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List of pedigrees
Bland of Northern Neck Va.
Nicholas of Roundway
Hester of Fleming Co Ky
Author's DNA match comparisons kit No. T848545
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    Harris of Shelby County Kentucky, Jamison, Huss, Walters, Sill, Register/Regester of Chester Co PA and Frye/Frey/Fry

    My connection with these families is Levicy Jane Harris, who was the daughter of Harvey Harris b Culpepper Virginia and Martha Ann Jamison whose parents seem to have come from Chester Co Pennsylvania or from Maryland.
    Levicy Jane Harris
    Born: 3 APR 1845 in near Clayvillage, Shelby County, Kentucky
    Died 23 JAN 1925 in Shelby County, Kentucky
    Burial Bagdad Cem Bagdad, Shelby County, Kentucky
    Married: 31 JAN 1861 Thomas Pope BLAND Jr b 12 OCT 1831 in Pike Co. Missouri. He was listed in the household of Henry C. Jamison in the Census for Distr 2 of Shelby Co of 12 Jun 1860, so it is probable that William Jamison Ja5 was the brother of Jacob Jamison, the father of this Henry Jamison, who married his sister, Mary S. Bland Bl4-6 b 1834. This conclusion is strengthened by the fact that Jacob's wife was named Lavicy Huss, so Levicy Jane Harris was obviously named after her. Then the Abraham Jamison and Christina Fry who were the grandparents of Henry were also the grandparents of Martha Jamison b about 1815. This couple seems to be the same as in the Frye pedigree shown below. This pedigree has been updated by another more complete version of the collateral Frye lines which includes our Martha Ann Jamison and Harvey Harris as well as Martha's parents. Since it is rather complete and thorough I am inclined to believe that it is based on the records of the Moravian Church and includes all descendants who were members of this church.

    The connection of the early Fryes with the Moravian Church and the marriage of Jacob Jamison to Lavicy/Levicy Huss lead me to suspect that the latter was a direct descendant of Jan Hus. Not only are the records of the Moravian Church likely to reveal more on her descent but also establishing her mitochondrial DNA could be important. Levicy Jane Harris must have had this mito DNA and any of her daughters' daughters as well, as do their daughters have the same mitochondrial DNA as Levicy Huss, Levicy Jane Harris' maternal grandmother.

    The Harris DNA project shows mostly R1b1b2, some confirmed R1b1b2a1b5 or R1b1b2a1a1 and frequent I1 and I1di.
    Although there may not be any close relationship the Harris family was probably in the area of northern Virginia before moving to the Bagdad area at the end of the 18th century. The name is Scottish and a large portion of the Scottish population has Nordic rather than Pictish, Scottish or Gaelic roots. The Cumberland Gap Y-Line DNA Project has confirmed that a Samuel Harris, b.c. 1770, Buckingham Co VA must have had a R1b1b2a1a4 Y chromosome. The incidence of R1b is 70% or more in parts of north and western England, which were Danelaw areas. In Ireland and the Basque Country its frequency exceeds 90%. It is widely believed that R1b originated in the Ural-Caucasus area where there are is still a high frequency of it but the frequency in Eastern Europe is very low, so the increased frequency in western Europe where it reaches its highest frequencies indicates it was part of the genome borne by a migrating people. However research was thought to show that R1b's variance increases as one moves east, leading to the view that R1b originated further east.[6] Some geneticists now believe that R1b arose in Central Asia[7] or Southwest Asia, and within the clade, R1b1b2 (R-M269) by far the most common subclade of R1b in Western Europe, has been said to reach its highest diversity in Iberia and Anatolia. The subclade R1b1b2a1a1 (including its own subclades) has a distribution running north west to east and is found in higher concentrations in England (21.4%) and Scandinavia (Denmark 17.7%), reaches a maximum in the Netherlands (37.2%) and slopes down to the east through Germany (20.5%) and the Alps (Switzerland 13.3%, Austria 22.7%) towards the Czech Republic (13.9%) and Ukraine (9.4%). This subclade is defined by the presence of the marker U106 which is around 3,100-3,900 years old.

    The history of the Vikings include not only their ravages of the Danelaw areas of England but also of Ireland and Scotland, their settlement of renaming of part of Neustria to Normandy and a longer reign of terror in the Southeast of France, where they practically annihilated the male population and obviously "consoled" the women for their loss rather thoroughly, if the R1b percentage of Y chromosome runs as high as 90% among the Basque population. The alternative theory would be that the Basques separated early on before the Indo-Germanic split and that their exploits brought their specific R1b Y chromosome back into the Indo-Germanic genome pool at separate points NE of the Black Sea and at other points in NW Europe. Atlantis theories that the Basques are a residue of the seafaring Atlantan Culture that did get sunk would support this. But more recently it occurred to me that the Amazons must have been unusually tall and strong to be able to stand up to men in battle. That scraps of documentation of their existence indicates that the were defeated about 1000 to 1500 BC. So I am inclined to believe that their survivors fled NW to sparsely populated Skandinavia to breed new strength in isolation and reappear in history as Goths, Teutons, Langobards, Vandals, Saxons, Angles, Jutes, Inglings, Danes and Vikings 40 generations later, most of whom passed through Basque territory at one time or another either as conquering band or prince marrying a Basque princess.

    Thomas Pope Bland and Levicy Jane Harris had children:
    Bl3-1 Martha Elizabeth BLAND b 18 DEC 1861 in Shelby County, Kentucky
    Bl3-2 William Leland BLAND b: 15 MAR 1863 in Kentucky
    Bl3 Thomas Eugene BLAND b: 13 JUL 1864 in Bagdad, Shelby County, Kentucky
    Bl3-4 Lewellyn BLAND b ABT 1867
    Bl3-5 Sarah Prudence BLAND about 1866
    Bl3-6 John Henry Bland b 2 Mar 1870
    Bl3-7 Mary Beatrice BLAND b 2 Feb 1878
    Bl3-8 Harvey Erwin Bland b 15 Feb 1885

    Back Row Left to Right: Martha Bland, Lou Ellen Bland (Sleadd), Mary Beatrice Bland (Busey), and Sarah/Sallie Bland (Sanford).
    Front row Left to Right: Thomas Eugene Bland, William Leland Bland, and John Henry Bland.
    Judging from the dates of birth above this picture was taken between 1889 and 1895
    The marriage on June 16, 1774, of George Harris and Catherine Harris in Fauquire Co. Va.
    or on November 27, 1780, Elisha Harris and Margaret McCormick
    or on September 3, 1785, Arthur Harriss and Elizabeth Goff
    or on November 23, 1789, Samuel Harriss and Nancy Duncan
    seem a likely pairs of ancestors, December 21, 1785, Benjamin Mahorney and Elizabeth Harriss
    a marriage of a sister of one or more of the above.

    Left to Right: supposedly Thomas Eugene Bland, Sarah/Sallie Bland and Mary Beatrice Bland. (the boy seems younger than the girl on the right but older than the one in the middle who is clearly Sarah as compared with the picture on the left, so either the boy is John Henry or the girl on the right is Martha)

    Gravestone at Bagdad Cmemtery, Picture taken March 1985
    This face seems to read William H. Harris son of M... H. Harris, Jan ...1847 to July 11 1890 and seems to be a brother of Levicy Jane Harris

    Gravestone at Bagdad Cmemtery, Picture taken March 1985, unfortunately the details cannot be made out

    Footstones for Thomas Pope Bland and Levicy Jane Harris and two of their children, Bagdad Cem picture take March 1985.

    Picture of the old Harris house outside Bagdad Kentucky, taken March 1985.

    Sources: Kerr, History of Kentucky, entry for Thomas Eugene Bland
    Title: Garril L Kueber
    Note: Web site for full information - This file has only deceased individuals with birth, marriage, death, and burial events and no sources. See my web site for additional events, all of my sources, and related living individuals.

    These descendants of Lou Ellen Bland have bee reported by Phyllis Jean Slead
    Bl3-4 Lou Ellen Bland b Nov 1867 d: Jul 1906
    m William Thompson Sleadd b 12 Jan 1858 d 20 Feb 1928 son of James B. Sleadd and Sarah Thompson
    Bl3-4-1 Agnes B. Sleadd b 02 May 1898 d 19 Jan 1994
    Bl3-4-2 Bernard B. Sleadd b 17 Jan 1900 d 15 May 1972
    m Annabelle Gladwell b Abt. 06 Jul 1907 d 15 Sep 1952
    Bl3-4-2-1 Franklin Bland Sleadd b 30 Jan 1930 d 22 Jun 2009
    Bl3-4-2-1-1 Robert Bland Sleadd, b?
    Bl3-4-2-2 Helen Douglas Sleadd b 27 Jun 1932 d Abt. 1969
    Bl3-4-2-3 Bernard Allen Sleadd b 15 Aug 1933
    m1 Unk
    m2 Lori S. Epstein b c 1945
    m3 Judith A. Auge b c. 1948
    Bl3-4-2-4 Mary Lou Sleadd b 07 Oct 1936
    Bl3-4-2-5 William Carroll Sleadd b 25 Feb 1939
    Bl3-4-2-6 Nancy Ann Sleadd b 14 Mar 1940
    Bl3-4-2-7 James Thompson Sleadd b 09 Oct 1942
    Bl3-4-2-8 Phyllis Jean Sleadd b 27 Feb 1944
    m Roos
    Bl3-4-3 Helen Sleadd b 12 Jul 1903 d Apr 1985
    m James Augustus Arvin b 14 Aug 1900 d Dec 1978 son of Roscoe Elmer Arvin and Lucy Catherine Young
    Bl3-4-3-1 Virginia Arvin b 16 Aug 1925
    Bl3-4-3-2 Robert Powers Arvin b Oct 1938

    m 13 Aug 1789 in Rockbridge Co Va Margaret Crawford b 1767 in Rockbridge Co VA d 1842 in Macomb Twp, McDonough Co IL

    Harris Pedigree

    The Harris immigrants seem to have been the following:
    Ha10. Edward Harris b 1620 Glen Marquin Raphoe Donegal IRE d 5 Dec 1637 Philadelphia PA m Flora Douglas b 1622 Glenmaquin Donegal IRE d 1667 Phildelphia
    Ha9. Robert Harris b 1660 Donegal IRE d PA
    Dorothy Wylie b 1671 IRE
    Ha8-1 John Harris b 1697 IRE
    m Rizzel Steel
    m?2 Eleanor Harris ) + ?1 ch
    -1 Joseph Harris b 9 Oct 1749 Somerset PA d 10 Jun 1839 Jackson GA -1-1 Sarah Harris b 1800 d 1895 m Salathiel Adams b 1799 d 1862 son of Thomas Adams and Milly Amelia Medcalf -1-1-1 Molly/Milla Jane Adams b 1821 d 1896 m James Spruilll -1-1-1-1 Thomas F Spruill b 1846 d 1920 m Naomi Ann Martin dau ov Stephen G Martin and Sarah Crowley Caughley Cahila -1-1-1-1-1 Margaret Elizabeth Spruill b 1869 d 1942 m MosesBarto Reeves b 1862 d 1933 son of William Francis M Reeves and Mourning Mary Anderson -1-1-1-1-1-1 Hattie Jane Reeves b 1907 d 1943 m William Merrell Nichols b 1905 d 1988 parents of Thelma Nichols, author's 24 cM DNA match with 24 cM segment Thelma is among the matches shared by X DNA match Lora Lennertz so the X segment shares with the latter seems to have been inherited over the potential X line of Nancy Highsmith Hi6, see below.
    Ha8-2 Charles Harris b Raphoe Parrish, Donegal, Ire 1707 d Mecklenburg, NC 1776
    m1 Elizabeth Baker
    m2 Jane McIlhenny
    Ha8-3 James Harris b 1701 IRE d 14 Oct 1778 NC
    m Mary McIlhenny
    Ha8-4 Col Robert Harris b Ulster, Donegal, Ire Oct. 26, 1702 d Rocky River, Mecklenburg, NC Dec. 26, 1788
    m Mary Rogers
    Ha8-5 Thomas Harris
    Ha8-6 Margaret Harris
    Ha8-7 William Harris
    Ha8 Samuel Harris
    Martha Laird
    Ha7 James Harris b c 1750
    Mary McKinney
    Ha6 William Harris b c 1775
    -1 Jane, m James Gregg
    -2 Ann Owsley m Isaac Kent)
    -3 Mary Owsley
    -4 Thomas Owsley II (1696 (1690?)-1750), m. Ann West/?Hudson (1707-51)
    -5 Poyntz Owsley
    -6 Sarah Owsley (1700-)
    -7 Pearson West b 1703
    -8 Mary West
    -9 Hugh West b 16 Mar 1705 Fairfax VA d there 25 Aug 1754 m Sybil Harrison b 1704 VA
    -10 John West b 1706 Stafford VA d 1726 Fairfax VA
    -11 Thomas West b 1710 Fairfax VA d there 1773
    -12 William West b 1707 Fairfax d 1769 Loudoun Co VA
    -13 Ann West b 1707 Stafford VA d there 1751 m Thomas Owsley b 1697 Stafford d 25 Jun 1751 Fairfax VA also shown in Nancy Baker's tree with?DOB for dau: m2 Daniel Talbot b 1725 Sittenbourne Parish Richmond d 22 May 1777 Fairfax
    -14 Ellen West
    -1-1 James Gregg (ca. 1700 -before 1734),
    -1-2 Lucy Gregg m John Peak III
    -1-3 Matthew Gregg (ca. 1704-1756)
    -1-4 John Gregg (ca 1706-1756)
    -1-5 Sarah Gregg (ca 1707-before 1749)
    -1-6 Lettice Gregg (ca. 1709-before 1749)
    -1-7 Jemima Gregg (ca. 1718-after 1749
    -4-1 Thomas Owsley III (1731-96, m Mary Middleton 1730-1808
    -4-2 William Owsley (-1762
    -4-3 Newdigate Owsley (1738-97, Mary Ann Davis
    -4-4 Poyntz Owsley d 1813
    -4-5 Ann West Owsley (1744-1825, m Edward Garrett II
    -4-6 Elizabeth Owsley
    -4-7 Jane Owsley
    -4-8 Weldon Owsley (1750-1815
    -4-9 John Owsley (1734-67, m. Ann Stephens) Another site on this family.
    -9-1 Sybil West b 1724 Fairfax VA d 1769 Alexandria VA
    -9-2 John West b 1725 VA d 1777 Fairfax
    -9-3 Hugh West b ^727 Fairfax d 8 Apr 1767 Fairfax m Elizabeth Minor b 1730 Fairfax d 1768
    -9-4 George West b 1727 Loudoun VA d Cameron Loudoun VA
    -9-5 Rev William West b 17 Aug 1737 VA d 30 May 1791 Baltimore m
    -13-1 Thomas Owsley b 1731 d 1796 m Mary Middleton b 1730 d 1808 (from Blake Devine's and Jenepher Homer's trees)
    -13-2 William Owsley b 1736 Giles Co VA d 1762 Loudoun Co VA
    -13-3 Ann West Owsley b 3 Jun 1744 d Laurens Co SC m Edward Garret b 31 Aug New Kent Fairfax VA d 1794 Laurens Co SC bur Warrior Creek Baptist Ch son of Edward Garrett b 1708 d 20 Dec 1751 and Elizabeth Catlett b 1708 in Va d 27 Aug 1763
    -13-4 John Owsley b 1734 Loudon Co VA d 14 Sep 1764 Loudoun VA m Ann Stephens
    -13-5 Frances Talbot b 1742 VA d 1815 Mechanicsburg OH m Isaac Wrenn b 1741 Fairfax VA d 1773 VA
    -13-6 newdigate owsley b 1734 d 1797
    -13-7 Sarah Owsley b 1736
    -13-8 Poyntz Owsley b 1738 d 1813
    -13-9 Welding Owsley b 1740
    -13-10 Elizabeth Owsley b 1742
    -13-11 Jane Owsley b 1744
    -4-1-1 Mary Owsley m John Bryant descendant of Jacque Brian
    -7-3-1 John West b 1748 Stafford d 11 Aug 1833 Jefferson IN m Susannah Robinson b Cumberland VA d Smith TN
    -7-3-2 Jemima West b 21 Oct 1762 d 27 May 1812
    -7-3-3 Sarah West b 29 Jun 1767 d 17 Jun 1837 Fairfax VA
    -9-2-1 Catherine West b 1789 d 1872
    -9-5-1 Margaret West b MD d 1844 Baltimore m John Howard b 1770 d 1835
    -9-5-2 Dorothy West m Laurence Suddath
    -9-5-3 Sybil West m Francis Holland
    -13-1-1 Mary Owsley b 1768 d 1848 m John Bryant b 1760 d 1833
    -13-3-1 Elizabeth Owsley Garrett b 20 Oct 1760 Fairfax d 14 Mar 1819 Laurens SC m John Ashley b 1752 d 1852
    -13-3-2 John Garrett, b Jan 7, 1762 in Laurens Co SC d Apr 4, 1844 in Warrior Creek Baptist Church,Laurens Co m 1782 in SC Salley Mauldin b June 10, 1763 in SC dau of John Mauldi
    -13-3-3 William Garrett b 1763 d 1845
    -13-3-4 Nicholas Ware Garrett b 11 Mar 1765 m Sarah Sally Bramlett b 8 Apr 1769 in Laurens Co d 30 Dec 1851 in Warrior Creek Baptist Church, Laurens Co dau of Henry Bramlett and Margaret x
    -13-3-5 Jesse Garrett b 9 Sep 1766 in Fairfax Co Va d 1853 m Elizabeth Henderson b 10 Feb 1769 in Va
    -13-3-6 Frances "Fannie" Garrett b 11 May 1768 in Grey Court, Laurens Co SC m Pleasant Sullivan b 15 Aug 1757 in Twitty Creek, Charlotte Co Va
    -13-3-7 Rhoda Garrett b 1769
    -13-3-8 James Garrettt b 1771 d 1812 in Warrior Creek Baptist Church Laurens Co m1 Betsy Edwards m2 Nancy Wright b 1773 d 1812
    -13-3-9 Dorcas Garrett b 1773 d 1842
    -13-3-10 Stephen Garrett, b 19 Apr 1775 in Laurens County,SC d Jan 25, 1847 in Ga m1 Elizabeth Putman m2 Sara Moore b 1782 Laurens Co d ther 1810 + 4 ch
    -13-3-11 Mary Garrett b 12 Apr 1777 in Laurens Co SC
    -13-3-12 Martha Garrett b 1778 d 1843 (DOB for children seem implausible: either Calfee brought three children from first wife into the marriage or she had two spouses at the same time) m1 William Kelley b 1776 d 1813 m2 John Calfee b 1775 d 1844
    -13-3-13 Ann Garrett b 23 Aug 1780 d 1839 m Johnson Harris b 1769 d 1868
    -13-3-14 Hosea Garrett b 16 Oct 1782 in Laurens Co SC
    -13-3-15 Irene Kiziah Garrett, b Mar8, 1785 in Laurens Co d 12 Oct 1866 in Warrior Creek Baptist Church,Laurens Co m Robertson Moore
    -13-3-16 Edward Garrett III b 13 Sep 1787 Woodruff SC d 3 Apr 1864 Laurens Co SC m Oct 17, 1805 in Laurens Co Elander Higgins b 1784 in Laurens Co d Nov7, 1862 in Warrior Creek Baptist Church,Laurens Co
    -13-3-17 Asa Garrett b 1790
    -13-5-1 Daniel Wrenn b 1774 Berkeley James Co VA d 1847 Mechanicsburg OH m Elizabeth Bishop b 1774 d 1853

    -4-1-1-1 James Guerrant Bryant m Martha "Patsy" Bourne.
    -7-3-1-1 James West b 12 Aug 1773 spotsylvania VA d 6 Aug 1833 Jeffersonville Clark Co IN m Mary Ann True b 12 Jul 1778 Spotsylvania d 9 Jul 1854 Louisville
    -7-3-1-2 Nancy West b 1775 Spotsylvania d 1803
    -7-3-1-3 William West b 1775 d 1826 IN
    -9-5-1-1 Charles Howard b 1800 d 1851 m Amanda Slade b 1897 d 1887
    -9-5-1-2 John Howard d 1844 m Marianne
    -9-5-1-3 Margaretta Howard
    -9-5-1-4 Emily Howard m Alexander Jones
    -9-5-1-5 Charlotte Howard d 1891 m Jacob H Munnikhuysen b 1802 MD d 1892
    -9-5-2-1 Benjamin B Sutherd Sr b Stafford VA d 18 Sep 1792 Truro Parish Fairfax m Silent Jefferies b 1723 d 1807
    -13-1-1-1 Edmund Bryant b 1795 d 1865 m Catherine Kissinger b 1798 d 1858
    -13-3-1-1 John Ashley b 14 Feb 1788 SC d 1862 m Sarah Coleman b 1795 d 1848 dau of Robert Coleman b 1760 d 1823 and Elizabeth Smith
    -13-3-1-2 William Ashley b 1789 d 1860
    -13-3-3-1 Cynthia Garrett, b Jan 31, 1811 d June 28, 1885 in Warrior Creek Baptist Church, Laurens Co SC m Fielding Riddle b 1804 d 10 Nov 1876 in Warrior Creek Baptist Church, Laurens Co
    -13-3-3-2 Samuel T. Garrett, b 9 Apr 1793 in Laurens Co d 1857 in Al m Elizabeth Harries/Harris
    -13-3-3-3 Mary Polly Garrett, b 1802 in Laurens Co m David Cowan 1816 in Laurens Co
    -13-3-3-4 William Harrison Garrett, b 1789 m Jane Owings
    -13-3-3-5 Cercelia Garrett, b 1 Feb 1804 m John T Parsons
    -13-3-3-6 Jesse Garrett, b 1808
    -13-3-3-7 Joshua Garrett, b 1791 d January 01, 1849 m Nancy Sanford 1819 in Laurens County,South Carolina; died Unknown.
    -13-3-3-8 Rebecca Garrett, b 1803 m Joab Allen
    -13-3-3-9 Clarisa Garrett, b 1807 m Calvin Cox b 1804 in Laurens County,South Co
    -13-3-4-1 Stephen Harmon Garrett, b 1791 d 1851 m1 Martha Higgins m2 1814 Anna Cheek b 30 Jan 1793 in Laurens Co d 24 Jul 1843 in Laurens Co
    -13-3-5-1 Stephen Garrett, b January 21, 1787.
    -13-3-5-2 Frances "Fanny" Garrett, born 1788
    -13-3-5-3 John Garrett, born May 22, 1789
    -13-3-5-4 Nancy Garrett, born July 19, 1791
    -13-3-5-5 Edward H. Garrett, born May 21, 1795
    -13-3-5-6 William James Garrett, born August 08, 1797
    -13-3-5-7 Jessie Jr. Garrett, b 31 Oct 1799 in Laurens Co d 5 Oct 1887 in Pelzer,SC m Sally Mathews
    -13-3-5-8 Mary "Polly" Garrett, b 10 Sep 1801 in Laurens Co d December 23, 1875 in Laurens Co m 1819 in Laurens Co George Cook b May 22, 1792 in Laurens Co d July 27, 1845 in Warrior Creek Baptist Church,Laurens Co
    -13-3-5-9 William Owsley Garrett, born 1803
    -13-3-5-10 Elizabeth Garrett, b 1804
    -13-3-5-11 William H. Garrett, b Abt. 1814
    -13-3-8-1 James Tanner Garret
    -13-3-10-1 Nancy Garrett, b Jul 5, 1808 in Laurens Co m1 y Sanders m2 Thomas Smith
    -13-3-10-2 Edmond Garrett, b July 05, 1802
    -13-3-10-3 Mary Garrett, b May 09, 1805 in Laurens Co SC d Nov 14, 1861 in Texas. m Hosea Garrett November 14, 1819 in Laurens Co b Nov 26 1800 in Laurens County,SC d Sep 4, 1888 in Texas.
    -13-3-10-4 Stephen Garrett, born March 23, 1804; died 1869 m Sara Pool b 1806 in Laurens Co
    -13-3-12-1 Reuben Kelly b 1795
    -13-3-12-2 Ephraim Kelly b 1795 Spartanburg SC d 1876 Decatur TN m Jane Higginbotham b 1795 d 1880
    -13-3-12-3 Joseph Kelley b 1802 d 1850 m1 Dicey Higginbotham b 1803 d 1850 m2 Darkis Singleton
    -13-3-12-4 William R Calfee b 1797 SC d 29 Jun 1864 AL
    -13-3-12-5 Mary Calfee b 1799 d 1860
    -13-3-12-6 Evan Calfee b 1802 d 1869
    -13-3-12-7 John Calfee b 1806 d 1854
    -13-3-12-8 Virginia Calfee b 1810 d 1887
    -13-3-12-9 Nancy Calfee b 1815 d 1887
    -13-3-12-10 Richmond Calfee b 1819 d 1884
    -13-3-15-1 Lucinda Moore m y Putman
    -13-3-16-1 Elihu Elisha Garrett, b Oct 25, 1806 in Laurens Co d March 26, 1856 in Laurens Co m Elizabeth Riddle July 10, 1825 in Laurens Co d Jan 25, 1887 in Laurens C
    -13-3-16-2 Austin Clayton Garrett, born March 31, 1809; died Unknown.
    -13-3-16-3 Darius Garrett, b Jan 10, 1811 in Laurens Co d 1854 in Warrior Creek Baptist Church,Laurens Co m Nancy Cannady
    -13-3-16-4 James H. Garrett, b Feb 22, 1813 m Zipha Cheek
    -13-3-16-5 William Harrison Garrett, born February 19, 1815 in Laurens Co d Sep 27, 1902 in Warrior Creek Baptist Ch Laurens Co m Malinda x b Nov 3, 1812 d Jul 24, 1892 in Warrior Creek Baptist Ch Laurens Co
    -13-3-16-6 David Garrett, b Apr9, 1817 in Laurens Co d Oct 11, 1839 in Warrior Creek Baptist Ch Laurens Co m Sarah Sallie Garrett 1838 in Laurens Co b 1819 in Laurens County,South Carolina; died Unknown.
    -13-3-16-7 Zadock Cook Garrett, b Sep 11, 1819 in Laurens Co d Jan 28 1892 m Nancy Robertson
    -13-3-16-8 Edward Harvey Garrett, born May 07, 1822; died November 09, 1876 in Warrior Creek Baptist Church,Laurens Co m Elza Calver
    -13-3-16-9 Stephen B. Garrett, born March 17, 1824; died Unknown. He married Rebecca Connely; died Unknown.
    -13-3-16-10 Potillo Farrar Garrett, born April 29, 1827 m Suzannah Durham; died
    -13-3-16-11 Hosea Garrett, born February 22, 1830 m Isabella Powers
    -13-3-16-12 Nancy Ellender Garrett, b 26 Sep 1831 in Laurens Co d Sep 21, 1903 in Warrior Creek Baptist Ch Laurens Co m 30 Dec 1847 John Putman b 1826 d Civil War
    -13-5-1-1 Margaret Wren b 1802 d 1870 m Ferrell Baker b 1789 d 1871
    -13-5-1-2+ James, Mary, Frances, Samuel, John, Thomas, Isaac, Joseph and Catherine Wren

    -4-1-1-1-1 James C. Bryant, m Elizabeth Jane Hancock.
    -4-1-1-1-1-1 Joseph Francis Bryant, m Rhoda Manus
    -4-1-1-1-1-1-1 x Bryant m y Miller
    -4-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 y Miller
    -4-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Jean Miller (author's X and autosomal match) m y Alexander
    -13-3-1-1-1 Hester Ashley b 1832 d 1914 m1 James Shine b 1831 d 1863 m2 Thomas Ferguson b 1835 d 1874
    -13-3-1-1-1-1 John Shine b 1855 d 1933 m Laura Stingley b 1857 d 1927
    -13-3-1-1-1-2 Sarah Eudora Shine b 1 Dec 1857 MS d 10 Oct 1921 Waco TX m1 Joseph Albert Fitzpatrick b 1848 IRE d 1884 MO son of Bernard Fitzpatrick b 1817 Co Down IRE d 20 Sep1887 Huron Ontario and Margaret Jane Wilson b 1830 Co Down IRE d 1905 Huron m2 Alsie Bebee b 1860 d 1928
    -13-3-1-1-1-3 Sophera Shine b 1859
    -13-3-1-1-1-4 Mary Shine b 1863 d 1947 m Hezekiah Buford Harding b 1856 KY d 11 Feb 1927
    -13-3-1-1-1-5 Thomas Ferguson b 1866 d 1943 m Beulah Hamrick b 1872 d 1953
    -13-3-1-1-1-6 James Ferguson b 1870 d 1954 m Katie Mullins b 1879 d 1946
    -13-3-1-1-1-7 Frederick Ferguson b 1871 d 1939 m Hattie Mullins b 1887 d 1944
    -13-3-1-1-1-8 Nannie Ferguson b 1874 d 1960 m Charles Neal b 1871 d 1940
    ?Ha9 y Harris and x
    Ha8 son y Harris
    Ha7 James Harris b 17?30/40 England/?Scotland/?Ireland d 3 July 1798 - Adair Co Ky bur Old Ebeneezeer, S. of Greensburg, Green Co Ky
    m 1758 - Lancaster Co Pennsylvania Mary Anne McKinney b 1742 d 1816 dau of y McKinney and x Sears s.b. shows McIlhenny here, which might be a typo in the data chain) b d 1816 - Adair Co Ky bur Old Ebeneezeer, S. of Greensburg, Green Co Ky
    Ha6-1 John Harris b c 1758 Va possibly the same as shown by DNA match Sears who m Jean x and had: -1 Francis Harris b 1775/6 Lincoln NC d Monroe Ky
    m 14 Feb 1805 Sarah Kays/Keys
    -1-1 Mary Lavesta Harris b 5 Mar 1819 Monroe Ky d 7 May Sullivan Co Mo
    m Henry Payne b 10 Feb 1813 Sullivan Co Tn d Monroe Co Ky son of Daniel Payne and Martha Frazier
    -1-1-1 Martha Temple Thomas Payne b 11 Dec 1842 Monroe Co Ky d 27 Mar 1922 Milan Polk Sullivan Mo m Alexander Franklin Morrow
    Ha6-2 Sally Harris b 29 Aug 1761 Virginia ?dy
    Ha6-3 Alexander Harris b 1765 - Rockbridge Co Virginia d 14 May 1789 - Macomb Township, McDonough County, Il bur Home Farm, Section 22, Macomb Township, McDonough County, Illinois
    Ha6-4 Capt James Harris b 7 Jul 1766 - Albemarle Co Va d 1812 or d 22 Mar 1830 Braxton Co Va
    m Abt. 1790 in Rockbridge Co Margaret Jane Anderson
    Ha6 Rev William M/?C. Harris Cumberland Presbyterian Minister b 7 Aug 1772 d 8 July 1845 bur Pilot Knob Cem 8 m NW of Franklin Simpson Co Ky preached 20 years at Pilot Knob Church shows his name as William C. Harris
    m 23 Sep 1797 Green Co Ky Nancy Highsmith dau of Thomas Highsmith b 1758 Halifax NC d 1820 Crawford Co IL and Sarah "Sally" Wood or Woods shows her as Sarah Norris/Morris b 1755 in Wilkes GS] b c1782 - Surrey County, North Carolina d 2 November 1862 - Warren County, Ky. (
    according to Nancy had a brother, Daniel Highsmith b about 1778 d before Feb 1814 m Susanna and had Henry Highsmith. Her grandparents were Daniel Highsmith II b about 1737 prob. Norfolk Va, d about 1807 New Hanover Co NC, and Lucretia Parker b about 1724 d after 1807 and Richard Woods b about 29 Apr 1723 Berkley, Bristol Co. Mass. d 15. Aug 1756 Morristown Morris Co. NJ and Rebecca b about 1730, great grandfather Daniel Highsmith b about 1710 m Anne Beck b about 1715 ?Norfolk Va. d after Jan 1772 Halifax NC, 2nd gr. Grandfather Bartholomew Highsmith b about 1690 d after 1728 in Norfolk Va. m Eleanor Powell b 1698 Norfolk d after 1728 dau of William Powell b about 1672 Norfolk Va d about 1716 Norfolk Va.
    According to Nancy Highsmith had a brother Daniel Highsmith b about 1778 in NC d Feb 1814 in Robertson Co. TN m Susanna and had Henry Highsmith b 6 apr 1812 in Tn d after 1880. Daniel Highsmith b about 1710 prob. Norfolk Va d about 1771 in Halifax NC m Annie Beck b about 1715 prob Norfolk Va d after Jan 1772 in Halifax NC. Eleanor Powell was the daughter of William Powell b about 1672 in Norfolk Va d about 1716 in Norfolk Va and Annie. Anne Beck's parents were Benjamin Beck b before 1690 in Norfolk Va d before 20 Feb 1718/19 in Norfolk Va and Margaret Suggs b before 1690 d after 1718 in Norfolk Va, her grandparents were paternally Jeremiah Beck b 1650 to 60 d before 16 ct 1700 in Princess Anne Va and Ann Morrow/Murray b 1677 Lower Norfolk Va d before Oct 1700 Princess Ann Va and maternally George Suggs b about 1653 and Sarah Ives. SBTBH shows a sister for Nancy Highsmith, Martha Elizabeth Highsmith b about 1780 in New Hanover Co. NC d Oct 1855 in Randolph Co. Mo m Asa Kerby and had Elizabeth Kerby b 1804 in Warren Co. Ky d July 1888 near Gifford, Macon Co Mo. Also show father of Richard Wood to be Richard Wood b about 1690 d before 6 Aug 1743 in Morristown Morris Co. NJ and mother Hopestill Hathaway b about 1694 in Bristol Co. Mass d NJ dau of Isaac Hathaway b about 1655 in Freetown, Bristol co. Mass d 17 Dec. 1722, in Berkley, Bristol co.Mass, son of John Hathaway b 1629 in England d 1705 in Tauton Bristol Co. Mass and Martha Shepard b about 1629 d 1683-92 in Bristol Mass. Isaac h. m Mary Pitts b about 1657 in Taunton Bristol Mass d 14 Nov 1727 in Berkley Bristol Mass dau of Peter Pitts b about 1625 in England d 1692 in Bristol Co Mass. Lucretia Parker was the dau of Thomas Parker d before Oct 1782 in New Hanover Co. NC and Martha Maples d before Aug 1752.
    Ha5-1 James Harris b 8 Sep 1798 - Ky d 1854 bur Sullivan Co Ind
    Ha5-2 Sarah "Sally" Harris b 10 Dec 1799 Logan Co Ky
    Ha5-3 John Harris b 2 Jan 1801 - Logan Co Ky d 4 Jul 1832 - Beaver Creek, Bond Co Illinois bur Bond Co Illinois
    m Nancy Goodson
    -1 Nancy Emiline Harris b 19 Dec 1829 Warren Co KY d 15 jan 1867 m Harmon field d 1900
    -2 William Harris b 1822 d 1854 m Martha Alexander
    -3 Amanda Harris m William Murray
    -4 Urban Harris b 1833 d 1891 m Elizabeth Gregory
    -5 Rice Harris
    -6 John Harris
    -7 Sarah Harris b 22 Mar 1831 IL d 7 Jul 1896
    -1-1 Matilda Field b 10 Dec 1851 Mo d 29 Sep 1920 Clinton IL m james Vest b 1849 d 1911
    -1-2 xy Field m + ch
    -1-3 x Field m George Miller b 1855
    -1-4 Frances Field m y
    -2-1 Elvira Harris b 1847 MO d 29 Apr 1875 Pocahontas IL m Simeon Walker Bilyeu b 17 Aug 1825 KY
    -4-1 x Harris m y Hull
    -1-1-1 Horation Vest b 1875 d 1923 m Madge Younkins b 1894 d 1974
    -1-1-2 Carrie Vest b 1878 d 1959 m Joseph Westerholt b 1879 d 1942
    -1-1-3 xy Vest d y
    -1-1-4 Gladys Vest b 1883 Jamestown Clinto Co IL
    -1-3-1 Malvern Miller b 1886 d 1924
    -1-3-2 Urban Miller b 1892 d 1964 m x
    -2-1-1 Francis Bilyeu b 1868 Brainard Crow Wing MN d there 1970 m Caroline Dietrich b 1873
    -4-1-1 Harris Hull
    -4-1-2 Alice Hull
    Ha5-4 Thomas Highsmith Harris b 19 Nov 1802 Warren Co Ky
    m Martha E. Skiles
    Ha5-5 David Rice Harris Cumberland Presbyterian Minister b 21 Apr 1804 - Warren Co Ky d 15 Nov 1847 - Simpson County, Kentucky bur Pleasant Grove Cemetery
    Ha5 Harvey Ambrose Harris b 26 Mar 1805 KY d 17 Apr 1863
    m Martha Jamison b 26 Mar 1805 - Kentucky d 17 April 1863 Shelby Co KY
    Ha4-1 William H. Harris
    Ha4 Levicy Jane Harris m Thomas Pope Bland Bl3
    Bl3-1 Martha Elizabeth BLAND b 18 DEC 1861 in Shelby County, Kentucky
    Bl3-2 William Leland BLAND b: 15 MAR 1863 in Kentucky
    Bl3 Thomas Eugene BLAND m Matilda Prather Nicholas Ni3 on June 20, 1906, b: 13 JUL 1864 in Bagdad, Shelby County, Kentucky
    Bl3-4 Lewellyn BLAND b ABT 1867
    Bl3-5 Sarah Prudence BLAND about 1866
    Bl3-6 John Henry Bland b 2 Mar 1870
    Bl3-7 Mary Beatrice BLAND b 2 Feb 1878
    Bl3-8 Harvey Erwin Bland b 15 Feb 1885
    Bl2 Anna Pope Bland was born June 26, 1908, in Shelbyville, Ky.
    Bl2-2 Levicy Jane Bland, the second daughter was born August 28, 1910, and died in February 1985

    He1-1 Thomas Eugene Hester, b Oct 23, 1937
    He1-2 Dr. William Griffth Hester, author
    He1-3 George Nicholas Hester,
    He1-4 Jane Ann Hester,
    Ha5-7 Alexander Chapman Harris, Cumberland Presbyterian Minister b 27 Dec 1808 - Warren Co Ky d 26 March 1887 - McLean Co Illinois
    m 4 Sep 1838 - Pulaski Co Ky bur East Twin Grove Cem - Bloomington, Dry Grove Township - McLean County, Il Mary Norfleet dau of David Norflett and Catherine King b 18 Sep 1819 - Pulaski County, Kentucky d 1905 bur East Twin Grove Cemetery - Bloomington, Dry Grove Township - McLean County, Illinois
    -1. Amanda J. Harris b 1839 d 1920 buried: East Twin Grove Cem - Bloomington, McLean Co Illinois
    m 1 Nov 1859 - Warren Co Kentucky William C. Johnson b 1836 d 1912 buried: East Twin Grove Cem - Bloomington, McLean County, Illinois
    -2. David Madison Harris Cumberland Presbyterian Minister b 4 January 1843 - Simpson County, Ky d 27 January 1900 St. Louis, Missouri bur East Twin Grove Cem - Bloomington, Dry Grove Township, McLean Co, Il m1 August 1869 Hattie Bates b d 29 July 1876 m2 31 December 1879 Caroline "Carrie" Metcalf b 21 February 1847 d 1911 bur East Twin Grove Cem - Bloomington, Dry Grove Township, McLean Co Il dau of James Whitting Metcalf and Marie Caroline Betts
    -3. H. Alex Harris b 1844 d 1877 buried: East Twin Grove Cem - Bloomington, McLean County, Illinois
    -4. James W. Harris b 1858 d 1873 buried: East Twin Grove Cem - Bloomington, McLean County, Illinois
    -5. Mary Ellen Harris
    -1-1. Ida Johnson b c1860 - Bloomington, McLean County, Illinois
    -1-2. Belle Johnson b 1862 - Bloomington, McLean County, Illinois d 1924 buried: East Twin Grove Cem - Bloomington, McLean County, Illinois
    -1-3. Jeanette M. Johnson b c1864 - Bloomington, McLean County, Illinois d 1943 bur East Twin Grove Cem - Bloomington, McLean County, Il
    Ha5-8 Mary "Polly" Harris b 3 June 1810 Ky d 25 Mar 1882 Simpson KY
    m Edward Neal b 9 Apr 1806 Logan KY d there 1 May 1864
    -1 xy Neal
    -3 Mary Neal b 1833 br>-6 Sarah Neal b 1838 br>-9 Lucinda Neal b 1846
    Ha5-9 Rev William Barnett Harris, Cumberland Presbyterian Minister b 22 August 1813 Warren Co Ky d 16 August 1909 - Mackinaw, Il bur Danvers Cemetery
    m 1 March 1836 - Logan Co Ky Harriett B. Paisley dau of Samuel Paisley arid Nancy Perry, the latter of South Carolina
    -1 Almarinda Jane Harris m y Perry of McLean Co Il
    -2 Chianthus Harris m I.E. Williams
    -3 William Rowland Harris nurseryman of Tecumseh, Neb
    -4 Cyllene J. Harris b 1 August 1844 - Logan Co Ky d 6 May 1900 bur Mt. Pleasant Cem - McLean Co Il
    m 29 Dec 1870 Abraham Jay Hinshaw [son of Charles Hinshaw and Mary Susan Haybarger] b 28 July 1845 - Danvers Township, McLean Co Il d 15 August 1916 bur Mt. Pleasant Cem - McLean Co Il
    -5 David R. Harris lived in Danvers. Il
    -6 John Quincy Harris
    -7 Waldo Bird Harris is a Cumberland Presbyterian minister of Morton, Il
    -8 Henry Barnett Harris of Mackinaw Twp
    -9 James Samuel Harris attorney of Tecumseh, Neb
    -10 Harriet Ann Harris lived in paternal homestead 1900
    -11 Polly Susan Harris lived in paternal homestead 1900

    -4-1. Charles Bernard Hinshaw b 19 Feb 1872 d McLean Co Il d 1925 m 27 November 1900 Henderson Co Ky m Lillie M. Williams b 15 October 1872
    -4-2 Ollis D. Hinshaw b 1875 d 1923
    -4-3 Belle C. Hinshaw b 1876
    -4-4 Harriett Sue Hinshaw b 1878
    -4-5 Lettie May Hinshaw b 1881
    -4-6 Mary Ethel Hinshaw b 1883
    -4-1-1 John Bernard Hinshaw b 1903 d 1981
    -4-1-2 Jay Paul Hinshaw b 1907 d 1993
    Ha5-10 Young Finis Ewing Harris b 13 May 1815 d Ky d 15 May 1870
    m Mary Ann Rowe b 1820 d 6 Nov 1895
    -1 Sina A Harris b 22 May 1841 in Warren Ky d 21 Dec 1909 in Lone Wolf, Kiowa OK
    m William G Harris b 9 Mar 1842
    -2 Volney Rowe Harris b 17 Jan 1850 d 31 May 1911 m Elizabeth Thomas Garner b 4 Apr 1853 d Sep 1913
    -1-1 Lieu C Harris b 11 Feb 1876
    -2-1 Finis Ewing Harris b 3 Aug 1899 b 28 Aug 1956 and Margaret Elizabeth Harned b 4 Jul 1899 d 5 Jun 1984

    -2-1-1 Mark Ewing Harris b 15 Mar 1926 d 27 Dec 2006 m Junita Adams Glass b 17 Jul 1931 d 4 Mar 2007 mt DNA haplogroup I4

    -2-1-1-1 Margaret Elaine Harris mt DNA I4, autosomal at kit M856607 m y Wharton
    Ha5-11 Josiah Graham Harris Cumberland Presbyterian Minister b 14 Nov 1816 - Warren Co KY d 21 Sep 1897 - Clarksville, Red River Co TX
    m 15 Nov 1842 Martha Cross d c1887 bur Family Cem n Clarksville, Red River Co TX
    Ha5-12 Chatham H. D. Harris Cumberland Presbyterian Minister b 28 Aug 1818 - Ky d 5 Aug 1892 Kansas City, MO bur East Twin Grove Cem - Dry Grove Twp McLean Co Il
    m Eliza Johnson b 1837 d 1915 bur East Twin Grove Cem Bloomington, McLean Co Il
    Ha5-13 Nancy Lowery Harris b 25 Feb 1820 Simpson Co y d 16 Dec 1903 - Richardson, Dallas Co TX bur Blewett Cem - Richardson, Dallas Co TX
    m 23 Sep 1841 - Warren Co KY George L. Blewett Cumberland Presbyterian Minister b 11 Nov 1822 - Warren Co KY d 29 August 1884 - Richardson, Dallas Co TX bur Blewett Cem - Richardson, Dallas Co TX son of James Love Blewett and Mariah Jane Bunch
    Ha5-14 Elijah R. Harris b 15 Oct 1824 - Ky d 18 Sep 1882
    Ha5-15 Cyrus Samuel Harris b 9 Aug 1825 - Ky
    Ha5-16 S. G. Harris
    Ha5-17? (from Paige Jenkin's tree)
    Elizabeth Harris b 1785 m1 Thomas Smith b 1778 d 1805 m23 Sidon John Harris b 1780 Burke Co NC d 1855
    -1 James Smith b 1804
    -2 Edith Smith b 27 Aug 1804 SC d 1889 Lampasas TX m John Stanley b 1806 d 1894
    -3 Lurana Smith b 1808 d 1904 m1 Elias Stanley b 1809 d 1852 m2 Ruben Ransom b 1795 d 1871
    -2-1 Elizabeth Stanley b 1821 d 1902 m Abner Scott b 1823 d 1871
    -2-2 John Stanley b 1829 d 1918
    -2-3 Martha ?Stanley b 1832 d 1870 m y Holley
    -2-4 Elias Stanley b 1839 d 1916
    -2-5 Sarah Stanley b 1846 d 1915
    -2-6 Benjamin Stanley b 1844
    -2-7 Mary Stanley b 1846 d 1904
    -2-8 Josiah Stanley b 1849 d 1880 m Mary Mitchell b 1855 d 1884
    -3-1 Sarah Stanley b 1828 d 1906
    -3-2 Margarette Stanley b 1829 TN d y
    -3-3 Mariah Stanley b 1836 d 1910
    -3-4 Mary Stanley b 1834 d 1907
    -3-5 Narcissa Stanley b 1836 d 1910
    -3-6 Adeline Stanley d 1882
    -3-7 John Stanley b 1844 d 1862
    -3-8 Elias Stanley b 1846 Tippah MS d 23 Jul 1918 Victoria TX
    -3-9 James Bardin Stanley b 13 Nov 1838 Pontotoc MS d 1879 Kaufman TX
    -3-10 Jane Ransom b AL

    -2-1-1 Emma Scott b 1860/4 d 1939
    -2-1-2 Eunice Scott b 1861
    -2-1-3 John Scott b 1857/63 d 1936/43 m Rufina Secor b 1869 d 1931
    -2-1-4 Rebecca Scott b 1863
    -2-1-5 Edward Scott b 1867 d 1937
    -2-1-6 Fanny Scott b 1859
    -2-1-7 Elizabeth Scott b 1850 d 1875
    -2-1-8 Leander Scott b 1855 d 1922 m Margaret Scott b 1856 d 1936
    -2-1-9 George Scott
    -2-1-10 William Scott b 1869 d 1970
    -2-8-1 Morgan Stanley b 1871 d 1945 m1 Joen m2 Annie m3 Mary Miller
    -2-8-2 Rosie Stanley b d 1875
    -2-8-3 Norton Stanley b 1872 d 1960 m Anna Wilson b 1876 d 1918
    -2-8-4 Fandia Stanley b 1877 d 1880
    -2-8-6 Montie Stanley b 1881 d 1949 m Robert Lewis b 1866 d 1940
    -2-8-6 James Stanley b 1885 d 1964 m Annie Simpson
    Ha6-6 Sarah "Sally" Harris b 29 August 1775 - Rockbridge Co Va d 17 May 1849 Merrimac St Louis Mo
    m 12 Apr 1793 Bourbon Co Ky Josiah McClure
    -1 Ann McClure, b Warren Co KY m John Duff in Warren Co KY
    -2 Esther McClure, b Warren Co KY d Bef. 1850 in MO m Feb 4 1834 in St. Louis Co MO William Harris b Mar 01, 1809 d Mar 28, 1881 in Merramic St. Louis Co MO
    -3 Mary McClure, b Warren Co KY d aft 1840 St Louis Co. Merrimack Twp m in Warren Co KY Isaiah Brown
    -4 Rebecca McClure, b Oct 15, 1794 in Bourbon Co KY d Dec 16, 1884 in Sutton Co TX m Aug 6, 1811 in Warren Co KY Rev. Jonathan Burleson b Feb 15, 1790 in Rutherford Co NC d July 28, 1866 in Hopkinsville, Gonzoles Co TX
    -5 Sarah Jane McClure, b Dec 22, 1800 in Warren Co KY d Feb 4, 1868 in Lincoln, Logan Co IL m Oct 24 1817 in Bowling Green Warren Co KY Ebeneezer Duff b May 19, 1798 in Raleigh, NC d March 29, 1884 in Lincoln, Logan Co IL
    -6 Andrew McClure, b 1804 in Warren Co KY d aft St. Louis MO Merramic Twm Catherine x.
    -7 Elizabeth McClure, b 1809 in Warren Co KY 1839 in Ripley Co MO m Nov 14, 1825 in St. Louis Co MO b May 19, 1808 in Buncombe Co NC607; died April 1850 in Licking, Texas Co MO
    -8 Susanna McClure, b Feb 24, 1811 in Warren Co KY d May 24, 1888 in West Point, TX m Zedikiah Washington Green d in Blackjack Spring, Fayette Co TX
    -9 Eleanor McClure, b Nov 15, 1813 in Warren Co KY d aft 1850 St Louis Co. Merrimack Twp m Nov 15 1813 in Warren Co KY James Duff

    -6-1 Ellen McClure, b 1833 in St. Louis Co MO d aft 1840 1850 ST. Louis Co. Mo
    -6-2 William J. McClure, b 1838 in St. Louis Co MO m Rachel x
    -6-3 Olive McClure, b 1840 in St. Louis Co MO575
    -6-4 Susanna McClure, b 1843 in St. Louis Co MO d aft 1850 ST. Louis Co. Mo. Merrimac Tw
    -7-1 Rebecca Jane McFarland, b 1828 in St. Louis, St. Louis Co Mo m William Lewis Campbell November 15, 1855 in Licking, Texas County, Missouri.
    -7-2 Horatio Harris McFarland, b Feb 25, 1830 in St. Ferdinand Township, St Louis Co Mo d February 22, 1884 in Webber's Falls, Cherokee Nation, Oklahoma. bur February 1884, Mcfarland Cem Durdy Creek, Webber's Falls, Oklahoma
    -7-3 Sarah Ellen McFarland, b Abt. 1832 in St. Louis, St. Louis Coo Mo
    -7-4 Horace Benjamin McFarland, b Abt. 1838 in Ripley Co Mo

    -6-2-1 Sarah McClure, b Dec 1845 in MO d May 12, 1927 in TX m Aug 19, 1867 in Christian Co MO James A. Chaffin
    -7-1-1 Levena Caroline Vena Campbell, b July 16, 1853 in Licking, Texas County, Missouri; died June 30, 1928 in Missouri; m Marcius Sabinus Brown December 24, 1868 in Missouri.
    -7-1-2 William B. Campbell, b Abt. 1855 in Licking, Texas County, Missouri.
    -7-1-3 Thomas Campbell, b Abt. 1857 in Licking, Texas Co

    -6-2-1-1 Mary Elizabeth Chaffin, b 1868 in MO m Nov 29 1885 Abraham "Abe" McDanie
    -6-2-1-2 Walter Coleman Chaffin, b Dec 12, 1869 in MO d March 16, 1942 in MO m Villia Belle Slay; b Mar 15, 1878 d Nov 16, 1945 in MO
    -6-2-1-3 Samuel H. Chaffin, b October 14, 1871 in MO274; died May 18, 1943 in MO274; m Jan 28, 1897 in Christian Co MO Mary J. Morris b Jun 03, 1870 d Mar 23, 1916 in MO
    -6-2-1-4 John Alexander Chaffin, b 1873 in MO; married Lucy Bell Ware
    -6-2-1-5 William G. Chaffin, b May 1878 in MO; m1) Lona E. Brown January 14, 1896 in Christian Co MO; m2 Bertha Sigars Mar 11, 1908 in Christian Co MO
    -6-2-1-6 Maggie Bell Chaffin, b Jul 10, 1880 in Christian Co MO; died September 10, 1938 in Christian Co MO m Dec 17 1899 in Christian Co MO Oscar Sherman Boyts
    -6-2-1-7 Commodore R. Chaffin, b Mar 7, 1883 in MO d Jun 26, 1973 in MO m Dec 4 1904 in Christian Co MO Myrtle Gimlin b Jan 22, 1885 in MO d Sep 11, 1922 in MO
    -6-2-1-8 Emery Chaffin, b Nov 1887 in MO m Johnie Armette Griffin
    -6-2-1-9 Irma Chaffin, b Apr 1, 1890 in Nixa. Christian Co MO d Jul 23, 1985 in MO m Ira A. Williams
    -7-1-1-1 Lanora Brown, b Dec 14, 1869 d 1950 in Calera, Bryan Co Ok m Lemuel C. Moore b Decr 14, 1869 in Mo d 1929 in Calera, Bryan County, Oklahoma. lived Calera, Bryan Co Oklahoma
    -7-1-1-2 Ewelle Laviga Brown, born December 17, 1869 in Rolla, Phelps County, Mo d July 30, 1928 in McAlester, Pittsburg Co Ok married Henry Franes Giles October 19, 1892; born August 23, 1874 in Tennesse; died July 10, 1939 in McAlester, Pittsburg County, Oklahoma--Funeral director was J. D. Humphrey at 23 East Grand Street.. bur July 1939, Arpelur or Urpelur Cem McAlester, Pittsburg Co Oklahoma
    -7-1-1-3 Terressa Brown, b Jan 25, 1873 m y Dawson
    -7-1-1-4 Sophia Cordelia Brown, b Apr 1, 1876 d Nov 29, 1913 in Calera, Bryan Co Ok m1 Henry Evans m2 Isaac Able Guideon Holman
    -7-1-1-5 Earnest Brown, b June 27, 1878 d Dec 1878.
    -7-1-1-6 Florence Brown, b May 18, 1880; m Charley Bell
    -7-1-1-7 Inez Brown b Jan 9, 1883 in Calera, Ok d Mar 22, 1978 in Midwest City, Ok m Willie Edward Black Dec 31, 1911 in Calera, Ok 1/8 Cherokee
    -7-1-1-8 Agnes Brown b Jan 9, 1883 d February 10, 1972 in Calera, Bryan Co Ok twin sister
    -7-1-1-9 Claude W. Brown, b July 11, 1885 in Gunter, Tx d Dec1918 in Calera, Bryan Cou Ok m Rachell Elizabeth Barnett Nov 9, 1904
    -7-1-1-10 Jott Gunnter Brown, b Mar 17, 1888 m1 Effie; m2 Pearl
    -7-1-1-11 Bine Brown, b April 12, 1891.
    -7-1-1-12 Jonnie Brown, b Jan 29, 1894 d Feb 1896

    -6-2-1-6-1 Flossie Mae Boyts b Oct 6, 1900 in Clever, Christian Co MO d April 19, 1985 in Springfield, Christian Co MO m Dec 31, 1918 in Springfield, Green Co Ernest Clay Pearce b Nov 24, 1890 in Clever, Chrisitan Co MO d Apr 20 1975 in Springfield, Christian Co MO
    -6-2-1-6-2 Grace Erma Boyts b Mar 31, 1902 in Christian Co MO d Aug 25, 1976 in Moses Lake, Grant Co WA married Alva Perry Pearce Feb 7, 1920 in Springfield, Greene Co MO114; born December 26, 1901 in Clever, Christian Co MO114,115; died March 13, 1988 in Moses Lake, Grant Co WA
    -6-2-1-6-3 Charles Holman Boyts b Aug 15, 1903 in Christian Co MO d Feb 17, 1975 in Springfield, Greene Co MO m Oct 14 1939 in Springfield, Greene Co Velma Trogdin b Nov 14, 1915 in Springfield, Greene Co MO
    -6-2-1-6-4 Daisy Geraldine Boyts b Oct 14, 1905 in Nixy, Christian Co MO d Mar 7, 1982 in Hanford, Kings Co CA m Apr 15 1939 in Visalia Tulare Co CA Frank Leslie Hall born Jul 4, 1896 in KS d Aug 19 1971 in Moses Lake, Grant Co WA
    -6-2-1-6-5 Katie Marie Boyts b Mar 30, 1908 in Springfield, Greene Co MOd Nov 4, 1995 in Hanford, Kings Co CA m Feb 6, 1926 in Clever, Christian Co Earl Andrew Pearce MO
    -6-2-1-6-5-1 Kathleen Edna Pearce b July 14, 1926 in Clever, Christian Co MO m Dec 21 1947 in Las Vegas Leland Robert Nunes b Sep 5, 1923 in Hanford, Kings Co CA d Oct 19, 1998 in Hanford, Kings Co CA
    -6-2-1-6-5-2 Verlan Andrew Pearce, b Dec1, 1928 in Clever, Christian Co MO m1 Dec 9 1949 in Las Vegas Geneva Powers m2 Aug 22, 1952 in Las Vegas Winona Lee Taylor
    -6-2-1-6-5-3 Billy Joe Pearce, b Feb 12, 1933 in Springfield, Greene Co MO m Aug 7, 1954 in Las Vegas Clark Co NV Marlene Kleinhammer b Nov 4, 1932 in Lemoore, Kings Co CA
    -6-2-1-6-6 Lucille Maggie Boyts, b Feb 9, 1911 in MO d Jan 5, 1996 in Christian Co MO m1 Jan 28 1934 in MO Roy Rogers m2 May 4 1953 in MO Ward Majors b Apr 9, 1905 in MO d Feb 17, 1966 in MO
    -7-1-1-7-1 George Thomas Black, b Dec 7, 1912 in Ok m Ray Crow
    -7-1-1-7-2 Agnes Black, b July 24, 1914 in Oklahoma; m Mike
    -7-1-1-7-3 Francis Lavena Black, b January 28, 1916 in Ok m John Robinson
    -7-1-1-7-4 Willie Elaine Black, born May 03, 1918 in Calera, Bryan County, Oklahoma; married Dwight Moore Mayhue; b 1911 d June 14, 2000 in Midwest City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma. bur June 17, 2000, Arlington Memory Gardens Cem Midwest City, Oklahoma Co Ok
    -7-1-1-7-5 Warren Harding Black, b Nov 1, 1920 in Oklahoma; died May 10, 1999 in Midwest City, Ok m Irene Blados b 1923 in Bridgeport, Conn; died May 26, 2000 in Midwest City, Oklahoma.
    -7-1-1-7-6 Maxine Boyd Black, b Oct 10, 1922 in Calera, Bryan County, Oklahoma; married Fred (NMI) Southard Jan 26, 1942 in Colbert, Bryan County, Oklahoma; born August 27, 1910 in Point, Raines County, Texas.
    -7-1-1-7-7 Kelma Eugene Black, b Feb 14, 1925 in Calera, Ok m1 Herbert Perry Smith Jul 7, 1946 in Kelham Ave., Baptist Church, Oklahoma City, Ok m2 John Joseph Morley Mar 17, 1957 in Jersey City, NJ
    -7-1-1-7-7-1 Iris Jean Smith, b 1948 in Oklahoma City, Ok m William Michael May July 24, 1965 in Midwest City, Oklahoma; born January 16, 1948 in Oklahoma City, Ok
    -7-1-1-7-7-2 Harvey Powers Smith b 1949 in Oklahoma City, Ok m Iris Ann Hallford Nov 22, 1969 in Tinker Air Force Chapel, Midwest City, Ok
    Ha6-7 Josiah Harris b c1775/1779 - Rockbridge Co Va d 1810 Barren Co Ky bur Barren Co Ky
    m Margaret (Peggy) Kirkham + 7 ch
    -1 Robert Harris
    Ha6-8 Susannah Harris b 1780 dy
    Ha6-9 Samuel W. Harris b 1782 - Rockbridge Co Va/? Jackson Tn d 1809/?55 St. Louis Co Missouri
    m1 Sarah Inks and had 10 ch
    m2 Anne A. (Braly) Thomas + 5 ch b 1810 Jackson, TN d Nov 1855 Allenton, St. Louis, MO
    -1 Ann Elizabeth Harris b 1808
    -2 Joseph Harris b 1812 d. 1855
    -3 Mary J. Harris b 1815
    -4 Lefremsier Harris b abt 1817 (mentioned in the �History of St. Louis�)
    -5 James Harris b 1819 (mentioned in the �History of St. Louis�)
    -6 Levina Harris b 1820
    -7 Washington Harris b 1824 ( mentioned in the �History of St. Louis�)
    -8 Isaiah (Clark) Brown Harris b. 1825 d. 1905
    -9 John T. Harris b 1829
    -10 William Harris b 1834
    -11 Jackson Harris b 1840
    -12 Frank B. Harris b 1841
    -13 Mary Ann Harris b 1842 d. 1920
    -14 Sarah E. Harris b 1845 d. 1886
    -15 Susanna Harris b 10 May 1851 St Louis Mo d 18 Feb 1899 San Jose CA m William M Guthrie Trinity Cty Superviser; Sawmill Owner and Operator, '49er Goldmine Owner b 1830, Covington, Ky d 1888 Weaverville, CA

    -10-1 Carrie Guthrie b 19 Feb 1880 Canyon Creek, CA (near Weaverville) d. 23 Mar 1956 Oakland, CA m Charles Chester McClain, Southern Pacific RR Lifelong Employee b 4/13/1880 Bellaire OH d: 12/15/1968 Palo Alto, CA
    -10-1-1 David Peters McClain, School Teacher & Counselor b. 8/28/21 Oakland, CA
    -10-1-1-1 Kathleen Rose McClain
    Ha6-10 Mary "Polly" Harris b 1785 Rockbridge Co Va d after 1850 Lafayette Co, Mo
    m 18 Oct 1802 in Warren Co KY Timothy Dunham b 1775 in Harford Co MD d Aft. 1850 in Johnson or Lafayette Co MO
    Ha6-11 Susannah "Susan" Harris b c 1787 Rockbridge Co Va d Missouri reports
    a Catherine Harris b 1699 in Pennsylvania d Montgomery Va
    m Robert Sayers b 1700 in Pa d in Augusta Va.
    -1 William Sayers b 28 Jul 1728 in Pa d Jan 1781 in Va
    m Elizabeth Drake b 1742 Augusta Va d 1788 in Ky
    -1-1 Samuel Sayers b 1775 in Va d 18 Jan 1858 in Kenton Ky tr> of no established relation to the above was:
    Ha15 John Narris b 1513 in Hatherup, Gloucestershire, England d 4 there Jun 1554 bur before 1554.
    Ha14-2 William Harris William HARRIS [Parents] 1 was born 1536 in Hatherup, Gloucestershire, England. He died 8 Nov 1599 in Hatherup, Gloucestershire, England and was buried 8 Nov 1599 in Hatherup, Glcstr, Eng. William married Agnes MASON on 30 Jun 1579 in Hatherup, Gloucestershire, England.
    m1/?2 KICHE, Katherine
    m2/?3 Elizabeth
    m2/?1 Agnes MASON b 1559 in Of Cheltenham, Gloucester d 1585/1586 in Gloucestershire,
    Ha14-2-1 Thomas HARRIS b 1580/1581 d 11 Apr 1661
    Elizabeth HILLS [Parents] 1 was born 1577/1578 in Of Hatherop, Gloucester, England and was christened 25 Dec 1575 in Blunham, Bedford, England. She died 16 Feb 1670 in Charlestown, Suffolk, Mass. and was buried about Feb 1669/1670 in Charlestown, Suffolk, MA. Elizabeth married Thomas HARRIS about 1620 in , Gls, , Eng. she m2/1 STILSON, William DEACON
    -1John HARRIS b about 1601 d 27 Mar 1695.
    -2 William HARRIS b 1611/1617 d 17 May 1714.
    -3 Ann/Annie HARRIS wb 1613/1615 ad 9 Jul 1697.
    -4 Daniel HARRIS b 1615/1626 d 30 Nov 1701.
    -5 Thomas HARRIS b 25 Apr 1618 d 2 Aug 1687.
    -6 Anthony HARRIS b 1620 d 30 Dec 1651.
    -7 William HARRIS b 1626 d 1717.
    -8 Anne HARRIS b about 1628 Hatherup, Gloucestershire, Eng d 7 Sep 1687.
    -9 John HARRIS b 14 Feb 1694 d 15 Feb 1694
    Ha14-2-2 Thomas WILLIAMS b about 1580 d before Sep 1634.
    Ha14-2-3 Edmund HARRIS b 1584 in Hatherup, Glouces., Eng. d after 1599 in Dy.
    Ha14-2-4 William HARRIS b 1584 in Hatherup, Glouces., Eng d after 1599.
    Ha14-2-5 Edward HARRIS b about 1584 in Hatherop, Gloucester, England.
    Ha14-2-6 Robert HARRIS b about 1585 in Hatherup, Glouces., Eng d after 1599.
    Ha14-2-7 Daniel HARRIS b 1585 in Hatherop, Glous, Eng.
    Ha14-2-4-8 Thomas HARRIS b 1600 d 1661/1731. Jane, m James Gregg -1-1 -1-1
    Ha14-3 John HARRIS b 1540/1 in Hatherop, Gloucester, Eng.
    Ha14-4 John HARRIS b c 1540/1 in Hatherop

    Harris DNA Comparison

    Comparison of Margaret Harris Ha5-10-2-1-1-1 4th cousin of William Hester
    For 4th cousins, the match of only 1.3 cM on chr 6 as longest and only segment over 1 cM is rather small, but the yellow ranges show numerous other matches, which of course may be from along entirely different shared lines.
    < parents of Cheryl Raygor, author´s 30 cM DNA match with 13 cM on chr 1 (Jamison/Frye range)


    This section is thanks to Stephen M. Lawson's Internet publication Annette Paris Highsmith's work.
    Hi10. Bartholomew HIGHSMITH d after 1728, probably in Norfolk Co, living at Portsmouth, Norfolk Co VA in 1693 when he witnessed a will, and in 1728 when he and his wife Ellenor sold 95 acres to Abraham WASTON, witnessed by Henry CROOCH, Sarah POWELL, and Thomas MARTIN
    m about 1709 probably in Norfolk Co Eleanor POWELL b about 1692, Norfolk Co VA d after 1728, probably in Norfolk Co VA dau of:
    That Daniel is the son of Bartholomew and Eleanor is unproved, but supported by evidence in land records, residence locations, approximate dates, and some given names of children being the same as supposed POWELL cousins. The major difficulty lies in the estimated dates of birth of Eleanor and Daniel.
    +1 William POWELL, whose will dated 1701 and in probate 1715/6, Norfolk Co VA leaves 95 acres to daughter Eleanor.
    m Anne x
    +2 Richard Powell b c 1645 Norfolk Co VA d there 1673
    m Susannah Clemens
    +3 Richard Powell b c 1625 Elizabeth City Co VA d 1658 Norfolk Co VA
    m Elizabeth Boulding b c 1625 VA
    +3 William Clemens b 1620 d 1688 Norfolk Co VA
    m Mary Lawrence b c 1620 d Norfolk Co VA
    +4 John Powell b 1595 England d c 1638 Elizabeth City Co VA
    m 1623 in Elizabeth City Co VA Katherine x b 1602 England d VA
    +4 Thomas Boulding b 1550
    m Mary x
    +4 William Clemens b c 1590 England d VA
    +5 Thomas Boulding b 1550 Warwickshire
    m Elinor Aston
    +6 Thomas Bouldin b 1523 Shelbourne England d there
    Hi9 Daniel Highsmith b 1710 probably in Norfolk Co VA d before Feb. 1, 1772 (will proved) Halifax Co NC Purchased land in Bertie Co NC in 1727 and settled in Halifax Co NC by 1750 where he and Ann sold 33 acres of land in St. Brides' Parish to Richard GRANGER on Dec. 10, 1761. Daniel's will was dated Mar. 8, 1771 and proved Feb. 1, 1772. Married about 1735.
    m Ann Beck b 1715 in Norfolk Co Va d 1772 in Halifax Co NC dau of:
    +1 Benjamin BECK b 20 Jul 1690 Norfolk Co VA d there c 1718
    m Margaret SUGG(S) b 1690 Norfolk VA d there 1772.
    +2 Jeremiah Beck b c 1664 Norfolk VA d 20 Feb 1708
    m Ann Morrow/Marrow b c 1672 d aft 1701 Norfolk Co
    +2 George A Sugg(s) b 1653 Norfolk VA d there 1734
    m Sarah Elizabeth Ives b 1668 Norfolk VA d c Jul 1696 Norfolk VA
    +3 y Beck b 1650 Norfolk Co d 1715
    +3 David Morrow b c 1650
    m Hannah Ivey b c 1660 Norfolk VA d 1691
    +3 William W Suggs
    +3 Timothy Ives b c 1640 Ipswitch England d aft 1640 VA
    m c 1670 Elizabeth Hurley/Hurle b c 1645
    +4 y Beck b
    +4 Daniel Marrow b 1590 Norfolk d 1670
    m Mary Church b 1595 Melksham Wilts d 1637 VA
    +4 George Ivey b 1638 Norfolk VA d 1689 Norfolk VA
    m Hannah Blanche b 1636 Tanners Cree Norfolk VA
    +4 William Suggs
    +4 Timothy Ives b c 1610 Ipswitch England d aft 1640 VA
    m Margaret x
    +4 Joseph Hurley b c 1615 d 1677 Lower Norfolk Co VA
    +5 y Beck b
    +5 Thomas Blanche b 1605 d 1674
    m Elizabeth
    +5 John Ives b c 1580 England
    m Margaret
    Hi8 Daniel HIGHSMITH b c 1737 Norfolk/?Pitt Co NC d after Feb 19, 1807, New Hanover Co NC He sold to his brother James HIGHSMITH, the "parcel of land left to me by my deceased father, Daniel Highsmith, in his last will and testament, which said land lies on Roanoke River in Halifax County," and probably soon removed to New Hanover County. A Revolutionary War soldier from NC, he is found in the DAR Patriot Roster as "HIGHSMITH, Daniel: b c 1739 d p 2-19-1807 m Lucretia -- Sol NC". The 1784-1787 state census of NC listed a Daniel HIGHSMITH, Sr. in Black River District of New Hanover County on 1 Apr 1786, which may be Daniel. The household consisted of 4 white males age 21-60, 1 while male under 21 or over 60, 5 white females, and 1 black age 12-50. Daniel's will was written Feb. 19, 1807, and names his wife and all of his children. It does not give his residence, but was filed in the probate records of New Hanover Co NC. Based on activities of the Bultail Church (of which they were members), it appears that Daniel and Lucretia lived in that part of New Hanover county which is now in the southwest region of Pender County (formed in 1875), near what is now Moore's Creek National Battlefield on the Black River. Married about 1755, probably in Halifax Co NC. members of the Beltail Burch of the Old Kehukee Baptist Association in New Hanover Co NC (now Wells Chapel Baptist Church of the Wilmington Baptist Association), with their names appearing in the minutes in 1796 and 1803. The Church minutes reveal that Daniel was excommunicated in "January 1796 for disobeying gospel rule and government of the Church," and that in Mar. 1796 Lucretia was "excommunicated for censuring the Church for dealing with her Husband by order of the Conference." The Church minutes also record that "Old friend Highsmith came forward and was restored again to fellowship in December, 1803."
    m Lucretia PARKER b 1734 Halifax NC d 1816 New Hanover NC
    -b Hardy Parker b 1745
    +1 Thomas PARKER b 1716 New Kent VA d New Hanover NC
    m?1 Martha MAPLES b 1714 New Hanover NC d 1752 NC + 1 ch
    m?2 Rachel x b 1720 + 1 ch
    +2 Peter Parker b VA d 1716 VA
    m Elizabeth
    +3 Richard Parker b 1630? d 1750?
    m Elizabeth Bailey
    +4 James Parker b 1590 d 1672
    m Katherine Buller b 1600 d 1686
    Hi7 Thomas Highsmith b 1755 Halifax Co. (or New Hanover Co.?), NC d 1828 Crawford Co IL bur. on the Abner Lindsay farm near Flat Rock Montgomery Township Crawford Co IL. Thomas HIGHSMITH - b 1755 Halifax Co NC d about 1828, Crawford Co IL bur. on the Abner Lindsay farm near Flat Rock, Montgomery Township, Crawford Co IL. Son of Daniel Highsmith and Lucretia Parker. DAR records cite his Revolutionary War service as 'PS NC PNSR P@.' A memorial marker has been located in the Ford Cem near Flat Rock, IL reading �Thomas Highsmith, Pvt NC Lines, Revolutionary War, 1758 1830,� with image shared by Roger Creed in Jan 2009. Residences: 1777, New Hanover Co NC; 1782, Surry Co NC; 1787, Duplin Co NC; 1788, Wilkes Co GA; 1793, Greene Co GA; 1795, Henry Co KY; 1799, Warren Co KY; 1800, Green Co KY; 1811, Lawrence Co IL; 1815, Henry Co KY; and from 1820, Crawford-Lawrence Co. area, IL. Thomas was a signer of the following addressed to General Gibson from Fort Allison, Lawrence Co IL on Sep. 9, 1812: "Situation precarious as upper fort was broken up and has shook 'likely to fall except it get a brace,' pray that you excellancy grant us the men that were stationed for our relief." He is likely the Thomas HIGHSMITH who joined the Little Village Primitive Baptist Church of Lawrence Co IL. Many descendants are buried in Jones Cem near Flat Rock IL.
    m Sarah 'Sally' WOOD bap. Apr. 21, 1751, Morristown NJ d 1820-1830 Crawford Co IL bur on a farm near Flat Rock Crawford Co IL. The birthplaces of her children are shown based on the recorded places of residence in the year of birth. dau of Richard WOOD b about 1725 and Rebecca Wilson.
    Hi6-1 Daniel Highsmith b 1778, New Hanover Co NC d c 1804 Resided in Warren Co KY before 1805, and bought land in Robertson Co TN by 1809, Served in War of 1812 from TN
    m Susanna (or Susan)
    -1 Elijah Highsmith m Tracy MASON
    -2 James Highsmith m Mary Emily FARTHING
    -3 Lucky Highsmith b c a 1808 in Robertson Co TN
    -4 Lucinda Highsmith b 22 Oct 1810 in Robertson Co m Enoch FARTHING
    -5 Henry Highsmith b 1813 in Robertson Co TN m1 Matilda SKINNER, m2 Nancy ADAMS

    -5-1 Melissa Highsmith b 29 Jan 1840 TN d 16 May 1918 Robertson Co TN m John Booker Robertson

    -5-1-1 Mary Etta Lewis Robertson b 21 Apr 1874 Robertson Co TN d there 26 Dec 1950 m William Azariah Corbin b 2 Mar 1870 Robertson Co TN d there 2 Apr 1949 son of Estill Wade Corbin and Maranda Hicks Dunn
    Hi6-2 Martha Elizabeth Highsmith b c 1780 New Hanover Co NC d Oct 1855 Randolph Co MO
    m Asa KERBY/Kirby b c 1775 Pittsylvania Co VA d 1855 Randolph Co MO son of David Kirby and Elizabeth Tarrant b 1742 Henry Franklin Co VA
    -1 Mary "Polly" Grace Kerby.
    -2 Nancy Kerby.
    -3 Asa Humphrey Kerby.
    -4 Sophia Choice Kerby.
    -5 Ayramita Kerby.
    -6 Matilda Carter Kerby.
    -7 Malinda Kerby.
    -8 Sarah Alice Kerby.
    -9 Lucinda Kerby.
    -10 John Wesley Kerby.
    -11 Elizabeth Kerby, b 1804 in Warren Co KY d July 1888 n Gifford Macon Co MO m 21 Jun 1821 John Joseph Sears b 1798 Orange Co NC d Jul 1866 n Gifford Macon Co MO son of Henry Sears and Elizabeth Chandler (?dau of y Chandler)

    -11-1 Chesly Sears b 11 Nov 1824 Howard Co MO d 15 Nov 1902 Nevada Vernon Co MO m Elizabeth C McClanahan b 1820 Cumberland TN dau of William McClanahan and Sarah Cox

    -11-1-1 Malinda Margaret Sears b 13 Dec 1853 LaPlata Macon Co MO d 31 Jan 1948 Chouteau Mayes Co OK m Scott Cyrus Freeman

    -11-1-1-1 Lucy Jane Freeman b 12 Sep 1871 El Dara Pike Co IL d 13 May 1951 Seattle WA m James Martin Lawson b 2 Jul 1868 Waynesboro TN son of Mordecai S Lawson and Elizabeth Caroline Turman

    -11-1-1-1-1 Donald VanHoosier Lawson b 20 Dec 1908 Seattle WA d 24 Apr 1974 Grants Pass Josephine Co OR m Iva Melvina Freeman b 17 Jan 1913 Tacoma WA dau of Aretus Erastus Freeman and Minnie Elsie Morey b 24 SEp 1877 Big Rapids Mecosta Co MI
    Hi6 Nancy Highsmith b c 1782, Surry Co NC d 2 Nov 1862 Warren Co KY m bond dated Sep. 23, 1797, Green Co KY to Rev. William HARRIS Ha6 b 7 Aug 1772 d 1845 son of James HARRIS and Ann MCKINNEY -1 John Harris b Warren Co Ky m Nancy GOODSON
    -2 Thomas Highsmith Harris b 19 Nov 1802 Warren Co KY d 10 Jun 1874 Lancaster Dallas Co TX m Martha Elizabeth Skiles b 7 Jun 1805 d 4 Jul 1862
    -3 Chapman Harris
    -4 Chathana Harris
    -5 William Barnett Harris m Harriet A. PAISLEY (SAR line)
    -6 Mary Polly Harris b 3 Jun 1810 Warren Co Ky d 25 Mar 18882 Simpson Co Ky m 11 Feb 1828 Edward NEAL
    -7 David Rice Harris
    -8 S. G. Harris
    -9 Alexander Chapman Harris m Mary NORFLEET
    -10 Sally Harris
    -11 Nancy Lowery Harris b 26 Feb 1820 in Warren Co KY d 16 Dec 1903 in Richardson, TX m Rev. George L. BLEWETT
    -12 Young Finis Ewing Harris b c 1821 m?1 Mary Ann ROWE (DAR line)
    -13 Rev. Josiah Harris
    -14 Rev. W. Harris
    -15 Rev. Chaltam Harris
    -16 Thomas Highsmith Harris b 19 Nov 1802 b Warren Co Ky m 29 Jan 1822 in Warren Co Martha E. SKILES
    -17 ?Harvey Ambrose Harris m Martha Jamison

    -5-1 Hervy Harris
    -12-1 y Harris b c 1850
    -17-1 Levicy Jane Harris m Thomas Pope Bland

    -5-1-1 Alma Harris m y Welk
    -12-1-1 Finis Ewing Harris b c 1880 m2 Margaret Elizabeth Harned + 1 ch
    -17-1-1 Dr. Thomas Eugene bland m Matilda Prather Nicholas

    -5-1-1-1 Russell Welk
    -12-1-1-1 Mark Ewing Harris b 15 March 1926 d 27 Dec 2006
    -17-1-1-1 Bl2 Anna Pope Bland m Dr. Eustace Granger Hester

    -5-1-1-1-1 y Welk
    -12-1-1-1-1 Maggie Harris
    -17-1-1-1-2 Dr. William Griffith Hester, author
    Hi6-4 Mary 'Polly' Highsmith b c 1784, Surry Co NC
    m bond Nov. 14, 1805, Warren Co KY to Samuel WOODS, bro of Catherine (who m Polly's bro James).
    Hi6-5 James H Highsmith b 17 Jun 1786, Surry or Duplin Co NC d 11 Jul 1843, Crawford Co IL
    m 14 Aug 1806 (bond) Jasmin Co Ky Catherine WOODS b. 1787 KY d about 1876, Crawford Co IL dau of Ahijah Woods and Mary b c 1773 (or WOODS; half-brother of James' mother) The first nine of their children were born in Henry Co KY the youngest in Crawford Co IL
    -1 Mary Highsmith b 8 May 1807 Henry Co KY d 23 Feb 1883 Crawford Co Il m Samuel H. ALLISON b 5 May 1806 in Henry Co KY d 5 Feb 1859 Crawford Co
    -2 Whitfield Highsmith b 1809 Henry Co d 30 Dec 1864 Crawford Co Il m 9 Jan 1834 in Crawford Co Susannah JOHNSON
    -3 Sarah Highsmith b 6 Oct 1811 Henry Co d 1 Jul 1896 Crawford Co Il m 19 Mar 1829 in Crawford Co David Young ALLISON b 6 May 1808 Henderson KY son of Jonathan Allison and Lydia
    -4 Thomas Turner Highsmith b 6 Dec 1813 Henry Co d 16 Apr 1891 Crawford Co m1 8 Dec 1838 in Crawford Co Elizabeth REAVILL + 6 ch dau of David Reavill and Anna Montgomery m2 10 Feb 1856 Angeline JOHNSON b 29 Mar 1831 in Crawford Co + 9 ch dau of James Johnson and Rachel
    -5 Ahijah Woods Highsmith b 7 May 1815 Henry Co d 2 Jul 1869 Crawford Co Il m 1 Mar 1838 Cynthia S. MONTGOMERY dau of Andrew Clark Montgomery, Sr. and Elizabeth Caldwell,
    -6 Zerrelda/Zerilda Highsmith b 1818 Henry Co Ky d 1870 m1 William MONTGOMERY son of Andrew Clark Montgomery, Sr. and Elizabeth Caldwell m2 Samuel S. CUNNINGHAM b c 1813 Henry KY son of Ephriam Cunningham and Sarah Carpenter
    -7 William Voorheis Highsmith b 3 Mar 1819 Henry Co d on 24 Mar 1867 bur Ford Cem Montgomery Twp Crawford Co m Maria Jane FORD dau of Warner Ford, Jr. and Sarah Foree
    -8 Elizabeth W. Highsmith b 1 Jan 1822 Henry Co d 17 May 1886 in Larimer Co Col m 9 Mar 1839 in Robinson IL William REAVILL son of David Reavill and Anna Montgomery
    -9 Christopher Madison Highsmith b 1825 Henry Co d 1872 Flat Rock Honey Creek twp Crawford Co m 7 Sep 1848 in Crawford Co Martha Jane ALLEN dau of James Allen and Josanna Ford
    -10 James Madison Highsmith b 7 Feb 1826 d 19 Apr 1903 m1 Susanna GHER, m2 Sarah E. SCHROYER.
    -1-1 James Harvey Allison b 1 Dec 1827 in Crawford Co IL bur Allison Cem Morea, Crawford Co IL.
    -1-2 Louisa R. Allison b 1 Jul 1828 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL, d 7 Mar 1912 in Crawford Co IL at age 83, bur Seaney Cem Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -1-3 Martha Ann Allison b 14 Sep 1830 in Crawford Co IL, d 16 Mar 1905 in Crawford Co IL at age 74, bur St. Pauls Cem Russell Twp., Lawrence Co IL.
    -1-4 John Allison b c 1834 in Crawford Co IL.
    -1-5 Mary Elizabeth Allison b 11 Aug 1836 in Crawford Co IL, d 8 Nov 1901 in Crawford Co IL at age 65, bur Nov 1901 in Ford Cem Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -1-6 Catherine Allison b 1840 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL, d 7 Jan 1921 at age 81, bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -1-7 William B. Allison b Dec 1842 in Crawford Co IL.
    -1-8 Amanda Francis Allison b 1853 in Crawford Co IL and died in 1920 in Crawford Co IL
    -2-1 Nancy A Highsmith b c 1835 in Crawford Co IL m Eva Martin.
    -2-2 Sarah E Highsmith b c 1841 in Crawford Co IL m George Lambert.
    -2-3 Martha Ellen Highsmith b 9 Jun 1843 in Crawford Co IL, d 14 Oct 1893 in Lawrence Co IL at age 50, bur Centerville Cem Allison Twp., Lawrence Co IL.
    -2-4 Amelia O Highsmith b c 1847 in Crawford Co IL.
    -2-5 William Douglas Highsmith b c 1855 in Crawford Co IL.
    -2-6 Lucinda Highsmith b c 1857 in Crawford Co
    -3-1 Whitfield T. Allison b 28 Dec 1829 d 17 Aug 1859 at age 29.
    -3-2 Catherine Allison b 29 Aug 1831 in Crawford Co IL, d 7 Feb 1893 in Crawford Co IL at age 61, bur Otterbein Cem Russell Twp., Lawrence, IL.
    -3-3 Abijah Woods Allison b 21 Jan 1833 in Crawford Co IL d 19 Aug 1835 at age 2.
    -3-4 Caleb Mark Allison b 15 Jul 1835 in Crawford Co IL, d 14 Oct 1865 at age 30, and was buried on the David Young Allison Farm In Montgomery Twp, Crawford Co IL.
    -3-5 John P Allison b 6 Mar 1837 in Crawford Co IL d 11 Nov 1865 at age 28.
    -3-6 Phoebe Allison b 5 Nov 1838 in Crawford Co IL d 20 Oct 1853 at age 14.
    -3-7 L T Allison b 17 Sep 1841 in Crawford Co IL d 21 Mar 1841.
    -3-8 Sarah E Allison b 17 Feb 1842 in Crawford Co IL d 17 Sep 1917 m Mark Wall on 11 Nov 1866.
    -3-9 Zerelda Olive Allison b 23 Sep 1844 in Crawford Co IL d 29 Apr 1871 m James Johnson.
    -3-10 James Thomas Allison b 5 Oct 1846 in Crawford Co IL d 14 Mar 1919 in Cottage Grove, Lane Co OR at age 72.
    -3-11 Lydia F Allison b 30 Sep 1848 in Crawford Co IL/?KY d 11 Sep 1922 OK m 4 Oct 1866 John Wolfe b 13 Nov 1846 VA son of Jacob Wolfe and Susan Lambert b c 1825 VA (dau of Miles Lambert and Naomi Loving)
    -3-12 G W Allison b 5 Nov 1850 in Crawford Co IL.
    -3-13 Mahala Pierce Allison b 20 Dec 1852 in Crawford Co IL d 15 Nov 1929 in Holyoke, Phillips Co CO at age 76.
    -3-14 Son Allison b 1854 in Crawford Co
    -4-1 David M. Highsmith b 1841 in Crawford Co IL.
    -4-2 Hannah A. Highsmith b 1843 in Crawford Co IL
    -4-3 Mary C. Highsmith b 1845 in Crawford Co IL d 13 Feb 1913 in Chetopa, Labette, Kansas at age 68.
    -4-4 George W. Highsmith b 23 Aug 1852 in Crawford Co IL Salina E. Plymell, dau of Wallace Plymell and Margaret Grimes, on 24 Nov 1875 in Crawford Co IL. Salina b 1850 in IL.
    -4-5 Abijah Woods Highsmith was born before Mar 1854 in Crawford Co IL d 26 Apr 1917 in Terre Haute, Vigo Co IN.
    -4-6 James Madison Highsmith b 1855 in Crawford Co
    -4-7 James Buchannan Highsmith b 25 Dec 1856 in Crawford Co IL, d 24 May 1882 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 25, bur Family Farm.
    -4-8 James Madison Highsmith b 1857 in Crawford Co IL.
    -4-9 Elizabeth Highsmith b 1859 in Crawford Co IL and died in Crawford Co IL.
    -4-10 Highsmith b 1863 in Crawford Co IL.
    -4-11 Lydia O. Highsmith b 1865 in Crawford Co IL m William Forrester.
    -4-12 India Louise Highsmith b 11 Sep 1866 in Crawford Co IL, d 15 Jun 1954 in Knox Co. In at age 87, bur Memorial Park Cem Vincennes Knox Co. In. m on 25 Mar 1885 in Lawrence Co IL.
    -4-13 John Thomas Highsmith b 3 Apr 1868 in Crawford Co IL d 8 Jan 1922 in Billings, Yellowstone Co MT at age 53.
    -4-14 Charles Henry Highsmith b Oct 1869 in Crawford Co IL.
    -4-15 Sarah Highsmith b 14 Sep 1871 m John Wheeling
    -5-1 Mary E. Highsmith b 19 Aug 1839 in Crawford Co IL d 14 Sep 1840 in Crawford Co IL at age 1.
    -5-2 Catherine J. Highsmith b 4 Nov 1841 in Crawford Co IL, d 29 Feb 1848 in Crawford Co IL at age 6, bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -5-3 Sarah E. Highsmith b 29 Dec 1843 in Crawford Co IL d 31 Jan 1848 in Crawford Co IL at age 4.
    -5-4 Adeline Highsmith b 9 Feb 1846 in Crawford Co IL, d 19 Mar 1854 in Crawford Co IL at age 8, bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -5-5 Sarah Jane Highsmith b 1847 in Crawford Co IL, d 21 Oct 1882 in Crawford Co IL at age 35, bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -5-6 Harriet Highsmith b 21 Apr 1850 in Crawford Co IL, d 9 Apr 1909 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -5-7 William Franklin Highsmith b 4 Aug 1852 in Honey Creek Twp Crawford Co IL d 1915 bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL m Mahala Parker b 1854 d 1920
    -5-7-1 Leander Highsmith b 1889 m Ivah Estes b 1892 d 1971
    -5-8 Highsmith b 1854 in Crawford Co IL, d 25 Nov 1854 in Crawford Co IL, bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -5-9 John Douglas Highsmith b 1 Jan 1856 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL, d 5 Feb 1928 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL. m Julia Ellen Vanwinkle, daughter of William Louis Vanwinkle and Fannie Katherine Sears, in Dec 1888 in Crawford Co IL. Julia b 9 Dec 1859 in Crawford Co IL, d 16 Mar 1936 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 76, bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -5-10 Amos Highsmith b 3 Jan 1858 in Crawford Co IL, d 6 Sep 1859 in Crawford Co IL at age 1, bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -5-11 Leander Highsmith b 28 Jan 1860 in Crawford Co IL d 17 Sep 1885 in Crawford Co IL at age 25.
    -5-12 Levi Mcclellan Highsmith b 1 Feb 1863 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL, d 3 Jun 1940 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 77, bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co
    -6-1 Elizabeth Catherine Montgomery b 8 Nov 1836 in Crawford Co IL d 26 Jan 1848 in Crawford Co IL at age 11.
    -6-2 Ellenor Jane Montgomery b 27 Jun 1838 d 22 Jan 1848 at age 9.
    -6-3 Hannah Ann Montgomery b 3 Jan 1840 in Crawford Co IL, d 19 Apr 1897 in Crawford Co IL at age 57, bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -6-4 Mary William Montgomery b 18 Feb 1841
    -6-5 Christina Amanda Cunningham b 21 Feb 1847, d 13 Aug 1911 at age 64, bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -6-6 Martha Angeline Cunningham b 21 May 1848 in Crawford Co IL d 25 Oct 1917 in Arkansas at age 69.
    -6-7 Emily Jane Cunningham b c 1850 in Crawford Co IL m 6 May 1866 David M Barrick b 1842 Montgomery Twy Crawford Co IL son of Alexander Mckamey Barrick and Mary Polly Seaney
    -6-8 Sarah C Cunningham b 1852 and died in TX m William F Rich, son of George Rich and Sarah Jane Highsmith, on 12 Feb 1871 in Crawford Co IL. William b c 1850 and died in TX
    -7-1 Sarah Catherine Highsmith b 15 Nov 1841 in Crawford Co IL, d 31 Aug 1918 in Palestine, Lamotte Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 76, bur Palestine Cem Palestine, Lamotte Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -7-2 Mary E. Highsmith b c 1844 in Crawford Co IL mAlfred Tennyson on 22 Sep 1859 in Crawford Co IL.
    -7-3 Malissa Frances Highsmith b Sep 1846 in Crawford Co IL d 1913 at age 67, bur Otterbein Cem Russell Twp., Lawrence, IL.
    -7-4 Martha Ann Highsmith b 9 Mar 1849 in Crawford Co IL, d 30 Mar 1924 at age 75, bur Otterbein Cem Russell Twp., Lawrence, IL.
    -7-5 Eliza Ellen Highsmith b 4 Aug 1852, d 5 May 1915 at age 62, bur Otterbein Cem Russell Twp., Lawrence, IL.
    -7-6 John Hiram Highsmith b c 1856 in IL.
    -7-7 Samuel Warner Highsmith b 29 Aug 1857 in Crawford Co IL, d 11 Jun 1935 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 77, bur Jun 1935 in St. Paul's Church Cem Crawford Co IL.
    -7-8 Laura Bell Highsmith b 1860 m William Alexander Sechrest, son of Joel Henry Sechrest and Nancy Jane Hamilton, on 9 Mar 1876 in Lawrence Co IL. William b 11 Feb 1856 in Crawford Co IL, d 20 Jun 1934 in MT Vernon, Jefferson Co IL at age 78, bur Hopewell Cem MT Vernon Twp., Jefferson Co IL.
    -7-9 William Highsmith b c 1863 d y
    -8-1 Angeline Reavill b 17 Dec 1839 in Crawford Co IL, d 13 Nov 1840 in Crawford Co IL, bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -8-2 Mary Jane Reavill b 30 Sep 1841 in Crawford Co IL.
    -8-3 Thomas Jackson Reavill b 4 Nov 1843 in Crawford Co IL, d 31 Jan 1854 in Crawford Co IL at age 10, bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -8-4 David Reavill b 29 Nov 1845 in Crawford Co IL, d 8 Aug 1879 in Crawford Co IL at age 33, bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL. m Nancy Ann Richey on 26 Nov 1868 in Richland Co IL. Nancy b 28 May 1849 in Blount Co TN, d 13 May 1909 in Crawford Co IL at age 59, bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -8-5 Catherine Reavill b 7 Jan 1848 in Crawford Co IL d 17 Aug 1880 in Crawford Co IL at age 32. m Alvin Clark Beattie on 14 Sep 1871 in Crawford Co IL.
    -8-6 Eliza A. Reavill b 1852.
    -8-7 James Pierce Reavill b 15 Jan 1853 in Crawford Co IL d 24 Jan 1872 in Crawford Co IL at age 19.
    -8-8 Nancy Ellen Reavill b 12 Feb 1855 in Crawford Co IL and died in Crawford Co IL.
    -8-9 Emiline Reavill b 1856.
    -8-10 Martha Zerelda Reavill b 1859.
    -8-11 Laura Elizabeth Reavill b 8 Oct 1861 in Robinson, Crawford Co IL and died before Jun 1870 in Crawford Co IL.
    -8-12 Ida Charlotte Reavill b 6 May 1863 in Robinson, Crawford Co IL and died before Jun 1870 in Crawford Co IL.
    -8-13 Rosa Florence Reavill b 29 Aug 1866 d 5 May 1924 at age 57.
    -8-14 Hiram Reavill b 1867
    -9-1 Rhoda Ann Highsmith b Oct 1849 in Crawford Co IL.
    -9-2 James Madison Highsmith b 20 Jan 1851 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL, d 5 Feb 1926 at age 75, bur Haskins Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -9-3 Jossey Catherine Highsmith b 1853 in Crawford Co IL and died in Sep 1883 in IL at age 30.
    -9-4 Elizabeth Harriet Highsmith b 4 Mar 1854 in Crawford Co IL, d 13 May 1929 in Palestine, Lamotte Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 75, bur Wesley Chapel Cem Heathsville, Crawford Co IL.
    -9-5 John Harvey Highsmith b 25 Aug 1855 in Crawford Co
    -10-1 Hettie Highsmith b c 1850 in Lawrence Co IL and died before 1898. m Joshua Pitman.
    -10-2 Catherine Highsmith b c 1852 in Lawrence Co IL d by 1898.
    -10-3 John Harvey Highsmith b 12 Dec 1854 in Lawrence Co IL, d 28 Jun 1926 at age 71, bur Oaklawn Cem St Francisville, IL.
    -10-4 Sarah T Highsmith b c 1857 in Lawrence Co IL di y
    -10-5 Eliza E Highsmith b c 1859 in Lawrence Co IL d y
    -10-6 William Henry Highsmith b 15 Apr 1862 in Lawrence Co IL, d 20 Jul 1915 at age 53, bur Oaklawn Cem St Francisville, IL.
    -10-7 George Madison Highsmith was born from 8 Nov 1864 to 1865 in Lawrence Co IL d 30 Aug 1925 in Dennison Twp., Lawrence Co IL at age 60.
    -10-8 Gilbert Highsmith b c 1867 in Lawrence Co IL d y
    -10-9 Mary Highsmith b c 1870 in Lawrence Co IL d y
    -10-10 Nora Ellen Highsmith b 15 Jun 1875 in Lawrence Co IL and died in 1922

    -3-11-1 John Franklin Wolfe b 21 JUn 1874 d 17 Nov 1937 m Elizabeth Caroline Sager b 19 Sep 1879 d 6 Aug 1934 dau of August C SAger and Amelia Tittle b 23 May 1846 AR (dau of Daniel Marion Tittle and Rosanna Ward)
    -6-7-1 George Barrick m Emaline Hair

    -3-11-1-1 Mabel Wolfe b 22 Dec 1898 OK d 8 Sep 1992 Salem Marion Co IL m Edward Franklin Neff
    -6-7-1-1+ David Barrick m Ann Thouvenel + 3 others

