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Bland of Northern Neck Va.
Nicholas of Roundway
Hester of Fleming Co Ky
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The author's DNA kit at gedmatch is T848545.
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The author's DNA kit at gedmatch is T848545.

    Carter of Middlesex, Carter of Corotoman, Carter of Virginia

    Ct22. Philip le Carter b 1259 Suffolk d 1320 Suffolk
    m Emma le Carpenter b c 1289 Bedfordshire d 1311 East Riding
    Ct21 Johannis le Carter b 1289 Beverley York d 1330 East Riding York
    m Alicia le Carter b c 1284 Beverley York d 1340 Yorkshire
    +1 Gilbert le Carter b c 1250 +2 Roger le Carter/Charetter b 1222 Bedfordshire d there 1278
    m Sibilla Amicia Minuk/de Cantelope b 1222 FR d 1278 Engl
    +3 Odo le Caretier b 1200 Bedfordshire d there 1265
    m Sabina Bourne b 1200 Bedfordshire d there 1267
    +3 William Minuk de Cantelope b 1180 d 1251 Steward Sheriff of Hertfordshire
    m m c1215 Milicent de Gournai b 1189 d 1221 dau of
    +4 Philipe le Caretier b 1175 Saint-Jean-de-Liversay Charente-Maritime Poitou-Charentes Normandie d 1245 Bedford
    m Mary Ellena le Carette b 1175 FR d 1235 Bedford
    +4 Hugh de Gournai
    +5 Sir y le Caretier b 1175 Saint-Jean-de-Liversay Charente-Maritime Poitou-Charentes Normandie d 1245 Bedford
    m Eol le Caretier b c 1115
    Ct20 Johannis le Carter II b 1316 Beverley Hall East Riding York d 1393 St Albans Hertford
    m Agnes Brome b 1320 Beverley York d 1370 St Albans Hertford
    Ct19-1 Nicholas Carter
    Ct19-2 Alicia Carter
    Ct19-3 Radelphus Carter
    Ct19-4 Sabinae Carter
    Ct19-5 Thomas Carter
    Ct19-7 William Carter b 1356 Cussworth York d 1430 St Albans
    m Mathilda Marshall b 1360 Beverley York d 1390 Gloucester
    -1 John Carter
    -2 Thomas Carter implausible dates
    -3 William Carter
    -4 Ricardo Carter
    Ct19-8 Wilhelmi le Carter b 1340 East Riding x d 1393 St Albans m x
    Ct19 Johannis le Carter III b 1340 East Riding York d 1393 St Albans Hertford
    m Alicia Bauer b c 1340 Hertfordshire d 1400 East Riding York
    Ct18 Richard le Carter b 1362 d 1440
    Ct17 John le Carter b 1400 Hertfordshire d there 1469
    m Alice x/de Carter b c 1400 Hertfordshire
    Ct16 William Carter b 1426 Kings Langley Hertford d 29 SEp 1517 Watford
    m Elizabeth Covert b c 1420
    Ct15 John Carter of Watford b 1450 Watford Hertford d there 25 Jun 1500
    m Margaret Frazier b 10 Jan 1450 Cusworth Doncaster South York d 11 Jan 1510 Watford
    +1 >Hugh Fraser b 1417 Lovat d c 30 Apr 1450, 4th Lord of Lovat (stirnet and seem to overlap in a generation here correction needed!)
    m Janet Dunbar b 1410 Moray d 29 Sep 1491
    +2 Thomas Dunbar, 2nd Earl of Moray b 1371 Moray d there 1415
    m Margaret Ogilvy
    +3 John Dunbar, 1st Earl of Moray d before 15.02.1391-2
    m Marjory Stewart Pricess of Scots b c 1348 d c 1417 Elgin Moray
    +4 Robert II Stewart King of Scots b 2 Mar 1316 Dundonald Kyle Ayrshire d there 19 Apr 1390
    m Elizabeth Mure of Rowallan
    +5 Walter Stewart 6th High Stewart of Scotland b c 1293 Dundonald Castle d 9 Apr 1326 Bathgate Castle
    m Marjorie Bruce Princess of Scots
    +6 James Stewart 5th High Stewart of Scotland
    m Gille/Giles de Burgh of Ulster b c 1263 Connaught IRE d 26 Oct 1327 Cullen Baniffshire
    +7 Walter de Burgh 1st Earl of Ulster b c 1230 Castle Connaught Galway IRE d there 28 Jul 1271
    m Aveline FitzJohn of Ulster
    Ct14 Sir William Carter b c 1474 Chipperfield Kings Langley Hertford d 14 Aug 1521 Watford
    m Alice Croxton b c 1478 Kempston Bedford d there 1525
    +1 William Croxton b 1465 Ravenscroft Chehire d there 1496
    m Joan Carter b 1465 d 1525 Ravenscrofte Cheshire
    +2 William Croxton b 1440 Ravenscrofte d there 1496
    m Alice Multon b 10 Jan 1450 d 1510 Cheshire
    +2 William Carter b 1435 Holmes Chapel Cheshire East d there c 1500
    +3 William Croxton b 1420 Ravenscrofte d there 1496
    m Elizabeth Catharine Monk b 1425 Cheshire d 1500
    +4 William Croxton b c 1390
    Ct13 Richard Croxton Carter b c 1502 Garston Manor Watford Hertford d there 29 Sep 1558, Lord of the Manor of Garston
    m1 c 1524 Joan Elizabeth x b 1499 d 1530 Watford +3 ch
    m2 c 1540 Agness Farne + 4 ch
    < name=ThomasCarter1525>Ct12 Thomas Carter of Watford & Aldenham b c 1525 Watford or Aldenham Hertford d there c 1574
    m Joan/Jone/Jane Hyll b 1541 Watford Hertford d there 1571
    -a Henry Hill b 1530 Juddonham Suffolk d there 1560 m Elizabeth Smalpiece b 1530 Juddonham d 1560
    -a-1 Elizabeth Hill b c 1560 Juddonham d c 1590 m Sylvester Beckett
    Mary Beckett b 17 Jan 1590 Worcestershire d 16 Dec Duxbury MA m George Soule Mayflower passenger
    -a-1-2 Randall Beckett b 1603 Dublin IRE d there 1669
    -b Frances Hill b c 1532 Wrotham Kent m Robert Bying MP for Wrotham
    -c Mary Hill b 1532 Hampshire d 30 Nov 1616 London m1 Sir Henry Cheke MP m2 Henry MacWilliams had issue
    -c-1 Sir Henry Cheke, MP
    -c-2 Cecily MacWilliams b c 1555 Essex d 1600 m Sir Thomas Ridgeway
    -c-2-1 Sir Robert Ridgeway, 2nd Earl of Londonderry m Elizabeth Weston b c 1^590 Londonderry d 1631 dau of Sir Simon Weston and Mary
    -c-2-1-1 Sir Weston Ridgway, 3rd Earl of Londonderry
    -c-2-1-2 Sir Robert Ridgway 4th Earl of Londonderry m1 Sarah x m2 Margaret x m3 Eleanor Clayton + 1 ch m4 Rebecca Gulielini b 13 Jan 1625 Wickham Durham
    -c-2-1-2-1 Robert Ridgway
    -c-2-1-2-2 Richard Ridgway
    -c-2-1-2-3 Dr. Joseph George Ridgeway
    -c-2-1-2-4 Hannah Marie Brown
    -c-2-1-2-5 Marmeduke Ridgway
    -c-2-1-2-6 Jean Ridgway
    -c-2-1-2-7 Thomas Ridgway
    -c-2-1-2-8 Rebecca Ridgeway b 13 Jan 1625
    -c-2-1-3 xy Ridgway
    -c-2-1-4 Elizabeth Ridgway
    -c-2-1-5 Lettice Ridgway m Ottley
    -c-2-1-6 xy Ridgeway
    -c-2-1-7 Ridgeway
    -c-2-2 Cassandra Ridgeway m y Willoughby
    -c-2-3 Edward Ridgeway
    -c-2-4 MacWilliam Ridgeway
    -c-2-5 Mary Ridgeway
    -c-3 Henry MacWilliam
    -c-4 Margaret Stanhope
    -c Susan Pemberton
    -e Margaret Hill b c 1536
    -f Dorothy Hill b c 1538
    -g Ellen Hill d c 1638 New York
    +1 Richard Hill b c 1505 Coddenham Suffolk d 1539
    m1 Elizabeth Isley b 1510 Coddenham Suffolk d 2 Jul 1596 Croft Leicester + 7 ch m2 Elizabeth Clements b c 1510 Croft Leicester d there 1571 + 1 ch Jone
    +2 Thomas Hill b 1479 Hillend Hertford d c 1510
    m Elizabeth Barnwell b 1482 St Albans Hertford d c 1510
    +2 Sir Thomas Isley b 1486 Sundridge Kent d there 10 Nov 1518
    Elizabeth Guildford b 1488 Guildford Surrey d aft 1518 Thalkeham Horsham West Sussex
    +3 y Hill
    +3 Symon Barnwell b 1457 St Albans Hertford
    m Ellen Butler b c 1462 d aft 1482
    +3 John Isley b 1456 Sundridge Kent d there 1484
    m Annis Morley b c 1460 Sundridge Kent d there aft 31 May 1510 dau of John Morley and Joan Bridlestone b c 1440 Morton Nottingham d Swanton Morley Norfolk
    +3 Sir Richard Guildford b c 1450 Cranbrook Kent d 28 Sep 1506 on a pilgramage to Jerusalem
