He spent his boyhood in the home of his sister, Mrs. Isaac Winston.
He was an Ensign In the Louisa County, Virginia, Militia
He married Barbara Overton Terrell
(Te7) in Virginia, on May 19, 1773.
He left Virginia with his family, crossing the mountains; and in 1798 settled at Harrod's Creek in Jefferson County, Kentucky. His wife did not survive the journey, but he and his children, and a son-in-law, Judge Fortunatus Cosby, made the long and perilous trip in safety.
In 1805, on June 18, Aaron Fontaine Fo7 married his second wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Thruston Whiting Thruston Wh7, widow of' Colonel John Thruston Th7 of "Sans Souci� near Louisville, Kentucky.
She was spoken of' as the handsomest woman in Kentucky.
She had ten Thruston children, and Colonel Aaron Fontaine (Fo7) had twelve by his first wif'e (Te7). It is said that at the wedding these two sets of children were drawn up in line, like two opposing armies.
There were four children by Colonel Aaron Fontaine�s (Fo7) second marriage;
thus, twenty-six children in the combined families, some of their descendants
being related to both sides by direct blood descent.
On January 17, 1814, Captain Fontaine (Fo7) purchased from Wm. Lytle
of Cincinnati, Ohio, a large estate called Carter Ferry, on the banks of
the Ohio River, west of Louisville, Kentucky afterwards called Fontaine's
Home of Aaron Benjamin Fontaine (1811-1880)
in Louisville. This Aaron was the 16th and youngest child of Aaron Fontaine. The estate was part of the 3,000 acres purchased by Captain Fontaine's (Fo7) son-in-law, Judge Fortunatus Cosby, from Sarah Beard, July 2, 1806 - the property being known as part of the Connolly and de Warnsdorff. This estate of 3,000 acres was part of a large tract granted by Lord Dunmore of Virginia to John Connolly in 1773, under proclamation of King George III for military service. The place was laid out by Captain Fontaine (Fo7) in orchards, lawns and grass lands, and had a fine cypress drive-way into the Country Seat. He, the Captain, lived the life of a country squire in the good old days of peace and plenty. He was a gentleman of the old school, courteous and polite to every one, particularly his wife, to whom he always doffed his hat before taking his morning toddy, insisting that she taste it first. |
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He always enjoyed visiting among his daughters, and often exclaimed "Whoever
is going to have spring lamb, there's where I will dine today!", It is
said he remarked of his eldest daughter, Mary Cosby (Fo6-1), "When I want
a flow of soul and feast of reason, I go to Mary's house."
He was of a very jovial disposition, and on his death bed (having lost his second wife) said, "Well, I think I'll go and court the widow Collins." He died at his home in April 1823, and was buried beside his second wife (Wh7) and youngest daughter Mrs. Patrick Dillon (Fo6-?12 and (Fo6 0) just back of what is now Fontaine Ferry Park. A ghost story told to Evelyn Belle Thompson (Ni3-5) by her grandmother (5.8), proves the location of the Fontaine grave yard. . The story goes that William Oldham (Ol7), who lived either at the Fontaine place, or at the foot of Market Street, adjoining, ran the ferry between the Kentucky and Indiana shares, after the death of Colonel Fontaine (Fo7). |
![]() Aaron Fontaine's second oldest son, James Terrell Fontaine (1776-1840), settled west of Louisville in Brandenburg, Kentucky. The home of his son, Peter Fontaine (1814-1883), and his wife, Martha Jane Foushee (1824-1878), still stands in Brandenburg on a bluff overlooking the Ohio River. |
William Oldham's (Ol7) family had collected in the big hall of his home, awaiting his late return one night, when the dogs began a violent barking. The slaves came, and gathered at the entrance, where the doors were opened to greet the master. The dogs, however, crouched about the door, and hid their faces in their mistress's skirts, and showed every evidence of fear.
The femily looked out, and saw, instead of the master, old Colonel and
Mrs. Fontaine, hand in hand, cross the stile to the grave yard, plainly
visible in the moonlight, going back to their graves. (Believe it or not!)
At one time Patrick Henry Pope (Po5) lived at the old Fontaine Place.
This sketch above is copied from records at the Filson Club, und from a newspaper article containing the Colonel's (Fo7) picture, without name or date of paper, with records belonging to Mrs. George Nicholas (Ni3.4).
A history of the Fontaines� from about 1500, in France, was written
in manuscript form by James Fontaine in 1722 and sent in duplicate copies
to his children - one coming to Virginia to Reverend Peter Fontaine (Fo8)
of Westover Parish, Virginia. Reverend Peter Fontaine (Fo8) was chaplain,
on Byrd's Expedition to establish the boundary line between Virginia and
North Carolina in 1728-29. He was the father of Aaron (Fo7).
Fo6-1 Peter Fontaine
Born - 1774 December 15.
Married - 1798, March 30, to Catherine Taylor, who widowed married John Nelson.
Died 1813, April 8.
Fo6-2 James Terrell Fontaine
Born - 1776, March 19 in Virginia.
