Falstaff daughter of John Falstaff and
Thomas de Wingfield married Alice de Weyland daughter of Nicholas de Weyland and
Sir John de Wingfield (b about 1260 married Anne Peche daughter of Sir John Peche and Alice Haywar
Sir John de Wingfield (b about 1280d c1330 married Elizabeth_ Honypott daughter of and
Wi20 John de Wingfield married Alionora de Glanville Gl20 daughter of Sir Gilbert de Glanville and
Catherine de Wingfield Wi19 m Michael de la Pole Po19 son of William de la Pole Po20 and Margaret de Norwich No20

Wyatt Pedigree

Wy20 Robert Wiot and Jane Skipworth Sk20
Wy19 Geoffrey Wyatt married Ann Wiot
Wy18 Richard Wyatt married Margareta Bayliffe
Wy17 Henry Wyatt married Anne Skinner
Wy16 ThomasWyatt married Elizabeth Brooke daughter of Thomas Brooke and Dorothy Heydon and granddaughter of John Brooke and Margaret Neville and Henry Heydon and Ann Boleyn
Wy15 Thomas Wyatt married Jane Haute daughter of William Haute and Maria Guildford and granddaughter of Thomas Haute and Isabel Frowick and Richard Guildford and Ann de Pympe
Wy14 George Wyatt married Jane Finche daughter of Thomas Finch and Catherine Moyle daughter of Thomas Moyle and Katherin Jorden
Wy13 Haute Wyatt married Mary Milford
Wy12 Nicholas Wyatt married Damaris ?Stockwell and had Sarah Wyatt

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