    -3-11-1-1-1 Cecil Harold Neff b 23 Oct 1921 Tulsa OK d 21 Jan 2002 St Louis MO m Harlene Marie Hill had issue
    Hi6-6 Martha 'Patsey' Highsmith b c 1787 Duplin Co NC d Oct 1855 Randolph Co MO
    m bond Aug. 1807 Warren Co KY to Edmund MORRIS.
    Hi6-7 Richard M. Highsmith b about 1789, Wilkes Co GA d 1874, Crawford Co IL. An elder and minister of the Primitive Baptist Church, he was a member of the Glady Fork and Canaan Churches in Lawrence Co IL.
    m Apr. 11, 1811 in Warren Co KY to Sarah SPANN in 1811. "Sister Richard Highsmith" is listed as a member of the Glady Fork Primitive Baptist Church. Children: Elizabeth C. married William WEGER; Daniel M. married first Phoebe H. ALLISON, and second Mary Ann VERNON; Logan died young; Thomas M. married Eliza A. COOK; Lavinia Elizabeth married Daniel MICKEY; Nancy H. married James Wesley HUNT; Ewing Spann married first Elizabeth WALLACE, and second Harriet WALLACE; Leander Sharp married Maria Jane FORD; John Addison married first Martha Jane NEAL, and second Eliza DELENDER; Marinda A. married Joseph A. MIDGETT; Cynthia Ann married Aaron PAINTER; WIlliam Nathaniel died young; and Sarah Catharine did not marry.
    -1 Elizabeth C. Highsmith, b Nov 26, 1812 Warren Co KY d Nov 15, 1856 Crawford Co m11 Jan 1832 in Crawford Co William Weger son of Abraham Weger and Jocey Ford.
    -2 Daniel M. Highsmith, b 1813 Ky d 850 in Crawford Co IL m 10 Oct 1848 in Crawford Co Mary Ann Barrick b 1811 in Tenn
    -3 Logan Highsmith, b 1815.
    -4 Thomas M. Highsmith, b 13 Feb 1817 Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL, d 30 Aug 1892 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co bur New Hebron Ceme Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co m Eliza A. Cook, dau of Thomas Cook and Susan E, from 31 Dec 1841 to 2 Jan 1842 in Lawrence Co IL Eliza b 18 Feb 1821 in TN d 22 Mar 1898 in Honey Creek Twp
    -5 Lavina Elizabeth Highsmith, b 1819 Montgomery twp Crawford Co m Daniel Mickey 1835 son of James Mickey and Mary Hare
    -6 Nancy H. Highsmith, b Mar 9, 1821 Crawford Co IL d 28 May 1894 in Lawrence Co IL m 22 Oct 1840 in Crawford Co James Wesley Hunt b 1820 in TN d on 28 May 1863 in Lawrence Co
    -7 Ewing Spann Highsmith, b Mar 8, 1823 Crawford Co d 2 Oct 1899 in Crawford Co m1 17 Aug 1843 in Crawford Co Elizabeth Wallace + 4 ch, dau of Benjamin Wallace and Rachel Neal m2 10 Nov 1848 Harriet Wallace + 12 ch dau of Benjamin Wallace and Rachel Neal
    -8 Leander Sharp Highsmith, b April 15, 1825 Montgomery Twp Crawford Co d on 28 Dec 1888 in Lawrence Co bur in Charlottesville Cem Bond Twp m 9 Mar 1848 in Crawford Co Maria Jane Ford born on 15 Apr 1826 in Henry Co KY, d 17 May 1908 in Lawrence Co dau of Samuel R. Ford and Elizabeth Hambrick
    -9 John Addison Highsmith, b June 28, 1827 Crawford Co IL, d 22 May 1867 in Bond Twp., Lawrence Co IL at age 39, bur Charlottesville Cem Bond Twp., Lawrence Co IL. served in the Civil War and his widow was pensioned for his service Corporal in Captain F A John's Company "E," 154the Regiment IL Volunteers. He was discharged at Nashville, TN, 18 Sep 1865. m1 Martha Ann Neal on 1 Dec 1847 in Crawford Co IL. b 11 Nov 1826 in TN d 15 Sep 1860 in Irenton, Missouri + 4 ch m2 Eliza Delender, daughter of Jesse Delender and Isobelle Gibson, on 18 Oct 1860 in Lawrence Co IL. Eliza was born 1 Jn 1829 in KY and died in 1897 at age 68. + 2 ch
    -10 Marinda A. Highsmith, b July 30, 1829 Crawford Co IL, d 22 Oct 1879 in Crawford Co IL at age 50, bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL. m Joseph A. Midgett, son of George Midgett and Mary Gowin. Joseph b 7 Dec 1822 in Tennessee, d 1 Sep 1897 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co
    -11 Cynthia Ann Highsmith, b 1830.
    -12 William Nathaniel Highsmith, b 1832.
    -13 Sarah Catherine Highsmith, b 1834
    -1-1 Matilda Weger b 1833 d y
    -1-2 Mary E Weger b 1835 d y
    -1-3 Malissa A Weger b 2 Jan 1837 in Crawford Co IL, d 14 Aug 1891 in Crawford Co IL bur Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp Crawford Co IL.
    -1-4 John Price Weger b 7 Apr 1839 in Lawrence Co IL, d 30 Jul 1919 at age 80, bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -1-5 Nancy Jane Weger b 28 Nov 1841 in Crawford Co IL, d 4 Mar 1919 in Crawford Co IL at age 77, bur Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -1-6 Margaret Weger b 1843 and died in Young.
    -1-7 Eliza Weger b 1845 d y
    -1-8 Joseph Marion Weger b 19 Sep 1847 in IL, d 13 Oct 1926 bur Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -1-9 George Riley Weger b 1 Mar 1848 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL d 26 Oct 1928 in Martin Twp., Clark Co IL
    -1-10 James William Weger b 1851 d y
    -2-1 George M. Highsmith b 1837 in Crawford Co IL.
    -2-2 Richard Highsmith b 1841 in Crawford Co IL.
    -2-3 Leander J. Highsmith b 1843 in Crawford Co
    -4-1 William Kirby Highsmith b 6 Jan 1843 in Lawrence Co IL, d 14 May 1918 in Robinson, Crawford Co IL at age 75, bur New Hebron Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -4-2 Sarah Highsmith b c 1845 in Lawrence Co IL.
    -4-3 Susan Frances Highsmith b 17 Jun 1846 in Lawrence Co IL, d 14 Mar 1882 at age 35, bur Rich Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -4-4 Ethanlinda Highsmith b 1848 in Lawrence Co IL.
    -4-5 Mary Martinia Highsmith b 11 Sep 1849 in Lawrence Co IL, d 7 Apr 1911 in Duncanville, IL at age 61, bur Duncanville Cem Duncanville, IL.
    -4-6 Nancy Ellen Highsmith b c 1851 in Lawrence Co IL, d 19 Nov 1876 bur New Hebron Cem New Hebron, IL.
    -4-7 Melissa L Highsmith b c 1855 in Lawrence Co IL.
    -4-8 John T Highsmith b c 1857 in Lawrence Co IL.
    -4-9 Henry C Highsmith b Jan 1860 in Lawrence Co IL and died before 1880.
    -4-10 Mark R. Highsmith b c 1862 in Lawrence Co IL.
    -4-11 Catherine Evaline Highsmith b 1864 in Lawrence Co m1 John W. McIntosh, son of Thomas J. McIntosh and Eliza Ann Crum, on 15 Jan 1885 in Crawford Co IL. John b 1 Jul 1863 in Owen Co IN d 19 Mar 1923 in Robinson, Crawford Co IL at age 59. m2 William J. H. York, son of Joseph A. York and Lucinda A. Myers. William b 1862 in Lamotte Twp, Crawford Co
    -5-1 John Addison Mickey b 20 Nov 1837 in Russell Twp., Lawrence Co IL, d 5 Apr 1892 bur Price Cem Russellville, Lawrence Co IL m Marinda Roberts b 1843 d 1915
    -5-2 James H. Mickey b 12 Sep 1839 in Russell Twp., Lawrence Co IL, d 31 Jan 1917 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 77, bur Price Cem Russellville, Lawrence Co IL.
    -5-3 Mary L Mickey b 20 Nov 1841 in Russell Twp., Lawrence Co IL, d 19 Mar 1860 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 18, bur Gaines Cem Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL. m Newton Anderson Kent, son of Needium Kent and Mary Lafferty, on 27 Feb 1859 in Crawford Co IL. Newton b 15 Aug 1836 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL, d 14 Sep 1882 at age 46, bur Gaines Cem Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -5-4 William Redmond Mickey b 21 Nov 1842 in Russell Twp., Lawrence Co IL, d 26 Dec 1878 in Humbolt, IL at age 36, bur Humbolt Cemetery. m Mary Jane x b about 1846 in KY.
    -5-5 Sarah Jane Mickey b c 1845 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL and died between 1873 and 1876 in Washington Co West Virginia.
    -5-6 Leander Sharp Mickey b Feb 1847 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -5-7 Rebecca Ellen Mickey b 31 Jan 1849 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL, d 1 Nov 1880 at age 31, bur Baker Cem Heathsville, Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL. m1 Slemmons Edgington. Slemmons b 22 Aug 1847 in Crawford Co IL. m1 J N Calvin.
    -5-8 Daniel Webster Mickey b 9 Oct 1851 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL, d 16 Jun 1917 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 65, bur Wesley Chapel Cem Heathsville, Crawford Co IL.
    -5-9 Emma Mickey b c 1853 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL and died from 1870 to 1876
    -5-10 Marjorie Ann Mickey b c 1856 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -5-11 Richard Newton Mickey b 25 Jun 1857 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL, d 31 Mar 1927 in Russellville, Russell Twp., Lawrence Co IL at age 69, bur Price Cem Russellville, Lawrence Co IL.
    -5-12 Charles Mickey b 1860 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -5-13 Ellis Mickey b 1862 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL and died in 1865 at age 3.
    -5-14 Maranda Mickey b Mar 1863 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL. m 1 Jan 1883 in Crawford Co James Rush Kent b c 1859 son of Joseph Kent and Nancy McDaniel
    -6-1 Mary Elizabeth Hunt b c 1842 in Lawrence Co IL and died in 1875
    -6-2 Harriett Ann Hunt b 19 Mar 1844 in Lawrence Co IL, d 21 Mar 1865 at age 21, bur Mar 1865 in Pollard Cem Bond Twp., Lawrence Co IL. m Amos Clinton Rash, son of William Washington Rash and Rebecca Fields, about 1863 in Crawford Co IL. Amos b 11 Apr 1843 in Robinson, Crawford Co IL, d 22 Jan 1900 in Wayne City, Wayne Co IL at age 56, bur Olive Branch Cem Wayne City, Wayne Co IL.
    -6-3 William H Hunt b 1846 in Lawrence Co IL d 1876 at age 30, bur Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -6-4 Cynthia Hunt b 1847 in Lawrence Co IL and died in 1885 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 38.
    -6-5 James Albert Hunt b 20 Mar 1848 in Lawrence Co IL, d 7 Oct 1935 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 87, bur Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -6-6 Perlina Frances Hunt b 20 Mar 1848 in Lawrence Co IL.
    -6-7 John Andrew Hunt b 1850 in Lawrence Co IL and died in 1879 in Crawford Co IL at age 29.
    -6-8 Sarah Ellen Hunt b 1852 in Lawrence Co IL.
    -6-9 Nancy Hardiman Hunt b 1855 in IL.
    -6-10 Charles Thomas Hunt b 1860 in Lawrence Co IL and died in 1884 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co
    -7-1 Sarah Ann Highsmith b 1 Jul 1844 in Crawford Co IL d 23 Mar 1927 in Howard, KS at age 82.
    -7-2 Catherine Highsmith b 9 Aug 1845 in Crawford Co IL, d 30 Oct 1877 at age 32, bur Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -7-3 George Rolla Highsmith b 4 Dec 1846 in Crawford Co IL, d 14 Jan 1909 at age 62, bur Oak Hill Cem Carrollton, Carroll Co MO.
    -7-4 Rachel Jane Highsmith b 16 Aug 1848 in Crawford Co IL. m Lafayette Taylor, son of John Taylor and Mary Elizabeth Goff, on 2 Sep 1875. Lafayette b 6 Feb 1851
    -7-5 C E Highsmith was buried in Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -7-6 Joseph Alexander Highsmith b 12 Sep 1849 in Crawford Co IL and died in 1918 in AR at age 69.
    -7-7 Cornelieus Ewing Highsmith, II b 17 Jan 1851 in Crawford Co IL, d 18 Sep 1921 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 70, bur Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -7-8 Mary Elizabeth Highsmith b 13 Oct 1852, d 5 Apr 1872 at age 19, bur Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -7-9 Martha Melissa Highsmith b 28 Jan 1854 in Crawford Co IL, d 4 Jan 1913 at age 58, bur Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -7-10 Stephen Douglas Highsmith b 8 Mar 1856 in Crawford Co IL, d 13 Nov 1917 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 61, bur Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -7-11 Margaret Miranda Highsmith b 15 May 1858 in Crawford Co IL, d 19 Aug 1934 in Bond Twp., Lawrence Co IL at age 76, and was buried on 23 Aug 1934 in Lawrencville City Cem Lawrenceville, Lawrence Co IL.
    -7-13 Charles Marion Highsmith b 31 May 1860 in Crawford Co IL, d 2 Mar 1940 at age 79, bur Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -7-14 Ewing Spann Highsmith b 31 May 1860 in Crawford Co IL.
    -7-15 Julia Ann Highsmith b 6 May 1862 in Crawford Co IL d 1927 at age 65, bur Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -7-16 Nancy Lavina Highsmith b 6 Jan 1863 in Crawford Co IL, d 23 May 1904 at age 41, bur Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL. m1 Sidney T. Love, son of William S. Love and Clarinda Jane Hammil. Sidney b 1862 in IL d 1925 at age 63, bur Tohill Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL. m2 Reuben House.
    -7-17 Marinda Ardilla Highsmith b 4 Apr 1868 in Crawford Co IL.
    -7-18 John Franklin Highsmith b 7 May 1872 in Crawford Co IL, d 25 Feb 1873, bur Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co
    -8-1 Martha Highsmith b 9 Jul 1849 in Lawrence Co IL, d 7 Dec 1878 at age 29, bur Charlottesville Cem Bond Twp., Lawrence Co IL. Franklin B. Sandifer on 9 Jul 1849 in Lawrence Co IL. Franklin b 1840 d 1879 at age 39, bur Charlottesville Cem Bond Twp., Lawrence Co IL.
    -8-2 Sarah Elizabeth Highsmith b 4 Dec 1851 in IL, d 30 Nov 1893 at age 41, bur Charlottesville Cem Bond Twp., Lawrence Co IL.
    -8-3 Lucinda Highsmith b 31 Aug 1854 in Lawrence Co IL, d 14 Mar 1857 at age 2, bur Ford Cem Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -8-4 Ella Highsmith b 23 Aug 1857 in Lawrence Co IL, d 1 Apr 1876 at age 18, bur Charlottesville Cem Bond Twp., Lawrence Co IL.
    -8-5 Margaret J. Highsmith b 28 Mar 1860 in Lawrence Co IL, d 14 Jul 1930 at age 70, bur Charlottesville Cem Bond Twp., Lawrence Co IL.
    -8-6 Isadora Highsmith b 30 Oct 1862 in Lawrence Co IL, d 28 Jan 1946 in Olney, Richland Co IL at age 83, bur Lawrencville City Cem Lawrenceville, Lawrence Co IL. m James M. Klinger on 19 Nov 1887 in Bond Twp., Lawrence Co IL. James b 29 Nov 1861 in Perry, OH, d 16 Oct 1936 in Lawrenceville, Lawrence Co IL at age 74, bur Lawrencville City Cem Lawrenceville, Lawrence Co IL.
    -8-7 William S. Highsmith b 24 Dec 1865 in Lawrence Co IL d 12 Jan 1928 at age 62.
    -8-8 Adaline Highsmith b 20 Nov 1868 in Lawrence Co IL, d 8 May 1963 at age 94, bur Pollard Cem Bond Twp., Lawrence Co IL.
    -8-9 John A. Highsmith b 9 Dec 1872 in Lawrence Co IL, d 20 Dec 1872, bur Charlottesville Cem Bond Twp., Lawrence Co
    -9-1 Alexander Franklin Highsmith b 24 Jul 1851 in Lawrence Co IL.
    -9-2 Mary Jane Highsmith b 17 Feb 1854 in Lawrence Co IL.
    -9-3 Sarah Emma Highsmith b 7 Jan 1856 in Lawrence Co IL.
    -9-4 Armizinda Catherine Highsmith b 10 Jun 1858 in Lawrence Co IL, d 7 Apr 1949 in Robinson, Crawford Co IL at age 90, bur Robinson New Cem Robinson, Crawford Co IL.
    -9-5 William Allen Highsmith b 10 Dec 1862 in Lawrence Co IL.
    -9-6 Richard Highsmith b 17 Dec 1864 in Lawrence Co
    -10-1 John Addison Midgett b 13 Jul 1848 in Crawford Co IL, d 25 May 1937 in Crawford Co IL at age 88, bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -10-2 Martha Ann Midgett b 2 Jan 1850 in Crawford Co IL, d 19 Feb 1939 at age 89, bur Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -10-3 George William Midgett b 21 Jun 1851 in Crawford Co IL, d 13 Apr 1937 in Martin Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 85, bur Berlin Cem Pierceburg, IL.
    -10-4 Joseph Allen Midgett b 12 Feb 1853 in Crawford Co IL, d 28 Oct 1915 in Crawford Co IL at age 62, bur Tohill Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -10-5 Sylvester Midgett b 15 Dec 1854 in Crawford Co IL, d 28 Apr 1900 in Crawford Co IL at age 45, bur Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -10-6 Sarah Catherine Midgett b 29 Oct 1856 in IL, d 28 Mar 1934 at age 77, bur Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -10-7 Marion Henry Midgett b 22 Dec 1860 in Crawford Co IL, d 23 Feb 1946 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 85, and was buried on 26 Feb 1946 in Tohill Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -10-8 Leander Midgett b c 1862.
    -10-9 Son Midgett b 24 Sep 1864 in Crawford Co IL, d 24 Sep 1864 in Crawford Co IL, bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -10-10 Malissa Elizabeth Midgett b 22 Sep 1866 in Crawford Co IL, d 15 Jan 1896 in Crawford Co IL at age 29, bur Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -10-11 Clara Midgett b 11 May 1868 in Crawford Co IL.
    -10-12 James Alvin Midgett b c 1870 in Crawford Co

    -5-1-1 Nancy Mickey b 1860
    -5-1-2 Mary Mickey b 1863
    -5-1-3 William Mickey b 1866 m Mary Myers b 1868
    -5-1-4 Sarah Mickey b 1868 m y
    -5-1-5 Daniel Mickey b 1870
    -5-1-6 John Mickey b 1872 d 1950 m
    -5-1-7 Lillie Mickey
    -5-1-8 Clerinda Mickey b 1876
    -5-1-9 James Mickey b 1879 d 1947
    -5-1-10 Andrew Mickey b 1884
    -5-2-1 xy Mickey m
    -5-2-2 John Mickey b 1860 d 1917 m Sarah Rich b 1862
    -5-2-1 Emma Mickey b 1864 m Samuel Sechrest b 1859
    Hi6-8 Lucinda Highsmith b. about 1791, Wilkes Co GA M
    d 23 Apr 1812, Knox Co IN John MILLS). Children:
    -1 Martha Jane Highsmith b 29 Jan 1825 Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL, d 9 Dec 1872 in Montgomery Twp Crawford Co IL bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL m Andrew Clark Montgomery b 11 Sep 1811 Vincennes IN Andrew Clark Montgomery Jr son of Andrew Clark Montgomery, Sr. and Elizabeth Caldwell. Andrew b 18 Sep 1811 in Vincennes, Knox Co IN, d 27 Sep 1880 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co
    -2 Mary A. Highsmith b 1827 d 1853Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL, d 22 Feb 1853 in Crawford Co IL at age 26, bur Rich Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL. m Samuel Rich, Jr., son of Samuel F. Rich, Sr. and Synthia Sally Ford, on 4 Mar 1847 in Crawford Co IL. Samuel b 20 Oct 1824 in KY, d 23 Sep 1901 in Crawford Co bur Rich Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co
    -3 Sarah Jane Highsmith b Jul 1830 in Crawford Co IL d Dec 1853 bur Rich Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL ?m y Rich. m George Rich, son of Samuel F. Rich, Sr. and Synthia Sally Ford. George b 20 Feb 1826 in Henry Co KY and died in 1885 in Chico, Wise Co TX at age 59.
    -4 Nathaniel Morris Highsmith b 21 Oct 1831 Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL, d 16 Feb 1889 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 57, bur Rich Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL. m1 19 Apr 1855 in Crawford Co Margaret Seaney b 1833 in Crawford Co IL and died about 1857 + 1 ch dau of John C. Seaney and Elizabeth Attaway m2 Sarah R. Rich, dau of Thomas Turner Rich and Rebecca Rich, on 16 Dec 1858 in Crawford Co IL. Sarah b 1843 in Crawford Co IL, d 18 Jan 1916 at age 73, and was buried on 20 Jan 1916 in Rich Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -5 Elizabeth Highsmith b 1834 m John CARTER
    -6 John Madison Highsmith Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL, d 16 Nov 1903 in Robinson, Crawford Co IL at age 67, bur Robinson Old Cem Robinson, Crawford Co IL. m Mariah Catherine Seaney, daughter of John C. Seaney and Elizabeth Attaway, on 15 Nov 1856 in Crawford Co IL. Mariah b 25 Dec 1836 in Crawford Co IL, d 18 Apr 1895 in Crawford Co IL at age 58, bur Robinson Old Cem Robinson, Crawford Co IL.
    -7 James M. Highsmith b 1838 unm
    -8 Hester Ann Highsmith b 15 Aug 1844 m George BLACKERBY.
    -1-1 Nathaniel Montgomery b 15 Dec 1848 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL, d 17 Jan 1922 bur Ford Cem Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL m Anna Pinkstaff b 1854 d 1890
    -1-2 Samuel Calvin Montgomery b 25 Mar 1849 Montgomery Twp Crawford Co IL d 1 Oct 1916 in Montgomery Twp Crawford Co IL bur Ford Cem Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -1-3 Mary Ellen Montgomery b 6 Oct 1851 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL d 1936
    -1-4 Sarah Jane Montgomery b 6 Oct 1851 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL d 1 Dec 1932 in Robinson, Crawford Co IL
    -1-5 Lucinda Montgomery b 17 Jan 1854 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL d 4 Jan 1926 in Lawrence Co IL
    -1-6 Wiley Montgomery b 18 Mar 1856 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL d 4 Dec 1922 in Crawford Co ILm Margaret Simon(e)s b 1857 d 1930
    -1-7 John Douglas Montgomery b 9 Dec 1858 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL, d 24 Feb 1913 in Crawford Co IL bur Ford Cem Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -1-8 Martha Viola Montgomery b 6 Jul 1861 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL, d 20 Jan 1921 in Robinson, Crawford Co IL at age 59, bur Ford Cem Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co
    -2-1 Mary Elizabeth Rich b 25 Jun 1848 in Crawford Co IL, d 22 Dec 1909 in Crawford Co IL bur Rich Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL. m William Hamilton Gowin, son of Drury M. Gowin and Elizabeth B. Rash, on 23 Apr 1885 in Crawford Co IL. William b 12 May 1850 in Crawford Co IL, d 15 Apr 1898 in Crawford Co IL at age 47, bur Robinson Old Cem Robinson, Crawford Co IL.
    -2-2 Alexander Rich b 23 Dec 1852 in Crawford Co IL, d 5 Feb 1905 in Martin Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 52, bur Berlin Cem Martin Twp., Crawford Co
    -3-1 William F Rich b c 1850 and died in TX m 12 Feb 1871 in Crawford Co Sarah C Cunningham b 1852 and died in TX dau of Samuel H. Cunningham and Zerelda Highsmith
    -3-2 Mary Adeline Rich b c 1851 in Crawford Co IL d 1908 bur Beckwith Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co
    -4-1 Martha E. Highsmith b 16 Feb 1856 in Crawford Co IL, d 2 Jan 1912 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 55, bur Ford Cem Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -4-2 John T Highsmith b 5 Aug 1860 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -4-3 George Highsmith b Jul 1863 in IL, d 9 Mar 1926 in Lawrenceville, Lawrence Co IL at age 62, bur Lawrenceville, Lawrence Co IL.
    -4-4 Charles Highsmith b 4 Oct 1866 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co
    -5-1 Mary Jane Carter b c 1854 in IL.
    -5-2 Sarah Ann Carter b c 1857 in IL
    -6-1 William Franklin Highsmith b 3 Oct 1857 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL, d 7 Jul 1922 in Crawford Co IL at age 64, bur Robinson Old Cem Robinson, Crawford Co IL.
    -6-2 Mary Isabell Highsmith b 11 Jan 1859 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -6-3 Margaret Jane Highsmith b 1 Dec 1860 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -6-4 James Marion Highsmith b 22 Feb 1862 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL, d 14 Mar 1897 at age 35, bur Robinson Old Cem Robinson, Crawford Co IL.
    -6-5 Laura Emaline Highsmith b 27 Aug 1864 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -6-6 Nathaniel J. Highsmith b 11 Mar 1866 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL, d 1 Sep 1941 in Robinson, Crawford Co IL at age 75, bur Robinson New Cem Robinson, Crawford Co IL.
    -6-7 Harmon Edward Highsmith b 25 Dec 1867 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL d 30 Sep 1934 in Robinson, Crawford Co IL at age 66. m Emma R Mann, daughter of John W. Mann and Emily Jane Reynolds. Emma b 10 Nov 1870 in Crawford Co IL, d 19 Sep 1949 in Robinson, Crawford Co IL at age 78, bur Robinson New Cem Robinson, Crawford Co IL.
    -6-8 Martha Ann Highsmith b 14 May 1869 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -6-9 Oscar Otis Highsmith b 4 Oct 1870 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL, d 18 Nov 1921 in Robinson, Crawford Co IL at age 51, bur Robinson New Cem Robinson, Crawford Co IL. m Julia Missouri Barrick, daughter of Samuel Seaney Barrick and Sarah Jane Patton. Julia b 21 Oct 1872 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL, d 25 Feb 1932 in Robinson, Crawford Co IL at age 59, bur Robinson New Cem Robinson, Crawford Co IL.
    -6-10 Charles Clifton Highsmith b 29 Jul 1873 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL, d 9 Jul 1874, bur Rich Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -6-11 Rose Elizabeth Highsmith b 10 Jul 1875 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL d 19 Nov 1908 in Robinson, Crawford Co
    -1-1-1 Charles Montgomery b 2 Apr 1884 Crawford IL d there 13 Jul 1961 m Ida Mann b 1887 d 1962
    -1-1-2 Millard Montgomery b 1895 d 1947
    -1-1-3 Irene Montgomery b 1892 d 1974
    -1-1-4 William Montgomery b 1890 d 1948
    -1-1-5 Clyde Montgomery b 1888 d 1979 m Essie Polk b 1884 d 1960
    -1-1-6 Rena Montgomery b 1893
    -1-1-7 Ausby Montgomery b 1886 d 1960
    -1-1-8 Ross Montgomery b 1878 d 1966
    -1-1-9 Andrew Montgomery b 1882 d 1897
    -1-1-10 Harmon Montgomery b 1880 d 1939
    Hi6-9 John Highsmith b. Sep. 18, 1796, Greene Co GA d 1884 bur. United Brethren Cem Howard, KS. Living in Crawford Co IL at time of 1880 census, he was a member of the Glady Fork Primitive Baptist Church.
    m1 in 1816 Mary FORD b. Feb. 7, 1795 d 1839 Crawford Co IL + 10 ch dau of Rev Warner Ford and Cythia Million
    m2 Dec. 9, 1839 Jane FORD
    -1 Susan Ann Highsmith b 23 Feb 1817 Henry Co KY, d 1 Aug 1881 in Crawford Co IL bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp Crawford Co IL m 17 Aug 1836 in Crawford Co Alfred Harrison Allison b 1814 in KY d 25 Jan 1858 in Crawford Co bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL son of Ezra H. Allison and Jane Long
    -2 Absolem McCoy Highsmith d y
    -3 Nathaniel Morris Highsmith d y
    -4 Martha Jane Highsmith d y
    -5 Warner Ford Highsmith d y
    -6 Addison Martin Highsmith d y
    -7 Richard Newton Highsmith b 1 Apr 1828 in Crawford Co d 15 Jun 1898 in Howard, Elk Co KS m1 Mary Ann CARTER + 7 ch dau of Benjamin Carter and Harriett Parker m2 25 Oct 187 her sis Julia Ann CARTER
    -8 William Sampson Highsmith b 7 May 1830 in Crawford Co d on 13 Nov 1880 in Crawford Co bur 14 Nov 1880 in Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL. m 19 Jan 1854 in Crawford Co Mary Ann Jones b 9 Nov 1836 in Crawford Co IL, d 30 Mar 1926 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co dau of Lewis Jones and Mary Brown
    -9 Nancy Ellen Highsmith d y
    -10 and Mary Elizabeth Highsmith d y
    -1-1 William Henry Allison b 19 Jul 1836 in IL, d 27 Sep 1880 at age 44, bur Otterbein Cem Russell Twp., Lawrence, IL.
    -1-2 Mary Jane Allison b 1841 in IL.
    -1-3 Martha Ann Allison b 27 May 1844 in IL d 3 Jan 1890 at age 45.
    -1-4 Warner Ford Allison b c 1845 in IL d Aug 1878 in Lawrence Co IL bur Russell Twp., Lawrence Co IL.
    -1-5 Naomi Elizabeth Allison b 16 Sep 1846 in IL, d 22 Mar 1922 at age 75, bur Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL m William M Parker b 15 Feb 1841 IL d 28 Nov 1903 Crawford Co IL son of John Parker b 16 Oct 1810 Knox Vinton Co OH d 19 Apr 1901 and Phebe Carter b 4 Feb 1811 Nelson Co KY dau of William Carter and Hannah Lewis b 1792 KY d 1862 Crawford Co IL
    -1-6 Melissa Frances Allison b 4 Mar 1849 in Crawford Co IL d 18 Jan 1887 at age 37.
    -1-7 John Harvey Allison b 29 Aug 1850 in IL, d 18 May 1926 in Honey Creek Twp Crawford Co IL at age 75, bur Derr Cem Pinkstaff, Bond Twp., Lawrence Co IL. m Ann Parker.
    -1-8 Olinda Allison b 4 Apr 1854, d 6 Jan 1922 at age 67, bur Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co
    -7-1 Julia Ann Highsmith b 1852 in Crawford Co IL.
    -7-2 John Wesley Highsmith b 20 Oct 1854 d 28 Aug 1906 at age 51.
    -7-3 Harriet Highsmith b 1856 in Crawford Co IL.
    -7-4 Benjamin Hannibal Highsmith b 17 Oct 1858 d 18 Jul 1903 at age 44. m Mildred Gertrude Akers, daughter of Peter (Philip) Morgan Akers and Mary McMillan. Mildred b 16 Sep 1860 in Ligonier Valley, Westmoreland Co, PA d 28 Jun 1941 in Howard, Elk Co, Kansas at age 80. Another name for Mildred was Millie.
    -7-5 Martha Jane Highsmith b Oct 1860. m Samuel Cartwright Mason, son of James Harrison Mason and Lucinda Mills, on 14 Nov 1880 in Elk, KS. Samuel b 9 Feb 1854 in Edwardsport, Knox Co IN.
    -7-6 Mary Isabelle Highsmith b c 1863 in Crawford Co IL.
    -7-7 Louisa Highsmith b c 1867 in Crawford Co
    -7-8 Dolly Highsmith .
    -7-9 Maggie Highsmith .
    -7-10 Infant Highsmith
    -8-1 Olivia Highsmith b 24 Nov 1854 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL, d 6 Jun 1936 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 81, bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -8-2 Mary Jane Highsmith b 24 May 1857 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL, d 29 Apr 1932 at age 74, bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -8-3 Lavina Victoria Highsmith b 18 Nov 1859 in Crawford Co IL d 27 Dec 1906 at age 47.
    -8-4 Laura Florence Highsmith b 14 Jul 1862 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL, d 17 Apr 1885 in Crawford Co IL at age 22, bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -8-5 Amanda Frances Highsmith b 15 Jan 1865, d 12 Jan 1932 at age 66, bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -8-6 Addie Highsmith b 10 Nov 1867 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL, d 2 May 1888 at age 20, bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -8-7 Lillie May Highsmith b 18 Nov 1870 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL, d 2 Jan 1882 at age 11, bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -8-8 Eva Maud Highsmith b 8 Nov 1873 in Crawford Co IL, d 15 Aug 1896 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 22, bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -8-9 William Everett Highsmith b 15 Oct 1876 in Crawford Co IL, d 13 Jan 1952 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 75, bur Robinson New Cem Robinson, Crawford Co IL. m 13 Nov 1923 in Covington IN Laura M. Higgins b 3 Feb 1875 in Crawford Co d 5 Mar 1968 in Good Samaritan Hosp., Vincennes, Knox Co IN at age 93, and was buried on 7 Mar 1968 in Robinson New Cem Robinson, Crawford Co dau of James C. Higgins and Ascenath Jane Swan

    -1-5-1 Martha Jane Parker b 1 May 1868 IL m Joseph Lackey b 23 Mar 1864 d 11 Mar 1933 Lawrence Co IL son of Adam Lackey and Rachel Norton b 23 Jun 1844 IL (dau of Alonso D Norton and Sarah)
    -1-5-2 Harrison Parker
    -1-5-3 Viola Frances Parker m Weger
    -1-5-4 Carl Carlton Parker
    -1-5-5 Grover Cleveland Parker

    -1-5-1-1 Parker Maxwell Lackey b 24 Dec 1899 Lawrenceville IL m Susan Jane Selby b 15 Sep 1898 Lawrenceville IL dau of Samuel Selby and Sophia Rush
    -1-5-1-2 Reba Lackey m y Miller

    -1-5-1-1-1 Joseph Clinton Lackey b 12 Dec 1923 Lawrenceville IL had issue
    Hi6-10 William Highsmith b. Mar. 19, 1798, Henry Co KY d about 1871, IL. William served as a Capt. in the Black Hawk War. He was a member of the North Fork Primitive Baptist Church at Willow Hill in Lawrence Co IL
    m Oct. 18, 1817 bond Henry Co KY, Maria(h) FORD b. c 1801, Henry Co KY, dau of Abner FORD and Annah RICH
    -1 Louisa B. Highsmith b 1820 in Henry Co m Richard RICHARDS
    -2 Samuel Ford Highsmith b 1820 in Henry Co m1 Mary WALLACE + 4 ch m2 Martha A. WALDROP/Toar + 4 ch m3 Mary RAYBURN
    -3 Martha J. Highsmith b 1820 in Henry Co m 26 Aug 1840 in Crawford Co William FORD son of Abner Ford and Anna Rich
    -4 a son Highsmith b 1820 Crawford Co
    -5 John Oliver Highsmith b about 1831 in Crawford Co IL d 6 Aug 1863 in Paducah, Mccracken Co KY m 20 Jan 1853 in Crawford Co Sarah C. Stephens b c 1836 in TN d 19 Jul 1913 in Vincennes, Knox Co IN
    -6 William H.Highsmith b 1820 in Henry Co
    -7 Ahijah Morris Highsmith b 1837 in Crawford Co IL. m1 about 1858 in Crawford Co Delila Hopper + 1 ch div m2 Sarah L. Sarah b c 1860 in MO. m3 Lucretia Powell Grimes,, on 13 Sep 1866 in Crawford Co IL. Lucretia b May 1838 in Knox Co IN d 13 Aug 1909 in Jefferson Co + 6 ch dau of James Grimes and Lydia.
    -8 Amos Milton Highsmith b 27 Feb 1839 in Crawford Co IL, d 12 Nov 1914 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 75, bur Otterbein Cem Russell Twp., Lawrence, IL. m Sarah Emeline Fisher, daughter of George W. Fisher and Elizabeth Hiskey, on 10 Mar 1861 in Crawford Co IL. Sarah b 22 Jan 1841 in Richland Co OH, d 24 May 1922 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 81, and was buried on 26 May 1922 in Otterbein Cem Russell Twp., Lawrence, IL.
    -9 Lewis Clark Highsmith b 15 Apr 1842 in Crawford Co IL d 1 Dec 1912 in Jefferson Co IL m1 on 18 Dec 1870 Emeline Painter b c 1852 in IL + 3 ch m2 28 Mar 1861 in Crawford Co Frances M. Shelton b Sep 1842 in KY d 24 May 1868 in Crawford Co +3 ch dau of George W. Shelton and Nancy m3 Julia Ann Williams b c 1855 dau of Jonathan C. Williams and Prudence Atchison, on 1 Nov 1877 in Mt. Vernon, Field Twp Jefferson Co IL
    -10 Mariah Ella Highsmith b c 1843 in Crawford Co m1 Andrew Clark RICH b 1838 d 1865 son of Amos Rich and Sarah Montgomery m2 William M. SHELTON b 1834 d 1873
    -11 Martha E. Highsmith b 1820 in Henry Co m Alfred DORSEY.
    -1-1 Henry Richards b c 1844 in Crawford Co IL.
    -1-2 Sarah A. Richards b c 1848 in Crawford Co IL.
    -1-3 James Richards b c 1851 in Crawford Co IL.
    -1-4 Mary Richards b c 1856 in Crane, TX.
    -1-5 Richard Amos Richards b 18 Nov 1857 in Crawford Co IL and died in 1936 in Jefferson Co IL at age 79. m1 24 Aug 1889 in Lawrence Co Annie J. Rash b c 1870 in Lawrence Co, dau of Amos Clinton Rash and Evaline Ellen Ford m2 14 Dec 1887 in Crawford Co Sarah Jane Rich b 16 Jun 1861 in Crawford Co dau of Isaiah Josiah Rich and Lucretia Powell Grimes
    -2-1 John Highsmith b c 1846 in Crawford Co IL.
    -2-2 Mariah Ann Highsmith b c 1849 in Crawford Co IL. m Abraham Carter, son of Jeremiah Carter and Catherine Shafer. Abraham b 7 Mar 1836 in Franklin Co IN.
    -2-3 Elizabeth J. Highsmith b c 1850 in Crawford Co d after 1912 in Jefferson Co IL.
    -2-4 Cyrus Wallace Highsmith b 23 Mar 1852 in Crawford Co IL and died about 1942
    -2-5 Lewis Milton Highsmith b 30 Apr 1859 in Crawford Co d on 8 Nov 1901
    -2-6 Allen Highsmith b c 1863 in Crawford Co
    -2-7 Ellen Highsmith b c 1865 in Crawford Co
    -2-8 Emma N. Highsmith b c 1869 in Crawford Co
    -3-1 Mary Ann Ford b 31 Aug 1841, d 10 May 1901 at age 59, bur Saline Co Ill.
    -3-2 Susan Jane Ford b 1843 in Crawford Co IL. m 21 Jul 1872 in Crawford Co James Johnson b c 1840 in IN son of Bethuel Johnson and Sarah Pound
    -5-1. Martha Washington Highsmith b 27 Feb 1854 in Lawrence Co IL, d 14 Mar 1941 in Lawrenceville, Lawrence Co IL at age 87, and was buried on 16 Mar 1941 in St. Pauls Cem Russell Twp., Lawrence Co IL.
    -5-2 Mary Francis Highsmith b 9 Feb 1856 in Lawrence Co IL. m John A. Wilbur, son of Christopher Wilbur, on 26 Nov 1879 in Lawrence Co IL. John b c 1834 in Owen Co IN.
    -5-3 Hannah Maria Highsmith b 27 Jun 1858 in Lawrence Co IL, d 28 Jul 1938 at age 80, bur Fairview Cem Vincennes, Knox Co IN. m Issac Thomas Gordon Parker, son of Thomas Newman Parker and Mariah Jane Attaway, on 20 Sep 1897 in Crawford Co IL. Issac b 20 Apr 1839 in Crawford Co IL, d 16 Apr 1898 in Crawford Co IL at age 58, bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -5-4 George A. Highsmith b 25 Dec 1860 in Lawrence Co IL.
    -5-5 John William Highsmith b 13 Mar 1863 in Lawrence Co IL. m 4 Dec 1885 in Lawrence Co Louisa Harriet Polk b c 1867 in Lawrence Co
    -7-1 Job Highsmith b 1859 in Crawford Co
    -7-2 William E. Highsmith b c 1867 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -7-3 Martha Ellen Highsmith b 30 Jan 1869 in Crawford Co m Edward THOMPSON - from: Russell E. Thompson of West Covina, CA
    -7-4 John O. Highsmith b 27 Mar 1873 in Jefferson Co IL.
    -7-5 Rozella May Highsmith b 16 Oct 1875 in Jefferson Co IL.
    -7-6 Nora Bell Highsmith b 13 Aug 1878 in Jefferson Co IL.
    -7-7 Horace Woodford Highsmith b 13 Aug 1878 in Jefferson Co
    -8-1 Cora E. Highsmith b 19 Aug 1862 in Crawford Co IL, d 30 Dec 1934 at age 72, bur Lawrencville City Cem Lawrenceville, Lawrence Co IL. m1 Frank Grubbs on 13 Nov 1919 in Robinson, Crawford Co IL. Frank b 1867 d 1924 at age 57, bur Lawrencville City Cem Lawrenceville, Lawrence Co IL. m2 William G. Wilbur on 16 Nov 1884 in Lawrence Co IL. William b c 1863 in Lawrence Co IL. m3 R. Dickerson on 2 Sep 1897 in Knox Co IN.
    -8-2 Maria Louisa Highsmith b 13 Mar 1864 in IL, d 31 Mar 1925 at age 61, bur Derr Cem Pinkstaff, Bond Twp., Lawrence Co IL.
    -8-3 Margaret Ellen Highsmith b 26 Nov 1866 in Crawford Co IL, d 6 Nov 1937 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 70, and was buried on 7 Nov 1937 in Lawrencville City Cem Lawrenceville, Lawrence Co IL. m1 y Cochran. m2 Marion A. Truitt, son of George L. Truitt and Susannah Buchanan, on 3 Jul 1895 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL. Marion b 1860 in Palestine, Crawford Co IL d 13 Apr 1908 in Crawford Co IL at age 48. m3 Henry William Allison, son of William Henry Allison and Mary Anne Pinkstaff, on 23 Jun 1887 in Lawrence Co IL. Henry b 3 Oct 1864 in Birds, Bond Twp., Lawrence Co IL, d 21 Feb 1941 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 76, and was buried on 23 Feb 1941 in Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -8-4 Oliver Morton Highsmith b 30 Jun 1867 in Crawford Co IL, d 11 Nov 1912 in Birds, Bond Twp., Lawrence Co IL at age 45, bur Otterbein Cem Russell Twp., Lawrence, IL. m Lula Cecil, daughter of William S. Cecil and Dorcas Amelia Bourne, on 20 Feb 1896 in Birds, Bond Twp., Lawrence Co IL.
    -8-5 Amanda F. Highsmith b 27 Aug 1869 in Crawford Co IL, d 3 Jan 1873 at age 3, bur Otterbein Cem Russell Twp., Lawrence, IL.
    -8-6 Samuel S. Highsmith b 7 Dec 1871 in Crawford Co IL, d 14 Aug 1872, bur Otterbein Cem Russell Twp., Lawrence, IL.
    -8-7 Lemuel B. Highsmith b 6 Jul 1873 in Crawford Co IL, d 20 Aug 1874 at age 1, bur Otterbein Cem Russell Twp., Lawrence, IL.
    -8-8 Milly Olive Highsmith b 7 Oct 1875 in Crawford Co IL, d 17 Aug 1877 at age 1, bur Otterbein Cem Russell Twp., Lawrence, IL.
    -8-9 William H. Highsmith b 7 Dec 1876 in Crawford Co IL, d 30 Jul 1878 at age 1, bur Otterbein Cem Russell Twp., Lawrence, IL.
    -8-10 John Freeman Highsmith b 15 May 1880 in Crawford Co IL, d 30 Dec 1930 in Lawrence Co IL at age 50, bur Lawrencville City Cem Lawrenceville, Lawrence Co IL.
    -8-11 Myrtle Lena Highsmith b 7 Apr 1884 in Crawford Co IL, d 25 Nov 1920 at age 36, bur Ford Cem Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co
    -9-1 Oliver D. Highsmith b c 1871 in Crawford Co IL.
    -9-2 Infant Highsmith b c 1873 in Crawford Co IL.
    -9-3 Infant Highsmith b c 1875 in Crawford Co IL.
    -9-4 George William Highsmith b 9 Jan 1862 in Crawford Co IL and died in 1942 in Colorado Springs, El Paso, CO at age 80. m 21 Sep 1888 Martha Ann Hayes b 6 Jul 1870 in Jefferson Co IL d 1953 in Colorado Springs, El Paso, CO dau of Gilbert W. Hayes and Wallace,
    -9-5 Mariah Isabella Highsmith b 27 Dec 1865 in Crawford Co IL, d 4 Apr 1935 at age 69, bur William Cem Mt. Vernon, Jefferson Co IL. m Mike Collins.
    -9-6 Infant Highsmith b c 1868.
    -9-7 Samuel Calvin Highsmith b 27 Oct 1878 in Mount Vernon Twp., Jefferson, IL d 21 Aug 1930 in Danville, Vermillion Co IL at age 51. m Clara Bendick, daughter of Frederick Bendick and Albertina Loettker, on 18 Jan 1905 in Chicago, Cook Co IL. Clara b 15 Nov 1905 in Chicago, Cook Co IL.
    -9-8 Albert Clinton Highsmith b 27 May 1880 in Mount Vernon Twp., Jefferson, IL, d 27 Dec 1964 at age 84, bur William Cem Mt. Vernon, Jefferson Co IL. m Flossie Alma Ward,, on 3 Jan 1904 in MT, Vernon, Jefferson Co IL. Flossie b 26 Dec 1888 in Melrose, Clark Co IL d 4 Oct 1975 in Jefferson Co dau of George Walker Ward and Mary Jane Miller
    -9-9 Laura Jane Highsmith b 10 May 1882 in Mount Vernon Twp., Jefferson, IL. m1 Samuel Sherman Highsmith, son of Cyrus Wallace Highsmith and Cinderella Shelton, on 21 May 1960 in Jefferson Co IL. Samuel b 22 Sep 1883 in Jefferson Co IN and died in Sep 1980 in Jefferson Co IL at age 97. m2 William Berry Reece on 5 Jun 1898 in Mt. Vernon, Field Twp., Jefferson Co IL. William b 26 Mar 1871 in Jefferson Co IL, d 16 Aug 1952 at age 81, bur E. Hickory Hill, Jefferson Co IL.
    -9-10 Walter Clark Highsmith b 5 Feb 1885 in MT Vernon, Jefferson Co IL, d 1941 bur William Cem Mt. Vernon, Jefferson Co IL. m 1902 in Jefferson Co Daisy/?Nancy Derry b 1885 d 1946 at age 61, bur William Cem Mt. Vernon, Jefferson Co IL.
    -9-11 Lewis Carl Highsmith b 24 May 1890 in MT Vernon, Jefferson Co IL, d 29 Oct 1943 at age 53, bur Hillside Cem State Center, Marshall, IA. m1 Ruth Mary Collins, daughter of Lyman John Collins and Alice Grace Packer, on 10 Oct 1937 in Marshall, IA. Ruth b 15 Nov 1900 in Marshall, IA. m2 Lillie May Thornley on 1 Jan 1910 in Jefferson Co IL. Lillie b 24 Jun 1891, d 11 Jan 1937 at age 45, bur Hillside Cem State Center, Marshall, IA.
    -9-12 Anna Florence Highsmith b 11 May 1892 in MT Vernon, Jefferson Co IL d 14 Feb 1962 bur East Salem, Jefferson Co IL. m1 Willis A. Patterson in 1917. Willis b 1886 in Jefferson Co IL. m2 Thomas Callahan in 1926.
    -9-13 Harlan Curtis Highsmith b 11 Jun 1895 in MT Vernon, Jefferson Co IL, d 25 May 1941 in Mt. Vernon, Field Twp., Jefferson Co IL at age 45, bur Hickory Hill, Jefferson Co IL. m Myrtle Marie Williams on 30 Aug 1919 in Mt. Vernon, Field Twp., Jefferson Co IL. Myrtle b 29 Apr 1903 in Bluford, Jefferson Co IL.
    -9-14 Julia Elizabeth Highsmith b 30 May 1898 in Mt. Vernon, Jefferson Co IL d Sep 1984 in Jefferson Co IL at age 86. m1 8 May 1945 Kenneth Pettit b 23 Aug 1897. m2 31 Dec 1917 Mt. Vernon James Blaine Marlow
    Hi6-11 Hopestill Highsmith b Oct. 30, 1799, Warren Co KY d 25 Nov 1888, Flat Rock, Crawford Co IL
    m Jan. 16, 1816, Henry Co KY, John FORD b Mar. 9, 1795, Henry Co KY d. Aug. 21, 1855, IL son of John and Elizabeth (PALMER) FORD. John served in the War of 1812. They lived in Henry Co KY until 1829, when they moved to Crawford Co IL
    -1 Sally Ford m James M. WEGER
    -2 Elizabeth Ford m John Miller JONES
    -3 Cynthia Ann Ford m John WEGER
    -4 Josey Ann Ford m Samuel WEGER
    -5 Warner J. Ford m Elizabeth R. LORANCE
    -6 John Thomas Ford m Sarah Ann REAVILL
    -7 a son
    -8 William Ford
    -9 James Ford unm
    -10 Nathan Ford m Caroline H. LORANCE
    -11 Alfred Ford m Martha C. McCORKLE
    -12 Lucinda J. Ford unm
    -13 and Martha A. Ford dy
    Hi6-12 Sarah Highsmith b 6 Nov 1801 Warren Co KY d c 1830 Lawrence Co IL
    m 18 Oct 1817 bond Henry Co KY, Amos RICH b 15 Mar 1798, KY d 19 Oct 1857, Crawford Co IL son of Isaiah Rich and Mary
    -1 Thomas T. Rich b 8 Sep 1818 Henry KY m1 Rebecca RICH, m2 Martha MIDGETT + 4 ch
    -2 Isaiah Rich b 20 Mar 1820 d y
    -3 Maria Ann Rich b 9 Feb 1822 Montgomery Lawrence ILm1 William Moody ALLISON, m2 Obediah WEBB
    -4 Lucinda Rich b4 Aug 1823 Lawrence IL m John PINKSTAFF
    -5 William R. Rich b 19 Feb 1825 Lawrence IL m1 Emeline PINKSTAFF, m2 Hettie M. CASH, m3 Sarah C. STEPHENS
    -6 Melinda Rich b 4 May 1827 Lawrence IL m Amos WAGONSELLER
    -7 John Baptiste Rich b 26 Nov 1828 Lawrence IL m1 Catherine Jane FORD, m2 Rachel ROGER
    -1-1 George Pew Rich b 16 Aug 1847 Robinson Crawford Co IL d 18 Nov 1908 Clackamas OR m Nancy Hickey b 23 Jun 1853 MO d 19 Jan 1922 OR dau of William Brown Hickey and Amanda Seibert b 1830 IL
    -1-2 Mary Rich b c 1855
    -1-3 Martha Rich b c 1857
    -1-4 James Rich b c 1859
    -1-1-1 Urious Rich b 18 Feb 1869 Jasper MO
    -1-1-2 Alice May Rich b29 Mar 1872 Doniphan KA
    -1-1-3 Alfred John Rich b 31 Oct 1874 Doniphan KA
    -1-1-4 Andrew Clark Rich b 13 SEp 1876
    -1-1-5 Ada Bell Rich b 22 Jul 1878 Malalla Clackamas OR
    -1-1-6 Bertha Ann Rich b 13 Jan 1883 Boring Clackamas OR
    -1-1-7 Martha Amelia Rich b 22 Sep 1884 Molalla Clackamas OR
    -1-1-8 William Thomas Rich b 16 Sep 1886 Molalla Clackamas OR
    -1-1-9 Arthur Garfield Rich b 22 Jul 1888 Colton OR
    -1-1-10 George Edward Rich b 8 Aug 1889 Molalla
    -1-1-11 Wilford Roy Rich b 22 Apr 1891 Molalla
    Hi7-2 Daniel Highsmith b c 1757 Halifax Co NC/?1762 New >Hanover Co NC d after Jul 1825 Montgomery Co GA tax rolls in 1797. Settled in Tatnall Co GA where he deeded lands to his children on Jul. 12, 1825
    m before 1790 x + 6 ch m?2 Elizabeth Stancil b 1790 Pitt NC d there 31 Jan 1806 + 2 ch dau of Noble Stancil and Nancy Elizabeth Highsmith b 1756 pPitt NC dau of John Highsmith and Sarah
    -1 Luvenia Highsmith d Montgomery GA m 9 Jul 1812 in Tatnall Co GA Arthur Boyt
    -2 Beady Highsmith d unm
    -3 Isaac Highsmith m Delana/Luraney PITTMAN
    -4 Mary 'Polly' Highsmith b 1796 m 2 Apr 1816 Rees FRENCH
    -5 Daniel Highsmith ?m Milly OGDEN
    -6 /Annias Highsmith b 31 Jan 1806 New Hanover Co NC d 1 Oct 1881 Wayne/Brantley Co GA m 6 Jan 1825 in Tatnall Co GA 1st cousin David Highsmith b 10 Jan 1812 in NC d 27 Jan 1860 bur in Old Smyrna Church Near Lulaton, GA son of James Highsmith and Charity
    -7/?4 Mary Highsmith b 1810 New Hanover Co NC m Levi Sapp b 1805
    -8? Highsmith
    -1-1 Joseph Boyt b c 1814 in Tatnall Co GA.
    -1-2 Daniel Boyt b c 1816 in Tatnall Co GA.
    -1-3 Bennett Boyt b c 1818 in Tatnall Co
    -6-1 Isaac Hampton Highsmith b 28 Dec 1825 in Wayne Co GA m Sarah Lewis.
    -6-2 Lucretia Highsmith b c 1829 in Wayne Co GA m14 Feb 1850 in Wayne Co GA Claiborn/Claborn Wright Harrell b 3 Mar 1825 d 3 Nov 1902 Camden Co GA CSA son of Abner Harrell Jr
    -6-3 Daniel Highsmith b c 1832 in Wayne Co GA m Mary Margaret Jones.
    -6-4 Noah Highsmith b c 1834 in Wayne Co GA m1 Mary Eliza Loper m2 Gracie Ann Jenkins.
    -6-5 Susannah Highsmith b c 1836 in Wayne Co GA m1 Robert Wainwright m2 Ben F Pierce on 1 Jun 1865.
    -6-6 Aaron Hugh Highsmith b c 1844 in Wayne Co GA m1 Dorinda Jones. m2 Mary E Highsmith b c 1847 in GA dau of John T Highsmith and Roxie Wainwright.. m3 Eliza Jane Goff. Eliza b 22 Apr 1854 in Tifton, GA d 5 Dec 1943 in Lulaton, Brantley Co GA at age 89.
    -6-7 Owen K Highsmith b ct 1848 in Wayne Co GA m1 Selena Counts Harrell m2 Tempie Lewis
    -7-1 George W Sapp b 26 Nov 1834 Thomas Co GA d 26 Nov 1914 Jackson Co GA m Hadasha Hart b 1840 d 1914

    -6-2-1 Marian Westanne Harrell b 18 Mar 1855 d 17 Jan 1932 m Robert Wiley Joiner CSA
    -6-2-2 Abner David Harrell b 15 Jul 1853 m Catherine A Drury b 15 Apr 1853 d 16 Aug 1883 dau of Joseph Mills Drury and Sarah Augusta Sykes b 1827 d 4 Mar 1881
    -6-2-3 Joseph Mitchell Harrell
    -6-2-4 Maria Estelle Harrell m Drury
    -6-6-1 David Highsmith b 1899 d1970 m Essie Cross dau of William Cross and Kate Wainwright grandparents of Stephanie Leone

    -6-2-1-1 Raiford Wesley Joiner b 2 Apr 1873 m Frances Woolard
    -6-2-1-2 Nettie Odean Joiner b 1884
    -6-2-1-3 Louise May Joiner b 1892
    -6-2-1-4 Susie Adelaide Joiner b 1886
    -6-2-1-5 Sadie Estelle Joiner b 1896
    -6-2-1-6 Marion Clayborne Joiner b 1893

    -6-2-1-1-1 William Louis Joiner m Alma Pauline had issue
    Hi7-3 James Highsmith b about 1760, Halifax Co NC d before Jul. 1831, Tatnall Co GA
    m before 1802, Charity x b 1763 Robeson NC d 1816
    -1 David Highsmith b 10 Jan 1802 New Hanover NC d 27 Jan 1860 Wayne GA m first cousin Annis Highsmith b 1806 d 1881, dau of Daniel HIGHSMITH
    -2 Allen D Highsmith b 16 Jan 1804 New Hanover NC d 18 Nov 1870 Brantley GA m Elizabeth KNOX b 1811 d 1879
    -3 Isaac Highsmith b 22 Nov 1810 Tatnall GA d 6 Apr 1877 Levy FL m Elizabeth PURDOM
    -4 Solomon Yeomans Highsmith m Eliza Ann COUCH
    -1-1 Isaac Hampton Highsmith b 28 Dec 1825 in Wayne Co GA m Sarah Lewis.
    -1-2 Lucretia Highsmith b c 1829 in Wayne Co GA m Claiborn Harrell on 14 Feb 1850 in Wayne Co GA.
    -1-3 Daniel Highsmith b c 1832 in Wayne Co GA m Mary Margaret Jones.
    -1-4 Noah Highsmith b c 1834 in Wayne Co GA m1 Mary Eliza Loper m2 Gracie Ann Jenkins.
    -1-5 Susannah Highsmith b c 1836 in Wayne Co GA m1 Robert Wainwright m2 Ben F Pierce on 1 Jun 1865.
    -1-6 Aaron Hugh Highsmith b c 1844 in Wayne Co GA m1 Dorinda Jones. m2 Mary E Highsmith b c 1847 in GA dau of John T Highsmith and Roxie Wainwright.. m3 Eliza Jane Goff. Eliza b 22 Apr 1854 in Tifton, GA d 5 Dec 1943 in Lulaton, Brantley Co GA at age 89.
    -1-7 Owen K Highsmith b Oct 1848 in Wayne Co GA m1 Selena Counts Harrell m2 Tempie Lewis
    -2-1 Samuel Highsmith b 1831
    -2-2 David Highsmith b 1832
    -2-3 Margaret Highsmith b 1833
    -2-4 John Highsmith b 1835 d 1903
    -2-5 Catherine Highsmith b 1837 d 1915
    -2-6 Solomon Highsmith b 1838
    -2-7 Mary Highsmith b 1842 d 1883 m James Jones b 1842 d 1932
    -2-8 Samuel Highsmith b 1845
    -2-9 Elizabeth Highsmith b 1845
    -2-10 Annie Highsmith b 1848 d 1898
    -2-11 Sarah Highsmith b 1849 d 1907
    -2-12 Allen Highsmith b 1853
    -2-13 Jane Highsmith b 1854
    -2-14 Samuel Highsmith b 1859
    -2-15 Willis Highsmith b 1859 d 1903
    -3-1 Sidney P Highsmith b 12 Nov 1844 Wayne GA d 4 Feb 1900 Levy FL m Hansford David Cook b 10 Apr 1844 Barnwell Dist SC d 27 Aug 1926 Gainesville Levy FL
    -1-1-1 James Highsmith b 1850 d 1885
    -1-1-2 Sarah Highsmith b 1852 d 1912
    -1-1-3 Samuel Highsmith b 1853 d 1922
    -1-1-4 Millie Highsmith b 1855 d 1891
    -1-1-5 Frances Highsmith b 1866 d 1925
    -1-1-6 Leighton Highsmith b 1868 d 1929
    -1-1-7 Mary Highsmith d 1891
    -1-1-8 William Highsmith d 1931
    -1-1-9 Curtis Highsmith b 1857 d 1926
    -1-1-10 Matilda Highsmith b 1861
    -1-3-1 Burrell Highsmith b 1855 d 1907
    -1-3-2 Noah Highsmith b 1858 d 1888
    -1-3-3 Martha Highsmith b 1859 d 1941
    -1-3-4 Daniel Highsmith b 1861 d 1929
    -1-3-5 James Highsmith b 1865
    -1-6-1 David Highsmith b 1899 d1970 m Essie Cross dau of William Cross and Kate Wainwright grandparents of Stephanie Leone
    -2-7-1 Mary Jones b 1858
    -2-7-2 John Jones b 1859 d 1853
    -2-7-3 Joseph Jones b 1861 d 1924
    -2-7-4 Mary Jones b 1863
    -2-7-5 Nancy Jones b 1866 d 1917
    -2-7-6 James Jones b 1867 d 1955
    -2-7-7 Benjamin Jones b 1869
    -2-7-8 Wyley Jones b 1872
    -2-7-9 Catherine Jones b 1874 d 1916
    -2-7-10 Jasper Jones b 1875
    -2-7-11 Bessie Jones b 1877 d 1954
    -2-7-12 Leslie Jones b 1879 d 1902
    -2-7-13 Sarah Jones b 1881
    -1-6-1 David Highsmith b 1899 d1970 m Essie Cross dau of William Cross and Kate Wainwright grandparents of Stephanie Leone

    -1-3-1-1 Wylie Highsmith d 1950 m Marzilla Dowling b 1880 d 1961
    -1-3-1-2 Benjamin Highsmith b 1862
    -1-3-1-3 Margaret Highsmith b 1864
    -1-3-1-4 Chester Highsmith b 1886
    -1-3-1-5 John Highsmith b 1888
    -1-3-1-6 Joseph Highsmith b 1889
    -1-3-1-7 Nancy Highsmith b 1891
    -1-3-1-8 Hattie Highsmith b 1893
    Hi7-4 John Highsmith b c 1762, Halifax Co NC d Warren Co KY 1803-1809.
    Hi7-5 Benjamin Highsmith b about 1764, Halifax Co NC. Lived in Montgomery Co GA in 1797, Adair Co KY in 1803-4, Warren Co KY in 1806-7, and Lincoln Co MO in 1821-5
    m Abigail Morris b 1766
    -1 Ahijah Morris HIGHSMITH b 1789 Halifax NC d 1845 Bstrop TX served in both the War of 1812 and the Black Hawk War under Capt. Nathan Boone, and appears on a St. Charles Co MO tax list with a family of three, 6 cattle, 5 slaves and a saw mill in 1834. Benjamin HIGHSMITH was married about 1793 in GA m in GA Abigail MORRIS. By her first marriage, Abigail had children, three of which have been identified as Jonathan D. MORRIS, Mr. D. K. MORRIS, and Polly MORRIS WILSON. -1-1 William Highsmith m Marie Catherine
    -1-2 Ahijah Morris Highsmith m Deborah TURNER (settled in Bastrop Co TX)
    -1-3 Phineas Richard Highsmith unm
    -1-4 David Highsmith m1 Jane MILLER, m2 Mary J. DUNBAR
    -1-5 Samuel Highsmith m Teresa WILLIAMS
    -1-6 Elizabeth Highsmith m Wilson MILLER
    -1-7 Rachael Highsmith m Mr. RIDDLE
    -1-8 Polly Highsmith m Mr. RUSSELL.
    Hi7-6 Elizabeth Highsmith b about 1766, Halifax Co NC.
    Hi7-7 Rachel Highsmith b 1768, Halifax/New Hanover Co NC d 17 Feb 1847 Telfair GA
    m c May 1783, Duplin Co NC, Stephen BOWEN (d. Nov. 10, 1838), son of Lt. Clifton Bowen and Martha. Stephen served in 5th NC Reg't in Rev. ch b in Effingham or Bullock Co GA
    -1 Elizabeth Bowen b 1785 m Thomas H. ASHLEY
    -2 Nancy Bowen b 1793 d 1820 m Bani BOYD
    -3 William Bowen b 1795 m Effie Smith
    -4 Mary Bowen b 1800 d 1894 m John Douglas.

    -4-1 Daniel Douglas b 1817 d 1882 m Jane Smith
    -4-2 Elizabeth Douglas b 1819 d 1906 m John McClellan b 1815 d 1887
    -4-3 Mary Douglas b 1821 d 1875 m Henry Ellis b 1816 d 1890
    -4-4 Sarahann Douglas d 1885 m William Courson b 1826 d 1902
    -4-5 Margaret Douglas b 1830 d 1861 m William Courson b 1826
    -4-6 Martha Douglas b 1836 d 1861 m Reubin Jewell b 1826 d 1884
    -4-7 Ann Douglas m Josiah Smith b 1837 d 1870
    -4-8 Jackson Douglas b 1839 d 1862
    -4-9 Bryant Douglas b 24 Feb 1840 Telfair GA d 1921 Atkinson GA m1 Candacy Brooker b 1838 d 1877 + 6 ch m2 c 1878 Elizabeth Roya/Royal b 28 Sep 1852 GA d 1937 Atkinson GA + 8 ch

    -4-9-1 Thomas Jackson Douglas b 13 Nov 1866 Coffee Co GA d there 1931 m1 Rebecca Lott b 1873 d 1943
    -4-9-2 Emma Douglas b 1866 d 1930
    -4-9-3 Bryant Douglas b 1871 d 1954
    -4-9-4 Nathaniel Douglas b 1869 d 1939
    -4-9-5 Joseph Douglas b 1874 d 1952
    -4-9-6 Candacy Douglas b 1877 d 1883
    -4-9-7 William Douglas b 1879 d 1972
    -4-9-8 John Douglas b 1881 d 1960
    -4-9-9 Mary Douglas b 1882 d 1949
    -4-9-10 Sarah Douglas b 1884 d 1954
    -4-9-11 Charles Douglas b 1886 d 1973
    -4-9-12 Henry Douglas b 1889 d 1928
    -4-9-13 Dora Douglas b 1892 d 1981
    -4-9-14 Mattie Douglas b 1894 d 1972

    -4-9-1-1 Daniel Douglas b 1890 d 1958 m Rebecca Thompson
    -4-9-1-2 Candis Douglas b 1892 d 1968
    -4-9-1-3 Lula Douglas b 1893 m Henry McGovern
    -4-9-1-4 Joseph Douglas b 1895 d 1981 m Olive Solomon
    -4-9-1-5 Elisha Douglas b 1896 m Elizabeth McGovern
    -4-9-1-6 Houson Douglas b 1898 d 1964 m Annie Moore
    -4-9-1-7 Rebecca Douglas b 1900 d 1931 m Johnny Mancil
    -4-9-1-8 Matilda Douglas b 1902 d 1985 m Henry Spivey
    -4-9-1-9 x Douglas m Horace McKinnon b 1911 d 2005
    -4-9-1-10 Portia Douglas b 1904 d 1991 m William Walker
    -4-9-1-11 Emma Douglas b 1905 d 1984 m Johnnie Taft
    -4-9-1-12 Thomas Douglas b 1907 d 1909
    -4-9-1-13 Loran Douglas b 1909 d 1995 m Lucy Merritt
    -4-9-1-14 Tim Douglas b 1911 d 1974
    -4-9-1-15 Willie Douglas b 1913 d 1994
    Hi7-8 Lucretia Highsmith b about 1770, Halifax Co NC.
    Hi7-9 Sarah Highsmith b c 1772 NC.
    Hi7-10 Nancy Highsmith b about 1774, New Hanover Co NC
    Hi7-11 Dorcas Highsmith b c 1776, New Hanover Co NC d Mar. 1855, New Hanover Co NC m first cousin William HIGHSMITH b c 1762 NC -1 John Highsmith m Sally BLAND
    -2 Dorcas Highsmith m Jessie LEE
    -3 Jacob Highsmith m1 Elizabeth BLAND, m2 Miriam KILLETT
    -3 Thomas Highsmith ?m Molly YOEMAN
    -4 Isaac Highsmith m
    -5 Elizabeth Highsmith m Enoch JOHNSON, Jr
    -6 James B. m1 Sarah JOHNSON, m2 Dicy Ann ROBINSON
    -7 a daughter
    -8 William Highsmith m1 Elizabeth A. MELVIN, m2 Mary Eliza JOHNSON
    -9 Lewis B. Highsmith m Sarah A. MELVIN
    Hi7-12 Isaac Highsmith b c 1778, New Hanover Co NC d. 1838, New Hanover Co NC m 1797, NC, Edith b c 1780 -1 Lucretia Highsmith m John ROGERS
    -2 dau Highsmith m Mr. NEWTON
    -3 Daniel Highsmith m Anna Jane NEWTON
    -4 Lewis Highsmith m1 Mary Ann NEWTON, m2 Phoebe ALDERMAN, m3 Elizabeth SPEARMAN
    -5 Noah Highsmith m1 Miss NEWTON, m2 Miss NEWTON, m3 Susannah ALDERMAN, m4 Nancy Ann ALDERMAN
    -6 James Highsmith m Margaret REGISTER (Note: This marriage and the one between Sill/Register indicate some contact or closeness between the Huss Hu2 s.b. and Harris families.
    -7 Isaac Highsmith m Eliza
    -8 Susan Highsmith m Isaac Morgan ALDERMAN.
    Hi7-13 Samuel Highsmith b about 1780, New Hanover Co NC d about 1890 GA m Phoebe b 1790, NC -1 Samuel Highsmith m Margaret Louisa
    -2 John Highsmith m Sarah E. McDANIELS
    -3 Sarah Highsmith m Ezekiel ABBOTT
    -4 Daniel Highsmith m Leah McMULLEN
    Hi7-14 Judy Highsmith b about 1782, New Hanover Co NC
    Hi7-15 Mary Highsmith b about 1784, New Hanover Co NC
    Hi8-2 John Highsmith b about 1739, Norfolk Co NC d 1790-1800, Pitt Co NC. On Beaufort Co NC tax rolls in 1755
    m about 1755 Sarah. Children:
    -1 Nancy Highsmith b 1756 married Noble STANCIL
    -2 Jacob Highsmith b 1758 married Sarah x
    -3 Moses Highsmith b 1760 married Esther TAYLOR
    -4 William Highsmith b 1762 married his first cousin Dorcas HIGHSMITH
    -5 John Highsmith b 1764 married Nancy
    -6 probably Peggy Highsmith b 1766.
    -1-1 Elizabeth Stancil b 1771 m Daniel Highsmith b 1757 d 1825.
    -1-2 Godfrey Stancil, b Abt. 1797
    -2-1 Mary5 Highsmith, b 1782 in Pitt Co NC. m Stephen Martin August 01, 1823.
    -2-2 Susannah Highsmith, b 1785 in Pitt Co NC. m John Willis.
    -2-3 Lucretia Highsmith, b 1788 in Pitt Co NC.
    -2-4 Elizabeth Highsmith, b 1793 in Pitt Co NC. m Walter E. ?.
    -2-5 Martha (Patsy) Highsmith, b 1795 in Pitt Co NC.
    -2-6 Lydia Highsmith, b 1798 in Pitt County, NC. m Benjamin Eubanks.
    -2-7 Jacob Highsmith , Jr., b 1799 in Pitt County, NC.
    -2-8 James Highsmith, b 1803 in Pitt Co NC; d 1877.
    -2-9 Sarah Ann Highsmith, b November 02, 1804 in Pitt Co NC. m Andrew McClellan March 08, 1827 in Wayne Co GA.
    -2-10 William Highsmith, b 1805 in Pitt Co NC d Bef. 1850 in Wayne Co Ga..
    -2-11 John Thomas Highsmith, b 1807 in Pitt Co NC; d November 27, 1877.
    -2-12 Nancy Highsmith, b 1808 in Pitt Co NC.
    -2-13 Henry Highsmith, b 1800 in Pitt Co NC; d 1878 in Wayne Co Ga
    -4-1 John Highsmith, b 1794.
    -4-2 Dorcas Highsmith, b 1796.
    -4-3 Jacob Highsmith, b March 14, 1798.
    -4-4 Daniel Highsmith, b 1800.
    -4-5 Thomas Highsmith, b 1802.
    -4-6 Issac Highsmith, b 1804.
    -4-7 Elizabeth Highsmith, b 1806. m Godfrey Stancil Jr..
    -4-8 James B. Highsmith, b 1808.
    -4-9 "Daughter" Highsmith, b 1810.
    -4-10 William L. Highsmith, b August 16, 1816.
    -4-11 Lewis B. Highsmith, b 1818
    Hi8-3 Mary Highsmith b about 1743 Norfolk Co NC
    m before Mar. 1771 John IRWIN d 1790, Bertie Co NC.
    Hi8-4 Sarah Highsmith b about 1743 Norfolk Co NC
    m about 1760, Bertie Co NC Benjamin ROGERS d 1778, Bertie Co NC Children:
    -1 Reuben Rogers b 30 Dec 1761 m Christian ALDERMAN
    -2 Anna Rogers b 1763 married Josiah LEE
    -3 Winifred Rogers b 1765 married Josiah EUBANKS
    -4 and Jesse Rogers b 1767.
    Hi8-5 Dorcas/Dorkas Highsmith b about 1745 Bertie Co NC d 1855.
    Hi8-6 Juda Highsmith b about 1747, Bertie Co NC. m Mr. RAIN before Mar. 1771 ?m2/1 Sampson SHEPPERD b 1745 d 1787 (from Crystal McGarry's tree) -1 William Shepperd b 1775 d 1828 m Elvira Lewis d 1861 -1-1 Rebecca Shepperd b 1798 d 1866 m William Wells d 1878
    Hi8-7 Elizabeth Highsmith b c 1749, Bertie Co NC d NC 17?69
    m by Mar 1771 Sampson SHEPPERD/Shepherd b 1745 d 1787 (from Crystal McGarry's tree) he m1/?2 Juda Highsmith b 1747 (from Michael McLeod's tree) she m1 Thomas Shepperd b 1745 d 1787
    -1 William Sheppard b 1770/77 Halifax NC d 1829/28 Montgomery AL m Elvira/Elvey Anderson (implausible source data on children has been reconciled but lacks verification)
    -2 John Shepperd b 1780 d 1868
    -3 Martha Shepperd d 1870
    -4 Elizabeth Shepperd b 1772
    -5 Nimrod Shepperd b 1782 NC d 1874/?71 Jellico Creek Whitley Co KY m Gemima/Jemima Smith b 1784/8 NC d 1876 Whitley Co KY
    -6 Uriah Shepperd b 1780 d 1823
    -7 Mary Shepperd b 1775 d 1855
    -8 James Shepperd b 1767 d 1853
    -9 Sampson Shepperd b 1770 d 1845
    -1-1 William Sheppard b 1797/?4 VA d 18 Dec 1860 Lee VA m Sarah Wells b 1800 d 1850
    -1-2 Rebecca Shepperd b 1798 Wise VA d there 1867
    -1-3 Charity Shepperd b 1802 d 1876
    -1-4 Isaac Shepperd b 1804 d 1810
    -1-5 Elizabeth Shepperd b 1804 d 1869
    -1-6 Elias Shepperd b 1805 d 1850
    -1-7 Nathan Shepard b 1806 d 1870
    -1-8 Levina Shepperd b 1810 d 1848
    -1-9 Elijah Shepperd b 1812 d 1878
    -1-10 Mary Shepperd b 1812 d 1875
    -1-11 Alfred Shepperd b 1817 d 1876
    -1-12 Robert Shepperd b 1819 d 1870
    -1-13 John Shepperd b 1820
    -1-14 Allen Shepperd b 1820 d 1870
    -1-15 Joseph Shepperd b 1822
    -1-16 Martha Shepperd b 1822
    -1-17 Henderson Shepperd b 1822
    -5-1 James Riley Shepherdb 12 May 1810 Whitley Co KY d there 9 Jul 1868 m Rebecca Gaylor b 1811 d 1890 dau of Jesse Gaylor and Julia Etta 'York
    -5-2 Mary Shepperd b 1812 Knox KY d 1865 Whitley Co m Griffin Morgan b 1807

    -5-1-1 Jesse Shepherd b 8 Jun 1832 Ashton Wayne Co KY d 11 Dec 1905 KY m Jane Ryan

    -5-1-1-1 Rebecca Shepherd b 26 Jan 1866 Whitley Co KY d 1948 KY m George Washington McGraw b 1862 d 1919

    -5-1-1-1-1 Etta Myrtle McGraw b 1893 d 1981 m Robert Fayett Irby b 1884 d 1964

    -5-1-1-1-1-1 Pearl Lucle Irby m Walter Samuel Kingery son of William Emery Kingery b 1872 d 1943 m Anna Augusta Schlappe b 1891 d 1948
    Hi8-8 Lydia Highsmith b about 1751 Halifax Co NC m Mr. FAIR before Mar. 1771.
    Hi8-9 James Highsmith b c 1753 Halifax Co NC d Jan. 10, 1824, Elbert Co GA
    m Milly b about 1770, Elbert Co GA d 1837). Children of James and Milly HIGHSMITH:
    -1 Lucretia Highsmith b 1788 m Hiram Robert SKELTON
    -2 John Highsmith b 1790 m Mary CASON
    -3 Susannah Highsmith b 1792 m Burrell/Burwell BOBO (uncle of Benjamin B. BOBO) son of Sampson Bobo and Sarah "Salley" Mary Simpson
    -4 Sarah Highsmith b 1798 m Benjamin B. BOBO (nephew of Burrell BOBO)
    -5 Winnefred Highsmith b 1800 m y GRIFFIN
    -6 Nancy Highsmith b 1801 m Daniel M. JOHNSON
    -7 Thomas Henry Highsmith b 1806 m Elizabeth PARKS.

    -3-1 Elizabeth (Betsy) Bobo b 1808 in Ga d 24 Oct 1873 in Hart Co Ga m 4 Sep 1828 in Elbert Co Ga Sampson Bobo son of Absolom Bobo and Ann Musgrove
    -3-2 Benjamin H. Bobo b 1810.
    -3-3 Mary Polly Bobo b 1817; m Absolom Bobo; born 13 Mar 1765 in Culpepper Co Va d 11 Dec 1846 in Spartenburg Co SC
    -3-4 Thomas Mahlon Bobo b 1819.
    -3-5 Soloman Bobo b Jul 1821.
    -3-6 Chaney Bobo Bobo b 26 Nov 1826.
    -3-7 John Willis Bobo b 13 Mar 1827 in Hart Co Ga
    -3-8 William Asa Bobo b 1829
    -3-9 William M. Bobo b 18 Aug 1830

    -3-1-1 Delilah (Dillie) Bobo, born 1832 in Elbert, Ga d 02 Jun 1880 in Reed Creek, Hart Co Ga ma John Dyar Abt. 1850 in Reed Creek, Hart Co, Ga son of John (Jack) Dyar and Martha Bobo
    -3-1-2 Jeptha Bobo, born 28 Jul 1834 in Elbert Co Ga m Frances M. x Abt. 1860 in Reed Creek, Hart Co born Abt. 1845.
    -3-1-3 Mathew Bobo, born 28 Jul 1836 in Franklin Co m Emely J. x Abt. 1858 in Reed Creek, Hart Co Ga.
    -3-1-4 Sampson Bobo, b 1840 in Franklin Co m1 Mary E. Estes m2 Rebecca.
    -3-1-5 Soloman M Bobo, born 30 Dec 1842.
    -3-1-6 William Kin Bobo, b 11 Oct 1844 in Franklin Co
    -3-1-7 Susannaha L Bobo, b 09 May 1845 in Elbert Co Ga.
    -3-1-8 Martha J. (Mattie) Bobo, b Abt. Aug 1845 in Franklin Co Ga m Robert J. Dyar 15 Nov 1866 in Franklin Co Ga b 21 Sep 1843; died 26 Mar 1922.
    -3-1-9 Mary E. Bobo, b 06 Dec 1845 in Franklin Co Ga.
    -3-1-10 Annie E. Bobo, b Abt. 1850.
    -3-1-11 Samuel J. Bobo, b Abt. 1851.
    -3-1-12 Thomas Iriel Bobo, b 07 Oct 1852 in Franklin Co

    -3-1-1-1 Francis M. Dyar, ba Abt. 1850 in Georgia; married Mary x Abt. 1870 in Ga b Abt. 1850 in Georgia.
    -3-1-1-2 Claricy E. Dyar, ba Abt. 1852 in Ga
    -3-1-1-3 Mary J. Dyar, born Abt. 1856 in Ga.
    -3-1-1-4 Sallie A. (Sarah) Dyar, b 1859 in Ga v. Sampson Dyar, born 1861 in Ga
    -3-1-1-5 Sampson Dyar b 1861 GA
    -3-1-1-6 Martina Dyar, b 1866 in Ga d Anderson Co SC m about 1881 John B. Meredith son of Abraham A. Meredith and Clarissa Leathers
    -3-1-1-7 Millie Dyar, b 1868 in Ga
    -3-1-1-8 John S. Dyar, b 1870 in Ga
    -3-1-1-9 Elisha Dyar, b 1872 GA

    -3-1-1-6-1 Lawson Meredith
    -3-1-1-6-2 Sam Meredith
    -3-1-1-6-3 Ada Meredith
    -3-1-1-6-4 Annie Meredith
    -3-1-1-6-5 Minnie Meredith, b 25 May 1882 d 2 Aug 1962 m Jeff E. Lanier 23 Jun 1884.
    -3-1-1-6-6 Lula Mae Meredith b 25 May 1893 d Jun 1968 in Fair Play, SC m 19 Aug 1917 in Hart Co Ga Edgar Newton Richardson son of Walter Owen (Odie) Richardson and Ada Rosalee Glenn (dau of)
    -3-1-1-6-6-1 John Oadis Richardson b 28 Jul 1918 m 2 Oct 1948 Eunice M. McAdams b 1915.
    -3-1-1-6-6-2 J. Clayton Richardson b 01 Nov 1920 in Fair Play, SC m 30 May 1946 in Fair Play, SC Anna Rush dau of Louis Rush and Nellie Dzioba
    -3-1-1-6-6-3 Winford Dewitt Richardson, b 1922 m 19 Feb 1949 Ernestine Fowler.
    -3-1-1-6-6-4 Joe Daniel Richardson b 1927 d 1928.
    -3-1-1-6-6-5 Lessie Mae Richardson b 1933 m 31 Mar 1953 Walter Whitfield.
    -3-1-1-6-7 Lessie Meredith b 11 May 1896 d 11 Apr 1929 m1 Otis Revels m2 Red Johnson.
    Hi8-10 Ann Highsmith b about 1755, Halifax Co NC m Mr. BRADY before Mar. 1771.
    Hi8-11 Anna Highsmith b about 1757, Halifax Co NC.
    Hi8-12 Martha Highsmith b about 1760, Halifax Co NC
    Hi8-13 Susannah Highsmith b c 1792 d Hart Co GA
    m by 1808 Burrell/Burwell Bobo b 1783 d Oct 1859 son of Sampson/Samuel Bobo and Sarah ?Burwell
    -1 Elizabeth Bobo b 1808 GA d 24 Oct 1873 Hart Co GA m 4 Sep 1828 inElbert Co GA Sampson Bobo son of Absolom Bobo b 13 Mar 1765 and Ann Musgrave
    -2 Benjamin H Bobo b 1810
    -3 Mary Polly Bobo b 1817 m Absolom Bobo b 13 Mar 1765 Culpeper Co VAd 11 Dec 1846 Spartenburg Co SC
    -4 Thomas Mahlon Bobo b 1819
    -5 Solomon Bobo b Jul 1821
    -6 Chancy Bobo b 26 Nov 1826
    -7 John Willis Bobo b 13 Mar 1827 Hart Co GA
    -8 William Asa Bobo b 1829
    -9 William M Bobo b 18 Aug 1830
    -1-1 Delilah/Dillie Bobo b 1832 Elbert GA d 2 Jun 1880 Reed Creek Hart Co GA m c 1850 in Reed Creek John Dyar b 1823 GA d aft 1880 son of John Dyar/Jack Dyar and Martha Bobo
    -1-2 Jeptha Bobo b 28 Jul 1834 Elbert Co GA m c 1860 in Reed Creek Frances M x
    -1-3 Matthew Bobo b 28 Jul 1836 Franklin Co GA m c 1858 in Reed Creek Emily J x
    -1-4 Sampson Bobo b 1840 Franklin Co GA m1 Mary E Estes m2 Rebecca
    -1-5 Solomon Bobo b 30 Dec 1842
    -1-6 William Kin Bobo b 11 Oct 1844 Franklin Co
    -1-7 Susannah L Bobo b 9 May 1843
    -1-8 Martha/Mattie J Bobo b c Aug 1845 m 15 Nov 1866 Robert J Dyar b 21 Sep 1843 d 26 Mar 1922
    -1-9 Mary E Bobo b 6 Dec 1845 Franklin Co GA
    -1-10 Annie E Bobo b c 1850
    -1-11 Samuel J Bobo b c 1851
    -1-12 Thomas Iriel Bobo b 7 Oct 1852 Franklin Co GA
    -1-1-1 Francis M Dyar b c 1850 m c 1870 in GA Mary x
    -1-1-2 Clancy E Dyar b c 1852 GA
    -1-1-3 Mary J Dyar b c 1856 GA
    -1-1-4 Sarah/Sallie A Dyar b 1859 GA
    -1-1-5 Sampson Dyar b 1861 GA
    -1-1-6 Martha Dyar b 1866 GA d Anderson Co SC m c 1881 John B Meredith b 1855 GA d 23 Sep 1916 Anderson Co SC son of Abraham A Meredith b 1794 SC d 1879 Anderson Co SC and Clarissa Leathers b 1816 Anderson Co SC d aft 1880 SC
    -1-1-7 Millie Dyar b 1868
    -1-1-8 John D Dyar b 1870 GA
    -1-1-9 Elisha Dyar b 1872 GA

    -1-1-6-1 Lawson Meredith
    -1-1-6-2 Sam Meredith
    -1-1-6-3 Ada Meredith
    -1-1-6-4 Annie Meredith
    -1-1-6-5 Minnie Meredith b 25 May 1882 d 2 Aug 1962 m Jeff E Lanier
    -1-1-6-6 Lula Mae Meredith b 25 May 1893 d Jun 1968 Fair Play SC m 19 Aug 1917 in Hart Co GA Edgar Newton Richardson b 1897 Fair Play SC d there 1948 son of Walter Owen Richardson b 12 Feb 1836 Franklin Co GA d 8 Oct 1916 Center Twp Oconee SC and Ada Rosalee Glenn b 9 Jan 1876 Fair Play SC d there 22 Jun 1927 (dau of John Leander Glenn b 13 Jun 1836 Walker Co GA d 15 Jan 1895 Fair Play SC and Mary Ann Isbell b 2 Apr 1843 SC d 19 Aug 1909 Fair Play (dau of Samuel Rowan Isbell and Ellen King))
    -1-1-6-7 Lessie Meredith b 11 May 1896 d 11 Apr 1929 m1 Otis Revels m2 Red Johnson

    -1-1-6-6-1 John Oadis Richardson b 28 Jul 1918 m Eunice M McAdams
    -1-1-6-6-2 J Clayton Richardson b 1 Nov 1920 Fair Play SC m Anna Rush dau of Louis Rush and Nellie Dzioba b 4 Apr 1905 Ukraine d Aug 1972 Bridgeston NJ
    -1-1-6-6-3 Winford Dewitt Richardson b 24 Oct 1922 m Ernestine Fowler
    -1-1-6-6-4 Joe Daniel Richardson b 28 Jun 1927 d 1928
    -1-1-6-6-5 Lessie Mae Richardson b 24 May 1933 m Walter Whitfield

    -1-1-6-6-2-2 Carol Ann Richardson b 1948 m Glen David McDowell son of Henry Rahe McDowell b 4 Oct 1916 Philadelphia PA and Leona Taylor b 23 Sep 1921 Corbin KY d 22 Feb 2002 Litiz PA grandson of Jesse Vale Taylor and Martha Alice Lee
    -1-1-6-6-2-2-1 Linda Kay McDowell m Morgan Lee Beckman son of Robert Charles Beckman and Sandra Kay Sanderson grandson of Charles Frederick Beckman and Helen Marie Colville as well as Loy Marion Sanderson and Ruth Marie Bock

    Wo9. William Wood ?= b 7 Feb 1700 Dartmouth MA d after 1770 Granville NC/? 1778 Dartmouth
    m Mary X m?2 Hannah Howland b 1708/?11 d 1773 dau of Nicholas Howland b 13 Jul 1670 Dartmouth MA d 1 Apr 1722 New Bedford MA and Hannah Woodman b 1672
    Wo8 Richard WOODs b 1723 Bristol MA d 1756 Morris NJ
    m Rebecca Wilson b 29 Apr 1721 Taunton Bristol Co MA d 19 Sep 1756 Morristown NJ
    Joseph and Benjamin Wilson were among the original settlers of Taunton in Bristol Co MA in 1638/9, which 'as by deed under their hands it may appear, and in honor and love to our dear and native country, we called this place Taunton, and owning it a great mercy of God to bring us to this place, and setding of us on lands of our own, bought with our money in peace, in the midst of the heathen, for a possession for ourselves, and for our posterity after us, do mutually agree and fully determine, as an imdeniable order of this town, without any evasion whatsoever, that all lands that is or shall be granted to any person or persons, whether under the denomination of a purchaser or free inhabitant orderly received into this town, shall be to the grantees and their heirs and assigns forever, a good perfect estate of inheritance in fee simple, and that all titles of our lands within this township, so to stand in the tenure to the grantees, and so to descend to their survivors as aforesaid.'
    Wo7 Sarah 'Sally' WOOD bap 21 Apr 1751 Morristown NJ d 1820-1830 Crawford Co IL bur on a farm near Flat Rock Crawford Co IL. The birthplaces of her children are shown based on the recorded places of residence in the year of birth.f
    m Thomas Highsmith b 1755 Halifax Co. (or New Hanover Co.?) NC d 1828 Crawford Co IL bur. on the Abner Lindsay farm near Flat Rock Montgomery Township Crawford Co IL.
    Hi6-1 Daniel Highsmith b 1778, New Hanover Co NC d about 1804 Resided in Warren Co KY before 1805, and bought land in Robertson Co TN by 1809, Served in War of 1812 from TN m Susanna (or Susan) -1 Elijah Highsmith m Tracy MASON
    -2 James Highsmith m Mary Emily FARTHING
    -3 Lucky Highsmith b c a 1808 in Robertson Co TN
    -4 Lucinda Highsmith b 22 Oct 1810 in Robertson Co m Enoch FARTHING
    -5 Henry Highsmith b 1813 in Robertson Co TN m1 Matilda SKINNER, m2 Nancy ADAMS
    Hi6-2 Elizabeth Highsmith b about 1780 New Hanover Co NC d Oct 1855 Randolph Co MO
    m Asa KERBY
    -1 Mary "Polly" Grace Kerby.
    -2 Nancy Kerby.
    -3 Asa Humphrey Kerby.
    -4 Sophia Choice Kerby.
    -5 Ayramita Kerby.
    -6 Matilda Carter Kerby.
    -7 Malinda Kerby.
    -8 Sarah Alice Kerby.
    -9 Lucinda Kerby.
    -10 John Wesley Kerby.
    -11 Elizabeth Kerby, b 1804 in Warren Co KY d July 1888 in near Gifford, Macon Co MO m John Joseph Sears June 17, 1821
    Hi6 Nancy Highsmith b Surry Co NC d 2 Nov 1862 Warren Co KY
    m 23 Sep 1797 Green Co KY Rev William M/C Harris b 7 Aug 1772 d 8 July 1845 bur Pilot Knob Cem
    m NW of Franklin Simpson Co Ky preached 20 years at Pilot Knob Church
    Ha5-1 James Harris b 8 Sep 1798 - Ky d 1854 bur Sullivan Co Ind
    Ha5-2 Sally Harris b 10 Dec 1799 Logan Co Ky
    Ha5-3 John Harris b Warren Co Ky or 2 Jan 1801 - Logan Co Ky d 4 Jul 1832 Beaver Creek, Bond Co IL bur Bond Co IL m Nancy GOODSON
    Ha5-4 Thomas Highsmith Harris d y
    Ha5-5 Thomas Highsmith Harris b 19 Nov 1802 b Warren Co Ky m 29 Jan 1822 in Warren Co Martha E Skiles b 1805 d 1862 dau of Henry Skiles b 1773 Lancaster Co PA d 1857 Warren Co KY and Elizabeth Hamilton b 1785 d 1845
    Ha5-6 David Rice Harris, Cumberland Presbyterian Minister b 21 Apr 1804 Warren Co Ky d 15 Nov 1847 Simpson County, KY bur Pleasant Grove Cemetery
    Ha5 Harvey Ambrose Harris m Martha Jamison b 19 Nov 1802 d 10 Jun 1874 Lancaster Dallas Co TX
    Ha5-8 Alexander Chapman Harris m Mary NORFLEET
    Ha5-9 Mary Polly Harris b 3 Jun 1810 Warren Co Ky d 25 Mar 18882 Simpson Co Ky m 11 Feb 1828 Edward NEAL
    Ha5-10 William Barnett Harris (SAR line) Cumberland Presbyterian Minister b 22 August 1813 Warren Co Ky d 16 Aug 1909 Mackinaw, Il bur Danvers Cemetery m 1 March 1836 Logan Co Ky Harriett B. Paisley dau of Samuel Paisley arid Nancy Perry, the latter of South Carolina
    Ha5-11 Young Finis Ewing Harris m Mary Ann ROWE (DAR line)
    Ha5-12 Rev. Josiah Graham Harris, Cumberland Presbyterian Minister b 14 Nov 1816 Warren Co Ky d 21 Sep 1897 - Clarksville, Red River County, Texas m 15 November 1842 Martha Cross d c 1887 bur Family Cemetery near Clarksville, Red River Co TX
    Ha5-13 Rev. Chaltam H D Harris, Cumberland Presbyterian Minister b 28 Aug 1818 Ky d 5 Aug 1892 - Kansas City, Missouri bur East Twin Grove Cem - Dry Grove Township - McLean Co Il m Eliza Johnson b 1837 d 1915 bur East Twin Grove Cem Bloomington, McLean Co Il
    Ha5-14 Nancy Lowery Harris b 26 Feb 1820 in Warren Co KY d 16 Dec 1903 in Richardson, TX m Rev. George L. BLEWETT
    Ha5-15 Elijah R. Harris b 15 Oct 1824 Ky d 18 Sep 1882
    Ha5-16 Cyrus Samuel Harris b 9 Aug 1825 Ky
    Ha5-17 S. G. Harris

    Ha5-5-1 Nancy Harris b 28 Apr 1827 KY d 11 Aug 1862 Dallas Co TX m Absalom C Matlock b 21 Mar 1825 Warren Co KY
    Ha4-1 William H. Harris
    Ha4 Levicy Jane Harris m Thomas Pope Bland Bl3

    Ha5-5-1-1 Angeline Elizabeth Matlock b 18 Nov 1847 Bowling Green KY d 11 Oct 1916 Dallas Co TX m Charles Floyd b 1840 d 1894 Bl3-1 Martha Elizabeth BLAND b 18 DEC 1861 in Shelby County, Kentucky
    Bl3-2 William Leland BLAND b: 15 MAR 1863 in Kentucky
    Bl3 Dr Thomas Eugene BLAND m on June 20, 1906 Matilda Prather Nicholas Ni3, b: 13 JUL 1864 in Bagdad, Shelby County, KY
    Bl3-4 Lewellyn BLAND b ABT 1867
    Bl3-5 Sarah Prudence BLAND about 1866
    Bl3-6 John Henry Bland b 2 Mar 1870
    Bl3-7 Mary Beatrice BLAND b 2 Feb 1878
    Bl3-8 Harvey Erwin Bland b 15 Feb 1885

    Ha5-5-1-1-1 Eula Amanda Floyd b 1883 Lancaster Dallas Co TX d 1972 Torrence TX m Kirby Moore b 1880 d 1950
    Ha5-5-1-1-1-1 Grace Moore b 1917 d 1987
    Bl2 Anna Pope Bland b 26 Jun 1908 Shelbyville KY m Dr. Eustace Granger Hester author's parents
    Bl2-2 Levicy Jane Bland d unm 1985
    Hi6-4 Mary 'Polly' Highsmith b. c 1784, Surry Co NC
    m bond Nov. 14, 1805, Warren Co KY to Samuel WOODS, bro of Catherine (who m Polly's bro James).
    Hi6-5 James H Highsmith b 17 Jun 1786, Surry or Duplin Co NC d 11 Jul 1843, Crawford Co IL
    m on Aug. 14, 1806 (bond) in jasmin Co Ky Catherine WOODS b 1787 KY d about 1876, Crawford Co IL dau of Ahijah Woods b about 1773(or WOODS; half-brother of James' mother) and Mary The first nine of their children were born in Henry Co KY the youngest in Crawford Co IL
    -1 Mary Highsmith b 8 May 1807 Henry Co KY d 23 Feb 1883 Crawford Co Il m Samuel H. ALLISON b 5 May 1806 in Henry Co KY d 5 Feb 1859 Crawford Co
    -2 Whitfield Highsmith b 1809 Henry Co d 30 Dec 1864 Crawford Co Il m 9 Jan 1834 in Crawford Co Susannah JOHNSON
    -3 Sarah Highsmith b 6 Oct 1811 Henry Co d 1 Jul 1896 Crawford Co Il m19 Mar 1829 in Crawford Co David Young ALLISON son of Jonathan Allison and Lydia
    -4 Thomas Turner Highsmith b 6 Dec 1813 Henry Co d 16 Apr 1891 Crawford Co m1 8 Dec 1838 in Crawford Co Elizabeth REAVILL + 6 ch dau of David Reavill and Anna Montgomery m2 10 Feb 1856 Angeline JOHNSON b 29 Mar 1831 in Crawford Co + 9 ch dau of James Johnson and Rachel
    -5 Ahijah Woods Highsmith b 7 May 1815 Henry Co d 2 Jul 1869 Crawford Co Il m 1 Mar 1838 Cynthia S. MONTGOMERY dau of Andrew Clark Montgomery, Sr. and Elizabeth Caldwell,
    -6 Zerrelda Highsmith b 1818 Henry Co Ky d 1870 m1 William MONTGOMERY son of Andrew Clark Montgomery, Sr. and Elizabeth Caldwell m2 Samuel S. CUNNINGHAM son of Ephriam Cunningham and Sarah Carpenter
    -7 William Voorheis Highsmith b 3 Mar 1819 Henry Co d on 24 Mar 1867 bur Ford Cem Montgomery Twp Crawford Co m Maria Jane FORD dau of Warner Ford, Jr. and Sarah Foree
    -8 Elizabeth W. Highsmith b 1 Jan 1822 Henry Co d 17 May 1886 in Larimer Co Col m 9 Mar 1839 in Robinson IL William REAVILL son of David Reavill and Anna Montgomery
    -9 Christopher Madison Highsmith b 1825 Henry Co d 1872 Flat Rock Honey Creek twp Crawford Co m 7 Sep 1848 in Crawford Co Martha Jane ALLEN dau of James Allen and Josanna Ford
    -10 James Madison Highsmith b 7 Feb 1826 d 19 Apr 1903 m1 Susanna GHER, m2 Sarah E. SCHROYER.
    -1-1 James Harvey Allison b 1 Dec 1827 in Crawford Co IL and was buried in Allison Cem Morea, Crawford Co IL.
    -1-2 Louisa R. Allison b 1 Jul 1828 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL, died on 7 Mar 1912 in Crawford Co IL at age 83 bur Seaney Cem Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -1-3 Martha Ann Allison b 14 Sep 1830 in Crawford Co IL, died on 16 Mar 1905 in Crawford Co IL at age 74 bur St. Pauls Cem Russell Twp., Lawrence Co IL.
    -1-4 John Allison b c 1834 in Crawford Co IL.
    -1-5 Mary Elizabeth Allison b 11 Aug 1836 in Crawford Co IL, died on 8 Nov 1901 in Crawford Co IL at age 65 bur Nov 1901 in Ford Cem Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -1-6 Catherine Allison was born in 1840 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL, died on 7 Jan 1921 at age 81 bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -1-7 William B. Allison was born in Dec 1842 in Crawford Co IL.
    -1-8 Amanda Francis Allison was born in 1853 in Crawford Co IL and died in 1920 in Crawford Co IL
    -2-1 Nancy A Highsmith b c 1835 in Crawford Co IL m James Martin b 1795 d 1860 m2 Justin Tennison b 1838 d 1905
    -2-2 Sarah E Highsmith b c 1841 in Crawford Co IL m George Lambert.
    -2-3 Martha Ellen Highsmith b 9 Jun 1843 in Crawford Co IL, d 14 Oct 1893 in Lawrence Co IL bur Centerville Cem Allison Twp., Lawrence Co IL.
    -2-4 Amelia O Highsmith b c 1847 in Crawford Co IL
    -2-5 William Douglas Highsmith b c 1855 in Crawford Co IL.
    -2-6 Lucinda Highsmith b c 1857 in Crawford Co
    -3-1 Whitfield T. Allison b 28 Dec 1829 and died on 17 Aug 1859 at age 29.
    -3-2 Catherine Allison b 29 Aug 1831 in Crawford Co IL, died on 7 Feb 1893 in Crawford Co IL at age 61 bur Otterbein Cem Russell Twp., Lawrence, IL.
    -3-3 Abijah Woods Allison b 21 Jan 1833 in Crawford Co IL and died on 19 Aug 1835 at age 2.
    -3-4 Caleb Mark Allison b 15 Jul 1835 in Crawford Co IL, died on 14 Oct 1865 at age 30, and was buried on the David Young Allison Farm In Montgomery Twp, Crawford Co IL.
    -3-5 John P Allison b 6 Mar 1837 in Crawford Co IL and died on 11 Nov 1865 at age 28.
    -3-6 Phoebe Allison b 5 Nov 1838 in Crawford Co IL and died on 20 Oct 1853 at age 14.
    -3-7 L T Allison b 17 Sep 1841 in Crawford Co IL and died on 21 Mar 1841.
    -3-8 Sarah E Allison b 17 Feb 1842 in Crawford Co IL and died on 17 Sep 1917 m Mark Wall on 11 Nov 1866.
    -3-9 Zerelda Olive Allison b 23 Sep 1844 in Crawford Co IL and died on 29 Apr 1871 m James Johnson.
    -3-10 James Thomas Allison b 5 Oct 1846 in Crawford Co IL and died on 14 Mar 1919 in Cottage Grove, Lane Co OR at age 72.
    -3-11 Lydia F Allison b 30 Sep 1848 in Crawford Co IL m John Wolfe on 4 Oct 1866.
    -3-12 G W Allison b 5 Nov 1850 in Crawford Co IL.
    -3-13 Mahala Pierce Allison b 20 Dec 1852 in Crawford Co IL d 15 Nov 1929 in Holyoke, Phillips Co CO at age 76.
    -3-14 Son Allison b 1854 in Crawford Co
    -4-1 David M. Highsmith b 1841 in Crawford Co IL.
    -4-2 Hannah A. Highsmith b 1843 in Crawford Co IL
    -4-3 Mary C. Highsmith b 1845 in Crawford Co IL d 13 Feb 1913 in Chetopa, Labette, Kansas at age 68.
    -4-4 George W. Highsmith b 23 Aug 1852 in Crawford Co IL Salina E. Plymell b 1843 d 1919 dau of Wallace Plymell and Margaret Grimes, on 24 Nov 1875 in Crawford Co IL. Salina was born in 1850 in IL.
    -4-5 Abijah Woods Highsmith b before Mar 1854 in Crawford Co IL d 26 Apr 1917 in Terre Haute, Vigo Co IN.
    -4-6 James Madison Highsmith b 1855 in Crawford Co
    -4-7 James Buchannan Highsmith b 25 Dec 1856 in Crawford Co IL, d 24 May 1882 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 25 bur Family Farm.
    -4-8 James Madison Highsmith was born in 1857 in Crawford Co IL.
    -4-9 Elizabeth Highsmith was born in 1859 in Crawford Co IL d Crawford Co IL.
    -4-10 Highsmith was born in 1863 in Crawford Co IL.
    -4-11 Lydia O. Highsmith b 1865 in Crawford Co IL d 1954 m William Forrester.
    -4-12 India Louise Highsmith b 11 Sep 1866 in Crawford Co IL, d 15 Jun 1954 in Knox Co. In bur Memorial Park Cem Vincennes Knox Co. In. m on 25 Mar 1885 in Lawrence Co IL m Firman Borden b 1862 d 1949
    -4-13 John Thomas Highsmith b 3 Apr 1868 in Crawford Co IL d 8 Jan 1922 in Billings, Yellowstone Co MT m Anna Allen
    -4-14 Charles Henry Highsmith was born in Oct 1869 in Crawford Co IL m Mary x
    -4-15 Sarah Highsmith b 14 Sep 1871 m John Wheeling
    -5-1 Mary E. Highsmith b 19 Aug 1839 in Crawford Co IL and died on 14 Sep 1840 in Crawford Co IL at age 1.
    -5-2 Catherine J. Highsmith b 4 Nov 1841 in Crawford Co IL, died on 29 Feb 1848 in Crawford Co IL at age 6 bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -5-3 Sarah E. Highsmith b 29 Dec 1843 in Crawford Co IL and died on 31 Jan 1848 in Crawford Co IL at age 4.
    -5-4 Adeline Highsmith b 9 Feb 1846 in Crawford Co IL, died on 19 Mar 1854 in Crawford Co IL at age 8 bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -5-5 Sarah Jane Highsmith was born in 1847 in Crawford Co IL, died on 21 Oct 1882 in Crawford Co IL bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL m Harvey Parker b 1847 d 1902
    -5-6 Harriet Highsmith b 21 Apr 1850 in Crawford Co IL, died on 9 Apr 1909 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -5-7 William Franklin Highsmith b 4 Aug 1852 in Honey Creek Twp Crawford Co IL d 1915 bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp Crawford Co IL m Mahala Parker b 1854 d 1920
    -5-7-1 Leander Highsmith b 1889 m Ivah Estes b 1892 d 1971
    -5-8 Highsmith was born in 1854 in Crawford Co IL, died on 25 Nov 1854 in Crawford Co IL bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp Crawford Co IL.
    -5-9 John Douglas Highsmith b 1 Jan 1856 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL, d 5 Feb 1928 in Honey Creek Twp Crawford Co IL bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL. m Julia Ellen Vanwinkle, daughter of William Louis Vanwinkle and Fannie Katherine Sears, in Dec 1888 in Crawford Co IL. Julia b 9 Dec 1859 in Crawford Co IL, d 16 Mar 1936 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 76 bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -5-10 Amos Highsmith b 3 Jan 1858 in Crawford Co IL, died on 6 Sep 1859 in Crawford Co IL at age 1 bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp Crawford Co IL.
    -5-11 Leander Highsmith b 28 Jan 1860 in Crawford Co IL and died on 17 Sep 1885 in Crawford Co IL at age 25.
    -5-12 Levi Mcclellan Highsmith b 1 Feb 1863 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL, d 3 Jun 1940 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp Crawford Co IL at age 77 bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co
    -6-1 Elizabeth Catherine Montgomery b 8 Nov 1836 in Crawford Co IL and died on 26 Jan 1848 in Crawford Co IL at age 11.
    -6-2 Ellenor Jane Montgomery b 27 Jun 1838 and died on 22 Jan 1848 at age 9.
    -6-3 Hannah Ann Montgomery b 3 Jan 1840 in Crawford Co IL, died on 19 Apr 1897 in Crawford Co IL bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp Crawford Co IL.
    -6-4 Mary William Montgomery b 18 Feb 1841
    -6-5 Christina Amanda Cunningham b 21 Feb 1847, died on 13 Aug 1911 at age 64 bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -6-6 Martha Angeline Cunningham b 21 May 1848 in Crawford Co IL and died on 25 Oct 1917 in Arkansas at age 69.
    -6-7 Emily Jane Cunningham b c 1850 in Crawford Co IL m David Barrick, son of Alexander Mckamey Barrick and Mary Polly Seaney, on 6 May 1866.
    -6-8 Sarah C Cunningham was born in 1852 d TX m William F Rich, son of George Rich and Sarah Jane Highsmith, on 12 Feb 1871 in Crawford Co IL. William b c 1850 and died in TX
    -7-1 Sarah Catherine Highsmith b 15 Nov 1841 in Crawford Co IL, d 31 Aug 1918 in Palestine, Lamotte Twp., Crawford Co IL bur Palestine Cem Palestine, Lamotte Twp., Crawford Co IL mm1 William Tennyson b 1834 d 1878 m2 William Allen b 1839 d 1916
    -7-2 Mary E. Highsmith b c 1844 in Crawford Co IL m 22 Sep 1859 in Crawford Co Alfred Tennyson b 1837 d 1932 IL.
    -7-3 Malissa Frances Highsmith was born in Sep 1846 in Crawford Co IL d 1913 bur Otterbein Cem Russell Twp., Lawrence, IL m Leonard Seitzinger b 1846 d 1928
    -7-4 Martha Ann Highsmith b 9 Mar 1849 in Crawford Co IL, died on 30 Mar 1924 at age 75 bur Otterbein Cem Russell Twp., Lawrence, IL.
    -7-5 Eliza Ellen Highsmith b 4 Aug 1852, died on 5 May 1915 bur Otterbein Cem Russell Twp., Lawrence, IL m James Lackey b 1839 d 1914
    -7-6 John Hiram Highsmith b c 1856 in IL.
    -7-7 Samuel Warner Highsmith b 29 Aug 1857 in Crawford Co IL, died on 11 Jun 1935 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 77 bur Jun 1935 in St. Paul's Church Cem Crawford Co IL.
    -7-8 Laura Bell Highsmith was born in 1860 m William Alexander Sechrest, son of Joel Henry Sechrest and Nancy Jane Hamilton, on 9 Mar 1876 in Lawrence Co IL. William b 11 Feb 1856 in Crawford Co IL, died on 20 Jun 1934 in MT Vernon, Jefferson Co IL at age 78 bur Hopewell Cem MT Vernon Twp., Jefferson Co IL.
    -7-9 William Highsmith b c 1863 d y
    -8-1 Angeline Reavill b 17 Dec 1839 in Crawford Co IL, died on 13 Nov 1840 in Crawford Co IL bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -8-2 Mary Jane Reavill b 30 Sep 1841 in Crawford Co IL.
    -8-3 Thomas Jackson Reavill b 4 Nov 1843 in Crawford Co IL, died on 31 Jan 1854 in Crawford Co IL at age 10 bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -8-4 David Reavill b 29 Nov 1845 in Crawford Co IL, died on 8 Aug 1879 in Crawford Co IL at age 33 bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL. m Nancy Ann Richey on 26 Nov 1868 in Richland Co IL. Nancy b 28 May 1849 in Blount Co TN, died on 13 May 1909 in Crawford Co IL at age 59 bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -8-5 Catherine Reavill b 7 Jan 1848 in Crawford Co IL and died on 17 Aug 1880 in Crawford Co IL at age 32. m Alvin Clark Beattie on 14 Sep 1871 in Crawford Co IL.
    -8-6 Eliza A. Reavill was born in 1852.
    -8-7 James Pierce Reavill b 15 Jan 1853 in Crawford Co IL and died on 24 Jan 1872 in Crawford Co IL at age 19.
    -8-8 Nancy Ellen Reavill b 12 Feb 1855 in Crawford Co IL and died in Crawford Co IL.
    -8-9 Emiline Reavill was born in 1856.
    -8-10 Martha Zerelda Reavill was born in 1859.
    -8-11 Laura Elizabeth Reavill b 8 Oct 1861 in Robinson, Crawford Co IL and died before Jun 1870 in Crawford Co IL.
    -8-12 Ida Charlotte Reavill b 6 May 1863 in Robinson, Crawford Co IL and died before Jun 1870 in Crawford Co IL.
    -8-13 Rosa Florence Reavill b 29 Aug 1866 and died on 5 May 1924 at age 57.
    -8-14 Hiram Reavill was born in 1867
    -9-1 Rhoda Ann Highsmith was born in Oct 1849 in Crawford Co IL.
    -9-2 James Madison Highsmith b 20 Jan 1851 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL, died on 5 Feb 1926 at age 75 bur Haskins Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -9-3 Jossey Catherine Highsmith was born in 1853 in Crawford Co IL and died in Sep 1883 in IL at age 30.
    -9-4 Elizabeth Harriet Highsmith b 4 Mar 1854 in Crawford Co IL, died on 13 May 1929 in Palestine, Lamotte Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 75 bur Wesley Chapel Cem Heathsville, Crawford Co IL.
    -9-5 John Harvey Highsmith b 25 Aug 1855 in Crawford Co
    -10-1 Hettie Highsmith b c 1850 in Lawrence Co IL and died before 1898. m Joshua Pitman.
    -10-2 Catherine Highsmith b c 1852 in Lawrence Co IL and died before 1898.
    -10-3 John Harvey Highsmith b 12 Dec 1854 in Lawrence Co IL, died on 28 Jun 1926 at age 71 bur Oaklawn Cem St Francisville, IL.
    -10-4 Sarah T Highsmith b c 1857 in Lawrence Co IL and died young.
    -10-5 Eliza E Highsmith b c 1859 in Lawrence Co IL and died young.
    -10-6 William Henry Highsmith b 15 Apr 1862 in Lawrence Co IL, died on 20 Jul 1915 at age 53 bur Oaklawn Cem St Francisville, IL.
    -10-7 George Madison Highsmith was born from 8 Nov 1864 to 1865 in Lawrence Co IL and died on 30 Aug 1925 in Dennison Twp., Lawrence Co IL at age 60.
    -10-8 Gilbert Highsmith b c 1867 in Lawrence Co IL and died young.
    -10-9 Mary Highsmith b c 1870 in Lawrence Co IL and died young.
    -10-10 Nora Ellen Highsmith b 15 Jun 1875 in Lawrence Co IL and died in 1922
    Hi6-6 Martha 'Patsey' Highsmith b c 1787 Duplin Co NC d Oct 1855 Randolph Co MO
    m bond Aug. 1807 Warren Co KY to Edmund MORRIS
    Hi6-7 Richard M. Highsmith b about 1789, Wilkes Co GA d 1874, Crawford Co IL. An elder and minister of the Primitive Baptist Church, he was a member of the Glady Fork and Canaan Churches in Lawrence Co IL. m Apr. 11, 1811 in Warren Co KY to Sarah SPANN in 1811. "Sister Richard Highsmith" is listed as a member of the Glady Fork Primitive Baptist Church. -1 Elizabeth C. Highsmith, b Nov 26, 1812 Warren Co KY d Nov 15, 1856 Crawford Co m11 Jan 1832 in Crawford Co William Weger son of Abraham Weger and Jocey Ford.
    -2 Daniel M. Highsmith, b 1813 Ky d 850 in Crawford Co IL m 10 Oct 1848 in Crawford Co Mary Ann Barrick b 1811 in TN
    -3 Logan Highsmith, b 1815.
    -4 Thomas M. Highsmith, b 13 Feb 1817 Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL, died on 30 Aug 1892 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co bur New Hebron Ceme Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co m Eliza A. Cook, dau of Thomas Cook and Susan E, from 31 Dec 1841 to 2 Jan 1842 in Lawrence Co IL Eliza b 18 Feb 1821 in TN d 22 Mar 1898 in Honey Creek Twp
    -5 Lavina Elizabeth Highsmith, b 1819 Montgomery twp Crawford Co m Daniel Mickey 1835 son of James Mickey and Mary Hare
    -6 Nancy H. Highsmith, b Mar 9, 1821Crawford Co IL d 28 May 1894 in Lawrence Co IL m 22 Oct 1840 in Crawford Co James Wesley Hunt b 1820 in TN d on 28 May 1863 in Lawrence Co
    -7 Ewing Spann Highsmith, b Mar 8, 1823 Crawford Co died on 2 Oct 1899 in Crawford Co m1 17 Aug 1843 in Crawford Co Elizabeth Wallace + 4 ch, dau of Benjamin Wallace and Rachel Neal m2 10 Nov 1848 Harriet Wallace + 12 ch dau of Benjamin Wallace and Rachel Neal
    -8 Leander Sharp Highsmith, b April 15, 1825 Montgomery Twp Crawford Co d on 28 Dec 1888 in Lawrence Co bur in Charlottesville Cem Bond Twp m 9 Mar 1848 in Crawford Co Maria Jane Ford born on 15 Apr 1826 in Henry Co KY, died on 17 May 1908 in Lawrence Co dau of Samuel R. Ford and Elizabeth Hambrick
    -9 John Addison Highsmith, b June 28, 1827 Crawford Co IL, died on 22 May 1867 in Bond Twp., Lawrence Co IL at age 39 bur Charlottesville Cem Bond Twp., Lawrence Co IL. served in the Civil War and his widow was pensioned for his service Corporal in Captain F A John's Company "E," 154the Regiment IL Volunteers. He was discharged at Nashville, TN, 18 Sep 1865. m1 Martha Ann Neal on 1 Dec 1847 in Crawford Co IL. b 11 Nov 1826 in TN and died on 15 Sep 1860 in Irenton, Missouri + 4 ch m2 Eliza Delender, daughter of Jesse Delender and Isobelle Gibson, on 18 Oct 1860 in Lawrence Co IL. Eliza was born 1 Jn 1829 in KY and died in 1897 at age 68. + 2 ch
    -10 Marinda A. Highsmith, b July 30, 1829 Crawford Co IL, died on 22 Oct 1879 in Crawford Co IL bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL. m Joseph A. Midgett, son of George Midgett and Mary Gowin. Joseph b 7 Dec 1822 in Tennessee, died on 1 Sep 1897 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL and was buried in Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co
    -11 Cynthia Ann Highsmith, b 1830.
    -12 William Nathaniel Highsmith, b 1832.
    -13 Sarah Catherine Highsmith, b 1834
    -1-1 Matilda Weger was born in 1833 and died in Young.
    -1-2 Mary E Weger was born in 1835 and died in Young.
    -1-3 Malissa A Weger b 2 Jan 1837 in Crawford Co IL, died on 14 Aug 1891 in Crawford Co IL at age 54 bur Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -1-4 John Price Weger b 7 Apr 1839 in Lawrence Co IL, died on 30 Jul 1919 at age 80 bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -1-5 Nancy Jane Weger b 28 Nov 1841 in Crawford Co IL, died on 4 Mar 1919 in Crawford Co IL at age 77 bur Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -1-6 Margaret Weger was born in 1843 and died in Young.
    -1-7 Eliza Weger was born in 1845 and died in Young.
    -1-8 Joseph Marion Weger b 19 Sep 1847 in IL, died on 13 Oct 1926 at age 79 bur Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -1-9 George Riley Weger b 1 Mar 1848 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL and died on 26 Oct 1928 in Martin Twp., Clark Co IL
    -1-10 James William Weger was born in 1851 d y
    -2-1 George M. Highsmith was born in 1837 in Crawford Co IL.
    -2-2 Richard Highsmith was born in 1841 in Crawford Co IL.
    -2-3 Leander J. Highsmith was born in 1843 in Crawford Co
    -4-1 William Kirby Highsmith b 6 Jan 1843 in Lawrence Co IL, died on 14 May 1918 in Robinson, Crawford Co IL at age 75 bur New Hebron Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -4-2 Sarah Highsmith b c 1845 in Lawrence Co IL.
    -4-3 Susan Frances Highsmith b 17 Jun 1846 in Lawrence Co IL, died on 14 Mar 1882 at age 35 bur Rich Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -4-4 Ethanlinda Highsmith was born in 1848 in Lawrence Co IL.
    -4-5 Mary Martinia Highsmith b 11 Sep 1849 in Lawrence Co IL, died on 7 Apr 1911 in Duncanville, IL at age 61 bur Duncanville Cem Duncanville, IL.
    -4-6 Nancy Ellen Highsmith b c 1851 in Lawrence Co IL, died on 19 Nov 1876 bur New Hebron Cem New Hebron, IL.
    -4-7 Melissa L Highsmith b c 1855 in Lawrence Co IL.
    -4-8 John T Highsmith b c 1857 in Lawrence Co IL.
    -4-9 Henry C Highsmith was born in Jan 1860 in Lawrence Co IL and died before 1880.
    -4-10 Mark R. Highsmith b c 1862 in Lawrence Co IL.
    -4-11 Catherine Evaline Highsmith was born in 1864 in Lawrence Co m1 John W. McIntosh, son of Thomas J. McIntosh and Eliza Ann Crum, on 15 Jan 1885 in Crawford Co IL. John b 1 Jul 1863 in Owen Co IN and died on 19 Mar 1923 in Robinson, Crawford Co IL at age 59. m2 William J. H. York, son of Joseph A. York and Lucinda A. Myers. William was born in 1862 in Lamotte Twp, Crawford Co
    -5-1 John Addison Mickey b 20 Nov 1837 in Russell Twp., Lawrence Co IL, died on 5 Apr 1892 at age 54 bur Price Cem Russellville, Lawrence Co IL.
    -5-2 James H. Mickey b 12 Sep 1839 in Russell Twp., Lawrence Co IL, died on 31 Jan 1917 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 77 bur Price Cem Russellville, Lawrence Co IL.
    -5-3 Mary L Mickey b 20 Nov 1841 in Russell Twp., Lawrence Co IL, died on 19 Mar 1860 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 18 bur Gaines Cem Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL. m Newton Anderson Kent, son of Needium Kent and Mary Lafferty, on 27 Feb 1859 in Crawford Co IL. Newton b 15 Aug 1836 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL, died on 14 Sep 1882 at age 46 bur Gaines Cem Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -5-4 William Redmond Mickey b 21 Nov 1842 in Russell Twp., Lawrence Co IL, died on 26 Dec 1878 in Humbolt, IL at age 36 bur Humbolt Cemetery. m Mary Jane x b about 1846 in KY.
    -5-5 Sarah Jane Mickey b c 1845 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL and died between 1873 and 1876 in Washington Co West Virginia.
    -5-6 Leander Sharp Mickey was born in Feb 1847 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -5-7 Rebecca Ellen Mickey b 31 Jan 1849 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL, died on 1 Nov 1880 at age 31 bur Baker Cem Heathsville, Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL. m1 Slemmons Edgington. Slemmons b 22 Aug 1847 in Crawford Co IL. m1 J N Calvin.
    -5-8 Daniel Webster Mickey b 9 Oct 1851 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL, died on 16 Jun 1917 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 65 bur Wesley Chapel Cem Heathsville, Crawford Co IL.
    -5-9 Emma Mickey b c 1853 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL and died from 1870 to 1876
    -5-10 Marjorie Ann Mickey b c 1856 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -5-11 Richard Newton Mickey b 25 Jun 1857 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL, died on 31 Mar 1927 in Russellville, Russell Twp., Lawrence Co IL at age 69 bur Price Cem Russellville, Lawrence Co IL.
    -5-12 Charles Mickey was born in 1860 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -5-13 Ellis Mickey was born in 1862 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL and died in 1865 at age 3.
    -5-14 Maranda Mickey was born in Mar 1863 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL. m 1 Jan 1883 in Crawford Co James Rush Kent b c 1859 son of Joseph Kent and Nancy McDaniel
    -6-1 Mary Elizabeth Hunt b c 1842 in Lawrence Co IL and died in 1875
    -6-2 Harriett Ann Hunt b 19 Mar 1844 in Lawrence Co IL, died on 21 Mar 1865 at age 21 bur Mar 1865 in Pollard Cem Bond Twp., Lawrence Co IL. m Amos Clinton Rash, son of William Washington Rash and Rebecca Fields, about 1863 in Crawford Co IL. Amos b 11 Apr 1843 in Robinson, Crawford Co IL, died on 22 Jan 1900 in Wayne City, Wayne Co IL at age 56 bur Olive Branch Cem Wayne City, Wayne Co IL.
    -6-3 William H Hunt was born in 1846 in Lawrence Co IL d 1876 at age 30 bur Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -6-4 Cynthia Hunt was born in 1847 in Lawrence Co IL and died in 1885 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 38.
    -6-5 James Albert Hunt b 20 Mar 1848 in Lawrence Co IL, died on 7 Oct 1935 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 87 bur Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -6-6 Perlina Frances Hunt b 20 Mar 1848 in Lawrence Co IL.
    -6-7 John Andrew Hunt was born in 1850 in Lawrence Co IL and died in 1879 in Crawford Co IL at age 29.
    -6-8 Sarah Ellen Hunt was born in 1852 in Lawrence Co IL.
    -6-9 Nancy Hardiman Hunt was born in 1855 in IL.
    -6-10 Charles Thomas Hunt was born in 1860 in Lawrence Co IL and died in 1884 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co
    -7-1 Sarah Ann Highsmith b 1 Jul 1844 in Crawford Co IL and died on 23 Mar 1927 in Howard, KS at age 82.
    -7-2 Catherine Highsmith b 9 Aug 1845 in Crawford Co IL, died on 30 Oct 1877 at age 32 bur Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -7-3 George Rolla Highsmith b 4 Dec 1846 in Crawford Co IL, died on 14 Jan 1909 at age 62 bur Oak Hill Cem Carrollton, Carroll Co MO.
    -7-4 Rachel Jane Highsmith b 16 Aug 1848 in Crawford Co IL. m Lafayette Taylor, son of John Taylor and Mary Elizabeth Goff, on 2 Sep 1875. Lafayette b 6 Feb 1851
    -7-5 C E Highsmith was buried in Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -7-6 Joseph Alexander Highsmith b 12 Sep 1849 in Crawford Co IL and died in 1918 in AR at age 69.
    -7-7 Cornelieus Ewing Highsmith, II b 17 Jan 1851 in Crawford Co IL, died on 18 Sep 1921 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 70 bur Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -7-8 Mary Elizabeth Highsmith b 13 Oct 1852, died on 5 Apr 1872 at age 19 bur Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -7-9 Martha Melissa Highsmith b 28 Jan 1854 in Crawford Co IL, died on 4 Jan 1913 at age 58 bur Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -7-10 Stephen Douglas Highsmith b 8 Mar 1856 in Crawford Co IL, died on 13 Nov 1917 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 61 bur Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -7-11 Margaret Miranda Highsmith b 15 May 1858 in Crawford Co IL, died on 19 Aug 1934 in Bond Twp., Lawrence Co IL at age 76, and was buried on 23 Aug 1934 in Lawrencville City Cem Lawrenceville, Lawrence Co IL.
    -7-13 Charles Marion Highsmith b 31 May 1860 in Crawford Co IL, died on 2 Mar 1940 at age 79 bur Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -7-14 Ewing Spann Highsmith b 31 May 1860 in Crawford Co IL.
    -7-15 Julia Ann Highsmith b 6 May 1862 in Crawford Co IL d 1927 at age 65 bur Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -7-16 Nancy Lavina Highsmith b 6 Jan 1863 in Crawford Co IL, died on 23 May 1904 at age 41 bur Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL. m1 Sidney T. Love, son of William S. Love and Clarinda Jane Hammil. Sidney was born in 1862 in IL d 1925 at age 63 bur Tohill Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL. m2 Reuben House.
    -7-17 Marinda Ardilla Highsmith b 4 Apr 1868 in Crawford Co IL.
    -7-18 John Franklin Highsmith b 7 May 1872 in Crawford Co IL, died on 25 Feb 1873 bur Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co
    -8-1 Martha Highsmith b 9 Jul 1849 in Lawrence Co IL, died on 7 Dec 1878 at age 29 bur Charlottesville Cem Bond Twp., Lawrence Co IL. Franklin B. Sandifer on 9 Jul 1849 in Lawrence Co IL. Franklin was born in 1840 d 1879 at age 39 bur Charlottesville Cem Bond Twp., Lawrence Co IL.
    -8-2 Sarah Elizabeth Highsmith b 4 Dec 1851 in IL, died on 30 Nov 1893 at age 41 bur Charlottesville Cem Bond Twp., Lawrence Co IL.
    -8-3 Lucinda Highsmith b 31 Aug 1854 in Lawrence Co IL, died on 14 Mar 1857 at age 2 bur Ford Cem Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -8-4 Ella Highsmith b 23 Aug 1857 in Lawrence Co IL, died on 1 Apr 1876 at age 18 bur Charlottesville Cem Bond Twp., Lawrence Co IL.
    -8-5 Margaret J. Highsmith b 28 Mar 1860 in Lawrence Co IL, died on 14 Jul 1930 at age 70 bur Charlottesville Cem Bond Twp., Lawrence Co IL.
    -8-6 Isadora Highsmith b 30 Oct 1862 in Lawrence Co IL, died on 28 Jan 1946 in Olney, Richland Co IL at age 83 bur Lawrencville City Cem Lawrenceville, Lawrence Co IL. m James M. Klinger on 19 Nov 1887 in Bond Twp., Lawrence Co IL. James b 29 Nov 1861 in Perry, OH, died on 16 Oct 1936 in Lawrenceville, Lawrence Co IL at age 74 bur Lawrencville City Cem Lawrenceville, Lawrence Co IL.
    -8-7 William S. Highsmith b 24 Dec 1865 in Lawrence Co IL and died on 12 Jan 1928 at age 62.
    -8-8 Adaline Highsmith b 20 Nov 1868 in Lawrence Co IL, died on 8 May 1963 at age 94 bur Pollard Cem Bond Twp., Lawrence Co IL.
    -8-9 John A. Highsmith b 9 Dec 1872 in Lawrence Co IL, died on 20 Dec 1872 bur Charlottesville Cem Bond Twp., Lawrence Co
    -9-1 Alexander Franklin Highsmith b 24 Jul 1851 in Lawrence Co IL.
    -9-2 Mary Jane Highsmith b 17 Feb 1854 in Lawrence Co IL.
    -9-3 Sarah Emma Highsmith b 7 Jan 1856 in Lawrence Co IL.
    -9-4 Armizinda Catherine Highsmith b 10 Jun 1858 in Lawrence Co IL, died on 7 Apr 1949 in Robinson, Crawford Co IL at age 90 bur Robinson New Cem Robinson, Crawford Co IL.
    -9-5 William Allen Highsmith b 10 Dec 1862 in Lawrence Co IL.
    -9-6 Richard Highsmith b 17 Dec 1864 in Lawrence Co
    -10-1 John Addison Midgett b 13 Jul 1848 in Crawford Co IL, died on 25 May 1937 in Crawford Co IL at age 88 bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -10-2 Martha Ann Midgett b 2 Jan 1850 in Crawford Co IL, died on 19 Feb 1939 at age 89 bur Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -10-3 George William Midgett b 21 Jun 1851 in Crawford Co IL, died on 13 Apr 1937 in Martin Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 85 bur Berlin Cem Pierceburg, IL.
    -10-4 Joseph Allen Midgett b 12 Feb 1853 in Crawford Co IL, died on 28 Oct 1915 in Crawford Co IL at age 62 bur Tohill Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -10-5 Sylvester Midgett b 15 Dec 1854 in Crawford Co IL, died on 28 Apr 1900 in Crawford Co IL at age 45 bur Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -10-6 Sarah Catherine Midgett b 29 Oct 1856 in IL, died on 28 Mar 1934 bur Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL m John Weger b 1857 d 1938
    -10-7 Marion Henry Midgett b 22 Dec 1860 in Crawford Co IL, died on 23 Feb 1946 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 85, and was buried on 26 Feb 1946 in Tohill Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -10-8 Leander Midgett b c 1862.
    -10-9 Son Midgett b 24 Sep 1864 in Crawford Co IL, died on 24 Sep 1864 in Crawford Co IL bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -10-10 Malissa Elizabeth Midgett b 22 Sep 1866 in Crawford Co IL, died on 15 Jan 1896 in Crawford Co IL at age 29 bur Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -10-11 Clara Midgett b 11 May 1868 in Crawford Co IL.
    -10-12 James Alvin Midgett b c 1870 in Crawford Co

