List of pedigrees Bland of Northern Neck Va. Nicholas of Roundway Hester of Fleming Co Ky Thruston Author's DNA match comparisons ![]() |
It is really something to sing and dance about. Dig up those old bones and get them dancing! |
![]() Find your roots! Get DNA tested too! |
Born: 2 DEC 1765 in Virginia
Died: 1842 Married: 17 Jan 1791 Phyllis Ann Pope Po6 b 26 MAY 1773 in Fauquier, Virginia |
Bland Y DNA Test Results |
Charles Bland and Phyllis Ann Pope had a family of fifteen children:
Bl5 Thomas Pope Bland b 10 DEC 1791 in Lincoln Co VA = KY d JUN 1844 in Pike Co Missouri bur 1844 Pike Co Missouri Bl5-2 Nancy Bland b 4 Jan 1793 Bl5-3 Sally Jaley Bland b 11 Nov 1794 Lincoln KY d 3 Apr 1863 Garrard KY m?1 Erasmus Wilmot b 1790 d 18 Apr 1829 m?2 Arthur Kiergan (disagreeing sources) Bl5-3-1 Sally Wilmot m William H. Crow Bl5-3-2 Benjamin F. Wilmot b 20 Sep 1818 Bl5-3-3 William Arthur Kirgan b c 1817 Cumberland KY m Sarah Whitten Bl5-3-4 James A Kirgan Bl5-3-5 Joseph Alexander Kirgan Bl5-3-6 Elbert M Kirgan Bl5-3-7 John Franklin Kirgan Bl5-3-8 Lusanna Caroline Kirgan Bl5-3-9 Martha Ann Kirgan Bl5-3-10 Simeon Simon Kirgan Bl5-3-11 Mary M Kirgan Bl5-3-12 Baby Kirgan Bl5-4 Mildred Bland b 1 May 1796 m Thomas Austin Bl5-5 Prudence Bland b 1 Oct 1797 m Robert Austin Bl5-5-1 y Austin Bl5-5-1-1 Will Austin Bl5-6 Benjamin Bland b: 07 Mar 1799 Bl5-7 Mary Bland b 10 Sep 1800 m James S Alderson b 18 Jul 1798 Bl5-8 Elizabeth Bland b: 21 Feb 1802 Bl5-9 John Bland b: 21 Jul 1804 d: 28 Feb 1858, m. Cynthia Ann Cox Bl5-10 Kisiah Bland b 12 Jan 1806 d 19 Feb 1860, m. James Brown Bl5-11 James Bland b 12 Jun 1808 Bl5-12 Julianne Bland b 17 Jan 1810, m. Thomas Pope Bl5-13 Charles Josiah Bland b 5 Mar 1812 d c 1 Jul 1894 Bl5-14 Hiram Bland b: 09 Feb 1814 d: 18 Feb 1858 Bl5-15 Alemander Bland b 20 Oct 1817 d 4 Dec 1897 m Margaret Bourne b 31 Aug 1819 d: Aft. 1897 Bl5-15-1 Charles Bland b 30 Sep 1841 Bl5-15-2 Alexander Bland b 1842 d 6 Jul 1870 m Mary Alford b 16 Oct 1846 d 18 Mar 1880 dau of y Alford Bl5-15-2-1 James William Bland b: 08 May 1866, m Cora Watson Curd b: 20 Aug 1877 Bl5-15-2-1-1 May Jessamine Bland b 05 Jul 1899 d: Mar 1989 m Roland W. James Bl5-15-3 John Bland b: 23 Mar 1845 |
During this period, a consortium of nine interested persons was formed to support the research efforts of Marie McLaughlin of Selma, Alabama into a number of unresolved issues. Marie's work is being supported by, in addition to myself (I have an active family interest in my own line), Marjorie Bade of Houston, Texas, Bill Bland of Florence, Alabama and his sister Carole Bland Yust of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Roy Bland of Midland, Texas, Carrie Scales Evans of Shuqulak, Mississippi, Reba Jo Curry Jones of Lubbock, Texas, Mary E. Murphy of East Palatka, Florida and Gordon Owens of Newton Square, Pennsylvania. Marie McLaughlin began her research in late May but was delayed by work demands and sickness. Though her production so far has been voluminous and informative, I have not had sufficient time to evaluate it for inclusion in this issue so will defer discussion of Alabama research findings until Volume 5, Number 1 (January 1987). I will send out raw material to each of the participants as soon as Marie has finished her research and will evaluate new findings in August and September to share with them. This shared interest and support is very much appreciated and has yielded much new information that will be of value to a much wider audience than the participants themselves.
The 1850 Census
I have just this Spring catalogued the Church
of Latter Day Saints listing of all names in the 1850 Census for the United
States. During the next few years, I would like to actually document
and annotate an edition of Bland, Blann and Blan names in the Census.
If any of you have actual manuscript records of the 1850 Census for any
particular family group, I would appreciate your sending them to me.
King and Queen County
This is a note of interest to descendants of John Bland and Margaret Osborne of NELSON COUNTY, KENTUCKY. There has been discussion in past issues about whether John Bland of Nelson County, Kentucky ever received a land grant for Revolutionary service. At Elizabethtown last August, Roberta Shannon Stimpson provided me with a series of documents that evidently resolve the issue in the negative. The smoking gun was a letter from Henry Guthrie of Martins Ferry, Ohio written to Richard Shackleford in Gloucester, Virginia January 16, 1854, which recounts his efforts to reconstitute a lost claim for John Bland's service, (Duplicate Warrant #2937, certified February 18, 1854). This and other documents clearly show that the man in question was heretofore known as John Bland of King and Queen County, Virginia (C1760-1846) most fully discussed in (AC 3-2, pp. 21-22). As will be noted below (see p.26) John of Nelson County had approximately 1500 acres of Kentucky land surveyed, (AC 2-2, p. 29) but all were documented as Treasury Warrants, not for military service. This does not mean that John did not serve in the Revolution (though he was over 50 when the war began) but thus far no one has found a valid claim that he did.
For descendants of John of King and Queen County,
Virginia, this documentation raises some problems. The 1854 documentation
states that the Revolutionary Soldier died "about thirty five years ago"
(meaning about 1819-1820). The standard assumption about John's
dates have been 1760-1846. There was a John Bland who died in 1746,
attested by a will. Thus, I believe we are dealing with two John
Bland's, a senior and junior. The 1854 documentation for John Bland
would make his dates (C1760-1819) and shows that he had the following children:
1. James Bland (Perhaps the James Redwood Bland mentioned by Bagby "who died some years ago intestate and leaving no children", (May 15, 1854).
2. Joanna Bland, still living in 1854, who married Charles Roane.
3. Frances Bland, still living in 1854, who married William Chapman.
4. Elizabeth Bland, "who intermarried
with one William Muire and died intestate about thirty years ago".
Susan had heirs Susan, Frances and Hester Muire, all living in 1854.
Probably, Elizabeth was the daughter shown living with John and his wife
Susannah in 1783. She also might have
been noted by Bagby somewhat obscurely as Muire Bland. (AC 3-2, p.
It should be noted that there was no similar mention of a son John Bland or of his heirs. The children of John Bland (D.1746) were Roderick Bland (1805-1872); Fanny Bland Taylor and Nancy Todd Bland Lawson (1830-1871). Why John or his heirs should not be mentioned in settlement of this claim is not clear, if indeed, as it seems, there were two Johns.
Though I may be scalped for this, I would offer the following hypothesis:
There was a John Bland Sr. (C1760-1819), the Revolutionary Soldier, who married Susannah, probably about 1782 and had Elizabeth (C1783-1824); John Jr. (C17841846); James Redwood; Joanna; and Frances. By his second wife Mary Frances Drummond, he had Drummond Bland who died young.
John Bland Jr. (1784-1846) married and had Roderick Bland; Fanny Bland and Nancy Todd Bland. Exclusion of John Jr.'s heirs from the 1854 settlement might have resulted from family hostility, but I confess to being stymied about this.
One additional piece of information was found about John's older brother James, previously noted as a Revolutionary soldier, married to Amy Samuels (C1760- ). Mollie Grant sent me material which included Amy's pension application. It identifies James as having died in 1803, making his dates (C1750-1803). He married Amy in 1782 or 1783, just after he got out of the war.
John (C1760-1819) and James (C1750-1803) had a brother William (1746-1788). whose family line was discussed in (AC 3-2, pp. 17-20, and 4-1, pp. 17-20). Much has been discovered about all of the children of William's son William (1765-1839). Now there is conflicting information. A compilation of Virginia Miscellania by Dorothy Ford Wulfeck shows Ira in Warwick County with Ann P. a wife (1816- ) and children Maria P. (1836- ); Edward P.1 (1838- ); and Ira R. (1844- ). Ira (C1801- ) shown as a lumberjack, born in King and Queen County (AC 4-1, p. 19).
