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List of pedigrees
Bland of Northern Neck Va.
Nicholas of Roundway
Hester of Fleming Co Ky
Author's DNA match comparisons
Visitors since 22nd March 2009:

It is really something to sing and dance about.
Dig up those old bones and get them dancing!

Change the two party system
so people against something like abortion
but for something like environmental protection never again get bigger and badder storms
and two bankrupting wars instead.

Make the Electoral College a permanent government body with seat distribution proportional to the party tally in each state and give it the right to approve cabinet members and under secretaries instead of the US Senate!

Send contributions, additions and corrections and report faulty links!
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DNA matches of
Dr. William Hester

View author's pedigree

(This picture is not exactly very recent, it was about five months before they hit Pearl Harbor.)
Due new data security regulations all data and graphics of these 1400 DNA comparisons have been deleted from this server. Those interested in participating in or learning from the authorīs DNA comparison work and genetic genealogy work are kindly asked to send the author an e-mail stating your particular interest and legitimation for accessing files involving living persons. Regrettably, such requests entail heretofore unnecessary administrative work at the expense of the athorīs research work time and the study results can thus no longer be made available for free. e-mail request to Dr William Hester for research co-operation
Please attach the above pedigree form with all your known known family data except for living persons, for whom no dates or places should be shown and initials can be used to protect your identity.