    -10-6-1 Virgil Weger b 1899 d 1987 m Margaret McKeown b 1892 IL d 1955 IL
    Hi6-8 Lucinda Highsmith b. about 1791, Wilkes Co GA
    m 23 Apr 1812, Knox Co IN John MILLS
    Hi6-9 Nathaniel Highsmith b 1793, Wilkes Co GA d 15 Sep 1853, Crawford Co IL. served in the Black Hawk War as a Corporal under his brother Capt. William HIGHSMITH.
    m Nov. 14, 1822, Lawrence Co IL, Elizabeth MATTHEWS b 1801, OH or VA d. Oct. 1865 Montgomery Twp Crawford Co IL)
    -1 Martha Highsmith b 29 Jan 1825 Montgomery Crawford Co Il d there 19 Dec 1872 m Andrew Clark Montgomery b 11 Sep 1811 Vincennes IN
    -2 Mary Highsmith b 1827 d 1853
    -3 Sarah Jane Highsmith was born in Jul 1830 in Crawford Co IL d Dec 1853 at age 23 bur Rich Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL. m George Rich, son of Samuel F. Rich, Sr. and Synthia Sally Ford. George b 20 Feb 1826 in Henry Co KY and died in 1885 in Chico, Wise Co TX at age 59.
    -4 Nathaniel Morris Highsmith b 21 Oct 1831 Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL, died on 16 Feb 1889 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 57 bur Rich Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL. m1 19 Apr 1855 in Crawford Co Margaret Seaney was born in 1833 in Crawford Co IL and died about 1857 + 1 ch dau of John C. Seaney and Elizabeth Attaway m2 Sarah R. Rich, dau of Thomas Turner Rich and Rebecca Rich, on 16 Dec 1858 in Crawford Co IL. Sarah was born in 1843 in Crawford Co IL, died on 18 Jan 1916 at age 73, and was buried on 20 Jan 1916 in Rich Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -5 Elizabeth Highsmith b 1834 m John CARTER
    -6 John Madison Highsmith Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL, died on 16 Nov 1903 in Robinson, Crawford Co IL at age 67 bur Robinson Old Cem Robinson, Crawford Co IL. m Mariah Catherine Seaney, daughter of John C. Seaney and Elizabeth Attaway, on 15 Nov 1856 in Crawford Co IL. Mariah b 25 Dec 1836 in Crawford Co IL, died on 18 Apr 1895 in Crawford Co IL at age 58 bur Robinson Old Cem Robinson, Crawford Co IL.
    -7 James M. Highsmith b 1838 unm
    -8 Hester Ann Highsmith b 15 Aug 1844 m George BLACKERBY.
    -1-1 Wiley Montgomery b 1856 d 1922 m Margaret Simon(e)s b 1857 d 1930
    -1-2 John Montgomery b 1858 d 1913
    -1-3 Martha Montgomery b 1861 d 1922
    -1-4 Samuel Montgomery b 1845 d 1916
    -1-5 Mary Montgomery b 1851 d 1936
    -1-6 Sarah Montgomery b 1851 d 1932
    -1-7 Nathaniel Montgomery b 1847 d 1922 m Anna Pinkstaff b 1854 d 1890
    -1-8 Lucinda Montgomery b 1854 d 1926
    -3-1 William F Rich b c 1850 and died in TX. m 12 Feb 1871 in Crawford Co Sarah C Cunningham was born in 1852 and died in TX dau of Samuel H. Cunningham and Zerelda Highsmith
    -3-2 Mary Adeline Rich b c 1851 in Crawford Co IL d 1908 bur Beckwith Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co
    -4-1 Martha E. Highsmith b 16 Feb 1856 in Crawford Co IL, died on 2 Jan 1912 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 55 bur Ford Cem Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -4-2 John T Highsmith b 5 Aug 1860 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -4-3 George Highsmith was born in Jul 1863 in IL, died on 9 Mar 1926 in Lawrenceville, Lawrence Co IL at age 62 bur Lawrenceville, Lawrence Co IL.
    -4-4 Charles Highsmith b 4 Oct 1866 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co
    -5-1 Mary Jane Carter b c 1854 in IL.
    -5-2 Sarah Ann Carter b c 1857 in IL
    -6-1 William Franklin Highsmith b 3 Oct 1857 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL, died on 7 Jul 1922 in Crawford Co IL at age 64 bur Robinson Old Cem Robinson, Crawford Co IL.
    -6-2 Mary Isabell Highsmith b 11 Jan 1859 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -6-3 Margaret Jane Highsmith b 1 Dec 1860 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -6-4 James Marion Highsmith b 22 Feb 1862 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL, died on 14 Mar 1897 at age 35 bur Robinson Old Cem Robinson, Crawford Co IL.
    -6-5 Laura Emaline Highsmith b 27 Aug 1864 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -6-6 Nathaniel J. Highsmith b 11 Mar 1866 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL, died on 1 Sep 1941 in Robinson, Crawford Co IL at age 75 bur Robinson New Cem Robinson, Crawford Co IL.
    -6-7 Harmon Edward Highsmith b 25 Dec 1867 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL and died on 30 Sep 1934 in Robinson, Crawford Co IL at age 66. m Emma R Mann, daughter of John W. Mann and Emily Jane Reynolds. Emma b 10 Nov 1870 in Crawford Co IL, died on 19 Sep 1949 in Robinson, Crawford Co IL at age 78 bur Robinson New Cem Robinson, Crawford Co IL.
    -6-8 Martha Ann Highsmith b 14 May 1869 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -6-9 Oscar Otis Highsmith b 4 Oct 1870 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL, died on 18 Nov 1921 in Robinson, Crawford Co IL at age 51 bur Robinson New Cem Robinson, Crawford Co IL. m Julia Missouri Barrick, daughter of Samuel Seaney Barrick and Sarah Jane Patton. Julia b 21 Oct 1872 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL, died on 25 Feb 1932 in Robinson, Crawford Co IL at age 59 bur Robinson New Cem Robinson, Crawford Co IL.
    -6-10 Charles Clifton Highsmith b 29 Jul 1873 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL, died on 9 Jul 1874 bur Rich Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -6-11 Rose Elizabeth Highsmith b 10 Jul 1875 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL and died on 19 Nov 1908 in Robinson, Crawford Co
    -1-1-1 Charles Montgomery b 2 Apr 1884 Crawford IL d there 13 Jul 1961 m Ida Mann b 1887 d 1962
    -1-1-2 Millard Montgomery b 1895 d 1947
    -1-1-3 Irene Montgomery b 1892 d 1974
    -1-1-4 William Montgomery b 1890 d 1948
    -1-1-5 Clyde Montgomery b 1888 d 1979 m Essie Polk b 1884 d 1960
    -1-1-6 Rena Montgomery b 1893
    -1-1-7 Ausby Montgomery b 1886 d 1960
    -1-1-8 Ross Montgomery b 1878 d 1966
    -1-1-9 Andrew Montgomery b 1882 d 1897
    -1-1-10 Harmon Montgomery b 1880 d 1939
    Hi6-10 John Highsmith b. Sep. 18, 1796, Greene Co GA d 1884 bur. United Brethren Cem Howard, KS. Living in Crawford Co IL at time of 1880 census, he was a member of the Glady Fork Primitive Baptist Church. Married first in 1816 Mary FORD (b. Feb. 7, 1795), and second Dec. 9, 1839 Jane FORD -1 Susan Ann Highsmith b 23 Feb 1817 Henry Co KY s 1 Aug 1881 in Crawford Co IL at age 64, bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL m 17 Aug 1836 in Crawford Co Alfred Harrison Allison b 1814 in KY s 25 Jan 1858 in Crawford Co bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL. son of Ezra H. Allison and Jane Long
    -2 Absolem McCoy Highsmith died young
    -3 Nathaniel Morris Highsmith died young
    -4 Martha Jane Highsmith died young
    -5 Warner Ford Highsmith died young
    -6 Addison Martin Highsmith died young
    -7 Richard Newton Highsmith b 1 Apr 1828 in Crawford Co d 15 Jun 1898 in Howard, Elk Co KS m1 Mary Ann CARTER + 7 ch dau of Benjamin Carter and Harriett Parker m2 25 Oct 187 her sis Julia Ann CARTER
    -8 William Sampson Highsmith b 7 May 1830 in Crawford Co d on 13 Nov 1880 in Crawford Co bur 14 Nov 1880 in Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL. m 19 Jan 1854 in Crawford Co Mary Ann Jones b 9 Nov 1836 in Crawford Co IL s 30 Mar 1926 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co dau of Lewis Jones and Mary Brown
    -9 Nancy Ellen Highsmith died in infancy
    -10 and Mary Elizabeth Highsmith died young.
    -1-1 William Henry Allison b 19 Jul 1836 in IL s 27 Sep 1880 at age 44 bur Otterbein Cem Russell Twp., Lawrence, IL.
    -1-2 Mary Jane Allison was born in 1841 in IL.
    -1-3 Martha Ann Allison b 27 May 1844 in IL and died on 3 Jan 1890 at age 45.
    -1-4 Warner Ford Allison b c 1845 in IL d Aug 1878 in Lawrence Co IL bur Russell Twp., Lawrence Co IL.
    -1-5 Naomi Elizabeth Allison b 16 Sep 1846 in IL s 22 Mar 1922 at age 75 bur Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -1-6 Melissa Frances Allison b 4 Mar 1849 in Crawford Co IL and died on 18 Jan 1887 at age 37.
    -1-7 John Harvey Allison b 29 Aug 1850 in IL s 18 May 1926 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 75 bur Derr Cem Pinkstaff, Bond Twp., Lawrence Co IL. m Ann Parker.
    -1-8 Olinda Allison b 4 Apr 1854 s 6 Jan 1922 at age 67 bur Good Hope Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co
    -7-1 Julia Ann Highsmith was born in 1852 in Crawford Co IL.
    -7-2 John Wesley Highsmith b 20 Oct 1854 and died on 28 Aug 1906 at age 51.
    -7-3 Harriet Highsmith was born in 1856 in Crawford Co IL.
    -7-4 Benjamin Hannibal Highsmith b 17 Oct 1858 and died on 18 Jul 1903 at age 44. m Mildred Gertrude Akers, daughter of Peter (Philip) Morgan Akers and Mary McMillan. Mildred b 16 Sep 1860 in Ligonier Valley, Westmoreland Co, PA and died on 28 Jun 1941 in Howard, Elk Co, Kansas at age 80. Another name for Mildred was Millie.
    -7-5 Martha Jane Highsmith was born in Oct 1860. m Samuel Cartwright Mason, son of James Harrison Mason and Lucinda Mills, on 14 Nov 1880 in Elk, KS. Samuel b 9 Feb 1854 in Edwardsport, Knox Co IN.
    -7-6 Mary Isabelle Highsmith b c 1863 in Crawford Co IL.
    -7-7 Louisa Highsmith b c 1867 in Crawford Co
    -7-8 Dolly Highsmith .
    -7-9 Maggie Highsmith .
    -7-10 Infant Highsmith
    -8-1 Olivia Highsmith b 24 Nov 1854 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL s 6 Jun 1936 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 81 bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -8-2 Mary Jane Highsmith b 24 May 1857 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL s 29 Apr 1932 at age 74 bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -8-3 Lavina Victoria Highsmith b 18 Nov 1859 in Crawford Co IL and died on 27 Dec 1906 at age 47.
    -8-4 Laura Florence Highsmith b 14 Jul 1862 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL s 17 Apr 1885 in Crawford Co IL at age 22 bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -8-5 Amanda Frances Highsmith b 15 Jan 1865 s 12 Jan 1932 at age 66 bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -8-6 Addie Highsmith b 10 Nov 1867 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL s 2 May 1888 at age 20 bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -8-7 Lillie May Highsmith b 18 Nov 1870 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL s 2 Jan 1882 at age 11 bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -8-8 Eva Maud Highsmith b 8 Nov 1873 in Crawford Co IL s 15 Aug 1896 in Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 22 bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -8-9 William Everett Highsmith b 15 Oct 1876 in Crawford Co IL s 13 Jan 1952 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 75 bur Robinson New Cem Robinson, Crawford Co IL. m 13 Nov 1923 in Covington IN Laura M. Higgins b 3 Feb 1875 in Crawford Co d 5 Mar 1968 in Good Samaritan Hosp., Vincennes, Knox Co IN at age 93, and was buried on 7 Mar 1968 in Robinson New Cem Robinson, Crawford Co dau of James C. Higgins and Ascenath Jane Swan
    Hi6-11 William Highsmith b. Mar. 19, 1798, Henry Co KY d about 1871, IL. William served as a Capt. in the Black Hawk War. He was a member of the North Fork Primitive Baptist Church at Willow Hill in Lawrence Co IL
    m Oct. 18, 1817 (bond), Henry Co KY, Maria(h) FORD b. c 1801, Henry Co KY, dau of Abner FORD and Annah RICH
    -1 Louisa B. Highsmith b 1820 in Henry Co m Richard RICHARDS
    -2 Samuel Ford Highsmith b 1820 in Henry Co m1 Mary WALLACE + 4 ch m2 Martha A. WALDROP/Toar + 4 ch m3 Mary RAYBURN
    -3 Martha J. Highsmith b 1820 in Henry Co m 26 Aug 1840 in Crawford Co William FORD son of Abner Ford and Anna Rich
    -4 a son Highsmith b 1820 Crawford Co
    -5 John Oliver Highsmith b about 1831 in Crawford Co IL d 6 Aug 1863 in Paducah, Mccracken Co KY m 20 Jan 1853 in Crawford Co Sarah C. Stephens/Stevens b 1 Mar 1837 in TN d 19 Jul 1913 in Vincennes, Knox Co IN.
    -6 William H.Highsmith b 1820 in Henry Co
    -7 Ahijah Morris Highsmith b 1837 in Crawford Co IL. m1 about 1858 in Crawford Co Delila Hopper + 1 ch div m2 Sarah L. Sarah b c 1860 in MO. m3 Lucretia Powell Grimes,, on 13 Sep 1866 in Crawford Co IL. Lucretia b May 1838 in Knox Co IN d 13 Aug 1909 in Jefferson Co + 6 ch dau of James Grimes and Lydia.
    -8 Amos Milton Highsmith b 27 Feb 1839 in Crawford Co IL, d 12 Nov 1914 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 75, bur Otterbein Cem Russell Twp., Lawrence, IL. m Sarah Emeline Fisher, daughter of George W. Fisher and Elizabeth Hiskey, on 10 Mar 1861 in Crawford Co IL. Sarah b 22 Jan 1841 in Richland Co OH, d 24 May 1922 in Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 81, and was buried on 26 May 1922 in Otterbein Cem Russell Twp., Lawrence, IL.
    -9 Lewis Clark Highsmith b 15 Apr 1842 in Crawford Co IL d 1 Dec 1912 in Jefferson Co IL m1 on 18 Dec 1870 Emeline Painter b c 1852 in IL + 3 ch m2 28 Mar 1861 in Crawford Co Frances M. Shelton b Sep 1842 in KY d 24 May 1868 in Crawford Co +3 ch dau of George W. Shelton and Nancy m3 Julia Ann Williams b c 1855 dau of Jonathan C. Williams and Prudence Atchison, on 1 Nov 1877 in Mt. Vernon, Field Twp Jefferson Co IL
    -10 Mariah Ella Highsmith b c 1843 in Crawford Co m1 Andrew Clark RICH b 1838 d 1865 son of Amos Rich and Sarah Montgomery m2 William M. SHELTON b 1834 d 1873
    -11 Martha E. Highsmith b 1820 in Henry Co m Alfred DORSEY.
    -1-1 Henry Richards b c 1844 in Crawford Co IL.
    -1-2 Sarah A. Richards b c 1848 in Crawford Co IL.
    -1-3 James Richards b c 1851 in Crawford Co IL.
    -1-4 Mary Richards b c 1856 in Crane, TX.
    -1-5 Richard Amos Richards b 18 Nov 1857 in Crawford Co IL d 1936 in Jefferson Co IL at age 79. m1 24 Aug 1889 in Lawrence Co Annie J. Rash b c 1870 in Lawrence Co, dau of Amos Clinton Rash and Evaline Ellen Ford m2 14 Dec 1887 in Crawford Co Sarah Jane Rich b 16 Jun 1861 in Crawford Co dau of Isaiah Josiah Rich and Lucretia Powell Grimes
    -2-1 John Highsmith b c 1846 in Crawford Co IL.
    -2-2 Mariah Ann Highsmith b c 1849 in Crawford Co IL. m Abraham Carter, son of Jeremiah Carter and Catherine Shafer. Abraham b 7 Mar 1836 in Franklin Co IN.
    -2-3 Elizabeth J. Highsmith b c 1850 in Crawford Co d after 1912 in Jefferson Co IL.
    -2-4 Cyrus Wallace Highsmith b 23 Mar 1852 in Crawford Co IL and died about 1942
    -2-5 Lewis Milton Highsmith b 30 Apr 1859 in Crawford Co d on 8 Nov 1901
    -2-6 Allen Highsmith b c 1863 in Crawford Co
    -2-7 Ellen Highsmith b c 1865 in Crawford Co
    -2-8 Emma N. Highsmith b c 1869 in Crawford Co
    -3-1 Mary Ann Ford b 31 Aug 1841, d 10 May 1901 at age 59, bur Saline Co Ill.
    -3-2 Susan Jane Ford b 1843 in Crawford Co IL. m 21 Jul 1872 in Crawford Co James Johnson b c 1840 in IN son of Bethuel Johnson and Sarah Pound
    -5-1 Martha Washington Highsmith b 27 Feb 1854 in Lawrence Co IL, d 14 Mar 1941 in Lawrenceville, Lawrence Co IL bur 16 Mar 1941 in St. Pauls Cem Russell Twp., Lawrence Co IL.
    -5-2 Mary Francis Highsmith b 9 Feb 1856 in Lawrence Co IL m John A. Wilbur, son of Christopher Wilbur, on 26 Nov 1879 in Lawrence Co IL. John b c 1834 in Owen Co IN.
    -5-3 Hannah Maria Highsmith b 27 Jun 1858 in Lawrence Co IL d 28 Jul 1938 bur Fairview Cem Vincennes Knox Co IN m Issac Thomas Gordon Parker, son of Thomas Newman Parker and Mariah Jane Attaway, on 20 Sep 1897 in Crawford Co IL. Issac b 20 Apr 1839 in Crawford Co IL, d 16 Apr 1898 in Crawford Co IL at age 58, bur Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -5-4 George A. Highsmith b 25 Dec 1860 in Lawrence Co IL
    -5-5 John William Highsmith b 13 Mar 1863 in Lawrence Co IL m 4 Dec 1885 in Lawrence Co Louisa Harriet Polk b c 1867 in Lawrence Co
    -7-1 Job Highsmith b 1859 in Crawford Co
    -7-2 William E. Highsmith b c 1867 in Montgomery Twp Crawford Co IL.
    -7-3 Martha Ellen Highsmith b 30 Jan 1869 in Crawford Co m Edward THOMPSON - from: Russell E. Thompson of West Covina, CA
    -7-4 John O. Highsmith b 27 Mar 1873 in Jefferson Co IL.
    -7-5 Rozella May Highsmith b 16 Oct 1875 in Jefferson Co IL.
    -7-6 Nora Bell Highsmith b 13 Aug 1878 in Jefferson Co IL.
    -7-7 Horace Woodford Highsmith b 13 Aug 1878 in Jefferson Co
    -8-1 Cora E. Highsmith b 19 Aug 1862 in Crawford Co IL, d 30 Dec 1934 bur Lawrencville City Cem Lawrenceville, Lawrence Co IL. m1 Frank Grubbs on 13 Nov 1919 in Robinson, Crawford Co IL. Frank b 1867 d 1924 at age 57, bur Lawrencville City Cem Lawrenceville, Lawrence Co IL. m2 William G. Wilbur on 16 Nov 1884 in Lawrence Co IL. William b c 1863 in Lawrence Co IL. m3 R. Dickerson on 2 Sep 1897 in Knox Co IN.
    -8-2 Maria Louisa Highsmith b 13 Mar 1864 in IL, d 31 Mar 1925 at age 61, bur Derr Cem Pinkstaff, Bond Twp., Lawrence Co IL.
    -8-3 Margaret Ellen Highsmith b 26 Nov 1866 in Crawford Co IL, d 6 Nov 1937 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 70, and was buried on 7 Nov 1937 in Lawrencville City Cem Lawrenceville, Lawrence Co IL. m1 y Cochran. m2 Marion A. Truitt, son of George L. Truitt and Susannah Buchanan, on 3 Jul 1895 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL. Marion b 1860 in Palestine, Crawford Co IL d 13 Apr 1908 in Crawford Co IL at age 48. m3 Henry William Allison, son of William Henry Allison and Mary Anne Pinkstaff, on 23 Jun 1887 in Lawrence Co IL. Henry b 3 Oct 1864 in Birds, Bond Twp., Lawrence Co IL, d 21 Feb 1941 in Flat Rock, Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL at age 76, and was buried on 23 Feb 1941 in Jones Cem Honey Creek Twp., Crawford Co IL.
    -8-4 Oliver Morton Highsmith b 30 Jun 1867 in Crawford Co IL, d 11 Nov 1912 in Birds, Bond Twp., Lawrence Co IL at age 45, bur Otterbein Cem Russell Twp., Lawrence, IL. m Lula Cecil, daughter of William S. Cecil and Dorcas Amelia Bourne, on 20 Feb 1896 in Birds, Bond Twp., Lawrence Co IL.
    -8-5 Amanda F. Highsmith b 27 Aug 1869 in Crawford Co IL, d 3 Jan 1873 at age 3, bur Otterbein Cem Russell Twp., Lawrence, IL.
    -8-6 Samuel S. Highsmith b 7 Dec 1871 in Crawford Co IL, d 14 Aug 1872, bur Otterbein Cem Russell Twp., Lawrence, IL.
    -8-7 Lemuel B. Highsmith b 6 Jul 1873 in Crawford Co IL, d 20 Aug 1874 at age 1, bur Otterbein Cem Russell Twp., Lawrence, IL.
    -8-8 Milly Olive Highsmith b 7 Oct 1875 in Crawford Co IL, d 17 Aug 1877 at age 1, bur Otterbein Cem Russell Twp., Lawrence, IL.
    -8-9 William H. Highsmith b 7 Dec 1876 in Crawford Co IL, d 30 Jul 1878 at age 1, bur Otterbein Cem Russell Twp., Lawrence, IL.
    -8-10 John Freeman Highsmith b 15 May 1880 in Crawford Co IL, d 30 Dec 1930 in Lawrence Co IL at age 50, bur Lawrencville City Cem Lawrenceville, Lawrence Co IL.
    -8-11 Myrtle Lena Highsmith b 7 Apr 1884 in Crawford Co IL, d 25 Nov 1920 at age 36, bur Ford Cem Montgomery Twp., Crawford Co
    -9-1 Oliver D. Highsmith b c 1871 in Crawford Co IL.
    -9-2 Infant Highsmith b c 1873 in Crawford Co IL.
    -9-3 Infant Highsmith b c 1875 in Crawford Co IL.
    -9-4 George William Highsmith b 9 Jan 1862 in Crawford Co IL and died in 1942 in Colorado Springs, El Paso, CO at age 80. m Martha Ann Hayes, daughter of Gilbert W. Hayes and Wallace, on 21 Sep 1888. Martha b 6 Jul 1870 in Jefferson Co IL and died in 1953 in Colorado Springs, El Paso, CO at age 83.
    -9-5 Mariah Isabella Highsmith b 27 Dec 1865 in Crawford Co IL, d 4 Apr 1935 at age 69, bur William Cem Mt. Vernon, Jefferson Co IL. m Mike Collins.
    -9-6 Infant Highsmith b c 1868.
    -9-7 Samuel Calvin Highsmith b 27 Oct 1878 in Mount Vernon Twp., Jefferson, IL d 21 Aug 1930 in Danville, Vermillion Co IL at age 51. m Clara Bendick, daughter of Frederick Bendick and Albertina Loettker, on 18 Jan 1905 in Chicago, Cook Co IL. Clara b 15 Nov 1905 in Chicago, Cook Co IL.
    -9-8 Albert Clinton Highsmith b 27 May 1880 in Mount Vernon Twp., Jefferson, IL, d 27 Dec 1964 at age 84, bur William Cem Mt. Vernon, Jefferson Co IL. m Flossie Alma Ward,, on 3 Jan 1904 in MT, Vernon, Jefferson Co IL. Flossie b 26 Dec 1888 in Melrose, Clark Co IL d 4 Oct 1975 in Jefferson Co dau of George Walker Ward and Mary Jane Miller
    -9-9 Laura Jane Highsmith b 10 May 1882 in Mount Vernon Twp., Jefferson, IL. m1 Samuel Sherman Highsmith, son of Cyrus Wallace Highsmith and Cinderella Shelton, on 21 May 1960 in Jefferson Co IL. Samuel b 22 Sep 1883 in Jefferson Co IN and died in Sep 1980 in Jefferson Co IL at age 97. m2 William Berry Reece on 5 Jun 1898 in Mt. Vernon, Field Twp., Jefferson Co IL. William b 26 Mar 1871 in Jefferson Co IL, d 16 Aug 1952 at age 81, bur E. Hickory Hill, Jefferson Co IL.
    -9-10 Walter Clark Highsmith b 5 Feb 1885 in MT Vernon, Jefferson Co IL, d 1941 bur William Cem Mt. Vernon, Jefferson Co IL. m 1902 in Jefferson Co Daisy/?Nancy Derry b 1885 d 1946 at age 61, bur William Cem Mt. Vernon, Jefferson Co IL.
    -9-11 Lewis Carl Highsmith b 24 May 1890 in MT Vernon, Jefferson Co IL, d 29 Oct 1943 at age 53, bur Hillside Cem State Center, Marshall, IA. m1 Ruth Mary Collins, daughter of Lyman John Collins and Alice Grace Packer, on 10 Oct 1937 in Marshall, IA. Ruth b 15 Nov 1900 in Marshall, IA. m2 Lillie May Thornley on 1 Jan 1910 in Jefferson Co IL. Lillie b 24 Jun 1891, d 11 Jan 1937 at age 45, bur Hillside Cem State Center, Marshall, IA.
    -9-12 Anna Florence Highsmith b 11 May 1892 in MT Vernon, Jefferson Co IL d 14 Feb 1962 bur East Salem, Jefferson Co IL. m1 Willis A. Patterson in 1917. Willis b 1886 in Jefferson Co IL. m2 Thomas Callahan in 1926.
    -9-13 Harlan Curtis Highsmith b 11 Jun 1895 in MT Vernon, Jefferson Co IL, d 25 May 1941 in Mt. Vernon, Field Twp., Jefferson Co IL at age 45, bur Hickory Hill, Jefferson Co IL. m Myrtle Marie Williams on 30 Aug 1919 in Mt. Vernon, Field Twp., Jefferson Co IL. Myrtle b 29 Apr 1903 in Bluford, Jefferson Co IL.
    -9-14 Julia Elizabeth Highsmith b 30 May 1898 in Mt. Vernon, Jefferson Co IL d Sep 1984 in Jefferson Co IL at age 86. m1 8 May 1945 Kenneth Pettit b 23 Aug 1897. m2 31 Dec 1917 Mt. Vernon James Blaine Marlow

    -5-5-1 Chester Garfield Highsmith b 1894 Lawrence IL d 1966 Terra Hauzte IN m Martha Pea b 1895 d 1977
    Hi6-12 Hopestill Highsmith b Oct. 30, 1799, Warren Co KY d 25 Nov 1888, Flat Rock, Crawford Co IL
    m Jan. 16, 1816, Henry Co KY, John FORD b Mar. 9, 1795, Henry Co KY d. Aug. 21, 1855, IL son of John and Elizabeth (PALMER) FORD. John served in the War of 1812. They lived in Henry Co KY until 1829, when they moved to Crawford Co IL
    -1 Sarah/Sally Ford b 1817 KY d 1840 IL m James M. WEGER
    -2 Elizabeth Ford m John Miller JONES
    -3 Cynthia Ann Ford m John WEGER
    -4 Josey Ann Ford m Samuel WEGER
    -5 Warner J. Ford m Elizabeth R. LORANCE
    -6 John Thomas Ford m Sarah Ann REAVILL
    -7 a son
    -8 William Ford
    -9 James Ford unm
    -10 Nathan Ford m Caroline H. LORANCE
    -11 Alfred Ford m Martha C. McCORKLE
    -12 Lucinda J. Ford unm
    -13 and Martha A. Ford d y
    -1-1 George Weger b 1835 IL d 1873 IL
    Hi6-13 Sarah Highsmith b. Nov. 6, 1801, Warren Co KY d about 1830 Lawrence Co IL
    m 18 Oct 1817 (bond), Henry Co KY, Amos RICH (b. Mar. 15, 1798, KY d. Oct. 19, 1857, Crawford Co IL
    -1 Thomas T. Rich m1 Rebecca RICH, m2 Martha MIDGETT
    -2 Isaiah Rich died in infancy
    -3 Maria Ann Rich m1 William Moody ALLISON, m2 Obediah WEBB
    -4 Lucinda Rich married John PINKSTAFF
    -5 William R. Rich m1 Emeline PINKSTAFF, m2 Hettie M. CASH, m3 Sarah C. STEPHENS
    -6 Melinda Rich m Amos WAGONSELLER
    -7 John Baptiste Rich m1 Catherine Jane FORD, m2 Rachel ROGER.


    Ja8. Abraham? Jamison b c 1735 The Jamisons are a sept of Clan Gunn of Caithness and Orkney and descendants of George GUNN, Crowner of CAITHNESS b about 1375 d about 1464
    Jamison Y DNA Project
    Jamison Patriarchs

    Y DNA comparison of Clan Gunn/Jamison/Wilson/Robinson

    Dear Bill,

    Here is a history from on Robert Jamison (died 1800 W.Va.) This looks like some of it is taken from the book JAMISONS IN AMERICA.
    His wife Mary Vastine, daughter of Abraham Van de Vastine may be where the German came from.
    I've done some reading on the history of Warrick Twp., Bucks Co Pennsylvania. The Jamisons were Presbyterian Scots from Northern Ireland. There were also English Quakers. There was a Presbyterian Church and a Dutch Reformed Church.

    I did copy the inventory of the Estate of Robert Jamison and the sale.
    From the list it would appear that Robert may have been a Tinsmith or Blacksmith. Clothing, household items a few livestock, and books.
    The books were listed: 5 Books $6.50 - 1 Bible $1.00 - 1 ? Tinors Works $2.00 - Stackhouses History 6 Books $6.00 - some pieces of old? Histories - ??? pieces of books $ .6
    The sale was signed by Henry Frye, Nicholas Swisher and Jacob Pugh
    There was no one by the name of Jamison on the Sale list. Some of the names were the husbands of the Jamison daughters. James Wilson, John Colville and some of Christina Frye Jamison's relatives. Son Van de Vestine Jamison had gone to South Carolina and Abraham Jamison left for Shelby County Kentucky on Guists Creek. It was here that Abraham's daughter, Polly, married John Johnston/Johnson in 1809. Abraham was "insane" and the family had to give their consent for the marriage. He would have been in his late forties at that time. Can not imagine what the diagnosis would have been.

    Somewhere along the way, Robert Jamison may have learned German or maybe his wife wrote his will.

    My German ancestor, John Frederick Dietz was said to have taught German in Philadelphia. My line went to N.C. then to Indiana (Northwest Territory).

    Dee Whitten

    Ja10. Henry Jamison b 1675 Leith Midlothian Scotland d 1734 Ulster IRE
    Ja9 Alexander Jamison b c 1705 Ulster d Mar 1749 Warwick Bucks Co PA
    m Martha Rickey b c 1700 Ulster d c 1760 Warwick Twp Bucks PA
    Ja8 Robert Jamison b by 1735 Gwanedd Montgomery Co PA d 15 Aug Hardy WV
    m Mary Vastine b by 1730 Hilltown Bucks PA d 9 Sep 1798 Columbia Lancaster PA dau of
    +1 Abraham Vastine b 24 May 1698 Germantown Bucks PA d c 1772 Hilltown PA
    m Sarah Ruckman b 24 May 1698 Germantown Bucks PA
    +2 John van de Woestyne b 24 May 1678 Netherlands d 9 Feb 1738 Hilltown
    +2 John Ruckman b 1655 Middletown Monmouth Co NJ d c 1700
    m Phoebe Lane b 3 Apr 1659 Straham Rockingham NH d c 1700
    +3 y van de Woestyne
    +3 John Ruckman Jr b 1626 Sandwich Barnstable MA d c 1650
    +4 y van de Woestyne
    +4 John Ruckman Sr b 1590 England d 1650
    Ja7-1 Sarah Jamison b 2 Jan 1754 Radnor Montgomery Co PA d 12 Jul 1825 Flushing Belmont OH
    m John Cadwallader b 10 Mar 1750 Gwynedd Montgomery Co PA d 22 Feb 1826 Stillwater Tuscararwas OH son of oseph Cadwallader and Mary Williams b 27 Jul 1719 Radnor Montgomery Co PA d there c 1790
    -1 John Cadwallader b 16 Aug 1778 Stillwater OH d 17 Sep 1866 Vermont Fulton Co IL m Ruth Bogue b 18 Jan 1780 Perquimans NC d 18 Jul 1843 Vermont IL dau of Mark Bogue and Sarah Stedham -1-1 Jesse Kersey Cadwallader b 28 Jul 1824 Belmont OH d 8 Jun 188 Ipava Fulton IL m 28 Apr 1847 in fulton Co Eliza Abigail Musgrove b 1 Mar 1831 OH dau of Samuzel Musgrove and Mary Parrish -1-1-1 Rees H Cadwallader b c 1850 IL d c 1920 Battle Creek MI m SAra H Paull -1-1-1-1 Rella Leslie Cadwallader b 3 Apr 1877 IL d 11 Jun 1919 PA m 16 Oct 1905 in Woodbury Iowa Eva Mable Jennings b 10 Feb 1880 Alta Buena Vista Iowa d 5 Oct 1951 Los Angeles CA dau of Benjamin Franklin Jennings and Mary Elizabeth Jones -1-1-1-1-1 Ardette Cadwallader b 512 Sep 1910 MO m y Mottern
    Ted Cadwallader issue: Graydon and Claudia
    Ja7 Abraham Jamison b c 1760 d 1843 in Shelby Co Ky
    m Christina Frye Fr7 b c 1777 in Pa
    see below
    Ja6-1 Mary Polly Jamison b 1785 d 8 Mar 1862
    m 1809 Shelkby Co Ky John Johnson/Johnston b 1782 Cumberland Co Pa d 1837
    -1 James Johnson b 21 Oct 1810 d 13 Dec 1827 in Clark Ind
    -2 Sarah Ann Johnson b 1812 in Ky d 10 Nov 1902 in Marengo Ind m 1828 Robert Scott 1805-1889
    -3 Mary Jane Johnson b 14 Oct 1819 d 19 Jun 1881 in Floyd IN m Alexander McCutcheon 1819-1887
    -4 Irvin Johnson b 1814 d 1832
    -5 Wealthy Johnson 1817-? m Jeremiah Jackson b 1801-?
    -6 John Marshall Johnson b 13 Apr 1819 Clark IN d 1874 m 1844 Nancy Ann Mavity 1821-?
    -7 Margaret Johnson b 1823 d 1828
    -8 Aaron Johnson b 1827 d 1827
    -9 Nancy Johnson b 1829-1860

    -2-1 Wealthy Scott b 1841 d 1929 Crawford Ind m James Sylvester Meriwether
    -2-2 Mary Polly Scott b 9 Feb 1829 d 19 Dec 1869 m James T McKinley
    -2-3 James Clayton Scott b 1 Apr 1831 in Clark Ind d 25 Feb 1908 Marengo Ind m Emily E Robertson
    -2-4 Elizabeth Scott b 1 Apr 1836 d 21 Dec 1919 in Clark Ind m John William Lovell
    -2-5 Lindsey Scott b 25 Oct 1838 d 16 Nov 1923 Crawford Ind m Trecy Schreiber
    -2-6 Sallie I Scott b 5 Jan 1844 in Clark Ind d 25 Jan 1908 in Coyrdon Ind m Francis Tartarat
    -2-7 Andrew Jackson Scott b 1847 Clark Ind d 3 Oct 1841 in Floyd Ind m Clara Gibson
    -2-8 George Washington Scott b 3 Jan 1851 d 22 Jun 1923 in crawford Ind m Flora Weathers
    -3-1 George W Mccutcheon b6 Feb 1845 d 19 Nov 1864 in Floyd Ind
    -3-2 William McCutcheon b29 Aug 1850 d 18 May 1932 in Floyd Ind
    -3-3 Mccutchen b 1846 d 1902 m Nancy Ann True b 1847 d 1920
    -3-4 John B Mccutcheon b 1839 d 1849
    -3-5 Alexander McCutcheon b 1853
    -6-1? possibly here was Phebe "Jand" Johnson b 28 Aug 1842 Crawfordsville Ind d 8 Jun 1918 Alamo IN m George Washington Simms
    -6-2 James Franklin Johnson b 1850 Clark Johnson Co IN d 31 Oct 1932 Salida Stanislaus Co CA (from D J Johson's tree) m Martha Elizabeth Hughes b 1852 d 1931

    -2-1-1 Dora Laurettie Meriwether
    -2-1-2 Emma Meriwether
    -2-1-3 David Henry Meriwether
    -2-1-4 Chesterfield Meriwether
    -2-1-5 William Sherman Meriwether
    -2-1-6 Ida Ann Meriwether
    -2-1-7 Della Jane Meriwether
    -2-1-8 Cora Belle Meriwether
    -2-1-9 James Leroy Meriwether
    -2-1-10 Lafayette Monroe Meriwether
    -2-1-11 Effie Pearl Meriwether
    -2-2-1 Sallie Ann McKinley
    -2-2-2 Mary McKinley
    -2-2-3 Thomas R Mckinley
    -2-2-4 Josephine McKinley
    -2-2-5 James Frank McKinley
    -2-2-6 Dennis McKinley
    -2-2-7 Wealthy McKinley
    -2-2-8 Nancy McKinley
    -2-2-9 Francis McKinley
    -2-2-10 William S Mckinley
    -2-3-1 Alexander Scott
    -2-3-2 Laura Melvina Scott
    -2-3-3 Lemuel Monroe Scott
    -2-3-4 George M Scott
    -2-3-5 James Madison Scott
    -2-3-6 Clarendia Scott
    -2-3-7 William Andrew Scott
    -2-4-1 Mary Emmaline Lovell
    -2-4-2 James Henry Lovell
    -2-4-3 Annette Lovell
    -2-4-4 George Francis Lovell
    -2-4-5 Sallie Ann Lovell
    -2-4-6 John Lovell
    -2-4-7 Robert A Lovell
    -2-4-8 Elizabeth Lovell
    -2-4-9 Lewis Benton Lovell
    -2-5-1 William P Scott
    -2-5-2 Sally Ann Scott
    -2-5-3 Addie Scott
    -2-5-4 Morris Scott
    -2-7-1 Nora Scott
    -2-7-2 Jesse Gibson Scott
    -2-7-3 Robert Scott
    -2-7-4 Archie Scott
    -2-7-5 Emma Scott
    -2-8-1 Flora Scot
    -2-8-2 Marg M Scott
    -2-8-3 William E Scott
    -2-8-4 Emma Jane Scott
    -3-3-1 Charles Albert McCutchen
    -3-3-2 Irene Ellen McCutchen b 1870 in Floyd Ind d Apr 1920 m Charles E Beyl
    -3-3-3 William M Mccutchen
    -3-3-4 Mary Jane McCutchen
    -3-3-5 Martha Ann McCutchen
    -3-3-6 Nancy Adeline McCutchen
    -3-3-7 Rebecca Phelina McCutchen
    -3-3-8 Jacob Marshall McCutcheon
    -3-3-9 Minnie Elizabeth McCutcheon
    -3-3-10 Harve McCutcheon
    -6-1-1 Etta Mae Simms b 23 Mar 1878 Crawfordsville IN d 15 May 1945 Alamo IN m Joseph Harden Rivers ancestors of Janeen Davis Proctor, author's DNA match
    -6-2-1 Jesse Walter Johnson b 1876 d 1935 m Effie Gilbert b 1886 d 1949 dau of y Gilbert

    -6-2-1-1 Jesse Gilbert Johnson m Vewerne Mae Carolus parents of D J Johnsson, author's 38 cM single segment DNA match
    Ja6-2 Isaac Newton Jamison b 14 Oct 1785 d 19 Mar 1844 Scotland Green Co IN
    m 1809 Catherine Nichol(s) 1792-1871 .
    -1 Alexander Nichols Jamison 1811-?
    -2 Elizabeth Jamison 1814-?
    -3 Eliza Ann Jamison 1816-? m 1838 Samuel Dodds ?-?
    -4 Jackson Fry Jamison b 5 Feb 1819 Shelby Co KY m 1839 Jane Dodds 1823-?
    -5 Jacob Jamison 1822-? m 1850 Minerva Jane Witt 1832-?
    -6 Rebecca Catherine Christine Jamison 1824-1848 m 1843 John R. Gibson ?-?
    -7 Ailey Jamison 1828-? m 1851 William C. O�Neal ?-?
    -8 John Benjamin Jamison 1831-1860 m 1851 Rhoda O�Neal ?-?
    -9 Sarah Jamison 1833-?
    -10 Julia Ann Jamison b 21 Mar 1836 d 1916 m Andrew Henry Woolery 1837-1882

    -2-1 Ailey G Jamison b 1855 Ind m George W Conder
    -2-2 James Jamison
    -2-3 John Jamison b 1859 Ind
    -2-4 Zephorah Jamison b 1862 Ind
    -5-1 Julian Woolery
    -5-2 Henry A Woolery
    -5-3 Isaac A Woolery
    -5-4 Laura A Woolery
    -5-5 Kerdie N Woolery
    -5-6 Franklin Pierce Woolery
    -5-7 Mary Elizabeth Woolery
    -5-8 Homer Woolery

    -2-1-1 William A Conder
    -2-1-2 Minerva Conder
    Ja6-3 Alexander Nichols Jamison b 1787 d 1833 Ky/MO m1 1811 Susannah Best no ch
    m2 1819 Deliliah Bass b 1782 NC d 1840 IN
    -1 Sarah Patterson Jamison 1820-1896 m 1841 Garland Thompson Nichols 1820-1870
    -2 Abraham Jamison 1821-1888 m 1842 Nancy B. Nichols 1825-1904
    -3 William H. Jamison 1822-? m Wincy ___ ?- ?
    -4 Eliza Jane Jamison 1823-? m ___ Sappington ?- ?
    -5 Jemina M. Jamison 1824-?
    -6 Angeline Jamison 1829-? m 1848 Garrett F. Langdon 1821-?
    -7 Josephine A. Jamison 1835-? m 1850 ___ Shepard ?-?

    -2-1 Garland Jamison b 1861 Mo d 26 Dec 1904
    -2-2 Josiah M Jamison b 1850 Mo d 1904
    -2-3 Child Jamison
    -2-4 Martha A Jamison b 1844 Mo
    -2-5 Matilda J Jamison b 1845 Mo
    -2-6 Delilah A Jamison b 1850 Mo
    -2-7 Evaline Jamison b 1852 Mo
    -2-8 Malinda Jamison b 1856 Mo
    -2-9 Ibaa Jamison b 1858 Mo
    -2-10 Isaac Jamison b 1858 Mo
    -2-11 Alexander Nichols Jamison b 1859 Mo
    -2-12 Henry T Nichols Jamison b 1864 Boone Mo d 11 ov 1883 Boone Mo
    -2-1 Garland Price Jamison b 4 Mar 1862 Jefferson City MO d 2 Feb 1939 Cherokee Co OK m Mary Ellen Smallwood b 17 Sep 1870 Boone Co MO dau of D P Smallwood

    -2-1-1 Elbert Ross Jamison b Dec 1889 MO m Gertrude Victoria Calico

    -2-1-1-1 Bertha M Jamison m Luther Simon Tudor son of John Madison Tudor and Josephine Parsons
    -2-1-1-1-1+ Virginia and Donald
    Ja6-4 Abraham Jamison b Shelby Co Ky 1788/?91 d 1860 Anderson Ky 1860
    m 1816 Catherine Stoghill/Stogdhill 1788-?
    -1 John Willett Jamison b 1821 Ky m1 Deborah x m2 1843 Delila Powers b 1822/3 d 1890
    -2 Taylor Jamison b 9 May 1821 d 10 Oct 1867 Anderson Ky m 1841 Eliza Ann Watts 1822-1904/8
    -3 Elizabeth Jamison b 1822 Ky d ? m 1850 William Gee 1823-?
    -4 Jacob Jamison b 1828 Ky m Joanne Buck/Burke ?-?
    -1-1 John Henry Jamison b 1855 Ky d 28 Nov 1923 Ky m Elizabeth F Boyd
    -1-2 James A Jamison b 1849 m Annie E Camp
    -2-1 Mary L Jamison b Jul 1848 Ky d 1922 Casa Blanca Victoria Co Tx m Simon Tipton b 1837 d 1905
    -1-1-1 Baby Jamison
    -1-1-2 Betty Jamison
    -1-1-3 Virdie Jamison
    -1-1-4 Willie Jamison
    -1-1-5 Samuel Jamison
    -1-1-6 Farris Jamison
    -1-1-7 Bailey C Jamison
    -1-1-8 Ed Jamison
    -1-1-9 Arvin Jamison
    -1-1-10 Vernie Jamison
    -2-1-1 James Tipton
    -2-1-2 William Taylor Tipton
    -2-1-3 John Jefferson Tipton
    -2-1-4 Helena Lena Tipton
    Ja6-5 Sarah Jamison b 1795 Ky d 1834
    m 1815 John N. Nichol(s) 1795 son of Nathaniel Nichols and Rebecca Frye
    -1 William Henry/?Harrison Nichols 1816-1858 m 1839 Catherine Hite 1821-1893
    -2 Mary Ann Nichols 1818-?
    -3 James N. Nichols 1822-?
    -4 Joel A. Nichols 1824-? m1 Elizabeth Rice Johnson 1822-? m2 1855 Cynthia ___ 1830-?
    -5 Rebecca Nichols b 11 May 1826 Lawrence Co Indiana d. 12 Jan 1867 Pocahontas, Bond Co IL m 22 Dec 1842 Lawrence Co IN Jesse Stevens 22 Nov 1822 Ohio d 13 Jan 1869 son of Thomas Stevens and Phebe Hammer
    -6 Thomas J. Nichols 1828-? m 1849 Rebecca Jane Stepp 1832-1918
    -7 Catherine Nichols 1828-?
    -8 Jackson Nichols 1833-?
    -9 John H. Nichols 1839-?

    -5-1 Emma Stevens #32 b. 24 Mar 1845 Lawrence Co IN d 23 Jan 1879 Colon/Wahoo, Saunders Co Neb m 31 Oct 1866 Greenville, Bond Co Jacob Smith b 10 Feb 1842 London, Ontario, Canada d 26 Jan 1927 Grant, Perkins County, Ne

    -5-1-1 Walter Henry Smith b. 30 Jan 1870 Pocahontas, Bond Co Il d 7 Nov 1952 Sherman, Grayson Co Tx m 26 Nov 1896 Waco, McLennan Co Tx Mabel Fauquet b 9 Mar 1877 East St. Louis, St. Clair Co Il d 7 Apr 1949 Waco, McLennan Co Tx dau of Arsene Fauquet and Matilda Josephine Prince

    -5-1-1-1 Charles Gerald Smith b. 1 Aug 1912 Waco, McLennan County, Texas d. 26 Jun 2000 Dallas, TX m Theola Mae Pollock m 10 Nov 1934 Waco, McLennan Co TX b 12 May 1912 Midlothian, Ellis Co TX d 2 Sep 1998 Dallas TX
    -5-1-1-1-1 John Charles Smith m Janice Marie Stogsdill
    Ja6 Jacob Jamison b Shelby Co Ky 1800/2 d 1859 Guist Creek Shelby Co Ky m1 Joanna Burk 1825 m2 Levicy Huss d 16 Apr 1842 Shelby Co Ky. dau of Richard Huss b 1779 d 1849 and Mary Sill (who married 8 Oct 1798 in Shelby Co) grandau of Edward Huss b 1764 d 1804 and Catherine Walters -1 Martha Ann Jamison 1829-? m 1844 Harvey Harris Ha5 1814-1899
    -2 Sarah Catherine Jamison 1828-1872 m 1849 Jacob B. Blegenstopher 1811-1880
    -3 Henry C. Jamison b Shelby Co Ky 1828/?32-? m 1853 Mary P/?S. Bland/?k 1835-? + 13 ch dau of Thomas Pope Bland and Elizabeth Jennings Duncan
    -4 Eliza F. Jamison b Shelby Co Ky 1833 m 1859 ___ Travis ?-?
    -5 Mary C. Jamison b Shelby Co Ky 1834-? m 1854 Joseph Mathews ?-?
    -6 Amanda E. Jamison 1840-1909 m 1857 Levi Jennings 1831-1878
    -1-1 Levicy Jane Harris b 3 Apr 1845 d 1925 m Thomas Pope Bland
    -2-1 Sallie Ford Stopher b 1870 d 1944 m Samuel Lewis Kerr son of Samuel Kerr and Elizabeth J Chamberlain
    -3-1 Felicia C Jamison b 23 Aug 1855
    -3-2 Mary Bell Jamison b 14 Mar 1856 Shelby Co Ky m Jesse Cannon
    -3-3 Elizabeth A Jamison b 10 Oct 1857 in Shelby Co
    -3-4 Sarah P Jamison b 1859 Shelby Co
    -3-5 Martha Prudence Jamison b 10 Sep 1860 Shelby Co
    -3-6 Clarence B Jamison b 30 Jul 1861 Shelby Co
    -3-7 William Jamison b 1864
    -3-8 Florence Jamison b 1866
    -3-9 Addie Jamison b 1868
    -3-10 Victoria Jamison b 1869
    -3-11 Judy Jamison b 1872
    -3-12 Gertrude Jamison b 1874 Shelby Co d 31 Dec 1874
    -3-13 Luacin Jamison b 1875 d 31 Jul 1876
    -1-1-1 Martha Elizabeth BLAND b 18 DEC 1861 in Shelby Co Kentucky
    -1-1-2 William Leland BLAND b 15 MAR 1863 Shelby Co Ky
    -1-1-3 Dr. Thomas Eugene BLAND b 13 JUL 1864 in Bagdad, Shelby Co Ky m 20 Jun 1906 Matilda Prather Nicholas Ni3
    -1-1-4 Lewellyn BLAND b c 1867
    -1-1-5 Sarah Prudence  BLAND b c 1866
    -1-1-6 John Henry Bland b 2 Mar 1870
    -1-1-7 Mary Beatrice BLAND b: 2 Feb 1878
    -1-13-8 Harvey Erwin Bland b: 15 Feb 1885
    -2-1-1 Louise Kerr b 1894 m Jesse Johnson
    -2-1-2 Alma Kerr b 1898 m Frank Seaton Connor b 1893
    -2-1-3 Edward Raymond Kerr b 1900 Shelby Co KY d 1976 Shelbyville KY m Roxie Oliver

    -1-1-3-1 Anna Pope Bland b 26 Jun 1908 in Shelbyville, Ky m 7 Jul 1934 Dr. Eustace Granger Hester
    -1-1-3-2 Levicy Jane Bland b 28 Aug 1910 d Feb 1985 unm
    -2-1-3-1 x Kerr m John Thomas McGee b 1931 d 2011
    -2-1-3-2 y Kerr m x

    -1-1-3-1-1 Thomas Eugene Hester b 23 Oct 1937
    -1-1-3-1-2 Dr. William Griffth Hester, website author
    -1-1-3-1-3 George Nicholas Hester
    -1-1-3-1-4 Jane Ann Hester
    -2-1-3-1-1 Edward McGee, author's 35 cM DNA Match with 22 cM segment
    Ja6-7 Elizabeth Jamison 1802/4 d 1834 Bedfor Lawrence Co IN
    m 1819 Henry Nichol(s) 1797-1834
    Ja6-8 Colbert Jamison -1 Catherine Nichols b 1821 Martin Ind d 1892/4 m Thomas Sharples 1821-1912
    -2 Jacob J. Nichols b 11 Jun 1823 Greene Ind d 27 Mar Greene 1852 m Levina Ritchey
    -3 Mary Polly Nichols 1826-1901 m 1845 William Summerville 1822-?
    -4 Henry H. Nichols 1828-1895 m 1851 Catherine N. Osbourne 1834-1908
    -1-1 Jane Sharples b 31 Oct 1874 d 4 Jul 1876
    Ja6-7-2-1 Henry Nichols b 1856 Davis Ind d 27 Dec 1926 Martin Ind m Sarah Jane Woodruff b 1856 Daviess Ind d 18 May 1943 Odon Ind dau of John Woodruff and Anna Holt

    Ja6-7-2-1-1 John Nichols
    Ja6-7-2-1-2 Olvy Nichols
    Ja6-7-2-1-3 Elsie Nichols
    Ja6-7-2-1-4 Elpha Nichols
    Ja6-8 Colbert Jamison
    - - - -
    of no established relation to the above was:
    Raymond Elliott�s tree reports:
    Ja8? William Jamison b 1697 Philadelphia PA d 1 Mar 1753 Rockbridge VA
    m Sarah ?Hodge b 1697 d 1770
    Ja7-1 John Jameson b 1723
    Ja7-2 Sarah Jameson b 1722/?24 d 1780/1822
    Ja7-3 Andrew Jameson b 1727 d 1776
    Ja7 George Jameson b 1728 York PA d 11 Oct 1799 Harrison Co KY
    m2 Eleanor Mitchell b 1734 Loudoun VA d 1836 Harrison Co KY + ch
    m1 x Stephensond 1756
    Ja6 Robert Jameson b 1758 Augusta Co Va d 1 Feb 1845 n New London Ralls Co MO
    m Isabelle Mahan b 1762 d 1825
    Ja5-1 William Jameson b 1786 d 1831
    m Gillian ?Jameson
    -1 Berrilla Jameson b 1821 d 1848
    -2 Berthier Jameson b 1823 d 1864
    -3 Bertran Jameson b 1825
    -4 Burluvetta Jameson b 1827
    -5 Berjerome Jameson b 1830
    Ja5 WiGeorge Walden Jameson b 1793 KY d 1 Jan 1861 Foley Lincoln Co MO
    m Mary Clay b 1795 d 1855
    -1 Allen Jameson b 1815 d 1868 m1 Cyntha Ware b 1820 d 1851 m2 Mary McGuire b 1832
    -2 Robert Jameson b 1816 d 1887 m �Sarah ?Jameson b 1822 d 1892
    -3 Albert Jameson b 1819 d 1857
    -4 Thomas Jameson b 1822 d 1913
    -5 Paulina Jameson b 1825
    -6 George Jameson b 1827 d 1882
    -7 Green Jameson b 1832 m1 Mary Wommack b 1832 m2 Emma Mabee b 1848 m3 Mary Odam b 1859 d 1923
    -8 John J Jameson b 13 Feb 1834 Lincoln Co MO d 1924 Lincoln Co MO m Catherine Cassady b 1841 MO

    -7-1 Virginia Jameson b 1862 d 1920 m Albert Elliott b 1855 d 1906 son of Isaac Elliott b 1809 and Catharine Reitzelo b 1830

    -7-1-5 Roscoe Elliott b 1893 m Anna Eddington dau of John Eddingtone and Marion Jenkins

    -7-1-5-1 Naomi Elliott b 1919 d 2010 m Ralh Duncan b 1919 d 2003
    -7-1-5-2 Leonord Elliott b 1921 d 1957 m x Fritz du of Joh Fritz and Eliza Gauf parents of Raymond Elliott
    Ja5-3 Mary Jameson b 1795 m 'William Jameson -1 Mary Jameson b 22 Mar 1830 MO d 24 Jan 1918 Lincoln MO
    Ja5-3 Cecilia Jameson d 1855 m 'Edward Cottle b 1797 d 1868
    Ja5-4 Robert Jameson b 1799 d 1852
    Ja5-5 Paulina Jameson b 1801
    Ja5-6 Willis Jameson b 1803 d 1899 m Frances Stone b 1804 d 1861 -1 Cinderella Jameson b 1828 d 1913
    -2 Coleman Jameson b 1830
    -3 Solisto Jameson b 1831
    -4 Elijah Jameson b 1833 d 1927
    -5 Columbus Jameson b 1835
    -6 Robert Jameson b 1837 d 1864
    -7 Rebecca Jameson b 1842
    -8 William Jameson b 1845
    Ja6-2 John Jameson b 1763 d 1841
    Ja6-3 Sarah Jameson b 1764
    Ja6-4 Andrew Jameson b 1863 d 1845
    Ja6-5 George Jameson b 1767 -1 George Jameson b 1797 d 1864
    Ja6-5 James Jameson b 1775 d 1857 m Elizabeth Snell b 1781 d 1846 - -1 James Jameson b 1807
    -2 Lewis Jameson b 1808
    -3 Minerva Jameson b 1812
    Ja6-5 Nancy Jameson b 1780 d 1840
    Ja6-6 Joseph Jameson b 1780
    Ja7-5 Katherine Jameson b 1726/?31 d 1796
    Ja7-6 William Jamson b 1740 d 1797
    Ja7-7 Elizabeth Jameson b 1747
    Sandra and Ray Balfour
    report the following William Jamison with daughter Martha:
    WILLIAM JAMISON b 1755 in Cecil Co Md d 1818 in Cecil Co Md The will of William Jamison (1755-1818), which was dated February 24, 1817 and recorded April 8, 1818 at the Court House at Elkton, Cecil Co Maryland, uses the surname "Jamison" in reference to William, three of his sons and a daughter. The will also refers to "my loving wife Jane".
    Sources: (1) Veronica Arkin.
    The children of William Jamison (1755-1818) have been referred to by the surname "Jimerson", but are identified in this family tree with the surname "Jamison/Jimerson". The surname "Jamison/Jimerson" is used to mark the transition from "Jamison" to "Jimerson".
    Change Date: 27 SEP 2007 at 20:28:07
    Father: (UNKNOWN) JAMISON b in Scotland

    Marriage 1 JANE HOOPER b 1760 in Cecil County,Maryland
    Married: Abt 1790 in Cecil Co Maryland
    JOHN JIMERSON JAMISON b Abt 1791 in Ohio
    ANN JIMERSON JAMISON b Abt 1793 in Ohio

    WILLIAM HOOPER JIMERSON JAMISON b 1797 in Cecil Co Md d 18 DEC 1876 in Beattie, Marshall Co Ka bur Life CemBeattie,Marshall Co Ka
    The will of William Jamison (1755-1818), which was dated February 24, 1817 and recorded April 8, 1818 at the Court House at Elkton, Cecil County, Maryland, refers to "my sons John and William Jamison".

    (1) Veronica Arkin, who reports that the marriage to Elizabeth Wood occurred on 14 December, 1831.
    (2) http:// , which reports that the marriage to Elizabeth Wood occurred on 14 September 1831.
    (5) , which reports that he b Ohio.

    The following pedigree is thanks to
    Jamison Pedigree
    Sandra and Ray Balfour report the following William Jamison with daughter Martha, and reported by with son William
    WILLIAM JAMISON b 1755 in Cecil Co Maryland d 1818 in Cecil Co Md
    m Jane Hooper b 1760 Cecil Co
    The will of William Jamison (1755-1818), which was dated February 24, 1817 and recorded April 8, 1818 at the Court House at Elkton, Cecil County, Maryland, uses the surname "Jamison" in reference to William, three of his sons and a daughter. The will also refers to "my loving wife Jane". Sources: (1) Veronica Arkin.
    The children of William Jamison (1755-1818) have been referred to by the surname "Jimerson", but are identified in this family tree with the surname "Jamison/Jimerson". The surname "Jamison/Jimerson" is used to mark the transition from "Jamison" to "Jimerson". Change Date: 27 SEP 2007 at 20:28:07 Father: (UNKNOWN) JAMISON b in Scotland Marriage 1 JANE HOOPER b 1760 in Cecil County,Maryland Married: Abt 1790 in Cecil County,Maryland Children
    Ja-1 JOHN JIMERSON JAMISON b Abt 1791 in Ohio
    Ja-2 ANN JIMERSON JAMISON b Abt 1793 in Ohio
    Ja-4 WILLIAM HOOPER JIMERSON/JAMISON b 1797 in Cecil Co Md d 15 Dec 1876 Beattie Ka
    m Barbara Dudley had
    -1-1 John James Jimerson b 25 Nov 1819 Cecil Co d 11 Apr 1892 Liberty Nebr m Judith Maynard and had -1-1-1 Allen Butcher Jimerson b 3 Sep 1846 WVa d 30 Oct 1916 Liberty Nebr
    m Martha Cumi Sharp had Jacob Heber Jimerson b 25 Apr 1869 Liberty Nebr d there 19 Apr 1937
    m Eva Rebecca Hawkins had Cecil Lou Jimerson b 2 Sep 1900 in Liberty m Leah Marie Petersen
    Ja-4 WILLIAM HOOPER JIMERSON/JAMISON b 1797 in Cecil Co Maryland d 18 DEC 1876 in Beattie, Marshall Co Kansas bur Life Cem Beattie, Marshall County,Kansas. The will of William Jamison (1755-1818), which was dated 24 Feb 1817 and recorded April 8, 1818 at the Court House at Elkton, Cecil Co Md, refers to "my sons John and William Jamison". Sources: (1) Veronica Arkin, who reports that the marriage to Elizabeth Wood occurred on 14 December, 1831. (2) http:// , which reports that the marriage to Elizabeth Wood occurred on 14 September 1831. (3),Boggs::wood::11610.html (4) (5) , which reports that he b Ohio. It has been reported that William Hooper Jamison/Jimerson had a wife named Hannah Menghing, whom he married after Barbara Dudley and before Elizabeth Wood. See William Jamison (1755-1818) was identified by the surname "Jamison", but his children were identified by the surname "Jimerson". The surname "Jamison/Jimerson" is used in this family tree to mark the transition from "Jamison" to "Jimerson". Change Date: 30 MAY 2008 at 11:57:16 Father: WILLIAM JAMISON b 1755 in Cecil County,Maryland Mother: JANE HOOPER b 1760 in Cecil Co Maryland
    m1 BARBARA DUDLEY Children
    Ja-4-1 JOHN JAMES JIMERSON b 25 NOV 1819 in Maryland
    Ja-4-2 REBECCA JIMERSON b 25 AUG 1827 in Maryland
    m2 1831 ELIZABETH WOOD b 8 SEP 1805 in Va (14 Sept. or 14 Dec.) in Chillicothe, Ross Co Ohio + Children
    Ja-4-3 ELIZABETH JIMERSON b 27 JAN 1832 in Ohio
    Ja-4-4 ELLEN TABITHA JIMERSON b 25 JUL 1834/1835 in Smithfield,Delaware County,Indiana
    Ja-4-5 MARTHA JIMERSON b 10 OCT 1838 in Delaware County, Indiana
    Ja-4-6 SARAH ANN JIMERSON b 20 MAR 1844 in Delaware County, Indiana
    Becky Jamison reports the following
    Jamison Pedigree
    Ja- William Jamison / Jameson Birth: ABT 1645 in Scotland Death: Y Marriage 1 Spouse Unknown
    Ja-1 Robert JAMISON
    Ja-2 William JAMISON b ABT 1670 in Scotland
    Ja-3 Henry JAMISON I b 1675 in Leith, Midlothian Scotland d in Virginia, Devon or Ireland
    m JANE x
    Ja-3-1 Henry Jamison II b 1695 in Ulster, Ireland d ABT 1765 in Florida m1 Mary STEWART b ABT 1705 Married: ABT 1726 in Warwick, Bucks, Pennsylvania Children
    Ja-3-1-1 Henry JAMISON b in Bucks Co, Pennsylvania
    Ja-3-1-2 Isabel JAMISON b ABT 1730 in Bucks Co, Pennsylvania
    Ja-3-1-3 Alexander JAMISON b 1734 in Bucks Co, Pennsylvania d 1812 in Greene Co, Pennsylvania m29 AUG 1764 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Isabella POAK
    Ja-3-1-1 Mary JAMISON b 1763 in Bucks Co, Pennsylvania
    Ja-3-1-2 Henry JAMISON b NOV 1766
    Ja-3-1-2 Eleanor (Helen) JAMISON b ABT 1768
    Ja-3-1-3 William JAMISON b 1770 in Bucks Co, Pennsylvania Death: 9 NOV 1831 in Greene Co, Pennsylvania Occupation: Farmer mMarriage 1 Abigail SCUDDER b in Shady Side, Bergen, New Jersey, United States 1788 in Greene Co, Pennsylvania Children
    Ja-3-1-3-1 Henry JAMISON b 3 MAY 1800 in Greene Co, Pennsylvania
    Ja-3-1-3-2 William P. JAMISON b 1802 in Greene Co, Pennsylvania
    Ja-3-1-3-3 John JAMISON b 1804 in Greene Co, Pennsylvania
    Ja-3-1-3-4 Mary JAMISON b 1806 in Greene Co, Pennsylvania
    Ja-3-1-3-5 Martha JAMISON b 1808 in Greene Co, Pennsylvania no further data given, so she was possibly the mother of Levicy Jane Harris
    Ja-3-1-3-6 Sarah JAMISON b 1810 in Greene Co, Pennsylvania
    Ja-3-1-3-7 Elizabeth JAMISON b 16 DEC 1812 in Greene Co, Pennsylvania
    Ja-3-1-3-8 Abigail JAMISON b 1814 in Greene Co, Pennsylvania
    Ja-3-1-3-9 Jehu JAMISON b 1816 in Greene Co, Pennsylvania
    Ja-3-1-4 Alexander JAMISON b ABT 1771 in Bucks Co, Pennsylvania
    Ja-3-1-5 Rebecca JAMISON b ABT 1773 in Bucks Co, Pennsylvania
    Ja-3-1-6 Martha JAMISON b 1777 in Bucks Co, Pennsylvania
    Ja-3-1-7 Anne JAMISON b ABT 1779
    Ja-3-1-4 John JAMISON b ABT 1735 in Bucks Co, Pennsylvania
    Ja-3-1-5 William JAMISON b 1737 in Bucks Co, Pennsylvania
    Ja-3-1-6 Jane JAMISON b 1738 in Bucks Co, Pennsylvania
    Ja-3-1-7 Ann JAMISON b 1740 in Bucks Co, Pennsylvania
    Ja-3-1-8 Margaret JAMISON b ABT 1742 in Bucks Co, Pennsylvania
    Ja-3-1-9 Mary JAMISON b ABT 1743
    Ja-3-1-10 Robert JAMISON b 1748 in Bucks Co, Pennsylvania
    Ja-3-2 Robert JAMISON b 1698 in Bucks Co, Pennsylvania
    Ja-3-3 Alexander JAMISON b ABT 1700 in Ulster, Ireland
    Ja-3-4 Ann JAMISON b ABT 1702 in Ulster, Ireland
    Ja-4 John JAMISON b ABT 1680 in Scotland
    There are several reports of this William JAMISON b ABT 1770
    m1 Nancy KIRKHAM b ABT 1774 in Virginia 3 OCT 1796 in Woodford Co Ky
    Martha JAMISON b BEF 1800
    James JAMISON b BEF 1810
    William JAMISON b 15 JAN 1818
    Robert JAMISON b BEF 1820 but the daughter married to Davies Co. Ky. and has to be be ruled out, unless she remarried Harvey Harris. As only one child is shown by Jesse Rodgers in 1826, this is possible. Census records must be checked. Martha JAMISON b BEF 1800 dau of William JAMISON b ABT 1770 and Nancy KIRKHAM b ABT 1774 in Va m1 in Davies Co Ky Jesse RODGERS Jr. b BEF 1800
    James Green RODGERS b 8 MAY 1826 reports a
    John P Jamison b about 1835 Mexico d before 190
    m Sophronia
    -1 Nannie Jamison b 1865 Tx -1-1 Barney Joe Collard b 1901 Tx
    John W Barnes, author�s X DNA match, reports:
    James Jameson b 1691 St Anne Essex Co VA d there 17 Nov 1736
    m Margaret Jennings b 1693 St Annes Parish Essex Co VA d 1727
    James Jameson b 1720 St Anne Essex Co VA d Liberty Hall Essex Co VA 6 Dec 1766
    m Mary Muse Gaines b 1722 d 18 Jul 1806
    +1 Daniel Gaines b 1696 d 1782
    m Eizabeth Mary ?Gaines
    Martha Gaines Jamison b 13 1743 d 29 may 1818
    m Francis Meriwether b 31 Oct 1737 2 Jan 1803
    Charlotte Meriwether b 28 Jun 1791 Oglethorpe GA d there 22 Aug 1851
    Thomas Glenn b 1 Nov 178 Louisa VA d 8 Feb 1843 Oglethorpe GA son of
    +1 John Glenn b 1740 and Mary Thomas
    Martha Jamerson Glenn b 1826
    m William M Bradley b 1828 d 1 Aug 1885 Conway AR
    +1 James O Bradley b 1797 GA d Madison Co GA
    m Anna Williams b Northampton NC
    +2 Jonathan "John" Williams b c 1770 Greene Co GA
    m 11 Nov 1788 Green Co GA Anna Wade b 1768 Pittsaylvania Co VA d aft 1830 Madison Co GA
    Martha Alice Bradley b 1865 d 28 Jan 1956
    m Benjamin Franklin Barnes b 1854 d 16 Oct 1926
    John Wesley Barnes b 1896 d 1986
    m Edna Mollie Crawford dau of
    +1 Hamilton Moore Crawford and Susan Ellafare Hughes +2 William Curtis Crawford
    m Margaret Jane Ellis
    +2 Green Berry Hughes
    m Nancy Lucinda Plair
    +3 Michael Ellis b Warren Co NC d 1855 Perry Alabama
    m Margaret McClure b 1790 d 1848
    +3 Nathaniel C Hughs b 1815 GA d TX
    m Elizabeth
    +4 William McClure b 1750
    m Margaret Johnston b 1752 d 1830
    John Wesley Barnes Jr
    author�s X DNA match

    For both John and the author the line of descent includes X DNA carriers back to and including their respective male Wade ancestors. This makes it highly likely that the X donor was the mother of that respective male Wade.
    However, he also shares a segment on chr 1 that the author seems to have from his Jamison/Huss ancestry, which is another X carrier line of descent for the author. So a closer look into Barnes�s other maternal lines for a Huss connection is merited. reports a
    Hannah Jamison b 26 Mar 1799 in Gerrard C. Ky d 22 Aug Ohio Co. Ky which is not far WSW of Shelby Co. reports
    James Jamison b about 1825 in Ky had a son
    -1 Henry Harrison Bumgardner by Sarah Elizabeth Bumgardner b 4 Sep 1823 in Hart Co Ky d 25 Jan 1912 in Geuda Springs Ks reports
    Mary Jamison b about 1770 Va m Thomas Shelton and had
    -1 Hannah Shelton b 1789 in Va m John Henry Bray of Guilford NC d Monroe Twp Morgan Ind had -1-1-1 John Henry Bray reports
    Robert Jamison b about 1750 Par of Annahill Antrim Ireland d 1813 Chester Co SC who had
    -1 James Jamison b about 1782 Chester Co SC eho had -1-1 James Jamison b 11 Oct 1807 Chester SC d McNairy Co Tn m Mary b 30 Aug 1808 SC d 8 May 1889 Tn and had -1-1-1 James Garner Jamison b 8 May 1841 Tn d 17 Jul 1887 McNairy Co Tn m Elizabeth Jane O'Neal b 6 May 1846 and -1-1-1-1 Sarah Catherine Jamison b 14 Dec 1866 McNairy m James Jefferson Spencer and had
    -1-1-1-1-1 Della Mae Spencer b 7 Nov 1896 d 1928 Jackson Tn reports
    A Jamison b about 1830 Va had Charles Jamerson b about 1892 Va dabout 1925 Chatham Va m Nellie x had
    -1 Viney Jamieson m George Anderson Minter b 13 May 1894 reports a Margaret Jamison m John Kincaid and had -1 Ruth Kincaid b Feb 1772 in Va. d. 28 Nov 1850 in Ripley Co. Ind. reports
    John Jamison d about 1824 Tn m Ellen x had
    -1 Sarah Jamison m Drury Warren had -1-1 John Warren b about 1808 in Williamson Tn d about 1838 Giles Co Tn m Sarah Cobb and had -1-1-1 Drury Warren b 6 Feb 1831 reports
    John Jamison b about 1700 Scotland had
    -1 Sarah Jamison m John Perry and had -1-1 Joh Perry b 28 Sep 1762 England d 5 Mar 1844 Tazewell Co Va m Deborah Kidd b 11 Feb 1770 Stanton Va d 15 Apr Tazewell had -1-1-1 Catherine /Margart Perry b 23 Aug 1813 d 1890 Raleigh Co WVa m Elisha Kidd and had -1-1-1-1 John Franklin Kidd b 16 Feb 1834 Franklin Va d Cirtsville WVa reports a
    William Franklin Jamison b 1829 in TN m Phoebe Shotwell b Jan Bethel Ohio d 10 Jan 1911 in Wickliffe Ballard Co Ky who had
    -1 Henry Sherman Jamison b 1875 d 5 Feb 1924 who had -1-1 Ethel Jamison reports a
    William Jamison
    -1 Henry Jamison of Leith Midlothian Scotland who had a son -1-1 Robert b 1698 in Ulster Ireland d 13 Jul 1771
    m Jean Backburn b 1702 in Ireland d 23 Oct 1764, who had a son
    -1-1-1 Robert b 1739 d 15 Sep 1811 m Hannah Baird b Neshaminy PA, who had -1-1-1-1 William Jamison d 1849 m Clarissa Wakefiels and had Uzziel Wakefield Jamison b 4 July Richborough, Bucks Co. PA d 27 Sep 1882 Spencerville Mongomery Co Md. m Margaret Hall Spencer and had
    -1-1-1-1-1 Anna Amelia Jamison b 22 Feb 1857 Spencerville. reports same
    Hannah Jamison b 26 Mar 1799 Ky d 22 Aug 1873 m William Keown b about 1795 Abbeville SC had
    -1 Isaac Keown b 19 Sep Ohio Co Ky d there 2 May 1855
    m Delilah Crow had
    -1-1 Nancy Jane Keown b 24 Oct 1839 d 3 Feb 1915 Hancock Co Ky
    m Thomas Marit Richards had
    -1-1-1 William Richards b Dec 1860 Hancock Ky reports
    Rachel Jamison b about 1780
    m Charles Roberts and had
    -1 Elias Roberts b 25 Dec 1823 Tn d 23 Jun 1896 Hockley Harris Co Tx m Stalina Patsy Baker Smit and James Henry Roberts b Nov 1855 Walker Co Ty d 2 Feb 1936 Snyder Ok m Emily Tullous had -1-1 Henry James Roberts b 24 Sep 1885 Bremond Tx d 17 Sep 1959 Cutler Cal reports Elizabeth Jane Jamison bur Goochland Co Va m Benjamin Hancock b about 170 New Kent Goochland Co Va d there about 1755 had -1 Benjamin Hancock II b 1740 Fluvanna Co Va d before Nov 1815 Gap Creek Wayne Co Ky had -1-1 Benjamin Hancock III b 1778 Randolph Co NC d Gap Creek m Rachel Emeline Wynn b 22 Feb 1840 Gap Creek d 30 Mar 1907 Albany Clinton Co Ky had -1-1-1 Amy Kenneth Hancock b 15 Mar 1883 Albany Ky m James Wiley Floyd Thrasher had James Elmer Thrasher b 17 Nov 1901 Snow Clinton Co Ky reports another
    Robert Jamison b about 1750 in Par of Annahill, Antrim Co. Ireland (who seems to be a grand nephew of the above Robert of the same county in Ireland) who had a son
    -1 James Jamison b about 1782 in chester Co. SC who had a son -1-1 James J. Jamison b 11 Oct 1807 in Chester Co. SC d 3 May 1861 McNairy Co. TN who had a son -1-1-1 James Garner Jamison b 8 May 1841 in TN d 17 July 1887 in McNairy Co. TN reports
    Isabelle Jamison b about 1725 m John Means b 1718 Engl d SC had
    -1 John Means b 1744 d Mecklenburg Co NC m Racheal Harris had -1-1-1 William Means b 1768 Mecklenburg Co NC d about 29 Dec 1811 Blount Co Tn m Isabella Work had John Work Means b 1795 Gaffney SC d Cabarrus Co NC m Margaret Wislon b 1799 Burke NC had Mary V Means b 1825 Cabarrus NC m Milas Madison Lemmond had Flora Adeline Lemmond b 1858 Union Co NC d 11 Mar 1935 Atlanta Ga m William Walker Davis had Lyllian Ethel Davis m John Duren Collins had Mildred Alice Collins b 24 Aug 1910 Spartanburg SC d 25 Jul 1998 Charlotte NC m William Stuart Morgan had nancy Mildred Morgan reports
    William Jamison b 1697 d 21 Mar 1753 m Sarah Collins b 1700 had
    -1 Katherine Jamison m James Peery b 1726 Augusta Co Va d there 5 Mar 1796 had -1-1 James Peery b 1750 d Nov 1821 m Ellen Dennis had -1-1-1 Samuel Peery b Apr 1784 Botetourt Co Va d Tazewell Co Va m Mary Polly Peery had Maria Peery b about 1811 Tazewell d 16 Apr 1893 Shawver Mill Tazewell m Thomas Simpson Gillespie had John Floyd Gillespie b 27 Jan 1841 Tazewell d 28 Sep 1901 Albany Gentry Co Mo m Mary Thompson b 14 Mar 1831 Bledsoe Tn d 22 Feb 1922 Albany Mo reports
    Sarah Jamison m Mitchell M Woody had
    -1 Sallie Victoria/Rebecca Woody b 9 Dec 1852 Franklin Va d 6 May 1928 Martinsville Henry Co Va m Samuel Otis Stone had -1-1 Eugene Stone b 25 Mar 1893 Horse Pasture Henry Co Va d 6 Jan 1969 Leaksville Rockingham NC m Lillie eleanor Pace dau of John Tyler Pace and Nancy Eleanor Wyatt b 15 Sep 1855 Leatherwood Va dau of Vincent Elijah Wyatt and Amor Caroline x grdau of Vincent Wyatt b 1788 Horsepasture Henry Co Va and Elizabeth Simpson reports a
    Sarah Jamison m Robert Moses Helm and had a daughter,
    -1 Susanna Helm b 17 June 1750 on Lunenburg Co. Va. d 1823 bur Dixon Cem m James Dixon and had a son -1-1 James Dixon b1780 in Bedford Co. Va d 1836 Russel Co. Va. reports a
    James Jamison,
    -1 James Jamison -1-1 James Jamison, m Mary Gains and had -1-1-1 Martha Jamison b 13 June 1745 Essex Co. Va. d 29 May 1819 Georgia m Fracis Meriwether reports
    Patsy Martha Jamison b 1780 Logan Ky d 1841 Butler Ky m Isaac Embry b 1786 Wake NC d 1850 Ohio Co Ky son of William Grancer Embry and Nancy Duncan b 1762 Indian Ter, Cherokee d 1806 Garrard Ky had
    -1 Hannah Embry b 10 May 1815 Garrad Co Ky d 8 Jun 1877 Butler Co Ky m Christopher Snodgrass b 19 Dec 1801 Garrad co Ky had -1-1 Elizabeth J Snodgrass b 30 Apr 1835 McKendree Chapel Butler Ky d there 23 Dec 1912 m Oliver C White had Percilla A White m Jim Taylor had Lawrence W Taylor b 15 Jun 1880 Ky d 1978 Arrowsmith McClean Ill reports
    Elizabeth Jamison b 1806 Plain Grove Lawrence Pa d 7 Oct 1854
    m John Orr and had
    -1 Isabella Orrb 27 Aug 1830 d 6 Feb 1891 m Henry Jordan III had -1-1 Elizabeth Jane Jordan b 11 Mar 1850 d 9 Oct 1936 m William Carlon McConnell b 27 Oct 1846 had -1-1-1 William McConnell b 28 Apr 1889 d 21 Nov 1960 Enon Valley Pa reports
    Catherine Jamison b 1765 Boone Mill Boone Va d there 1822 m Jacob Boone b 1749 Johnson City Washington Tn d 1814 Boone Mill Va had
    Anna Margaret Boone m y Wetzel had Adam Wetzel b ??? Palatinate Germany m Margaret had Adam Whitesell reports
    John Jamison b ?1780 in 1860 census Union Twp Muskingum Ohio m Rebecca n ?1784 Del had
    -1 Esther Brelsford Jamison b 1796 Pa d 10 May 1879 bur Irish Ridge Cem Brush Creek Twp Muskingum Ohio m David Guthrie had -1-1 Hannah B Guthrie m Stephen Woodruff b 16 Jun 1835 d 29 May 1862 Washington DC -1-1-1 Claria Mae Woodruff b 29 Oct 1859 Brush Creek d Hopewell 29 Jul 1931 m William Mathias Hill son of Simon Hill and Louvay Redman (Louvary descends as follows: Balis R b 1800 Prince Wm Co Va, Thomas R b about 1767 Prince W m John R b about 1754 Fauquier Co - m Elizabeth Calvert b 25 Jan 1745 Prince Wm dau John C b 1724 Stafford m Susanna John C b 1694 Stafford Va m Constant Barton George Calvert b 14 Dec 1672 Charles Co Md d 1739 Stafford m Elizabeth Doyne b 1679 William Calvert b 1643 Yorkshire Engl d 10 Jan 1682 Charles Md m Elizabeth Stone b 1644 Hungars Accomack Va - Thomas Redman b 1705 Frederick Va b 1667 Westmoreland Va John R m Anne Cox John R b 1623 Westmoreland Va m Mary Harris)
    -1-1-2? possibly here was: y Woodruff b c 1860
    -1-1-1-1 Charles Cleveland Hill
    -1-1-2-1 xy Woodruff ancestor of Thelma Elizabeth Woodruff-Fricke, author's DNA match
    -1-1-1 reports
    Alexander Jameson b1621/2 Alloa Clackmannan Scotland
    m Marion Anderson -1 John Jameson b 165 Glasgow Lanark Scotland
    m Margaret White
    -1-1 Sir John James/Jameson b about 1680 Galway Co Ireland
    m Janet Keen
    -1-1-1 William Jameson b 1697 Ulster Ireland d 1750 Rockbridge Co Va
    m Sarah Collins
    -1-1-1-1 George Jameson b about 1728 Pa or Augusta Co Va d 11 Oct 1799 Harrison Co Ky
    m Eleanor Mitchell
    -1-1-1-1-1 Robert Jameson m Isabell Mahan
    About JOSHUA JAMESON and MARY HUNT: Marriage: 22 Dec 1846, Greenville, SC Children of JOSHUA JAMESON and MARY HUNT are: -1 MARTHA "MATTIE" ANN REBECCAH4 JAMESON, b August 13, 1849; d May 20, 1918 m Z.D. BRAMLETT December 20, 1881 in Anderson Co
    -2 WILLIAM FOSTER JAMESON, b February 28, 1851; d. September 28, 1901, Hill County, Tx m ELLA M. KING. b Sep 13, 1859 d July 9, 1920.
    -3 OTHO LANDRUM JAMESON, b Oct 31, 1852 d Jan 23, 1934, Norcross, DeKalb Co Ga m SUSAN CAROLINA ALMEDA JOHNSON August 12, 1874.b April 22, 1853 in Decatur, Dekalb Co Ga d Feb 8, 1921 in Norcross, DeKalb Co Ga
    -4 EDWARD CALDWELL JAMESON, b November 25, 1854; d January 1933.
    -5 ROBERT PRESTON BROOKS JAMESON, b. February 20, 1857; d. July 17, 1917, Abbeville, SC.
    -6 "MAMIE" MARY JANE JAMESON, b. January 14, 1859; d. 1928.
    -7 ELIZABETH "BETTIE" EVALINE JAMESON, b Mar 20, 1861 d 1901.
    -8 ANNA CARRIE JAMESON, b. July 30, 1863, September 16, 1867 d Slabtown, Anderson County, South Carolina. d at 4 years old. bur Joshua's and Mary's cemetary plot in the Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church Cem in Easley, South Carolina (cemetary is on Hwy. 8 just west of the intersection of Hwy. 8 and 88). Headstone = (right side) "Another Angel" marker = "A. J."
    -9 SARAH IDA JAMESON, b. March 4, 1866; d November 15, 1945; m E.W. LONG. liv Atlanta, Ga when was very young she fell in love with Ezekiel Long, an attorney of Anderson, SC. Ida's father Joshua did not approve of the match and forbid Ida to see Ezekiel, Ezekiel married another woman. After a time her father died and Ezekiel's wife pasted away also. Ida and Ezekiel married in 1909 when she was 43. He died nine month after their marriage, however Ida said that he was the only man that she ever loved and to hear her talk you would have thought they had been married many years. (Taken from the photo album of Minnie Jameson Orr, story written by Evelyn Orr)
    -10 INFANT DAUGHTER JAMESON, b. June 16, 1868; d. September 16, 1868. d 3 months old. bur Joshua's and Mary's cemetary plot in the Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church Cem in Easley, South Carolina (cemetary is on Hwy. 8 just west of the intersection of Hwy. 8 and 88). Headstone = (left side) "A Little Bud of Love to Bloom with God Above" marker = " J."
    -11 ETTIE IOLA JAMESON, b. January 16, 1870.
    -12 MINNIE LILLIAN ALICIA JAMESON, b. May 9, 1872, Anderson County SC; d. March 5, 1960, Westminster, SC. -1-1 MARY BRAMLETT.
    -1-2 INFANT BRAMLETT, b Feb 9 1883
    -2-1 MAMIE5 JAMESON, b. 1876 d 1947.
    -2-2 LUTHER JAMESON, b. 1880; d. 1956.
    -2-3 EARL JAMESON, b. 1882; d. 1956.
    -2-4 JOSHUA I. JAMESON, b. 1883.
    -2-5 GRACE JAMESON, b. 1888; d. 1973
    William Jameson b 1737 Maybe County Wicklow, Ireland d 1818 Ireland >VA>Pickens Co, SC.
    Although no connection has been established between this Jameson line and the author's, a longer matching DNA segment on chr 13 indicates there is common ancestry in the range G5 to G10.
    m Margaret Westmoreland 1745 - 1823
    -1 William Jameson Jr b 1786 Virginia d 1850 >Pickens Co, SC (Grave) m Rebecca Fowler b 1787 - 1851 Pickens Co, SC (Grave)

    -2 Jane Jameson b 1763 - Easley, Pickens Co, SC

    -3 Margaret Jameson b 1765 - Easley, Pickens Co, SC

    -4 Isabella Jameson b 1778 - Easley, Pickens Co, SC

    -5 Elizabeth Jameson b 1780 - Easley, Pickens Co, SC

    -6 Agnes Jameson b 1784 - Easley, Pickens Co, SC m L. V. Jones

    -1-1 James Carrol Jameson b 1830 Pickens Co, SC d 1862 (Will) (Sale) m Amanda Melvina Orr 1836 - 1915 PickensCo, SC (Group Photo)(Grave)
    -1-2 Frances Jameson b 1812 Pendleton District, SC d 1863 >Alpharetta, MiltonCo, GA m William H. Perry
    -1-3 Madison Jameson b 1813 Easley, Pickens Co, SC d 1894 >Alpharetta, GA m Mary Ann Elizabeth Ruth Bradley
    -1-4 Wilkerson Jameson 1816 Easley, Pickens Co, SC d 1905 >GA m Nancy A. Perry
    -1-5 John Jameson 1818 - 1894 Easley>Dacusville, PickensCo, SC m Margaret Caroline Orr 1828 -
    -1-6 William Milton Jameson 1819 - 1864 Easley, PickensCo, SC m Dorcas P. Couch 1825 - 1904
    -1-7 Wesley Jameson 1821 - 1864 Easley, Pickens Co, SC >GA
    -1-8 Joshua Jameson 1822 - 1906 PickensCo, SC >AndersonCo, SC m Mary Bowen Hunt 1830 - 1900 Greenville, SC
    -1-9 McElroy Jameson 1826 - 1908 PickensCo, SC m Margaret Cassandra Ferguson
    -1-10 Louise Jane Jameson 1828 - 1908 Pickens Co, SC
    -1-11 Pyramus Biggs Jameson 1824 - 1846
    -1-1-1 John Charles Jameson 1862 - 1928 PickensCo, SC>GA>Blue Ridge, TX m Flora Stephens 1872 - 1947 Gainesville, HallCo, GA>Leonard, TX
    -1-1-2 Thomas Orr Jameson 1856 - 1933 Easley, Pickens Co, SC m Rebecca Jane Childress 1854 - 1937 Oconee Co, SC>Easley, PickensCo, SC
    -1-1-3 Sarah Amanda Rebecca Jameson b 1857 Easley, Pickens Co, SC d 1895 Bonita, TX m William Wallace Orr b 1847 Anderson Co - 1916 Easley, PickensCo, SC
    -1-1-4 Frances Lavela Jameson - 1863 Easley, PickensCo, SC
    -1-2-1 William J. Perry Abt 1832 - 1864 PickensCo, SC >Fair Grounds Hospital #2, Macon, GA m Martha GA
    -1-2-2 Jessie L. Perry Abt 1836 - 1864 GA >Camp Douglas Prison, IL
    -1-2-3 Rebecca Perry Abt 1838 -
    -1-2-4 Mary Perry Abt 1840 -
    -1-2-5 Martha Perry Abt 1844 -
    -1-2-6 George W. Perry Abt 1850 -
    -1-2-7 Benjamin Perry Abt 1852 -
    -1-3-1 Mary Jane Jameson 1840 - m Ambrose Phillips - 1926
    -1-3-2 WilliamThomas Jameson 1842 - 1862 Alpharetta, GA
    -1-3-3 George Washington Jameson 1844 - 1863 Alpharetta, GA
    -1-3-4 James Madison Jameson 1846 - 1926 Alpharetta, GA>OK m1 Rebecca Walker - 1879 + 1 ch m2 Effie Briggs + 4 ch
    -1-3-5 Rebecca Ann Jameson 1847 - 1888 Alpharetta, GA>Gainesville, TX m William J. Bell
    -1-3-6 Susan Calista Jameson 1849 - 1933 Gainesville, Texas m1 Mason m2 Sam Worley
    -1-3-7 John Marion Jameson 1851 - 1929 Alpharetta, GA>Lexington, OK m Virginia Ashton
    -1-3-8 Amanda Frances Jameson 1853 - Alpharetta, GA m Lewis M. Ball
    -1-3-9 Sophronia Elizabeth Jameson 1857 - 1922 Alpharetta, GA m William Harrson Rainwater
    -1-3-10 Cornelia Samantha Jameson 1862 - 1935 Alpharetta, GA m Joe Martin
    -1-4-1 Carroll Wilkerson Jameson
    -1-5-1 Louise Jameson
    -1-5-2 William S Jameson
    -1-5-3 Annie Estelle Jameson 1860 - 1942 PickensCo, SC m1 William Alexander Miller m2 C. G. Davis
    -1-5-4 John B. Jameson 1866 - Dacusville, SC m Orgie Jane Cox 1871 - 1903 Dacusville, SC
    -1-6-1 John Jameson
    -1-5-5 Andrew P Jameson
    -1-5-6 General Taylor Jameson
    -1-5-7 William C Jameson 1849 -
    -1-5-8 Mary J Jameson 1851 -
    -1-5-9 Martha Jameson 1852 -
    -1-5-10 Margaret A Jameson
    -1-8-1 Martha Ann Jameson 1849 - 1919 m Bramlett
    -1-8-2 William F Jameson 1851 - 1901 HillCo, TX m Ella M. King 1858 - 1920
    -1-8-3 Otho L Jameson 1852 - 1934 Norcross, GA
    -1-8-4 Edward Caldwell Jameson 1854 - 1933 Greenville, SC
    -1-8-6 Robert Preston Brooks Jameson 1857 - 1917 Honea Path, SC
    -1-8-7 Mary Jane Jameson 1859 - 1928 Anderson, SC m John Mosely
    -1-8-8 Elizabeth Jameson 1861 - 1901 Greenville, SC m J. O. Wingo
    -1-8-9 Ida J. Jameson 1866 - 1945 Atlanta, GA m E. W. Long
    -1-8-10 Ettie Iola Jameson 1870 - 1925 Bethune>Denver, SC m A. J. Smith
    -1-8-11 Minnie Jameson 1872 - 1960 Westminister, SC m J. R. Orr
    -1-9-1 Lola Jameson
    -1-9-2 Melinda Jameson
    -1-9-3 William A. G. Jameson
    -1-9-4 Margaret Jameson
    -1-9-5 J.M. Jameson
    -1-9-6 A.S. Jameson
    -1-1-1-1 Ruby Gertrude Jameson 1909 - Blue Ridge, TX>San Ysidro, CA>Spokane, WA m1 Lawrence Everett Holloway 1906 - 1995 Gary, PanolaCo, TX>Bonham, TX m2 Phillip Joseph Sanger 1885 - MN>San Ysidro, CA
    -1-1-1-2 Samuel Thomas Jameson 1888 - GA m Laura Murhl Box
    -1-1-1-3 Ida Bell Jameson 1890 - 1974 GA>Shawnee, OK m Thomas George Blassingame
    -1-1-1-4 Hollie H Jameson 1894 - 1927 GA>Blue Ridge, TX
    -1-1-1-5 Annie Dollie Jameson 1896 - Cummings, HallCo, GA m John Franklin Wilson
    -1-1-1-6 Margaret Jameson 1899 - m Arthur Cole
    -1-1-1-7 Essie Jameson 1900 - m Newsome
    -1-1-1-8 Lulu Jameson 1902 - m John Dockey Phillips
    -1-1-1-9 Jesse B. Jameson 1905 - Van Alstyne, TX m Velma Jane Berry
    -1-1-1-10 Johnye Fay Jameson 1912 - Blue Ridge, TX m George Dean Turner
    -1-1-1-11 Grace Jameson 1914 - Blue Ridge, TX (Photo) m Roy J. Richardson
    -1-1-1-12 Pauline Jameson 1916 - m Milton Swain
    -1-1-2-1 Nora Ella Jameson Bee Burdine
    -1-1-2-2 Jeter Boyd Jameson
    -1-1-2-3 Winnie Lee Jameson
    -1-1-2-4 Carrol Wilson Jameson
    -1-1-2-5 William Nelson Jameson 1879 - m Lizzie Satterfield
    -1-1-2-6 Thomas Milton Jameson 1881 - 1962 Easley, PickensCo, SC m Minnie Lee Cox 1886 - 1967 Brevard, NC>Easley, PickensCo, SC (Group Photo)
    -1-1-2-7 Effie Jameson 1887
    -1-1-2-8 Burrel Lee Jameson 1892 - 1953 Easley, PickensCo, SC m Essie Ellison 1894 - 1985
    -1-1-3-1 Ethel Troline Orr 1876 - 1878
    -1-1-3-2 Melvina Orr 1877 -
    -1-1-3-3 Frances Luella Orr 1881 - 1970 Enid, OK m Thomas Franklin Ball
    -1-1-3-4 Mattie Maybelle Orr 1883 -
    -1-1-3-5 Minnie B. Maude Orr 1885 - 1948
    -1-1-3-6 James Carl Orr 1889 - ?ancestor of Caroly B Orr, author's DNA match
    -1-1-3-7 Sallie Zula Orr 1891 - 1954
    -1-2-1-1 John Perry Abt 1854 -
    -1-2-1-2 Charles Perry Abt 1857 -
    -1-2-1-3 Lorana Perry Abt 1862 -
    -1-3-1-1 Rosetta Phillips
    -1-3-1-2 Nettie Phillips
    -1-3-1-3 Eugenia Phillips
    -1-3-4-1 Samantha Annie Jameson
    -1-3-4-2 Ernest Madison Jameson
    -1-3-4-3 William Thomas Jameson
    -1-3-4-4 Mary Effie Jameson
    -1-3-4-5 Baby Son Jameson
    -1-5-4-1 Leo Lake Jameson 1891 - 1921 Dacusville, SC>Easley, Pickens Co SC m Nettie Laura Ellison 1891 - 1973
    -1-3-5-1 Luther Bell
    -1-3-5-2 Effie Bell
    -1-3-6-1 Edna Worley
    -1-3-6-2 Minnie Worley
    -1-3-6-3 Maud Worley
    -1-3-6-4 Dora Worley
    -1-3-6-5 Sue Worley
    -1-3-6-6 Walter Worley
    -1-3-6-7 Winnie Worley
    -1-3-7-1 Lealon Jameson 1893 -
    -1-3-7-2 Virgil Jameson 1894 -
    -1-3-7-3 Bird Jameson 1895 -
    -1-3-7-4 John Jameson 1897 -
    -1-3-8-1 George Collis Ball
    -1-3-8-2 Corrie Lenora Ball
    -1-3-8-3 James Madison
    -1-3-8-4 Lena May Ball
    -1-3-8-5 Ira Lewis Ball
    -1-3-9-1 William Madison Rainwater 1876 -
    -1-3-9-2 James Edgar Rainwater
    -1-3-9-3 John Howard Rainwater
    -1-3-9-4 Claude Harrison Rainwater
    -1-3-9-5 Anna Pearl Rainwater
    -1-3-9-6 Ira Sidney Rainwater
    -1-3-9-7 Effie May Rainwater
    -1-3-9-8 Doctor Chandler Rainwater
    -1-3-9-9 Franklin Pierce Rainwater
    -1-3-9-10 Cleo Rainwater
    -1-3-9-11 Lois Rainwater
    -1-3-9-12 Forest Glen Rainwater
    -1-3-10-1 Era Martin
    -1-3-10-2 John M Martin
    -1-1-1-6-1 Fred Smith Cole
    -1-1-1-6-2 Harold Cole
    -1-1-1-6-3 Arthur Cole
    -1-1-1-6-4 Amy Cole
    -1-1-2-1-1 Ruth Burdine
    -1-1-2-1-2 Milton Burdine (Group Photo)
    -1-1-2-1-3 Grace Burdine (Group Photo)
    -1-1-2-1-4 James Burdine (Group Photo)
    -1-1-2-1-5 Eva Burdine (Group Photo)
    -1-1-2-1-6 Mason Burdine (Group Photo)
    -1-1-2-6-1 Viola Clytie Jameson 1908 - 1995 Easley, Pickens Co, SC (Group Photo) m Thomas R. Hanna
    -1-1-2-6-2 Thomas Milton Jr Jameson 1909 - 1992 Easley, Pickens Co, SC
    -1-1-2-6-3 Carl Cox Jameson 1912 - 1979 Easley, Pickens Co, SC m Sarah McCoy
    -1-1-2-6-4 Minnie Lee Jameson 1914 - Easley, Pickens Co, SC m Stanley Vincent
    -1-1-2-6-5 Charles Randolph Jameson 1916 - Easley, Pickens Co, SC m Claire Whelchel
    -1-1-2-6-6 James Lake Jameson 1918 - 1944 Easley, Pickens Co, SC>WW II KIA
    -1-1-2-6-7 Ansel Jameson 1920 - 1994 Easley, Pickens Co, SC m Kathryn Williams
    -1-1-2-6-8 Sybil Addie Jameson 1922 - 1994 Easley, Pickens Co, SC m Jerome W. Johnson
    -1-1-2-6-9 Sallie Rebecca Jameson 1924 - Easley, Pickens Co, SC m John C. Von Kaenel
    -1-1-2-6-10 Jack Dempsey Jameson 1926 - 1993 Easley, Pickens Co, SC m Dorothy Williams
    -1-1-2-6-11 Hoyt Donald Jameson 1929 - Easley, Pickens Co, SC m Mary Sue Waldrop
    -1-1-2-6-12 Margaret Ann Jameson 1934 - Easley, Pickens Co, SC m Harry D. Waldrop
    -1-1-2-8-1 Nannie Mae Jameson m Rance McCollum
    -1-1-2-8-2 Mary Lee Jameson m Ernest Nola
    -1-1-2-8-3 Burrel Lee Jameson m Vivian Bank
    -1-1-2-8-4 Betty Jameson mLeroy Abercrombie
    -1-1-2-8-5 Iris Jameson m John Abercrombie
    -1-1-2-8-6 Barbara Jameson m Charles Gnalt
    -1-1-2-8-7 William Jameson m Jane Smith
    -1-1-2-8-8 Ruby Jane Jameson m James Burnett (Visit the Orr Family Outline for more information on William Wallace Orr's descendents)
    -1-5-4-1-1 John Hal Jameson b 1917 - m1 Christine Crawford m2 Sue Ellen McCall


    Wa12. Johannes/?Hans Adam Walther b c 1600/1606 ( shows 2 fathers and 2 mothers of Adam)
    m Anna Maria Golch/ Margaretha Elisabetha Michel
    Wa11. Adams Walther b 20 Jul 1632 Bouxwiller Bas-Rhin Alsace d 17 Nov 1674 Buchsweiler Bas-Rhin Alsace
    m Margaretha Gangholf b 1632 d 26 Dec 1694 Wildemann Goslar Nidersachsen
    Wa11. ? Hans Michael Ludovicus Walter b 1654 Brackenheim Wuerttemberg d 1804 d 1695 Schifferstadt Pfalz
    m Anna Maria Kieft
    No Huss DNA Project has been started yet. We need a volunteer for the Y DNA test and/or project opening.