Bland Williamson of Tulsa, Oklahoma has furnished me with some marriage records for Middlesex County, Virginia that shed a little further light on this family. Thomas J. Bland (AC 3-2, p. 20) was listed as the father of Julia (not Julian) Ann E. Bland who married Hugh A. South (not Sears) August 3, 1850. William Archer Bland (AC 3-2, p. 17) was security and witness to the marriage of his daughter Mary Susan Bland to William P. Roane July 2, 1850 and consented to the marriage of his daughter Louisa to John L. Johnson on November 11, 1850.
Ruby Blann of Lawrence, Kansas sent me a page from Nell Marion Nugent's Cav- aliers and Pioneers that showed the following:
Duncan Bohono and John Mechen. 220 acres, Gloster Co. Upon the head of the Emost river in Mockjack Bay; 20 Dec. 1667, p. 102. Adj. lands of Mr. Armestead & Capt. Dudley. Trans. of 4 persons: Tho. Arnis (or Amis), John Blan, Roger Shackleford, John Thomas.
1.This may point to Edward Bland (1786-1822) as the father of this Ira Bland (AC 4-1, p. 17), and would make this Ira part of the James River Bland family.
Could not, Ruby asked, this John Blan be the same person mentioned as an early settler in King and Queen County (or Gloucester or New Kent, VU p. 392)? L.P. Bland asked me if it were not possible that John Bland ( -1704), son of Edward Jr. (C1635-1690) son of Edward (1614-1652) and Jane Bland (1605-1664) (VU, pp. 62ff) could be the early settler in this area. To both correspondents I acknowledge that either of them could be right.
The James River Blands
I sent out queries for further family information to all correspondents I have who belong to this family asking for detailed information up through 1900, but to date have not had a great many responses. Therefore, I must postpone discussion about this family until the next issue.
Jesse Blan of Greenbrier County
Ruby Blann of Lawrence, Kansas favored me with pension papers and the last will of Jesse Blan, who states he was born in 1756 in Prince William County, Virginia. He died April 16, 1835, making his will in Monroe County, Virginia. Thus Jesse's dates are (1756-1835). Jesse stated in his pension claim that he settled after the revolution in the area that was and became Greenbrier, Monroe and Kanawha counties. He served, he was pretty sure, with Captain Arbuckle, Major Woods, Colonel Neville and General Hand, enlisting in the Virginia Continental Line in 1776-1779.
There is little doubt but that this man was Jesse Blan (see information about his apprenticeship in VU, p. 419), son of John Bland (C1688-1762) and his wife Patience. His story causes a wrench of sadness for those of us who have been so interested in unraveling the family's early Virginia history. He makes no mention of his parents, and states "that he was born . . . in the year 1756-that his age is recorded in the bible of his family which was in possession of his brother when he left Prince William." This brother would presumably be John Bland (Jesse spelled his name Blan) (C1742-1807) who migrated to the Washington County, Kentucky area in the early 1780s with his wife Rachel and their children. Jesse also mentions that he suffered sickness and danger by participating in scouting parties while serving in the revolution and that "frequently after this discharge, together with his neighbors joined in scouting parties . . . being impelled to it from motives of safety to himself and his family." Yet when Jesse died, he left all his worldly goods to an associate Henry Hake and there is no mention of a family member.
Yet there certainly was a rather large and as yet not well explored family of Blands in Monroe County by the late 1780's. Perhaps Jesse was the founder or a co-founder of this group, (VU p. 399; AC 2-2, p. 15 and 3-1, p. 10). Morton's History of Monroe County Virginia included the following pregnant quote:
Bland, Robert (died C.1795) seems to have been the father of Robert (Anna) of Peters Mountain Valley, whose son Robert was born here in 1784. Children: Robert (1784-1857); Esther E. (M. James McKinney 1813); James (M. Idia Dawson 1813); Joshua (M. Polly Shires, 1807) probably a brother of Robert, had Robert (M. Elizabeth Hand 1808).
Some names from this quote jive with empirical evidence. Ruby Blann sent me a list of Bland (Male) marriages from 1803 in Monroe County. It shows, along with 1850 Census data displayed in (AC 3-1, p. 10) that the above Robert Bland or Blann (himself 3rd generation, 1784-1857) may have had a brother Alexander (C1782-1iving in 1850) who in 1803 married two women, Mary Bowyer and Sally Bostick. Joshua's marriage to Polly Shires is verified, as well as a John Blann, married to Polly "Shears" and Robert to Elizabeth Hand (note the name of Jesse's commanding general) in 1807 and James Bland who married "Idia" maybe Ida Dawson in 1813. Other marriages for family groups previously noted include (AC 3-1, p. 10):
Joseph Bland to Margaret Steele 1829
Moses Bland to Rebecca Steele 1834
Uriah F. Bland to Nancy Bland 1834
G.W. to Nancy Campbell 1836*
Alexander Bland to Elizabeth Davis 1843
Reuben Bland to Mildred Miller 1843
Jonathan Bland to Sarah Steele 1847
Benjamin Bland to Margaret Smith 1848
Robert Bland to Sarah Coffy 1850
Marriages by Bland males were also listed from 1853-1921 but lacking more concrete reference for them, I do not yet see the need for publishing them.
It is clear that if by Morton's account, men the age of Alexander (1782- ) and Robert (1784-1857) were third generation, their grandfather Robert must go back to at least about 1740, which would likely make him a generation too early for Jesse (1756-1835). It is tempting to try to make Robert into a brother of Jesse (by the God like powers invested in geneaologists), but then by Jesse's testimony he didn't follow family out to Greenbrier/Monroe but went out there as a consequence of military service and settled there after the Revolution was over. He is silent about any specific family names. Obviously, more concrete information, census pages, deeds, wil#, etc. about this family would be welcome. I feel that as the shape of this family group becomes clearer, subsequent settlements in Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, Arkansas and other states will begin to look less opaque.
Joseph Bland of Frederick County Virginia
Information about this family continues to accumulate, (VU, pp. 396-397). One angle about resolution of the parentage of Joseph Bland (C1763-1820) that has not been pursued has to do with his pattern of migration. Joseph was a Tory, according to older sources, and may have fled to Frederick County, settling in Winchester, in the early 1780s, where he married Susan Bailey, a widow of Johnson. Heretofore, we have assumed that he married late in the 1780's but that must be revised. I have received a letter from Patricia Johnston of Wayne, Michigan, who says her furthest back ancestor was Mary Bland, born August 19, 1783 and died October 16, 1856 in Fayette City, Ohio. She married Jonah Baldwin (1773-1850) on March 17, 1803 in Green County, Pennsylvania. They had children Catherine, Hannah, John, Margaret, Jackomeyer, Joseph, Susannah and Nancy (note naming similarities to children of Joseph and Susan). In 1810, this family was in Monongalia County, Virginia and by 1830 were identified as being in Blac#v#le where many of Joseph and Susan's children were born and lived. The names of the Baldwin's children and the places of their marriage and residence makes it impossible not to believe that Mary Bland (1783-1856) was probably the first child of Joseph Bland and Susan Bailey Johnson.
* The 1850 Census shows Polly Campbell, age 74, living with George W. Bland.
Further information corraborates one of Joseph and Susan's children,
Catherine. Mrs. Bland Osborn (truly a fascinating n
Further information corraborates one of Joseph and Susan's children, Catherine. Mrs. Bland Osborn (truly a fascinating name) writes that her husband is descended from Catherine Bland, believed born in 1786 at Weston, then Monongalia County, Virginia (Weston is the county seat of Lewis, derived from Harrison, in turn derived from Monongalia). Catherine married one Samuel Frum, about 1809. This information is confirmed by a letter from Marcia Frum Benson, Morgantown, West Virginia, to Isabel Willets, Denver, Colorado, though Mrs. Benson claims Catherine's dates were 179218741 and says she married Samuel Sampson Frum. Mrs. Osborn indicates this family had twins George and Viann, while Mrs. Benson indicates the names of children were Samson Bland Frum, Vian, Mary, Joseph, Christina and Ann. Again the similarities in names and location make it inconceivable that this Catherine was anyone but the daughter of Joseph and Susan Bailey Johnson Bland.
Thus, it would seem that wherever he was born, Joseph must have fled several times because of his politics. He would have married Susan about 1782 and had by her: 1. Mary (1783-1856); 2. Catherine (1786-1874); 3. Richard G. (1787-1876); 4. Thomas (1789-1874); 5. David (1792-1874); and 6. Elizabeth, whose dates are uncertain. After Susan died, probably about 1800, Joseph remarried to Eleanor Benton in 1802. The daughter Eleanor may have been named for her mother.
