George Nicholas was the son of Judge Samue1 Smith Nicholas Ni5 and
Matilda Prather Pr5
Born 1831, August 1, Louisville, Kentucky.
married, first, 1852, October, to Emma Juliet Hawes, who died 1854
second, 1857, February 2, Mary
Anna Pope Po4, daughter of Congressman Patrick
Henry Pope, in Louisville on Feb. 2, 1857, and Sarah
Lawrence Brown (Br5).
Died 1896, March 15, in Shelby County, Kentucky.
Buried in Grove Hill Cemetery, Shelby County, Kentucky.
Chi1d by first marriage:
Ni3-1 Emma Juliet Nicholas (1854 � 1896) married John Churchill,
had child, John Churchill Jr., who married first Lucy Jones, second Ardath
� and died 8 Dec. 1944. Ardeth Churchill married second Paul Hays and was
living in 1948 with name Ardeth Hays).
Chi1dren by second marriage:
Ni3-2 Samuel Smith Nicholas (16 March 1862- 14 April 1864)
Ni3-3 Mary Emeline Nicholas (7 Sept 1863 - 8 Sept.1863)
Ni3-4 Worden Pope Nicholas
(20 Nov. 1864- 6 June 1942) married 7 Oct. 1891 Lulu Allen Cherry
Ni3-5 George Nicholas (10
Nov. 1866- 21 March 1926) married 15 July 1896 Evelyn Belle Thompson in
Shelbyville, Ky., who compiled the extensive genealogical notes on which
this part of the genealogy is based. They had 3 sons and a daughter.
Ni3-6 Sarah Lawrence Nicholas
(16 June 1868- 13 June 1935 in Camrose Alta, Canada, bur. in Edna Texas)
Ni3-7 Patrick Pope Nicholas (17 Dec. 1869- June 1941) married 30 Sept.
1897 Mary Willis Middleton
Ni3-8 Thomas Prather Nicholas
(4 March 1872- 30 Sept. 1942) married 29 Dec. 1897 Deborah Shannon
Ni3-9 Lawrence Nicholas (19 March 1874-June 1942)
Ni3-10 Cary Nicholas (28 April 1876- 2 Dec. 1897)
Ni3-11 Matilda Prather Nicholas (15 May 1878- June 1954 ) married Dr. Thomas E. Bland on 20
June 1906.
Ni3-12 Mary Anna Nicholas
(11 Feb. 1880 - 30 Dec. 1915)
Ni3-13 Samuel Smith Nicholas (1 July 1881- 29 May 1927 in Edna, Texas)
Sources: Copy of Nicholas Family Bible
from The Filson Club, approved by the College of Arms in London
George Nicho1as III was a farmer in Daviess County, Kentucky, in his
early manhood.
As a direct male descendant of the Nicholas Families of Alcannings
and Roundway he was entitled to bear the Nicholas Coat of Arms, as were
his sons and theirs etc.
He married his first wife, Emma Ju1iet Hawes in 1852. She was the daughter of Hugh Walker Hawes and Marie Marthe Juliet Dominique Ryon of Daviess County.
They had a daughter, Emma Juliet Nicho1as, born April 8,
1854. The mother died on April 16, 1eaving her eight day old
baby to be brought up by her father's sisters.
George Nicho1as III later married Mary Anna Pope (Po4) the youngest daughter of Patrick Henry Pope (Po5) of." Louisville, Ky.
He retired from farming and lived in Louisville until about 1884, when
he moved to She1by County, Kentucky to live on a sma11 farm of about twenty-six
acres (which he had bought from Mr. Cheatham) 1ocated on the Eminence Pike,
about two miles north of Shelbyville, Ky. The home was ca11ed "Fairview".
He educated his children in private schoo1s in Louisville and Shelbyville and at Center College in Danville, Kentucky, of which he was a Trustee.
He was a Member of the Northern Presbyterian Church of Shelbyville.
His favorite recreation was chess. He played in tournaments and won a game against Showalter of Chicago was then the champion making his plays by mail and by telegraph.