    Walters Patriarchs
    Walters DNA results: E1b1b1a1 = E-M78
    The greatest concentration of this Y DNA is in Kosovo, Albania, Greece and Bulgaria: reason enough to suspect its spread to Slavic areas by the Cyril and Methodius or other Orthodox missionaries and from thence to Germany and France with the Hussite refugees. Its absence in the highlands, Brittany and the Basque areas precludes it being part of the Pict, Breton, Basque and Iberian DNA. The latter race came from the area of Iraq/Iran around 4000 BC. But the concentration in the now Curdish areas indicates the DNA originated from there or was brought there possibly around the time of Alexander the Great

    Wa10-1Hans Bernhard Walther, Sr b 13 Oct 1674 Nordheim Stuttgart Germany d c 1740 Forks Horthampton PA -1 Conrad Bernard Hans Walters b 21 Mar 1712 Nordheim d 8 May 1792 Phillips Fort Hodgenville Larue Co KY m1 x d by 1768 + 5 ch m2 Nancy Ann Redman b c 1737 Beeson Union Co PA d c 1830 Hardin KY she m2 Aquilla Martin
    -2 Hans Michael Walter b 2 Feb 1725 Brackenheim n Heilbronn Germany d 1725 Nordheim Bergstrasse HESSEN
    -3 Johan Bernhard Walter, Jr b 17 Feb 1721 Nordheim Heilbronn d 22 Mar 1781 Forks Northampton PA
    -4 Joseph Leonhard Walter b Feb 1725 Brackenheim
    -5 Hanß Conrad Walter b 9 Mar 1714 Brackenheim d 24 Aug 1781 BW Germany
    -6 Johan Bernhard Walter b 13 May 1716 Brackenheim d y
    -7 Anna Maria Elisabetha Walter b 14 Jan 1723 d y
    -8 Anna Marie Walter b 1713 Nordheim d c 1746
    -9 Jacob Walter Wa10 b 1713 Nordheim s. below
    -10 Hans Conrad/Coonrad Walter b 9 Mar 1714 Nordheim
    -11 Hans Leonhard Walter b 18 Jul 1718 Nordheim d Jun 1777 Robeson Twp Berks Co PA
    -12 Hanss Leonhard Walter Twin b 18 Jul 1718 Nordheim d 7 Dec 1718
    -13 Agnes Catherine Walter b 1 Jun 1729 Nordheim
    -1-1 Barnard Walters b 1763 PA d Jul 1822 Barren Co KY
    -1-2 Hans Conrad Walters b 15 Feb 1755 Cumberland PA d 19 Feb 1831 Hardin KY m Grace Wildman b 30 Jan 1760 Newtown Bucks Co PA d 9 May 1847 dau of Jacob Wildman and Elizabeth Sarah Yates
    -1-3 Catherine Walters m Edward Huss
    -1-4 Michael Conrad Walters b 14 Jun 1760 Loudin VA d 21 Aug 1818 Fayette City PA m Susannah Zugg b 1766 Fayette Co PA d 12 Nov 1809 Uniontown PA
    -1-5 Elizabeth "Betty" Walters b by 1769 PA m y Roebuck
    -1-6 John Walters, Sr b 30 Apr 1770 Beesontown Cumberland Co PA d 17 Apr 1852 Magnolia Larue Co KY m Susanna Ashcraft b 1773 Pn d 1839 Larue Co KY dau of Jediah Ashcraft and Nancy Friend b 1740 Chester PA
    -1-7 Lydia Walters b 1774 Beesonstown PA d 1843 m Benjamin Cloud
    -1-8 Andrew Walters
    -1-9 Sally WALTERS
    -1-10 Nancy WALTERS
    -1-11 Sarah WALTERS

    -1-2-1 James Walters
    -1-2-2 Conrad Walters, III
    -1-2-3 Jacob Warren Walters
    -1-2-4 Elizabeth Walters
    -1-2-5 John Walters
    -1-2-6 Amos Walters
    -1-2-7 Grace Rust
    -1-2-7 Lydia Walters
    -1-2-8 Sarah Funk
    -1-2-9 Lucretia Walters
    -1-2-10 James Wildman Walters
    -1-2-11 Joseph Walters
    -1-2-12 Furika Walters
    -1-4-1 Jacob Walters m Mary Welch
    -1-6-1 Jediah Walters b 21 Mar 1796 Hardin Co KY d 26 Jun 1844 Laruew Co KY m1 Sarah Middleton b 2 Apr 1801 d 10 Aug 1838 Larue Co KY m2 Eilza Singleton
    -1-6-2 Aquilla Martin Walters
    -1-6-3 Grace Deremiah
    -1-6-4 James WALTERS
    -1-6-5 Joseph WALTERS
    -1-6-6 John Jack WALTERS
    -1-6-7 Mary WALTERS
    -1-6-8 Ruamy WALTERS
    -1-6-9 William WALTERS
    -1-7-1 Agnes Cloud b 1795
    -1-7-2 Margarget Cloud b 1796
    -1-7-3 Mary W. Cloud b 1797 Chester PA d 1880 Aston PA m Charle WEsley Hart
    -1-7-4 Sarah Cloud b 1799
    -1-7-5 Mordecai Cloud b 1801
    -1-7-6 Ann Cloud b 1802
    -1-7-7 Priscilla Cloud b 1804
    -1-7-7 Eliza Cloud b 1807
    -1-7-8 William S Cloud b 1809
    -1-7-9 Nathaniel Cloud b 1812
    -1-7-10 Benjamin Cloud b 1814

    -1-4-1-1 John Thomas Walters b c 1790 m Elizabeth King
    -1-6-1-1 John H Walters b 28 Aug 1819 KY d 7 Nov 1872 KY m Perlina Gardner
    -1-6-1-2 Joseph S. Walters b 18 Oct 1822 d 23 Feb 1913 m1 Sarah Castleman b Jan 1824 Larue Co KY d Jun 1858 + 4 ch dau of James Daniel Castleman and Elizabeth m2 Nancy Catherine Castleman b 31 Jul 1830 d 22 Feb 1865 Larue Co KY + 6 ch dau of Lewis Leonard Castleman and Sarah Jane m3 Agnes Mather + 3 ch dau of Henry Mather and Lucretia Helen Winchester wid of Elias Redman
    -1-7-3-1 Charles Wesley Hart Jr
    -1-7-3-2 Benjamin Hart
    -1-7-3-3 Jacob Hart
    -1-7-3-4 Lydia Hart
    -1-7-3-5 William Hart
    -1-7-3-6 Mary Elizabeth Hart m Coles
    -1-7-3-7 xy Hart
    -1-7-3-8 Susan Hart

    -1-4-1-1-1 John Thomas Walters b 1854 WV m Lillian Jane Cox b 7 Apr 1862 Parke Co IN d 15 Nov 1930 dau of Ecanah Cox and Rosanna/Rose Ann Taylor
    -1-6-1-1-1 Milton H Walters
    -1-6-1-2-1 James Walter Walters b 1854 d 1943
    -1-6-1-2-2 Jediah Walters b 1855 d 1936
    -1-6-1-2-3 Benjamin F. Walters b 1856 d 1870
    -1-6-1-2-4 Robert Walters b 1857 d 1909
    -1-6-1-2-5 Lula Walters b 1860 d 1943 m James Harvey Miller
    -1-6-1-2-6 Elizabeth Larue
    -1-6-1-2-7 Nannie Belle Walters
    -1-6-1-2-8 Lydia A. Walters
    -1-6-1-2-9 Margaret M Walters
    -1-6-1-2-10 John William Walters
    -1-6-1-2-11 Joseph E. Walters
    -1-6-1-2-12 Jacob "Jake" E Walters
    -1-6-1-2-13 Sarah Walters b 1872

    -1-4-1-1-1-1 Ira Milton Walters b 1882 Parke IN d 1936 Terre Haute IN m Minerva
    -1-4-1-1-1-2 Charles C. Walters
    -1-4-1-1-1-3 James E. Walters
    -1-4-1-1-1-4 Lessie E. Walters
    -1-4-1-1-1-5 Dock F. Walters
    -1-6-1-2-5-1 Frank Middleton Miller
    -1-6-1-2-5-2 Elizabeth "Bessie" Jane Miller m Elliott
    Wa10-2Anna Maria Walter
    Wa10-3Michael Walter
    Wa10-4Christina Walter
    Wa10. Jacob Walters b 1684 ?Nordheim Wuerttemberg d 1804 (from Larry Coleman's tree)
    m Anna Maria Kuriss b 6 Jun 1690 d 16 Jan 1728 ( and in Laura Jones's tree shown as:
    Hans Bernhard Walter b 13 Oct 1674 Hohenstein BW Germany and Anna Maria Kuriss b 6 Jun 1690 d 16 Jan 1728 )
    Wa9 Conrad Bernhard Hans Walters Sr b 4/21 Mar 1711/2 Nordheim, Wuerttemberg d 8 May 1792 Fort Phillips Hodgenville Nelson Co KY bur Ft Phillip LaRue Co Ky
    m Nancy Ann Redman b c 1715 ?Germany dau of->
    +1 Andrew Redman Re10 of Loudon Co VA b c 1690 +2? y Redman b c 1665
    Wa8-1 Barnabas/Barnard Walters b 1753 PA d 1 Jul 1822 Barren Co KY
    Wa8-2 Hans Conrad Walters b 1755 Cumberland PA d 19 Feb 1831 Hardin KY (from Larry Coleman's tree)
    m Grace Widman b 1760 d 1847 dau of Jacob Widman and Elizabeth Yates
    -1 Elizabeth Walters b 29 Oct 1785 Augusta PA d 1854 Hardin KY m James Castleman b 20 Dec 1774Wickli Frederick Co VA d 18 Mar 1840 Hardin KY
    -2 Polly Walters
    -3 James Walters b 1780
    -4 Conrad Walters b 24 Nov 1781 d 26 May 1858 m Margaret Larue b 11 Dec 1789 Nolynn Station Haardin Co KY d 26 Oc t 1864 Hodgerville Larue Co KY dau of John Larue and Mary Brooks
    -5 Jacob Walters b 25 Sep 1783 Jefferson Co KY d 15 Oct 1848 Barren Co KY m Rebecca Brooks b 1786 d 1860
    -6 John Walters b 1787
    -7 Joseph Walters b 1789
    -8 Amos Walters b 1791 Augusta PA d 1855 Hodgerville Larue Co KY
    -9 Grace Walters b 1794
    -10 Lydia Walters b 1796
    -11 Sarah Walters b 1799
    -1-1 Mary Castleman b 13 Apr 1809 Hardin KY d 1850 Hardinsburg KY m Josiah Larue b 1804 d 1857
    -1-2 Nancy Castleman b 1806
    -1-3 David Castleman b 1810 d 1859
    -1-4 Conrad Castleman b 1813 d 1875
    -1-5 James Castleman b 1813 d 1875
    -1-6 Grace Castleman b 1815
    -1-7 John Castleman b 1816 d 1876
    -1-8 Margaret Castleman b 1818 d 1860
    -1-9 Amos Castleman b 1819 d 1840
    -1-10 Samuel Castleman b 1819 d 1840
    -1-11 William Castleman b 1821 d 1902
    -1-12 Sarah Castleman b 1824 d 1858
    -4-1 James L Walters
    -4-2 Mary PollyL Walters m Catlett
    -4-3 John Walters
    -4-4 Lucretia HelenL Walters m Winchester
    -4-5 Squire Larue Walters
    -4-7 Joseph W Walters
    -4-8 Rebecca J Walters
    -4-9 Lydia E Walters
    -4-10 Malvina Walters
    -4-11 Thomas Walters b 1826 d 1895 m Sarah Redman b 1829 d 1888
    -4-12 Robert W Walters
    -5-1 Margaret Walters b 1810 d 1882 m Barrett Pace b 1806 d 1862
    -5-2 Mary Walters b 1826 d 1856
    -5-3 Jacob Wlaters b 1819 d 1904
    -5-4 Hardin Walters b 1813 d 1884
    -5-5 Sarah Walters b 1805 d 1882
    -1-1-1 Samuel Larue b 1830 Hardin Co KY d 1903 Crawfoird Co AR m Mary Burdine b 1831 d 1907
    -1-1-2 James Larue b 1831 d 1912 m Sarah Burdine b 1831 d 1922
    -1-1-3 Lydia Larue
    -1-1-4 John arue
    -1-1-5 David Larue b 1840 d 1915
    -4-11-1 Robert Walters b 1849 d 1927
    -4-11-2 Joseph Walters b 1852 d 1909
    -4-11-3+ 5 ch Walters ?m Martha Chatten b 1857 d 1938
    -4-11-8 Pleasant Walters b 1871 d 1933
    -4-11-9 Mary Walters b d 1852
    -5-1-1 Rebecca Pace b 1829 d 1912 m Owen Waters b 1815 d 1880
    -5-1-2 Joseph Pace b 1832 d 1915 m Savannah Myers b 1837
    -5-1-3 William Pace b 1840 d 1915
    -5-1-4 James Pace b 1842 d 1926
    -5-1-5 Nancy Pace b 1853 d 1926
    -5-1-6 Jacob Pace d 1883 m Elizabeth Mason
    -5-1-7 Martha Pace b 1847 d 1918
    -?-?-1 Nancy Ellen Walters b 1840 KY d 1939 TX m Bradford Lair Holder b 1844 KY d 1897 TX

    -4-1-?-1 Shirley Walters b 1894 d 1961 m John Wilson b 1889 d 1947
    -?-?-1-1 Victor Jones Holder b 1889 d 1965 m Grace Stewart b 1893 d 1987 dau of James Lewis Stewart and Mary Elizabeth Russell

    -?-?-1-1-1 Sibyl Louise Holder b 1918 m Thomas Dennis Walding

    -?-?-1-1-1-1 Barbara Lynn Walding m y Miller
    parents of Christi Conrad, author�s 27 cM DNA match
    Wa8-3 Catherine walters b 1759 Beeson's Town Union Co PA d 19 Apr 1852 Larue KY
    Wa8-4 Katie Walters b 1759
    Wa8-5 Michael Walters b 14 Jul 1760 Loudin VA d 21 Aug 1818 Fayette City PA
    Wa8-6 Elizabeth Walters b 1761
    Wa8-7 John Walters b 4 Apr 1770 Pa d 17 Apr 1852 m 13 Jul 1791 Nelson Co KY Susannah Ashcraft b 1773 PA d 1838 Magnolia Larue Co KY dau of Jedediah Ashcroft b 1735 d 1794 and Nancy Friend b Chester Delaware Co PA d 1829 Nolin Hardin Co KY -1 Ruamy Walters b 1793 Nolinn Creek Nelson Co KY d 1880 Gernetsville KY m Benjamin Keith b 1792 d 1876
    -2 Jediah Walters b 21 Mar 1796 Hardin KY d 26 JUn 1844 Larue Co KY m Sarah Middleton
    -3 Grace Walters b 1798 Nelson KY d 1863
    -4 Aquilla Martin Walters b 1801 Hardin Co KY d 1 May 1870 Larue KY
    -5 William Walters b 1801 d 1844
    -6 John Walters b 7 Jul 1806 Hardin KY d 5 May 1870 Magnolia Larue Co KY
    -7 Mary Walters d 1853
    -8 Joseph Walters b 1815 d 1895 m Susan Cessna b 1816 d 1888
    -9 James Walters b 1810 Hardin KY d 1863 Larue
    -1-1 Susan Keith b 1816 d 1883 m Edmund Keith b 1811 d 1889
    -2-1 Henley Middleton Walters b 13 May 1830 Larue Co KY m Mary Emaline Bomar
    -8-1 Squire Walters b 1838 d 1923
    -8-2 Margaret Walters b 1843 d 1938 m1 George Thermon Wood b 28 Apr 1844 KY d 3 Mar 1915 Colorado m2 y Burrows
    -8-3 Elizabeth Walters b 1846 d 1872
    -8-4 Matilda Walters b 1848 d 1899
    -8-5 Mary Walters b 1851
    -8-6 Susan Walters b 1856 d 1925
    -8-7 Jo Walters b 11 Feb 1853 larue KY d 25 Jun 1890
    -1-1-1 Nannie Louisa Keith b 1842 Hodgerville KY d 10 Mar 1933 Frederick OK m John Kirkpatrick b 1830 d 1881
    -2-1-1 William Greenwood Walters b 26 June 1866 Larue County, KY m Ada Etta Guthrie
    -8-2-1 x Wood
    -8-2-2 Mary Wood b 26 Oct 1872 KY m Henry Jesse Like b 1872 AR d 1938

    -2-1-1-1 Ben Guthrie Walters b 19 February 1900 Highland, KS m Dolly Varden Shaw
    -8-2-2-1 Ora Like b 1902 d 1988 m Anna Portschy b 1901 d 1975
    -8-2-2-2 Ira Like b 1907 d 1970
    -8-2-2-3 xy Like
    -8-2-2-4 Isaac Like b 1895 d 1898
    -8-2-2-5 Jesse Like b 1901 d 1902
    -8-2-2-6 x Like b d 1914

    -8-2-2-1-1 Evelyn Like b 1925 d 2014 m Lloyd Flick b 1925 d 1996
    -8-2-2-1-2 y Like m Rulen Williams
    Wa8-8 Nancy WALTERS b 1772 Beeson's Town Union Co PA d 5 Oct 1800 Hardin KY
    m John SMITH
    Wa8-9 Sarah WALTERS b 1773 Beeson's Town m y BURROR
    Wa8-10 Lydia WALTERS b 1774 Beeson's Town m y MERRYMAND
    Wa8-11 Andrew WALTERS b 5 May 1779 Beeson's Town d 28 Oct 2855 Larue KY m1 Nancy ASHCRAFT m2 Sarah Bayne b 12 May 1789 Nelson Co KY d 3 Apr 1854 Larue KY dau of Thomas Bayne and elizabeth Jones grandau of Ebsworth Bayne b 1719 and susannah Middleton b Piscataway Pr Geo Co MD (from Laura Jones's tree - but shows his parents as Hans Conrad Walters b 9 Mar 1714 Nordheim Wuerttemberg d 1792 Nelson Co KY and Nancy Redman and grandparents as Hans Bernhard Walter b 13 Oct 1674 Hohenstein BW Germany and Anna Maria Kuriss b 6 Jun 1690 d 16 Jan 1728)
    -1 Hans Walters
    -2 Nancy Walters b 1809 d 1875 m James Redman b 1794 d 1887
    -3 Susan Walters b 1811 d 1829 m Richard Redman b 1806 d 1871
    -4 Barnabus Walters b 1808 d 1887 m Mary Walters ?m2 Lucy Brashear b 1820
    -5 Charley Walters b d 1813
    -6 Lydia Walters b 1814 d 1815
    -7 Mary Walters b 1816 d 1901 m Isaac Redman b 1811 d 1892 son of Richard Redman b St Marys MD d 1 Jan 1839 Saline Ralls Co MO and Elizabeth Brewer b 1774 St Marys City MD d 1817 Nelson Co KY (from Laura Jones's tree)
    -8 Grace Walters b 1820 d 1879 m Benjamin Duncan b 1808 d 1872
    -9 Martha Walters b 1822 m Lew Allen Brashear b 1821 d 1887
    -10 Sarah Walters b 1818 d 1875 m Jarret Duncan
    -11 Margaret Walters b 1828 d 1928 m John Keith
    -12 John Walters b 1826 d 1845
    -13 Lucretia Walters b 1830 d 1870 m James Ashcraft b 1823 d 1878

    -2-1 Martha Redman b 1849 d 1850
    -2-2 Richard Redman b 1841
    -2-3 Albin Redman b 1838 d 1908 m Harriet Friend b 1838 d 1908
    -2-4 Andrew Redman b 1836 d 1859
    -2-5 Susan Redman b 1850
    -2-6 William Redman b 1829 m Eliza Riggs m2 Susan Hagan
    -2-7 Mary Redman b 1844 d 1913 m Henry Martin b 1845 d 1909
    -2-8 Elizabeth Redman b 1827 d 1852 m David Thurman b 1821 d 1916
    -2-9 Sarah Redman b 1847 d 1868 m Henry Martin b 1845 d 1909
    -3-1 Sarah Redman b 1829 d 1888 m Thomas Walters b 1826 d 1925
    -4-1 x Walters
    -4-2 Sophronia Walters
    -4-3 Roxan Walters b 1848 d 1873 m Derssil Walling
    -4-4 John Walters b 1846 m Laura Hill d 1885
    -4-5 Lydia Walters
    -4-6 Andrew Walters b 1833 d 1900 m Parthenia Huss b 1831 d 1908
    -4-7 Grace Walters b 1836
    -4-8 William Walters b 1833 d 1900 m Victoria Woods b 1844 d 1913
    -4-9 Thomas Walters b 1839 m Sarah Offutt
    -4-10 James Walters b 1850 d 1936 m Martha Mauzey d 1944
    -7-1 Eliza Redman d 1862 m Alexander Cross d 1866
    -7-2 Lloyd Redman d 1915
    -7-3 Adeline Redman
    -7-4 Elizabeth Redman
    -7-5+ 4 sons Redman
    -8-1 JOhn Duncan b 1840 d 18833
    -8-2 Elizabeth Duncan m Robert Brown
    -8-3 Sarah Duncan b 1845 d 1883 m John Cline
    -8-4 Nancy Duncan d 1891 m Robert Foster
    -8-5 Zachariah Duncan d 1922 m Betty Thomas
    -8-6 Mary Duncan m William Butts
    -8-7 Mildred Duncan d 1881
    -8-8 James Duncan m Jennie Powell
    -9-1 Agnes Brashear
    -9-2 Margaret Brashear b 1855 d 1930
    -9-3 Andrew Brashear b 1858
    -11-1 Enos Keith b 1856 d 1905
    -11-2 Mary Keith b 1861 d 1913
    -11-3 Sarah Keith b 1854 d 1877
    -11-4 Amanda Keith b 1859 d 1922 m y Ragland
    -11-5 David Keith b 1850 d 1919 ?m Louisa Shipp b 1857 d 1890
    -13-1 John Ashcraft b 1859 d 1931
    -13-2 William Ashcraft b 1861 m Mary Thomas b 1862 d 1937

    -3-1-1 Robert Walters b 1849 d 1927
    -3-1-2 Joseph Walters b 1852 d 1909
    -3-1-3+ 5 ch Walters
    -3-1-8 Pleasant Walters b 1871 d 1933
    -3-1-9 Mary Walters b d 1852
    -4-6-1 Iasabelle Walters m James Henry Huss -5-2
    -?-?-1 one is a likely ancestor of Alison McManus Walters, author's DNA match
    -8-10-1 Andrew Duncan d 1843
    -8-10-2 Minervy Duncan b 1847 d 1855
    -8-10-3 Francis Duncan
    -8-10-4 Sarah Duncan
    -8-10-5 Grace Duncan b 1841
    -8-10-6 Zemalya Duncan m Julia Parnell
    -8-10-7 Cynthia Duncan b 1848
    -8-10-8 Lucretia Duncan
    -8-10-9 James Duncan b 1856 d 1928 m Thursa Tucker
    -8-10-10 Susan Duncan b 1859 d 1870

    -4-6-1-1 James Adam Huss b c 1890 m Mazie Turner dau of Tillman Turner and Nancy Fultz

    -4-6-1-1-1 William Huss b c 1915 m Margaret Onstott dau of Oliver Onstott and Anna Wynkoop grandau of William Onstott and Eliza Rhudy gr grandau of Peter Rhuday and Amanda Thompson parents of Janet Huss m y Beiner, author's DNA match
    Wa8-12 Sally Walters b 1785
    Wa8 Wa8 Catherine Walters b about 1772
    m ? Nelson Co Ky Hu8. Edward Huss b 1754 Chester Co PA d 1804 Ky
    Hu8-1 John Huss b PA d Pillips Fort Ky
    Hu8-2+ x, y Huss b PA
    others see below in the Huss tree:
    Jacob Walters b about 1684 Germany
    "Conrad WALTERS, age 17, arrived in Philadelphia, PA on 25 Sep 1732 on the ship "Loyall Judith" of London from Rotterdam; last from Cowes; Robert TURPIN, Master." Pennsylvania German Pioneers, Vol. II, by Ralph Beaver STRASSBURGER; Millerstown and Its People by Paul McCLURE.
    Andrew Redman Re10 of Loudon Co VA b about 1690


    Hu11? Göran Huss b c 1700 Sweden The match group of about 45 has a number of people with some Skandinavian ancestry as does Sheryl Bloom m Jackson
    Hu10-1?. Cecilia Göransdottir Huss b 20 Jul 1727 Finsta Torp Västernorrlan Sweden d 12 Mar 1764 Hangsta Torp Västernorrlan Sweden
    m Lars Olafson
    -1 Göran Larsson d 1836 m Kistin Palsdotter b 1748 d 1814 -1-1 Erik Göransson b 1790 d 1862 m Brita Olsdotter b 1790 -1-1-1 Erik Mans Eriksson Bergman b 1820 d 1875 m Rakel Carlsdotter b 1824 d 1888 -1-1-1-1 Brita Celina Bertha Bergman b 1849 Sweden d 16 Mar 1925 Cambridge Isanti Co MN m Erik Olof Jönsson Erickson b 1849 d 1932 son of Jons Eriksson b 1807 d 1883 and Anna Ingeborg Eriksdotter -1-1-1-1-1 Mathilda Erickson b 1878 m Lars Niclas Loman b 1856 son of Lars Abraham Loman und Gertrud Greta Jonsdotter -1-1-1-1-1-1 Hildegarde A Loman b 1908 m Wilbur W Bloom b 1906 d 1984 -1-1-1-1-1-1-1 James Bloom b 1935 d 2014 m x Rhodes dau of Lester Benjamin Rhodes b 1897 d 1976 m Miriam Emily Hageman b 1907 parents of Sheryl Bloom m Jackson, author's 31 cM D'NA' match with 11 cM segment on chr 6
    Hu10. y Huss b c 1730 ???Finsta Torp Västernorrlan Sweden d ?Chester Co PA
    Hu9. y Huss b 1754 Chester Co PA d 1804
    No Huss DNA Project has been started yet.
    Huss Patriarchs We need a male line descendant to volunteer for this project
    Hu8-1 John Huss b PA d Pillips Fort Ky
    Hu8-2+ x, y Huss b PA
    Hu8 Hu8. Edward Huss b 1754 Chester Co PA d 1804 Ky
    m ?Nelson Co Ky Wa8 Catherine Walters b about 1772
    +1 Jacob Walters b about 1715 Germany
    "Conrad WALTERS, age 17, arrived in Philadelphia, PA on 25 Sep 1732 on the ship "Loyall Judith" of London from Rotterdam; last from Cowes; Robert TURPIN, Master." Pennsylvania German Pioneers, Vol. II, by Ralph Beaver STRASSBURGER; Millerstown and Its People by Paul McCLURE. The Moravian Church affiliation of this Chester Co Pa family and the Frye and Levering families indicates that they were Hussite descendants, which would explain part of the author's 10 % Eastern European and East Med DNA.
    m Nancy Redman b 1716 ?Germany or dau of Andrew Redman Re10 of Loudon Co VA b c 1690. If she was the dau of Andrew Redman, then she is likely to have been of mixed English/native American descent.
    Hu7-1 Lydia Huss b 24 Feb 1784/8 Somerswet Pa d 1843 Hickman Co Ky
    m Taylor Baird/Bard b 1784 d 1836 Hickman Co KY
    -1 Samuel Bard b 18 Dec 1803 d 14 Apr 1888 m Catharine Holland BAIRD b 14 Jan 1807
    -2 William Baird/Bard
    -3 Felix Grundy Bard
    -4 Edward Baird/Bard
    -5 Mary Jane Baird m David B. GWYN (son of John GWYN and Mary BEARD) b 6 Nov 1821 died 3 Aug 1860 in Hickman Co
    -1-1 Taylor BARD b 20 Apr 1827 Hickman Fulton KY m 1 Feb 1851, in Fulton KY Mary Jane REED b 1830 d 1909 bur Palestine Church Cemetery
    -1-2 John Alexander BARD b. 6 Mar 1829, Hickman,Fulton,KY, m. Martha FARR, b. 11 Sep 1831, d. 28 Jun 1901, bur: ,Graves,KY. John bur Graves,KY bur Pleasant Hill Cemetery.
    -1-3 Caroline Elizabeth BARD b 1 Apr 1832 Hickman Fulton KY d 4 Jul 1893, bur Fulton KY Palestine Church Cem m. James BROWDER. C.
    -1-4 Lydia Jane BARD b 24 Mar 1834, Hickman, Fulton, KY, m. S. CRUTCHFIELD.
    -1-5 Thomas Jefferson BARD b. 23 May 1836.
    -1-6 Charles Wesley BARD b. 23 Jun 1838, Hickman, Fulton, KY, m Nancy Catherine TWIGG.
    -1-7 Mary Ann BARD b 2 Sep 1840 Hickman Fulton KY d 20 Dec 1917, San Marcos,,TX m D. O. ROBERTS.
    -1-8 Benjamin Franklin BARD b 18 Oct 1843 Hickman Fulton KY d Nov 1922, Madisonville,,TX m 21 Jan 1866, Fannie CRAIG .
    -1-9 William Samuel BARD b 3 Jun 1846, Hickman,Fulton KY d 2 Jun 1914 Sherman TX m Adgy T. STOKES
    -1-10 Felix Grundy BARD b. 18 May 1848 Hickman Fulton KY, d. 3 Oct 1862 KY, bu Graves KY. Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Unm
    -5-1 Lydia Jane Gwyn b. 1 Nov 1849 d. 20 Mar 1884, bur Mt. Moriah Cem. KY. m. John "Ad" NALL on 5 Oct 1867.
    -5-2 Frances Leammie Gwyn b 23 Sept 1850 Hickman Co. KY m. Jim ADAMS.
    -5-3 John Samuel Gwyn b 1851 m Alzetia WOODWARD on 13 Jan 1879 m2 Annie STALLINGS
    -5-4 Julia C. Gwyn b 23 Nov 1856 d. 25 Feb 1938 bur Wesley Cem. Hickman Co. KY. m Stull HARDIN.
    -5-5 Mary E. Gwyn b 26 Jan 1859 d. 24 May 1900 bur Little Bethel Cem. Graves Co. KY m 7 Nov 1878 to Francis "Frank" CAMPBELL b. 24 May 1845, d. 12 Aug 1924

    -1-9-1 Caroline/Callie Bard b 1867 d 28 Mar 1948 Witchita Falls Tx m John earl Pittman

    -1-9-1-1 Laureena (Rena) Pittman 1885 - 1958
    -1-9-1-2 Charles Lee Pittman 1893 - 1974
    Hu7 Richard Huss b 5 Mar 1779 Md d 3 Jan 1849 Shelby Co Ky
    m Mary Sill
    +1 James Sill b 1747 Edgemont PA, Chester Co, d by 1809 Shelby Co KY aged 62 years (This Sill/Register marriage and the one between Hi7-12-6 James Highsmith m Margaret REGISTER s.a. indicate some contact or closeness between the Huss and Harris families. )
    m Lydia Register b c 1750 Pa
    +2 James Sill, jr b 1726 Edgemont Chester Co PA d 09/1798
    m 1744 Chester Co PA Sarah Sill b 1728 Delware Co PA d 09/1797 Edgemont Chester/Delaware Co PA
    +3 James Sill b 1694 d 15 Apr 1774
    m Anne Baker b 18 Aug 1703 d Jul 1796
    +4 John Sill b 1676 Accomack Co Va d Chester Co PA
    m Sarah Kellam b c 1680 Marionville Northampton Co Va
    +4 Joseph John Baker, jr b 11 Dec 1674 Shropshire Engl d 1684 Chester Co PA
    m Martha Woodward b 31 Jan 1677 Engl d 13 Dec 1775 Chester Co PA
    +5 Richard Kellam II Ke12 b c 1651 d 6 Apr 1731 son of
    m Frances West b c 1655 d c 1731 Wachapreague Accomack Co
    +5 John Joseph Baker Sr b 16 May 1624 d 1693/?1728
    m Fraqnces Stephenson b 1630 br>+5 Richard Woodward b 1636 d 1^706
    m Jane Petty Nyle b 1646 d 1714
    +6 Richard Kellam Sr
    m Sarah Ansley
    +6 John West b 7 Apr 1638 England d c 1703 Accomack Co
    m Matilda Scarburgh Sc13 b c 1637 Accomack Co d c 3 Jan 1720 Accomack Co
    +6 Andrew Baker
    +7 Anthony West b 1605 England d 25 May 1652 d Northampton Co Va
    Hu6 Levicy Huss b 21 Feb1800d 16 Apr 1842 Shelby Co Ky
    m Ja6 Jacob Jamison b Shelby Co Ky 1800/2 d 1859 Guist Creek Shelby Co Ky son of:
    He m1 Joanna Burk 1825
    Abraham Jamison Ja7 b about 1760 d 1843 in Shelby Co Ky
    m Christina Frye Fr7 b about 1777 in Pa
    +1 Ja8 Abraham? Jamison b about 1735
    +1 Fr8 Jacob Frye b c 1726 Perkiomen, Philadelphia Co Pa d 1808 Frederick Co VA
    m 1752 Molly x d aft 1805
    Ja5-1 Sarah Catharine Jamison b 2 Nov 1828 Shelby Co Ky d 6 Jul 1872
    m 1849 Jacob Blegenstopher b 1811 d 1880
    -1 Sallie Stopher b 23 Jan 1870 Shelby Co d there 4 Jan 1944 m Samuel Kerr b 1858 d 1935
    -2 Louis Stopher b 1850
    -3 xy
    -4 Salina Blegenstopher b 1861 d 1886
    -5 Wallace Stopher m 1863 d 1947 m Sophia
    -6 Alice Stopher b 1861 d 1907 m James Neel b 1851 d 1927
    -1-1 Edward Kerr b 1900 d 1976 m Roxie Oliver b 1901 d 1976
    -1-2 Martha Kerr b 1892 d 1920
    -1-3 Alma Kerr b 1898 d 1938 m Frank Connor b 1893 d 1960
    -1-4 Louise Kerr b 1894 Shelby Co KY d 1990 m2 Jesse Johnson b 1890 d 1975
    -5-1 Stanley Stopher d 1980 m susie d 1972
    -6-1 Willie Neel b 1892 d 1978
    -6-2 Grace Neel b 1890
    -6-3 Ruby Neel b 1887
    -1-1-1 x Kerr m1 Noble McIlree b 1926 d 1977 m2 John McGee b 1931 d 2011
    -1-1-1-1 Edward McGee author's DNA match
    -1-3-1 Robert Conner b 1917 d 2003
    -1-3-2 David Conner b 1922 d 1973
    -1-3-3 Sarah Conner b 1919 d 2003
    Ja5 Martha Ann Jamison 1829-?
    m 1844 Harvey Harris Ha5 1814-1899
    Ha4 Levicy Jane Harris b 3 Apr 1845 d 1925
    m Thomas Pope Bland
    Bl3-1 Martha Elizabeth BLAND b 18 DEC 1861 in Shelby Co Ky
    Bl3-2 William Leland BLAND b 15 MAR 1863 in Kentucky
    Bl3 Thomas Eugene BLAND b 13 JUL 1864 n Bagdad, Shelby Co KY
    Bl3-4 Lewellyn BLAND b ABT 1867
    Bl3-5 Sarah Prudence BLAND about 1866
    Bl3-6 John Henry Bland b 2 Mar 1870
    Bl3-7 Mary Beatrice BLAND b 2 Feb 1878
    Bl3-8 Harvey Erwin Bland b 15 Feb 1885
    Ja5-3 Henry C. Jamison b Shelby Co Ky 1828/?32-?
    m 1853 Mary P/?S. Bland/?k 1835-? + 13 ch dau of Thomas Pope Bland and Elizabeth Jennings Duncan
    -1 Felicia C Jamison b 23 Aug 1855
    -2 Mary Bell Jamison b 14 Mar 1856 Shelby Co Ky m Jesse Cannon
    -3 Elizabeth A Jamison b 10 Oct 1857 in Shelby Co
    -4 Sarah P Jamison b 1859 Shelby Co
    -5 Martha Prudence Jamison b 10 Sep 1860 Shelby Co
    -6 Clarence B Jamison b 30 Jul 1861 Shelby Co
    -7 William Jamison b 1864
    -8 Florence Jamison b 1866
    -9 Addie Jamison b 1868
    -10 Victoria Jamison b 1869
    -11 Judy Jamison b 1872
    -12 Gertrude Jamison b 1874 Shelby Co d 31 Dec 1874
    -13 Luacin Jamison b 1875 d 31 Jul 1876
    Eliza F. Jamison b Shelby Co Ky 1833 m 1859 ___ Travis ?-?
    Mary C. Jamison b Shelby Co Ky 1834-? m 1854 Joseph Mathews ?-?
    Amanda E. Jamison 1840-1909 m 1857 Levi Jennings 1831-1878
    Hu6-2 Martha A Huss b c 1801 ?Shelby Co Ky
    m Samuel S Mongomery.
    Hu6-3 Sarah Huss b c 1802 ?Shelby Co Ky
    m David Fry
    Hu6-4 Ann Nancy Huss b 1801 Shelby Co Ky d 1880
    m Elisha Kinney possible bro of
    -b Silas Kinney b 1817 NC d 1897 Marshall Co KY m Hanner Riley
    -b-1 George W Kinney m Susan Caroline Liles
    -b-1-1 Mathe Kinney b 16 Apr 1882 Marshall Co KY d 20 Oct 1968 Paducah KY m Estil E Tyree
    +1? Benjamin Franklin Kinney b 1781 NC d 1825 Davidson NC
    m L Merrill
    +2 William I Kinney b 13 Dec 1733 Scotland d 1824 Davidson Co NC
    m Sallie Parks b 1750 SC
    +3 Thomas Kinney b Norfolk Engl
    Hu6-5 Adam Huss b 1804 Shelby Co Ky d 1869
    m Elizabeth Fry d 1850
    -1 Cynthia A Huss b 1829 d 1 May 1853 Shelby Co Ky
    -2 Mary Huss b 1832
    -3 Mary C Huss b 1834
    -4 Adam Huss b 1838
    -5 Emeline Huss b 1841
    -6 Benjamin Huss b 1843
    Hu6-6 James W Huss b 25 Mar 1809 Shelby Co Ky d 22 Jan 1871 Shelby Co Ky
    m1 Luziann Perry
    m2 Harriet Perry d 1853 + 2 ch
    -1 William J Huss
    -2 Austin F Huss
    Hu6-7 Catherine Huss b 1813
    Hu6-8 William L Huss b 1817 KY d 1880
    m1 Martha Tinsley + 8 ch
    m2 Sallie E Gibbon + 1 ch Sallie E Gibbons b 1829 dau of Isaac Gibbons
    m3 Eliza J Parker
    -1 Mary Huss
    -2 James Huss
    -3 R Huss
    -4 Sarah Huss
    -5 Thomas Huss
    -6 W Huss
    -7 Robert H Huss
    -8 William Huss
    -9 Joseph W Huss b 1 Mar 1853 KY m Mary A Thompson b 1 May 1859 Shelby Co KY dau of William Thompson (son of David Thompson) and Elizabeth Griffin

    -9-1 Beebe Huss b 26 Oct 1878 Clayville KY d 1945 18 Mar 1945 m Mary Dorsey b 30 Apr 1879 KY d 1968 Cameron OK dau of y Dorsey
    -9-2 Bonner Huss b 1883
    -9-3 Homer Huss b 1888
    -9-4 Elna Huss b 1896

    -9-1-1 Etta Huss b 1902 d 1982 m Lester Young Crow b 1895 Homer Banks Co GA d 1980 Kern CA + 4 ch
    -9-1-2 Robena Huss b 11 Jul 1907 Louisville KY d 1988 Cameron ok m1 James Oliver Smith b 1907 d 1972 m2 Frederick Acree
    -9-1-3 Arthur Neebe Huss b 1913 d 1976 m Gaitha Bryant b 1912 d 2005
    -9-1-4 Garther Huss b 1914 d 1998 m Grace R Stankewitz

    -9-1-2-1 L B Smith b 1930 d 1996 m Arlene Grace Chilson parents of Chris Smith, author's 61 cM DNA match with 32 cM segment on chr 3
    Hu6-9 John A Huss
    Hu7-3 Jane Huss b 1780/?96 d 1860
    m Thomas Taylor Owsley b 1776 MD d 1860 Hickman Co KY son of Henry Bodine Owsley b c 1750 Fairfax Co VA d Lincoln Co KY and Winfred Taylor grandson of Thomas Owsley b 1731 and Mary Middleton
    -1 William Augustus Owsley b 25 Dec 1832 Clinton Hickman Co Ky d there 5 Jun 1871
    m Julia F Ringo b 1833 d 1880
    -2 Mary C Owsley b 1833
    -3 Joseph H Owsley b 1841
    -4 Elizabeth Owsley b 1845
    -5 Caroline Owsley b 1847
    -6 Amanda Owsley
    -1-1 Mason Thaddeus Owsley
    -1-2 Mary Ellen Owsley
    -1-3 Emily Jane Owsley
    -1-4 Anna Belle Owsley b 1860 Hickman Co KY d Birch Tree Shannon Co MO m John Franklin Finch b 1856 Hickman Co KY
    -1-5 Joseph Henry Owsley
    -1-6 James Owsley
    -1-7 William Petite Owsley

    -1-4-1 Willis Jarrett Finch b 1878 Hickman Co KY d 1974 m Klugh E Morris b Rector Clay AR d 1971
    -1-4-2 Elmer Lacey Finch b 1880 Fulton KY d Doniphan MOm Emma Marie Johnson b 1890 Knox IN
    -1-4-3 John William Finch b 1882 Hickman Co KY d Birch Tree m Myrtle Carson b Carrier Mills Saline Co IL d Birch Tree
    -1-4-4 Clinton Finch b 1884 d Corona Riverside CA
    -1-4-5 Olive Belle Finch b 1886 Hickman Co d Birch Tree m William Harvey Edwards b Hardy Sharp Co AR
    -1-4-6 Cecil Mack Finch b 1887 Hickman Co KY d Doniphan m Ruth Elizabeth Herriff b Doniphan Ripley Co Mo d there
    -1-4-7 Jessie Frances Finch b 1889 Hickmand Co KY d Birch Tree Mo m Dale Kirkendall b 28 Oct 1887 Nevada Story Iowa d 4 Mar 1971 Birch Tree
    -1-4-8 Etna Duluth Finch b Campbell Dunkin Co Mo d Doniphen Ripley Co Mo m?1 Samuel E Dowdy b 1889 d Rector Clay Co AR m?2 Luther P Tinsley b 1891 Mo
    -1-4-9 Leta Mae Finch b Bernie Stoddard MO d 1945 m Otto Jackson Dunn b 1895 d 1972

    -1-4-1-1 Mary Faye Finch b 1909 d Rector Clay Co AR
    -1-4-2-1 Xetah May Finch m Joseph Earl Baumgardner
    -1-4-2-2Martha Marie Finch m y
    -1-4-2-3+ two x m y
    -1-4-3-1 Earl Paey Finch m Mary Alice Peavler
    -1-4-3-2 Paul Bernice Finch b 1908 Stoddard MO d MO m x
    -1-4-3Elmer Dale Finch b Bernie MO m Georgia Amelia Hannah b Burlington coffey Co KA
    -1-4-4-1 Vivien Louise Finch b Rector Clay Co AR d 1996 m1 y m2 y
    -1-4-4-2+ two x m y
    -1-4-5-1 x Edwards m Ray Arthur Holste
    -1-4-5-2 x Edwards m Ellis H McCallister
    -1-4-5-3 Ruth Charlene Edwads m y
    -1-4-5-4 John Harvey Edwards m Ruy Lee Powell
    -1-4-5-5 Jack Edwards m x
    -1-4-5-6 Joe Edwards m Dorothy Martin
    -1-4-5-7 Mary Alice Edwards
    -1-4-7-1 xy Kirkendall
    -1-4-7-2 x Kirkendall m Harry Philip Grabiel
    -1-4-7-3 xy Kirkendall
    -1-4-7-4 x Kirkendall m Gardner C Duman b Cheboygan MI
    -1-4-8-1 Mary Frances Dowdy m Carl Z Lawrence d Lexington KY
    -1-4-8-2 Annabelle Dowdy m Henry Roger Spencer
    -1-4-8-3 Sam Gene dowdy m Uvaldy Cantrell
    -1-4-8-4 xy Dowdy m Marian Johns Chilton
    Hu7-4 Ann Huss b 2 Apr 1781 d 1 Aug 1800
    m Adam Sill
    Hu7-5 Lydia Huss possible the Leasey Huss who m 19 Mar 1795 Benjamin Applegate in Shelby Co Ky
    Hu7-6 Sarah Huss b 1777 d 2 Mar 1875 Larue Ky
    m Charles Friend b 1777 PA d 1844 Larue Co KY
    -1 John Friend
    -2 Lydia Friend
    -3 Matilda Friend b 1822 d Larue Co KY m William Kirkpatrick Morrison b 1818 KY d Hodgensville KY 1894
    -4 Richard E Friend
    -5 Fielding Friend
    -6 Catherine Friend
    -7 Robert Friend
    -8 Eliza Friend
    -9 Harriet Friend
    -10 Cynthia Friend

    -3-1 Allis Morrison b 1847 d 1850
    -3-2 Charles W Morrison b 1848 d 1895
    -3-oscar Morrison b 1851 d 1934
    -3-4 Anna Morrison b 1854 d 1875
    -3-5 Thomas Morrison b 1867
    -3-6 Sudie Morrison b 1860 d 1933
    -3-7 Julia E Morrison b 1863 d 1935
    -3-8 Harriet Morrison b 1850 d 1851
    Hu7-7 Catherine Huss b 14 May 1789 Pa d 1823 Larue Ky
    m George Brownfield
    -1 Calvin Brownfield
    -2 Henry Brownfield
    -3 Mary Brownfield
    Hu7-8 John Huss b 29 Nov 1791 Ky d 1865 Larue Ky
    m Ellander Pannepecker/Pennebaker b KY b 20 Jul 1790 KY d 1880 Larue KY dau of Weiant Pennebaker b 1763 Upper Hanover Twp Montgomery Co PA d 1850 KY and Precious Ruby b 1767 d 1834 grandau of Weiant Pennebaker b 1715 d 1795 and Neeltje Sellen b 1725 d 1767
    -1 Charles F Huss
    -2 Amanda Melvina Huss
    -3 William Huss
    -4 Nancy Huss b 1819 m Richard Brashear b 9 Aug 1814 Hardin KY son of Eden Brashear and Priscilla Gilliland
    -5 Wyan/Wyant Pennybaker Huss b 1821 KY m Susan Ann Jones b 1825
    -6 Parthenia Huss m Andrew Walters son of Barnabus Walters b 1808 d 1887 and Mary Nancy Walters

    -5-1 Lizzie Huss b 1861
    -5-2 James Henry Huss b c 1865 m Iasabelle Walters dau of Andrew Walters and Parthenia Huss -6-1 b 1831 d 1908
    -6-1 Isabelle Walters m James Henry Huss -5-2
    -5-2-1 James Adam Huss b c 1890 m Mazie Turner dau of Tillman Turner and Nancy Fultz
    -5-2-1-1 William Huss b c 1915 m Margaret Onstott dau of Oliver Onstott and Anna Wynkoop grandau of William Onstott and Eliza Rhudy gr grandau of Peter Rhuday and Amanda Thompson parents of Janet Huss m y Beiner, author's DNA match
    Hu7-9 Conrad Huss b 3 Jan 1799 Shelby Co Ky d 6 Nov 1843
    m Elizabeth Pennebaker
    -1 Mary Jane Huss
    -2 William Huss
    -3 Catherine Huss
    -4 Findley Huss m1 Anna Hibbs m2 Laura Adeline Ray b KY d 1815 Hickman Co KY

    -4-1 McDonald Huss b 1854 Hickman Co KY d there 1859
    -4-2 Finley Huss Jr d 1869
    -4-3 George E Huss b 1858 Hickman Co KY d 1860
    -4-4 Sydney Huss b 1861 Hickman Co
    -4-5 Cordelia E Huss b 26 Jul 1856 Hickman Co KY d 1 Jan 1860
    -4-6 Sam C Huss
    -4-7 Adela Cordelia Huss
    -4-8 Adolphus D Huss b 7 Mar 1871 Hickman KY d 1938 Crittenden AR m Martha Blaylock b 1873 d 1928

    -4-8-1 Lela Huss b 1900 Obion Co TN d 1986 Parkin Cross AR m Crafton West b 1901 Pike IN d 1963
    -4-8-1-1 x West m Roland Thompson b 1915 d 1999
    -4-8-2 Ira Lee Huss b 1909 TN d 1991 m Annis Lois Payne b 1915 Corinth Alcorn Co MS d 1988 Craighead AR
    -4-8-3 Russell Huss b 1914 Fulton KY d 1973 Memphis TN
    -4-8-4 Vester Huss b 1898 Obion TN d 1971 Walls Desoto Co MS
    -4-8-5 Adaline Huss b 1895 TN d 1921/?71 Tyronza AR m William Vaughn d Chandler Heights AZ + 4 ch
    -4-8-6 Charlie Huss b 1906 TN d 1978 Harrisburg AR m + 3 ch

    Sill of Chester Co Pennsylvania

    Si13. William Sill b c 1650 d 1728
    m Esther Colonna b c 1655 dau of Owen Colonna d 1693 (This is a maternal branch of the author's double Willoughby descent.)
    Si12. Gowen Sill m Christian x
    Si12-2 Elizabeth Sill b 1702 m1 William Jenkins b 1800 d 1751 m2 John Martin
    Si12-2-1 John Jenkins b 1725
    Sill DNA Project not started yet
    Sill Patriarchs "
    Si11. John Sill b 1676 Accomack Co VA d 03/27/1752 Chester Co PA
    m Sarah Kellam b c 1680 Marionville Northampton Co VA dau of
    +1 Richard Kellam Jr b abt 1651 VA, Northampton Co, Marionville d 04/06/1731 VA, Northampton Co, Marionville
    Frances West b c 1655 d c 1731 Wachapreague Accomack Co Va
    +2 Richard Kellamb 1619 d 1703 Accomack Co Va
    m Sarah Ansley
    +2 Col. John West b 7 Apr 1638 d abt 1703 VA, Accomack Co
    m Matilda Scarburgh b abt 1637 VA, Accomack Co d c 3 Jan 1720 Accomack Co VA
    -a Hannah Scarborough
    -b Tabitha Scarborough m Hill
    -d Littleton Scarborough
    -e Henry Scarborough
    -f Edmund Scarborough
    +3 b 2 OCT 1617 England, Middlesex, London d 23 MAY 1671 VA, Accomack Co, Onancock bro of Sir Charles Scarborough, was the private physician to King Charles II, King James II, and William and Mary of England.
    Mary Littleton b 1619 Accomack Co Va d 15 DEC 1691 Accomack Co
    -a Nathaniel Littleton
    +4 Sir Edward Littleton b 10 Jun 1562 Munslow Rushbury Shropshire
    m 9 Apr 1588 in Ludlow Mary Walter
    +5 John Littleton b c 1528 d 30 Nov 1560 Munslow
    m Alice Thornes
    +6 Thomas Littleton b 1460 Spechley Worcestershire
    m Anne Botreaux
    +7 Sir Thomas Littleton KB b 1421 Frankley Worcestershire d 23 Aug 1481 Frankley
    m Joan Burley
    Si16? possibly related to the Sill family below was:
    John Sell b c 1450hertfordshire d 31 Mar 1502 Great Hadham Hertford
    m Agnes b c 1452 Hertfordshire d 1502 Great Hadham
    Si15 John Sell b c 1580 Ware Hertford d 18 Oct 1529 Great Hadham
    m?1 Joan x b c 1482 d by Oct 1529 + 3 ch
    m?2 Agnes x b c 1485
    Si14-1 John Sell b c 1505 d 22 June 1574
    m x
    Si14-3 Joan Sell b c 1512 d c 1573
    m y Mannynge
    Si14 Simon Sell b c 1510 Hertfordshire d 4 Sep 1559
    m Elizabeth x d 1559
    Si13-1 William Sell b c 1530 Great Munden Hertford d there 17 Jan 1621
    m?3 Agnes x b 1632 Hertfordshire d 1596 Great Munden + 1 ch
    m?2 Alice Gardner
    m?1 Christian Gammage
    -1 Susan Sell b 1560 Roxton Bedford d 1619 m Luke Cilde -1-1 Thomas Robert Childe b 1588 Roxton d 1619 m Jane Boot b 1590 d 1610
    Si13-2 John Sell
    Si13-3 Ellen Sell
    Si13 William Sell b c 1550
    m Ame Wright b c 1549
    Si12 Thomas Sill b 1590 d 1638
    m Agnes Holmes b 1590 d 1633
    Si11 John Sill b 1610 Newcastle-upon-Tyne d c 1653 Cambridge MDX MA
    m Johanna Banning Fillbrook b c 1612 Newcastle d Oct 1671 Cambridge MA dau of Robert Fillbrook and Sarah Banning
    Si10-1 Elizabeth Sill
    m Hicks
    Si10 Captain Joseph Sill b 1636 Newcastle-upon-Tyne d 6 Aug 1696 Lyme CT
    m1 Jemima Belcher b by 5 Apr 1642 Sudbury d 4 Feb 1675 Cambridge MA + 5 ch
    m2 Sarah Clark b 18 Feb 1644 Milford CT d 1 Feb 1716 Lyme MA + 2 ch wid of Lt Reinold Marvin
    -a John Marvin
    -b Capt. Reinold Marvin
    -c Deacon Samuel Marvin
    -d Sarah Marvin m Beckwith
    -e Mary Marvin b 16 Oct 1666 Lyme MA d 16 Oct 1744 m1 Deacon Richard Ely of Lyme m2 Daniel Sterling/Starling
    Si9-1 Andrew Sill b 5 Fewb 1665 Cambridge MA d y
    Si9-2 Jemima Syll b 21 Sep 1667 Cambridge MA d 12 Dec 1712 Medford MA
    m Capt John Hall
    -1 Capt. John Hall of Medford
    -2 William Hall
    -3 Elizabeth Hall
    -4 Hon. Andrew Hall, Sr b 1698 Medfaord MA d 22 Jun 1750 m Abigail Walker b 21 Aug 1703 Woburn MA d 1785 dau of Rev Timithy Walker and Elizabeth Hall
    -5 Jemima Hall b 1700 m Zachariah Alden
    -6 Joseph Hall b 1702
    -7 Stephen Hall b 1704
    -8 Martha Hall b 1706 m Joitham Tuttle and had

    -4-1 Andrew Hall, Jr
    -4-2 Benjamin Hall
    -4-3 Abigail Hall m Fitch
    -4-4 Sarah Hall
    -4-5 Captain James Hall
    -4-6 Anna Hall m Brooks
    -4-7 Richard Hall
    -4-8 Isaac Hall
    -4-8 Josiah Hall
    -4-9 Hon. Ebenezer Hall b 1748 d 1835 m Martha Jones
    -4-10 Enoch Hall b 1749 d y
    -4-11 James Hall b 1727 d y
    -4-12 Josiah Hall b 11 Jan 1741 d y
    -8-1 Simon Tuttle

    -4-9-1 Andrew Hall
    -4-9-2 Ephraim Hall
    -4-9-3 Lucy Hall m Bradlee
    -4-9-4 Isaac Hall
    Si9-3 Joseph Sill
    Si9-4 Elizabeth Sill
    m Green
    Si9-5 Thomas Sill
    Si9-6 Joseph Sill b 6 Jan 1678 Lyme CT d there 10 Oct 1765
    m?1 Phebe Lord b 1688 d 4 Jan 1774 + ch
    m?2 Elizabeth
    -1 Lucy Sill
    -2 Elizabeth Hubbard
    -3 Lieut John Sill
    -4 Phebe Murdock
    -5 Joseph Sill
    -6 Thomas Sill
    -7 Lucy Lord Niles
    -8 Capt Richard Sill
    -9 Jabez Sill
    -10 Rev Elijah Sill
    -11 Sarah Hubbard
    -12 Elisha Sill
    Si9-7 Zachariah Sill b 1 Jan 1686 Lyme CT d 1696 dau of Lt Richard Lord and Elizabeth
    Elizabeth Mather
    -1 Zachariah Sill
    -2 Andrew Sill
    -3 Sarah Sill
    -4 Elizabeth Sill
    -5 Joanna Sill
    Si10-3 Judith Sill b 1648 Cambridge MA d 22 Feb 1715 Concord MA
    m Abraham Shepard of Malden
    -1 Sarah Shepard m1 Hartwell m2 Goble
    -2 Abraham Shepard
    -3 Judith Shepard m Pettibone
    -4 Hephzibah Shepard
    -5 Thankful Shepard m Pettibone
    -6 Mary Shepard
    -7 Hannah Shepard m Rugg
    Si13-3 Elizabeth Sell b by 1559/td>
    Si13-5 Joan Sell b by 1559
    Si10 of no established relation to the above was:
    James Sill b 1694 Chester Co PA d 15 Apr 1774 Delaware Co PA served in the French and Indian War.
    m Anne Baker b 18 Aug 1703 Quaker Delaware Co PA d Jul 1796 bur Middletown Chester Co PA 16 Jul 1796 PA Friends Cem dau of
    +1 Joseph John Baker jr. b 11 Dec 1674 England, Shropshire Immigrate 1684 to PA d 01/17/1736 PA, Chester Co Grave PA Chester Co
    m Martha Woodward b 31 Jan 1677 England d 13 Dec 1775 Chester Co PA
    -a Robert James Baker b 1658 MA, Suffolk Co, Boston d 09/19/1728 m Susannah Packer
    -c Sarah Baker b 1681 PA, Chester Co
    -d John Baker b 12/11/1686 PA, Delaware Co
    +2 Joseph John Baker, Sr b 5/16/1624 Shropshire d 1693/?1728 (he is also shown as John who married Mary x son of John Baker of Edgmont Shropshire d 25 Apr 1672 Engl and grandson of Richard Baker m Margaret Mainwaring
    m France Stephenson b 1630 Shropshire
    +3 Richard Baker (also shown as Andrew Baker b 1604 Bucks c 1650 Boston MA)
    m Margaret Mainwaring
    +4 George Mainwaring b c 1580
    Si9-1 Mary Sill b 1725 Edgemont Chester Co PA
    m William Morris b abt 1723 Edgemont Chester Co PA d abt 1750 Aged: 27 years
    -1 Richard Morris b c 1745 Willistown Chester Co,
    Si9 James Sill Jr b 1726 Edgemont Chester Co PA d 09/1798 Chester Co Pa Grave 09/25/1798 PA, Chester Co, Middletown, Friends Cem Aged: 72.7 years
    m 1744 Edgemont Chester Co PA Sarah Sill b 1725 Edgemont Chester Co PA d 09/1797 Chester Co Grave Middletown Chester Co Friends Cem
    Si8-1 Aaron Sill b 1745 Edgemont Chester Co,
    m Hannah Baugh b abt 1750 PA
    Si8 James Sill b 1747 Edgemont Chester Co, d 1809 Shelby Co KY aged 62 years
    m Lydia Register b c 1750 Pa dau of David Register b c 1725
    Si7-1 Adam Sill b bef 1778 PA d c 10/1817 Shelby Co KY Pvt War of 1812
    m1 26 Mar 1796 in Shelby Co Ky Ann Huss
    m2 17 Aug 1800 Shelby Co Ky Ascenath/Asenath Wright b in shelby Co KY
    -1 William SILL b 9 AUG 1801 in Shelby Co KY d about 1841 in Monticello White Co IN m 22 NOV 1822 in Shelby Co Elizabeth MARTIN b 16 MAR 1803 in Shelby Co KY d 4 Sep 1882 Monticello White Co IN dau of Moses Martin b VA
    -2 Elizabeth SILL b c 1804 in KY d 1875 Sullivan Co IN m1 Ebenezer Smith b c 1798 KY m2 26 Dec 1826 Shelby Co KY Eli Hoggatt b c 1797 NC
    -3 Hannah W. SILL
    -4 James SILL m Ann x
    -5 Aseneth SILL
    -6 George SILL
    -7 Harriet SILL m 28 Jun 1860 Washhhington Co IL Henry Gibbons
    -8 Hannah W Sill m James Smith
    -9 Eleanora Sill b 1810 KY d 02/02/1838 Washington Co In m Bennett Peyton b 1808 KY, Casey Co d 1895 KY, Casey Co Grave Casey Co, Peyton Reynolds Creek
    -1-1. Miranda J. SILL m James C Reynolds
    -1-2 Robert W. SILL b Abt 1826 in KY
    -1-3 Milton M. SILL b 20 MAY 1833 in Tippecanoe Co IN m 13 DEC 1859 in White Co IN Mary MCCONAHAY d 10 Oct 1873
    -1-4 Georgiana SILL b c 1836 m y Jones
    -2-1 Lydia Frances HOGGATT b 19 DEC 1826 in KY d 19 Jul 1913 Salem Washington Co INm 14 Nov 1847 Salem Owen Co IN George W launis
    -2-2 Stephannus HOGGATT b 26 OCT 1827 in Shelby Co KY m 6 Sep 1850 Salem Owen Co IN Armelda Hughes
    -2-3 Register HOGGATT b 19 MAY 1830 in Salem Washington Co IN d 4 Jan 1906 KS m 18 Dec 1855 Salem Owen Co IN Mary Polly Miller
    -2-4 Joseph P. HOGGATT b 1833 in Salem Washington Co IN d 5 May 1898 Salem Washington Co IN m 7 Jul 1867 Salem Washington Co IN Mary Elizabeth Fultz b 1834
    -2-5 Commodore P. HOGGATT b 1842 in Salem Washington Co IN m 26 Aug 1869 Salem Owen Co IN Olive Fields
    -2-6 Isaiah HOGGATT b 14 JUN 1844 in Salem Washington Co IN d 30 Jul 1913 Hymera Curry Twp Sullivan Co INm 6 Jun 1868 Terre Haute Vigo Co IN Sarah Agnes Railsback
    -2-7 Hester Asenith HOGGATT b 1847 in Salem Washington Co IN

    -1-3-1 George SILL
    -1-3-2 Charles SILL
    -1-3-3 Bertha SILL
    -1-3-4 Nina SILL
    -1-3-5 William SILL
    -1-3-6 Edward SILL
    -2-4-1 Henry S. HOGGATT b 1870 in Salem Washington Co IN m 2 Mar 1897 Salem Washington Co IN Elizabeth B Hardin
    -2-4-2 Cora A. HOGGATT b 1872 in Salem Washington Co IN m 6 Jun 1900 Salem Washington Co IN Jacob M Smith
    Si7 Mary Sill b 1780 d 1856 Shelby Co Ky
    m 8 Oct 1798 Shelby Co Ky Richard Huss b 5 Mar 1779 Md d 3 Jan 1849 Shelby Co Ky
    -1 Levicy Huss b 1800d 16 Apr 1842 Shelby Co Ky m 8 Oct 1798 Shelby Co KY Jacob Jamison Ja6 b Shelby Co Ky 1800/2 d 1859 Guist Creek Shelby Co Ky son of Abraham Jamison Ja7 b c 1760 d 1843 in Shelby Co Ky and Christina Frye Fr7 b about 1777 in Pa
    -2 Ann Huss b abt 1801 KY m Elisha Kinney b 1784 NY d 1850 Shelby Co Ky
    -3 Sarah Huss b c 1806 KY m David Fry
    -4 Martha A Huss b c 1816 KY m Samuel S Montgomery
    -5 William L Huss b c 1817 KY m Martha Tinsley
    -1-1 Ja5 Martha Ann Jamison 1829-? m 1844 Harvey Harris Ha5 1814-1899
    Si7-3 Register Sill b 1771/80 PA, Chester Co d c 1854 Howard Twp Washington Co IN
    m Nancy "Ann" Hollis b 1785 PA d by 1859 Washington Co IN dau of John Hollis and Hannah Sill
    -1 Elizabeth Sill b 1806 1880 Shelby Co Ky m Eli Hoggatt
    -2 Lydia Sill b 1807/8 Shelby Co d 08/09/1889 Salem Twp Washington Co IN m James Cook b c 1781 VA
    -3 Nancy Sill b 1812 Shelby Co d 04/05/1859 m John Shephard Rogers
    -4 Sarah "Sallie" Sill b 09/13/1818 Shelby Co d 03/11/1908 m2 7 Jan 1835 Washington C0 IN William Sherrow m1 Levi Copple m3 Elisha Wood
    -5 Acenith Sill b 9/29/1819 Shelby Co d 05/05/1903 m 8 May 1931 Owen Co IN William S/?J Miller b c 1806 NC he m1 Elizabeth Winkler + 4 ch m2 Tabitha Sherwood
    -6 Commodore Perry Sill b 1822 Shelby Co KY d 02/03/1877 m 26 Dec 1842 Washington Co INSarah Ellen "Sally" Beard/Baird b 6 Nov 1820 TN
    -7 Eli Evans Sill b 6/12/1830 IN, Owen Co d 08/14/1920 m 14 Feb 1860 Washington Co IN Susan Smith
    -8 Jesse Thomas Sill b 6/16/1832 Washington Co IN, d 04/12/1911 m 11 Jan 1860 Washington Co IN Nancy Miller

    -2-1 Elizabeth COOK b IN
    -2-2 Ann COOK b c 1832 in IN m 14 Feb 1859 Washington Co IN Buford Graves
    -2-3 Register COOK b c 1833 in IN m 6 Feb 1858 Washington Co IN Nancy Steel
    -2-4 James N. COOK b c 1835 in IN m 4 4 Jan 1865 Washongton Co IN Margaret E Law
    -2-5 Eli COOK b c 1840 in IN m 22 Jan 1864 Washington Co IN Temperance Grisham
    -2-6 Nancy COOK b c 1842 in IN m1 y Fritz m2 1^2 May 1864 Washington Cor IN William C Hubbard
    -3-1 Malinda Ann ROGERS b c 1833 in IN m 3 Jan 1849 William M Spaulding b c 1830 IN
    -3-2 Sarah Ann ROGERS b c 1834 in IN m 27 Nov 1856 Washington Co IN Horace Campbell
    -4-1 Reuben R. SHERROW
    -4-2 James H. SHERROW
    -4-3 Sarah A. SHERROW m y Watts
    -4-4 Mary E. SHERROW m y Copple
    -4-5 Lydia SHERROW m 22 Jan 1864 Washington Co IN Henry H Smith
    -5-1 Martha A. MILLER b c 1848 in Washington Co IN
    -5-2 Lydia MILLER b c 1849 in Washington Co IN
    -6-1 Dempsey R. SILL b 7 AUG 1843 in Cobden Union Co IL d 28 Apr 1874 IL m 27 Feb 1868 in IL Susan Jane Lumpkins b 29 Nov 1849 MO
    -6-2 Asenith Anna SILL b c 1847 in IN m 1863 Cobden Union Co IL Napoleon Bonaparte Walker
    -6-3 Margaret J. SILL b 1850 m1 C B Bird m2 Henry Sellers
    -6-4 Ransom Marion "Pete" SILL b 14 NOV 1852 in Washington Co IN d 4 Jun 1934 Blue Mound Macon Co IL m 16 Jul 1874 Bowling Green Clay Co IN Alice Arenda COPPLE b: 8 FEB 1856 in Sullivan Co IN
    -6-5 Amanda E. SILL b 1858 d 1860
    -6-6 xy SILL b 1860
    -6-7 Mary Catherine SILL b 1865 d 1950 m1 1880 Charles E Copple m2 18 Feb 1883 Charles McClellan Giles
    -7-1 Sarah E. SILL
    -7-2 Lucy T. SILL
    -7-3 William SILL
    -7-4 Laura A. SILL
    -7-5 Commodore P. SILL
    -7-6 Maliza SILL
    -7-7 Emma Jane SILL
    -7-8 Jesse T. SILL
    -7-9 Charles E. SILL
    -8-1 William SILL
    -8-2 Delia SILL
    -8-3 Sarah F. SILL b 1866

    -3-1-1 Andy A Spaulding b c May 1850 IN
    -6-1-1 John Ransom Sill b 1869
    -6-1-2 George Wright Sill b 1874
    -6-2-1 John Logan WALKER b 22 SEP 1880 in Cobden d 1 Apr 1968 Anna Union Co ILm May 1906 Union Co IL Rosa Alice Dillow
    -6-4-1 Ora E. SILL b c 1873 in IN d 29 Oct 1967 IL m Elmer? Whitesell
    -6-4-2 Oliver Perry SILL b 19 JUL 1875 in Farmersburg Sullivan Co IN d 13 Sep 1944 Blue Mound Macon Co IL m Anna Botoner
    -6-4-3 William Gorman SILL b 27 MAR 1880 in Marion Co IL d c 1935 Los Angeles CA m Minnie x
    -6-4-4 Henry Frank SILL b MAR 1885 in IL d 1976 m 20 Dec 1903 Myrtle C McQuality
    -6-4-5 Herschel Byron SILL b JUN 1892 in IL d c 1962 Dacatur Macon Co IL m Cleo?/Mildred x
    -6-4-6 Gladys Lenora SILL b 7 FEB 1895 in Blue Mound Macon Co IL d 13 Feb 1976 Taylorville Christian Co IL m 1 Jan 1913 Macon IL William H Sheahan
    -6-7-1 Charles E Copple m 1909 Etta Cline
    -6-7-2 John E. GILES b 11 JAN 1884
    -6-7-3 Emmett GILES b 11 JAN 1884
    -6-7-4 Belva GILES b c 1885
    -6-7-5 Grover C. GILES b 3 SEP 1888
    -6-7-6 Edward GILES b c 1889

    -6-2-1-1 Russell Caleb WALKER
    -6-2-1-2 Everett William WALKER
    -6-2-1-3 Anne WALKER
    -6-2-1-4 Etta Alice WALKER b 2 FEB 1908 in Union Co IL
    -6-2-1-5 Melbert Jack WALKER b 2 FEB 1910 in Union Co IL
    -6-2-1-6 Nathan Benjamin WALKER b 9 NOV 1911 in Union Co
    Si7-4 Martha "Mattie" Sill b bef 1781 PA
    m 15 Aug 1797 in Shelby Co Ky Aaron Long
    Si7-5 James Sill b 1787 d 10/11/1846 PA
    m1 Rebecca J x + 1 ch ( does not show this marriage and shows the first two children as by Levina)
    m2 4 Feb 1812 in Shelby Co Ky Levina Wright b 22 May 1795 + 2 ch dau of HUgh Wright
    m3 28 Mar 1820 Shelby Co Ky Elizabeth Martin + 4/?5 ch dau of Samuel Martin
    -1 Lucy SILL b 15 JAN 1813 in Shelby Co KY m 25 Oct 1834 in Owen Co In Alfred Davis
    -2 Simpson SILL b 30 SEP 1815 in Shelby Co m Levina GILESPIE b Abt 1814 in OH
    -3 Adam Sill b 01/30/1821 Shelby Co Ky d 12/1901 m1 Rebecca Marie Marley m2 8 Nov 1849 Owen Co In Cordelia O. "Catherine" Varvel b 1829 Ky + 2 ch m3 1857 Jasper Co Il Margaret Varvel + 1 ch m4 20 Sep 1885 Sullivan Co Mo Rebecca Fritze b May 1834 NC
    -4 James Sill b 11/22/1822 03/29/1864 Owen Co m 20 Nov 1847 Owen Co In Elizabeth Landrum
    -5 Moses Sill b 12/30/1824 05/16/1856 IN, Owen Co m 4 Apr 1852 in In Nancy Jane Bull
    -6 Zerelda Sill b 02/20/1820/?7 IN, Owen Co m 5 Oct 1848 in Owen Co Richard H. Perkins
    -7 John Sill b 04/02/1832 IN, Owen Co m2 about 1857 in Il Rebecca J. ___ b about 1822 Il + 1 ch m1 1 Nov 1849 in Owen Co In Martha Ann Nichols

    -2-1 Mary SILL b c 1839 in IN
    -2-2 Susanna SILL b c 1844 in IN
    -2-3 Sarah E. SILL b c 1846 in IN
    -2-4 Margaretta Lisabel SILL b 5 DEC 1849 in Greencastle Twp. Putnam Co IN d 29 Mar Wy m 23 JAN 1865 in Gillette Campbell Co WY Harrison Matson HUNTER son of Lewis HUNTER and Nancy GENTLE
    -3-1 Moses SILL b 16 FEB 1852 in Montgomery Twp Owen Co d 26 Feb 1920 North Salem Linn Co Mo m1 16 OCT 1890 in Milan Sullivan Co Perlina Ellen WHITAKER b 29 FEB 1860 in Milan, Sullivan Co MO m2 28 JAN 1872 in Jasper Co Sarah J NULL b 10 JUN 1856
    -3-2 William R. SILL b Abt 1854 in Owen Co d after 1900 m Nancy C Cordray b May 1862 Sullivan Co Mo
    -4-1 Martha E. SILL b 1849 in Owen Co
    -3-3 Martha Jane SILL b SEP 1865 in Jasper Co Mo m 5 Mar 1882 Samuel W Cordray
    -4-2 John W. SILL b c 1851 in Owen Co m Mary E. STANSBERRY b: 1850
    -4-3 Mary SILL b c 1856 in Owen Co
    -4-4 Rosetta SILL b c 1859 in Owen Co
    -5-1 Laura A. SILLS b c 1853 in Owen Co IN
    -5-2 Mary E. SILLS b c 1856 in Owen Co IN
    -6-1 James H. PERKINS b c 1849 in Washington Co IN
    -7-1 James S. Sill b c 1857 IL d 1939 m1 Clementine Stansberry + 2 ch m2 1880 Il Laura b about 1865 in In

    -2-4-1 Margaretta Mae HUNTER b: 1876 in Gillette,Campbell Co m 29 DEC 1897 in Carlile Crook Co WY James Stanley BAUGH
    Ha4 Levicy Jane Harris m Thomas Pope Bland
    -3-1-1 William Allen "Pete" SILL b 22 MAR 1894 in Winigan Sullivan Co
    -3-1-2 James M SILL b 6 FEB 1873 in Jackson CoIL
    -3-1-3 Minna M SILL b 30 DEC 1875
    -3-2-1 Thomas F. SILL b SEP 1885 in Sullivan Co
    -3-2-2 Edward C. SILL b APR 1889 in Sullivan Co
    -3-2-3 Adam L. SILL b DEC 1895 in ,Sullivan Co
    -3-3-1 Sarah E. CORDRAY b SEP 1883 in MO
    -3-3-2 Elizabeth CORDRAY b NOV 1884 in MO
    -3-3-3 Adam L. CORDRAY b JUL 1887 in MO d 1934 m Mary McCollum b 1889
    -3-3-4 William Edwin CORDRAY b OCT 1889 in MO d 1957 Helena Ok m Gertrude McCollum
    -3-3-5 Benjamin F. CORDRAY b DEC 1892 in MO
    -3-3-6 John CORDRAY b OCT 1897 in MO.
    -3-3-7 Ernest CORDRAY b 1904 in OK
    -3-3-8 Ruth CORDRAY b 1906 in OK d 1930 m Ernest OWENS
    -4-2-1 Sarah M. SILL b: 1880
    -7-1-1 Roy Edgar SILL
    -7-1-2 Ellis Theodore SILL b 1880

    -3-3-4-1 Austin E. CORDRAY
    -3-3-8-1 Billy OWENS b: 1926
    -3-3-8-2 Bobby Lee OWENS b: 1928
    Bl3-1 Martha Elizabeth BLAND b 18 DEC 1861 in Shelby Co Ky
    Bl3-2 William Leland BLAND b 15 MAR 1863 in Ky
    Bl3 Dr. Thomas Eugene BLAND MD and Mayor of Shelbyville KY b 13 JUL 1864 n Bagdad, Shelby Co Ky m 20 Jun 1906 Matilda Prather Nicholas Ni3 author's grandparents
    Bl3-4 Lewellyn BLAND b ABT 1867
    Bl3-5 Sarah Prudence BLAND about 1866
    Bl3-6 John Henry Bland b 2 Mar 1870
    Bl3-7 Mary Beatrice BLAND b 2 Feb 1878
    Bl3-8 Harvey Erwin Bland b 15 Feb 1885
    Si7-5-2-4-1-1 Arthur H. BAUGH b 7 OCT 1903 in Carlile Cook Co WY
    Si7-5-3-3-3-1 Mildred CORDRAY
    Si7-5-3-3-3-2 Naomi CORDRAY
    Si7-5-3-3-3-3 Thelma CORDRAY b 1917
    Si7-5-3-3-3-4 Allen CORDRAY
    Si8-3+ Ann Sill b 1748 Edgemont Chester Co, PA
    -4 Nehemiah Sill b 1749 Edgemont Chester Co
    -5 Elizabeth Sill b 1751 Edgemont Chester Co
    -6 William Sill b 1753 Edgemont Chester Co
    Si9-3 Martha Sill b 1728 PA, Chester Co, Edgemont d 02/08/1806
    m John Holstein b 1726 Chester Co d 04/14/1796 Edgemont Chester Co
    -1 Ann Holstein b abt 1751 Edgemont Chester Co m Daniel Calvert
    -2 Joseph Holstein b abt 1753 Edgemont Chester Co
    -3 Mary Holstein b abt 1754 aft 1820 Edgemont Chester Co m William Sill Sr.
    -4 Sarah Holstein b abt 1755 Edgemont Chester Co m William McCarty
    -5 Phoebe Holstein b abt 1757 Edgemont Chester Co m William Harden
    -6 George Holstein b abt 1778 Edgemont Chester Co

    -3-1 Martha Sill m William Clemons b 1781 d 1854
    Si9-4 Joseph Sill b 1730 Edgemont Chester Co d 08/10/1790
    m Martha Elliott
    -1 Sarah Sill b 1725 Edgemont Chester Co PA d 09/1797 Chester Co Grave Middletown Chester Co Friends Cem m 1744 Edgemont Chester Co PA James Sill Jr b 1726 Edgemont Chester Co PA d 09/1798 Chester Co Pa Grave 09/25/1798 PA, Chester Co, Middletown -1-1 see above
    Si9-5 Richard Sill b 1732 Edgemont Chester Co d 01/19/1796
    m Elizabeth Grissel
    Si9-6 George G. Sill b 1734 Edgemont Chester Co PA d 1831 Clermont Co OH moved there by 1820
    m1 Elizabeth Kennedy b 1738 Edgemont
    m2 Isabelle Kennedy/?Hayes + 1? ch
    -1 William Sill b c 1755
    -2 Sarah Sill dsp by 1813
    -3 George Sill
    -4 x Sill d by 1825 m y McAffee
    -5 x Sill d by 1825 m y Gray
    -6 Isabella Sill d 1855 Williamsburg Clermont Co OH m James McAfee d 1851 Williamsburg
    -7 Mary Sill b c 1784 d 25 Feb 1855 Milroy IN m William Rardin b c 1761 Westmoreland Co PA d 9 May 1844/5

    -3-1 William Sill
    -3-2 George Sill
    -3-3 Hugh Sill
    -3-4 James Sill
    -4-1 James McAffee
    -5-1 George Gray
    -7-1 Annie/Anna Rardin b 3 Jan 1786 PA : 17 July 1833 near Hammesville, Oh m John Derry
    -7-2 Martha Rardin b 17 Sept 1788 Pa d 19 Jan 1843, Milroy, In m 2 Feb 1809 Butler Co PA William Bell d 28 May 1864, Lebanon, IN liv Clermont Co OH mov Rush Co IN 1822
    -7-3 Rebecca Rardin b 27 Aug 1793 PA d 4 Sep 1853 Shelby Co IN m 18 Nov 1817 Clermont Co OH Joseph H Sill/?Dill
    -7-4 Sarah Rardin b c 1797 Pa/?Clermont OH d c 1858 Parke Co IN m 10 Aug 1819 Clermont OH William Rardin b 1796 Campbell Co KY d 1862 Park Co IN bur Tangier Cem son of Timothy Rardin and Permelia Smith
    -7-5 Mary Rardin b 29 Nov 1799 PA/?Oh d 26 Mar 1885, Clinton Co In m 17 April 1823 Clermont Co Rev Peleg Wheeler
    -7-6 William Rardin b 28 Jan 1801 PA/?Oh d 23 Aug 1865 n Milroy, Rush Co In m?1/2 26 Feb 1819 Clermont Co Hannah Husong + 6 ch m?2/1 Mary Endigcott
    -7-7 James Rardin b 1803 Pa d 21 August 1838, Milroy, Rush Co In m1 10 April 1823, Clermont Co Dolly Wheeler she m2 2 Nov 1844 Rush Co IN John Goodrich b Bowdoinham, Lincoln Co MA
    -7-8 John Rardin b c 1806 d New Orleans unm
    -7-9 David Rardin b 27 May 1807 Clermont Co d 15 Oct 1887 n Milroy m 15 Dec 1829, Clermont Co Abigail Wilson b 3 March 1810 Oh d 15 Oct 1887 n Milroy dau of David Wilson & Azuba Stone

    -7-1-1 Sarah Derry
    -7-1-2 Moses Derry
    -7-1-3 Joseph Derry
    -7-1-4 Mary Derry b. 1812 m. Richard James Landen
    -7-1-5 John R. Derry b. 1813 d. 1876 Brown Co OH m. Elizabeth Hamilton Brown Co, OH
    -7-1-6 Jacob Derry b. 1815 Clermont Co OH d. 1899 Knoxville, Marion Co IA m. Eliza Wilson 1837 Clermont Co OH
    -7-1-7 William Derry b. 1817
    -7-1-8 Ann Derry
    -7-1-9 Hannah Derry
    -7-1-10 Rebecca Derry
    -7-1-11 Achseh Derry b. 1828 Ohio d. 1908 Brown Co OH m Henry H. Culthar 1846
    -7-1-12 Amanda Derry b. 1830
    -7-2-1 David Bell b c 1811
    -7-2-2 John Bell
    -7-2-3 William Bell
    -7-2-4 Robert Bell
    -7-2-5 Margaret Bell
    -7-2-6 Mary Bell
    -7-3-1 John Sill
    -7-3-2 Rebecca Sill d abt. 1863, Shelby Co IN m 13 Oct 1853 Rush Co IN William Freeland
    -7-4-1 Caroline Rardin b abt 1820 Clermont Co OH m. John M. Russell 12 Jan 1843 Parke Co IN
    -7-4-2 Melinda Radin b. abt 1821 Clermont Co OH d. bet 1860-1862 Clermont Co OH
    -7-4-3 Harvey J. Rardin b 24 May 1824 Clermont Co OH d. 1891/ Golden, Barry Co/Wet Prairie Ar
    -7-4-4 Freeman H. Rardin b abt 1831
    -7-5-1 Jefferson Wheeler b 20 Feb 1829 d 11 Oct 1853 Bethesda Cem Anderson Twp., Rush Co IN
    -7-5-2 Judson Wheeler b 23 Aug 1825 Oh to Rush Co IN with parents in 1826 m Nancy Jones
    -7-6-1 Jeddiah Rardin
    -7-6-2 Harriet Ann Rardin
    -7-6-3 Minerva Jane Rardin m. William P. Jones 24 Feb 1848 Rush Co IN
    -7-6-4 Jeanetta S. Rardin m. Francis T. Jones 5 Sept 1848 Rush Co IN
    -7-6-5 Leamira E. Rardin
    -7-6-6 Jasper Newton Rardin
    -7-7-1 Harrison Rardin b c 1829 Milroy, IN d. 16 April 1875 Boone Co IN m 10 Aug 1848 Margaret Ann Hart
    -7-7-1 Seneca Rardin
    -7-7-2 Perry J. Rardin
    -7-7-3 William Rardin
    -7-7-4 Adeline Rardin d c 1844 Rush Co IN m Squire William Baker 8 Aug 1841 Rush Co IN
    -7-7-4-1 Leonidas Frank "Alonzo" Baker b 29 May 1842 Rush Co IN d. 11 Nov 1926 Chariton Lucas Co IA m Martha Anna McMannis and Mary A. Baker b 13/18 May 1843/44 Rush Co IN d. 22 July 1887 KS m William Harrison Goodknight (Tracing Baker lines: Fran at
    -7-7-5 x Rardin
    -7-9-1 Bowman Rardin
    -7-9-2 John O. Rardin
    -7-9-3 Wilson T. Rardin
    -7-9-4 Josiah A. Rardin
    -7-9-5 Martin B. Rardin
    -7-9-6 Clarinda Rardin m 27 Mar 1840 Jetson W Smith b Sep 17, 1840 in Nicholas Co KY d 8 Sep 1879 son of Jetson Smith b KY Mary A. James b MD respectively. only child by father's 2nd m reared on a farm, self educated a Democrat 1876 elected Clerk of Rush Co. and re-elected 1880 a Mason member of the Christian Church
    -7-9-6-1 Cora E Smith b 24 Sep 1866 d Jan. 12, 1884
    -7-9-6-2 Oliver W Smith b Dec. 26 1871
    -7-9-7 David B. Rardin
    -7-9-8 Azubah Rardin twin
    -7-9-9 Marcus Rardin twin
    -7-9-10 Angeline Rardin

    -7-5-2-1 Benjamin Wheeler
    -7-5-2-2 Peleg Wheeler
    -7-5-2-3 Mary Wheeler
    -7-5-2-4 Malinda Wheeler ?m y West
    -7-7-1-1 James P. Rardin b c 1850
    -7-7-1-2 Chalmers Rardin
    -7-7-1-3 Melissa Rardin
    -7-7-1-4 Mary A. Rardin
    -7-7-1-5 Ova S. Rardin
    Si9-7 Michael Sill b 1736 Edgemont Chester Co, d 05/1818
    m Abigail Ruth Ottey
    -1 John Sill b 5/20/1766 Willistown Chester Co d 07/30/1844 m Sarah x
    -2 Nancy "Ann" Sill b 1769 Willistown Chester Co d 01/16/1853 m Jacob Ramsey
    -3 Sarah Sill b 10/19/1770 Willistown Chester Co d 05/05/1850 m1 George Morris, m2 Robert Isaac Walker
    -4 Thomas J Sill b 1772 1815 Willistown Chester Co d 1815 Chester Co PA m Elizabeth Brooke
    -5 Oswald Sill b 12/18/1774 Willistown Chester Co 12/27/1849 Monroe Co OH m Mary Wright Rudd b 26 Feb 1779 Philadelphia
    -6 Michael Sill b 1778 Willistown Chester Co d 06/1828 m Mary Ann Brice
    -7 Caleb Sill b abt 1780 Willistown Chester Co d 10/1824 Monroe Co OH CSA 10th MO Inf m Isabella Brown
    -8 Mary Sill b1785 1863 Willistown Chester Co m Woodward Hampton
    -1 Sarah Sill b 11/07/1804 Bucks Co PA 2/18/1879 m William A. Willard
    -1-2? possibly here was Hannah Sells b 22 Apr 1800 d 24 Nov 1889 m George Glass b 1785
    -2-1 Michael Ramsey b 1789 Paoli Chester Co,
    -4-1 Thomas Sill b abt 1794 Paoli Chester Co PA
    -4-2 Sidney Sill b abt 1796 Paoli Chester Co PA
    -5-1 Abigail Sill b 6/16/1805 Willistown Chester Co PA
    -5-2 James B Sill b 3/06/1808 Willistown Chester Co
    -5-3 George Sill b 9/09/1810 Willistown Chester Co
    -5-4 John Sill b 11/18/1812 Willistown Chester Co
    -5-5 Sarah Sill b 2/26/1815 Willistown Chester Co
    -5-6 Mary Sill b 4/29/1817 Willistown Chester Co
    -5-7 Michael Sill b 12/02/1819 Willistown Chester Co
    -5-8 William Burgess Sill b 4/18/1822 Monroe Co OH d 1/07/1911 m Rhoda Gray
    -5-9 Elizabeth Ann Sill b 6/29/1824 Monroe Co OH d
    -5-10 Nelson Sill b 3/03/1827 Monroe Co OH
    -5-11 Matilda Sill b 8/01/1829 Monroe Co OH d 11/28/1925 m1 Jefferson Kean m2 James D. Buckingham
    -5-12 Emily Sill b 5/13/1832 Monroe Co OH
    -6-1 Jane Sill b 1801 PA d 7/08/1881 m Andrew Kerr b 4 Jul 1803 PA d Brown Co IN
    -7-1 Abigail Sill b 1807 Willistown Chester Co d 7/1849
    -7-2 Dorothy Sill b 1809 Chester Co d 7/26/1896 Knox Co MO m David Wesley Freemyer II b 1809 Albany NY k 1864 Battle of Jenkins Ferry Grant Co AR
    -7-3 Mary I Sill b 1/10/1811 Westmoreland Co PA 9/23/1886 m Hiram H Powell b 28 Feb 1808 Shenandoah Co Va d Monroe Co OH son of Abner Powell b 1770 d 18609 and Sarah Hall b 1769
    -7-4 Anne Sill b 1817 Westmoreland Co
    -7-5 George Ottey Sill b 2/27/1819 Westmoreland Co PA d 2/11/1863 Pulaski Co IL m Sarah J. Thomas b Aug 1820 Derry Twp Westmoreland Co PA d 1891 Lincoln Co KS

    -1-2?-1 Jacob Glass b Greene Franklin Co PA d 22 Jun 1835 Greenvillage PA m Sarah Ann Guthrie dau of James Batten Guthrie and Iabella McMullen
    -6-1-1 Mary Anne Kerr b 1827 PA d 2/29/1888 Bean Blossom Brown Co IN m Johnson Gilbert b c 1827 PA
    -7-2-1 Isabelle Freemyer b 1829 Washington Co m James Alexander Carney b 6 Oct 1834 TN
    -7-2-2 James M Freemyer b 8/02/1834 Washington Co OH d 2/16/1914 m Elizabeth A. Strange b 1844 MO
    -7-2-3 David Wesley Freemyer b 10/28/1837 Marietta Washington Co OH 2/02/1926 m Susan F. Davis
    -7-2-4 Louisa Freemyer b 7/10/1840 Knox Co MO m1 George S. Charlton m2 William Herberth
    -7-2-5 George W Freemyer b 3/04/1845 Grandview Washington Co OH d 7/26/1865 ,
    -7-2-6 Ottey Albert Freemyer b 5/15/1853 Knox Co MO d 6/11/1936 Checotah McIntosh Co OK m Parmelia Louvina Jennings?/McGowan/Gobum
    -7-3-1 Christopher Powell b 1831 04/14/1862 OH, Monroe Co Hester A. Williams
    -7-3-2 Sarah Anne Powell b 3/19/1832 Malaga Twp Monroe Co OH7/23/1911 m1 Samuel N. Cline m2 John Nelson Baker
    -7-3-3 Abigail E Powell b 6/28/1835 Monroe Co OH d 7/16/1863 m Isaac Williamson
    -7-3-4 Abner B Powell b 10/13/1837 Graysville Monroe Co OH d 9/24/1915 m Anna Dodd Mead
    -7-3-5 Otty Powell b 9/01/1839 Monroe Co OH 4/26/1862
    -7-3-6 Dorothy L Powell b 4/12/1843 Monroe Co OH d 12/06/1863 m Wesley Brown
    -7-3-7 Thomas H Powell b 9/30/1844 Washington Monroe Co OH d 4/25/1917 m1 Eliza Crow m2 Sarah I. McVey
    -7-3-8 Mary J Powell b 11/11/1846 Graysville Monroe Co OH d 6/19/1879 m James Garrison Baker
    -7-3-9 William Robert Powell b 11/23/1848 Benton Twp Monroe Co d 10/07/1926 m Mary A. Ice
    -7-5-1 Samuel Christopher Sill b 9/26/1840 OH d 2/19/1908 m Malissa Ann Pope b 28 Feb 1849 Mountainburg Crawford Co AR d ther 1933 dau of Nelson Anderson Pope b 24 Jan 1803 NC and Nancy A Williams
    -7-5-2 Caleb Franklin Sill b 8/1843 OH d 3/20/1920 m Margaret Ellen Dillingham
    -7-5-3 David W Sill b 7/1844 MO d 11/09/1920
    -7-5-4 Elizabeth Sill b 1845 MO
    -7-5-5 William Robert Sill b 8/1/1846 Galena Jasper Co MO d 10/15/1919 m Pearline June "Purlina" Roberts
    -7-5-6 Isabella Sill b 5/1852 MO d 4/09/1928 m Cornelius Reed
    -7-5-7 John Mcreynolds Sill b 6/06/1855 Knox Co MO d 8/07/1918 m Mary Ellen Groves
    -7-5-8 Thomas Jefferson Sill b 5/24/1857 Knox Co MO d 8/29/1942 m Dora Flora McCandless
    -7-5-9 James A J Sill b 11/30/1860 AR d 6/12/1924 m1 Laura Ina Bloyd m2 Violet Viletta Beach