    m Anne Pympe b c 1454 Nettlestead Kent d 1499 Groombridge
    +4 y Hill
    +4 Sir John de Pympe b c 1423 Nettlestead Kent d there 8 Nov 1454
    m Philippa ST Leger b 1430 Nettlestead Kent d there 1486 she m2 Sir John Guildford of Halden
    +5 y Hill
    +5 Sir John St. Leger, Sheriff of Kent b c 1404 Ulcombe Kent d there 16 May 1442
    m Margery Donnett/Dannet b c 1408 Rainham Kent d aft 1455 Ulcombe Kent
    +6 y Hill
    +6 James Donnet of Sileham b c 1380 Rainham Kent d there c 1408
    m Margery Cheyney b c 1385 Rainsham Kentd aft 1408 she m2 John Salerne
    +7 y Hill
    +7 Sir Richard Cheney of Shurland
    m Margaret de Cralle b c 1355 Cralle Manor Warbleton Sussex d aft 1392 Shurland House Eastchurch Kent she m1 James Norwood
    Ct11-1 Robert Carter b 1568 Watford d 1630
    Ct11 John William Carter cont. below b 1574 in Watford, Hertfordshire d Mar 1630 in Newgate St., London, Engl bur about 1630 Christ Church, London, Engl
    m c 1609 Bridget Benion b c 1582 London, Middlesex bur in Christ Church, Newgate St., London, England
    Ct11-3 Thomas James Carter, II b 1577 Branscombe Devon d there 1595
    m1 Mary x b c 1589 Devon d there 1595 + 1 ch
    m2 Joan Harmane + 1 ch
    -1 Mary Judith Carter m Batts / Woodhouse
    -2 Thomas Carter b 1595 d 1652 m Mary Dalton b 1582 d 1665
    -2-1 William Carter b 1618 d 1692 m Penele ?Carter
    -2-1-1 Robert Carter m Mary Hulsey
    -2-1-1-1 Charles Carter m Judith
    -2-1-1-1-1 Martin Carter b 1763 d 1843 m Nancy Page b 1772 d 1810
    -2-1-1-1-1-1 William W Carter b 29 Feb 1800 VA d 24 Oct 1881 Hrrodsburg KY m Phoebe C Vanderipe
    -2-1-1-1-1-1-1 James Harvey Carter b 1822 KY d 11 Sep 1889 Pleasant Twp Johnson IN
    -2-1-1-1-1-1-2 Mary Jane Carter b 19 Mar 1824 Mercer KY d there 28 Jun 1901 m Harvey Jackson Burns had issue
    -2-1-1-1-1-1-3 John Addison Carter b 4 Jun 1829 Mercer KY d there 6 Oct 1912
    -2-1-1-1-1-1-4 Addison T Carter Sr b 1831 KY d 5 Jan 1911 m Mary Veach b 1834 KY dau of Eleven D Veach and Eliza
    -2-1-1-1-1-1-5 Serena A Carter b 1835 Mercer KY d there 1910 m John H Wickersham
    -2-1-1-1-1-1-6 Milton M. Carter b 19 May 1839 Mercer KY d 27 Jan 1928 Jefferson Co KY m Margaret M Conder b 24 Mar 1841 d 3 Jan 1824
    -2-1-1-1-1-1-7 Alonzo Jackson Carter b 2 May 1842 Mercer KY m Lucetta Derringer
    -2-1-1-1-1-1-8 Betty Carter m Leonard Jackson Yaste
    -2-1-1-1-1-1-9 Catherine J Carter b 2 Feb 1837 Mercer KY d 27 Sep 1856
    -2-1-1-1-1-1-10 William A. J. Carter d y 1836
    -2-1-1-1-1-1-11 William M. Carter d y 1829

    -2-1-1-1-1-1-2-1 Elizabeth Harney Burns b 14 Feb 1856 Bohon Mercer Co KY d 30 Aug 1930 m Daniel Threlkeld Wilson
    -2-1-1-1-1-1-2-2 John C. Burns b 8 Feb 1862 Mercer KY d 2 Jun 1934 Harrodsburg
    -2-1-1-1-1-1-2-3 Anna Elizabeth Burns b 12858 Mercer KY d 1 May 1929 Nampa Canyon ID
    -2-1-1-1-1-1-2-4 Joseph T Burns b 2 Feb 1854 d 1929
    -2-1-1-1-1-1-2-5 Phoebe Burns b 1852
    -2-1-1-1-1-1-2-6 Mary Catherine Burns b 1847 Mercer KY d 1929
    -2-1-1-1-1-1-2-7 Robert Burns b 13 SEp 1846 d 21 Nov 1860
    -2-1-1-1-1-1-2-8 William W Burns b 30 Nov 1842 d 10 Feb 1863
    -2-1-1-1-1-1-2-9 Francis J Burns b 1868 d 1929
    -2-1-1-1-1-1-2-10 Josephine Burns b 1854
    -2-1-1-1-1-1-2-11 Serena A "Rena" Burns b 1850 Mercer KY d 16 Oct 1898
    -2-1-1-1-1-1-4-1 Sarah "Katie" Carter b Jan 1864 m Monroe Vandiver had issue
    -2-1-1-1-1-1-4-2 Cynthia Suzette Carter b 22 Mar 1855 Haydens Creek Mercer KY
    -2-1-1-1-1-1-4-3 John Carter b c 1869
    -2-1-1-1-1-1-4-4 Ludwell C Carter b 27 Jun 1859 Mercer KY
    -2-1-1-1-1-1-4-5 William B Carter b 1 Aug 1858 Cornisville Mercer KY
    -2-1-1-1-1-1-4-6 Alonzo Carter b c 1865
    -2-1-1-1-1-1-4-7 Add Carter b c 1874
    -2-1-1-1-1-1-4-8 Phebe E Carter b c 1861 KY
    -2-1-1-1-1-1-4-9 Narcissa Jane Carter b 24 Nov 1853 Haydens Creek d 1 May 1857
    -2-1-1-1-1-1-5-1 William Martin Wickersham
    -2-1-1-1-1-1-5-1 Phoebe Catherine Wickersham m y Vandivier
    -2-1-1-1-1-1-6-1 Ambrose Barber Carter b 2 Aug 1861 d 1 Sep 1945
    -2-1-1-1-1-1-7-1 Charles Herbert Carter b c 1877 m Luetta had issue
    -2-1-1-1-1-1-7-2 Jasper Newton Carter b 1866 d 1941 had issue
    Ct11-4 Cicely Carter b c 1562 Watford d 1630 Watford
    Ct11-5 William Carter b 1565 Watford d there 1614
    Ct11-6 Ellis Carter b 1560 Watford
    Ct13-1 Thomas Croxton Carter b 1495 Kempston Bedford d ther 1544
    m Emily Ascell b 1498 Kington Hereford d there 1560 dau of John Anscell and Pernell
    -1 Wiliam Carterb c 1510 Kempston d 1569 Oakes Farm Kempston m Elizabeth Catherine had issue
    Ct13-2 William Carter, I b b 1502 St Stephen Hertford d 1560 St Albans m Jone -1 Wiliam Carter b c 1525
    Ct13-3 Reverend John Carter
    Ct13-4 Sir Henry Carter b by 1525 d 1567
    m Joan Copsey b 1543 Horsham Suffolk d there 1589
    -1 Beatrix Carter b c 1564 Horsham d there 2 Jul 1610 m Henry Quenell III -1-1 Ferris Quenell m Francis Bushnell -1-1-1 "Goodman" Edmund Bushnell b 27 Apr 1606 Horsham d 28 Mar 1636 Ten Hills Farm Medford Mdx MA m Martha Beamsley -1-1-1-1 Edmond Bushnell
    -1-1-1-2 Edward Bushnell
    -1-1-1-3 Elizabeth Bushnell m y Page
    -1-1-1-4 Francis Bushnell
    -1-1-1-5 Mary Bushnell m 1 George Robinson of Boston m2 Thomas Dennis

    -1-1-1-5-1 George Robinson, Jr of Needham
    -1-1-1-5-2 John Robinson
    -1-1-1-5-3 Martha Robinson
    Ct13-5 Christian Carter
    Ct13-6 Mary Carter
    Ct13-7 Richard Carter b c 14
    - - - -
    Ct11. John William Carter cont. from above b 1574 in Watford, Hertfordshire, England. Died: Mar 1630 in Newgate St., London, Engl bur about 1630 Christ Church, London, Engl
    m c 1609 Bridget Benion b c 1582 London bur Christ Church, Newgate St., London. They had 3 known children:
    +1 Thomas Benion b c 1540 Stoneleigh Warwick d 26 Nov 1608
    m Isabel Higginson b c 1550 Solihull Warwick d aft 1612 Berkswell West Midlands
    +2 John Benion b 1535 Shropshire d by 29 Nov 1573
    m Ursula Higginson b 1538 d 1600
    +2 Thomas Higginson of Berkeswell b 1506 Berkewell Warwick d aft 29 Nov 1573 Warwickshire
    m Agnes Spencer b c 1510 Badby Northampton d 1573
    +3 Thomas Benion b c 1500
    m Anne Owen b c 1510 d 1603
    +3 John Higginson of Berkeswell b c 1480 Shropshire d aft 10 Dec 1540 Lichfield Warwick
    m Joan x b c 1485 d aft 1541 Berkswell
    +3 William Spencer of Badby and Everdon
    m Agnes Heritage b 1470 Burton Dassett Warwick d 1535 dau of
    +4 Thomas Benyon b c 1470
    m Margery Cotton b c 1475
    +4 Rize Owen b c 1480 Steventon Oxon d there by 1580
    +4 Roger Heritage of Burton Dassett b c 1445 d 1495 Burton Dassett Warwick
    Elizabeth x
    +5 John Benion b c 1440
    +5 John Cotton of Alkington
    m Catherine Constantine dau of Thomas Constantine of Doddington)
    +5 John Heritage b c 1420
    m Margaret x
    Ct10-2 Ann Carter b 29 Nov 1594 Heston London d 1634 Dorchester Boston MA
    m William Lyon, (II) Mother of
    -3 George Carter
    -4 Col Edward Carter, Esq. of E...
