1-2 William Griffith Hester

    was the second son of  Dr. Eustace Granger Hester (He2)
    and Anna Pope Bland (Bl2)

    Born: 22 June 1940 at 1:30 AM in Saginaw Michigan
    Birth: 7 lbs 14 oz  = 3.575 kg; 21in = 53,34 cm
    1 year: 23 lbs = 10.44 kg; 30 in = 76.2 cm
    2 years: 35.5 lbs = 15,2 kg; 33.625 in = 85,41 cm
    4 years: 40 Lbs = 18.16 kg; 39.5 in = 100,3 cm

    Married: 1st Sigrid Edeltraud Welling (We1-3) May 1968
    2nd Ute Linamayer div. Furthner (Li1) 26 April 1977
    3rd Maria Grasser div. Kitzig 2 June 1994, no issue.
    4th Bogumila Fialkowska (Fi01-5) 10 April 2002

    (He1-1) Nicholas Welling Hester, b. 11 Oct. 1968
    (He1-2) Katherine Elke Pope Hester, b. 2 March 1972,
    married Patrick Ruster September 2003
    (He1-3) Robert Carter Hester, b. 6 September 1973
    (He1-4) Judith Beverley Hester, b. 23 November 1977
    (He1-5) Maximilian Hester, b. 26 Aug.1989
    (He1-6) Nathaniel Pope Hester, b. 28 February 2003

    Thanksgiving in Hittville 1947/?8

    Y test results: haplogroup R1b1b21a2a1a1a = y-chromosome of the earliest known Hester b 1729/30
    A much newer estimate for R1b1b2 arising is around 4,000 to 8,000 years ago in the area of Bashkir of the Bashkortostan and Perm region .
    Locus 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
    DYS#  393 390 19*  391 385a 385b  426 388  439  389-1  392 389-2 
    Allele 13 22  14 11  11 14 12   12 12 12  13  29

    Mitochondrial DNA = cell body DNA inherited via the mother's mother's mother etc: haplogroup H with HVR1 mutations 16295T and 16519C This group evolved from the R group into the V, H, HV and RO groups about 30,000 years ago in the area of Croatiy and all migrated thence

    Katherine and Robert seem to have one or both of the following, which I have been diagnosed for:
    1. Exon 2: Codon 70 GAT (Aspartate)  GGT (Glycin) D70G = atypical variant (A) heterozygot 
    2. Exon 4: Codon 539 GCA (Alanin)  ACA (Threonin) A539T = K variant (K) heterozygot

    which mean:
    Pathogenic mutations in butyrylcholinesterase gene (BChE) an essential cause of butyrylcholinesterase deficiency and a lengthened neuromuscular blockade associated with it or apnoe after administering succinylcholin or mivacurium as anasthetics. The first of these genes is prevalent in the US without a national origin as yet named and in Europe in Greek and Yugoslavian populations. 

    Since my father's family reveals no hint of origins in Southeastern Europe, I expect this comes from my mother's side. As both her parents descend from Nathaniel Pope and the name  looks neither Anglosaxon nor Norman nor Welsh nor Scottish but rather Greek I expect to find that the family appeared in England shortly after the fall of Constantinople. Of course, her mother's Norman ancestors also had a few Greek connections during the Crusades and earlier with the Carolingians and Merowingians as well as over other pre French, Italian and Spanish lines, so this will not come out, until comparisons have been made with other Pope relatives, for which a check with John Hopkins University Clinic is intended, as they have been compiling the American statistics.

    Picture taken at about eleven months

    What's wrong with this stogy? I'm just doing what Daddy and Granddaddy do. After all I am one year old today.

    William at 18.