He died in l896 in March at his home and was buried at Grove Hill Cemetery in Shelby County, Kentucky.
Birth - Nicholas Bible owed by John Shannon Nicholas, Louisville,
Kentucky. First marriage - idem
Second marriage - Filson Club, Louisville, Kentucky.
Death - Nicholas Bible and tombstone.
The Nicholas House about 2 miles West of Shelbyville, Ky.
Ni3-6 Sarah Lawrence Nicho1as (1868-1935), picture taken in Paris
Either Ni3-8 Thomas Prather Nicho1as (1872-1942) and Ni3-7
Pope Nicho1as (1869-1941)
or Ni3-9 Lawrence Nicho1as (1874-1942) and Ni3-10 Cary Nicho1as
Picture of pupils of Science Hill Academy in Shelbyville taken about
Middle row right Ni3 Matilda Prather Nicholas (1878-1954
) and Ni3-12 Mary Anna Nicholas (1880-1915)
bottom row left Ni3-13 Samue1 Smith Nicholas (1881-1927)
Ni3-4 Worden Pope Nicho1as December 1905
Picture taken 22.9.1906 of Grandchildren:
Ni3-8-1 and -2John Shannon Nicholas and Catherine Prather Nicholas
children of ? Ni3-8 Thomas Prather Nicho1as (1872-1942)
? Ni3-9 Lawrence Nicho1as (1874-1942) at Center College in Danville,
? Ni3-10 Cary Nicho1as (1876-1897) at Center College in Danville,
Ni3-5 George Nicholas (1866-1926)
Nicholas of Roundway and Alcannings |
Ni10 | William Nicholas was granted the manor of Roundway by Gilbert de la Roche about 1280, b about 1260 | ||||||||||||||||
Ni19 | Thomas Nicholas of Roundway b about 1300 | ||||||||||||||||
Ni8 | John Nicholas of Roundway b about 1340 | ||||||||||||||||
Ni17 | John Nicholas of Roundway b about 1380, d after 1461. | ||||||||||||||||
Ni16 | John Nicholas and | ||||||||||||||||
m | Alice Enoch En16, daughter and coheiress of Thomas Enoch (Ennock ?Baynton) | ||||||||||||||||
Ni15 | John Nicholas Esq. (Ni15) of Roundway and his second wife, Agnes Gore, daughter and coh. of John Gore of Hinton. | ||||||||||||||||
Ni14-1 | Richard Nicholas, Esquire of Roundway, who married Isabella of Robert Pead at Ford of Bromham, Wiltshire. Sources: Wiltshire Visitation Pedigrees, 1623. | ||||||||||||||||
Ni14 | Robert Nicholas Esq. of All Cannings | ||||||||||||||||
Ni13 | Robert Nicholas 2nd son, Esq. of All Cannings born about 1522, and Mary Webb, daughter of William Webb of Bradford, Wilts. | ||||||||||||||||
Ni12 | Edward Nicholas (Ni12)
Born about 1555 Died: Mar./Apr. 1623
Bur. 3 Apr. 1623 in Allcannings. married Catherine Franklin (Fr12) bur. 22 Oct. 1618, daughter of Richard Franklin (Fr13), "fil. et heres separates 1623" |
Ni11 | Robert Nicholas (Ni11) 8/9 November 1597, baptised 27 Nov. 1597 (younger, surviving twin of the same name, who died 9 Nov.1597) Admitted to the Inner Temple 25 July 1614, Member of Parliament 1639, he lead the fight against Archbishop Laud for sponsoring the arbitrary incarceration of MPs, Lord of the Exchequer under Oliver Cromwell. married Elizabeth Sheldon (Sh11), daughter of Philip Sheldon of Spatchle. continued below, died about 1654. | ||||||||||||||||
Ni14-3 | Margerie Nicholas, who married John Stokes of Sand, Wiltshire.
Anna Nicholas, who married Walton of Lacock, Wiltshire |
Ni14-4 | Anna Nicholas, who married Walton of Lacock, Wiltshire | ||||||||||||||||
Ni14-5 | Christopher Rodolphus obijerent s.p., issue Gregory d.