Married - 1799.. March 31 (?), to Deborah Hobbs b 25 Jul 1778, d 4 Nov
1867) in Shelby Co Ky on March 31 bur Fontaine cemetery Brandenburg dau of Joseph Hobbs Ho8-2 and Ann Maynard
grandau of John Hobbs Ho9 b 1712 Anne Arundel Co Mdand Elizabeth Brice
The Hobbs family came from
Maryland. Died 1840, 11 children. James T. Fontaine is bur
Fontaine cemetery in Brandenburg Ky.
This family and descendants lived in Brandenburg, Ky.
.Fo6-2-1 Massena Fontaine was born on 19 Jan 1800. He died on 22 Mar 1849.
.Fo6-2-2 Ann Maynard Nancy Fontaine "Nancy" was born in 1801.
m1 Tom Lewis.
m2 Charles H. Wilmans.
..Fo6-2-2-1 James Edward Wilmans b 23 Nov 1829 Meade Co Ky m Matilda Taylor b 19 Dec
ancestors of William Donaldson Sprigg, author's DNA match
.Fo6-2-3 Matilda Jane Prather Fontaine b 1803. d in 1876.
.Fo6-2-4 Alexander Ralston Fontaine b about 1805.
m x Nevins.
.Fo6-2-5 Mary Ann Pope Fontaine b about 1807 m y Kinchloe.
.Fo6-2-6 William Maury Fontaine b 6 May 1813 d 3 Sep 1864.
.Fo6-2-7 Peter Fontaine was born on 27 Jun 1814. He died on 17 Sep 1884.
.Fo6-2-8 Barbara Cosby Fontaine was born on 29 Dec 1818. She died on 9 Jan 1875.
m1 James Lewis in 1836 in Jefferson Co., KY.
.Fo6-2-9 James Terrell Fontaine Jr. was born in 1819. He died in 1898.
m Elizabeth Aveline Rawls daughter of Parson Daniel Rawls in 1845.
.Fo6-2-10 Mary Elizabeth Grimes Fontaine b 1822 in Oldham Co., KY d On a Train near Little Rock, AR.
m1 y Foushee.
m2 Philip C. Bell on 22 Jan 1846. Possible Descendant:
William Fontaine Bell, Senior Vice President and Manager, First National Bank of Maryland, Trade Finance & International Operations units
.Fo6-2-11 Martha Elizabeth Fontaine b 22 Jun 1824. d 26 Nov 1912
Fo6-3 Mary Ann Fontaine b 14 Oct 1778 m 19 Nov 1795 Fortunatus Cosby, Louisa Co. These
are ancestors of Wm. Frank Carpenter's and Nan Pope Smith, his wife's family.
.Fo6-3-1 Eliza Sydnor Cosby was born in 1797. She died on 27 Jan 1841 in Harrods Creek, KY.
m Charles Minn Thruston 1, 2 son of John Thruston and Elizabeth Thruston Whiting on 10 Sep 1818. Charles was born on 26 Feb 1793 in Sans Souci, Jefferson, KY. He died on 7 Jan 1854 in Harrods Creek, KY.
.Fo6-3-2 Fortunatus Cosby Jr. was born on 2 May 1801. He died on 14 Jun 1871.
.Fo6-3-3 Fontaine Cosby was born in 1803.
.Fo6-3-4 Barbara Cosby.
.Fo6-3-5 James Smiley Cosby.
.Fo6-3-6 William Vernon Cosby.
.Fo6-3-7 Thomas Prather Cosby
Fo6-4 Elizabeth Fontaine b 5 Sep 1780 Louisa Co VA d 16 Jan 1807 Fayette Co KY
m 19 May 1799 Edmund Bullock of Fayette Co Ky b 1776 Louisa Co VA d 16 Jul Carroll Co KY
.Fo6-4-1 Mary Ann Bullock b c 4 Mar 1800 KY d 23 Jun 1836 Fayette KY
m Thomas Hart Shelby b 27 May 1789 Travellers Rest KY d 14 Feb 1869 Grassland Fayette Co KY son of Gov Isaac Shelby and Susannah Hart b 18 Feb 1764 Orange Co NC
..Fo6-4-1-1 Mary Cosby Shelby b 18 May 1826 d 27 Sep 1856 Hopkins Co KY m George Sea Shanklin
Fo6-4-1-2 Thomas Hart Shelby Jr b 28 Feb 1829 d 19 Feb 1895
m1 Frances Todd b 19 Dec 1832 Springfield IL d there 1 Feb 1851 dau of Dr John Todd and Elizabeth Fisher Blair Smith
m2 Florence McDowell b 1838 d 1912 bur Lexington Cem dau of William Wallace McDowell and Mary Hall
..Fo6-4-1-3 Edmund Pendleton Shelby Sr b 26 Jul 1833 Fayette Co KY d 14 Dec 1917
m Susannah Goodloe Hart b 15 Mar 1839 d 1 Apr 1923 dau of David Perry Hart and Lucy Ann Goodloe