    -5 John Carter of Corotoman s.b. author's ancestor
    -6 Elizabeth Carter m Nicholas
    -7 Isabel Carter
    -8 Robert Carter b c 1620 London see below
    -2-1 Katherine Lyon b c 1614 m Freeman
    -2-2 Peter Lyon I
    -2-3 John Lyon
    -2-4 William Lyon of Roxbury b c 1630
    Ct10-1 Thomas CARTER b 1610 in Newgate Christ Church London d 1660 Isle Of Wight VA m about 1652 Eleanor b c 1612 in England d in Isle Of Wight Co, Virginia They had
    Ct10-1-1 Thomas CARTER b 1648/1650 in Isle Of Wight Co, VA d 1710 in Isle Of Wight Co, VA
    m 1673 Magdalen MOORE b c 1652/1654 in Isle of Wight Co VA d after 1673 in Isle of Wight, Va. and had 12 children:
    Ct10-1-1-1 Edward CARTER b about 1673 in Nanticoke, Isle Of Wight, Va. d about 1735/1736 in New Hanover, NC.
    Ct10-1-1-2 George CARTER b in 1674/1675 VA
    Ct10-1-1-3 Alexander CARTER b c 1676 Va.
    Ct10-1-1-4 Martha CARTER b c 1678 Va.
    Ct10-1-1-5 Moore CARTER b 1680. d 1741
    m Jane b about 1684 in ?Bertie Co NC d Bertie Co NC
    Ct10-1-1-5-1 Isaac CARTER b 1730 d 1790.
    m Ruth was born about 1734  Bertie Co NC d Hertford Co NC
    Ct10-1-1-5-1-1 Kindred CARTER was b 1750 d 1800.
    Ct10-1-1-5-1-1-1 James CARTER was born in 1773. He died on 19 Jul 1858.
    m Eleanor DUCKWORTH on 31 Jan 1798 in Columbia Co Ga. born in 1778 in Richmond, Ga. d 1820 Talbot, Ga the dau of  y DUCKWORTH and Christiana RAMSEY.
    Ct10-1-1-5-1-1-1-1 Wiley CARTER b 1798 d 4 Mar 1864.
    m 18 Feb 1821 in Warren Co GA Ann ANSLEY b c 1801 Warren, Ga d about 1848 Glascock, Ga dau of->
    +1 Abel ANSLEY b c 1775
    m Lydia MORRIS
    +2 Thomas Ansley b c 1750
    m Rebecca Harrison
    +2 Jacob MORRIS
    m Mary ANSLEY
    +3 William ANNESLEY b c 1725
    m Rebecca Harrison
    +3 William ANNESLEY b c 1725
    m Rebecca Harrison
    Amanda CARTER b 1822 Warren Ga
    Caroline CARTER b1823 Warren Co Ga d 1854 Sumter Ga
    Calvin G. CARTER  born in 1825 in Warren Co Ga d 1899 Americus Ga
    Euphrasia A. CARTER b 1829 Warren Co Ga
    -5-1-1-1-1-5 Littleberry Walker Carter b 1832 Plains Sumter Co GA d 27 Nov 1873 Warren GA
    m 5 Jan 1851 in Warren Co GA Maryann Diligente Seals on b 1838 in Warren GA d on 27 Nov 1873 in Warren/Sumter GA bur on farm in Sumter Co GA dau of->
    +1 William Archibald Seals b 1814 d 1860
    m Eliza Harris b 1815 d 1886
    Jeremiah Calvin CARTER was born on 14 Apr 1855 in Warren Co Ga d 7 Jul 1925 Sumpter, Ga.
    F ii Eliza Ann CARTER was born in 1856 in Warren Co., Georgia.
    -5-1-1-1-1-5-3 William Archibald CARTER b 12 Nov 1858. d 4 Sep 1903
    m Nina PRATT 8 Sep 1885 in Georgia. born on 12 May 1863 in Abbeville County, GA. d 8 Mar 1939 Plains, Georgia. She was buried Lebanon Cem Plains, Sumter, Ga. dau off->
    +1 James E. PRATT
    m Sophronia C. COWAN
    +2 John COWAN
    m Sarah CLINKSCALES.
    Ethel CARTER b Feb 1887 in Arlington, Calhoun, Georgia.
    William Alton CARTER b 17 Aug 1888 in Arlington, Calhoun, Georgia. He died in Jan 1978 in Georgia.
    Lula CARTER b May 1891 in Arlington, Calhoun, Georgia.
    -5-1-1-1-1-5-3-4 James Earl CARTER was born on 12 Sep 1894. He died on 22 Jul 1953.
    m Bessie Lillian GORDY on 27 Sep 1923 in Plains, Sumter, Ga. born on 15 Aug 1898 in Richland, Stewart, GA. She died on 30 Oct 1983 in Plains, Ga bur in Plains Cem, Sumter, Ga.  dau of
    James Jackson "Jim Jack" GORDY and Mary Ida NICHOLSON.
    -5-1-1-1-1-5-3-4-1 President James Earl "Jimmy" CARTER Jr. was born on 1 Oct 1924.
    m on 7 Jul 1946 Eleanor Rosalynn Smith b 18 Aug 1927 in Plains, Ga.
    -5-1-1-1-1-5-3-4-1-1 John William CARTER b 3 Jul 1947, degree in nuclear physics at the Georgia Institute of Technology and a law degree at the University of Georgia. m1 Judy Langford of Calhoun, 2 ch Jason James b 1975 and Sarah Rosemary b 1978. Jam2 Elizabeth Brasfield,
    -5-1-1-1-1-5-3-4-1-2 James Earl CARTER III b 12 Apr 1950 m1 Caron Griffin in 1973 + 1 ch, James Earl IV, b 1977
    -5-1-1-1-1-5-3-4-1-3 Donnel Jeffrey CARTER b 18 Aug 1952 m Annette Jene Davis of Arlington in 1975
    -5-1-1-1-1-5-3-4-1-4 Amy Lynn CARTER b 19 Oct 1967 m James Gregory Wentzel in 1996, + 1 ch Hugo James in 1999.
    -5-1-1-1-1-5-3-4-2 Gloria CARTER b 22 Oct 1926 d 5 Mar 1990.
    m Walter G. SPANN.