Sources: Wiltshire Visitation Pedigrees, 1623. |
Ni15-3 Ni15-4 |
William Nicholas, "slaine without the gatehouse
in Runway*".
Robert Nicholas, who had three sons. Constance Nicholas |
Ni10 | Robert Nicholas (Ni10) October 1629, Baptized: 14 October 1629? continued from above and his first wife, Elizabeth ? | ||||||||||||||||
Ni9 | Philip Nicholas Born: 8 Nov. 1654 Died: January 1635, buried in Manston, Dorset, England 30 January 1635, married Frances ? of Manston Dorset. | ||||||||||||||||
Ni8 | Dr. George Nicholas Born about 1695, matriculated at St. John's College in Cambridge in 1713, died �before Aug. 22, 1734 at Williamsburg, Virginia. Married after 1721 Elizabeth Carter Burwell Ca8 widow of Nathaniel Burwell. | ||||||||||||||||
Ni7 | Robert Carter Nicholas | ||||||||||||||||
m | Anne Cary Ca7 | ||||||||||||||||
Ni6-1 | Elizabeth Nicholas b. 11 Aug. 1752; m. 29 Aug. 1776 Gov. Edmund Jennings Randolph, son of John Randolph, 1776; d. 1810. | ||||||||||||||||
Ni6-2 | Colonel George Nicholas Born: 1753/5 in Hanover County (?), Virginia Miarried to Mary Smith (Sm6), sister of General Samuel Smith of Baltimore, Maryland, Died: 25 July 1799 in Lexington, Kentucky. A stroke may be suspected as cause of death. | ||||||||||||||||
Ni5-1 | Col. Robert Carter Nicholas (1779 (?93 there is likely a confusion with a cousin of the same name who moved to New Orleans) - 1836 (?57), He was known as a brilliant talker. | ||||||||||||||||
Ni5-2 | Maria Nicholas (1780 - ? ) 17 March 1804 married Col. Thomas D. Owings of Kentucky in Lexington Ky., probably a descendant of Samuel Owings Ow9 | ||||||||||||||||
Ni5-3 | Smith Nicholas (1782 - ? ) | ||||||||||||||||
Ni5-4 | Ann Nicholas (1783 - ?) | ||||||||||||||||
Ni5-5 | Sidney Nicholas (1785 - ? ) | ||||||||||||||||
Ni5-6 | Major Cary Nicholas (1786 - ? ) U.S. Army and great wit | ||||||||||||||||
Ni5-7 | George Ann Nicholas (1788 - ?) | ||||||||||||||||
Ni5-8 | Margarette Gailbraith Nicholas (1789 � Aug.13, 1819) married first Gen. J.C. Bartlett, second Gov. Thomas Fletcher, died without issue. She was portraited by Jewet; the portrait in the posession of Gen. Charles Parsons Nicholas (Ni3-5-4) in 1975 and doublessly passed to his daughter, Frances. | ||||||||||||||||
Ni5-9 | John Nelson Nicholas (1791 - 1826) ablest Journalist in Kentucky and in 1821 made Jefferson admit authorship of the Kentucky Resolution of 1798 with the further awowal that he wrote them at the insistance of George Nicholas (Ni6) | ||||||||||||||||
Ni5-10 | Elizabeth Randolph Nicholas (1793 - married James Gabriel Trotter of Lexington | ||||||||||||||||
Ni5-11 | George Wilson Nicholas (1795 - ? ) | ||||||||||||||||
Ni5-12 | SS nicholas m1 Matilda Prather (Pr5). | ||||||||||||||||
Ni4-1 | Mary Jane Nicholas b 1830 m y Graves | ||||||||||||||||
Ni4-2 | George Nicholas married first Emma Hawes, second Mary Anna Pope | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-1 | Emma Juliette �TINA� (Nicholas) CHURCHILL 1/11
(half-sibling ) The first marriage of George Nicholas of Shelbyville (Father
of Lawrence) was to Emma Juliette Hawes. Their child was Emma Juliette
�Tina� Nicholas (1854 � 1903). Her mother, above, also named Emma Juliette,
died in the year of her daughter�s birth, 1854 -- perhaps in
George Nicholas later married Mary Anna Pope, and they had 12children. One of the children Lawrence was unmarried and made the original investment. Tina, the half-sibling, left a child John Churchill Jr. Tina was the second wife of John Rowan Churchill Sr. They married in 1890, when he was 71. John Jr. was born in 1891. Ardath Ellis was the second wife of John Churchill Jr. It was her second marriage as well. She married her third husband Paul Hays. Ardath Ellis (first husband�s name was Joseph Weldon McNamara) Churchill Hays had no children, so her sister Amanda Louise (Mandy Lou) Ellis Peden�s children, Jane and Ardath inherit. Ardath is deceased, but has one son Thomas Peden Rogers. |
