Ann Duncan Born: c 1745
Died: 19 Jul 1839 Married: 7 JUN 1768 in Fauquier County, Virginia, Thomas Pope Po7 b c 1740 d 20 JUL 1821 in Lancaster, Garrard County, KY |
Po6-1 Jane Gale Pope b c 1765 m1 Robert Terrill d by 25 Jul 1806 m2 James Higginbotham Po6-2 Mary Ann Pope d 1806 m John Sutton Children Po6-3 Alexander Pope b by 1770 Po6-4 John Pope b c 1770 m Mary Vance d. 1815 Children Po6-5 Jeremiah Pope Po6-6 Humphrey Pope b c 1771 d c 1840 m Elizabeth Duncan b 1771 d 1825 dau of Samuel Duncan b c 1740 d 12 Mar 1825 and Nancy Withers Wi7 (daughter of James Withers and Catherine Barbee) Po6-7 Thomas Pope Jr b by 1772 m Elizabeth Lair daughter of Andrew Lair and Lady Frances Hubbard, July 27, 1803 in Garrard County, Kentucky Children Po6 Phyllis Ann Pope b 26 May 1773 in Fauquier, VA d 26 OCT 1818 in Garrard Co KY m 17 JAN 1791 in Lincoln Co VA/=KY Charles Bland (Bl6) b: 2 DEC 1765 in Virginia d. 26 Sept 1842 Po6-9 Elizabeth Pope b c 1780 m Nathaniel Robert Jurney b c 1770 d 1816 Children Po6-10 Robert Pope b by 1781 in Virginia Po6-11 William Pope b 25 FEB 1785 |