    -5-1-1-1-1-5-3-4-3 Ruth CARTER was b 7 Aug 1929 d 26 Sep 1983.
    m Robert Thorne Stapleton, vetrinarian, + 4 ch Lynn, Scott, Patricia, and Michael.>/td>
    -5-1-1-1-1-5-3-4-4 Billy CARTER b 29 Mar 1937 in Plains, Sumter, Georgia. He died on 25 Sep 1988 in Plains, Sumter, Georgia. bur Plains Cem, Sumter, Georgia
    y CARTER b about 1896 Arlington, Calhoun Ga.
    x CARTER b about 1898 Arlington, Calhoun Ga.
    x CARTER b about 1900 in Arlington, Calhoun Ga.
    x CARTER b about 1860 in Sumter Co Ga
    x CARTER b about 1862 in Sumter Co Gea
    -5-1-1-1-1-6 Nannie Bell CARTER was born in 1866 in Sumter Co Ga.
    Jane CARTER b 1834 in Warren Co Ga d in 1905 Schley Ga.
    Julia A. CARTER b 1836 in Warren Co., Georgia.
    Louisiana Virginia CARTER was born in 1838 in Warren Co Georgia.
    Wiley CARTER was born in 1840 in Warren Co., Georgia. He died in 1904 in Richland, , Ga.
    Ann W. CARTER was born in 1842 in Warren Co., Georgia.
    Ann CARTER was born in 1843 in , Warren, Ga.
    Jesse Taliaferro CARTER was born on 26 Aug 1846 in Warren Co., Georgia. He died on 17 Mar 1924 in , Sumter, Ga.
    Felix CARTER  b 1800 in Warren Co Ga.
    Epsey CARTER  b 1803 in Warren Co Ga. d 1867.
    Keziah CARTER  b 1805 in Warren Co Ga d 1855.
    Littleberry CARTER b 1807 in Warren Co., Ga d in 1847.
    Marina CARTER  b 1809 Warren Co., Ga.
    Martha CARTER  b 1811 Warren Co., Ga.
    George W. CARTER  b about 1801 Warren Co Ga d before 1850
    James D. CARTER  b about 1803 Warren Co., Ga. d in 1854.
    Henry CARTER b about 1775 Bertie Co N C
    Martha CARTER was born about 1777 Bertie Co NC
    Jesse CARTER was born about 1779 Bertie Co NC
    y CARTER was born about 1775 Bertie Co NC
    x CARTER was born about 1777 Bertie Co NC
    y CARTER  b about 1754 Bertie Co., NC
    y CARTER  b about 1756 Bertie Co., NC
    y CARTER  b about 1752 Bertie Co., NC


    Jacob CARTER was born about 1720 in Charleston, , South Carolina.
    John CARTER was born about 1732 in <Charleston, , South Carolina>.
    Ct10-1-1-6 Thomas CARTER b ct 1680 Isle Of Wight, Va d c 1741 Bertie, Nc ?= (from Jennifer Simons� tree) b 4 Jun 1672 Bedford Lancaster Co VA d there 30 Sep 1733
    m Arabella Williamson b 4 Jun 1672?? dau of William Williamson b 1650 Lancaster VA d 1673 Rappahannock VA and Anna Harrison b 1658 Ilse of Wight VA
    Ct10-1-1-6-1? possibly here was:
    James Carter b 1750 Lancaster VA d 18 Nov 1758 Winchester VA
    m Hannah Chenoweth b 1713 Baltimore MD d 18 Nov 1758 Winchester VA
    +1 John Chenoweth b 1 Feb 1683
    m Mary Calvert b 19 Feb 1687 Cumberland PA d 11 Apr 1745 Frederick Co VA
    Ct10-1-1-6-1-1 William Carter b 1750 Winchester VA d 18 Sep 1848 Cumberland Co KY
    m Eleanor x
    Ct10-1-1-6-1-1-1 Mary Carter b 1776 VA d 1850 Green Co KY
    m John Askew b 7 May 1767 d 1847
    -1 Frances Mae Askew b 1812 d 1886 m Milton Elsworth England b 1813 Adair KY d 1904 Red Lick Metcalf Co KY son of Nathaniel England b 1785 Burke NC d 1858 Adair KY and Mary Ann Sparks
    -2 Nancy Askew b 1794
    -3 Elizabeth Askewb 1800 d 1901
    -4 Daniel Askew b 1800
    -5 John Askew Jr b 1806 d 1878
    -6 James Askew b 1810
    -7 Amos Askew b 1814 d 1843
    -1-1 Daniel England b 7 Apr 1846 d 14 Jul 1909 m Lucinda Roach b 14 Jul 1846 d 6 Jan 1897 dau of Merdith Roach and Burley Ann Sparks
    -1-2 Rev William Milton England b 5 Apr 1838 Adair KY d there 1908 m Lou Romines
    -1-3 James England b 1845 d 1911
    -1-4 Amos England b 1849 d 1930 m1 Sarah Jessie b 1849 d 1912 + ch m2 Cordelia Johnson b 1873 d 1959
    -1-5 John England b 1850 d 1930
    -1-1-1 Cora C England b 31 Mar 1881 d 15 Aug 1915 m William Isaiah Foster
    -1-1-2 Cordelia England b 1870 d 1911 m Silas Wooten b 1865 d 1945
    -1-1-3 Meredith England b 1873 d 1929
    -1-1-4 John England b 1876
    -1-1-5 Nimrod England b 1877
    -1-1-6 Junious England b 1878 d 1942
    -1-1-7 Nimana England d 1902
    -1-1-8 John England d 1917
    -1-1-9 George England b 1883 d 1920
    -1-1-10 Lafayette England b 1886 d 1965
    -1-1-11 Ellen England b 1888 d 1969
    -1-1-1-1 Jewel Beatrice Foster b 1 Sep 1902 m John William Colston son of John William Marion Warren Colston and Lula Alone Crump
    -1-1-1-2 Beunah Foster b 1899 d 1900
    -1-1-1-3 Albert Foster b 1901 d 1990 m Cleta Matthews b 1903 d 1985
    -1-1-1-4 William Foster b 1904 d 1965 m Lorene Brady b 1908 d 1979
    -1-1-1-5 Carl Foster b 1905 d 1974 m Vera Acrea b 1907 d 2004 + 3 ch
    -1-1-1-6 Martha Foster b 1908 d 1976 m Cary Miller b 1901 d 1981 + Virgil Miller
    -1-1-1-7 Kelcey Foster b 1910 d 1989 m Jewel Brown b 1916 d 2000
    -1-1-1-1-1 Mildred Louise Colston m y Womack son of Marshall Leslie Womack and Thelma Glaydus Greer
    -1-1-1-1-2 Christeen Colston m James Turner
    -1-1-1-1-3 Mary Colston m William Spears
    -1-1-1-1-4 Kathryn Colston m Robert Zeisler
    -1-1-1-1-5 Betty Colston m David Robinson
    -1-1-1-1-6 Robert Colston
    -1-1-1-1-1-1 x Womack m y Fremont son of Jesse Freemont and x Hock parents of jennifer Simons, author's DNA match

    George CARTER b c 1682 Isle of Wight Va.
    Samuel CARTER b c 1686o Isle of Wight Va.
    Alexander CARTER b c 1688 o Isle of Wight, Va.
    Benjamin CARTER b c 1690 in Isle Of Wight Va.
    Martha CARTER b c 1692 in Isle Of Wight Va.
    James CARTER b c 1694 in Isle Of Wight Va.
    Ct10-7 Robert CARTER was born about 1620 in Newgate Christ Church, London, Middlesex
    Ct10 John Carter b 5 Nov 1599 Place: Kempston, Bedfordshire, England, Christening: 5 Nov 1599 Place: Kempston Parish,Bedfordshire,England, bd 10 June, 1669, in Corotoman, Lancaster, Virginia, bur. Christ Church, Lancaster Va. Sources: Birth - Colonial Dames of America, Register of Kentucky Society. Marriage 4: Will of Sarah Ludlow�s grandmother, copy filed College of Arms in London, Marriage 1, 2, 3 and 5: Letter from Mr. Riley dated 3 Apr. 1973, Death - Colonial Dames of America, Register of Kentucky Society.
    m1 Jane Glyn dau of
    +1 Morgan Glyn (records show alternate birth- and marriage place Fulham or Newgate Christ Church in Middlesex, Engl. or Norfolk, Nansemond, Va. The former two are likely the place of birth and then christening sometime between 1620 and 1624, the latter the place of marriage sometime between 1637 and 1647. For John seems to have come from Middlesex and been in Virginia by 1635, as he was already a Burgess in 1641. He may have known the Glynns before coming to America and they may have come at about the same time or later by invitation and had 3 children. Ct9-1 George Carter
    Ct9-2 John Carter
    Ct9-3 Elizabeth Carter m Nathaniel Utie
    m2 Eleanor (Eltonhead) Brocus, widow of William Brocus of Lancaster County,
    daughter of Richard Eltonhead and Ann Sutton of England and had no issue.
    m3 Ann Carter, thought to be the daughter of a distant cousin, Cleave (Cleve) Carter of England, and had no issue.
    m4 about 1656 Sarah Ludlow, daughter of Gabriel Ludlow born in Dinton, Wilts. England, and Phylis Wakelyn Wa11. Children:
    Ct9-4 Sarah Carter
    Ct9-5 Charles Carter
    Ct9 Robert Carter (1663 - 1732)
    Died 1732, August 4, at Corotoman, Lancaster County, Virginia Pedigree by Weebers M 5th: Elizabeth Shirley of Gloucester County, Virginia, and had no issue, although a book by Lyle Carter shows the above Ct8-11 Charles as son of this marriage.
    m1 to Judith Armistead Ar9
    Robert Carter and Judith Armistead had the folowing children*:
    Ct8 Elizabeth Carter b 1688 d after Jan 1730
    m1 Nathaniel Burwell, son of Lewis Burwell and Abigail Smith Ba11-2-6-1.