Ni3-1-1 | 1-1. John Churchill Jr. Survived by his second wife Ardath Ellis (her second marriage ) who then married Paul Hayes, No children | ||||||||||||||||
Jane Peden Stewart 1/22 (Niece of Ardath Hays) ,, Elbert Davis Stewart III | |||||||||||||||||
Ni | Ardath Amanda Stewart unmarried | ||||||||||||||||
Ni | Edward Peden Stewart | ||||||||||||||||
Ni | Ardath Peden Rogers (Deceased) (Niece of Ardath Hays) | ||||||||||||||||
Thomas Peden Rogers | |||||||||||||||||
Ni3-2 | Samuel Smith Nicholas (16 March 1862- 14 April 1864) | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-3 | Mary Emeline Nicholas (7 Sept 1863 - 8 Sept.1863) | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-4 | Worden Pope Nicholas, 2/11 | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-4-1 | Mary E. Nicholas Heirs 2/55 (unmarried) | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-4-2 | 1-4. Margaret N. Longfield (Deceased) | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-4-2-1 | John Nicholas Longfield | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-4-2-2 | Charles Hines Longfield (Deceased) | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-4-2-2-1 | Linda Marie Longfield | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-4-2-3 | Harriet Ann Longfield Pitman | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-4-2-4 | William Longfield (Deceased) | ||||||||||||||||
m | Beverly Longfield | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-4-3 | George Nicholas, b.10 Jan. 1895, d. 10 July 1895 | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-4-4 | 1-5. Catherine Nicholas Lauder (Deceased) | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-4-4-1 | Catherine F. Lauder (Unmarried) (Deceased) 2 | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-4-4-2 | Cherry L McIlvain | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-4-4-2-1 | Scott McIlvain, | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-4-4-2-1-1 | Kate | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-4-4-2-1-2 | Craig | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-4-4-2-1-3 | Mary Ann Spalding, | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-4-4-2-1-4 | Andrew | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-4-4-2-1-5 | Megan | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-4-4-3 | Louise Lauder m y Roos | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-4-4-3-1 | Donald Stuart MacKenzie | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-4-4-3-2 | David Frederick MacKenzie | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-4-5 | Esther Nicholas 2/55 (unmarried) | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-4-6 | Curran P. Nicholas Mildred S. Nicholas (Deceased) | ||||||||||||||||
![]() |
Ni3-4-6-1 | David C. Nicholas | |||||||||||||||
Ni3-4-6-1-1 | Christopher David Nicholas | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-4-6-1-1-1 | Cole Christopher Nicholas | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-4-6-1-1-2 | Sydney Elizabeth Nicholas | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-4-6-1-2 | Sarah Luella Nicholas m y Lynch | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-4-6-1-2-1 | Maura Nicholas Lynch | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-4-6-1-2-2 | Brigid Nicholas Lynch | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-4-6-1-3 | Jane Elizabeth Nicholas m y Schmidt | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-4-6-1-3-1 | Isabel Nicholas Schmidt | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-4-6-1-3-2 | Joseph