    Note the difference in ear lobe attachment in this picture after 69 years:

    The attached ear lobe is a recessive trait, so one gene was inherited paternally and one maternally. Eustace Granger Hester (He2) and his father as well as some of his siblings but not all seem to have had attached ear lobes. As does Matilda Prather Nicholas (Ni3), but Thomas E. Bland and George Nicholas (Ni4) and his father did not, while Mary Anna Pope (Po4) did, so the probabilities are a little stronger that one gene each came from Willoughby Griffith Hester (He3) and one from Mary Anna Pope. Since we are talking about a recessive trait, inheritance from Elena McConnell and either Thomas E. Bland or George Nicholas are also possible but somewhat less likely.

    Picture taken March 1985 of the house built by Dr. Thomas Eugene Bland about 1903. A second floor was about the time of his marriage in 1906.
    From left to right: Dr. William Griffith Hester, Jane Ann Hester Latty (now Thomas) and George Nicholas Hester

     William, Jane, Thomas and George Hester March 1985 after Levicy Jane Bland's funeral in Shelbyville Ky.

    Hester Gallery 6 to 9 Generations
    Dr.jur. William Hester, B.A. 
    Saalfelderstr. 7
    04179 Leipzig, Germany

    Lebenslauf / Curriculum Vitae

    1946 � 1956 Vater: Dr.med Eustace G. Hester, 

    Mutter: Anna Pope Bland, B.A. 

    Besuch der öffentlichen Schulen in Saginaw Michigan,

    Father: Dr.med Eustace G. Hester, 

    Mother: Anna Pope Bland, B.A. 