    Ct7-1 Lewis Burwell (1710-1756) of Whitemarsh, Va, married Mary Willis.
    Ct7-2 Elizabeth Burwell (1713- ), married William Nelson of Yorktown (1711-1778). Signer of the Declaration of Independence.
    Ct7-3 Nathaniel Burwell (1711/14-1720)
    Ct7-4 Carter Burwell (25Oct1716-3Jan1777) of the Grove, James City Co Va, m Lucy Grymes.
    Ct7-5 Lucy Burwell (1713-)
    Ct7-6 Robert Burwell (3Jun1720-30Jan1777) of Isle of Wight Co m S. Nelson.
    m2 after 1721 Dr. George Nicholas Ni8 son of Philip Nicholas Ni9 and Frances x of Manston Dorset Ni7 Robert Carter Nicholas (b. 1725 or 8 - 1780) m Anne Cary (Ca7)
    Ni7-2 John Nicholas
    Ni7-3 George Nicholas
    Ni6-1 Elizabeth Nicholas b. 11 Aug. 1752 m 29 Aug. 1776 Gov. Edmund Jennings Randolph, son of John Randolph, 1776 d 1810.
    Ni6 George Nicholas b 11 Aug. 1753 d 27 July 1799 m Mary Smith daughter of John Smith of Baltimore, Md., and moved to Ky
    Ni6-3 Wilson Cary Nicholas (31 January 1761 - 10 October 1820) m 1783 Margaret, daughter of John Smith of Baltimore
    Ni6-4 John Nicholas b 1756 d 31 Dec. 1819 m Anne Lawson, was member of Congress 1793 d 1801; removed to Geneva, New York, where he has numerous descendants.
    Ni6-5 Sarah Nicholas, b 1752 at Frederick Co VA; m m John Hatley Norton son of John Norton and Courtenay Walker.
    Ni6-6 Judith Nicholas b 1765 d '1 )
    Ni6-7 Lewis Nicholas (1766 - '/ ), who lived in Albemarle.
    Ni6-8 Robert Carter Nicholas (2 June 1768 - 7 ) m 27 Jul 1801 Martha Mosby b ABT 1770 in Powhatan, Virginia and had John S. Nicholas b 11 DEC 1803 in of "Seven Islands", Cumberland, VA
    Ni6-9 Philip Norborne Nicholas (1775 - 1849) m1 Mary Spear of Baltimore, Md., m2 Maria Carter Byrd, dau of Thomas Taylor Byrd and Mary Anne Armistead, dau of William Armistead Ar9-4-1-1.
    Ni6-10 Mary Nicholas b 1759 d 1796 unm
    Ni5-1 Col. Robert Carter Nicholas (1779 (?93 there is likely a confusion with a cousin of the same name who moved to New Orleans) - 1836 (?57), He was known as a brilliant talker.
    Ni5-2 Maria Nicholas (1780 - ? ) 17 March 1804 married Col. Thomas D. Owings of Kentucky in Lexington Ky son of John Cockey Owings and Colegate Deye grandson of Joshua Owings Ow9-11 and grandnephew of Samuel Owings Ow9
    Ni5-3 Smith Nicholas (1782 - ? )
    Ni5-4 Ann Nicholas (1783 - ?)
    Ni5-5 Sidney Nicholas (1785 - ? )
    Ni5-6 Major Cary Nicholas (1786 - ? ) U.S. Army and great wit
    Ni5-7 George Ann Nicholas (1788 - ?)
    Ni5-8 Margarette Gailbraith Nicholas (1789 � Aug.13, 1819) married first Gen. J.C. Bartlett, second Gov. Thomas Fletcher, died without issue. She was portraited by Jewet; the portrait in the posession of Gen. Charles Parsons Nicholas (Ni3-5-4) in 1975 and doublessly passed to his daughter, Frances.
    Ni5-9 John Nelson Nicholas (1791 - 1826) ablest Journalist in Kentucky and in 1821 made Jefferson admit authorship of the Kentucky Resolution of 1798 with the further awowal that he wrote them at the insistance of George Nicholas (Ni6)
    Ni5-10 Elizabeth Randolph Nicholas (1793 -) married James Gabriel Trotter of Lexington
    Ni5-11 George Wilson Nicholas (1795 - ? )
    Ni5 Samuel Smith Nicholas b 1797 d 1869 the only son to marry.
    Ni5-13 Henrietta (Hetty) Morrison Nicholas (1798 - ? ) married Richard Hawes Jr.
    Ct8-2 John CARTER of Shirley was born in 1690 in Va d 30 Apr 1743 in Va
    in 1723 Cecily Elizabeth Hill b 1703 d 1777 inherited 'Shirley Plantation' on the James River in Va,
    daughter of Edward Hill III and Elizabeth Williams (dau of Sir Thomas Williams of Wales) granddaughter of Edward Hill II b. 1637 and. Tabitha Scarburgh b 1696, great granddaughter of Col. Edward Hill b about 1610 m 1656 Hannah Jordan b about 1620 d 1663.
    Ct8-3 Judith CARTER b 1693 in Of, Corotoman, Lancaster, Virginia. d 1700 in Rosewell, Gloucester Co., Virginia. bur in Rosewell, Gloucester Co., Virginia.
    Ct8-4 Sarah CARTER was born in 1694 in Of, Corotoman, Lancaster, Virginia. She died in 1694.
    Ct8-5 Charles CARTER was born about 1699.
    Ct8-6 Anne CARTER b c 1700 d 12 Aug 1745
    m Benjamin Harrison. Ancestors of Presidents Harrison
    Ct8-7 Judith CARTER was born about 1700. married Mann Page
    Ct8-8 Lucy CARTER.
    Ct8-9 Mary CARTER.
    m2 Elizabeth Landon wid Willis and dau of Thomas Landon. had the following children*:
    Ct8-10Robert CARTER was born in 1704 at Corotoman, Lancaster, Virginia. He died in 12 May 1732 in Nomini, Westmoreland Co., Virginia, m Priscilla Bladen Churchill, b Christ Church, Middlesex Va. d 1763 Gloucester Co. Va. and had issue.
    Ct8-11 Charles CARTER was born in 1707 in Corotoman, Lancaster, Virginia. He died in 1764 in Virginia.
    Ct8-12 George CARTER was born about 1709 in Of, Corotoman, Lancaster, Virginia. He died in Unmd.
    Ct8-13 Lucy CARTER was born in 1710 in Of Corotoman, Lancster, Virginia, Virginia. She died in 1763 in , , Virginia.
    Ct8-14 Mary CARTER was born in 1712 in Of, Corotoman, Lancaster, Va. She died on 17 Sep 1736 in Newington, King & Queen, Va.
    Ct8-15 Landon CARTER was born in 1713. He died in 1778.
    Ct8-16 Ludlow CARTER b 1714 Corotoman, Lancaster, Virginia.
    Ct8-17 Sarah CARTER b c 1715 Corotoman, Lancaster, Virginia. d y.
    Ct8-18 Betty CARTER b c 1716 Corotoman, Lancaster, Virginia.