It is altogether curious that earlier letters about Joseph were written to Robert Linn Bland, father of Urilla Bland, who developed the family of Thomas Bland (1765-1792) of Fauquier County, Virginia. The seige of Thomas Bland is told in (VU, pp. 373-375) whereby he set out for Kentucky in November 1792 (having just sold 448 acres of land so not badly off financially but rather stupid to have undertaken a journey to Kentucky via the Cumberland gap just as winter was beginning). At Winchester (ah, Winchester!) while visiting relatives Thomas got a chill and died. His widow turned back to Fauquier/Prince William County, where she, being the mother of three Bland sons, married one Jacob Zinn and later migrated to the Weston, Virginia area, where Urilla Bland's ancestor Thomas Bland (1793-1867), according to her, became one of the founding fathers of the town.
This is another case of a phrase here and there jogging my memory about some geographic connections. I am prepared to offer as a hypothesis that Joseph Bland (1763-1820) was a son of #h##### Bland of Fauquier County (C1719-1788), and his wife Jane -----#widow of ####### and a brother of Thomas Bland (1765-1792). A valid reason for Josephs absence from the will of Thomas Bland Sr. would be that Joseph was a Tory while Thomas was a patriot. I invite criticism.
Thomas Bland of Pendleton County Virginia
Edith C. Lanning has just completed an impressive book by the same title with the help of Ruby Bland Swadley of Riverton, West Virginia. This is a large and imposing family with new information developing practically every year. For previous information, see (VU, pp. 398-399, AC 2-2, pp. 14-23, AC 3-1, pp. 23,26 and AC 3-2, pp. 23-27.)
By his two marriages to Margaret and to Rachel Shoulders Thomas Bland (1740-1826) had nine children:
1.Mrs. Benson may be wrong about this.
These are the exact dates for Catherine's brother David.
1. John Bland (C1764-1839)
As previously, Edith lists John and his wife
Nancy Cunningham with thirteen children, about whom little is known with
precision. There is one possible connection: One of John
and Nancy's children was Martha Bland (1814-1884) who married John
Lane (1811-1900). A previous number (AC 3-2, pp. 5-6) discussed the
birth of John Bland (1812-1864) to an Indian maiden named Margaret Lane
and a man named Bland whom she met up with sometime in 1811. John
married Lavinia Armstrong (1820- ) and had eleven, possibly 12 children
in the Peoria, Ohio area. I have received information from two persons
about this family, including Emma Bland Lumsden of Mendota, Illinois and
more recently, Frances Dittman of Atascadero, California. I know
also that there were a lot of John Bland's to go around but was struck
by a note from the Georgia Genealogical Society "Indian Issue" which listed
John Bland as one who had intermarried with the Cherokees in Georgia.
A note written by Johnny P. Bland of Mathison, Mississippi said "This Bland
married an Indian maiden."
I am pleased to display photographs of the members of the Pendleton County, Virginia family on pages 19-20.
The Family of James Otis Daniel Bland
This family was previously discussed (VU pp. 341-342 and AC 1-1, p. 5). I had not previously seen the date for James O.D. Bland's (1824-1907) marriage to his second wife Mary Gentry, but found it in a long list of Green County, Indiana marriages as April 5, 1860 (book G, page 51). I have searched for some disposition of Willam Bland (C1852- ) second son of James O.D. and his first wife Sarah Elrod, but have found nothing. One marginal note. Leota Bland Ruder wrote me in January asking if I could identify a Birdie Heaton Bland (1891-1971) of Green County, Indiana, who was married to an "Eck" Bland. A search through the records shows a Marion E. (Eck) Bland marrying Bird Heaton in Green County, Indiana, July 7, 1910. I have no reliable information about Marion E. Bland's parentage. In her letter, Leota Ruder enclosed a number of very good photographs of James O.D.'s family from which I have chosen three to display on page 22. (CF, A-C, 1-1, Attachments 11-12)
pp. 19-22 pictures.
During my visit to Kentucky last August,
I accompanied John W. Bland on what could best be called scavenger hunts
at the Kentucky Historical Society in Frankfort and the Filson Club
at Louisville. John and I ransacked the shelves and what files we
could find for information about Blands and allied families, often paying
scant attention to the intrinsic value of the information. There
are many deeds, transactions, etc. that I have not yet pieced together,
but from the rest, I have sorted out a lot of information that adds depth
and clarity to what we already know about the Blands in Kentucky.
In what follows I have divided the Bland families
in Kentucky into five basic groups:
1. The Mason County Families, comprised of descendants of James Bland (C16871756) of Prince William County, Virginia and a stray, Micajah Bland of Edgefield County, South Carolina (1780-1826), who was descended from the Northern Virginia Bland family through Robert Bland (C1708-1760). Secondly, within this group, the families from Garrand County, Kentucky, descended also from James Bland (C1687-1756) through his great grandson Charles Bland (1765-1842) and his wife Phyllis Ann Pope, (1773-1818).
2. The Nelson and Hardin County, Kentucky Fami#es, descended from John Bland (C1725-1795) and his wife Margaret Osborne and John's nephew James Bland (17801829) and his wife Susannah Starke (1783-1852).
3. The Washington, Marion, Grayson County Families, descended from John Bland (C1742-1807), son of John Bland and Patience of Prince William, Virginia, and John's wife Rachel.
4. The Pulaski, Casey, Green and Cumberland Families, descended primarily from Reuben Bland (C1790- ) and his wife Dicey West, but also populated by various Virginia families and from some representatives of the Nelson and Washington County groups.
5. The Western Counties. Blands, most without obvious connections to the larger families, were found in Carlisle, Christian, Larue, Lyon, McClean and Trigg Counties. A far western county, Ballard, was named for a pioneer Indian hunter from Virginia named Bland Ballard who has apparent roots with the Blands inVirginia.
Although there are obvious interminglings among
the Kentucky Blands, these counties, especially the first four, seem to
make up distinct family groups.
The Mason County Bland Family
A very slight additional piece of information
was gleaned about Micajah Bland (1780-1826) noted above. In a settlement
of his estate dated 1831, his son John listed among the legatees.
I know nothing else about John.
Most new information for this county has to do with the family of James Bland (C1761-1802) and his wife Margaret (still living in 1816). James' father was Benjamin Bland (Bl7)( 1 724-1771). who was a son of Bl8 James Bland (C1687-1756). and a grandson of (Bl9) James Bland (C1655-1708) founder of the Northern Virginia Family. James and Margaret migrated to Mason County, Kentucky probably about 1790-1800. Their children were, daughters Esme, Anne Margaret and Mary, previously noted (VU p. 407). A further daughter of James and Margaret Bland was Mariah Bland who married Nathan Shotwell, July 13, 1816 (Mariah's mother is given as Margaret Bland).
The oldest son of James and Margaret Bland was John, who died in Mason County in 1811. The second son was Benjamin Villary Bland (July 20, 1786-0ctober 3, 1825) who was born in Fauquier, Virginia and died in Columbia, Alabama. He married Mary Rolf (December 23, 1795-March 15, 1857) on November 24, 1813 in Mason County. Mary was from Essex County, New Jersey. New information was provided about this family by James W. Lillard of Tampa, Florida. The family has been discussed previously (VU p. 408 and AC 1-2, p. 22). From Mr. Lillard, Charles Henry Bland (September 2, 1819-1888) married Elizabeth Stith (August 7, 1826- ) in Mason County on November 25,1846. They moved to Lewis County, Missouri where their children were born: (1) Mary Bland (1850- ); (2) Nathaniel Rolf Bland (July 17, 1851-April 12, 1920) married Susie Mary Fishback, April 29, 1903 at Quincy, Illinois and died at Verdi#is, Oklahoma; George Bland (August 27, 1854-May 6, 1924) married Ella A. Bradshaw in Lewis County, Missouri, December 20, 1879 and he died in Gotebo, Oklahoma.
The third son of James and Margaret Bland was Calvin Bland (June 15, 1796June 30, 1880) who married Ruth Dye (February 22, 1799 to August 23, 1863) on De-cember 19, 1818. Their children were (1) James Bland (November 25, 1819-February 10, 1871) who married Jane Aithens, December 3, 1850 and Martha Arthur about 1855, by whom he had (a) Addison Bland (June 17, 1856- ); (b) William Marcus Bland (June 9, 1857- ), and; (c) Anna Bland (March 8, 1858- ); (2) Calvin Bland; (3) Ruth Bland; (4) John Bland (C1830- ); (5) Charles Bland (March 17, 1825December 6, 1892) who married Elizabeth Piles on December 14, 1846. Charles and Elizabeth had living with them in 1850 James Bland (1848- ). They also were parents of John Edgar Bland (November 16, 1853- ) and Frances P. Bland (August 14, 1858- ). (6) Benjamin Bland (April 7, 1826-December 30, 1848); and (7) Richard C. Bland (1837- ) living in the household of Charles Bland and Elizabeth Piles in 1850.
The fourth and possibly fifth sons of James and Margaret Bland were Charles (C1802- ) about whom little else is known, and hypothetically, a James Bland, who married Sarah Devin, August 27, 1823 in Mason County.