    -1-2?-1-1 John Westly Glass ancestor of Larry Wayne Williams, author's DNA match
    -6-1-1-1 William Andrew Gilbert b 1850 Woodsfield Monroe Co OH d 1860
    -6-1-1-2 Nancy J Gilbert b 1854 Woodsfield Monroe Co OH d 11/15/1879 m William Ferguson Lomax b 22 Dec 1848 Guernsey Co OH
    -6-1-1-3 Martha E Gilbert b 8/1859 Woodsfield Monroe Co OH m John Smith Barnes
    -7-2-1-1 James Alexander Carney b 11/30/1858 Knox Co MO d 9/16/1918
    -7-2-1-2 Nancy Carney b 1861 MO
    -7-2-1-3 Louisa Carney b 1864 MO
    -7-2-1-4 Dorthea A Carney b 1865 MO
    -7-2-1-5 John R Carney b 1867
    -7-2-2-1 Ella May Freemyer b 11/21/1867 Knox Co MO m Charles S. Johnson
    -7-2-2-2 Allen S Freemyer b 4/15/1869 Knox Co MO
    -7-2-2-3 David Freemyer b 9/27/1871 Knox Co MO d 6/01/1961
    -7-2-2-4 John F Freemyer b 10/06/1873 Knox Co MO d 4/11/1952 m Mary E. Pults b Mar 1879 MO
    -7-2-2-4-1 George Wesley Freemyer b 18 Nov 1895 d 2 Jan 1968
    -7-2-2-4-2 Florence Marie Freemyer b May 1900
    -7-2-2-5 Carrie Freemyer b 7/25/1875 Knox Co MO d bef 1880
    -7-2-2-6 Lydia Freemyer b 7/25/1875 Knox Co MO d 8/23/1875
    -7-2-2-7 Minnie Belle Freemyer b 10/16/1876 Knox Co MO d 10/10/1954 m Joseph McCabe
    -7-2-2-8 Etta Iona Freemyer b 10/03/1878 Knox Co MO m Charles W. Hubble
    -7-2-2-9 Bessie Freemyer b 10/26/1880 Knox Co MO d 7/30/1882
    -7-2-2-10 James M Freemyer b 4/10/1883 Knox Co MO
    -7-2-3-1 Etta Iona Freemyer b 4/09/1865 Holt Co MO
    -7-2-3-2 Charles Oliver Freemyer b 2/09/1869 Holt Co MO d 12/14/1956
    -7-2-3-3 Oscar Newton Freemyer b 2/06/1871 MO
    -7-2-3-4 Arthur Monroe Freemyer b 3/04/1873 Holt Co MO d abt 1973
    -7-2-4-1 James CHARLTON b 1863 KS
    -7-2-4-2 Charles CHARLTON b 1867 MO
    -7-2-4-3 Marion CHARLTON b 1870 MO
    -7-2-4-4 Harvey CHARLTON b 1875 MO
    -7-2-4-5 Mary CHARLTON b 1877
    -7-2-6-1 Ora Onesca Freemyer b 4/02/1888 Clay Co MO d 7/21/1975 m David Minker b 17 Oct 1880 Frumett MO
    -7-2-6-1-1 Clara Mae "Bartlett" Minker b 10/18/1915 Heavener Le Flore Co OK d 12/24/2001 m Oatho Lee Wedge
    -7-2-6-2 Dorothy Alcamenia Louvina Freemyer b 4/09/1890 MO d 12/10/1982 m John Westley Caughern
    -7-2-6-3 Stella Mae Freemyer b 7/10/1892 MO m1 Thomas Morris m2 David O. Smith
    -7-5-1-1 William Alford Sill b 10/26/1866 Billings Christian Co Mo d 11/27/1866
    -7-5-1-2 Joshaway Sill b 9/23/1867 Billings Christian Co Mo d 9/23/1867
    -7-5-1-3 Sarah Arenia "Renny" Sill b 9/24/1868 Billings Christian Co Mo d 4/14/1954 Robert "Silas " Reed b 21 Mar 1865 Cassville Barry Co MO
    -7-5-1-4 Harvie Allen Sill b 4/11/1871 Mountainburg Crawford Co d 12/01/1945 m Helen Elizabeth Veal
    -7-5-1-5 James H. N Sill b 4/04/1874 Mountainburg Crawford Co d 11/06/1891
    -7-5-1-6 Elsey Lee Sill b 3/04/1875 Mountainburg Crawford Co d 5/28/1952 m Rosa Evans
    -7-5-1-7 Ottey Edward Sill b 6/17/1877 Mountainburg Crawford Co d 10/16/1918
    -7-5-1-8 John Christopher Sill b 12/25/1879 Mountainburg Crawford Co d 10/7/1946 m Rosie Pearl Sill
    -7-5-1-9 Thomas Albert Sill b 9/13/1882 Mountainburg Crawford Co d 8/31/1883

    -6-1-1-2-1 Anna Elizabeth Lomax b 11/12/1875 Guernsey Co OH d 12/04/1908 m Lewis Lewis b Tydfil Glamorgan Wales
    -6-1-1-2-1-1 Lewis Lewis b d 1894 Poweshick Jasper Co IA
    -6-1-1-2-1-2 Lewis Lewis b aft 05/20/1895 bef 06/06/1900 IA
    -6-1-1-2-1-3 Lewis T Lewis b 3/20/1897 Beacon Mahaska Co IA d 6/03/1975 m Edna June Bishop
    -6-1-1-2-1-4 Frederic Lewis b 11/22/1899 Hynes Monroe Co IA d 8/12/1901
    -6-1-1-2-1-5 Pearl Lewis b 2/02/1902 Hocking Monroe Co IA d 4/16/1969 m1 Warren Earle Tapley m2 Lewis Clyde Chandler
    -6-1-1-2-1-6 John Lewis b 1904 Hynes Monroe Co IA d bef 1905
    -6-1-1-2-1-7 Albert Lewis b 3/16/1907 Hynes Monroe Co IA d 12/25/1971
    -6-1-1-2-1-8 Myrtle Lewis b 1908 Hynes Monroe Co IA d abt 1910/1913
    -6-1-1-2-1-9 Henry Lewis b 4/20/1908 Hynes Monroe Co IA d 8/17/1908
    -6-1-1-2-2 William Johnson Lomax b 2/21/1876 OH d 11/12/1953 m Mary Maude Patterson
    -6-1-1-2-3 Nancy J Lomax b 11/06/1879 IN d 2/04/1904 m George Spencer Learned
    -7-5-1-3-1 Freddie Riley Reed b 1/23/1889 Mountainburg Crawford Co d 4/22/1891
    -7-5-1-3-2 Gola Mae Reed b 6/09/1892 Mountainburg Crawford Co d 5/23/1970 m1 Thomas Bradford Brackett b 6 Jan 1889 GA m2 Marion Alvin Westfall m3 James Brown
    -7-5-1-3-2-1 Mary Malisa Brackett b 11/22/1911 Denver CO d 12/05/1911
    -7-5-1-3-2-2 Dearl Louis Brackett b 7/25/1918 Mountainburg Crawford Co d 2/14/1965 m Violet Mildred Tammer
    -7-5-1-3-3 August Edward Reed b 8/08/1899 Mountainburg Crawford Co d 3/07/1927 m Maudie Elizabeth Ross
    -7-5-1-3-3-1 Earl L Reed b 1919 AR 5/18/1935
    -7-5-1-3-3-2 Robert Houston "Roy" Reed b 6/2/1923 Mountainburg Crawford Co d 12/12/1997
    Si9-8 Anne Sill b 1742 Edgemont Chester Co
    m James Kennedy b 1738 Ireland d York Co PA
    -1 Joshua Kennedy b 1756 PA
    m Nancy Sill b 1760 PA d 1831
    Si10-2 Joseph Sill b 1698 Edgemont Chester Co
    ?m x Elliot
    The author's DNA matches with Armstrong and Petersen, both with Armstrong ancestry and Armstrong's maternal Elliott line off this indicate that there may be some connection between these lines and the author's Sarah Sill above.
    -1? Sarah Sill b c 1725 m James Sill b 1726
    Si10-3 Ann Ritter Sill b abt 1730 d c 1774 PA m y Hinman
    Si10-4 Mary Sill b 1732 Accomack Co d 1801 m John Boggs

    Register of Pennsylvania

    Re10. Thomas Regester b 1682? PA (probably date of immigration or marriage)
    m Anne x
    Re9. David Register/Regester b 1690 East Marlborough/Edgemont Chester Co PA d Edgemont 24 Apr 1751.
    m Lydia Yarnall/Broomall b 1695 East Marlborough Chester PA d aft 1734 Edgemont
    -a John Broomall b 1695 d 1730 m Anne Lewis + son Daniel Broomall
    -c Jane Broomall b 1698 d 1745
    -d Ellin Broomall b 1699 m Lawrence Cox + 2 ch
    +1 Hon John M Broomall b 1645 Marbury Chester Engl d 23 Jun 1729 Delaware Twp Philadelphia PA
    m 1685 Mary Yarnall b c 1660 Chester Twp Chester PA
    Due to proximity, this David with a daughter, Lydia who married Nehemiah Baker, he also seems to have been the father of Re8 below No Register DNA Projecthas been started yet, we need a male line descendant to volunteer!
    Register Patriarchs
    Re8-1 Anne Register b c 1712/?15
    m c 1740 Jesse Baker b 19 Mar 1709, ?Edgmont Twp Chester Co PA d 1778. son of Joseph John Baker Jr b 11 Dec 1674 Shropshire Engl d 17 Jan 1736 and Martha Woodward b 31 Jan 1677 d 13 Dec 1775 Chester Co Pa
    -1 Martha Baker b abt 1737 PA m Henry Guest b about 1732 Pa d Jul 1796 Dauphin Co Pa
    -2 David Baker b 1745 Pa d 1813 Claiborne Co Tn m Elizabeth Wolf
    -3 Sarah Ottey Baker b 1742/61 PA m 12 Feb 1784 Isaac Taylor
    -4 Abigail Baker b 1736 d 1795
    -1-1 Sarah Guest m Henry Walter
    -2-1 Elias Baker b 1777 d 1854 m Phebe Hoopes b 1781 d 1870
    -2-2 Isaac Baker m?1 Jane Yarnell m?2 Nancy Wood
    -2-3 David Baker d 15 May 1824 m Ann Hinkson d 1851
    -2-4 Jesse Baker m Hannah Taylor
    -3-1 David Taylor b 1784 d 1791
    -3-2 John Taylor b 1788 d 1795
    -3-3 Ann Taylor b 1782 d 1872
    -3-4 Jane Taylor b 1796 d 1837
    -3-5 Isaac Taylor b 1798 d 1872
    -1-1-1 John walter m Abigail Kille
    -2-1-1 Mary Baker b 1803
    -2-1-2 Jesse Baker b 1805
    -2-1-3 Hannah Baker b 1807
    -2-1-4 Catherine Baker b 1809
    -2-1-5 Daniel Baker b 1811
    -2-1-6 elizabeth Baker b 1813
    -2-1-7 Elias Baker b 1814
    -2-1-8 David Baker b 1816 d 1845
    -2-1-9 Sarah Baker b 1818
    -2-1-10 Reese Baker b 1821
    -2-1-11 John baker b 1824
    -2-3-1 John Baker b 1816 d 1865
    -2-3-2 Perciphor Baker b 1817 d 1881 m?1 Sarah Nelling b 1827 d 1857 m?2 elizabeth Smith
    -2-3-3 George Baker m Martha S Churchman b PA
    -2-3-4 Joseph Baker b 1819
    -2-3-5 Abigail Baker b 1824 d 1827
    -2-4-1 Mary Baker b 1798 m Samuel Smith
    -2-4-2 Jesse Baker m Elizabeth Richards
    -2-4-3 Ann Baker b 1801 d 1858 m James Hoopes b 1796 d 1834
    -?-?-? possibly here was y Baker b c 1820 p Jane Goins b 1 Jun 1827 TN d 8 Mar 1904 Pleasant View Whitley Co KY
    -?-?-?-1 Milton Goins b 1847 Whitley Co KY d 1926 Fletcher Laurel Co KY m Sarah Smith b 1847 d 1917 ancestors of Tannya Rhea Cooper (author's DNA match) m Billy Witter
    Re8-2 Mary Regester b 1708/?13 Edgemont
    m Ephraim Jackson b 1706
    -1 David Jackson b 21 Jan/May 1738 Exeter Berks/Thornbury Chester Co PA d 1813 Robison Berks PA m Mary Musgrave
    -2 Anna Jackson b 1740 New Garden Chester Co PA
    -3 Thomas Jackson b 1742 New Garden
    -4 Mary Jackson b 24 Oct 1746 New Garden
    -5 Susannah Jackson b 24 Oct 1746 New Garden d 1 Oct 1801 Edgemont Chester Co PA m William Scarlett b 1753 Spencer Rowan Co NC d 26 Dec 1818 Edgemont son of John SCarlett b 1705 Spencer Rowan NC d 1736 NC bur Chapel Hill Orange Co NC and Elizabeth Humphrey b 1706 Edgemont Chester Co PA d 1752 Edgemont
    -6 Lydia Jackson m Evans
    -7 Ephraim Jackson b 1 Jan 1736 PA d 15 Aug 1807 m Dec 1758 Mary Thomas d by 1824

    -5-1 Elizabeth Scarlett b 5 Sep 1771 Robenson Berks PA
    -5-2 John J. Scarlett b 20 Oct 1773 Robenson
    -5-3 Ephraim Scarlett b 1775 Robenson d 26 Jun 1850 Edgemont m Lydia Scarlet b 1771 New Garden d 20 Dec 1843 New Garden
    -5-4 Mary Scarlett b 25 Dec 1775 Robenson m Richard Peirce
    -5-5 Benjamin Scarlett b 23 Mar 1780 Robenson
    -5-6 Susannah Scarlett b 9 Jun 1783
    -5-7 Hannah Scarlett b 5 Aug 1785 Robenson
    -5-8 William J. Scarlett b 12 Sep 1788 Robenson
    -7-1 Sarah Jackson b 9 Oct 1762 Bloomsburg PA m 14 Feb 1786 Robeson Twp Berks PA Joames Thornton

    -5-3-1 James Scarlett b 6 Oct 1802 New Garden m1 Sarah Morris d 1848 Edgemont m2 Matilda Kurtz b 1821 Edgemont d there 223 Mar 1885
    -5-3-2 William Scarlett b 21 Feb 1804 Robenson Berks PA m Justina Warren b 1811 Robenson d there 1850
    -5-3-3 Mary Scarlett b 20 Aug 1805 Robenson Berks PA m Isaac Dickinson Jr
    -5-3-4 John Scarlett b 15 Mar 1807 Robenson m Catherine S James b 1808 Robenson Twp
    -7-1-1 Eli Thornton b c 1786 PA d c 1852 PA m 1827 Bloom Twp Columbia PA Abigail Hittle
    -7-1-2 Hannah Thornton b 22 Jan 1792 Bloomsburg PA d aft 1825 m 13 Mar 1812 Isaac Green

    -5-3-3-1 Ephraim Dickinson b 28 Nov 1829 Robenson Berks PA m Hannah Fries b 29 Feb 1828 Robeson d there 17 Jun 1852
    -5-3-3-2 Benjamin Franklin Dickinson b 23 Apr 1842 Robenson m Sarah Seifert b 1843
    -5-3-3-3 Elwood Dickinson b 30 Jun 1845 Robenson
    -5-3-4-1 Anna Lydia Scarlett b 8 Sep 1841 Robenson
    -5-3-4-2 Mary Dixon Scarlett b 9 Apr 1843 Robenson
    -5-3-4-3 James Miller Scarlett b 6 SEp 1847
    -5-3-4-4 William Penn Scarlett b 9 Feb 1853
    -7-1-1-1 Julia Thornton b 1828 OH d c 1877 IL m 18 Feb 1844 Rock Island IL James Hobert
    -7-1-2-1 Elvira Green b 17 Oct 1827 Bloomsburg PA d 19 Mar 1916 Richland OH m John Lance

    -5-3-3-1-1 Samuel Dickinson b 15 Nov 1855 Robenson
    -5-3-3-1-2 Mary Dickinson b 1858
    -5-3-3-1-3 James Isaac Dickinson b 1862
    -7-1-1-1-1 Patience Almeda Hobart b 22 Jan 1851 Buffalo Prairie Rock Island IL d 20 Dec 1932 m 30 Aug 1868 Muscatine IA Joseph Arthur Van Dolah
    -7-1-2-1-1 Ella Lance b 18 Mar 1855 Delphi OH d 7 May 1940 Shelby Richland OH m 17 Jun 1875 Samuel Shreffler had issue
    -7-1-2-1-2 Emma Lance b 14 Apr 1861 Shelby Richland OH d there 4 Feb 1931
    Re8-3 Lydia Register b 1715 Edgemont d 20 Oct 1804 Edgemont
    m c 1740 to Nehemiah Baker b 19 Nov 1716, ?Edgmont Twp., Chester Co PA d 1778. son of Joseph John Baker Jr b 11 Dec 1674 Shropshire Engl d 17 Jan 1736 and Martha Woodward b 31 Jan 1677 d 13 Dec 1775 Chester Co Pa
    -1 dau Baker
    -2 dau Baker
    -3 dau Baker
    -4 Joseph Baker
    -5 Nehemiah Baker
    -6 Nathan Baker, b 1751, England m1 1772 to his 2nd cousin, Elizabeth Baker d before 1797 + 8 ch m2 to Hannah Jordon. lived in Edgmont Twp Chester Co PA.
    -6-1 Aaron Baker, b 1775 m Ruth Jordon
    -6-2 Lydia Baker b 1777 m Benjamin Townsend b 1773 d 1818 lived in Carol Co OH?
    -6-3 Nehemiah Baker b 1779 m Elizabeth Pyle
    -6-4 David Baker b 1781, m Margarete Robbins
    -6-5 Mary Baker b 1784 m Joshua Linton
    -6-6 Joseph Baker m Mary Corwin
    -6-7 Enoch Baker m Elizabeth Jennings
    -6-8 Nathan Baker m Abigal Ruble
    -6-9 William Baker b 1797 m Elizabeth Corwin
    -6-10 Israel Baker b 1799 m Mary Edwards
    -6-11 Hannah Baker b 1801 m William Register
    -6-2-1 Mary Townsend b 28 May 1814 New Garden Columbiana Co OH d 26 May 1881 Metz IN m c 1843, New Garden, OH to Joseph Garside, b 2 May 1815, England, d. 1896.
    -6-2-1-1 n/a
    -6-2-1-2 James Walter Garside, b. 7 Dec 1845, New Garden, Columbiana Co OH, d. 6 Mar 1921, Edon, Williams Co OH m. 9 Jun 1870, Metz, Steuben Co, IN to Emily Melissa Hoadley (dau. of Ebenezer and Deborah (McGowen) Hoadley), b. 6 Jan 1852, Mahoning Co OH, d. 12 Apr 1924 , Edon, OH. moved from New Garden, Columbiana Co OH to WIlliams Co OH c1866. They later moved to Steuben Co IN for 3 years before moving back to Williams Co OH. James clerked in Edgerton for 2 years.

    -6-2-1-2-1 Clara Garside b 1870 d 1895 m John Mast
    -6-2-1-2-2 Mary Garside b 1871 d 1972 m Guy Wilson
    -6-2-1-2-3 Nell Garside b 25 Jun 1878, Edon, OH d 24 Sep 1968 m 3 Feb 1897, Edon, Williams Co OH to Dr. Willard Ward Swarts b 14 Jul 1872 Mongo, LaGrange Co IN d 1948, Three Rivers, MI.
    -6-2-1-2-4 Walter Garside b 1882 d 1962 m Clara Kretzberger
    -6-2-1-2-5 Warren Garside b 1889 d 1973 m Lucile Segler

    -6-2-1-2-3-1 Irene Lucile, b. 7 Mar 1898
    -6-2-1-2-3-2 Ward Garside Swarts, b. 28 Sep 1906, Auburn, DeKalb Co IN d. 29 Mar 1979, Reston, VA; m. Curunna, DeKalb Co IN to LaRea Foote, b. Auburn, IN.

    -6-2-1-2-3-2-1 Stephen Ward Swarts, Dixon., Lee Co IL m. to Dianne Bennett Rogers, b. Williamsburg, VA.
    -6-2-1-2-3-2-1-1 David Rogers Swarts, b Willamsburg, VA; 1m. to Sheila Lyyn Hendershot, b. Jackson, MI; 2m. to Sherie Fern Blakeman (Eley), b. Vandercook Lake, MI.
    -6-2-1-2-3-2-1-1-1 Samantha Lynn Swarts, Ann Arbor, MI
    -6-2-1-2-3-2-1-1-2 Courtney Atherton Swarts, Ann Arbor, MI
    -6-2-1-2-3-2-1-2 Scott Ward Swarts, Sturgis, St. Joseph Co MI
    -6-2-1-2-3-2-2 Susan Swarts, b Three Rivers, St. Joseph Co MI
    Re8 David Register b c 1715 purchased land in Chester Co PA
    Re7 Lydia REGISTER b c 1740/?53 Edgemont Twp Chester Co Pa d c 1854 Howard Twp Washington Co IN
    m about 1770 James SILL b c 1750 in PA d by 1809 Shelby Co KY
    -1 Register Sill b 1771/?80 Chester Co PA d1860 PA, Chester Co m 20 Mar 1803 Shelby Co KY Nancy "Ann" Hollis b 1785 PA dau of John Hollis and Hannah Sill
    -2 Adam Sill b bef 1778 PA d 10/1817 Shelby Co KY m1 26 Mar 1796 in Shelby Co Ky Ann Huss m2 17 Aug 1800 Shelby Co Ky Asenath Wright b in shelby Co
    -3 Mary Sill b 1780 d 1856 Shelby Co Ky m 8 Oct 1798 Shelby Co KY Richard Huss b 5 Mar 1779 Md d 3 Jan 1849 Shelby Co Ky
    -4 Martha "Mattie" Sill b bef 1781 PA m 15 Aug 1797 in Shelby Co Ky Aaron Long
    -5 James Sill b 1787 d 10/11/1846 PA Owen Co IN m1 Rebecca J x + ?1 ch m2 4 Feb 1812 in Shelby Co Ky Levina Wright b 22 May 1795 + 2 ch dau of HUgh Wright m3 28 Mar 1820 Shelby Co Ky Elizabeth Martin + 5 ch dau of Samuel Martin
    -1-1 Elizabeth Sill b 1806 1880 KY, Shelby Co m Eli Hoggatt
    -1-2 Lydia Sill b 1807 KY, Shelby Co d 08/09/1889 Salem Washington Co IN m 22 Aug Owen Co IN James Cook b c 1781 VA
    -1-3 Nancy Sill b 1812 KY, Shelby Co d 04/05/1859 m 8 May 1831 Owen Co IN John Shephard Rogers
    -1-4 Sarah "Sallie" Sill b 09/13/1818 KY, Shelby Co d 03/11/1908 Campbellsburg Washington Co IN m2 7 Jan 1835 Washington Co IN William Sherrow m1 Levi Copple m3 1859 Elisha Wood
    -1-5 Asenith Sill b 09/29/1819 KY, Shelby Co d 05/05/1903 Howard Twp Washington Co IN m 22 Apr 1847 Washington Co IN William J Miller b c 1806 NC
    -1-6 Commodore Perry Sill b 1822 KY, Shelby Co d 02/03/1877 Marian Co IL m 26 Dec 1842 Washington Co IN Sarah Ellen "Sally" Beard/Baird b 6 Nov 1820 TN
    -1-7 Eli Evans Sill b 06/12/1830 IN, Owen Co d 08/14/1920 m 14 FEB 1860 in Washington Co IN Susan Smith d 30 Sep 1902 MO
    -1-8 Jesse Thomas Sill b 06/16/1832 Washington Co IN, d 04/12/1911 Washington Co IN m 11 Jan 1860 Washington Co IN Nancy Miller b 1837 dau of William J. MILLER b c 1806 in NC and Elizabeth WINKLER
    -2-1 William SILL b 9 AUG 1801 in Shelby Co KY d c 1841 in Monticello White Co IN m 22 Nov 1822 Shelby Co KY Elizabeth Martin b 16 Mar 1803 Shelby Co KY m 22 NOV 1822 in Shelby Co Elizabeth MARTIN b 16 MAR 1803 in Shelby CoKY
    -2-2 Elizabeth SILL b c 1804 in KY d 1875 Sullivan Co IN m1 Ebenezer SMITH b 1798 in KY m226 DEC 1826 in Shelby Co KY Eli HOGGATT b c 1797 in NC d by 1880 Washington Co IN son of Philip Hoggatt and Mary Thornburg
    -2-3 Hannah W. SILL m James Smith
    -2-4 James SILL m Ann x
    -2-5 Aseneth SILL
    -2-6 George SILL
    -2-7 Harriet SILL m 28 Jun 1860 Washington Co IN Henry Gibbons
    -2-8 Eleanora Sill b 1810 KY d 02/02/1838 Washington Co In m Bennett Peyton b 1808 KY, Casey Co d 1895 KY, Casey Co Grave Casey Co, Peyton Reynolds Creek
    -3-1 Ann Huss b c 1801 KY m Elisha Kinney
    -3-2 Sarah Huss c 1806 KY m David Fry
    -3-3 Martha A. Huss b c 1816 KY m Samuel S. Montgomery
    -3-4 William L. Huss b c 1817 KY m Martha Tinsley
    -5-1 Lucy SILL b 15 JAN 1813 in Shelby Co KY m 25 Oct 1834 in Owen Co In Alfred Davis
    -5-2 Simpson SILL b 30 SEP 1815 in Shelby Co m Levina GILESPIE b Abt 1814 in OH
    -5-3 Adam Sill b 01/30/1821 Shelby Co Ky d 12/1901 m1 8 Nov 1849 Owen Co In Cordelia O. "Catherine" Varvel b 1829 Ky + 2 ch m2 1857 Jasper Co Il Margaret Varvel + 1 ch ?m3 Rebecca Marie Marley m4 20 Sep 1885 Sullivan Co Mo Rebecca Fritze b May 1834 NC
    -5-4 James Sill b 11/22/1822 03/29/1864 Owen Co m 20 Nov 1847 Owen Co In Elizabeth Landrum
    -5-5 Moses Sill b 12/30/1824 05/16/1856 IN, Owen Co m 4 Apr 1852 in In Nancy Jane Bull b c 1832 IN
    -5-6 Zerelda Sill b 02/20/1820/?7 IN, Owen Co m 5 Oct 1848 in Owen Co Richard H. Perkins
    -5-7 John Sill b 04/02/1832 IN, Owen Co m2 about 1857 in Il Rebecca J. ___ b about 1822 Il + 1 ch m1 1 Nov 1849 in Owen Co In Martha Ann Nichols

    -1-2-1 Elizabeth COOK b: in IN
    -1-2-2 Ann COOK b c 1832 in IN
    -1-2-3 Register COOK b c 1833 in IN
    -1-2-4 James N. COOK b c 1835 in IN
    -1-2-5 Eli COOK b c 1840 in IN
    -1-2-6 Nancy COOK b c 1842 in IN
    -1-3-1 Malinda Ann ROGERS b c 1833 in IN m JAN 1849 in Washington Co IN William M. SPAULDING b c 1830 in IN
    -1-3-2 Sarah Ann ROGERS b c 1834 in IN
    -1-4-1 Reuben R. SHERROW
    -1-4-2 James H. SHERROW
    -1-4-3 Sarah A. SHERROW
    -1-4-4 Mary E. SHERROW
    -1-4-5 Lydia SHERROW
    -1-5-1 Martha A. MILLER b c 1848 in Washington Co IN
    -1-5-2 Lydia* MILLER b c 1849 in Washington Co. IN
    -1-6-1 Dempsey R. SILL b 7 AUG 1843 in Cobden Union Co IL d 28 Apr 1874 IL m 27 FEB 1868 in IL Susan Jane LUMPKINS b: 29 NOV 1849 in MO
    -1-6-2 Asenith Anna SILL b c 1847 in IN m 1863 in Cobden,Union Co IL Napoleon Bonaparte "Nip" WALKER
    -1-6-3 Margaret J. SILL b 1850
    -1-6-4 Ransom Marion "Pete" SILL b 14 NOV 1852 in Washington Co IN d 1 Jun 1934 Taylorville Christian Co IL m 16 JUL 1874 in Bowling Green Clay Co IN Alice Arenda COPPLE b 8 FEB 1856 in Sullivan Co.,IN
    -1-6-5 Amanda E. SILL b 1858
    -1-6-6 xy SILL b 1860
    -1-6-7 Mary Catherine SILL b 1865 d 1950� m1 1880 Samuel G Copple b 1849 m2 18 Feb 1883 Charles McClellan Giles
    -1-7-1 Sarah E. SILL
    -1-7-2 Lucy T. SILL
    -1-7-3 William SILL
    -1-7-4 Laura A. SILL
    -1-7-5 Commodore P. SILL
    -1-7-6 Maliza SILL
    -1-7-7 Emma Jane SILL
    -1-7-8 Jesse T. SILL
    -1-7-9 Charles E. SILL
    -1-8-1 William SILL
    -1-8-2 Delia SILL
    -1-8-3 Sarah F. SILL b 1866
    -2-1-1 Miranda J. SILL m James C Reynolds
    -2-1-2 Robert W. SILL b c 1826 in KY
    -2-1-3 Milton M. SILL b 20 MAY 1833 in Tippecanoe Co IN m 13 DEC 1859 in White Co IN Mary MCCONAHAY
    -2-1-4 Georgiana SILL b Abt 1836 m y Jones
    -2-2-1 Lydia Frances HOGGATT b 19 DEC 1826 in KY d 17 Jul 1913 in Salem m 14 Nov 1847 Salem Owen Co IN George W Launis
    -2-2-2 Stephannus HOGGATT b 26 OCT 1827 in Shelby Co KY
    -2-2-3 Register HOGGATT b 19 MAY 1830 in Salem,Washington Co IN d 4 Jan 1906 KS m 18 Dec 1855 Salem Owen Co IN Mary Polly Miller
    -2-2-4 Joseph P. HOGGATT b 1833 in Salem,Washington Co IN d 5 May 1898 Salem Washington Co IN m 7 Jul 1867 in Salem Mary Elizabeth Fultz b 1834 d 1875
    -2-2-5 Commodore P. HOGGATT b 1842 in Salem,Washington Co IN m 26 Aug 1869 in Salem Olive Fields
    -2-2-6 Isaiah HOGGATT b 14 JUN 1844 in Salem,Washington Co IN d 30 Jul 1913 Hymera Curry Twp Sullivan Co IN m 6 Jun 1868 Terre Haute IN Sara Agnes Railsback
    -2-2-7 Hester Asenith HOGGATT b 1847 in Salem,Washington Co IN
    -5-2-1 Mary SILL b Abt 1839 in IN
    -5-2-2 Susanna SILL b Abt 1844 in IN
    -5-2-3 Sarah E. SILL b Abt 1846 in IN
    -5-2-4 Margaretta Lisabel SILL b 5 DEC 1849 in Greencastle Twp. Putnam Co IN d 29 Mar Wy m 23 JAN 1865 in Gillette Campbell Co WY Harrison Matson HUNTER son of Lewis HUNTER and Nancy GENTLE
    -5-3-1 Moses SILL b 16 FEB 1852 in Montgomery Twp Owen Co d 26 Feb 1920 North Salem Linn Co Mo m1 16 OCT 1890 in Milan Sullivan Co Perlina Ellen WHITAKER b: 29 FEB 1860 in Milan,Sullivan CoMO m2 28 JAN 1872 in Jasper Co Sarah J NULL b 10 JUN 1856
    -5-3-2 William R. SILL b Abt 1854 in Owen Co d after 1900 m Nancy C Cordray b May 1862 Sullivan Co Mo
    -5-3-3 Martha Jane SILL b SEP 1865 in Jasper Co Mo m 5 Mar 1882 Samuel W Cordray
    -5-4-1 Martha E. SILL b 1849 in Owen Co
    -5-4-2 John W. SILL b c 1851 in Owen Co m Mary E. STANSBERRY b: 1850
    -5-4-3 Mary SILL b c 1856 in Owen Co
    -5-4-4 Rosetta SILL b c 1859 in Owen Co
    -5-5-1 Laura A. SILLS b Abt 1853 in Owen Co IN
    -5-5-2 Mary E. SILLS b Abt 1856 in Owen Co IN
    -5-6-1 James H. PERKINS b Abt 1849 in Washington Co IN
    -5-7-1 James S. Sill b c 1857 IL d 1939 Aged: 82 years m1 Clementine Stansberry + 2 ch m2 1880 Il Laura b c 1865 in In

    -1-3-1-1 Andy A. SPAULDING b b MAY 1850 in IN
    -1-6-1-1 John Ransom SILL b 1869
    -1-6-1-2 George Wright SILL b 1874
    -1-6-2-1 John Logan WALKER b: 22 SEP 1880 in Cobden Union Co IL
    -1-6-4-1 Ora E. SILL b c 1873 in IN
    -1-6-4-2 Oliver Perry SILL b 19 JUL 1875 in Farmersburg,Sullivan Co.,IN
    -1-6-4-3 William Gorman SILL b 27 MAR 1880 in Marion Co.,IL
    -1-6-4-4 Henry Frank SILL b MAR 1885 in IL
    -1-6-4-5 Herschel Byron SILL b JUN 1892 in IL
    -1-6-4-6 Gladys Lenora SILL b 7 FEB 1895 in Blue Mound,Macon Co.,IL
    -1-6-7-1 John E. GILES : 11 JAN 1884
    -1-6-7-2 Emmett GILES b: 11 JAN 1884
    -1-6-7-3 Belva GILES b: Abt 1885
    -1-6-7-4 Grover C. GILES b: 3 SEP 1888
    -1-6-7-5 Edward GILES b c 1889
    -2-1-3-1 George SILL
    -2-1-3-2 Charles SILL
    -2-1-3-3 Bertha SILL
    -2-1-3-4 Nina SILL
    -2-1-3-5 William SILL
    -2-1-3-6 Edward SILL
    -2-2-4-1 Henry S. HOGGATT b 1870 in Salem Washington Co IN
    -2-2-4-2 Cora A. HOGGATT b 1872 in Salem Washington Co
    -5-2-4-1 Margaretta Mae HUNTER b 1876 in Gillette,Campbell Co m 29 DEC 1897 in Carlile Crook Co WY James Stanley BAUGH
    -5-3-1-1 William Allen "Pete" SILL b 22 MAR 1894 in Winigan Sullivan Co
    -5-3-1-2 James M SILL b 6 FEB 1873 in Jackson CoIL
    -5-3-1-3 Minna M SILL b 30 DEC 1875
    -5-3-2-1 Thomas F. SILL b SEP 1885 in Sullivan Co
    -5-3-2-2 Edward C. SILL b APR 1889 in Sullivan Co
    -5-3-2-3 Adam L. SILL b DEC 1895 in ,Sullivan Co
    -5-3-3-1 Sarah E. CORDRAY b SEP 1883 in MO
    -5-3-3-2 Elizabeth CORDRAY b NOV 1884 in MO
    -5-3-3-3 Adam L. CORDRAY b JUL 1887 in MO d 1934 m Mary McCollum b 1889
    -5-3-3-4 William Edwin CORDRAY b OCT 1889 in MO d 1957 Helena Ok m Gertrude McCollum
    -5-3-3-5 Benjamin F. CORDRAY b DEC 1892 in MO
    -5-3-3-6 John CORDRAY b OCT 1897 in MO.
    -5-3-3-7 Ernest CORDRAY b 1904 in OK
    -5-3-3-8 Ruth CORDRAY b 1906 in OK d 1930 m Ernest OWENS
    -5-3-3-8-1 Billy OWENS b 1926
    -5-3-3-8-2 Bobby Lee OWENS b 1928
    -5-4-2-1 Sarah M. SILL b 1880
    -5-7-1-1 Roy Edgar SILL
    -5-7-1-2. Ellis Theodore SILL b 1880

    -5-2-4-1-1 Arthur H. BAUGH b 7 OCT 1903 in Carlile Cook Co WY m Ida D Spores and had Arthur Duane and x Baugh
    -5-3-3-3-1 Mildred CORDRAY
    -5-3-3-3-2 Naomi CORDRAY
    -5-3-3-3-3 Thelma CORDRAY b 1917
    -5-3-3-3-4 Allen CORDRAY
    -5-3-3-4-1 Austin E. CORDRAY
    Re8-4 Robert Regester b 1718
    m Jane Williamson b 1725 d 1797
    -1 Sarah Regester b 1741 d 1763
    -2 Daniel Regester b 1743 d 1816
    -3 John Regester b 1744
    -4 David Regester b 1744 d 1781 m Margaret Black b 1748 d 1816
    -5 John Regester b 1746 d 1774
    -6 Sarah REgester b 1748 d 1838 m Mordecai Massey b 1746 d 1837
    -7 Lydia Regester b 1753 d 1820 m Thomas Minshall b 1748 d 1813

    -4-1 Robert Regester b 1769 d 1852 m1 Dorothy Simpson m2 Sara Williams b 1791 d 1873 + ch
    -4-2 Joseph Regester b 1771 d 1835
    -4-3 John Regester b 1775 d 1850
    -4-4 David Regester b 1775 d 1864 m Jane Leonard
    -6-1 John Massey b 1772
    -6-2 Jane Massey b 1774 d 1827
    -6-3 James Massey b 1776 d 1815
    -6-4 William Massey b 1778
    -6-5 Ann Massey b 1779
    -6-6 Mordecai Massey b 1780
    -6-7 Sarah Massey b 1782 d 1874
    -6-8 Phoebe Massey b 1784 d 1855
    -6-9 Robert Massey b 1787 d 1870
    -6-10 Daniel Massey b 1792 d 1875
    -7-1 Sarah Minshall d 1836 m William Baker b 1757 d 1868

    -4-1-1 Daniel Regester b 1812 d 1877
    -4-1-2 David Regester b 1815 d 1897
    -4-1-3 Joseph Regest b 1828 d 1911 m Martha Morrison b 1840
    -7-1-1 Thomas Baker d 1856 m Ann Worrall b 1799 d 1868
    -7-1-2 Lydia Baker d 1818 m John Broomhall b 1791 d 1855
    -7-1-3 Mary Baker b 1804 d 1842 m James Aitken b 1795 d 1890

    -7-1-1-1 T Baker
    -7-1-1-2 William Baker
    -7-1-1-3 Hannah Baker
    -7-1-1-4 Pennell Baker
    -7-1-1-5 Sarah Baker b 1837 d 1886 m Henry Green b 1834 d 1900
    -7-1-1-6 Minshall Baker b 1838 d 1883 m Elizabeth Walter b 1849 d 1881
    -7-1-1-7 Franklin Baker b 1827 d 1898 m Mary Baker b 1839 d 1882
    -7-1-3-1 Sarah Aitken b 1839 d 1852 m Joseph Ashbridge b 1830 d 1906
    -7-1-3-2 Thomas Aitken b 1837 d 1917 m Rebecca Wollerton b 1833 d 1858
    -7-1-3-3 James Aitken b 1842 d 1862
    Re8-5 Jane Regester b 1724 Edgemont d 1743
    m John Scott
    Re8-6 Sarah Regester b 1727 d 1743
    m James Scott
    Re8-7 John Regester b 1729 d 1757 m Hannah Green
    Re8-8 William Regester b 1723/?33 Edgemont PA d 2 Jun 1823 Philadelphia?/East Bethlehem Washington Co PA
    m 12 Nov 1759 Old Sweedes #church Philadelphia Abigail Hoopes b 1738 d 1802
    -1 David Regester b 1760 d 1816
    -2 Mary Regester b 1762 d 1772
    -3 Lydia Regester b 23 SEp 1764 Newtown Twp Chester Co PA d 1 Aug 1838 Sandy Spring Columbiana OH m 22 Nov 1798 Birmingham Chester Co PA Aaron Mendenhall
    -4 Abraham Regester b 1766 d 1772
    -5 Jane Regester b 1772 d 1833
    -6 Robert Regester b c 24 Dec 1779 Chester Co PA d 5 Aug 1838 Augusta Twp Carroll Co OH m 1 Jan 1807 Columbiana Co OH Abigail Rigby b 8 Jan 1785 Chester Co Pa d 8 Apr 1869 Augusta Twp Carroll Co OH dau of Daniel Rigby
    -7 William Regester b 1774 d 1777
    -8 Thomas Regester b 1776 d 1850 m Hannah Regester b 1780 d 1850

    -3-1 William Mendenhall b 25 Mar 1800 Chester Co PA d 8 Jul 1883 Penn Jay IN m1 Mariah Bowerstock m2 27 Jul 1831 Rebecca Ward
    -3-2 Abigail (Mendenhall m Pim
    -3-3 Hannah Mendenhall
    -6-1 Aaron Baker Regester b 30 Nov 1820 Columbiana Co OH d 1905 Granite Falls Yellow Medicine MN m Matilda Dwyer
    -6-2 Thomas Regester b 1 Mar 1823 WEst New Garden OH
    -6-3 Robert Regester b 2 Oct 1825 West Columbiana Co OH d 16 Sep 1880 Jay Co IN m1 7 Apr 1850 Ann Sumption m2 9 Nov 1869 Sarah Catharine Gray
    -6-4 James R Regester
    -8-1 Lydia Regester b 1804 d 1888 m John Bair b 1810 d 1884
    -8-2 Mary Regester b 1805 d 1867 m Josiah Keislar b 1801
    -8-3 Hannah Regester b 1807 d 1879
    -8-4 Thomas Regester b 1809 d 1826 m Mary McNeely
    -8-5 William Regester b 1810 d 1829
    -8-6 James Regester b d 1814
    -8-7 James Regester b 1815 d 1880 m Sarah Skinner b 1824 d 1907
    -8-8 Abigail Regester b 1817 d 1898 m Simeon Mace b 1802 d 1882
    -8-9 Robert Regester b 1819 d 1844
    -8-10 Joseph Regester b 1821 d 1855

    -3-1-1 Lydia Mendenhall b 26 Dec 1832 Columbiana Co OH d 24 May 1903 Jay Co IN m George Paxson
    -3-1-2 Aaron J. Mendenhall b 12 Mar 1840 Balbec IN d 30 Jan 1863 Murfreesboro TN
    -3-1-3 Eliza Ann Mendenhall b 15 Apr 1842 Balbec Jay IN d 20 May 1910 Jackson Twp IN m John Nelson Tucker b 1832 Madison VA d there 27 Jan 1911 son of Reuben Tucker b 1 May Dinwiddie VA d 27 Jun 1870 Madison Co VA m 7 Apr 1812 Polly Eagan
    -6-1-1 Adeline Regester b c 1852 Columbiana Co OH m John Wadsworth Humphrey
    -6-3-1 Levi Johnson Regester b 21 Apr 1851 Jay Co IN d 21 Jun 1948 San Leandro Alameda CA m Amanda Bond

    -3-1-1-1 William Oliver Paxson
    -3-1-1-2 Sarah Abigail Paxson m Garrett
    -3-1-1-3 Aaron Albion Paxson
    -3-1-1-4 Walter Ward Paxson
    -3-1-1-5 Martha Paxson m Cline
    -3-1-3-1 William Mansfield Tucker b 5 Oct 1864 Madison VA d 5 Jan 1875?/85 had William Guy Tucker b 20 Mar 1881 d 10 Dec 1961 Montgomery PA m Martha J Lohr
    -6-1-1-1 Hubert Humphrey Sr b 23 Mar 1882 Harrisburg Linn Co OR d 25 Nov 1949 MN m Ragnild Kristen Sannes
    -6-1-1-1-1 Hubert Humphrey Sr b b 27 May 1911 Wallace Codington Co SD d 13 Jan 1978 Waverly Wright Co MN US VP m Muriel Fay Buck
    -6-3-1-1 Ora Bertha Regester b 13 Sep 1876Pennville Jay Co IN d 23 Feb 1942 New Almel Twp Norton KA m William Francis Gilleece
    Re? From Dennis E Rhea's (author's autosomal 45 cM with longest 22 cM segment on chr 16 and X chr DNA match) tree was:
    Mary Elizabeth Register b 1797 d GA
    m Joseph William Clements b 9 Dec 1796 Pendleton Co SC d Cass Co TX son of Charles Clements and Nancy Jack
    -1 George Washington Clements b 13 Nov 1818 GA d 11 Mar 1904 LaFayette GA m Mary Winne Greathouse -1-1 Birdie Elzora Clements b 1869 d 1939 mm Payton Columbus Hill son of Robert Allen Hill and Pinalpa Jane Goff -1-1-1 George Jefferson Hill b 1908 d 1944 m Eva Lee Roberts b 1910 d 1960 dau of Charlkes Marion Roberts and Mary Anna Perkins -1-1-1-1 x Hill m Donald Lee Rhea b 1933 d 2003 son of William Lafayette Rhea b 1906 and Nannie Mae Gill parents of Dennis E Rhea, author's 45 cM DNA match with 22 cM segment on chr 16/td>
    Martin Fry, Sr. 1783-1843 m Sara Froman 1787-1868 . -1 Noah Fry 1812-? m 1833 Sarah Ann Hite 1815-?

    -2 Martin Fry, Jr. 1815-1846 m 1842 Sarah Froman 1817-1888

    -3 Levi Fry 1817-1866 m 1865 Lear Catherine Heiss 1836-?

    -4 Froman Fry 1819-1899 m Louvina Froman 1822-1886

    -5 Sarah Fry 1820-? m 1846 Harrison Cline 1821-1857

    -6 Catherine Fry 1825-1901 m 1848 David Arrington 1821-1886

    Samuel Fry ?-? .


    Richard Byron Parker's tree shows a line that may be related to the author's below as follows:
    Richard Adam Frey b 1495 Kronau d there 1545 m Estelle Helena
    Marti Frey b 1521 d 1556 m Ursula Wysy b 1524 d 1556 dau of Zachariah Wyss b 1500 d 1592 and Anna Lochmann b 1495 d 1560
    Jorg Frey b 6 Jan 1554 d 4 Nov 1635 m Margaret Burgester b 1557 d 4 Nov 1635 dau of Erik Burgester b 1532 Kronau d there 1595 and Cathryn Miesel b 1535 Zurich d 1595
    Hans Heinrich Frey b 1583 Kronau Zurich Switzerland d Zurich 1634 m Anna Hon b 1589 Waederswil Zurich d Kronau 1632
    Gregorius Frey b 1610 Kronau d 1687 Wingen Bas-Rhin Alsace m Verena Obersdorfer
    Johann Jacob Frey b 1648 Kronau d 12 Sep 1705 Wingen m Anna Maria Schaub b 1 Apr 1665 Langensoultzbach Alsace d 1725 Schoenau Germany
    Johann Peter Frey b 27 Sep 1689 Wingen d 4 May 1766 Friedberg Rowan Co NC
    Maria Margaretha Frey b 20 Nov 1716 Wingen d 11 Dec 1784 Heidelberg Berks PA m Johann Michael Kapp b 1705 Wildenholz Ansbach Germany d 1 May 1764 Heidelberg PA
    The following pedigree is thanks to

    Fr12 Friedrich Frey b c 1615 m Maria Rudolph (shown in Gary McKee's tree but with implausible dates)

    Fr11 Jacob FREY, b c 1640 ??Gundetswil, Canton Zurich, Switzerland
    m 26 Jan 1657 in Altheim, Alsace, Germany, to Anna HERTZELLER (b. unknown, d. unknown); they resided in Altheim (or Altenheim), Alsace, Germany; their

    We have not seen proof that the Hans Heinrich son of Jacob (Fr11) is the same as Heinrich (Fr10); however, some circumstantial evidence suggests that he was.
    There is no apparent relationship to Col Joshua Fry of Va at least after immigration to America
    By the time of the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century, Strasbourg was a prosperous community, and its inhabitants accepted Protestantism in 1523. Martin Bucer was a prominent Protestant reformer in the region. His efforts were countered by the Roman Catholic Habsburgs who tried to eradicate heresy in Upper Alsace. As a result, Alsace was transformed into a mosaic of Catholic and Protestant territories. On the other hand, Mömpelgard (Montbéliard) to the southwest of Alsace, belonging to the Counts of Württemberg since 1397, remained a Protestant enclave in France until 1793.

    This situation prevailed until 1639 when most of Alsace was conquered by France to prevent it falling into the hands of the Spanish Habsburgs, who wanted a clear road to their valuable and rebellious possessions in the Spanish Netherlands. This occurred in the greater context of the Thirty Years' War (1618�1648). Beset by enemies and to gain a free hand in Hungary, the Habsburgs sold their Sundgau territory (mostly in Upper Alsace) to France in 1646, which had occupied it, for the sum of 1.2 million Thalers. Thus, when the hostilities finally ceased in 1648 with the Treaty of Westphalia, most of Alsace went to France with some towns remaining independent. The treaty stipulations regarding Alsace were Byzantine and confusing; it is thought that this was purposely so that neither the French king nor the German emperor could gain tight control, but that one would play off the other, thereby assuring Alsace some measure of autonomy. Supporters of this theory point out that the treaty stipulations were authored by Imperial plenipotentiary Isaac Volmar, the former Chancellor of Alsace. The transfer of most of Alsace to France at the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 marked its start, along with Lorraine, as a contested territory between France and Germany (French-German enmity).

    Because warfare had caused large numbers of the population (mainly in the countryside) to die or to flee, numerous immigrants arrived from Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Lorraine, Savoy and other areas after 1648 and until the mid-18th century. Between 1671-1711 Anabaptist refugees came from Switzerland, notably from Bern. Strasbourg became a main centre of the early Anabaptist movement.

    France consolidated her hold with the 1679 Treaties of Nijmegen, which brought the towns under her control. France occupied Strasbourg in 1681 in an unprovoked action, and from 1688 onwards devastated large parts of southern Germany according to the Brûlez le Palatinat! policy. These territorial changes were reinforced at the 1697 Treaty of Ryswick which ended the War of the Grand Alliance. However, Alsace had a somewhat exceptional position in the Kingdom of France. The German language was still used in local government, school, and education and the German (Lutheran) University of Strasbourg was continued and attended by students from Germany. The Edict of Fontainebleau, which legalized the suppression of French Protestantism, was not applied in Alsace. In contrast to the rest of France, there was a relative religious tolerance, although the French authorities tried to promote Catholicism and the Lutheran Strasbourg Cathedral had to be handed over to the Catholics in 1681. There was a customs boundary along the Vosges mountains against the rest of France while there was no such boundary against Germany. For these reasons Alsace remained marked by German culture and economically oriented towards Germany until the French Revolution.

    Fr10 Heinrich Frey b 17 Jun 1663 in Altenheim, Alsace, Germany, d about 1734 in Frederick Twp Philadelphia Co PA
    m 26 Apr 1692 in Germantown Philadelphia Co PA, to Anna Catherine LEVERING b Mar 1673/6, d about 1754 dau of John Wigard LEVERING & Magdalena BOKER/Baker, granddau of Rosier Levering b 1620 d 1675/6 and Elizabeth Van de Walle); they resided in Roxborough, Philadelphia Co and later in Frederick Twp., Philadelphia Co. [now Montgomery Co.], PA

    The early family was affiliated with the Moravian Church although it is claimed they were Lutheran. It was, however, commonplace for Mennonites to profess to be Catholic or Lutheran and secretly practice their own religion. While this may seem hypocritical today, back then it saved many a family from being burned at the stake.

    The name Moravian identifies the fact that this historic church had its origin in ancient Bohemia and Moravia in what is the present-day Czech Republic. In the mid-ninth century these countries converted to Christianity chiefly through the influence of two Greek Orthodox missionaries, St Cyril, b 827 Thessalonica d 14 Feb 869 Rome, and St Methodius born c 815 Thessalonica died 6 Apr 884, Moravia. They translated the Bible into the common Slavonic language inventing a new alphabet of combined Greek, Latin Hebrew and unique letters for particular Slavic sounds and introduced a national church ritual. In the centuries that followed, Bohemia and Moravia gradually fell under the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of Rome, but some of the people protested.

    Cyril (born Constantine) and Methodius were born in Macedonia in the town of Salonica. Methodius, upon finishing his education joined the armed forces and became administrator of a Slav province. Soon he decided to leave the worldly way of life and became a monk in a monastery on Mount Olympus. From childhood Constantine exhibited amazing talents and received a superb education at the palace with the young Emperor Michael III, where they were taught by the famous Photius, who later became patriarch of Constantinople. Upon finishing his education, Constantine could have had great success in the world, but his heart blazed with love of God and worldly goods did not entice him. For a while he taught in the main academy in Constantinople his favorite subject - philosophy. However he soon left and joined his brother Methodius in the monastery. Here they both devoted themselves to fasting and prayer until such time of their calling to preach to the Slav tribes. This dedication first brought these great brothers to the boundaries of Russia in the year 858, when the Khazars of the Caucasus tribe who had their nomadic camps on the South Eastern part of the present Russia, begged the Emperor Michael to send to them preachers of the Faith. After instructions from Photius to embark on this mission, the Holy brothers arrived at Kherson. Here they lived for about two years learning the Khazar language and uncovered the relics of the Holy Martyr Clement, bishop of Rome who had been exiled there at the end of the first century.

    The first Slavic people accepting Christianity were the Bulgarians. In Constantinople the sister of prince Boris who was being kept as a hostage, took the name Theodora at her baptism and was educated in the spirit of the Holy Faith. Around the year 860, she returned to Bulgaria and began to influence her brother to accept Christianity. Boris was baptized and took the name of Michael. Saint Cyril and Methodius happened to be in that country and through their preaching furthered the affirmation of Christianity therein. From Bulgaria Christian Faith spread to the neighboring Serbia.

    After Bulgaria and Serbia were enlightened, there came to Constantinople emissaries from the Moravian prince Rostislav with the following plea: "Our people profess the Christian Faith, but we have no teachers who could explain to us the Faith in our native language. Send such teachers to us." Both the Emperor and the patriach were gladdened and called the holy brothers of Salonica to ask to them to go to the Moravian people. In order to have great success with their preaching, they found it necessary to translate both the Holy and Liturgical books into the Slavonic language, since according to the words of Saint Cyril "to preach orally is the same as writing in the sand." Before translating, it was necessary to devise Slavonic letters and compile a Slavonic alphabet. Toward such a difficult undertaking, Saint Cyril prepared himself using the example set by the Apostles, by prayer and fasting for forty days. As soon as the alphabet was ready, Saint Cyril translated into Slavonic selections from the Gospel and Epistles. Some chroniclers state that the first words written in Slavonic were the words of the Evangelist John: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

    In the year 863, the Holy brothers dispatched themselvesto to Moravia with their disciples Gorazdius, Clement, Sabba, Haymonius and others. Contemporary liturgical services and reading of the Gospel in Slavonic quickly drew the hearts of the Moravians to them and gave them sway over German preachers. Their success was envied by German and Latin preachers who tried to hinder the Holy brothers in every way. They spread the idea to the people that the Word of God can only be read in three languages, which constituted the epitaph on the Lord's cross, namely: Hebrew, Greek and Latin, they called Cyril and Methodius heretics because the Holy brothers preached in Slavonic and finally voiced complaints against them to Pope Nicholas.

    The Pope requested to meet the Slavonian godly messengers. Respecting the Pope as one of the patriarchs and hoping to find in him help for their holy work, the Holy brothers went to Rome. They carried with them the relics of the "equal to the Apostles" Clement, Pope of Rome and books translated by them. Pope Nicholas I died before their arrival. His successor, Pope Adrian, wishing conciliation of the Churches, received the Holy preachers with great respect and met them outside of the city accompanied by clergy and many people. He accepted from them the Holy relics and placed them in the Church of Saint Clement with veneration, and blessed at the altar of the ancient Roman Basilica of Mary the Great the translated books. Soon after arriving in Rome Cyril became gravely ill and asked Methodius to continue his work and died peacefully (Feb. 14th, 869).

    Saint Methodius fulfilled ed his brother's wish: returning to Moravia with the rank of archbishop, he toiled there for 15 years. During the lifetime of Methodius, Christianity expanded to Bohemia. Prince Borivoi of Bohemia was baptized by Methodius. His wife Ludmila (who later became a martyr) and many others followed suit. In the middle of the 10th century, the Polish prince Miechislav married the Bohemian princess Dombrowska after which he and his subjects accepted the Christian Faith.

    Consequently, these same Slavonic people with great effort cut off the Latin preachers and the German emperors from the Greek Church which was under the jurisdiction of the Roman Pope for excluding Serbs and Bulgarians. However in all the Slavs, notwithstanding the passage of hundreds of years remains a living memory of the great "equal to Apostles" enlighteners and that Orthodox Faith which they tried to sow among them. The Liturgical memory of Saint Cyril and Methodius serves as a link for all Slavonic people.

    The foremost of Czech reformers, John Hus (1369-1415) was a professor of philosophy and rector of the University in Prague. The Bethlehem Chapel in Prague, where Hus preached, became a rallying place for the Czech reformation. Gaining support from students and the common people, he led a protest movement against many practices of the Roman Catholic clergy and hierarchy. Hus was accused of heresy, underwent a long trial at the Council of Constance, and was burned at the stake on July 6, 1415.

    ORGANIZED IN 1457 The reformation spirit did not die with Hus. The Moravian Church, or Unitas Fratrum (Unity of Brethren), as it has been officially known since 1457, arose as followers of Hus gathered in the village of Kunvald, about 100 miles east of Prague, in eastern Bohemia, and organized the church. This was 60 years before Martin Luther began his reformation and 100 years before the establishment of the Anglican Church. By 1467 the Moravian Church had established its own ministry, and in the years that followed three orders of the ministry were defined: deacon, presbyter and bishop.

    GROWTH, PERSECUTION, EXILE By 1517 the Unity of Brethren numbered at least 200,000 with over 400 parishes. Using a hymnal and catechism of its own, the church promoted the Scriptures through its two printing presses and provided the people of Bohemia and Moravia with the Bible in their own language.

    A bitter persecution, which broke out in 1547, led to the spread of the Brethren's Church to Poland where it grew rapidly. By 1557 there were three provinces of the church: Bohemia, Moravia and Poland. The Thirty Years War (1618-1648) brought further persecution to the Brethren's Church, and the Protestants of Bohemia were severely defeated at the battle of White Mountain in 1620.

    The prime leader of the Unitas Fratrum in these tempestuous years was Bishop John Amos Comenius (1592-1670). He became world-renowned for his progressive views of education. Comenius, lived most of his life in exile in England and in Holland where he died. His prayer was that some day the "hidden seed" of his beloved Unitas Fratrum might once again spring to new life.

    Fr9-1 Jacob Frey, b about 1694 Roxborough Philadelphia d 7 Jan 1784/5 Towamencin Montgomery PA
    m. Margaret Ease
    Fr9-1-1 Jacob S. Frey 1756-1844
    m 1789 Margaret Springer b 31 Oct 1768 d 22 Dec 1835 Towamencin
    -1 John Frey 1789-died young .

    -2 Mary Margaret Frey b 1791 d 1878 m 1810 Frederick Bergstresser 1779-1867

    -3 Anna Nancy Frey 1792-1859 m 1816 Garrett Godshalk 1789-1849.

    -4 Daniel S. Frey 1794-1890 m Ann Allebaugh 1796-1871.

    -5 Lydia Frey 1800 d y/?1870

    -6 John Springer Fry 1800-1890 m Rebecca Ruth 1795-1864.

    -7 Elizabeth Frey b 1797

    -8 Barbara Frey 1800-1863 m Joseph Cassell ?-1863

    -8 William Frey ?-?.

    -2-1 Annie Bergstresser 1811-? m Jacob Kramer ?-1888

    -2-2 Jacob Bergstresser 1817-1895 m Elizabeth Faust ?-?

    -2-3 Levi Bergstresser 1819-?

    -2-4 Barbara Bergstresser 1820-? m Mahlon Keeler 1816-1868

    -2-5 Silena Bergstresser ?-? m Hiram Keeler ?-1888

    -2-6 Margaret Bergstresser ?-? m Joseph Johnson ?-?

    -2-7 William Bergstresser 1825-1895 m ___ Bradford ?-?

    -3-1 Daniel Godshalk 1817-1897 m Angeline Weaver 1826-1875

    -3-2 Jonas F. Godshalk 1818-1894 m 1848 Susan Delp 1822-1894

    -3-3 Margaret Godshalk 1820-1858

    -3-4 Mary Godshalk 1823-1895 m Henry Kratz 1817-?

    -3-5 William Godshalk 1826-1885 m 1867 Mary Price 1849-1924

    -3-6 Barbara Godshalk 1831-1906 m 1850 Charles Roop 1823-1855

    -4-1 Jacob A. Frey 1820-? m Eliza Bruner 1821-1881

    -4-2 Margaret Frey 1822-1891 m Philip Stong 1801-1853

    -4-3 David A. Frey 1823-? m Catherine Boyer 1825-?

    -4-4 Fronica A. Frey 1825-1895 m James Umstead 1824-?

    -4-5 William A. Frey 1826-1874 m Rosealinda Piexotto ?-?

    -4-6 Mary Frey 1828-? m Jesse Slough 1822-1900

    -4-7 Elizabeth Frey 1834-1871 m Jacob Gargus 1832-?

    -4-8 Daniel O. Frey 1838-? m Elizabeth Fry 1832-1865

    -6-1 Jacob Ruth Fry 1823-1906 m1 1848 Barbara Rosenberger 1822-1862 +4 ch m2 1865 Esther Ann (Hattie) Miller no ch (Div 1870) m3 1872 Mary Ann Elizabeth Harting 1853-1902

    -6-2 William Fry 1825-1892 m Sarah Hendricks 1831-?

    -6-3 George R. Fry 1827-1895 m Elizabeth Keisen 1826-1897

    -6-4 Margaret Fry 1829-? m 1853 William Deltra 1826-?

    -6-5 Joseph Fry 1831-? m 1853 Ann Wismer ?-?

    -6-6 Barbara Ruth Fry 1834-1908 m 1858 Abraham Reinwald Springer 1829-1869

    -2-1-1 Joseph B. Kramer 1834-? m 1861 Barbara Wismer 1834-?
    -2-1-2 Margaret Kramer 1936-1837
    -2-1-3 Naomi B. Kramer 1838-? m 1872 John K. Kurtz 1823-1890
    -2-1-4 Emaline Kramer 1840-? m 1871 Enos S. Schwenck 1833-?
    -2-1-5 Frederick Kramer 1842-1844
    -2-1-6 Jacob Kramer ?-?
    -2-1-7 Henry Kramer 1851-? m 1871 Rev. David Bergy ?-1888
    -2-4-1 Clementine Keeler 1844-1892 m 1867 Frederick William Hubenthal 1840-1900
    -3-1-1 J. Wellington Godshalk 1864-1935 m 1896 Drusilla Lukens 1871-1940
    -3-1-2 Emma Marie Godshalk 1867-1933 m Newton Johnson 1872-?
    -3-2-1 Amanda Godshalk ?-died young
    -3-2-2 Milton Godshalk ?-died young
    -3-2-3 Charles Delp Godshalk 1851-1935 m Anna Moyer 1856-?
    -3-2-4 Harry Delp Godshalk 1853-1932
    -3-2-5 George Delp Godshalk 1855-1921 m Matilda Ellis 1856-?
    -3-2-6 Jonas Delp Godshalk 1856-1894 m Emma Romig ?-1889
    -3-2-7 Annie Godshalk 1858-1953 m John T. Troxel 1853-?
    -3-2-8 Emma Godshalk 1860-1922 m Davis Stover 1860-?
    -3-2-9 Susanna �Susie Godshalk 1867-1947
    -3-5-1 Estella Godshalk 1868-1932 m William Ensley ?-?
    -3-5-2 Annie G. Godshalk 1869-1921
    -3-5-3 Laura Godshalk 1872-?
    -3-5-4 Harry Godshalk 1875-?
    -3-5-5 Sadie �Sallie� Godshalk 1883-1914 m Phenton Hayes ?-?
    -3-6-1 Annie Roop 1851-1879 m John K. Kindig 1852-1918
    -3-6-2 Sylvania Roop 1853-1873 m James M. Hallman ?-?
    -3-6-3 Sarah �Sallie� Roop 1855-1934 m 1879 John K. Kindig 1851-1918
    -4-1-1 Daniel B. Fry 1850-1873
    -4-1-2 Mary Ann Fry 1851-1880 m William Quinn ?-?
    -4-1-3 Amanda Fry 1853-? m Oliver B. Haines ?-?
    -4-1-4 Jacob Fry 1855-1856
    -4-1-5 Sarah Ann Fry 1857-? m Jacob Bean c 1856
    -4-1-6 William Fry 1859-1873
    -4-1-7 Ephram Fry 1860-1873
    -4-1-8 Charles Fry 1863-? m Elsie Goodman ?-?
    -4-2-1 Barbara Stong ?-?
    -4-2-2 Elmira Stong ?-?
    -4-2-3 Fannie Stong ?-? m Signus Augusta Glaunfelter ?-?
    -4-2-4 Cornelius Stong ?-? m Amanda Bockhamer ?-?
    -4-3-1 Abraham Fry 1850-? m 1874 Sarah Swenk 1849-?
    -4-3-2 Louisa Fry 1848-? m John Dehaven ?-?
    -4-3-3 Joseph Warren Fry 1852-? m Ann Beer 1855-?
    -4-3-4 David Fry 1856-?
    -4-4-1 Fietta Umstead 1854-? m Abner Cassell ?-?
    -4-4-2 Anna Maria Umstead 1857-?
    -4-4-3 Morris Umstead ?-? m Nettie Ray ?-?
    -4-4-4 Charles Umstead 1868-?
    -4-5-1 Englebert Piexotto Fry ?-?
    -4-6-1 Ephraim F. Slough ?-? m 1900 Annie Thomas 1873-?
    -4-6-2 Clara Slough ?-?
    -4-6-3 Jacob Slough ?-?
    -4-6-4 Cornelius Slough ?-?
    -4-6-5 Margaret Jane Slough ?-?
    -4-6-6 Emma Elizabeth Slough ?-?
    -4-7-1 Katie Gargus 1856-?
    -4-7-2 Daniel Gargus 1860-?
    -4-7-3 Isiah Gargus 1866-? m Elizabeth Heckler ?-?
    -4-8-1 Malinda Elmira Fry 1861-? m1 1889 Franklin H. Price ?-? m2 Anna Swartz 1839-?
    -4-8-2 Ambrose S. Fry 1868-? m Vinnie Heckler ?-?
    -4-8-3 Alvin S. Fry 1870-? m Hannah Henning ?-?
    -4-8-4 Annora Fry 1871-?
    -4-8-5 Catherine Fry 1873-?
    -4-8-6 Elizabeth Fry 1876-?
    -4-8-7 Sarah Jane Fry 1878-?
    -4-8-8 Martha Fry 1882-? m Sarah Ottinger 1800-?
    -6-1-1 Anna Rebeca Fry 1848-1916 m Edward Capp 1841-1921
    -6-1-2 Ellen Barbara Fry 1854-1947 m James Henry Stewart 1843-1928
    -6-1-3 John Rosenberger Fry 1858-1939 m 1882 Amanda Elizabeth Sigler 1858-1922
    -6-1-4 Julie Ann Fry 1862-1862 lived 15 days
    -6-1-5 Alwilda Fry 1872-? m Charles Grimes
    -6-1-6 Evanna Fry 1873-1940 m Robert Ernest Drane 1867-1956
    -6-1-7 Uriah (Mike) Fry 1875-1944 m Mary McNabb
    -6-1-8 George Washington Fry 1877-1949 m Mary Ridge 1880-1975
    -6-3-1 Anna Fry 1848-? m James B. Edwards 1846-?
    -6-3-2 Rebecca Fry 1858-? m Isaac B. Moyer 1852-?
    -6-6-1 John Wesley Springer 1859-?
    -6-6-2 William Morris Springer 1860-? b Maria Boorse ?-?
    -6-6-3 James Monroe Springer 1864-? m Lena Wambold ?-?
    -6-6-4 Benjamin Franklin Springer 1865-? m Emma Apple ?-?
    Fr9-1-2 Joseph Frey 1761-1793 m Susanna Godshalk 1765-1853 (1760-1853) . -1 Jacob Frey 1787-1863 m 1813 Mary Godshalk ?-?

    -2 Margaret Frey 1790-1855 m 1814 Joseph Hallman 1792-1845.

    -3 Joseph Frey 1793-1868 m Catherine Lederack 1800-1880

    -1-1 Eli Fry 1814-1902 m 1857 Anna Essick 1831-?

    -1-2 Susanna Fry 1816-1895

    -1-3 Mary Fry 1829-?

    -2-1 Sophia Hallman 1817-1895 m Israel Sholl 1815-1890

    -2-2 Susanna Hallman 1818-1895 m 1842 John Willouer 1813-1892

    -2-3 Jacob F. Hallman 1820-1902 m 1849 Elizabeth Weber 1830-1912

    -2-4 Margaret Hallman 1823-1893 m Washington S. Grater 1816-1858

    -2-5 Catherine Hallman 1825-1899 m 1848 William H. Davis 1826-1887

    -2-6 Sarah Hallman 1828-1855 m 1854 Jonathan Hunsburger 1832-1919

    -2-7 Joseph F. Hallman 1831-1921 m 1856 Catherine Stauffer 1835-1916

    -2-8 William Hallman 1834-1916 m 1865 Sarah Ziegler 1845-1936

    -3-1 John L. Fry 1821-? m Esther Keely 1835-?

    -3-2 Mary Fry 1825-? m Alfred Briggs 1820-?

    -3-3 Angeline Fry 1833-?

    -1-1-1 Mary Emma Fry 1857-? m Christian A. Wismer 1857-?
    -1-1-2 Alice Fry 1859-? m Lewis B. Wismer 1856-?
    -1-1-3 Clement Fry 1868-? m Flora Lachman ?-?
    -1-1-4 Susanna Fry 1869-?
    -1-1-5 Jacob Fry 1871-?
    -2-1-1 Louise H. Sholl 1842-? m 1852 Reiff Gottshalk
    -2-2-1 Mary Ann Willlouer 1843-? m 1859 Benjamin D. Buckwaldter ?-1879
    -2-2-2 Margaret Willouer 1844-1874 m Adam Fordham ?-?
    -2-2-3 Sophia Willouer 1846-died infancy
    -2-2-4 Jacob Willouer 1848-died infancy
    -2-2-5 John Willouer 1851-? m 1883 Lizzi Moyer ?-?
    -2-2-6 Joseph Willouer 1853-? m Kate Bean ?-?
    -2-2-7 Edward Willouer 1856-? m 1880 Matilda Shuler ?-?
    -2-2-8 Charles Willouer 1859-?
    -2-2-9 Amanda Willouer 1862-died infancy
    -2-2-10 William Willouer 1865-?
    -2-3-1 Caroline Hallman 1853-?
    -2-3-2 Angeline Hallman 1858-?
    -2-3-3 William Hallman 1860-?
    -2-3-4 David Hallman 1862-?
    -2-3-5 Amanda Hallman 1864-?
    -2-3-6 Albert Hallman 1867-?
    -2-3-7 Sarah Hallman 1871-?
    -2-4-1 Infant ?-?
    -2-4-2 Isabella Grater 1844-? m Jacob S. Seller ?-?
    -2-4-3 Amanda Grater ?-? m1 Levi Rosenberger ?-1893 m2 Oliver Z Nace ?-?
    -2-5-1 Annie Davis 1850-? m 1873 Henry Nuss ?-?
    -2-5-2 Jerome H. Davis 1852-1885 m 1875 Mary Ann Johnson ?-?
    -2-5-3 William Fry Davis 1854-? m 1877 Sarah Elizabeth Kline ?-?
    -2-5-4 Elizabeth H. Davis 1856-? m 1873 William W. Kline ?-?
    -2-5-5 Eugene Slingluff Davis 1858-? m 1879 Amanda W. Kline ?-?
    -2-5-6 Catherine H. Davis 1860-? m 1879 Jacob Rapp ?- ?
    -2-5-7 Isabella C. Davis 1861-?
    -2-5-8 Mary Alice Davis 1866-? m 1884 Dillman H. Godshalk ?-?
    -2-5-9 Ida H. Davis 1867-? m 1890 William Keely ?-?
    -2-6-1 William H. Hunsburger 1855-? m 1874 Mary Ann Hendricks ?-?
    -2-6-2 Israel H. Hunsburger 1857-? m 1878 Josephine Goldsmith 1857-1913
    -2-6-3 Annie Jane Hunsburger 1861-? m 1883 Henry B. Sell ?-?
    -2-6-4 Ella Hunsburger 1863-?
    -2-6-5 Emma Hunsburger 1865-?
    -2-7-1 Milton Hallman 1857-? m 1879 Elizabeth Reiff ?-?
    -2-7-2 Garrett Hallman 1858-? m Maud Glatchley ?-?
    -2-7-3 Joseph S. Hallman 1860-? m Ellen Heist ?-?
    -2-7-4 Hettie Ann Hallman 1863-? m 1884 David Hendrick Bergy 1860-?
    -2-7-5 Margaret Hallman 1865-? m 1885 J. Montgomery Raysor ?-1893
    -2-7-6 Catherine Hallman 1867-? m 1886 Harvey Buckwalter ?-?
    -2-7-7 William Hallman 1869-? m 1893 Sallie Yerger ?-?
    -2-7-8 Susan Hallman 1872-?
    -2-7-9 Irwin Hallman 1874-?
    -2-7-10 Amanda Hallman 1876-? m 1895 Jacob Buckwalter ?-?
    -2-7-11 Eva Hallman 1879-?
    -2-8-1 Howard H. Hallman 1866-?
    -2-8-2 Joseph Elmer Hallman 1867-1868
    -2-8-3 Lizzie Minerva Hallman 1870-1870
    -2-8-4 Laura May Hallman 1873-1873
    -2-8-5 Clara Z. Hallman 1874-?
    -2-8-6 William Perry Hallman 1876-?
    -2-8-7 Calvin Penrose Hallman 1878-1878
    -2-8-8 Maud Agnes Hallman 1883-?
    -2-8-9 Salle Blanche Hallman 1884-?
    -3-1-1 Joseph E. Fry 1849-? m Mary Long ?-?
    -3-1-2 Emma Fry 1851-? m Charles H. Veghte ?-?
    -3-1-3 Clara Fry 1854-? m William F. Erichson 1857-?
    -3-1-4 Catherine Fry 1858-? m John W. Grater ?-?
    -3-1-5 John F. Fry 1859-? m Tillie A Keyser 1868-?
    -3-1-6 David K. Fry 1863-?
    -3-1-7 William R. Fry 1865-?
    -3-2-1 Milton Briggs 1848-? m 1873 Maggie Ridge 1853-?
    -3-2-2 Kate Briggs 1849-? m 1870 Minot Christman ?-?
    -3-2-3 Anna Briggs 1850-?
    -3-2-4 Alfred J. Briggs 1852-? m 1880 Anna Pancoast ?-?
    -3-2-5 Louisa Briggs 1861-?
    Fr9-1-3 George Frey 1765-1853 m Margaret Bean 1775-1855 . -1 Rebecca Frey 1794-1840 m Gabriel Kline 1786-1866.

    -2 Susanna Frey 1796-1861 m Abraham Swartz 1790-1832.

    -3 John B. Frey 1798-? m 1833 Mary Stong 1807-? .

    -4 Mary Fry 1800-? m George Fry, MD 1788-1877.

    -5 Sarah Fry 1806-1834 m 1833 Philip Stong 1803-1884 .

    -6 Sophia Fry 1816-1904 m 1835 Philip Stong 1803-1884.

    -1-1 Magdalene Kline 1816-1874 m Abraham Reed ?-?

    -1-2 Samuel Kline 1818-1892 m Matilda Samel ?- ?

    -1-3 Mary Kline 1820-1850 m Abraham Reed ?-?

    -1-4 Elizabeth Kline 1822-1904 m Dillman Bean 1806-1890

    -2-1 John F. Swartz 1816-1896 m1 Susanna Hendricks ?-? + 3 ch m2 1855 Esther Fouts ?-? +2 ch

    -2-2 George F. Swartz 1818-1875 m 1845 Mary Moyer 1825-1902

    -2-3 Catherine Swartz 1820-1864 m1 Jacob Hendricks ?-? m2 1845 Martin Kulp 1819-1887

    -2-4 Mary Swartz 1822-1843 m 1843 Martin Kulp 1819-1887

    -2-5 Elizabeth Swartz 1827-1857 m Edward Thompson ?-?

    -2-6 Sarah Ann Swartz 1829-1865 m William R. Christman 1825-1911

    -2-7 Abraham Swartz 1832-1913 m1 1855 Mary Siefried ?-1873 + 6 ch m2 1882 Mary C. Swartz ?-? +2 ch

    -6-1 George Stong 1836-1915 m Susan Groff 1842-?

    -6-2 Frederick Stong 1840-? m Sarah C. Weidensaul 1846-?

    -6-3 John Stong 1845-1896 m Elizabeth Printz 1852-?

    -6-4 Margaret Stong 1848-1855

    -6-5 Mary Jane Stong 1857-1939 m Jefferson Custer ?-?

    -1-1-1 Gabreil Reed ?-?
    -1-1-2 Dillman Reed ?-?
    -1-1-3 Samuel Reed ?-?
    -1-1-4 Abraham Reed ?-?
    -1-1-5 Mary Ann Reed ?-?
    -1-2-1 Sarah Kline 1850-? m James Miller ?-?
    -1-2-2 Fienna Kline 1852-? m Lewis Sheyery ?-?
    -1-2-3 Alice Kline 1853-? m Albert Zellner ?-?
    -1-2-4 William Kline 1858-? m1 Anna Kenninger ?-? m2 Kate Renner
    -1-2-5 Jacpb Kline ?-?
    -1-2-6 Tillman Kline ?-? m Susan Christman ?-?
    -1-2-7 Magdalene Kline ?-?
    -1-2-8 John Kline 1866-? m Anna Bressent ?-?
    -1-2-9 Charles Kline ?-? m Ellen Sholl ?-?
    -1-4-1 William Bean 1849-? m1 Margaret Dettra ?-? m2 Sally Dettra
    -1-4-2 Sarah Bean 1851-1857
    -1-4-3 Esther Bean ?-? m Servias Kline ?-?
    -1-4-4 Rebecca Bean ?-? m Mathias Dettra ?-?
    -2-1-1 Elizabeth Swartz 1843-1843
    -2-1-2 Salome Swartz 1845-? m 1869 Aaron Root ?-?
    -2-1-3 Isaac Swartz 1850-? m 1874 Catherine Studebaker ?-?
    -2-1-4 Anna Swartz 1859-? m 1888 William A. Stewart ?-?
    -2-1-5 John Swartz 1863-? m 1887 Laura Widener ?-?
    -2-2-1 Susanna Swartz 1848-1915 m 1869 John Henry Frantz 1850-1893
    -2-2-2 Sarah Swartz ?-?
    -2-2-3 Abraham Swartz ?-?
    -2-2-4 Mary Swartz ?-?
    -2-3-1 Abraham Kulp 1846-1864
    -2-3-2 John S Kulp 1847-?
    -2-3-3 Susanna Kulp 1853-1854
    -2-3-4 Henry S. Kulp 1856-1916 m 1877 Susan K, Brenner 1856-1943
    -2-4-1 Mary Kulp ?-? m Joseph Godshalk ?-?
    -2-5-1 Theodore F. Thompson 1850-1853
    -2-5-2 John S. Thompson 1852-?
    -2-6-1 Abraham Franklin Christman 1855-1855
    -2-6-2 William Henry Christman 1855-1855
    -2-6-3 Emma A. Christman 1860-1860
    -2-6-4 Ida Amanda Christman 1863-1865
    -2-6-5 Francis L. Christman ?-?
    -2-7-1 Susanna Louisa Swartz 1856-1925 m 1879 Henry B. Lapp 1853-?
    -2-7-2 Mary Swartz 1857-? m 1883 Isaac B. Beideman 1863-?
    -2-7-3 Isaac Frances Swartz 1860-? m 1885 Amanda Elizabeth Bishop 1862-1934
    -2-7-4 John S. Swartz 1864-1866
    -2-7-5 Abraham Lincoln Swartz 1866-? m 1889 Amanada Crouthamel ?-?
    -2-7-6 William Henry Swartz 1868-1878
    -2-7-7 Norman S. Swartz 1883-?
    -2-7-8 Maurice S. Swartz 1884-1885
    -6-1-1 Sarah Stong 1871? m 1906 Daniel Krauss 1881-?
    -6-1-2 John Stong 1873-? m 1889 Annie S. Krauss 1870-?
    -6-1-3 Henry Stong 1876-1943 m Emma Jane Krauss 1877-?
    -6-1-4 Nevin Stong 1883-1961 m Edith J. Eckart ?-?
    -6-2-1 William Elmer Stong ?-? m Caroline Wells ?-?
    -6-2-2 John Howard Stong 1866-1933 m Emma R. Sassaman 1868-1934
    -6-2-3 Sallie C. Stong ?-?
    -6-2-4 Elizabeth Stong 1870-? m 1888 William R. Burns ?-?
    -6-2-5 Charles Stong 1873-? m1 Laura R. ___ ?-? m2 1908 Hannah H Harring 1877-?
    -6-2-6 Anna Stong ?-?
    -6-2-7 Mary E. Stong ?-?
    -6-3-1 Anna Mary Stone 1880-?
    -6-5-1 Hanna Custer 1880-?
    Fr9-1-4 William Frey 1767-1824 .
    Fr9-1-5 Henry Fry, MD 1770-1846 m Elizabeth Schoenberger 1772-? -1 George S. Fry, MD 1788-1897 (1877) m1 Mary Fry 1800-? + 1 ch m2 x Godshalk ?-? no ch m3 1828 Catharine Swenk 1805-1881 + ch.

    -2 Susannah Fry 1791-1878 m William Godshalk ?-? .

    -3 Elizabeth Fry 1802-1844 m 1819 Michael Hoot 1799-1886

    -1-1 Henry F. Fry 1822-1892 m Eleanor J. Eisenberger ?-1892

    -1-2 George S. Fry 1829-? m Emiline Sax 1840-?

    -1-3 Elizabeth Fry 1832-1865 m Daniel O. Fry 1838-?

    -1-4 Charles S. Fry 1834-1909

    -1-5 Susan Fry 1837-1876 m Benjamin Frederick ?-?

    -1-6 William S. Fry 1839-1911 m Mary Fuss 1842-1925

    -3-1 Simon Hoot 1822-1887 m Susanna Godshalk ?-1872

    -3-2 Henry F. Hoot 1824-? m Sophia Kepler 1825-?

    -3-3 Mary Ann Hoot 1827-1839

    -3-4 Louanna Hoot 1830-? m Jacob Campbell ?-1874 m2 1885 Christian Wieland ?-?

    -3-5 John Hoot 1833-? m 1863 Elizabeth Kolb 1845-?

    -3-6 Susanna Hoot 1843-? m 1861 Henry Hankele 1834-?

    -1-1-1 George E. Fry 1846-? m Mary Rooney 1845-?
    -1-1-2 John E. Fry 1851-? m Carrie Lee 1855-?
    -1-1-3 Kate E. Fry 1852-? m Stanford Stevens 1851-?
    -1-1-4 William E. Fry 1854-? m Amanda Kerns 1848-?
    -1-2-1 Ella May Fry 1867-? m ___Ristow ?-?
    -1-2-2 Edward Charles Fry 1863-?
    -1-2-3 Ida A. Fry 1870-?
    -1-3-1 Malinda Elmira Fry 1861-? m Frank Price ?-?
    -1-5-1 Alice Frederick 1863-? m Albert R. Place ?-?
    -1-5-2 Kate Frederick 1864-? m y Gotwals ?-?
    -1-5-3 George F. Frederick 1870-?
    -1-6-1 William Fry ?-?
    -1-6-2 Irwin F. Fry 1864-1923 m Ellen Knight ?-?
    -3-1-1 Simon G. Hoot 1834-?
    -3-1-2 Henry G. Hoot 1846-? m Kate Detweiler 1847-1890
    -3-1-3 Michael Hoot 1850-? m Mary Kelsh 1850-?
    -3-1-4 William Hoot 1857-?
    -3-1-5 Amanda Hoot 1857-1885 m Charles Geiger ?-?
    -3-1-6 Josiah Hoot 1859-1885
    -3-1-7 Lizzie Hoot 1862-?
    -3-2-1 Elizabeth Hoot 1855-? m Irwin Latchaw 1856-?
    -3-2-2 John K, Hoot 1857-? m Sarah Cressman ?-?
    -3-2-3 Michael K. Hoot 1863-?
    -3-2-4 Edward K. Hoot 1868-?
    -3-4-1 Milton Campbell 1859-?
    -3-4-2 Jacob Campbell 1861-? m Mary Kramer 1857-1892
    -3-5-1 Levi Hoot 1864-1865
    -3-5-2 Jacob Hoot 1876-?
    -3-5-3 Milton Hoot 1880-?
    -3-5-4 Maria Hoot 1882-?
    -3-6-1 Susanna Hankele 1862-1862
    -3-6-2 George Henry Hankele 1864-1932 m 1886 Emma Vanscoter 1867-1956
    -3-6-3 Adam William Hankele 1865-1869
    -3-6-4 Christian Augustus Hankele 1867-1869
    -3-6-5 Edwin Frederick Hankele 1870-1877
    -3-6-6 Lillias Hankele 1872-1873
    -3-6-7 Elizabeth Margaret Hankele 1874-? m Warren Davis ?-?
    -3-6-8 Idas Hankele 1877-1877
    -3-6-9 Ella Mary Hankele 1884-1884
    Fr9-2 William Frey, b 1695 d 15 Jun 1768

    m Veronica MARKLEY 1697-1752

    Fr9-2-1 Catherine Frey ?-? m John Gesel ?-?
    Fr9-2-2 Mathais (Christian ) Frey ?-1745
    Fr9-2-3 Veronica Frey 1723-1780 m 1744 Joseph Miller ?-1761
    Fr9-2-4 Henry Frey 1724-1784 m 1756 Anna Maria Burstler 1730-1784 -1 Joseph Frey 1757-1757 .

    -2 Anna Marie Frey 1759-1837 m1 1786 John Jacob Eyerly 1757-1800 m2 1804 Mathius Hancke 1755-1841.

    -2-1 Elizabeth Eyerly 1786-1827 m John Peter Kluge 1768-1849

    -2-2 Jacob Eyerly 1789-?

    -2-3 Anna Maria Eyerly 1792-1838 m 1813 John Seyfried 1792-1874

    -2-4 Johannes Eyerly 1794-?

    -2-5 Susanna Theodore Eyerly 1796-1826

    -4-2-3-1 Joseph B. Seyfried 1818-1892 m1 1839 Antoinetta Clarissa Miksch 1817-1852 m2 1859 Elizabeth Stout 1823-1912
    -2-3-2 Christian Heinrich Seyfried 1820-1859 m Anna Matilda Kram ?-?
    -2-3-3 Samuel Levin Seyfried 1826-?
    -2-3-4 John Edwin Seyfried 1826-?
    -2-3-5 Emma Aurelia Seyfired 1828-1901 m 1848 George F. Speer ?-?
    -2-3-6 Francis Nicholas Seyfried 1830-? m1 Eliza Rohn ?-? m2 Ida Horn ?-?
    -2-3-7 Harriett Seyfried ?-? m Simon Johnson ?-?
    -2-3-8 Jacob Seyfried ?-?
    Fr9-2-5 William Frey 1724-1811 m 1745 Veronica Stittler ?-? -1 Peter Frey 1763-1849 m Catherine ______ 1756-1841 . -1-1 John Fry 1791-1846 m 1812 Maria Hallman 1798-1877 -1-1-1 Peter Fry 1819-1886 m 1846 Elizabeth Rebecca Messimer 1821-?
    -1-1-2 Henry Lewis Fry 1821-1905 m 1847 Elizabeth Hollowbush 1824-1889
    -1-1-3 Hannah Fry 1823-1898 m 1846 James Polk Groff 1818-1882
    -1-1-4 Abraham Fry 1832-1910 m 1855 Mary B. Brant 1834-1904
    -1-1-5 John Franklin Fry 1839-1920 m1 Annie Evans 1844-1875 m2 Sarah Ann Evans 1849-1943
    Fr9-2-6 Magdalena Frey 1725-1797 m 1745 Christopher Paus 1710-1797 -1 Henry Paus 1745-1839 .

    -2 Anna Rosina Paus 1754-1828 m 1782 Henry Christian Leinbach 1739-1792 .

    -3 Elizabeth Paus 1756-1827 m Leonard Firor 1759-1843 .

    -4 John Paus 1761-1791 .

    -5 Susanna Verona Paus 1768-1794 .

    -2-1 Elizabeth Leinbach 1783-1862

    -2-2 Susannah Leinbach 1785-1867

    -2-3 Christian Leinbach 1787-1842 m1 John Dietick Krantz ?-? m2 1809 Jacob Christ

    -2-4 Juliana Leinbach 1789-?

    -2-5 Magdalena Leinbach 1789-1795

    -2-6 Sarah Leinbach 1791-? m1814 Lewis Matthews ?-?

    -3-1 Maria Madaline Firor 1785-1858 m 1806 Christian Harbaugh 1785-1855

    -3-2 John Daniel Firor 1787-1864 m 1813 Margretta Martin 1789-1858

    -3-3 Barbara Firor 1789-?

    -3-4 Sophia Firor 1791-1812

    -3-5 Johannes Firor 1794-1871 m1 Magdalena Warfels 1798-1832 + 9 ch m2 1834 Juliana Stauffer 1815-1879 + 3 ch

    -3-6 Catherine Firor 1797-?

    -3-7 Benjamin Firor 1800-1879 m 1822 Anna Maria Eigenbrode 1803-1880

    -2-3-1 John Dietrich Krantz 1807-?
    -2-3-2 John Rudolph Christ 1809-?
    -2-3-3 Anna Sophia Christ 1812-?
    -2-3-4 William Henry Christ 1813-?
    -2-3-5 Israel Christ 1815-? m Rachel Meffort 1819-?
    -2-3-6 Anna Julianna Christ 1818-? m 1842 George Hasler ?-?
    -2-3-7 Marie Elizabeth Christ 1820-?
    -2-3-8 Charlotte Emilia Christ 1822-?
    -2-3-9 Rebecca Louisa Christ 1825-?
    -2-3-10 Hennrietta Angelica Christ 1827-?
    -3-1-1 Mara Matilda Harbaugh 1809-1837 m 1830 David Keller 1807-1875
    -3-1-2 Jethro Harbaugh 1811-1812
    -3-1-3 John William Harbaugh 1813-1860
    -3-1-4 Catharina Theresa Harbaugh 1816-1829
    -3-1-5 Rebecca Elizabeth Harbaugh 1821-1904 m Isaac Weller 1815-1880
    -3-1-6 Levinia Augusta Harbaugh 1921-?
    -3-1-7 Mary Magdalene Harbaugh 1823-1893 m 1845 John Wilhide 1821-1898
    -3-1-8 Sophia Charlotte Harbaugh 1826-1904 m 1867 George Hesser ?-?
    -3-1-9 Jeremiah Daniel Harbaugh 1828-1904 , Anna M. Witmer 1829-1915
    -3-1-10 Levi Christian Harbaugh 1828-1899 m Minerva A. Miller 1829-1901
    -3-2-1 Sophia Barbara Firor 1814-1880 m 1838 Frederick Troxell 1807-1891
    -3-2-2 Mary Elizabeth Firor 1816-1892 m 1841 John Sigmond 1811-1897
    -3-2-3 Jacob Levi Firor 1818-1904 m 1841 Amanda Crabbs ?-?
    -3-2-4 Susanna Catherine Firor 1820-1888 m 1848 Uriah Warrenfeltz 1825-1917
    -3-2-5 David Samuel Firor 1822-1894 m 1854 Anna Mary Walter 1821-1899
    -3-2-6 Martin Daniel Firor 1826-?
    -3-2-7 Ephriam Augustus Firor 1829-1856
    -3-5-1 Maria Firor 1818-?
    -3-5-2 William Firor 1820-1896
    -3-5-3 Anna Maria Firor 1821-1896
    -3-5-4 Mary Magdalena Firor 1823-?
    -3-5-5 Ann Rebecca Firor 1826-?
    -3-5-6 Ann Louisa Firor 1827-?
    -3-5-7 Uriah S. Firor 1828-1907 m 1854 Lenora C. Grim ?-?
    -3-5-8 Sophia Elizabeth Firor 1831-1904 m 1859 James Krieger ?-?
    -3-5-9 Calvin Leander Firor 1835-? m Josephine Rouzer ?-?
    -3-5-10 John Edward Firor 1839-? m Annie Main ?-?
    -3-5-11 Peter Orlando Firor 1846-? m Mary Catherine Ogle ?-?
    -3-7-1 Heinrick Nathaniel Firor 1823-1896
    -3-7-2 Maria Ann Firor 1824-?
    -3-7-3 Arron Benjamin Firor 1828-1890
    -3-7-4 Ann Margaret Josephine Firor 1830-1830
    -3-7-5 John Edwin Firor 1833-1861 m Meea Eyler ?-?
    -3-7-6 William Leonard Firor 1838-1908 m1 Anna Catherine Wisotzkey ?-? m2 Julia A. ___ ?-?
    -3-7-7 Joseph Telvan Firor 1841-1894
    -6-3-7-8 Sarah Catherine Firor 1843-?
    Fr9-2-7 Jacob Frey 1726-1770 m 1750 Susannah B. Bertolet 1724-1785 ??-1 Abraham Fry b 1749 d before 10 Apr 1798 m x.

    -2 Esther Frey 1756-1788 m 1771 Samuel De Turk Bertolet 1743-1805 .

    -3 Magdalena Frey 1757-? m 1792 John Schlicter 1757-1823 .

    -4 Elizabeth Frey 1762-1823 m 1790 Samuel Bertolet 1743-1805 .

    -5 Susanna Frey ?-? m John Bertolet 1754-1821 .

    -6 Susan Mary Frey 1768-1801 m 1790 Isaac Nash Tyson 1766-1823.

    -1-1 Catharine Fry b about 1774 m Henry Huffman

    -1-2 Margaret Fry b about 1776 Herbert Humes &

    -1-3 Juliana Fry m George Huffman

    -1-4 Peter Fry b about 1780 Berkeley Va m Sarah Chapman b 1783 Somerset Co PA d 1836 Greene Co PA

    -1-5 Susannah Fry b about 1782,

    -1-6 Catharine Fry b about 1784

    -1-7 Abraham Fry b about 1786

    -1-8 Mary Fry b about 1788

    -1-9 Elisabeth Fry b about 1790

    -2-1 infant son 1772-1772

    -2-2 Abraham Bertolet 1773-1862 m 1795 Esther Elizabthe Hunsicker 1776-1829

    -2-3 Jacob Bertolet 1776-1843 m Catherine Leidig (Lidy) 1776-1837

    -2-4 Samuel Frey Bertolet 1779-1845 m 1805 Hannah Frick 1784-1863

    -2-5 infant daughter 1781-1782

    -2-6 Benjamin Bertolet 1783-1784

    -2-7 Elizabeth Bertolet 1785-1785

    -2-8 Daniel Bertolet 1787-1787

    -3-1 Jacob Schlicter 1793-1871 m Rosanna Yost 1796-1879

    -4-1 John Bertolet 1790-1864 m 1824 Catharine Detweiler 1799-1842

    -4-2 Susanna Bertolet 1793-1828

    -4-3 Daniel Bertolet 1796-1868 m 1821 Catherine Gabel 1803-1887

    -4-4 Elizabeth Bertolet 1799-1881 m 1826 Philip Stearly 1800-1868

    -4-5 Esther Bertolet 1799-1881 m John Detweiler 1801-1870

    -5-1 John F. Bertolet 1785-1871 m 1808 Catherine High 1792-1836

    -5-2 Daniel Bertolet 1799-1880 m Sarah Fredericks 1820-1889

    -6-1 Daniel F. Tyson 1792-1874 m Elizabeth Landis 1795-1875

    -6-2 Susanna Fry Tyson 1794-1884 m 1827 Jacob Detwiler 1797-1880

    -6-3 Maria Tyson 1797-1797

    -6-4 Sarah Tyson 1799-1800

    -6-5 Mary Tyson 1801-1891 m 1844 Jacob Detwiler 1797-1880.

    -1-4-1 James Fry b 13 Nov 1806 Morris, Washington Co P d 20 Feb 1894 in Leavenworth KA m 9 Sep 1829 Hannah Wilson b 8 Jan 1811 in Morris d 29 Nov 1899 in St Louis Michigan
    -1-4-1-1 Sarah Fry b 20 Apr 1824? d 29 Nov 1908 Selma Fresno Co CA m Samuel Linebarger b 11 Jul 1823 Northampton PA
    -2-2-1 Rev. Henry Bertolet 1796-1853
    -2-2-2 Esther Bertolet 1799-1800
    -2-2-3 Samuel Bertolet 1801-1852 m 1823 Elizabeth Pennypacker 1803-1862
    -2-2-4 Abraham Bertolet 1805-1846 m 1827 Hannah Setter 1809-1888
    -2-3-1 Ester Bartolett 1811-1877 m Jacob Zoller ?-?
    -2-3-2 John L. Bertolet ?-?
    -2-3-3 Samuel Bertolet ?-?
    -2-3-4 Jacob Bertolet, Jr. 1818-1874
    -2-4-1 Benjamin Frick Bertolet 1806-1867 m 1852 Sarah Moses 1816-1871
    -2-4-2 John Bertolet ?-?
    -2-4-3 Samuel Bertolet ?-?
    -2-4-4 Jacob Bertolet ?-?
    -2-1-1 Sarah R. Schlicter 1827-1902 m Jacob Engleman 1817-1886
    -3-1-1 Elizabeth Bartolet 1825-1893 m Silas Grubb 1819-1876
    -3-1-2 Hannah Bertolet 1826-1826
    -3-1-3 Catherine Bertolet 1827-? m John Hartzel ?-?
    -3-1-4 Mary Bertolet 1829-? m Edward Willauer ?-?
    -3-1-5 Esther Bertolet 1831-? m 1851 Noah Fagley 1829-?
    -3-1-6 Susan D. Bertolet 1834-? m John Bergy ?-?
    -3-1-7 Daughter 1835-1838
    -3-1-8 Lydia Bertolet 1837-? m John Longacre
    -3-1-9 Johannes Bertolet 1839-1855
    -3-1-10 Daughter 1842-1842
    -3-3-1 Elizabeth Bertolet 1822-1891 m 1841 Elias Fagley 1822-?
    -3-3-2 Esther Bertolet 1823-1863 m Jacob H. Bliem ?-?
    -3-3-3 John G. Bertolet 1826-1898 m Elizabeth Borneman 1826-1899
    -3-3-4 Ezra Bertolet 1827-1912 m 1856 Elena Knipe1831-?
    -3-3-5 Susanna Bertolet 1829-1907 m 1860 Henry Bernard Nace 1826-?
    -3-3-6 Daniel Bertolet 1831-1904 m Eleanor Dunn 1833-1899
    -3-3-7 Abraham Benneville Bertolet 1833-1904 m 1872 Ellen Amanda Moore 1844-1928
    -3-3-8 Benjamin Bertolet 1836-1927 m 1869 Amelia Heberling 1837-1889
    -3-3-9 Maria Bertolet 1838-1880 m 1874 Michael Diehl 1830-?
    -3-3-10 Samuel Bertolet 1840-1893 m1 1865 Mary A. Brandt 1845-1888 m2 1889 Mary Bornaman ?-?
    -3-3-11 Abner Bertolet 1842-1895 m 1886 Margaret Myer 1857-1913
    -3-3-12 David G. Bertolet 1846-1852
    -3-4-1 Mary Ann Stearly 1827-1828
    -3-4-2 Philip Stearly 1830-1892 m 1835 Catherine Cassel ?-?
    -3-4-3 John B. Stearly 1832-1905 m Amanda R. Rightmyer ?-?
    -3-4-4 Sarah Stearly 1836-1862
    -3-4-5 Elizabeth Stearly 1838-? m 1863 David S. Kratz
    -3-5-1 John B. Detweiler 1832-1894 m1 1858 Caroline Peterman 1837-1863 m2 1868 Catherine Longacre 1836-1899
    -3-5-2 Susanna B. Detweiler 1827-1880 m Henry S. Frey 1822-1895
    -3-5-3 Harriet Detweiler ?-? m1 John Nyse ?-? m2 Henry Harley ?-?
    -3-5-4 Elizabeth Detweiler ?-? m Isaac Rayson ?-?
    -3-5-5 Samuel Detweiler 1834-1881 m 1863 Fannie Longacre 1839-?
    -3-5-6 Daniel Detweiler 1837-1909 m Mary J. Saylor 1842-1910
    -4-1-1 David Bertolet 1809-1894 m Sybilla Leinbach 1825-1876
    -4-1-2 Joseph Bertolet 1810-1823
    -4-1-3 John Bertolet 1813-1823
    -4-1-4 Isaac H. Bertolet 1815-1823
    -4-1-5 Esther Bertolet 1818-1890 m Daniel G. Bertolet 1809-1874
    -4-1-6 Elizabeth Bertolet 1820-1821
    -4-1-7 Susanna Bertolet 1826-1851 m Abraham Frey ? -?
    -4-1-8 Nathanial Bertolet 1828-1893 m 1858 Mary Ann Billew 1835-?
    -4-2-1 Elhannan Bertolet 1847-1904 m Rosa Kline 1855-?
    -5-1-1 David Tyson 1817-1884 m Elizabeth Landis 1816-?
    -5-1-2 Maria Tyson 1819-1861 m 1848 Isaac Clemens Hunsicker 1823-1871
    -5-1-3 Henry Tyson 1821-1901 m1 Deborah Keyser 1820-1879 m2 1872 Annie Keyser 1819-1881
    -5-1-4 Barbara Tyson 1824-1909 m 1848 John Echelbarger 1824-?
    -5-1-5 Isaac Tyson 1826-1911 m1850 Susannah Snider 1829-1901
    -5-1-6 George Tyson 1829-? m 1851 Frances Snyder 1833-?
    -5-2-1 Tyson Tyson Detwiler 1828-1907 m1 1855 Nancy Bryan Swartley m2 1865 Anna Hagely Freed 1836-1906
    -5-2-2 Daniel Tyson Detwiler 1830-1860 m Catherine ___ ?-?
    -5-2-3 Mary Tyson Detwiler 1837-?
    -5-2-4 Barbara Tyson Detwiler 1835-1908 m Joseph Nice
    -5-2-5 Fronica Tyson Detwiler 1840-1917 m Joseph George Hendricks 1842-?
    Fr9-2-8 Christina Frey 1727-1816 m 1748 John H. Segner ?-?
    Fr9-2-9 Salome Frey 1734-1771 m 1748 Christopher Hensel ?-?
    Fr9-2-10 Elizabeth Frey 1737-1823
    m 1752 Abraham Grubb 1726-1808
    -1 Hannah Grubb 1753-1822 m Abraham Rinehart ?-? .

    -2 Catherine Grubb 1755-1822 .

    -3 Conrad Grubb 1757-1839 m Elizabeth Keller 1760-1815 .

    -4 Elizabeth Grubb 1761-? m John Halderman ?-? .

    -5 Esther Grubb 1764-1831 m Peter Mauer 1761-? .

    -6 Abraham Grubb 1766-1769 .

    -7 David Grubb 1768-1852 m Mary Harley 1793-1851

    -7-1 Jacob Grubb 1793-1867 m 1815 Mary Martin 1788-1867

    -7-1-1 Sydney Grubb 1816-?
    -7-1-2 Silas Grubb 1819-1876 m 1847 Elizabeth Bertolet 1825-1893
    -7-1-3 Ezra Grubb 1827-?
    Fr9 Benjamin Frey b c 1696 in Roxborough, Philadelphia Co PA d 1 Jan 1753 at "Frye Fort", Frederick Co VA
    m about 1721 probably in Philadelphia Co PA, to ?Anna Christiana "Christena" Merkle b c 1706 d. c 1760 they resided at Perkiomen, Philadelphia Co. [now Montgomery Co.], PA, and later at "Frye Fort", Frederick Co VA; their children: [*Some descendants believe Christena's maiden name may be MARKLEY?, however, we have not seen proof, except for a DNA match with George Westerman] DNA comparisons of matches shared byGeorge Westerman and the author.
    Fr8-1 Abraham Frey Sr b 1722 d 1807
    m Agnes Ann YOUNG b 1730 d 1809
    Fr8-1-1 Christina Frye 1750-1810
    m 1770 John Snapp
    -1-1 Abraham Frye Snapp 1772-1823 m 1791 Hanna Reeves 1774-1820 -1-1 Abraham Fry Snapp 1793-1847 m1 1822 Catherine ___ ?-? m2 1827 Martha Baird 1797-1838 m3 1840 Abigail Lovelace 1821-1921 dau of y Lovelace
    -1-2 Christina Snapp 1798-1833 m 1815 William Lewis Withers 1795-1834
    -1-3 John Fry Snapp 1801-1835 m 1829 Jennet Caldwell McCord 1801-1870
    -1-4 Susannah Snapp 1804-1855 m 1826 Solomon Fry 1797-1878
    -1-5 Eliza Snapp 1807-1858 m 1830 Morgan Jones ?-1850
    -1-6 Hannah Elizabeth Snapp 1813-1862 m 1834 Henry Orbison Reiley 1807-1864
    -1-7 Harrison Perry Snapp 1819-1864 m1 1840 Catharine Otwell ?-? m2 1846 Nancy Jane Henning ?-?
    Fr8-1-2 Elizabeth Frye 1757-1837 m1 1775 Jacob Kellar ?-1787 m2 Henry Ewalt 1754-1829 . -1 Agnes Nancy Kellar 1780-1841 m 1797 Benjamin Fry 1775-1829 s.b.