    Ct9-2 additions from Rita Sander's Tree:
    Anna Carter b 1661 Corotoman Lancaster Co VA d there 1720
    m Thomas Yerby b Lancaster, VA 1657 d 13 Mar 1716 Corotoman Lancaster VA
    (There is some contradiction in the date of birth of their children, a generation may be missing for some, as it seems less likely that the same couple should have children born 34 years apart. So Mary is shown as sister of this Thomas and not his dau and grand dau of his father It also seems more likely that a womand born in 1661 would have children born before the son born in 1696. This row is a reconciled composite of at least 20 pedigrees found at including this couple, there were only a few minor contradictions and a few concurred on the three preceding Doggett generations)
    -1 Thomas Yerby b Corotoman 1696 d Lancaster Co VA 21 May 1756 m Hannah Doggett b Lancaster VA 1698 d there 1761 dau of Benjamin Doggett b 1665 d 1723 and Elizabeth Stott
    -2 Mary Yerby b 1693/?1725 d 1761 m Thomas Hubbard (The earlier DoB seems more plausible; following from Jack Money's Tree) b 1693 Lancaster Co VA d there 1745
    -1-1 Thomas Yerby b 1719
    -1-2 Elizabeth Yerby b 1720 d 1759 ?= Betty Yerby m John Yerby
    -1-3 Hannah/Ann Yerby b 1727 d 1794 Lancaster Co m Thomas Brent b 1724 d 1781 (from Katrina Kerrick's Tree)
    -1-5 John Yerby b 1719 d 1789
    -1-6 Ann Yerby b 1727 d 1794 = -1-4
    -2-1 Joseph Hubbard b 1715 d 1765 m Elizabeth Mott b 1717 (following from Doris Keller's Tree)
    -2-2 Ephraim Hubbard b 1717
    -2-3 Betty Hubbard b 1719 d 1789
    -2-4 Elizabeth Hubbard b 1721 d 1789 m William Saunders b 1718 Lancaster Co d 22 Nov 1779 Wicomo Parish Lancaster Co

    -1-2-1 George Yerby
    -1-3-1 William Brent b 1743 m Elizabeth x (ch from Beecher Adam's Tree)
    -1-3-2 George Brent b 4 Nov 1745/?66 Lancaster Co d 1785/?1814 Loudon Co m Johanna Wale
    -1-3-3 Judith Brent b 1747 m Joseph Sullivant d 1782
    (from Dr Penelope Nichols Alby's Tree)
    -1-3-4 Thomas Brent b 1750 Lancaster Co d 10 May 1832 Scott Co KY m1 Sarah x d 1821 m2 Lucy Brent b 1760 m3 Judith x + 3 ch
    -1-3-5 Lucy Brent b 1755
    -1-3-6 Vincent Brent b 1753 Lancaster Co d 1799 m1 Margaret Lawson + ch m2 x
    -1-3-7 Ann Brent b 1760 m y Kent ?descendant of Ann Doggett b c 1504 Bures St Mary and y Kent
    -2-1-1 Thomas Hubbard b 1745 d 1822 m Frances Hollingsworth b 1755
    -2-4-1 Elizabeth Saunders d 1734
    -2-4-2 Thomas Saunders b 1739 d 1808
    -2-4-3 Nahum Saunders b 1740 d 1795
    -2-4-4 Mary Saunders b 1741 d 1779
    -2-4-6 Capt Jesse Saunders b 1743 VA d 1792/1809 Putnam Co GA m Ann Yancey b 1748 VA Granville Co NC 1787 + ch m2 Phebe Rowland (his ch are also shown as from m2 Jenny Yancey with m1 Anis Yancey)
    -2-4-7 Tabitha Saunders b 1750 d 1793 m Randoph whitley b 1745 d 1785
    -2-4-8 John Saunders b 1730/?39 Goochland Co VA d 1772 St James Goochland Co m Elizabeth Hancock b 1740 d 1775
    -2-4-9 Frances Saunders b 1745 d 1842
    -2-4-10 James Saunders b 1745
    -2-4-11 Winifred Saunders b 1746 Lancaster PA d 1797 (from Larry Allen's Tree) m George Noble b 1751 Fairfax VA d Loudoun VA 1840
    -2-4-12 Edward Saunders b 1751 d 1780
    -2-4-13 Presley Saunders b 1753 d 1816
    -2-4-14 Joseph Saunders b 1757 d 1833

    -1-3-1-1 Richard Brent
    -1-3-1-2 Isaac Brent
    -1-3-1-3 Anne Brent m Henry Cave
    -1-3-1-4 Fannie Brent m y Williams
    -1-3-1-5 Prescilly Brent
    -1-3-1-6 Alsey Brent m Lewis Collins
    -1-3-1-7 Betsy Brent m Chainock Self
    -1-3-1-8 Joan Brent
    -1-3-1-9 Eliza Brent m Minor Neale
    -1-3-1-10 Nancy Brent m1 Richard Cave m2 y Bealert
    -1-3-2-1 Thomas Brent b 1777
    -1-3-2-2 Sarah Brent b 1774 m y Powell
    -1-3-2-3 Joanna Brent b 1775 d 1822 m Thomas Wrenn
    -1-3-2-4 Willis Brent b 1780 m Emsey Hansford
    -1-3-2-5 Martin Brent b 1782
    -1-3-2-6 Hugh Brent b 1784 d 1852 m Elizabeth Chinn
    -1-3-2-7 Joanna Brent b 1775 d 1822 m Thomas Wrenn d 1834
    -1-3-2-8 y Brent
    -1-3-3-1 Peggy Sullivant m William Haydon
    -1-3-3-2 Catherine Sullivant m William Cundiff
    -1-3-3-3 Nancy Sullivant
    -1-3-3-4 Sabra Sullivant m William Dodson
    -1-3-3-5 Sally Sullivant m Isaac Craine
    -1-3-4-1 Thomas Brent b 1794 /?1800 VA d 24 Nov 1875 Lee Co VA m Susan Keith
    -1-3-4-2 Elizabeth Brent m2 y Atkins m1 y Dehoney
    -1-3-4-3 x Brent m James McManning
    -1-3-6-1 Katherine Brent b 1788/?95 d 1859 m?1 John Curtsinger Jr b 1785 m?2 Andrew Robertson
    -1-3-6-2 Lawson Brent b 1790 d 1834
    -1-3-6-3 Ann Brent b 1790 m1 John Meredith d 1834 m2? James Brent
    -1-3-6-4 Sarah Brent
    -1-3-6-5 Arthur Brent
    -1-3-6-6 Charles Brent d 1799
    -1-3-7-1 Judith Kent
    -1-3-7-2 Jane Kent
    -2-1-1-1 Benjamin Hubbard b 1768 Pittsylvania Co VA d Clay Co KY
    -2-4-6-1 William Saunders b 1740/?67/?8 VA or NC d 1811 Pendleton Dist Anderson Co SC m?1 Elizabeth Tubb m?2 Sarah Ragan b 1770 d 1860
    -2-4-6-2 James Saunders b 1769 d 1838
    -2-4-6-3 John S "Wiley" Saunders b 16 Feb 1774 Granville NC d 1859 Lincoln TN m1 Ruth Reeves b 1772 d 1854 m2 Mimme Jones b 1774 d 1860
    -2-4-6-4 Yancey Saunders b 1770 Raleigh Wake Co NC d 1798 m Louisa Bower b 1774 d 1865
    -2-4-6-5 Edney Saunders b 1773
    -2-4-6-6 Reuben Saunders b 1774 Granville NC d 1860 Columbia GA m Frances Fennell
    -2-4-6-7 Ezekiel Saunders b 1775
    -2-4-6-8 Elizabeth Saunders b 1776 d 1830 m Peter Packard
    -2-4-6-9 Jesse Saunders b 1776 Orqange Co NC d 1865 Putnam Baldwin Co GA m1 Jane Germany b 1782 d 1807 m2 Mary Malone
    -2-4-6-10 Betsy Saunders b 1778 Orange Co NC d 1879 m William Barnett b 1775 d 1860
    -2-4-6-11 Lewis Saunders b 1780 d 1867
    -2-4-6-12 Mary Saunders b 1780/4
    -2-4-6-13 Thomas Saunders b 1782 d 1930 m Mary Lambert b 1788 d 1850
    -2-4-6-14 Winifred Saunders b 1787
    -2-4-6-15 Missy Saunders b 1760 d 1845 m George Noble Jr b 1759 d 1845
    -2-4-7-1 John Whitley b 1770 d 1838 m Bathsheba Bateman b Isle of Wight Va 1775 d Coles, Il Oct. 17, 1885
    -2-4-7-2 Elsie Whitley b 1771 d 1811
    -2-4-7-3 Randolph Whitley b 1772 d 1837
    -2-4-7-4 Elizabeth Whitley b 1774 d 1854