A further Mason County entry show Charles
Williams marrying Elizabeth Bland on October 16, 1846 with William Bland
as a bondsman. Since these Blands do not figure in to the family
of Micajah Bland and Milly Martin, it appears logical that they belong
to the descendants of James and Margaret Bland.
The Garrard County Family
Some records of this family are also
located in Shelby County. This branch of the family was established
by Charles Bland (1765-1842) and his first
wife Phyllis Ann Pope (Po6) (1773-1818).
Charles was a brother of James Bland who migrated to Mason County, but
the story told by Jessamine May Bland (Mrs. Roland James) is that he followed
his sweetheart Phyllis Pope to Kentucky. Mrs. James is the unchallenged
historian for this family group and has done a marvelous job of reconstructing
it (VU, pp. 408-415). What I offer may add a few details here, sharpen
the picture a little there.(WmHester ed. note: the author
seems to confuse Charles Bland and Phylis Pope with his eldest son, whom
we have listed as John Thomas Bland and his wife Elizabeteh Jennings Duncan
and she calls Thomas Pope Bland, the same as his son, also named Thomas
Pope Bland. The DAR Bible copy will have to be seen on this. )
Charles and Phyllis were married on
January 17, 1791 and had a family of fifteen children. Their first
child, John Thomas Bland (December
10, 1791-July 18, 1844 ?5) married Elizabeth
Duncan who died on the same day as her husband in Pike County Missouri.
They were married November 27, 1819, (VU, p. 409). A letter from
Helen Bland of Bagdad, Kentucky, February 10, 1982, and marriage records
for Garrard County bring their family into closer focus. Like Mrs.
James, Helen Bland lists eight children.
A. Helen Bland calls the unnamed daughter
noted by Mrs. James, Mason Bland, with no other information about her.
She married James Moseley and was dead by 1844 (?45) when Moseley brought
Thomas Pope Bland's and Elizabeth Duncan's children from Pike County, Missouri
to Shelby County, Kentucky.
B. John D. Bland. Mrs. James listed
nothing but his name. Shelby County marriage records,l and Helen
Bland's information show that his dates were (18321887) and that he
married Matilda K. Rodgers, (1837- ) on December 29, 1864. I have
found the record of at least one of their children, William H. Bland (February
26, 1865- ).
C. The third child listed by Mrs. James
was Mary S. Bland whom Helen Bland calls Mary Letitia, who was born (C1835-
) and married Henry Jamison of Missouri, March 3, 1853.
D. Sarah Prudence married George Warner.
E. The man Mrs. James called Dalzell
L.S. Bland, an M.D., was called by Helen Bland, Dr. William Leland Smithston
Bland who married Sallie and lived in Valdalia,
F. Elizabeth Bland (1833-1856)
G. William Henry Bland born in 1842
in Pike County, Missouri but returned to Shelby County, Kentucky in 1855
by his brother-in-law James Moseley (see A. above).
H. Thomas Pope Bland (October 12, 1831-February
3, 1914) who married Levisa Jane Harris (April 3, 1845-February 1925) January
31, 1861 in Shelby County. Of Thomas Pope and Levisa's children,
Mrs. James states that their son William Leland Bland married Amanda Ritchey
whereas Helen Bland says it was Amanda Samples. Mrs. James'
information is based on a Bible Record and is probably reliable.
Among other children of Charles Bland and Phyllis Pope, the Bible Record filed with the Kentucky Branch of the DAR by Mrs. James indicates that Hiram and John Bland died on the same (?? 18th and 28th) day, February 28, 1858. Perhaps they gave their nephew Will Austin a hatchet in honor of George Washington's birthday. Mrs. James indicates that Charles Josiah Bland died on July 1, 1894 rather than 1892.2
1. Elva Richardson Hasskarl, Shelby County Marriages (Vol. II).
2. Further information about John Bland
(1803-1858) is noted below, p. 31.
Elsewhere I found a lone entry for a marriage
of John Rennels of Sussex County, Delaware to Nancy Bland (January 14,
1787- ) on July 25, 1805. Possibly a sister of Charles Bland?
Nelson County Miscellany
In a record of the Bloomfield Baptist Church Cemetery I found a Nancy Bland (January 6, 1825-August 30, 1864).
The 1850, 1860 and 1870 Census Records yielded some useful information about Blands who are hard to place within a specific family context. Help would be appreciated. A woman named Ann/Nancy Bland (C1789/1790) was living in the household of a man whose surname was Miles. A woman named Nancy Bland (C1794- ) with property valued at $8,000. was listed in the Bardstown Female Institute but was not identified as a teacher. A free black, George Bland (1827- ), perhaps a grandchild of Jacob Bland, freed by John Bland (VU. p. 430) was living alone. By December 11, 1853, George was married to Frances Evans and had a child named Arch Bland.
Consistently in the 1860 and 1870 Census Records there appear three families. The oldest head of household is Henry Bland (C1824- ) who married Cecelia Jennin#, probably about 1861. By the 1870 cen#s they have Lizzie (1862- ); Effa (1866- ) and Joseph (1869= ). A Caroline Bland (1853- ) is listed as a wet nurse in 1870. She may be the same Caroline Bland shown married to Vincent Maddor by February 13, 1874, when their daughter Annie Bland was born. Children named Hughes and Crume also appear in this family.
Jacob Bland (1828- ) is listed with his wife Rachel (1830- ); Taylor (1849- ); Jane (1855- ); Lizzie (1861- ) and Wilson (1866- ). Another possible child of Jacob and Rachel would be Jake Bland (March 30, 1862- May 23, 1944) and his wife Lena (May 18, 1860-April 23, 1939), buried in the Bloomfield Baptist Church Cemetery.
Thomas Bland (1832- ) is listed with his wife Lizzie (1836- ).
Nelson County - The Family of John Bland and Margaret Osborne
First it may be useful to recur to the heretofore open question of military service for John Bland (C1725-1795). (see above pp. 5-6) Three survey orders for John Bland in Nelson, Kentucky indicate that 1,490 acres of land were surveyed and John actually received 1,340. John W. Bland of Elizabethtown, Kentucky has a pet project of tracing the disposition of that land up to the present. For the time being, it is germane that these grants were based on treasury warrants, not on military service.
These survey orders (AC 2=2, p. 29) are interesting
in that they are consistent with tithable lists and other documents
in showing Daniel Bland, as well as Osborne and Samuel among John's older
sons. The earliest legal transaction I have seen was a tithable list
dated 1785. To me that would indicate that Daniel was born no later
than 1764.
In my discussion about the Cumberland County,
Kentucky Blands (below, pp. 38-39) I will attempt to make a case that John
Bland (1770-1842) and Sarah Lee (AC 2-2, pp. 23-25; 3-1, pp. 8-9; and 3-2,
pp. 8-15) belong with the John Bland-Margaret Osborne family, though I
am not certain how. Also, a list of titheables for 1787, in Nelson
County, shows the John Bland-Margaret Osborne family living in close proximity
with Jeremiah Bland who is found again in Washington County, near Thomas
(Probably Thomas Morton) Bland 1787-1792. By 1793 he is gone.
There was a Jeremiah Bland who was in Madison County, (Parent of Garrard)
in 1800, and Jeremiah married a Gus#Tincher in Clark County, January 6,
1820. Clark County was adjacent to Madison, (AC 1-2, pp. 14-15).
In the 1850-1870 census records for Garrard County the following family
is found:
Names Age 1850 Age 1860 Age 1870
John 43 gone gone
Cynthia (Citty) A. 35 44 57
Jeremiah 4 14 23
James M. 2 12 21
Martha E. 8 Mo. 10 18
Sarah (wife of Jeremiah) 21
This is the family of John Bland (1803-1858) son of Charles Bland (1765-1842) and Phyllis Pope, discussed above (p. 25). The presence of a Jeremiah in this family, coupled with the rather consistent pattern of dates and geographic evidence for the earlier Jeremiah noted above,1 would indicate that he had some relationship to the Charles Bland-Phyllis Pope family, perhaps as a brother, or a cousin through Arthur Bland, (1725-1763) brother of Benjamin (1724-1771).
My Adopted Family: James Bland of Hardin County
I have made such miserably scarce progress on my own family line, that I have taken up as an adoptive family that of James Bland (1780-1829) and Susannah Starke (1783-1852) which settled near Rhudes Creek and the Nolin River in Hardin County about 1805-1810 (VU, pp. 372, 478-479, AC 3-1, pp. 30-32). I would have to say that I owe much of my success in piecing together the remarkably complete and precise information about this family to John W. Bland of Elizabethtown, who furnished me James' will, as well as tombstone records that more or less reinforced the children noted in the will, published marriage records and the 1850 and 1870 census of Hardin County.