Nicholas Schmidt | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-5 | GEORGE NICHOLAS 2/11, (10 Nov. 1866- 21 March 1926) married 15 July 1896 Evelyn Belle Thompson in Shelbyville, Ky., | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-5-2 | Henry Thompson Nicholas I 1/22 | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-5-2-3 | Elizabeth V. Nicholas m y Padin, | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-5-2-3-1 | Jose Antonio Padin Nicholas , | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-5-2-3-2 | Margarita Isabel Padin Nicholas , | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-5-2-3-3 | Maria Teresa Padin Nicholas , | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-5-2-3-4 | Alejandra Susana Padin Nicholas , | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-5-2-3-5 | Juan Enrique Rodrigo Padin Nicholas (deceased) | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-5-2-2 | George Nicholas m1 x | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-5-2-2-1 | Nancy Nicholas (attorney) | ||||||||||||||||
m2 | Jeanette | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-5-2-2-2 | George Nicholas VIII | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-5-2-1 | Henry Thompson Nicholas II (Deceased) | ||||||||||||||||
stepdau |
Dorothy A. Nicholas (Deceased) (2nd Wife of HTN II ) | ||||||||||||||||
Adam Weissman , | |||||||||||||||||
Matthew Weissman , | |||||||||||||||||
Kevin Ruthven | |||||||||||||||||
Ni3-5-4 | Brig. Gen Charles Parsons Nicholas, 1 /22 | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-5-4-1 | Frances Young Nicholas (Kitty) | ||||||||||||||||
m1 | Edward Ashford Lee at West Point, N.Y. on 27 Aug. 1955 | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-5-4-1-1 | Frances Allen Lee, born 25 May 1956 in Boston, Mass. d 2010 | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-5-4-1-2 | Edward Ashford Lee, born 3 Oct. 1957 in San Juan Puerto Rico. | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-5-4-1-3 | Maria Catalina Lee, born 30 Nov. 1959 in San Juan Puerto Rico. | ||||||||||||||||
m2 | y Fassett | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-5-5 | Patricia Pope Nicholas Veatch , | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-5-5-3 | Barbara Veatch LaVogue | ||||||||||||||||
m | Christopher La Vogue , | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-5-5-1 | Anne Cary Veatch Jacobs Cantrill, | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-5-5-1-1 | Barbara Elizabeth Visconti | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-5-5-1-2 | Nathaniel Jacobs. | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-5-3 | Philip Norborne Nicholas Heirs 1 /22 | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-5-3-1 | Martha N. Selden | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-5-3-1-1 | Lesley Rowan Selden | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-5-3-1-2 | Martha Warren Selden | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-5-3-1-3 | William Montgomery Selden III | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-5-3-1-4 | Natile Hoke Selden French | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-5-3-2 | Barbara Terrell Nicholas Potts | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-5-3-2-1 | Terrell Ann PottsGraves | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-5-3-2-2 | Deborah Stewart Potts Cuttnino | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-5-3-2-3 | Amy Elizabeth Potts Mitchell | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-5-3-2-4 | ;Ann Crowder Potts Smith | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-5-3-3 | Philip N. Nicholas Jr. (Deceased) 1/66 no will | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-5-3-3-1 | Daniel J. Nicholas | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-5-3-3-2 | Michael M. Nicholas | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-5-3-3-3 | Charles Nicholas | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-5-3-3-4 | Philip N. Nicholas III | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-5-3-3-5 | Nancy Nicholas-Sayyah | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-7 | Patrick Pope Nicholas, 2/11 (17 Dec. 1869- June 1941) married 30 Sept. 1897 Mary Willis Middleton | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-7-1 | Caroline Pope Nicholas Goodson (only daughter) | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-7-1-1 | Mary Anne Goodson Rogers Brown 1/22 , 2933 Tabor Oaks Lane , Lexington KY 40502-2883 , (859) 266 6449 | ||||||||||||||||
Nii3-7-1-1-1 | Warren Pope Rogers | ||||||||||||||||
Nii3-7-1-1-2 | Anne Nicholas Rogers Fuller | ||||||||||||||||
Nii3-7-1-1-3 | Elizabeth Carol Cook | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-7-1-2 | Edward Pope Goodson | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-7-1-3 | Laura Elizabeth ? | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-7-1-4 | Kenton Craig Goodson, Louisville | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-7-1-5 | Melanie Middleton | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-7-2 | John Cary Nicholas | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-7-2-1 | Carol Jane Nicholas m y Hayes | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-7-2-1-1 | Patrick Cary Jones all Louisville | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-7-2-1-2 | Kathleen Hayes | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-7-2-2-3 | Rachel Jones | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-7-2-2 | Linda Lou Nicholas m y Alexander | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-7-2-2-1 | Kevin Alexander , | ||||||||||||||||
Ni | Kela | ||||||||||||||||
Ni | Maddox | ||||||||||||||||
Ni | Lennox | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-7-2-2-2 | Leslie Alexander , | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-7-2-3 | Mary Pope Nicholas (Died at age 1 year) | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-8 | Thomas Prather Nicholas, 2/11, married 29 Dec. 1897 Deborah Shannon | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-8-1 | John Shannon Nicholas (Deceased) | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-8-1-1 | Thomas Prather Nicholas II (Deceased) 1/11 | ||||||||||||||||
m | Anne R. x Nicholas | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-8-1-1-1 | Thomas Prather Nicholas III, | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-8-1-1-1-1 | Joshua Shannon Nicholas: born 1/16/90 | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-8-1-1-1-2 | Kyle Thomas Nicholas: born 10/01/92 | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-8-1-1-2 | Mary Shannon Nicholas, | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3-8-2 | Katharine Prather Nicholas librarian in Shelbyville Ky d after 1975 unmarried, | ||||||||||||||||
Ni3 | Matilda Prather Nicholas b 15 May 1878 d June 1954 married Dr. Thomas E. Bland on 20 June 1906 in Shelbyville Ky. | ||||||||||||||||
Bl2 | Anna Pope Bland born 26 June 1908 in Shelbyville, d 15 Feb 1970 in Saginaw, m Eustace Granger Hester | ||||||||||||||||
He1-1 | Thomas E. Hester b 23 Oct 1937 d May 2010 m 1 Soundra Gustavson m2 Carol Weesner and adopted her two daughters | ||||||||||||||||
He1-1-1 | Jennifer Marie Hester b 1964/5 has daughter | ||||||||||||||||
m2 | m2 Carol Janice Weesner | ||||||||||||||||
He1-1-2 | Tracey Lynn Hester m. y Wierzba and had Katlyn Wierzba | ||||||||||||||||
He1-1-3 | Kevin James Hester | ||||||||||||||||