    -2-2 Abraham Kellar 1777-1834 m 1799 Margaret Anderson 1784-1866

    -2-3 Sarah Ewalt 1783-1837 m 1803 P. Joseph Shawhan 1781-1871

    -2-4 Mary S. Ewalt 1785-1868 m 1807 Hugh Miller 1774-1821

    -2-5 Rebecca Ewalt 1787-1861 m1 1808 John Ravenscraft 1787-1813 m2 1824 John McCune 1772-1852

    -2-6 John Ewalt 1789-1858 m1 1809 Elizabeth Ravencraft 1794-1835 m2 1833 Polly Haley ?-1841

    -2-7 Samuel Ewalt 1792-1878 m1 1817 Cynthia Pugh 1795-1833 m2 1834 Eliza Porter Smith 1799-1863

    -2-8 Richard Ewalt 1795-1833 m 1821 Maria Stamps 1794-1871

    -2-9 Henry D. Ewalt 1796-1846 m 1820 Ketturah Margaret Stamps 1799-1855

    -1-1 Abraham Kellar Fry 1797-1860 m1 1822 Betsy Lear ?-? m2 1826 Sarah McFall 1804-1901
    -2-1-2 John M. Fry 1800-1892 m1 1832 Obediance Allen ?-? m2 Mary Jane Leighton 1815-?
    -2-1-3 James Fry 1804-1840 m1 1828 Elizabeth Becket ?-?
    -2-1-4 Benjamin Y. Fry ?-1830
    -2-1-5 Rebecca Fry 1808-1844 m 1818 Elijah Baxter 1800-1855
    -2-1-6 Jacob Fry 1810-1889 m 1837 Emily Fry 1816-1851
    -2-1-7 William Kellar Fry 1812-1866 m 1843 America Ellen Kirby 1821-1902
    -2-1-8 Margaret Fry ?-? m 1838 William R. Oldham ?-?
    -2-2-1 Jacob Kellar 1799-1866 m 1823 Mary Cantrell ?-?
    -2-2-2 Solomon Kellar 1803-? m1 1827 Juliann Hutchinson ?-? m2 1840 Elizabeth Kiser 1809-?
    -2-2-3 Rebecca Kellar 1807-? m 1826 John Kelly Snell 1801-?
    -2-2-4 Abraham Kellar 1809-1876 m 1832 Polly Ann Miller 1814-?
    -2-2-5 Margaret Kellar ?-? m John Edwards ?-?
    -2-2-6 John Kellar ?-?
    -2-2-7 Joseph Kellar ?-?
    -2-2-8 Isaac Kellar ?-? m 1859 Evaline Thomas ?-?
    -2-2-9 Noah Kellar ?-? m Elizabeth Remington ?-?
    -2-2-10 Nancy M. Kellar 1821-1886 m 1838 William Henry Thomas 1818-1900
    -2-2-11 Minerva Kellar ?-? m 1834 William Kizer ?-?
    -2-2-12 Elizabeth Kellar ?-?
    -2-2-13 1822 John H. Edwards 1761-1852
    -2-3-1 Henry Ewalt Shawhan 1805-1882 m1 1835 Mary Vernon 1813-1842 m2 1844 Sarah �Sallie� Cantrill 1807-1857 m31859-Julia Sarah Ravenscraft 1808-1879
    -2-3-2 Sarah Elizabeth Shawhan 1807-? m 1823 George Lail 1802-1850
    -2-3-3 John Shawhan 1811-1862 m 1838 Tabitha Rush 1819-1857
    -2-3-4 Margaret Shawhan 1812-1888 m 1834 Pugh Miller 1810-1878
    -2-3-5 Rebecca Shawhan 1817-? m 1836 Wesley Hoggins 1810-?
    -2-3-6 William B. Shawhan 1821-1859 m 1844 Minerva K. Snell 1827-1886
    -2-3-7 Daniel Shawhan 1823-? m Margaret Lair ?-?
    -2-4-1 Hugh Miller 1808-?
    -2-4-2 Henry Miller 1809-?
    -2-4-3 William H. Miller 1812-?
    -2-4-4 Polly Ann Miller 1814-? m 1832 Abraham Keller 1809-1876
    -2-4-5 James Miller 1817-1898 m 1841 Annie F. Boyd 1818-1888
    -2-4-6 Elizabeth Miller 1819-? m 1837 Henry F. Cromwell ?-?
    -2-4-7 Margaret Miller 1822-? m 1841 James Patterson 1815-?
    -2-5-1 Julia Sarah Ravenscraft 1808-1879 m1 1824 John R. Culp 1798-1853 m2 1859 Henry Ewalt Shawhan 1805-1882
    -2-5-2 Elizabeth Ravenscraft 1812-? m John Montgomery ?-?
    -2-5-3 Milton Ravenscraft ?-?
    -2-5-4 Henry Ewalt McCune 1825-1912 m1849 Barbara S. Rice 1831-1907
    -2-5-5 Joseph D. McCune 1828-1888 m 1850 Mary Catherine Sisson 1832-?
    -2-5-6 Rebecca McCune 1831-? m1 1848 John A. Wright 1812-? m2 Samuel McCune 1827-?
    -2-5-7 Elizabeth McCume 1833-?
    -2-6-1 Henry Ewalt 1810-?
    -2-6-2 Margaret Ewalt 1813-1873 m 1828 John Hinkson 1804-1872
    -2-6-3 Juliana Ewalt 1815-? m George W. C. Smith ?-?
    -2-6-4 Elizabeth Davis Ewalt 1818-1897 m 1838 David Hamilton Wilson 1815-1867
    -2-6-5 Rebecca Ewalt 1820-1878 m1 Thomas Perkins ?-? m2 1836 Conrad Wilson
    -2-6-6 Nancy Ann Ewalt 1822-?
    -2-6-7 Mary Ann Ewalt 1828-1881 m 1845 George W. Gray 1820-1879
    -2-6-8 Samuel Ewalt 1826-1868 m 1848 Margaret Elizabeth Smith 1834-1904
    -2-6-9 Sallie Ewalt ?-? m1 Capt. Robert Innis ?-? m2 1869 D.W. Juett
    -2-6-10 John R. Ewalt 1840-1915 m 1862 Mary Ann David 1836-1912
    -2-7-1 John Hunt Ewalt 1818-1853 m 1841 Sarah Snell 1821-1895
    -2-7-2 Elizabeth Ewalt 1820-1820
    -2-7-3 Ann Ewalt 1823-1824
    -2-7-4 William Pugh Ewalt 1824-1877
    -2-7-5 Elizabeth Ann Ewalt 1827-1902 m 1845 Oliver Perry Wornell 1819-1889
    -2-7-6 Joseph Henry Ewalt 1828-1877 m1 1856 Sophia M. Spears 1838-1857 m1 1863 Henrietta Hedges 1839-1917
    -2-7-7 Mary Susan Ewalt 1831-1900 m 1852 Harry Powell Bedford 1826-1912
    -2-7-8 Sarah Smith Ewalt 1832-1900 m1 1850 Dr. John J. Adair 1822-1880 m2 1834 Eliza Porter Smith 1799-1863
    -2-7-9 Samuel B. Ewalt 1836-1923 m1 1857 Nancy Kellar 1837-1878 m2 1880 Rachel Hallock
    -2-7-10 Ann Smith Ewalt 1838-1864 m 1857 John T. Wornell 1833-1871
    -2-7-11 Cynthia Pugh Ewalt 1842-1870 m 1869 William T. Woodford ?-?
    -2-8-1 Elizabeth Jane Ewalt 1824-1895 m 1839 Silas Hedges 1803-1880
    -2-8-2 Penelope Stamps Ewalt 1828-1900 m 1859 Samuel L. Patterson 1819-1892
    -2-8-3 William Ewalt ?-?
    -2-8-4 America Ewalt 1825-1846
    -2-8-5 Sallie Ann Maria Ewalt 1830-1910 m 1849 Dr. Noah Spears Moore 1824-1896
    -2-9-1 Mary Ann Ewalt 1821-1871 m 1838 Robert Bean Thomas 1817-1891
    -2-9-2 John Ewalt 1822-1900 m 1843 Sarah A. Lockhart 1822-1908
    -2-9-3 Henry Dunkley Ewalt 1824-1864 m 1848 Cruilla M. Covington 1827-1881
    -2-9-4 William S. Ewalt 1826-1880 m 1849 Sarah Henson 1821-?
    -2-9-5 Elizabeth Ewalt 1827-1848 m 1840 Robert C. Thomas 1819-aft 1880
    -2-9-6 Jane S. Ewalt 1828-1880 m 1851 Robert C. Thomas 1819-aft 1880
    -2-9-7 Margaret Ewalt 1829-1876 m 1845 William Wright 1822-?
    -2-9-8 Thomas Ewalt 1830-1859 m 1851 Margaret Hinkson 1834-1913
    -2-9-9 Samuel Henry Ewalt 1831-1898 m 1859 Martha Jane Wilson 1842-1917
    -2-9-10 Noah Spears Ewalt 1833-1878 m 1863 Mary Jane Johnson 1847-1890
    -2-9-11 Catherine Lucinda Ewalt 1834-1875 m 1852 William Haley 1830-1908
    -2-9-12 Joseph M. Ewalt 1836-1862 m 1855 Kate Graves ?-?
    -2-9-13 Richard T. Ewalt 1838-1921 m 1859 Adeline Martin 1841-1928
    Fr8-1-3 James Frye 1755/?9 -1821
    m 1774 Nancy Spears 1759-1839
    -1 Nancy Frye ?-? m 1798 John Becket ?-1825

    -2 Benjamin Frye 1775-1829 m 1797 Agnes Nancy Kellar 1780-1841 s.a.

    -3 John Frye 1782-?

    -4 Rebecca Frye 1784-1819 m 1802 Robert G. Anderson 1782-1841

    -5 James Frye, Jr. 1787-1822 m 1808 Elizabeth Baxter 1787-1847

    -6 Abraham Frye 1788-1843 m 1811 Nancy Snell 1788-1862

    -7 Mary Frye ?-? m y Elliot ?-?

    -8 Elizabeth Frye ?-? m1810 Joseph Snell ?-?

    -9 Jacob Frye ?-1838 m 1816 Eleanor Speaks 1794-?

    -1-1 Elizabeth Becket ?-? m 1828 James Fry 1804-1840
    -1-2 Mary Becket ?-? m1831 Fountain James ?-?
    -1-3 Robert Becket 1804-? m 1832 Rebecca Shobe ?-?
    -1-4 Nancy Becket ?-1840 m 1834 John Lear 1799-1847
    -1-5 Samuel Becket ?-? m 1836 Sarah Tennell ?-?
    -1-6 Sarah Becket ?-? m 1840 Elijah Hamilton ?-?
    -2-1 Abraham Keller Fry 1797-1860 m1 1822 Betsy Lear ?-? m2 1826 Sarah McFall 1804-1901
    -2-2 John A. Fry 1800-1892 m11832 Obediance Allen ?-? m2 1840 Mary Jane Leighton 1815-1908
    -2-3 James Fry 1804-1840 m 1828 Elizabeth Becket ?-?
    -2-4 Benjamin Y. Fry ?-1830
    -2-5 Rebecca Fry 1808-1844 m 1818 Elijah Baxter 1800-1855
    -2-6 Jacob Fry 1810-1884 m 1837 Emily Fry 1816-1851
    -2-7 William Kellar Fry 1825-1866 m 1843 America Ellen Kirby 1821-1807?
    -2-8 Margaret Fry ?-? m 1838 William R. Oldham ?-?
    -4-1 James G. Anderson 1803-1847 m 1823 Hannah McAdams ?-?
    -4-2 Nancy Anderson 1805-1887 m 1825 John Penn 1804-1871
    -4-3 William P. Anderson 1808-?
    -4-4 Robert G. Anderson 1810-1856 m 1833 Judith Ann Ligon ?-?
    -4-5 Sallie Anderson 1813-?
    -5-1 America Fry 1809-1881 m 1834 William Hunter 1810-1888
    -5-2 Mary �Polly� Fry 1811-1898 m 1831 Joseph Barnett 1801-1870
    -5-3 Nancy Fry 1812-? m 1833 Reuban Underwood ?-?
    -5-4 William H. Fry 1813-? m Sarah Hough ?-?
    -5-5 James Madison Fry 1814-? m 1857 Rebecca Hanna ?-?
    -5-6 Emily Fry 1816-1851 m 1837 Jacob Fry 1810-1889
    -5-7 Noah Fry 1818-1834
    -5-8 Jacob Young Fry 1820-1896 m 1844 Elizabeth Carson Jordon 1826-1895
    -5-9 Elizabeth Fry 1822-1893 m 1839 John W. Stark 1818-1872
    -6-1 Minerva Fry 1812-died young
    -6-2 Elizabeth Fry 1814-1883 m 1839 William �Jackson� Thomas 1816-?
    -6-3 James Young Fry 1816-1865 m 1843 Mary S. Berry ?-?
    -6-4 Abraham Fry 1818-1849 m 1842 Lucy Jane Eales ?-?
    -6-5 John Lewis Fry 1820-1875
    -6-6 Isaac Newton Fry 1823-1909 m 1852 Enfield Talbot 1833-1864
    -9-1 James H. Fry ?-?
    -9-2 Hezekiah Fry ?-?
    -9-3 William Harvey Fry 1823-1892 m1 1852 Martha Grimmett ?-1853 m2 1857 Isabella Allison 1838-1903
    -9-4 Harrison Fry 1826-? m 1846 Matilda Hughes 1823-?
    -9-5 Newton Fry 1830-?
    -9-6 Jacob Fry 1832-?
    -9-7 John S. Fry 1835

    -2-2-1 Luther Calvin Fry b Hannibal, MO m Mary Alice Asay (Metz)

    -2-2-1-1 Hervey Asay Fry b 12 May 1868 Hannibal, MO d 1933 m Augusta Maud Christie

    -2-2-1-1-1 Robert Luther Fry b 3 Dec 1903 Quincy, IL d 1981 Y DNA test F-35 haplogroup R1b1a1a2 (this is the same haplogroup as the Romanovs, but 12 markers as test result is insufficient to prove an unlikely proximity of relationship) m Mabel Ruth Coulson
    Fr8-1-4 Benjamin Frye 1759-?1838 m Catherine Spears.
    Fr8-1-5 Mary Frye 1760-1837
    m Samuel Ellis 1754-1848 .
    -1 James Ellis 1783-1825 m 1811 Sarah Helger ?- ?

    -2 Christina Ellis 1787-? m James Bartlet ?- ?

    -3 Noah Ellis 1789-1848 m Margaret Evans ?-?

    -4 Nancy Ellis 1789-?

    -5 Abraham Fry Ellis 1791-1862 m 1813 Elizabeth Ellis 1794-1866

    -6 Samuel Ellis 1793-1870 m Sarah Ellis 1799-1842

    -7 Mary Ellis 1797-? m1 1834 Vincent Crabb ?-? m2 James Stack ?-? m3 George Medford ?-?

    -8 India Ann Ellis 1800-1850 m 1819 Benjamin Chapman ?- ?

    -9 Matilda Ellis ?- ?

    -10 Rebecca Ellis ?-?

    Fr8-1-6 Catherine Frye 1773-1831
    m Thomas Foreman 1765-1831 son of Thomas Foremand b 1736 Frederick Co Va d 1 Jun 1764Hampshir Co WV and Elizabeth Decker b 22 May 1741 ?Smithfield Pa.
    -1 Abraham Foreman 1792-1852 m 1817 Elizabeth Peyton ?-?

    -2 Joseph Foremen 1793-1856 m 1820 Susan C. Cox 1802-1871

    -3 Benjamin Foremen 1796-1856 m1 1818 Lucretia Van Dyke ?-? m2 1827 Catherine Dame ?-? m31831 Elizabeth Montgomery 1798-1875

    -4 Anne Foreman 1798-1864 m 1814 James Taylor 1792-1841 possibly James Taylor b 1784 Ta12-9-2-6-2-10

    -5 Rebecca Foreman ?-? m 1819 James McGee ?-?

    -6 Elizabeth Foreman ?-? m 1824 John Boyd ?-?

    -7 John Foreman ?-? m 1829 Gorgia Vareny ?-?

    -8 Susan C. Foreman 1804-1833 m 1825 Abram Van Dyke 1802-1883

    -9 James Foreman 1810-1878 m1 1832 America C. Chalfont 1813-1841 m2 1845 Mary M. Foulkes 1825-1876

    -10 Tucker Foreman 1811-? m 1836 Letitia Beam 1816-?

    -11 Aaron Decker Foreman 1812-1883 1839 Lucretia C. Montgomery 1822-1909

    -2-1 James Thomas Foreman 1825 - 1900 m Elizabeth Tucker 1831 - 1891
    -2-2 William Abraham Foreman 1821 - 1897 m Cordelia Phelps
    -2-3 Mary Ann Foreman 1823 -
    -2-4 John Bemis Foreman 1827 - 1864
    -2-5 Martha Elizabeth Foreman 1829 - 1919 m1 Edward Dyer 1828 - 1850 m2 Issac Newland 1820 - 1897
    -2-6 Catherine Foreman 1831 - 1867 m1 Albert McGee - 1864 m2 Benjamin Franklin Simpson
    -2-7 Bland Slone Foreman 1833 - 1889 m1 Mary Ann Wiggington 1838 - 1876 m2 Martha A Hunter 1832 - 1904
    -2-8 Susan Foreman 1835 - 1893 m1 John C Hunter 1830 - 1868 m2 Burgis Mason 1830 -
    -2-9 Joseph Cox Foreman 1837 - 1899 m Roxanna Randsell 1848 - 1909
    -2-10 Van Renselear Foreman 1839 - 1923 m Sallie Spotts 1843 - 1892 m2 Sally Harriet McInteer 1849 - 1928
    -2-11 Edna Louise Foreman 1841 - 1904 m1 Jarvis C Van Dyke 1836 - 1871 m2 Richard Taylor Floyd
    -4-1 Erysula Taylor ?-?
    -4-2 Irene Taylor ?-?
    -4-3 Susan Hill Taylor ?-?
    -4-4 Elizabeth Taylor 1820-?
    -4-5 Angeline Taylor 1822-?
    -4-6 Ellen A. Taylor 1829-?
    -8-1 Catherine Van Dyke 1826-?
    -8-2 Elizabeth Van Dyke 1828-?
    -8-3 Mary Ann Van Dyke 1830-?
    -8-4 William J. Van Dyke 1832-?
    -8-5 John S. Van Dyke 1834-?
    -8-6 George Anderson Van Dyke 1837-?
    -9-1 Mary Louise Foreman 1833-1917 m 1852 John R. Baldwin 1832-?
    -9-2 Harvey Thomas. Foreman 1833-?
    -9-3 Catherine Foreman 1835-1916 m1 1853 John George Hartman 1814-1883 m2 1894 David S. Cox ?-?
    -9-4 James Henry Foreman 1838-?
    -9-5 Jane Elizabeth. Foreman 1840-1890 m1 1859 Joseph Mauck 1834-?
    -9-6 Philip Foreman 1846-?
    -9-7 Laura Foreman 1848-? m ___ Dority ?-?
    -9-8 Francis Foreman ?-? m ___ Parker ?-?
    -9-9 Susan Foreman ?-? m Sylvester Dyet ?-?
    -9-10 Rebecca Foreman ?-? m ___ Forgle ?-?
    -9-11 Joseph H. Foreman 1866-?
    -10-1 Arthur L. Foreman 1838-?
    -10-2 Cusebra Foreman 1848-?
    -11-1 John Thomas Foreman 1840-1862 m Susan Eva Vandyke ?-?
    -11-2 William Montgomery Foreman 1842-1885
    -11-3 Elizabeth Foreman 1844-? m 1860 Euphrates Shelburne ?-?
    -11-4 Nancy Jane Foreman 1847-? mMoses L.S. Buckner
    -11-5 Darthula Bradford Foreman 1849-1879 m 1876 Richard L. Shadburn
    -11-6 James Foreman 1853-?
    -11-7 Aaron Decker Foreman 1853-1909 m 1887 Virginia C. Jessee 1865-?

    -2-1-1 Isora Foreman 1848 - 1875 m John Bledsoe
    -2-1-2 Burnett Foreman 1850 - 1929 m James M Boston
    -2-1-3 Aaron Decker Foreman 1852 - m Rhonda Nelson 1854 -
    -2-1-3-1 John McClellan Foreman 1876 - 1941 m Jessie Elnora Lynch 1879 - 1941
    -2-1-3-2 James Matthew Foreman 1878 -
    -2-1-3-4 William Boyd Foreman 1880 -
    -2-1-4 James W. Foreman 1854 - 1891 m Anna Mahan 1857 -
    -2-1-5 Joseph E. Foreman 1857 - 1934 m Nancy Guthrie 1857 - 1916
    -2-1-6 Peter H. Foreman 1859 - 1863
    -2-1-7 Mary A.V. Foreman 1861 - 1878
    -2-1-8 Benjamin C. Foreman 1864 - 1896 m Zora Reed
    -2-1-9 Theophilis Foreman 1867 - m Lillie Arbelle Meadows 1868 -
    -2-1-10 Bland Slone Foreman 1869 - m Maggie Miller 1875 -
    -2-1-11 y Foreman 1872 - 1872
    Fr8-1-7 Abraham Frye 1764-1813
    m 1784 Hester Johnston 1776-1813 .
    -1 Johnston Frye 1785-1829 m 1804 Hester Pearce 1789-?

    -2 James Frye 1786-? m Charlotte Colvin ?-?

    -3 Benjamin Frye 1788-1866 m Sarah Schaffer 1795-1872

    -4 Noah Frye 1790-1832 m Lucy Colvin 1793-1873

    -5 Luke Frye 1792-1821 m 1813 Mary West 1795-1859

    -6 Abraham Frye 1794-1862 m 1816 Elizabeth West 1799-1852

    -7 Mary Polly Frye 1796-1875 m 1812 Stephen Colvin 1774-1846

    -8 Thomas Frye 1799-1877 m 1818 Anna West 1801-1862

    -9 Elijah Frye 1801-1854 m 1822 Sarah Shepler 1802-1879

    -10 Hester Frye 1804-1880 m1 Dorsey Colvin ?-? m2 1839 John Gilbert Kellar 1791-1849

    -11 Smith Frye, Sr. 1806-1860 m 1824 Nancy Shepler 1806-1882

    -12 Lot Frye 1808-1813

    -1-1 Abraham Pierce Fry 1807-1873 m Rebecca Scott 1807-1873
    -1-2 Elizabeth Fry 1810-1872 m 1829 James White ?-?
    -1-3 Mary Ann Fry 1811-1891 m 1845 Jacob Allaman 1784-1872
    -1-4 Isaac Fry 1813-1879 m1 1832 Margaret Allen 1812-1842 m2 1843 Charlotte Roach 1822-1902
    -1-5 Jacob Fry 1815-1869 m Jane Cooper ?-?
    -1-6 Sarah Fry 1819-? m 1839 Bazzeill Watters ?-?
    -1-7 Andrew Fry 1821-? m1 1843 Emily Adams ?-? m2 Eliza White m3 Catherine Null ?-?
    -1-8 Hester Fry 1826-?
    -1-9 H.S. Fry ?-?
    -1-10 Lewis Fry 1829-?
    -1-11 Johnston Fry 1830-? m Charlott ___ 1831-?
    -3-1 Thomas Fry 1812-? m1 Mary Ann Kitchel 1817-1845 m2 1848 Matilda Fargo 1827-?
    -3-2 Abraham Fry 1814-1898 m1 1840 Eleanor Campbell 1814-1848 m2 1853 Margaret Belford 1829-1901
    -3-3 Benjamin Fry 1818-? m1841 Mary J. Sweet 1824-?
    -3-4 Mary Frye 1822-1886 m 1843 John Shepler 1817-1886
    -4-1 Lucinda Frye 1812-1840 m 1835 William Galbrath 1812-?
    -4-2 Abraham Frye 1822-1901
    -4-3 Isaac Fry ?-?
    -4-4 Noah Fry 1826-? m ___ Bebee ?-?
    -4-5 Hester Frye 1820-1864 m Garrett Townsend VonVorhies 1819-1907
    -4-6 Elmer Frye 1827-?
    -4-7 Dan Frye ?- ?
    -4-8 Caroline Frye 1826-1885 m 1848 Robert VonVorhies 1822-1892
    -5-1 Hester Frye 1815-1891 m 1832 Elgy VonVorhies 1810-1906
    -5-2 West Frye 1818-1891 m 1840 Christina VonVorhies 1821-1892
    -5-3 Johnston Frye 1820-1820
    -5-4 Abraham D. Frye 1821-1833
    -6-1 Samuel Fry 1817-? m1 Nancy Speers ?-1848 m2 1852 Maria Cuyhendell 1821-?
    -6-2 Florilla Fry 1819-1875 m 1841 Joseph Brinton Nixon 1813-1878
    -6-3 Mary Anna Fry 1821-1883 m 1842 Thomas Neflack ?-?
    -6-4 Abraham Decker Frye 1823-1907 m 1847 Mary A Deveny 1828-1898
    -6-5 Eliza Jane Frye 1826-? m William Jones 1823-?
    -6-6 Thomas Frye 1828-? m Ann Jane Hogate 1834-?
    -6-7 Eunice Frye 1832-? m 1848 John W. McLaughlin 1831-?
    -6-8 Susannah Frye 1835-? m 1858 George W. Hofman 1831-?
    -6-9 William Frye ?-1854
    -7-1 Hester Colvin 1813-1877 m Seshbuzzer Richardson 1808-1880
    -7-2 Julia Ann Colvin 1815-?
    -7-3 Nancy Colvin 1817-? m John McCory ?-?
    -7-4 Abram Colvin 1819-1896 m 1848 Christina Fry 1818-1896
    -7-5 Lucinda Colvin 1818-? m Thomas Richardson 1818-?
    -7-6 Sarah Colvin 1820-? m Cyrus Kerr 1819-?
    -7-7 Steven Colvin 1824-1851 m Harriet Grant ?-?
    -7-8 Mary Colvin 1823-1855
    -7-9 Elizabeth Colvin 1826-1912 m 1850 David Furnier 1825-1893
    -7-10 Lewis Colvin 1828-1893
    -7-11 John T. Colvin 1829-1862
    -7-12 Rebecca Colvin 1830-1890 m Leander Beazell 1830-1890
    -7-13 Vincent Colvin 1833-1866 5. Nancy Frye ?-?
    -8-1 Luke Frye 1818-1903 m 1842 Phoebe Ann Abrams 1822-1909
    -8-2 Reazen Frye 1821-1906 m 1845 Carolyn B. Eckels 1825-1913
    -8-3 Louisa Frye 1825-1899 m1 Andrew B Hazelbaker 1820-1856 m2 1859 Abraham Keely ?-? m3 ___ Davidson ?-?
    -8-4 Eunice Frye 1825-1891 m1 Stephen Thomas ?-? m2 John Hargrove 1828-1892
    -8-5 Hester Frye 1828- 1891 m 1847 Samuel Jefferson Shepler 1826-1885
    -8-6 Lucinda Jane Frye 1830-1922 m 1847 Josiah Taylor 1816-1893
    -8-7 Abraham Andrew Frye 1832-? m Mariam Brooks 1836-?
    -8-8 Nancy Frye 1835-1907 m John Wilson 1824-1890
    -8-9 Mary Elizabeth. Frye 1838-1898 m Noah Jones 1833-1903
    -8-10 Thomas West Frye 1840-?
    -8-11 Smith Carroll Frye 1842-1926 m 1863 Anna Martha White 1842-1921
    -8-12 Anna Errena Frye 1847-1918 m 1866 Henry Frye 1842-1879
    -9-1 Shepler Frye 1823-1901 m 1845 Eliza Pentecost 1830-1925
    -9-2 Henry Frye 1826-1905 m 1848 Eliza Jane Bishop 1830-1902
    -9-3 Smith Frye 1827-1902 m 1849 Lucy Peck 1830-1908
    -9-4 Nancy Frye 1830-died young
    -9-5 Abraham Frye 1832-died young
    -9-6 Benjamin Franklin Frye 1833-1840
    -9-7 Sarah Rebecca Frye 1837-1914 m 1859 Benjamin Franklin Vance 1822-1913
    -9-8 Lewis Frye 1839-1839
    -9-9 Mary Ann Frye 1840-1909 m 1858 John Peter Overhiser 1828-1925
    -9-10 Infant 1844-1844
    -9-11 Joshua Greg Frye 1845-1939
    -10-1 Anne Margaret Kellar 1841-? m George Slough 1840-?
    -10-2 Josephine Amanada Kellar 1842-1925 m 1866 Andrew Nelson 1833-1903
    -10-3 Joan Kellar 1842-died young
    -10-4 James Gillis Kellar 1844-1928 m1 1870 Harriet Cocista Humason 1846-1901 m2 Clara D. ___ 1847-1926
    -10-5 Myra Belle Kellar 1849-1932 m 1871 William Dempsey 1848-1911
    -11-1 Rebecca Frye 1825-1856 m 1848 John Hines 1826-1904
    -11-2 Peter George Frye 1827-1882 m1 1853 Sarah Amanda Compher 1831-1863 m2 1865 Harriett Giles 1839-1904
    -11-3 Jacob Frye 1829-1880 m11847 Hannah Tower 1822-1863 m2 Anna Cramer ?-?
    -11-4 Sarah Ann Frye 1832-1860 m 1847 Longworth Armstrong 1827-1891
    -11-5 Eliza Jane Frye 1834-1864 m 1854 Peter Smith Shepler 1831-1897
    -11-6 Henry Abraham Frye 1836-1890 m1 1856 Amy Eileen Gheen 1835-1873 m2 1874 Helen Young 1834-1915
    -11-7 Catherine Margaret Frye 1839-1892 m 1858 William Walter Atwood 1836-1907
    -11-8 Smith Frye 1841-1894 m 1862 Rebecca Marion Johnston 1843-1925
    -11-9 Natilla Frye 1844-1883 m 1861 Gilbert L. Voodry 1836-?
    -11-10 James Knox Polk Frye 1845-1920 m 1865 Lucy Compher 1846-1925
    -11-11 Peoria Emmy Frye 1847-1934 m1 1865 George Ford ?-? m2 1876 John Maxwell 1837-?
    Fr8-1-8 Rebecca Frye 1761?7-1835/?48 m 1784 Joseph Foreman b 13 May 1763 d 8 Jul 1838 son of Thomas Foremand b 1736 Frederick Co Va d 1 Jun 1764Hampshir Co WV and Elizabeth Decker b 22 May 1741 ?Smithfield Pa. -2 Elizabeth Forman b 30 May 1788 d 1818 m 1805 Abraham Birkhead 1786-1857

    -3 Nancy Forman 1789-1854 m 1809 Martin Yewell 1787-1860

    -4 William Forman 1792-1856 m 1818 Ruth Chenoweth 1799-1868

    -5 Joseph Forman 1794-1858 m 1820 Elizabeth Glasscocks 1802-1849

    -6 Rebecca J. Forman 1797-1876 m1 1815 Thomas Shadburn 1792-1828 m2 1831 Spottswood Willis 1802-1883

    -7 Catherine Forman 1799-1892 m 1817 David Harvey Cox 1795-1869

    -8 Christina Forman 1804-1867 m 1819 Robert R. McGee 1797-1833

    -1-1 Nancy Forman 1807-1846 m1 1822 Reuban Wesley Birkhead ?-? m2 1839 James Lashbrook 1812-?
    -1-2 Joseph Forman 1810-? m 1828 Kitty Porter ?-?
    -1-3 Rebecca Forman 1813-1854 m 1829 Hugh Caldwell Crawford 1809-?
    -1-4 Martin Forman 1816-? m 1836 Sarah Shoemate 1804-?
    -1-5 Catherine Forman 1816-1878 m1 1833 Norris Lashbrook 1819-? m2 1848 George A.R. Wilhite 1825-?
    -1-6 James M. Forman 1820-? m 1840 Melissa Evans 1824-?
    -1-7 Emily Forman 1822-1863 m 1838 Grayson Lashbrook 1816-1866
    -2-1 Artimacy Burkhead 1811-1874 m 1831 James H. Chenoweth 1801-1882
    -2-2 Mary Alice Burkhead 1809-1850 m 1826 Thomas C. Aud 1805-?
    -2-3 Joseph Forman Burkhead 1811-? m 1835 Matilda Shadburn 1815-1878
    -3-1 Lavina Yewell 1810-1887 m 1832 Edward Burke Nall 1809-1860
    -3-2 Harrison Yewell 1811-1885 m 1836 Sarah Eliza Lewis 1820-1890
    -3-3 James Monroe Yewell 1813-1867 m Mary Ann McCormick ?-?
    -3-4 Ann �Nancy� Yewell c 1815-? m 1841 Rev. James H. Brown 1815-?
    -3-5 Elizabeth Yewell c 1817-? m 1834 James Franklin McGeehee ?-?
    -3-6 Joseph Yewell c 1819-?
    -3-7 Rebecca Yewell c 1821-?
    -3-8 Morgan Ratliff Yewell 1825-1896 m 1849 Susan C. Bell 1831-1887
    -3-9 Vardaman Yewell c 1827-?
    -3-10 John Bemis Yewell 1830-1847
    -3-12 Isabella Yewell ?-?
    -4-1 Christiann Forman 1818-1844 m 1833 Philip Crume 1808-1849
    -4-2 William Abraham Forman 1820-1856 m1 1845 Cordelia Phelps 1827-? m2 1857 Abigail (Thomas) Howard 1823-1887
    -4-3 Joseph Forman 1822-1897 m 1848 Elizabeth Hughes 1824-1919
    -4-4 Mary Forman 1825-1825
    -4-5 James C. Forman 1826-? m1 Jennie Daniels 1840-? m2 Patty Daniels 1842-?
    -4-6 DeWitt Clinton Forman 1829-1879 m1 1856 Mary Ellen Howard 1841-1864 m2 1867 Lucetta Howard 1852-1883
    -4-7 John H. Forman 1831-1848
    -4-8 Miles Chenoweth Forman 1834-1837
    -4-9 Letitia Hawkins Forman 1836-1907 m 1853 George W. Barnett 1819-1882
    -5-1 George Washington. Forman 1820-1868 m 1843 Elizabeth Ann Wells 1826-1899
    -5-2 Micajah Forman 1822-? m Rhoda E. ___ ?-?
    -5-3 Rebecca Forman 1824-1857 m 1842 Samuel H. Riddle 1820-?
    -5-4 Henry Forman 1830-1834
    -5-5 Benjamin E. Forman 1833-1846
    -5-6 Elizabeth Forman 1836-1888 m 1853 Clay Columbus Kalfus 1830-1868
    -5-7 Charlotte Forman 1839-?
    -5-8 Joseph L. Forman 1835-? m Margaret ___ ?-?
    -5-9 Isaac N. Forman 1842 m Letha J. ___ 1846-?
    -5-10 Virginia Forman 1845-?
    -6-1 Matilda Shadburn 1815-1878 m 1835 Joseph F. Birkhead 1811-?
    -6-2 Richard F. Shadburn 1819-1888 m 1856 Catherine Forman 1835-?
    -6-3 Joseph Shadburn 1822-? m Malvina ___ 1834-?
    -6-4 Thomas Gibson Shadburn 1824-1902 m 1844 Mary Eliza Jones 1826-1914
    -6-5 Leland Willis 1832-1853
    -6-6 Samuel Willis 1833-?
    -6-7 Robert Willis 1839-?
    -6-8 John Willis 1836-?
    -7-1 Rebecca McGee 1820-1846 m 1844 Archibald Chalfant ?-?
    -7-2 Joseph J. McGee 1821-1885 m 1848 Louisa Barger 1828-1880
    -7-3 John McGee 1823-1846 m 1846 Permelia Wells ?-?
    -7-4 William B. McGee 1825-? m 1851 Mary A. McGee ?-?
    -7-5 James McGee 1827-1828
    -7-6 Robert McGee 1829-1900 m Amanda Swearinger 1834-1913
    -7-7 Blackburn McGee 1830-? m 1856 Mary Elizabeth Cox ?-?
    -7-8 Elizabeth McGee 1832-1839
    Fr8-1-9 Nancy Virginia Frye 1774-1845 m Noah Speers 1769-1832 . -1 Abraham Speers 1790-1832 m Margaret Campbell 1792-1832

    -9-2 Solomon Spears 1792-1860 m 1819 Mary Walker 1800-1860

    -9-3 Henry Spears 1795-1795

    -9-4 Cassandra Speers 1796-1855 m Solomon G. Krepps 1793-1833

    -9-5 Nancy Josephine Speers 1800-1884 m 1819 Samuel Walker 1798-1876

    -9-6 Lucinda Frye Speers 1805-1872 m 1834 William Mills ?-?

    -9-7 Louisa Speers 1808-1869 m William Reeves 1798-?

    -9-8 Rebecca Speers 1809-1882 m Robert McFarland ?-?

    -9-9 Louis Marchand Speers 1810-1883 m1 1834 Jane Finley 1816-1857 m2 1859 Fannie Stewart 1829-1906

    -9-10 James H. Speers 1812-1832 m Annie Utley ?-?

    -9-11 Jacob Speers 1814-1897 m 1836 Margaret Power 1820- 1904

    -9-12 Clarissa Speers 1814-? m Andrew Ford ?-?

    -9-13 Noah W. Speers 1819-1907 m Elizabeth Eberhardt 1820-1878

    -9-14 Robert J. Speer ?-? m Tracy x ?-?

    -1-1 David B. Speers 1819-?
    -9-1-2 Nancy Speers ?-1822
    -9-1-3 Solomon K. Speers 1823-1894 m Ann McKinney 1823-1905
    -9-1-4 Charles C. Speers ?-1895 m Elizabeth L. ___ ?-1894
    -9-1-5 Porter Speers ?-?
    -9-1-6 Mary Speers ?-?
    -9-2-1 Walker Speers died infancy
    -9-2-2 Adam Speers ?-1861
    -9-2-3 Diane Walker Speers 1822-? m Joseph H. Gallagher 1821-?
    -9-2-4 Noah Speers 1822-1890
    -9-2-5 John W. W. Speers 1827-? m Mary Johnston ?-?
    -9-2-6 William Brisbane Speers 1829-1866
    -9-2-7 Solomon Penniman Speers 1830-1901 m Margretta B. Speers 1840-?
    -9-2-8 James Speers 1834-?
    -9-2-9 Josephine N. Speers 1836-1875 m 1859 George W.H. Gilbert 1837-1920
    -9-2-10 Robert W. Speers 1839-?
    -9-2-11 Matilda Speers ?-? m William Van Kirk ?-?
    -9-2-12 Mary Eveline Speers 1843-? m Frederick Aaron Gilbert 1841-?
    -9-4-1 Mary Krepps ?-? m ___ Bailey ?-?
    -9-4-2 Nancy Krepps ?-? m John Walker ?-?
    -9-4-3 John S. Krepps 1829-1873 m Mary Gillespie ?-?
    -9-4-4 Rebecca Krepps 1832-? m W.H. Shouse ?-?
    -9-4-5 Ellen Krepps 1834-? m W.H. Playford ?-?
    -9-4-6 Bolivar Krepps ?-?
    -9-5-1 William B. Walker ?-? m Mary J. Stratton ?-?
    -9-5-2 Lucina Walker 1822-1905 m 1840 R.F. Voorhees 1812-1893
    -9-5-3 Noah Speers Walker 1832-? m1 ___ ?-? m2 1868 Eldora Haines ?-?
    -9-5-4 Samuel Walker 1832-? m D. Catharine Peebles 1840-?
    -9-5-5 Mary Walker ?-? m T.B. Barnes ?-?
    -9-5-6 Nancy Walker 1841-? m Algernone R. Pope 1833-?
    -9-5-7 Thomas P. Walker 1843-? m Fannie P. Jones 1853-?
    -9-5-8 James S. Walker 1832-? m Elizabeth Webb ?-?
    -9-5-9 John S. Walker ?-? m 1850 Angeline G. Van Kirk ?-?
    -9-5-10 Diane C. Walker 1831-? m General James A. Ekin 1821-1891
    -9-7-1 Sarah Reeves 1830-1833
    -9-7-2 Louis Reeves 1832-1833
    -9-7-3 William C. Reeves 1834-?
    -9-7-4 Eliza Reeves 1836-?
    -9-7-5 Martha Reeves 1839-?
    -9-7-6 Mary L. Reeves 1843-?
    -9-7-7 Henry S. Reeves 1846-1909 m 1872 Elizabeth C. Kidney 1857-1937
    -9-9-1 William Finley Speers 1835-1893 m 1857 Mary Power 1826-?
    -9-9-2 Nancy Virginia Speers 1844-1844
    -9-9-3 Margaret Speers 1840-? m Soloman Penniman Speers 1830-1901
    -9-9-4 Mary Speers 1845-1894 m Rev. Thomas S. Park 1833-1901
    -9-9-5 Noah Q. Speers 1837-1930 m 1860 Alline Bugher 1839-1920
    -9-9-6 James Roland Speers 1852-? m Sue Andrews ?-?
    -9-9-7 Lewis Edgar Speers 1856-1872
    -9-9-8 Celia Gillet Speers 1848-1913 m Robert Powers ?-?
    -9-9-9 David Stewart Speers 1862-1919
    -9-9-10 Samuel Calhoon Speers 1864-1915 m 1896 Lola Young Morgan 1847-1943
    -9-9-11 Frank Marchand Speers 1866-1868
    -9-9-12 John Stodgill VonVorhies Speers 1869-1925 m 1907 Regina Lurling Garwin 1880-1964
    -9-10-1 Marietta Speers ?-?
    -9-11-1 Noah Lucian Speers 1837-1890 m Margaret A. Ellis 1847-1928
    -9-11-2 Mary Speers 1838-1838
    -9-11-3 James E. Speers 1838-?
    -9-11-4 John Finley Speers 1839-1897 m 1868 Mary Elma Halstead 1846-1932
    -9-11-5 Nancy Speers 1843-? m John Watts ?-?
    -9-11-6 Clarissa Speers 1848-?
    -9-11-7 William Lewis Speers 1849-? m Laura Powers 1848-?
    -9-11-8 Harriet Alice Speers 1852-? m Frank L. Voorhees ?-?
    -9-11-9 Lucretia Speers ?-?
    -9-11-10 Charles Speers 1856-1926 m Olive Newton 1860-1946
    -9-11-11 Solomon Speers 1858-1935 m1 1881 Irena Guy 1866-1887 m2 1890 Nettie Pitzer 1873-1950
    -9-11-12 Rebecca Speers ?-?
    Fr8-1-10 Margaret Frye 1748-1783 m John Warth 1743-? -1 Ruth Warth 1769-?

    -10-2 Alexander Warth ?-?

    -10-3 Robert Warth 1771-?

    -10-4 Abraham Warth 1776-1868 m Katherine Spears ?-?

    -10-5 George Warth 1779-1779

    -10-6 Daughter 1783-1783

    Fr8-2 Henry Frey, b. about 1724 d 13 Apr 1812 bur Frye Cem Hampshire Co Va

    m. Fanny Littler b 30 July 1738 Pennsylvania dau of Ralph Littler jr. chr 27 December 1706 Frodsham, England d 1747 Philadelphia and Sarah Williams d about 1773 Hampshire Co Va m 8 Feb 1738 Philadelphia

    sis of Thomas Littler b about 1740 Pa d 1818 Hardy Co WVa and John Littler b 1747 Pa d 1797/98 Ky

    -1 Rebecca Frye 1761-1835 m 1777 Henry Speers 1756-1840 .




    -2 Henry Frye 1762-1811 m Hannah _____ 1776-1824.




    -3 Thomas Frye 1765-? m Rebecca Pugh ?-?.




    -4 Sarah Frye 1768-1834 m Benjamin Moore 1764-1849 .




    -5 John Frye b 2 April 1774 d 28 October 1826 m Mary Collins 1770-1861 .




    -6 Benjamin Frye 1774-1840 m 1803 Mary Frye 1784-1840 .




    -7 Abraham Frye 1784-1875 m 1811 Mary Wilson ?-?.


    -?8 Westfall Frye

    -1-1 Samuel Speers 1779-1859

    -1-2 Sarah Speers 1780-? m Frederick Garver ?-?

    -1-3 Rebecca Speers 1782-1858 m Armstrong Davidson 1774-1846

    -1-4 Catherine Speers 1795-1832 m John McCrory 1795-1832

    -1-5 Henry J. Speers 1787-1839 m Esther McCrory ?-?

    -1-6 Rachel Speers 1789-? m ____ Riggle ?-?

    -1-7 Elizabeth Speers 1791-? m William B. Johnson ?-?

    -1-8 Fanny Speers 1793-?

    -1-9 Mary Polly Speers 1794-? m Thomas Mallison ?-?

    -1-10 Pleasant Speers 1796-1874 m William Ward 1787-1863

    -1-11 John Speers 1798-1870 m Mary Latta 1811-1887

    -1-12 Appollos Speers 1801-1857 m 1821 Elizabeth Cooper 1803-1874

    -1-13 Nancy Speers 1803-1891 m 1821 George Hill 1796-1864

    -2-1 Mary Polly Frye 1796-1875 m Zachariah Ward 1773-1834

    -2-2 Frances Frye 1798-1874 m Cornelius B. Frye ?-?

    -2-3 Sarah Frye 1800-?

    -2-4 Rebecca Frye 1802-? m David Ogden ?-?

    -2-5 Henry Westfall Frye 1804-1896 m1 1825 Elizabeth Baker 1810-1832 m2 + 1834- Mercy Moore 1809-1890

    -2-6 Benjamin Franklin Frye 1806-? m 1826 Colombia Graham 1810-?

    -2-7 Elizabeth Frye 1810-1878 m 1835 John William Rohbough 1810-1889

    -3-1 James H. Frye ?-? m 1826 Nancy Frye ?-?

    -3-2 Jesse Pugh Frye ?-?

    -4-1 Nancy Moore 1797-1863 m 1815 Eli Bishop 1793-1858

    -4-2 Mercy Moore 1809-1890 m 1834 Henry Westfall Frye 1804-1896

    -4-3 Rebecca Moore ?-? m James Young ?-?

    -4-4 Abraham Moore ?-?

    -4-5 Margaret Moore ?-?

    -4-6 Rachel Moore ?-?

    -4-7 Mary Ann Moore ?-?

    -5-1 Henry Ferguson Fry 1803-1887 m 1826 Sarah Trenner 1803-1874

    -5-2 Noah Frye ?-?

    -5-3 Sarah Frye 1800-1882 m Henry Trenner 1790-1882

    -5-4 Mary Frye 1810-? m 1830 John Burt 1809-?

    -5-5 Rhoda Frye 1809-1891 m 1828 Peter Reasoner 1796-1868

    -5-6 Celia Frye ?-? m 1830 William Dawson ?-?

    -5-7 Eliza Frye 1802-? m Thomas Mercer 1800-1879

    -5-8 Fanny Frye 1804-? m 1825 Thomas Mercer 1800-1879

    -5-9 Amanda Frye ?-? m David Hunt ?-?

    -5-10 Rebecca Frye ?-? m John Dawson ?-?

    -6-1 Susan Markley Frye 1805-1869 m 1823 Thomas Littler 1802-1883

    -6-2 Mary Ann Frye 1810-1838 p 1832 William Moore ?-?

    -6-3 Henry Tucker Frye 1811-1894 m Elizabeth Jane Silket Wilson 1837-1908

    -6-4 Abraham Wilson Frye 1815-1875 m 1870 Annie Elizabeth Longacre 1835-1905

    -6-5 Benjamine Powell Frye 1820-1889 m * 1843 Sarah Jane Beall 1822-1856 m2 1856 Mary Isabel Wise 1833-1908

    -6-6 Isaac Lee Frye 1823-1885 m 1844 Mary Magdalena Louise Frye 1823-1901

    -6-7 Jane Elizabeth Frye 1823-1868 m 1843 James William Frye 1820-1902

    -6-8 Nancy Frye ?-? m 1826 James H. Frye ?-?

    -6-9 Lucy G. Frye ?-? m 1827 Joseph Doran ?-?

    -6-10 Benjamin Franklin Doran 1837-?

    -6-11 Fanny Frye ?-? m ____ Moore ?-?

    -6-12 Sarah M. Frye ?-?

    -7-1 Isaac Newton Frye 1813-? m Elizabeth ___ ?-?

    -7-2 Silas Wilson Frye 1818-1891 m 1848 Sarah Wood 1828-1914

    -1-2-1 Mary Polly Garver 1808-1883 m 1834 Asa Howard 1808-1883
    -1-2-2 John S. Garver 1812-1900 m 1837 Mary Margaret Stutzmen 1817-1896
    -1-2-3 Frederick Garver 1818-? m Malinda Ulrick 1822-?
    -1-2-4 David Garver 1819-? m1 Susan Van Wert 1829-? m2 1843 Elizabeth Burhett 1821-?
    -1-2-5 Catherine Garver ?-? m Isaac Hathaway ?-?
    -1-2-6 Joanna Garver 1824-? m 1844 Peter Berkey 1822-?
    -1-3-1 Nancy Davidson 1802-? m Samuel Burwell 1802-?
    -1-3-2 Lucinda Davidson 1804-1806
    -1-3-3 Catherine Davidson 1804-1886 m 1834 William Hebron ?-?
    -1-3-4 Mary B. Davidson 1816-1895 m 1836 John Hartman 1811-1888
    -1-3-5 Samuel Davidson 1810-1882 m 1834 Margaret Hebron ?-1907
    -1-3-6 Rebecca Davidson 1813-1896 m 1830 Benjamin Montgomery ?-1846
    -1-3-7 Elizabeth Davidson 1815-1891 m 1834 Moses Robbins 1806-1849
    -1-3-8 Henry Davidson 1818-? m 1840 Sarah Montgomery 1824-?
    -1-3-9 Delia Davidson 1821-1838
    -1-3-10 William Davidson 1823-?
    -1-3-11 Noah Davidson 1825-1875 m 1857 Rebecca L. Burwell 1828-?
    -1-4-1 Elizabeth McCrory ?-1888 m David McCain 1810-1880
    -1-4-2 Samuel S. McCrory 1809-1853 m Nancy Fry 1812-1892
    -1-4-3 James McCrory 1813-1877 m Anna Dixon 1821-1880
    -1-4-4 Rebecca McCrory ?-1828
    -1-4-5 John McCrory 1816-? m Nancy Colvin 1817-1885
    -1-4-6 Pleasant McCrory ?-? mSamuel Means ?-?
    -1-4-7 Henry McCrory ?-1848
    -1-4-8 Jacob McCrory 1826-?
    -1-4-9 Solomon McCrory 1827-? m Lucretia ___ 1831-?
    -1-4-10 Emily McCrory 1825-1897 m 1871 George Lang 1826-1885
    -1-4-11 Nathaniel McCrory 1828-?
    -1-5-1 William Speers 1835-? m Sarah A. ___ ?-?
    -1-5-2 Plessy Speers ?-?
    -1-5-3 John Speers 1822-1893 m1844 Sarah Cartwright 1819-?
    -1-5-4 Abraham Speers ?-?
    -1-5-5 Appollos Spears 1817 m Malinda ___ ?-?
    -1-5-6 Thomas Speers ?-?
    -1-5-7 Sarah Speers ?-?
    -1-5-8 James Speers ?-? m Martha Jane Wallace ?-?
    -1-5-9 Henry Speers 1830-? m Dianah Grace ___ 1837-?
    -1-10-1 Amy Mallison ?-? m James Patterson ?-?
    -1-10-2 Rebecca Mallison 1815-1867 m George Stomets 1809-?
    -1-11-1 Nancy Ward 1822-? m James Warren ?-?
    -1-11-2 Solomon Ward 1824-1915
    -1-11-3 Wilson Ward 1822-1902 m 1867 Margaret Kenney 1843-1925
    -1-11-4 Rebecca Ward 1824-1912
    -1-11-5 James Ward 1826-? m 1852 Sarah Frye 1830-?
    -1-11-6 Elizabeth Ward 1830-1895 m 1857 John J. Richards 1829-1901
    -1-11-7 Mary Jane Ward 1834-1897
    -1-11-8 Sarah Amanda Ward 1836-1901 mNoah Speers 1834-1898
    -1-11-9 Melissa Ward 1839-1923
    -1-11-10 Katherine Ward ?-? m ___ Richards ?-?
    -1-11-11 William Ward 1834-?
    -1-12-1 Solomon C. Speers 1832-1918 m1 1857 Ann Eliza Walker 1836-1884 m2 Mrs. Sarah A. Winefield Davis 1850-?
    -1-12-2 Noah Speers 1834-1898 mSarah Amanda Ward 1836-1901
    -1-12-3 Henry Valentine Speers 1837-1912 m 1871 Emma Broadhead ?-?
    -1-12-4 Jacob B. Speers 1839-? m Emma ___ ?-?
    -1-12-5 Jasper Speers 1842-1859
    -1-12-6 Margaret Speers 1822-1912 m 1838 Enoch Baker 1815-1882
    -1-12-7 Nancy Speers 1825-1848 m Samuel Fry 1817-?
    -1-12-8 Mary L. Speers 1827-? m Benjamin White Johnson 1823-?
    -1-12-9 Sarah R. Speers 1830-1910 m Nathaniel Lucus 1800-?
    -1-12-10 Clara E. Speers 1844-? m James Walker ?-?
    -1-13-1 Henry Speers Hill 1822-1860 m 1840 Sarah Green Wise 1821-1910
    -1-13-2 John Hill 1824-1864 m 1849 Mary Van Voorhis 1830-1864
    -1-13-3 Stephen Girard Hill 1825-1871 m1856 Isabel Clark 1839-1891
    -1-13-4 Mary Speers Hill 1827-1876
    -1-13-5Rebecca Hill 1829-1869
    -1-13-6 Pleasant Hill 1831-1900 m 1854 John Ira Cleaver 1834-1910
    -1-13-7 William Hill 1833-1836
    -1-13-8 Robert Speers Hill 1835-1919 m1858 Hester Ann Rogers 1840-1883
    -1-13-9 Joseph Welsh Hill 1837-1916 m 1868 Emily Lewis Ruble 1843-1917
    -1-13-10 Eleanor Lucinda Hill 1840-1934 m 1859 James Wesley Greenfield 1833-1910
    -1-13-11 George Lawrence Hill 1843-1911 m 1868 Sophia Edwina Michener 1849-1930
    -2-1-1 John T. Ward 1817-?
    -2-1-2 Thomas S. Ward 1818-?
    -2-1-3 Louise Ann Ward 1819-?
    -2-1-4 Jane Margaret Ward 1820-1821
    -2-1-5 Rebecca Ward 1822-1900
    -2-1-6 Cynthia Ellen Ward 1824-1903 m Simson B. Williams 1821-1908
    -2-1-7 Henry J. Ward 1826-1899 mJulia A. ___ 1831-?
    -2-1-8 Margaret Ward 1828-?
    -2-1-9 Benjamin Ward 1832-1898
    -2-2-1 Lewis W. Frye 1828-?
    -2-2-2 Sarah A. Fry 1831-?
    -2-2-3 Cornelius B. Fry 1835-?
    -2-4-1 Caroline Ogden 1819-1900 m1 Jacob Rrennaman 1796-? m2 __ Swisher
    -2-5-1 Henry Baker Fry 1826-?
    -2-5-2 Amanda Amelia Fry 1828-1874 m 1854 Cyrus Vannort 1817-?
    -2-5-3 Benjamin F. Fry 1829-? m Eliza Grace A. Clagget 1838-?
    -2-5-4 Louisa Elizabeth Fry 1832 m 1852 Robert J. Taylor 1838-?
    -2-5-5 Abraham M. Fry 1836-1864
    -2-5-6 William Inskip Fry 1838-1885 m1 1870 Mary H. Baker 1845-1873 m2 1878 Mary Henrietta Leggett 1851-?
    -2-5-7 Rachel Fry 1842-1879 m James O. Early 1843-?
    -2-5-8 John Westfall Fry 1844-1905 m1 1872 Rachel Bond Fry 1849-1901 m2 Ida E. Keller 1856-1937
    -5-1-1 Elizabeth Rhoda Frye 1827-1912
    -5-1-2 John Fry 1828-1897 m Rhoda H. Moore 1835-1922
    -5-1-3 Mary Fry 1829-1848
    -5-1-4 Noah Fry 1831-? m Mary Jane McKee 1833-?
    -5-1-5 Henry Ferguson Fry, Jr. 1832-?
    -5-1-6 Eliza Fry 1834-1858
    -5-1-7 Isaac Fry 1836-1857
    -5-1-8 Katherine Belinda Fry 1837-1917 m1 Park Orr ?-? m2 Lewis Winnett
    -5-1-9 Silas Whitfield Fry 1839-1880 m Susannah Shafer 1836-1921
    -5-1-10 William Keal Fry 1841-?
    -5-1-11 Sarah Louise Fry 1842-? m George Fry 1827-?
    -5-1-12 Benjamin Luther Fry 1844-1921 m Sarah Leeper ?-?
    -5-1-13 George Washington Fry 1846-?
    -5-3-1 John F. Trenner 1821-? m Mary Salladay 1823-?
    -5-3-2 Isiah Trenner 1820-1907
    -5-3-3 Noah Trenner 1827-1895 m Caroline Rose 1827-1900
    -5-3-4 William Kiel Trenner 1829-1916 m Mary Emerson ?-?
    -5-3-5 Benjamin Trenner 1830-1912 m 1851 Barbara Spaid 1833-1911
    -5-3-6 Caleb Trenner 1832-1914 m Eliza Ann Fogle 1835-1907
    -5-3-7 Henry M. Trenner 1836-?
    -5-4-1 Seber Lavin Reasoner 1829-? m 1846 William Dunn 1817-?
    -5-4-2 Washington Frye Reasoner 1830-1911 m1 1850 Rachel Slater 1829-1888 m2 1890 Ann C. Hollinghead 1836-?
    -5-4-3 Samuel Peter Reasoner 1836-?
    -5-4-4 Mary Eliza Reasoner 1833-1897 m Henry Alexander Jones 1829-?
    -5-4-5 Noah Hill Reasoner 1835-? m 1867 Rachel Amanda Ferguson 1843-?
    -5-4-6 Calista Ann Reasoner 1837-? m 1856 Ashford Kisner 1828-1896
    -5-4-7 Joseph Reasoner 1843-1844
    -5-4-8 Evelyn Reasoner 1843-1844
    -5-4-9 Harriett Reasoner 1834-1848
    -5-4-11 John Benjamin Reasoner 1845-1926 m 1873 Catherine Jones 1854-1935
    -5-4-12 Almira C. Reasoner 1845-? m1873 Liberty Hamilton ?-?
    -5-4-13 Jacob Madison Reasoner 1847-? m 1875 Emma Willman 1854-?
    -5-7-1 Rebecca Mercer 1827-?
    -5-7-2 Joseph Mercer 1829-?
    -5-7-3 Thomas Jefferson Mercer 1833-1911 m 1859 Amanda Melissa Stephen 1841-1924
    -5-7-4 William Mercer 1831-?
    -5-7-5 Amanda Mercer ?-?
    -5-7-6 Sarah Mercer 1840-?
    -5-7-7 Mary Mercer 1843-?
    -5-7-8 Louisa Mercer 1844-?
    -5-7-9 Jeremiah Mercer 1846-
    -5-7-10 Martha Mercer 1849-?
    -6-1-1 Mary C. Littler 1823-? m S.E. Foster 1820-?
    -6-1-2 Adeline Littler 1825-? m G. Washington Shaw 1828-?
    -6-1-3 Sarepth Littler 1827-? m ___ Dunn ?-?
    -6-1-4 Eliza Littler 1836-? m Clinton Fergus 1835-?
    -6-1-5 Leah Littler 1838-? m 1858 Andrew J. Wharton 1831-?
    -6-1-6 Rachel Littler 1839-? m Benjamin Carmin 1837-?
    -6-1-7 Almira Amanda Littler 1840-1938 mJames Griffin 1837-1915
    -6-1-8 John N. Littler 1846-? m Mary E. ___ 1848-?
    -6-1-9 Benjamin Thomas Littler 1848-1930 m Martha Jane Smith 1850-1937
    -6-2-1 A. Jackson Frye 1830-1914
    -6-3-1 William H. Frye 1860-?
    -6-3-2 James Mason Frye 1865-1956 m1893 Fannie Coyle Baker 1871-1957
    -6-3-3 Sarah Elizabeth Frye 1867-1935 m 1897 Isaac Franklin Timbrook 1870-1939
    -6-3-4 Louella Sue Frye 1883-1953 m Lester Bernard Couhas 1854-1953
    -6-4-1 William Henry Frye 1872-1968 m 1891 Etta Spaur 1872-1914
    -6-4-2 Benjamin Fry Frye 1871-1871
    -6-4-3 Mary E. Frye 1873-1874
    -6-4-4 Susan A. Frye 1874-1874
    -6-5-1 Charles William Mortimer Frye 1844-1847
    -6-5-2 James Edward B. Frye 1847-1851
    -6-5-3 Mary Margaret Caudy Frye 1849-1849
    -6-5-4 Benjamin Hanson Frye 1850-1908
    -6-5-5 Susan Virginia Frye 1857-? m 1881 Julius Walter Coffman 1845-?
    -6-5-6 Charles Henry Adolphus Frye 1859-1925 m Adelaide ___ ?-?
    -6-5-7 Edward Powell Frye 1861-1947 m 1888 Etta Elizabeth Wolfe 1864-1923
    -6-5-8 Robert Lee Frye 1862-1935 m 1892 Hattie Jane Pepper 1869-?
    -6-5-9 Mary Catherine Fry 1865 m 1889 Robert Lee Hurd ?-?
    -6-5-10 Oscar Allen Frye 1867-1943 m 1896 Cora Virginia Fletcher ?-?
    -6-5-11 Elenora Francis Frye 1870-? m 1889 George W. Bean ?-?
    -6-5-12 Samuel Valentine Frye 1872-1922
    -6-6-1 Benjamin Mason Frye 1845-1918 m1 Emma ___ 1855-? m2 Mattie Blucher
    -6-6-2 Sarah Frances Gertrude Frye 1846-1921 m1 1872 John Henry Frye 1844-1895 m2 1904 J.P. French ?-?
    -6-6-3 Rachel Bond Frye 1849-1901 m 1872 John Westfall Frye 1844-1905
    -6-6-4 Jemina Inskip Frye 1850-? m 1870 Isaac Huber 1842-?
    -6-6-5 Virginia Frye 1852-1923 m 1878 Robert Burns Barr 1850-1931
    -6-6-6 Martha Ann Frye 1854-1942 m 1877 James McCoy Warden 1839-1928
    -6-6-7 Sarah Jane Frye 1856-1936 m A. Rufus Ogden 1848-1918
    -6-6-8 Alice Henderson Frye 1858-? m 1887 Edwin Lee Frye 1864-1921
    -6-6-9 Mary Bell Frye 1860-? m 1896 David W. Glenn 1860-?
    -6-6-10 William Henry Frye 1862-1909 m 1889 Mary Ida Higgins Miller 1862-1918
    -6-6-11 Minnie Tipping Frye 1864-? m 1889 Hugh Phillip Cline 1863-?
    -6-6-12 Luella Frye 1867-1955 m 1894 Dr. Joseph Jay Pittman 1859-1940
    -6-7-1 John Henry Frye 1848-1895 m 1872 Susan Francis Gertrude Frye 1846-1926
    -6-7-2 Benjamin Franklin Frye 1846-1938 m 1870 Martha Jane Boyd 1855-1901
    -6-7-3 Danial Luther Frye 1848-1937 m 1875 Alice Miranda Pool 1855-1920
    -6-7-4 Sarah Catherine Frye 1852-1927 m 1874 George Washington Sumpter 1854-1929
    -6-7-5 Elijah Snapp Frye 1856-1941 m 1880 Sarah C. Davis 1857-1940
    -6-7-6 Mary Magdaline Frye 1860-1914 m 1878 Rodman Lewis Colton 1853-1907
    -6-7-7 Margaret Jane Frye 1863-1945 m 1885 William Henry Snapp 1846-1935
    -6-7-8 James William Frye 1866-1943 m 1888 Mary Elizabeth Webb 1862-1933
    -7-1-1 Thomas N. Frye 1834-?
    -7-1-2 Eliza Ann Frye 1838-?
    -7-1-3 Sarah E. Frye 1840-?
    -7-1-4 Lydia C. Frye 1842-?
    -7-1-5 Benjamin F. Frye 1846-?
    -7-1-6 John Frye 1849
    -7-2-1 Isaac Henry Frye 1850-?
    -7-2-2 Amanda V. Frye 1852-1891
    -7-2-3 Franklin W. Frye 1854-?
    -7-2-4 Charles M. Frye 1856-?
    -7-2-5 William W. Frye 1863-?
    -7-2-6 George Westfall Frye 1868-1909 m 1893 Martha Catherine Jackman 1874-1956
    Fr8 Jacob Fry/Frye Sr. b c 1726 in Perkiomen, Philadelphia Co PA, d 1808 in Frederick Co VA Jacob Frye [Sr.] was a soldier about 1776 in the Virginia Militia during the Revolutionary War. purchased 271 acres adjacent to the 500 acre patent land, (Tract 145, Map 8) and Froman's tract (tract 137b, map 8) from Lord Fairfax, 23 March 1762; will dated 25 Feb 1805 proven in Frederick County Court 4 April 1815. Jacob lists wife: Molly, and sons: Joseph, John (deceased), William and Jacob. He bequeathed 100 acres (land conveyed by Abraham Fry) and 271 acres (land conveyed by Isaac Zane and by patent) to his son Joseph. His listed daughters: Elizabeth, wife of John Keller; Christina, wife of Abraham Jamison; Catherine, wife of Isaac Fry and Polly, wife of Abraham Chrissman. His dcd son John's children: were also listed, John and Leah Fry. He appointed John Fry and Joseph Snapp, executors. #07
    m1 Susanna Sophia Bertolet b 17 Nov 1724 Minfield Rheinland-Pfalz d 2 Feb 1805 + 4 ch
    m2 Mary "Molly" x b c 1734 VA d 25 Mar 1805 Frederick VA + 8 ch
    +1 Jean/John Bertolet b 1686 Ch�teau-d'Oex, Riviera-Pays-d'Enhaut District, Vaud, Switzerland d 1 Jul 1757 Oley Berks PA
    m Susanna DeHarcourt b 29 SEp 1711 Uhldingen-Mühlhofen Württemberg d 1755 Oley Berks PA
    +2 Jean Bertolet b c 1660 Picardi FR
    m Susanne Turrian b c 1659 Heidelberg Baden d 4 Apr 1757 Oley Berks PA
    +2 Duke Jean Henri de Harcourt/Herricourt b c 1658 FR d 1740 Germany
    m Judith LeSeure b c 1660 d 30 Oct 1726 Mühlhofen
    +3 Fran�ois Am�d� Bretault
    m Marie Pineau
    Fr7-1 Abraham Frye Sr b c 1749 d c 1798 Berkeley Co WV
    m Eilzabeth Winters b c 1750 d c 1789
    -1 Catherine Catrouch Frye b 1770 d 1849 Monroe OH m Henry Huffman
    -2 Julia or Julianne Frye b m Huffman
    -3 Susannah Frye b m Huffman
    -4 Margaret Frye b m Humes
    -5 Abraham Frye b m
    -6 Elizabeth Frye
    -7 Mary Frye
    -8 Peter Frye Sr
    -1-1 Phillip Huffman b 1794 Berkeley VA m Letitia had issue
    -1-2 Nancy Huffman b 1794 Berkeley VA m David Stewart
    -1-3 Jacob Miller Huffman b 13 Feb 1795 Berkeley VA m Nancy had issue
    -1-4 Henry Joseph Hoffman, Jr b 29 Oct 1803 Morris Twp Greene PA m Elizabeth had issue
    -1-5 Rezin Huffman b 1805 Greene PA m Mary had issue
    -1-6 Joseph Huffman b 6 Jun 1801 Center Twp Greene PA m SArah had issue
    -1-7 Abraham Huffman b 1789 Greene PA m1 Lucy m2 Elizabeth had issue
    Fr7-2 Esther Bertolet
    Fr7-3 Sarah Bertolet Tyson
    Fr7-4 Elizabeth B. Bertolet
    Fr7-5 John FRY/Frye Sr b c 1754 in Frederick Co VA, d 19 Aug 1782 at Blue Licks Battlefield, Fayette Co KY
    m about 1777 probably in Augusta Co VA to Catherine SPEARS (b. 16 Sep 1760, d 1 Apr 1848; and later in Lincoln Co KY their children:
    +1 George SPEARS
    m Christenah HARDIN resided in Rockingham Co VA
    Fr7-5-1 Leah Frye b 30 Nov 1778 d 11 Jan 1820,
    m Jacob CARPENTER
    -1 George Franklin Carpenter 1801-? m Sarah Powell 1805-1893
    -2 John W. Carpenter 1805-1851 m Matilda Southerland ?-?
    -3 David Carpenter 1810-1887 m 1829 Lucinda Powell ?-?
    -4 Fry Carpenter 1809-1868
    -5 Jacob Carpenter 1806-1869
    -6 Elizabeth Carpenter 1811-?
    -7 Christina Carpenter 1813-1905
    Margaret Carpenter 1816-?
    -9 Nancy J. Carpenter 1824-?
    Fr7-5-2 Christine Frye, b unknown before 1782
    Fr7-5-3 John Frye Jr b 29 Oct 1782 Lincoln Ky d 19 Nov 1853 in Casey Co KY resided in Lincoln Co. [now Casey Co.], Ky
    m 31 Jan 1803 in Lincoln Co KY Sarah "Sally" McKINNEY b 19 Aug 1782 d 30 May 1845 dau of Daniel MCKINNEY & Mercy BLATCHLEY
    -1 Thomas Fry 1805-? m 1828 Nancy Penn 1801-?
    -2 Archibald Fry 7 Jan 1808- 1 Nov 1843
    -3 John Fry III b 4 May 1810 in Casey Co KY d 18 Mar 1893 in Hustonville, Lincoln Co KY m1 1839 Francis Powell 17 May 1814-1849 + 5 ch m2 1850 Eliza Jane Tucker 1823-1865
    -4 Leah Fry b 1812 Lincoln Co Ky d 1892 m William Woodson b 1808 Garrad Co Ky d 1859 Boyle Co Ky
    -5 Katherine Fry b 31 Jan 1814 d 22 Mar 1839
    -6 Elizabeth Fry b 2 Apr 1816 d 5 Jun 1844
    -7 George McKinney Fry b 7 Dec 1817 d 7 Nov 1895 m Mary Jane Avritt 1836-1897
    Sarah Fry b 18 Feb 1820 d 10 Feb 1900 m George A. Williams 1816-1896
    -9 Jane Fry b. 6 Oct 1822 d 16 Jun 1839
    -10 Eliza Fry b 9 Mar 1826 d 5 Jun 1844
    -12 Emaline Fry 25 Apr 1828-1853
    -3-1 George W. Frye b about 1840
    -3-2 Archibald McKinney FRYE b 12 Sep 1841 in Casey Co KY, d. 20 Oct 1934 in Louisville Jefferson Co KY m1 28 Dec 1869 in KY Fannie E. PHILLIPS b 1847 d 1886 dau of Felix Grundy PHILLIPS & Frances Moss PENICK they resided in Hustonville Lincoln Co KY m2 9 Nov 1888 in Lincoln Co KY Lizzie PAGE b. Jan 1852 Archibald McKinney FRYE was a Sergeant in the 19th KY Regiment during the Civil War.
    -3-3 Sarah "Mag" Margaret Frye, b. about 1844, d. 8 Mar 1887 m Harry P. DUNN
    -3-4 Elizabeth C. Frye, b 4 Jul 1845, d 26 Aug 1912 KY, m James J. McKINNEY
    -3-5 John L. Frye, b Dec 1847, d. 15 Aug 1853
    -3-6 Virginia A. Frye, b. 31 Jan 1853, d. 31 Mar 1884
    -3-7 John Clinton Frye, b. about 1855, m. Loretta J. JONES
    -3-8 James T. Frye, b about 1856 d 15 Oct 1928, m Letha SPRAGGINS
    -4-1 John Wesley Woodson b about 1833 Lincoln Co Ky d between 1860 and 1865 m Ellen Thompson Guthrie
    -3-2-1 Mayme F. "Mamie" Frye, b. Jan 1871, d. 16 Feb 1961 m. George GRAHAM
    -3-2-2 Diana L. Frye, b. 22 Dec 1875, d. 29 Dec 1876
    -3-2-3 Harry Dunn Frye Sr., b. 28 Dec 1885 in Lincoln Co KY, d. 3 Apr 1924 in Tampa, FL
    m., 29 Sep 1909 in Lexington KY Abbie LUTES (b 12 Feb 1885 d 14 Aug 1959 dau of John LUTES & Lucinda GUM) in Hubble & Hustonville Lincoln Co KY, and later in Louisville KY
    -3-2-3-1 John Archibald Frye, b. 17 Jun 1910, d. 21 Jul 1991, m Mary JEFFERS
    -3-2-3-2 Graham Frye, b. 9 Oct 1911, d. 9 April 2001, m. Frances RUSSEL
    -3-2-3-3 Harry Dunn Frye, b 19 Feb 1923 in Hubble, Lincoln Co KY d. 13 July 2002 in Tucson, AZ
    m., 8 Jul 1944 at Ft. Chaffee, AR, to Anne Pearce WALTERS b. 4 Jul 1920, d. 4 Nov 1998
    -3-2-3-3-1 Marvel Walker WALTERS & Clore Pauline MINICH they resided in Vincennes, IN, Vineland, NJ, & Toledo, OH, and lastly in Green Valley, Pima Co AZ
    -3-2-3-3-1-1 Jane Anne Frye b 1945, m Jack Howard "Sandy" McPHERSON Jr
    -3-2-3-3-1-2 Elizabeth Frye, b 1947, m James KIMBROUGH
    -3-2-3-2-1-3 Patricia Frye, b 1953 m Jack Douglas MOUNT
    -4-1-1 Marion Frye Woodson b 21 Aug 1859 Forkland Boyle Co Ky d 20 Mar 1947 Perryville m John Bruce Minor b 17 Oct 1853 Mitchelsburg Boyle Co Ky d 10 Sep 1880
    -4-1-1-1 Elbert Wallace Minor b 22 Apr 1880 Perryville Ky d 1954 Des Moines Iowa m Laura May Breeding
    -4-1-1-1-1 Forrest Tuttle Minor 4 Jun 1902 Junction City Boyle Co Ky d 15 Nov 1958 Gaithersburg Montgomery Co Md ancestor of author's DNA matches, Forrest and Robert Minor
    Fr7-6 William Frye b 1761 d 1834
    m Phoebe SMITH
    Fr7-7 Joseph Frye, b 1767, d 1805

    m1 Rhoda Smith 1758-1794 + 1 ch m2 Elizabeth Hotsbieler/Hotsbeiler 1770-1858 + 6 ch

    -1 Rhoda Frye 1788-1818 m 1809 D. Atwell Johnston 1788-1825

    -2 Elizabeth Frye ?-? m Joseph Kackley ?-?

    -3 Rachel Frye ?-1816 m 1810 David Pinkley ?-1825

    -4 Sarah Frye 1776-1858 m1815 Isaac Frye 1791-1852

    -5 Rebecca Frye 1801-? m 1824 Hiram R. Mowry ?-1850

    -6 Joseph Pugh Frye 1803-1866 m 1826 Elizabeth Moss 1809-?

    -7 Jacob Frye 1805-1881 m 1833 Catherine Moss 1813-189?

    -1-1 Addison A Johnston 1811-? m1 1835 Mildred McClunn ?-? m2 1839 Mary Elizabeth Rust ?-?
    -1-2 Harriett Johnston ?-? m 1836 Elijah Shull ?-?
    -1-3 Harrison Johnston 1815-1916 m 1838 Mary Anthony Ikard 1819-1898
    -1-4 Sarah Johnston ?-? m 1837 William Shull ?-?
    -3-1 Elizabeth Pinkley 1814-1879 m 1829 John Fauver 1808-?
    -3-2 Harriet Pinkley 1816-? m 1834 Samuel Windle ?-?
    -3-3 baby died 1816
    -5-1 Harrison A. Jackson Mowry 1827-1896 m 1864 Margaret A. Hoffman 1830-1876
    -5-2 Sarah Rebecca Mowry 1830-? m 1854 Charles Alexander Smith ?-?
    -6-1 Philip F. Fry 1827-1874 m 1853 Mary E. Hoffman 1833-?
    -6-2 James William Fry 1829-1910 m 1854 Rachel Pingley 1833-1912
    -6-3 Joseph Presley Fry 1831-1864 m 1853 Maria Catherine Mowery 1830-1905
    -6-4 Franklin Jackson Fry 1833-1842
    -6-5 Martha Ellen Fry 1835-1919 m 1875 Adam Windle 1810-1892
    -6-6 Catherine Ann Fry 1837-1917 m 1866 George W. Grabill 1829-1905
    -6-7 Sarah Caroline Fry 1838-? m 1864 Charles Sydnor Snapp 1835-1909
    -6-8 Emily Amanda Fry 1840-1918 m 1868 Nicholas Baker 1834-?
    -6-9 Jesse Pugh Fry 1841-1921 m1873 Emma Virginia Hatfield 1846-1929
    -6-10 Atwell Washington Fry 1843-1938 m 1886 Martha Washington Maphis 1855-1921
    -6-11 John Henry Fry 1845-1864
    -6-12 Franklin Jackson Fry 1846-1929 m 1883 Lydia F. Wiseman 1853-1920
    -6-13 Francis Elizabeth Fry 1849-1927 m 1877 William Henry Ridings 1850-1940
    -6-14 Helen Mary Fry 1849? m John Miller ?-?
    -7-1 Franklin F. Frye 1833-? m1 1856 Sarah Hodges 1840-? m2 1883 Rachel Seibert 1847-?
    -7-2 Marshall B. Frye 1835-1902 m Mary E. Hathway 1839-1909
    -7-3 James M. Frye 1837-? m1867 Sarah Angeline Jarrat 1846- ?
    -7-4 Jacob L. Frye 1837-? m Hannah Estes 1855-?
    -7-5 Anna Elizabeth. Frye 1839-? m 1874 John W. Huff 1838-?
    -7-6 Isabella Frye 1840-? m 1861 George I. Massey 1826-?
    -7-7 Sarah Evelina Frye 1841-? m 1866 Joseph B.R. Williams 1840-?
    -7-8 Cornelius B. Frye 1842-?
    -7-9 Isaac L. Frye 1842-1918 m 1875 Elizabeth Wolley1847-1926
    -7-10 Charles P. Frye 1844-? m 1875 Anna M. Kirby1854-?
    -7-11 Andrew Jackson Frye 1849-1932 m 1885 Mary H. Weisenberger 1864-1947
    -7-12 Joseph William Frye 1853-?
    -7-13 Richard Ann George Frye 1854-1909 m 1884 Cora B. Simpkins 1864-?
    Fr7-8 Jacob Frye Jr b 1768 d 1838 m Catherine FRYE 1770-? -1 Isaac Frye 1791-1852 m 1815 Sarah Frye 1796-1858
    -2 Jacob Madison Frye 1800-1882 m 1815 Elizabeth Conrad ?-?
    -3 Madison Frye ?-?
    -4 Lanceson Frye ?-?
    -5 Benjamin Frye ?-?
    -6 Samuel Frye ?-?
    -1-1 Joseph Fry 1817-1882 m1 1841 Louisa Page 1818-1865 m2 1864 Nancy Ellen Wells 1846-1936
    -1-2 Jacob Fry 1823-? m 1849 Mahala Morris 1828-?
    Fr7-9 Catherine Frye, b 5 Aug 1773, d 14 Mar 1857

    m Isaac FRYE 1765-1840

    -1 Eleanor Amelia Fry 1793-1880 m 1812 James Hyatt McGee 1786-1861.

    -2 Lucinda Ann Fry 1795-1875 m 1815 Joshua Calvin Ferguson 1793-1864.

    -3 Solomon Fry 1797-1878 m 1826 Susan Snapp 1805-1855.

    -4 Jacob Fry 1792-1837 m1 1821 Mary Hite m2 Katherine ___ ?-?.

    -5 Elijah Fry 1802-1859 m 1835 Polly Ann Brassfield 1820-1905.

    -6 Thomas Fry 1804-1888 m1 1823 Elizabeth A. Hall 1804-1837 + 4 ch m2 1838 Elizabeth McCullock 1815-1909.

    -7 Jefferson Fry 1806-1888 m 1830 Martha Ann Hall 1816-1895.

    Benjamin Fry 1810-1863 m 1833 Margaret Stevenson ?-? .

    -9 Eliza Fry 1813-1838 m 1829 William C. Miller ?-? .

    -10 James R. Fry 1814-?.

    -11 America E. Fry 1816-1901 .

    -12 Isaac James Fry 1800-1874 m1 1823 Sally George 1807-? +2 ch m2 1848 Sarah Froman 1817-1888

    -1-1 Amelia L. McGee 1813-1895 m 1830 William Bradford Evans 1806-1855 m 1869 Enoch Steen 1800-1880
    -1-2 Allen Burr Harrison McGee 1815-1903 m1 1837 Malinda Fry 1814-1846 m2 1847 Christina Fry 1810-1867 m3 1869 Susan Burton Gill 1849-1901
    -1-3 Fry P. McGee 1816-1861 m1840 Martha Elizabeth Booth 1820-1867
    -1-4 Mabillon W. McGee 1817-1888 m 1844 Mary E. Ward 1817-1900
    -1-5 Elijah Milton McGee 1819-1873 mSarah Adeline Demoss or Ward ?-1883
    -1-6 Katherine Elizabeth McGee 1821-1879 m 1939 James Johnson 1802-1867
    -1-7 Elinor McGee 1825-1889 m 1847 John Snoddy Campbell 1814-1845
    -1-8 Angeline T. McGee 1829-1845
    -1-9 Francis Menard McGee 1831-1864
    -1-10 Mary McGee 1832-1832
    -1-11 Thomas McGee 1836-1836
    -1-12 James Hyatt McGee 1837-1895 m 1859 Ruth Margaret Thompson 1839-1909
    -2-1 William Madison Ferguson 1816-1877 m 1844 Elizabeth Catherine Farmer 1825-?
    -2-2 Isaac Shelby Ferguson 1818-1901 m1 1843 Maria Wolf ?-1852 m2 1853 Emily Wine 1819-?
    -2-3 Sovina Ferguson 1821-1827
    -2-4 Mary A. Ferguson 1823-? m William McCarthy ?-?
    -2-5 Sarah Ferguson 1825-?
    -2-6 Joseph P. Ferguson 1827-?
    -2-7 Moses D. Ferguson 1829-?
    -2-8 Thomas Ferguson 1832-?
    -2-9 America Ferguson 1834-1886 m 1855 Henry A. Rucker 1834-1902
    -2-10 Miranda Ferguson 1837-1855
    -2-11 Benjamin Ferguson 1841-? m Mary ___ 1853-?
    -3-1 Helen B. Fry 1827-1851 m 1850 William Porter Lamb ?-?
    -3-2 Abraham Snapp Fry 1829-1913 m1 1856 Margaret Emma Bland 1837-1858 m2 1860 Alice Linsey 1839-1861 m3 1861 Francis Emily Simpson 1841-1886 m4 Margaret Trimble
    -3-3 Harriet Fry 1831-1907 m 1850 George D. Hockaday 1818-1899
    -3-4 Louis Speers Fry 1833-1907
    -3-5 Amanda Fry 1835-1852
    -3-6 Anna Fry 1838-1871 m 1860 Jefferson Speed Thurman 1834-1923
    -3-7 India Fry 1841-1921 m 1866 Rev. Thomas W. Todd 1832-?
    -3-8 Emanuel Shelby Fry 1845-1920 m1 1868 Ann Eliza Deyerle 1840-? m2 1883 Amanda Trimble ?-1914
    -4-1 Andrew Jackson Fry ?-?
    -4-2 David Fry ?-?
    -4-3 Elizabeth Fry ?-?
    -4-4 John Fry ?-?
    -4-5 Isaac Fry ?-?
    -4-6 Jacob Fry ?-?
    -4-7 Rebecca Fry ?-? m Samuel Smock ?-?
    -4-8 Hannah Fry ?-? m Arthur Harris ?-?
    -4-9 Katharine Fry ?-? m1 1823 Isaac M. Brooks m2 1828 Levi Ashley
    -4-10 Rachel Fry ?-? m ___ Claygate ?-?
    -4-11 Rhoda Fry ?-? m 1836 Bailey Harris ?-?
    -4-12 Nancy Fry m ___ Stevens ?-?
    -5-1 Mary Catherine Fry 1839-? m 1855 John Reed, Jr. ?-1874
    -5-2 America Fry 1841-1931 m Thomas Henry Clay 1822-?
    -5-3 James M. Fry 1843-? m 1869 Emma Lampton ?-?
    -5-4 William B. Fry 1846-? m1 John S. Fry 1849-1914 m2 Mary Elizabeth Tinsley 1852-1898
    -5-5 Alice Fry 1850-? m ___ McPhetridge ?-?
    -5-6 Manor Fry 1857-?
    -6-1 James R. Fry 1824-?
    -6-2 Edwin R. Fry 1826-1905 m1 1850 Susan Aker 1830-1863 m2 1865 Sidney Alice Ward 1837-1889
    -6-3 Philena D. Fry 1829-1901 m 1850 Elisha Benton 1822-?
    -6-4 Oliver G. Fry 1834-?
    -6-5 Louis Fry 1839-1932 m 1868 Clara Rebecca (Pence) Hart 1843-1929
    -6-6 M.J. Fry 1842-?
    -6-7 Thomas Jefferson Fry 1844-1909 m 1867 Amanda Sloan ?-1879
    -6-8 Elizabeth Ann Fry 1845-? m 1866 George W. Cook 1845-?
    -6-9 Rufina Ann Fry 1846-?
    -6-10 Mary Catherine Fry 1849-? m 1876 Martin Jasper Hawkins
    -6-11 Lucy Ella Fry 1853-? m 1876 Francis Asbury Cook 1854-?
    -6-12 Allen M. Fry 1856-? m Mary S. ___ 1856-?
    -7-1 William Fry 1832-?
    -7-2 S. Fry 1833-?
    -7-3 Thomas Fry 1836-?
    -7-4 Adeline Fry 1840-?
    -7-5 George Fry 1843-?
    -7-6 Paulina Fry 1846-? m 1864 James H. Walker ?-?
    -7-7 Louvina Fry 1846-1870
    -7-8 Charles Fry 1849-?
    -7-9 Emma J. Fry 1852-?
    -7-10 Gertrude Fry 1856 ?
    -8-1 Minton S. Fry 1835-? m 1859 Jemina J. Fry ?-?
    -8-2 Ellen Fry 1838-? m 1856 Abraham Froman 1830-?
    -8-3 John Fry 1842-?
    -8-4 Martha Fry 1846-?
    -9-1 Phina Miller ?-?
    -9-2 Amanda Miller ?-? m 1850 William Gist ?-?
    -12-1 Benjamin Newton Fry 1849-?
    -12-2 William T. Fry 1850-? m M.C. ___ 1853-?
    -12-3 Marion Francis Fry 1851-1892 m 1872 Martha Francis McKinley 1850-?
    -12-4 Thomas Jefferson Fry 1852-1930 m 1872 Levisia Ann Stopher 1853-1888
    -12-5 Robert Berryman Fry 1854-1948 m1881 Mollie McClain 1863-1891
    -12-6 James Toliver Frye 1857-1949 m1 Mary ___ 1859-? m2 1923 Mary Elizabeth Jennings ?-?
    Fr7-10 Mary "Polly" Frye, b about 1775 d about 1821
    m Abraham CHRISMAN
    -1 Isaac Thomas Chrisman 1800-1860 m1 1824 Elizabeth Procter m2 1825 Celina Ann Minter 1814-1848 +7 ch m3 1852 Mary Ann Stull + 4 ch

    -2 Abraham Chrisman 1807-1870

    -3 Kezia Chrisman 1810-?

    -1-1 Mary Ann Chrisman 1826-? m ___ Haley ?-?
    -1-2 Nancy Jane Chrisman 1827-?
    -1-3 Joseph Abraham Chrisman 1832-1907 m 1854 Mary Elizabeth Wilson 1834-1893
    -1-4Josephine Chrisman 1835-?
    -1-5 Elizabeth H. Chrisman 1835-? mWilliam P. Minter ?-?
    -1-6 Benjamin Frye Chrisman 1839-? m Jane Eaves ?-?
    -1-7 Sarah Emaline Chrisman 1844-? m Archibald Graham Woods
    -1-8 John Charles Breckenridge Chrisman 1854-? m 1885 Alice T. Young ?-?
    -1-9 Serald Rhea Chrisman 1855-? m 1872 Walter Handy Gibson ?-?
    -1-10 Isaac Thomas Chrisman 1857-?
    -1-11 James Clay Chrisman 1859-? m Martha Ann Gibson
    Fr7 Christina Frye b about 1777
    m Abraham Jamison
    Ja7 b about 1775
    see top
    Ja6-1 Mary Polly Jamison 1785-1862
    m 1809 John Johnson 1782-1837
    -1 James Johnson 1810-1827
    -2 Sarah Ann Johnson 1812-1902 m 1828 Robert Scott 1805-1889 6. Irvin Johnson 1814-1832
    -3 Wealthy Johnson 1817-? m Jeremiah Jackson 1801-?
    -4 John Johnson 1819-1874 m 1844 Nancy Ann Mavity 1821-?
    -5 Mary Johnson 1821-1881 m 1841 Alexander McCutchan 1819-1887
    -6 Margaret Johnson 1823-1828
    -7 Nancy Johnson 1829-1860
    -8 Aaron Johnson 1827-1827
    Ja6-2 Isaac Jamison 1785-1844
    m 1809 Catherine Nichols 1792-1871
    -1 Alexander Nichols Jamison 1811-?
    -2 Elizabeth Jamison 1814-?
    -3 Eliza Ann Jamison 1816-? m 1838 Samuel Dodds ?-?
    -4 Jackson Fry Jamison 1819-? m 1839 Jane Dodds 1823-?
    -5 Jacob Jamison 1822-? m 1850 Minerva Jane Witt 1832-?
    -6 Rebecca Catherine Christine Jamison 1824-1848 m 1843 John R. Gibson ?-?
    -7 Ailey Jamison 1828-? m 1851 William C. O�Neal ?-?
    -8 John Benjamin Jamison 1831-1860 m 1851 Rhoda O�Neal ?-?
    -9 Sarah Jamison 1833-?
    -10 Julia Ann Jamison 1836-1936 m Andrew Henry Woolery 1837-1882
    Ja6-3 Alexander N. Jamison 1790-1833
    m1 1811 Susannah Best ?-? no ch
    m2 1819 Deliliah Bass
    -1 Sarah Patterson Jamison 1820-1896 m 1841 Garland Thompson Nichols 1820-1870
    -2 Abraham Jamison 1821-1888 m 1842 Nancy B. Nichols 1825-1904
    -3 William H. Jamison 1822-? m Wincy x
    -4 Eliza Jane Jamison 1823-? m y Sappington ?- ?
    -5 Jemina M. Jamison 1824-?
    -6 Angeline Jamison 1829-? m 1848 Garrett F. Langdon 1821-?
    -7 Josephine A. Jamison 1835-? m 1850 y Shepard
    Ja6-4 Abraham Jamison 1791-1860
    m 1816 Catherine Stogdhill 1788-?
    -1 Willett Jamison 1821-? m 1843 Delila Powers 1822-?
    -2 Taylor Jamison 1821-1867 m1841 Eliza Ann Watts 1822-1904/8
    -3 Elizabeth Jamison 1822-? m 1850 William Gee 1823-?
    -4 Jacob Jamison 1828-? m Joanne Buck ?-?
    Ja6-5 Sarah Jamison 1795-?
    m 1815 John N. Nichols 1795-?
    -1 William Harrison Nichols 1816-1858 m 1839 Catherine Hite 1821-1893
    -2 Mary Ann Nichols 1818-?
    -3 James N. Nichols 1822-?
    -4 Joel A. Nichols 1824-? m1 Elizabeth Rice Johnson 1822-? m2 1855 Cynthia ___ 1830-?
    -5 Rebecca Nichols 1826-? m 1842 Jesse Stevens ?-?
    -6 Thomas J. Nichols 1828-? m 1849 Rebecca Jane Stepp 1832-1918
    -7 Catherine Nichols 1828-?
    -8 Jackson Nichols 1833-?
    -9 John H. Nichols 1839-?
    Ja6 Jacob Jamison 1800-1859
    m 1825 Levicy Huss d 16 Apr 1842 Shelby Co Ky
    . dau of Richard Huss
    Ja5 Martha Ann Jamison 1829-? m 1844 Harvey Harris Ha5 1814-1899
    Ja5-2 Sarah Catherine Jamison b 2 Nov 1828 Shelby Co KY d there 6 Jul 1872
    m 1849 Jacob B. Blegenstopher b 1811 Switzerland d 1880Shelby Co KY
    -1 Louis Stopher b 1850
    -2 Salina Blegenstopher b 1861 Shelby Co KY d 1886
    -3 Alice Stopher b 1861 Shelby Co KY d 1907 Bullitt Co KY m James Neel b 1851 Jefferson Co KY d 1927
    -4 Wallace Lee Stopher b 1863 Shelby Co d there 1947 m Sophia d 1965 Jefferson Co KY
    -5 Sallie Ford Stopher b 23 Jun 1870 Shelby Co d there 4 Jan 1944 m Samuel Lewis Kerr b 27 Jun 1858 MO d Shelby Co KY 8 Dec 1935

    -3-1 Ruby C Neel b 1887
    -3-2 Willie Roberta Neel b 1889 Shelbyville KY d 1978 Pleasureville Henry Co KY
    -3-3 Grace Neel b 1890 KY
    -3-4+ 4 ch
    -4-1 Stanley W Stopher b KY d 1980 Jefferson Co m Susie d 1972
    -5-1 Martha Elizabeth Kerr b 1892 d 1920 Shelby Co KY
    -5-2 Louise K Kerr b 1894 Shelby Co KY d 1990 Simpsonville Shelby Co KY m Jesse Johnson b 1890 d 1975
    -5-3 Alma Kerr b 1898 Ballardsville Oldham Co KY d 1998 Shelby Co m Frank Seaton Connor b 1893 d 1960
    -5-4 Edward Raymond Kerr b 1900 d 1976 Shelbyville KY m Roxie Oliver b 1901 Scott Station Rd Shelby Co KY d 1976 Shelbyville KY

    -5-3-1 Robert Conner b 1917 d 2003
    -5-3-2 David Conner b 1922 d 1973
    -5-3-3 Sarah Conner b 1919 d 2003
    -5-4-1 x Kerr m1 Noble McIlree b 1926 d 1977 m2 John McGee b 1931 d 2011
    -5-4-1-1 Edward McGee author's DNA match
    Ja5-3 Henry C. Jamison b 1828/?32-? m 1853 Mary P/?S. Bland/?k 1835-? + 13 ch -1 Felicia C Jamison
    -2 Mary Bell Jamison
    -3 Elizabeth A Jamison
    -4 Sarah P Jamison
    -5 Martha Prudence Jamison
    -6 Clarence B Jamison
    -7 William Jamison
    -8 Florence Jamison
    -9 Addie Jamison
    -10 Victoria Jamison
    -11 Judy Jamison
    -12 Gertrude Jamison
    -13 Luacin Jamison
    Ja5-4 Eliza F. Jamison 1833-?
    m 1859 y Travis
    Ja5-5 Mary C. Jamison 1834-?
    m 1854 Joseph Mathews ?-?
    Ja5-6 Amanda E. Jamison 1840-1909
    m 1857 Levi Jennings 1831-1878
    Ja6-7 Elizabeth Jamison 1802-?
    m 1819 Henry Nichols 1797-1834
    -1 Catherine Nichols 1821-1892 m Thomas Sharples 1821-1912
    -2 Jacob J. Nichols 1823-1852
    -3 Mary Polly Nichols 1826-1901 m 1845 William Summerville 1822-?
    -4 Henry H. Nichols 1828-1895 m 1851 Catherine N. Osbourne 1834-1908
    Fr7-12 Elizabeth Frye, b about 1779 d 1833

    m John KELLER 1755-1820

    -1 Jacob Kellar 1779-1826 m 1801 Magdaline Rice ?-1833

    -2 Isaac Kellar ?-1827 m 1801 Mary Webb 1781-1835

    -3 Mary Kellar 1785-1839 m 1801 Thomas Haydon 1784-1838

    -4 Rachel Kellar 1788-? m 1805 William Trotter ?-1827

    -5 John Kellar ?-? m Polly Carson ?-?

    -6 Sarah Kellar ?-? m 1814 John Suter ?-?

    -7 Rebecca Kellar 1794-1852 m 1812 Dr. Jacob Fry ?-?

    -8 Joseph Kellar 1784-1840 m 1807 Jenny Chrisman 1791-1865

    -9 Leah Kellar ?-? m 1808 George Spear 1785-1828

    -10 Elizabeth Kellar ?-? m 1806 Robert Carey ?-?

    -1-1 James M. Kellar ?-? m Bettie Dillingham ?-?
    -1-2 Sallie Kellar 1803-1872 m James Carson ?-?
    -1-3 Thomas J. Kellar 1805-? m Elizabeth Kay ?-?
    -1-4 John Rice Kellar 1812-? m Eliza Faulconer ?-?
    -1-5 G.W. Rice Kellar ?-1864 m Mary Hampton ?-?
    -1-6 Elizabeth Kellar ?-? m William Wynn ?-?
    -1-7 Martha Kellar ?-1858 m John M. Hayes ?-?
    -1-8 Nancy Kellar ?-? m Maj. James Bradley ?-?
    -2-1 Margaret Kellar 1807-1861 m 1834 John O�Nan ?-?
    -2-2 Sarah Kellar ?-? m 1825 Thomas F. Smith ?-?
    -2-3 Catherine Kellar ?-? m 1834 Edmond Daugherty ?-?
    -2-4 Nancy Kellar ?-?
    -2-5 Acenith Kellar ?-?
    -2-6 Isaac Kellar ?-?
    -2-7 John Kellar 1808-? m 1829 Matilda Green 1811-?
    -2-8 Rebecca Kellar ?-?
    -2-9 Elizabeth Kellar 1819-? m1841 Solomon K. Spear 1818-1879
    -2-10 Mary Kellar ?-? m 1824 James Grayham ?-?
    -3-1 Joseph Haydon 1801-?
    -3-2 William Haydon 1804-?
    -3-3 Elijah Haydon 1819-?
    -3-4 Sarah Margaret Haydon 1826-?
    -3-Sanford Haydon 1829-?
    -7-1 Elvira Fry ?-1843 m 1830 David Gentry ?-?
    -7-2 Pauline Fry b c 1816 d 1846 m?1 Alfred Addison Stirman b 1816 d 1844 ?= m2 Melchior/Michael Dorn
    -7-3 William Kellar Fry 1823-?
    -7-4 Caroline Fry ?-?
    -8-1 George Kellar 1810-1834 m 1831 Mary Ann Oldham 1809-?
    -8-2 Margaret Kellar 1813-1877 m 1830 Presley Oldham 1808-1867
    -8-3 Eliza Jane Kellar 1817-? m 1835 John N. Breeden 1817-?
    -8-4 Emily Kellar 1820-1859 m 1836 Simeon B. Lewis 1813-1898
    -8-5 Sidonia Kellar 1822-1897 m 1839 Carter Landrem 1798-?
    -8-6 Mildred Kellar 1826-1889 m 1846 Henry A. Hughes ?-?
    -9-1 John K. Spear 1811-1836 m 1831 Eliz Ann Keller ?-?
    -9-2 Eliza A. Spear 1813-1849 m 1829 Lewis Brown ?-?
    -9-3 George Spear ?-1837
    -9-4 Rebecca Spear ?-1837
    -9-5 Jacob N. Spear 1816-1882 m Elizabeth ___ ?-?
    -9-6 Solomon K. Spear 1818-1879 m 1841 Elizabeth Kellar 1819-?
    Fr8-4 Joseph Frey b 1726 Winchester VA d 17 Sep 1781 Woodstock Shenandoah Co VA
    m Ann FUNK 1730-1785
    Fr8-4-1 John Fry 1752-1809 m1 Mary M. Headly m2 Ann Clowser 1753-? -1 Priscilla Fry ?-1814 m 1799 Jonathan Orndorff 1771-1859
    -2 Joseph Frye ?-1820 m 1808 Sarah Richard 1785-1857
    -1-1 Joseph Orndorff 1799+-1877 m 1820 Elizabeth Brill 1795-1883
    -1-2 Ann Orndorff 1803-1860 m 1830 Benjamin Brill 1794-?
    -1-2 Sally Orndorff 1804-?
    -1-3 Henry Orndorff 1807-1856 m 1831 Maria Bucher ?-?
    -1-4 Catherine Mary Orndorff 1809-1893 m 1830 Abraham James Brill 1804-1893
    -1-5 John Orndorff 1812-1881 m 1847 Charity Donnelly ?-?
    -1-6 Priscilla Orndorff 1814-1872 m 1842 John Lineburg 1813-?
    -2-1 Catherine Ann Fry 1808-? m 1837 John Mellon 1814-?
    -2-2 Rachel Fry 1811-? m 1832 John Huff 1804-?
    -2-3 Sarah Fry 1817-? m 1836 Philip Williams 1810-?
    -2-4 Henry R. Fry 1824-1857 m 1847 Sarah Brill 1809-1863
    -2-5 Margaret E. Fry 1818-1907 m 1847 James M. Richards 1802-1887
    Fr8-4-2 Benjamin Frye 1754-1823 m 1770 Mary Magdalene Secrist 1765-1850 -1 Joseph Frye 1788-1866 m 1808 Catherine Kackley 1785-1829

    -2 Rachel Frye 1794-? m 1813 George Bond 1791-1857

    -3 Leah Frye 1796-1853 m 1819 Henry Richards 1789-1847

    -4 Ann Frye 1795-1857 m 1825 Elijah White 1802-1858

    -5 John M. Frye 1797-1872 m 1819 Mary Magdalene Snapp 1800-1873

    -6 Benjamin Frye 1801-1867 m1 1819 Judith Bean ?-1832 + 2 ch m2 1837 Harriett Wilson Snapp 1801-1872

    -1-1 Druzilla Fry 1810-1863 m 1835 Elisha Snapp 1815-1891
    -1-2 Mary Magdaline Fry 1811-? m 1832 Joseph Richard 1801-?
    -1-3 Margaret Ann Fry 1815-? m 1840 Henry Snapp, Jr.1786-1862
    -1-4 Rachel Fry 1816-1851 m 1841 Samuel Baumgardner 1800-1864
    -1-5 Elizabeth Fry 1819-1906 m 1844 Alfred Williams 1814-1888
    -1-6 Eli James Fry 1820-1901 m 1845 Leah Finley 1827-1920
    -1-7 Judith Bean Fry 1825-1897 m 1843 Henry W. Snapp, Jr 1823-1897.
    -1-8 Joseph Henry Fry 1829-1897 m 1871 Sarah Brill 1852-1930
    -3-1 Rachel Ann Richards ?-?
    -3-2 Sarah Jane Richards ?-?
    -3-3 Henry Secrist Richards ?-?
    -3-4 Benjamin Frye Richards ?-?
    -3-5 John W. Richards ?-?
    -4-1 Isaac F. White 1825-1885 m1 1861 Johanne C.Bucher 1836-1923
    -4-2 Joohn W. White 1826-1864 m 1853 Mary Holms ?-?
    -4-3 Mary C. White 1830-1830
    -4-4 Elisha S. White 1833-?
    -4-5 Henry Westfall White 1836-1900 m 1872 Harriett J. Snapp 1845-1919
    -5-1 James William Fry 1820-1902 m 1843 Elizabeth Jane Fry 1823-1868
    -5-2 George Bond Fry 1822-1825
    -5-3 John Harrison Fry 1824-1852 m 1849 Malinda Gray 1820-1906
    -5-4 Margaret Catherine Fry 1826-1911 m 1845 Daniel R. Hoxie 1821-1889
    -5-5 Rachel Elizabeth Fry 1829-1895 m1 1849 James Wesley Gray 1826-1857 m2 1864 Thomas Winemiller 1825-1890
    -5-6 Benjamin Franklin Fry 1831-? m Emmaline Starchman 1836-?
    -5-8 Harriett Ann Fry 1833-1908 m1 1866 Robert G. Lemon 1844-1866 m2 1867 George Thomas Fry 1845-1926
    -5-8 Elisha Snapp Fry 1836-1924 m1 1855 Mary Magdaline Lewellyn 1835-1873 m2 Mary Cooper 1853-1944
    -6-1 James Bean Frye 1821-1899 m 1844 Sarah Ann Pennill 1820-1881
    -6-2 Mary Magdaline Frye 1823-1901 m 1844 Isaac Lee Frye 1823-1885
    Fr8-4-3 William Frye 1756-1831 m 1786 Elizabeth Baker ?-?. -1 Henry Frye ?-?

    -2 Elizabeth Frye 1785-? m Jacob Rohrbough ?-?

    -3 Appalonia Frye 1789-? m 1810 John O. Idleman 1781-?

    -4 William Frye ?-?

    -5 George Frye ?-?

    -6 James Frye ?-? m Elizabeth Baker ?-?

    -7 Mary Frye ?-?

    -8 Joseph Frye ?-?

    -9 John Frye 1802-? m 1826 Catherine McNemar 1806-1837

    -10 Jacob Frye 1804-1871 m 1840 Susan Margaret Gaines 1820-1902

    -11 Benjamin Frye

    -3-1 William Idleman ?-?
    -3-2 Henry Idleman ?-?
    -6-1? possibly here was Mary Baker Fry b 31 Jul 1822 Clark Co KY m Asa Carrington Barrow b 1816 d 1899
    -10-1 Eliza Catherine Frye 1852-? m John Hughes 1834-?
    -10-2 Joseph Francis Frye 1842-? m Josephine Patterson 1842-?
    -10-3 Susan Amanda Frye 1844-1896 m James Beal ?-?
    -10-4 William Taylor Frye 1847-? m Amanda Steinberger 1852-?
    -10-5 Thomas Bucy Frye 1849-? m 1877 Arabella White Martin 1850-?
    -10-6 Lucy Hughes Frye 1852-? m1 David Shroufe ?-? m2 William Funk ?-?
    -10-7 Henry Flournoy Frye 1855-? m Sarah Elizabeth Johnson ?-?
    -10-8 Sarah Elizabeth Frye 1858-? m Isaac C. Purgitt 1854-?
    -10-9 Emma Mildred Frye 1861-? m George F. Anderson 1858-?
    -10-10 Virginia Gaines Frye 1864-? m Thomas G. Pownall ?-?