James was the younger son of Thomas Bland of Fauquier County, Virginia (17191788). He married Susannah Starke in Fauquier, Virg#daonJuly 19, 1800. By 18101811, James Bland styling himself from Fauquier, Virginia was purchasing land in Hardin County. In addition to all the material provided by John W. Bland, while at the Filson Club last August, I found a Bible record kept by Anita Bland, wife of H. Clifford Jackson and daughter of Evarts Bland which was copied and filed at the Filson Club in 1931. From all information provided I offer the following.2
James Bland died at an early age, while his youngest son Henry was yet a minor, on the verge of becoming aged 21. In his will James listed eight living children but by tombstone records, we know that James and Susannah had nine children, including:
1. Thomas Bland (1803-1823)
2. Henry Bland (1808-1881) who married (1) Mariah English, (August 11, 1809June 4, 1####.-######riah, Henry had (A) Ann Elizabeth Bland (June 13, 1830-
1.Jeremiah appears with David Bland. There was a David in the Prince William County, Virginia area, son of Arthur (VU, pp. 415-416)
2.Specific months and days of birth are not listed with the years unless they vary from information already provided in (AC 3-1, pp. 30-32). January 1, 1915), who married John Richard Gaither on November 22, 1849; and (B) Elmira Bland (August 28, 1832-April 13, 1876). She married Horace G.V. Wintersmith, November 26, 1850. After the death of Mariah English, Henry Bland married Alice V. Hard= ing (1810-1880) on April 23, 1835. Their children were (A) Mariah Bland (May 4, 1836-February 25, 1887) who did not marry; (B) Strother H. Bland (August 21, 1837March 26, 1925) who married Kate E. Parepoint (July 19, 1840-0ctober 20, 1925), about 1860. Their children were (1) Edward E. Bland (1861- ); (2) Alice V. Bland (1863- ); (3) Charles A. Bland (1865- ) who married Edna E. . (4) Harvey 0. Bland (December 10, 1868-May 10, 1956) who married Lena Van Meter; (5) William S. Bland (May 16, 1878-0ctober 13, 1938); The third child of Henry Bland and Alice V. Harding was (C) Lavenia (May 3, 1839-August 6, 1892) who married John Overall; (D) James Henry Bland (February 4, 1843-May 16, 1894) buried at Christian County;l (E) Evarts U. Bland (June 25, 1845- ) perhaps was still living in 1931 when the Bible record was transcribed. He married Helen Trabue, November 23, 1886, and had by her Anita Virginia Bland (1893- ).
The remaining children of James Bland and Susannah Starke previously were noted (AC 3-1, pp. 31-32) as:
3. Elizabeth Bland (C1809- )
4. Jane Bland (1811-1848)
5. William Bland (1813-1861)
6. Susannah Bland (C1814- )
7. Mary Ann Bland (1817-1876)
8. Malinda Bland (1819-1886)
9. Lucretia Bland (C1824- )
Note should be made about disposition of slaves in the will of James Bland:
Elizabeth Bland received Emily and her child.
Henry Bland received Jemima and Ned.
Jane Bland received Harrison and Matilda.
William Bland received Martin, Vincent and Gilly.
Susan Bland received Anna, Charlotte and Allen.
Mary Ann Bland received Moses and Caroline.
Malinda Bland received Charles, Robert, Emily and the daughter of Liddy. Lucretia Bland received Fanny, Sarah and Isaac.
It appears that at least in some cases, these slaves were subsequently freed by the children of James and Susannah Starke Bland, as some of their names match those of freed blacks living in Hardin County in 1850 (AC 3-1, pp. 32-33).
Recording the history of this family has been
close to an act of love for me. I would very much like to hear from
living descendants.
1.Though a family connection seems unlikely, the Christian County records show Phoebe Bland marrying James or John Newsome, September 30, 1807.
The Washington/Marion County Family
This is the parent family for Richard Parks "Silver Dick" Bland (1835-1899), the Missouri Congressman who ran for President in 1896 (his nickname was earned for his political activity). I received a letter from Mark C. Stauter, Associate Director for the Western Historical Manuscript Collection, University of Missouri at Rolla, Rolla Missouri 65401. Stauter is initiating a project to reclaim the public and private papers of Richard Parks Bland. I have sent him some leads about descendants of Richard Parks Bland. Anyone who knows of descendants of Silver Dick might pass the word to them.
To the degree that genealogical conclusions can ever be reached, I have concluded that the founders of the Washington County family were John Bland (C1742-1807) and his wife Rachel ( -1799). A History of Grayson County Kentucky, (AC 2-2, p. 23) indicates that John Bland died in Virginia, April 22, 1807.
Based on what we know, John and Rachel had three daughters and five sons. The daughters were 1. Rachel (C1766- ) who married Michael Fagan, January 3, 1784.
I found a Revolutionary War record for Fagan whose dates were said to be
(C1730-1820). It is more likely that Rachel's husband was the elder man's son; 2. Prudence (1767-1852 dates proved) who married George Watt, March 20, 1786; 3. Susannah (C1772- ) who married James Arbuckle, November 10, 1789. James Arb##1e, according to an Arbuckle family history, was thought to be a son of a Revolutionary War pensioner Thomas Arbuckle, from Augusta and Botetourt Counties, Virginia. James and Susannah went to Rush County, Indiana. Rachel signed for Rachel and Prudence, 1784, 1786, but John signed for Susannah.
The sons of John and Rachel Bland previo#ly discussed (VU, pp. 463-477 and AC 1-2, pp. 14-18 and AC 2-2, pp. 27-28) were:
1. Charles Bland ( -1819) who married Catherine Staughton, September 25, 1795 and Ann Knott, November 20, 1817, in Washington County.
2. John Bland ( -1819) who married Nancy Edmonston in 1796.
3. Roland "Rolly" Bland (C1765-1825) who married Delsey Sheklesorth, October 2, 1798 rather than 1799 as noted previously; Delsey died in 1823 and Rolly remarried to Sarah Thomas in 1824.
4. Thomas Morton Bland,#hose dates are uncertain, he married Ann Lawrence, probably about 1792.
5. Samuel Bland, who married Jenny Sheklesworth in 1800.
It is probable that all these children of John and Rachel were born from about 1765-1775. I believe that all the sons are brothers, but earlier Juanita Max of Plantation, Florida asserted that Roland and Charles as well as Thomas Morton and John were brothers but that all four men were not brothers (AC 1-2, pp. 15-16). No one thus far has determined anything about Samuel other than proximity to the other children and that he married a woman who was probably the sister of Roland's first wife. Samuel is not noted in legal documents, which leads me to believe that he was probably not born until the late 1770's and was the youngest child of John and Rachel.
1. Charles Bland In his will of April 12, 1819, Charles named the following children: daughters Nancy, Scarber and Mary Eliza. He listed six sons, Julian, Staughton Edward, Fielding, Franklin, William and Warrington, (VU, p. 466). Among his dau#:ters, Nancy Bland married James Weldon, December 8, 1819 and Mary Eliza Bland married Raymond Prewitt, October 22, 1833. Among the six sons, I have found nothing for Julian or William, but I did find information for the remainder:
(A) Warrington Bland (C1800- ). was apparently in disfavor with his father who in his will left Warrington $1.00. Warrington married Letitia Curtsinger, October 6, 1828. Warrington and Letitia appear in the 1850 Census for Nelson County, he aged 50 and she 43. Their children are (1) Fielding, (1837- ) who may have married Susan Grundy for they are noted in Ballard County, Kentucky records as parents of S.C. Bland born February 19, 1858; (2) Robert S. (1839- ); (3) Sarah E. (1841- ); (4) Mary E.K (1843- ); and (5) Green (1850,4 months).
(B) Staughton Edward Bland (1807-1842) was noted by Clara Beauchamp Babb as a superb indian fighter. He married Margaret Parks Nall (1816-1849) and they were parents of Richard Parks Bland (1835-1899) (VU, pp. 468-473).
(C) Franklin Bland, is shown as a shoemaker, age 50 in the 1860 census, so he was born about 1810. He married Nancy Parker (C1834- ) when is not certain. She was not his first wife, but was the mother of his son Charles, born in Madison County, March 20, 1859. Franklin and Nancy are shown in the 1860 Census with (1) Clifton Bland (1843- ); (2) Mary Bland (1846- ); (3) Richard (1860, 6 months). There also is living with them a Catherine Walker age 26, and her four month old son James. Also living in the same household with Franklin is Thomas Bland (C1831- ) married to Elizabeth Piles (C1834- ). Vital statistics show that they were married before 1853 when a unnamed child died. Another unnamed child died on June 20, 1854. A child William Bland was born August 30, 1857 but must have died young for he was not enumerated in the next census. The 1860 Census s### Thomas and Elizabeth with a daughter Mary (1855- ) and twin daughters Sarah L. and Elizabeth M. both four months.
(D) Fielding Bland Fielding was found in Hickman County in 1850. The Old Milburn Cemetery, Carlisle County, shows the following burials for Fielding's family, though not for Fielding himself. His wife Lydia is shown with dates (July 10, 1818-July 12, 1856). There were four children listed: Albert (18421849); F.S. (1844-1845); M.C. (1851-1852) and John (June 26, 1856- ) no other dates listed.
