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Bland of Northern Neck VA.
Nicholas of Roundway
Hester of Fleming Co Ky
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Latimer 1

: Latimer of Braybrooke, Latimer of Corby, Latimer of Danby, Latimer of Duntish / Duntwich
William de Latimer a 1190
BE1883 begins with William who was involved in litigation in 1190 then says that he was succeeded by William, 1st Lord. TCP Latimer of Corby starts with the following William as father of the 1st Lord. BE1883 probably has confused the next William which it does not report with the 1st Lord descrbed as Sheriff of Yorkshire although TCP shows that position as held by his father and not by him successive generations seem likely. Some may prefer TCP and simply start with ...
1. William de Latimer of Scampston, Sheriff of Yorkshire d before 22.11.1268
A. William de Latimer of Corby and Danby, 1st Lord d 05.12.1304
m c1268 Alice Ledet d before 08.03.1316/7, dau of Walter Ledet alias Braybrook
i. William de Latimer of Corby and Danby, 2nd Lord, Sheriff of Yorkshire d 27.02.1326/7
m1 before 20.04.1295, div before 22.07.1312 Lucy de Thweng b 24.03.1278/9, d 08.01.1346/7, dau of Sir Robert de Thweng
BE1883 reports that William, 3rd Lord, was by William's second wife but TCP specifically confirms that he was by his first.
a. William de Latimer, 3rd Lord b c 1301, d before 02.11.1335
m Elizabeth de Botetourt d 11.04.1384, dau of John de Botetourt, 1st Lord
1 William de Latimer, 4th Lord b 24.03.1330, d 28.05.1381
BE1883 identifies his wife as Elizabeth FitzAlan dau of Richard FitzAlan, Earl of Arundel - presumably 9th Earl. TCP confirms her name as Elizabeh and suggests that she may possibly have been daughter of Edmund, Earl of Arundel 8th Earl. We follow that suggestion.
m Elizabeth FitzAlan d before 23.03.1388/9, dau of Edmund FitzAlan, 8th Earl of Arundel
A Elizabeth Latimer, Baroness Latimer b c1356, d 05.11.1395
m1 by 09.10.1381/2 Sir John Nevill, 3rd Lord of Raby d 17.10.1388
The barony of Latimer passed through this marriage into the Nevill family.
m2 sp Robert Willoughby, 4th Lord of Eresby d 09.08.1396
m2 before18.08.1314 Sibyl de Fourneaux d before 23.07.1317, dau of Sir Richard de Fourneaux
b. Sir Thomas de Latimer
ii. Sir John de Latimer of Duntish, Dorset d 1336-7
m Joane de Gouis, heiress of Duntish dau of Sir William de Gouis
The following comes from the section "Descent from the Latimers" within Commoners vol I, Beckford of Fonthill.
a. Sir Robert Latimer of Duntwich d 1361/2
m Margaret Peche b c 1325
+1 Pecche
1 John Latimer of East Pulham b c 1361/3
m Margaret Pipard
A Sir Nicholas Latimer of Duntwich Duntish b c 1430
m Johanna HODY b c 1432 d by 1504
+1 Sir John Hody b c 1396 Stevall/Stowall Somerset d 17 Dec 1441 Pillesdon Dorset
m Elizabeth Jewe
+2 Thomas Hody Ho18 of Kingston Magna
m Elizabeth/?Margaret Cole b 1372
i Edith Latimer b c 1455
m1 c 1471 John Greene of Stotfould, Bedfordshire b c 1450
a Elizabeth Green b 1475 Stotfold
m John Mervyn of Fonthill
-1 Sir John Marvin/Marvyn b 1500 in Fonthill Gifford, Wilts d 18 Jun 1566 m Elizabeth Mompesson
b Cicily Green b c 1475 Stotfold
m Robert Page b c 1475 Arlessey Bedfordshire son of JOhn Page and Cicily
-1 Elizabeth Page b c 1515 Arlessey d there c 1 Apr 1569 m Michael Cooper b c 1510 Arlessy d c 2 Jul 1555 he m2 x and had George, Olyver and Agnes b 1543 d by 1630 Berkach Gross-Gerau Hessen m Wenz Anthes -1-1 John Cooper b c 1538 Arlessey
-1-2 Richard Cooper b c 1541
m2 Sir John Mordaunt d 1505-6
m3 John Chapple Sr. Born 1450 in Chittlehampton, Devon d 11 Sep 1504 Bedfordshire -1 John Chapple b 1475 Chittlehampton, Devon d aftere 1521 Devon m Joan x -1-1 Thomas Chapple b 1510 Chittlehampton d 1579 Devon m Catherine Courtenay b 1515 Molland Devon d Nov 1583 Devon dau of Philip Courtenay and Alice Mathew -1-1 Thomas Chapple b 1544 Alphington Devon d 1589 m 3 Feb 1565 St Petrocks Exeter Thomasine Amy Chamberlaine b 1545 Exeter d there 27 Dec 1617 -1-1-1 Joan Chapple b 16 Oct 1568 d 1652 Devon m David Bagwell b c 1552 Exeter b 1620 St Petrock Exeter son of Robert Bagwell and Margaret -1-1-1-1 Henry Bagwell b 29 Oct 1589 St Petrock Exeter d 28 Apr 1663 Northampton Co VA m 1637 in Accomack VA Alice Hawkins b 1605 Suffolk Engl d 1646 Northampton VA she m1 Thomas Chilcott and had Mary and Elizabeth m2 Thomas Stratton and had Thomas Stratton and Ann Stratton -1-1-1-1-1 Rebecca Bagwell b 1637 Matomkin VA d Jun 1658 Northampton VA m1 y Andrews m2 y Fisher
-1-1-1-1-2 John Bagwell b 1640 Matomkin VA d 1686 Accomack Co VA m Ann Mills
-1-1-1-1-3 Thomas Bagwell b 1642 Matomkin d 16 Sep 1690 Accomack VA m Ann Stockley b c 1645 Northampton VA d there 1693 dau of Francis Stockley and Joan Hall