    -6-1-1 Rebecca M Ramsey b 1843 d 1852 m y
    -6-1-2 John L Ramsey b 1844
    -6-1-3 Elizabeth C Barrow b 1848 d 1916
    -6-1-4 William H Barrow b 1850 d 1883
    -6-1-5 Amanda E Barrow b 1852 d 1883
    -3-6-1-6 Thomas G Barrow b 1854 d 1919
    -6-1-7 Clifton Barrow b 1856
    -6-1-8 James H Barrow b 1858 d 1888
    -6-1-9 Elizabeth C Barrow b 1849 d 1916 m James Harvey Hunt b 1845 d 1921

    -6-1-9-1 Mattie P Hunt b 1879 d 1909 m Joseph S Lindsay b 1877 d 1958

    -6-1-9-1-1 x Lindsay
    -6-1-9-1-2 y Lindsay
    -6-1-9-1-3 Lou B Lindsay b 1906 d 1992 m Edward A Pruet b 1906 Mannsville KY d 1965 son of George W Pruett and Jessie Octavia Orr ancestor of Karen Kaye Larsen, author's DNA match
    -6-1-9-1-4 Mattie H M Lindsay b 1909 d 1967
    -6-1-9-1-5 Mattie H Lindsay b 1910 d 1918
    -6-1-9-1-6 Joe Edd Lindsay b 1913
    Fr8-4-4 Mary Fry 1760-1825 m 1778 Valentine Cackley, Sr. 1743-1825. -1 Rebecca Cackley 1780-1851 m 1801 John Smith Ewing 1778-1837

    -2 William James Cackley 1784-1860 m 1815 Jennie Gay 1798-1880

    -3 Levi Cackley 1786-1863 m 1813 Nancy Bradshaw 1793-?

    -4 Ann Cackley 1790-1888 m 1809 Thomas Hill 1788-1865

    -5 Benjamin Cackley 1793-1844 m 1818 Fanny McKever 1796-1885

    -6 Mary Cackley 1794-? m 1814 Travis Willet Perkins ?-?

    -7 Alice Cackley 1795-1880 m 1817 Samuel M. Gay 1796-1869

    -8 Jacob Cackley ?-?

    -9 Valentine Cackley, Jr. 1797-1855 m 1841 Caroline Yancy Moore 1820-1849

    -1-1 William Ewing 1802-?
    -1-2 John Ewing 1803-1894 m1 1827 Sarah Kelly ?-? m2 1833 Mary Bruffey 1813-?
    -1-3 Mary Elizabeth Ewing 1806-1886 m 1828 Samuel Burnside 1803-?
    -1-4 Valentine Ewing 1807-?
    -1-5 Ann Ewing 1810-1879 m 1830 Andrew Burnside 1805-?
    -1-6 Chapman Ewing 1811-?
    -1-7 Archibald Ewing 1812-1843 m 1843 Catherine Myers 1825-1882
    -1-8 Thomas Ewing 1814-?
    -1-9 Robert Ewing 1817-?
    -1-10 Andrew Ewing 1818-1895 m 1843 Mary Daily 1822-1906
    -1-11 Benjamin Ewing 1819-1883 m 1839 Mary Ann Moots 1819-?
    -1-12 Edmonson Ewing.1824-1883 m 1850 Hannah Stead 1828-?
    -2-1 Alexander David Cackley 1830-1922 m 1857 Louisa Weaver ?-?
    -3-1 Jacob Cackley 1815-?
    -3-2 Levi Cackley 1817-?
    -3-3 William Cackley 1819-?
    -3-4 Nancy Cackley 1821-?
    -4-1 Martha McNeel Hill 1810-1902 m Anthony Cullison, Jr. ?-?
    -4-2 William Cackley Hill 1812-? m Jane Ferrell 1819-?
    -4-3 Mary Fry Hill 1815-1878 m James Edmiston 1809-1871
    -4-4 Nancy Hill 1818-1897 m Josiah Callison 1814-1881
    -4-5 Eveline Hill 1823-? m Alfred Groves ?-?
    -4-6 Lavinia Hill 1826-1885
    -4-7 Richard Valentine Hill 1829-1898 m Mary Susan Amiss ?-?
    -4-8 George Hill 1832-1920 m1 Rebecca Jane Hill ?-? m2 Nancy Jordon 1832-1901
    -5-1 Sarah Francis Cackley 1828-?
    -5-2 Nancy Ellen Cackley 1830-?
    -5-3 William C. Cackley 1834-?
    -5-4 Joseph F. Cackley 1839-?
    -5-5 Louisa Cackley 1836-?
    -6-1 Eveline Perkins ?-?
    -6-2 Rebecca Perkins ?-?
    -6-3 George Perkins ?-?
    -7-1 Hannah Gay ?-?
    -7-2 Joseph C. Gay ?-?
    -7-3Sarah Ann Gay ?-?
    -7-4 George Gay ?-?
    -7-5 William Gay ?-?
    -7-6 Mary Gay ?-?
    -9-1 William Henry Cackley 1845-1924 m 1871 Indiana Miami Jackson 1850-1938
    -9-2 Mary E. Cackley ?-?
    -9-3 Caroline Yancy Cackley 1849-?
    Fr8-4-5 Elizabeth Frye 1762-1817 m 1783 Michael White 1754-1832 . -1 Elijah White 1802-1858 m 1825 Ann Frye 1795-1857 -1-1 Isaac F. White 1825-1885 m 1861 Johanna C. Bucher ?-?
    -1-2 John W. White 1825-1864 m 1853 Mary Holmes ?-?
    -1-3 Mary C. White 1830-1830
    -1-4 Elisha S. White 1833-?
    -1-5 Henry Westfall White 1836-1900 m 1872 Harriett Josephine Snapp 1845-1919
    Fr8-4-6 Rebecca Ann Frye 1763-1844
    m 1786 John Switzer 1759-1844 .
    -1 Mary Switzer 1786-1857 m George Livesay 1780-1865

    -2 Elizabeth Switzer 1788-1849 m 1813 William Cherrington 1787-1834

    -3 Rebecca Switzer 1789-1856 m 1810 John Hawk 1787-1865

    -4 Ann Fry Switzer 1791-1870 m 1818 Jacob Hawk 1794-1873

    -5 Catherine Switzer 1793-1868 m 1816 Clement Cherrington ?-?

    -6 Sarah Switzer 1795-1849 m 1816 Isaac Hawk 1790-1870

    -7 Leah Switzer 1797-1840 m 1820 William Hawk 1796-1856

    -8 Rachel Switzer 1799-? m 1825 Henry Hawk 1801-1877

    -9 Valentine Switzer 1798-1876 m1 1829 Evaline Simmons ?- ? m2 1860 Melissa L. Mauck 1825-1910

    -10 Agnes Switzer ?-? m 1829 Benjamin Mills ?-?

    -11 John Switzer b 26 Feb 1806 Gallia OH d 11 Aug 1844 Addison Gallias OH m 1834 Sarah Rhyne ?-?

    -12 Christine Switzer 1808-1868 m 1833 Cornelius Karns

    -1-1 John Livesay 1807-1895 m Margaret Bright 1821-1914
    -1-2 George Washington Livesay 1824-? m 1854 Elizabeth Lang 1825-1890
    -2-1 John Cherrington 1813-?
    -3-1 Jacob Hawk 1812-? m Martha Loving ?-?
    -3-2 John Hawk 1814-1885 m1 Melinda Doud m2 Margaret Ann Gibbons
    -3-3 Isaac Hawk 1816-?
    -3-4 Susannah Hawk 1818-1907 m Samuel Stoner ?-?
    -3-5 Valentine Hawk 1822-1875
    -3-6 Rebecca Hawk 1826-1826
    -3-7 Mary Ann Hawk 1827-1890 m Japhia Condit ?-?
    -3-8 Anna Hawk 1830-1880 m Quincy Adams Davis ?-?
    -3-9 Millisa Hawk 1839-? m Thomas Curry ?-?
    -4-1 Sarah Hawk 1819-? m Isaac Combs ?-?
    -4-2 Joseph Fry Hawk 1820-1897
    -4-3 Jacob Baumgardner Hawk 1822-1874
    -4-4 John Switzer Hawk 1823-1889 m Catherine Appleman 1853-?
    -4-5 George Hawk 1824-?
    -4-6 Rebecca Hawk 1825-1898
    -4-7 David Hawk 1828-1890 m1 Sarah L. Barker ?-? m2 Mary McGilvary
    -4-8 Allen Hawk 1831-1866 m Elizabeth Passimore ?-?
    -5-1 Eleanor Cherrington 1825-?
    -6-1 Mary Hawk 1817-?
    -6-2 Rebecca Hawk 1820-1900 m Robert Smith ?-?
    -6-3 Agnes Hawk 1821-?
    -6-4 Sarah Hawk 1823-?
    -6-5 Rachel Hawk 1824-?
    -6-6 Mahala Hawk 1828-?
    -6-7 Christina Hawk 1830-?
    -6-8 Eli Hawk 1834-?
    -6-9 Catherine Hawk 1837-?
    -6-10 Elizabeth Hawk 1840-?
    -6-11 Harvey Hawk 1844-?
    -7-1 Agnes Hawk 1821-1889 m 1847 Jacob Street 1818-1872
    -7-2 Mary Ann Hawk 1823-?
    -7-3 Rebecca Hawk 1825-?
    -7-4 Jacob Switzer Hawk 1827-? m1849 Electra Jane Henson 1826-1906
    -7-5 Sarah Jane Hawk 1829-?
    -7-6 John F. Hawk 1832-?
    -7-7 James Cornelius Hawk 1834-1895 m 1874 Elizabeth Miller 1847-1934
    -7-8 Leah Hawk 1836-?
    -7-9 Washington Hawk 1839-?
    -8-1 John V. Hawk 1827-?
    -8-2 Jacob H. Hawk 1828-1857 m Lavina Garland 1832-1905
    -8-3 Isabella Hawk 1829-?
    -8-4 George Washington Hawk 1830-?
    -8-5 Valentine P. Hawk 1832-?
    -8-6 Rebecca Hawk 1836-1913 m Johial G. Hale 1838-?
    -8-7 William H. Hawk 1839-?
    -8-8 Joseph A. Hawk ?-?
    -9-1 Robert Mauck Switzer 1863-1952
    -9-2 Benjamin Mills Switzer 1865-1923

    -11-1 Mary E Switzer

    -11-2 Sarah C Switzer

    -11-3 Margaret E Switzer

    -11-4 Valentine F Switzer

    -11-5 George Rhyne Switzer

    -11-6 John J Switzer

    -11-7 Rebecca C Switzer b 4 Jul 1836 d 1844

    Fr8-4-7 Abraham Frye 1769-1838 .
    Fr8-4-8 Jacob Frye 1769-1838 m 1792 Elizabeth Bean 1776-1838. -1 James Fry 1794-1847 m 1823 Martha Gillham 1797-1878

    -2 Judith Frye 1803-1866 m 1838 James Turner 1801-1879

    -3 Mordecai Bean Frye 1799-1853 m Eliza Littler b 1808-?

    -1-1 Nathan E. Fry 1824-? m 1845 Johanna Blue ?-?
    -1-2 Littler Fry ?-?
    -1-3 Joseph Henry Fry 1828-1913 m 1850 Elizabeth Ellen Manning 1832-1923
    -1-4 Mary E. Fry ?-? m 1847 George W. Newsbaum ?-?
    -1-5 John Fry ?-?
    -3-1 Littler B. Fry 1825-1900 m Belle ___ 1836-?
    -3-2 James Henry Fry 1841-? m Emma ___ ?-?
    -3-3 Mordecai Richard Fry 1845-?
    -3-4 Sarah E. Fry 1827-? m Hiram Pool 1820-?
    -3-5 Judith Hanna Fry 1835-? m George Roberts ?-?
    Fr8-4-9 Anne Frye 1775-1850 m 1793 George Siegrist 1768-1846. -1 Joseph Secrist 1794-1849 m 1816 Elizabeth Hannum 1793-1872

    -2 Henry Secrist 1796-1882 m 1815 Catherine Clowser 1797-1882

    -3 Sarah Secrist 1798-1842 m 1815 William Cather 1790-1850

    -4 Leah Siegrist 1801-1856 m 1827 Joseph Cline 1791-1856

    -1-1 Elizabeth Ann Secrist 1817-?
    -1-2 George Secrist 1818-? m Margaret Farmer ?-?
    -1-3 Thomas Secrist 1820-?
    -1-4 Jane Secrist 1822-? m Thomas Musser ?-?
    -1-5 Margaret Secrist 1824-? m 1845 Archibald Finley 1824-?
    -1-6 Joseph Secrist 1826-? mRebecca Torrence 1852-?
    -1-7 Leah Secrist 1825-?
    -1-8 Mary Secrist 1831-?
    -1-9 Sarah Ellen Secrist 1832-?
    -1-10 Fanny Secrist 1833-?
    -2-1 Anna Secrist ?-? m Thomas Strong ?-?
    -2-2 Henry Secrist 1820-1889 m1842 Martha Delosier 1819-1887
    -2-3 Sarah Secrist ?-? m 1844 John Laughlin 1820-1880
    -2-4 John Secrist ?-? m Margaret Thomas 1827-1870
    -2-5 Eliza Secrist 1826-? m James Murphuy ?-?
    -2-6 Amy Secrist 1826-? mJoel Moorehead 1824-?
    -2-7 William Secrist 1828-? m1851 Willianne Woods 1828-?
    -2-8 Catherine Secrist ?-? m Philip Thomas ?-?
    -2-9 Rachel Secrist 1837-1923 m 1855 Thomas Hellyer 1830-1895
    -2-10 Maria Secrist ?-? m George Stelle ?-?
    -3-1 James Cather 1819-1898
    -3-2 John Cather ?-?
    -3-3 Sarah Cather ?-? m Fred Secrest ?-?
    -3-4 Rachel Cather 1823-1901 m1845 Russell Kackley 1823-1899
    -3-5 William Cather 1827-1882 m1853 Cordila Stephens 1838-1925
    -3-6 Henry Cather 1839-?
    -3-7 Noah Cather ?-?
    -3-8 Joseph Cather ?-?
    -4-1 Anna Cline 1823-1893 m Aaron Richardson 1816-1898
    -4-2 Joseph Cline 1828-1860 m 1857 Sarah Mix 1840-1862
    -4-3 Henry M. Cline 1834-? m1 1853 Martha Mahin 1834-1867 m2 1868 Margaret A. Conley 1844-?
    Fr8-4-10 Catherine Frye
    m 1792 Jacob Seibert
    Fr8-5 Samuel Frey Sr b about 1729 d 1814

    m Christina Speers 1752-1841 likely to have been the sister of Margaret Spear b c 1759 m Gen. Samuel Smith. Many of the Scotch-Irish who originally settled in Pennsylvania, travelled the wilderness road to the South, where their descendants are now found. Prior to 1730, in Donegal, are found the names of John, William and Robert Spear and their sons

    Fr8-5-1 Rebecca Frye 1768-1846
    m 1790 Henry Shepler 1769-1853
    -1 Samuel Shepler 1790-1844 m 1812 Margaret Ringland 1791-1846

    -2 Mary Polly Shepler 1793-?

    -3 Christianna Shepler 1796-1851 m Peter Hammond 1791-1851

    -4 Catherine Shepler 1798-1883 m 1818 Henry Shepler 1796-1866

    -5 Sarah Shepler 1802-1879 m 1822 Elijah Fry 1801-1854

    -6 Margaret Shepler 1803-1870 m Solomon Cooper 1807-?

    -7 Nancy Shepler 1806-1882 m 1824 Smith Frye, Sr. 1806-1860

    -8 Peter Wright Shepler 1808-? m Lucy Carson 1805-1861

    -9 Henry Bowman Shepler 1811-? m Catherine �Kate� Reeves ?-?

    -10 Eliza Shepler 1815-1892 m 1835 Joseph A. Scott 1806-1881

    -1-1 Sarah Catherine Shepler 1813-1846 m 1841 Abner Moffet 1809-?
    -1-2 M. Christina Shepler 1815-1879 m 1848 Peter Conover Reding 1809-1886
    -1-3 John Shepler 1817-1886 m 1843 Mary Frye 1822-1886
    -1-4 Henry F. Shepler 1821-1874 m1 Mary M. Carl 1826-1855 m2 1857 Sarah Ann Heith 1836-1912
    -1-5 Jackson Shepler 1824-? m Caroline ___ 1831-?
    -1-6 Samuel Jefferson Shepler 1826-1885 m 1847 Hester Fry 1828-1891
    -1-7 Peter Smith Shepler 1831-1897 m1 1854 Eliza Jane Fry 1834-1864 m2 1868 Hannah Pierpont 1842-?
    -1-8 Newton Shepler 1832-1856 m 1855 Amanda Glen ?-?
    -1-9 Rebecca Catherine Shepler 1835/37-1879 m1 1857 John Emery ?-1867 m2 1868 Charles C. Jordon ?-?
    -3-1 Eliza Hammond 1816-?
    -3-2 Rebecca Hammond 1819-?
    -3-3 Henry Oliver Hammond 1821-1863
    -3-4 Daniel Lewis Hammond 1823-?
    -3-5 Samuel Shepler Hammond 1827-1889
    -3-6 William Harrison Hammond 1833-?
    -4-1 Jacob S. Shepler 1820-? m 1841 Mary Ellen Barton 1824-?
    -4-2 Henry B. Shepler 1820-1892 m 1853 Mary Appaline Benson 1836-1910
    -4-3 Louisana Shepler ?-?
    -4-4 Samuel J. Shepler 1829-? m 1848 Josephine Lenham 1830-1884
    -5-1 Shepler Fry 1823-1901 m 1845 Eliza Pentecost 1830-1925
    -5-2 Henry Frye 1826-1905 m 1848 Eliza Jane Bishop 1830-1902
    -5-3 Smith Frye 1827-1902 m1849 Lucy Peck 1830-1908
    -5-4 Nancy Fry 1830-?
    -5-5 Abraham Fry 1832-?
    -5-6 Benjamin Franklin Fry 1833-1840
    -5-7 Sarah Rebecca Fry 1837-1914 m 1859 Benjamin Franklin Vance 1822-1913
    -5-8 Lewis Fry 1839-1839
    -5-9 Mary Ann Frye 1840-1909 m 1858 John Peter Overhiser 1828-1925
    -5-10 Joshua Gregg Frye 1845-1939
    -6-1 Lydian Cooper 1833-? m ___ McCracken ?-?
    -6-2 Rebecca Cooper 1836-1889 m William McCracken 1831-1915
    -6-3 Henry Cooper 1842-1898 m Hannah Winnett 1842-1930
    -6-4 Peter Cooper 1846-1903 m1 Elizabeth Winnett 1847-1893 m2 1899 Elizabeth ___ ?-?
    -6-5 Eliza Cooper ?-? m ___ Rider ?-?
    -7-1 Rebecca Frye 1825-1856 m 1848 John Hines 1826-1904
    -7-2 Peter Frye 1827-1882 m11853 Sarah Amanda Compher 1831-1863 m2 1865 Harriet Giles 1839-1904
    -7-3 Jacob Frye 1829-1880 m1 1847 Hanna Tower 1822-1863 m2 Anna A Cramer ?-?
    -7-4 Sarah Ann Frye 1832-1860 m 1847 Longworth Armstrong 1827-1891
    -7-5 Eliza Jane Frye 1834-1864 m 1854 Peter Smith Shepler 1833-?
    -7-6 Henry Abraham Frye 1836-1890 m1 1856 Amy Ellen Gheen 1835-1873 m2 1874 Mrs. Helen Diamond Young 1834-1915
    -7-7 Catherine Margaret Frye 1839-1892 m 1858 William W. Atwood 1836-1907
    -7-8 Smith Frye 1841-1894 m 1862 Rebecca Marion Johnston 1843-1925
    -7-9 Natillia Frye 1844-1883 m 1861 Gilbert L. Voodry 1836-?
    -7-10 James Knox Polk Frye 1845-1920 m 1865 Lucy Compher 1846-1925
    -7-11 Peoria Emmy Frye 1847-1934 m1 1865 George E. Ford ?-? m2 1876 John Maxwell 1837-?
    -9-1 Van Reeves Shepler 1830-1871 m Martha J. Carroll 1829-1906
    -9-2 Henry F. Shepler 1832-1907 m1 1854 Ann Elizabeth James 1838-1867 m2 1868 Mrs. Sarah A. Frye 1830-1880
    -9-3 Smith Eber Shepler 1833-1910 m1 Rhoda Wood 1841-? m2 1891 Rachel Foulger ?-?
    -9-4 James Moseman Shepler 1846-1905 m11867 Ella Easter ?-? m2 1880 Helen Huff ?-?
    -9-5 Rebecca Shepler ?-? mJohn Power ?-?
    -9-6 Eliza Shepler ?-? m ___ Silvers ?-?
    -9-7 Peter W. Shepler 1842-?
    -10-1 Henry Shepler Scott 1840-1933 m 1868 Alice Jane Hill 1850-1905
    -10-2 Sarah Catherine Scott 1842-1847
    -10-3 James Anderson Scott 1844-1853
    -10-4 Smith Fry Scott 1845-1914 m1866 Sarah F. Rogers 1844-1922
    -10-5 Jesse Yager Scott 1848-1919 m 1881 Ella S. McClean 1848-1931
    -10-6 Margaret Malissa Scott 1850-1914 m William H. Miller ?-?
    -10-7 Nancy Peoria Scott 1853-1856
    -10-8 Joseph Clark Scott 1855-1881
    Fr8-5-2 Rachel Frye 1771-1820
    m 1788 Henry Frye 1767-1843
    -1 William Fry 1789-?

    -2 America Fry 1790-? m ____ Fry ?-?

    -3 Benjamin Fry 1792-? m ____ Fry ?-?

    -4 Christina Fry 1794-1864 m Joseph Cromwell 1784-1866

    -5 Nancy Fry 1797-? m 1828 David M. Logan ?-?

    -6 Mariah Fry 1799-? m David M. Logan ?-?

    -7 Catherine Fry 1805-? m Hugh Campbell ?-?

    -8 Rachel Fry 1809-1871 m 1826 John Henry Kerr 1790-1855

    -4-1 Henry Fry Cromwell 1811-1898 m 1837 Elizabeth Miller 1819-?
    -8-1 Mary Patience Kerr 1828-? m Nehemiah Tunis ?-?
    -8-2James Henry Kerr 1831-? m Annie ___ 1841-?
    -8-3 Jane Kerr 1832-1893 m 1856 Rudolf de Roode ?-?
    -8-4 Katherine Maria Kerr 1840-1927 m1 Hugh Campbell ?-? m2 1866 Benjamin Theodore Riggs 1839-1920
    -8-5 Sally Kerr 1850-? m ___ Brooks ?-?
    Fr8-5-3 Christina Frye 1772-1854
    m 1790 Jacob Shepler 1772-1841
    -1 Nancy Shepler 1795-1857 m 1814 Thomas Copeland 1795-1879

    -2 Henry Shepler 1795-?

    -3 Peter Shepler 1797-1876 m1 1822 Urith Pitts 1804-1851 + 14 ch m2 Harriet Gray ?-?

    -4 Samuel Shepler 1799-1865 m 1828 Susannah Copeland 1804-1854

    -5 Christina Shepler 1799-1841 m 1827 Elijah Cox 1799-1874

    -6 Jacob Shepler ?-? m 1828 Delilah Everhard

    -1-1 Christina Copeland 1815-1858 m1 1835 John Amon Snyder 1812-? m2 1836 Rev. William Cobb 1809-1877
    -1-2 Jacob S. Copeland 1818-1882 m1Ella ___ ?-? m2 1839 Nancy M Long 1821-1896
    -1-3 Susanna Lucinda Copeland 1821-1897 m 1842 Samuel Forman. Sr 1820-1900
    -1-4 James C. Copeland 1823-1898 m 1846 Margaret Gotshall 1828-1921
    -1-5 Samuel Copeland 1826-1900 m 1862 Mary Eliz Ralston 1832-1915
    -1-6 Peter D. Copeland 1828-1830
    -1-7 Joseph Leslie Copeland 1830-1913 m 1854 Margaret Thompson 1834-1908
    -1-8 John Mighty Copeland 1833-1916 m1 Margaret Ann Ralston 1836-1854 m2 1866 Harriet Devore ?-?
    -1-9 Henry Copeland 1835-1894 m1 1864 Martha Jane Maxwell 1846-1870 m2 1872 Caroline Bell ?-?
    -1-10 Thomas Andrew Fry Copeland 1837-1913 m 1864 Anna Galbreath 1842-?
    -1-11 George Lambert Copeland 1839-1915 m Blanche Claressa Martin 1842-?
    -3-1 Urith Pitts 1804-1851
    -3-2 Edith Shepler 1823-1918 m 1849 John McLaughlin 1824-1908
    -3-3 Jacob Shepler 1824-1845
    -3-4 Samuel Shepler 1827-1916 m1 1854 Elizabeth Gray 1836-1886 m2 1888 Laura A Bickell 1863-1924
    -3-5 Christina Shepler 1829-1829
    -3-6 Henry Shepler 1830-1890 m 1860 Barbara Miller 1836-1903
    -3-7 John Shepler 1833-1922 m Nancy Williams ?-?
    -3-8 Peter Shepler 1835-1919 m 1858 Rachel Bickell 1836-1899
    -3-9 Mary Shepler 1838-1907 m 1863 Jacob Lewis McCauslin 1840-1908
    -3-10 Nancy Shepler 1840-?
    -3-11 Andrew Jackson Shepler 1842-1923 m 1860 Nancy Gray 1842-1923
    -3-12 Joshua Shepler 1845-1849
    -3-13 Lewis Shepler 1849-1850
    -3-14 Louisa Shepler 1851-1851
    -4-1 Christina Shepler 1832-1890 m 1849 William Davidson, Jr..1822-?
    -4-2 Jacob C. Shepler 1832-1863 m 1857 Mary Fraizer 1837-1860
    -4-3 James B. Shepler 1833-1894 m1864 Katherine Crosky 1843-1924
    -4-4 Nancy Jane Shepler 1836-1841
    -4-5 Susanna Shepler 1837-1882 m 1865 Alexander P. Bell 1841-1876
    -4-6 Henry V. Shepler 1840-1886 m1 1861 Mary Ellen Howell 1840-1871 m2 Amanda Dennis 1847-1901
    -5-1 Nancy J. Cox 1829-1887 m 1857 George C. Rinner 1831-1920
    -5-2 Melinda Cox 1824-? m John Luke ?-?
    -5-3 Jacob Cox 1826 m ___ ?-1880
    -5-4 Christina Cox 1828-? m Thomas Willing 1820-?
    -5-5 Rachael Cox 1832-? m George Washington Laurence 1840-?
    -5-6 Sheridan Cox 1834-? m B. Goodframe 1840-?
    -5-7 Jackson Cox 1836-? m Barbara ___ 1838-?
    -5-8 Jonathan Cox 1839-? m Susan E. ___ 1842-?
    Fr8-5-4 Nancy Frye 1774-1841
    m Moses Colvin 1772-? .
    Fr8-5-5 Elizabeth Frye 1777-1852
    m 1795 Frederick Kyle Cooper 1775-1843
    -1 Rachel Cooper 1796-1882 m 1815 Samuel Morrison 1792-1870

    -2 Henry Cooper 1798-?

    -3 Abraham Cooper 1801-1804

    -4 Sarah Cooper 1804-1895 m 1821 Joseph Riggs 1794-1865

    -5 Samuel Frye Cooper 1807-1875 m 1832 Sarah Van Voorhis 1814-1892

    -6 Frederick Cooper 1810-? m 1827 Lydia Townsend 1810-?

    -1-1 Frederick Cooper Morrison 1817-? m 1846 Sarah Clark 1822-?
    -1-2 John Lee Morrison 1819-1875 m 1842 Eliza Clark 1820-1900
    -1-3 Lucinda Morrison 1821-1895 m 1846 John Friar Norfolk 1824-1891
    -1-4 James Robert Morrison1823-1848
    -1-5 Sarah Morrison 1825-1895 m 1846 William Gibson McMillian 1826-1895
    -1-6 Rachel Morrison 1827-1880 m 1844 William Nicholson 1820-1903
    -1-7 Elizabeth Morrison 1829-1846
    -1-8 Clarissa Morrison 1832-1858
    -1-9 Samuel Morrison 1834-?
    -1-10 Jane Morrison 1836-1922 m 1858 Hugh Flanegan 1833-1909
    -1-11 William Ezra Morrison 1838-? m 1863 Adaline Preston 1838-?
    -1-12 George Washington Morrison 1841-1910 m 1865 Emma Ruth Sumney 1842-1930
    -4-1 Sarah Ann Riggs 1835-1904 m 1855? John Malts, Jr. 1830-1911
    -5-1 John Park Cooper 1834-?
    -5-2 Frederick William Cooper 1837-? m1 1860 Maria L. Stewart 1844-1864 m2 1870 Mary Wall Manvion ?-?
    -5-3 Mary Jane Cooper 1839-?
    -5-4 Clarinda Eliza Cooper 1842-?
    -5-5 Vann Cooper 1847-?
    -6-1 Elijah Townsend Cooper 1831-? m Elizabeth Fry 1830-?
    -6-2 Nancy Cooper 1834-1897 m David Irwin 1831-1898
    Fr8-5-6 Samuel Frye Jr 1779-1831
    m 1807 Elizabeth Van Voorhis 1792-1875
    -1 Solomon Frye 1811-1893 m 1836 Charlotte Scott 1811-1876

    -2 Nancy Frye 1812-1892 m Samuel McCrory 1809-1852

    -3 Christena Frye 1813-1818

    -4 Sarah Frye 1816-? m 1867 Jefferson Redd 1823-1875

    -5 Lewis Fry 1818-1871 m Jane Shanton ?-?

    -6 Louisa Frye 1820-1896 m 1849 John Shanton 1830-1911

    -7 Ursula Frye 1821-1866 m 1848 Jefferson Redd 1823-1875

    -8 Henry Frye 1824-1902 m 1850 Eliza Jane Redd 1828-1887

    -9 Samuel Frye III 1827-1904 m1 1852 Julia Ann Redd 1833-1858 +2 ch m2 1859 Jane Smith 1831-1911 + 2ch

    -10 Elizabeth Fry 1830-? m 1850 Elijah Townsend Cooper 1831-?

    -1-1 Lewis P. Frye 1836-1897 m Orrell Caroll 1838-1906
    -1-2 Mary A. Frye 1840-? m 1852 James Ward 1826-?
    -1-3 Christina E. Frye 1845-? m 1896 John Shanton 1830-1911
    -1-4 James P. Frye 1850-1906 m 1885 Adah Sansom 1866-1913
    -1-5 Samuel V. Frye 1848-1929 m Annie Cecelia Murphy 1864-1939
    -1-6 John Franklin Frye 1852-1931 m 1879 Mary Katherine Alter 1851-1929
    -2-1 Sarah McCrory 1837-?
    -2-2 Mary C., McCrory 1841-?
    -2-3 Lewis F. McCrory 1839-? m 1869 Hannah J. Bowlen 1849-?
    -2-4 Christina McCrory 1842-?
    -2-5 Henry J. McCrory 1843-? m 1884 Christine Anne Fry 1839-1920
    -2-6 Emily McCrory 1846-?
    -2-7 John McCrory 1848-?
    -5-1 Martha Fry 1853-?
    -5-2 Louisa Fry 1854-?
    -5-3 William Fry 1861-?
    -5-4 Charles Fry 1862-?
    -6-1 John Shanton 1872-1906
    -7-1 John Samuel Redd 1850-?
    -7-2 Henry Morgan Redd 1852-?
    -7-3 James E. Redd 1854-?
    -7-4 Harlan Redd 1856-1914 m1 Hanna M. Rider 1854-1907 m2 Mary C Newton
    -7-5 Jasper Joseph Redd 1858-1933 m1884 Flora A. Gable 1861-1939
    -7-6 Narcissa E. Redd 1862-?
    -8-1 Angeline Frye 1853-1909 m 1873 Julian Grable 1855-1912
    -8-2 Hamilton R. Frye 1856-1943 m 1884 Alpharetta Hagen 1865-1946
    -8-3 Laura H. Frye 1859-? m Albert Odbart ?-?
    -8-4 Flortina C. Frye 1860-1943 m Joseph Entrott 1880-1933
    -8-5 Louella J. Frye 1863-1919 mFrank L. Dryden 1866-1903
    -8-6 Henry L. Frye 1866-1948 m Hallie Huffman
    -9-1 John E. Frye 1853-?
    -9-2 Harvey McCrory Frye 1858-1917 m 1879 Mary Ellen Furlong 1856-1946
    -9-3 Calvin Keys Frye 1862-1923 m 1888 Martha Bell McElhenny 1860-1939
    -9-4 Thomas G. Frye 1866-1943 m 1887 Hallie V. Gibson 1862-1924
    Fr8-5-7 Catherine Frye 1781-1863
    m 1801 John William Croskey 1775-1862
    -1 John Croskey 1802-1867 m 1827 Esther Davidson 1808-1835 +2 ch m2 1839 Elizabeth Long 1817-1882 + 6 ch

    -2 Christina Croskey 1804-1888 m 1825 James B. Copeland 1798-1856

    -3 Rachel Croskey 1806-? m 1826 Samuel Bell 1803-1877

    -4 Samuel F. Croskey 1808-?

    -5 Sarah Frye Croskey 1811-1870 m 1829 George Rife 1801-1873

    -6 Jackson Croskey 1815-1890 m 1837 Elizabeth Ann Baxter 1814-1882

    -7 William Croskey 1817-1902 m 1840 Susan Baxter 1822-1887

    -8 Abraham Croskey 1820-? m 1842 Mary Jane Phillips ?-?

    -1-1 Esther Croskey 1830-1900 m 1852 John Handley 1814-1893
    -1-2 Elizabeth Croskey 1834-1835
    -1-3 John Henry Croskey 1841-? m1865 Eleanor Hoobler 1845-?
    -1-4 Katherine Croskey 1843-1924 m1864 James B. Shepler 1833-1894
    -1-5 Albert Benton Croskey 1847-?
    -1-6 William Frye Croskey 1850-?
    -1-7 Mary Elizabeth Croskey 1853-?
    -1-8 Sabrina Belle Croskey 1858-1864
    -2-1 Louisa L. Copeland 1828-1922 m 1898 Chester F. Healy 1820-1886
    -2-2 John H. Copeland 1831-1900
    -2-3 Samuel Copeland 1835-?
    -2-4 Joseph Copeland 1838-?
    -2-5 Caroline Copeland 1840-1913
    -2-6 Abraham F. Copeland 1845-1925
    -3-1 Jackson Bell 1828-1835
    -3-2 John M. Bell 1829-1835
    -3-3 Catherine Bell 1835-1913 m1 Moses Handley 1826-1861 m2 1864 Philander Smith 1835-1917
    -3-4 Thomas Bell 1836-? m 1859 Margaret Sims ?-?
    -5-1 John W. Rife 1830-1898 m 1853 Anna Smith 1835-1914
    -5-2 George William Rife 1833-1876 m1 1861 Elizabeth Lyle ?-? m2 1869 Lottie Law ?-? m3 Rebecca Courtwright ?-?
    -5-3 Katherine Rife 1834-? m 1854 David Spencer ?-?
    -5-4 Jackson Rife 1838-1877 m1 1861 Johanna Elizabeth Seid 1836-1873 m2 Mary Catherine Rosenberger 1849-1888
    -5-5 Mary Jane Rife 1839-1910 m 1859 Dr. James Hiram Stone 1831-1898
    -5-6 David Rife 1841-? m Emma J. ___ 1852-?
    -5-7 Rachel A. Rife 1844-1894 m 1864 William Wallace 1841-?
    -5-8 Samuel Rife 1847-?
    -6-1 Jasper Newton Croskey 1846-1919 m 1869 Ann Narragon 1849-1918
    -6-2 Van Croskey ?-?
    -6-3 John Croskey ?-?
    -6-4 Smith Croskey ?-?
    -6-5 Elsworth Croskey ?-?
    -6-6 Mayme Croskey ?-?
    -6-7 Bess Croskey ?-?
    -7-1 Nancy Jane Crosky 1841-? m Edward Hall ?-?
    -7-2 Clarinda Crosky 1846-? m Resin E. Mansfield 1841-?
    -7-3 Louisa Caroline Crosky 1848-1869
    -7-4 Susan Amanda Crosky 1856-1940 m William F. Houser 1849-1912
    -8-1 Thomas Croskey ?-? m 1874 Martha Osburn ?-?
    Fr8-5-8 Sarah Frye 1783-1826
    m 1805 John Van Voorhis 1781-1874.
    -2 Mary Van Voorhis 1809-1884 m 1833 Abel Seymour Randall 1799-1864

    -3 Elizabeth Van Voorhis 1812-1868 m 1838 Samuel Adams 1809-1882

    -4 Theresa Van Voorhis 1814-1868 m John A. Blair 1815-1875

    -5 Samuel Fry Van Voorhis 1817-1840

    -6 Sarah Ann Van Voorhis 1822-1901 m 1841 David Riley Cook 1814-1898

    -7 Nancy Van Voorhis 1824-? m 1847 Littleton Adams 1818-1889

    -1-1 John R. Van Voorhis 1836-1882 m 1867 Lucy Frazer ?-?
    -1-2 Victoria Van Voorhis 1839-1901 m 1860 Thomas Taylor b c 1835
    -1-3 Samuel F. Van Voorhis 1841-1941 m 1867 Mary E. Fulton 1846-1928
    -1-4 Sarah A. Van Voorhis 1843-? m 1868 Joshua G. Stump 1834-?
    -1-5 Mary I. Van Voorhis 1845-? m1866 Nathan Fleming ?-?
    -1-6 Zenas Fuller Van Voorhis 1847-?
    -1-7 Henry Clay Van Voorhis 1852-? m Mary A. Brown ?-?
    -2-1 Sarah Randall 1834-1835
    -2-2 Ann Randall 1837-1901 m1859 Elijah Little 1829-1875
    -2-3 George Randall 1840-?
    -2-4 John Alexander Randall 1844-?
    -2-5 Charles Eastham Randall 1847-?
    -2-6 Daniel Van Voorhis Randall 1852-1924 m 1878 Susan Savannah Stump 1852-1915
    -3-1 Anna Adams 1839-1844
    -3-2 Sarah Adams 1840-?
    -3-3 Mary Adams 1842-? m1869 Isaac Samuel Van Voorhis 1844-1888
    -3-4 Evalina Adams 1844-1865
    -3-5 John L. Adams 1846-? m 1880 Mary Senior ?-?
    -3-6 Virginia Adams 1847-?
    -3-7 Anna J. Adams 1852-1855
    -4-1 Theresa C. Blair 1841-1875
    -4-2 Sarah A. Blair 1844-?
    -4-3 Mary Alice Blair 1848-1870
    -4-4 Charles Hildreth Blair 1851-? m 1873 Emma P. Cornell ?-?
    -4-5 John Van Voorhis Blair 1855-?
    -6-1 Mary Abby Cook 1842-1874 m 1868 James E. Beasley ?-?
    -6-2 Jacob Lyman Cook 1844-? m 1867 Henrietta H. Meigs ?-/
    -6-3 Sarah Kite Cook 1847-? m 1866 Edgar H. Clayton ?-?
    -6-4 Samuel Edward Cook 1848-1850
    -6-5 Virginia Carr Cook 1851-1859
    -6-6 John F. B. Cook 1854-1860
    -6-7 Elizabeth Cook 1856-1859
    -6-8 Charles Gilman Cook 1861-1861
    Fr8-5-9 Henry Frye 1786-1789 .
    Fr8-5-10 Mary Frye 1788-1881
    m 1807 Daniel Van Voorhis 1783-1851.
    -1 Newton Van Voorhis 1808-1890 m 1829 Nancy Cooper 1812-1879

    -2 Elgy Van Voorhis 1810-1906 m 1832 Hester Frye 1815-1891

    -3 Abraham F. Van Voorhis 1812-1886 m1 1835 Mary Carson 1816-1867 + 11 ch m2 1870 Sarah Barnet ?-? + 1 ch

    -4 Sarah Van Voorhis 1814-1875 m 1831 Samuel F. Cooper 1807-1892

    -5 Christina Van Voorhis 1821-1892 m 1840 West Frye 1818-1891

    -6 Isaac F. Van Voorhis 1823-1908 m 1846 Elmira Hopkins 1826-1898

    -7 Daniel Van Voorhis 1826-? m 1855 Ann Elizabeth Burgan 1836-?

    -8 Jerome Van Voorhis 1827-? m 1851 Mary Elizabeth Cooper 1835-1866 m2 1869 Catherine Maude Holmes 1837-? no ch

    -9 Harvey B. Van Voorhis 1829-? m 1850 Ellen Hopkins 1827-?

    -10 Mary Van Voorhis 1831-1921 m 1849 Benjamin Franklin Bentley 1821-1916

    -1-1 Mary Van Voorhis 1830-1864 m 1849 John S. Hill 1823-1864
    -1-2 Norcissa Von Voorhis 1833-1912 m 1852 James Harvey Yant 1827-1888
    -1-3 Elgy T. Von Voorhies 1832-1918 m1859 Isabella Fry 1838-1904
    -1-4 Julia Von Voorhis 1835-1917 m 1854 Clinton Von Voorhis 1828-1923
    -1-5 Newton Van Voorhis 1839-1842
    -1-6 Josiah Von Voorhies 1842-1863
    -1-7 Isaac Samuel Von Voorhies 1844-1888 m 1869 Mary Adams 1842-?
    -1-8 Nancy Van Voorhies 1846-1884 m 1879 George W. Prescott ?- ?
    -1-9 Jerome Von Voorhies 1849- ? m 1913 Martha E. Martin ?- ?
    -1-10 Sarah Cassa Van Voorhies 1852- ? m 1873 Lloyd Morgan ?- ?
    -2-1 Jane Van Voorhies 1834-? m 1851 Joseph M. Ross ?-?
    -2-2 Isaac Van Voorhies 1836-? m 1858 Lydia Ross ?-?
    -2-3 Mary Van Voorhies 1838-? m 1853 Elijah Taylor ?-?
    -2-4 Minerva C. Van Voorhies 1841-? m 1861 John Long ?-?
    -2-5 Daniel F. Van Voorhies 1847-? m 1868 Amelia Titus ?-?
    -2-6 Jerome F. Van Voorhies 1852-? m 1875 Belle Morris ?-?
    -2-7 Laura H. B. Van Voorhies 1855-1941 m 1872 Albert Titus 1850-1927
    -2-8 Udora M.F. Van Voorhies 1857-1927 m 1878 Joseph Cole 1858-1938
    -3-1 Newton Van Voorhis 1836-1841
    -3-2 Elizabeth Van Voorhis 1837-1874 m 1855 John S. Williams 1832-?
    -3-3 Daniel Van Voorhis 1839-1864
    -3-4 Caroline Van Voorhis 1841-1870 m 1870 Richard Rose ?-?
    -3-5 Mary Van Voorhis 1842-? m 1871 Richard Rose ?-?
    -3-6 Theresa Van Voorhis 1844-1862
    -3-7 Sarah Van Voorhis 1846-1848
    -3-8 Maria Van Voorhis 1848-1849
    -3-9 John C. Van Voorhis 1850-? m 1880 Ida Foster ?-?
    -3-10 Louisa Van Voorhis 1855-1856
    -3-11 Vaneman L. Van Voorhis 1858-1925 m Ida M.___ 1865-1925
    -3-12 Franklin Van Voorhis 1873-?
    -4-1 John Park Cooper 1834-?
    -4-2 Frederick William Cooper 1837-? m1 1860 Maria L. Stewart 1844 m2 1870 Mary W. Manown ?-?
    -4-3 Mary Jane Cooper 1839-?
    -4-4 Clarinda Eliza Cooper 1842-?
    -4-5 Van Cooper 1847-?
    -5-1 Robert Finley Biddle Frye 1841-1932 m 1870 Catherine Bell Teeple 1849-1911
    -5-2 Sarah Amanda Frye 1843-? m 1864 John Hindman Gaston 1839-?
    -5-3 Mary Hester Frye 1846-1888 m 1869 Isaac Newton Morrison 1843-1888
    -5-4 Martha Etta Frye 1849-1931 m 1869 George Craighead Boggs 1845-1927
    -5-5 Eleanor Clarinda Jane Frye 1853-1920 m 1873 Philip Milton Steffler 1842-?
    -6-1 Samuel Sheridan Van Voorhies1850-1881 m 1880 Lulu W. Hossick 1861-1948
    -6-2 Thomas Hopkins Von Voorhies 1852- ?
    -6-3 Franklin Bently Von Voorhies 1852-1854
    -6-4 Veanamon Elmer Von Voorhies 1858- ?
    -6-5 Hannah Selina Von Voorhies 1842- ? m 1867 Henry H. Hoffman
    -6-6 Elizabeth Freeman Van Voorhies 1856- ? m 1878 John Gettman
    -6-7 Charles Von Voorhies 1866- ?
    -6-8 Elgy Van Voorhis 1861-1864
    -7-1 Mary Bell Van Voorhis 1857-?
    -7-2 James Frank Van Voorhis 1859-?
    -7-3 George Russ Van Voorhis 1862-?
    -7-4 Valverde Van Voorhis 1865-? m 1884 Frederick William Dunda
    -7-5 Jodahlia Van Voorhis 1868-?
    -8-1 Melissa Jane Van Voorhis 1852-? m 1870 Leonidas Holmes ?-?
    -8-2 Walter Alonzo Van Voorhis 1854-?
    -8-3 William H. Van Voorhis 1856-? m 1879 Emma Dell Caldwell 1858-?
    -8-4 Laura Ellen Van Voorhis 1858-? m1878 John C. Cook ?-?
    -9-1 Elizabeth Van Voorhis 1851-? m 1871 William Dauler ?-?
    -9-2 Jennie H. Van Voorhis 1855-? m 1874 Robert H. McWhinney ?-?
    -9-3 Harvey Norton Van Voorhis 1861-?
    Fr8-5-11 Isaac Frye 1791-1861
    m Martha Scott 1799-1875.
    -1 Parker Scott Fry 1820-1856 mSarah Jane ____ 1823-1847

    -2 Sarah Ann Fry ?-?

    -3 Solomon S. Fry ?-? m ____ Bailess ?-?

    -4 Margaret Fry 1827-1911 m 1845 Henry J. Frye 1822-1916

    -5 Christina Fry 1828-1851

    -6 Washington Fry 1829-1855 mCatherine ____ 1835-1861

    -7 Elizabeth Fry 1830-1851

    -8 Samuel Fry ?-? mBarbara Stutz ?-?

    -9 Abraham Fry 1836-1908 m 1877 Sarah G. Frye ?-?

    -4-1 Sarah Ann Frye 1847-1871 m Eli Mitchell 1830-1911
    -4-2 Clarinda Jane Frye 1848-1951 mBrady Mitchell 1841-1919
    -4-3 John Frye 1849-1918 m 1878 Nancy E. Parnell 1853-1940
    -4-4 William Henry Frye 1850-1941 m 1875 Edith McConnell 1860-1939
    -4-6 Martha Jane Frye 1854-1929 m 1881 Henry David Furnier 1855-1925
    -4-7 Isaac Frye 1856-1909 m 1889 Edith Juanita Connell 1869-1943
    -4-8 Elizabeth Frye 1858-1950 m 1879 James Madison Evans 1854-1927
    -4-9 Hennon Frye 1860-1934 m1 1884 Mattie Gibson 1860-1918 m2 1920 Molly Northern ?-?
    -4-10 Abraham Lincoln Frye 1863-1920 m 1891 Lelia Leona Dismukes 1871-1962
    -4-11 Albert Y. Frye 1865-1934 m Mary Belk 1869-1933
    -4-12 Isabella Frye 1868-1937 m John L. Belk 1868-1957
    -6-1 James M. Frye 1855-1856
    -9-1 W. Frye died young
    Fr8-5-12 Abraham Frye 1793-1866
    m 1813 Isabelle Ringland 1793-1881
    -1 Samuel Frye 1814-1900 m1 1835 Anna E.C. Scott 1817-1888 m2 1891 Belle Houseman 1814-?

    -2 John Frye 1815-1902 m1 1839 Christina Scott ?-1840 +1 ch m2 1844 Elizabeth Carroll 1821-1901 +2 ch

    -3 Christina Frye 1819-1896 m 1848 Abram Colvin 1820-1896

    -4 Abraham Frye 1820-1905 m 1841 Sarah Gregg 1820-1903

    -5 Henry J. Frye 1822-1916 m 1846 Margaret Fry 1827-1911

    -6 Noah Frye 1825-1884 m1 1847 Lydia Hill 1831-1860 m2 1871 Malinda Wilson 1841-1920

    -7 William Jackson Frye 1827-1911 m1 Elizabeth Wall 1832-1863 +3 ch m2 1865 Mary S. Colvin 1840-1916

    -8 Sarah A. Frye 1830-1908 m 1852 Thomas McGowan 1824-1902

    -9 Clarissa Frye 1833-1871 m Alexander Allman 1828-1904

    -10 Smith Frye 1836-1918 m 1861 Mary Ann Mitchell 1836-1923

    -11 Isabella Frye 1838-1904 m 1859 Elgy T. Van Vorhis 1832-1918

    -1-1 Christina Anne Frye 1838-1920 m1 1854 Henry Allman 1830-1881 m2 1884 Henry James McCrory 1843-?
    -2-1 Abraham S. Frye 1840-?
    -2-2 Josephine Frye 1846-1926 m 1872 Moffet S. Krepps 1847-?
    -2-3 Ida Bell Frye 1864-1950
    -3-1 Steven F. Colvin 1849-1937
    -3-2 Isabella Colvin 1852-1942
    -3-3 Abraham F. Colvin 1853-1928
    -3-4 Christina Colvin 1853-1935 m 1879 Charles M. Hill 1857-1933
    -3-5 Smith Colvin 1854-1936 m 1898 Minerva Lee Sharprack 1881-?
    -3-6 John Calhoun Fremont Colvin 1856-1936 m 1888 Hattie Emma Jackmon 1861-1941
    -3-7 Elmer Ellsworth Colvin 1861-1947 m 1904 Mary Jane Malone 1878-1963
    -4-1 Henry Frye 1843-1879 m1866 Anna Errene Frye 1847-1918
    -4-2 Isabella Frye 1844-?
    -4-3 Sarah G. Frye 1846-1877 m Abraham Frye 1836-1908
    -4-4 William Frye 1849-1923 m 1874 Emily Ann Noland 1852-1940
    -4-5 Josephine Frye 1851-?
    -4-6 Jackson Gregg Frye 1853-1920 m 1878 Ruth Ann Robinson 1853-1909
    -4-7 Melissa Frye 1856-1910
    -4-8 Robert Finley Biddle Frye 1858-1882 m 1880 Ada Natcher
    -5-1 Sarah Ann Frye 1847-1871 m Eli Mitchell 1830-1871
    -5-2 Clarinda Frye 1848-1931 m Brady Mitchel 1841-1919
    -5-3 John Frye 1849-1918 m 1878 Nancy Parnell 1853-1940
    -5-4 William Henry Frye 1850-1941 m 1875 Edith McCannell 1860-1939
    -5-5 Martha Jane Frye 1854-1929 m 1881 Henry Montgomery Furnier 1855-1925
    -5-6 Isaac Frye 1856-1909 m 1889 Edith Bortner 1869-1943
    -5-7 Elizabeth Frye 1858-1950 m 1879 James Marion Evans 1854-1927
    -5-8 Heenan Frye 1860-1934 m11884 Mary E. Gibson 1866-1918 m2 1920 Molly Northern ?-?
    -5-9 Abraham Lincoln Frye 1863-1921 m 1891 Lella Leona Dismukes 1871-1962
    -5-10 Albert J. Frye 1865-1934 m Mary Belk 1869-1933
    -5-11 Isabella Frye 1868-1937 m John Belk 1865-1957
    -6-1 Sarah Frye 1850-1908
    -6-2 Lorinda Frye 1851-1929 m 1872 Isaac Carson 1846-1932
    -6-3 Isabell Frye 1853-1915 m 1875 Jerome G. Carson 1852-1933
    -6-4 Rachel Ann Frye 1858-1884
    -6-5 Charles Frye 1860-1884
    -6-6 Noah Frye 1876-1939
    -6-7 Delriorte Frye ?-?
    -7-1 Dr. William S. Frye 1859-? m Lettie S. Phillips ?-?
    -7-2 Mary Belle Frye 1860-1935
    -7-3 Elizabeth C. Frye 1863-1889
    -7-4 Ida May Frye 1866-1942 m 1887 James Henry Bryan 1864-1934
    -7-5 Margaret Rebecca Frye 1869-1933 m 1891 George W. Sloan 1853-1939
    -7-6 John Thomas Frye 1871-1941 m Ella Craven ?-1943
    -7-7 Frank Frye 1873-1948 m Olive May Pierce 1879-?
    -7-8 Jackson Elzi Frye 1877-1916 m 1909 Lulu Woods ?-1962
    -7-9 Edith Viola Frye 1884-1938 m Walla Miller ?-?
    -7-10 Triessa E. Frye 1879-1968 m 1908 Ed Royse ?-?
    -8-1 John Kennedy Moorhead. McGowan 1855-1893 m Julia Snider 1861-1923
    -8-2 Isabell McGowan 1857-1903 m 1877 Theodore J. Allen 1854-1946
    -8-3 Abraham F. McGowan 1863-1913 m 1886 Florence D. Wilson 1868-?
    -8-4 Mable N. McGowan ?-?
    -9-1 Flora D. Allman ?-? m David T. Hill ?-?
    -9-2 Cora Ella Allman 1857-1895 m 1885 Stanley P. Jenkins 1845-1923
    -9-3 William Allman 1863-1911
    -9-4 Isabella Allman ?-? m ___ Watkins ?-?
    -9-5 Etta Allman ?-? m ___ Berry ?-?
    -9-6 Elgy V. Allman 1868-1870
    -10-1 Harvey J. Frye 1862-1950 m 1888 Maie I. Reeves 1871-1930
    -10-2 Lucinda Isabella Frye 1864-1893 m Joseph E. Nutt ?-?
    -10-3 Charles Smith Frye 1868-1931
    -10-4 Abraham Elgy Frye 1870-?
    -10-5 Clara Estella Frye 1874-?
    -10-6 Cora Oella Frye 1878-?
    -11-1 Frank Van Voorhis 1859-?
    -11-2 Ora Etta Van Voorhis 1860-1864
    -11-3 Nancy Elizabeth Van Voorhis 1862-?
    -11-4 Isabella Frye Van Voorhis 1864-1866
    -11-5 Van Van Voorhies 1865-?
    -11-6 Lillie Belle Van Voorhis 1867-?
    -11-7 Elgy Theodore Van Voorhis 1869-?
    -11-8 Ellen May Van Voorhis 1870-?
    -11-9 William Abraham Van Voorhis 1872-1876
    -11-10 Cora Estella Van Voorhis 1874-1875
    -11-11 Vern Van Voorhis 1880-?
    -11-12 Newton Van Voorhis 1882-?
    Fr8-6 Benjamin Frey Jr b 1723 PA d 1813 Shelby Co KY
    m Catherine Speers d 1820
    Fr8-6-1 Benjamin Fry b 25 Dec 1758 PA d 25 Jul 1838 Iroquois Co IL m1 1782 Ruth Courtright 1765-1795 m2 Ann Nancy Cadwallader 1783-1861. -1 Isaac Fry 1788-1853 m 1813 Gertrude Maria Bentham 1795-1860

    -2 Abraham V. Fry 1788-1866 m1 1810 Virginia Catherine Markley 1785-1826 m2 1827 Catherine Damude 1800-1841

    -3 Ann Fry 1795-1871 m 1817 Thomas Chaney ?-1845

    -4 Benjamin Fry 1803-1876 m 1827 Eliza Thomas ?-1847

    -5 John Fry 1804-1883 m 1827 Sarah Doran 1806-1889

    -6 Joseph Fry 1806-1882 m1 1832 Dorcas Huffman ?-? m2 Elizabeth Johnson 1824-?

    -1-1 Henry Fry 1814-?
    -1-2 Abraham Fry 1815-1880 m 1841 Sarah Sidney Morrison 1825-1906
    -1-3 Rachel Fry 1819-1882 m 1847 Thomas Markley 1819-?
    -1-4 Ann Fry 1828-1908 m 1849 Joseph Moore 1822-1893
    -1-5 John Bentham Fry 1830-1902 m Rebecca Gilbert Tuttle 1838-1901
    -1-6 Benjamin M. Fry 1833-? m Sarah Dean 1839-?
    -1-7 Marie Fay Fry 1839-1872 m1 1857 William Downing Moore 1835-1860 m2 1860 Gabriel Farrow Keath 1819-1899
    -2-1 Benjamin Fry 1813-1883 m1 1833 Susanna Damewood 1802-1857 m2 Martha Gilbert 1830-1872 m3 1872 Eliza Morgan 1824-?
    -2-2 Isaac M. Fry 1814-? m 1838 Eliza Daughtry
    -2-3 Henry Fry 1819-1913 m1 1842 Lucinda Speaks 1814-1854 m2 1855 Emiline West 1821-1897
    -2-4 Mary Fry 1815-1896 m 1832 Corbin Renick Treadway 1811-1886
    -2-5 Elijah Fry 1817-1886 m 1849 Clarinda Strickler 1825-1878
    -2-6 Nancy Fry 1821-1864 m 1838 Isaac Martin Markley 1817-1895
    -2-7 Catherine Fry 1825-died young
    -2-8 Daniel Fry 1827-1918 m1 1856 Emma Blades 1835-?-1856 m2 1860 Priscilla White Henry 1839-1931
    -2-9 Samuel Fry 1829-1894 m1 1856 Tabiatha McCullough 1831-1851 m2 Clara Catherine McCullough 1832-1859 m3 1871 Mary Alice Rush 1846-1876 m4 Mary Irwin 1863-1923
    -2-10 Joseph Fry 1831-1894 m 1856 Elizabeth Rorick 1838-1921
    -2-11 Jonathan Fry 1831-1900 m1 Elizabeth ___ ?-1854 m2 Sarah Otty 1838-1907
    -2-12 William Fry 1834-1915 m1 1856 Mary Jane Honn 1839-1888 m2 1898 Mary Eliz Harman 1841-1925
    -2-13 Margaret Fry 1836-1905 m1 1854 Cornelius Levi Hogle 1833-? m2 1888 Mathew Kendal 1834-?
    -2-14 Susanna Fry 1838- m 1857 Isaac H. Eastburn 1833-?
    -2-15 Cornelius Fry 1841-1857
    -2-16 Elinor Fry 1846-?
    -3-1 Abraham Chaney 1819-1878 m 1842 Isabella Arnold 1818-1904
    -3-2 Susan E. Chaney 1821-? m 1847 Solomon Stone 1816-1881
    -3-3 Mary Ann Chaney 1823-?
    -3-4 Samuel Chaney 1825-1905 m 1847 Kezia Flater 1829-1889
    -3-5 Sophia Chaney 1827-? m 1848 William Arnold ?-?
    -3-6 Rachel Jane Chaney 1831-? m 1863 William Winter 1831-?
    -3-7 Lucinda Chaney 1833-1856 m 1850 Nickodemus Flater 1826-1900
    -3-8 Sarah E. Chaney 1833-?
    -3-9 Phoebe Ellen Chaney 1838-?
    -4-1 Amanada Fry 1835-died young
    -4-2 Benjamin F. Fry 1837-? m 1851 Clara Strickler 1848-?
    -4-3 Martin V.B. Fry 1841-1887 m 1879 Laura A. Light 1857-1904
    -4-4 Ann Fry 1842-1875 m 1857 Thomas Liscom Hogle 1837-1888
    -4-5 Mary Fry 1846-1875 m 1868 Joseph Felton 1846-?
    -4-6 Margaret Fry 1847-1874 m 1867 H.C. Willard ?-?
    -4-7 Josephine Fry 1848-1851
    -5-1 Elizabeth Fry 1830-1901 m 1849 William Williams 1826-1907
    -5-2 Samuel D. Fry 1832-1916 m1 1853 Harriett Smith 1833-1856 m2 1857 Emily Moore 1837-1916
    -5-3 Martha T. Fry 1834-? + 1852 Martin Reuter Moore 1827-1892
    -5-4 Amelia Fry 1836-1914 m Morris Knickerbocker 1827-1900
    -5-5 Sarah Catherine. Fry 1840-1935 m 1869 Mahlon M. Dawson 1839-1903
    -5-6 John Cadwalder Fry 1841-1928 m 1863 Charlott Ann Hickman 1843-1918
    -6-1 Mary Ann Fry 1835-?
    -6-2 John Fry 1836-?
    -6-3 Elizabeth Fry 1838-?
    -6-4 Hester Fry 1840-?
    -6-5 Amanada Fry 1842-?
    -6-6 Louisa Fry 1844-?
    -6-7 Harriett Fry 1846-?
    -6-8 Franklin Fry 1848-?
    -6-9 William Fry 1851-?
    Fr8-6-3 Sara Elizabeth Frye 1763-1860 m 1790 Henry Clowser 1760-1835. -1 John Clowser ?-? m 1811 Madeline Kackley 1790-?

    -2 Catherine Clowser 1796-1883 m 1815 Henry Secrist 1796-1882

    -3 Leah Clowser 1795-1882 m 1817 Jacob Kackley 1793-1838

    -4 Henry Clowser 1800-1870 m 1820 Regina Rosenberger 1801-1878

    -5 Sarah Clowser m 1823 James Hannum ?-?

    -6 Benjamin Clowser ?-? m 1823 Eliza Shreck ?-?

    -7 Joseph Clowser 1804-1881 m 1827 Sarah Orndorff 1806-1882

    -8 Mary Ann Clowser 1812-1896 m 1828 John A. Foreman 1801-1917

    -1-1 Henry Clowser 1816-? m Mary Gookin ?-?
    -1-2 John Clowser 1823-1896 m 1848 Harriet Jerald ?-?
    -1-3 Rebecca Clowser 1825-1907 m 1849 Nimrod Wood 1824-1891
    -1-4 Benjamin Clowser 1827-1911 m 1853 Sarah Anderson 1828-1907
    -1-5 Isaac Clowser 1830-?
    -2-1 Elizabeth Secrist ?-?
    -2-2 Anna Secrist ?-? m Thomas Strong ?-?
    -2-3 Henry Clowser Secrist 1819-1889 m 1842 Martha Delosier 1819-1887
    -2-4 Sarah Secrist 1820-1918 m 1844 John Laughlin 1820-1880
    -2-5 John Secrist 1825-1890 m Margaret Thomas 1827-1870
    -2-6 Eliza Secrist ?-? m James Murphy ?-?
    -2-7 Amy Secrist ?-? m Joel Moerhead Murphy 1824-?
    -2-8 William Secrist 1828-? m 1851 Willannne Woods 1828-?
    -2-9 Catherine Secrist ?-? m Philip Thomas ?-?
    -2-10 Maria Secrist ?-? m George Steele ?-?
    -2-11 Rachel Secrist 1837-1923 m 1855 Thomas Hellyer 1830-1895
    -3-1 Rachel Keckley 1816-1882
    -3-2 Sarah Keckley 1821-1889
    -3-3 Mary E. Keckley 1823-? m 1847 Isaac Hite Baldwin 1813-1882
    -3-4 Margaret Keckley 1828-?
    -3-5 Henry Keckley 1830-? m Harriett Hoffman ?-?
    -3-6 Jacob Keckley 1834-? m Maria Bowles ?-?
    -4-1 Jacob Clowser 1822-1887 m 1845 Mary Ann Cooper 1827-1880 Henry Clowser 1824-1904
    -4-2 Mary Clowser 1827-1911 m 1847 John W. Pingley ?-1881
    -4-3 Rebecca Jane Clowser 1829-1920 m 1848 Samuel Addison Snapp ?-?
    -4-4 George Washington Clowser 1842-1901 m Margaret Rosenberger 1840-1928
    -4-5 Louisa Catherine Clowser 1833-1908 m 1857 Hiram Bowman 1835-?
    -4-6 Andrew Jackson Clowser 1836-1903 m1 Sarah Moss 1843-1875 m2 1879 Sarah Elizabeth Dennison 1846-1879
    -4-7 Martha Ann Clowser 1837-1904 m Josiah Cooper 1834-1896
    -4-8 Margaret Virginia Clowser 1841-? m Dawson Burgess ?-?
    -4-9 Harriett Ann Clowser 1843-1915 m 1875 Joseph H. Dispanet 1842-?
    -4-10 Sidney Frances Clowser 1845-1918 m 1865 Ellis Asbury Haines 1835-1909
    -4-11 Amanda Regina Clowser 1848-1911 m 1864 James Ferdinand Gardner MD 1843-1916
    -7-1 Eliza Clowser 1830-1870 m 1848 William H. Anderson 1833-1900
    -7-2 James Madison Clowser 1832-1909 m Mary Elizabeth Russell 1838-1917
    -7-3 Andrew Jackson Clowser 1835-1882 m 1865 Margaret Hall 1834-1911
    -7-4 William Harrison Clowser 1838-?
    -7-5 Louisa A. Clowser 1839-?
    -7-6 Joseph Henry Clowser 1840-1904 m 1875 Caroline Orndroff 1849-1926
    -7-7 Jemina Clowser 1842-1907 m ___ Clowser ?-?
    -7-8 Mary J. Clowser 1845-?
    -7-9 Sarah Elizabeth Clowser 1849-? m 1841 John W. Whissen ?-?
    -7-10 Angeline Clowser ?-?
    -8-1 Hannah M. Forman 1829-? m ___ Baker ?-?
    -8-2 Amos H. Forman 1831-? m 1852 Fannie Virginia Snapp 1834-1911
    -8-3 Josiah L. Forman 1834-? m1 1858 Mary K. Snapp 1839-? m2 1888 Eliza C. Shanholtz 1866-?
    -8-4 Sarah Elizabeth Forman 1834-? m 1867 John Elliott ?-?
    -8-5 Eliza Catherine Forman 1839-1925 m 1858 Henry Rosenberger 1832-1895
    -8-6 John William Forman 1841-? m1 1867 Martha Ellen Pingley 1849-? m2 1877 Rachel Christina Good 1853-?
    -8-7 Isaac H. Forman 1846-?
    -8-8 Mary J. Forman 1848-? m 1875 Robert Lockhart 1847-?
    -8-9James M. Forman 1849-?
    Fr8-6-3 Isaac Frye 1765-1840 m1 1791 Catherine Fry 1774-1857 m2 Sarah Adeline Demoss ?-1883. -1 Eleanor Amelia Fry 1793- 1880 m 1812 James Hyatt McGee 1786-1861

    -2 Lucinda Ann Fry 1795-1875 m 1815 Joshua Calvin Ferguson 1793-1864

    -3 Solomon Fry 1797-1878 m 1826 Susan Snapp 1805-1855

    -4 Jacob Fry 1792-1837 m 1821 Mary Hite ?-?

    -5 Elijah Fry 1802-1859 m 1835 Polly Ann Brassfield 1820-1905

    -6 Thomas Fry 1804-1888 m1 1823 Elizabeth A. Hall 1804-1837 m2 1838 Elizabeth McCullock 1815-1909

    -7 Jefferson Fry 1806-1888 m 1830 Martha Ann Hall 1816-1895

    -8 Benjamin Fry 1810-1863 m1 1833 Margaret Stevenson ?-? m2 1840 Catherine Talbot 1820-?

    -9 Eliza Fry 1813-1838 m 1829 Dr. William C. Miller

    -10 James R. Fry 1814-?

    -11 America E. Fry 1816-1902

    -12 Isaac James Fry 1800-1874 m 1823 Sally George 1807-?

    -1-1 Amelia L. McGee 1813-1895 m1 1830 William Brassfield Evans 1806-1855 m2 1869 Enoch Steen 1800-1880
    -1-2 Allen Burr Harrison McGee 1815-1903 m1 1837 Malinda Fry 1814-1846 m2 1847 Christina Fry 1810-1867 m3 1869 Susan Bruton Gill 1849-1901
    -1-3 Fry P. McGee 1816-1861 m 1840 Martha Elizabeth Booth 1820-1867
    -1-4 Mabillion W. McGee 1817-1888 m 1844 Mary E. Ward 1826-1900
    -1-5 Elijah Milton McGee 1819-1873 + Sarah Adeline Demoss ?-1883
    -1-6 Catherine Elizabeth McGee 1821-1879 m 1839 James Johnson 1802-1867
    -1-7 Elinor McGee 1825-1889 m 1847 John Snoddy Campbell 1814-1865
    -1-8 Angeline T. McGee 1829-1845
    -1-9 Francis Menard McGee 1831-1864
    -1-10 Mary McGee 1832-1832
    -1-12 Thomas McGee 1836-1836
    -1-13 James Hyatt McGee 1837-1895 m 1859 Ruth Margaret Thompson 1839-1909
    -2-1 William Madison Ferguson 1816-1877 m 1844 Elizabeth Catherine Farmer 1825-?
    -2-2 Isaac Shelby Ferguson 1818-1901 m1 1843 Maria Wolf ?-1852 m2 1853 Emily Wine 1819-?
    -2-3 Sovina Ferguson 1821-1827
    -2-4 Mary A. Ferguson 1823-1895 m 1843 William McCarty 1821-1867
    -2-5 Sarah Ferguson 1825-?
    -2-6 Joseph P. Ferguson 1827-?
    -2-7 Moses D. Ferguson 1829-?
    -2-8 Thomas Ferguson 1832-?
    -2-9 America Ferguson 1834-1886 m 1855 Henry Anthony Rucker 1834-1902
    -2-10 Miranda Ferguson 1837-1855
    -2-12 Benjamin H. Ferguson 1841-? m Mary ___ 1853-?
    -3-1 Helen B. Fry 1827-1851 m 1850 William Porter Lamb ?-?
    -3-2 Abraham Snapp Fry 1829-1913 m1 1856 Margaret Emma Bland 1837-1858 m2 1860 Alice Lindsey 1839-1861 m3 1861 Frances Emily Simpson 1841-1886 m4 Margaret Trimble ?-?
    -3-3 Harriett Fry 1831-1907 m 1850 George D. Hockaday 1818-1899
    -3-4 Louis Spear Fry 1833-1907
    -3-5 Amanda Fry 1835-1852
    -3-6 Anna Fry 1838-1871 m 1860 Jefferson Speed Thurman 1834-1923
    -3-7 Indiana Fry 1841-1921 m 1866 Rev. Thomas W. Wood 1832-?
    -3-8 Emanuel Shelby Fry 1844-1920 m1 1868 Ann Eliza Deyerle 1840-? m2 1883 Amanda Trimble ?-1914
    -5-1 Mary Catherine Fry 1839-? m 1855 John Reed ?-1874
    -5-2 America Fry 1841-1931 m Thomas Henry Clay 1822-?
    -5-3 James M. Fry 1843-? m 1869 Emma Lampton ?-?
    -5-4 William R. Fry 1846-?
    -5-5 John S. Fry 1849-1914 m 1873 Mary Elizabeth Tinsley 1852-1898
    -5-6 Alice Fry 1850-? m ___ McPhetridge ?-?
    -5-7 Manor Fry 1857-?
    -6-1 James R. Fry 1824-?
    -6-2 Edwin R. Fry 1826-1905 m1 1850 Susan Aker 1830-1863 m2 1865 Sidney Alice Ward 1837-1939
    -6-3 Phelena D. Fry 1829-1901 m 1850 Elisha Benton 1822-?
    -6-4 Oliver G. Fry 1834-?
    -6-5 Louis Fry 1839-1932 m 1868 Clara Rebecca (Pence) Hart 1843-1929
    -6-6 M.J. Fry 1842-?
    -6-7 Thomas Jefferson Fry 1844-1909 m 1867 Amanda Sloan ?-1879
    -6-8 Elizabeth Ann Fry 1845-? m 1866 George W. Cook 1845-?
    -6-9 Rufina Ann Fry 1846-?
    -6-10 Nancy Catherine Fry 1849-1946 m 1876 Martin Jasper Hawkins 1854-1943
    -6-11 Lucy Ella Fry 1853-? m 1876 Francis Asbury Cook 1854-?
    -6-12 Allen M. Fry 1856-? m Mary S. ___ ?-?
    -7-1 William Fry 1832-?
    -7-2 S. Fry 1833-?
    -7-3 Thomas Fry 1836-?
    -7-4 Adaline Fry 1840-?
    -7-5 George Fry 1843-?
    -7-6 Paulina Fry 1846-? m 1864 James H. Walker ?-?
    -7-7 Louvina Fry 1846-1870
    -7-8 Charles Fry 1849-?
    -7-9 Emma J. Fry 1852-?
    -7-10 Gertrude Fry 1856-?
    -8-1 Milton Fry 1835-? m 1859 Jemina J. Fry
    -8-2 Ellen Fry 1838-? m 1856 Abraham Froman 1834-?
    -8-3 John Fry 1842-?
    -8-4 Martha Fry 1846-?
    -9-1 Phina Miller ?-?
    -9-2 Amanda Miller ?-? m 1850 William Gist ?-?
    -12-1 William Fry 1843-?
    -12-2 Benjamin Newton Fry 1849-?
    -12-3 Marion Francis Fry 1851-1892 m 1872 Martha Francis McKinley
    -12-4 Thomas Jefferson Fry 1852-1930 m 1872 Levisia Ann Stopher 1853-1888
    -12-5 Robert Berryman Fry 1854-1948 m 1881 Mollie McClain 1863-1891
    -12-6 James Toliver Fry 1857-1949 1m Mary ___ ?-? m2 1923 Mary Elizabeth Jennings
    Fr8-6-4 Henry Fry 1777-1847 m 1803 Polly McGee ?-?. -1 Elizabeth Mary Fry ?-1834 m 1828 James Ballard 1799-1858

    -2 Christina Fry 1810-1867 m1 1834 Squire J. Selman ?-? m2 1847 Allan B. H. McGee 1815-1903

    -3 Ellen Fry 1812-? m 1836 James Ballard 1799-1858

    -4 Malinda Fry 1814-1846 m 1837 Allan B. H. McGee 1815-1903

    -5 William I. Fry ?-? m 1848 Ann Cross ?-?

    -1-1 Columbus Ballard 1829-?
    -1-2 Mary M. Ballard 1832-1870 m 1851 William B. Smith ?-?
    -1-3 Elizabeth Ballard 1834-? m 1856 Andrew J. Smith ?-?
    -1-4 Isabella Ballard ?-? m 1848 William W. Hall ?-?
    -2-1 A.B.H. McGree, Jr. 1849-1855
    -3-1 James Ballard 1837-?
    -3-2 Malinda Ballard 1841-?
    -3-3 ___ Ballard 1844-?
    -3-4 Bland B. Ballard 1848-?
    -3-5 Willis Ballard 1849-?
    -4-1 Mary B. McGee 1839-? m 1857 A. N. Allen ?-?
    -4-2 Christine P. McGee 1841-? m 1865 James W. White 1836-?
    -4-3 Malinda A. McGee 1843-?
    Fr8-6-5 William Elijah Fry 1780-1858 m1 Rebecca x ?-? m2 1839 Sarah Agnes Cocks 1822-? . -1 James M. Fry 1805-1875 m 1841 Catherine E. Kackley 1810-1869

    -2 Catherine Fry 1807-1890 m 1831 John Proctor Robertson 1806-1850

    -3 Elijah Fry ?-1845 m Nancy Hart 1800-1875

    -4 Ellen Fry ?-1840 m 1829 Benjamin C. Ballard 1806-1844

    -5 John Fry ?-?

    -1-1 George Thomas M. Fry 1845-? m 1867 Harriett Ann Fry 1833-1908
    -1-2 William Henry Fry 1851-1921 m Guliema Maria George 1851-1928
    -1-3 Josinah C. Fry 1853-? m 1877 Henry W. Hutchings 1854-?
    -2-1 Walter Elijah Robertson 1834-1914 m1 1861 Letitia A. Robertson 1841-1864 m2 1869 Lydia A. Fig 1848-1893
    -2-2 George T. Robertson 1837-? m 1862 Susan C. Ware 1840-?
    -2-3 John Archbald Robertson 1839-1907 m 1866 Pauline Eliz Brown 1843-?
    -2-4 Richard David Robertson 1840-1929 m 1871 Sarah Florence Saunders 1846-1927
    -3-1 Martha Ann Fry 1831-? m 1854 Jordon W. Young ?-?
    -3-2 Catherine Fry 1832-1899 m 1853 Charles H. Hedges 1831-1912
    -3-3 Eliza Fry 1835-? m 1859 Benjamin Hardesty
    -3-4 Elizabeth Francis Fry ?-?
    -3-5 Martin Fry ?-?
    -3-6 John Fry ?-?
    -3-7 Sarah Fry ?-?
    Fr8-6-6 -1-1 Elijah F. Fry 1837-? m 1856 Mary F. Givens ?-?
    -1-2 William Fry 1841-?
    -1-3 Francis Fry 1844-?
    -1-4 Mary Fry 1848-?
    -1-5 Sarah Francis Fry 1858-?
    -2-1 William Isaac Fry 1843-1921 m 1867 Mary Eliza Stofer 1848-1913
    -2-2 John Henry Fry 1844-1845
    -2-3 Martin Elijah Fry, Jr. 1846-1850
    -4-1 Louisa C. Fry 1840-? m 1859 Asa Coombs 1829-?
    -4-2 George Washington Fry 1842-1901 m Sue Elizabeth Hite 1845-1918
    -4-3 Mary Elizabeth Fry 1845-? m 1866 William T. Ratcliff 1837-?
    -4-4 Isabella Fry 1849-? m 1867 Richard M. Coombs 1840-?
    -4-5 Nannie J. Fry 1847-1898 m Edwin Morris Coots 1847-1907
    -5-1 Lewis Cline ?-?
    -5-2 Mary Cline 1850-? m Benjamin Logan Arrington 1848-1925
    -5-3 George W. Cline 1856-? m Nancy Arrington 1856-?
    -5-4 Harrison Cline 1857-1925 m 1877 Hallie Huletts 1858-1937
    Fr8-6-7 Elizabeth Fry 1786-1851 m 1801 Campbell Ferguson 1785-1821 -1 Mary Ferguson 1807-1889 m 1821 Elijah Froman 1789-1821 -1-1 Louvina Froman 1822-1886 m Froman Fry 1819-1889
    -1-2 Louisa Froman 1825-? m Moses James Walker 1815-?
    -1-3 Tilford M. Froman 1829-1895 m 1852 Elizabeth T. Allen 1835-1899
    Fr8-6-9 Rebecca Fry 1769-1816 m1 1789 Nathaniel Nichols 1760-1800 m2 1802 Lanty Johnson 1794-1836. -1 John Nichols 1795-? m 1815 Sally Jamison 1795-?

    -2 Henry C. Nichols 1794-1834 m 1819 Elizabeth Jamison 1802-?

    -3 Benjamin Nichols 1800-? m 1822 Elizabeth Maxwell ?-?

    -4 Rebecca Nichols 1792-1828 m 1810 John Beard 1792-1859

    -5 Catherine Nichols 1792-1860 m 1809 Isaac Jamison 1785-1844

    -6 Elizabeth Johnson 1803-1877 m 1819 William Collings 1798-1868

    -7 Sarah Johnson 1805-1850 m 1821 Zebulon J. Collings 1802-1890

    -8 Nancy Johnson 1808-1896 m 1828 Harrison Nutgrass 1803-1878

    -9 Dixon Johnson ?-1824 m 1819 Mary Collings ?-?

    -1-1 W. Harrison Nichols 1816-1858 m 1839 Catherine Hite 1821-1893
    -1-2 Mary Ann Nichols 1818-?
    -1-3 James N. Nichols 1822-?
    -1-4 Joel A. Nichols 1824-? m 1845 Elizabeth B. Johnson 1822-1855
    -1-5 Rebecca Nichols 1826-1867 m1842 Jesse Stevens 1822-1869
    -1-6 Thomas J. Nichols 1828-? m 1849 Rebecca Jane Stepp 1832-1918
    -1-7 Catherine Nichols 1831-?
    -1-8 Jackson Nichols 1833-?
    -1-9 John H. Nichols 1839-?
    -2-1 Catherine Nichols 1821-1892 m 1843 Thomas Sharples 1820-1912
    -2-2 Jacob J. Nichols 1823-1852
    -2-3 Mary Ann Nichols 1826-1901 m1843 William Summerville 1822-?
    -2-4 Henry H. Nichols 1828-1895 m 1851 Catherine N. Osbourne 1834-1908
    -4-1 Alexander Lafayette Beard 1807-? m1 1839 Ellen Payne 1811-? m2 1847 Rachel P. Wilson 1826-?
    -4-2 Mary Polly Beard 1811-1897 m 1825 James N. Norman 1805-1891
    -4-3 Isabel Beard 1813-? m 1829 Daniel Wise 1807-1860
    -4-4 Catherine Beard 1818-? m Henry W. Scott 1814-?
    -4-5 James M. Beard 1821-? m1 Heady Beard 1825-? m2 1842 Rebecca Cook 1819-?
    -4-6 Elizabeth Beard 1825-1826
    -4-7 George W. Beard 1827-1865 m 1846 Elizabeth Martha Guthrie 1826-?
    -4-8 Johnson M. Beard 1828-?
    -5-1 Alexander Nichols Jamison 1811-?
    -5-2 Elizabeth Jamison 1814-?
    -5-3 Eliza Ann Jamison 1816-? m 1838 Samuel Dodds ?-?
    -5-4 Jackson Fry Jamison 1819-?
    -5-5 Jacob Jamison 1822-? m 1850 Minerva Jane Witt 1832-?
    -5-6 Rebecca Catherine Jamison 1824-1848 m 1843 John R. Gibson ?-?
    -5-7 Alley Jamison 1828-? m 1851 William C. O�Neal ?-?l
    -5-8 John Benjamin Jamison 1831-1860 m Rhoda O�Neall 1835-?
    -5-9 Sarah Jamison 1833-?
    -5-10 Julia Ann Jamison 1836-? m 1857 Andrew H. Woolery 1837-1882
    -6-1 Sarah Collings 1819-1885
    -6-2 Mary A. Collings 1826-1903 m 1862 Phlamon D. Johnson ?-?
    -6-3 Rachel Francis Collings 1833-1874
    -6-4 John D. Collings 1836-? m 1855 Amanda Jane Moore 1835-1902
    -6-5 James O. Collings 1838-1908 m 1868 Mary E. Funkhouse ?-?
    -6-6 George J. Collings 1840-1912
    -6-7 Harvey Collings 1844-?
    -7-1 Johnson Collings 1822-1897 m 1844 Mary Dogget 1825-1900
    -7-2 William J. Collings 1824-1910 m 1846 Edna A. Connelly 1820-1891
    -7-3 Nancy J. Collings 1826-1910 m 1843 Jesse Mattox 1824-1907
    -7-4 Mary E. Collings 1830-? m 1846 William Hart 1825-?
    -7-5 Rebecca Collings 1832-1905 m 1857 John H. Darr 1829-1859
    -7-6 Rachel F. Collings 1836-1890 m 1861 John Nugent ?-?
    -7-7 George W. Collings 1842-? m Martha Moore ?-?
    -8-1 Sarah Nutgrass 1837-? m 1856 Isaac Lloyd 1835-1931
    -8-2 Rachel Margaret Nutgrass 1843-? m 1860 Francis M. Wright 1865
    -8-3 Nancy Jane Nutgrass 1837-1839
    -9-1 Zebulon Johnson 1820-? m 1844 Susan M. Baskett ?-?
    -9-2 Johnson Johnson ?-?
    -9-3 Francis Johnson ?-? m 1841 James J. Wise ?-?
    -9-4 Elizabeth Johnson 1823-? m 1840 Allen Gray 1817-1882
    Fr8-6-10 Christina Fry 1760-1813 m 1782 John Cartmell 1757-1825. -1 Nathaniel Cartmell

    -2 John Cartmill 1787-?

    -3 Rebecca Cartmell 1794-1876 m1 1810 John B. Markley 1788-1816 m2 1825 Abraham Richards 1790-?

    -4 Rachel Cartmell 1800-? m 1812 Frederick Markley 1792-1828

    -5 William Cartmell 1807-1825

    -6 James Cartmell 1809-1878 m 1831 Mary Ann Creek 1812-1877

    -7 Jacob Cartmell ?-1850 m 1834 Eliza Atchison ?-?

    -8 Ann Peason Cartmell ?-1842 m 1819 William Bookless ?-1825

    -3-1 Elizabeth Markley 1812-? m 1835 William Sanders 1810-?
    -3-2 Christina Markley 1813-1865 m 1833 Hugh Lytle 1810-1881
    -3-3 Emiline Markley 1814-?
    -3-4 Ann Jane Richards 1827-?
    -3-5 John Richards 1828-?
    -3-6 Washington Richards 1830-?
    -3-7 Sarah Richards 1832-?
    -3-8 Joseph Richards 1834-?
    -3-9 Alexander Richards 1836-?
    -3-10 Harrison Richards 1838-?
    -4-1 Maria Markley 1813-?
    -4-2 Nathan Markley 1816-?
    -4-3 David Markley 1819-1893 m 1842 Selina Payne 1825-1905
    -4-4 Salina Markley 1824-1866 m 1850 Samuel F. Payne 1810-1867
    -4-5 Catherine Markley 1827-? m 1852 William Payne 1820-?
    -8-1 ___ Bookless ?-?
    -8-2 Anna Bookless 1829-1848
    -8-3 William Bookless 1831-1909 m 1854 Emily Croy 1838-1906
    -8-4 Louisa Bookless 1834-1912 m1 1852 William Wertz 1829-1857 m2 1861 John Simons ?-?
    -8-5 James Scott Bookless 1838-1892 m1 1856 Sarah Ann Eastburn 1835-1872 m2 1874 Jennie Elizabeth Scott 1854-1944
    -9-1 David Bookless ?-?
    -9-2 Oliver P. Bookless 1820-1897 m 1850 Emily Lister 1830-1896
    -9-3 Alexander Bookless 1822-1902 m 1846 Sarah Jane Whitehead 1830-1857
    Fr8-6-11 Catherine Fry 1770-? m 1790 Jacob Fry 1768-1838 -1 Isaac Fry 1791-1852 m 1815 Sarah Frye 1796-1858

    -2 David Fry ?-1866 m1 1824 Sarah Hup ?-? m2 1848 Lucinda Scott ?-?

    -3 Catherine Frye 1805-? m 1823 Isaac M. Brooks ?-?

    -4 Elizabeth Frye ?-? m _____ Hays (or Hup) ?-?

    -5 John Frye ?-?

    -6 Jacob Frye 1799-1864 m 1827 Abigail Williams 1808-?

    -7 Rebecca Frye 1796-1870 m1 1834 Samuel C. Hite ?-? m2 Samuel Smock 1805-1863

    -8 Hannah Frye ?-1837 m Arthur Harris ?-?

    -9 Mary Frye 1805-? m 1828 Levi Ashby 1805-1861

    -10 Andrew Jackson Frye 1816-? m 1836 Emily Easley 1816-?

    -11 Rhoda Frye 1806-? m1 1836 Bailey Harris 1793-? m2 G.W. Ashby

    -1-1 Joseph Fry 1817-1882 m1 1841 Louisa Page 1818-1865 m2 1864 Nancy Ellen Wells 1846-1936
    -1-2 Jacob Fry 1823-? m 1849 Mahala Morris 1828-?
    -3-1 Amanda Brooks 1824-1880 m 1840 William Richardson 1818-1887
    -3-2 Shepard W. Brooks 1830-? m 1855 Mary Eliza Richardson 1838-?
    -3-3 James Brooks 1834-?
    -3-4 Ann Brooks 1836-? m Joseph Logston ?-?
    -3-5 Catherine Brooks 1844-? m Joseph Logston ?-?
    -6-1 David Fry 1830-1925 m 1871 Rebecca Blevins 1845-1932
    -6-2 Angeline Fry 1833-? m 1858 Ensley Lyon 1837-?
    -6-3 Emmeline Fry 1833-? m 1856 Nathan Good
    -6-4 William George Fry 1835-1908 m 1858 Eliza J. Good 1835-1903
    -6-5 Andrew Jackson Fry 1837-1917 m 1863 Caroline M. Blevins 1845-1914
    -6-6 Louisa Fry 1839-1899 m 1864 John William McCart 1838-1899
    -6-7 Benjamin Franklin Fry 1842-? m1 1865 Lucy J. McCart 1845-? m2 1889 Samantha Nichols 1853-?
    -6-8 Martha Jane Fry 1847-1909 m 1861 Samuel L. Bryan 1836-1912
    -6-9 Jacob Fry 1847-1909 m 1877 Harriet Goodman 1851-1890
    -6-10 Perlina Fry 1850-? m 1874 Calvin Bartholomew ?-?
    -8-1 Gladys Harris ?-? m 1811 George Smith ?-?
    -8-2 Nancy Harris ?-? m 1814 John O�Neal ?-?
    -8-3 Ruth Harris ?-?
    -8-4 Francis Harris 1790-? m 1818 Jessie Cline 179
    -8-5 Mary Harris ?-? m 1821 William Gibb. ?-?
    -9-1 Ann Eliza Ashby 1832-1864 m 1850 John W. Turner 1827-1902
    -9-2 George Washington Ashby 1835-?
    -9-3 W.T. Ashby ?-?
    -10-1 Amanda Fry 1837-1877 m 1856 Edward L. Dikeman 1821-1917
    -10-2 Sophronia Fry 1838-? m 1856 Miller H. Pickerall ?-?
    -10-3 William Fry 1840-?
    -10-4 Ann Fry 1842-? m 1861 John V. Sheperd ?-?
    -10-5 Robert S. Fry 1844-?
    -10-6 Henry Clay Fry 1844-?
    -10-7 Jacob Woodson Fry 1844-?
    -10-8 Zackary Fry 1847-?
    -10-9 Jackson Fry 1849-?
    -11-1 Lucinda Harris 1839-? m 1861 Alfred McCormack 1832-?
    -13-1 Nancy J. Stivers 1839-? m 1859 James C. Moore 1859-?
    -13-2 Delmar Stivers 1817-1915
    Fr8-7 Christina/ Christen Frye b 1732/3 Perkiomen, Philadelphia Co Pa d 1794
    m 1752 Joseph Powell b 6 Mar 1730 d 1771 from the Welsh settlements in Pa son of John powell and Mary O'Neal.
    -1 Abraham Powell 1755-1817 m 1780 Ann Smith 1762-1845
    -2 Joseph Powell 1759-1830 m Nancy ____ ?-?
    -3 Samuel Powell 1760-1823 m 1788 Phoebe Yaste 1768-1823
    -4 John Powell 1761-1830 m Ann Hogeland ?-?
    -5 Rebecca Powell 1765-1830 m George W. Yoakum 1763-?
    -6 Stephen Powell 1766-1849
    -7 Benjamin Powell 1768-1771
    -8 Sarah Powell 1768-1830
    -1-1 Benjamin Powell 1806-1875 m 1829 Elvira Munson 1808-1877
    -2-1 Mary Powell 1794-1843 m 1814 Alexander McGarvey 1785-1849
    -2-2 Roxiline Powell 1805-1856 m 1824 Elijah Logan 1804-1865
    -1-1-1 Olive Elizabeth Powell 1840-1917 m George Yager 1850-?
    -2-1-1 Samuel McGarvey 1820-1892 m 1846 Julia A. Goldsmith 1823-1887
    -2-2-1 John Glen Logan 1835-1905 m 1862 Mary Ann Rohrer 1838-1917
    Fr8-8 William Frey, b 1743 d 1796
    m Rachel Spears 1758-1820
    -1 Henry Frye 1767-1843 m 1788 Rachel Fry 1771-1820

    -2 Jacob Frye 1771-1808 m Elizabeth �Hannah� ____ 1777-?

    -3 Joseph Frye 1776-1812 m 1808 Susan Barlow 1775-1836.

    -4 Benjamin Frye ?-?

    -5 William Frye

    -6 Rebecca Frye ?-? mMichael Smith

    -7 Elizabeth Frye 1783-? m 1802 George Haskell

    -8 Catherine Frye 1787-1857 m 1803 Capt. Abraham Bird 1780-1850

    -1-1 William Fry 1789-?

    -1-2 America Fry 1790-? m ____ Fry ?-?

    -1-3 Benjamin Fry 1792 m ____ Fry ?-?

    -1-4 Christina Fry 1794-1864 m Joseph Cromwill 1784-1866

    -1-5 Nancy Fry 1797-? m 1828 David M. Logan ?-?

    -1-6 Mariah Fry 1799-? m David M. Logan ?-?

    -1-7 Catherine Fry 1805-? mHugh Campbell ?-?

    -1-8 Rachel Fry 1808-1871 m 1826 John Henry Kerr 1790-1855

    -2-1 John Frye 1799-1850 m1 1820 Sarah Humble ?-1833 no ch m2 1834 Mary Humble 1811-1879

    -2-2 Aaron Frye 1797-1845 m 1820 Hannah Petterson ?-?

    -2-3 Elizabeth Frye ?-1836 m 1825 Massena Garrard 1800-1850

    -2-4 Amanda Frye ?-? m 1824 Thomas Scott ?-?

    -3-1 Malinda Fry ?-? m 1821 Isaac R. Barrow ?-?

    -3-2 Margaret Fry 1802-? m 1828 Joel Heddington 1802-?

    -3-3 Eliza Frye 1801-1866 m1 1820 William Benjamin Foreman ?-? m2 1829 Thomas Randall Harris 1804-1896
    -3-4 Milton Fry 1803-1865 m 1831 Letitia DeVore 1804-1848
    -3-5 Lucretia Fry 1807-1881 m 1827 Thomas Wood ?-?
    -3-6 Joseph V. Fry 1810-1886 m1 1838 Elizabeth Ransdall ?-? + 1 ch m2 1840 Elizabeth Allyn 1821-? + 3 ch
    -7-1 Caroline Haskell ?-? m ____ Ransdall ?-?
    -7-2 Mariah Haskill ?-?
    -7-3 Lewis Haskill ?-?
    -8-1 George W. Bird 1804-1857 m1 1830 Emmaline Rutter 1808-1830 m2 1831 Martha A. Rutter 1815-1875
    -8-2 Elizabeth Bird 1806-1876 m 1825 Moses F. Robinett ?-?
    -8-3 Matilda Bird 1808-1887 m 1826 John Klieser ?-?
    -8-4 Kittie Bird ?-?
    -8-5 Mary Foreman Bird 1812-1888 m 1826 Albert Whaley 1800-1886
    -8-6 William Harrison Bird 1814-1879 m1 1834 Eliza E. Gash 1815-? m2 1856 Susan Rowen ?-?
    -8-7 Catharine Bird 1817-1853 m 1833 David Rice Downing 1807-1896
    -8-8 Abram Preston Bird 1810-1886 m 1839 Elizabeth Richmond 1810-1886
    -8-9 Emily Ann Bird 1820-1898 m 1839 Samuel Robert Wylie ? 1854-8-10 Mark H. Bird 1822-1882 m 1848 Arminta Fry 1826-1902
    -8-11 Rachel F. Bird 1825-1885 m 1846 Richard Bridgeford ?-?
    -8-12 Amanda M. Bird 1828-1873 m 1846 Henry M. Williams ?-?

    -1-4-1 Henry F. Cromwell 1811-1898 m 1837 Elizabeth Miller 1819-1905
    -1-7-1 Adeline Campbell ?-?
    -1-8-1 Mary Patience Kerr 1829-?
    -1-8-2 James Henry Kerr 1830-?
    -1-8-3 Jane Kerr 1832-1893 m 1856 Rudolf de Roode ?-?
    -1-8-4 Sally Kerr 1834-?
    -1-8-5 Nannie Kerr 1838-? m 1860 Dr. John M. Wilson 1832-1881
    -1-8-7 Kate Kerr 1840-1927 m 1866 Capt. B.T. Riggs 1839-1920
    -1-8-8 Ella Rachel Kerr 1843-?
    -1-8-9 John Brown Kerr 1847-1928
    -2-1-1 Sarah Elizabeth Frye 1845-1887 m 1867 William J. Canter 1840-?
    -2-1-2 John Fyre 1840-1863
    -2-1-3 Richard Frye 1833-?
    -2-1-4 Reason Frye 1835-? m 1858 Melvina Evans ?-?
    -2-1-5 Joseph Frye 1843-?
    -3-2-1 George Headington ?-?
    -3-2-2 William Headington ?-?
    -3-2-3 Melvina Headington ?-?
    -3-2-4 Margaret Headington ?-?
    -3-2-5 Joel Headington ?-?
    -3-2-6 David Headington ?-?
    -3-3-1 Emily Ann Foreman 1821-1908 m 1838 Henry Allyn ?-?
    -3-3-2 Susan Elizabeth Foreman 1823-1888 m 1843 Walter Wadsworth Allyn
    -3-3-3 Caroline Matilda Foreman ?-?
    -3-3-4 Lucretia Jane Foreman 1827-1879 m A. David Kellar ?-?
    -3-3-5 John Lindley Harris 1830-1891 m 1864 Susannah Lake 1834-1887
    -3-3-6 Sidney T. Harris 1833-1903 m1 1865 Susan Elizabeth McPherson 1839-1923 m2 Edward O. Clark 1833-?
    -3-3-7 Milton F. Harris 1837-1862
    -3-3-8 William J. Harris 1834-1886 m Mary E. Brian 1844-?
    -3-3-9 Mary F. Harris 1840-1916 m1 1858 Milton Rohrer 1833-? m2 William Delaney ?-? m3 John Rynders ?-?
    -3-4-1 Samantha Fry 1832-? m Arthur Harman ?-?
    -3-4-2 Lemiera Fry 1835-? m 1855 Cyrus D. Curtis ?-?
    -3-4-3 John D. Fry 1839-1873 m Anna M. Howe ?-?
    -3-4-4 Letitia B. Fry 1841-1916 m James Cartwright Gillham ?-?
    -3-4-5 Arminda Fry 1841-?
    -3-6-1 Mary Fry 1839-?
    -3-6-2 Susan Fry 1844-?
    -3-6-2 Melvina Fry 1846-?
    -3-6-3 Ellen Fry 1849-? m Thomas G. Knowles 1845-?
    -8-3-1 Elizabeth Catherine Klieser 1827-? m 1845 George Crawford ?-?
    -8-3-2 Robert Henry Klieser 1829-? m 1852 Mary A. Susan Yates 1831-?
    -8-5-1 Edward Whaley 1828-?
    -8-5-2 Catherine Whaley 1832-?
    -8-5-3 Abraham B. Whaley 1835-?
    -8-5-4 Emily Ann Whaley 1836-?
    -8-5-5 Marion Whaley 1837-1866 m1858 Laura Maria Ringer ?-?
    -8-5-6 John C. Whaley 1839-?
    -8-5-7 William H. Whaley 1841-?
    -8-5-8 Nancy H, Whaley 1842-?
    -8-5-9 Albert B. Whaley 1846-?
    -8-5-10 Mary F. Whaley 1848-?
    -8-8-1 Francis Bird 1840-?
    -8-8-2 Abram Bird 1842-? m Alice Bryd ?-?
    -8-8-3 Susan S. Bird 1846-?
    -8-8-4 Catherine Bird 1848-?
    -8-9-1 William Bird Wylie 1840-?
    -8-9-2 Mary Elizabeth Wylie 1843-?
    -8-9-3 Ann Eliza Wylie 1843-1843
    -8-9-4 Matilda Catherine Wylie 1844-?
    -8-9-5 Sarah Amanda Wylie 1846-1848
    -8-9-6 Mary Eliza Wylie 1848-1868
    -8-9-7 Abram Nelson Wylie 1850-?
    -8-9-8 Harriet Elizabeth Wylie 1852-?
    -8-9-9 Anna Harwood Wylie 1854-?
    -8-10-1 Missouri Ann Bird 1853-? m 1893 T.H.B. Hockaday ?-?
    -8-10-2 Edward O. Bird 1856-?
    -8-10-3 Sallie C. Bird 1857-?
    -8-10-4 Isabella A. Bird 1859-?
    -8-10-5 Mary Eliza Bird 1861-?
    -8-10-6 Roberta Emily Bird 1863-?
    -8-10-7 Henry Bird 1867-1867
    -8-10-8 Ellen Bird 1867-1867
    -8-10-9 Robert Lee Bird 1870-?
    Fr8-9 Elizabeth Frey, b c 1737.
    Fr9-4 Elizabeth Catherine Frey b c 1697 ?d y
    Fr9-5 Henry Frey, b c 1698 Roxborough
    m. Christianna BACHE
    Fr9-6 Magdalena Frey, b. about 1699;
    Fr9-7 Abraham Frey, b c 1700 Philadelphia d 1733 Philadelphia
    m Mary Kennard b 1706 d 1734
    -1 Mary Fry b 1728 d 1823
    Fr9-8 John Frey, b 1700 d 23 Oct 1766
    m Mary Keisler 1707-1766
    Fr9-8-1 Daniel Frey b 1728 Montgomery PA d 9 Aug 1796
    m Maria Grob
    -1 Abraham Fry b 1765 Skippack Montgomery Co PA d 11 May 1834 Gnadenhutten Tuscarawas Co OH
    Fr9-8-1 Hannah Frey b 1730 m 1757 Isaac Wells
    Fr9-8-3 Catherine Frey b 1732
    Fr9-8-4 Henry Frey 1724-1821 m 1748 Mary Hendrick 1727-? -1 Ann Frey 1766-1821 m 1789 Jacob Freed 1768-1847

    -2 Henry Frey ?-?

    -3 Jacob Frey

    -4 John Frey 1748-1821 m 1765 Phillipine Baure

    -5 Elizabeth Frey

    -6 Eva Rosana Frey

    -1-1 Susanna Freed 1790-1874 m Abraham Yoder 1789-1864

    -1-2 John Fry Freed 1792-1881 m Catharine Kolb ?-?

    -1-3 Mary Freed 1794-1865 m Benjamin Harley 1801-1890

    -1-4 Jacob Freed 1796-1819

    -1-5 Anna Freed 1799-1868 m 1834 Eleazer Russel 1796-1874

    -1-6 Joseph Freed 1803-1876 m1 1827 Anna Anglemoyer 1808-1862 + 5 ch m2 1863 Mary Godshalk Fry ? 1907

    -1-7 Abraham F. Freed 1806-1862 m Mary K. Godshalk ?-1844

    -1-8 Catherine Freed 1809-1882 m John O. Shutt 1802-1883

    -4-1 Heinrich Frey 1766-1766

    -4-2 Barbara Frey 1768-?

    -4-3 Eva Rozana Frey 1776-?

    -4-4 John Frey 1781-1814 m 1801 Sophia Cope 1776-1864

    -4-5 Ester Frey 1778-?

    -1-1-1 Mary F. Yoder 1818-? m Ephraim Fry 1817-1897
    -1-1-2 Anna F. Yoder 1815-? m 1842 Ephraim Fry 1817-1897
    -1-1-3 Jacob F. Yoder 1815-1872 m1 Mary Gordon 1816-1872 m2 Mrs. Anna Springer
    -1-1-4 Catherine Yoder 1825-1898 m Samuel White 1817-?
    -1-1-5 David F. Yoder 1827-1895 m 1856 Sallie Sperry7 1827-1898
    -1-1-6 Susan F. Yoder 1828-1916 m 1855 Joseph Fry 1831-1911
    -1-1-7 Sarah F. Yoder 1828-1884
    -1-2-1 Henry Kolb Freed 1818-1879 m 1844 Sabilla Bechtel ?-1889
    -1-2-2 Jacob Kolb Freed 1825-1890 m 1854 Eliza Fretz Kratz
    -1-2-3 Abraham Kolb Freetd 1828-? m1 Catharine Alleback m2 Catherine Houck
    -1-2-4 Elias K. Freed 1830-1912 m Elizabeth K. Shutt 1833-1883
    -1-2-5 John K. Freed 1836-1903 m1 Mary Alderfer 1835-1864 m2 1874 Sarah Fausts
    -1-3-1 Abraham F. Harley 1828-?
    -1-3-2 Ann F. Harley 1832-1884
    -1-6-1 John A. Freed 1829-1854
    -1-6-2 Annie A. Freed 1831-1857 m Franklin H. Hendricks 1827-1859
    -1-6-3 Mary A. Freed 1834-1911 m Philip Hartman 1828-1911
    -1-6-4 Henry A. Freed 1838-1846
    -1-6-5 Joseph A. Freed 1851-? m 1873 Lydia Lewis 1855-?
    -1-6-6 William C. Freed 1867-? m 1890 Amelia Linsenbigler 1873-?
    -1-7-1 Elizabeth G. Freed 1830-1853 m 1853 Charles Hallman ?-?
    -1-7-2 Enos G. Freed 1832-1854 m 1853 Elizabeth Beaver ?-?
    -1-7-3 Isaac G. Freed 1834-1918 m 1859 Amanda Seese 1831-1893
    -1-7-4 William G. Freed 1835-1913 m 1862 Lydia Moyer 1840-?
    -1-7-5 Abraham G. Freed 1837-? m 1860 Catherine Kepler ?-?
    -1-7-6 Mary G. Freed 1839-1859 m 1858 George Hartzel 1832-1909
    -1-7-7 John G. Freed 1841-1914 m1 Polly Holliday ?-? m2 Delila Wigner
    -1-7-8 Jacob G. Freed 1844-1905 m 1864 Emmaline Bauman 1846-?
    -1-8-1 Jacob F. Shutt 1829-1893 m 1852 Caroline Boorse 1830-?
    -1-8-2 Francis T. Shutt 1832-? m1 1864 Ellen Beisher ?-? m2 Sallie Green 1847-?
    -1-8-3 Mary F. Shutt 1833-1854 m 1851 Joseph Rosenberger
    -1-8-4 Catherine F. Shutt 1836-1907 m Joseph Eisenhart 1837-1899
    -1-8-5 Isaiah F. Shutt 1852-? m 1877 Sophia Wile 1854-1906
    -1-8-6 Abraham F. Shutt 1841-1848
    -4-4-1 Enoch Cope Fry 1804-1847 m Sophia B. ___ ?-?
    -4-4-2 John Fry 1805-1869 m1 1840 Sarah A. Courtney ?-1842 m2 1850 Mary Lowther Gibbs 1822-1885
    -4-4-3 Henry Fry 1807-1807
    Fr9-8-5 William Frey 1724-1816
    m 1760 Elizabeth Kerr ?-1811
    -1 Catherine Fry ?-? m Theophilus Williams ?-?.

    -2 John Fry 1762-1846 m 1794 Mary Jones 1769-1843

    -3 Enoch Frey

    -4 Isiah Frey

    -1-1 Theophilus Williams ?-?

    -1-2 John Williams ?-?

    -1-3 Elizabeth Williams ?-?