2. John Bland John married Nancy Edmonston, March 14, 1796. He has been previously discussed (AC 1-2, pp. 15-16). In his will, John listed several children: Daughters Elizabeth, Patsy (or Martha). Susan, Mary and Sally and two sons, Thomas and John B. (Blandford). Elizabeth Bland (1803-1864) is the ancestor of Juanita Max. She married Daniel Purdy in 1824.
It is possible that two of John's sons, Thomas
and John Blandford, have been found. The Marion County Census for
1850 showed Kesiah Bland, age 37, living alone with Simpson Bland (C1838-
); Marian Bland {1840- ); Fletcher Bland (1842- ); and Crittenden Bland
(1848- ). A child Melvin was born to Kesiah, April 15, 1853, but
no father was listed. There are a series of later transactions between
Kesiah Bland and Jasper Bland, dated 1865 and 1881. Thomas S. Bland
received a bond to marry Kesiah Simpson in Washington County, October 3,
The 1850 Census shows John B. Bland (1818-
) living with "Buncia" which is the recorder's way of writing Berniece,
whose maiden name probably was Glasebrook, age 19. Living with them
were Sarah H.E. Bland (1845- ) and Nancy (1848- ). At least one other
child, Mary F. Bland was born May 12, 1852.
3. #>### "Rolly" Bland (C1764-1825). I project a birth date for Roland because his name appears as a revolutionary service pensioner and it is logical that he would have had to be at least about 12 to see service in the Revolution (I have never seen his actual Pension papers). Thus, he was probably the eldest child of John and Rachel Bland. In his will, Roland listed the following children: John, Allen, Susan, Jane, Prudence, Samuel, Green, Fanny, William, Rachel and Malinda. Roland also provided for his as yet unborn child Thomas Roland, his only child by Sarah Thomas.
Among these children further information is known about:
(A) John Bland (1798-September 6, 1873) married Mary "Polly" Raley (C. May 28, 1804-September 7, 1873). These two died of cholera a day apart, and are buried at the Holy Name of Mary Parish, Calvary, Marion County Cemetery. John and Mary were married January 13, 1823. They appear in the 1850 Census of Marion County with two children Susan Bland, age 16, and Nancy Bland, age 12. Susan is buried next to John and Mary. Her birthdate is March 1, 1833 but there is no marriage information or date of death. Also buried near John and Mary are Elizabeth Bland, (1803-1864) daughter of John Bland ( -1819, see above p. 34). Lillie Bland (1867-1883) daughter of H.B. and A.M. Bland and a much older woman, Ann Bland (February 3, 1788-November 17, 1864). There is no marriage information for Ann and it is difficult to place her. Jane Arnold of Franklin, Kentucky sent me a copy of a letter to her from Lawrence R. Thomas of Louisville, March 22, 1984, which outlines a line of descent from John Bland and Mary Raley. Their son was Henry Roland Bland who married Elizabeth Abell. One of their children was Mary A. Bland (April 21, 1852). Another child was Martin John Bland (June 3, 1855-December 1910) who married Matilda Thomas. Martin John and Martha Thomas had a child Henry Thomas Bland (June 15, 1875-June 26, 1952) who married Mary Louella Spalding (November 19, 1875-December 5, 1949). They had children Mary Helena, Mr. Lawrence's mother, and Henry and John. Other information about John Bland (1798-1873) and Mary Raley (1804-1873) is noted on (AC 1-2, p. 16).
(B) Allen Bland (1802-1886), married Hetty Hardin (1809-1865) in 1824, and Sarah J. Bland Wilkey (1845- ) a daughter of Minor Bland (1818-1879) of the Randolph County, North Carolina Family, (AC 1-2, pp. 16-17 and 4-1, pp. 9-10).
(C) Samuel Bland (1806-1863) married Rebecca Jarboe in 1829, (AC 1-2, p. 17). One of Samuel's children Samuel James Bland was found with a family in the St. #muald Cemetery, Hardinsburg, Kentucky. Previously I noted that Samuel James (September 17, 1837-February 3, 1900) had been married to Mary Coomes and Frances Lewis. Samuel and Mary were married in Breckenridge County, January 22, 1861. Mary J. Coomes has dates (February 27, 1840-December 26, 1882) and "Fannie" Lewis is listed as (June 6, 1848- ). The first six of the seven children listed would be by Mary while the seventh would be by Frances Lewis: (1) Linus Bland (1863-1864); (2) John H. Bland (1867-1901); (3) Sarah M. Bland (1870-1870); (4) Francis (1871-1885); (5) Julia (1872-1882); (6) Rosie Bland (1880-1880) and (7) Cora A. Bland (1890-1891). Samuel James Bland and Mary Coomes must have had a son Thomas who is not numbered among those in the graveyard but there is a Susie M. Kennedy Bland, his wife (1877-1922). By Frances, three children previously noted, Nancy, Robert and Estel, were not in the cemetery records.
(D) Thomas Roland Bland (1825-1905) was the last child of Roland Bland (17651825) and the only one by his second wife Sarah Thomas. Thomas Roland was of chief interest to Dr. Curtis Bland, who descended through this line. I found a number of birth records for their children, which do not substantially change the family already noted (AC 1-2, pp. 17-18). All their children, however, were born in Larue County whereas I had previously noted they were born in Breckenridge County.
4. Thomas Morton Bland Thomas Morton's dates are uncertain, although he was probably born about 1765-1770 and died in the late 1820's. Thomas married Ann L##ence, probably about 1792, and according to an old letter written by Clara Beauchamp Babb they were buried in Simpson County. Jane Arnold investigated this matter only to find out from an old tenant of the land where these Blands lived that all the tombstones were pushed into a sinkhole many years ago.
The family of Thomas Morton Bland and Ann Lawrence has gradually become much clearer due to the efforts of Richard Smith, DeKalb, Illinois, as well as gravestone inscriptions provided by John W. Bland, Jane Arnold and Juanita Max, (VU, pp. 473-77; AC 1-2, pp. 15-16, 2-2, pp. 27-28 and 3-1, pp. 26-28). Previously, I had delineated Thomas and Ann's family as eleven (AC 2-2, p. 28) which is the framework for what follows:
(A) John Bland (1793-1861) married Sally Kenley, February 27, 1815. Sally's dates according to the Pilot Knob Cemetery Records in Simpson County were (May 21, 1793-March 11, 1864). Their children have been previously noted (AC 2-2, p. 27) but special note should be made of Samuel Knight Bland (March 2, 1823-July 22, 1913) who married Elizabeth Viers (March 15, 1825-December 27, 1882). Among their children buried with them at the Greenlawn Cemetery, Simpson County, are (1) Annie L. Bland (1843-1924); (2) John F. Bland (1847-1887) who was married to Zenobia (18481898) and probably their son, Samuel K.J. Bland (1872-1913); (3) Dr. Euclid V. Bland (1851-1876).
(B) William Bland (1794-1875) married Mariah Wilson (1802-1898), on August 22, 1818. Some new information is available for two of their previously noted children (AC 2-2, p. 28). Josiah Wilson Bland was previously shown as (C1820-1890) having married "Berry Carter's Daughter". A Washington County Marriage Record, 1852-1860, shows Josiah, age 28, a widower marrying Martha E. Rinehart, age 27, a single woman on December 23, 1852 at Springfield. So Martha would be Josiah's second wife. Vital statistics for Green County show the following children for Josiah and Martha: (a) Wesley Bland (September 17, 1853- ); (b) Elizabeth Bland (November 10, 1856- ); and (c) Robert Bland (February 7, 1859- ). (2) Thomas Milton Bland (1827-1897) who may have served in the Confederacy. Vital statistics for Green County show the following children by Thomas Milton's first wife Susan June Ray ( -1865) listed as "Sarah": (a) Ann M. Bland (December 15, 1853); (b) unnamed female, (October 12, 1855- ); (c) Lloyd Bland (February 9, 1859- ). At the time of Ann and the unnamed baby's birth, Th##s Milton and Susan were living in Marion County. When Lloyd was born they were living in Green County, probably part of what is now Taylor County. Previously, I had stated that Lloyd R. Bland (1859- ) married Lucy Jane Arnett in 1884. According to a letter to the Kentucky Historical Society by Helen B. Bland, August 27, 1961, Lucy Jane Marcum was born (March 9, 1838- ) and married Melvin Arnett, January 26, 1858. Arnett died in 1860 and Lucy remarried to Thomas Milton Bland, March 21, 1867, not his son Lloyd. Thomas Milton Bland and Lucy Marcum Arnette had five children born near Greensburg in Green County and near Argonia, Kansas where the family migrated: (a) Andy Bluford Bland (August 8, 1868- ); (b) Ezra Edward Bland (August 23, 1869- ); (c) Lena Rivers Bland (August 29, 1871- ); (d) Alice Bland (October 12, 1875- ); (e) Ruby Bland (May 22, 1882- ).