-1-1-1-1-2-1 Frances Bagwell b 1683 Accomack d Mar 1751 Worcester Co MD m William Thomas Burton b 19 Nov 1677 Accomack d Jan 1745 Indian River Sussex Co DE son of Robert Burton Esq and Catherine Cotton
-1-1-1-1-3-1 Comfort Bagwell b 1663 Accomack d by 5 Apr 1709 Sussex Co DE m1 Perry Leatherbury m2 Burton
-1-1-1-1-3-2 Elizabeth Bagwell
-1-1-1-1-3-3 William Bagwell
-1-1-1-1-3-4 Francis Bagwell
-1-1-1-1-3-5 Ann Bagwell
-1-1-1-1-3-6 John Bagwell
-1-1-1-1-3-7 Vallance Bagwell
-1-1-1-1-3-8 Thomas Bagwell II

-1-1-1-1-3-1-1 Perry LEATHERBURY b c1681 in Accomac Co. Va.
-1-1-1-1-3-1-2 Charles LEATHERBURY b c 1685 in Accomac Co. Va.
-1-1-1-1-3-1-3 Thomas LEATHERBURY b c 1687 in Accomac Co. Va
-1-1-1-1-3-1-4 Edmund Leatherbury b c 1683 Accomack Co
-1-1-1-1-3-1-5 Comfort Burton b c 1692 Accomack Co VA m Woolf
-1-1-1-1-3-1-6 Ann Burton b 30 Sep 1693 Sussex Co DE
-1-1-1-1-3-1-7 Patience Burton b c 1694 Sussex Co DE