    -1-4 Elinor Williams ?-? m ____ Palmer ?-?

    -2-1 Margery Jones Fry 1795-1871

    -2-2 John Fry 1797-1882

    -2-3 William Fry 1798-1885 m Sarah Rockfellow 1813-1879

    -2-3-1 William Fry 1836-1906 m Mary C. ___ 1845-1933
    -2-3-2 John R. Fry 1842-?
    -2-3-3 George Fry 1844-?
    -2-3-4 Lot Fry 1844-1926 m 1871 Mary E. Sellers 1850-1937
    -2-3-5 Oliver Fry 1846-1919
    -2-3-6 George Fry 1853-?
    Fr9-8-6 Samuel Frey b 1727 Montgomery d 31 May 1813 Elaware Juniata PA
    m 1758 Dianna Wells 1738-1813
    -1 Benjamin Frey ?-1813

    -2 Gabriel Frey 1761 1825 m Susannah Dearduff

    -3 Jesse Frey 1758-1818 m 1781 Esther German 1758-1798

    -4 John T. Frey

    -5 Samuel Frey, Jr. 1762-1848 m Rachel Jones 1771-1859

    -6 Jonathan Frey 1775-1847 m1 Agnes Dearduff 1778-1810 + 7 ch m2 Hannah M. Boyd Thompson 1778-1852 + 5 ch

    -7 Enoch Frey 1781-1862 m1 Catherine Dearduff ?-1810 + 1 ch m2 Elizabeth Dressler ?-? + 4 ch m3 Catherine Dressler 1784-1879 + 5 ch

    -8 James Frey

    -9 George Frey

    -2-1 Gabriel Frey ?-1857

    -2-2 David Frey ?-1863

    -2-3 Rebecca Frey ?-?

    -2-4 Catherine Frey ?-?

    -2-5 Benjamin G. Frey 1814-1862 m 1835 Eva (Mary) Elizabeth Clark 1814-1879

    -2-6 _ Frey

    -3-1 Mary Fry 1782-? m Samuel Baker ?-?

    -3-2 Jane Fry 1784-? m Thomas Matocks ?-?

    -3-3 Abigail Fry 1786-? m William Fowles ?-?

    -3-4 Abraham Fry 1788-1849 m Elizabeth ____ 1794-1864

    -3-5 Samuel Fry 1790-1863 m Priscilla ____ ?-?

    -3-6 Jesse Frey 1792-1854 m 1815 Martha Kinzer 1797-1873

    -3-7 Susanna Fry 1794-?

    -3-8 Dianna Fry 1796-?

    -3-9 Esther Fry 1798-?

    -5-1 James Frey, Sr. 1793-1880 m1 1818 Sarah Noffsinger ?-? m2 1833 Ruth Hall 1811-1886 + 1 ch

    -5-2 Nancy Frey 1794-? m 1833 Edward Spencer ?-?

    -5-3 Samuel Frey 1797-1880 m 1823 Susannah Redman 1806-1874

    -5-3 Rachel Frey 1799-?

    -5-4 Amelia Frey 1801-?

    -5-5 Jesse Frey 1804-?

    -5-6 David Frey 1806-1851 m 1833 Mary Varner 1815-1893

    -5-7 Eli Frey 1809-?

    -5-8 Enos Frey 1811-1869 m 1838 Susan Thomas ?-?

    -6-1 Elizabeth Nancy Frey 1803-1877 m Nicholas Arnold 1806-1884

    -6-2 James Frey ?-?

    -6-3 Catherine Frey ?-?

    -6-4 Mary Frey ?-? m 1798 Joseph Hoffman ?-?

    -6-5 Rebecca Frey 1805-1852 m 1825 John Burris 1798-1882

    -6-6 Nancy Frey ?-? m Abraham Guyer ?-?

    -6-7 Infant son ?-?

    -6-8 Jonathan Frey 1819-1895 m 1849 Nancy Arnold 1832-1903

    -6-9 David Frey 1824-1868 m 1851 Fannie Harter 1831-1891

    -6-10 George Frey 1825-? m Elizabeth Shirk ?-?

    -7-1 Dianna Frey 1810-1863-? m William Reifsnider ?-?

    -7-2 Jane Frey 1815-? m Fred Yeigh ?-?

    -7-3 Nancy Frey 1817-1895 m 1840 John Houts 1813-1883

    -7-4 Benjamin Frey ?-? m Anna ____ ?-?

    -7-5 James W. Frey 1824-1890 m Sarah A. ____ 1821-1881

    -7-6 George Dressler Frey 1825-1900 m Anna Shirk 1830-1861 + 4 ch m2 Mary Elizabeth Shirk 1838-1925 + 4 ch

    -7-7 Elizabeth Frey 1826-1888 m John P. Kelly 1820-?

    -7-8 Enoch Frey 1827-1888 m 1856 Catherine Piett 1831-1892

    -7-9 Catherine Melinda Frey 1830-1891 m 1855 Hugh Whiteford Quigley 1810-1890

    -7-10 Hannah Frey 1834-1908

    -9-1 Nancy Frey

    -2-5-1 Mary Magdalene Frey 1836-1836
    -2-5-2 William C. Frey 1838-1838
    -2-5-3 Daniel Frey 1839-1844
    -2-5-4 Jesse B. Frey 1841-1920 m 1862 Mary Elizabeth Kauffman 1841-1911
    -2-5-5 Jacob Frey 1842-?
    -2-5-6 Mary Jane Frey 1843-1913 m Abraham Goineurea ?-?
    -2-5-7 Gabriel C. Frey 1845-1925 m1 1866 Sue A. Kauffman ?-? m2 1920 Mary Turner ?-?
    -2-5-8 John C. Frey 1847-1906 m Eve Elizabeth Sellers ?-?
    -2-5-9 Jonathan Benjamin Frey 1849-1921 m Emma L. Jones 1853-1920
    -2-5-10 Tabitha Frey 1851-?
    -2-5-11 Sarah Elizabeth Frey 1853-1888 m L.D. Smith ?-?
    -2-5-12 Malinda Frey 1855-1918 m Harmon H. Jones 1850-1927
    -2-5-13 Adah Barbara Frey 1857-1918
    -2-5-14 Eillehen Frey 1859-1859
    -3-4-1 Sophia Fry ?-1853 m Hugh Whiteford Quigley 1810-1890
    -3-4-2 Mary Fry ?-1886
    -3-5-1 Jonathan Frey ?-?
    -3-5-2 Gabriel C. Frey ?-?
    -3-5-3 George Frey ?-?
    -3-6-1 Jacob Fry 1816-1886 m Mary McKinney ?-?
    -3-6-2 Tabitha Fry 1818-1900 m Enos Graham ?-?
    -3-6-3 Lydia Fry 1821-1876 m Richard M. McKinney 1811-1875
    -3-6-4 Isaac Fry 1822-1847
    -3-6-5 Seth Fry 1825-1826
    -3-6-6 Amos Fry 1827-1891 m Mary Jones 1834-?
    -3-6-7 Edmond Fry 1829-?
    -3-6-8 Emily Fry 1829-1894 m Oliver Andrews 1815-?
    -3-6-9 Martha Fry 1831-1891 m Samuel V. Taylor 1831-?
    -3-6-10 Jackson Fry 1834-1855
    -3-6-11 Margaret Fry 1834-1889 m1 Peter Longacre 1834-? m2 George Heller ?-? m3 Peter Longacre 1834-?
    -3-6-12 William Fry 1838-1921 m 1860 Rebecca Horning 1841-1922
    -5-1-1 Smith Frey ?-? m A. J.Hill ?-?
    -5-6-1 Samuel Frye 1834-1897 m 1854 Mary Elizabeth VanWinkle 1837-1900
    -5-6-1-1 Allen Frey b 12 Jan 1856 Fallsburg, Licking Co. OH d 4 Dec 1919 Ottawa, Putman Co. OH m Sarah Elizabeth Y DNA test F-3 haplogroup R1b1a2
    -6-1-1 Nancy Arnold 1832-1903 m 1849 Jonathan Frey 1819-1895
    -6-8-1 Mary E. Frey 1851-1924 m George Bucher ?-?
    -6-8-2 Nicholas Oliver Frey 1853-1939 m 1877 Harriet Rebecca Kepner 1855-1937
    -6-8-3 Jonathan Peter Frey 1855-1943 m 1876 Mary Ann Switzer 1854-1925
    -6-8-4 Samuel Lily Frey 1856-1929 m 1879 Annie E. Claire 1860-1928
    -6-8-5 James M. Frey 1857-1914 m 1880 Mary Jane McKensey 1859-1913
    -6-9-1 Sylvester C. Frey 1852-1876
    -6-9-2 Alfonso Frey 1854-?
    -6-9-3 Lucian Frey 1856-?
    -6-9-4 Mary A. Frey 1858-?
    -6-9-5 Alice Frey 1859-?
    -6-9-6 Lincoln B. Frey 1860-1936 m Mae C. ___ 1874-1950
    -6-9-7 Elmira J. Frey 1864-?
    -6-9-8 Simon H. Frey 1865-?
    -6-9-9 Harter Frey 1866-?
    -6-9-10 Sarah C. Frey 1868-? m Ira Winey ?-?
    -6-9-11 Laura Frey ?-? m ___ Weikle ?-?
    -7-3-1 Elizabeth Houts 1842-1925 m 1862 David Aumen ?-?
    -7-3-2 James Houts 1843-1903 m 1856 Mary Ann Price ?-?
    -7-3-3 Henry Houts 1845-1932 m1 Ellen Sweet ?-? m2 1892 Laura Ella Frager ?-?
    -7-3-4 John Houts 1847-1912 m1 Mary Hemphill ?-? m2 Carrie Magill ?-?
    -7-3-5 Frederick Houts 1850-1851
    -7-3-6 Catherine Houts 1852-? m 1875 William Truth ?-?
    -7-3-7 George W. Houts 1864-1945 m 1892 Jennie L. Berman ?-?
    -7-3-8 Samuel S. Houts 1857-1863
    -7-5-1 William Frey 1846-? m Maud Baker ?-?
    -7-5-2 Theodore Frey 1848-?
    -7-5-3 George Wagner Frey 1852-1931 m1 Martha Grimes 1858-? m2 Pearl J. Benson 1885-1945
    -7-5-4 James Wesley Frey 1854-? m Mary (Susan) Rhodes 1855-?
    -7-5-5 David A. Frey 1856-? m1 Lydia Keiser ?-1894 m2 Margaret Ann Ulsh ?-?
    -7-5-6 Martha Jane Frey 1860-1928 m James Edward Spencer 1867-1928
    -7-5-7 Harrison Lednum Frey 1863-?
    -7-6-1 Winfield Scott Frey 1849-1924
    -7-6-2 Mills Lemon Frey 1859-1932 m1 Jo Ann Gable ?-? m2 Mary Snyder ?-1906 m3 Margaret Malinda Watts 1881-1965
    -7-6-3 Bigler Creighton Frey 1860-1936 m1 ___ Landis ?-? m2 Elizabeth Kerstetter 1868-?
    -7-6-4 Daughter 1861-1861
    -7-6-5 Jemima Frey 1871-?
    -7-6-6 Mary (May) Frey 1873-? m Harry Shirk ?-?
    -7-6-7 Enoch Frey 1875-1939
    -7-6-8 George N. Frey 1877-1964 m1 1909 Thelma Dorothy Summers 1880-1932 m2 1952 Mabel Ida Dawson 1884-1977
    -7-7-1 William C. Kelley 1852-?
    -7-7-2 John P Kelley 1857-?
    -7-7-3 Edward D. Kelley 1859-?
    -7-7-4 Preston Kelley 1862-?
    -7-7-5 Emma Kelley 1864-?
    -7-7-6 James Kelley ?-?
    -7-7-7 Baby ?-?
    -7-8-1 Amos Jerome Frye 1857-1926 m 1885 Sophie Nichols 1867-1951
    -7-8-2 Joanna Frey 1859-1931 m1 ___ Robinson ?-? m2 Jonathan Blackford ?-?
    -7-8-3 Ida Josephine Frey 1861-? m Jonathan Benjamin Dawson ?-?
    -7-8-4 Milton Frey ?-?
    -7-8-5 Catherine Frey 1869-1960 m Milton Davis ?-?
    -7-9-1 Sarah Wilmina Quigley 1856-1915 m 1879 David Wilmot Brunner 1859-?
    -7-9-2 Elizabeth Ann Quigley 1864-1934 m 1882 Harry B. Ayle 1857-?
    -7-9-3 John Lackey Quigley 1867-1944 m 1887 Annie Frances Hair
    Fr9-8-7 Jacob Frey 1734-? m 1758 Jemima Wells ?-? .
    Fr9-8-8 Jonathan Frey 1739-? .
    Fr9-8-9 Enoch Frey 1745-1810 m1 1769 Nancy Leinbach 1745-1792 + 9 ch m2 1794 Salome Holtzapple ?-? -1 Joseph Frey 1772-? m 1797 Permila Engel

    -2 Catherine Frey 1773-1809 m 1794 Henry Fox

    -3 Joseph Frey 1772-? m 1797 Permila Engel

    -4 Catherine Frey 1773-1809 m1 1794 Henry Fox ?-? m2 John Faidley

    -5 Elizabeth Frey 1775-1845 m 1796 Abraham Maugans 1774-1833

    -6 John Frey 1778-? m 1805 Barbara Carn 1784-1853

    -7 Rosanna Frey 1780-1844 m1 1794 George Frederick Measall ?-1821 m2 1828 Frederick Heffner ?-? m3 1837 John Frederick Main

    -8 Nancy Frey 1782-? m George Brown

    -9 Susanna Frey 1784-1866 m ____ Frey

    -10 Samuel Frey 1795-?

    -11 Jonathan Frey 1797-1863 m 1819 Elizabeth Ambrose 1800-1880

    -4-1 John Fox ?-?

    -4-2 Henry Fox ?-?

    -4-3 Elizabeth Fox ?-?

    -4-4 Mary Fox ?-?

    -4-5 Nancy Fox ?-?

    -4-6 Susannah Fox ?-?

    -5-1 Joseph Maugans 1797-1873 m 1820 Sarah Horine 1802-1876

    -5-2 Mary Maugans 1798-1844 m Christian Bovey 1793-1880

    -5-3 Susanna Maugans 1799-1865 m 1820 John Lundy 1793-1880

    -5-4 Jonathan Maugans 1800-1880 m 1826 Catherine Taulhelm 1796-1892

    -5-5 Daniel Maugans 1802-1853 m1 1825 Magdalena Leatherman 1796-1834 m2 1840 Mary Craver 1806-1866

    -5-6 Enoch Maugans 1805-1880 m1 1832 Hannah Stine ?-? m2 ____ Bannerty 1808-1851 m3 Susannah Duvall 1817-1855 m4 Rachel ____ ?-?

    -5-7 Nancy Maugans 1807-1884 m 1824 Henry Rice 1800-1868

    -5-8 Catherine Maugans 1808-1892 m1 1833 David Bovey ?-1840 m2 Adam Bohn 1795-1880

    -5-9 Rosanna Maugans 1810-1890 m 1833 James E. Gurley 1802-1877

    -5-10 Elizabeth Maugans 1812-1893 m 1836 John Beare/Barr 1795-1863

    -5-11 Magdalena Mary Maugins 1814-1884 m 1835 John Hause 1809-1886

    -5-12 Maugans (infant) ?-?

    -5-13 Maugans (infant) ?-?
    -6-1 Eoch Frey 1811-1892 m 1836 Rhonda Wolf 1816-1897
    -6-2 William Frey 1821-1911
    -7-1 George Measall ?-?
    -7-2 Mary Measall 1795-1865 m 1819 Henry Lechlider ?-?
    -7-3 Solomon Measall 1797-1870 m1821 Barbara Engle ?-?
    -7-4 John Measall 1797-1859 m 1821 Darcus Shafer 1813-?
    -7-5 Catherine M. Measell 1802-1829 m 1829 David Heffner ?-?
    -7-6 Ann Nancy Measell ?-? m1824 Jacob Stone ?-?
    -7-7 Susanna Measell ?-? m 1829 David Heffner ?-?
    -7-8 Elizabeth Matilda Rebecca Measall 1809-1887 m 1825 Carl Philip Albright 1794-1863
    -7-9 Joseph Measell 1810-1884 m 1835 Ann Rebecca Strailman 1815-?
    -7-10 George Measell 1811-1874 m 1832 Margaret Rebecca Martz 1813-1894
    -7-11 Frederick Valentine Measell 1814-1880 m 1836 Christianna Stone 1813-1898
    -11-1 ___ Frey ?-?
    -11-2 Ambrosia Frey 1815-?
    -11-3 Ephriam Frey 1816-1879 m Mary C. ___ 1809-1866
    -11-4 Susanna Frey 1818-?
    -11-5 Enoch Frey 1820-1897 m1 1842 Catherine Kline 1823-1856 + 5 ch m2 1858 Henrietta Kline 1832-1914 + 10 ch
    -11-6 Henry Frey 1823-1898 mKesiah ___ 1829-?
    -11-7 Elias Frey 1826-1869 m 1849 Cordelia Minerva Hayes 1832-?
    -11-8 Samuel Frey 1829-1902 m Sophia Kuhn 1849-1925
    -11-9 Elizabeth Frey 1829-1830
    -11-10 Delilah Frey 1833-1880
    -11-11 Susan Frey 1835-1901 m Adam A. Kline 1833-1901
    -11-12 Jonathan Frey 1841-? m 1864 Susan Mary Swope 1846-1930
    -11-13 John Frey 1841-?

    -5-1-1 Jacob Maugans ?-? m 1860 Margaret Job ?-?
    -5-4-1 Jacob Tierman Maugans 1827-1880 m Barbara A. Krieger 1832-?
    -5-4-2 A. Maugans 1829-? m Sallie S. ___ 1832-?
    -5-7-1 Abraham Rice 1825-1877 m Eliza Ann Curl 1825-1890
    -5-7-2 Daniel J. Rice 1827-1862 m 1846 Maria Stine 1830-1917
    -5-7-3 Henry Rice 1828-1907 m1 Juliann ___ 1838-1850 m2 Mary Myers 1836-1908
    -5-7-4 Jacob Rice 1830-1866 m Susan Matilda ___ 1830-1910
    -5-8-1 Emanuel Bovey 1833-? m 1854 Elizabeth A. Winget 1838-?
    -5-8-2 Martin Bovey 1836-1901 m Sarah Boyer 1826-1880
    -5-8-3 Jacob Bovey 1837-1913 m 1865 Sarah Catherine Zimmerman 1844-1900
    -5-8-4 Elizabeth Bovey 1839-1909 m 1867 Joseph Deardoff 1837-1878
    -5-9-1 William Gurley ?-?
    -5-9-2 Mary Gurley ?-?
    -5-9-3 Elizabeth Gurley ?-?
    -5-9-4 Jonathan Gurley ?-?
    -5-9-5 James Gurley ?-?
    -5-9-6 Rosanna Gurley 1853-1945 m 1871 Richard W. Griggs 1845-?
    -5-10-1 Levi Bear 1852-? m Adaline ___ 1852-?
    -5-10-2 Martin W. Bear 1855-? m Mary Ellen ___ 1855-?
    -5-10-3 John Bear 1867-?
    -5-11-1 Daniel Hause 1836-1941
    -5-11-2 John Hause 1838-1911 m 1867 Frances Springer 1847-1930
    -5-11-3 Joseph Hause 1841-1932 m 1868 Ann Elizabeth Kepner 1847-1920
    -5-11-4 Mary Elizabeth Hause 1844-1919 m 1864 Charles Mogill Downin 1838-1927
    -5-11-5 Ann Catherine Hause 1846-1919 m 1871 Samuel Frownfelter 1850-1927
    -5-11-6 Abram Hause 1850-1925 m 1872 Ida Elizabeth Blinkley 1853-1919
    -5-11-8 William Hause 1852-1922 m 1872 Nancy Ellen Boward 1850-1932
    -5-11-9 Susan M. Hause 1855-1896 m 1873 John Willis Jones 1847-1895
    -5-11-10 Sarah Alice Hause 1858-1947 m Iverson Samuel Jones 1851-1907
    -6-1-1 John W. Fry 1837-? m 1874 Mattie E. Lane ?-?
    -6-1-2 William Henry Fry 1837-1915 m 1870 Louisa Brown 1845-1933
    -6-1-3 Samuel Fry 1840-1847
    -6-1-4 Isaac M. Fry 1842-1915 m 1867 Clementine West ?-?
    -6-1-5 Margaret Fry 1844-1910 m1862 Martin Neikirk 1842-?
    -6-1-6 Enoch W. Fry 1846-1932 m 1871 Electa Fuller 1847-?
    -6-1-7 Benjamin F. Fry 1850-1930 m Lydia Strauss ?-?
    -6-1-8 Charles W. Fry 1852-? m 1887 Clara E. Shafer ?-?
    -6-1-9 George F. Fry 1854-1887
    -6-1-10 Albert C. Fry 1856-1939 m 1885 Zora Seigley 1864-?
    -6-1-11 Emma J. Fry 1859-1940 m 1884 Perry Thompkins ?-?
    -7-4-1 Harriet Measell ?-? m 1846 William H. Sadler ?-?
    -7-4-2 Ann Rebecca Measell 1826-1863 m 1849 Dennis Stull ?-?
    -7-4-3 Rosanna Measell 1829-1913 m 1851 James Henry Joy 1829-1914
    -7-4-4 George W. Measell 1831-1902 m1 1855 Ann Rebecca Elizabeth Stull ?-? m2 1866 Julia Ann Catherine Staley 1837-?
    -7-4-5 Catherine Malinda Measell 1835-1909 m 1855 Ernest Peter Kline 1830-1901
    -7-4-6 Emily Elizabeth Measell 1838-1858
    -7-4-7 Thomas John Measell 1840-1901
    -7-9-1 Ann R. Measell 1847-1854
    -7-9-2 George M. Measell 1854-?
    -7-9-3 Catherine E. Measell 1864-1867
    -7-10-1 Julia Ann Measell 1833-1894 m 1856 John Nichols Zimmerman 1832-1909
    -7-10-2 Thomas A. Measell 1841-1892
    -7-10-3 Cynthia A. Measell 1848-? m Thomas M. Wachter 1839-1920
    -7-10-4 Mary A. C. Measell ?-? m Cornelius A. Staley 1834-1883
    -11-3-1 Charles C. Frey 1859-1861
    -11-5-1 Elizabeth Frey 1843-? m Abraham Maugans ?-?
    -11-5-2 Peter Frey 1847-1849
    -11-5-3 Jacob H. Frey 1849-1930 m1 Martha E. Phipps 1852-1890 m2 Amanda Lee Phipps 1871-1893
    -11-5-4 Catherine Frey 1852-?
    -11-5-5 Amy Malinda Frey 1856-?
    -11-5-6 Anna Rosena Frey 1859-?
    -11-5-7 Mary Molly Frey 1860-? m 1882 George C. Moore ?-?
    -11-5-8 Jonathan Frey 1861-1861
    -11-5-9 Samuel Frey 1862-1864
    -11-5-10 Frederick Frey 1864-? m 1890 Jessie McLucas 1856-?
    -11-5-11 Henrietta Frey 1868-1942 m Jacob Albert Taylor ?-?
    -11-5-12 Louisa Frey 1869-? m Daniel Walter Gustin ?-?
    -11-5-13 Elias Frey 1871-? m 1894 Rosa Alice Gregory 1872-?
    -11-5-14 Enoch Frey 1873-1944 m 1898 Lenora Smith ?-?
    -11-5-15 Anna Belle Frey 1874-? m 1894 Samuel Wood ?-?
    -11-6-1 Sallie Frey 1861-?
    -11-7-1 Samuel Fry ?-1861
    -11-7-2 Minerva Fry 1851-? m Charles Repp 1844
    -11-7-3 Mahlor Fry 1853-1922 m 1875 Mary Messler 1857-1956
    -11-7-4 William Newton Fry 1855-1883 m 1877 Martha Ellen Brown 1857-?
    -11-7-5 Peter J. Fry 1857-1903 m 1881 Sandra S. Strawsburg ?-?
    -11-7-6 Elias L. Frey 1859-1936
    -11-7-7 Jonathan H. Fry 1861-1923 m 1890 Ada Hart ?-?
    -11-7-8 James A. Fry 1863-1920 m 1889 Ida Marybelle Groff ?-?
    -11-7-9 Doctor M. Fry 1865-1867
    -11-7-19 Edith McNary Fry 1867-1926
    -11-7-11 Charles A. Fry 1868-1938
    -11-8-1 Benjamin Philip Frey 1875-1959 m 1911 Carrie Catherine Barkdoll 1882-1950
    -11-8-2 Amanda Melissa Frey 1878-1962 m 1893 Jacob Calvin Kline 1870-1958
    -11-8-3 Lewis Samuel Frey 1880-1941 m 1911 Goldie Marken 1895-1951
    -11-8-4 Infant 1883-?
    -11-8-5 Elizabeth Ida Frey 1887-1973 m Emery Longnecker ?-?
    -11-8-6 Charles Harry Frey 1891-1961 m Marie Susan Cline 1900-1974
    -11-11-1 Elizabeth Kline 1860-?
    -11-11-2Jonathan Kline 1863-?
    -11-11-3 Rebecca D. Kline 1866-1939 m Daniel L. Warrenfeltz 1864-1936
    -11-11-4 Melinda Kline 1869-?
    -11-11-5 Clayton Kline 1871-?
    -11-12-1 Delilah V. Frey 1865-?
    -11-12-2 Jacob Caleb Frey 1866-?
    -11-12-3 Charles Clayton Frey 1868-?
    -11-12-4 Joseph Markwood Frey 1870-1935 m Annie May Masters ?-?
    -11-12-5 Selius U Frey 1874-?
    -11-12-6 Elmer A. Frey 1874-?
    Fr9-9 Rebecca Frey, b. about 1704
    Fr9-10 George Frey, b 1705 Roxborough d 1750 VA m Elizabeth Hechlein 1708-? -1 Sarah Fry ?-? m John Shroder ?-?
    -2 Mary Fry ?-? m J. Peter Crispen ?-?
    -3 Susannah Fry ?-? m George Kuckley ?-?
    -4 John Fry ?-? m Elizabeth Fry ?-?
    -5 George Fry ?-?
    -1-1 -1-1-1
    Fr9-11 Elizabeth Catherine Frey, b 2 Jun 1717 Skippack Montgomery Co PA d 5 Jun 1781/?58 Frederick PA
    m 1732 Johannes Muller/Miller b 1715 d 1755
    -1 Christen Muller ?-? .

    -2 Catherine Muller 1733-1808 m 1753 Henry Happel 1728-1801

    -3 Salome Muller 1735-1817 m Daniel Knauss 1726-1792 son of Johann Knauss and Anna Gerlach

    -4 Elizabeth Muller 1737-1778 m 1756 Jacob Echel 1730-1783 .

    -5 John Muller 1738-? .

    -6 Anna Muller 1740-? m John Marberger ?-? .

    -7 Joseph Muller 1741-?

    -8 Henry Muller 1743-?

    Anna Muller 1744-?

    -10 ____ Muller 1747-1747

    -11 Magdalena Muller 1747-?

    -12 Jacob Muller 1749-1751

    -13 John Phillip Muller 1751-?

    -2-1 Casper Happel ?-?

    -2-2 Elizabeth Happel ?-?

    -2-3 John Happel ?-?

    -2-4 Maria Catherine Happel ?-?

    -2-5 Maria Margaret Happel 1758-?

    -2-6 John Henry Happel 1765-?

    -2-7 Maria Barbara Happel 1768-? m 1798 John Henry Bartholomew 1750-1822

    -2-8 George Happel 1771-?

    -2-9 Sophia Happel 1773-?

    -2-10 Christian Happel 1775-?

    -3-1 John Daniel Knauss 1756-1845 m1779 Susannah Mierer/Moyer 1755/6-1835

    -3-2 Jonathan Knauss 1757-1843 m Margaretha Knappenberger 1767-1850

    -3-3 Christian Knauss 1759-? m Elizabeth Hoffman ?-?

    -3-4 Charlott Knauss 1761-? m John George Eck

    -3-5 Anna Magdalena Knauss 1763-1793 m Henry Snyder 1751-1822

    -3-6 Anna Maria Knauss 1765-? m Jonathan Mayer 1759-1830

    -3-7 Margaret Knauss 1767-?

    -3-8 Salome Knauss 1771-1852 m Peter Wilhelm 1770-1838

    -4-1 Elizabeth Echel 1757-?

    -4-2 Henry Echel 1758-1816

    -4-3 John Echel 1760-1826

    -4-4 Mary Echel 1762-?

    -4-5 Marilla Echel 1764-?

    -4-6 Catherine Echel 1770-1850 m 1791 James Cloyd 1765-1816

    -4-7 Jacob Echel 1772-?

    -4-8 Frederick Echel 1774-?

    -4-9 Susannah Echel 1775-?

    -3-1-1 Benjamin Knauss 1787-1881 m Margaret Billmeir 1798-1842
    -3-1-2 Solomon I Knauss b 1790 Macungle Lehigh PA d 2 Jun 1864 Bellevue Huron Co OH m SArah Moore b 1799 d 1875
    -3-2-1 Levi Knauss 1813-1983 m 1838 Maria Heimbach ?-?
    -3-4-1 Daniel Eck m Mary Margaret Rebecca Kehs
    -3-8-1 Samuel Wilheim 1797-1862 m1 1817 Mary Reichard ?-? + 1 ch m2 1852 Christine Witt 1810-1872
    -3-1-1-1 Susan Knauss 1820-1917 m Israel Machamer 1819-1876
    -3-1-2-1 Charles Knauss b 1828 d 1902
    -3-1-2-2 Mary Knauss b 11831 d 1915 m andrew Billmeyer b 1827 d 1910
    -3-1-2-3 Solomon Knauss b 1837 d 1867 m Sarah Baker b 1833 d 1912
    -3-1-2-4 Henry Knauss b 1838 d 1930 m Permelia Drake b 1842 d 1917
    -3-4-1-1 James Eck m Mary Lovina Livengood
    -3-8-1-1 Solomon Wilhelm 1824-1910 m 1853 Mary Ann Boyer 1834-1916

    -3-1-2-2-1 Emma Billmeyer b 1853 d 1945
    -3-1-2-2-2 Henry Billmeyer b 1856 d 1920
    -3-1-2-2-3 Charles Billmeyer b 1858 d 1912
    -3-1-2-2-4 Edward Billmeyer b 1860 d 1912
    -3-1-2-2-5 William Billmeyer b 1862 d 1954
    -3-1-2-2-6 Florence Billmeyer b 1865 d 1919
    -3-1-2-2-7 Elmer Billmeyer b 1867d 1964
    -3-1-2-2-8 Bessia Billmeyer b 1870 d 1960
    -3-1-2-2-9 Sarah Billmeyer b 1874 d 1941
    -3-1-2-3-1 Clark Knauss b 1858 d 1915 m Ida Crippen b 1858 d 1935
    -3-1-2-3-2 Frence Knauss
    -3-1-2-3-3 Sarah Knausss b 1861 d 1942 m Frank Bowen b 1860
    -3-1-2-3-4 Solomon Knauss b 1866 m Fannie
    -3-1-2-4-1 Ida Knauss b 1863 d 1914
    -3-1-2-4-2 Delia Knaus b 1866 d 1955
    -3-1-2-4-3 Jay Knauss b d 1870
    -3-1-2-4-4 Nellie Knauss b 1872 d 1947
    -3-1-2-4-5 Harry Knauss b 1883 d 1966
    Fr9-12 Amelia Elizabeth Frey 1719-1783
    m 1737 Frederick Leinbach 1703-1784
    Fr9-12-1 John Leinbach b 1738/?46 d 1746/?1817 -1 Elizabeth Leinbach 1783-1862
    -2 Susannah Leinbach 1785-1867 m 1807 David Peter 1766-1840
    -3 Christian Leinbach 1787-1842 m1 John Dietrick Kranz m2 1809 Jacob Christ
    -4 Juliana Leinbach 1789-1896 m 1811 Nathanael Miksch 1786-1863
    -5 Magdalena Leinbach 1789-1795
    -6 Sarah Leinbach 1791-? m 1814 Lewis Mathews ?-? .
    -2-1 Charles Benjamin Peter 1808-1884 m 1836 Johanna Hedwig Stoudt 1814-1871
    -2-2 Matilda Peter 1810-1816
    -2-3 Caroline Julianna Peter 1811-1888 m 1832 Jonathan Winsch 1804-1891
    -2-4 Henry David Peter 1813-1814
    -2-5 Edward Peter 1815-1897 m 1843 Rebecca Taylor 1822-?
    -2-6 Martha Peter 1816-1816
    -2-7 Edward Peter 1815-1843 .
    -2-8 Lewis Peter 1817-1873 m 1840 Sarah L. Blickensderfer 1822-?
    -2-9 Sarah Peter 1822-1830
    -3-1 John Dietrich Kranz 1807-?
    -3-2 John Rudolph Christ 1809-? m Elizabeth ___ ?-?
    -3-3 Anna Sophia Christ 1812-?
    -3-4 William Henry Christ 1813-?
    -3-5 Israel Christ 1815-? m Rachel Meffert 1819-?
    -3-6 Anna Juliana Christ 1818-? m 1842 George Hossler ?-?
    -3-7 Mary Elizabeth Christ 1820-?
    -3-8 Charlotte Emelia Christ 1822-?
    -3-9 Rebecca Louisa Christ 1825-?
    -3-10 Henrietta Angelica Christ 1827-?
    -4-1 Chrisian August Miksch 1812-? m Mary Ann Walter ?-?
    -4-2 Mary Ann Louise Miksch 1814-? m 1833 Jesse Volger 1806-1865
    -4-3 James Henry Miksch 1818-1884 m1 1841 Cecelia Louise Brunner + 1 ch m2 1845 Martha Krieder 1821-1869 + 6 ch
    -4-4 George Reuben Miksch 1821-1890 m Catherine Beale 1836-?
    -4-5 Jacob Andrew Miksch 1823-1895 m 1851 Mary Magdalene Crum 1826-?
    -4-6 Caroline Lucinda Miksch 1825-1912 m 1852 Benjamin Keller 1817-1891
    -4-7 Aquilla Oliver Miksch 1827-1910 m 1853 Elizabeth Louise Matilda Winsch 1833-1891
    -4-8 Ebenezer Leinbach Miksch 1830-1830 .
    -6-1 Malinda Matthews 1815-?
    -6-2 Maria Magdalena Matthews 1816-?
    -6-3 Samuel Matthews 1818-?
    -2-1-1 David Albert Peter 1838-1838
    -2-1-2 Sophia Louisa Peter 1839-1842
    -2-1-3 Clarence Samuel Peter 1840-1853
    -2-1-4 Henry William Peter 1841-1887 m Mary Maurer 1840-?
    -2-1-5 Rebecca Susanna Peter 1842-1898 m Alexander Walter ?-?
    -2-1-6 Frederick Israel Peter 1844-1845
    -2-1-7 Benjamin Franklin Peter 1846-1889 m Sarah Ellen Stocker 1847-?
    -2-1-8 Sylvester Peter 1851-1854
    -2-1-9 Alice Cornelia Peter 1852-1932 m George Franklin Stocker 1854-?
    -2-3-1 Elizabeth Louisa Matilda Winsch 1833-1891 m Aquila Oliver Miksch 1827-1910
    -2-3-2 Lewis Simeon Winsch 1835-1923 m Lewis (Mary) Ann Blickensderfer 1839-1876
    -2-3-3 Sarah W. Winsch 1836-1917 m Henry Minsch 1833-?
    -2-3-4 Marianne Winsch 1838-1916
    -2-3-5 Annie Winsch 1840-1876
    -2-5-1 Julia Caroline Peter 1844-? m Solomon Stocker 1839-?
    -2-5-2 David Peter 1845-1856
    -2-5-3 Amadeus Peter 1846-1923 m Elizabeth A. Black 1843-?
    -2-5-4 Oliver Louis Peter 1848-1922 m Sarah Crouch 1849-?
    -2-5-5 Cornelia Peter 1851-1875 m Albert L. Howell 1846-?
    -2-5-6 Franklin Peter 1853-1909 + Ellen Ginther ?-?
    -2-5-7 James Henry Peter 1855-?
    -2-5-8 Maria Louise Peter 1856-1887 m George Stephenson ?-?
    -2-5-9 Emma Rebecca Peter 1858-1895
    -2-5-10 Mary Augusta Peter 1860-1954 m John Neiderhauser 1855-?
    -2-5-11 Anna Sophia Peter 1863-? m Lovine Miksch ?-?
    -2-8-1 Emma L. Peter 1841-1841
    -2-8-2 Emily Susanna Peter 1842-? m James Haman ?-?
    -2-8-3 Simon Peter 1844-? m Alice R. ___ 1853-?
    -2-8-4 William Oliver Peter 1847-?
    -2-8-5 Adaline Peter 1849-? m J.F. Augustus Schultze ?-?
    -2-8-6 Sarah Peter 1852-1895
    -2-8-7 Joseph Peter 1853-? m Laura Smith ?-?
    -2-8-8 Mary Ann Peter 1856-1929 m Joseph Hamilton 1855-?
    -2-8-9 Jesse Peter 1858-? m Elizabeth Smith ?-?
    -2-8-10 Clarissa Peter 1859-? m Milton Belt ?-?
    -2-8-11 Naomi Peter 1861-? m Russell Bishop ?-?
    -2-8-12 Louisa Peter 1819-1914 m1 1842 Jesse Winsch 1811-1842 m2 1850 John Eggenberg 1821-1866
    -2-8-13 Sarah L. Eggengerg 1853-? m William McConnell ?-?
    -2-8-14 Horace W. Eggenberg 1855-? m 1879 Cynthia A. Snyder 1860-?
    -2-8-15 Anna Eggenberg 1859-? m William McConnell ?-?
    -2-8-16 Emily Eggenberg 1860-1918 m Sam K. Mardis ?-?
    -3-2-1 Sarah L. Christ 1833-?
    -3-2-2 Charles R. Christ 1840-?
    -3-2-3 Frances E. Christ 1842-?
    -3-2-4 Amos H. Christ 1846-?
    -3-2-5 William A. Christ 1847-?
    -3-2-6 Ellen E. Christ 1849-?
    -3-5-1 Israel Christ 1828-?
    -3-6-1 Minerva Ann Hossler 1842-?
    -3-6-2 Sarah Ann Augusta Hossler 1844-?
    -3-6-3 Mary Jane Hosler 1846-?
    -3-6-4 Aquila Winfield Hossler 1849-?
    -4-1-1 Theophilies Walter Miksch 1836-1836
    -4-2-1 Sarah Ann Volger 1834-1901 m William Coats ?-?
    -4-2-2 Lawrence Ebenezer Volger 1836-1897 m Lydia Blickensdefer ?-?
    -4-2-3 Augustus William Volger 1839-1843
    -4-2-4 Susan Volger 1845-1908 m Alexander McGuffin ?-?
    -4-2-5 Alice Sophia Volger 1846-1937 m Ross McColl ?-?
    -4-2-6 Infant 1848-1848
    -4-2-7 John Christian Volger 1849-1849
    -4-2-8 Anson Smith Volger 1850-1933 m Eliza Jane Teskey ?-?
    -4-2-9 Charles Frederick Volger 1852-1865
    -4-2-10 Louise Volger 1855-1901
    -4-2-11 Richard Francis Miksch 1816-1875 m1 1845 Cecelia Henrietta Clewell ?-1864 m2 1869 Caroline Krieder ?-?
    -4-3-1 Rufus Justinius Miksch 1843-1843
    -4-3-2 Cornelia Eleanora Miksch 1846-1850
    -4-3-3 Mary J. Miksch 1848-?
    -4-3-4 Alonzo Miksch 1852-? m Lillian ___ 1857-?
    -4-3-5 Clara Miksch 1854-?
    -4-3-6 Hayd Miksch 1858-?
    -4-3-7 Florence Matilda Miksch 1865-1880
    -4-4-1 Jerome A. Miksch 1851-? m Susan ___ 1855-?
    -4-4-2 Riley Miksch 1854-?
    -4-4-3 Lovena Miksch 1857-?
    -4-5-1 Otto Lafalette Miksch 1855-? m 1887 Mary Alice Gilchrist ?-?
    -4-5-2 Edgar E. Miksch 1857-1931 m 1879 Ruffina Jane Reagle ?-?
    -4-5-3 Oliver A. Miksch 1863-1892 m Ella Cahoon ?-?
    -4-5-4 George F. Miksch 1866-1933 m 1889 Bertha L. Schamacker ?-?
    -4-5-5 Charles A. Miksch 1868-1950 m Jennie May Bennett ?-?
    -4-6-1 Alice Keller 1854-? m John Barclay Wallace 1849-?
    -4-6-2 Morris M. Keller 1855-? m Emma A. Knaus 1863-?
    -4-6-3 Otilla C. Keller 1857-? m Henry Romiger ?-?
    -4-6-4 Ida L. Keller 1859-? m 1880 Patrick W. Read 1855-?
    -4-6-5 Sarah Keller 1862-?
    -4-7-1 Allen Augusta Miksch 1854-1912 m 1879 Fannie C. Rehmel 1851-1936
    Fr9-12-2 Henry Christian Leinbach 1739-1792
    m 1782 Anna Rosina Paus 1754-1828.
    Fr9-12-3 Jacob Leinbach 1740 d 1826 Greene Co TN
    m 1766 Susanna Margaretta Nein 1747-?
    -1 Daniel Linebach 1767-1842 m 1790 Rebecca Bowman 1770-1842 .
    -2 Elizabeth Leinbach 1771-? m Jacob Heafly ?-? .
    -3 John Leinbach 1774-1834 m 1798 Elizabeth Reesor 1773-1830.
    -4 Johann Jacob Linebaugh 1774-1853 m 1798 Barbara Crook ?-? .
    -5 Frederick Linebaugh ?-? m 1802 Jenny Templeton ?-?
    -6 Christian Linebaugh 1778-1805 m 1800 Jane Winders ?-? .
    -7 Catherine Linebaugh 1780-? m 1799 Jacob Coffman 1760-1840 .
    -8 Mary Linebaugh 1785-? m 1804 David Keller 1777-1854
    -9 Rosannah Linebaugh 1785-? m 1805 Benjamin Keller 1764-1842
    -1-1 Elizabeth Linebach 1798-? m 1820 Thomas Bowman 1806-1863 .

    -1-2 Susanna Lineback 1800-1858 m1 1841 John Green 1799-? m 1847 Isaac Pearson

    -1-3 Catherine Linebaugh 1803-1873 m 1822 John Shanks 1801-1878

    -1-4 Rebecca Janet Linebaugh 1804-?

    -1-5 Jacob Linebaugh 1805-1839 m 1828 Lucinda McGlimery

    -1-6 Barsheba Linebaugh 1808-1855 m 1838 Caswell Carter 1804-1847

    -1-7 Rachel Linebaugh 1812-? m 1845 George W. Staggs

    -1-8 Lydia Linebaugh 1816-? m 1841 Joseph Bowman 1812-?

    -1-9 Mary Polly Linbaugh 1818-1854

    -2-1 Frederick Heafley

    -2-2 George Heafley ?-? mJoanna Richards

    -2-3 Rosanna Heafley ?-? m John Ellis

    -3-1 Jacob Linebaugh 1799-1862 m 1821 Barbara Jane Carter 1806-?

    -3-2 John Linebaugh 1801-1863 m1 Sarah Tucker 1800-? m2 1835 Elizabeth McKinney 1807-1855

    -3-3 Magdalena Linebaugh 1802-1879 m 1826 Jacob Riley Keller 1798-1870

    -3-4 Elizabeth Linebaugh 1804-1883 m 1823 Jacob H. Bowman 1802-1863

    -3-5 Mary Jane Linebaugh 1806-1889 m 1835 John Krout 1793-1874

    -3-6 Christley Linebaugh 1807-1855 m1 1831 Peggy Simpson ?-? m2 1838 Margaret Rickey 1813-?

    -3-7 Robert Linebaugh 1809-? m Sarah ___ 1813-1849

    -3-8 Catharine Linebaugh 1811-? m 1833 Daniel Linebaugh 1801-?

    -4-1 Samuel Linebaugh 1800-? m Nancy ___ 1803-?

    -4-2 Daniel Linebaugh 1801-? m1 1819 Nancy McCullon ?-1832 + 1ch m2 1833 Catherine Linebaugh 1811-?

    -4-3 Jacob Linebaugh 1803-1850 m 1823 Sarah Tripeny Hawkins ?-?

    -4-4 Mary Linebaugh 1804-1850 m Samuel McNeese 1804-1881

    -4-5 Catharine Linebaugh ?-? m 1827 Samuel S. Hawkins 1799-1889

    -4-6 Elizabeth Linebaugh 1809-? m 1829 Humphrey Malone 1809-?

    -4-7 Susanne Linebaugh 1809-1879 m1 1829 Enoch Bake Morelock 1811-1847 m2 1851 Price Steward ?-?

    -4-8 Barbara Linebaugh 1810-? m Stephen Rhea 1810-?

    -4-9 Sarah Linebaugh 1818-? m 1833 David Morelock 1812-?

    -4-10 Henry Linebaugh 1817-1887 m 1835 Nancy Carter 1816-1894 + 10 ch m2 1819 Christina Crook 1790-?

    -4-11 Malinda Linebaugh 1820-? m 1846 David Everhart ?-?

    -4-12 Christiana Linebaugh 1823-? m 1854 William Jones ?-?

    -4-13 Elihu Linebaugh 1825-1886 m 1848 Jane Carter 1824-1876

    -4-14 Rachel Linebaugh ?-? m 1841 Landon Holder

    -7-1 Jacob Coffman 1799-? m Catharine Lane ?-?

    -7-2 David Coffman 1800-1880 m Polly Sutherland 1804-?

    -7-3 Mary Coffman 1800-? m David Young 1799-?

    -7-4 Susan Coffman ?-? m Joel Green ?-?

    -7-5 Mary Elizabeth Coffman 1797-1844 m 1817 Jordon Rousey 1798-1863

    -7-6 John Coffman 1812-? m Nancy Ellis ?-?

    -1-1-1 Jacob Bowman 1822-?
    -1-1-2 Daniel Bowman 1826-?
    -1-1-3 Richard Bowman 1827-1900
    -1-1-4 Joseph Bowman 1832-?
    -1-2-1 Mary Green ?-?
    -1-2-2 Lucretia Green ?-?
    -1-2-3 Joseph Green ?-?
    -1-2-4 Benjamin Green ?-?
    -1-2-5 George Pearson 1849-?
    -1-3-1 James Shanks 1825-? m Rachel Blacketer ?-?
    -1-3-2 Frederick Shanks 1827-1907 m1 1851 Sarah Robbins 1824-? m2 Elizabeth Ward 1844-?
    -1-3-3 Andrew Shanks 1830-? m Celia Drullinger 1840-?
    -1-3-4 Lydia Shanks 1832-? m Michael Poole ?-?
    -1-3-5 Polly Shanks 1834-? m Samuel Ward ?-?
    -1-3-6 Elisha Shanks 1838-?
    -1-3-7 William W. Shanks 1840-? m Margaret J. Thompson ?-?
    -1-3-8 Moses Shanks 1842-1913 m1 Barbara Bettice ?-? m2 Amy Plake 1843-?
    -1-3-9 Nancy Shanks 1844-? m Robert E. Hadden ?-?
    -1-3-10 Elizabeth Shanks 1844-?
    -1-3-11 John Shanks 1846-? m Nancy ___ ?-?
    -1-5-1 Frederick Linebaugh 1829-?
    -1-5-2 Rev. Daniel H. Linebaugh 1831-1901 m 1857 Margaret L. Sweets 1837-1902
    -1-6-1 Mahala (Hile) Carter 1841-? m Isaac Tipton Green 1828-1863
    -1-6-2 Martin Carter 1843-?
    -1-6-3 Daniel W. Carter 1838-? m Margaret ___ 1836-?
    -1-6-4 Rebecca Carter 1848-?
    -1-7-1 Dorcus Staggs ?-?
    -1-8-1 Jonathan Jackson Bowman 1847-?
    -1-8-2 Elizabeth I. Bowman 1849-?
    -3-1-1 Sarah Jane Linebaugh 1828-1868 m Jamie Robinson ?-?
    -3-1-2 Henry Reuben Linebaugh 1829-1907 m Sarah Templeton 1836-?
    -3-1-3 Mary Elizabeth Linebaugh 1831-? m William Templeton ?-?
    -3-1-4 Phillip M. Linebaugh 1845-?
    -3-2-1 John Linebaugh 1824-1891 m1 Catharine Fruits ?-? m2 Cara B Taylor 1845-?
    -3-2-2Jacob Linebaugh 1828-1910 m 1853 Mary A. Grey 1834-1922
    -3-2-3 Abraham Linebaugh 1830-1915 m1 1852 Mary Ann Fruits 1834-? m2 1882 Olive Millegan ?-? m31883 Mary (William) Menefee Dyer
    -3-2-4 Joseph Linebaugh 1834-1887 m 1854 Elizabeth Lee 1835-1886
    -3-2-5 Samuel Linebaugh 1835-1911 m Elizabeth Ferguson 1841-?
    -3-2-6 Nancy Linebaugh 1838-? m Moses Davis ?-?
    -3-2-7 Catharine Linebaugh 1841-?
    -3-2-8 James Linebaugh 1843-? m Mary Ann Mathews ?-?
    -3-2-9 David R. Linebaugh 1847-1931 m1 Emily M. Cook 1855-? m2 Alice G. Chestham ?-?
    -3-2-10 Barbara Linebaugh 1847-? m Samuel Fruits ?-?
    -3-2-11 Isaiah Linebaugh 1851-1919 m1 Mary Magdalena Hostetler 1859-? m2 Lucinda Noch 1820-?
    -3-3-1 Elizabeth Jane Keller 1828-1922 m 1855 David Bowman 1836-1890
    -3-3-2 George Kerner Keller 1828-1864 m 1853 Deborah Smith 1830-1866
    -3-3-3 Henry W. Keller 1831-? m1 Catherine Bowman ?-? m2 Margaret Ann Myers ?-?
    -3-3-4 Samuel Henderson Keller 1833-? m1 Catharine Clodfelter 1834-? m2 Susan Shiler ?-?
    -3-3-5 Sarah Jane Keller 1838-? m Francis M. Ross ?-?
    -3-3-6 Jack Riley Keller 1839-? m Margaret Parkes 1837-?
    -3-3-7 Abraham M. Keller 1841-?
    -3-3-8 Barbara Keller 1843-? m David Pearson ?-?
    -3-4-1 John Bowman 1825-1898 m 1873 Lucinda Hallett 1829-1896
    -3-4-2 Samuel Bowman 1827-1863 m1851 Margaret Bruner 1831-?
    -3-4-3 Elizabeth Bowman 1829-1909 m 1850 John Newkirk 1828-1916
    -3-4-4 Barbara Bowman 1834-1890 m1858 John Gray 1833-1901
    -3-4-5 David Bowman 1836-1890 m 1855 Elizabeth Jane Keller 1828-1922
    -3-4-6 Dennis Bowman 1837-1906 m1 1857 Isabel Wert 1838-1873 m2 1874 Laura Wilkinson 1849-1925
    -3-4-7 Joseph Bowman 1839-1902 m 1864 Elizabeth A. Hybarger 1842-1913
    -3-4-8 Rebecca Bowman 1842-1901 m Mathew Sowers ?-?
    -3-5-1 Jacob Krout 1836-1895
    -3-5-2 Henry Krout 1838-1895 m 1861 Malinda Fine 1835-1913
    -3-5-3 Susanna Krout 1839-1908 m 1861 Peter Myers 1834-1923
    -3-5-4 Catherine Krout 1841-1915 m 1861 Jacob B. Fine 1841-1914
    -3-5-5 Simeon Krout 1843-? m Jane Livengood ?-?
    -3-5-6 Clarissa Krout 1846-1917
    -3-5-7 Sarah Krout 1847-1872
    -3-5-8 Mary M. Krout 1849-1910 m 1878 Hiram A. Roberts 1850-1940
    -3-5-9 Sebrekranis Krout 1850-?
    -3-6-1 John Linebaugh 1832-? m1 1856 Mary Mathews ?-? m2 Lucinda Wallace ?-?
    -3-6-2 Havey Linebaugh 1836-1915 m 1860 Hannah Cumming 1834-?
    -3-6-3 Elizabeth Linebaugh 1839-? m Levi/William Solomon ?-?
    -3-6-4 Mary L. Linebaugh 1841-?
    -3-6-5 Jacob Linebaugh 1842-1900 m 1868 Sarah Emaline Low 1849-1932-?
    -3-6-6 Isaac Linebaugh 1843-1934 m1 1867 Nancy Lake 1851-1889 m2 Parthenia Winters 1860-1948
    -3-6-7 James P. Linebaugh 1845-? m1 Stacy Cup ?-? m2 Mary Elizabeth Jackson Gideon
    -3-6-8 Polly A. Linebaugh 1847-?
    -3-6-9 George Linebaugh 1849-?
    -3-6-10 Nancy Linebaugh ?-?
    -3-6-11 Joseph Linebaugh 1852-1918 m Martha L. Lord (Prichard) 1845-?
    -3-6-12 Richard Francis Linebaugh 1855-1945 m Alice Ann Mossbarger
    -3-7-1 Henry Linebaugh 1834-? m Nancy Clawson 1837-?
    -3-8-1 Elizabeth Linebaugh 1834-? m Abraham Keller ?-?
    -3-8-2 Mary Linebaugh 1836-? m William Bradley ?-?
    -3-8-3 Daniel Linebaugh 1837-?
    -3-8-4 Barbara Linebaugh 1839-? m Jasper Bailey 1838-?
    -3-8-5 Susan Linebaugh 1839-1923 m 1859 John Malone 1834-1904
    -3-8-6 Jacob Linebaugh 1841-? m1 Rebecca Malone 1840-? m2 Nancy Malone
    -3-8-7 Samuel Linebaugh 1844-? m Catharine M. Malone 1866-?
    -3-8-8 Henry Linebaugh 1846-? m Martha ___ 1857-?
    -3-8-9 Christopher Linebaugh 1851-? m Sarah L. ___ 1857-?
    -3-8-10 James Linebaugh 1853-? m Rebecca ___ 1857-?
    -3-8-11 Jane Linebaugh 1856-?
    -4-1-1 Rev. Joshua Linebaugh 1840-1922 m1 1857 Susan Weems 1837-1900 m2 1901 Francis M Davidson 1854-?
    -4-1-2 Jacob Linebaugh 1841-?
    -4-1-3 Samuel Linebaugh 1844-? m1 1868 Eliza Jeffers ?-? m2 1874 Sarah J. x
    -4-1-4 Jacob Linebaugh 1846-? m 1877 Nancy x
    -4-1-5 Charles Linebaugh 1852-? m 1876 Nancy x
    -4-2-1 John Linebaugh 1831-? m Jane Ann Malone 1829-?
    -4-2-2 Elizabeth Linebaugh ?-?
    -4-3-1 James Linebaugh 1824-? m 1842 Clarissa Harding 1826-?
    -4-3-2 Mary Linebaugh 1825-? m 1841 Allen Williams 1821-1852
    -4-4-1 Elihu McNeese 1828-1900 m 1851 Ary Emiline Hays 1830-?
    -4-4-2 Eliza Jane McNeese 1830-1900 m 1855 William Holland 1833-1880
    -4-4-3 Henry McNeese 1831-1881 m 1856 Mary E. Frazier 1833-1900
    -4-4-4 Sarah McNeese 1833-?
    -4-4-5 Jacob McNeese 1836-1837
    -4-5-1 Harry Hawkins 1828-?
    -4-5-2 Rachel Hawkins 1832-1898
    -4-5-3 Sarah Hawkins 1833-?
    -4-5-4 James Hawkins 1835-?
    -4-5-5 Jane Hawkins 1837-?
    -4-5-6 Jacob Hawkins 1839-?
    -4-6-1 Elbert Maline 1830-?
    -4-6-2 William Malone 1832-?
    -4-6-3 John Malone 1834-1904 m 1859 Susan Linebaugh 1839-1923
    -4-6-4 Mary Malone 1836-?
    -4-6-5 Jacob Malone 1836-?
    -4-6-6 Nancy Malone 1840-?
    -4-6-7 James R. Malone 1844-?
    -4-6-8 Elizabeth Malone 1847-?
    -4-7-1 Polly Ann Morelock 1830-1881 m Robert Williams 1819-?
    -4-7-2 George W. Morelock 1832-1856 m 1856 Nancy Ann Hill 1838-?
    -4-7-3 Jacob McKindrey Morelock 1835-1876 m 1856 Eliza J. Beshers 1840-1906
    -4-7-4 James Morelock 1840-?
    -4-7-5 Edward Benton Morelock 1845-1922 m 1864 Rebecca J. Harris 1847-1924
    -4-8-1 James Rhea 1832-?
    -4-8-2 Harriet Rhea 1836-? m G.W. Springer ?-?
    -4-8-3 Eliza Rhea 1839-?
    -4-8-4 Malinda Rhea 1842-?
    -4-8-5 David Rhea 1843-? m Mary J. Harding ?-?
    -4-8-6 Mary Rhea 1844-?
    -4-8-7 Samuel Rhea 1847-?
    -4-8-8 Stephen Rhea 1849-?
    -4-9-1 Christina Morelock 1833-?
    -4-9-2 Catharine Morelock 1836-?
    -4-9-3 Felix Morelock 1837-?
    -4-9-4 Pollyana Morelock 1840-?
    -4-9-5 Augustus Morelock 1843-?
    -4-9-6 Benton F. Morelock 1845-?
    -4-10-1 William Henderson Linebaugh 1836-1905 m Catherine Henshaw
    -4-10-2 Martha Linebaugh 1838-? m Robert Sailer ?-?
    -4-10-3 Porter Linebaugh 1840-?
    -4-10-4 Samuel P. Linebaugh 1846-1910 mHilda ___ ?-?
    -4-13-1 William H. Linebaugh 1849-1911 m Rebecca Baxter 1856-?
    -4-13-2 Melissa J. Linebaugh 1851-? m John Elijah Gass 1848-?
    -4-13-3 Embison S. Linebaugh 1855-?
    -4-13-4 Nelson A. Linebaugh 1857-?
    -4-13-5 Sarah Emily Linebaugh 1859-? m F. Marion Bernard ?-?
    -4-14-1 Eli H. Holder 1842-?
    -4-14-2 Sarah J. Holder 1844-?
    -4-14-3 James M. Holder 1846-?
    -4-14-4 Eliza A. Holder 1848-?
    -7-1-1 Jacob Coffman 1828-? m Palena A. ___ 1834-?
    -7-1-2 Rachel Coffman 1829-?
    -7-1-3 John Coffman 1830-?
    -7-1-4 Katherine Coffman 1832-?
    -7-1-5 Nicholas Coffman 1839-?
    -7-1-6 David Coffman 1841-?
    -7-2-1 Nancy Coffman 1825-?
    -7-2-2 Katherine Coffman 1827-?
    -7-2-3 George Coffman 1830-?
    -7-2-4 Richard Coffman 1834-1909 m1 1858 Artimace Godby m2 1865 Martha Simpson
    -7-2-5 John Coffman 1835-?
    -7-2-6 Elizabeth Coffman 1837-?
    -7-2-7 Adam Coffman 1838-?
    -7-2-8 William Coffman 1843-?
    -7-3-1 George W. Young 1823-? m1 Eliza Jane Gabhart m2 Sarah E. Mills
    -7-3-2 Ellender Young 1831-?
    -7-3-3 Matilda Young 1834-?
    -7-3-4 David Young 1836-?
    -7-3-5 Sarah Young 1838-?
    -7-3-6 Samuel C. Young 1840-? m Susan J. ___ 1843-?
    -7-3-7 Benjamin Young 1842-?
    -7-5-1 Micahah Rousey 1837-1894
    -7-5-2 Wesley Rousey 1837-1916
    -7-5-3 Delila Rousey 1839-?
    -7-5-4 Smith Rousey 1841-1868 m 1864 Eliza Haley ?-?
    -7-5-5 Jordon Rousey 1843-1919 m1 Ellen Goode ?-? m2 1866 Elizabeth Pendergraft 1850-?
    -7-5-6 Camlin Rousey 1845-?
    -7-6-1 Malinda Coffman 1842-?
    -7-6-2 Sarah Coffman 1845-?
    -7-6-3 Lucinda Coffman 1847-?
    -7-6-4 Patsy Coffman 1850-?
    Fr9-12-4 Benjamin Leinbach 1741-1823
    m 1766 Margaret Nuss 1746-1825
    -1 Catherine Leinbach 1766-1846 m 1788 John Bush ?-? .
    -2 Annie Elizabeth Leinbach 1768-1854 m 1788 Daniel Schulz 1769-1831
    -3 Mary Leinbach 1770-1811 m 1800 John Kerchner ?-? .
    -4 Daniel Leinbach 1779-1846 .
    -5 Margaret Leinbach 1781-1863 m 1804 Henry Spangler 1778-1821
    -6 Salome Leinbach 1784-1786 .
    -7 Lydia Leinbach 1789-?.
    -4-1-1 Sarah Bush 1790-? m Jacob Ege/Agge ?-?
    -1-2 Susanna Bush 1791-?
    -1-3 John Bush 1797-?
    -1-4 William Bush 1799-?
    -1-5 Benjamin Bush ?-?
    -1-6 Veronica �Fanny� Bush 1802-? m Jacob Ship
    -1-7 George Bush ?-?
    -1-8 Lydia Bush ?-? m ___ Kehler ?-?
    -2-1 Hannah Schulze 1791-?
    -2-2 Margaret Schulze 1793-?
    -2-3 Daniel Schulz 1797-?
    -3-1 Peter L. Kershner 1800-1848 m Susanna Body ?-1840
    -3-2 Daniel Kershner 1802-1807
    -3-3 John Kershner 1803-1805
    -3-4 Margaret Kershner 1804-?
    -3-4 Benjamin L. Kershner 1806-1878 m Elizabeth Fisher 1801-1874
    -3-5 Louisa Kershner ?-? m Jacob Dieter ?-?
    -5-1 Augustine Spangler 1805-1877 m Sarah ___ ?-?
    -5-2 Benjamin Spangler 1806-?
    -5-3 John Spangler 1807-?
    -5-4 Henrietta Spangler 1812-1896 m 1832 Michael Kitzmiller 1811-1895
    -5-5 Perry Spangler ?-? m Harriet Groff ?-?
    -5-6 William Spangler 1820-1880 m Caroline Borstler 1822-1904

    -3-1-1 Peter Kershner ?-?
    -3-1-2 Matilda Kershner ?-?
    -3-1-3 Wallington Kershner ?-?
    -3-1-4 Ellen Kershner ?-?
    -5-4-1 Clara Kitzmiller 1834-1918
    -5-4-2 Emma Kitzmiller 1834-1919
    -5-4-3 Camedor Kitzmiller 1836-1836
    -5-4-4 Margretta Kitzmiller 1837-1837
    -5-4-5 Catherine Virginia Kitzmiller 1839-1918
    -5-4-6 Henrietta Eberline Kitzmiller 1843-1924
    -5-4-7 Frances Almeta Kitzmiller 1848-1939
    -5-4-8 Daniel Linebach Kitzmiller 1850-1919
    -5-6-1 James Spangler 1844-? m Caroline ___ 1850-?
    -5-6-2 Albert Spangler 1854-?
    -5-6-3 Larra Spangler 1858-?
    -5-6-4 Charles Spangler 1859-?
    -5-6-5 Edward Spangler 1861-?
    -5-6-6 Agnes Spangler 1867-?
    Fr9-12-5 Elizabeth Leinbach 1743-1820 m 1790 Jeremiah Dencke 1725-1795 .
    Fr9-12-6 Nancy Ann Leinbach 1745-1797 m 1769 Enoch Frey 1745-1810 -1 Elizabeth Frey 1775-1845 m 1796 Abraham Maugans 1774-1833 . -1-1 Mary Magdalena Maugans 1814-1884 m John Hause 1809-1886
    Fr9-12-7 Johanna Leinbach 1746-? m 1768 Jacob Protzman 1745-1823 -1 Elizabeth Protzman 1769-1836 m Peter Recher 1763-1833 .
    -2 John Jacob Protzman 1771-? m Anna Marie Marks 1778-? .
    -3 Ann Rosina Protzman 1772-1852 m John Racher ?-1803 .
    -4 John Frederick Protzman 1774-? .
    -5 Catherine Protzman 1776-1855 m 1803 Christian Hall 1775-1848
    -6 Anna Maria Protzman 1778-? m Jacob Winsch
    -7 Joanna Protzman 1780-? m 1802 John Jacob Klein 1780-1858
    -8 Anna Margaret Protzman 1782-1784 .
    -9 John Christian Protzman 1785-? m Elizabeth x
    -10 Maria Barbara Protzman 1785-? m 1815 Jacob Stottlemeyer
    -11 Daniel Protzman 1787-1790
    -12 John Protzman 1790-1790
    -7-1-1 Jacob Recher ?-?
    -1-2 John Recher 1796-1838 m 1823 Elizabeth Stoever ?-?
    -1-3 Peter Recher 1800-? m 1826 Elizabeth Miller 1806-?
    -1-4 Daniel Recher 1803-1866 m 1832 Magdalen Apple 1810-1898
    -1-5 Joseph Recher 1801-1886 m 1832 Mary Catherine Stoever 1804-?
    -1-6 Frederick Recher ?-?
    -1-7 Elias Recher ?-? m 1831 Elizabeth Anspach ?-?
    -1-8 Lewis Recher ?-? m 1839 Nancy Whitmore ?-?
    -1-9 Mary Recher ?-? m 1822 David Winters ?-?
    -2-1 Jacob Protzman 1795-?
    -2-2 Elizabeth Protzman 1797-?
    -2-3 Samuel Protzman 1799-?
    -2-4 Sara Protzman 1801-?
    -3-1 Jonathan Raecher 1797-1858 m 1824 Susan Elizabeth Hemp 1797-1881
    -3-2 Joanna Racher 1798-1895 m Daniel Stottlemyer 1796-1874
    -3-3 Catherine Raecher ?-?
    -3-4 Frederick Raecher 1801-1865 m 1834 Lavina Hoover 1817-?
    -3-5 John Raecher 1803-1887 m 1828 Ann Martin 1808-1881
    -3-6 Rosanna Raecher ?-? m Daniel Biser ?-?
    -5-1 Augustus Hall 1804-1878 m 1833 Leah Withers 1801-1880
    -5-2 Henry William Hall 1809-1868
    -5-3 Joseph Hall 1812-1812
    -5-4 Ida Cecelia Hall 1815-1884
    -5-5 Mary Elizabeth Hall 1818-1878
    -7-1 Catherine Kline 1803-1878 m Jacob S. Sensenbaugh 1799-1891
    -7-2 John Jacob Kline 1804-1877 m 1830 Mary Farsht 1812-1896
    -7-3 Joshua David Kline 1806-1898 m Charlotte Warrenfeltz 1820-1884
    -7-4 Christian Kline ?-? m Magdalena Smith ?-?
    -7-5 Rosanna Kline 1812-1843 m 1833 Frederick Warrenfeltz ?-?
    -7-6 Daniel E. Kline 1814-1894 m 1832 Elizabeth Warrenfeltz 1814-1884
    -7-7 Frederick Kline 1816-? m Mrs. Magdalena Smith Kline ?-?
    -7-8 Margaret Kline 1818-?
    -7-9 Mary Susanna Kline 1824-? m Samuel W. Forrest 1816-1872
    -9-1 John Protzman 1813-?
    -9-2 Anna Catherine Protzman 1819-?
    -9-3 Daniel Protzman 1821-?

    -1-3-1 David Recher ?-?
    -1-5-1 Henry Recher 1835-? m Nancy ___ 1836-?
    -1-5-2 George Recher 1837-? m Elizabeth ___ 1837-?
    -1-5-3 Catherine 1842-?
    -3-1-1 Ann Marie Raecher 1823-1896 m Henry C. Smith 1819-1900
    -3-1-2 Jonathan Stottlemyer ?-?
    -3-1-3 Joseph Stottlemyer 1823-?
    -3-1-4 Rosanna Stottlemyer 1827-1911 m 1851 Daniel Biser 1828-1899
    -3-1-5 Elias R. Stottlemyer 1828-?
    -3-1-6 Frederick Stottlemyer 1830-?
    -3-1-7 Leah A. Stottlemyer 1832-1875 m 1852 Silas Burhman 1828-1892
    -3-1-8 Lydia A. Stottlemyer 1833-1905 m 1854 William Hauver 1830-1889
    -3-1-9 Mary E. Stottlemyer 1836-1887 m William W. Troxell ?-?
    -3-1-10 Margaret A.R. Stottlemyer ?-? m Lawson Palmer ?-?
    -3-1-11 Henry F.C. Stottlemyer 1842-? m Martha E. Brown ?-?
    -3-4-1 Rosanna Raecher ?-?
    -3-4-2 Mary E. Raecher ?-?
    -3-4-3 Frederick M. Raecher ?-?
    -3-4-4 Annie L. Raecher ?-?
    -3-4-5 Catherine C. Raecher ?-?
    -3-4-6 Joanna M. Raecher 1850-?
    -3-4-7 Sarah H. Raecher 1851-?
    -3-4-8 John C. Raecher ?-?
    -3-4-9 Margaret R. Raecher ?-?
    -3-4-10 Clara M. Raecher 1858-?
    -7-1-1 Liddia Sensenbaugh 1848-?
    -7-2-1 George H. Kline 1834-?
    -7-2-2 Ann R. Kline 1841-1861
    -7-2-3 Michael Kline 1849-1919 m Mary C. ___ 1849-1934
    -7-2-4 Amy Kline 1849-1883
    -7-3-1 Zeph Kline 1837-? m Nancy ___ 1844-?
    -7-3-2 Daniel Kline 1842-1853
    -7-3-2 Juliann Kline 1848-?
    -7-3-3 George Kline 1847-1916 m Laura ___ 1855-1896
    -7-3-4 S. Edward Kline 1849-?
    -7-3-5 Joshua Kline 1860-?
    -7-3-6 Clara Kline 1864-?
    -7-9-1 Daniel W. Forrest 1837-1908 m Amanda C. ___ Dubel 1843-1885
    -7-9-2 Infant 1852-?
    -7-9-3 Infant 1853-?
    -7-9-4 Maryella C. Forrest 1856-1884
    -7-9-5 Elmira E. Forrest 1863-?
    -7-9-6 William D. Forrest ?-?
    Fr9-12-8 ____ Leinbach 1747-1747 .
    Fr9-12-9 Joseph Leinbach 1748-1819 m?1 1794 Magdalena Maria Shaw m?2 Barbaara Creager -9-2 Hannah Leinbach 1797-? m 1821 Andrew Babbington ?-? .

    -9-2-1 Joseph Babbington 1827-1889 m 1800 Barbara Creager ?-?

    Fr9-12-10 Maria Leinbach 1750-1783 m ____Stover ?-1826 .
    Fr9-12-11 Magdalena Leinbach 1751-? m 1773 Johannes Weller 1749-1819 -11-1 Johannes Weller 1774-? m 1797 Elizabeth Hay .

    -11-2 Frederick Weller 1775-? m 1797 Elizabeth Smith ?-? .

    -11-3 Henry Weller 1777-? m 1800 Sarah Lewis ?-? .

    -11-4 Christian Weller 1779-1825 m 1807 Elizabeth Rohrer ?-? .

    -11-5 Benjamin Weller 1782-? .

    -11-6 Mathias Weller 1784-? .

    Fr9-12-12 John Leinbach 1753-1818 m Anna Maria Holzapple ?-1839 -1 Samuel Leinbach 1790-1871 .
    -2 John Leinbach 1792-1864 .
    -3 Mary Leinbach 1794-? .
    -4 Daniel Leinbach 1797-1871
    1831 Catherine Bealey 1800-1873.
    -5 Catherine Leinbach 1800-? m 1824 John Beackley 1798-?.
    -6 Susanna Leinbach 1802-1888 m 1830 Conrad Beachley 1804-1875
    Benjamin Leinbach 1804-1877 m 1838 Mary Grossnickle 1813-1889
    -8 Jonathan Leinbach 1807-1864 m 1835 Catharine Shanks 1813-1871.
    -9 Elizabeth Leinbach 1810-?.

    -4-1 Susanna Linebaugh 1820-1900 m Ezra C. Moser 1817-1891
    -4-2 John H. Linebaugh 1837-1884 m 1863 Sarah Ann Horshman 1839-1917
    -4-3 Ezra Linebaugh 1839-1896 m 1876 Margaret S. Martz 1830-1911
    -5-1 Matilda Beackley ?-?
    -5-2 Daniel Beackley ?-?
    -5-3 Elizabeth Beakley ?-?
    -5-4 Mary Beackley ?-?
    -5-5 Lucinda Beackley ?-?
    -5-6 Sarah Ellen Beackley 1843-1932 m 1871 Franklin L. Bowlus 1844-1918
    -6-1 Joshua Beachley ?-?
    -6-2 John D. Beachley 1834-1917 m Edith Van Fossen 1836-1909
    -6-3 Elizabeth Beachley 1836-1888 m George Smith 1827-1903
    -6-4 Sarah Beachley 1838-1909 m Isiah Doub 1834-1893
    -6-5 Mary Beachley ?-? m Emanuel Grossnickle ?-?
    -6-6 Samuel Beachley 1840-1861
    -6-7 Ezra Beachley 1845-? m S.A. Caroline ___ 1844-?
    -7-1 Susanna C. Linebaugh ?-? m 1861 John Marker ?-1864
    -7-2 Samuel P. Linebaugh 1806-1914 m 1872 Elizabeth C. Linebaugh 1851-1930
    -7-3 Amanda E. Linebaugh 1851-1930 m James Calvin Carter 1843-1931
    -8-1 Sarah Ann Linebaugh 1836-? m 1857 Daniel Beachley ?-?
    -8-2 John Henry Linebaugh 1837-1911 m 1865 Margaret J. Patton 1845-?
    -8-3 Mary Elizabeth Linebaugh 1839-?
    -8-4 Catharine Magdalene Linebaugh 1844-? m1868 Martin Maysilles ?-?
    -8-5 Louise Caroline Linebaugh 1846-? m 1874 Henry Getter ?-?
    -8-6 Charlotte Maria Linebaugh ?-?
    -8-7 Alice America Linebaugh 1853-? m 1875 John Lewis Bechtel 1855-?
    -8-8 Howard Newton Linebaugh 1855-1900 m 1874 Ida Hunter ?-?
    -8-9 Anne Rebecca Linebaugh ?-?
    -8-10 Martha Ellen Linebaugh ?-?

    -4-1-1 Henry Moser ?-? m Emma ___ ?-?
    -4-1-2 Lewis E. Moser 1855-1938 m Mary E. ___ ?-?
    -4-1-3 Infant 1858-1858
    -4-1-4 Samuel E. Moser ?-? m Mary E. ___ ?-?
    -4-1-5 A. William Moser 1860-1925
    -4-1-6 John Thomas Moser ?-?
    -4-1-7 George Washington Moser 1866-?
    -4-1-8 Caroline Moser 1868-?
    -4-1-9 Lydia Virginia Moser 1874-?
    -4-2-1 Nora E. Linebaugh 1878-1878
    -4-2-2 Clara E. Linebaugh 1883-1889
    -4-2-3 Ellen Linebaugh 1864-?
    -4-2-4 Flora Linebaugh 1865-?
    -4-2-5 Charles Linebaugh 1868-?
    -4-2-6 Emma Linebaugh 1869-?
    -4-2-7 Howard Linebaugh 1871-?
    -4-2-8 Cora Linebaugh 1872-?
    -4-2-9 Ira Linebaugh 1874-? m Mary V. ___ 1878-1931
    -4-2-10 Deala Linebaugh ?-?
    -5-6-1 John S. Bowlus 1873-?
    -5-6-2 Catharine C. Bowlus 1876-1947 m Albert C. Beackley 1871-1951
    -5-6-3 Mary C. Bowlus 1878-1958
    -5-6-4 Cora Bowlus ?-?
    -6-3-1 Charles E. Smith 1857-1924 m Mary Susan ___ 1850-1932
    -6-3-2 Samuel Smith 1861-1861
    -6-3-3 Emma F. Smith 1861-1877
    -6-3-4 M. Carlton Smith 1862-?
    -6-3-5 Laura E. Smith 1865-?
    -6-3-6 Anna G. Smith 1867-?
    -6-3-7 Susan R. Smith 1869-?
    -6-3-8 George L. Smith 1870-?
    -6-3-9 John L. Smith 1872-?
    -6-3-10 J. Victor T. Smith 1876-?
    -6-4-1 Jeannie F. Doub 1868-?
    -6-7-1 Annie V. Beachley 1869-?
    -6-7-2 Vernie V. Beachley 1871-?
    -6-7-3 Alvin C. Beachley 1874-?
    -6-7-4 L.S. Victoria Beachley 1876-?
    -6-7-5 Mollie V. Beachley 1877-?
    -6-7-6 Samuel Beachley ?-?
    -6-7-7 Ezra Beachley ?-?
    -7-1-1 Mary C. Marker 1862-?
    -7-2-1 Emma F. Linebaugh 1875-?
    -8-1-1 Charles E. Beachley 1858-?
    -8-1-2 Florence A. Beachley 1864-?
    -8-1-3 T. Franklin Beachley 1867-?
    -8-1-4 William Beachley 1870-?
    -8-1-5 Kate M. Beachley 1872-?
    -8-2-1 Elsie J. Linebaugh 1872-? m ___ Ibach
    -8-2-2 Henry M. Linebaugh 1874-?
    -8-2-3 Daisy E. Linebaugh 1877-? m Frank R. Young
    -8-2-4 Thomas P. Linebaugh 1879
    -8-2-5 Pearl Linebaugh ?-? m J.R. Heiney
    -8-2-6 Catharine Linebaugh ?-? m ___ Beck
    -8-5-1 Cora N. Getter 1874-?
    -8-5-2 Florence C. Getter 1878-?
    -8-5-3 Ida K. Getter 1880-?
    -8-7-1 Esta Jane Bechtel 1876-?
    -8-7-2 Eva Alice Bechtel 1877-?
    -8-8-1 Roy Linebaugh ?-?
    -8-8-2 Lester Linebaugh ?-?
    -8-8-3 Stella Linebaugh ?-?
    -8-8-4 Oma Linebaugh ?-?
    -8-8-5 Ray Linebaugh ?-?
    -8-8-6 William Linebaugh ?-?
    -8-8-7 Charles L. Linebaugh ?-?
    Fr9-12-13 Rosina Leinbach 1755-1787 m 1776 Philip Weller 1754-1830 -1 Catharine Weller 1777-? m 1799 Jacob Young ?-? .
    -2 Mary Weller 1779-? m 1795 John Wisehart ?-? .
    -3 Daughter ?-? .
    -4 Rosina Weller 1783-1850 .
    -5 Conrad Weller 1787-1832 m 1804 Elizabeth Welligan
    Fr9-12-14 Catherine Leinbach 1757-1806 m 1788 Peter Kreider 1754-1836 -1 Samuel Kreider 1790-1868 m 1817 Elizabeth Westhafer 1797-1888.
    -2 Thomas Kreider 1792-1792 .
    -3 Rebecca Kreider 1792-? m ___ Stouffer ?-? .
    -4 Susanna Kreider 1794-1866 m 1815 John Jacob Regennas 1780-1850.
    -5 Daniel Kreider 1799-1868 m1 Mary Louisa Lennert 1798-1836 + 5 ch m2 Anna Maria Meyers ?-1851+ 2 ch m3 1853 Jemima Leinbach 1808-? no ch
    -14-1-1 Matilda Kreider 1821-1869 m 1845 James Henry Miksch 1818-1884
    -1-2 Rosanna Kreider 1832-?
    -1-3 Aaron Kreider 1837-?
    -4-1 Peter Regennas 1816-1816
    -4-2 Rev. John Jacob Regennas 1817-1884 m1 Ann Eliza Peterson ?-? + 1 ch m2 Cornelia Clewell ?-? + 3 ch
    -4-3 Barbara Elizabeth Regennas 1819-1886
    -4-4 William Henry Regennas 1820-1901 m Sophia Magdalena Miller 1823-1897
    -4-5 Susanna Catharine Regennas 1823-1881
    -4-6 Peter Frederick Regennas 1826-? m Anna Elizabeth Demuth ?-?
    -4-7 Mary Ann Regennas 1830-1832
    -4-8 Amelia Louisa Regennas 1833-1874 m John Smith ?-?
    -5-1 Child ?-1850
    -5-2 Caroline Kreider 1823-?
    -5-3 William Eugene Kreider 1827-?
    -5-4 Thomas Daniel Kreider 1830-1830
    -5-5 Angelica Louisa Kreider 1833-1833
    -5-6 Son ?-1850
    -5-7 Ellen Kreider 1839-?
    -1-1-1 Cornelia Elanora Miksch 1846-1850
    -1-1-2 Florence Matilda Miksch 1865-1880
    -4-2-1 Edward J. Regennas 1845-? m Theresa L. Geitner 1846-?
    -4-2-2 Eugene George Regennas 1853-1933 m1 Ella Amelia Sturgis 1857-? m2 Ella Rachel Albright ?-? m3 Mary Adeline Reed ?-?
    -4-2-3 Walter S. Regennas 1855-1878
    -4-2-4 Laura S. Regennas 1857-1857
    -4-4-1 Camilia Enlattia Regennas 1848-1851
    -4-4-2 Mary Ann Regennas 1850-?
    -4-4-3 William Regennas 1852-? m1 Amanda Wike ?-? m2 Mary ___ ?-?
    -4-4-4 Charles Frederick Regennas 1854-? m Martha E. Doerr ?-?
    -4-4-5 Clarence E. Regennas 1866-?
    -4-6-1 Herbert Benjamin Regennas 1856-1862
    -4-6-2 Bertha Regennas 1858-?
    -4-6-3 Ernestina Louisa Regennas 1859-1863
    -4-6-4 William Demuth Regennas 1860-?
    -4-6-5 Paul F.Regennas 1862-?
    -4-6-6 Hermina C. Regennas 1864-?
    -4-6-7 Edmund Peterson Regennas 1866-? m Mary Keller ?-?
    -4-6-8 Mary Ann Regennas 1868-?
    Fr9-12-15 Frederick Leinbach 1760-? .
    Fr9-12-16 Daniel Leinbach 1760-1826 m Margaretha Weller 1760-1825 -16-1 Maria Linebaugh 1781-1815 m 1808 Jacob Rizer ?-1859
    -2 Catharine Linebaugh 1783-1857 m 1810 Mathias Rizer 1783-1838 .
    -3 Benjamin E. Linebaugh 1785-1845 m Francisca Elisabeth Gaines
    -4 Thomas Leinbach 1787-1856 m1 1812 Catharine Henry ?-? + 3 ch m2 1818 Ann B. Owings 1800-1871 + 3 ch.
    -5 Samuel William Leinbach 1789-1835 m1809 Nancy Caldwell
    -6 Susanna Elizabeth Linebaugh ?-? m 1810 Jonathan Simpson
    -7 Joseph Linebaugh ?-? m ___ ?-?
    -9 Lydia/Nancy Linebaugh ?-? m Lewis Harold ?-?
    -10 William Linebaugh 1806-? m Lavina ___ ?-?
    -16-1-1 Daniel Rizer ?-?
    -1-2 Eliza Ann Rizer ?-?
    -2-1 Elizabeth Rizer 1812-? m James M. Perry 1817-?
    -2-2 John C. Rizer 1815-?
    -2-3 James Rizer ?-?
    -3-1 Sarah Ellen Linebaugh 1842-1859
    -3-2 Laura Linebaugh 1844-1913 m 1866 Lucius Bradish Nash ?-1880
    -4-1 William Henry Linebaugh ?-?
    -4-2 Margaret Catharine Linebaugh 1815-1846 m 1835 Robert Bloomfield Mitchell 1798-?
    -4-3 John Henry Linebaugh ?-? m 1839 Mary Grey ?-?
    -4-4 Thomas Jacob Linebaugh 1823-1905 m 1848 Mary Jane Reasoner 1830-1895
    -4-5 Mary Elizabeth Linebaugh 1825-1907 m 1840 Samuel Findley Mitchell 1806-1896
    -4-6 Benjamin Edwards Linebaugh 1830-? m 1866 Louisa B. Miles 1844-?
    -5-1 John S. Linebaugh 1820-1834
    -5-2 Frank Linebaugh ?-1850
    -5-3 Henry Linebaugh ?-1850
    -5-4 Hiram A. Linebaugh 1815-1899 m Margaret ___ 1823-?
    -5-5 Lorinda Linebaugh ?-? m 1837 Charles Worrell ?-?
    -5-6 James Linebaugh ?-?
    -5-7 Robert Adair Linebaugh 1820-1904 m 1845 Lydia Ann Averill 1816-?
    -5-8 Margaret J. Linebaugh 1837-? m 1852 Philip K. Christian 1828-?
    -5-9 Mary E. Linebaugh ?-? m 1840 Preston S. Roberts ?-?
    -5-10 Sarah Linebaugh ?-? m 1859 James Givens ?-?
    -5-11 Catherine Linebaugh 1823-1905 m William Brown 1828-1861
    -6-1 James Simpson ?-? m ___ Logan ?-?
    -6-2 x Simpson ?-? m y__ Jones ?-?
    -6-3 y SimpSon ?-?
    -7-1 Joseph D. Linebaugh ?-?
    -8-1 Preston Michael Linebaugh 1824-1884 m 1848 Nancy Wilson Blankenship 1831-1911
    -8-2 Cordelia Linebaugh 1827-1876 m 1850 Solomon Boaz 1821-?
    -8-3 Henry Linebaugh ?-? m 1852 Sarah A. Wright ?-?
    -10-1 Eliza J. Linebaugh ?-?
    -10-2 Lavina Linebaugh ?-?

    -3-2-1 Lucius C. Nash 1869-?
    -3-2-2 Frank C. Nash 1872-?
    -3-2-3 Mattie L. Nash 1876-?
    -3-2-4 Laura E. Nash 1879-?
    -4-2-1 Kate Mitchell 1839-1915 m 1855 Hartwell Dickerson Stovall
    -4-2-2 Robert Henry Mitchell 1844-1916 m 1865 Margaret Ophelia Mayor
    -4-4-1 William H. Linebaugh 1849-1859
    -4-4-2 Joseph Sterling Linebaugh 1850-1878
    -4-4-3 Maggie Linebaugh 1853-1870
    -4-4-4 Irvin Linebaugh 1855-1876
    -4-4-5 Stanford Linebaugh 1856-1871
    -4-4-6 James S. Linebaugh 1862-1929
    -4-5-1 Anne Mitchell 1843-? m ___ Dixon ?-?
    -4-5-2 Ellen Mitchell 1853-?
    -4-5-3 Addie Mitchell 1857-?
    -4-5-4 Fannie Mitchell 1861-?
    -4-5-5 Robert L. Mitchell 1863-?
    -4-5-6 Elizabeth Mitchell 1867-?
    -5-4-1 Mary E. Linebaugh 1840-? m James R. Dempsey 1825-1898
    -5-4-2 Henrietta Ann Linebaugh 1842-? m Jack Ledman ?-?
    -5-4-3 Lucy B. Linebaugh 1848-? m G.W. Boyd ?-?
    -5-4-4 Almira J. Linebaugh 1852-?
    -5-4-5 Jennie K. Linebaugh 1859-?
    -5-4-6 Samuel W. Linebaugh 1864-1947 m Mary Swanson ?-?
    -5-5-1 Oleus Worrell 1838-?
    -5-5-2 Samuel O. Worrell 1841-?
    -5-5-3 Sarah Worrell 1845-?
    -5-7-1 Henry Linebaugh 1846-? m1 Catherine M. Perry ?-? m2 1870 Mary Ann Curry 1832-1922
    -5-9-1 Mary E. Roberts ?-?
    -8-1-1 Mary Linebaugh 1858-?
    -8-1-2 Thomas Linebaugh 1861-?
    -8-1-3 Adeline Linebaugh 1864-?
    -8-1-4 Henry Linebaugh 1866-?
    -8-1-5 Robert Linebaugh 1868-?
    -8-1-6 Ida Linebaugh 1873-?
    -8-2-1 Susan E. Boaz 1853-? m T. Philip Grassham 1853-?
    -8-2-2 Charles Boax ?-?
    -8-2-3 John P. Boax 1857-?
    -8-2-4 Sarah J. Boaz 1859-? m Owen Boaz 1849-?
    -8-2-5 Robert Boaz 1862-? m Hattie Yandell ?-?
    -8-3-1 John D. Linebaugh ?-? m Rebecca J. Asbridge ?-?
    Fr9-12-17 Samuel Leinbach 1762-1830 m Maria Elizabeth Messner (Ditnermesser) -1 Johannes Linebaugh 1784-? m 1814 Anna Wise ?-?.
    -2 Benjamin Linebaugh 1786-1868 m1 Anna Elizabeth ___ ?-? + 2 ch m2 Susanna B. ___ 1807-1880 + 1 ch.
    -3 Maria Linebaugh 1788-? m Anthony Lieber ?-? .
    -4 Jonas (Jonathan) Linebaugh 1790-1872 m 1812 Susanna Wise 1805-1872.
    -5 Margaret Linebaugh 1792-? m 1807 John Hiteman ?-? .
    -6 Elias Linebaugh 1794-? m Elizabeth ___ ?-?.
    -8 Catharine Linebaugh 1802-? .
    -9 Rebecca Linebaugh 1809-? .
    -10 Samuel Linebaugh 1814-?
    -17-1-1 Elijah Linebaugh 1817-1901 m Mary E. ___ 1839-?
    -1-2 Sophia Linebaugh 1821-? m 1841 Andrew Frank ?-?
    -1-3 Celena Linebaugh 1821-1899 m 1850 Jesse Baker 1824-1876
    -1-4 Elizabeth Linebaugh 1827-1853 m 1850 Orange Darling ?-?
    -2-1 Eliza Linebaugh 1813-?
    -2-2 Catherine Linebaugh ?-? m 1832 William Faulder ?-?
    -2-3 Samuel Linebaugh 1834-? m 1862 Mary V. Renner ?-?
    -2-4 Henry Linebaugh 1836-? m Catherine Bovey ?-?
    -2-5 William Linebaugh 1839-?
    -2-6 Daniel Linebaugh 1841-?
    -2-7 Elizabeth Linebaugh 1846-?
    -3-1 Jane Lieber 1806-? m 1812 Joseph Staup ?-?
    -3-2 Eliza Ann Matilda Staup ?-?
    -4-1 Samuel Linebaugh 1813-1870 m 1835 Martha Wise 1819-1895
    -4-2 Catharine Linebaugh 1815-? mJesse Minner ?-?
    -4-3 Simeon Linebaugh ?-? m1 1840 Elizabeth Conner ?-? m2 1860 Margaret C. Prather ?-?
    -4-4 John Wesley Linebaugh 1820-1898 m 1854 Rebecca Butler 1835-1909
    -4-5 Elizabeth Linebaugh 1822-? m 1843 Jacob Lockard ?-?
    -4-6 William Linebaugh 1825-?
    -4-7 Lucinda Linebaugh 1825-1872
    -4-8 Matilda Linebaugh 1827-1900 m 1850 John Bumgardner 1824-1911
    -4-9 Noah Linebaugh 1829-1907 m 1856 Sarah Cosbin ?-1929
    -4-10 Lovina Linebaugh 1832-? m 1850 Marcus D. Lamasters ?-?
    -4-11 Mary Ann Linebaugh 1834-1916 m1853 Joseph Bluebaugh 1830-1878
    -4-12 Nancy Ann Linebaugh ?-? m 1863 Birney Rose ?-?
    -6-1 Catharine Ann Linebaugh 1819-?
    -6-2 Ann Elizabeth Linebaugh 1827-?
    -6-3 Mary M. Linebaugh 1829-? m William W. Follis ?-?
    -6-4 Timothy Linebaugh 1832-1903 m1 1853 Catharine Varner 1830-1884 + 4 ch m2 + 1885 Elizabeth I. Beasley no ch
    -6-5 Elijah Linebaugh 1834-? m 1863 Nancy Buckmaster 1838-?
    -6-6 Margaret Linebaugh 1837-?
    -6-7 Rosanna Linebaugh 1839-? m 1854 Cloyce Penland ?-?
    -6-8 Samuel Linebaugh 1840-1885 m1 1865 Emma Squires ?-? m2 1871 Nancy Ann White ?-?
    -7-1 Malinda Linebaugh 1819-1874 m 1846 Adam Layman 1805-1865
    -7-2 Martha Linebaugh 1827-? m John Rimmel 1830-?
    -7-3 Lucinda Linebaugh 1832-? m 1849 Preston Darrow 1829-?
    -7-4 Maria Linebaugh 1837-?
    -7-5 George Linebaugh 1840-? m 1851 Frances Moore 1827-?
    -7-6 John I. Linebaugh 1851-?
    -7-7 Rebecca Linebaugh 1853-?
    -7-8 Amelia Elizabeth Linebaugh 1855-?
    -7-9 Susannah Linebaugh 1860-?
    -7-10 James Linebaugh ?-?
    -7-12 Catharine Linebaugh 1870-?
    -1-1-1 Angela Linebaugh 1867-?
    -1-1-2 Elijah Linebaugh 1867-?
    -1-1-3 James P. Linebaugh 1869-?
    -1-1-4 Margaret Linebaugh 1871-?
    -1-1-5 Theodore E. Linebaugh 1874-?
    -1-2-1 Jacob Frank 1842-?
    -1-2-2 James M. Frank 1844-?
    -1-2-3 Anne E. Frant 1846-?
    -1-3-1 Mary Elizabeth Baker 1851-1929 m John Bell Manes ?-?
    -1-3-2 Anna Jane Baker 1854-?
    -1-4-1 Austin Darling ?-1852
    -2-3-1 Samuel Linebaugh 1863-?
    -2-3-2 Catharine Linebaugh 1865-?
    -2-3-3 Frank T. Linebaugh 1867-?
    -2-3-4 Joseph Linebaugh 1870-?
    -2-4-1 William Linebaugh 1861-?
    -2-4-2 Mary A. Linebaugh 1863-?
    -2-4-3 Magdalena Linebaugh 1868-?
    -2-4-4 Henrietta S. Linebaugh 1870-?
    -4-1-1 Louisa Linebaugh 1837-? m Edward B. Carter ?-?
    -4-1-2 Catharine Linebaugh 1839-? m John P. Cly ?-?
    -4-1-3 Abraham Linebaugh 1841-1902
    -4-1-4 James K.C. Linebaugh 1844-1891 m Sarah N. ___ ?-?
    -4-1-5 Selina Jane Linebaugh 1846-1928 m Benjamin F. Mason ?-?
    -4-1-6 Madison F. Linebaugh 1848-1923 m Ann Eliza McPeak ?-?
    -4-1-7 Lucinda Linebaugh 1850-? m ___ Rodock ?-?
    -4-1-8 Sarah M. Linebaugh 1853-1870
    -4-1-9 Samuel Buchanan Linebaugh 1856-1929 m Martha Hurt ?-?
    -4-1-10 Noah C. Linebaugh 1859-1928 m1 ___ ?-? m2 Minnie Payne ?-?
    -4-1-11 Emma Melissa Linebaugh 1863-? m Newton Speckman ?-?
    -4-4-1 F.M. Linebaugh 1859-? m Sarah ___ ?-?
    -4-4-2 John N. Linebaugh 1866-?
    -4-4-3 James L. Linebaugh 1870-?
    -4-5-1 Isaac Lockard ?-?
    -4-5-2 Marion Lockard ?-? m Sarah Beaty ?-?
    -4-5-3 Hiram Lockard ?-? m Margery Kingery ?-?
    -4-8-1 Susanna Bumgardner ?-?
    -4-8-2 Benjamin Bumgardner 1858-?
    -4-8-3 Emma Bumgardner 1860-?
    -4-8-4 Pauline Bumgardner 1862-?
    -4-8-5 Etta Bumgardner 1865-?
    -4-8-6 Charles Bumgardner 1867-?
    -4-9-1 Mary E. Linebaugh ?-? m G.S. Treadway ?-?
    -4-9-2 Frederick Linebaugh ?-?
    -4-9-3 Laura Linebaugh ?-? m Frank McKenna ?-?
    -4-11-1 George Bluebaugh ?-?
    -4-11-2 Justin E. Bluebaugh ?-?
    -4-11-3 Jannie Bluebaugh ?-?
    -4-11-4 Charles F. Bluebaugh ?-?
    -6-4-1 Elijah Linebaugh ?-? m Anna V. Semier ?-?
    -6-4-2 William Linebaugh ?-? m Elizabeth ___ ?-?
    -6-4-3 Harriet Linebaugh 1866-?
    -6-4-4 James E. Linebaugh 1870-?
    -7-1-1 Martha Layman 1847-?
    -7-1-2 Philip Layman 1849-1895
    -7-1-3 Jemima Margaret Layman 1853-?
    -7-1-4 William Layman 1858-?
    -7-1-5 Ada Layman 1860-?
    -7-2-1 Thomas Rimmel 1862-?
    -7-2-2 Elizabeth Rimmel 1864-?
    -7-2-3 Emma Rimmel 1870-?
    -7-3-1 Robert Darrow 1865-?
    -7-3-2 Edward Darrow 1867-?
    -7-3-3 Ida Darrah 1870-?
    -7-3-4 Virginia Darrah 1873-?
    -7-3-5 David Darrah 1875-?
    Fr9-13 Rebekah Frey b about 1718
    Fr9-14 Elizabeth Barbara Frey b 1 Jul 1719 d 1758
    m Dr Johannes MILLER (from James Bartlett's tree)
    -1 Elizabeth Miller b Philadelphia d 4 May 1778 Rowan Co NC m Jacob Eckle b Germany d 16 Jul 1783 -1-1 Elizabeth Eckle m Matthias Snider b 30 Oct 1757 Berks Co PA d 20 Feb 1836 Botetort Co VA -1-1-1 Henry Snider b 1775 d 1843 m Susannah Britz b 1777 -1-1-1-1 Margaret Snider b 1800 d 1882 m Thomas Mitchell b 5 Dec 1791 Amelia Co VA d 10 Feb 1866 Speed Roane Co WV son of John Mitchell b 1763 d 1836 and Obedience Vaughen b 27 Sep 1767 Amelia Co VA d 6 May 1836 Floyd Co VA -1-1-1-1-1 William Mitchell b 1824 d 1895 m Ellen Underwood d 1915
    -2+ 8 siblings
    -10 Margaret Mitchell b 8 Sep 1844 Floyd Co VA m Elijah Waggoner b 1834 Lewis Co WV d 1916 Roan Co WV son of George Waggoner b 1812 d 1877 and Melinda Cottrill b 1813
    -1-1-1-1-1-1 Lewis Mitchell b 1850 d 1907
    -1-1-1-1-1-2 Charles Mitchell b 11854 d 1898 m Sophia Butcher b 1856 d 1939
    -1-1-1-1-1-2-1 Blanche Mitchell b 1865 d 1957 m Ira Bartlett b 1869 d 1919
    Fr9-15 Jacob Frey b 1694 Roxborough Philadelphia PA d 7 Jan 1785 Towamencin Montogomery Co Pa
    m Margaret Bertolet b 1698 Roxborough d 1784 Somerset Co PA dau of Jean Bertolet b 1687 d 1757 and Susanna De Harcourt b 1690 d 1755 (from Christee Kee's tree)
    -1 Jacob Bettoley Frey b b 5 Oct 1756 Germantown Philadelphia Co PA d 26 Feb 1844 m Margaret Springer b 1768 d 1835 (from Linda Snell' tree)
    -2 John fry b 1762 d 1846
    -3 George Frey b 1765 d 1853
    -4 William Frey b 1767 d 1824
    -5 Henry Frey b 1768 d 1848
    -6 Joseph Frey b Towamencin Twp Montgomery Co PA d there 6 Sep 1793 m Susannah Godshalk d 1830
    -1-1 Jacob Frey b 1787 d 1863
    -1-2 John Fry b 1789 Germantown d 1888 Il m Rebecca d 1864
    -1-3 Margaret Fry b 1790 d 1855 m Jasoeph Hallman
    -1-4 Joseph Fry b 1793 d 1868
    -1-2-1 Joseph Fry b 1829 d 1890 m Anna Wismer b 1831 Montgomery Co PA d 1903
    -1-3-1 Richard Hallman
    -1-3-2 Sophia Hallman b 1817 d 1895
    -1-3-3 Susanna Hallman b 1818 d 1896 m John Willauer b 1813
    -1-3-4 Jacob Hallman b 1820 d 1902
    -1-3-5 Margaret Hallman b 1823 d 1893
    -1-3-6 Catherine Hallman b 1825 d 1899
    -1-3-7 Sarah Hallman b 1828 d 1895/?1919
    -1-3-8 Joseph Hallman b 1831 d 1921
    -1-3-9 William Hallman b 1834 d 1916

    -1-2-1-1 John W Fry b 1855 Montgomery Co PA d 29 May 1938 m Laura O'Hare b 1865 d 1941
    -1-3-3-1 Mary Willower b 1843 d 1910 m1 Isaac Stearly b 1832 m2 Benjamin Buckwalter b 8 Aug 1837 d 21 Aug 875 Upper Providence Montgomery Co PA
    -1-3-3-2 Margaret Willower b 1844 d 1873 m Adam Fordham d 1874
    -1-3-3-3 Sophia Willower b 1846
    -1-3-3-4 Jacob Willower b 1848
    -1-3-3-5 John Willower b 1851 d 1919
    -1-3-3-6 Joseph Willower b 1853
    -1-3-3-7 Edward Willower b 1856
    -1-3-3-8 Charles Willower b 1859
    -1-3-3-9 Amanda Willower b 1862
    -1-3-3-10 William Willower b 1865
    Fr9-? of no established relation to the above was:
    John Frey b c 1710
    -1 John Frey b Lancaster PA d 1757 Philadelphia PA m Milicent O'Neal b 1736 d 1765 PA -1-1 Philip Fry b 1766 IL d 11 Apr 1853 McMinn Co TN m Jane Rutherford 1787 Montgomery Co VA d aft 1853 McMinn Co TN dau of Randolf Rutherford and Dorothy -1-1-1 James Harvey “Harve” Fry m Anna Cate b 16 May 1811 Ocee TN d 33 Jun 1888 Oconee Polk Co TN
    -1-1-2 Newell Clarence Fry
    -1-1-1-1 Sarah E Fry m Rev John Harvey Fetzer
    -1-1-1-2 Marshall Calloway Fry b 12 May 11845 Polk/McMinn Co TN d 6 Apr 1922 Carrollton Carroll Co AR m Margaret Dorothy Ophelia Wood dau of Leonard A Wood and Jane

    -1-1-1-2-1 Phillip Ruth Fry
    -1-1-1-2-2 Cora Fry Fry m Westmoreland
    -1-1-1-2-3 William Leonard Fry b 9 Mar 1880 n Carrollton AR d 17 Jun 1960 Durant Bryan Co OK m Leonora Belle Bellamy dau of John Malaya Bellamy and Mary Lucinda
    -1-1-1-2-4 Safrona L. Fry
    -1-1-1-2-5 Houston Lee Fry

    -1-1-1-2-3-1 Carless Noble Fry
    -1-1-1-2-3-2 Phillip Lee Fry
    -1-1-1-2-3-3 Truman Francis Fry
    -1-1-1-2-3-4 Cleo Bryan Fry b 10 Nov 1907 Carlton AR d 17 Oct 1995 TX m Annie Pearline Holland
    -1-1-1-2-3-5 Eleanor Gertrudee Fry m Phelps
    -1-1-1-2-3-6 John Calloway Fry
    -1-1-1-2-3-7 Charles Vaughn Fry
    -1-1-1-2-3-8 Montie Ruthe Fry m Moore
    -1-1-1-2-3-9 Lula Belle Fry

    -1-1-1-2-3-4-1 Williams Fry
    -1-1-1-2-3-4-2 Lovena Pearl Fry m div Jack Lester Vandever parents of Gregory Brent Vandever, author's DNA match
    -1-1-1-2-3-4-3 x Fry
    -1-1-1-2-3-4-5 Dana Gail Fry
    Fr10-? of no established relation to the above was:
    John Frey b c 1710 PA or ?Altenheim, Alsace, Germany, d. c 1720 Lancaster? PA
    -1 y Frey b c 1690 ?Stettin -1-1 y Frey b c 1720 ?Stettin -1-1-1 y Frey b c 1750 ?Stettin -1-1-1-1 y Frey b c 1780 ?Stettin -1-1-1-1-1 Pauline Fry b c 1816 m2 Melchior/Michael Dorn
    -1-1-1-1-2? Mary Frye b 1814 Wittenberg Saxony-Anhalt d 1894 Clarion PA m John George Steiner b 1800 Wittenberg Saxony-Anhalt d 1865
    -1-1-1-1-1-1 Conrad Dorn b c 1835
    -1-1-1-1-2-1 John Steiner b 15 Jan 1849 Fryburg Clarion Co PA d 23 Feb 1911 Lickingville Clarion Co PA m Margaret Corbin b 1856 d 1947 dau of William Jarvis Corbin b 1 Jun 1828 slippery Rock Butler Co PA d 25 Sep 1884 m Phoebe Schneider b 1832 d 1888

    -1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Rosa Dorn b c 1860 m George Lawin b Van Dyne WI d Eau Claire WI son of Siegfried Lawin b c 1830 Stettin Germany d Waserca MN
    -1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Irv Lawin m Virginia Nelson b c 1885 dau of John Nelson and Mary Hedberg b Sweden d WI
    -1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Barbara Lawin b c 1910 m y Graham
    -1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Peter Graham, author's DNA match
    -1-1-1-1-2-1-1 Calista Steiner b 1891 d 1977 m Claud Jefford b 1875 d 1978
    -1-1-1-1-2-1-1-1 x Jefford c b 1925 m John Lewis b 1923 d 2001 parents of Thomas Lewis, author's DNA match

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