Lloyd R. Bland is found in the 1900 Census for Sumner County, Kansas, Dixon Township, (February 1859- ), with a wife Willadora (October 1858- ) born in Kentucky and four children all born in Kansas: Charles E. Bland (1888- ); Walter R. Bland (1890- ); William E.C. Bland (1892- ) and Lula A. Bland (1896- ). The Sumner County Census for 1900 also shows Lloyd's half-brother Andy Bluford Bland, with a wife Rosa (January 1872- ) born in Kentucky and four sons all born in Kansas: Purdue Bland (1891- ); Devere Bland (1895- ); Edward Bland (1898- ); and Clyde Bland (1899- ). Thomas Milton Bland's son Ezra Edwards also is found in Sumner County, living with a brother-in-law, William H. Miller. Other families living in Sumner County Kansas who may be close relations are:
William Bland (April 1871- ) living in Wilkington, with a wife Cora E. (March 1875- ) both husband and wife born in Kentucky, and children Luther Bland (1895- ) and Flossie Bland (1900- ).
William A. Bland (April 1861- ) living in Creek Township with Lucretia J. (June 1861- ) both born in Kentucky and with children John M. Bland (1888- ) and Mary 0. Bland (1891- ).
(C)Mary "Polly" Bland (1799- ) who married Thomas Pearce, March 20, 1816.
(D)Rachel Bland (1800- ) who married William E. Wilson, January 23, 1817.
(E) Elizabeth Bland (C1801-1833) who married Anthony Wilson, December 21, 1818.
(F) Samuel Lawrence Bland (1802-1839) who married Harriet Phillips (18081856) January 12, 1829. They lived in Nelson County near Mill Creek where they are buried. Jemima Jane Bland, one of Samuel Lawrence Bland and Harriet Phillips' children filed a group sheet with the Pottinger Family records, which substantially revises previously noted information (VU p. 476). Samuel Lawrence and Harriet had a family of six children including: (1) James Thomas Bland (December 2, 1829- ) who moved to Paris, Missouri. He married Mary Hester Beauchamp, December 19, 1855. (2) John Bemis Bland (September 12, 1831-September 9, 1910) formerly called James Bemis. He died in Par#,Missouri, but according to his sister moved from Kentucky to Brookings, South Dakota. He is the ancestor of Richard Smith and previously has been delineated (VU p. 476);1 (3) Jemima Jane Bland (July 9, 1833- ) married Sylvester A. Beauchamp on December 1, 1853 in Bardstown, Nelson County. Subsequently she moved with her husband to Missouri and Texas; (4) Samuel Phillips Bland (18351856) died young, did not marry; (5) Lucinda Bland (1837-1853) did not marry; (6) Elizabeth (1839-1850).
Two entries show that Harriet Phillips Bland also had an unnamed male child October 1853 and a daughter Clara, December 1, 1854. They were born at Mill Creek, Nelson County.
1.There is a record of a marriage in Breckenridge County, January 30, 1861, between John R. Bland age 29 and Rebecca Bearin (elsewhere called Howard), age 26. There is also a record of an unnamed male child born January 1, 1861 to this couple, and Minnie Bland, 19, whose father signed for her to marry Joseph D. Taul, November 9, 1893.
(G) Milton Bland (1806-1863) previously discussed (AC 2-2, p. 27) married Almira Kenley (1808-1883) on February 7, 1832.
(H)Lucinda Bland (1807-1843) married Samuel Pottinger, September22, 1828.
(I)Adeline Bland (C1811- ) married Gregory Glasscock, April
11, 1829.
(J) Leland Bland (1812-1850) married Lydia Bland, (1812-1869) a cousin, October 24, 1831, in Nelson County, and they lived in Warren and Hardin County. They and their children are buried in the Red Mill Cemetery in Hardin County, (AC 3-1, pp. 26-27).
(K) Lydia
Bland. Nothing is known of Lydia.
The 1850 Census for Marion County contains
several anomalies. Jane Bland (178# ) is shown with Susan Bland (1825-
); John Bland (1827- ); Thomas Bland (1830- ); and Martha Bland (1832-
). Vardamin Bland (1828-1888) previously noted (AC 3-1, p. 30) is
shown living with his wife Martha Lewis (1833-1919). Vardamin and
Martha are buried in Hardin County. At least one child of theirs,
an unnamed female, was found born March 22, 1853. Which older Bland
do Jane and Vardamin fit?
The following marriages cannot be placed for anyone:
1. John R. Bland to Elizabeth Clark, October 2, 1820.
2. Martha Bland to Joseph Leaton, May 23, 1826.
3. Susan Bland to William Wright, April 16, 1827.
4. Nancy Bland to James Sheehan, November 27, 1828.
5. Eliza Bland, ward of William Rutter,
to Joseph Pile, June 16, 1829.
Cumberland and Monroe Counties
These counties are interesting on several counts. First, they became final residences for Osborne Bland, Sr. and his wife Letitiawho never seemed to be able to settle down anywhere, probably because Letitia was cruelly ostracized for her experiences as a victim of the indians at Kinchloe in 1781. As a result, she and Osborne may have been touchy, paranoid and not easy as neighbors. Osborne Bland is listed in the 1810 census of Cumberland County with three males, ages 16-26 and with a wife age 45 or higher. Osborne was in the Monroe County Census for 1820. Near him appears Osborne Bland Junior (C1774-1848) with a family that matches well to that previously described (VU, pp. 440-455). There also appears Jesse Bland, the child who was captured in the Kinchloe raid of 1781 along with Osborne and Letitia, with a wife (both aged 26-45), two males under ten and three females under 10 (VU, p. 441). Living cheek to jowl with Jesse is John Bland shown as age 26-45 with a wife in the same age range. This matches well with John Bland and Sarah Lee (AC 2-2, pp. 23-25, 3-1, pp. 8-9 and 3-2, pp. 8-15). Children in this household are two sons (Abraham born C1800 and Purmit born 1804). Three daughters also are shown, somewhat at variance with earlier information that shows all the daughters of John and Sarah born after 1810. Living close by also in the 1810 census is a Kirkpatrick. Ruby Blann has advised me that there may be a wealth of information in the Shenandoah County area, adjacent to Rockingham-Pendleton County. For example, many of the allied names associated with the John Bland-Sarah Lee family, including Reeds, Caldwells, Lees (including Permount Lee in 1785) are in the Shenandoah, Rockingham area. A Zachariah Lee was married in Shenandoah County in 1781. This is interesting as a connection because the wife of John Bland (1770-1842) Sarah Elizabeth Lee was the daughter of a Purmit (Permount) Lee and the Lee-Bland Connection continues into Cumberland County about 1815-1820, (AC 3-1, p. 9).
A series of transactions were discovered in Cumberland County, Lawrence Smith of Warren County to "Osburn" Bland, land on Meshack Creek, December 18, 1805. This is followed by a deed from Moses Lee to George Wood, October 13, 1806, also conveying land on Meshack Creek. Osborne deeds Meshack Creek land to another party February 6, 1811, followed by another deed from Osborne, March 7, 1811. Then August 9, 1811, Osborne and Letitia join in a lease and release of land on Meshack Creek with Warren Bland and his wife Jane. Interesting, because Osborne Bland Jr. and Patsy Donahoo had a son named Warren (1811-1865 VU, p. 446). Warren did not appear in the 1810 census, indicating that he might ### been one of the three minor males living with Osborne Sr. in 1810. Thus far, we only know of Osborne Jr., Jesse and Elam as sons of Osborne and Letitia. Also, interestingly enough, there are transactions #re with Radfords (AC 4-1, p. 32) suggesting a slim connection to the family of Joyce Bland McCool. There is also a transaction in 1819 between Osborne and Lettice with William and Eli (Elam?) who could be sons or grandsons.
This evidence leads me to believe that John Bland (C1770-1842) had a connection with the Northern Virginia family, though a specific connection is not clear.
The name Osborne and Letitia persisted,
for in the Monroe County records there was found a couple, Osborne Bland
and Mary Wilson with children James W. Bland (March 15, 1853- ) and "Letty"
Bland (May 25, 1856).
Green/Pulaski/Casey Counties
Inasmuch as we have seen some of the Washington County family residing in Green County by the 1850's, it might be well to review briefly the genealogy of these three counties. Green County was formed in 1793 as part of Lincoln and Nelson Counties. Pulaski was formed in 1799 from Green and Lincoln and Casey County was formed from Lincoln in 1807.