-1-1-1-1-2-1-1 Catherine Burton m Morris
-1-1-1-1-2-1-2 William Burton, Richard Burton
-1-1-1-1-2-1-3 Sarah Burton
-1-1-1-1-2-1-4 John Burton
-1-1-1-1-2-1-5 Joshua Burton
-1-1-1-1-2-1-6 Elizabeth Burton
-1-1-1-1-2-1-7 Ann Burton
m4 sp Sir John Carew
B? possibly here was:
Margery Latmier b c 1435
m Richard Halse b 1430
-1 Richard Halse b c 1460 Kenedon, Devon m Joane Whitley b Efford, Devon -1-1 John Halse b c 1500 Kenedon, Devon m Joan Tothill b 1510 -1-1-1 Mary Halse b 1540 m William Amadas Hawkins b Plymouth, Devon 1530 d Oct. 7, 1589 -1-1-1-1 William Hawkins b Tavistock, Devon Feb. 28, 1587 d York Co VA m Sarah Attowell -1-1-1-1-1 Alice Hawkins b 1630 d York, VA m Argyle Blackstone b Scotland 1626 d York, VA 1688 -1-1-1-1-1-1 Argyle Blackstone b Essex, VA 1668 d Essex, VA m Elizabeth Armstrong ancestors of Willie Kearley, author's DNA match
-1-1-1-1-1-2 James Blackstone b 1665
-1-1-1-1-1-3 Thomas Blackston
-1-1-1-1-1-4 William Blackstone
B? possibly of this family and branch was:
Joan Latmier b c 1384 d 1411
m 1405 in Somerset John Brent b 1367 Somerset d there 1410
+1 Sir John Brent b 1340 Cossington Somerset d there 1420
m Joan Exre
+2 Robert Brent b 1310 Somerset d there 1352
m 1339 in Somerset Elizabeth Denebaud
+3 Robert Brent b 1280 Cossington Somerset d 1351 Glastonbury Abbey Somerset
m Claricia de la Ford
+4 Robert Brent b 1255 Cossington Somerset d 1309 Somerset
m Isabella Montagu
+5 Robert Brent b 1220 Cossington Somerset d 1262 Cossington Somerset
m Millicent x wid Malet
+6 Jobert FitzSauvin b 1190 Glastonbury Somerset d 1219 Glastonbury Somerset
m 1219 Kathryn x b 1198 ?Somerset
+7 Sauvinus de Tours b 1160 Glastonbury Somerset d 1193 Somerset
m 1193 x b 1172 Glastonbury
+8 William de Tour/Turre b 1120 d 15 Feb 1616
m Avice de Tour/Toriton/Turre b 1165 Great Torrington Devon
B. John de Latimer d before 12.12.1282
m Christian Ledet d before 10.11.1292, dau of Walter Ledet alias Braybrook
i. Thomas de Latimer of Braybrooke, 1st Lord d before 02.02.1333/4
m before 07.1297 Lora de Hastings d before 02.7.1339, dau of Henry de Hastings
a. Sir Warine de Latimer of Braybrooke, de jure 2nd Lord b c1300, d 13.08.1349
m by 1328 Catherine la Warre d 09.08.1361, dau of John la Warre
1 John de Latimer of Braybrooke, de jure 3rd Lord b c1335, dsps 1356/7
m Maud d 18.11.1360, she m2. Thomas Swynnerton
2 Warine de Latimer, de jure 4th Lord b c1341, d unm before 01.1361/2
3 Thomas de Latimer, de jure 5th Lord b 1341, dsp 14.09.1401
m before 14.04.1366 Anne d 17.07.1402, widow of John Beysin of Ashley
4 Edward de Latimer, de jure 6th Lord b by 1346, dsp 31.01.1410/1
m Margaret d 02.06.1421
La14 Elizabeth de Latimer b c 1360 d by 1411
m Sir Thomas Griffin
Their grandson John became de jure 7th Lord Latimer of Braybrooke. His brother Nicholas was ancestor of later de jure Lords Latimer and of Lords Griffin and Braybrooke.
-1 Richard Griffin b c 1360 WEston Favet Northampton d there 1411 m Anna Chamberlain b c 1368 Coates Cambridge d 1460 dau of Richard Chamberlain and Catherine Cotes -1-1 John Griffin 7th Lord Latimer of Braybrook b 1380 dsp 1445
-1-2 Nicholas Griffin of East Carlton b c 1383 Brixworth Northampton d there 12 Oct 1436 m Margaret Pilkington Pi18 b c 1390 Thornhill Yorkshire d c 1442 Lancashire dau of Sir John Pilkington andd Margaret Verdun she m2 Sir Thomas Savile of Thornhill Sa 18