...Fo6-4-1-3-1 Lucy Goodloe Shelby b 1862 d 19 Jul 1957
...Fo6-4-1-3-2 Edmund Pendleton Shelby Jr b 25 Nov 1866 d 22 Sep 1943
...Fo6-4-1-3-3 Evan Shelby b 13 Dec 1872 d 28 Apr 1965
...Fo6-4-1-3-4 Isaac Prather Shelby b c 1875 d 23 Jan 1955
...Fo6-4-1-4 Isaac Prather Shelby b c 1850 d 23 Jan 1955
..Fo6-4-1-5 Elizabeth Fontaine Shelby b 1824 KY d 1898 m William Bury Kinkead
...Fo6-4-1-5-1 Margaret Blackburn Kinkead b 1844 m George W Darnell
....Fo6-4-1-5-1-1 Bessie Shelby Darnell
....Fo6-4-1-5-2 Shelby Kinkead b 1854 d 1922 m Alice Carneal Warfield b 1854 d 1935
.....Fo6-4-1-5-2-1 William Bury Kinkead b 1882 d 1948 m Erna/Anne Rode b 1886
.....Fo6-4-1-5-2-2 Thomas Warfield Kinkead b 1884 d 1959
.....Fo6-4-1-5-2-3 Carneal Kinkead b 1886 d 1959 m Louise Kasselman b 1890
....Fo6-4-1-5-3 Elizabeth Shelby Kinkead
..Fo6-4-1-6 William Bullock Shelby b 28 Feb 1829 Lexington KY d 15 Aug 1835
.Fo6-4-2 William Fontaine Bullock b 16 Jan 1807 d 9 Aug 1889 m Mary Clark b 13 Jan 1815 d 10 Aug 1878
..Fo6-4-2-1 Edmund Pearce Bullock b 16 Feb 1847 d 21 Jan 1928 m Penelope Gordon Lowry b 2 Feb 1853 d 9 Aug 1930
...Fo6-4-2-1-1 Wilkins Anderson Bullock b 9 Oct 1875 d 14 Jun 1951 m Cora Elma Turrill b 10 May 1876 d 6 Oct 1941
....Fo6-4-2-1-1-1 Dorothy Louise Bullock b 16 Oct 1905 d 30 Sep 1980 m William Ashley Porter b 7 Nov 1899 d 26 Dec 1965
.....Fo6-4-2-1-1-1-1 William A. Porter b 10 Nov 1928 Boulder CO d 15 Oct 2015 m div Ada Margaret Guthrie b 15 Oct 1925 d 31 Oct 1988
Fo6 Matilda Fontaine b 18 Sep 1782 d 1850 Thanksgiving Day m 17 Feb 1800 Thomas
Prather III Pr7 author's 2nd gr grandparents
Fo6-6 Martha Minor Fontaine (Patsy) b 10 Mar 1786 m 4 Oct 1806 Alexander Pope Po7-2-3 b about 1772 in Va
Ancestors of the Humphrey family. Source: http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/va/goochland/vitals/registry3.txt
Fo6-7 Sarah Fontaine b 17 Mar 1787 d 1861 m 16 Apr 1810 Gov. George Rogers Clark Floyd b by 29 Apr 1781 KY son of James John Floyd and Sallie Breckenridge
Fo6-7-1 Georgiann M Floyd m Carroll
Fo6-7-2 Jane Buchanan Floyd m James Penn
Fo6-7-3 Matilda Pope Fontaine m James Ward
Fo6-8 Maria Merwin Fontaine b 16 Feb 1789 m 24 Jun 1810 Sterling Grimes of Greensboro Georgia
Fo6-9 America Fontaine b 10 Mar 1791 m 10 Jan 1809 William Vernon of Newport, RI
Ancestors of Mrs. Hutley, Mrs. Robertson, Mrs. Barr etc.
Fo6-10 William Maury Fontaine b 16 Jan 1793
Fo6-11 Barbara Carr Fontaine b 17 Dec 1794 d 15 Jan 1829 m1 1 May 1819 Charles S. Cosby of Baton Rouge. Louisiana.
m2 22 Oct 1827 John W. Sanders.
Fo6-12 Ann Overton Fontaine b 19 Apr 1796 d 13 Aug 1819 m 16 Jun 1811 John Jeremiah Jacob
Ancestors of Dr. Curran Pope and Donald
Jacob of Louisville, Kentucky.
By his second wife
Elizabeth Thruston Whiting Thruston (Wh7), :
Fo6-13 Alexander Madison Fontaine (1806 ¬ ) m Marion Nevin on 18 Mar. 1835
Fo6-14 Henry Whiting Fontaine (1807 - 1839) m Sarah Elizabeth Bryson on 8 July 1834 in Louisville, Ky.
Fo6-15 Emmeline (Evaline?) Fontaine (5 Sept. 1809 - )
m Patrick DILLON on 1 Jul 1830 in Louisville, Jefferson Co., KY.
Fo6-16 Aaron Benjamin Fontaine, Jr. (4 Sept.1811 - 1902) m Mary ELLIOTT b 1813 in Dublin, Ireland d 24 Apr 1904.
See also: http://www.stithvalley.com/ancestry/fontaine/fontaine.htm