    -2-4-7-5 Mary Whitley b 1776 d 1850
    -2-4-7-6 Sharpe Whitley b 1786 d 1860
    -2-4-8-1 Joseph Sanders b 1759 d 1803
    -2-4-8-2 William Sanders b 1760
    -2-4-8-3 John Sanders b 1764 d 1838 m Elizabeth Ann CAWTHORN b Fluvanna, VA Jun. 30, 1764 d Goochland, VA 1840
    -2-4-8-4 Thomas Sanders b 1765
    -2-4-8-5 David Sanders b 1766 d 1815
    -2-4-7-1 John Whitley b 1770 d 1838
    -2-4-7-2 Randolph Whitley b 1772 d 1837
    -2-4-7-3 Elizabeth Whitley b 1774 d 1854
    -2-4-7-4 Elisha Whitley b 1781 d 1854
    -2-4-7-5 Sharpe Whitley b 1785 d 1860 m Tryphena Fisk b 1809 d 1870
    -2-4-11-1 Nathan Noble b 1781 d 1858 m Virginia Neace b 1777/?87 d 1881

    -1-3-1-9-1 Elizabeth Neale
    -1-3-1-10-1 Molly Bealert
    -1-3-2-2-1 George Powell b 1790
    -1-3-2-2-2 Bartella Powellb 1792
    -1-3-2-2-3 Julien Powell b 1794
    -1-3-2-2-4 Amey Powell b 1795
    -1-3-2-2-5 Amery Powell
    -1-3-2-4-1 Elizabeth Brent m Hoarce McKenster
    -1-3-2-4-2+ 3 sons
    -1-3-2-7-1 Martha Wrenn b 1796 d 1854 m Francis Adams
    -1-3-2-7-2 Hugh Wrenn m Harriett
    -1-3-2-7-3 Thomas Wrenn b 1804 d 1878 m Julia Cockerell b 1810
    -1-3-2-7-4 Allen Wrenn b 1815 d 1894 m Parthenia Taylor d 1901
    -1-3-4-1-1 Alexander Brent b 1820 d 1866
    -1-3-4-1-2 Sally Brent b 1820 d 1825
    -1-3-4-1-3 Nancy Brent b 1823 d 1894 m John Hurst
    -1-3-4-1-4 John Brent b VA 1828 d ? 9 Oct 1904 KY m Virginia Hurst
    -1-3-4-1-5 Mary Brent b 1825 m John Brown
    -1-3-4-1-6 Catharine Brent b d 1829
    -1-3-4-1-7 Anderson Brent b d 1829
    -1-3-4-1-8 Louisa Brent b 1830 d 1903 m Samuel Hobbs
    -1-3-4-1-9 Susan Brent b 1835 d 1871
    -1-3-4-1-10 Caroline Brent b 1821
    -1-3-4-1-11 elizabeth Brent b 1826 d 1871 m John Jackson
    -1-3-6-1-1 Sarah Curtsinger b 1811 d 1876
    -1-3-6-1-2 Lawson Curtsinger b 1816
    -1-3-6-1-3 Thomas Curtsinger b 1816
    -1-3-6-1-4 Martin Curtsinger b 1820 d 1836 m Mary Chesser
    -1-3-6-1-5 William Curtsinger b 1815 d 1867
    -1-3-6-1-6 Sanford Curtsinger b 1821 d 1906
    -1-3-6-1-7 Mariah Cutsinger b 1830 d 1898 m William Bishop
    -1-3-6-1-8 Robert Cutsinger b 1828 d 1920
    -1-3-6-1-9 James Cutsinger b 1819 d 1836
    -1-3-6-1-10 Louisa Curtsinger b 1818 d 1892
    -1-3-6-1-11 John Cutsinger b 1830
    -1-3-6-1-12 Mary Cutsinger b 1844
    -1-3-6-1-13 Absalom Cutsinger b 1822 d 1860
    -1-3-6-1-14 Isaac Cutsinger b 1846 d 1925
    -1-3-6-1-15 Lucinda Cutsinger b 1825 d 1889
    -1-3-6-1-16 Ellen Curtsinger b 1849 d 1850
    -1-3-6-1-17 Melvina Curtsinger b 1830 d 1833
    -1-3-6-1-18 Elizabeth Curtsinger d 1899 m William Chesser
    -1-3-6-3-1 Margaret Meredith
    -1-3-6-3-2 Thomas Meredith
    -1-3-6-3-3 William Meredith
    Ct10-? - - - - -
    From Michael Carlisle Shaw�s tree, of no established relation to the above was:
    Robert Carter b 12 Aug 1735 Lancaster VA d 30 Aug 1783 Hertford Bertie NC
    m Margaret Bronson b 1733 d 1807
    -1 Robert Carter b 22 Jun 1759 m Elizabeth Betsy Mcackelroy b 1762 d 1825 dau of Andrew Mackelroy and Johannah New Hancock -1-1 Robert Carter b 1784 d 1888 m Sarah Thompson b 1792 d 1829 -1-1-1 James Thomas Carter b 1818 d 1898 m Elizabeth Anne Hitchcock b 1830 -1-1-1-1 Nancy Lee Carter b 1870 m Smith Shaw son of Smith Shaw b 1816 and Emily Elizabeth Davis (dau of James Ware Davis (son of Moses Davis and Millicent Carter (dau of Solomon C and Mary Ann Bickley)) and Jane Robertson) -1-1-1-1-1 Alexander Carlisle Shaw b 1896 m Ollie Nora Gross b 1905 dau of Perry D Gross and Fannie Missouri Brown (dau of Daniel James Brown and Catherine Virginia Bolton) parents of the author�s DNA match
    Ct10-? - - - - -
    of no established relation to the above was:
    Giles Carter of Turkey Island b 24 April, 1634 Cirencester, Gloucestershire d 12 Feb 1701 in Turkey Island, Henrico, Virginia, USA bur Henrico, VA
    m Hannah Crews b 1637 Henrico Co VA dau of James Crewes/Cruse and Margaret native American b c 1614 Varina Henrico Co
    Ct9-1 Mary Carter b c 1693 m y Totty d
    Ct9-2 Susannah Carter b c 1695 m Williamson
    Ct9-3 Theoderick Carter of Henrico b 1697 Henrico VA d 7 Dec 1777 St Patricks Par Pr Edward Co VA
    m Anne Waddill b 1713 d 1777
    -1 John Carter b 1737 d 1781 (this line from Ashleigh Manatan's tree) m Mary Cunningham b 1737 d 1805
    -2 William S Carter b 1740 Pr Edward VA d 17 Mar 1810 Halifax Co NC m Deanitia Townes b 1740 NC d Halifax NC
    -1-1 Mary Carter b c 1785 d 1856 m Jordan Clay b 1777 d 1856 son of Caleb Clay and Melison Epps
    -2-1 Mary Purry Carter b 1780 Halifax Co NC m John Sawyer b 1776 NC d 6 Aug 1849 Newton GA son of John Sawyer b 1750 NC d 1815 GA and Keziah Knibler b 1755
    -1-1-1 Caleb Clay b 1804 d 1877 m Zipha Cable Akers dau of John F Akers and Rebecca Ratliff
    -2-1-1 Adeline Sawyer b 1815 d 1896 m Edmond Phillips b 6 Jan 1803 Putnam GA d 1894 Ashland Clay AL son of Jonathan Phillips b NC 1777 d Putnam Co, Ga Oct. 1, 1828 m Elizabeth Howell b 1781 d 1865
    -1-1-1-1 Greenville Clay b 1829 d 1914 m Mary Elizabeth Nonahue b 1833 d 1888 dau of James Hurston Donhue and Nancy Ann Hobbs b 1814 Russell VA d 1901 Lawrence Co KY
    -2-1-1-1 William Phillips b 1853 d 1941 m Martha Nolen b 1851 d 1926 dau of Stephen Nolen b 1815 d 1857 and Martha Sheals
    -1-1-1-1-1 Hurston Clay b 1857 d 1958 m Zemenia Parsons dau of Thomas Parsons and Rachael Lydia Adkins
    -2-1-1-1 Mary Phillips b 1879 d 1970 m William McKee b 1873 d 1943 son of Albert Wallace McKee b 1850 Chickasaw MS d 1919 Holland Bell TX m Mary Crawford b 1855 d 1921
    -1-1-1-1-1-1 Rosa Maude Clay b 1887 d 1937 m Henry T Ramey
    -2-1-1-1-1 Millard McKee b 1899 d 1969 m Beatrice Ferguson b 1912 d 1998 parents of Mary McKee, author's DNA match
    -1-1-1-1-1-1-1 George Ramey b 1905 d 1968 m Victoria Maynard dau of Isaac L Maynard and Farabell Mathis b 1872 WV -1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 y Ramey b c 1935 m x Gallahan dau of Raymond Elroy Gallahan and Addie Margaret Whitlow -1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 y Ramey m y Gilkeson, parents of Ashleigh Gilkeson, author's 30 cM DNA match with 30 cM segment. "in common with" filter returned no results, which may be due to the realignment of either us bringing the same segment together again