He1-2 | Dr. jur. William G. Hester b 1940 | ||||||||||||||||
He1-2-1 | Nicholas Welling Hester, b 1968 M.S. ind. eng. | ||||||||||||||||
He1-2-2 | Dr. med. Katherine E. Pope Hester m Patrick Ruster, b 1972, | ||||||||||||||||
He1-2-2-1 | Mark Adam Ruster, b 2007 | ||||||||||||||||
He1-2-3 | Robert Carter Hester, b 1973 M.S Electronics | ||||||||||||||||
He1-2-4 | Dr. jur. Judith Beverley Hester, b 1977, assistant state attorney, Vienna | ||||||||||||||||
He1-2-5 | Maximilian Hester, b 1989 | ||||||||||||||||
He1-2-6 | Nathaniel Pope Hester b 2003, | ||||||||||||||||
He1-3 | George Nicholas Hester m | ||||||||||||||||
He1-3-1 | Emily Pope Hester (McDonaugh) | ||||||||||||||||
He1-4 | Jane Ann Hester Latty Thomas | ||||||||||||||||
Bl2-2 | Jane Bland (Unmarried) | ||||||||||||||||
Ni4-3 | Thomas Prather Nicholas , (1833-1870) | ||||||||||||||||
Ni4-4 | Matilda Nicholas (1835-1921) married Hon P Barrett of Mo. | ||||||||||||||||
Ni4-5 | Hetty Nicholas (1837-1838) | ||||||||||||||||
Ni4-6 | Julia Nicholas (1839-1907) married Maj. James Johnson, C.S.A. | ||||||||||||||||
Ni4-7 | Margharetta Nicholas (1842-1905) married Thomas | ||||||||||||||||
Ni4-8 | Samuel Smith :Nicholas (1844- ?) | ||||||||||||||||
m2 | Mary Smith (Ni6-3-8-1), granddaughter of his uncle, Wilson Cary Nicholas (Ni6-3), and his aunt, Margaret Smith (Sm6-4). | ||||||||||||||||
Ni4-9 | Cary Ann Nicholas, (l849- ?) | ||||||||||||||||
Ni4-10 | Catherine Nicholas (1850- ?) married Rudolph Fink | ||||||||||||||||
Ni4-11 | Sarah Nicholas (1852- ?) | ||||||||||||||||
Ni5-13 | Henrietta Nicholas (1798- ?) married Richard Hawes | ||||||||||||||||
Ni6- | |||||||||||||||||
Ni6- | |||||||||||||||||
Ni6- | |||||||||||||||||
Ni6- | |||||||||||||||||
Ni6-7 | Lewis Nicholas (1766 - '/ ), who lived in Albemarle. | ||||||||||||||||
Ni6-8 | Robert Nicholas (2 June 1768 - 7 ) | ||||||||||||||||
Ni6-9 | |||||||||||||||||
Ni6-10 | Mary Nicholas; b. 1759; d. 1796; unmarried. | ||||||||||||||||
Ni7-2 | John Nicholas of
Seven Islands b about 1727 He was clerk of Albemarle 1749-1815,
Burgess 1756 -58, and of the Convention of 1774-75, of Buckingham Co. (great-grandtfather of Mrs. Willie Harrison
Nicholas, who married Philip Barbour Ambler). He married Elizabeth, daughter of Colonel Joshua Fry of Williamsburg. |
Ni7-2-1 | Colonel John Nicholas b about 1750 member of the Buckinghem Co., Va., Committee of Safety, 1775; Burgess 1774; member of the Convention 1775, married Louise Carter | ||||||||||||||||
Ni7-2-2 | Elizabeth Nicholas | ||||||||||||||||
Ni7-2-3 | George Nicholas, married Nannie Scott and had issue. | ||||||||||||||||
Ni7-2-4 | Robert Carter Nicholas married Martha, widow of Daniel Scott | ||||||||||||||||
Ni7-2-5 | Margaret Nicholas, married ? Rose, had issue:
Robert Rose (Ni7-2-5-1) viz. (Ni6-4), John Rose (Ni7-2-5-2) and others. |
Ni7-2-6 | Martha Nicholas, married Edward Scott of Mannintown, had issue:
(Ni7-2-6-1) John Scott (Ni7-2-6-2) Martha Scott married Dr. Royster. |
?Ni7-2-7 | ?Ni7-2-?7 possibly here Ann Nicholas married Sp8-3-1-2-1
Allen Beall born 1728 and died before 1776 shows a daughter, |
?Ni7-2-8 | Leannah Nichols b 1750 Pr. William Co. Va. d 1770
m Warrenton King Spiller b 1737 Prince William Co. Va d 1770 Robertson Tn and had Nancy Spiller b1769 Robertson Tn d 1835 Williamson Ill m Abraham Tippy and had John Tippy b 17 Dec. 1992 Davidson Tn d 1850 Williamson Ill m Louis Lois Lee and had Edwrad H Tippey b 2 Oct 1818 in Ill d Apr 1870 |
Ni7-3 | George Nicholas, He was probably the father of Colonel John Nicholas, long time Clerk of Dinwiddie Va.
Married: about 1757 Elizabeth Ruffin the Ruffin pedigree shows her husband as J.N.Nicholas (This "J" might have been understood instead of "G"). |
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