There was what has always seemed a distinct family in the Pulaski/Casey area, that of Reuben Bland born probably in Virginia between 1780/1790 and died after 1840, and Dicey West shown to be 60 in the 1850 Census thus (1790- ). Previously, (VU pp. 479-483) there was noted three sons: William (C1815- ); Joshua (1818- ); and Walker (1827- ). Daughters of Reuben Bland and Dicey West were: 1. Dicey (C1823- ) who married William Dalton; 2. Esther (C1825- ); 3. Margaret (C1831- ) who married Jesse Soman, February 18, 1855 in Casey County; 4. Mary A. Bland (1834- ) living with her mother in 1850 in the home of G. Murphy. Mary married Henry Eaden in Breckenridge County, November 30, 1854; and 5. Neptha (C1838- ) living with her mother at the Murphy's home in 1850.
The historian of this family is Panzy Willburn of San Modesto, California. In her correspondence with me Panzy has concentrated on Reuben's son Walker Bland (1827- ) who married Margaret Louisa Rayburn on July 28, 1848. What follows may flesh out the balance of the Pulaski County family:
1. William Bland (C1815-1879) was the eldest son of Reuben Bland and Dicey West. He married twice, first to Phoebe Pharesby (C1816-1875) and secondly to Eliza Dagley (C1840- ) on December 22, 1876. Following William's death, Eliza Dagley Bland remarried to William T. Floyd, February 28, 1880, thus William's death is peg#d at C1879.
By Eliza Dagley, William had two daughters (A) Victoria Bland (1877- ) who married Volandus Merrick, January 8, 1895 and (B) Lou Bland (1878- ) who married Cleo Smith, December 9, 1900. By Phoebe, William had four sons: (A) George Alfred C. Bland (C1850- ) who married (1) Rhoda McHagan (1861- ) on June 26, 1879 and (2) Nancy Eastham (1852- ) May 22, 1881; (B) William Shelby Bland (April 15, 1852- ) who married Lucinda Vanhoozer on January 14, 1872. William and Lucinda may have been parents of Dora Bland (1875- ) who married Marion Cooper, September 8, 1892; (C) Thomas M. Bland (1855- ) who married Mary Ann Barnett (1858- ) from Tennessee on August 19, 1874; (D) Albert L. Bland (November 2, 1857-February 10, 1929) who married Sarah Chumbley (June 8, 1862-January 11, 1932). Albert and Sarah were buried at the Weddle Cemetery in Pulaski County. Their children were Mary F. Bland (September 7, 1877- ) who married James E. Pemberton, October 10, 1897) and Laravette (1884-1885).
2. A man who fit the pattern of a son of Reuben Bland and Dicey West was John Bland (C1827-1893) who is buried in the Bland Cemetery, Casey County. John married (1) Mary Ann Belton, August 24, 1849 and (2) Nancy Marples (1831-1887) about 1858. By Mary Belton, a male child without a name was born October 22, 1852 and Mary E. Bland was born July 18, 1854 in Casey County. By Nancy Marples, John Bland had at least Susan A. Bland (April 10, 1859- ) and John L. Bland (December 10, 1861- ). He also had Allen Bland (1871-1940) who married Lou Purdy (1874-1960) on December 22, 1893 and Harlan Bland (1873-1943) who married Sally Purdy on August 20, 1896.
Aman who is old enough to be a brother of Reuben Bland was Thomas (1803- ) shown in the 1850 Census of Casey County married to Elizabeth Stephens (C1800-1853). Elizabeth is shown as dead of the flux on April 10, 1853. Their oldest son was Samuel J. Bland (1831-1854) who also died of the flux. He married E.J. Knifely and had by her a daughter, Sarah E. Bland (1853-1854) who died of the croup. Secondly, he may have had a son Samuel J. Bland Jr. who married Sarah Vaughn, December 23, 1873 and had by her a son John W. Bland (September 10, 1874- ). Thomas Bland and Elizabeth Bland had five daughters living with them in 1850: Frances (1830- ); Susan C. (1833- ); Lucinda (1837- ); Sarah E. (1846- ) and Isabella (1848- ).
I cannot make connections for the following marriages:
William Bland married to Dorcas Ann Lane, July 16, 1856.
Thomas Bland married to Lucretia R###ns, September 9, 1856. There is a Bland-Riggins Connection in Dallas County, Arkansas about 1850, (AC 1-2, pp. 24-25). Abner T. Bland who married Scotia Pointer, March 4, 1873 and by her had Mary E. Bland (1874-1876) and Elizabeth Bland (August 29, 1875- ).
McClean County
This county was formed in 1854 from Ohio, Davis
and Muhlenberg Counties. There was a John J. Bland (1805-1858) buried
at Worthington's Chapel Cemetery who made his will July 5, 1858.
He was married to Susan A. Higgs who made out her will in 1865.
In his will, John J. Bland mentioned a son William L. Bland who was
his executor, and minor children Charles and Mary Elizabeth Bland.
No connection by this family to a larger group is known.
Lyon/Trigg/Todd County
Trigg County was formed in 1820 from Christian and Caldwell and Lyon County was formed in 1854 from Caldwell. Todd was formed in 1820 from Christian and Logan Counties. Also, these counties lie geographically just to the north of Montgomery County, Tennessee. Thomas H. Jones of Edwardsville, Illinois has searched rather diligently for the parental connection to his Joshua Bland (C1826-1883) who according to a letter to the Kentucky Historical Society by Roger Futtrel, November 30, 1957, was buried at the Macedonia Church Cemetery in Lyon County. He was married to Mary Ann Scott (1832-1903) in Caldwell County, November 18, 1847, (AC 1-2, p. 23 and 3-2, p. 55). Inasmuch as Joshua's eldest son was named James Scott it might be reasonable to assume that his father was named James, (Mary Ann was the daughter of David Scott). There was a James Bland who married Hanky Roberson in Livingston County in 1802 and James Bland is shown on the tax list for Livington and Christian County, Kentucky from 1804/1807. Probably he is the same James Bland who appears on the tax lists in Eurie Pearl Wilford Neel's Statistical Handbook of Trigg County Kentucky (1961). It should be noted that there are manifest naming similarities between the children and grandchildren of Joshua Bland, and the Blands noted from Monroe/Greenbrier County, Virginia (AC 3-1, p. 10 and above pp. 7-8). Finally, let us note that there appeared in the 1900 Census for Todd County, Kentucky none other than that great confederate hero Stewart Bland (see above, pp. 14-15, son of Henry Bland 1770-1853) and his wife Virginia Harper. One can't resist the observation that Stewart must have longed to be close to the saints out in Logan County, Kentucky, (Edith Lanning, in her books, notes Stewart's birth and his war record as well as his date of marriage to Virginia Harper, but is silent about the development of his family). Stewart went to Tennessee, as noted below, then to Kentucky. Thomas Jones has done a bit of detective work and concludes that Howard Bland shown in the 1900 Todd County Census, age 29 with a wife Sallie, also 29, was the son of Stewart B#nd and Virginia Harper. Living with Howard was one Pearl Roberson. Thomas Jones indicates that Howard, his father Stewart, and later Stewart's son Ross, settled in the area where Joshua and his children resided. Living near Howard and Stewart Bland in 1910 was Ross Bland, (C1878- ) with a wife Mary Simmons (1883- ). The fatherson relationship is verified by the presence of Stewart Bland in Montgomery County, Tennessee, District #1, in 1880 listed as aged 41 (1839- ) with a wife Virginia (1843- ), daughters Mollie (1866- ) and Fannie K. Bland (1868- ) and sons G. Howard (1870- ), H.T. (1873- ) and Ross (1878- ).
One cannot avoid the assumption that there
is a link between the early James of these Western Kentucky counties and
Joshua Bland (1826-1883) and in turn a link between James and Rockingham/Pendleton
County Families. How is not yet certain.
Ballard County
Ballard was formed from parts of McCracken
and Hickman County in 1842 and lies at the far western edge of Kentucky.
The county was named for Captain Bland Ballard (October 16, 1761-September
5, 1853),who according to story and legend was a famed indian fighter who
moved to Kentucky in 1779. Bland Ballard moved out to Kentucky with
his mother and siblings, suggesting that his father was dead by 1779.
In 1780, he witnessed the slaughter of his mother and all siblings but
one sister who escaped after being scalped. Ballard managed to kill
half of the 15 indians in the attacking party. Bland Ballard was
born at Fredericksburg, Virginia. Probably he goes back in time to
Elizabeth Bland, identified by Elizabeth Morse of Denver, Colorado and
Karen Markert of Seattle, Washington as being born in York or Spotsylvania
County (Spotsylvania was formed in 1720 from Essex, King and Queen and
King William County. York/Charles River County was one of the Original
shires formed in 1634, cf, VU p. 76B). The research of these two
ladies indicate that Elizabeth was born C1697 and married John Ballard
(C1693-1745) about 1714. Karen Markert indicates that Elizabeth may
be the daughter of William Bland, but has no certain proof of her parentage.
John and Elizabeth Ballard had four sons, born between 1715-1721, any one
of whom could be the parent of Bland Ballard. Further information
about this family would be appreciated.