    Ct9-4 Giles Carter III
    m Mary Povall b 1676 Henrico Co d 1748 Granville NC dau of
    +1 Robert/Robin Povall and Elizabeth Hooker b c 1660 Henrico d 1728 Henrico Co (dau of Joseph)
    Ct9-4-1 Mary Carter b c 1699 Henrico Co d 1737 Goochland Co
    m Ralph Hudspeth Jr b 1695 Henrico Co d 11 Jun 1776 Surry Co NC son of Ralph de Hudspeth b 1662 Corbridge Northumberland Engl d 6 Apr 1719 Henrico Co and Margaret Eyres/Ayres b 1666 Charles City Co VA he m2 Catherine x
    -1 Margaret Hudspeth m William Moore
    -2 Giles Hudspeth b 1727 Henrico VA d 1790 Surry NC m Elizabeth Bradford b 1730 Granville NC d 1802 Surrey Co NC dau of Philemon Bradford b 1703 Edgecomb NC d Granville NC and Mary Byrd(from Gladys Walker's tree)
    -3 Mary Hudspeth m Blalock
    -4 David Hudspeth
    -5 Ralph Hudspeth b 1721
    -6 Carter Hudspeth b 1723
    -7 Hannah Hudspeth m McLemore

    -2-1 Giles Hudspeth b c 1752 Granville NC d there 1781
    -2-2 John Hudspeth b c 1753 Granville NC d c 1831 Monroe Co KY
    -2-3 William Hudspeth b c 1754 NC d 1778 Surry Co NC
    -2-4 Benjamin Hamine Hudspeth b c 1756 Granville NC d c 1792 Surry Co NC m Milley/Milly Coe b 1756 Surry Co NC dau of Timothy Coe b 1715 Rehoboth, Sussex, DE d 15 Apr 1763 Rowan NC and Dianah
    -2-5 Elizabeth Hudspeth b 1760 Surry Co NC
    -2-6 Charles Hudspeth Sr
    -2-7 Jemima Hudspeth b 1760 Granville NC d 1850 Surrey Co NC m Isaiah Coe
    -2-8 Ralph Hudspeth b c 1764 Granville Co NC d 1796
    -2-9 Martha Clarissa Hudspeth b 1766 NC d 1842 Overton TN m Thomson Glenn
    -2-10 Hannah Hudspeth v c 1770 NC d c 1848 Overton Co TN m Absalom Holeman
    -2-11 Mary Ann Hudspeth b1772 NC d 1842 Overton Co TN m Webb

    -2-2-1 John Hudspeth
    -2-4-1 Giles Hudspeth Sr b Aug 1784 Surry NC d 10 Oct 1867 Dade MO m Discretion Sater
    -2-4-2 Thompson Hudspeth
    -2-4-3 Morgan Hudspeth
    -2-4-4 Sarah Hudspeth
    -2-4-5 Johnson Thompson Glenn /Hudspeth
    -2-4-6 Council Hudspeth

    -2-4-1-1 Giles Hudspeth b 1826 Monroe KY d 1867 Dade MO m Mary
    -2-4-1-2 Benjamin Hudspeth
    -2-4-1-3 Morgan Hudspeth
    -2-4-1-4 Hiley B Hudspeth
    -2-4-1-5 Narcissa Hudspeth
    -2-4-1-6 Elizabeth Hudspeth
    -2-4-1-7 Nancy Hudspeth
    -2-4-1-8 Sarah Hudspeth
    -2-4-1-9 Rebecca Hudspeth
    -2-4-1-10 Mary Polly Hudspeth
    -2-7-1 Nancy Ann Coe
    -2-7-2 Clarissa Coe m Hudspeth
    -2-7-3 Giles Hudspeth Coe

    -2-4-1-1-1 John P Hudspeth
    -2-4-1-1-2 Adolphus Hudspeth
    -2-4-1-1-3 Elizabeth Hudspeth
    -2-4-1-1-4 William H Hudspeth
    -2-4-1-1-4 Amanda Hudspeth
    Ct9-4-2 Povall Carter
    Ct9-4-3 William Carter
    Ct9-5 Elizabeth Carter
    Ct9-6 Mary Carter b 1667 d 1702
    Ct9 Susannah Carter b 1671 d 1702 Shiloah Union Parish Louisiana
    m1 Daniel Price Sr
    m2 Thomas Williams b 1671 d 1742
    Wi7-1 Daniel John Price, II b c 1689 Henrico VA
    m1 Mary Hughes b c 1680 Henrico d 1767 Amelis Co VA + 6 ch dau of Robert Hughes and Sarah Tarleton b c 1675 Vluvanna New Kent Co d 19 May Goochland
    m2 Sarah
    -1 Joseph Price b 1712 m Anne Shores b 1713 New Kent VA dau of Richard Shore and Susanna Woodson
    -2 Elizabeth Ann Price m Curd
    -3 William Price
    -4 John Price
    -5 Daniel Price III
    -6 Hannah Price
    -1-1 Elizabeth Price m Rowton
    -1-2 Joseph Shores Price
    -1-3 Mary Price
    Wi7-2 John Williamson
    Wi7 Hannah Williams b 1694 d 1751 m John Price b 1690 d 1751
    Pr6 Daniel Price b 1717 d 1901
    m Mary Williamson b 1719
    Pr5-1 Hannah Colvin
    Pr5-2 Daniel Price
    Pr5-3 John Price
    Pr5-4 Samuel Price
    Pr5-5 William Price
    Pr5 Cuthbert Price b 1766 SC d 1834 Chester SC
    m1 Margaret Strait b 1768 SC d Sep 1826 + 1 ch
    m2 Margaret Head + 2 ch
    -1 Samuel Price b 1785 d 1854 m Nancy McLean
    -2 Joseph Price b 1780 m Mary Prue Dorsey b c 1780
    -3 Elizabeth Price m Walker
    -1-1 Robert W Price b 1811 SC d 1865 Lineville AL
    -1-2 Thomas Wayman Price b 1815 SC d 1865 Lineville AL m Mary Elizabeth Elkins b 3 Dec 1822 Rome GA d 18 May 1911 dau of Erwin Elkins and Elizabety Garrett
    -1-3 Nancy Price m Asa Coker b 1823 Elbert Co GA d 1876
    -2-1 Alexander Cornelious Price
    -1-2-1 Susannah Price
    -1-2-2 Thos W Price
    -1-2-3 William C Price
    -1-2-4 Robert Franklin Price
    -1-2-5 Samuel Franklin Price
    -1-2-6 Thomas Price
    -1-2-7 Joseph M Price
    -1-2-8 Martha Price
    -1-2-9 Nancy Price
    -1-2-10 Andrew Jackson Price
    -1-3-1 Nancy Coker b 1853 d 1906 m John Key b 1838 d 1903
    -1-3-1-1 Fannie Mae Key b 1889 Pisgah Union Parish Louisiana d 1973 m Floyd Mitcham b 1882 d 1946
    -1-3-1-1-1 Margie Mitcham b 1912 d 2000 m John Johnson b 1914 d 1982 m grandparents of James Johnson, author's DNA match
    Pr5-7 Joseph Price
    Pr6-2 John Price III b 1650 Henrico d Jun 1711 Goochland Co m1 Jane Womack m2 Jane x + 5 ch wid of Henry Pugh -1 Mary Cannon
    -2 John Price IV b 1690 Varina Henrico d 1751 Goochland m1 Hannah Williamson dau of Thomas Williamson/?Williams and Susannah Carter b 1671 Henrico + 7 ch m2 Rebecca x + 2 ch m3 Sarah
    -3 Elizabeth Price
    -4 Pugh Price Sr
    -5 Daniel Price

    -2-1 Daniel Price
    -2-2 John V Price
    -2-3 Robert Price
    -2-4 Thomas Price
    -2-5 James Price
    -2-6 William Price
    -2-7 Sarah Price
    -2-8 Mary Price m Parrish
    -2-9 Aquila Price
    Pr6-3 Robert Price
    Pr6-4 Thomas Price
    Pr6-5 James Price
    Pr6-6 William Price b 3 Sep 1730 Henrico Co d 20 Nov 1815 Pittsylvania VA
    m Susanna Burton b 16 Jan 1738 dau of Hutchins Burton and Susanna Watson
    -1 Sarah Price
    -2 Susanna Sukey Price m Adkins
    -3 Elizabeth Price m Perkins
    -4 John Price
    -5 William Price
    -6 Cuthburd Cutburd Price
    -7 Daniel Price
    -8 Robert Price
    -9 Maraday Merridth Price
    -10 Molly Price
    -11 Nancy Price m Stokes
    Pr6-7 Sarah Price b 1734 d 25 Jan 1821
    Wi7-3 Susannah Williamson
    Wi7-4 Mary Williamson
    Wi7-5 Cuthbert Williamson
    Wi7-6 Richard Williamson
    Source: 1496