    Attended public schools in Saginaw Michigan,

    1956 � 1959 Schulbesuch: Cranbrook Preparatory School in Bloomfield Hills Michigan, Abschluß 16. In einer Klasse von 64, davon besuchten 35 Harvard, Yale, Princeton, U. of Virginia, U. of Michigan, Stanford A-levels school: Cranbrook Preparatory School in Bloomfield Hills Michigan, graduated 16th in a class of 64, of these 35 attended Harvard, Yale, Princeton, U. of Virginia, U. of Michigan or Stanford
    Sept. 1959 � Dec. 1964 Studium Denison University, Abschluß B.A. in Mathematik, Zwischensemester: University of Michigan, Indiana Institute of Technology.
    Nebenverdienst als Fahrlehrer.
    Studies at Denison University, degree B.A. in mathematics, intermediate semesters: University of Michigan, Indiana Institute of Technology
    Student job as driving instructor.
    Jan. - Dec. 1964 3 Quartale Michigan State University, University of Chicago gleichwertig wie ein B.A. in Physik und Germanistik.
    Nebenverdienst bei Swift & Co. Produktion und Verkauf.
    3 Quarters at Michigan State University, University of Chicago, equivalent to B.A. in Physics and German.Student work at Swift & Co. in production and sales.
    Jan. - Oct. 1965 Geldverdienen für Studium in Deutschland Earned money for studies in Germany
    Nov. 1965 � June 73 Universität Heidelberg: Sprachzeugnis 1966,Römisches Recht 1967/8, Sprachzertifikat 1969,1. jur. Staatsexamen 1970, Propedeutikum in Russisch 1970/71 gefolgt von Russischseminar, Dr. jur. 1973. University of Heidelberg: Language qualification 1966, Roman law 1967/8, Sprachzertifikat 1969, 1. jur. Staatsexamen 1970,Propedeutikumin Russian 1970/71 followed by Russian seminar, Dr. jur. 1973 (=LLD.).
    Nov. 1970 � April 71 Jur. Sachbearbeiter bei Revisions- und Treuhand E. Schrade GmbH in Villingen Legal assistant at CPA and Attorneys "Revisions- und Treuhand E. Schrade GmbH in Villingen" 
    Jan. 1972 � Feb. 75 Jur. Sachbearbeiter und Übersetzer bei Bausparkassen Wüstenrot in Ludwigsburg, Vollstreckung in Liegenschaften, Darlehensübertragungen, Prüfung von Beleihungswerten. Legal assistant and translator at Building and Loan Society Wüstenrot in Ludwigsburg, real estate foreclosures, transfer of loans, examination of property values.
    Jan. 1975 � Feb. 78 Referendardienst Landgericht Stuttgart bzw. Ulm Court service in preparation for the office of judge at District Court Stuttgart and Ulm
    May 1977 � May 78 Jur. Sachbearbeiter bei BauPORR in Wien. Betreuung von schwierigen verlustreichen Bewässerungsprojekten im Iran. Legal assistant at BauPORR in Vienna, processing difficult high loss irrigation projects in Iran.
    May 1978 � March 80 Stütze der Geschäftsleitung bei Joh. Laska u. Söhne in Wien, Rettung eines multimillionen Exportgeschäfts. Assistant manager at Joh. Laska u. Söhne in Vienna, rescue of a multi million export contract.
    June 1978 - today Selbständige Übersetzungstätigkeit durchschnittlich 10 St./Wo seit über 27 Jahren auf den diversesten Gebieten: von juristischen und kaufmännischen Texten einerseits zu medizinischen, chemischen, technischen Texten und Computerwesen wie CAD und KDE andererseits.  Selfemployed translating work averaging 10 h/week for over 27 years in the most varied areas: from legal and commercial texts on the one hand to medical, chemical, technical and computer texts like CAD and KDE on the other.
    Nov. 1980 � Jan. 81 Jur. Sachbearbeiter bei Interunfallversicherung in Wien Legal assistant at Interunfallversicherung in Vienna
    March 1981 � Sept.81 Jur. Sachbearbeiter bei ÖAMTC, Zusammenfassung der Rechsprechung hinsichtlich der Mitverschuldensquotierung für Schadensersatzansprüchen. Legal assistant at ÖAMTC, compilation of precedent court decisions on apportioning damage quotas for plaintiff partial blame.
    Sept. 1984 � today Selbständiger Sprachlehrer Englisch, Deutsch Self employed English and German teacher
    Sept. 1998 � today HTML und Webpublishing HTML and Webpublishing
    Mai 2000 - Feb. 2001 Kursleiter für Microsoft Office, Win 98, Word and Excel bei Institut 2F Innsbruck/Salzburg Instructor for Microsoft Office, Win 98, Word and Excel at Institut 2F Innsbruck/Salzburg
    Ab Oct 2003 until Jan 2004 Ein befristeter Auftrag für die Übersetzung der Ausschreibung der Verwaltungsdienste fürKanadahaus in Berlin (die neue kanadische Botschaft nebst Vertragsentwurf. A limited appointment for translating the Invitation for tenders for the administration of Kanadahaus in Berlin (the new Canadian Embassy) as well as the contract draft.
    Ab Mar 2002 - Jul 2004 Lehrbeauftragter der Fachhochschule Rosenheim und der DAA (Deutschen Angestellten Akademie) Instructor at the University of Applied Sciences in Rosenheim and at the DAA (German Employees Academy)
    Ab Jun 2004 - Feb 2005 Ein befristeter Auftrag für Softwarehaus Brumund GmbH in Eching Bayern für die Übersetzung der Texte für das Programm BIOS-2000 mit Language-Manager-Repository und einschließlich kompletter verknüpften Hilfsdateien (564) mit ForeHelp-Software.
    A limited appointment by Softwarehaus Brumund GmbH in Eching, Bayaria, for translating the texts for their program BIOS-2000 with Language Manager Repository und including the complete linked Help files (564) with ForeHelp software.
    Ab Oct 2004 - Jul 2005 Lehrbeauftragter der Fachhochschule Landshut für Englisch in Teilzeit. Instructor at the University of Applied Sciences in Landshut for English, part time.
    Oct 2005 - Jan.2006 Lehrbeauftragter der Universität Ilmenau für Englisch in Teilzeit. Instructor at the University of Ilmenau for English, part time.

    Bogumila and Nathaniel Pope Hester, 28 Feb. 2006