-1-2-1 Nicholas Griffin of of Braybrook b 5 Jun 1426 Brixworth d 6 Jun 1482 Braybrooke m3 Marina Bellers m2 x Griffin m1 Katherine Curzon + 5 ch

-1-2-1-1 John Griffin, 9th Lord Latimer b c 1450 Tattenhall d 26 Sep 1485 m Emmote Whetehill b 1444 Calais Normandy d 1521 Tattenhall
-1-2-1-2 Isabel Griffin b 1458 Holt Leicester d 18 Jan 1514 Launde Leicester m Thomas Neville
-1-2-1-3 Catherine Griffin b v 1465 Northampton d c 1500 Kettlebyx leicester m Sir John Digby
-1-2-1-4 Richard Griffin
-1-2-1-5 Edward Griffin

-1-2-1-1-1 Nicholas Griffin
-1-2-1-1-2 Agnes Jane Griffin b 1476 Tattenhall Cheshire d there 1504 John Nuthall b 1477 Tattenhall Cheshire d aft 1506 Catten Hall Cheshire
-1-2-1-1-3 Mary Touchet
-1-2-1-1-4 George Griffin
-1-2-1-1-5 David Griffin
-1-2-1-1-6 Richard Griffin

-1-2-1-1-2-1 Richard Nuthall MP b 1495 Tattenhall, Cheshire d 1529 Cheshire m Jane Horton b c 1502 Tattenhall d there 1531 dau of Roger Horton and Alice Manley

-1-2-1-1-2-1-1 William Nuthall
-1-2-1-1-2-1-2 Richard Nuthall m Alice Hurdleston b 1527 Tattenhell d ther c 1600 dau of Thomas Hurleston and Elizabeth Birkenhead
2? possibly of this family and generation was:
La23 Joan le Latimer b c 1275 Sir Alexander Comyn Cu23 b c 1270
La? possibly of this family and generation was:
Steven Latimer b c 1635 Engl d Charles Co MD
La?-1-1 James Latimer b c 1670 Charles Cou MD d 1718 Charles Co
m Mary Brandt b 1664 St Michaels Parish Barbados d 1715 Maycocks Rest Manor Charles Co MD dau of Capt Randolph Brandt and Mary
La?-1-1-1 James Latimer Jr b 1718 Charles Co MD d there 1774
m Hannah Cotterell b 1699 Charles Co MD d there 1750 dau of James Cotterell and Elizabeth Burford
La?-1-1-1-1 Marcus Latimer b 1740 Charles Co MD d there 1790 m Ann Cox b 1744 Charles Co MD d c 1811 dau of William Cox and Mary Byrne b c 1698 (dau of Charles Byrne and Margery) -1 James B Latimer
-2 George William Latimer
La?-1-1-1-2 Pvt Benjamin Solomon Latimer b 14 Jun 1743 Charles Co MD d there 16 May 1785
m ARcajah Louisa McConshie
-1 Grace Latimer m Mattison
-2 Mary Latimer m Long
-3 Dr James B Latimer Dr James B Latimer b 25 Nov 1780 Charles Co MD d 1840 Abbeville SC m Catherine Caroline Kay b 1780 d 1857 dau of James Kay b 1763 Pr Wm VA d aft 1820 Abbeville Dist NC and Grace Elgin b 1758 Charles Co MD d 1821 Andrson SC
-4 Clement Theophilus Latimer
-5 Stephen Latimer

Sources: TCP Latimer of Corby, BE1883 Latimer of Danby, TCP Latimer of Braybrook, BE1883 Latimer of Braybrooke
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